Newspaper Page Text
nUetiiu 111 0 iMlte1 JOHN II. OBEKLY & CO., THi: MAILS. aurivk. nrptKT orlli, Tliroujtn, .'wp.m i Way P:,n- outh, Way K.l p.m. ;Mri.ui. " TliroUKh N. O., Mom. phi. nd Columlm. 2:? p.m. 1:, Ohlii River route, (except Monday) iOUp.w, li-.0Up.ln. iron Mountain It. II ii.Vla.m. ll:ip. n. I... Hirer rout, urn Friday .np.m, 7:tip,m. I hebe., (loom (aland A Hunt , III.., Thumday 4 Fri day ; K.OQp.m. ", Hatfield, Klandville naif ViitrUcf, Ky ILOUa.m. orrna iioiki, . in ml Delivery Trtua.m. iinil)Bio'j.m.) oney Ordr department ;"0 .m. 6.W I't-Kl.ter " " " ;0r)a.m. M'lp.m. II mcy OrJer and Heri.trr department, no . en ou Huti'laya, OUH CHURCH KS. Prerwliln,;, f abbatli ( lot; i, ,, and V,i p. x. Prayer m.eting, Wedmaday nl 7 r. M. Sunday B!i nl, :i p. h. .1. M.'n, Huper. Intendcnt. Her. 0. II. Fonrr, pAitrr. METH(ll)HT-('ir, Eighth and Walnut SI.. l'rediinp,Hablitttli l . .,and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7,',' t, x. if.nJay Muliool 3 pm. I.. V. HUI...-I1, Huper- mtcndenl. Iter, F. I..Tiiqmi-ui, l'alor, IILItCII OK Til K UKHKKMKU (irplpropa!) Morning prater., Hjhluth PiJJ a. m, l'.cnini! prayer, "H'r. . uMntli School, '.t . M. (In, ilu. Kf-olor -r PATRICKS CIH'KCII .or. Ninth Hi. and Witahirigton Avenue. .'uUie Service, HabbitheJ-i and HiJi a. w c.per., 3 p. m . UndayBchoo1,2 p. x. -riiceeiery day, tr.u. Uev. P. J. O'HaLLOKAX, I'll.. I. ...SO ME.Va CHRISTIAN AHoClATlON-Kr- ular inf ptlui .K'uiid Mot.dar each month at the Prayer room of the Probytenan Church Weekly Prater meetinx, Friday, 7JJ p. at .lie Prajer loom of tlm Probyterlan church. C. I'ao., Pre.ldent. AFRICAN METHODIST Fourteenth, between Walnut un I Ced.r. .vrnfi", Habbath, 11 a. x, suadny bohool, 1J p. w. jn a p. i rKOOND KltKIMrlLMlAPTIriT-Kifleenth Hi. l'rew;liini:,7( p. x. Her. Win. Jackrou, I'a.tor. ti tern Walnut and Celar. herrice. HuLbitli, V, and 3 r. m IAV sCIIOOI-Virner wa uut and Cedar Sit. . . , , Sunday School. 9 a. m. ' ' ' HIST FRKK WILL BAl'Tlsr CIIl)RCII-Cur- ry. uuraeki. t erTice,nahUihll a. ., p. . and .y, p. m. ' iwr..hiuit, r.tor. r-ilUTMlHSIUNAKV IlAlTIbT CIIUItCII-Het-ween 10th and 11th utteet', near Cedar. I'rtachlnt Babbatlt 10; a. ., and 7),' P. . I'rayer Meeting. WeJueday etenlnR. rrrncninir, rriuay cuenitij:. -AUjKthN hool, 14 p. xj. John Van IlallM and , alary Ctephem siij.rrm!. ndrnti. Hev.TJ.Saoau. I'aato bKCONU lUPrsTC'lllMtCH-I-ouiteenthatrtet, latweenCedar and Walnut; Her, Jacob BraJ. ley, Klder; the only llaptiit Churrlt reooemted 1 the Aaiociatinn. er(ce. funday 11 o'rloek '.in., at 3 p.m. and at 7 p.m. I Jarna Hmtllt, Kl If r. SKCHET OHDEKS i THE MA!O.S. Uaiis CouMAMirar, No. 13. Waled AetnH) al the Aiylum Muonil Hall, flr.tand third, pa jrdaralneaeb uiooth. Caiao CocxriL. No. SI. He.