JOHN H. OBKRLY & CO., TH E-MAILS. iRiiin. trriti North, Throtign W P-" ii yy 2.20 p.m. 4.00 a.m. South, Way 12.15 .m. iOOp.m. " Through N. 0., Mem- phi and Columbus 2.30 p.m. 4:00 p.m, Ohio River route, (except Monday) lUHp.m, r,.op.Di. (ron Mountain R. U J:M.m. lX.Wf.n, Miss. Ill ve, route, Tueaday anil Krlilnjr COO p.m. 7.)p.m. Thebe t, Ooote Inland A Banta Fr, III"., Thursday A Frl- day ; .()p.m, T.ODa.m, Mayfleld, Rlendville nd Lovelace, Ky 11:00. m. 4. "Op.m. orricr. novas. fleneral Delivery ... 7:10 . id. (Hunda)a S to 0 A.m.) Money OrW depattmcnt :0O .tn. 6.W Register " " " " S.-00 a.m. 0.00 p.m. Money Order and lleiliter department- no open on Uundays, - - -- OUU CHURCHES. KESUYTKRIAN-KlKhtli'Mrtat. .'reaching, Habbath at 10'A t, and 7J- r. at. I'rayer meeting, Wednesday at 1 r. m, Sunday fkiwol, 3 r. v. J. M. I.ansden, Huper. Inlendent. Her. C. II. Four a, Faster. MKTHOIHHT-O.r. Kighth and Walnut Flu, 1'reacblng, Habbath W t, ., and r. u. I'rayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.' r. m, Hunday Hchool ,3 r. . I.. W. btllwell, Muper- infendent.. Rev. F. L.Taoarsns, Cantor. CHURCH OK Til K. llKDF.KMF.It-F.plcopil) Morning prayers, Habbath l'J.'J i. a. Evening prayerv.74"e. Sabbath School, 2 a. h. Itev. Ma.Cn.a, Iteetar. BT. PATRICK'S CHL'KCII-Jor. Ninth Hi. and Washington Aitiiuc. .Jubllc -ervlee.HaM.athsXand to;; .. h Vespers, 3 r. x. tinday School, 2 r. . Service esery day, 8 r. m. Iter. P. 3. O'lltLLAaia, I'rleat. rOU30MK.N'3CllHlSTIANAhW.K;IATIU.N-lR- tilar meeting aecond Monday each month at tie I'rayer room of the Presbyterian Church Weekly I'rayer meeting, Friday, 7J-S r. at .h I'rayer room of the Presbyterian church. U. 1'asiioss, President. AFRICAN MKTIIODIST Fourteenth, between Walnut and Cedar. fjefvicei, Habbath, 11 i. . Hunday rvhool, y, r. x. C.milr. m. BF.COND FRKH-WlLI.nAPTIST-Fiftrenth HI. Preaching, 7; r. m. Iter. Win. Jacaron, Factor. between Walnut anil Cedar. fcervieea, y, and 3 r. m. Ilef. N. Ritai.Pa.tor. FRF-E-WIIil, RAI'TIHTIIOME JllSHIU tUN DAT HCI1 00 L Corner walnut and Cedar Kit. Sunday School, 0 a. k. IRfcT FREE KlliL BAITIST CHURCH-Citr- ry'a Barracks. Hervlces.rlabbathll a. at., 3 r. m, and 7! J r. m. Iter. Wn. KiLLar, l'ator. FIRST MISSIONARY IIAITIST CIIURCII-Uet. ween 10th and 11th afreets near Cedar. Preachlm HaUalh 10j a. at,, and 7;; p, Fpajer Meeting. Wedneedajr etenlns. Freachlna, Fridajr ef enln. f abUth S liool, V, r, . John Van Ilait er and Marr Htephem hupenntendenti. Key, T J. Snoiil, I'aito STATE OFFICERS. STATK OFFICKHS. norernor. John !. Talmer; Ueutenani-OoTeroor, John Dougherty i Becretary of State, Klward Hummel; Auditor of State, C. K. I.ippincott i 8UtTre.nurer, K. N. llatei ; Hupt. Public Instruction, Newton Dateman. CONGllKSSMEN. Jenatora I.yman Trumbull and John A. Logan. P.epreientatlre fur the Hiate at Larse-J. 1 f eerid,ie. Rerre.eniatlre Tlilrteenlh Dutnct John reba. MEMIJEIU5 GENKUAL ASSEMBLY. Benaton. lat Diatrlct-T. A. K. Holcemb, ol Union, and S. K. f!llon,of Gallatin Repreaentatlte, lit Dltrict II , Watson Webb; COUNTY OFFICERS. CIItCUIT COUKT. ludcf I). J. Baker, of Alexander. Troiecutlng Attorney-J. F. MiCartney, ol M attic, Circuit Clerk Jno. CJ. Harman. Uhenfl-A. II. Irrin. Wm. Martin, Asr-enor ani Tieaturer. COUNTY COURT. Judge F. Droit. Ao,ati-J..E. McCrlte and H. Marchlldon Clerk Jacob O. LTnch. Coroner John II. noisman. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Mayor John M. I.snsden. Treasurer J. H. Taylor. Comptroller E. A. Harnett Clerk-Michael Howley. Marshal Andreyi Cain. Attorney P. II. Pone. Police Mtgistratot-P. Bros and H. Hban. ntsiy, Chief ol Tollce-U II. Myera. BKLKCT COUNCIL Mayor-frolm M.I.anaden, Fint W-rd-P. O. Schuh. Second Vlard C. It. Woouword. Third Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward S. Htaata Taylor. City-nt-I.arge W. V. Halliday and I), Hutd. HOARD or ALDEBMRN. PIR3T WARD Jamei Rearden, Leo Kleb, Isaao Walden. ECOND WARD II. II. Cunningham, E. Ruder, Henry Winter, Jamts Swayne. "THIRD WARD Wm. Stratton, r&trick Fitigetald OURTII WARU-James Carroll,! ri.H.Seaae, J.H.Metcair. Ttme of Meettnq. CUT C0VKCIt. rha Cltr Council meets In loint session on Friday evening preceding the first Monday ot acn muain, tLICT COVNCIL, The Select Council meets on the first Wednea day and Thursday, alter the second Monday in each month. lotto or aicir. The Board of Aldermen meets rn the firs "onday andTuenday in every month. COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL. On fifr(i-Mcsirs. Taylor, Walder, Winter, ood and Mete air. JIna -Mf sr. Cunningham, Bchuh, Fitager- aid. Beats and Halliday. Ctumt Messrs. "Wood, Cunningham and Xleb. ISAc and Jof-Messr. Carroll, Under and Woodward Ordinandi Messra. Scaso, Walder and Taylor Fin Dntarlmtnt Messrs. Rtarden. Swavne &,-M?.,ra.R,hnh,WlnBrand a . Printing Messrs. wonward, Uwayne and Jiuder Stnane Mesnrt. Hurd, Htratton nodMetcalt. PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. DEATH OK AN AMERICAN Iff PARIS. IVDDF.N DF.yiHK OF Mil. f.. H, I.OWKYOF I'lIILADKIJIIIA. (From the American Remitter.) The Hidden dentil of Mr. L. I). Lowry lias nnturully Inen the principal topic of conversation with tliu American commit nlty or l'arli, during tlio loit wick, and In order Hint thcr tuny tie no misconception regarding tliu clrcuiiiHtunccn ntlcndlng lii (IiiiiiUc, wo nro requested by liii iinmcdi ntu friendu to tnnko the following factn known : Mr. howry wns u niitivo ol Haiti more, Mil., nml whk 62 year of ngo. Ho hnd spent '2b years In buslnesa in Lima, 1'erti, wlietu lie liud ntnnssed uconsidernblo forturir, nnd returned to tlm ttiites nboul three yr-r iijjo, nnd took up Ills residence In riitliidclpliiii. During the lust six month, ho 1ms been traveling in Europe, In company with his sister, Mrs. Aug. Kd wrd, of Wnaliington, I). C. to. whom ho was much nttaelied. Ho hnd manifested symptom of ilMieultli for some ycurs, but it was not until liis nrrivnl at till slue tliKt hU sinter win mndo aware of the nnttiro of his disease, which she was nssun-d was incti ruble. After he reached l'ari', mi attack of sick ness rendered it necessary for him to c.ill In a physician, when Dr." Delnrd, who at tendid him, cnnlirmcd the diugnosis that had been previously made, and prepared .Mrs. Edwards for a sudden termination -f Iti4 llfti nl unv moment. Mr. i.owry win nevertlicle.snbleto muv out und to en joy visiting the moiittments and objects of curiositv l the French capital. On Tucs lay night, the 28th ult., ho went to tho Jperu Cotniquc, nccompiinied by his si'tcr and three other ladle. Ho had been in good ttilrits durinc the evenlnc, but on , their way to the llieatn-, ono of tho ladles noticed an occasional expression of pain in his countenance, but madu no remark about It, us it was not agreeable to him to be notlccil vheti sutlerltii: from nasinir in disposition. On their arrival at the thea tre, which whs quite full, some time elap sed before the deceived gcntluinm nnd his party got tented. Almost Immediately alter taking their p'ucjs, Mr. Lowry was teen to raise his hat to his face: his hands; suddenly fell again, disclosing a death-like expression in his countenance; his head sank back helpless, nnd nMliini; was left ! of what hud the Instant before been an ani mate beini: but a lifel'ss bndv. The soul hud departed without a struggle. I he body was linmedlatelv conveved, without occasioning