Newspaper Page Text
SIM1L1A SIMILIBU3 CURANTUI y'iiitKY'H HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVK proved, from the mont ample exper ience, an entire nieces i Simple Prompt r.meieiil nnil Reliable. I "ev nrn uio unijr iiu-ui-Pinna t"'rrolly ndapicil to popular use so aim pi tint mistakes cannot bo tnnilo In using them; ' harmless as to lie rrce. from danger, and to efllclfltjU lo be always reliable. They have rais ed the highest commendations from r.ll, nml will always render satisfaction. Nos. Cent. I, euro I'etprsi, congestion, Inflammatlqns.itt i. " Worm, worm fver, worm colitf aj ryinr.cniic urieeiningoi iniani,..v iiirrinip. ot cniiurcn nu aiuil.'j Iiyaeiilpry, griping, b'llous collc.M S'liiilprn-morbua, vomiting.... M Cliolcru. colds, bronchltus 'V, .fiiri.iKin, tooihAcho, raceachn VA llriiilnclips, sielt headache, verlignU l) irisln' Li.Iujij" iiloiHBolie....?..Ii.'j NiiiireNM-l,nr painful pcrloi....2 V blips, loo profile pcrfoiI...M....M Croup, cough, ditncult breatlting.2. Stall Rheum, Eryslpelaa, Eruption! 10, II. 12, 11. !i: !?: i". 19. HI. 22. 21, 2S, 'fi 27. 2. I ever mill Astiie.cliilt Icver.agueaM I'llesi. blind or blecdlnj ....7......W Oplilhlrmy, and aore or weak eyee.Vi Cnlrtrrli, wine or chronic, ItifluetirjifiA Wliooplnir-CoiiRli, vlolentcougha.V) Aathniu, oppressed breathing ...M lUir IIUcliiirKP. Impaired hearing.'O Nprnmiii enlarged glands, swelling.SO tJcnerrtl Debility, phjsical weak- fipaa . , U) Dropajy and scanty Secretions ...Ml Ken HlfkiipH,lckiipn from rldln6o Kiiliipy-lllapame, Gravel 14 Nprioua Debility, seminal emls nns.Involuntarr illcl.nrges 1 00 I'l t piloses, w It one 12 vial of powder very netcesary in serious cusps, 6 n Nor Month, ranker M I'rliiiiry Vt piihiipmi., welting I piI.' I'nliilii t'erlnila, Willi iihiin......'i Nil llcrlliga,.t clung- of life,... 1 Co i:iill.,'a.V."'liii,,fl Vitiia'dance.l li Ilitliprluulc, ernled aore throat to 29, SO. 31. -A 31. VI. FAMILY I ASKS. Of 3.1 to 0 Inrgc V lnlj, mororpo or roac woihI phsp, ViiiiIiiIiiIiik a Nppplllp for pi cry nnillnnry riiap n rniiilly lannltj't'l l, nml Ix.oIin fifillrprlloiia fruin IIOIotM Hinl;r r mil lly ami Tri pIIiik ' Jiff j 19 Tiala Horn H'J lo $1 Hpioiri!lor all I'rltnli IMarnnpa, loth for 'urltiK ami rur rppii. II VP Irralmri.l, in viaIh nml poctrl cuca ...82 In 0 I'OMfH KXTKACT Ourpa Hum", Ilrun-.a, l.niniipii, Sorrnf , Hotr Hiroat, HprtiU, Tuwliacli. Kuaclif, NruraljflK. ItliPuinnli.iii, I.umt.aKii I'ip, lloila, Klniga, Voru Ky, lll.llnil lli l.uiiir, N h, elmn plii or of ril,Orn, I'll err, till Horn. I'iIpp, 0 (X., rl cln.l l'lnl". II.VIj q iitl., JI'7A. oJT(ipe rpinpiliPD, rxp'pl I'oinl1 Kilract. hj III rae or r lug r nt to any part oi tficoulitrr. tij hihII or pprp, of pliarn. on rrcpipt oi the price. Aililr. M II L' Jl I'l I It h Yb' n I'KCIF I C HOUr.Ol'ATIII0 JIKMCISK t.O. Office