Newspaper Page Text
. s ! ; I 3 JOHN II. OBBULY & CO., THE MAILS. inmtr. prrxar North, Througn '' "' :0 P-m i Way 2:20 p:majt:1 a.m. oulh, Way t.t p.m. j) " Through N. O., Mem phis and Columbus I..X p.ra. 4:00 p. in, Ohio River route, (except Mon. lay) ;'ip.ln, 0:00 p.m. Iron Mountain It. It 'i;vi.n, lt;ip. n. HIm. River route, Tuesday and Frio? e.OOp.rn, 7,"0p.m. 1 lift, Ooosn Island A Hunt Fe, lilt., Thursday A Frl- lay ; r..ii (.m., Mayfleld, Illandville nail I.ovelare, Ky Il.OU.m. orrict not . Ceneral Delivery 7ir.OR.ui, (Sundays ft to 9 a.m.) Money Ordr depaatmcnt :) a.m. t,:W i: Kiter " " " s.isia.m. o.i'ip.rn. Money Oriler and Register departments no open on Kuri'layx. - OUR CIIUHCIIKS. UK.HliYrEltlAN-Elghlh.slr.el. Preaching, Faulmtli t 10j a. ., and r. u, l'r)er meeting, Wednesday at 7 r. u. Sunday Sell 10I, 3 r. u. J, M. Lamdcn, Huper Intcndent. Hev. C. II. Footr, lVl-r. Miri'llOHlM-Cor. Eighth and Walnut His. Preaching, Babbath 10j a. m., and 7 r. m. Prsyer meeting, Wednesday, 7i e. . Sunday Hcliool .3 r. m, I,. W. Htllwell, super intendent. Iter. K. L.Tunirsiix, Pastor. i iiuiit u of Til k ui;i)Ki:)iKu-i:i'i"'oi i) Morning prayers, Hablutli o a. m, Evening pra)erv4Jr. m. babb-th fchool, 9 a. M. I!er. Ma. Coax, Itector. HT. PATIUOK'8 OIIUIUJII Jor. .Ninth Hi. and Washington Arcnue. .'ubllo Service, Habbathejf ami 10); a. m Vespers, 3 r. . undsyfichool,2 r. h, service eiery day, b r. -. Her. I1. J. O'IUlujsi, Prhst. VOUNOMENyCHRlSTIANASHOClATlON-R'g- tilar meeting second Monday each month at ti e Prayer room of the Presbyterian Church ft'eekly Prayer meeting, Friday, V r. m at .he l'rayer room of tli Presby tcrian church. 0. Passosi, President. AFRICAN METIIOHUT Fourteenth, l-etween Walnut an! Cedar. (Services, Babbath, 11 a.m. Hundsy Svhool, ! r. m. Class- r. h. HECOND FREE-WILL HAPTIST-Fifteenth fit. Preaching, r. . Iter. Wm. Jackson, Pastor between Walnut and Ce1r. Services Sabb.lh, 1J4 and 3 r. . Her. N. Hicta, Pastor. FREE-WILL UAPNST HOME MiSSllCs rtl.N DAT HCIIUOI Corner walnut and Cedar M. Sunday School, t. x. IKST FREE U1I.I. n.M'TIST CIIURCII-Cur- ry'a Ilarrack. Service, nabbath 11 a. ., 3 r. m. and IV, r. w. Iter, Wm. Ktntr, Factor. F1IUT MIHSIONARY 1IA1TMT CIIUKCII-Uet. ween loth and lllh atreeti, nearCelar. Preachinc Hattath I0J ', i. and r. . Prayer Meeting, Wednesday eTenlng. Preaching, FrniT etenlng. t-abUth School, I1 J r. M. John Van llaxter and Uary r-tepheni bupenntendent. Itnr. T J. Siicjiii, Panto STATE OFFICERS, STATE OKFICKHS. Oorernor. John M. I'almer; l.ieutenRnt-UoTernor, John Dougherty s isecretajcf Htate, IMward Hummel; Auditor of State, C. E. I.ippincotl i btate Treasurer, K. N. Rates i Supt, Public Infraction, Newton Catetnan. COKGItESSMKK. denators l.yman Trumbull and John A. Logan. Representative lot the Slate at Larje J. I. Beierldge. RepreicnlatlTe Thirteenth Dutrict-John JI rebi. MEMBEKS GENEltAh ASSEMBLY. Benaton, 1st Dmtrict-T. A. E. Holcomb, ol Union, and S. K. GiUon, of OalUtin. Represcntatlte, 1st District H. Watson Webb: COUNT VOFK I C E BS. CIRCUIT COUIlT. Judge D. J. Maker, of Alexander. Prosecuting Attorney J. K. JlcCurtney, ol Maasac. Circuit ClerV. Jno. Q. Harman. Hhenfl-A. H. Irrln. Wrn. Martin, Assei-sor and Treasurer. COUNTY COURT. Judge F. llross. Associates J..E. McCrite and S. Marchlldon. Clerk Jacob 0. 