Newspaper Page Text
&e4tt'arllfc, 11 i 01 JOHN LI. OliBItliY & CO., PROIMUBTORR CAIRO. ILLINOIS SUNDAY, JANUARY JS72. nuiAjsrriN buildjw washington-av mm THE MAILS. innio., i.ipAit North, Througn 2:0) . ir. :p,m " Way...,'. 2:iop:tn. litoa.m. South, Way..!..... 12.15 p.m. ; " Through N. 0., Mem. phis and Columbus 8:30 p.m. t:'iup.m, Ohio River route, (except Monday) ;03p,iii, e.Mp.Di, iron Mountain It. It V;S'Ja.m. t.w p. n. tin. River route, Tuesday hihI Friday e.'op.m, ".t' lhebe, (loom l.larid A Hanta Fe. III., Thureday A Frl lay , ; CO) p.m. 7:00a.m, MayfMd, lllandville ami J.otilare, Kjr llifun.m. 4.'p.m. erricr not at. i. mral Delivery 7i.Vla.m. IHuiiday.StoOa.m.) oni-jr Order depMltiicnt ;i 6.00 Krgister ' S.' o.& Money Order ami ltelter department, no n connUunday.. OUR CHURCHES. itKSIIVrF.RIAN-KlKhth.Mreet. Prifaclilng, KabbaUi at 10;-$ a. m., anl 7 r. m. I'raer meeting, tVedm .diy at 1 r. u. Sunday Sell ol, S r. u. J. M. Lan.den, Hnper. Inlendcnt. Rev. C. II. Footi, Partr. HKTIIOllIST-tVr. Eighth and Walnut St.. Preaching, HaLLath 10JJ a, and 7 r. h. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7; r. , Sunday School .3 r. , I.. W. btlUell, Hnper. intpudent. lto. F. I.. Tiiour.oa, I'a.tor. LilbltC'll OFTHF. ItKUBKMeit-IKpUcoial) Morning prayere, HitjUlh 10J a. ui Kveniug prayer. JJJ rJt. . bhiji.tli Sx.hocil, 9. k. I'.iv". M. Cussc, Itrctcr. ."IT, PATRICK d ClIUiiClL-Jor. Ninth Hi. and Washington Avenut-. .'uU.i'-ervlcc.fahhMli.Jfand l)J a. Vr, 3 r. u. undayrx't.ool,'.! r. u. ;emce eiery ilay, f. r. in. Itev. P. J. O'IIiI.loaax, Priest. 1 .i.Xf.MKS'aCllHlVmNAfHOCtATION-Keg- lilar meeting .econd Mondav each month at t) e Prayer room of the l'relylrian Church Weekly Prayer meeting, Friday, r. m., at .lit Prayer room of tho Pre.byterun church. C. Pr..o, Preeldenl. AFRICAN MKTHODI.'-T-lourieenlh, l-ten Walnut an 1 Cedar. iervieei, Babbath, 11 a.m. unday H'hool, 1 r. m. C' m. tKCONI) KHKK-WIL!.nAPTIST-Kiflnth 8t. I'reachinir, 7 r. . Iter, Wm. Jack. on, l'Hir. tetween Walnut and Cedir. Semen, ,nrl 3 Il-l. -V. Iticif, Tarlor. ' KF.K-WII.1. UKPririT 1IOMK MlsnlO.- tUS 'AT HCIIOOI-Corner wa'nut and Cdar Sti. unday School, 9 a. m. !RST FIIEC WILL IUI'THT CIIt!RCH-Cur-ry'a Ilrr'-k. erTicei.Hahhithll a. k,, r. . and 'i r. k. Iter. Wm. ICtLiti, l'ator. , -MIST MIHSIONAUV DAITIST CIIUKCH-Htl-ween 10th and Uth .treet, near Cedar. I'reacbin; Habbath W, a. m., and ;; r. a. Peayer Meeting, Wednesday eientng. I'rearhlni, Kfiday eniuj;. .abtiathtx'hool, l'i r. u. John Van Halter and Uary Mephena (superintendent.. Rev. T J. fcliom. Taito HF.OJKD IlAtTaTCIIUItCII l-ouileenlh .treet, tetween Cedar and Walnuts Ret. Jacob BraI' ej. Kliii.. the only Il.ptitt Church recocnii'd i y the Xocialion. terticea, Sunday II o'clock oi., at 3 p m. and at 7 p.m. Jaro. H it 111, r.lder SECRET ORDERS THE MASONh. CAia RoMMiaDriT, No. 13. Stated A.eeinlly al the A.ylum Matonn Hall, 6rt and thirdj.f-a;. irdara Ineaeb month. Caiao Cornell, No. 51. Pejular Conrocationat a.onlc Hall, the aecond Friday In each month. Caiao Ciitrria, No. 71. Htjtular Conocatlon at Ma.onic Hall, on the third 1'ua.d.y of erery mnth. Caiao Lodoi, No. 237 F. A A. 31 Regular Com. munication. at Masonic Hall, the i.eond and fourth Monday, ol each month. DittA Lomc, Ho. IM F. a A. M. Regular Com munication, at Ma.onle Hall arat and third Thuridaya In each month. TIIK ODD-FELLOWg. ALtXAacta I), 22t. Meet. In OddFellc.'