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ettm. JOHN II. 0I3EIILY & CO., TIIBMAILS. aurivk. nrrikHT North, Througn - W m. :" t'-ni Way 2:20 pim. 4:01 a.m. South, Way 12.15 p.m. ;wp.fn. ' Through N, O., Mem. phla and Columbus 2.30 4:00, Ohio Hirer rout1, (except Monday) ;OOp.m, C.OOp.m, iron Mountain It. It 2.30 ii.m. 11.(4 p. n. lf. H'ver route, Tueaday and Krlilay C-.OOp.m, 7.'p.m. Ihebee, Ooofn Island A Hanla , Ilia., TliJn-f.'ay 1 Kr. lay , ..; C;( 7:uo.m, Mnyttcld, lllnii'liilio Had '.otehve, jr ll;Wa.ln. 4.00p.m. nrnct iiotaa. t mrul Delivery Itu inlays 8 lo'Ja.m.) one y OrJr department :W a.m. 6.00 Negater " " " twrna.m. A.oun.m. Mouey Older and Hf (idler department tin I u ou Mondays. OUR CHURCHES. ItKSIIYrKltlAN-KighttfMreet. I'rca- 111114 Kibbilh nl 't a. m, and "Jj r. at. Prayer meet n(, Wedne.dti) at7Ji r.M. Sunday Hcli iol, 3 r, m. J. M Luntdcn, Hupr Inletident. It.r. C. II. Ko.ur, Paattr. Hi;rH0lJHT-fir. Eighth and Walnut ht. Prrichinir, "abbath lyt a, M.,nml 7 r. m. Pr.'.yer lined g, WIue.dy, 7), r. h. M. nJn; rVhom .1 r M. I.. IV. hlllorll, rtuper. Weiid-nt. Her, K. L.TihikisO"., Pastor. milieu ok mi: !!Kl'Ki::iKi:-t.'i't-xn"i) M...I1 pMJI'll, SlbtMltl lJ A. !. r) r. yt t. h. Sabbath !k0 . , 'J A. U. I'ev. Ma. I'uas, Hector. 2T PATIt'l K a CIIUItCH .or. Miitli fci.auJ V.ijrii;l-in Aitnue. .Jul. -errxi , Sabbath rjand 10J, a. m S espers, 3 r. u. uuday school, 2 r. m. ietic ci) dajr. Hp, n, Iter. I', J. O'lUi.ioai, Pile. I. . .i.Nrili:.N'.,CIlKiyriASASrkCIATION-He. , n!ar tiiit't- ix tn-ond Moiidat ecl. montli l It e 1 I'rjrr rjom of tho I'rt'ubrterun Uliurcli Kfy l'ra)er meeting, Hllaj, "( r. at .be I'rayer room of tho I'rc.b)t-riu t-tuireh. ('. I'AaMtm, I'roi-li'iit. AKUICAS MKTllOU;, Uturru U'a...iiI i,n I Oidir. .-,t"i IS, tsbballli It A. M. .' iy b. hool, y, r. ii. t r . -I y.U KltKWlLt. IIAPI lbT-Kineenth St. 1 rtw . .nir,; r. . Hey. Wiii.Jkji, l'mtor. Ictween U Jrii.tii'J Cetur. t-er-.i c .bb.111, y, anil J r. w. Key. N. Hica., PUor. Mtrn wiu. niri8T noJiK tiiiu.- t-u.v IAT aCll JUL-Corner w nut and Ci-dar b!i. uri'Iljixhool, a, M. IICST FIIKB WILL IIAI'TIST ClltltCll-Cur- ( rj'i llirnw-n. ericei,rtnb)jAth 11 a. ir., r. M. and 7,' r. . J Iter. Wm. Ktti.iT, I'A.tor. weeo 10th and 11th trcet, nearCelir. ' Preaching HbbatU lo a.m., and 'ii r. m. Prayer Meeting. Wcdne-ilajrerenln. Preaching, Krnfar rttnlr;-. rabbath.S hool, ) j r. M. John Van llaxter and Uary btephent Hupt-rinttDdrnt. !r. TJ. fciioin. pato BF.CONI) lUPtSTCIIUItCil-l-ouiltentli .treet, teta-een CeJar and Walnut; Ilt-y, Jacob Dud ley, Elder; the only Ilaptlit Church recosnu-il i y the Aociation. HtvIccp, fcunday II o'clock .ni., at 3 p m. anl at p.m. jAC'it PkAllir, Kldtr. SECRET OltDEHS TIIK MASONS. I Cans CoMKASDtaT, No W-Ptated A-midy at tho Asylum Monn Uall, lint on I thud.h.i.. urdar. In each month. CAI.oCot-icil,.No.2l.