Newspaper Page Text
- ! lt tff'S' JOHN 11. O1310HLY & CO., TUB MAILS. .aim. irriT .Vorth. Througn WW a.m. KOp.m ' Way :SOp:m. 4.") a.m. South, W.y lJ.15p.rn. ;' " Through N, O., Miti. phi and Columbus W p.m. t-.nt, Ohio Itlver route, (except Monday) t'Op.m. iron Mountain It. II i ll:'0p.n. illis. ltlTtr rout), Tuesday rvrnl Krhlny - :00p.m. 7:'p.m. ihebce, (loose Inland Atlanta Fe, III".. Thursday A Krl- Jay i li.'Op.ra. 7:', Mayllcld, lilan-lTillo anil I.evclace, Ky - 11:00a.m. I.oip.m. orrica iioias, I nitkl Delivery 7i3a.m. (Hiind.ya 8 lo 'J a.m.) ney Onlr dcpaatinent :') a.m. .' I(eiter " ' " " 8:00 a.m. o.OO p.m. Money Order snd Itesliler department, no in en ou Hundays. OUR CHURCH KS. itP..SHYrKItlAN-F.lghlh-slrcei. Preachfnz. HablMlh t luj, a. m., nnd V, r. . Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7J r. M. Sunday Krti iol, 3 r. . J. M. Lansden, Super intendent. Ilev. C. II. Kooir, Pal-r. IIKTIlODIST-Cur. Highlit .ml Watuut fat. I'rracliftv, tjitMjnlh n.,and 7 r. . Prayer ifeftleg, Wednesday, 7 Ji r. M. Mundayrtchool Sen. I.. W. htllwell, super intendent. Her. F. L.THoises'ix, Pastor. CHURCH OK Til K HKDKKMKIMF.piseop.l) Morning prayers, SabUlh 1'!-J a. . Kttnin pr.) cr 7J r. M. faubtlh SUioil, 3 1, M. Ilev. Ms. Cum. Hector. ST. PATRICK'.-! CIR'ltCII-Jor. .Ninth Hi. .ml Washington Alenue. .-ublle. -.rlce,Habl.Athsand It)); a. Vespers, 3 r, m. undsy School, S p. Ki jf ftlco eiery day, ( r. . Rev. P.J.U'IULI.'ia, Plii.l. . JU.Vi MKN'ddlHlVriAN ASHOCIATIO.N-lt'g- nlar meeting second Mondav each month at the Prayer room f thn l'rlytritn Church R'kly l'ra)rr mrrtloK. I'lldny, 7J r. t .lir I'ra)rruom oftlm Pri-hjt'ri.D church. C. I'akm). l'roldrnt. IrT.ICiN MUTIIODIST rutirtrnth. ltn Walnut an 1 Cedar, drrricr', Baljliatli, II i. h. Sunday Si'hfiol, p. , KO)M r'ltKH-wlI.I, IIAITIrtT Viftrimth ht. I'rrachinir,7 t. u. Hrr. Vi m. Jkon, I'aitor. Iietwrrn Walnut and Cvtar. lirrricr. Sablxth, 1) n I 3 r. . ItfT. N. Hicai, I't.tiir. MIKF Wll.l. ltllrlrtT IK1MK Stl.iSHI H3N Ar CIIUOI-Cornr w.'nut and C.dar Pn. .'undiy.School.'j a. k. JUST FHKK MII.I. UAI'TIiT Clll'BCH-Cur- ry' Ilarracka. rrilcrii.i'aMiithlU. v., r. . and T. . Iter. Wx.JJnti, l'a.tiir. i-HlaT MIS310NAHV IIAITIST CIIUHCII-UM- wrrn luth and llth .liet', ntarCrdar. ri.-..l,ln. U.lJ,fli 11(1 . m . ami ?L-' V. w. rrayprllftlnR, W-i)nilay nlng, t'rfiurtilnsr, Friday m-ninir. rabUtths liool, i; r. h. John an ilaxtr and alary Mephf n. Huierintndi-nt. Ili. T J. Kuoiri. rano Vf 11 IP IsT I Itt'lMMI t-nuilrrnth trl. Utwrrn Cdr and Walnut; Bn. Jacob Brad ley, Kldrr ; the only Il.ptut Church recoitniie.1 I y the Aocitlon. Ferlce, hlinJaj 11 o'clock .m., at 3 p.m. and ct 7 p.m. J Aid Ilmni, Kldrf. HtBT ORDKRS TIIK MAO.N. OAtaa CuxaiMitar. No. IS. Staled Aa'einkly .1 .1.. I..I.M i.nii i.tti. ii fi anil imrii. urd&Ta In each month. Caiio Cooctl. No. St. HeuuUr Contocationat anonlc Hall, the eecond Friday in ach month, f.i.n rii.rrm. Nu. 71 Kenular Comocation . ( n ti .ha Til. .law nt i-trr Cauo Lome, No.237 r. A. M -Regular com. r 1111 lha. i.aAnil btirl lirtTA 1aw.z, No.6 K. A. N.