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TUB BULLETIN. i nut i i.l, ftlcorni I'.iiihi. r. l Y f -iNjyn fl. 4, V2 Tl ' I; .1 . ;M, f . i t iv "'mttA:tiilnS.tilht'lllimut, ' ii .Ttt, fctf Irtit"; '" r . . nl mli V & M -. mnUi turthni, lit MMt i : iitpr vHl Watt' rtnltn o i ik ! t .lit In i.t luiiimi t brniitn,l i . r.i, ny mrr'er, ....... Vaipetthf I'.rrirr, lu j.Imo'H in w ii in y fjni "A Tli t month', tl .nmilb .... ' ii vw. - - V2L Til DOLLAR WEEKLY llUl!."., John 1. Oberly Co. ntf rM-H the .ul. ui(' prw nf th Weekly Oilro llnltetfn i Ov IWitrjm in, mkln ' chMpett p. t- mhiti. i in -Mih-fi III'""! ?a St. Lot'M Hoard of Trade and Merchant' Exchange hold a mcctiiij.'s on Thursday, for the purpose of fak ir;; :otnc action on the bill now before t mitosi, for the relief of Chicago lb" tome of both bodies wai altogether Cf;iotJ to the bill, aud resolution wore fj.sijJ. instructing Missouri senator? m! representatives to that effect. Tnw National tfaptitt, a rcligiom spajur published in the cast, take r. rong grouuds aguiust the religious t iiitaduicr.t to the constitution ndvo CaLd bj the Cincinnati convention ol list '..eelc. The views of the llaptitt, tl u religious journal, arc peculiar : " The promotion of Christianity r.v.;.t be Jcft to the free activity of it. Oit .jilu, under the guidance of the 1 tid the ever-present spirit of Cod. The state bus exhausted its pro rjjitivs in this direction when it pc ra.ij to Christianity a perfectly free tci'mt;-; it must secure like freedom to ril it: citizens." With the highest po-slul. personal regard for many vhoc nnrncs are sigucd to the forgoing call, re can only invoke confusion u4.jn ilieir counsels when they come to- b.r 1 to discuss the subject of nation r 1 rciion in aU Us bearings.' " V na probability of Jeff. Davis being clc.tcd by the people of tho south to the tenate or house of representatives, in ..le ivent of tho passage of a liberal cm-.atv bill, is one which seems to f.ct tho Grant radicals into a fever, 'ihtidea of the arch-rebel over being cjloed lo tako his seat in tho national r-v:nbly, on equal terms with the loyal i uatcrs-nd representative, who in tho of r.bcllion against their conn 73, "hivo no sins to be forgiven,'' is pr jiosurouB, it is terrible, and can rot I j entertained for a moment. To Le there is not the MiRhtcst prob- rl'.l'u that Jeff, ever will bo sent to r.b m any contingency, or if he vsij, that his capacity for mischief rocid crpand to any alarming extent, L it th; objection answers every purpose Cj" " ioyal " congressman and senators, 'j Lu argument, against amnesty. 'int. Central Baptitt, a religious journal published in St. Louis, gravely objects to tho slander published in a roruly newspaper, that, " the U.iptists of Lafayette, Indiana, are greatly cciicd, &nd considerable trouble exists in i'iat lO.fii in consequence of tho dis-d-Jon of the question whether blocks Tor ihs Nicolson pavement shoufd Lc "-.rinhltd or immerteil. In conse Lncc of tuo influence of this absorb- iog :opic, the work of putting down fo pavement has been stopped." " Of course, says the Baptist, this is t U fally. But after all, we arc at n less to determine who is the most con- 01- rtarss, he who originated it, or he '.lie u'.;ci,it circulation. Perhaps both t 2 about equally empty-hearted and rjuiow-draiucd." Io ? foicibly is the powerof the press ilhatri..2d in the above caustic criticism cf .La LaptUt. Until wo read it, we t'.osght (ho rtory about tho -Vicolson i ivctjt 1 1 joke, but tho linptist has i -vuu; our mistake. Wo are in td to oeJievc that the Lafayette u? have such a discussion . THE UAU1CAL WAV. tyafcir-E; of the uuuVpy condition c'kLu.-3 in Chicot couufy, Arkansas, iLi He' ;p'uis lrtihiiiciesays ' Ii ..'