-l'rc.,l.r Conroeationat aonic Hall, the eecon-l Krlday Ir. aoh inonih. Cailo Ciurtta, No. 71. 'tegular Couioc.tion at M4ouic Hall, on the third l ue.d.y of nery nwnth. CAiau 1imi, No. 237 K. A A. M P.CK'ilar Com. inunication. at Maximo Hall, the iicond uud lounh ilnn'taya ol enrli month. lutiA lynbor, .No.itJi K. a A, M. Regular Com munlcalion. ai M.ioiiic Hall arat aud third i nurauayn incicn iiiouui. , THE Olili-FELLOWH. j ALtxAiDta liwx. 2il. Metl. In OJdKellcT.-'. Hall, in Art-r'a HuilJluK, erery Thuraday ru Dg, at 7o'clo.,k. STATE OFFICERS. STATE OFFICERS. Goyernor. Jahn l. rut men Lteutenani-Goycrnor, John Dougherty I SecieUryot Klate, E-lwajd Itummel; Auditor of !Me, C. K. Lippincolt , SUteTreaiurer, K. N. Ilitcsi Supt. Public luatruc-tlon, Ni-wton Ilsteman. CONGRESSMEN. Jenatora Lyman TrumbtilUnd John A.Logan, liepreneotatiyo lor the Slate nt l.nre J. L lleieridse, r.prc.euttiye Thirtconth Diitnct John M' :iIh. itKMHEltS GENERAL ASSEMI1LY. I Sen.lojf.lai I'i'inct-f '. A . Ii. Holcomb. ol Union, iriT3- K. O..I1, tin. i;cirt-jcntutive, Ut I)itn t II, Watxou Webb; COUNTY OFFICERS. CIRCUIT COURT. Judge I). J. IliUer, of Alexander. Prosecuting Attorney J. I. McCartnoy, of Maaa.ic Cin-uit Clerk Jno. Q. Hnrnun. BlK-nll-A. II. Irvln. Wm. Martin, Aaeaaor am Tieaiurcr, COUNTY COURT. Judge P. Ilro.ii, Aaoca'.ei .1. 1-.. McCriteand H. M.-ircliddoti, Cleric Jacob (1. Lynch. Coroner John II. Gosnman. MUNICIPAL "GOVERNMENT iiyor John il. Insdcn. I're.i'iuer J. I. Taylor. Comptro ler n. A. Ittirnetl Clerk Michael Ilowley. ilnrahal Andrew C.dn, Attorney P. II.Popo, I'olK'o HJgiHr.itos K, IJrosa and II, Hhan. neacy, Chlt'tol Pollco-L. It, Myeri, SELECT COUNCIL ayor John M. I.nnaden, Kirat Vrd-P. O.S:huh. Second Vfard C. It. Woo urnrd. Ihlrd Ward-Juo, Vood. Kourth Ward S. Btavts Taylor. Oltyat.Laige W. P. Ilouldty and 1). Hurd. HOARD OF ALDERMEN, riB3V WAUD-Jamea Rearden, Leo Kleb, Haas Walden, KCONDWAIID-R. II. Cunningham, E. Duder, Henry Winter, i JamaaSwayne. rfjIIItD WARD Wm. Btratton, -Pttiilclt Kltrgosald, OURTH WAItU-Jamei Carroll, j O. II. Sense, .J.U.JIetcalf. PROPRIETORS. rpi.I I? IJTTT r XT XI1JJ IJU1JUU1.11, BUSINESS NOTES JtL'fMAV snnlclles at .lorgonson'i J try tlietn. l Tub Lett French oticliovlce n the city nl Jorgonson'n. If Go to Dr. McOniiloy for Knttinrcr'i Fe ver Drop-. Warranted to cure tlio chilli Ioiioenron hiit tliu llnest supply ut Spnnitli ullvt-4 In tho nitv. Try tlietn tf Focsw, Thiil tho tholccst htitter it ut Jorgctucn's Staplo nnd Fniiry Grocery (tore. OvhTEKH. LouU Hcrbort hns alwn on luind K troll itipply of Suddlo I'ock oyi cr. Frch iluscnt gni(iu from Callfornln, jutl n-ccivt-d at Jorgci.u-n'. if 