THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1872. ItAIMtOAO". QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R to St. Louie, Loimfvilliv Cincinnati, Cm ....... V.iHir. llOHTON. UAUU, AT J." v...--, i AM) Alt. POINTS HAST AND WEST. Patsengcrtratus arrive aland leave Cain, as fol MAit. rxrntM. ...... .1 I II. III. p.;: m.m laiimtm Uotli trains conncel l Centralis wiih train on tlie to Paua, Decatur, Illonmlngtcn, Kl Paso, l.aHalie, Alcndota, r reetiort, uai'iia, I'unuipie, aim Ml ixjlntn in Illinois, Mlstoiin, Minnesota, Wisconsin uixl Iowa, Anil tv I tit Lines running Kt Wert tor Hi. Louis, Hpnnghehll Louisville, Cincinnati, Iiiitiaiiapolls, Columbus. Ami at Chicago wltli Michigan Central, Michigan (Southern, and Pittsburg, Korl 'A'aynt mid umcogo iMitroaus lor Detroit, Cleveland, Imnklrk. Albany, Huston, I'l.iUdi-lpliln, N'lagra Fall, Eric, llutt.ilo, Now York, Pittsburg, llaltini'iie, Washington. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTH EASTERN 11. K. Oil and after Monday, April 21th, Dili, trans wll ruu a' follows i NORTHERN DIVISION. tsaisi ooia'i oinirtur. Mall. Express I. care Virginia r,:40a.m lii.'b t.m " Hpringtleld .w " 3.00 ' " Taylorville I0.M ' i-M " Arrive at i'ana 11:14 m 6:17 " I11IIKI0 HOTMWlT. Express Mall. Leave I'ana ....4.'ia,m ,1:Mu.ln " Tailorvilie :t " :26 " Arrive ett);IS " WH " Keave HpamgfieM '.;a " 0:10 " Arrive at Virginia nM " ..-....:IS " HOUTHERN DIVISION, vastus ooiso jftii tint. Leate Kdgewood 6:30 in - 10:10 a.m " Flora e.irt 11:40 " ArrtTe at bhawneetoti3:Mp m 4:15 p.m ooiao aoatiiwur. Leave Hhawnettown 5. 1'ia.m " Hon :M " 7,i'i" Arrive at Kdgewood 1:10 " t.W " The 5..7 a.m. train from Kdgewood, runs only Monda)e, Wsdnesilaysiind Fridays, ami Mla.ui train from Hhawneelown on Tuesdays, Thurs days andfeaturdaya. Connects al Ashland with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Alion Hillro'd, fur Jtcktor.tdle, Petersburg, MasonOty.and all i.ilnl-!. At hpringtleld. with Chicago ani Alton, anJ Taledo, Wabash and Western Railroad, lr Hloomlngton, Chicago, an J all point" north, north writ anil went, Atrana with In!, anil St. I.oui, anil Illinois Central Uallroail for all point cut, aouth and southeast. At Kdgewood with Chlcsgo Ditislon Illinois Ontral Uallroail. At Flora, with Ohio ami Mississippi Itailroa'l. Athhawneetosn, with steimboats for Cincin nati, Paducah, Cairo andHt. Louis. OHI.AMJ SMITH, Gen'ISup'l. Johx Komitt, Oen'l Kr'gt ami Ticket Ag'l. rrlnclpl Office 101 Vf. Fifth St., Cin. O. THE ONLT HELIAI1LE HUT E.STKIII'RISE IN THE COUNTRY I S60 OOO.OO I N V A L U'A II L K (J I F T S ToU'dl.mUilo-1 In Ij. 2D . S IISTE'S IMiJ IteKuUr Slontllljr GIFT ENTERPRISE To b drawn Mondajr. February ISth, UTi. TWO GkANH CAI'ITALSOr S5.000 EACH IN GllEF.NHACKS ! Two I'm of l,cnoi Fit Tru of $voj Ten l'rue of 1W, each In fireenback I 1 Horte and Bunay, with ailtcr-tnounted hirnen. worth... One fine.tone l Itoaewood I'lano, worth. Hi W Ten Family Sewlne Machine", worth) each Viya llonv leaty UaneiJ lioia miming aicne and IleatTUoldCrialn. worth, each 300 Flte (iold Atntricai Hunting Watchta, worth, each ' T,.n f n.lUft Cnl.l Htir.ltnL' Watches, worth VAoh - .7. - 1W 800(iold andfiilter I.eter Hunting Watch- ea (in all), worth, ciwh, from .JWto3. l.adlea' Cold Leontlne Chain', Oenfa Oold Vea Chaln, (join! and Double-l'laled Silter Table and Teaipooin, I'hotornpli Alouina, Jeweliy.etc. Wholo number gift". 