.t-b -will not be (iiitUuii by thn f" d m !"lliti whloli llirt I'mturnnr ....... 1 li- in Cu'.so'. county. It U not probaMo t 1 tho L:ov.rnor will rIvh any of bin t' n to '.ha situhtton of affair in that co' niy Vicaufio he is one of tli mdicul rit.1 of tiic .-"publican tmrtv of Arkmnm. tul U -s y buy at Vuh'm;tun In Hit tnir.i:u li-aulor Clayton. Tliii occuplei mi t.-iiou mnu. And uer-iu lies tho secret of the is'rmis'ament of radical carpet-bag outtj-oldv; all through the south rl'y, b.-J.zzz of arranging for a longer Icifc of poT;;r U uppermost in their Caoti.-j'ai Thtt does it matter if tho lauioiiso. .Uc community Buffer if s in t'.,e csw o; Chicot county, a large Ulrica ofc!;unl.-7 is desolated, its in la uLa obpped, and its people c..7. ifju", thoir homes? This - j v.'sh i grain in tho scale with t.. lufti. . of carpet-bag officials u. n; w.- . la (Lo ofliccs they love to vollv ....a:-,n to tbo dutios of his i;.lti;u Sc..:c,t UethitiL'H a carpet " 18 n"cr known to bo ffil of. XJ-t these fa(3lH tJl(J i7 ia a:tre of, tiiW '. I no .ii .t lulljf or have Vi10vvu iu: a Jv.' K 0vt' timo titan 0 rnt J ;if;.,B in Wh. ngton city, mid ! Miffcrhig people of the mrpcMw gov erned communitirt of tho """south haw como to iuder.-tniid that there i no tclinf to l"ked. for in that cr. 'mough thoir u ron cry to Hwioii, Crm.t is dcf. J l"'"-,-coplo of Chicot county. Atknnsas. there is hope. Iti.n long lauc hai h i no tuniiiic and nvon nowjlic "turn in the long lane of radicalnbuso.' which the south ha? hid iuflictcd on her peo ple, i" i.ihlc. JST Savcrul large conl-pilos in Cldcugo, it is SHld'have neter boon cliniuislied tiico tho great fire. BQX. VtU, tliU winter, hut been tory lull, the tlicutros oil'orlng only Indlfltfrcni Attraction, iind melcty howlni but 11,1- t'o nnlmiitlmi, while the wvnthcr Inn beun unutually cold mid drenry. I. . B3X. Tha Atlantn AVir lira, a re publican journal, fvor i bill to rcllcv Mr. Ilcnchcl V. Johnson of political dim bltillci. It tays tlmt Mr. Johnson it n candidate fur justice) of tho stuto supreme court. ftaT Accorillng 10 the Ilotton Journal tho inovcmunt In nominate Senator Wil ton for Vice-President Ij notconfinnd t Jew Knglatid. It thinks I'cnnsylvntiln Ohio, Virginia, Alabama, Illinois nnd oiu or two other jUtes nru nlreiiily prepari-d lo vote for him In llio convcnilon. Coy It is dangerous lo bo " biglih tpuken of In Cincinnati. A baby uhs left fit n rich man's door tho other night, with a note saying : " Having beard you very highly spoken of, and also that jou was extravagantly fond of babies, I have brought you this lrenun." C.SMwaukcc, with n population o( nearly 80.0J0, bad but one arrest for driinkennos per day for tbreo days 1ai week. Thoso who nre acquainted with tin bibulous propensities ol Milwuukcean can linagino tbo wretched insufllciency of tho pollco force in that city. CnFAmong the late inventions is n nose machine, which, applied to nn ill-sliapcd proboscis lor an hour dully, directs tbo Sufi cartilage so as to produce a model ot beauty. It is not stated whether it nl.'o corrects the Irregularities of temper Indi catcd by tho J liferent styles of nrcbUce- ture. BSyTho ordinary supply of fulso hair in Kuropo is exhausted. Tho emergency is being met In two ways : Agents nro be ing sent to socuro thu blonde troses of the Iceland maidens; and n watchman in h cemetery ul Lyons, France, Ims been milk ing bis fortune by rotibing tho graves of iho women buried thoro of their capillary adornments. tl.Among tbo treasures secured by l'rof. Mnrb, during his roccnt cxplorn lions in western Kansas, was tho greater part or the skeleton of a fossil bird, flvo feet in height. It dill'crs widely from Hny known, recent or extinct formsnnd affords u fine cxuuiple of n