1'itul (I. Si-hull cells lUtlliier' tnvili- t'itllil. II l'KCK, FltKA.v, CoV London biiuui t nlwuya uii hand, corner Twentieth and Wuthinuton vcnue. " H JottOKN-O.s him tliu bi-t Knt India jiretorvn lor nil,' chcup. tt .SmoUi-d milinun utid Y-trinnutli lilont- ITP.jlltt nwivcH nt Joriil-IIMIII !". tf. 1'AJIKKU aV I5LAKK, crALra. ih WALL PAPER, PAINTS, J ! I'ntl)', Ilriizlur, CniolliH', Vri3ST3DO"W GLASS. WINDOW HUAVr., " And the cel"brat-d illuminating AURORA OIL. IIROSS DUILDLNfl, COIl. llTII-ST. A COM- jji:i:ciAi..AV., C'Air.o, Illinois. akfh.-r IHJTCllr.Hf). CKNTKAL MEAT MARKET. KOEIILER & BROTHER ilaye uf en I - PUPHLAD MK AT MAItKET, COMMERCIAE-AY., Brlu em Mn III nml Tent U hi reel a, .n.l will keep rnmitantly on han-l the Ut meat. nanKuirien in in-,4iro rnarKti. i ur, nnj -cuui ",TB "m .eptSlti. IIOAT NTOKKX. S A M W ILSON, a a l a a I a ; A.. ) BOAT STOESS OROCKRIEB, PROVISIONS, ETC. No. 110 Ohio Levxe : : : : : Cairo, III. oapraa rn.rTi.T rrmra D It Y J it It K. 71. FALL-WINTER. 72 C. II A N NY. LARGE STOfjK BROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, TiCKnsroa. o ii 1; c jc a, AND STHiriv S, KENTUCKY JEANS, EXTltA, OASSISIERS, 3T Ij jV-N"3ST-JTiS. BLACK ALPACAS AND LUSTERS, GAOSJJAIN SILKS, LARUE STOCK 0F OARPTIKO OIL CLOTHS, MATTINO, Wludow Nhsalcl, OII.T HANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACK DAMASKS. II la EntlreHiocklf ovr Cloning Oh AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNER 8in ST., AND COMUKRCIAL-AV., Cniro, IUImoU, t.ptllf ISKl'ICANCi:, "TH II) MP II." THE TRIUMPH INSURANCE CO. Of CInclnnMI. IM.M ..f.!flO,W Hollctt all kln-laol rlikn. r. tiitoNa, Agent, Cairo. , '. DIU'UN. MI1 I.KVKK, Ciico, lit. DBTJG-G-ISTS SAItATOUA SlMtlNOS in rttL ILA.T AT I1AKCLATS DRCO STOHK. Ktr.ii HcrrLT, Dailt. L MOCKING MRD FOOD Alt arAbr loa in wiriioi-r tatiitir At J'aixi.ays'. n L M II O I. ! Cj GKAl'K catawiia i '; t oiiAi-K i l'll.LS j CATAWIIA l. allAl'K OltAl'E CATAWIIA ) Ul'.APE j I'lLLS . a an ah r ii i: i. i n o 1. 1 h m r. nn i x t:.i FRESH I ROM l'ir.!T IIANH9, Alwaya In atoel: In large supply, and for illy 11 nr c 1 n y It r o a. FEESH SLTJE LICK KIT RECEITE II rMnlnbjr ItirCInaai mulr crCnllvn AT BARCLAYS'. Hr Extra Fine Cologne; ItayGKNUiNE Imported Extract; arllAiR, Tooth and Kail Hkcphes SQTIndia Kuiiiir.R NuRfERY Goo AT t7Jgi3A.-BCji-A.-2- BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Beat gradea In argn etock and rlety, yery cheap; alio: Full Line of Color, .HIT AVD IX oil; Taint Bruihea, Ltnaeed Od, WhitevaeL P '-ahva Turpentine, Varii'elii Etc. etc., ALL ElKM A.C TaXBACD QVAllIltJ At Barclays'. CASSIDY, WOLFE & CO., Produck and Groceries WAbHlNorOV AVENUE, IIETWEKN EIGHTH AND NINTH 8Td., CAIRO, .LLINOIS a Glvo them a Call I -a