-ular Cuuroeatlou at a.onlellall.theaeeond Friday in ae, month. CAiao Ciui-tia, No. 71. Spirillar CooToealion . at Masonic Hall, on the third Tutud.y of erery 1 m.nth. .. ' I'. i.,. Ij-.r,.:.. Nn.Zt7 K. k A. M Ilefular Com munlcatton. nt Ma.nnlc Hall, the iccond and , fntirlh Mrini4j Ot eal-h month. ' Ultra I)Dor, Xo.ta K. a A. M. Reitular Com munication, at M -utile Hall iir.l and third 1 hur.daya in each month. THK OUD-VELLOW. Alcx amikr honor, Kl. Meet. In OddKrllov'. Hall.lnAHer'a IIuiUIdr, erery Thurday even ne, at 7 o'clock. STATE OFFICERS. STATE OFFICERS. Governor, John M. Palmer; Lieutenant-Governor, John Dougherty ; Secretary ot Stale, Kdward Hummel; Auditor of Stute, C. K. I.ipplncoll , Ht.toTreatlrer, K. N. Ilaten; Stipt. Public In.truetlon, Newton llaltman. CONGllESSMKN. Jewitorn I.yman Trumbull and John A. Logan, lleprc.entallve for the Hlate at I.are J. I. lleverldge. Kopreneniatlve Thirteenth Dlilrict John M' tb.. MKM11ERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Senator., l.t lJmirici r. A. E. Holcomb, ol Union, and H. K. (iltnon, of Gallatin. Kepreienlatlte, Ui Dittrlct II. Wat. on Webb -COUNTYOFFIOERS. CIRCUIT COURT. Judse D. J. Hiker, of Alexander, i'nmcutlnif, Attorney .1. K. McCartney, of Circuit Clerk Jno. (J. Harman. henfl-A. H. Irvln. Wm. Martin, Aa.easor ant Tieaiurer. COUNTY COURT. Jnde r. llross. Aa.oria'e. J.;L'. McCrlteand B. Maruhtldon. Olerk-Jaeob O. Lynch. Joroner Jhn II, (lonsnian. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ..yor John M. I.nrden. I'reit.urer J. H. Taylor. Comptroller E. A. Iltirnetl Clerk Michael Hon Icy. iitrihul Andrew C.iln. Attorney 1', II. Pope. Police Mamtratoi! K. Dro and II. Hhan. I ei-iy, Chiclet Police L. It. Myera. SKLV.CT COUNC't. nyor-Jolin M. Lan.ilen, Firt Ward-P. O.bchuh. Bocon I Vfard C. It. Woodward, lhird Ward Jno. Wood, Fourth Ward 8. Htaata Taylor. W. P. Halllday and I). Hunt. HOARD OF AtBKRMKN. I I US r WAUD-Jamea Rearden, Leo Kiel), l&.io Waldea. . CUNIl WAIID It. H.'.CuniiuiRUmi E. Under, Henry Winter, James Swayne. I IIIIU) WAUD-Wm. Btratton, Panicle FiliKCtaid, UIITH WAUD-Jamea Carroll. O.H.Benae, ;J. U.MHsalf, PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. IIV ATLANTIC CABLE. KXUITKMKNT IN LONDON UN- AltATKI). - jJiftUL'Rftiwss i. rniiiiiA.ur.. i AND IN NKVS PAT KK.S. IIL'.SINKSS ON 'CI! A NO E DEMOR ALIZED LA D.STON E .STRONG L Y DEM NED. i'tm EXCITKMKNT I'.VAJIATKI. -UKMOltAI.IZI.Vd KFKKC1 O.V 'cIIAMH: VI.AllTO.VK'e RE t.KK foMlKMNKII TUSK y TIIK I.OX IiO.V I'KF.Kt A NEW ATLANTIC CAIII.K COMI'AS V SI KAMMII1' rOLM-IdN LoniioX, EhIj. r1. Tlio I'li'lti'inont Utirililij; ill o Alulmiim clnlm ia iiimlmlfd. I .Slierclif. iti p:irlliitiicril ntid iiiwi.i)i r I i!icuMion kuiip tli ptilille nuUntcd. Altx l lotyna to tlio tiiiitiner tlie WHtingtnn (fnl- Inct will receive uiu ropiefniauon oi uie llritMi f;ororn in tut u Ml in nil circles. Tlio tllVct on 'Clnnuo liti" detnornllzeil 1 liii.lnfti. AtiKTiciin feniritiiM oprneil tint, ntid u-'JO boml. ri'cnvureil n Intothi:). Uthers nitititiuu dull uml ilcrlililni. (Jerinrul uncnune.' ir(;vall. 1 T!i Lornlon prc. nltln'iigli Hill mod erate, find fuult Willi (Jlttdntutiij for de. fi'iidlni; tint treaty, arid tiutttitiiiii.tlmt pur. liiitnenl Ii urianitriouily In fvor of ri'jret Inn l'J,! Atnerlciiri dinaiidi. Tlio Time tiwlay. in reviewing tlie dclmte in tlm liuu.e of ciililllioll.. tliv. it ii evident Unit the lioii'u i tinnnitnuutly In fvor of repudiating tlio h 1 rn i -ubi 1 ty nf ; Uiu American loste, liut (ilndttone't Inn- gttage it not likely to IiiOuch AmcricHut to withdraw their demand". The Tim e- itrongly dcprecntc" Iho verbal diicii-flcii over tlie trcuty. Tlie Dnllv TolearMih crltlciiei the ut terance, of American journalists on the auliject, and iay tlio Engliili government, ' in tlietand it took, tins only obeyed the unanimotii Impuhe of the country, but the ipeeche. of Gluditonu are indiscreet, nr.d will urobablv prove tniichicvoue, In the houic of common, to-dnv, Mr. ,. . p,t, i .. . i. . ' ..i,,.. f ipenker ortnc liou.e, also a retolullon re- 1 i, , , . .. . ... oommending Ilia elevation to the peerage. . Mr, VUrlitut wl,o wa. prc.cnt, .cconded both motions, and they wcro adopted by BcclamntloP. WI.NKK AKD'I.IUDOIU. WM"7i!"sClTuTTKlt"," liaMrtr and Tlinl..ilo Ilrnler III WINES, LIQUORS, ISU TOBACCO &c CIO-AnS. Aki nt fur the t--t I nnd of CREAM AND STOCK AI.E, AMI niiiorlnl Aim r ItllTrrrnl KlmU. to vjhio jji;vki:. It CAIRO. II.I.I.SOI-. F. M. STOCKK L ET II , I ai'crri.'.ft roiiir a tiocurLrTii Itectlfyer nutl Wholesale Healer In t'urrlicn nuU Uotnetlo W 1NES ; AND LIQUORS. ; No. f2 Ohio Levek. UMBO, ll.l.l.NOK E keep, on hand ronUttly a lull tbtk o iuda hi liemiickv liiiurLnii. iie anil Monnntfi.. Whl.klra, French lSrindle., Ilollauil Gin, Rhine and California Wine. tou.Mmu:. I. & E. GREEN WALD. MAMrACtrKitt. or rteam Engine. Holler., Flour ond Gri't Mill", Saw Mill-, Th loppcr' Patent Grnlcl.ii MAOI11NKRY KOU (IF.Vr.RAL PURPOSE", CINCINNATI OHIOJ owdo27 CIA., MMOINHCVIU. HI! LI N .CHICK CHAS. SCHOENMEYER & CO. FURNITURE ROOMS, UPHOLSTERING Matt rcss Manufacturing, I'n nil I tiro ltrpnlrliiR, PICTURE F R AMIN05. All oiiIcih pic.inptly attended to, NOUTIIWKhT IORNKR OF WAhlllNOTON AV F.NUE AND TENTH hT., CAIRO, ILL, p. O. Uiawrl3. JanWfi TAXES. pnni.lO.V rriSBIa hereby tfjven tint the a. mlilihl IIM fur IliO Mnr A. 1 1. 