6.x. Tickets limited l CJ). Agenta wanted to aell Tickento whou I'beral premiums will be paid, biDile tickets tl ! u tickets $'i twelve HckeH, J10: twentt-live i. Circulars containing a full list of ,.rUe. are acripllonof the ninnm-r of drawing, and other In formation in reference to tho distribution, wlllbs sent to auy one ordering them, AIM loiter must be addresled to I.. U. rJINE. Itox SC, orrica, Cincinnati, O' 1U1 West Mh at. noY2wtiQlr AOKNTS WANTED FOR BELDEN, THE WHITE CHIEF; on, Twielvc Ycnrs mining Ihr M'lld IntllntiN f r the I'IhIuh! TheMfeot Oeorgc 1'. Ilelden, who Joined the Indians and became calibrated warr.or, abounds In thrilling adventure and curious information, and . tirofmelv lllustraled with new and spir ited engravings ot mlventurcs and tho manners and customs of tho Indians. Tho most popular and successful book ol tho year. Hells at eight. One. agsnt Just reports !'JS profit In ono week. A 10 page circular, with specimen pages, a large nosier with Illusliallons, and terms to agents free, by l A. HUTCHINSON k CO., I'H N Blxlh street, St. Louis, Mo. Jan 1 dwly I'AltKElt & BLAKE, PCAirilS IN WALL PAPER, PAINTS, rutty, Ucnilue, Oniollnc, WHTDOW GLASS. WINDOW SHADES, And the celebrated illuminating AURORA OIL. imosa' iiun.DiNo, con. Utii-st, a com- MKUCIAI.-AV., Caiho, Illinoih augSOtf PUNIJA1VS WONDERFUL DIB- COVKRY. ii i: Tiir.Ni) a MINERAL SPRING WA TER Of tVimlicalia, WlNroiiRlii, Acknowledged euro of Hnght'a Disease, Dlabelcs Dropsy, all iiltecliona ol Kidney, IllaOder and Uniary organs, also I.lvur troubles. H. I'. Chase, Chief justice of the llnltud fclutes, restored tu health bv Us use, In l weeks. J. W. Willis, general agent lor the State ol Illi nois, Wholesale and Iteuil riupply Depot, 731', Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, All orders by mail promptly nttcndsd to. Hend for circulars. ' Jnldod8m THE BULLETIN. Publication omcc, Iliillrtln IlnlMlnir, Miialilngloii Avcniip. A CUBED UNIVEIISAL. When I wont to know whether ti mnn bclluvcs In religion or not, I do not nk. vu you ueiiuvo in .iiiiidny, nnd In minis low, rind In tho IllbloV" may hollovo in nil thoo thhigj, mid not he novo In rcllirlon. If I wer.n.fil tlon you toiuccrtnln whether you wcro ti uiiiisuuii or nut, i would jay, "Ho you, sir, hellovoln lovo n tho trnns'condiint cle ment of manhood?" Whcro U tho man who would ny 11 No," to that ? Whore, In tho wholo round of creation could bo found n man who. If thooucatlon wcro put to him, " Do you bcllovo in tho validity nnd au thority and divinity of lovo?" would not say, " I bellcvo?" That is tho first num. tion In tho catechism. Tho ceoml la. Do vmi believe In lov. tiinnrnnl.lnnfraf.ln divine, bred in tin soul of mini, nnd In tho highest realm of tho soul ? Do you bellcvo that nil tho faculties of man, like tho pipes of nn orgnn, consplro in rilicilli; OUt