drcUM:tm, UENniAl, ACJKN'IN. UALLIDAY BROTHER GE1NBRAL AGENTS ASK FOR WARDING and COMMISSION Mr.llCIIANTH AND DEALERS IN FLOUR; enta of Oblo lllvcr'nud Knnnwlin S-A-Xj a? COMFANIB 70 Ohio Levee, tf CAIHO, ILLINOI CAIRO. ILLINOIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4 IST-2. I.IIK LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. The Most .Succksmxl I.ifk iNsurtANCB ConroHATio.v or tiik Samb Aok in Titr. WortLi). PtTBBIiY MlTTTTAIi; NO STOCKHOLDKltS TO AUS01UJ PROFITS. Amount of'Pomcies i.v Fokce Dec. IOTAI. INCOME TO SAME DATE, - J, KT IcttKAHE or Hisks in Force, 1870, j xhc I.irRrt Ncl Iiicrfniclnrlii(t (lip (Jno. Inckease or Ki.ks in Foitcn, Only Iwi companies In the world exceed thu croi lnereo tliifln? 1T0. The only romi any which simrantee., ai n ehurtered rl'it. tho "rinetplo of I.OCAI. IM E-i r MENTd IN KACIIbTATK, In proiiort on to lt I'lemlimi" or Ite.In.umnro I-nn.l. Th only eompanr whnli. I,y Hp charter, nnei KK-'ll HI'ATK A IH'.I'ItKSKNTATlVF. I.S THU iiom i: iim'im ok DfuKcroiii. G-ElTEEAIi OFFICE, ST. XiOTJIS, MO. Heniiy Vf. llouoit, Vice President. "Vm. Hanlev, Secretary. C. F. Hrr.r:i, Attorney. Hon. AV.M. JJarnts Consulllrig Cotuutd und Actuary. SOUTUKltS ILLINOIS D K I' A It T M K .V T. K. 1. Huiai.voriAM, Slanngcr. rhe following Limed f entlm.en hold or rontiol oi J . W ., C HAS. GAL1GIIF.R, JOHN II. OnF.RLT, H. W. Wkiiii. .1. M Phillip!., AVm. Moiaiif, lULCimt, C. Hanv, T. .1. Kkktii, i -'o'ANiniM, i:.S.IIn0AM, V.S.K)!son, fAUl. O OCIIUH. .... I.i mn our ilrttos mill 1'I.nis Iii-loro.vnn liisuio in nny oilier tom:nny. LOCAL ACKXTS. CARL L.TlloMAH, V. Ii. lvllttNEY. dee.UdJm . J e CO o1 ... no ;. 7 A OKOCKRIIX AND BUY flOOUS. I - I WILLIAM KLUGE, peitcH in 1 FAMILY GROCERIES, j' DRY-GOODS, i NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAP?, ETC., flaa lutt received a heavy atoc'i of llooti anil Jn" alioea, Iloalety and Notion, FOR BALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAP I lie .Uo ha. a (me .took of Kamlly ol niMiuun ctYTII QT A Nil PflMM VII I CORNER SlXI H-Sl. AiMJ CUMOIJiU OIAL-A ., AIRO, ILLINOU tANtrtlAACl:. SI, 187o, $16,055,7-10 00 3,07-1,788 80 - 20,000,911) 00 year INTO ofnn.v Cniiiinny In Ihn World. 1370, $30,327,730 00 JAMKS II. IIUITTOX. l'rcsidcnt. 1 Felix Costk. Sunt. Jlissouri Dent. ! .Ioiin N. IV.itcii.mih, TrenMtror. K. L. J.emoINE, SI. D. Med. Officer. f lo,W inmtanee each, in the I. lie Aiaoc lation Aincrra: THE DAVIS LOCK STICIi. .rrr. itcrtfAL rccn SEWING MACHINE , THE LARGEST. I tiik SIMPLEST. ; THE CHEAPEST, j THE BEST. j THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OF THE A OIL I 'V o M. r :i..i Agenti ir.mto-l iinoceupt'-l teiritory. Send for nmt price lit. Ilriiurli ofllrc, 012 .orlli 1'onrlli Slreol UT. LOUIS, .MO. B. T. NEWTON, .Mnnnger. I.Ml.t 1 siJ. CARL h. THOMAS, lOlLST WRITER a now p.