-K(tuiar com- .. T. .. I 11.11 a. at an., inuraiisya in eacn monin. TIIK ODD-KELLOWH. i.,..r,.. tvinii.?'l. Meets la OddFellot.''. 1111. In AU-r1. Huil JioKi eiery Thurdy eren STATK OFFICERS. STATE OFFICERS. Governor. Jahn M. Palmer; Lieutenant-Governor, John PoURherty ; Seeret.ary ol State, blward Hummel ; Auditor of fcute, C. K. Lipplncott ; State Treasurer, K. N. Rate ; atipt. Public Instruction, Newton Hatetnau. CONGltKSSMEN. Jen&lora l.yman Trumbull and John A. Logan. Representative for the Slate at l.arje J. L RepreAentatite Thirteenth Piatrict John M' :eh. MKMBKRS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Bcnntor, 1st l)itrict f. A. E. Holcomh, ot Keprcsenlatix'J'f'1 District H. Wntsoi, Webb: COUNTYOFFICERS. CIRCUIT COURT. judgA I). J. Halter, of Alexander. I'roseoutlug Attornej I. I MiCartney, of Ull.lil Circuit Clerk Jno. q. llannan. Sherift-A. H. Irvln. Win, Martin, Acior ant' Tie asurer. COUNTY COURT. Judge r. llrosi. ABSOcia'et J. K, McCrlte.and H. Marchlldon. Clerk Jacob O. Lynch. Coronor John H. Gossman. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT uyor John si. I.snsden. j'rensiiter J. U. Taylor. Comptroller K. A, Uurnetl Ckrk Michael Howley. ilnrshol Andrew Culn. Attorney P. H. I'opo. Police Mitgtstraton K. Rross and U, Hhsa. e.y, Chlel ol rollce-L. II. Myem. SELECT COUNC1 ajnr John M.I.ansden, First Ward-!'. G. Schuh. Second Ward C. H. Wooaward. lhlrd Ward-Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward-S, Btaats Taylor. Cltyat-Laise-W. P. llalltdsyand D. Hutd. HOARD Or ALDERMEN. flllSr WAHD-James Uearden, Leo Kleb, lsaae Walden. ICOND WAHl It. H.CunninKhsm, K. Under, Henry Winter, James Swayne. f HIRD W.tfftD-W.m. Stratton, Patilclc Kltrfe:ald OUUTH WAltD-Jaines Carroll, J O. ll.Bcaae, J. II. Metcalf. PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. TELEGRAPHIC. TKKRIJ1LK DISASTER. THK KXl'I.OSIOK OF TIIK XKNIA l'OWDKU MILLS. KKKECT OF THK ACCIDKNT. ; TIIK KILLKIJ AND WOUNDKD. ! , Ci.NCi.NNATi, Feb. D. The explosion of the mllli of tbo Miuml l'owder company j , near Xunla this morning, ai tho tnoit ; terrible In tin history ot powder making in tbo wot. The (hock wano great tliat In the adjacent towni nnii citie' much con.tnr nation eniued. In Dayton the children ' nulled from tho achool build intra : tbo Are 1 Uellt Tang, and there wu a guntrnl apr- lienllon thnt tome great calamity nnd oc curred within the city limits. In Troy and Tippecanoe tho homei were hakcri Rf by . A.V EARTHQUAKE. Tho firit cxploilon occurred in a wheol ; mill and this communicated with the pren ! mill whero tho powder in process of innn- ... ..... I. ...I....,I !.. i . TI umuiuiu ! ijuiiwnii.i. .11 wmimi i ill. double dry houso Itfty feet sqtiure, con- ( talnlng a rat nmuuntof dry powder enmo , -7-in next for destruction. From this, flame ' started on their rounds of I TKIIKIlll.K IIKSrUUCTJO, other mills followlne in quick auccesfion. I A "Oa.ette especial suyn two largo double dry houses, thno ghixing mills, ono canning mill, two press nouses ana ono packing mill were annihilated, while the remainder of tho company's works were more or Ies injured. THE KIM.Kli AMI WOUMiKK. The names if those killed instantly, . are Arthur .Men., David Coiily, (col'd). 