171. Inin hi-pu idacM miiir hand for rolloctinn and that I will altcm! ft' tha illtlrrftit pifciii'it. Ill AloiODder S l ESrr y " " plaw.folfimihK, to. win In Harlewooil. nl Mile. Ilnltliiir.' hoil.o. Jan liary r.ih, I.7.. m t.nii), hi John nnutn. nore, January 27lli, j,' " C""c"' fc ',0,'', ion In TiieU , nt J. O. ItolUInu'. atoro, Januarj j In HantAf,t Virgil Dflanpy. alorf, January In Oooni. I.!.,, fJrpfntlf a atari. Fl I ruary la 167;. in ifou mom. i dim aiarnn'a uouae IVtruai) 2nd, i win nin biipiiii til r i utile in cant, neroiiIlv or !) (.''puly, mulnir Ihe month nt i' imi iVhriiarv next, tor aaiil Miriio. Under th law I will he coinixdled to eiilori'O the rollertlon of turaoiial taxe. ilurinir tha month ot IVhrunrv j next, inreiorH iaxiayi'ra win i' r uiu i.ii in muni an'j aae- t.t)V iniinl and ) cos'a, wnl'di w 1 1 l i.iii.'ii mi.'f inn. 1 1 ii i . N. II. Tax-payer wdl KVMl Ho e xml ml.. . il... i... i ii rti v...i. in. . I. u.i.l ml.. Ifi'eltitM. a i: ii. iiivi.v, rtl.erilt. and ex-oflcln Cnllielor. (.'alio, lllii , I'ee, !W, 171. t!!K CITY NATJOxXAL I ,t t ICO. I I.I.I XOIH. CAPITAL, $100,000 uriuraa. W. P. ilAI-iJIMV, Pre.lden IIK.MtV I,. IIAI.I.1DAY, Vice 1'; A. II. MAKFOItl), Calhleri WAI.TKK IIYSI.OP, AI.Unt Caahier. .rim T.vljia. rtoatar II. CvxioHtn, W. P. lUlLIKtT. llnar I.. IUlhd.t, m. I. WiLLUMtox, HttriirN Ilian A. II. Hal roan. ,.,1M. ., IlonU IlotiKlit nml Nolil. rr.t... , , . , . ... . pF.I'lSIIo recelven, and ceneral liaiiklut I) done. - .MI LLKK k PAKKEH, rT7V17IJ A T r-AA X A TTOGT W FORWARDING M ERCH ANTS, Akr. DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Outs, Hay, etc. AGENTS roR FAIRI'.ANK'S SCALES Ohio Levee, OA I RO, ILLS. STRATTON & iilRI) l"-ueceor to"-tralton, Hndion A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COM M IS.SION MERCHANTS, ol Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. e3TAsent of American Powder Co., and man aj;eiil. lor ruuun l aril- "CLOSE & VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMI Cement, Plaster Paris, ' PLASTERER'S HAIR, j Corner Elulilli Ntreel nntl Ohio Lover CAIRO, ILK JOHN R. PIIILLIS ASON (Sncce.ot. to Jno.n. Chillis,) - GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AM DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Meal, Bran, &c. Lor. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LKVEK CAIRO. ILL. l.VMiiKlt. ; s7 WA L T TTs, " 1 iipaiikin HARD and SOFT LUMBER j rstry ileaerlpllKii, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTh, noons, sash, rlinds ORDERS SOLICITED. ST F.A M BOAT I i II M H E It, Fuililhed on'i'H tiiilii i'. ' Coiiiinorciiil-iiv, lmt. U'tli ami lit l-rt CAIRO ll.Ll.Nol, yU CAIRO, ILLINOIS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY JO. 1872. hfb LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. ,,,K o'T siTCKMrui. i.ikk Insukaxck Corpohatio.v ok tiik.Samp.Aok IX 1 THK PTJBBLY NO STUCK IIULDEKS Amount or Tomciics i.v Forck Dec. 31, Total Income to Same Date, Nkt Ivcrkahk or KiK8 i.v Force, 1870, a nr ..'rttiii .ii ancrrnan anriaa; iu OllOMt INCRKASK Or 1'lNKH IN FoitCE, Dnlr two comtiailea In the wurld erieil tin. ....Jli'l """iiany whleh guarantee, k a ........ w ... ..n.. a a . r., in iiruiiuri on to ii- l lemiuni. or lie.inautaiire r onn. lf;' "nly rotnnanr whirh. ty II. charter, Kile. KACII 8 1'ATK A IIKPllK-fKN'TATlVK IN TIIU ItOMf! IlllAtMlfil. ririll.r.'rnuw "'iin i.' i.AVyii ouir,. in pro ion on to n Ihw rifilv ntitnnun u L.l, I.J 11 . JAMES H. HRITTON, l'realdent. Hknrv V. Houoit, Vice President. Felix Cohtk, Supt. Mlsiourl Dept. Wm. Hasi.kt, Hecretary. John N Pritciiari, Trcnaurar. ('. F. It urn fx, Attorney. E. L. Lkmoine, M. D. Med. Officer. - Hon. Wm. JIarnec, Conmltlng Counel and Actuary. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. E. P. IlURLiNoiiAM, Manager. CAIEO BBAHCH BOAED. The follow in;; nnmed tentlemen hold or control tle.000 in.urance each, Inlhe Lite Anoeiatlon of Arr.crca: P. W. Barclay, II. W. Wr.Mii. II. II. Canhkk, John Antrim, Cnxs. Galiohkr, J. M. PuiLLir, C. IIaxxt, ' R. S. Bn gham, rAULOSciIUU. I.enrn our llatlm mid Flan before LOCAL dei Carl L.Thomah, nvtis. eA 11 CO 9. flKOUKRIKM AND DRV flOODH. WILLIAM KLUGE, FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, ETC., tt&nlWJft&r I'OimALF VOROXSH VERY CHEAP limaAlil.fuiiu.10111111 ii., niin Lou ,. I..,.. uii...i, t.r Piainiiv tlri n o CORNER S'XTH-ST. AND COMMER CIAL-AV., Ula" iAIRO, ILLINOIS inni;ra.w:i:. WOBLIJ. IM: tT T IT A. Ij ; TO AHSOUB PROFITS. WtOf - - $45,fM.'.,"40 00 3,071,788 80 20,000,040 00 Jtr imo or nuy oiiipnny lu ine nana 1870, 3O,3J7,7?.0 00 inr.a .in.ini. tarn charterfd rUlit, the nrinciple of l.tlCAI. IN EST- I'lemltim. or lle.lnauiaiiee Ptinn. t .s . t t lit'lilll'Jt' VTl'PI Vt IM Till. .Ioun H. Onr.RLY, Wm. Morri, T. .1. Kkrth, W. S. Kiisox, yon teanre In any nlhrr CompaBy. AGENTS. 3i3m. W. B. Kkrnet. UAH V1TTEHM. II. T. GEROULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER AxnriALF.a ix UAH FIXTVREH, Oa. Fittar'a .and I'lumber'a material. Woo pumpa, xlube. and ancie valves, atop cocka, check valve, etc. auo lout roa Tnlla Ilrathera Patent llryOaa Meter And Morehau.e, Well. A Co'a Automatic Wate Indicator and Supply Valve for ateaiu toller.. WINTER', 1IL0CK, COMMERCIAL-AVENUH NIOX WRITER. CARL L. THOMAS, IGU WRITER t now prapneJ to ru.poml pmmptly to all de mand, for hi. i'rii,e. SUOP-COR. 8TI1-ST. AND COMMERCAI.