Newspaper Page Text
lie -.rme .. 'JIU' VV JOHN H. OBERLY & CO., THE MAILS. AtinivK. rrriRt Nortli, Througn 2: n. s'fl p.m : i Way 2:20 4:00 n.m. . South, Way ;' ThrouKli N. O., Mem- , phis and Colnmliu 2::' p.m. 4:l, Ohio Hirer route, (except Monday) i") p.m. Iron Mountain H. R ...... Strut a.m. 11:I p. n. Z rZ, M..n. T...,,m and JrldAy........................ coo T.csip.m. Thebes, 'loose Island A Bantu Te, Ilia., Thursday A Krl- ,1,, lijintp,,,,, 7:11. m, ita.fl.t.l. 111. n, I. ill,, .ml ' Lovelace, Ky IMoa.rn. 4.i p.m. ' orrtcr. iioias. , Ccneral Delivery Ti.via.m. , (Sunday stov a.m.) ' Honey Ordr department a.m. .'" Register " " " a.m. f,.'ip. in, ' Money Order and Reslsier department n.i ; epen on Sunday. OUR CHURCHES. (IKHItYTKlttAN Preaching, Sabbath at ', a. m., and Vt r. . Prayer meeting, Wednesday nt :y, r. . Sunday School, .1 r, . J. M., Super intendent. Iter. C. It. Fonvr., Paslrr. MhTHODIST-Ctir. Kighth and Walnut .-t. Preaching, Sabbath PJ j a. vj,, and 7 r. . Prayer meelleg, Wednelay, TJf r. . Sunday School .3 r. M. L. W. btilaell, Kuper- JntendenU Iter. F. L.TiioMraos Pastor. I IIUHCII OFTHK RF.DF.F.MKR-(F.pi.copl) Morning pra)er, fabbatli 1JJ t. v. Kfenlng pra)er..H'r. m. "ahhhth .iooI,1a. m. Iter. Ma. C, Hauler. Br. PATItlCK'H CIIUKOIt-Jor. Ninth .t. and SVanhington Atenue. .-uUle -efUce, Hahlrtth'and In); . Veajn-ra. 3 r, , undayhool,".' r. x. rlce eirry day, r. a, lli'v. V. J. U'ilALfiaai, I'rlrft, . VOU.NOMnNyClllllTlANASHOCIATION-lteg- illar Oieettng sefond Mi'lidav eneli tnotith at tl j I'rayer room or Hie rtesnyierian tniiten (S'eekly Prayer meeting, Friday, 7J4 r. n at .he Prayer room of the I'reshjterianehurch. ('. I'aa.o'i, I'realilenl. AKIIICAN MKTIIOlH-T-roiirteenth, between Walnut ani Cedar. eerTicet, Habbalh, II a.m. Hund.ty b-hool, 1J r. m. C.!;ir. m. BKCONU Fltr.Wll.t.lHI'TIST-Kifleenth ht. I'reaohinB,;; r.M. ltei. Win. Jacktoo, l'tor. t.twen Walnut and Ceitar. Krrices, 'A alt i 3 r. . Iter. N. Ktcat, Pastor. PREK.WII.I. ItAITirtT HOMB MImu. M'N HATe;iIOOI :ornr w.vnut and Cedar St. Sunday School,) a, n HIST KHKF. HII.I. HAI'TI-T CHI RCH -itr- ry'a IlarraV. SrTlces,iabbithlt a. m.,3 r. . anil TVJ r. u. Iter, Wm. Kium, rator. FlltaTMISSlONAKY ItAI'IWT CHUItCH-ilet. wem 10th and 11th treet, near Cedar. Prcachinc fabbath 10J a. i.,and 7; r. . Prayer Meeting, Wednesday Preaching, Friday erenlng. Habbath hool, i r, m. J( ilayTeninz. , IK r. . John n Ilaxtnr and Mary htepheni huirmtendrnt. Iter, T J. hliotri. l'.lo HF.CONI) UAlTSTCIlUKCH-rouiteenth atree, between Cedar and Walnut; Her, Jacob Brad ley, Klder; the only Daptl.t Chutch recognued by the Asiociatlnn. Eertlces, bunday 11 o'clock a.m., at 3 p.m. Mid at 7 p.m. Jacob, Kldrr STATE OFFICERS. STATK OFFICKUS. Gorernor, John M. Palmer ; I.teutenant'Oorcrnor, John Dougherty I Keeretaryof State, Filva:il ltummel; Auditor of Eutc, C. K. I.ippinrott . State Treaittrer, E. N. Ilate i aupt. Public Instruction, Newton Uatunan. CONOKKSSMKN. Jenatora J.yman Trumbull and John A. Logan, representative for the State at ! .arse J. I. Bererldge. Representative Thirteenth I)!trict-John M rtb. MEMBERS GENEHAL ASSEMULY. Senators, 1st Distrlct-T. A. K. Holcomb. o Colon, and S.K. Olton,of GilUtin. Itepresentatire, 1st District-!!. Waton Webb: COUNTV"oFFICKIW. CIRCUIT COURT. Judge I). J. IlaWer, of Alexander. Prosecuting Attorney!. V. McCartney, ol Massac. Circuit Clerk Jno. CJ. Ilarman. 