Newspaper Page Text
f JOHN II. OBERLY & CO., PROPRIETORS. CAIRO, ILLINOIS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 1872. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASIIINGTON-AV THE MAILS. inttitE. rrriEi North, ThroU(n.M - 2:00 a. in. iWp.m i Xt'tJ 2:20 pirn. ti'Oa.m. South, Way 12.15 p.m. ;ip.m. " Through N. O., Mem. phln n l Columlma ..... 2.30 p.m. 4:00 p.m, Ohio Ulter rout-, (except Monday) - ;00p.m. e:Wp.m. Iron Mountain K. It SiMa-m. lt.-Jp. n. River route, Tuesday and Friday COO p.m. 7:00p.m. lhebea,Oooee Island Atlanta Fe. Ills., Thursday Frl lay ; C;00p.m. 7.00a.m. Mayfield, Mandrill, and l.erelare, Ky 11:00 a.m. 4.0lp.m. orrica iiorxt. il rural Delivery , '' .U.....I.. In.ti. M i.... ( .INI m. A Ml I Hmnter " " " " . .UJa.m. i.Wp.m. I Money Order an-l Remitter departutnta no n en on Bunlayt. OUR CHURCHES. HBSlirrEniAN-Elghth-atrect. 1'rra.ililnx Bul.lmlh at I0J.J A. N., and V, r. M. Prayer meeting, Wednttday at 1 T. u. Sunday Bcliml.S r. M. J. M Lantden, Super intenltnt. a Iter, C. II. Footi, Pattr. MKI'lloDloT-Cor. Eighth and Walnut fit. 1'rttclilne, Sabbath 10 a. and 7 r. m. I'rajrrr meeti"j, Wednesday, 7i r, m. Hunday Hchool 3 r. m. I.. W. Mlle, xupu tntendenl. llet. F. L.TiioMrnx, 1'antor. CHURCH UFTIIK UKUKKil Kit (Kj.i.cotl) Morniu, praytra, Hablwllf 1;, , m, ' Erc-DIng pra)er ',r. n. Sal.Whlkhool, a. m. iter. Ma. Cvi, Reclur. bT. PATRICK'S CHURCH .or. Mnth 8t. and Washington Avmue. ublla riervlce, Sabbath and I0K a. Vetperf. 3 r. x. unday School, Z r. at. Service erery day, tr.u. Ilev. r. J. O'lIiLiotia, I'rirat. i JUN"1 MEN'S CHRISTIAN AiHOCIATION-ReA- ular iiiecllag second Menday eacb month at tfce Prayer room tf the Presbyterian Church IVeekly I'rayer meeting, Friday. 7 r. at .lie Prayer room of the Preibyterlan church. C. Paatoat, President. AFRICAN METHODIST Fourteenth, between Walnut ant Cedar. eWvicee, Sabbath, 11 a. m. Sunday buhool, y, r. m. C.aatar. M. BECOND FREE-WILL BAPTIST Fifteenth Bl. Preaching, 7f r.u. Itev.Wm.Jackon,Palor. between Walnut and Cedar. Servicei (, and 3 r. m. Iter. N. IliHi.rMter. 'nKnwiLi. lurrirtTiioMB mission bun t)Ar BCIIUOI Corner walnut and Cedar Sta. c.unday8cbool,o a. at. IK.ST FHKE WILL BAPTIST Cni)RCII-Cur- ry'a Barracks, erricea, riabbatb It a. v., r.u. and 7J-J r. u. Iter. W. Kiuil, I'attor. fttUTMIHIONARY UAITIdT CIIURCU-llet. ween 10th and 11th treet, near Cedar. Preachlni Sabbath 10 a.m., and 7; r. a. i'rayer Meeting. Wednesday eTenlog. Preachlni, Friday crenlng. rabbath Urhool, V, r. M. John Van Baxtar and Mary btephena Buperintendenta. Ke. T J. Hiioau. Paato SECOND UAPrSTCHUItCII rouiteenth itreat, between Cedar and Walnut; fler. Jacob Baa.1- ley, Elder; th nnly luptl' f K,.rH ly theAMOCiatlon. Ferrleea, Hnnd.y 11 o'clock ni.. at S n m. and at 7 P.m. j Jacob BriciKT, Elder. SECRET ORDERS THE MAbOKS. r.M,nr. No. 13. Stated Aaiemtly attheAijlamMaaonil Uall, nrii ana in.tu4..- ardare In each month. 1 CaiaoCocaciuNo.IC Hejrutar Conocationat atonic Hall, the aecond Friday In each month. at Maaonto Uall.'on the third lueaday of etery Caiao Ciurraa, po. !.