Newspaper Page Text
T v wm g mm. TAKE NOVICE. TIM Z TAIILE Of Til K 1LLIS0H CKXTRAL II. R. On tad aftr Hnnday, May lith. 1S71, the follow ri time-table will gown the airUal m d depttl utt ( ptMitiRtr trains at Cairo l art-Mall trln. dully - J.C".m' Kspresa, daily-.. - l'-,n' Jrrirl-Mall.daily IWOa.r.. ExpreM.daily, escepl Sunday 3.afp.rn. No charge of w from Cairo lo St. N""' " ptr fromOIro to ChlcM"- flec.ant rarle-I Itoom sleeping cars " nlRhl trams, acta- cheated lo ll Import"' oolnt. CAIRO AND MOUND CITY ,'BTEAMTI'fJ, CACHE Will make Ihre lrr J,, - UATIXO CillO I ; irAfisa us xo itt 1.171. " t;.".o A.m. I ai p in. , I At u. DftCIl Tlii ' viup iiirv"1 iwi ' Will Uac, when hailed, ml any Rood lutermedla fcdinflor paasenjieraor freight, novillf. cent.'. 10 tleketa for U K. ate niUOM BOAT!, 1TANSV1LLK AND CAIRO, Tli Sn itf .trier IDLE WILD, US FOWLER Master Will leave Ciro for Evanvlll every Sunday nnd Thuraaay evenings. t a o'cloiM, p.m. For "SKif r ' " ' Ja3. 111009. Jtl. CAIRO AND l'ADUCAII MAIL IIO.IT. 0 Thr (plrndid Icamrr JAS. FISK, Jo rmlcr, Mnil'r. .i Cilr di'.t'. ( 1 1 r- ;xc'pll) Ccimberlnn I Ulycr 1'neUpli NASHVIIiLE. CLAUKSVIIiLE AND CA1UU. Thf iplfndid itcniner TYRONE, TOM I!AKMAN.MMMlcr I AI.EX. .HARD.. ..Clork Will le?e Clro rf r Suturdiiy .1 4 o clocK p.m. tirCUtttvillf, .nil .N.ivlllo. l or ticiRht or paffxr.nptly ootio.raor lo jas mr.ns, Ag'e. KASQV1LLE, OliAKKSVIIiLK AND CAIHO. The K&'.l&nt ttr.m.r JOHN LUMSDEN, OWtN DAVI3...Mitr I Clerk Will If ie C.iro ererr Thnmditr it & o'clock n.m for thrille,Clarki)villeiiiid all way poiDta. Kur ftelnht or psre tpplr on boanl r lo Jn3lf. JAS. llir.GS, Ac't. NASHVILLE, CLAKKSVILLE AND UAlilO, Tht qood Mtetmtr TALISMAN, WII.ET 8IMM3...Miter ClerV Will kite Cairo crery Monday at S o'clock, p.m. for NtshTllle, and all way ports For freight or puiage, arplf on board r lo jinJtf JA9. VlGOi, Agt. IHMIUrtA.Vr TH MKTS. IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, For Sal. t FOR SALE. I Kcr tale I ' FOR SALE. FofrtilS Iron SALE. Fare fram Livziipool, Fare from Lo.vDC.VDKitr.r Fare from Glasoow, JFaro from Qvec.nstown TO CAIItO, $ 1 8 " 0 SiSorl, Morrn 1 Ca Kent. I.NMA.N LINE Litnpool nr-rork ahd Phlladtlphla Steamship Company, eiicoiriicT wiih vsiTto iiATr.iSD aalTian oorr.KMir.sri For Cirrying tne UIi". FOR PASSAGE TICKETS o rvarura liroaxiiiov; APPLY TO JOHN 0. DALE, Aot. 15Ilroljr, .SV.Vork, or to II. II Oil t, Wahlniiton Atncr. Cnim. nol. ji im sai.i: Addition to til , ;"' denbed lo! in Fir Lo V UMk M. Ux ,, Hwk H " 3 " For lermn,.te . '.Li.ty -a, " 31 lMr.SJ011N-i riiVMci vr.v WILLIAM R.S.MiTH.M.lT" C W. VVSSISC, M. J). ' H. WAVUiNVUl. At U RDitDESCrCorner Mum..,.,, am. and 2 lot u in. ii'mr.-v. i, w i-nar. i.awvi:uh. am. COUNSKLttllS AT LAW, WHO. U.M.N01H. William J.Allen, Urn. John H.Mulkey, V Bamuel P.Wheler.j "Particular attention paid t0 rli., ..a . niraJty buameia, r ' ' d. OFFICE-Ofer Flr.tyltnalli.nk.o), llu GREEN & GILIJKUt" ' ATTORNEYS ' 1Kb COUNSELORS AT LAW. William D en, ' '. j t-'Aino, 1I.UN0H Wilham Ti. en . dilbrl nun F. Gilbert, Steamboat bu.lo.eaa. ' '"niiait ud 0F7ICZ CHIO X.EVKK, F.OOMS 7 ANn 8 OVFR CITT NATIONAL UANK. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, D. BEXFORD l'roprlctor Mma 0(10 UUI AHD lltOUD IT., Oaiko, llinou. 1ke Only Firtl'Clau Iloute in the GVry 8W cooTayed i nd from ih Vtj new advertisements. H. RRIGIIAM, M. 1)., anumxox, , Omcif. '35 Commercial Avr.iM'-, 6jch&iir, to lon.m.. nii.l I ' )'" J1'1' MKf, So. II Ninth nlr.1 1, CVru. '" fL;lm FOR MEM Pill S AXIl WAY LAND The Fine St-Aincr, ARKANSAS HELLE. JACK OKAMMKll M.i'ter. NKU. ltUliO k Witt IcmeCiIro for .Memphis nnd ny landing, a .0011 in the ! KOitra I- broKen. ru- will commence to ie elw Irieght to-.lnj- from either whnttUnil. . .... .... J. M. I'lii'lii... M. C. WriKht ami Pol. Silver Anew. nkix vian:it. 'CAUL L. THOMAS, nnir p. piled lo riwnd promptly lo all dc- ninnni lor in- Ftnuvri ailOI'-Coii. Ptii-st. ash CoM.Mnnc.u.