ami l) p6i, o. llroailvrav, .Nevr-Votk FOlt H.M.K IIY 1'. feCHL'II, C'AlItU, Ilia, KllllWleoaawlr )i'?riitii. I. & E. GREENAVALD. MtkCrtctcaiaa or Hteam Eagine. lloilr, Klonroni Grit Mill., Haw MI1N, The"Tuppr' I'alenl firatelai MAOIIINEKr TOR OKNRKAI. PLT.rORK, CINCINNATI OHIOJ OM(Jt27 AG K NTS WANTKI) FOH V, E L D E N , THE WHITE CHIEF: on. TwpIvp Ypnrn ninotiK Hip V1IiI Inilliin of I Iip I'lalna; TtieI.ifot GeorK I' HMen, liJlaeit eli Indian, aud Ipviii a cell warr.or, alound In thr'i r adveniure uinl ciirion infnrmalicn, and nrwiifuaelv illu(ralil with n.-w and pir ltd eni!ralii(( ol adrentur and I In' in.nniiera and cutom ol the Indiana. The moat ;opiilir and aiitceaaful liooU ot the year. !-ela at eight. On agant jiiat report" pii.flt in one week. A in page circular, witn apecnnen pae, a tari! boater with llluatiallona, and terma toaiicntt lent irte. by I A. III'TCIII.NXJ.N CO.. im N Hixth atn-ei, fct. lJUie. Mo. Jn til.wly R.SMYTH & CO., I "SVIIOLKSALE GROCERS, onio itYE r. OAlltOi IliblSOIS. Alio, keep conatantly on hand a inoitjcom pltte atock of XjiQ,'croE.a- gfA'Tcn and hush yrinsKiEs ti i N a, l'orl, Mndorin, Sherry and Catawba "Wine. EaJIYTIl k CO. eell ezcluairely for cath.lo . which fact they Invite tho pupeclal alien lion of cloie Larain buyure. ltf(lal attention yir'n to Filling Order DR. RIOIIAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. H Iheao only, and avo time, health and money l,onu reward lor any cait of disease, In any ataiew uen tney lau 10 cure. J)R. RIOHAU'rJ DOLUEN DALSAM, No. 1 and 2, are .ho ureateat alteratives known im. UICIlAU'SdOI.DEN Kl.lXlH )'AMOUIl Is the urealoat touio and astrlnxent In the ined cat lies I)It. niCI)AI''S OOI.DEN AKTID0TK la the only reliable diuralic. . m ......u.ila. . nnl ailvnrllaed to cure al complaint., and benefit none.; but are guaranteed ....J...... .n,n..Ai An.i un,.A.i.i cniH in all caaea for which they are recommended, when an otner treatment has failed. Tens of thousands yearly recover by their uae, who have lost all hope, ana been pronounced as Incuifcbleby tho best of our medical facu tv. . , ,.. nit nimi ATI'S GOLDEN BALSAM ulcerated iiore throat and mouth, sote eye., eutnnooin eruption", copper color."! blotches, aorcnem of the acalp, sorolula. etc. H is the ureatest renovator, alterative and blood purifier known, removes all mercury from ha aaatein. and leaves the blood pure and liealtliy. ... ... ...,H rnT nr... t.i.q.u. No, 2, cures mercurial allectiona, rheiimntlsm In Mil UH I01IIIV, "' iiiiuiuuilUB icuniu "ftnii ntniIAU'8 HOMir.N ANTIDOTE. A rnillcal euro for all urinary derangements I'ripn. XI DPI UOIII". rJif'iriiiSil'a (.Ol.riF.N F.I.IXlH D'AMOUR. Arvdlcal cure lornervous or Rtueral debility, In old or youux, iinpio .". I'ric'o 5perbotile,ortwofor9. ot nit. lllOHAU'rl OOI.DKN Iti:Mr.Dlr.H, 0. 