Newspaper Page Text
JOHN II. OUEKLY & CO., THBMA1LS. innitE. DtPiT North, Tlirougn V:w . rn. :')0 p.m i Way 2:10 p;tn, 4:00 a.m., "outh, Wy VMS p.m. ,0p,m. " Through N. O., Mem- phi .ml Columbus l.KO p.m. I.ODp.rn, ; Ohio Itlvrr route, (except Monday) ;', 1.00 p. m. ( Iron Mountain R. K V:30a.m 11:00 p. n. , Miis. Itltpr route, Tuesday .ml FriJuy - 6.00 p.m, 7:00 p.m. Thebes. Goose. Island 4 Hunt. Fe, lllii., Thursday A Frl- day r,:00p.m. 7:00a.m, ' Mayfield, Hlandvil.e. .nd I Lovelace, Ky ll;0).m. 4.09p.m. ' uirnr. nine. i.eneral llellvery tttt (Sunday 8 lo 9 turn.) Money Order depastment :W a.m. . l:.glter " ' B.ooe.m. 6 Wp.m. Money Order and Itegl.lpr departments no cpen on Sundays. - OUR CHUJtCHKS. ItKHllVTKKIAN ElKhhmrrM. Preaching, Sabbath .t 10J t. u., .mi ty r. . Prayer meeting, Wednesday at Ti r. sr. Sunday fkhiol, 3 r, . J. M. I.amden, Super intendent. Iter. C. II. Foots, Past.r. METIIODJST-L'or. Eighth .ml W.lnut St.. Preaching, Hebtrtlh a. w., .nd 7 r. w. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7,' r-. n, Hiipilvy School .H r. . I.. W. htilerll, Huper tmendenl. llev, F. l.TaiNrsv, I'.ttor. lllltCH OK TUB REDEEM Ell (KpNcopal) .Morning prayers, Sablwth lo) a. h. Evening prayers "Hr. . Salbslh School, 'J i. . Her. II.. Com, fleeter. Sr, PATRICK S CIIUHCII-.or. Moth Hi. nd Washington Avrnue. .-uMlc crvlcc,sbbathsand lot; Wiper, 3 r. h. unday School, 2 p. n. Service every day, r. x. Iter. r.J.O'lliLLois, Priest. YOUNH MF,N'SCIIRlTI.NASMOCIATION-Hg- nl.r meeting second Mnday each month at lie Prayer room of the Presbyterian Church Weekly Prayer meeting, Friday, Vt r. ., t .he Prayer room of I he Prebjteriau church. 0. Pa.iom, President. AFRICAN METHODIST Fourteenth, between W.lnut anil Cedir. rjerTK'ei,, 11 a.m. Sunday ft'hool, Vi r. x. C.iir. h. BKCONU KRKrWILI,nAtTI8T-Killeenth 81. l'rrachinK,7 r. m. Iter. Wm. J.ekiOB, l'attor. between W.lnut and Cedar. rrrice.S.IjUth, V, aud 3 r. . Her. H. Ilicti.raeter. KHKE.WII.I, IUPTIHT HOME MiS.ilU.1 fcUN DAT bCIIOOty Corner alnutanl Cedar HU. Bunday School, 9 a. m. lltST FRBK WILL BAPTIST CIIHRCII-Cur- ry'a Ilarracki. SrrTice,riablithlt a. at., 3 r. u. and 7VJ r. . Iter, Wm. KtLLir, P.itor. FIRST MllMIONAItY 1IAITI3T CHUIICII llet ween 10th and 11th street, nearCe,lr. I'rrarhlnf babtath a. and 7J; r. . Piayer JleellnK. Wednesday evening. I'reachlnir. Kriilay errniiig. .-AbUth fvhool, 1J r. m. John Van llaiter and ilary Stepheni rjiipenntendrntii. Rev. T J. Hliom, panto STATU OFFICERS. STATE OFFICERS. (iorernor. John M. Palmer; I.ieutenant-Oorernor, John DoitRherly I Secretary of Stnte, Kdwurd Itumrnel i AUditn ct StMte, C. K. I.ipplncott , fctate Treaiurer, V.. lUtet ; Supt. Public Initructlnn, elton llaleman. CONGliKSSMEN. Jenator l.yman Trumbull and John A. IKn lpreentatire for the Hiate at I.arje i. I. Beterlde. Repreientatlre Thirteenth Dlitrict-Jolin M reb. MEMnEKS GEXEUAL ASSEMBLY. Benator, lit Dutrlct T. A. E. llolcamb, ol Union, and S. K. OI!on, of (,al!atln. Uepreientatite, lt I.trlet-ll. Wataon Wobb; coukty"officeiis. CIRCUIT COURT. Judge I). J. Baker, of