. II.II, In Arur'a Huildtne, erery Thursday Ten intr, at 7 o'clock. STATE OFFICERS. STATE OFFICERS. Governor, John M. I'almer i Lieutenant-Governor, John Dougherty I Secretary of State, Edward Rumme! i Auditor of StHte, C. E. Lipplncott i Bt.tto Treasurer, E.N. Rates; Supt. 1'nbllo In.tructlon, Newton Baleinan. COKU11ESSMEN. Jcnatora Lyman Trumbull and John A. Logan. Representative far the Hlate at Larje J. L Devcrid; Representative Thirteenth Pi.trict John M' eb. MKMBERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Senatori, l.t District T. A. E. Holcomb, ol Union, amis. K. GlUnn.of l!il!.tln. Representative, 1st Dl.trlct H. Watson Webb; C0UNTY0FFIGKR3. CIItCUIT COCRT. . .dge D. J. llaker, of Aleiander. .roiecullng Attorney J. V. McCartney, ol t!iiaa Circuit Clerk Jno. (J. Harman. Hhenl!-A. 11. Irvln. Win Martin, Asurt.or anc Trea.urer, COUNTY COURT. Judge r. Uross. Associate J, K, HcCrlteaud S. Maruhlldon. Clerk Jacob 0. Lynch, 'ioroner John II. Go.eman. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT yor John M, Lnsden, t'reaiurer J.ll. Taylor. Comptroller K. A. Ilurntt Clerk Michael llowley. jlar.hal Andrew Culn. Allorney-r, ILrope, I'olico Magistraten-F. nro, lnj H, Hhao. saaay, Chlel ol Pollce-L. H. Myer.. KKI.KCT COUNCIL ayor John M.Lansden, Firat Ward-P. G.Sehuh. Hocond tlard C. R.Woodward. Ihlrd Ward-Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward 8. StaaU Taylor. Oityat-Largo-W. P. II u kdty and V. Qurd, HOARD OV ALSEUUEN. HU3r WAKD-Jame. Reaiden, Leo Kleb, J Isaao Walden. f.60ND WARD H. II .(Cunningham, E. Hudcr, lleniy Winter, Jam.sSwayne,' riURD WARD Wm. Btratton, Patrick Kltigeiald, OURTH WAItD-Ja.nea Carroll,; O.ll.Hea.e, , 'J,H,Metlf. THE BULLETIN. RIVER NEWS. AIIRIVKI) AJIl) DirAKTKD. Htearnrr. Where from. Whara t (Maaow Xuw Orleans Quickitci Kvaluvllle.KvtiYllle Kutln Kimilz...Ncw Orlciim ilnlllc Uiori...Eviinv!llc...Mcinplil Wcit Nahvlllu Nmlivillo Alice Vnt N.O Cincinnati Hlinoix Ciihlnibii'. ...C'olumbut H. C. VHCi;cr... lieltnont Juini-a Kik .)r...l'ndm,'nli l'nclucab St. Juet)h .Mt-inplili I'ink Viirltli' Mftnplilf. ..Kvamvilli CONDITION OF TDK HIVF.ItS Tlio fall iii tlie river ut tlili pluco during the pmtl!4 hour, la 4 inchei. Tlioro waa Imt littl Ice pnulnf; down tlio Ohio yt'tenluy. The clcclino in the river at I'ittbnrj continue) ami tliu i:u lm cause! tlio an tiro atuponeion of navigation at Cin cinnati the fall continue! mid ten ii very lionvy. Thcro U 8 feet in tlio rhatinrl lliero. Tho icu hat gorged at Towlicnd mid pedeitriam can pan over on it. The full at I.'iiiivillf continue1! and the lc! is very heavy. At St. Louii the Miiiiisippi itill falls and is full of heavy ice. Tho steamers dare not lcavo that port. Iinmcnio fields of ice has been passing down that river fur several duyi hut there is not tho least dungcr of Its becoming gorged below here. ' The drptl. of the channel