11 iticiuuiis, nolo proprietor, - bottles. MATCH r.l.OU'N HA1BIIYE. This superb Hair Dye is tho best iNTiiaWoaia I'erleclly Harmless, Reliable and Inathanteou. No dlsappolntiiienl. No Ridiculous Tint or un pleasant Odor. The genuine W. A. Bachelor' ilalr Hyo produce IMMKDUTKLY a splendid Pluck or natural lirpwn. Doe riot Biuin the bltm, but leave the Hair Clean, Hofl and Ucautl fill. Tho only Safe snd Ferfeci Dye. Bold by all druggists, factory lOBond fltreot, Ntw York, lauv.ldtodAwly THE BULLETIN. Pillillriitlmi Oillpp. IIiiIIpIIm IIiiIIiIIiik, Wnsliltitftiiii AtPHtiP. "TELEGRAPHIC. A Ill.OOIir TIIA.VCAC'TIOW. I.itti.k Rock, Akk , 1'cb. " On Frl ilny tnil, ii colored man nnini'd A roll, Kmbry m shot and killed at (Jiilit Jiock. I'ojie county, by two young men nuined Roper and Deinpiy. Tho Lrotlicr and father or tho murdered man then attacked an old gentleman named Tucker cliarlny him nitli being the cuimc of thu killing, and I o it him until they thought hu wm (I al, and uflerwnrd ahoot lug Mm twioo. Tuckr win "live, however, in Snlunlny, but thero were no hopes of Ma recovery. After this tho ni'uroei gathered to tho number of about thirty, nil orim-d, mid morn trouble win Htinreliendi'd Thu mini klllfl and hit brother iiro iiid to hiivo been deepi-rnle chiiraetera, ami to Imvii kllb'd two or thrnn men prior to thl. It I'mi'l thev provoked thla dllliculty. V.. Ilnncroll, II. (). Dillon, I.. O. Unnz, director of Hip White River Valley liiilroad compiiiiy, through thl evening Juiirnut. warn all nertoii nuiiliift pur- uhnting certain leveu bond iMtied to .1. (J. Hotaford, or tho White Itiver alley aim Texaa, railroad company. .Sttld bond aro nuiiiberril I!)"i to 330. Inclinive, and fimount to SKI,fiO'). The II rat nnmwl par lie claim that the bonds wi re fraudu lently ohtuiried. ITIIHCINU TIIK (IKMI.K PAVAOO Willi MI'llllKHKI) IIIK eTAOK fiavKN'OKKK Has Kiiam'IiCO, Feb. 7. 'Ih troop tent ufter tho Apache who raptured two atugea near T.c.oti, Ariona, and murd ered the driver arid pHMengeri, found tho mails cut up and destroyed. They buried the dead, but were unnblu lo ovcrtuko the lavages, There an; twelvo hundred Apa ches in camp tirnlit, mid oii'i hundred, mo.tly Infirm women, mid children, at Date creek and a few ul camp Verdn. IMacliny and hit band ran nway from camp .Mcliowell, stealing government and citizens' stock, and me inking to the war path. Thirty-two citizens of Lo Angeles, in dieted for murder at the atili-Cliinee riots, pleaded Hot guilty . .MARKETS. tiii: rui.i.ow'i.N'u ahi:thj: u -iom:-iai.k I'ltms.s os- sins .n.vitusrr, S HOJf t'lKNT IIANISH, OX OltSttlltN, I.K NMAI.I. I.O'I-N, IIKIIIKK l'SIIS'CS MINT IIS: AIII. Ilullpr I Choice V I Ordinary, S'lieeae. New York Cnelnrp , Ilrooraat Common Houie, per doc Choice to Eitra " H. II. ' IS ,...iaio ic'i 2 ajioa !' ,:i :sto3 m .1 ll to s Ul ISpaHiss rtx nnil Tnllowl B.waj JM l.) ': I