Alexander. Proiecutlng Attorney J. F. McCartneyi ol llaatac, Circuit Clerk Jno. Q. 1 1 arm an. Hhenfl-A. II. lrrln. Wm. Martin, Aeior an Tieaurer. COUNTT COURT. Judge P. Hroii. Amoc.a'eii-J. K. McCrite and fi. Uarchlldon. Clerk Jacob 0, Lynch. Coroner John II. Gotuman. MUNaCI pa l go VEUNMENT Mayor John M. I.snsden. Treasiiier J. H.Taslor. Comptro ler II. A. Ilurnett Clrrk Michael Howley. Marshal Andrew Cain. Attorney P. II. Pope. Police Magittrate-F. Uro's and H. Hhan. ressy, Chief ol Pollce-L. II. Myers, 6KI.KCT COUNCIL Mayor John M. I.nnsden, First Word P. G.r-ohuh. Second Vlard C. It. Woodward. Third Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward 3. Htaat. Taylor. Clty-at-I-aige W. P. Halllday and D. Hmd. HOARD OF ALDERMEN. Fliwr WAUU-Jainei Bearden, Leo Kleb, Isaaa Walden, KCUNU WARD H. II. Cunningham, F.. Iluder, Henry Winter, Jnmst Swayne, nilltD WARD-Wm.Btratton, Patrick Fittgeiald 0URT1I WARD-Jarnes Carroll.J O. Il.h'eaee, IJ.II.Metcair. Time of Meeting. citt -orscu. The Clly Council meets In Joint session on friday evening preceding the flrat Monday ol tach month. SIllCT COCXCII. The Select Council meets on the first Wednes. day and Thursday, niter the second Monday In tach month. ioisd or AIM. l'he Board of Aldermen meets cn the firs "onday andTtiebUay in every month. COMMITTEES 01 THE COUNCIL. On Strrrfi-Messrs. Taylor, Walder, Winter, ood and Metcalf. Draiiag-lw. Cunningham, Rchtih, Fitsger. aid, Eeaso aiid Halllday. Cmwi Messrf. Wood, Cunningham and Kleb, Jbtr nd Ja(-Mcssrs. Carroll, Buder and Woodward Ordinanrrj Messrs., Walder and Taylor. Firs Drnarfmrnf Messrs. Rearden, Swayne and slfllday "AfmAels Messrs. Bchuh, Winter and n. Prt ntlnn Mo rs.v.nll i ril.BwayneandBudcr Senn-icM essr Wodrd, Btruttcn and Uetcalt. PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. ALEXIS. THK GRAND DlKEON JUS WINDING WAY. ON HIS llf.ST. Omaha, January 11. A hunting camp has been established near Republican river basis for operations for General Slier- Idmi and tlio Duko Alexis. Utitfato and other L'nrno nro reported plentiful in that ..U!.. I... Il I. .l .1.. rn vicinity. It in expected Hint nearly 1,000 Indian will lm rolkc'.ed. A reception .will bo given the dltlnHullied vlltor at thl plneu to-niorrow. DC IK INVITKITO TOIT.KA. Toi'KKA, Kai., January tl. Tha Iiegl laturo Instructed tho (lovennr to ink Alexia, by telegraph, to viiit thin city. coi.oiiauo wants to com: in. Dcnvkk, Col., January 11. Uoth branohbi of the I.ciil.turo to-day pnucd n Joint incinorinl to ConreM inking an ciiablin act for Htnto rrgnnization, by an il moat iinuniiiiotK vote. It recite' the Kreal natural resource') of Colorado, it) iiiatcrliil growth and i icellent ilnancial condition. TKLF.ORAI'IIIC URKVITlKf?. NKW COfNTKItTKIT. IIonto.v, Jarmurv 1 1. A e!l-fxecutcd louriterfeit of a iloo bill of the Ohio national Imrik of Cincinnati U circulating bur.