111. r.obbiiu, nml .luhn Jlullaru, 11 nil Henry Durean (color'-d) are wounded on tbe head, and will probably die; .Samuel Miner was blown ncroM tile mill and hi" hearing partially destroyed, Others wvro badly stunnnl, barely escaping with their lives. All the killed were men of faml lies. From twenty to twcnty.flvo tons of powder were in the destroyed buildings. Tho company eitiniAto the loss at t30,000 to 150,000 I.DII1KII. W A h T K It S, HARD and SOFT LUMBER i id e,ery ilrK riptlKn, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, j DOOKS, HASH, BLINDS i ORDERS SOLICITED. ! Steamboat L u m b k r, Knrnlehed on shortet notice. I Cotnmercial-av, bet. 10th anil 1 lth-yts., CAIRO I l.t.IXOI-. 7d . , UKNKItAI. AtlKNTM. i HALLIDAY BROTHERS ! , GENERAL AGENTS FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT DEALERS IN FLOUR; ents of tslilo lllver and Hnnnvilia salt compakie 70 Ohio Isveh, tf CAinn. n.LiNoi JAK1. WALTER, BTJTOH E3 JEZj ls rraira it FRESH MEAT, EiaiiTii Street, Between Wabhinqtos and Commercial avenues, Adjoining- RIlenlioiiae A llituny'. Keep the ket of Heef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, Hausage, etc., and aro prepared to serve eitiiens in the moct acceptable nanner. l'ARKKR & BLAKE, PKAUSIIS WALL PAPER, PAINTS, Pntly, Beuslne, fiaeollae, "W 1 3ST ID O W GLASS. WINDOW SHADES, And the celohrated illumlnnting AURORA OIL. BR0SH' BUII.PINO, COR. llTH-ST. A COM- mf.uciai.-av., Cairo, Illinoib. aegietf INNU HASCK. "TKIEM PH." THK TIUIJMl'II 1NSUIIANCK CO Of Cincinnati. uutr fVjQ, Hollclt all klndtot rlik.. V. BROIW, oct'Ilf Axent, Cairo, U. BOAT NTORKf. S A M W IliSON, u a i L r a a BOAT STOBE3 U W''l U K 0 i; K R I K B . l It O V I .S I O N S, K T C. Wo. 110 Ohio Levee : : : : s Cairo, III. OBbna rautirtLT rrittsk i it y i o n n. Pill inVTUl) '"'fl . J' Alili"" ) Mi. iZ p 11 V V V 11 lv xy 1 ' t iipl' crnni' I'iiw oiuwiw BROWN SHKKTINOS, ' 1'RINT.S, TICKHTG8. O II K C K aaa S T R I I'K S, KENTUCKY JEANH, EXTRa, OASSIMERS, FLAW1TELB. 1 BLACK ALPACAS I.USTKIW, (IA05OAIN SILKS, I I'UPI.IKN. LARGE STOCK OF CARl-STISfG OIL CLOTHS, MATT I NO, Window Minilra, OILT HANDS, KOTTUJariAJi x.cjr DAUASKli. uuEiireKiskNiwcuaiiir;tissi CORNER 8tH ST., AND COMMERCIAL-AY., fair, Illinois. septltf i in i i a i-ai MII.L.I.MCRB. MRS. M. SWANDER, DEALER IN MILLINERY LADIES furnishing GOODS, Commercial Avrnnr, otitiealte Klllss aud llaylborsi'a al Avennc, oripi aud llaylborsi'a Cairo, IllinuI". CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WEA. Male to order, or Ready-Ms-. Has receiteal a full and complete stoek of goods, he newest and completes! In the city. An Ira meuse varlt' ol