is not more than 3 feet. 1ICSINKSH AND WEATIIEIt. The levco preientcd u busy appearnnce. During the day tho wharfboats wore crowded with steamers wliiuh were trnnh acting their business and throughout tho day buslncii was splendid. There were 12 steamers at the wharfboat at ono time, each and everyone doing builneu. The levco was crowded with poulty which gave it the appearance of beiag transformed into ono vast barnyard. Yeiterday waa undoubtedly the busiest day of the week. Tho weather was pleasant compared to the first part of the week. The sun shone brightly during the greater portion of the dav. PHIL HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, lly National Dank tlalldlna;. Os.Cpecial attention paid to order Irom steam eat. nltht er BUSINESS NOTES Kcmian s&rdelles at Jorgonton's ; try thm. ti The beat French anchovies n the city al Jorgcnson!. tf Go to Dr. McGauloy for Rattingcr's Fe. vr Drop. Wnrrnntod to cure the chills JORoe.vhon has tho finest supply of Spanish olives in the city. Try thm tf Found. That the choicest butter Is at Jorgensen's Staple and Fancy Grocery store. Wip brooms in Groat variety at Scbuh'.'. Otsteks. Louis Herbert has al was on hand a froth supply of Saddle Rock oj- er. II I'eck, Freak, & Go's London bUcui t always on hand, corner Twentieth and Washington avenue. tf Combs of all kinds and at all prices at P. G. Schuh's. For new citron, orange and lemon peol, go to Jorgonson' corner of Twen tieth street and Washington avenue, tf Jorqenbon bus tho best last India preservM for sale choap. tf Sago's Catarrh Romcdy and Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery at P. O. Schuh's. Smoked salmon and Yarmouth bloat- er,just recoived at Jorgcnson's. tf. Go to P. O. Schuh's for Nilssoit Roquet, Est. Roquet and Clilnceso Boquot Porfumery. Sandwitchcd meats of nil kinds al ways on band at S. Jorgcnson's. tf. Notice. Tho best ontertainment in tho city is nt tho St. Nicholas hotol, saloon and restaurant. The boat music that can bo had violin and piano. Good lunch every morning and night. All of the finest brands of cigars, and tho bent St. Louis lager buer, always fresh and nlco. Give us a call. Rarrt Walker, Proprlotor. The Finest Selection of Toilet Soaps, Musk, ltoso, Cologne, Rondelia, and Cash mci Boquet Soaps At P. O. Schuh'i. Thirty conts u weok will securo pol icy for ono thousand dollars in tho Life Association of America. A good invest ment, lor a young man. For particulars apply to viin 14. xnomas, special agent. jan4tf. Fresh Muscat grapes from California, just received at Jorgscitn s. tf Paul Q. Hchuh sells Rattingcr's medl clnei. tf WlttUUT'a ii u piui uitru miiu'ud mux . "pfi.rf.miiy-.i; Fnrlnu lloiiot flt I'hiiI U. ScIiiiIi'j. Nkw French prunes, currant and raisins always on hand at Jorgeiuon'i grocery store. II I'ltUNKi.i.Kf, in one pound boxes, nt Jorgonsen't. mi'OHTKD Malaga grapes ;it Jorgon ori', corner of Twentieth trct and Waiblngton avenue. if Tho l'rld.i of tho Campbell'" at I. . Sciiuh'n. CitThTAL vinegar from Ixindon at Jor- genson'a, corner of Twentieth strnet and Washington avenue. l' Dusters and Ilruahes in Great Variety At Paul