disturbance, to the foyer, where, after beine; visited bv the doctor of the theatre and tho police it was uispaiciicu to tne urnnu hotel, irom whence the funeral took place, on Thurdnv after noon, 1 30th ult. The funeral services wcro performed at tho American Episcopal church, Kiio Bayard, by Rev. Mr. Bur nett, and u large assemblage ot Americans in the church testified to the interest felt i by his countrymen in tho deceased. Tho American minuter ana .Mrs. Washburno were among tho spectators. Tho cere mony was performed In a most solemn nnd impressive manner by lie v. Mr. Burnett, and he took advantage of the opportunity to make a few appropriate rcmurks on tho uncertainty of life, anil on the lessons to bo lcarned'from such sudden visitations of I'rovldencc. The remains will be sent to l'hiladolphla for interment. LOVK AND SUICIDE. (West Merlden, Conn ,(Jan I.) Correspondence ortlie ,rw roJk lli-ral.J.) Some five months ngo a young man na med Frank Marker, n compositor on tho lleuublican of this citv, became enamored of thedaughterof his boarding-bouse keep er, Miss Rosa Faulkner. Rosa was very pro- possessing, and tho girl, tolling mm to Keep from liquor, promised to wed him. He did to, and two months ago went on hit way rejoicing to his parents in Toledo, Ohio, and having obtained their consent ho re turned to marry tho girl. "Whilo waiting for the weudlngarments to bo prepared ho suddenly left tho city, the prevailing opin ion being that hJ hnd changed his mind and "felt o'er voting to marry yet.'' Ho was aged 23. The girl, it would appear, reproached mm in a letter, and refused to havo any furthor correspond ence will) mm. in sneer desperation no last week cumo to Mcrtden, two pistols ho had purchased on tho way, having been each taken from him. Ho "obtained a third before arriving here, nnd sought a man named i- itcu, whom lie claimed una in fluenced the girl to ins disparagement. This Fitch, who is married, and also a compositor, denied tho chorgo in tho pres ence ol mo young ludy. .noruer leu too room, saying to a friend that " tho girl hnd cleared x1 itch tosavohim. otherwise hu (Marker) would havo shot him. Now," says he, " 1 will shoot myself.' His friend tried to get mo pistol nwny irom mm, uui Inlled, and tuo young mnn escaped. llo wn seen alive nt mill-past -l o clocu on Saturday nftcrnoon. Ho wns discov ered deud on Jlonday morning, lying on liis luco In tho snow, inn belt ot woods near Hemlock Grove, distant about n half u milo Irom tho city. Ho had taken his life with a pistol, having placed tho muz- r.lo n Utile to tho icit ol the right ear. Tho ball lodged in tho base of tlio brain and killed hi m instantly. Ho hnd taken oil his overcoat and hat, nnd lett a letter announcing his intejition to takohlslifo for lovo. Ho added: "And if thuro is h holl hot enough for Thadduua Stoveim, lot ! mo go to it ; it not, give mo u barrel of tar nnd (omo Kinuung, nnd i win maxo ono of my own I" In his memorandum was a brlet prayer asking forgiveness. At ins feet lay tho frugmunts ofn letter from his sweetheart, renouncing him. Till KU-KL UX TRIALS LETTER FROM AT TOltNKT-dENEHAL WILLIAMS. Tho Wnsliinclon Chronicle publishes the following letter from Hon. Geo. II. Williams, tlio now Attorney gcncrnl of tlio United States, to benntor l'ool, ol JNortn Carolina; Washington, P. C, Doc. 30, 1671, Hon. John Pool, Washington, It, C.t My Dear Sir: I havo received your letter of tho 27th inst.. covorini; ono from Colonel Cnrrow, United States marshal of North Carolina, irom which it appears that ccrtnln Interested persons pretend nnd nro trvine to produco tho impres sion that tho Into changu in tho ofllco of attorney gcnernl indicates on tho part of tho administration on abatement oi vigor in prosecuting oil'ondors under tho recent legislation of congress to onlorco tho rights of citizens. 