-AV In Ihr Vcrry llonvr, CAIKO, ILLINOIS. cms 'iiri:its. II. T. UKUUUIil); STEAM AND GAS FITTER isnriLfa lit (IAN riXTLItEH, fa Fillrr'a anl l'lumlfr'a material, Woo piimpi, Rliibc mill hiik valvwa, Mop cocka, cluck tnlvea,rlc. uo Aiirar 10a riifln Ilrntlierai I'alcnt Dry (ins JIclci And Mureh-ii-p, UVIIi .1 Co'h Aulomatic WhIc liiuicninr iiiii cupl'i)' Miive lorMcum imuera. WINTKK 8 1ILOUK, COHM KhCIA I.-AVKVUi. ANIV0UiCE3IENTS. Wo are ulliorlio 1 10 announce Andrew Cain aim candidate lor re- vt c Ion to tlieomce oruiiy Marlial ut the appronclilnz clmrtcr election. We are autliorlied lo acnounco Mr. Joseph II. Taylor as a candidate for re-election to the office of City Treasurer at tlie ensuing charter election. We arc authonr-il to announce Michael How ley n a candidate for re-clectl-in to the ofllco ol Cily Clerk at Hie enulng charier election. THE BULLETIN. ..............m.. .......(,. 1'liblUlml every lunriiliiic, Moniliiy MEYITIES. Wtnthcr, cold ti. blut-'Mazes. Oysters pUnty in this innrktt. The ball Sanson just nt its liightli. What ha becotno of our hotel nrrlvnls ? Smoked salmon and Yarmouth bloat orsjust received nt .lorgotisnn's. tf. Dry goods den!i;r willso'jn- begin to lay in their spring supim. Who will be firft in market 7 TI10 cold weather has had 11 demoral izing eirect on pollco butines. Hut one caso beforo his honor ycnterday. nntf-d (firl, to do general hoti.'e work. Will pay good wagc3. febl It ' H. S. IlArtliKl.!.. "Thought and its Chariots " is tlio subject of tlio lecture to be delivered by 1). V. Taylor, t the Atlitfneuni, cn Wednes day evening. Thomas, tho jh itograjiher, has re moved his art gallery to the comer of Eighth street and Commercial avenue, over Smith A; Hrinkmeypr'.s ttorc. Tlio director of the Cairo nnd St. Louis railroad will meet at C.irboudalu to-morrow tiumiii-. at nino o'clock. Ilulnrs of importimco will come before the board. One week from to day is St. Vnlun tino'n dny. (lur book and news dealera uru on liuiid with full hiipjilies of valentines from subllmo to tho ridieulcim. 1: is wonderful how ohewers do tako to Meyr's tobacco. Somo one took a wholu cad on ilonday night, even without .Meyr's consent, and all efforts at recovery Iikvo been unavailing. 1 no second and !ut term of the ubil. drcti'. ilnncillL' rchool. unil OP till filitti.rlti- tendency oflVof. Cliarles Hardy, will com- ncilO) oil Slitlin nv l-ll,pi.nrv !!,! ..1 l o'el'ieVt p.t J J "-I "" - Feb. 1-dat. I atn-iiUon of tlio reader is called to ri , cur(J f Dr. K. S. Itrlgham, to bo found "i another column of to-duyi, Uvllztis. . U tho only phy.lcinn of the Ho. n'pathi,t school In this coi.m,,,,,. v ,.,. his Htcctsi during Ids residence in Owelty I'Oki volumes for liim. Oreut inducements to nuy ono wlati. III i - vjj a urtt-ems piano or organ. & W. lluder Ollul their nnllrn ttfu.l.- in E the, ,ttno ail(l orKnn ,l)0 f(t tho autun, on oi the liutruuient!. Thoy nre desir ous of closing out the stock o that thov wy use the room for Jewelry manufactur'- '"K purposes. '-Unry C!U0 instituted the pro- JP wer Martin wuanedSlO and cost, In iu i ? l H"Ut "No" John Sheehan ",'0d;ch,irS"fl1isduty. Hiving no " .v, lr.MllMiri wass nttotho cala- , lu '"bor on tho days. . ri .t . . . streets for sixteen vamoaua.o is ngltatlng tl question of organizing a fire company. Carbon dale needs a fire company, nnd whon they "a;operlette,l(HC, lin organization, tho "lotTtiiHhj will i,dl them their lnrno "rS,r,. "t figure .r. reaannnbbla thi.t It THE CAIRO DAILY will be taken without bandying words nbout Iho JT'10 Vcii can buy your tickets for Mr. Taylor icciur. n. u,e oook store- ... , . - 1 ..... I kjiinxiA.l i I I nAFll ! rCM Flulml o?iUiu iLiuiuu einm AVcdnc.llM. ut thc ofilcc Bt th0 nthc. Jneum. Tho local of the. Vim nys that If tho weather yesterday didn't freeza up all tho local' item, "then ho didn't know where lo find llicm. Wonder whether the old thug mug of tho Hun expects lo llnd local Items by looking out of n back win dow of a back building overlooking n cow pen In n back alley. The meanest cow of creation is owned by n resident of tho third ward. There