8herifI-A. II. Irvln. Win. Martin, Assessor and Treasurer. COUNTY COURT. Judge F. llross. Associate J.K. McCriteand S. MarchUdon. Clerk Jacob fl. Lynch. Coroner John 11. Gossman. MUNICIPAL "GOVERNMENT Mayor John M. I.nsden. Taylor. Comptrp:ler K. A. Ilurnetl Clerk Michael Howley. Marshal Andrew Cain. Attornar I'. H.Pope. Police Magistrates F, Hro. and II. Brian- ressy, Chlcftol Police L. II. Myers. SELECT COUNCIL Mayor John M, I.ansden, First W'ard-P. G. Schtih. Second Vlftrd C. It. Woodvrnril. Third Ward Jno. Wood, Fourth Ward S. Staats Taylor. City.At.Ursc-W. P Halliday nnd V. Hutd. HOARD Ol ALDERMEN. FIIIST WAHD-James Uearden, Leo Kiel), lsaav. Wnlden. RCO ND WARD It. II. Cunningham, E. Under, Henry Winter, Jamas Hwayne. 1'IIIRD WARD Wm.Btratton, Patrick Fitrgetald OURT1I WARD-Jatnea Carroll,; O. II. House, J.lI.Metcalf. T'tme of Mectmq. rttr covnciL. The City Council meets in Joint sesion on Friday erenlng precealng the first Monday ot tch moath. mrcT coi'.vcli.. The Select Council meets on the tirst Wednes day nd Thursday, alter the second Monday In each montn. loam or Ainrn The Board of Aldermen mceh, rn the flra JondayandTutsunyin every month. COMMITTEES OV THE COUNCIL. On fitrtfts-Messrs. Taylor, Walder, Winter, ooil and Metcalf. Jninrte-Mesr'a.CunnlnBhiun.Schuh.Fitiger aid, 6eao nul Halliday. TaiMs-Wessrs. Wood, Cunningham and Kleti Wc ami Jni-Messrs. Carroll, Under and Woodward . OrdinaiifM Messrs. Seose, Walder nnd Taylor, fire Penortmmt Messrs. Ht-Brden,8wayne and allidny U'Vktli Messrs. Bchuh, Winter and n. Plalitr Mu r.w i Hind, twejpe ardlludtr SeVdneMessr Wo I rd, Straiton and Metcalt. PROPRIETORS. rm.r l? uitt t irnrvr XJLAJ JJU JJjJl2.XJ.. TKLEURAl'IHC BHEVITIES. THE NEW ORLEANS TROUMI.ES New Orleans, Jan. 4. The. city is very quiet, nil restlns nflor a week of ox. citcrncnt. Hut fow Were on the street', hVn ""t Mccli.nlc.' inttitule. Only J Jozcn ,lc,.py, worn-out, miserable-looking I metropolitans can ho seen, It In probably tho ni m Worn n storm "Uoro a norm. I .IH1.III.1A I-IIIIAUB, CLEVELAND, Jan. H. Mrs. .Mnrtcns, wife of tho man who died a few day ago from trichina spiralis, nl.o tiled from tho mtdl'enM'. A boy nnd ( in acritl ml couditiiitt. Tho girl, agci four, it Is believed, will recover. The ensu excite great tnter-t nmotig medicnl men, and a larco number of nhvulciatu and scientific ' men hnve visited the sick fatully, I Teruk Haitk. Ind.. Jan. U. A larire j meeting of rltlr.eni waa hold at the court nouio in thl city lal night to toniuer tho ijiiontloti of rnlilng $100,00(1 by tax atlon to aid the construction of tho'Terrn Ilimt'i and Sotilhweilcrn rutlroiid. After ciiiitideruble ill-culon, a resolution in fa vor of tho proposed aid was pnsed with very little opposition. MIMjELLANKOlT.H MATTERS. Xr.w Yuitk Jan. )4.It. .. .Martin, a Wall street broker, wns arrested yetnrilny charged witli obtaining moticv ff"1 a widow under falio pretetisei-, "'il which he lost iu peculation!. llohTON, .1 nit. 1 1. An unsuccessful at tempt was m-ideon Friday night to rob the Great Fulls National bunk. l'noviiiENCi:. U. I., Jan. 14. Tho amount of defalcation in the Ithodc Island National bank Is about 1!'JO,000. Tho amount recoverable may