1.vnch. Coroner John II. Gossman. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Mayor John M. Mnaden. Treaauier J. 11. Taylor. Comptroller E. A. Hurnctt Clerk Michael How ley. Mftrahal Andrew Coin. Attorney P. H. Pope. Police Magistrates K, Dross and II. Hha& eessy, Cliietol Pouco L. II. .Myers. SELECT COUNCIL Mayor John M. I.ansden, First Ward I'. G. Sohuh. Second Vard C. It. Woodward. Third Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward-S. BlaaU Taylor. Cltyat.Larfie W. 1'. Hallldny and D. Hunt. HOARD OF ALDERMEN. FIRST WAUD-James Rearden, Leo Kleb, Isano Walilen. F.COND WAItU-R. H.CunniDgham, E. Under, Henry Winter, Jamas Swayne. 11IIRD WARD Wm. Blratton, Patrick Flttgotald 0URT11 WARD-Jaroes Carroll.i G. II. Sense, :J.H.Molcair. Time of Mcetwq. riTY00l'NCIL. riie City Council meets In joint session on Friday esenlDg precnuiug the first Monday ol acli moith. III.ICT COISCIL. The Select Council meeta on tho tlrstWednes. day and Thursday, alter tho aecond Monday III each month. eoabd or mica The Board of Al Jermcn meets en the Bra "onday andTueadiyin CTtry month. COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL. On ilrfi-Messrs. Taylor, Walder, Winter, ooj and Metcalf. ri(n(ife-Mesr. Cunningham, Bcliuh, Fltiger aid, Beaso and Halllday. Cnims Messra. Wood, Cunningham and Kleb, Vies and Jai Messrs. Carroll, Under and Woodward OriMiantti Messrs. Beaso, Walderand Taylor. Pir,Ppnrlmcn( Messrs. Rearden, Swayne and alllday. , . ,, , AdrHei-Messrs. Bchuh, Winter and p. rrlntlna Mo rs.wnllurd. Hwayne andliuder .VenfineMcsar Woilrd, Btrnttou and Mctcall, PROPRIETORS. rPITin DTTr TWIHAT TKliEGRAPHIC BHEV1T1ES. MOVK1IE.NT8 OF ALEXIN. Nokth Plattk, Nob. Jan. 13. Tlio granil duke and party nrrlvcd licro tills morning tit 7 o'clock. Thoy took break fnt tn tlio enre. Klvo ambulances and a Iuht wiii!Oli for baL'L'aL'C. also a carrlnrro j for tlm duke, mot tlio party and tlioy start- ru lor mo cump. ino jicrtimiicnt enmp for tho bull'alo bunt It on tlio Kcd Willow crook, about &0 milo toutbwett of tlio pott. MKMPIII.f CITV OFFICIALS. Mempiiik, Jan. 13. Tlio board of nldcr men and councllmcn liavo ratlllod tlio nom ination of tlio following ofllccr ! Chief of police, Mill. Athoy; comptroller, l-'red. .Schncfor; treasurer, John h'cwjomj chief of lire department, Ed. Andorton. 1IO.NDS TAKK.V. Mkmi'HIs, Jon. 18. l'rlvato tclcgrnmi from I.ittlu lock, Ark. to-dnv etnto that tho luit $100,000 of tho $3.