Is not a farm wngon In tlio county that ilie has not stolon something out of; there Is not a gate In tlio city that she has not and cannot open, and the stones thai Imvobeen thrown at her would mako five miles of turnpike. Horace Greeley (ays of Mr. U. F. Taylors "1 had rather listen to Mr. I). F. Taylor's beautiful uo of languago than any other lecturer In tho field." Mr. Taylor will lecture nt thc Athenttm on to-morrow evening. Secure tickets early. Why don't tho young ladles of Cairo set tho example in innguruting "leap year partlei," whurcat the relative poiltlons of the sexes aro reversed tho ladies wJiis pcring soft things in the cars of marriage able masculinity, which vainly essays responsive blushes when murmuring "Ask maminn." It should not bo forgotten that Mr. II. 1 Tavlor will lecturo in tho Athencum ihlsovcning. Mr. Taylor is, without doubt, oncof tho mot popular lecturers nf the day. Wherever ho lias delivered his lecture, en titled '-Thought, nnd its Chariots," he bus won tho highest encomiums of both press nnd public. Mr. Oustav Klingsohr, n musician of noted ability, who has for tho past few years, been engaged ns a professor in Dal timore, Md., proposes to mako his futuro homo in our city anil now ofTers his ser vices to the public. Those who have not already engaged competent teachers would do well to' address Mr. Kllngohr, ox II 03, Cairo, 111. Two negroes entered the shoo shop of .Mr. Koch, on Commercial avenue, yester day evening, nnd requested to bo shown tome boots. After examining several pairs, they concludod they would not buy, and left tho shop. It was discovered after they had gone, that they had stolen n pair of tho bct boots in tho shop. All efforts to recover tho stolen property hnvo been fruitless. "If over 1 ceaso to love " was sang un der tho window ol n house on a up town cross street, wherein rosides a beautiful nnd accomplished young lady night beforo last, by n young man who had evidently thrown himself on the outside of a very large quantity of very bad whisky. Tlio young lady's " pipu " requested tho young gentleman to leave, or he w.mld " aet him up In the boot bnine." He left To-morrow night the grand masquer- nde, fancy drcs, etc., ball will come off at thc St. Charle hotel. Tlio various com mittees appointed by tlio club to mako tho ncccssnry arrangements for the oc casion, hnvo been untiring in their la bors to mako it n aurces. Wo are told that everything is in readiness, and thnt thrro is no room for doubt, but that this party will surpass anything of niko char acter that has taken place in Cairo the present winter. Wo hnvo no hesitation in recommend, ing AVilllam KhW, boot and shoo maker bs worthy of most liberal patronng-. W know whereof wo sped: when we say Mi work is done in a rnuitcrly manner at tho lowest price. Ho use n-jthing but thi bct of stock, and he cannot be excellfl in tho delicate task of making an exiiel 11'. Givu him n call at his shop on Twentieth street, between Washington nvoniie nnd Poplar street, nearly opposite tho court house, and wo will guarantee satisfaction. Although Monday night was without question tlio I ins t disagreeable ono nf tho so.ison, thoro wns u large crowd at tho Casino maquerade bali at Sehecl' ball. Tho party was composed of members of tlio better portion of our German popula tion, who entered into tlio fun and frollo of tl a occasion in n spirit that showed how highly they onjoyed the spfrt. Danc ing was kept up until day light, when tlio party broke up and all went to their homos well pleased with the eiitcrlnin meut. Carlelon, tho, is an unfor tuiintu man. The Chicago lire, tho Illinois Central railroad, and tlio authorities of tlio town of, Kentucky, havo given him u world of trouble. From tho Hick man ilnim published in the Louisvillo Gmrier-Journal, wo clip tho following : Mr. and Mrs. Curlotun, trnvellini: come dians, exhibited ut Hickman last Monday without llrsi obtaining u lleunto. Cirlou.ii M.ept ill the jail that night, wliero lie gnro si fren performance totlio