SWeet svmntmtilp. ? " If tho ()'iustion weru unhed, " Do you be lieve in joy ? whcro is the man who would not say, "I bellcvo.'' Do vou believe in ueueor" " I believe." ""lln you believo in long autlorlriK ?" "I bo Hove." " Do you bellcvo in gentleness? " "I believe." "Do you believo in good ness ? ' "I believe." " Do you believo in meekness it rid temperance? "I believe.'' Answer me, hungry heart jou that have wandered from church to church, Hnd have not been fed j you that havo tried plcut uro nnd aspiration nnd nriiLIlion, without being latisiled ; you that have become wearied nnd dltcouruL'cd : vtu that huvn listened to diicourtu on discourse, nnd enigma on enigma, anu nad spectacular views which purported to bo religion, nnd hnvo fallen oil", wearily saying, "Ah, there is no religion in tl.eso thing 7 'is thcro no relluion ? Do not yju believo in rellni"" ' " you were to see n man lllli-l with I lie fruits of tho Spirit, would you not believe in that man? "les, you say, "but there is no such man.' Hut is not that an ambition which every man may most worthily set before, und press toward with all the new er that is in him 1 Is not that worth liv- ing for? And if men como together, and any, ''SVc will bear with each other, and win uphold eaeli other. 'Hid together we will iires toward that hiirh concention of manhood,'' i not that a worthy rcaoa for coming together'' Is there anything in HeriMire, or business or citizenship which i comparable in dicnitv and worth to coming together earnestly bent on having the fruit of tho Spirit hj it is here depicl ed ?-. II'. ltetcher NKHVOUS DKUILITY, With lla Klooiiiy nttrndnnfaj, low niilr Ha' deiiriKvliiii, In tolmitHry rmUoIoii, loHur sm-iiipii, aierinnlirrlipn, los ol power' dlzry liriitl. Iohh or ineiuory, mill llircnli-unl liniirleiiri- nml l.tllio Hilt, nml n loterelgii cure In limn- iiireys miiieoinllil(' Hclllc An I hi-hI v-elullt. L'omnoied ol ilm uin bie iniln an I potent Luratitea, they .tr.ko a onde at the roots ol the matter, tone up the ) tetn, arrest the discharges, and Imp irt i Igor and snerry, llle and titalUj to the entile man. Tney hate cured thousands of cases. Price, per packsgesof titetioxes and a large IJ tial, which is very irr.iionani iu oi.siinaie or oiu cases, or It persliigli box. Sold by all druglst, and sent by mad on relp; ol price. Ad.Jress llumphrey' Hecinc Homeopathic Medicine Co., V:i llroad way, F. V. P. S-CHUII, auginrowawiy Agent, Cairo, Illinois. IIOAT NTOKK. S A 31 W ILSO.V, bum i BOAT STORES ES OHOCKKIEB. PROVISIONS, ETC. No. 110 Ohio Levek Cairo, III. earn as raoxriLt rruitn P. I. IIUVETT, & SON, tmporlers, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE IlrnNs nml lirrninn Silrr 13 A N D INSTK UMENTS, No. 25 S. Tin nn Stheet, oclOdlm. fT. I.OVI8, MO 1'AMII.Y (JHOCKItllJS. LOUIS JORGF.NSEN, Dealer in all kinds of STAPLK AND FANCY G-BOOBEIEIS. rnrmrr'si Yard nud Mtnblluc WITHOUT CHAItUK. Cor. Washingtoii-uv.'aud TwentietU-st CAIKO, ILL. j27illf. UltOCKIlir.S ANU DKV OOODH. WILLIAM K 1110 K, niAirit ii FAMILY GROCERIES, iMY-uoons, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND S1IOKS, HATH AND CAl'S, ETC., Ilaa Just received a heavy atou of Iloot.i ud Biioi'B, Hosiery nnu nuiioim, FOR SALK IfOlt CASH VERY CHKAP lie alio liaa a hne stock of Family Orceeries ol CORNER S1XTII-ST. AND COMMEB U1AL-AV., CAIRO. ILLINOIS ruiiMTViin. 