-. HK. WHARTON. Annai'OM!!, Januury 1 1. In tho Whar ton trial Io-(1hv a number of witncnn for J tho dcfeiue tctiiUd to the irood conduct SL'DUK.V IiKATH. .Iackionvii.i.i:, Ii.i.s., January 11. To diiv tbu biMly of Hubert Edinondion, an old citizen of Franklin precinct, In tliii county, wa found a xhort distance north wcit of Jacksonville, near tho roadside. CONLET IIIVK1 IT CI'. Atlanta, Oa., January 11. Governor Conlcy, in h! ineMage, ay he, will yicla to the deciilon of the legiilaturo at to'who i governor. Both branches of the legis lature met and declared Hon. J. M. Smith, governor and fixed to-morrow for tho in auguration. IMPORTANT CASES AT LAW. Mkmi'IIIh. January 11. In tho second ! circuit court, to-day, In thu raso of tho . Guyosa gs com pan r vs. tho Memphis gas company for tMO'OGO, Judge lleiskell granted a new trial as to Murphy it Tom menv, and an arrest of judgement in to Williamson. Louisville, January 11. Yesterday the court of appeals of Kentucky, In the case of the commonwealth vs. Geo. Web ster, indicted for selling tickets In the Ken tucky ktato nnJ l'uducah lotteries, decided to favor WVbstcr In sustaining the legality of those drawings. Pi KB. Council Burrs, Iown, Jan. 11. At ! two o'clock this morning a lire broko out j in tne third story or tho northwest wing of tho l'ncifio llcuse. Tho wind blowing a ?;alo from tlio northwest gave it a great inpetus, and for n while tho whole city was threatened with conllurntion. Tlio lire companies were promptly on hand, and did eueetlvo work, but for threo hour, they seemed battling against fate. At threo o'clock the mayor telegraphed to Omaha for assistance, which arrived at five o clock, and at half-past flvo tho fire men succeeded in getting control of tho tlamei, just as they reached tho main structure, and prevented further spread. Loss to building and furniture and stock In adjoining building, S2S.O0O ; covored by insurance. Tho adjoining blocks were only saved by being covered with now and ice. BUSINESS IS I1USINESS- LEVY A Ml.'s PRICK LIST THE HK1HEST MARKET PRICKS. Tho firm of H. Lovy Jc Co,9:i Ohio lovee, dealers In furs, of all descriptions, hide, tallow,feathers, wool, etc., arc build ing up a trado and earning for themsel ves a business reputation second lo no house in the city. In their dealings with their customers, thoy arc honorablo and upright, representing only fact'. For articles In their lino they pay tho highest cash prices. Below will bo found tv list of tho articles in which they deal, together with tho ruling prices in thii tnnrkt ; KUIfs. Mink CO to S'J 00 Knccoon 10 to CO 12 10 C 03 05 CCO Musk ruts.... 0 'o Wild cut 10 to Otter 1 OOt.i Bcuvor CO to Hour skins 'J (0 to iiiiir.s PKit rut ni. Deer skins 20 to Beef hides, dry Hint 17 to " " green salt 0 to Calf hides 12 to OTHER ARTICLES PER rOl'ND. Tallow Oto Fcntliers M to Wool I!.", to Beeswax '"j to no 18 !1 II Al 05 'JS Tho abovo quotations nro subject to cor roctlon. HIDES, FURS, TALLOW AND FELTS Mossrs. Burnett & Co. arc paying St. Louis prices for hides, fnrs, etc., its fol lows : reus. rrimoMlnk $1.75 to 'J.25 " Itaccoon COo to 00c " Musk Bat 10 to 12 " Wild Cnt 10 to 50 " Opossum 10 to 12 " Oltor COO to COO " Benver Skins 6.00 to 7.00 HIDE!. Hides, dry Hint, per lb 18o to 20c " Green Suit, " " 