inmates, and was bailed out in the morning. Nothing is said of where Mrs. Citileton was during Car lntou't incarceration. jLHurd luck, Carlcton ! It is truo that IJlankenburg's Exeel tlorniloon is now on.) of -tho institutions of tho city. All drinkers who liko really excellent liquors whiskies, wines, beer, etc. go to tho Kxcolslor saloon, which is fitted up In splendid stylo. Ulunkenburg wiio knows how to koop suloon, spreads a llnu ftc.u lunei) every morning and ove rling, iimi, UH i,u forcibly expresses it, 'Sweetens lb., iuilc)l wlt!l music,'' Ho has employed thu services of it flrst-rato pianist, who makes tU Krand piano which stands in onu end of tho saloon speak out in musical tones. Everybody is invited. '1 he best order in malntainm! and all Improper characters suiinremici with nentnefcs.choapiiessatiddi.pateh. V.y. crybody known that the .Excelsior saloon I is at tho corner of ashlngton icenuo and Fourteenth street. Policeman Sheehan and Marshal Cain succeeded yesterday in caging Curtor, the negro who cut Atirrington so fearfully at Freeman's saloon on Sundny last. All tho officers of tho city havo been on tho look out for Carter sinco tlio afl'rny on Sunday, Carter was found nt th residence of Hur- BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, riot llandv, corner of Fifth and Walnut streets, and when tnken was found to Lo nrmtil to the teeth. Ho evidently in tended not lo bo taken without ft struggle, fflcoM ,, (J ud denly that ho did not hnvo tltno lo u- ' h's weapons. Ho will liavo a hearing beforo Judge Uross this mor.iing. Shoohnn nnd Cain alnrted out determined to nrresl Car ter, and they did il. Just nt llils tlmo there Is general com plaint nt tho Irregularity of tho molls. Our exchanges from overy direction, com plain that tho malls from Cairo do not ar rive promptly. The litest Is from tho Slinwncetown Oa:ett(, which says : Wo are nt n loss to explain thu myste rious mnnngcmetit of o.ur malls. On Tues dny Inst wo received four copies of tho Cairo HulkUn, Wednesday evening we received tho edition of tho morning. Thursday evonlng wo received tho Sunday morning" edition, and tho last ro havo re ceived. Wo receive the New York Her ald from all points of tho compass. Up tho river from Cairo, and down tlio rlvor from Eviinsvillo nnd occasionally by way of Cincinnati, Vlncer.ncs, Flora, Omnhii, Hartley nnd othor points. We do not re member of ever receiving it copy by tho Saline Mines mall or by tho Equality air line. Tharo is a great mismanagement somewhere. As wo nro without Inlluonco with tho postmaster general, will somo of our radical friends please set forth our grievances. It will bo remembered by mnny of our readers, lhat during tho early part of last summer, n caso was tried beforo Esquire Shnnncssy, wherein Mr. John Clancy wns tho plaintiff and Mr. Hradlsh tho defend ant. Tho suit enmo about In this way: Clancy and Bradish made ft bet as to the sex of it child, then unborn Clancy bet ting that tho child would be nglrl, nnd llradish visa versa. In duo tlmo tho child camo to light, and, was a boy j and Clancy of course lost, but ho refused to pay tho bet. Bradish then becamo indebted to Mr. Clancy to tho amount of ?5 for groceries, nnd wanted Clancy to credit him, with tho amount of tho bet, which was also refused. Clancy thn brought suit against llradish for tlio amount of his grocery bill, nnd tho caie was tried beforo his honor, Squire Shannessy. A Jury wns called In tho case, nnd thoro was a lively scene in the court. Mr. llradish plead his own Cft!e, nnd tho jury rendered n verdict for tho defendant. Hy agreement tho case was then tnken to tho circuit court, whero it wns Inst Frid iy finally decided, and Judgment rendered for plaintiff, Clan cy, tho bet, lost and won, on the soi of the innocent infant, ns a sot off, to the contrary notwithstanding. KEMOVKD, THOMAS' 1'IIOTOrjRAPUIC AKT OALLKRV 11EM0VKI) TO TUG CORNEIl or EIGHT BTREKT AND COMMERCIAL AVKNL'K, IN HIS Elt'.S IlL'lLTJINa. I now havo good light to work by nnd pleasant