4 a ct- H O h 6 0 I I i r- it r" 3 p. E t o 5' a- w 3 C is a a' a 3 r- o C n o 's. K v; H 3 S r1 ev Q O o 2 B 3 n a o z c c a' n K B 3 3 5: --2 tr o c a a 5' r-- 'j. T. w K. S. -'5 O O O tin.. sdioiJixma. wntUM scuicg. CHAS. .SCHOKXMKVKlt k CO., FUllNITURE ROOMS, ri'IIOLSTKRING Mattress Ma n iif a c t u r i n g, Furniture KrpnlrliiR, I'JCTI'H K Fit AMI Nfi. All orders promptly attended to. NOKTIIWKsT OK WAflHNOTON AV BXfE AND TENTH CT CAIRO, ILL. Drawer IJU. P. O, Janitf. I It Y J It H. BUltO KU'S NEW STOCK. ilUSLINS, PRINTS, S II ANN LS, ETC., One ot the most attractive displays of DRY GOODS, in the city. CO II Jl r.!tC I A L A V EN U E. II ETW E E N E 1 0 U T U and Ninth Streets, CAIRO ILLINOIS, has etcry atatiabtc apace In his store room filled wiin i.ooas. ins siock is com plete, comprising a beautiful selection of PRINTS, III.KACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, COTTON FLANNELS, ETC, A splendid array of DRESS GOODS Among which are the .Vrwesl nnd Mo I FanIiIoiimIiIp Color and Materials. He has a large stock of EURS on hand, which he will close out at a low figure tieiore tne nouaa)s are over. The ladiei w ill find a large assortment of CLOAKS AND WOOLEN SHAWLS, wl loll will bn sold cheaper than anything of the Ktnu eter sotu in lairo. Mr. llurger has laid in an immense stock of B00TF, BI10F.S, KIIinONB, NOTI0NH, NECK TIES, ETC., which he wilt sell cheaper than the chtapest. iioecim. 'ti. fall-winter. 72 0. II AN NY. LARGE STOCK. UROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, TiGKiosraa. C11KC K s, AND S T R I P E S, KENTUCKY JEANS, EXTRA, CASSI.MERS, IFL.A.ILTItTELS. HLACK ALPACAS LUSTKItS, (HU)S O ISA IN SILKil, H I'oi'i.i.vs. LARGE STOCK OF C.R1ETIN(. OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, Window Miiidm, OILT II A N DO, NOTTINGHAM LACE IUMABKH, II I h EnllreKlock Now lionlnir Out AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNEH 8TH ST., AND COMMERCIAL-AV., Clro, lllinoli. eptllf tfm,,l rJAI.OO.IH. KL D0KAD0 BILLIARD SALOON AND BAIl ItOOM. JOHN (lATr.S, Proprietor. IW Commercial Avenue, CAIItO, II.MNOIrtJ llesl brand of California Clgara iust recclted, BII.I.IAUD saloon furnished with tho b-al ol tables t and Ixir siinnlled with wines, liquors ami cigars oi me unesi uran'is. A. SUSANKA, Proprietor MAGNOLIA 'SALOON And Dealer In Foreign and Domestic WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS 97 Ohio Levee, Ilelween Ninth and Tenth Mreels, Caiiio, I i. i.. .leelltr DEXTER EXCHANGE, inn Olilo l.evee, nenr SIoiip Depot .1. 1). ZANON E, PROPRI KTOR, Freeh Shell Oysters Received Dailj Keens always on hand llsltlmore anl ilobi e Oyster", which h will be glad to serte to his cus- tomers in the liest elty. dec2tl rriiNiTVitt:. SAVE TWENTY PKR CENT By buying our EICHHOFF BROS., FURNITURE FACTORY, M'nalllueloil-nv., ,Vn- nmm Ilonar CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Mensr. Eichhott Itrotliersdeiire to inform the citizens of Cairo that that are manufacturing all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE And hate now on hand and lei ale, al Wliolmnlc nud HcIhII, All kinds, and wll continue lo keep at their BALES ROOM, IN THEIR NEW 11UILDINO, Etery discretion ol shcap and costly furniture, luchas 4.