10c " Grcon, Butchors, per lb... 7c to 8c Butchers nud truppcrs I do you remem ber what theso nrtlcles woro worth beforo wocamo horn? They wcro worth just tibout one half of what thoy nro now ? Sustain those, who benefit you. Tho abovo prices can bo depended upon. Itcspectfully, etc. Burnett & Co,, Thornton's block, Tenth street., Cairo, 111. Jan.10-d.3m. WINKS AND LIQUORS. Pat. Fitzgerald, of tho Sample Kooms, has received tho appointment of agent for tho sale of tho Hammondsport, N. Y., Urbannn Wine Company's wines in this city. If tho boltlo with which we were yesterday presented i a samplo of tho (juallty of theso wines, then wo nrc pre pared to sny that they are among tho best wo havo ever tasted. Ho has just received n largo consignment, which ho is prepared to soil at tho lowest flgtirers. Ho hits alio on hand a largo and complete stock of tho various brands of Irish, Scotch and Amcrlran whiskies, and wines of ovcry variety JanlSdtf. It Is truo that Blankenburg's Excel sior saloon is now ou of tho institutions of tho city. All drinknrs who like really excellent liquors whiskies, wines, beer, etc. goto tho J'.xcolslor siloon, which is fitted up in splendid style. Blunkenburg who knows how to keep a saloon, spreads a fine freo lunch every morning and eVc tiing, and, as ho forcibly expresses ''i 'Sweeten' tlio lunch wit' nut"'0." has employed tho service. "f n first-rale pianist, who mak the grand piano which sluud '" on" cm' ' '" saloon speuk in'' lfl muslcul tone". Everybody I. invited. Tho best order is maintained and all improper characters suppressed with neatnes, cheapness and dispatch. Kv crylwdy knows that tho Excelsior saloon is at tho corner of Washington n"enue and Fourteenth street. Notice Tho best entertainment in tho city it at the St. Nicholas hotel, saloon and restaurant. Tho best music that can be had violin and piano. Good lunch every morning and night. All of the finest brands of cigars, and the bet St. Inils lager beer, always fresh and nice. Givo us a call. Harry Walker. Proprietor. SF.t'RKT ORDERS THE MASONS. Onao lAii)Miirr.i, No. 13. Stated Airemfcly at the Aiylum Ma.oni ) Hall, flrit and third, fc;. urdar. Inrach month. Cai.o Cot kciL, No. i'l. Kegular Conrocationat Masonic Hall, the eecond Friday in each month. Ckito Ciuiiiu. Ne. 71. Ht'ilar Conrocation at Masonic Hull, on the third Tueidiy of every in. nth. Caiho Uki, No. 2.17 K. 4 A. M Itegul.r Com. munlcHtioni at Maenie Hull, the sveond and fourth dondnts ol each month. Iuita, No. Jos I', i A. M. Regular Com munication" at Mon!e Hall tirt and third Thursdays in each month. thkJodii-fellows. AniAinra 1iMr, Wl. Jlefts In OldFellov'a. Hill, in Art' r' Hull line, every Thttraday even int.', at 7oIojW. tor.Miit ii;s. I. & E. GREEN WALD. Nmiictiuiiti Steam Heginri Hoiler, Flour ondvirut Mill', Haw Mill-, The "Tapper' Patent Orat( lil M AOIHM'.RY FOR OENERAI. TCRrOSES, CINCINNATI OHIO WAUONS. WAGON MANUFACTORY.' For Sale at Wholesale or Retail CORNER :i2-STRF.KT AND OHIO I.F.VF.l, Cairo, Illinois. novlltf J. 1. (UMRLE VIIOI.KSAl.K 'ItOCFItS. WHOLESALE