(100,(XK) loveo ImntW bearing 7 per cent, intcrcit, wero inucd ycttorilay and immedliitoly Hold by contrnctora to eastern banker ut"i!0 to 27 for tho purpose of locating land. THK WIIKVI.AMf HIIOOTI.NU. Nkw Oltl.KANH, Jan. 13. V. W. McCullough, Imdor .McCormlck, John N..McC'ormick,churi,'ed with killing Whey land, wero thin afternoon brought befur" the lint diitrict court on n writ of l'teo corpm and relciised In $15,000 bail. FA III 1-t.AT. Sa.v TitANciMro, Jan. 13. Sirs, haunt I). I'nlr having dri.wn her funds out of tho bank and truntferred them to other parties in order to defeat Dr. Traik, her medical counsel, to attach for his claim, Is now unublo to mako her mother, ilrs. Lane, return sixteen thousand dollars thus 1 cntrutted to her. Tho latter peremptori ly reiiuet lo llgnrgo. mi: wiiAitToN cask. Annai-olim, Jan. 13. In tho AVharton case to-day a large number of witnesses tcstliled to'tho excellent reputation of thu prisoner. Tho counsel for the defense an nounced that evidence on their port was closed. OKN. 1IALLKCK. Wa.siii.soto.v, Jan. 13. Tho wur de partment announces in n general order the death of Gen. Halleck, and requires the usual otllcial ceremonies to be paid in respect to his memory. rnte. Huffalo, N. V., Jun. 13. Taylor's oil rcOneryat Wyoming was destroyed by firo tins morning. 700 barrels o'f crude oil, ?r,o barrels of distilled and 200 barrels of refined wero consumed. I.ojs 5'JO,000 ; no Insurance. another hf i:iu:kikii. Havana, Jan. 13. Tho Spanish man-of-war Tornado, which has lately been watching tho steamer Virginia at Aspln wall, nrrived to day. Tho Cuban Col. Augustln Kiguereda surrendered at Uiy atno yciterdav. HIDE?. FURS, TALLOW AND PELTS Messrs. Hurnctt A Co. ru paying St. Louis prices for hides, furs, etc., as fol lows : I'L'IIN. Prime Mink $1.75 to 2.2D " Raccoon &0c to COc Musk Hat - 10 to 12J " Wild Cat 10 to SO Opossum 10 to 12 Otter 5.00 to COO Beaver Skin 5.00 to 7.00 liiriK. Hides., drv flint, nnr lb lfin to -JO , , , " Green Salt, " " 10c " Green, Butchers, per lb... 7Jc to fJc Butchers nnd trujipers ! do you remem ber what these articles wero worth beforo wocamo here? They vcro worth justabout one half of what they are now 7 Sustain thoso who benefit you. Tho above prices can be depended upon. Respectfully, etc. Burnett & Co., Thornton's block, Tenth street., Cairo, 111. jan.l0-d-3m. II. M. HULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION No. 134 Coinmercial-ave., CAIRO, ILLINOIS, CASSIDY, WOLFE ic CO., FliODUCK AND GROCERIES .WASHINGTON AVENUE, 11K1WEF.N I EKIHTII AND NINTH RTS., CAIRO, ILLINOIS 8 Give them a Call I -a decluClm. FAMILY CatOCEItlKK. LOUIS JOKGENSEN, Dealer In all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GBOOBBIBS. Fnrmer'a Yard uuil Hlabllnic WITHOUT CIIARUK. Cor, Wishiugton.av.'and Twentioth-Bt. CAIRO, ILLI. Jy27dtf. SECRET ORDERS THE MAHO.VS. j Oitao CoMUiMDtir, No, 13. Slated Assembly al the Aylcim Masonl Hall, first and tlilrdjHal. urdara In each month, C'AiaoCotKciL, No. 24, Regular Confocatlonat Moronic Hall, the aecond Friday In each month. Caiio CiiAerra, No. 71. Regular Convocation at Mnaonic Hall, on the third Tuesday of erery inmth. Caiko Iinor, No. 237 K. A A. M