pcrlmps reach rjvi v "'" M'UIIK.V IlEATU FitANK'KoiiT, Kv.p Jan. 14th. Hon HarrUoM Tin inpsoii, formerly stuto ncna- tor died suddenly of apoplexy this morn ing at his residence in Ulark county. I) It V 1 I) K. HUllO EIl'S NEW STOCK. MUSLINS, I'KINTS, SIIAW I.S, ETC., One nt the mot attractive dhfl'T" of DRY GOODS, in the elty. J". BURGER, Commercial Avenue, between KionTH and Ninth Streets, CAIRO, ..ILLINOIS, ha eery available space In hi store rwjm tilled wit" ,r unofi.. ,u sioi-k i rom plele, comprising n beautllul selection of PRINTS, PLEACHED AND L'NIILEACIIEXi MTSLINS, COTTON FLANNEL, ETC, A splendid array of DRESS C3-OOXDS Among which ate. the Xetteit nnd JIot Fnahlonnhle Colors and Materials. He ha a large stock of FURS on hand, riich he will close out at a low figure tieiore tne nonaa) are orer. The ladies will find a large assortment of CLOAKS AND "WOOLEN SHAWLS, wl.lc1! 111 I sold cheaper than anytning of tho kind ever eold In Cairo. Mr. llurger has laid in an lmmenestcsk of HOOTS, SHOES, RinilONS, NOTIONS, NECK TIES, ETC., which he will sell cheaper than the elitapest. Hiteclm. '71. FALL-WINTER. '12 C. II AN NY. LARGE STOCK. 1JROWN SHEETINGS, I'RINTS, TICKI3STGS. CHECKS, AM S T R 1 1 E S, KENTUCKY JEANS, EXTRA, OASSIMERS, IJLACKALl'AOAS AND LUSTERS, GROS GRAIN SILKS, I'OI'I.IXSi. LARGE STOCK OF CARPETING OIL CLOTHS, MATTINO, Window NUntlea, OILT PANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMASKS. Ills Entire Htock Now 'lottui; On I AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNER 8TH ST., AND COMMERCIALLY., Cairo, IIIIuoU. Itptllf SKCItBT OltUEKS i THE MASONS. Cauo ijMHivi.rr, No. 13. Staled Assembly 1 at the Asylum Masonis Hall, first and lliirilj.8:. ! iirdar ineach month. L'amo Cni'scit, No, 21, Regular Convocation at Maonlc Hall, the second Friday In each month. Ctitfi f?ii.irru. Nil. 71. Uetmliir Convocation Ms.onlc Hall, on tho third Tuesday of every 'TUo.zvy.iA.n-Ur Com. munlcation nt Maonl Hall, the second nnd fourth Monrtaj ol each month. Duta lnmr, tin,M K. a A. M. Regular Com- mtiiileation at Masonic Hall-Mrst and third THE'orjn.KELLOWH. Atr.XAM.ra I)tir, 221. Meeta In OJdKellov'a. 11.11, In Art' r'a llinlllng, ctery Thursday eren ing, at T o'clock. S. WALT EltS, or ALE! HARD ani) SOFT LUMBER j ev"" description, iiATII, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, DOOMS, SAS1I, BLINDS. ORDERS SOLICITED. S TKAM1IOAT LU M 15 H It, Furnished on shortest notice. Cotiitncrcial-av, bet. 10th and 1 lth-fct.s., CAIRO ILLINOIS. r7l IIUOKN. r-J S i f- r. E- r. 'Ji t. - t ; - c ! B E 7 'J 5 " 1! 01 f I t ' V. "A - eX ( -I I a w o o r 'r. n riAXtis. SIXTY-FIVE F I R S T P HI K E MEDALS AWARDED TIIK GREAT BALTIMORE MAXfrAca-ouv W.M. KNABE & CO., Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARE AND UmilUlT :pi.AJLsro FOBTBS BAI.TIMORK, MARYLAND. Thee lntrnmentN hate been before the public for nearly thirty years, and uron their excellence alone attained nn vnpurthatnl prttmwtnet, which pronounces them uneqiialed in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY cir All our Stimrf Jinms have our new New 1m proved Ove!trui'g Scale ard the Agroft Titbit (tir We would mil special attention to ourlale Patented Improvement In Gaami Pi inks and Sqvare Gram s, found In no othee