-AV III tlie I'erry Motive, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. novMdll ikiotn sn Niiora. WTLLIAM EHLERS, rn.hionnlil BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWENTIETH STREET, Between Waahlnylon ateuu ad H.ipUr -CAIRO, ILL. Hoot, and Shoe. Made to Order. Fin Workmen Employed. Sati. faction Warranted. Patronage fnllcite CITY SIIOJS STORE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY aoir. aqmct ma "BEOLASKI'S" CUSTOM-MADE ROOTS AND SHOES t'.minirrclal Avenue, Corner of t'Jghlh Nlrect, Cairo, Illinois. FA RTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ALL OR. DKIttf FOK HOOrSKIKTH AND SUOKa. fAINTt'.HM. MOORE k MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamontal Ileewrntlve rnprrliHnglnff, Kiilawnuu. nerlianicli I n If, elr Done in the lushest tyl ol the att, and the lushest liyie oi mr a rale. thatnVly roinpelitloii. 1SHOP IN f KURY" HOUSE, CORNER OF 8TU ! (SOLDI GOLD 1 1 GOLD III VHP. GOLDEN COMPOUND Will fore the beard or momtache to crow Ihlck and heavy, on the amnothfit face, or hair l'eHd,lnil.l.y.,..rmoner lefund- ho for ovr lliiittTii v fill! fnr m naw. Inr t ti. Addrea. .,, i GOLDEN COMPOUND CO., ' No. 2-.'SPiUatreet,-.t. Loiiia, Mo. Jn31m. Hi... i.iici, wiin uirn-iiviii. u ..n r v. ii.ui.ii......i - .!--,.,.,.. u,,i, i,nerl aneoi lor tne nt.t. 01 nil. ii.i'Lru, s three for 1 H ack or natural Brown. Doe. not Plain the .-. ! ,' Ii. .n,i iiai.ti sinnr.i. iu.i.n, ti BULLETIN BUILDING. WASHINGTON -A V I1ANICM. CpuT sTTsa ving s C'hnrlrreU .Hnrrb SI, lhn. orricp. ik CITY NATIONAL BANK, CAIRO A. B. 3AFFORD, Preaident; S. 8. TAYI.on, Vlce-Preildent; W. IIYril.UP, rk-eretary and Trea.urer. tuarcToaat P. W, ItAkcl at, Ciiai. GAtiuiira, r. ji.niu,ii.nn, l-AI I. U. nclll'll, : It M. CrNMxqHAM, W. P, Haimoai, I J. M. PuiLiira. i ItppoMlla ot anyAmoanl Krrrlvrdlroin Ten t enia I'pwnrttx. IMKKET paid on" at the rate ot IX leri-ent. ser annum. Miireh l.t an.l Krm. m lr I.I. Ililere.t nol withdrawn 1. utile.1 lmm dlately tolls principil of the depn.lta, ther t,t c'rlnx them compound Intere.t, I MARRIEII WOMEN AND CHILDREN MAY DEPOSIT MONEY 1 ao that no oxc rue cax dbaw it. Upen eve. v huslne.a tlav from 9 a.m. In .1 and Hatnrdar evenmv lor HAVIXfl IIKI'IHITH only, Iram i to a o'cloek. anwir W. IITHLOP, Tren.urei. FIRST jVATIONAL BANK OF CAIIIO. DAMKl. HUPP, Pre.ldtBt; ROBERT W. MILLER, Vlce-Pre.ldent; I C. h. IU'G1IK,S, Caahier. COLLECTIONS PROJIWLY MADE IXCIIA.M.K, eoin, bank note, and United i St. In. aeciltltlea taught and aold. Interml Allowed on Time Ilepoalta. vonntsiioM ixo roawAiiDixu. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO., iSurcx.aur to E B. Uendrlck. A Co., ) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS AID WHARF-BOA T PROPRIETOItSJ I I V-aKZT:1''1""1 Advancea tr.t i (-on:SaW j i'nn.l(tntnent. JSf Ar prprJ to receive, .tars dc orwarJ rrulKht" to all point, and buy ar. ell on co'jiiul.'lon. WRu.ine.. attended lo prompllv II. M. IIULEN, i GROCER and CONFECTION And Dealer Foreign Fruits and Nuts, No. 134 Commercial-ave., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. WOOD RITTENHOUSE, FLOUR AUD General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illivoih D.Z. MATHUM. R. C. U1IL MATHUSS & UHL, I POEWABDI 1TG AND GlvM'.IlAL. 