('arT(d Dedateads, MPMarble Topped Uureatis, sTSldeboards, Vasbstands. 49Vanlrobes, Sola Chairs, A.Sofas nnd Matraraes, 4sT I.oungrs.etc , etc., Winch they will guarantee to hell TWENTY PER CENT. LOWER Than they can be Imught from Mny other dealer in ths city, (itw litem u cull and eatlsly our sell. lyliiltt II. M. IIULEN, GROCER an i) CONFECTION No. 134 Cominevdui-nve., OA I HO, ILLINOIS. CAS.SII) Y, WOI.FE & CO., Produce and CJhockhies WtnilNQTON AVENUE, WKTWEEN KIOHTH AND NINTH STS., CAIRO, ILLINOIS jfirUivo them ft Cttll"a lUeloil.'im, COAI CAliio OlTY COAL Is prepared to supply customer with thu best quality o. PITTSBURG AND (ILLINOIS CO.AJL,. OlttiKHS left at Ifallidny Ilros. office, 70 OHIO I IMT'L' A. . 1 1. - .... I V...I 1 U - ... .....I.,., u, n. inn t.iini i.iii iinus IIIC marles Hotel, will receltn prompt attention. TIlh TUU " JIONTAUK" Will b' ring coal along side steamers at any hour oexoti UI', KF.IIAI. AORNTN. IIALLIDAY BROTHERS GENERAL AGENTS FORWARDING and COMMISSION M Kit (II ANT H DEALERS IN FLOUR; And A ents of Olilo Itltrr nnd Knnnnlia SALT COMPA1TIE3 70 Ohio Levee, CAIHO, ILLINOIS INSL'HANOr., w. H. Monr.iH, II. II. CANIIKI No, Pub. and V. ti. Cc-u. Notary Public, IHSTSTJIRIEj ! FIRE, nULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK CCIDENT, LIFE, INS'UEAIirCEl JCTNA, II AKTFORU, Asset tAMViOl I NORTH AMERICA, TA., Assets.. 2,7H,IW Oi II ARTFORD, CONN, Assets. I,JH,J10 7 PHOJNIX, HARTFORD, Assefs 1,711,148 81 INTERNATIONAL, N. Y., Assets. 1.SM.398 17 PUTNAM, IIARTFORH, Assets 7j,937 0 CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Assets. JIJ,(.;a 89 HOME, COLUM11US, Assets M3.27. n AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Assets SWJ.0O0 00 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Asseta , 3O,uuO,00O 00 TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Asset l.VO.OOO'Jl RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Assets. Wi.CU. I INDEPENDENT, BOSTON, Assets mo, SAFFORD, MORRIS & CANDEE, 71 Ohio Lever, City National Dank, CAIRO, ILL. EIRE AND MARINE 1 1ST S XT 1ST O E tOMl'AMKil .tIAOARA, N. Y., An1h f)I,tMlr ?f (IERMANIA, N. Y., Assets l.isji,?.'! 7s HANOVER, N. V. Assets 72d,8t!2 IK) REPUIILIC, N. Y., Assets 7H.0AS Comprising the UndHiwnters' Agency. YONKEIts, .V. V., Assets'.l 1' AL1I.VN Y CITY, Assets - W,l(i I St firemen's fund, k- f., Asset li.ssi.- SECURITY, N. V. MARINE, Asiets I.ta.'.siu U STORE, imellings, I'urnlture, Hulls nud Cut goes, inritreil ut ruUm as fumniljlc at anund, permsiienl aeetirlty will UHlianl. I respi'otlully Hk of the ullitena of Cn, n shsiu ol their luuriiimi'c. n. liroifi: AVOID QUACKS A victim of early indiscretion, causing uervous debilily, prematura decay , etc., hnviug tried In vain every mherlised remndy, lias discovered Mimplu means of aelf-oure, vhlch ho will wend free to Ills fellow-sullerera . II. Reeves, No, 78 Nassau street, New You. augltlwly "Vinnn awaki: agents wanted lv- Y ERYWHKllK.