Regular Com. miinlcahonn At Ma.onlc Hall, the atcond and foil n ti Mondava ol each month. Iitlta l.iKjr, No.K4 K. A. M. Regular Com munications at Maaonlo Hall drat and third Thurxdaya in each month. TIIF.onD-rELLOWS. Atr.JAXttR IJixir, 321. Meeta In UddKeltov'a. Hall, In Arlrr'a Hull ling, eTory Thursday (ten inir, at 7o'rln.k. JIIUMTlltl. SAVK TWKSTY l'EUGKNT llj buying your jF1 TJ" 3& 3ST X T TJ IRj IE E10HHOFF BKOS., FUltNITUHK FAUTOKY, Wnxliltigloii-nv., .Veur 'oklnin Ilonae l.'Atl'.O, 1I.LIK01H. llmr'. Kichhott llrotheradeilre to inform the cltlina of Cairo that ther aro manufacturing all aindi of PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE And hare now on hand and lei sale, at tVholranlv mid Itelnll, All klnd, and wil continue to keep at their SALES ROOMS, IN THEIR NEW IIUILDINO, dLcripnon o. ci.eap .ou ,u,u,lu.r. tucn D3.Carved DeO.teajs, WJIarble Tofped Uureatis, CarSldeboards, Washstands. 4r-W4rilrobes, Sula Chairs, .Sofi and Matraaes, 49-Lounges, etc , etc., Which they will guarantee to sell TWENTY PER CENT. LOWER Than they can be bought from any other dealor In the city. Give them a call and aatlsty your- sen. u hAI.OONN. EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND BAR ROOM. JOHN aATI'.K, I'roprletor. luoC-immercial Avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIdJ Heat brand of California Cigars Just received, BILLIARD saloon furnished itli the ist oi tables: ami bar supplied vtitli nines, llounrs ami clgnrs of the finest brands. A. SUSANKA, Proprietor MAGNOLIA SALOON And Dealer in Foreign ami Domestic WINES, LIQUORS AN!) CIGARS 97 Ohio Loveo, Iletween Ninth and Tenth Streets, Cairo, III. deoKlf DEXTER EXCHANGE, ' i:i(l Ohio I.evcr, sirnr Stouc llioi J. D. .ANON K, PROPRI KTOR, Fresh Shell Oysters Received Duilj Keeps alwavs on hand Haltlniore nil I Mob, e 'Oysteis, which h will be glud to serve lo IiIh eu. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, JANUARY A(J.. 'WAGONSLVNUPACTOltyr For Sale at Wholesale or Retail CORNER .'J2D.KTIir.ET AND OHIO LEVEK, Cairo, Illinois. notlltf j. i'. ua.miu.i: NlTt'lAI. SOTli'.KH. IIAT(Jm:i.K'N IIAlll lVK. This superb Hnlr l)y i tho lur ixtiir. Wuaio I'erlecllr Ilarmlesa. Ilellable and Insthanteous. No dlsatiDnlnlinent. No Itidlculoua Tints or Un- lilcaas". Odor. The genuine W. A. Ilachelor's Dje prcxluees IMMEDIATELY a aplendid 'lllark or natural llrown. Doea not fiiain the niini, uui lenvrsine nnir uienn, Nin arid lleautl. ful. The only .Vafo ind Perfect Ilje. Hold by all druggists. Factory inilnndHlreet, ,'ork. ian8ldeod.lly ON MARRIAGE. II app relief lor young men Irom the rlteclso erro's and buos in early III". Manhood re. rtornl. Nrrroin debility rureil. Imiiedlmenls to marrlago removed. New method of treat ment. New anil remnrkablo remedies. Hooka and circulars sent Iree, In sealed envelopes. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, NO. 2 Poulh Ninth Bt.. Phlladelidiia.. Pa ilec2sdt3m. IMIMIJtN. MOORE k MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental PAI1TTEES, DecorntUi- I'riirrli:uiKlii;, KnKoiiiin in If, etc, Done in tho highekt style ol the alt, and a rates thatiM)- competition. BIIOP IN PEKRY HOUSE, CORNER OF 8T1I "TREET AND CMMERCIAL AVENUE. IIAHI1KHS. J.OEO.SrEINHOL'SE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cor. S I I . null 'oiiiiiiTclnl-i. . ) JWSharp Rars. itfClean TowN ami itrt-sklllfutl Workmen saT"Iidie' and chlldren'e hair cut and sham pooed, eltherat the fhop or nt their oin homes. Gentlemen'f linkers h ir djed In artisliorrt onr. Stilaction cuaranteeil. rotJNimii'.s. I. & E. GREENWALD. usM'ricTVaras or Steam Engines Boilers, Flour ond;Orist Mill, Saw Mills, The "Tuppcr' Patent Oralibar M AOIUNEKY FOR GENERAL PURPOSES, CINCINNATI OHIO owUe-7 WHOLESALE CUOCEKS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, OHIO I. E V E K C A I It O . ILLINOIS. A'so, kiep oontntiUy un hand a luo.l com pletu slock of, XiIQ,CTOIS SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKIES li 1 N ti, Port, Mudoria, Sherry and Cntuwbii Wines U HllYTII A CO. nil rxelualiely for rash, to XV. which met int-v invue me especial uii-ii-tion of close lurnili buyers, Special attention yiten tu Filling Orders LIT.MItKIt. S. WA LTERS, IIKAMIlll HARD and SOFT LUMBER ol every description, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. ORDERS SOLICITED. S T U A M B O A T L U M B V. K, Furnished on shortest notice, Coiniiicroial-av, beTioih and Uth-Rts., CAIRO ILLINOIS. y7d JO, 1872. I.IFE INNritANCr.. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMilhicA. " Thf. JIost Successful Life Insurance Corporation of the Sam., a the World. qk ls PTTBJ3LY NO STOCKHOLDERS Amount of Policies in Fonce Dec. 31, Total Income to Same Date, N y.j Increase of Risks in Forcx, 1870, Tlio lircrsl Nol IucrcnHoslnrlssa; She year 1S70 orBy Conipnuy- In tlm World. Gross Increase of Risks in Force, 1870, $30,327,730 00 Only two companies In tho world exceed thli gross Increase during 1870. The nnlv enmpany which guarantees, as a chartered right, the nrinciple of LOCAL INVEST MEN TO IN EACH hTATE, In proportion to its Premiums or He-Insurance Fund. The only eompsnv whifh'. by its charter, gltes EACH SPATE A REPRESENTATIVE IN Tilt HO l E I10A III) Or DIRECTOILS. Q-E3STEDR.Ii OFFICE, ST. liOTJIS, 2vCO. JAMES II. BRITTON, President. Henry W. Houoh, Vlco President. Felix Coste, Supt. Missouri Dept. Wm. Hanluy, Secretary. John N. Pritciiard, Treasurer. V. F. Burnks. Attorney. K. L. LkmoINE, M. D. Med. Olllcer. Hon. Wm. Barnes, Consulting Counsel and Actuary. SOU T II E I! N ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. K. P. Burlinoham, Managor. CAIRO BEANCH 0BO.I?.I3. The following named gentlemen hold or control SlO.ono insurance each, In the l.ilc Aisociatlon of Amcr ea : P. "NV. Barclay, 11. W. Wehii, II. II. Candee, John Antrim, Uiias. Galioher, J. M. Phillips, C.Hanny, R. S. Brioiiam, Paul O. Sciiuii. I.rnrn our Itnlrn null I'lnim beforpyou Insure Its n nllirr