1 nm not niquntnicu with tno motives which induced Mr. Akcrmnn to resign, but 1 know that tho president was poriccity sntisllcu with tlio energy nnu zeal displayed by lilm in prosecuting mem bers of tho kti.klii".lliiii. .Indi'lni- from and thoovidonce elicited mvm rnennl trlnla nf fl!!i,!.!i'" ....... uiviuzuu govurumeni ' can tolerate; and If thoiu who commit or ntrociou orinifi expect nny 1'nvor frntn mo, tlioy nro doi mo I to signal Und bitter disappointment. L do not nbandon tho hone that nil trood cltl zeni In tho southern states, for the take of their own safely and happiness, as well as from other considerations, will assist tho Cubllo authorities in breaking up all nom inations formed to disregard law and destroy the tieaco of society ; but if un reasoning and defiant crime makes it nec essary, the president is determined to uso nil tho power which tho constitution and laws have placed in his hands to protect tho lives and property of peaceable citi zens and maintain tho supremacy of the laws. Yours, very truly, Geo. II. "William.. A MUSICAL DOO. The Hartford Timet is responsible for the following: "There is in this city a dog that can sing. "NVo state the fact unquali fiedly on tho tho testimony of all tho mem bers of tho family of tho gentleman who owns him. The animal in question Is n mousc-colorod greyhound perhaps about G or 7 years old. His attempts at singing, though they are certainly not very musical, tiro unmistakable, and tlley have now been observed by tho family for the last two "r three years. Ho does'not sing '""c but when ho hears certain m-,','e" ,of family singing he join, ' " ' ' mo,rn particularly tho cov- ,' "no, nlii of 10 house, who". I' tio begins to sing when tho dog in v.hcro about the place, is pretty rnin to obtain n canine accompaniment. If she is heard singing up stairs, and tho dog is shut out below, he will raise a rum pus until ho is ndmitted to the room whero she is, when he will 'join in,' keeping very good time, and keeping so woaro assure! on tho same key, rising with tho singer to the higher notes, in a kind of blended wlilno and howl, that is yet neither llko tho voice of a dog nor anything clie, but showing something of a musical ear. When he reaches a note too high for him he will stop and wait for the cadence of the song to reach the lower notes again. In his rising notes he lifts his head as well as his voice. When his owrcr enters tho room ho will suddenly stop, and not nn other note can bo got "out of him while his master remains. In fact, he dislikes to havo anybody present except tho one with whom ho sings.'" TURN aiiout is fair flat. Pitts is n capital business hand. He ex amines tho goods he is thinking of pur chasing and then says : "Well, 1 11 look around und if I don't find anvthing that suits me better, 1 11 call in and txke this." Not long ago Pitts said to himself, "I am getting rather long in years, and guess 1 11 get married."' His business wouldn't let him wait; so calling upon n lady friend, he opened tho conversation by remarking that he would like to know what sho thought about getting married. "Oh. Mr. Pitts,'' she replied, "that is an affair in which I am not so greatly interested, and I preier to leave it with yourself' "Jlut, ' says he, "yon are Interested j nnd, my dear girl, will you marry mo 7" Tho young girl blushed very red, hesitated, and as Pitts was vcrv well-to-do in tho world, and morally and ilnnnciallvof good standing in society, she accepted liim, whereupon tho fact Pitts responded, "Well, well, 1 11 