G. Scliuh'i. L. Jorgensen m on hand n fresh sup ply of Harmons, ir. syruji. tf Whcru arc you going? To the place number 63, Ohio levee, where they keep the, best fresh oysters, fish nnd game, ur, J the fineit winc, liquors and cigars to bt found in tho city. Open at all hours, d.y or night. J. E. Fake For Sale. A cottago on l'Jth street containing 7 roornf, cistern and out houses complete. Apply to W. W. Thorntov. Sleki'I.vo Roomb for Rent. Ten well ventilated sleeping rooms In City Na tional Bank building. Apply to EDWARD DEZONIA, At City National Bank. I) it v ; o o i h. 71. FALL WINTER. 72 C. II A N K Y. LARGE STOCK. BROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, TICICIIfcTQ-S. Oil KCKS, AND STRIPES, KENTUCKY JEANS, EXTRA, OASSIMERS, BLACK A LP AC AS AND LUSTERS, GROS GRAIN SILKS, I'OI'I.IXH. LARGE STOCK OF CARPKTINf) OIL CLOTns, MATTIKO, Wlndntr Nlinilei, OILT RANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMAfiKH. Ill KtitlreKtock Wow I'laalDK- Out AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNER 8TH BT., AND C0MUERCIAL-AV., Cnlro, IlllnolB. aeptltf COAL. COAL! COAL! COAL! JAMES ROSS, praitK la DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CARBON COAL! Commorcial-nv., Foot of Eloventh-nt. All Coal carefully weighed al tha yard on Fair Danka' scale. rt'LI. WKIOHT WARRANTED. Co.l delivered on lh (.horleat notice in au) fart ol tho cl.y, either by tliu half ton, tan or car oad. Leave order at tho office on Commerclal-ar. a he foot of Eleventh street. novlSd-6m. lIUTOIIraiBI. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. KOEHLER & BROTHER Have ictpen 1 II lOIFLAK MEAT MARKET, COMMERCIAR-AV., HetHCtn Ninth .! Tenth NU.etN. and will keep constantly on band the tieat meat. slaiiKhttred In tha Cairo market. They defy com petition, atrial seBl'iltt: lii k i:.m,'!:axoe. LIpE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Tiik MrtsT SuccKsavui, Insubanci; Coiu'obation of tiik Same Aok in TUB WOKUI. PUEBLY NO STOCKHOLDERS Amount ok'Foi.icim in Force Dec. 81, Total Income to Same Date, . - - Net Ivcreabe or Hike in Force, 1870, The Net Inrrcaaailurfaar tk year W mt assy CoinpNuy lu (tie Worltl. Orom Increahe or Ribeb in Force, 1870, $30,327,730 00 Onlr two compaalea in tha world ecd thla (troaa Increa.e during 187U. The r.nlr company which guarantee., m a chartered rlnt, the orinciple of LOCAL IN I.ST MENT8 IN EACH bTATK, la proportion to lta Piemluma or Ra.In.urance Fund. The mly eomp.nT which, by It. tU.rter, gitea EACH 8 1'ATK A IIKPIIBijENTATtVK IN THE HOMK UUARU OF DIRCXrrORh. a-EOrTEiejS.Ii OFPICE, ST. LOUIS, 3TO. JAMES n. BRITTON", President. Henrt W. Hoctiii, Vice President. Felix Costk, Supt. Missouri Dept. Wm. Hanlet, Secretary. John N. Pritciiaiid, Treasurer. V. F. Burneb, Attorney. E. L. Lemoine, M. D. Med. Olllcer. Hod. Wm. Barneb, Consulting Counsel and Actuary. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. K. P. Bcblinoham, Manager. CAIEO BBXjFcH BOABD. I he following named geatlerna hold or control 110,000 insurance each, In tli Llle Anoclatlon of Amerca: P. W. Barclat, 11. W. Wedr. II. II. Candie, John Antrim, Citas. Galioiier, J. M. Phillim, C. Hannt, R. S. Brioham, Paul G.Scnnu. Learn oar Halaa anal Plaaa before LOCAL AGENTS. leeSldSm. Carl L. Thomas, KCGrl. O" VP i'UA., sraonMsvea. wiiuam seatcK. OHAS. SCIIOENMKYER Si CO. FURNITURE ROOMS, UPHOLSTERING ADD Mattress Manufacturing, Furniture Repairing. PICTURE FRAMING. All ordera promptly atWndedto, omu"& Tm.""W CAIRO, ILL. P, O. Drawer 123. Juttf, MTJTTJAL; TO AHSORR PROFITS. 1870, - $46,005,740 00 3,974,788 80 20,000,910 00 John II. Orerlv, Wm. Morrib, T. J. Kertii, W. S. Epson. ran Jnatsre 1st asij other 'ompan.v W. B. Kkuney. I'AINTF.HH. MOORE fc MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental ; PAINTERS, Baoaratlva PaperhatiKlna;, Knlaonnn. Isisi. etc. Don In tha htehett style ol the art, and a rates that ile I r competition. SHOP IN FEERT HOUSE, CORXEK or Sill TEEET AND CMMERCIAL AVENUE. OAH FITTEnN. II. T. GEROULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER A.uriAi la OAH FIXTntlJ. Oaa Fitter's and number's material, Xfoo pump., (tlolie and anrie valr.t, atop cocka,ehtck valvea,etc. also inn roa Talis Bralliera Patent Dry flna Sfetcra And Morehouse, Well. A Co'a Automatic Watet Indicator and Supply Valve for ateam bollera. WINTER'S BLOCK, COMMERCIAL-AVENVZ. CO A I. AND WOOD. WOOD! WTOOD!! WOOD!! Tht undersigned mil furnish HARD AND DRY WOOD As Cheap, II aotCheuper lhan any wood dealer In Culro, Lcavo ordera n the slates at the l'ontoftlco nn l at Rots' coal sard, oa Commercial avenue, tvetween Tenth and twelfth atreets. Cairo, lllinoi.. 1 kIvd cood meaaure and will cord the wood up if demred. ausllMI DKNNI-3 HAI.KY. FC11S AND IUIUX. II. LEVY & CO., MllIK IV HIDES AND FURS, WOOI., FF.ATIIEHN, ETC., S3 OHIOXEt EE. Cairo. Illinois, nnvlSfl FAMILT flnoVEHIEBl. LOUIS JORGENSEN, Dealer In all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY I I I aBOCBBIBS. Faruser'a Yard aud Rtablluv WITHOUT CHARQE. Cor, WiBhingtoii.av.'aud Twcnticth-st. CAIRO, ILLS. imdit. AVOID QUACKS I A victim of early indiscretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, etc. having tried In v.m every adverllaej temeuy. r, ha. discovered , h. will a-nd ,,No 7 simple meana of aeir-cure, w fi.ato Ida fellow-uuuerera street, New Ton augUly t VIMN-. H. ' Hlv.utnXU!. J. M. PHILLII'S k CO.. (.Huccvii'or to K. 11. Ilendrlck. A (Jo,, ) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS Sa'lberal Advaneea li:a. i ttpon--kt "aiS Con.lgmnenta, oiV Are prepared to receive, .uro am orward frvlghta to alt point, and buy ur.ii sell on commla.lon. "Ru.lne.. attended 1 promptlr CLOSE k VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS I3ST LIME Cement, Plarter Parib, AND PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner Eighth HI reel nnd Ohio fivee CAIRO, ILIa, MILLKH k PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING "MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS roR FAIRBANKS SCALES 53 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. STRATTON & BIRD (Sueecsror. toStratton, Hudson A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Loveo, Cairo, Illinois. Ef7ARenta of American Powder Co., and man aRenta for cotton varn Z. D. MATIIUBS. E. C. UHL