rooms for the accommodation of visitors nnd customer. I ant now pre pared to do as good photographic work ns was ever dono in Cairo I will tako pho tographs, plain, imitation porcelain nnd gems', old pictures copied, enlarged, nnd colored in India ink or water colors. Far tlculnr attention given to taking child. Ton' jittiir0. Don't forget the plaeo, corner Eighth street nnd Commercial aveune. fobi-lw J. J. Thomas. THE riJIt TRADE- II. LKVV A CO. PAY TUK 1II0IIKST MARKET PRICKS Helow will bo found the corrected list of prices paid by II. Levy d: Co., for hides, furs, feather., wool, tallow, be; wax, and all kinds of country produce Lovy fc Co. do a verv larg trade in their line, and it is a well known fact that tbey always pay tho highest prices to ob tained in thi market. 1 hey rr utw paying fur rcii : Mink.... JUcccon WildCat. Houie Cat 10u )& J6 in i O'J u 1 W 2 O0ij w W u 70 Mu.k Rat Opo'sum.. Oiler Hear HkiiiB. Heaver, per pound IIIDKK, I'KR I'DDII Deer Ski in Heef Hides, Drv Salt " ' Green Huh...... )fe k'2G VatJ OTHER ARTICLE'S: Tallow, par- pound Ou" Feathers, " " .'Ja'jJ Wool, " " Ma 70 Hoeswax " " L'.'jftib Tho above price list is subject to correc tion, I'rooressof tiik. Re volution. A new light dawned upon tho world with tho in troduction of Plantation Hitter twelve years ago. Drastic purgation wont out reHoration nnd renovution cume in. Tho the eyes of tlio pcoplo wcro opened to tlm great fact tint tho way to ciirodi.H'nso il to strengthen nnd tupport its victims, not to place them nt its mercy but depriving them of tho llttlo atrongth thoy have. It eoon becamo evident that u means of in filling vitality into tho feeblo system, reg ulating tho secretions, curing indigestion nnd reforming n bilious habit of body, no medicinal preparation then known was at till comparable to tho restorative. Since then hundreds of attempts hnvo been mado to rival tho bitters. They hnvo all failed, and tho Grand Revolution in Med ical Trentmont, which was commenced in 1800, is still In progress. Nothing can stop it, for it Is founded on tho prlnclplo, now universally ncknowltdgcd, that phys ical vigor is tho most formidable antagon ist n f all human ailments, nnd experience has shown that Plantation Dlttors is it peerless Invigoront, ns well ns tho best possible safe-guard ngalnt epidemic discuses. feb7eod&wlw Mr. W. H. Ryan has lately opened n fr.imo iim picture establishment on 8th street, near cor. Washington avenue. His stock compriees framos of all styles and size., ml many Verv handsome nlin tograpbs, engravings, chromoi, albums etc Ho Jm, nil sorts of mouldings and makes the fmmn(; 0f pictures to order, n specially. Mr. It. Invites nil to call and examine his stock. jnn 28-lm-d. Fresh Muscat grapeslroni California, JuM leeeived ut Jorg..,,,,,,.,, ,f FEBRUARY 7. 1&72. COxMMESSKD YEAST. A beautiful article just received nnd for Mo at wholcMi) nnd retail by l'KiNHATtrT V. Hr.i.zyKii. Sole AEi. roit sauT Wo hnvo just received, from tho man ufttcturors, AVitcox rmi (Jlbbs sowing machine. It Is beautifully fJnlshcd and has tho hemmer, braider, etc., This mn chine, worth sixty dollars, will bo sold nt a bargain nnd may bo soon at Room 10, Winter's block. if RAILROAD MEETING. Orncr. or rut Catso ami Hi. Loin, 11. It.Co.,) Cairo, Ilu., Keh. 3d, mja. A meeting of tlio Directors of this Com pany will bo hold In tho town or Carbon dalo on.Thursdny next, Fobrunry 8th, A. I). 1872, nt 0 o'clock In the forenoon of said dav. S. Staats Taylor, l'rcsident. !ob.3d-td AUCTION SALE. I will offer for snlo nt my sales room, 105 Commercial avenue, on Snturdny, February HO, nt Oi o'clock n. m.,thofol lowing nrticlos, to bo sold for charges : 2 first-class billiard table, complotoj ono lot of gas fixture", nnd n lot of steamboat sash nnd doors. Salo positive, nnd with out reserve. 