Tallow , 'oirr i Jata to V. I.ajnajnu...... Hlo, prime to choice .... .., Hulk irnlm CUKN Mixed per bu. . Wnite -r bu ..M OATS Choice " M. HAY Choice Timothy baled on track. Mixed Choice, " Illrtp! jr. to 'to: 10 iCj sic 7e 4-aHc iW 00 U 00 Oreen 'f. lb.. Cored " .. I lo VA I Ilry Olnt.... lull a io;j nrj sail K4cal Green Calf y lo.UUaU Sheep pelt e fcMol 0C s.ure- ii to n;-; OtilonannU I'olatopa, Oliloca, per bbl 3 Ti I I'otaloea. per bbU 003 Z' Onion l,pr bunhcl ; i o I'mslalona I..M:I In tlercea per lb In ke;a " . HAM -ugr cured" Country " Ury Suit " .. v iov .. ttolu . li.'Jto It J to 10 Shoulder" baron dry aalL. Clrriea " " ilry lt Niiunra nnil Nj rupa. SCO A It New OrI-an prime to choice 10 to lie UllIIn A .. aaeat-a Crushed and I'owilered liranulated .-13S to 14e . HUlolJc 14fto lie SYKUIS-Common - New Orleans new., tO toVi, Null I Kanawha per bbl.. .2 M luiry pr bbl 3 Mtol o Tphu t Imneria! 1 lOto 1 40 I r.tinrjowder 1 lrt tol f Oolong black 11") to 1 3 Youna; Hra'n 1 10 to 1 40 niuraauu i.igiiorni IHtANDY Hennpaay per Kal beat 7 U MlBnetto " " 'i K WINE-rort , 2 Mlo a 0C Klm.rv : In'A Cataaba 'i K Caret rer caaee .. b 00 WIIISKY-Kectifled. H to 1 K Itourbon .. 3 ou , '.' 71 1 li I H' Ky Wheat new . IliRh Wine- nrnrgini:! f5unnies.....l";j to lOJJe I Ilurlsp". Twine I Twit e Hemp...' Twine Flax i (Aj 23$c 4 to Need a. Clover, per liushel 6 oo Timothy, per buahel 3 10to3 7.'' IlnlCH ofS'relxrht. To New York. rirstClaas 11 70 1 Fourth Cl.i I Peoitd Class 1 10 Special Clnaa hiraciaa I on Cotton t To New York. To lloatnn 1 IK) ..... 1 oo Compressed ..S hj Uncompressed - 1 11 1'lonri To New Yora ner bbl .. 1 7i To Boston per bbl From ta'rn to. From t'Miru to Flour, per bb,. 401.70 Coal Oil per 1 ll'ohaceo , r hi I Ml I (I 1 U 12(1 3A Hay. i,er ton ... 0 HO 'to Corn, per cwt... so! as Oati. perewt...1 so' Cotton per i.l Lumber per JI 6 00 7 00 loimots. rer on su Lumber loose Heavy lil-cwt Apples, per bbl 40. 70 Pork, ner bbl:- 75 1 o 20 Whisky, Der bill b0l jU ON MARRIAGE. Happy relief lor young men Irom the etlecuo errors and abuies In early lite. Manhood re. stored. Nervous I'ebilll) eiued, Impediments to murringo removed. New inelliod of treat ment, New and lemarkablo reim-dle. llookn and elrrularssent free, In sealed envelope. Ail dres HOWA11D ASSOCIATION, NO. 2 Houth N'nth HI.. I'hllailelnlila.. I'a ilee2'dsis3in. PUliLIC NOTICE Htalo of Illinois, Alexander county, ". : I'ublio notice Is hereby given that by virtue of muring, dated tho 11 Ii dey or November, i7l, executed by Thomas A, llron liifavor-ift-leillng O' Tool, thu uuderslgneil, he will sell, on tho tenth day of Febriiar),!lb72, uttlio po-tutllCB door at Thebes, between (ha Imura of ten n'ulooK a nml tlln fulliiuli.,. .l.,..,.il...l ...nudtivi The indlylded oiie.lmif oi tbo.ienm ferry tout or lease! called the Ituih or Thebes, ol burden o u