C'oni)miy. LOCAL AGENTS. ilenllilJm. Carl L. Thomas, HTOVKS. TIXWAItK, CTf, A. II A L h E Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Ware. Clotnea Wringers 'mile i Ware, Cosl Hods, FireBhovils, Air tiales. i mamtactubtr or TIN, ZINC. COPPER AND SHEET 1 im! WAltE 1 IUU NNAlit,. No. 166 Washington-avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. SB-Rooflng, Guttering, and all kinds of Job work done at shortest notice. tebldtf NHJ.V M'ltlTl'.It. CARL L. THOMAS, now prcpaied to reipond promptly to all de mamls for his services. SHOP-COR. SriI-ST. AND C0MMF.RCAI.-AY Iii the I'orry House, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. noTSSdll HOOKS, rsANII. LTCi W. W. THORNTON'S, BUILDERS' SUPPLY DEPOT 18J TENTH STREET, CAIRO ILLINOIS FOR Doors), Nnsli, IIIIiiiIh. MoilMliiK'! l'jtioliillrrN,(sonil) Wlml "" t'riiinri, I'loorluir, I.alli, MiluKlrw, Dliiird Nii". "liin-"' Hide I.lL'hts, (Jliirid TriliiaouiN, Nnsli vVrlKlil". Si,hU I'iillii uuil CuriU, lllliiil t'usleilillKN, ItouflilK I'cll, lIoulliiR Cement, Plant? ring l'nper, Cnrpet l'cll, White LpiiiI, I.lnteil Oil, Aiuerlcnii Window UltiNN, i:uullli nuiirrriieli IMnlo (JIiihn, IMilly, Jlmlcr'N 1'olnU hewer i'Iiioh lMtent Cliliuiiryu, Etc., Klc, Kc. AGENTS lor Uoolc Rivet Paper Company's kUieatlilirg Felt and Quarts Cemout. . W, Johi? Improved Hooting always on and . w no to BULLETIN BUILDING, HTA&HtNGTON-AV. MTTTTTAIi; TO ABSORB PROFITS. 1870, - - 15,055,7-10 00 3,071,788 80 20,000,010 00 John II. Oiieri.y, Wm. Morris, T. J. Kertii, W. S. Edson, W. B. Kr.wvr.Y. JVEWNI'Al'KK. "fi7irNEvT6iVK EVENING POST FOR 1872. PRICKS ItKUt'CKIl'. We wilt supply the Evening Post n lollowsi DAILY. One year 312 00 For shorter periods SI per month WEEKLY. Single Coprone year 91 &' Five Copiea " " 7 00 Ten .12 to Twenty " SO () SEMI-WEEKLY. Hlngle Copy one year M 00 Five Copies ' " ... VI 0 Ten Copies " " no ou Or w will send the lollnwinr tierlodicals to subscribers, In connection with ilio Kieninj ijsi, at the pneen nRinrd t With With weekly Keml-weckly Evening rout. Evening Post. Harper's Weekly- -..SI w 6 0o Harper's Raur .4 CO ii 00 llni-tipr'a MuL-azlne 4 RO H OQ Every Saturday 5 CO CM) Atlantic Monthly en Our Young Folks 3 Ml S-Tlbner'a Monthly 4 60 4 Ml Monthly 4 60 r, i Tho (ialaxy .4 00 B 60 The Agriculturist .3 60 6 c) Hearth and Home 1 75 6 23 Christian Union 3 60 S U) To each subacr .bertothe Kitmnj fb.iand CTiris ma Union for one year will bo ent two exquisito French Oil Chromos, entitled "WidoAsrale" and "Fast Asleep," which are worth at retail 110 for the oair. TRY IT I TRY IT 1 1 For 25 cents we will send Ihe Weekly Evening Post from new until January 1, or fortOceata no will tend the semi' Weekly Tost during the aamo time. Specimen nembora of the Evening Poat sent free. Address WM. C. BRYANT, A CO. Hew York. ni'TCIltJIH. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. KOEHLER & BROTHER Havo reopened tho rorri.Ait mi: at mahiidt, COMMERCIAE-AV., UrtHrvii Nlulli niulTeiilli NlreetH, and will keep constantly on hand the best meats slaughtered In the Cairo market. They defy com petition, (live them a trial, sepmtr. JAKE WALTER, BTJTCH E IR, asp praira in FRESH MEAT, Eighth Street, Bktwky.n WAsiu.soroN and Commercial avenues, Adjolulm; ItlllriilioiiM' .1 lliiny, Keep Hie best of Ileef. Fork, Mutton. Veal l.amti, Hatisnge.etc., and are prepared to ae rr, eilltens In Ihe most acceptable manner. agBUe JAMES KYN ASTON, statelier rd Dew'er lu nil KlniN 1'renli Mem, Ciasas NiNCTF.rxrn xs ponxa Htun.t. 3 AIR1, ILLINOIH. ntlYH and slaughters only tho very best cattle, 1J nogs anil alieep, snu is prepareu iu nu nnjr iTeinapiV for fresh meals from one pound lo ten thousand pounds, COAL AND WOOD. WOOD1 WOOD!! WOOD!! The undersigned will fUrnlh HARD AND DRY WOOD AMCIivuii,llllulCbciifr Ihan any wood dealor In Cairo. Leave ordera n the slatea at the Postoltlca anJ at Ross' coal yard, on Commercial avenue, l"njiw twelfth ureets, Cairo. Illinois. liVa roeiuure and will cord the wood up If JesireH. augl0-tl commission asp roawAuniwo. J, M. PHILLIPS & CO., (Successors to E D. Hendricks A Co., ) "Awarding and Commlsaion MERCHANTS AS to WIIARF-BOAT I'RDI'BIETORS sAfJSSfcLlberal Advances n i ( iii,on, ars-n Consignment!.. Are prepareil to receive, store anc orwarl freights to all points and buy ami sell on eommission. "lluslness attenited lo promptly CLOSE Si VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS T.TTwrTfl Cement, Plaster Pahis, ISO PLASTERER'S II A I R, Corner Klgluli Ntrecl nnd Ohio Istm CAIRO, ILL. JOHN B. PHILLIS & SON, (Siice..ou to Jno.D. Phlllls,) GENERAL COMMISSIOH ASD FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATJ Flour, Meal, Bran, &c, cor. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVE3 CAIRO. ILL. G. D. WILLIAMSON. ' WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jio. 76 OIslo Urw, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. WSpeclair.atUnlion given lo consignment and orders. WOOD RITTENHOUSE, FLOUR AND General Commission Merchant 133 OniO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION asp FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. 64 Ohio Loveo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS nov?2dtf MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION !.0 FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AVO DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS for FAIRBANK'S SCALES D8 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. STRATTON & BIRD (Mu'cessnr toHtralton, Hudson A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, ANt COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. ryAgenls of American Powder Co., and mat. agents for cotton varn z. i). math ubs. t. c-.uat, MATIIUSS & VUlt & o a "W ab151 17 ASU UKSKttAU commission 31" ei. chants, pgALERS IN , -rpTOTJ-R., C3R-AX--T. HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE So. 64 OHIO LBVEJSt tlttwun fourth Jk Sirlh Sit., au.'rt dAwtf AJRO.LU,