1). Hautma.v. Auctioneer. jnn'J5,1872 SPECIAL NOTICE. All persons hr.vlng claims ngninst tho Contractors on the Cairo St Vincknnks Railroad Aro requested to leave their claim with 11. Salford, cashier City National bank, tobe forwarded lo us for adjustment. Dodge, Loud a Co. Jitu. 24-2w-d. WANTED TO EXCHANGE. Dwelling liouso built last summer nnd two acrc ol ground, cost f3,G00 and store house, cot $1,500 now renting for twenty dollars per month, in a growing railroad town in Southern Illinois. Will exchange part or all of the above for dwelling house of snmo value in Cairo. This is a good opportunity for any one wanting to go In to business. Address II. S., care of Bul letin, Cairo. WINES AND LIQUOR. l'at. Fitzgerald, of the Sample Rooms, has received the nppointmentof agent for tho sale of the Hammondsport, N. Y Urbnnna Wino Company's wines In this city. If the bottle with which wo were yesterday presented Is sample of the quality of these winos, then we arc pre pared to say that thoy nro among tho best wo havo ever tasted. Ho has just received a largo consignment, which he is prepared to sell at thu lowest figurors He has also on hand a large and complete stock of tho various brands of Irish bcoicnnnd American wiiisxics, and wines of overy variely junlSdtf, HOARD AND LUDUI.VU. Mr. T .It. hills, tho corner of Seventh nnd Commercial is prepared to accom modato all who apply with board, with or without rooms, at prices lower tban any other flrst-classbousc in tho citv. Mr. El lis keeps an excellent table; his rooms are front rooms high, light and airy, and well furnished, and we have no Leiitation in promising t&liifartlon to all who call on him. Mr. KUii vil alto supply parties who 4tlr vnu ttuiatunhvl r'xjins at Mt'jrtbUk itixt. Ia tit interested take wte. KxtuMMwroti lb corner of fcvmiii i4 viu..rtl. 2 U 'J'iiv tilb i iA irty t be glvtn un 4erlL. t-wrjiivvt oi the CifoTjrpichortn Cluti, will b beW t the Hi. Charles holil iliurhduy vveuitig, Feb. Mb, Wit. Thj purty i to be t tuukquijritde, lauey dre una arcn combine. All nwenary ut ritugeuiente to gut.rant:e a pleasant an tocial party ure being made by the re tpwtlve uommlttees. Arrangements havo been made with mino host Rexford, to prejiaro a supper for tho occasion. The admission fee has been fixed at t'J for thoise who aro not members of tlio club All those who havo received cards of Invitation to tho scries of parties will be expected without further notice. ClIARLKr) CU.NNINOIIAM, II. Frank It lake, Com. of Arrangements IIIIRNTIT&CO. IIiailK.T CAM! PRICK PAID FOR HIDES FURK, K1C. Messrs. Burnett St Co.,Thorntoti's block, Tenth street, nro prepared to pay tho high est cash prico for articles in their line, as follows : FURS. Prime Mink $1.75 to 'J.25 " Raccoon 00c to OOt " Musk Rat lo to 10 ' Wild Cat 10 to 50 " Opossum 10 to 12 " Ottor 5.00 to COO " Heaver Skins 0,00 to 7.00 HIDES. Green Salt l)J to 10c Greon Salt, kip and calf. is to Uc Deer Skins to 30c For other nrtlcles, such as rags, feath ers, bees wax, wool and tallow, wo will pay tho highest market prices. Respectfully, etc. Huhnktt & Co., Thornton's block, Tenth htrcet., Cairo, 111, . tf. Notice. Tho best entertainment in tho city is ut tho St. Nicholas hotel, saloon and restaurant. Tho best music that can bo had violin and piano. Good lunch overy morning nnd night. All of tho finest brands of cigars, und tho best St. Louis lager beor, always fresh nnd nico. Give us n call, lfARitr AValkf.r, Proprietor. For Sale. A cottago on liith stroot containing 7 rooms, clstorn and out houses eompletu. Apply to W. W. THoRNioy. KIVERKEWS. j condition of the river. Here tho river Is falling ng tin as the juago shows. Verv llttlo Ice w liasslnif down tho river ycstordny. News from tho Korgo was very meager and but llttlo changes havo occurred if anv. Ono thing oortaln, nlnht bnforn u.i a... ... fnvorabla fur ,h, gorgej" f()r lh(J M,n ffOJ,0 i .i i. ftntl ol,y cemented tho ico lighter toKothnr .i ,um b.. i. lint . , "in nufu ib iiiiiiu diflieult to break up. lIlftVV raIlls have occurred n mo vicinity of Nashville, and Ir. a few days tho Cumborlnnd rlvor will oo coining out w.tli u blB rise, which will help to break tho gorgj should it r,.ml until then. At Cincinnati tlm t. i. reported