hi. mi ton : mrasiirluu In i.nmi, m i.m i..... n.liifeei i in depth, u 1-lofeet; to aether with all and singular hi i one. hall ol her boiler, engine, iiiuminer), incaie, appntel and --'.c,(oob Unlia.0t. THE CAIRO DAILY KIsKCTlOsV NOTICE. City Clerk' Oltlre, ) ,, Cairo, Ills., January 27,lSiA. rublio notice t" hereby lven that a general chirtcrotectlun will l,o IipmI, . . O.v Trrantr, tin: nui nirnr rraafiBY S.I) 1672, in thediyol Cairo. In theatnloof Illinois, lor the purpoin of electing A Major, A City Cleilt, A Citv '! r'e, A (,-il A City AUkiiip. .... A I'ofioo Manlalrateto meeeeil I , Hroaa, Ki. anl Ihrieir emlx'ts of the Celoct Council, as fol low a : One member from the Flral Ward, to succeed I'.O. Hchiili. One member from theft cowl Went, to succeed C. K. Woodward. One member from Ihet'lty at l.'rKe, lo succeed Also-' Hii member ol the Doud of Alileruien, as fol lows t Two members from the Flist Ward, to succeed I. Wilder and IxoKleb. Two rnembera from the Hecotel Ward, to aue cee.I w. Under and Henry Winter. OnameinUr from the Third Ward, to succi ed T. Fllrgerald. On member from the Fourth Word, lo succeed James Carroll. Tolls will be npmeil In the dlflerent Ward" as follows , In the First Wnrd, nt the first hone en thn eiit s il- of U's.liliirlnn avenue, In low Filth elreit. In the H.i onil Ward, nt Hie Alab Knftit house. In the Tiiinl Ward, at the Ilibeituau Knfine hou.e. In Hie Fourth Ward, al (he Com I Home. I'olla will le opened at a a.m., and closed at S o'clock, ti.n . Ily order of the nitr council. lanSHml M .1. 1IOWI.F.Y. t'ltv Clerk. 1VIM A.MII'I.HtDOIla. 'i"TuWiivm ' Importer Hull VholP"nlr llenler In WINES, LIQrORS. IMi TOBACCO &c CIG-ARS. Agent for the best brands of CItKAM AND STOCK ALU, 111) ImpiirtPil Ale fif Illllereiit ICImla. 75 Ohio Levek:, w CA1IIO. ILLINOIS. F. M . STOUKl'LKTH, acccriioa roiitr a ttiKiritTB Iterllfyer anil Wholeainle Healer Iss S'orelK" nnil Ilutncislle WINES J AND LIQUORS. No. 02 Ohio Lkvke. CMRO, ILLIN0I". EE keeps on hand constantly a full stork o Old Kentucky llourbon. live and Mononga nela Whiskies, French llrtndiea, Holland nin, l.hineand iiliforn ines ijn-'.'ii J1II.I.INKK.N. MH. M. SWAXDKR, DEALER JN MILLINERY LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, CuiiililPt 1 1 is I A sen Mi', iilittle i:lllo null Iluj Ihorll'M Cairo, IllinoI". CLOTHING FOR LADIES' AVP.An MaJe lo order, or Ready-Made. Ha teceiw-il a full and complete "lock of goods, he newest and completed in the elty. An Im mense vantj ol lUimONS, LACES AND FRINGES she otters great lmtuceinvts tn her patrons and all others to call on her.examint the prices, t)lc and quality o! her goods. Mrs. r, hsvtrg sold her property, wll eli the whole of Uivm sou . al sud (.lew-ens' Now Is the time to purcha.e Cmiatma gud l the erv lowent erlees. V.MJONS. WAGON MANUFACTORY, For Sulo nt Wlioliwilo or Hotail fOIlNKIl ii-ll-STRr.F.T AND OHIO LKVKI., Ctiivo, I llinois. uuviiir j. i'. iiA.niu.r. jiiNt'i:i.i.ANr.oi'i. P. L. IIUYETT, k SON, Importers, Manufacturer and Jobbers of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE ItriiNst nml Oermnii Silver H A N D 1NSTK UMENTS, No. 