comprehensive typo. It has been tunned 7r.;ieroriit. vegalis. tSyHuving been deleated ut every point byCiovernor Wurinoth, th Carteritet nru now resorting to love-fe.ists of their own, at which they derive immenso satlifaetion from denouncing tho administration, de manding reform, and hissing with great unanimity whenever any illusion U made to Wiirmotli. Tho meetings seem to hnvo the same cfl'ecl upon tho victorious p:irty as Carter's last pronunciamcnto did. PERSONAL Joaquin Miller it giving public lend ingsln CaliloruU. "Club-riitut" for m.ilrimony and di vorce nre proposed in Indiana. "Heady m iid' Ii. idal costumes nro up prnpriately ndvortit'd in a Now Jursey town. Tho Japaneto embiitsy lint boon tak ing pints of view in the California juitrtv. mines. Mrs. Partington, n II. P.Shillabar lecturing on "No Subject" in Massachu setts. Sir KJwin I.indeer 1iu been nddi' tloually knighted by tho emperor of Ger. many. Two Indies barn been appointed on tho stuto board of school examiners in Cal ifornia. Serenades with lour hand-organs mo In vogue to express the niixe 1 feelings of Indiana lover.'. .Mr. JliirlburJ Is onlidjntly named at the next comptroller of tho currencv. Holmes county, Oulo, but bad no deaths fur tho past ten years, and its only unilurtnkvr it in tho poor house. Uk)iii!i, Ohio, hat started Hiiother UiViu-i f..,llkll) M.n,lltot)( wj, ivos H state of app;,r,.,,v u(, M b starvation. -A California .U,,VIIUn.8 wf(f plies his place in th, imlp., ,llH r hU 1('b., and It much appreciate, u- l)lu co. gregation. Tho prisoners in tint Idaho ,.,.,. touliary have announced that they . . .. , - "U l liu ineuus nun nuvi'uiiiiT.. in v.uiiioiii not remain in tho placu unless thuy areilraiii, willioiit .ixceptlun adopt the second supplied witli tobacco. In Ann Arbor, Mich., saloon-keepeit are subject to n special tax of $100 to pay u special policu force for arresting vhem on Sundays. Tno Haroncst Weld, lately decess d, luft the greater part of her estuto to Arch blihop Mmining for thu establishment ul u Culbuliii chapel ut Oxford. The position of Indian agent Is sup posed to bo lucrative unough to cnublu Mr. W. D. Davis to pay $3,000 to Mrs. 0 M. I'utnum, of Wuthuigiou, for bre.chof promise. A Virginia bello has conceived tho Idea of having on ornamental necklace f r evening wear madu out of bull, ts with which all her male relatives wcr thotdu- tut r. THE CATRO DAILY BULLETIN. SI'S DAY, NtOM WASHINGTON.- TUB APJOUIINMKNT MttDKLE. AVasUINOtoV, I). C, Jan. VO. 1972 -Hcnu'or Morion, Gram's right bun' Iwwer In tbc somite, played hi ndj'tu-ii-ment hntliV. in whieb ib curds sttukod, which phrj crd pl.i.vr wl! uiidorttn'nil :id won, n lis) fondiy thought, three out o. th five ttlcM, enchte luinjf tbc game; but whi-n tlu hoiiie yestcrdaj to play the bnbioi of the game, lien. Itiitlei holding tlio otho card, it was found he did nut hold trump enough lo win. It occurred In this wise; Mr. D.iwes.for tbiso.iee, played unwilling ly the part of bunlor of the house for (Sin. tirant, and lie called lip the Morion res olution, which pacd the senate, to ad journ on May UlUli, and urged us patsagi in a manner which plainly showed thu he wn awaroof tbo weakness of tile prop osition. Me'rs. Urooks, Kerr nnd Ilol man. democrats, and General Karnsworth, Garfield and Hank, radicals, nil spoke against tho proposition very nbly and strongly. IIVTLEr. CAP THF. CLIMAX OK AllSfltDtTY. Hon. Ilutlcr, however, cappol tho idlm ax of nbsurdity when he, innlvocaoy of llio proposition, stated as n reason for an early adjournment that Washington would ho peculiarly unhealthy on account ol the trcctit being dug up and the uialiirln aris ing llierefi'um miglil be productive of sick ness among congressmen nnd for this weight r reason he