RIBRONS, I.A0KS AND FRINGES -lie offer, great Inducemet t her patrons and all others iueall on her.examlne, the prices, style, and qil-lity of her goods. Mr. Swanaer, liavin eoM her properly, IJ eli the whole of these gooils at and below cost Now is the time to purchan Cnnstroas nood t the ,erv IrvieHt price. CASSIDY, WOLFE & CO., ii iui la Produce and Groceries WAhUINOTON AVENUE, HKTWEEN EIOHTII AND NINTH STS., CAIRO LLINOIS SMS-nivA h,n a CAW ! decluiClm. JAMES KYNASTON, tlulrher itKd Denier lu nil lltnda I'reala .tlent, Coasra .NiNFTrssrii axu lYrns Hcsrrs, OAIID, ILLINOIS. IOU VH and slaughters only tho very t est cattle, tj hogs aud sheep, and Is prepared to till any i deinard for fresh mean from one pound to ten ' thousand pounds. ileiKOtf CAIRO, ILLINOIS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 1872. LirK ikni'raxci:. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. The .Mt Strcciwnri. hxrr. Issurasok Cori'okaiio.v ok tiik Samk Adk is tiik World. PTJBBTjY MUTUAL; NO STOCKIIOLJDKRS TO AHS011B I'HOFITH. Amount ok; Policies i.v Forcb Dec. 31, Total Income to .Same Date, - - Net Increase or Kihkh i.v Force, 1870, The lorsvenl Nl Iaers tsarina; lis Gro1- Increase ok Risks in Force, Only two companies In (he w.rld exceed this Thfi onlv rorntianr wtilph iriiaranfepa. a a I MKNT.-J I.N KACH oTATK. In iiroportloa to Its Premium or lt.iniiraiw nin' The onlv commnr wnch. Iiv it. charter, oitea HOMK ll'JAKU OK WKECTOItir. GE1TEHAL OFFICE, ST. LOUIS, aWEO. JAMES II. BRITTON, Prcsldcn't. ' IIknry W. IUuon, Vlco President. Felix Costk, Supt. Mlfouii .Dept. Wm. Hanlkt, Secrctnry. John N. Pritchard, Tren surer. C. F. Burxes, Attorney. K. L. Le.moine, M. D. .Med. Ollicer. Hod. Wm. Barnkh, Consulting Counsel nnd Actuary. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. K. P. Burlinoham, Jlitnagcr. CAIEO BBAUCH BO-3aiD. I he follonluK n limed Rei,tlenien hold or control 11 0,ui0 insurance rut h, in the I.ile Ai'oclalion of Amerca: P. W. Barclay, 11. W. Weiih. H. U. Candex, John Antrim, Ciias. Galioher, J. M. PuiLLire, C.IlANNY, R. S. Br oham, Taul G Schuii. l.rarn onr Male anil Plana belarryoii Inauro in any ofliM' 'iniiniij- LOCAL Carl L. Thomas, Rl'UN, Al6- EH C0 ?.V' T CIAS. SCIIOSSXEVIt, WlllUSISlHICIt 0IIAS. SCHOENMKYKR & CO. FURNITURE ROOMS, UPHOLSTERING AID Mattress Manufacturing, furniture Iteialrlu, PICTURE FRAMING. All orders promptly attended to, I 1 NORTHWEST CORNER OF WASIIINOTON AV ION UK AND TENTH ST., CAIRO, ILL. f. 0. Drawer HwS. t,tf, S4C,(!C3,740 00 3,971,788 80 20,000,010 00 year 170 nfnuj Oiiniiiuiy Its Hie Worltl. 1870, $30,327,7:50 00 cron Increase diiriiu IW fhartereil rilit. the Tincl f I.OCAI. I.NVfHT. KACH 8 PATH A ini'llRiK.NTATI VII IN TIUI John II. Oukrly. Wm. MoRRtf, T. J. Kkrtii, W. .S. Eicon, AGENTS. ile.-31d.1m. W. B. Kkhsf.y. BARCLAY BROS . 