'Jfi S. Third Stbkkt, oel'J.IJm. ST. I.OI'IH, JIO. JAMES KYNASTON, rlu Idler aril Dealer In nil !lliul I'reuli M cut, Coiimii Nini rii NTH ANH I'lU'l A II H riiifv. lAllll, ILLINOIS. DUYU and slaughter only tho vsry best cattle, tj hogs aud sheep, and Is prepared to llll any demand for fresh meats from one pound to ten thousand pounds, atei'JOtf BULLETIN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1872. HANKS. rprisTsangT B7V2ri-r:. Chnrlprpsl Mnrch 31. IHOfl. orrica li CITY NATIOVAL UANk, CAIRO A. II. "AFFORD. President I .", 8. TAYLOR, Vlce-Trildenti W. IIYSLDI, Hi-cretary and Treasurer. T. W, F. M. It M, Hrocxri.rtii, Cr.xMsaiun, J, M . Ciua. aaiionx, Till. G. Mcill'ii, W. I'. lUlUnar, pHiturs. Iienoalla ul nnjr Amonnt Reeelrsjd Irosss Ten Cent Upwnrd. I NTKItK'iT paid on deposits at the rate ot all 1 percent, per annum, March Island Heptem ber 1st. Interest nol withdrawn I r.dded imtna dlately to II e principal of th deposit, thersby g'vlng them compound Interest. MAHRIKII WOMF.Jf AND CIIII.DRK1 MAT DKTOSIT MONEY O THiT SO OS tUX CAN llXAW IT. Open ete.y business day from 8 a.m. lo 3 p.m. and Haturday evening lor HA VI. Mi DKI'O-fJTS on!), from t in s o'clock. au3tf VV. IITHLOP, Treasurer. FIRST NATIONAL BANK O S 'A I HO. DANIEL HL'KI), President; ROBERT W. MILLER, Vice-President; C.N. UIIOHRH, Cashier. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY 3IADE LSXCHAMiK, coin, bank note and L'niled fj Slate secuiities luglil and sold. Iislereajl Allossed ass Time Depoalls. THE CITY NATIONAL t'AIKO. II.I.I.VOIN. CAPITAL, 8100,0(10 orrurasi W. T. dALulDAY, Pre.lden HENRY L. II ALLIDAY, Yie TreaMsnl; A. II. HAFFORD, Cahler; WALTER HYSLOP. Assistant Cashier. Dlaicroasi Vtht. Tavlo, nnsrar II. CrsMMinAK, llrsar L. Hahiiiat, h . p. luttintv, iiro. II. WititAJisos, frrtars Itisn A. M. SrrokP. s:xrlinugp, S'ulu mill I 'nil Pit Nlafea llfin.1 . M...S AJ..I.S. DETOMTS received, nd husiuess done. a general banking IIOOTN ami niioix. WILLIAM EIILERS, Tnshlonable ROOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWr.MIF.Tll eTRF.KT, Ketween Washington avenun and Poplar CAIRO, ILL. Hoot and Shoe ilade lo Order. Finn Wrrkmen Employed. Satisfaction warranted. Patronage rollcite CITY SIIOK STORE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY sole AnrAd rna "BEOLASKI'S" CU8TOM-M ADK BOOTS A N D S II O K S S'oiiiiiirrrlul Avenue, Corner of I'.ltflilli Ntreet. Cairo, Illinois. TAUTIOULAR ATTKNTIO.V TAIU TO ALL I) KRS FOB HOOTrKlllTa AMI HIIUKf. 