-- ,rr V" THE ODD-FELLOWS. t ... ii in U.tdFellcv'a. I b, A.7"".":".r: T,.r. n.. ..... Thur.dar ren i . - - . - I yii..iF ' airvii in u,iurcuu I jtn, in Art i u. e.. STATE OFFICERS. STATE TjFFICERS. Governor. John M. Palmer; LieuUnam-Oovernor, John Dougherty I Secretary ot htate, Edward Hummel ; Auditor of State, C. E. Lipplncott i SUteTreaiurer, E. N.Batet; Hupt. Public Juttructlon, Newton Bateman. CONGItESSMEN. Trumbull and John A. Logan. I P.epre.ent.tiTO for tho at ' " ... T , Ilererid,(e. . m ..-..iiir Thlrieanih Diilriet John M' MKMBKUS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. BenaloMflTi Dittnct r. A. E. llolcomh, ol Union, and 8. K. GlUon.ef Gallatin. Kepretentatlve, lat Dittrlct-U. Walton Webb. county"offigers. ciitcuiT cfluitT. JudxeD. J. nkcr, of Alexander. To-Vcutlna- Attorney-J. F. McCartney, ol Matt .0 Circuit Clork-Jno. Q. Harroan. Hhenff-A. H. Irvln. Wm. Martin, Attestor an Tieaturer, COUNTT COURT. Judge F. Ilrott. .v . t ANtocia'et J. K. McCrlte and 8. Marchlldon. Clerk Jacob G. Lvuch. Coroner John II. Gottman. MUNICIPAL "GOVERNMENT, , uyor John M. Lntden. l'reasiiter J.l), Toylor. ' " Comptroller K. A. Burnett Clerk Michael llowloy. Jlarthal Andrew Cain. Attorney P. II. Pope. Pollco Magiatratet V, Droit and U. Blitt neaty, " ChleloIPoUco-LII, Myen, SELECT COUNCIL ayor Jotin M. Lantden, Firtt Ward-P. O. Bohuh. Bocond Vfard-0. K.Wooavrnrd. ' Third Ward-Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward-S. BUaU Taylor. Olty-at-Laige-W. P. UaUldiy and V. nuid. BOARD OT ALDERMEN. riRST WARD-Jamet Brarden, Leo Kleb, Itaao Waldeo. , ' HCOND WARD It. n.'Cunninghsm, E. nuder, Henry Winter, V Jamea Bwayne, . tHIRD WABD-Wm. Stratton, PutilcU Fitrgeiald, OURTH WAKD-Iamra ( arroll.J O. H.Beato, 'J.n.Metoair. ln..a,n' . v- -nr v A a M -Recular Com. With Ita Bloomy atlendanta, low pl' Caiao OJ "for .7, 5,cSnd and Ha' depr "aaloa, 1 TOlnalarr em aaioo. tSIS",:,;, rafesS?S?sK Sam-.. THE BULLETIN. BUSINESS NOTES Ru.mian mrclcllM at Jorgenson'i; try them. The boit French anchoviai n the city at Jorgemon'a. t' Go to Dr. McOanley for Rattlnger'i Fe ver Drop. Warrantod to euro tho chilli Jokqenson hut tho flnett lupply ol Spatilth olivM In the city. Try them tf Thai the cholcctt butter II at Jorgenieo'i SUplo and Fancy Grocery itoro. OrsTKKS. Louli Herbert hai alwai oh band a freih lupply of Saddle Hock oyi cr. Frcih Muicklgrapi'i from California, juil received at JorgcLtcn'r. tf 1'aul O. Bchuh telli ltHttitiger'i moiil- cinet. tf l', Fjikax, 6i CVa London biloui I alvraya on hand, corner Twentieth and Witiljinglon avenue. ti Joruk.vko.s baa the beat Kait India prettfrvtt for lain cheap. tt Smoked aalmon and Ynrmoutb blonU erajuit received at Jorgenion'a. tf. 1'ARKEH & BLAKE, WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ratty. Bcmlap, naIlne, WINDOW Q-LASS. WINDOW BUADKa, Aad the celebrated illamlnatlca. AURORA OIL. BROW' nUILDINO, COR. llTU-BT. ft COM- MERCIAL-AV, Cairo, Illinois. ant;iCif TAXES. TUBLtC NOTICE It hereby glrea that tae aa XTaettment liatt forth year A. I. 1171. ba will attend ai the e'lflerent preciaeli in Alexander I iieea piaceu in my r.ani lor collection ana iaai i will attend ai the e'lflerent oteciaeli in Alexander countr, for the purpoae of collecting the atat I ana county uxee lor aaia year, ai me nmea aau placet following, to-wi; ; In Maxlewooii, alMllea Hartllnet houie, Jan uary 2ilh, 1172. in unity, at Jona nnuin itore, January zitn. 1172. In Clear Creek, at Caitead Ac Proto'a atora January ziin, liiz In Thebea, at J. O. Rollwing't itore, Januar) it. In hantaFe, at Viril Delaoey'a itore, January T.V.WI. breeniei aaioir. rtD I 'lii'nn Startln'a Hou In uos loom, February -an, u hebrnary sno, . . 