74. diiio i.i;vr.i:. ('Atan, llta X) TJ C3-G-1 S T I SARATOGA SPRINGS i ix rtn. si t l j AT HARCLAYS' DRUO STORK. FarsH SirrLV, Dart. MOCKING RIRD FOOD aal atsnv ra lie wituuI't imvi1 i At Barclays'. Ji r. I. ji it t r. v GRAPE ( catawha ) '; f ORAru ) PI LLS .) '; f ORAru) PILLS i) 'stoRArE ) PILLS .. . I 4 CATAWHA GRAPE CATAWHA AMI All IT ii e i. m it o i.h'h n i: i) i ci N i:.s r RES 11 FROM Kllt-T IIANliS, Always toclt In large ntpply, and fur t y II n r c I ii y Urns. FDaESU BLUE XjTCZZ JUST It K C )'. I V r. n or Male) by IIipUIhsh i:iltl ir t i.Ilnn AT BARCLAYS'. fsjyExTRA Fine Coloonkj laSTGcNUiNr. Imported Extracts; aVyHAiR, Tooth anh Nail I'iriiifs fgrlNrjiA ItunnKH Nursery Goo AT f BAEGxjAY BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD AD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Urt grades In arge stocl; and -rlety, very cheap; AIS0I Full Link of Color-, iiov s nu ii on ; Paint Iliushes, Lmseed Oil, Whilewnfl. P .lh Varn lie Turpentine, Kle. ele., ail IM' P riAHh gt IITirs At Barclays'. SA'HOI.IMAL.r. CllOCKKS. ii . . s m y t ii k "bo".', WHOLES A LF. (1 ROCKRS, OHIO LEVER C A I It O . IIiLIXOIN, Also. kep constsnlly nu hand a mosf.enm ' ' iitula tit If fll XiIQ,"CTOI?iS. , CTCII AND IRISH WHISKIES -ti I N H, l'ort, Mnilcriit, Slu'rry nnd Cutnwliri Wines RJMYTll A CO. sell eselnstvely (or cah,lo , which lacl they Invito the cpeclsl attsn twn of cloe barniu biiyerr, Spuial attention given to Filling QrJtr 1870, - BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AV lHmH. SAH1I. HTCI W. W. THORNTON'S, BUILDERS' SUPPLY DEPOT 13 TENTH CTRKKT, CAIRO ILLINOIS KOR llnnrs,, Illliul. MoiiIiIIiiki, KHse(In(tcri,(vnoil) Whitlow mill Itnnj, I'rnnie., I'loorlntr, I.mIIi, Milnsrlro, Snoh, fllnxrsl .Side I.IkIiIh, :iirl TrniiHonii, Nnah Ws-IkIUh, Nnsli Inlll-i and C'ordi, I 1 1 as al rimlrnlnRM, ltuufliiR fell, Itonllnp I'riueiil, l'lnstorlni; 1 I'uiirr. Cnriipt I'pII. While I.-nd, I.lnp,l Oil, Ainrrlcan tVlndmv Jlns, I'.iii-IIsIi nmlKri-iirli l'lnlo silimi, l'iill, CJInzlrrN I'nlnU Newer IMppw I'nlrnt ( lilintipya. Kir.. i:tc, icir. AOFNTS lor Hool: It! vet Paper Company' s-lieathlni! Kelt nnd QuarliCemrnt, It. W. John' Improved llootlnn always on nnd PIANOS. . SIXTY-KIVK FIRST 1 RI , B ! MEDALS AWARDED tiik nur.AT a t . V f,1 T 11 1 T ! W -Ml 5 ii j 4 i i .i j iv r. -5f M ANITA CTtMtY I WM, KXARE Jt CO., I Mtutufiictiircn vf O I! A. Ml. MJUARK AND UI'RIUIIT HAl.TIMUlti:, MAUYLAND. Tlieointruiuents haiebeen before the public for neorv thirty ynrt em' upon lie(r exreli-m.i alone iitinlni"! an mywTAmrii prtmtnnc, which jnonotinces them iiiie.iiseU iu TON K, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY BO" All our Actio, t iaoi have our new New Im proved Ovejetriui? f-oale aptl the Agrojrf 7M wiiuiii run nieciai niit'iiiioii luiiurjiiiu Patented ImproverReuts In Orami and t-or-iur. (iBM s.foiind in no other Piano, which bnngH the I'lano perfection than has jet beeu attained, EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVK YEARS, 1llllh!m!r.t 1'Mlt.lnfttli.i.Anil t'rifl. 1.11 rrrtmnll I furnished on application to Y.M. KNAItK A CO., Daisimoci-, Mn rnsns of nnr lejular