-lloya nnd OlrU, Men mid Woiren. A Dollar Magatine und a splendid pre mium Cliromo lo evrry aub.criber. All the mar. gin given to agents, W per ct. piotll. Don t Y Address K. 0. UICH A CO., Portland, U. QUITO). BARCLAY BROS., 74 'JGGISTS SARATOV lV SPUINGS AT IIARCLAYS' ORUI. MonEi Ff4M .Sirrtt, Dint, MOCKING BIRD FOOD ill arstiT roa cir wituovt taovsir At Barclays'. JJEtiMnOLD'g UBAl'K f CATAW DAfORAPE) PIl.Lf II A iJ ORATE S v.) SlanAiT. ) PILL5 PILLS CATAW II A GRAPE Icatawha ILLS Avn Alt or IIDIi )ini)l, D'H M i: l I 41 M.N FRESH FROM FIRST HANDS, Always In stock in large supply, and for sale by (Barrlay llroat. PEESH BXiXTE JUST RECEIVED orHntvbj Hii.'Ihnn Ilolllr orfi'nllnii AT BARCLAVS'. Extra Fikk Coloonej USStGenuink Im ported Extracts; f-IlAm, Tooth and Nail Brushes &"India RuniiER Nur-skry Goo." AT SA.HCxjA.Y BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Heat grades In large stock and ta rlety, tery cheap: Also: Full Line of Colors, Hat aso in oil; Paint Ilruihes, Linseed Oil, Whitewash P Jshew Turpentine, Varnishes Etc. etc., ALL KINDS 1SD STANDARD QUALITIES At Barclays'. DOOKN. 15 a 'A O o i h o V M A rs a a f-i 73 v. a a. R n it 'A o - t u m " 11 'A 2 S W 'A A O I I M f-i 'Jl 72 3 7, 1'IANON. SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE OUEAT UAL TIMOR E MANCFAtTOItV WM. KNAIJE k CO., Manufacturers of ORAND, SQUARE AND UPR10HT ZFI-AJSTO FOBTES, MARYLAND. These Instruments hate been before the public for nearly Ihlrty years, and upon their excellence alone attained an unpiirfAmnl prrrinifnrf, which pronounces them uiivipialed in TONE, TOUCH, WOUKMASUIV Anil Dl'RA JIILITY W All ourie haieour new New Im proved Otwstnma eraleai.l the Agraffe rube e- We would ia(l special utlentliin to. our late Patented linproveiiiiiits In (iasM. Piamos and SufAin.(iRAM,fciiiid III no olhee Piano, which brings tlie I'lauii nearer per(ccllon than lias )et been attained. KVKUV I'liMI Flflt-Y WARHANTKD FOR FIVE YEARS, Illustrated Cllcgucs nd I'rlee i ron pily furnl-he.l nn application in W.M. liNAIti: si CO.. It ti-iur. v Or any of our regular re tnl-l In lie. I si(enclc o oltli odswffiti ;.vs t'ii-ri:its. II. T. OEROl'I.I); STEAM AND OAS I'MTTKH a tn i jiiii it CIAN riX'l'l'HKJt, Gaa Kitter't ,nd I'lumber'a material, Woo pumps, globe and angie valvnt, stop cocks, oheck valtes, etc. alio AarT rva Tullai Brotliern Pnteut llry 'f,7 And Morehouse. Well. Co'-' Affil" . Indicator nd aupply alve forsleam WINTBR'S 1IL0CK, COUMKRCIAt-ATKNUl OHIO i.r.vr.r, j Cilao, Uu MJEDICAI- A BOOK FOR THE .MILLION. MARIUAdr I APrltat Connselor niTIDP I thosn abontto mtrrr uulyJ" on the physioiogicai m,y''ffl"nn'l retelllonof th sexual i;.iera with tho lalet dlscoterles In producing and pr ! tenting otlsprlng, prestrtlng tnocomplzion,t. tMr l nn 'ntercstlng work of two hundred and and c? '.c1,lr r8f. with numerous engratlngt, ? mtt!,,n, IW information for those who lHlnklh1..l0.rcon,''"P,,,', marrUgot atillltisa la d riO?i..VrI, n1"1" rn And t"l not 2il,?itlp Myotttthe house. i.Li?