to bo rising und remains closed with ice. Helow thore Is no chatigo to report, cvcrylblni: rcmnlns in r. frozen condition and the prospects for It remain- ing a aro good. Iho winter has teen a hntd ono on stenmboatmen, and but lew of them hav rnnuo cnougn to nve on. Numbers of them have hud lo seek other employment In order to keep from starvinc. It is true that Ico Is n good servant but a bad mater. The condition of tho Mississippi remains mucii tho same. There has not been nn arrival irom bt. Louis sinco the 25th of January, tho lust boat from there was tho Sioux City nnd she just did get out nnd that was nil. n US IN KM AND WEATHER. There wore five boats at tho wharf ves- toruay but thcro was very little business traniacted. The rain has made tlm levee one solid mns of Ico and It was next to an impossibility to go down or up It withou falling. Tho sun shotio bright during the dnv and wher It could obtain n fair chniico It melted tho icon little but not sufficient ly to do much good. E irly in thu morn ing overy thing preventod an ijy appearance. Ono noticablo thing which me extreme cold wcathor has done, is to Jr-.vo the birds from the woods into tho city to find ihcller. Night before lnt great mnny of them were found on the levee unablo to fly und could bo picked uj without throwing salt on their tails, miscellakeol!) nf.wh. Tho Idlewild laid hero all day wnitlnL' orders from hvanvl.le. It was the inton lion of Capt. Fowlorto havo left here earl v yesterday mornin, but tho sudden change in tho weather caused him to defer Ills do parturo until ho hear from hendqunr ters. hen tho Arkansas Hello came to tho wharfboat it was then tho intention to start her for Evansville, but by some hook or croak her routo was changed; but not until our report had gone to press. A couple of thieves attempted to steal a box of tobacco nnd ono of chccio from Phillips wharfboat night beforo last but were lolled in tho act hvjtm. Law, tho watchman. Thero are several boats loading for lho the south and tome of thcrn uro ready to Icavo and will do o on the opening of tho river. Mr. James PhillU rocciitlr clerk of tbo A. Bilker met with a painful nccident a rw iIkm .ti.un wl.tlo trying to lift n Ui.lo of hay. He is confined to his room at present. It is thought that tho James Howard will tuko the Ducal parly to New Orleans. For the froight on a hundrod bead of mules the Ore it Republic has lost a good thing. PHIL. HOWARD, STEAM 130 AT B UTOIIE It, City Xnllounl Ilnnk riiillilliik'. .Special attention paid lo orders Irom steam oats nlnht or dir.- .Mr. Chas. .Mchner has just received from tho pulishcrs in New York, n book cf costumes containing all tho latest styles of atagecquiiiments. Ho invites hi friends lo call and examine tho book, nnd if thorn are any persons dctlring nrticles in tills line, Mrs. Mchner is prepared to furnish thern on short notice nnd reasonable terms. .Mr. Mchner aho has a number of mafcks which he will fell or hiro out to those who may want them. Mr. .Mchner has removed his establishment to the two story frame building opposito John Schcel's hull, whero he is prepared to fur-mask- on thc shortest notice. Feb. 'J-dlw. Huffai.o, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1870, Dr. R. V. Pierce,: For tho past six mouths I havo used your Golden Medical Discovery In my practice, nnd In lhat time I havo tested its merits in severo coughi, both acute nnd chronic, in chronic dis eases of tho throat, severo cases of bronchi tis, general derangement of tho system, constipated condition nf tho bowels, nnd wherever a thorough nltorntivo or blood purifier has boon indicated. In all cases I havo found it to net ccntly yet thoroughly and effectually In romoving tho varied diseased conditions, and bring ing about n healthy action throughout tbo system. Yours frntornnlly, H.I. Hall, M- I). Feb. Feather Dusters, nnd Looking Glasses. I havo on hand a fine stock of Feather Dusters nnd Looking Glasses which I am selling very cheap, nt Tbonton's Hlock, Tenth street. H. S. 11 