GKO0EK3, OHIO HVK.K (!AIKO. ILLINOIS. A'so, keep constantly on hsnd ulcte stock nf a most rum XiIQ,'CJOKS SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKIES (i I N S,- l'ort, Mudcria, Shorry nnd Catawba Wines KHMVTII A CO. tell exclusively for , which fact they invite the e-peclal ntln. lion of close barinin buyer". Special attention yivtn to Filling Orders, NlT.t'lAI. XOTICKN. IIATOlll'.I.OK'N II. Mil DVK. This superb Hair Dyo i' the si:st i riir Wuntu 1'erleelly Hormlesa Itelinblc and IumIi iiiteods. No disappointment. No Ridiculous Tints or Un pleasant Odor. The geniiliio W. A. lluchelor'. llalr Dya produces IMMEDHTKI.V a aplcndld Walk or natur-il llmnn. Doea not Hiuiu the Skill, but leaves Out Hair Clenn, Soft and lleiilill. fill. The only Safu uid Peil'wi II) o. BoM liy all ilriiKiit". 1'm'loi y ID Stret t, New York. laiijMldnnUwli ON MARRIAGK. Happy relief lorymmg men irnni Urn cIKciho crrora and abuses In cirly lilo. Manhood le. sturt'd Nervous I'rhillty cured. Impediment to marrlago rcinoxd. New method of ireAt. nii'iit. New ami letiiarkablc remedies, llniilis and cirrnlnrs si nt Iree, in sealed envelopes, , 1 drets HOWAItn ASSOCIATION, NO. a Hotilh Ninth St.. Philadclnhia., Pa dec2tilas3u, 5 j itV tie itiuii t in'.'s. uiisi I it i it iv S fn II "k I CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SUNDAY, JANUARY PAINTFJtN. MOORE k MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental PAINTBES, Decorative FanerliitnRliiir, Ifnltciuitsi. I lag, nr., Don In the hiheit style ol the art, and rate' that defy competition. B1I0P IH PERRY HOUSE, CORNER OF 8TH 1TRKKT AND CMMKRCIAL AVENUE. j.r.miKit. S. WALTK11S, HARD and SOFT LUMBER :l every decrlptlon, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAK POSTS, DOOKS, SASH, IiLINDS. OKDEHS SOLICITED. S T E A M B 0 A T L U M B E It, Kurr.lil.ed on rhortest notice. Commcrcial-ar, bet. 10th and lltli-ets., CAIRO ILLINOIS. KXHCI'TOR'S aVOTICK. KsUt of Henry Harrl', ilccea'ed. rilHK tui'lerslgncil, having been appointed ex JL ecutrix of the last wdl nud testniuent ol Hen ri Harris, late ol the county of Alexauder, tte ol Illinois drceahcd, hreb) pneannilce that she rci',1 appeal before the ,'ouuty oaurt nf Mt-xnder couuty, at thu court-hnue in t niro, Ills., at the JanitHry term, on the third Monday in January next, at which time k p.rsons having claims galnt snld ei ate are uotified and requeted lo attend lor the purpose nf havli.g the same ad Jus'ed. All perroiiK indebted to said etale aie requested to make immi dmtc pa mcnt to the undersigned. Ittteu thl first ilav tif December, A. I) U71. AtJOUsTA IIAItRiS, Kxecutrix. decJUtwtd. UAItltKltS. J. GEO.SrElNHOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cor. Silli-. iiiiiI S omiiierrlnl-nv. CiJ-Hharp Hainr". OtfClean TnweU and C-."