thought that tho be.t lung for congrus to do was to adjourn bdforo tho wiriu ivnatlior set in to putrify tho nnlinal d posllt of four or ilvu feet wtiich toe iietlvii and enterprilng "DItltCT or COLUMIIIA UINO." Have dug up ut nn immense cost to the lux pavers, wlio lament in i-trains notn ong and loud tho beautifying of tho city at tho expense of their pockets, e'pcially these improvements nro regardid only is ii means of sustaining the numerous lit' eenlli iimei.dmenters who sould go to the P'ior houtu If work was not supplied ba ttle district government. Hut to return to our mutton", the moment tbtil Hutler got through will) bis doleful lament in favor uf the Grant-Morton resolution of nd journment, (ir.N. iia:;ks clo.irly proved that tho necessary lcstsln- lion regarding Cuban affairs, civil torvico reform, tarilV, inlernul reveiiui nnd Mexi jan ntl'iiirs could not bo perfected in the i time limited bv the Morion resolution. H. H. COX then got the lloor nnd bo let into Kutl anil tuo ailminislrallon in n manner pecu liarly hit ownwitty, sharp, caustic, atir' leal and pointedly truthful uml wliilo be was riddling tho adurniitration, tliroiigh llutler, the scene was very funny. There was Cox, who 1 think for this mice Ion 1 1 i patience trifle, slinking his linger nerv ously at Hun Hutler, ''tho distinguished soldier from Massachusetts," ns hu calleu him and every word going right homo amid tho smiles and laughter of both radicals and democrats Fernando Wood as usual, bolt unrL'ht ns olio of thu columns of the hull ami a fnt'rrv twinkle of the eyes and a numms twitch ing of the mouth boir.ivnd buw much liu rnlMind thu castitrutlim ni. ....u- .ft... administering toUrnnt. Tuo imissivu of lion. Dan 1. W. Vourheet was rui.ed from IiIb writing lo hear wh it tho ever brilliant "Sutset" hail to say nnd when no had finished, tho hearty though ipiiut laugh us he oenliigaiii to Ins writing imd how much bo enjoyed tho cene. Around him (Cox ) crowded member ofbotli p.iri ie.', Kldridgo guH'iiwed, .Mnrliall and Niblacl; smiled broadly, Potter, of Kew Vork, grinne.l with delight, 1'arnsworih, radical, nodded his Ilea l as if lo kn-p lint . to tho music of "Sunset's " voice. Ono by oim thecrowd gatliered around thorpeuki'r, thu OLCiipants of llio galleries lo mod for ward to catch every word, and the report ers' gallery were all attention to tbo scor ing which Mr. Cox bestowed on the ad ministration for wanting lo run away through fear and leave tho wants of thu country unlegislated for. At'ler Mr. Cox had given tins administration valley-hod at nn I rish friend ot ininu 'expressed it, the question was referred to the ways and means committee, thu democrats voting I VI'. WHICH? A CHANCE ron . citoici:. Thu N. Y. .S'lit, republic en, says of tho investigation into thu frauds of'thoXow Vork cii'tom hutiic : Knotigli uvideiicu und morn than enough naniireiniy been taken in the cour-u of of tho custom houco investigation in thit city to prove luat ono of twj thing tint-t bo true. Kitlier 1 l'retuleiit firant has iVom t Ins fir.t uiidHr.tood tlin 1:10 it frauils uml robberies (ouimitted by the custom bouu lingiiud its alllli itions'tipoii tlio coiniiiureo ol'Xoiv Vorl, and lias Muirod in the fruits of 'hoio roiiberuy. Or chu II. Ho hat not iiuder.tood anvtblni' ubout them, but luitbeeii ib-liitled and im puMil upon by hi statf otlleor, crmiie I and rump lotlower., who alonu luivu bu,.n enriched by tlio largo sum ot money of whl.di our merchants have tints been plun dered. If tho first hypothesis bo true, l'reti dedt Oraiu it u teouudrol. If tlio second be true, Presi dent (iruiit it II fool. Is there any third conclusion which can p stibly be drawn from the fact devel oped bs thu scnalu coiumittei) of investiga