MATHUSS & TJH4 FOE, "W AEDI 2rOr AND OJ.JVr.llAL, Commission Merchants, DEALERS IK HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE No. 01 OHIO I.F.VF.F., RUttn Fourth SjxM St:, AIR0.1LL augW dAwtf II. M. IIULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION M:Ei?,cia:A.i5ra?. No. 134 Commercial-avo., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AXD FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. G4 Ohio Loveo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS novttdtf JOHN Ii. PHILLIS k SON, (Huccen.ors to Jno. II. I'hllli.,) GENERAL COMMISSION Asn FORWARDING MERCHANTS, 1 I I AM. I ! DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS ; ! Flour, Meal, Bran, &c. Juor. TENTU-S.T. and OHIO LEVEE I CAIRO. ILL. I WOOD RITTEN HOUSE, ! FLOUR I General Commission Merchant 1H3 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois I. ayawawaaawaw. IIAKIIKRS. J.GEO. STEINHOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, for. (itti-at. antl CoiuinereJaliv. Bharp "aj?". .,. tie Clean 1isk,jfu Wcranieo .,i .i.ii.iren'alialr em and aham. luMlie' 1 q.ntlemen'.-hl.ker. " , tUuJTio'nicu-ri'raeJd " rti.tlurrrnnar. AI.OONH. EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND BAR ROOM. JOHN UATKM, Proprietor. 10 Commercial Avenaa, CAIRO, ILMMOtHJ Tleat brand ef California Cigar. Jut reeelva-l, BILLIARD saloon furnished with tha tvst ol tables; and bar ainplled with ln. liquor and elgara of tho flnaat brands. A. SUSANKA, Proprietor MAGNOLIA "SALOON And Dealer In Foreign and Domastla WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS 97 Ohio Lcree, Ileltveen Ninth and Tenth Street, Cairo, III. declTtf DEXTER EXCHANGE, 13S Ohio f.evee, near 8te ! J. D. ZANONE, PROPRIETOR, Freali Shell OyIcr Rceeived DahJ Keep, alnaya on nand Raltlmor and Mobl.o Oyster., which h will lie clad to serve to hiaeoa- tomera In tha heateltv. dacttl DRPON. BARCLAY BROS.. ' 74. OHIO LEVEE, Caiio, Ills DBUGO-ISTS! SARATOGA SPRINGS l vetL BLAST AT TlARCLATS' DRUO STORE. Fai.H .Scrriv, Dailt. MOCKING BIRD FOOD all aunt voa car. wiihoct Taocaui At IlARCLAYft'. H F. L M II 0 L D ' S GRAPE f CATAWBA f ORAPE ) PILLS I CATAWBA vl ORArZ GRAPE (.CATAWBA ) 1 I. ORAJE J FILLS AID ALL or IIELHBOLD'S MEDICI5EI rRESH EROM TIRST HANDS, Always la stock In large supply, and for sals by IDarclay llroa. PEESH EliTTE IaICIC J U B T RECEIVED AND or Hal by tbeOlasa Bottle rGallaa) AT BARCLAYS'. iWEiTRA Fink Colooni; HiVGEKCINE iMrORTID Extiuct; MIIair, Tootu and Nail Bbuihu 1&India Rcrder Kdmiit Goo7 AT JB.A.:RCxj.A.-3r BE08. TURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Rest grades In arga stock and va riety, very cheap 1 Full Link or Colors, V.P1T ADD IK Oil! Paint Brushes, Liniead Oil, Whitewash P:ashoa Turp.ntlna, Varnishes Kte. elo., ALL 1IBPS AD SrlXDABD SVALlmS At Bakclatb'. WHOLESALE Cnot'EBI. r78mTth'To67 WHOLESALE QROOERS, onto LEVEE CAIKO. ILLIXI , . aUo, keep con.umly nu head a mi I ' pete (IOck of sr.TCH "" ,M,M wHiUK -U I N 13, l'ort, Made rla, Bherry and Catawba Wlnm ) .IMYTH CO. sell tseluslvely for c-h,u K. which fact they mvlU the ..palal aM. Spttil atttntUin fittn U Filling OrrfVr.