1 will alau atien-1 a t-e Caer Houre In Cain. perKonaJlr or by oepnty. during the month ol FebruarT next, lor aafd purpoie. Under tho law 1 will be compelled to enforce the collection of personal txci during the month of lebruary next, thercloio tax-jJiyera will bear the fatt in mlnil and eate con, which wnl certalcly be added aner that tirre. .... j , k- li T.i.Mi.ri will aTfild troble and mil- ukea by brincini; with taem ILelr latt year'a tax ,rv.,.... aI.EX. II. HtVIN, HhenfT. and ex-offlclo Collector. Caiio, Ilia., Dee, 20, 1171. VPIiVHTTS lIKnTT.TTY il Ail WWW rf-'-i-. ) T1 rwenty-eiKBt. uompoinn n tr.e m i.w ml rt Bd joten r omie ai tne rpon l.At tha m ill. r toie in t i ara tern, arreatt harii.charrea. ind i-n rl Tignr.nd aner;y, lite and vitality to t i-entue mn. Tney hate cured thotiaanda of c e. Price, Pr i.ack.eeaol fiteboxe. and a lara U vial, which la eery important iu obatinata or old raaea. or it peraingl iwx. Bold by all drulglau, and aent i, maiT on ,celp: ol price. Adureaa Umphrey Hpecific Homeopathic P. HCHITH. way, r . i. auia-l. owawiy Aaent, Cairo, Illinolt. PUBLIC NOTICE. Elate of Illlool. Alexander county, ta. : Public notice la hereby vlven that bv virtna of ....ill. it.ted the 18th tin of November. 1871. executed by Thomaa A. Brown In fator of Hlrillna n. i-nnl. ihn underrlsned. he will tell, on the tenth day oi reuruar), idu, ai tue pw-iww iwi irk.k.. h.iv... th. h.itirt nf ten o'clock a.m. .nii the folluwlna detcribed preperiyi I ... i ll.u.j ... (..If .ilh..l..m f.nvlnlf III iWtil nh of Th; Vof bu' den o I 1 21100 tone ; meaturitil In length 51 4-10 leet I I. I.....II h 10 .1. 10 fl ! In ilrnth. i l.iufeet: to gether with all and elngnlar hli one-hall ol her boiler, englnet, machuery, Uckle, apparel and lutolture. eic. Thit 15111 day ol January. 1172, Dl bTEULINO C. POOL lanlCdAwMt. ON MARRIAGE. Happy relief lorynung men Irom the efleeteo erroraana eDutea in rarij inn. nimiw" 'billtV W. Iain "dime". 5. Vew melholf of Treat, atored. ner?ou rmvi to marriage remoreo, 'nV,.fr.An.KS"iiV..i" nt "e ntealed .nlope.r Art N'oth Bt.. Philadelphia.. Pa JOTTflP. iNUlHrj. mHEOoDtrtnerthip exi'ting between the un- aeraigneu win rapirn w m . ,11 - I..IA. lm dty of April next. Pet aont indebted to ut are rrqurti; ed tiaettlr their accouxlt, at the bookt oil and after that day w una piaeen in omer ntnij iur collection. 11( m Cai r'i Jan. S. 1172. COAti. COAL 1 COAL! COAL I JAMES ROSS, a i ah a ra 1)U QUOIN AND MOUNT CARBON COAL! Commercialav., Foot of Eleventh!.. All Coal carefully weighed at (he ystd aa Fur oanka' acalen. FULL WXIOHT WARRANTED. Coal delivered on the ahortett notice id part at the thy, cither by tb half ton, ton or load. .....m,.n ... Leave iruer a. .un vm .vu.u.-iiviiii.kt, hi foetef EUTtath ttreil. novlld lm. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS Cburltreit nnreli 31, lift, orrici if CITY NATIONAL BANK, CAIRO A. B. SAFFOtlD. Preaident; H. S. TAYUm, Vlce-Prnlent W. IIVSLOl', Uecretary and Treaurtr. aiatcTout P. W. BiacLar, F. M.iimatLciR. Cm. Oatiama, Pai'L (1. HCIII'H. R M. Ci'MKlaiiuav, W. P. llALLIMI, J. M! Paimrt. nr Amount I lpoallaot unjr Amoant Rerelrtxt Ten Cent lmrtl, 1MTKUEVT paid on depailta at the rate of an percent, per annum, March lataod Beplem ier lt. Inlere-t not withdrawn li rdded linma dlalely to tie principal of the depoait, thetebf t'riox them compound imereat. alAHHIED WOMEK AND CIIU.HIIBK MAT ur.roaiT moxky imi hoom wi can aaw ir. (Jnen ete.v blmlne.a dar from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Hatur.lav rfeninK tor HA VINO DKI'lHITb only, from to a o'clock. aiJ.V1l " .171.4 , liennuicr. FJRST NATIONAL BANK OK CAIKO. DANIEL JIUIID, Pre.ldent; ItOUERT W. MILLER. Vlee.Ireldnt ; C.N. HUMES, Cashier. COLLECTIONS: PROMPTLY MADE TXCIIANfiE, rein, bank nol.i and United IVI HI ate aecurltiea bought and aold, tulerril Allowed on Time DcpMlta. JAMES KYNASTON, Aatiher aed Dealer In all Hlada Fresb Meat, Coaaaa Nixttiiarn ax Porn a Strut. ' C AIR, ILLINOIS. UTS and atanf.htera only the very bett eattli, hoaa and aheeu. and la nrenaxed to fill anr da mud for freih mean from one found to ten thonaand ounda. de'tetf THE CITY NATIONAL BASTTC. CAIRO' ULI.VOIN. CAPITAL, 8100,000 W. P. HALL1PAV, Preiiden II EMIT L. II ALLIDAY, Vice Pretldtnli A. It. MAPFOUD, Ca.hier; TTALTF.h UY8LOP, Anltant Caahier. Exehnngr, Coin and Called Rtatea Bond llongUt aad Hold. TVEPOSITB received, and a aeneral banking U hualn iton. FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Febraary 5, 1871. i . t i irL.n.i...n n.f ri. of tha Cairo CatTno and T hat' in 1.7 unbded .wi.dom, re.otved to celebrate the fifth masquerade Ihla and cpieflV e-li' P-e any, and evervth ini here .hmn. mr dear realer. vou undoubtedly are elaased, will lie invited to demonatrate that Tour ! presence will be fully apprecla-ed. No tlcVett will be told at the door and tho.e wtahli k t ckett I ... .1.1.1. till... .r nnv 111 H 111 I, . T A 1R I .,4.1,11 I vw ",WMi v ""j .."'. - li., CAUL L. TIIOMAH, LOtUd ULATTEAU. Committee of ArranRemeutt of Cilro Cttlna St aw CDit. tCHOixxxvxa. wiiLuxscmcr. nnAS. SCIIOENMEYER & CO. FURNITURE ROOMS, i ' ; " ; ' t ' - ' f UPHOLSTERING I ; I ... .. i . . 1 ' ' ' Mattross Manufacturing, Faritltare Repalrlus, PICTURE FRAMING. All ordcrt promptly attended to.' NORTHWEST CORNER OF WASHINGTON AV ENUE AND TENTH bT., CAIRO, ILL. r. o, Drawn um. J'tf' any ear . LITE IXIVRAME, LITE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Tnr Most Svcckmvvv Lux Isiurivcc CoaroaATioK or the Same Aoe in thx "World. 3? XT B, 33 Ii Y MVTUAL; NO STOCKHOLDERS TO ABSORB PROFITS. - Amount orPoLictu in Forcb Dac. II, Total Incomb to Bami Datr, Net IvcRkUBS or Riiki in roicS, 1870, The Lrgeat Kt laieriam twrtmg jrar 1ST f uy Ceaftar tai the Worlrl. OROfH IXCRIASI OF BlIKf IX Fobck, 1IT0, $30,317,730 00 Oalr twi eempaalM la tha warlat Ue4 tkia araaa iacraaaa duHnf l70. Tha only company which nanalaM, tEartered rUnt, the orlnciple of LOCAL INVEST MF.NTri IN J-'iril hVK. It un.riM IA Ita Vramfrima or Ra.lnitiratir Funrl. Teonlr coropaaywhwh, bf l afeaHar, RTf HOME BOARD OF BIRKGTOM. ' r ' 3-3BlSnni-aVX- SO?. IiOTJie, JAMZ5 