arrell. febt Ct Whero aro you going? To tho phico number 03, Ohio lovce, whero they keep tho best fresh oysters, fish and game, an J tho flnost wines, liquors nnd cigars to b6 found in tho city. Open nt nil hours, da.y or night. E. 1'ark Now thnt tho Cairo nnd Vlnccnnos railroad is ft fixed fact tho contract having been lei, nnd work to bo commen ced nt once, Jorgenscn Is prcpnrcd to soil nil kinds of groceries cheaper than nny othor houic In tho city. tf Marriaoe Guide. Interesting work numorous engravings, 321 roS0"' 1,r,cc 00 cents. Addrois Dr. Butts' Aiipeory No, 12 North Eighth 8treot, t. Mo. Sto AdvertUenunt, Louis tf Rus'tAN sardollcs nt Jorgcnson'' j try I tlr.m. t! The best French nncliovlo n tho illy tf nt Jorgcnson i. Go to Dr. MiOauloy for Rattingcr's Fe ver Drop.'. Warranted to euro tho chillf. Ioiioenno.v bus tho litiest supply of Trv them tf f. patilsh ollvov In thu city. Found. That tho choicest butter ii nt Jorgenscn's Stnplo and Fancy Grocery store. Paul 0. Schuh tells Rattlnger'a meill- cinci. tf Yarmouth succotash and corn at Jor- gcnsoirs. tf. Snndwltched meals of all kinds nl- wnys on bund nt S. Jorgcnson's. tf. Prunki.lek, In ono pound boxes, at Jorgenscn's. JoROEN.ON has tbo best East India tf preserves for sale cheap. L. Jorgenscn has on hand a fresh sup ply of Damsons, Ir. yrup. tf Wrkiiit's iiu pius ultra minced men prepared expressly for family use, nt Jor genscn's. Peck, Frean, St Co'n London blseui t always on hnnd, corner Twentieth nnd Washington uvenue. If New French prunes, currants nnd raisins always on hand' at Jorircnsorrs grocery store. if Imported .Malaga grapes nt Jorgen son a, corner of Twentieth street and Washington uvenue. if For new citron, orange and Itmor peel, go to Jorgciison'a comer of Twen tieth alrect and Wnshlngton nvenuc. tf Crystal vinegar from London nt Jor genson'a, cornr of Twentieth street and Washington avenue. tf To .Mother and Niiwrs.- Mrs, Whltcomb's Syrup for diarrhea, Ate., in children, whether induced by teething or other causes, is tbo safest and best remedy. feb7dwlw Sleeping Rooms yon Rent. Ton well ventilated sleeping rooms in City Na tional Hank building. Apply to EDWARD DE.ONIA, At City National Hank. Testimony. Thousands of mothers are distantly speaking in exalted terms of commendation of tho magical effects of Mrs. Whitcomb's Syrup for toothing infants teething. JanllldAwlw GOLD! GOLD 1 ! GOLD"! nir GOLDEN COMPOUND Will force the beard or moustache to srow thick and heay, on the aiiincilhett faet, fir hair en iho Uildeat he!, lu '.'1 ili), or money relund d d. This preparation lint ten b-fufe the pub lic fur oer ilmtei'ii yeiire and thoii.and. of voluntary tion of II- merit- Meut Ii) mad, iio.i.piid, with directions in full for tta uie, lor SO cenn a pacUexe , three for SI. Addren C.Ol.Di:NCOMPO!'M'CO., No. il't I'ine atreet, :t. Louis, Vo. Jn:ilm. HUTCllr.Uai. CENTRAL MEAT MARKETs- KOEIILER & BROTHER Hat r'erf n . 1 I'OI'I'I.Alt J1KAT .MAItKET, C'OMMERCIAE-AV., Ilclnrrn Mnlli nml Ten III Mreelai, ar.,1 will keep ronatantly on hanJ the beat mean latiKhtered in the Cairo market. They defy com petition. liie them a trial, ept21tl. (.'OA I. A.MJ WOOD. WOOD! WOOD I! WOODI1 The imdersnrned will furnish HARD AND DRY WOOD AaCiicnp.ll not CUeaiier llun any n the ab wood deiler lo Cairo. Leava ordera mtf at thn Pnttonien aa1 at 110.9 noal tard, on Comniercial avenue, between TenlUind twelllli atreeta. Cairo, HlinoU. . I Kiro nood meaiiire ami will cord the wooil up If (ieaired. auKlli-tl DKNN1U HALEY. CUA1. CAIRO CITY COAL COM-PAUTY. Is prepared to aupply cuitomer with Uiu beat quality o, PITTSBURG AND .ILLINOIS COAL. -VUDKItS lelt at llnlllday llroa. office, 70 OHIO U LKVEK.or lit the Coal V.rd below IheHt. Ciinrlea Hotel, will reoelve proiiipt atlenlion. 1'IIETUO " MONTAt'K willli'ini: coal nlorifr ii le Meamera nt nnr iio"r oc25tf O. 1). WILLIAMSON. PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio I.osi c, C A I It O, ILLINOIS. MTSpeofal allenliou ant orders Xiveu Is cu.niuictt ) i vrr -.", m