tion and retreiiuhiiient. If there is any third explanation, will somebody mention It, and .tutu thu reasons by which it is nup ported? i hu menus anil mivcciites ot iiunornl ''Miotlin.t. TIimv do not nut It I'laliiVy m wo i,.,vJ iluiie, but they nil agree V.1 ",1".v"y or another in urir iinir t'uif . resilient lir,,,,. u r.iol. Win b i.irni of the diluimn 1 ."'It (1 r,uu's friend tiiko- rjseal or fool. T1IK l l..tiUB. A rumor lias been twoibiv. c. .ii..... .. .. . .' ",l.",r mo last 'urrent fur ikin I. ul... . not iii'tinii lv 1 1... ..i i. "sue, u .... ..nuiiuj im, piaguo lt-t-1 f, luy,,.,. I, iinforttinatuly verified by this inornl. n , udvices from thu Jllack tiea. Willi , . i , 1 fc,M' eprti io niu cjuieri here, ilium i , murked change to report. lWt ami (ia. Into i enjoy comparative immunity Iroin the epidemic; but icvurul death, huwi Uken place in llio Turkish qunrters ol Slutiibool. inuiiv of tbion nil ril..n..l,l.. ., , doubt, to thu customary excesses dtir'in J ,l "lluz 1,1 i "" ' yesterday sliteen cho. !'"' S:!0!::,'" r,!'lH.I,'I! "'"l" ""'"IT nvcn proved fatul. Levant Utrald. JOHN JACOB ASTOlt'S WIPE. .... tvminmiolO mi.V tr' A.'tur ws a smrdv. energetic, mI.mIuI her full T. Tllll".' rr.-w ,ri loitl iho H!cuinn! .r.o'i cf I'm ml-I ....,. e isreu tutu won- rlul i iiulpoi-e of mind wlitcti ueeio.ii and corrtetlv. Ilesldrs this she .! urai fe- il knowtwlge, not only .. u ..-..tfa ltnl till III. ..unt and ta' .'joiii in.- h knew more tl an br iiusmmc. nr.o fnore on -el n ted m enrj-n for ep rt l,an he In aintnl womi too. tho n mv of Impottailon d which Mr. At'or i.t..vcd for nearlv twenty years, sho wu ho foremost expert In the trade. ti....,..i, ilu imlf. when considerably idviuieHl in veurs. cared nothing fur soeie- tv, ami made no pretvnioiii lo laslilon, . i. . .I-...!. I.. .l.n III... Vet lit her evening iirwiup-inv leaped to the hai'diron, tho wax canines glued, npples, nuts and a pitcher of cl li r on tho table, and her knitting Work icforo her nhu was tho bet of s ory let ors, and made an hour or two Infinitely ttraelivp, oven lo voting pcopic. sho u-.. fond nf'L'os'ln. The nges of people, uncled love alfairs, early dllllcul- tles, failure, reasons why certain ioikb .liotild not hold their beads so high, family funds, undone knows hardly what else, eoro nt In-r toncuo's end. Sho told her story graphically, and at times with n jood ueal ot painos. l-or example, iuku thu followitnr of Helen Hraslier. who bad rcfu-ed six "eliglblo offers before sho was eighteen. Mr. Charles Downing, who at luil lolt llio counting room of an eminent firm where bo had crvoJ seven years, then began to pay bis aililrc's to her. no courted nor ii year, ml ilinn went to hurono. W hlln abrouil hu did not write. All this wliilo thero was uily one of llio beaux whom tho mother liked. Tho ditunlitor re 'nrdeJ this favor ite of her mother witli ditllKu wns busy whenever ho called, avoided him wlicrull wns possible, and wondered at bis p-ittciico and forbeiranco under her scorn. Ono morning ho caught her belori sho could escape from the drawiiic loom. Addressing her, bo said : "Helen, wlivdo vou iilwavs 11 y from mo? Why will you never give mo an opportunity of declaring my iiitnchtncni tor you i this morning ileciuo my tate. "Verv well, sir." replied tho lady. "I do not wish to keep any gentleman in suspense. 1 cannot encourage your nu drLSses. I esteem vou, but tell vou finiiklv that I feel a nreferenco for .Mr. Charles Down Inc. und. It ho returns entcrtaininc: for inu tho fiiino sentiments ho expressed when ho left, I shall probably marry htm. " Are vou certainly oricuced to Mr DowninuV anxiously inquired tho lover "Xo. sir. not in so many word, not verbally, in fact, but mentally." "Then, mv dent Miss Helen, consent lo bo verbally engaged to me, nnd men tallv to Mr. Downinc." 