-.nJrtrnt,tJ''.?'' of P"se) forM cent v tlf..". Vt: ,il.l,,.K' DinpnWy, No. 1J, hlghthalreet, 31. Louis.ito. nollrotothoAfllleteiliind UnfortuaMe. Hefore applying (o the notorious Quacks who ndtnrl so In Inn public papers oruslng any Qoack remedies, peruse Dr. Iftilla' work" no matter what your dlseaso Is or how deplorable your con dition. ' ' Dr. Hulls can be comulled, personally or at lo(llce,.No. 12 f. Kighlh street, bet. Market anl Che.timt St Louis JIo, mtvdwl S-MILIA SIMILIIiUS CURANTUR lltni'HREY'st HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HA.nT Mh- lent and Ktl al (e. They M?thf7nU ?nledlT ernes perferlly a.lApied t'. poVular u,.' aim plo lliat in. slakes cinnot w ina.le i ihein; sii ; harmless m lo bo free from danier Vnd ao till. L-otas to be always reliable. Thehate. rala? !V.., reTidcV iatistaUon: 'n "Ba wm No 1, Cures lrri. congestion. inflAmmsiin.. ni Centf. 5, " WoriiiH, worm leter, wonn colic..M .1, 'rliis;.colicorteethlngolinrants..U t, nirrliuen.of children and adolts.24 .1, Ilysrulcry. griping, bdlous colloiS J, Cliolem-morbus, vomitings. 24 " t'liiilem. colds, broochltits.....M 8, " .Vriin.lKln, tonlhache, fActach..W 6, " lli-iidaclii-a, slek headache, tertlgoli 10, " lM-mln' bilious alomache....,ij 11, " SuiiiirrHsetl.orpainrul periods.,.2J IS, " Wlilli-, loo profue perlods...2J I. 1, " 'rinii, uotmh, difficult breathing...' II, " Null Itlieiim, Krtslpclas, Eruptions H, 11 Itlirmiiiill-iiii, rlienmstlc pams....,24 1C, " l'rtrrnml Atfiir, chill letar, agues.') 17. ' I'lli-i, blind or bleeding ...CO Is, 11 Oplillilrmy, and sore or weak eye50 1!'. " 'iilnrrh. nemo orehroulc. Infliienza6.' 20, .tliooliiir-i"oiijrh, vlolentcoughsSO Ut, ' AhIIiiiiii, npptusseii Lrealhlng &0 " iilM'lmrKPa, im'nlred heanngW u, " Si-roriiln enlaigedglands, swelbng.JO CI, 11 tiviierul llelilllly, physical weak- ness 60 llropvy ami scanty Secretions 60 Nrn sli-litiposi sickness from rldln5) lilillp)--ltlpiie, ( M .irtoiiH IKIillll)', seminal emls ons.IninlunbirT Uicl.argeo.....l 00, wits one fjvtal of powder very nriessnry in serious cases... 00 Sure .Hoiith, canker SO I'rliiiiry Vt enhiicsisi, wetting bedjbo I'filiiliil I erlodi, wilhspasms.....S3 Mllierilius.! t of life... 1 Og lit,, "7, 2), a. XI, 31, Dlilli'l -t'danca.l Oa Diiilhri liiul , eru'ed sore throat CC KOI il. i l.lfKt. or.1.1 lo (111 Iiirui-1 mis, morocco ' M' I t-iise, coiiiiiuiintT n Nprrlhi- tor eiery imilliitiry di ii'ii lniiilty t.hiilijcvt lo, nud llOltlls of llll'I'l IIokh fnim fl0tol2A hinilli-r I 1 1 1 1 1 - uuirrriiveltiiKca es. '.-u to en t torn B J IO V ypeoill ..r all I'rltnlc lllMiie-, both for t'ltriim .ii. i inr I'reven lite reattiKi.l, in r.nls nnd pc set cases. - .82 to 0 Po.Mi .S hXTIUCT Cures Ittirns, liruoes, l.ninenei., --oriness, Sore T hroat, pr iln, Tuo.-h.iehe, Kirnrhe, Neuralgia. Rheunmtisin, I.umbngn, i'lles. lli ils, Htings, i-oru Ky"s Weeding ul tlie Lungs, N se, Mom noli, or of Piles; Cnrui, L'b'ers, Ol I r res. p.i.'e, Ooi., :a , Pints. Sl.'