Piano, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has jet been attained, EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE YE All, Illustrated Catalogues and Price I.ista promptly furnished on application to nn. icxaiik a co., nALTiJuortc, Mp. Or any of our regular established ngenele, o e,19f odawf-m CASSIDY, WOLFE k CO., PnonucK and Groceries WARIIINOTON AVENUE, BETWEEN ElflllTII AND NINTH STS,, CAIRO, .LLINOIb TGIvo thorn a Call I -a dcclOdlm. II. M. HULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION No. 134 Commorcialeavo., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. CAIRO. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY J 7, 1872. m iuii,,r. (U(in:iis, R7."s"iYTH&"00.",", WHOLESALE GROCERS, OHIO L X Y E K V A I It 0 . 1 1. It I N O I n . A'so, keep constantly on ha'nd a most com plele stock of iiiQ,'croKa SCOTCH ANI) IRISH WHISKIES - G I N H, Port, Maderin, Sherry and Catawba Wines P SMYTH A CO. sell exclusively for cash. to XV. which fact ther tnrite the e.pciat atten tion of close bargain buyer. Special attention given to Filling Orders. IIAItllKItS. J. GEO. STEINHOUSE. FASH J ON ABLE J3ARI3ER, Cor. Mtli-sl. nnil Conimrrrlnl-rir. THharp Razors. BsfCleAn Towel and ee-Skillfull Wcrktnen BVLadii-e' and ehlldrcn's hair cut and sham pooed, clth. r nt the shop or at their own home. ftarGentletneriV whi.kers and h lr djed In artMlerr , nner Saacllen inisrantel. lOC.MIHII.S. I. & E. green wald. MAkcrtCTfata m Steam Eeginei Boiler, Flour ond Gni Mill-, fia Mill, The "Topper Patent Gratetiar M AOII1NERY FOR (1ENERAL PURPOSES, CINCINNATI OHIO owdein" UllNr.llAI. AOKNTH. HALLIDAY BROTHERS GENEHAL AGENTS inn FORWARDING and COMMISSION it r. KCII A N T H DEALERS IN FLOUR; ent of Ohio Itlver nnd Knnnsilin S-A.XiT COMPAliriES 70 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS WAtiOXS. WAGON r"lilANUI?ACTOny." For Salo nt Wliolt'siilu or Retail CORNER :i2l-hTltr.KT AND OHIO I.EVEK, Cairo, Illinois. novlllf s. V. tJAMIII.r. l'AINTl'.ltN. MOORE It MATHEWS, Houso, Sign and Ornamental PAIKTEES, Drcornllve rnrrlinnf$luir, ltls"n' I tit, 'lf., Dono In tho higho.t ttjls ol - . 'l " raten that Jely conipellllon. HOP IN PEURY HOUSE, CORNER OF 8TH REET AND CMWKRCUL AVENUE. i.irr. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. The Most Succefui. Live Insurance Corporation of tii tiik "World. PUEELY NO STOCKHOLDERS Amount of Policies in Force Dec. 31, Total Income to Same Date, Net In'crkasi: of Risks in Force, 1870, Tho I.nrsrxf .Vp Incrensr dnrlssR the? ycarl)70 ofnsiy Compntiy in the World. Gros Increase or Risks in Force, 1870, $30,327,7.10 00 Only two companies In tho world exceed this gros Increase during I .!. Tim onlv company which guarantee, a a chartered rlht, tho nrtnctido of LOCAL 1NVKST MKNTrt IN KACH oTATK, In proport'on to Its Premiums or lte.!nuranen Fund. The only company whirl, by It charter, gives KACH 8 1'ATK A RKPRESENTATIVK IN THE HOME HOARD OF DlllECroltS GENEEAIi OPPICE, ST. XjOTJIS, MO. JAMES H. IIRITTON, President. Henry W. Houoii, Vlco President. Felix Coste, Supt. Missouri Dqd. AVm. IIanlky, Sccrctury. John N. Pritciiard, Treasurer. C. F. Burnks. Attorney. E. L. Lemoine, M. D. Med. Oilicer. Hon. Wm. Baiines, Consulting Counfol nnd Actuary. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. E. P. Burlinoham, .Alanagcr. caibo bba'kch: boaed. The following Mined gcnllemen hold or control insurance each, tn the Llle Ai'ociatlon of Atner ca : P. AV., 11. AV. AVkiiii. II. II. Candke, John Antrim, Chas. Galioher, J. M. Phillips, C.Uanny, R. S. ltntoiiAM, Paul G. Scuuii. I.rnni our Itntrs mtd Plnns bercirryoti Injure In nny other Coinpnn.v. LOCAL AGENTS. Carl L.Thomas, AV. B. Kerney. deeMdlm. TOVI"S. TIXWAHK, KTC, A. II A L L E Y, DEALER IN STOVES, -'Uia-Jk Tin and Hollow Ware, Clfdli,- Wringer Voile Ware, Coal Hods, Klre hhot,;!',. Air Onte., MiMrAcrimn or TIN, ZINC. COPPER AND SHEET IKON AVARE. No. 1G6 Washington-avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. SaT"Hoorlnic Guttering, and all kinds ofjob wurkdoneat shortest notice telddlf NHJ.V CARL L. THOMAS, SIGKLT WBITEB now prepared to rn.pond promptly to alt de- manus rnr ma service. SHOP-Coit. Stii-st. and Commercal-av In the Perry Home, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. nov.-Jdtt IIOOItN, SASill, KTC I oo TO- W. W. THORNTON'S, BUILDERS' SUPPLY DEPOT 13J TENTH STREET, CAIRO, ILLINOIS FOR Iloorsj, Mihli, IIIIndH, Moiildlnsi, rYeiitlcr,(od Wliulowimd looj rriuiie!, I'loorlnir, I.nlh, KIiIiirIcsi, tlluaed Nnji, (Ilused Hide Lights, Ulnzed TrniiNoniN, Nnsh H'oIbIiI", NiimIi Pulllesj nnd Cordw, Illliid rtvutcnliiBSJ, ItoofliiK I'clt, ItoolliiR Cement, Plastering Piiper, Carpet Pelt, White Lend, I,tusel Oil, Auicrlcnu Window 3lnaiN, Knellsh nndPreiich Pinto (Hats, Putty, lnicr'i Polnlti Newer Pliesj Pntent Chlmneytti Etc., Kle., Klc AGENTS (or Rock Illrel Poper Company's Vheathing Felt and QuarlaCemont. II. W, John's lmprovrd Kooflig always an and BULLETIN BUILDING, WASIIINGTON-AV. Same Aof. in 2 XT rv U A. Xt ; TO ABSORB PROFITS. 1870, - ?45,0w5,740 00 3,071,788 80 20,000,910 00 John II. Orerly, AVm. Morris, T. J. Kerth, AV. S. Epson, NF.VNPAli:il. THE NEW YORK EVENING POST rou isTii. 1IIICKS ItKIXICF.n- ' will supply the Evening Post a tollowst DAILY. Ono year - ... For shorter period? 12 HO ....f I per nionil. WEEKLY. Single Copr one year l K F'lve Cnpie " 7 OU Ten 12 (0 Twenl) ' W 00 SEMI-WEEK LY'. Single Copy ono year (.1 0(1 I'lvu OopitM ' ' Vi CO Ten Copies " " i!0 (JO Or e will send tho lolluiving periodical to stih-eritiers. In connection vrllh tho TTitiiiiij Jbjr, at the pnev named t With With Weekly Hcmi-Weekly Evening Pot. Evening Pot. Harper's Weekly. .3l U) C Co Harp. r'a Darar .4 M is 00 llnrjore Mucitfnc I B(u Every Saturday 5 10 CM Atlantic Monthly . csi t.Ki Our Young Folk :t bo 4 M Serlbnet'n Monthly ....4 M) t. CO Ttie (ialnxy 1 00 DM Tim Aerieulturi! :i Ui r, (si Hearth ind Rome 1 T. .'. 1 Christian Union 3 Ut S no To each atlbscr tjer tothe .teiiinj Jwand Cnrii in ii Union tor one year will bo sent two exquisite French Oil ChroTO, entitled "Wide Awake" and "I'at Alep," which are worth at retail SlOfor tho our. TRY IT I TRY IT 1 1 For 15 cents we will send the Weekly Evening Post from new until January I, or forfiOcent. we will (ond the semi' Weekly Post during the same time. specimen nrmbera of the Evening Post sent free. Address WM. C. BRYANT, 4 CO. ew York. BUTCIIrJlfl. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. KOEHLER & BROTHER Have reopened the POPULAR M K AT .HAltKKI', Co M M E RC I A E-A V., Iletneen Klntli nnd Tenth Ktreetn, and will keep constantly on hand the bent meats siangiitereil in me uuiro mnrKt i. inejr neiyenin leryi petition, (lire tnem trial. aephltf. JAKE WALTER, BUTCH IE 3E& AM) prvnu 11 FRESH MEAT, EintiTii Street, Between AVasuinoton and Commercial avenues, AdolnlilK Illltriihotioe .t Hiuiiijt'h. Keep the best of lleef, Pork, Mutton, Veal Lamb, HaiiHOge.ele., and are prepared to mrr, citliena in thu most aecetitablo maiitier. agSOe JAMES KYNASTON, Sltttrliar nrl Denier In nil Hind fresh .item, Ceansa Ntir.tirrii ash P.iiw.ahStamt. t Allll, ILLINOIS. DUYS and slaughtera only the e r l'.t eallle, XJ nogs anil sneep, ami i preptre'i in nu any Ueiiiard for fresh me.its Immune pnmid In ten ttiousanu pnuiius. -ii'i.'ini NlT.CIAI. NOTIt'KK. UATCllKl.Olt'N II AIM lVK. This anperb Hair Dye I ttie atsr in tiik Wuat-f Perlecllv Harmlein llelUble and Inklhii.ten'iv. No disappointment. No Rldiculou Tint or Un pleasant Odor. The genuino W. A. Ilaohtlor'. Ilalr Dye produces 1MMKIHATKI.Y a splendid lllack or natural Hioaii. ioe not Suun the Hkin, but leave the Hair Clean, Soil nnd Heautl fill. The only Safe Jlld Perfect D)e. Buld by all druggists. Faotoiy Hi "nnd Street, New York. laniSldrOiMwly ON MARRIAGE. Itappi relief lor young tntn Irom the elteciao errorn and abuses In early lite. Slanhood re atored. Nervoua I'vlillily cured. Imnediment to luarrlago removed. New method of treat, ment. New and remarkablo remedies. Hooks and elrculara sent tree. In sealed envelopes. Ail 5??si HOWARD ASSbcIATlON. Willi Ninth HI.. I'hllaUalphla.. Pa. dK'Wdaa'"'. S'OSIMINNIOA A.M l OIMYAnitl.M.. J M. PHILLIPS k CO., (Siicce.or to F. II. Hendricks A Co., ) Forwarding and Commisaion MERCHANTS in W H ARF-UO.vT PROPRIETORS Are prepared to receive, st.ire ant crward freight to all points and birr ar " sell on commission. THuinc attemleu to promptly CLOSE k VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMP Cement, Plaster Pakis, asu PLASTERER'S II A I It, Corner F.lKhth Ntrret nnil Ohio le CAIRO, ILI JOHN B. PHILLIS k SON, (Hncoesiort to Jno.II. Phlllls,) GENERAL COIISSION ASH FORAVARDJNG MERCHANT?, AND DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Elour, Meal, Bran, &c.; con. TENTII-ST. and OHIO LEVEB CAIRO. ILL. G. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PTtODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Tin, 711 Ohio I.eree. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MTSpeclal.'attention given to conslgnmanta and orders. AVOOD KITTEN HOUSE, FLOUR AMP General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinou CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. G4 Ohio Loa'co, CAIRO, ILLINOIS nonrMtr MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION SMi FORAVARDING MERCHANTS, AMI DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS von FAIRBANKS SCALES na Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. STRATTON & BIRD (Stirresnra to Straiton, Hudson 4 Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, ANI COM.M ISSION M ERCIIANTS, 57 Oliio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. tW-Agenta of A met lean Powder Co., atid inaa. agent foreettoinarn. 7.. 11. SIATHUSS. c. uat MATHUSS & U-HI.. AMD OEKRAIi COMM ISSIOX M.EHOHANTI, HEALERS in HAY AND AVESTERN t'RODUCB Ao. 6t OHIO I.EVKK, Btticun Fourth Sixth St4., AlROJUs augSft-jAwtf