look about, nml if I uon t nnd an nv- body that suits come back.'' me letter than joti, I'll F..T-UNITIH STATES SENATOR ARNOLD NAUDAIN. Hon. Arnold Naudain died in Wilming ton, Del., on Thursday, ntter n brief ill ness. Mr. Naudain had attained tho ven erable ago of eighty-two years. Ho wns an educated gentleman of much refinement and culture, and enjoyed the confidence of his fellow citizen. Ho was born in Dela ware. Ho was educated for tho medical profession, gruduntcd in Princeton college in ISO), took his diplomH as M. D., and practised ns a plnslcian with success. His enreer in tho field of politics.was very gratifying to his ambition and aliko hon orable to liis family und friends. Dr. Naudain served ns United Stales senntor from Delawaro during tho years from 1829 to 1630. Ho was subsequently appointed collector of tho port of Wilmington, nnd discharged the duties of the office with n degree of nctivo efficiency. BARBERS. J. GEO. STEINHOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cor. Sth-at, nnd Commerelnl-nr. aTHharp Itatnrs. Bil'CIean Towels and araklllfull WcrVmen BB-Ladiet' and children's hair cut nnd nhnm. lKioc.1, either at the shop or at their own hornet. Wfienllemen'r whlkers and h Ir djed In artltliom nner. Satl-tnctlnn cuaranteeil. RTETTAUERS k WINEMAN, larnari-tt txu jottvii Ol DB Y GOODS NOTIONS, 128 MlrhlKnn Avenue, netweon Marl. laon mill Monroe, CHICAGO. HecCdeowlm. COAI. AKU WOOD. WOOD! WOOD!! WOOD!! The uiidersigiifd will furnish HARD AND DRY WOOD An Clirnp.ll not Clienprr than any wood dealer In Cairo. Leave nrdcra "In the Hlnles at tho I'ostnfflce nuil at ltna' coal sard, ou Coiiimercial avenue, between Tenth and twelfth streets, Cairo. Illinois, 1 give good measure and will cord the wood up If desired. nugllMI 'DENNIS HALKY. cnutitcnnnci' Its CAIRO, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, riTitMTunr.. SAVE TWENTY PJtllOKNT II j buying your F TJ IsT I T TJ 1R, IE EICHHOFF BROS., FURNITURE FACTORY, Waalilngtou-av., .mr Coaftim llena CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Hesur. Kichhott Hrnthendeilre to inform the cltliens of Cairo that thev are manufacturer all kinds or PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE And have now on hand and lui ial. at Wholeeale mid Retail, All kinds, and wll continue to keep at their ALES BOOM?, IK TIIEIU NEW J1UILDINO, Every discrlptma ol aheap and cosily lurnlture, suchaa a.rarved Dedittaiis, "OTMarble Topped Uureaut, OaVSideboardt, Wtihittndt; 49-Wardrobe, Sola Chairs, S.ofa and Matrataes, T-Lounges, etc , etc., Which they will guarantee to sell TWENTY PER CENT. LOWER Thin they can be bought from any other dealer in the city. Rive them a call and satlsly your- ten. pzKW BURGER'S NEW STOCK. MUSLINS, PRINTS, SHA" LS, ETC., One ol I lie most attractive displays of DRY GOODS, in the city. J". ZBTTZEGKEDR,, Commercial Avenue, between EionTH and Ninth Streets, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, has every available apace In his store room filled with New (iooilt, Ilia stock is com. plete, comprising a beautiful selection of TRIKTH, 11I.EAC11K1) AND UNBLEACIIEU MUSLINS, COTTON FLANNELS, ETC, A aplendld arrny of DBESS G-OOIDS Among which ar the Nemeat nnd Sloat Fnshlonnble Colors and Material. He has a large stock of j FURS on hand, which he will close out at low llgure before the holld) are over. The ladies will Hnd a large anilment of CLOAKS AND WOOLEN SHAWLS, wl.Uh will be sold cheaper than anything of the kind ever eold In Cairo. Mr Huiger has laid in an immensotock of BOOTS, SHOES, RIBBONS, NOTIONS, TIES, ETC., NECK- which he will aell cheaper than the cheapeat. Udeelm. i i BAPTIS'L' AI.KNTs wcrywhere for the lurgest Raptiat paper In l"" w llUl. Able vtriteri". ult tlm neus, and eun''inl inprovcmcnis. hull Market Report, (jundii) Hchtol Depurtincnt !con every week. rtexiblo advocato of llniitlst prlnclles. Oft fc iirirs ; only a.50 por venrTho ir.o-t sstonuh. i.g premium and clubbing Hat ever liberal cash commisaiont paid. iy Bpec men cony and particulars frit to all who a ll write Jo LU Vllhlt 4 TEAMAN, Ta Ctan Uamst. br. LOl' MO otJin 1872. MI'E IXNltKAXCK. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AFRICA. Tim Most Successful LiFr. Insurancp. Corporation ok tiik World. PTTEELY HTOCKIIOLDEltS NO Amount of I'oliciks in Fokck Dec. 31, Total Income to Samt. Date, Net Ivcrkahk of KifKs in Forck, 1870, The. I.nrceat Ntt lnrr(tuednrln- the year 170 f stay Comprtssy la the World, Giiosm I.vciikamk or Rt.iKB IN Force, 1870, $30,327,730 00 On)r two companies In the world exceed thin cross Increase during 1870. The only company which Ruarantee, as a chartered rUtit, the nncirle of LOCAL IN EST MKNTH IN KACII pTAT K, In prnnort'on to its Premiums or He-Insurance Fund. The only company vhirh, by Its charter, gives KACII H 1'ATK A RKPRESENTAT1VK IN THE 1I0MKI1OARD0F DIRhCTURS. GEKEEAL OFFICE, ST. liOTTIS, MO. JAMES II. BRITTON, President. IIk.vrt "W. Houoii, Vieo President. Felix Costk, Supt. Missouri Dept. Wm. Hanley, Secretnry. John N. Pritciiarp, Treasurer. C. F. BuitNEH, Attorney. E. L. Limoine, M. 1). Med. Officer. Hon. "Wm. Barnes, Consulting Counsel and Actuary. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. E. P. BurtLiNoiiAM, Manager. CAIEO SEARCH BOABD. The following named gentlemen hold or control llo.nno insurance each, In the Llle Association of Amer r i P. W. IlARCLAT, H. "W. Weiip. H. II. Candke, John Antrim, Chas. Galioheb, J. M. PiiiLLirs, CHanny, It. S. Wmoiiam, Paul U.bcsicn. I.enrn our Itnle-j and I'lao before LOCAL Carl L. Thomas, dectldSm. WACIOJVH. WAGON MANUFACTORY'. For Snle nt Wholesale or Retail CORNER 32D.BTREF.T AND OHIO I.KVE1, Cairo, Illinois, novlltf J. P. GAMUI.K. PAIXTEHS. MOORE & MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental -A-IIiT TEES , Decorative I'nnerhasiKln-, lng, etc.. Kalaousln Done In t!.o highet ttyle ol the art, and a rates that defy competition. SHOP IN PERRY HOUSE, CORNER OF 8TH sTHKET AND CMMERCIAL AVEN'UK. I) It Y UOODN, 71. FALL-WINTER. 0. HAN NY. 72 LARGE STOCK. BROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, TICKLIICTGrS. CHECKS, STRIPE S, KENTUCKY JEANS, KXTBA, OASSIMERS, BLACK ALPACAS LUSTERS, GROS GRAIN SILKS, POII.INN. LARGE STOCK OF CARPETING' on. GLoruB, MATTINO, Window Nlindea, OILT RANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMASKS. II la KntlreNtoekXow Cloatur Out AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNER 8t ST., AND COMMERCIAL-AY., Cairo, Illlnola. arpttlf rouNDiin:N. I. & E. GREEN WALD. MiNvriotvataa or Sleam Kiigim t Itoilevs, Flour oiur.niiM .Mills, Haw Mills, The "Tuppei I'nlenl firnnbai M AO II IN ERY FOR (IKVEIIAL 1'UltrOSK, CINCINNATI OHIO OMjet BULLETIN BUILDING, thk i.vmk K Jf nvr -er t -er a. ii ; TO ABSORB PROFITS. 1870, - $46,665,740 00 3,974,788 60 20,000,910 00 John II. Orerlt, "Wm. Morris, T. J. Kkbtii, "W. S. Epson, yon Insnia In any other Company. AGENTS. B. Kkrnet. SECRET ORDERS TUB MASONS. Catao Ooxmxnm, No. 13. Stated Assembly at the Asylum Matonn Hall, first and thirdJiaU urdavalneach month. Catao Coi'kcil, No. 2, Pegular Convocation at Masonic Hall, the second Friday Inaach month. Cilao CuirrtR, No. 71. Regular Convocation at Masonic Hall, on the third Tuetday of every munth. Cairo Losoi, No.Z3T F. A A. M Regular Com. munlcationa at Matanic Hall, the trcond and fourth Mondava nl earh month. Ii.iti licr.i. No.