'Would on marry any lady under such eirciimtiinces ?" " Yes. I would tnarrv von under such cireumstat.ces wiili nil my heart and Mini." " And risk vour future happiness I. marrying n mily who prelers anuiiier. 'jfiss Helen, replied tlio dented lorcr, 'I will risk anvthiiii: lo obtain you, and hall be iitnply compensated for every risk if jim will consent to be mine." " True love don't go unrn'ard"il." said Mrs. Astoi ami sou took u pinch of snuff. " Mr. Downing did not come back from London for many ye irs. Tho New Vork lover was here, pressed his suit, obtained content, and thy lovely Helen becamo his wife." MAltmUD WOMKS'S IUfillTS- IMfOllTA.NT DCCISIO.V IIVTHKNKW VOKK Kr.un the Sew Yor. 'I'rilaino. .Ian, 3V J A c.i-u Involving tho t-omewhat novel und ben tol'oru uu.ettled point, whether or mil tlio title to tlio pimipluiriialiii of a uuirtieU woiiiiin te-ules in her or her bus- band, b i lately been deeided by tho court of iippe il of tins state. The plallilill' Wa Dore lia H iwsoii, who broiiglit suit in tier own inline to reeox er c:4,m.O for tho lost of cloiluiii; and jowelrv, by mi ac'idetit on thu road ot delehdaiits th i I'onii vl v.niiu H.iilroad coin ii my. Tlio ileleiidantt chum that the bulk of the pioperty Inn ing been received by plalntill lioiii her husluilul, luiloiigeil to lulu, ni.d ibii sun shoiilii have been brougnl by him, und that thu terms of I'outraul (the ticket) limited the company's liability lo SI 00. I). M. Pott er, plaiiilitl's counsel, churned the property was hers uulii us iiguiust tier niituuiiu and ordinary creditor, and Unit thu car rier cannot limit Ids liability except by expresi. Tho court of appeal', in alllrin- l nu tlio judgment of the courts below, held, first lliul though at common law tho wifu's ptiraplieruiilia, during coy. erttire, ordinarily belong to tho hut- bind, and ho can nut di'po-o of them, ex c-pt by will, thu statutes have secur ed them to tier even ui against cred itors. In equity, tho property given would be treated as thowilus sjpiir.itu estate, und she would hu protected in its enjoy ment aud possession even against thu in tciluretico ol her husband. This estate, if not absolutely it legal estale, is clothed witli nil tlio incidents thereof, and hhu is thereloro tho preper person to sue. .Sic- ond, the words printed on llio ticket do not embody thu contract beiwcuii thu par t.c. Tliey are ti ineru notice, and u car rier cannot limit the llal liny liy notice, but only by contract. Pluiniifi's atten tion was not called to theso words when the tieko. was purchased by bur; und even if sho read thuni when hlio" entered on her journey, she was not obliged to submit io a I'olitiucl never made, or lo.ivo tho train. Hence, tlio camera' common law liability remains unchanged. .NAIIKOW OAtrOK ItAlI.IIOAIJS, (1'runi the I'hlUili'lplua Ae. Much ban been said reeuntly ubout tbo practicability of narrow guugo railroad., 1'ho first toad of this description opened in this country for passenger travel mid height is tlio "Denver and Hio druido," running between Deliver und Colorado City, it diituticu of 7G miles. It is du dared a complete success. It has u three loot track, tho rails weighing only UO pounds tu tlio yard, und iliu maximum eurviiltiio bU degrees to the 100 leel, thu inuxiuium gi'ituu being 7S feet to tho mile. Tho pisscngor engines weigh, twelve tons and cost only 7,50t), and tho fntight engines llfti en tons, costing ir'i.