1'AINTKHN. M00RK V MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental J?A.I3SrTE33SJ Decorative I'liperliatigliia;, In if, etc., HnUoiiim- (lone In the highekt ctyle ol the nil, aud tHtes llmt ilely com pel It ion, SHOT IN PERRY llOUSV CORNER OF 8T1I HTRKET AND CM MKRC'IAL AVKNl'K- GOLD I GOLD 1 1 GOLD"1 GOLDEN COMPOUND ii', ii c...... ii,i, nr inoiiitaclie to liiow Ihlok and heavy, nn the sniooihi at Im e. or nir on the Imldest neu, in si sj, i ' i ivnnei lie ' iur oer Hilitei n years, and thoiiM.nd of : ...iinir.nljl.eaii be shown urn. in.,. V. ""i'".'f I..' ,,m,l. ,..!. l,:llil. with ilireeti. r.iii tor us use. lor Wecnu a pnekego t (hire for (I, Addres. aoM,KNCOMPOtJNTico No, 223 Pine street, l, Louis, Mo. , tsiiran. BAiiciAY"ijRo&. OHIO t.KVKt:, Ciiso. His DBUO-Q-ISTS SARATOGA SPRINGS ix rut. stAsr at Barclays' druo stork. Farm Bcrny, lUur. MOCKING RIRD FOOD tt aisbr rna rsr wtrnoiT saotiti At RArici.AT.a. H K L M H O L I) ' ( GRAPE I CATAWBA i'BA ) rORAPK ) PILLfJ ill A I. ORATE rilA ) a (oRATK ) PILLS catawii GRAPE I CATAWBA all or si r. t. si n o 1. 1 n n s: i i i s:m FRKSII FROM riRaf HANDS, Always la stock In Urge aus,pty, and for sle ty Barelay Brut, PEE3H BLUE LXCIC just n i c r. i v r. ii A"P nrNnleby IlipUlnaa llolll.- at aIIiid AT ItARCLAYS'. sWExtra Kink Colouxk; ssSTGknuink Imtohtkd Kxtracts; sWHair, Tooth and Nail Rruhiikd India Rubbkr Nurikrt Goo BAECjjAY BROS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Best grades in arge stock and va riety, very cheap; Full Link of Colors, ev aid in oil; Paint Brushes, Whitewash PmsIi: a Varnishes Lioseed Oil, Turpentine, F.te. etc., ALL It!) D STaSCAftP e.i'ALtrir At Barclats'. dry noons. 7J. FALL WINTER. 72 C. HAN NY. LARGE STOCK. BROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, TICICIDCTO-S. CHECKS, aan STRIPE S, KENTUCKY JKANH, EXTRA, 0ASS1MERS, EL-fYosnisrEijS. BLACK ALPAUAS An LUSTERS, G AOS i RAIN SILKS, I'OPI.IMS. LARGE STOCK OF CARP.'CTINO OIL CLOTHS, MATTINO, Window Nnailva, OILT BANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACK llASIANKH. UlM rnflreNloekXoM I'loelDfOnt VERY LOW FIGURK8. CORNER HtH HT., AND COMMERCIAL-AY. Cairo, Illinois. eptllf CO At. CAIRO CITY COAL aoiMr-.F.A.asrY. I urepaie.l to supply ciillnmei r iuslll o. wiih the besi PITTSBURG AND .ILLINOIS COAL. O'lli Kid tell Hi IIhIIi.Ihv Bros, olnce, 70 OHIO I.KVKK, or at the t ual Yard below the St. I'l iiilea Hotel, will receive proinpt atienllon. 1 II n TUG ' MONTAUK" will fi will bung coal along shle steainers at any hour. pczail . 