-jpated to reipond promptly to all de inanda for hla s r i c e . SHOP-COR. SriI-ST. AND COMMRRCAL-AV III tlie I'ci-ry Iloime, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. ; norM-IH i ajiii.y ato i:iiiA. LOUIS .1 ORGENSEN, ' 1 vuli i Ir. nil kimli- of STAPLE AND FANCY -G-BOOBBIES. I'lirmer'ii Ynril mill ntnlilinu WITHOUT CIIAI.UE. Cor. Washinglon-avttiHl Twcuticth-M. CAIRO, ILLS I l'AINTI.KS. MOORE k MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamontal PAHSTTEES, llccorntlvo ruiieliiuiliiK:, ItnUolillii. 'B ,,"- I Done In tlio luchp.t tlyln ol tho ntt, aud a ,Mn, (fiat drly vompetitlon. ' I Biino iv yv.r.uv HOUSE. CORNER OF 8rU liTUKET AND CMMERCIAL AVENUE, -j? KULI.KTIN Umunxu. VASH!MT0N-aY w- l.liUd & CO.. (iilcee.iors to B. D. Uenlrttk A ., j Forwarding and Commisaum MKR0IIANTS WHAKF-I10AT PROl'IUKTOKS WsI'lbrral Advances rr.i i rcp ajSSZ. CoiiKlxnnicnu. Aro prepareil to receite, .tore aci oritur! fruixht. to all point and bur (ell oo co:ninlslon. I Iluilne attended to promptly II. 31. HULEaV, ifJUflPPn a vtiPnXTTPTTTiTTrkX I And Dealer Foreign Fruits and Nuts, j No. 134 Commercial-aye., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. I And 814,171 fcl CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., ! ' . American central, uo- rt1-VT-r 4 T ,T,.A vriji ,1VVIJ UUiMiUlv5i51Ui ASU ' FOR WAR DING MERCHANTS, v-- I r , t 1U. U-I JlllV XJUCC, PAlTIO T f.l.f VflT.5 UOTIS-Itf , JOHN 15. PHILLIS &SON (rtuecea.ora to Jno.l). I'hl'ilif,! t I I i GENERAL COMMISSION i i FOIVW A RDI N g'mERUH ANTS, ADD DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Meal, Bran, &c. ton. TENT1I-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIKO. ILL. "n. J). WILLIAMSON. PRODUCE AND COM MISSION M ERCHANT, .o. TG Olilu I.evee-. OAIBO, ILLINOIS. iv-8pcclal attt-ntton guen to conngnmente ao-l onl Z. D. MATHUfS. E. C. L'DL MATIITJSS & UIIL, FOEWABDI IsTQ- AMI GKM'.tlAL Commission Merchants, DEALERS IN FLOUE, G-EAIIT. HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE No. 61 OHIO I.EVK.K, Bttum Fourth & iir(A N(i., AIKO, ILL augrt IAwtf STRATTON k BIRD (Successor. toHtratton, Hudson A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COM SI ISSION SI ERCH AN TS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. lrAgent of American Powder Co., and man ugenH for cotton vrn MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION FO R WARD 1 N G " SI E R C n A N TS, DKALKRS IS VLOVU, CORN! Oats, llav, etc. AGENTS for KAIRBANK'.S SCALES 1 68 On to Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. CLOSE h VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS ami 3D E-XiESSlS Cement, Plaster Vaki, P L A S T E R E R ' S HAIR, corner KiKiu