H. BXITTOK, Fraiident. ITenrt W. Hodob, Vlca President. Fxliz Cortx, Supt. Miiiourl Dept. "Wm. Hanlet, Secretary. John N. Pjutciiard, Treaiurer. C. F. BeKWL Attorney. X. L. Limoine, M. D. Med. Officer, lion. "Wm. Barnis, Conmltinr Couniel and Actuary. SOUTHF.RH ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. X. P. Bdrmnobam, Manager. ajLXno beiFch boasd. The follow 11 aaraad (eatleaaea kali ar eaatral tl 1,000 laiurance each, In the Llle Aiioclatloa of' Amtr:ea : P. W. Babclat, II. W. Webb. 11. II. Candeb, John Antrim, Chai. Oaliohib, J. M. pNiLura, C.Uakrt, B. P. Br oham, TAVlU Scanu. Leant ar Batae mm4 FlaiM leSrya iaanr la mmy ether Compnajr. LOCAL AGENTS. def.ild.ini. Carl L. Tiiouas, atcan. aiV9' 0 ajQ-VV dROCKBIB ABB Wtl MDSi " WILLIAM KLUGK, f 'I Hivaa ta H AiVULl X V JUUJEJAA.KJ DRY-GOODS, notions, boots and bhoeu. HATS AND CATS, RTC, Ha Juif feoelvad a heavy a toe o( fonU aa 1 Bhoek," Hotlerjr and Notlont, FOR SALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAP UaaUohatatine ttoek' of Family Orccerietot eteryklnd. CORNER B-XTU-ST.'AND COMMEB CIAL-AV., aOAO, IUJNOU $45,015,740 00 3,074,788 80 20,000,940 00 aa KACH STATE A KEPREHF..NTAT1VE IN THE John II. Obeklt, AVu. MoRBia, T. J. Kkrtit, "V. S. Edsok, W. B. Kerket. CASSIDY, WOLFE & CO., Produce and Groceries WAaSUfOTOM ATXNUX, BETWEEN RIOHTU AND NINTH BTS OAIIO, .LLINOIS 'Give them a Call I aaeiodsm. Bltl'UH. BARCLAY BROS.. OHIO I.EVEC, Call, Uu DBUG-G-ISTS SARATOGA SPRINGS IX rvit ILAIT AT BAXCLATt' DRUG STORE. Faata .SrrrtT, Dxilt. MOCKING BIRD FOOD au aaaav tea eta witboct vaovatt At Barclats. JJKLMBOLD'Q I GRAPE f CATAWBA f ORATE 1 fllaLS J, CATAWBA L ORATE GRAPE I CATAWBA ) . (.ORATE ) PILLS AID au or HELRROLn'N MEDICINEH FRESH TROM FIRhT HANDS, Always In atock In large tupply, and for tale by Barclay Bras. JUST RXCXIVXD Aim jar Sal by theOlaaa Bottle or Cnllon AT BARCLAYS'. "Extra. Finn Coloonx; BBrGXNTJINX IWPORTED EXTRACTS; rHAiR, Tooth and Nail Brushes rlNDiA Rubber Nuraxrt Goor AT jBABOjjAY BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Rett grtdee Id arge ttoek and ta vlity, very eheap; AUII Full Linr ox Colors, loir a " " ! Palat Vraibet, Linteed Oil, WbltewuhFMibee Turpentine, Taraltbea XU. etc, a ix tisM Ala avAHPAaB autim At Barclays'. BATCnEI.OH'N II AIR UYi;. 1870, - - Thta inperh Halrl)yiliiaMT ixtMa WMiD -Pertactly lUrrolca. Itcliable and -1'h"'f'u': Vl disappointment. No KI'tlculoiwTintr J'jj fcpodZh, ass. k Haw sera. AU. J. 31. PUILLlra & ijo., (Bucceaior to C B. Icndriekt k C., Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS ISO "WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS Liberal Adrancet mi npon. wontij(nmenit. Ara prepared to reeair. ale re aoi onrard rrlhta to all polatt and bay ir.u tell on coaimltiloD. rBuilaeta attended to promptly H. M. HULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION And Dealer Foreign Fruits and Nut, No. 134 Commercial-ave., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. 