tahllshed aeenciei FAMILY KOCi:Hll'.S. LOUIS JORGE N S E N , Dculcr in all hinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. I'nruirr'H Yard and NlnbliiiK WITHOUT CIIAIiOK. Cor. Wahhitiytoii-av.'ainl Tcntictli-st. CAIRO, ILLS. Il27illf snsi:i.i. vNT.or.i. L. IIHYHTT, & SON, :iiipoiier,Mniifii.'liir.'r and .lubber, ol M USICAL MERCHANDISE , . ' 1 No. L'5S. Third Stref.t, i ool'J.U'in, sr. i.oi is. .ski. I'AINTF.llS. MOORE - MATHF.WS, House, Sign and Orntuneiitnl JPAI1TTEKS, IHTornllvo I'niierliiiiiRlnir, Uiilnuinii Inir. eli'.. linne sis tho lnnhf-t ctlt ol tin ait, snd a Intel that J.'ly couipetltloti. BU0P IN PERRY HOUSl CORNER OF 6TU THKET AND CMMERCIAL AVENUE. 00 TO HAIf.BOADS. QUICKEST 10UTE FROM SOUTH ILLINOIS OESlUa R. to a I St. Louis., Louisville, Cincinnati, Cut. AUD Alt. POINTS EAST AND WEST. Passenger trains arrive at and l,e Cairo at lot lows I Anaivr I aJm! '. t"' lirPAsr I n.m Itlitrt n m Uuth trains connect at ContralU with train on the MAI1T JGIIE ron Pans, Decatur, Hloonilngtcn, KI Paso, La Sal r, MrndoU, Kreeport, tfalena, Dubuque, snd all iiointA in lllinoK Jlisioiiri, Minnesota, vVin-on-ln and lnwn. And Willi Lines running K't and West lor it. Lima, Hprinhctd; Louisville, Cinuiiin.iti, Ii.iUiiunpolls, Columbus. And at ChiiMqo Killi Michigan Central, Mlchlg.iit .koti'hern, and l'ittburg Fort Wa)ne nnd Chicago Itnilroad lor Detroit, ores eland, Dunkirk, Albany, H-iton, Phlladelphln, .NlHgrn Fall, Hrle. Hullalo, .Ne York, Pittsburg, Uallimore, Wnehlngion. "AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On end after Monday, April ilth, 1971, trane til ru j as tollowai NOItrilUKN DIVISION. ratlMS aotso sucviieist. . Mail. Leave irglnla ii:lun.m " Hpriiigtleld 9:1") " " Tnylortllle.....10:W " Arrive at I'ana lliti! m Exprote V: Uo p.m. . 3:0) " . t:-:0 " .. V.17 " TRAINS U1IHO NOKTnwr.ST. Krprcs Mall. Leave I'ani .IMn.m .3:35 cm " Tailorvilh- 1:1 " " Arrive at fpririKtleil...r.,lS " C:U0 ' Leavo .liiiKtleid .11:41 " :IU Arrive at VlrRinia e:'.!'. " .,... .8: IS bOUTHUUN IilVtaiON. Tatl.xa nnivn snvTHCAST. Leavo F.dgewood f.ln.m tO-.W " Flora : " 11:40 " Arrive at Hhawneetown3:Mp m 6:15 p.m TKAIM OOINO Miaril'.VFST. Leave Phawneetown .1:l.'n.m :20n.rM " Flori 2:M " Arrive nt Kdgewooii I:S0 P:U0 " Ther:) a in. train from Kdgewood, run only Monday, Wdnei.layinnil Fridays, an-l fitl'ia.m train from htmwnectown on Tuesday, Thur days and Saturdays. Connects at Ashland with Jacksonville illvi-icu of Chicago and Alton Ilsilrosil, for Jsekor.viie, Petersburg, Mnon City, and all point wet. At Springneld, with Chicago and Alton, end Toledo, Va'oah and Wetorn Hillrond, i. r Illoomington, Chicago, ami all point north, nori (. went nnu we'. At I'ana with Ind. and Si. Louis, nnd IHImu Central ("r all points eat, south ml soiilhent. At Kdgewood with CliMMgo PivWou III. no' Ceninil Railroad. At Flora, with Ohio mil Mississippi P-ailrosd. AtShawneetonn, with steamlHiam for Olneln mil, P.iduu.ih, Cairo and fit. Loui. DIU.AN1) HM1T1I, nen'ISnp't. John rouatTT.fSen'l Fr'gt and Ticket As'l. roUNimii.s. I. &E. GR EENWALD. UAVtrACTVr.ri! or htcam Li Rinct Holier, Flour ond Grist Mills, Saw Mills, The "Tuppcr' Patent Gratebsr MAOIIINKRY roit OF.NKRAL PURPOSES, CINCINNATI OIIIOJ owrdeCT NlT.CIAI. NOTICEN. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY )lr. II ('031 I Cures colic nnd crlnlne 1 Price. i, in it iijiii r j in me uowti, anu ia- i S) r ii p. cilitnlcs the process of (Cents. leeiiiiug, j Hubdiiea o o n vulslcns 1 Price, and jvercomcs nil dls- I i!i aea incident to In- i Cents. Mrs. IVIintOJlll'S Syrup. I r.uitK ami children. I Mrs. Cult'. diarrhea, Ultcn. i Price, Cine. tery v plaint H9. IVIIITCtlMR'! ami summer com. i zu utlnchlldicnotnll f Cents. Sirup. I Hl?"M. J It la tho Great lulant's anil Children's Hoothlng Hcmcdy In all dii-order. brought on by Teething or any other cauie. Prepared by the UKAl 'U'N MKDICINK CO., M. Louis, Mo. Sold by DruKVitt. an everywhere. eitlers in Medicine icy7dwCm A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. A Private Coucseloi to tho Married or thoae aloulto msrry i.ii the uhviiologlca. MARK I AGE GUIDE. inyelerie ncd retclatlons of the m-xuhI el "ten; In tirodUL'ihK and Pre willing iithinmc. i.rcfrilntf iriecunipieion,4i-. Iwentv tfiir pagee. wltn.niur.erou engravings, 1 IIIW I nil iniervuii wui. - and contain. saluiiMe inforination tor llione uiic ari' inrrieii or ciinieiiij'init. iimiiiuku. .nu n i.n mimed it. thi.E uii iHink tnntoiii.111 'o no miner lost, nun key, ana no. I Mill I ten U'lirvle.sly about 111 o Vouse. I tent lo any rmt (I'ri n of pontnye) fqrtO cent l "T'lom.'"?!""0'' N Miltco to tins Altlleted nnd 1'iifort Iiuale. Mefore applying In tho notorious Quacks who adverllnu In tun public paper or iHiutr any Ouaek remedlos, perino Dr. Iliilt work, no mailer wnai your incuo i or now iiepioroie your eon. IlllllUU. Iir. lluits can b consulted, personally or m mall, on the dwaop niemioned m his work, ollii'e.No. i N. Hightli street, let. Market ami I Chcrlunt Si Loin. Mo. int9.lwl j AGENTS WANTED FOR H ELD EN, THE WHITE CHIEF: t OR, v " r7, 'Vi'i " " '.V.V V ' 1 ' 1 1 " ' ' ' " " - i Tho Life ot (leorco P. llelden. wholilned ih" Iinliaiis and become, u cell I ruled warr or, atour" In thrilling ndveiituto and curious infcrinsn. n. and ,s proiuselv illustrated with new srnl r'r Ited cngrnviiiRHol nilventures and tho and cuitonis pftlio Indiana. Die mol l"l'ul ,' nnd eucveeafnl brok ol tho year, tells 'Isni. one agsut Just reports i'J8 iimili iu cse "rf- - 1 pag citcular. wit'i spiiinn'' I'f"' .""A" rmster wlh X tllu.linlloi!.. s'l J '"'l? lent lice, by F. A. Ul'ICIII.VC 'l .''litflv Hixth .ir'iet. ht. Loum. Mo. jansiuwly AVOID QL'ACKS A tittttn of early indiicreliou, caiisiuj-iierioii. ilsbllliv, iiMinsiiirii decay, etc hating tried In vain every sdverllied remedy, has ducoierrd simple mean, of self-cnre, which be will send fi to t i his fellow-surleier., . IV. Itesses, No, 7s) Nassau slriet, New Ton. aug?4wl)