!jl:illfull Wcrkmen ejrl.idtes' and children'" hair cut and sham pooed, either at Ihe shop or nt their own homei. erGentlemen'r vthl.kere and h Ir dyed In nrtlsticrr . nnrr. ".itistuction citrnted. SHIS MRITHIt. CARL L. THOMAS, SIG-IST WBITEB 4 nowprepaied lo retpon.l promptly to oil de mands for hu services, SHOP-Cor. Stii-st. and Commercal-av In llic I'errj House, CAIUO, ILLINOIS. nnv25dtl htovks. TixwAiti:, irrc, A. II A L L V, Y, DEALER IX STOYI Tin and Hollow Ware, Clothes Wnngm Vnile Ware, Coal Hods, File shovels, Air lintes. MSMTAITIBIH Or TIN, ZINC. COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. No. 16G "NVashington-avcnuo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. atirilooflng. fluttering, nml mrk done at shoitesl nutlet all kinds nfjou -Lrrz If'MIIII NOTICE. , mlll-:CoiirtncrhipexlHliig bitneen h" ' j. uersinieu um i xpun on the 1st day nf April nel- In sons indebted to lis r request e'l t settle thf Ir Kceounls, as llm licoks on ami alter that day will be placed Inoih'r hands lor collection. OI1EELEI 4 PATlIilt. Calr.j.Jau, f, 1.7.'. 14, 1872. LIFE IXHURANt-K. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. The Most Successful Life Insurance Corporation of tiik-i thk World. 'vmp. Aok NO STOCKHOLDERS Amount of Policies in Force Dec. 31, Total Income to Same Date, - - - Net Increase of Bisks i.v Forcj, 1870, TIip I.ireMl Stt Increase darissa; the year 1A70 or any Company Its the World. Gross Increase or Bisks in Forck, 1870, 130,327,730 00 Onlr two companies in the world exceed this gross increase during 1878. The i.nly eomi any h'ch guarantees, a a chartered rlnt, the Principle of LOCAL INVEST MESTH IN i:aC1I STATE, In proportion to its Premiums or Rc-lnsurance Fund. The only compsny whirh, by Its charter, givea EACH S 1'ATE A REPRESENTATIVE IN THE HOME HOARD OF IlfRECTOlth. O-ElDiTEK.X. OPPICB, ST. XjOTTIS, IwlO. JAMES II. BBITTON, President. Henry W. Houoh, Vice President. Felix Coste, Supt. Missouri Dept. Wm. Hanley, Sccrctnry. John N. Pritciiard, Treasurer, C. F. Burnes, Attorney. E. L. Lemoine, M. I). Med. Officer. Hon. Wm. Barnes, Consulting Counted and Actuary. SOUTUEBN ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. E. P. Burlinoiiam, Mnnagcr. CAIRO BEA3STCH BOABD. The follow log named gentlemen hold or cnnttol ItO.OiO insurance each, In tlisT.ile! Association of Amerca: P. AV. Barclay, II. W. Wkiir. II. H. Candke, John Antrim, Chas. Galioher, .1. M. PiiiLLirs, O.Hannt, B. S. Brio ham, Paul O.HeiiuH. l.rnrn our ltlr ami I'lnna before LOCAL Carl L.Thomas, Hec.Mdlm. DOOMS, S.ANII. KTCl no to W. W. THORNTON'S. BUILDERS' SUPPLY DEPOT 13 TENTH STIiRKT, CAIRO ILLINOIS -FOR noora, Hnali, Hllndv. Monldlnga, EaYeUnttcm.lTiood) Window and lloo, rrsmes, rioorlur, Lath, Nhlnclei, tslnxed Nasjb, Olncesl Mile I.lghU, Glazed Tranaomis, Naah n'elRhts), Nnab Pnlllea and Conla, mind rmlenlngm. Rooting Felt, Hoofing Cement, Plaaterlnf Pnier, Cnrpet Felt, While Lend, I.lnaed Oil, American Window iln, Knitllith nndl'rench Plato VlnsH, Putty, tilaslcr'a I'olntv Newer Pipe Patent Chlmneya, Etc., Etc., Kle. AGENTS for Hock Hlvet Paper Company's Vheaihinc Felt and Quarts Cement. II. IV. John's Improved Hoofing always en and MlriCEIXANKOfsl. TAXES. TjnilMC NOTICE Is hereby given that the as. t I sessment lists for Ihe year A. I. U7I, have I been placed in my hand for collection and that