'Commission Merchants, DEALERS IN j FIiOTTE, G-KAIIT. HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE So. HI OUIO I.KVKE. hlu ir.i rjutth. Sixth Sit., AWIO.ILL PARKER k RLAKE, utiim. is WALL PAPER, PAINTS, I'nlly, llenaliie, llnwollne, WIWDOW GLASS. WINDOW S1IADKM, . f.. the relet. ruled illmnlnatluit AURORA OIL. I i i nitOhH' IIUILDINO, COll. UTII-ST. A COM i,EUC,AL'AV,,IniN.01i, , ,HT' U,IJ,"' B TCIi,Iol,s,IKI I IHTCII I.I.OH M IIAIKIH E. - " ' Thi- -.'.'i''.?. i.1? JLHi'V-iT-VA StTf t'ATK ?-Vj!J!.V Bklo.liilUraveath. Hair Cljaii.ill and lleaiili. ful. The mily Bafe .ml Pejfeii Hy. Bold bv all ilruuKi.t", Factoiy IOl!nnd.Str.t, I Nw Ywrk. iu,J.eJil far, and lliouaand. of No dlMiu nnilmeiit. No It dlflllotla Tint, or Ul.- t'uinr.y r' "' i ir,.l(,-a Btalta. retloied l.l . .hown oflia mer. nlea.aut Odor. Die Reiiiilne w. A. Ilnchelor'. n.M j .U weeka. rAMII.Y OROCEKlEfl. 'OUIS .TOROENSEN, l,altt In all kind, of STAPLV. st) FANCY O-BOCEEIES. rairmer'a Tnrd nntl Htnbllii without ciiarok. Cor, Wanhington-av.'and Twntielh-Bt. CAIRO, ILL. IviTillf. i-i u . .. . ,. BUTCHcRA. I , ' PF.NTTl A T. MKiT AfAPIVPT I . """"i. KOEIILER & BROTHER Hare reapen edit.. rOPIII.AR MEAT MARKET, COMMERCIAK-AV., Belnern Mnth and Tenth fttrcela. and will keep conatantly on hrA the be.t mean piauiriiierea in me wairo mnrKei, j noy ueiycom petition. Give them a trial. scalilir. IXSURANCE. "TRIUMPH." THE TRIUMPH INSURANCE CO. Ol Cincinnati. tn.eta M..ftOO,0(iQ Solicit, all kinds ot ri.ka. r. iiitoss, octiTtl ; , Agent, Cairo, BOAT HTOREN. SAM WILSON, ll K All IN r BOAT STORES j leaartanwttw w O R O C K P. I K R . PROVISIONS, ETC So. llOr- Ohio Levek : : : : : Cairo, III. oanraa pbomttlt prttirn G. D. WILLIAMSON. PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILMNCia, M-Bpeelal attention given to rontignnienta and order REAL. ESTATE AGENT. 0. WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AUCTIONERS, 71 (SECOND FLOOR) OHIO LEVIS, 1 CAIRO, H.I.S., Ruv and Sell Real Estatk, PAY TAXES, FURNISH AHSTRACTS OE. TITLS ! I proraro Convoyanaea'.ot Kind.. JAKE WALTER, BUTCH E3 Tii AND DtALKa l!l FRESH MEAT, I EiuiiTii Street, Between WAsiiiNOTOJf i ' J and Commercial avenues, AtUtiiul'iff Hltteiilioime A Ilanuy'au l Keep I he be.t of lleef, Pork, Mutton,, l.iiinb, Mii.age. etc., and aru preuared to.erv e titeii. lu the mot ncceplable ii aimer. ' DUNRAR'S WONDERFUL ILS COVERY. HE THE MO A 'iMvtr SPRING WA- fHlM ih , ultr'- 'I,"J. . ,, ,',,...( llriehf. Dl.eae. Dlal. ii.?.5i?L"h'.iiilM K"UW '''r K'',,, iV.uu.. Chicago, lllinol.i All orde'ra by "rroily atUndiJ o. Sead forelreulara. ' "" "" r i jiaol , i