&oO. Tho cost per mllo of building, us iquipiied, is IlikOOU, which, on ue cotiiitot Ingh tiuiisportutiou clitirges on Iroin, is gieiiter '.linn tho cost ol u similar road would bo in this p.nt i f thiicotiiitn. Tlio tsiimuied cash cut of such a line here is Iroin ?'8,U0U to 5110,000 per mllu. An excursion was in old over thu road oil its I'omplutioii, Lotwion thu points mentioned, and tlio riling was easy uml cointortiible, ut lllteeli lo tli riy niilis mi hour. Tbo cars nre necu'tiiirily smaller th.iti llnsu u.ud on rdiuaiy iracks, lining thiit-fivo loot lung mid tovuli feet 111 oills'i.le Width; having double seats on ono sido and ' g sent' on ihuoihor, aud uccommodal 'it JI passengers, yioeping cars und nil 'ouvi'in, nces of travel can hu provided on cell r. ads. " u.imii prove truo that this road It a CMinplutii Mieciss, It will bu of ih in most imp .rtiuoi, to tlio peoplu of llni country. In n.,,,,, lmru ihu coillitri I looked ami W, r capital is senile, siieb roads may be eoastructud where it would FEBRUARY 4, 1872, I' l0 Mc'" " ni for . A wco J"dRo.prc..orves or- acr in court by exhibiting a "sovcn.suoot. Tiih KtmorEAN n hkm i,i ftiAvi!Rogi,N0, Wo undnrstHtid that a ui'qM of thi mothers of tho first otiitt nf I'l.ibi'lelphin society bavo come to jliu colieni- on rial it is not afo to nil r tli.'lr iinina' -.ed daughters to go publlj uloi.c; :h have, tlicreforo, det' rnuiieil to ado. tin"' j.uropean la-lil. u und make niyitr& of ""m;. oy oei-onung cnapeiolis io tuulr lledgrllniri!. Tho young ladl". i ni, nnd nru komuwhnt resllu.s uuib.i- im. .... plouace. but aru bucoiiilnej lueoiieilu. to it. as a proof of 'culturo ninl high breeding, ' lthougli tho gentlomeii deiiouucu it us u want of coii! in tlio joung ladles und thciiisolvis Tin; time was when It was thu priUu ol our country und ill iustiltilious that the Vouiiir. fulfil. iiil.irlv of thu I'eiiialu sex, could be trusted, a nil Could take Cure of huin.olvus. Iiee.lnii' Ho Wiitelil ig. With thu sell'-reibmce tls us tniight, American girls carried a modesty of demeanor und tuiritv of loornuU second to those of the young of no other iiiiion. tinvo they lost these, or it it only tho senseless nplng cf foreign customs, which would hamper them with the pres et co of a third person. bo t mamma or maid? If It has been found that tho lanrn llbnitv wnicli our girls Inivo always enjoyed natrimeiital to them, well and goo I; If not, do let us hive, soiuu individuality, somo originality, and not taku up man ners and customs second. hand. IIOitKS. 'A O 'A C u u. a y. o Ji r. c 'A 'A G A O 'A A H f- J) 73 a i..M'it.v.N:i:, W. It. MOKIUS, Notary 1'iilaV, II. II. CAMlKI No. Put), and U. n. (,'cru. IILTSITIEIEJ! FIHK, HULL, CAHGO, LIVE STOCK CCIDKNT, LIKE, tfel NOKTll AMKlilUA, l'A., IIAIlTrollll, CON.t i'iiiv:.Ntx, HAnrroiti), A'tfi.. ,7t.1,("iO I) .MI.JlO 7. Assctv.M. ...l.TSl.UX S' INTERNATIONAL, H . Y., Asset.... ,..t,a.w,yjs i; I'UTNAlI, HAUTyOltl), i 7fi,W O 0 1. K V K L A .VI), C L K V K I. A N D, CH.CT.I 8? A.els IIOMR, COI.UMllU.x, Asietn , ..f.lUT I: AJtKIUCAN CENTRAL, MO., WAV") W! Anirtt. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, AsMi Ju,uiio,fi(n) t TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Afietii. ,Uf),utti ' RAILWAY I'aSHENOKRS ASSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Asueti- WO.tUi k INDEPENDENT, 110STON, Amet P30.K.1 S AFFORD, MOIIUIS i CANDBB, 71 Ohio l.c vrr, Cllj Ntlanat Dank, CAIItO, U.I.. FIRE AND MARINE COMI'AKirjii NIAUARA, N. Y., Ar-H' tl.tSO.'ilC ?f OERMANIA, N. Y., Anlt. l.OtfUJ'Jl 78 IIANOVmt, N. Y. Aact 720,802 (KJ RKI'UULIC, N. Y., AuBfli .714,92.1 Ol. CQ'nprituiK the UniprHnter' Aijenej'. YONKKRS, N. Y., A.ifl 87K,ICI If AI.I1ANY CITY, Aunt! !Z FIREMEN'S FUND, B. K.. Aet (J78.0O0 00 BK0URITY, N. Y. MARINE. A-.etn !,IJJ,aly oy ST'lttK, Ilwfllinj;, I'nrijitiir, Itnl'i nnil Cm oe, laure. hi ra'i tu inioialjlo a. auunl. I""'" .".