Nirei unit out i.". CAIRO, ILL. ! (iN MARRIAGE. ! Happy relief Inr young men Irom the etle cia o erro-a nil. auuarsj ii ...nj . " ' ; . Xtfin1' me it lie ami remarkable remdie.. Dook. ml elrcn nme-nt tree, in neaieu enieiopi-a. ,u 3,.e,7imvAB AbciATioN. no. a Bouih IS'UIII O... . HI" " NOTICE. j ,., rnr,,.r inrhin rxl.tine between the un. WiSSSSt ""il ' "'lr eu or bef5?e lZ, M to Si" "Vr'W'V: ed f aetllr the r accounla, oa Hie. uooaa o i euu ififrlha duv will ho lleil In oilier ban.', lor collection. collection. OUKELKY A IW. Cal r'l Jau. , 17. I.SNlil.V M!' , WHte. ' .TTa'icu; "WlCi No. l'ub. anil U. H. Ce. FINE, UULL, OAKGO, LIVE STOCK! CCI DENT, LIFE, iiNrs-crs,3rcai JKTKA, IIAItTrORL), Alfet. . W.Mlot IT V0RTH AMERICA. PA- Aieta. !,7M,t0(. HARTFORD, CON5- Aaieta.M .,44,tl0 H I PlIOKNIX, HARTrORD, A.eto.. 1,711,111 INTZRNATIONAI, H. Ami-Ii.. -l.SM.MI t; PUTNAM, HARTFORD, Ael. 70(rf 0i CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Atett. oll,n li HOME. COLUMDU8. i CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFI, Aet JO.OUO.aoa - i TRAVELER'!", HARTFORD, LIT! AKB i accident, I Aa.ela l,W,0O3 f ! RAILWAY PASSENOERS ASSURAIfCf CO., HARTFORD, At1- - X,UA I INDEPENDENT, IIOSTOir, i Ka,nl. 1 1 .u. SAFFORD, MORRIS St CANDEE, 71 Oblo I.eTec, City National Hank, CAIRO, ILL. FIRE AND MARINE iisrsuR-isrciEi COMPANIES I NIAOARA, N. T., AaaaU ................ 41,4W,216 tt OERMANIA, N. T., Aaaeta l.OM.Tn 71 HANOVER, N. Y. Aaaels ..7W,2 00 REI'UllLIC, N. Y., Aisets 714.M5 0O Compriaing the Underwriter.' Ageney. YONKERS, N. Y., Aaieta 78,4M IS ALUANY CITY, Aaaata 4&S.US M firemen's FUND, S. F., AaaetH ell.ejnoto SECURITT, N. Y. MARINE, Aaaeta I,t3!,9 Otl STORK, Dwellings, Furniture, Hulla and Car tors, injured at ra'es aa fayoiabla aa aonad, permanent aecurlty wl'l warrant. 1 revpectlully aak m the cltizena of Calra, a aliHifot their paironaxe. r. n. uvumrM. NAI.OOM4. EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND BA1 ROOM. JOHN OATEN, lToprilr. 106 Cmmercial Ayenue, CAIRO, ILLIateiaT) Heat brand of California Cigara Just fMairaal, BILLIARD .aloon furnlahed with tha but l tnblea; and . implied with wln, llaen and elgiira of Hi-- finent brands. A. SUSANKA, Proprietor MAGNOLIA 'SALOOK And Dealer In 1'orelgn and DomtltU WINES, LIQUORS AND 0IGAJ18 97 Ohio Lovee, I'etMeeti Ninth and Tenth Street!, Cairo, III. deeKtf DEXTER EXUI1ANUE. ( Ohio f.cve. atmr Slo.o ( J. D. ZANONE, PROPRIETOjt, j Fresh Shell Oysters Received DtU)) Keepa alwaya on hand Baltimore ani Rabi. 0aier, which h will I glad to J "' lllf r I. I' I.", r . r , crriH J AMKo KXfly"i , a wllUi,.r r d '' 'uai Co..aM""t",,'r,ni ,A,), ILLIMOW. ., an aajf at -,,, au,i aneep, . w.r,-.- -. -jj , .frLIrU fur frt roaau UOJaoaa paod WW 2.ea..n4 pouaiifc -J" I