-Oj Quirts, SP7. kw'l'heso remeilH.", except IVnd s Extract, by the case or slng.e box, are si nt to any part oi tliocotthtrY, by in.ill or express, fico of charge, on receipt ol t'ie price. Aldrea HUMPIIItMn el'1-.ClHC HOMEOPATHIC MnmriNE CO. OHice nnd Ilept.t. No. lirnadway, Ncw.York, KOH SU.f. HV 1'. .-Cillli, C.MltO, Ills, aiiglteow.iulr J)IS. RICIIAUS GOLDEN REMEDIES. I!se these only, and avo time, health and money. Sl.Ouo reward for anycaeof disease, Id any state which they tail to euro. 1)R. RIOHAU'S DOLDEN BALSAM, Not. 1 nnd are .ho greatest alleratltes known Dlt. ItlCllAU'aoOLDEN ELIXIH D'AMOUK is Hie greatest tonic and astringent la the med cal lis' Dlt. niCIIAU'S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE Is the only reliable diurntic. Thee remedies are not advertised to cureal complaint., and benefit none ; but are guaranteed to etiecia raaicai ana speeitii cine In all cases lor which they are recommended, when all other treatment lias f.tiled. Tens of thousands yearly recoter by their use, who hato lost all hope, and been pronounced as Incuiable by the best of our medical faculty. DR. RIOHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM. No. 1, cures ulcers, ulcerated sore throat and iiuiuth, sore eyes, cutaneous eruptions, copper colortd blotches, soreness of the scalp, acrotula. etc. It Is the greatest renevator. alteratlte and blood purifier known, remotes all mercury from the system, and leaves tho blood pure and health-. 1H. HICHAU'S OOLDEN BALSAM, No. cures mercurial affections, rheumatism In ell Its forms, and gives Immediate relief In a cases. nn. niciiAU's golden antidote, A radical cure for all urinary derangement! Price, 1 per bottle. D1U 111C11AUS GOLDEN ELIXIR D'AMOUR. A rtdlcal cure Inr nervous or general debility, In old or young, imparting energy tvlih wonderfu ellrcl. Price S per bottle, or two for J3. On receipt of price, these remedies will be ship ped in any pl tce. Prompt attention paid to all borreapon. ents. None t'euuine without the name of ' Hit. Itll'IIAU'ri GOLDEN REMEDIES, D. B., sole proprietor," blown in glass of bottles. Circulars sent. Trade supplied as a liberal dis count. Address, Dr. I). II. Richards, 2JS Varick-st., N. warsJeml money by express or order goods through your Druggist, and you will meet with no lost. LOOK TO YOUll CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. Mrs. I Cures colio and griping Price, x-S Csnts. n iimujlli J in tlie dom cis, aim ia Sjrup, I cililates Ihe process of Mrs. rhiibdues convulsions Price, tViriTI'fltllPs: 1 nn.l .verpnme.. all ills. I i& Syrup, ensca incident lo In- Cents, I funis and children. I Mrs. f Cures diarrhea, dlsen-'j Prlrc, WHITCOMH'S I tery und summer com- I X Sirup. 1 phi'.ntlnchlldieoolnll f Cents. I ages, ll Is Hie In'a and Children's HOOthlnK Remedy in nil disorders brought on by Teething ornny oilier cause. Prepared by the ORAI'TON MEDICINE CO., bt. Louli, Mo, Sold bv Druggists an ealern In Medicine everywhere. njT7dw6m Oil. CANS. . . ha stove cans, secure An assortment ol lh c(no,nn pri0 Docked lorsliiimicnl, lor,:,,,-! v itiinn. securely uJ ,rCllilrugl',nd pnlPer.I Ohio Lev-. If. LEVY & CO., ctjtitas in jflDES AND PURS, WOOI., rEATUEJUl, ETC.,' Cairo, Iitwow, novUU