-..hi,,, m.i emrilll I reniieelliilly Hk e.1 llm i'IIhiois or Cairo, a lutieol I hell patriiimiiH. '. X. HI'lilll.M. JAM By KYNASTON, tuleliirnr:l llenlr In nil l.lmU l .tint i, Cur.u ,'irTriMii am. I'hi uh ?mn.T. VI ' 11,1,1. S'OH, Ol'V" .Hid id.inahteri. only tlie vi ry l e.i mitte tj iiin.iiiiu mh''i, m li.l . iii .urei ii nil ,ny I ili'imii il .or Ireii nival, fioiu huh .o,i , i. i,.?, 1 tkouiuad puunu. .u-vAuf i 3 - 3 WI.MN ANP MUIIOIU. w j7 if . sciTu Tiriiit, Importer runt W.iotcsnlf Healer In WIKES, LTQUOKS, JI.IU TOBACCO 1c CIG-AR3. AK'iitrnriho hrt brnmls of CJIKA.M AND STOCK ALU, IKtl Imporlrit Wen r IlltTrrrni Kind. 75 Ohio Lhvke, flAf'O, ll.I.lNDlfl. V. iM. STOUKFJiKTIl, sfcctso routi t tcclirjrr ninl niiolranle Ilralrr In i iin nii nun iioniMtlc WINES AND LIQUORS. No. C2 OiuoJjEVEk, OtlRO, 1I.LINOW. lIRkecnsnn hnrnl nn.lsntlr full stork LXnhl Kentuckv lloiltlinn. live end Unntintfn. .........r, ..riii, in aiiiii,;., .lUliailU t.lil I. ..In U'lu.LU. L....l. II. ...if... ....II... I nt. ivmiiii' nnu i;niiinrnit . llil'N. .rt.llll in; a i. n; ajs:.t. C. WINSTON Si CO.. REAL "ESTATE AGENT AUCTIOKEHS, 71 (SKCOKI) FLOOR) OHIO LKTKE, CAIItO, 1I.L9., Uuv and Sell Heal Kbtate, PAY TAXKS, FURNISH AHSTHACTS OK TITLE I irrr ';onTenii of Kind.. ritn.MTt'iti:. h C C c 'X rj 'A k E Cr i. 9 Q A k i 3 c. 2. V 5 . 'A I - V. i ll n e r" F " 3 c o o E. "3 5: 'A r:tr r. 3. rA n - O o 1 SAI.(IOM. )h DOHA DO HILLIAHI) SALOON ROOM. AND HAH- JOHN (JATI'.N, I'roiirlrlor. lOfiCmmerciM Arenue, CAIKO, II.LINOIHJ llpt brum! ot California CfjriirJu.t rfceltcd, B1I.I.IAHI) mtoon farnlahnil with Hit. b-ut ol iRljlpa; uml lir nunplipd with lnf, liquor" ....I ..I...... r. r n.... i A. SUSANKA. Proprl'for MAGNOLIA 'SALOON And Dculcr lo TorelKn uml Pomentlt AVINKS, LIQUORS AND CIGARS , 07 Ohio Levee, llclureen Ninth and Tenth Street, Cairo, III. dei-17tf DBXTBH BX01IANOB, ISO Ohio l.tyte, near dlono Dpo J. D. ZANONE, PROPRIETOR, Fresh Shell Ovslcrs Received Dailj- KeiMii. uliratK on lioml HnlUmor n J Itob. i. Ov. ,,, Hloi'l. Ii will . Kliol I" lu hi. I'll.. ouo i iu Hie It ni UY. iUltI HO AT STORES!. SAM WILSON, DKALIk III BOAT STORES o it o o i. u 1 1: b . 1'ltUVISlOKS, ETC. No. IIO Ohio Lkvm : : : : : Cairo, liu. ohosm nionpttT rrii.LFo D It V MOM l N. Tl. FALLWINTER. '72 C. II A N NY. LARGE STOCK. nHOVVN BIIEETINGS, PRINTS, -ricicx3ra-s. CHECKS, lit STRIPES, KKNTUCKY Jf.AXB, ZXTR1, OASSIMERS, e1 Ij A.asTasraBiiS. HLACK ALPACAS in LUSTERS, i (jA03'RAIN SILKS, POPI,l.. LAUOE STOCK OF CARK-VTINCi OIL CLOTHS, MATTIHO, Window Uiit4lD, OILT IIANPt, NOTTINGHAM LACK DAMASKS. Ul KallrrHlock HascCloalstc Oal IT VERY LOW FIGURES. C0RKIR 8TII T., AND COMUERCIAL-AT., t'nlro, Illinois. pinr nOOTN AM) StllOKI. WILLIAM BI1LBH3, FstliiontU ROOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWENTIETH HTnEtT, Uflwrtn WMhlnjtoa irrnun aI I'aplur CAIRO, ILL. lloott nod ShT Mtilx lo Order. Fid Wrikmrn Kinplaj"!. BilUf.K-lioD Wurmaifd. I'.lfn.rr fnlleil C1TV SHOK STORE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY on Aoricr roi "BROLASKI'3" CL'flTOM'UADE HOOTS AND S II O B S Commercial Avcnne, Corner of Eighth fHrtet, Cairo, Illivoib. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ALL OR DERS FOR HOOriKIRTA AVD IIOI. nuTciirJin. CBNTRAL MBAT MARKET. KOEHLER .& BROTHER IIitc itpn ic 1 1 POPUI.AIt MEAT HAItUET. C'OStltKRC'IAE-AY., Drlwrrn Ninth and Tenth NlrrcU, ml will kf ep conUnlly on hanrf th bnt mrat liiHhlrrt in the Cilro mnrkct. They dtfy coin, petition. Oite ihem trial fptlltl'. I'AINTI.ItN. MOORK k MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental Drcorntlvn PaycrliaiiRlur, KaUouila Done in tho liiKhent rlyle ol the art, nJ rate thut Jely competition. SHOP IN TERRY HOUS, CORNER OF 8TH TREET AND CMRCIAL AVENUE. WOOD RITTENII0U8E, FLOUR AND V General Commission Merchant 183 onio LEVSE, Cairo, Illivoii