64 Ohio Lcvco, CAIRO, ILLINOIS noT22dtf JOHN B. PHILLIS &SON (Succtatore to Jce.B. Phllllt,) GENERAL COMMISSION an FORWARDING MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Meal, Bran, &c, Cor. TENTfl-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIRO. ILL. G. D. WILLIAMSON. PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, CAIRO, I LLINCIB. rdpcclal attention guen to contignmenta ami ordara t. D. UATHUB9. X. C. TJHL MATHUSS & TJHL, FOEWAEDI ura- AND CIENERAZ. Commission Mbrchantb, DEALERS IN FXiOTTH. G-EAIK. HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE No. 64 OHIO IXVEE, ilftcri Fbuiih Sixth SU AIRO.ILL. augia oawu STRATTON & BIRD (.Succeitora toStratton, Uudion A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AXt COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 67 Ohio Lovee, Cairo, Illinois, Agenti of American Powder Co., aud man aaentt for eouon vrn MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING" MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Onta. llnv. etc. AGENTS FOR FAIHHANK'S SCALES 68 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. CLOSE k VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MER0nANT8 AXD DBAI.EBB LIME Cement, Plaster Paris, AKD PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner El.Uth Street and Ohio CAIRO, ILL. WOOD RITTENnOUSE, FLOUR AND General Commission Morchant 133 OniO LEVEE, Cairo, IiiUto" CAIRO CITY COAL la prepartd Is tupplT tatlomar wit t quality e. PITTSBURG AND .ILLINOIS CO AT, i. "VRDKR9 left at Ilalllday Brai, offlee, II OOIO J LKVKE, or at tho Coal Tard below the 81. Charles Hotel, will receirn prompt attention. , fUETUO "MONTAt!K'rwlllPrlqg coal aloag tide ateamer at my hour. ocMlf HIG.V WHITER. CARL L. THOMAS, a nowprepated to retpend promptly te all da maada for hia itrvlcea. SIIOP-COB. 8III-3T. AND COMMEBCAL-AT In the Perry IIobm, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. nov22dll FAHIIaT OKOCEKini. LOUIS JORGENSEN, Dealer la all klndt of STAPLE AND FANCY Q-BOCBBIES. Faraaar'a Tard aad atabUaa; WITHOUT CHAROR. Car. WBbiDgton-Rv.rtRd TweRtietlt-it CAIRO, ILLS. )yx7dlf. DOOM, NAHU, ETOi 0 TO W. W. THORNTON'S, BUILDER!' SUPPLY DEPOT ll TENTH STRUT, CAIRO, ILLIM0I1 FOR DMM, aaah, Bllada. JaTaaldlara, Eava Gattera, (wood) Wtadawaad n rraaaea, Floorlas;, tth. btaclea. Olaiei Baah, Olaaad Mda LlBhU, Olaaed Trnmaoaaa, ash WelBhU, rtaah FralllM aad CaHU, Blind Faatealaga, Boola rait, boobbc canaat, Fuatrta Paper, Carpet Felt, Walt .Lead, I.laaed Oil, Axaerleaa Wtaadaw Claaa, Eaffllah aadFreack Plato Claaa, Patty, Glasler'a Potata war ripea Patent Chlaaaayai Etc., IM., "ta. a n OENT8 for Rock Rivet Papar Company'a A Mh.mhini Felt and Ouarla Cement. 11. TV, JOIlll B IWpiUT-lv """""fc wm and . MllOilNKBa. MRS. M. SWANDER, DEALER IN MILLINERY I LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, Coxaaaerrlavl Aveaae, op pant te Kill " Mel uaythora'a lal Aveaae, optn and Uaythora'a Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR. LADIES' WXAxt Made te order, or RaeJy-Kade. Ilaa reeeived afull and eompteta ataek 4tU, be newett aad cempletett in tha clll. '-AB la mtnie tarlty ot , , k RIBBONS, LACES ANDjlllNOIi aha oflera great Inducamata U KertMliosa a4 all cthert to call on hor,exmlaJ tha arleaa; leytea ad quality ot her gooda. Mra. jwananr, having told her property, ail atli the whole Qt thete aoodi at and Wewee Now li lha tlrua to pureaaaa nwUMtaa ataa t.tU)f lwtt iritti. a..Maa.raiiBTBTBaBxTaBaaBBaB