I will aitend a' tho Hlllcrent precinel" in Alexander eonntv, for the purpose of collecting the state anil county taxos tor said year, at the times and place following, tn.wii : In Hatlewno.i, at Mile Hartlines' house, Jan- i nary tutu, lSTi n Unity, at John Knuth's store, January i7lh, In Clear Creek, at Custesd it Provo's stors January 29th, im In Thelies, at J. 0, Itollwing's store, January 30, 1872. In Santa Fe, at Virgil Delaney's store, January aist, 1S72. In Oonse Island, at O. Oreenley'a store, Fel rtmry 1st, 1&72. In Dog Tmith, at Thomas Martin' Home February 2nd, ln72. I will also attend at the Cmrt House in Cain, personally or by deputy, during tho month ol February next, for said purpose. Under tho law I will be compelled to enforce Ihe eolli-ollon of pcr'onxl taxes during thu month of Felutiary next, thereloto tax.pnyers will bear th fact In mind and save cos's, which will certalrly be added aflerthat Hire. N. II. TiU.paver will avol.l IroSle mrl ml., lakes by lirlniliK wllh (hem II elr last year s lal receipts. ' AI.F.X 11. IUV1N, Hhr-riir. and cx.olllclo Collector Clin, Ills , Pee.Sii. 1671. lIlO(!KItIM AND IlltV tlOOIIS. WILLIAM KL1IC.E, FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-tiOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOEB, HATS AND CAPS, ETC., (las tu.i received a heavy stoei of Hoots and Hlions, Hosiery and Notions, ' FOR SALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAP ! He also has a hue stock of Family Urcceriei ol eiery kiiui. COUNER SI XTH-ST. AND COMMEB OIAL-AV., CAIRO, ILLINOIS I BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AV. IN MTTTTJAL; TO ABSORB PROFITS. 1870, - - $4C,CC5,740 00 3,971,788 SO 20,000,010 00 John II. Orerly, Wm. Morris, T. J. Kkrtii, W. S. Edson, you Insitm In any other Company. AGENTS. W. B. Kkrnet. NRWNPAI'KIt. he"newT6rk EVENING POST roil 1872. i'iiicea ni:DCcr.u-. W will supply the Evening Post as follows) DAILY. One year Ill 00 For shorter perioda St par month WEEKLY. tingle Copy one year II 5C Five Copies " " 7 00 Ten ' 12 (0 Twenty" ' " - 10 00 f EM 1-WEEK LY. Single Copy one year Five (,'opiei " " Ten Conies " " , S3 00 12 60 !0 00 Or we will send the followln ig periodicals to the Etn(ng oil, subscribers, in connection with t ia pries uauivU i Willi Weekly i Evening Post. . Harper's Weekly- Sl 60 Harptr'sllvur 4 W Harper's Magatine 4 10 Every Baturuny 00 1 Atlantic Monthly 4 UU Our Young Folks 3 Co I Scrilmer'a Monthly 4 to Tho Galaxy l 00 I The Agrtculturtst .'J M With Semi-Weekly Evaulng Post, 16 00 00 e oo 0 W S60 4 tO (i CO s to & 00 4 45 ' chriVlUn 1 00 , , To;u" 'ut"cr U" ,0,,',1 ""'nJ ' ttan Lnwn for one year will be sent two exquisite French Oil Chroiios, entitled "Wide Awake" and Fast Asleep," wklch are worth at retail 110 for the oatr. TRY IT I TRY IT 1 1 For 2i cents we will send Ihe Weealr Evenlns post from new until January I, or forMcents we i win send tae semi Weekly Post during the same lime. Specimta ni'mbera of Ihe Kvenfnf Post aenl free. Address WM. !. BRYANT, CO. ew York. DL'TCllrJlS). CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. ! KOEHLER & BROTHER Have reopened the POI'l I.AIt Mi: AT MAltKET, yOMMEHCIAE-AV., Ilelvsrru Ninth nndTcsith Ntreeli, nnd will keep coustontly on hand Ihe best meats slaughtered In the Cairo market. They defy com petition, (live them a trial. ecpultr. JAKE WALTER, BTJTOH H3 IR, AD IilAttR IS FRESH MEAT, Eioiith Street, Between Washinoton and Commercial avenues, AloluliiK Itlltentiouse V lliiiiiiy' Keep Ihe bo.t ef Heef, Pork, Million, Veal I I.amU, SullHige.elc, alld are irepred to erv, I ritiiens in the most sccelilaSle in inner. agoue JAMES K YNASTON, Aiilclier ard llenler In all Hind I'resili lent, Ctssa .iniivxi.mii Ana Fori ta Srstrr. i KU11, ILLINOIS. I5UYH nd slaughters only tho very Lest cattle, Jj K and sheep, aud U prepared lo fill any deinai'd for fresh mean from one pound to leu ihouaand pounds. Jevotf CO A I. AND WOOD. WOOD ! WOOD I ! WOOD ! ! The iindsrsigne. will furnish HARD AND DRY AVOOD , Ah Cheap, II not Cheaper than any wood dealer In Cairo. Leave orders . u ihe stales at the Postoftice and at Ross' coal tard, oa Commercial avenue, between Tenth and I twelfth atreeta, Cairo, Illinois, I give good 1 measure and will cord tne wood up If desued. ausio-tt UKNN1B HALST. co.-n .mission am roiuvAmumi. .1. M. PHILLIPS & CO., (.Successors to F. B, tfendrieki Co., ) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS WHARF-BOAT lBOPBIETOR8 tfseSI.ibtral Advances ni 4K Consignment. ii poo, Are prepared to receive, itore ant otward frulghta to all points and buy ac.l sell on commission. Ruslness attended to promptly CLOSE & VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AXD Cement, Plaster Vauxi, hi PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner Eighth Rtreet and Ohio tve CAIRO, ILL. JOHN B. PHILLIS & SON, (Successors to Jno.B. Phlllii,) GENERAL COMMISSION 1X0 FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AXD DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Meal, Bran, &c, cor. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVF.K CAIRO. ILL. 0. I). WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Xo. 70 Ohio Lve, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. pecial'attcntion given le conjlprmeal and orders. WOOD 1UTTENIIOUSB, FLOUR AXD General Commission Merchant 183 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AXD FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. 64 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS uov22dtf MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AXD FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AXD DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS tor FAIRBANK'S SCALES 58 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS STRATTON it BIRD (s-ui ccssors to Straiten, Hudson A Clark.) i WHOLESALE GROCERS, I COMMISSION .MERCHANTS, I 57 Ohio Lovco, Cairo, Illinois. (ayAgenta of American Powder Co., and man agents for crtton varn z. D. matuuss. s. c. vat. MATIIUSS & UHL, AND O lK Commission Jrrchants, pkalirs in HAY ANI WESTERN PRODUCE No. 4 OUIO LKVKK, E,tw AurfA 4 Bmth Ma, AJM.ILL .e7S.