&ca F. a A. M Resular Com- munlcationa at Masonic Hall nrat and third Thuradaya In each month. THE 0DD-VELL0W8. ALixtxcia Lonuc, 221. Meets In OddFellcw'a. Hsll. In Art-r'a Ituilding. every Thursday even ng, at to ciojk. INHUnANCE, w. n. MORRIS, Notary Public, II. II . CANDEK No. Pub. and IT. B. Ccna. FIRE, TIULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK CCIDENT, LIFE, JKTNA. HARTFORD, Assets 3,M,S0I tr NORTH AMERICA, FA., Assets. 2,r,0 00 HARTFORD, CONN. Assets.. S.MS.tlO Ti rilOENIZ, HARTFORD, Asset.. 1,711,11! M INTERNATIONAL, N. T., Atseta.. I.3A1.S9S 17 PUTNAM, HARTFORD, Aasela 706.9J7 Ot CLZVELAND, CLEVELAND, Assets. 315.S73S8 HOME, C0LUMRU8, Assets MS.UI U AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Assets 600.000 00 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Assets 30,000,000 00 TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Assets 1..W0.000 OI RAILWAY TARSENOERS ASSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Assets W,C. INDEPENDENT, BOSTON, Assets "'i"" SAFFORD, MORRIS & CANDEK, 71 Ohio I.evee, City National Rank, CAIRO, ILL. FIRE AND MARINE COMPAHIEMl NIAOARA, N. Y., All.t. l,,l OERMANIA, N. Y., Ataets l,oC8,7il 7 HANOVER, N, Y. Asttl WS.M2 ou REPUBLIC, N. Y., Asset 7H.9i.MK Comprising the Underwriters' Agency. YONKERS, N. Y., j Asset "MM ' ALBANY CITT, I Atsets UJ..WH I firemen's fund, s. f., ! Asset K'.WW01 I SECURITY, N. Y. MARINE, A...L. MM." CJTORK, Dwellings, Furniture, Hulls and I Car. L3 goes, inuru i r e n.,v,... permanent eecurity will warrant. . r . ....,i. n Hi. irltana of Cairo, s share ol their patronage. i rvti'vvtiunj - C. IT. HVOHB VfASHINGTON-AV. com mismioa ANn ronwAnnina. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO., (Successors to F. B. ffendrlck. Co., ) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS "WIIARF-UOA.T PROPRIETORS jtKLIberal Advances rr.r . Consignment-.. npoti, Are prepared to receive, .lore am erwanj frulghts to all polntaand buy atu sell on commlsilon. Iluslnesa attended to promptly STRATTON & BIRD (S uccessnre to Htratton, Hudson A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois Agents of American Towder Co., and man- pgenin ror coiton varn MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION FOV.WARDING MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS for FAIRBANKS SCALES (8 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. 0. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio Levee. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. satrsptclalattcntion given to consignments and orders. WOOD 1UTTEN HOUSE, ELOUR General Commission Merchant 183 OniO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois JOHN li. VMLLIS & SON, (Successors to Jno.B. Thillls,) GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATB Flour, Meal, Bran, &c, Cor. TEN Til -ST. and OHIO LEVE1 CAIRO. ILL. CLOSE & VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AXD 33HA.IiB13R.t3 X3JT XiIi3D Cement, Tla6ter Paris, PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner Elglitb Ntreet and 01 f Lave CAIRO, ILL CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION i , FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. 64 Ohio Loveo, CAIRO. IWINOW U0V22dtf NfKClAI. WPFICKSJ. BATOI1EI.O,,U1,,',:' ti,i .....). run-!'' "e silt iTaWoaia f .,' 1". i-itehaWe and Intthanteons. w' y,l.'':r:,;tnl. No R Uleulous Tinta pleatanl wioft, , rial, .Dye tftf'fi, fiellulne w. A. vacneior MEUUTELV a spltadld iVlk nr niiur d Brown. Doea not 8iaio the 1 1 I . a I. . 11 1 ",... dA- ...I 1I..MII. Wlrin hill leaveamo iiir vtm, w. ;iMi)uijtisriiiiipirific. tmt . tiiJd W aJI cfrugglstt. FaotorylS Bond itraet, MewVora. ,aiee4w.