1 ' NOTICE. ' milK Copartoeiship exIatiPK Utween the un. I .im,.i,,.i will exn rn on Or before 11 Iha l.'t dav of APrll nt. Per . ions indebted to i in ls are rtauesl ed I , Battle their aocouni. a the book on nl eolleotloa. OREELtT a PATIER. I Cli'iJn.,T'a. eolleotloa. Prlnclpa omco 101 W. Fifth SI., Cln. O. TIIK ONLY MLUta, OIFT F.NTF.RPRISE IN iiir.tODH.TRVl S60 OOO.OO IN V A L UA IJ L E (hkr T S To be distributed In Is. X) . S I3STE'S loSrJ Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE To ha drawn Monday, February 19th, 172. Two Grand Capitals of $5,000 EACH IN GltEENRACKS ! Two Pnies ofI.POO; Five Prites of S-XX), Te Prites of jlioo, each In Greenbacks I 1 Horse and Buggy, with silver-mounted harness, worth JUKI one nnc-ione'i itoaewood 1'iann. ajosm.... msi 1'en FntnllySewing Machines, world, exh IdO FlVe Heavy CavedOold Hunting WSNier and Heavy Gold Chiles, worth, each- "00 rive Gold Americas Hunting Watche", worth, each I2J Ten Ladles' Gold Hunting Watches, worth each UO SCO Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watch es tin an;, worm, eacn, irom .y.-utoss. Ladle' Geld Leontln Chains. Gent's Gobi Vea Chains. Solid tad Double. Plated Silver Tabla and Teaspoons, Photograph Aloums, Jewcliy.ete. Whole number gifts, S.oun. Tickets limited lo VI.W'I. Agents wanted to fell Tickets to whom Tberal remlum will be paid, ic-lutlckrts 11 ; six tickets ii; twelve ticke'a, tlOt twentv-tlve S20. Circulars enntaininz a full list of britna. a de scription of the manner of drawing, and other ln formation in reference to the distribution, will ha sent loan) one ordering them. All! letter must i sii irea.ei to I.. 1). Bi.b, iiox eo, oriiri, Cincinnati, O" 101 Weal 8th at. novSwtpolv 11 a IF- NTOVEN. TINU ARK, 7TC, A. II A L L E Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Clonics Wringers Voile Ware, Coal Hods, Fire , "hovels, Air Gate". uaMtACTi'asa or TIN, ZINC, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. No. 166 Washington-avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. ataT-RooHng, Guttering, and work done at "hottest notice. all kind oflnb tebldtf oil. ca.nh. i .1 :1 - ( tf An assortment ot the above can, securely packed lor shipment, for sale at Cincinnati price ana ireigni ty iiiui.t., Drug and Paint Dealer, 74 Ohio Levee. THE DAVIS LOCK STICII vraticAL mr SEWING MACHINE THE LARGEST. TIIK SIMPLEST, THE CHEAPEST, TIIK BEST. THE UREATEnT IMPROVEMENT OF THE AQE. Terms Most Liberal. Agenls wanted for unoccupied leirltury. eud for circular ud price Itat. raaeh utUre, 012 North I'onrlbMlreel NT. I.OVIN.XO. r. F. NEWTON, li'l"i Sat5K'aKssBawffrr?!' v ItAII.KOAf)). QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. St. Lori, Looistillt:, Cincinnati, Cm- c.vao, r.vr 1 or.K, iioston, A5D AIL EAST AND VOINT3 WEST. I'',"'l"ias arrive at and leave Cairo ai fol lowst . "a. txrasss. " - 4 p.m. ... 1 a.m. . . . Aaatvx limn Both train, conacet ai O,,' IralsToolM X.XUTE Tana, a. tleetttir, Rloomlngtcn, El Paso, t a a.ll. Meodota, Freeport, Galen!. Dubu?.1'1''' fipinta in Jlhnols, Missouri. Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. And with Liaes running East and West lor St. IjOMs, Cincinnati, HritWhaMt Louisville, lnikaaanohs. uoinmous. AnJ 2l.?.h,l,'"g' w",h Meln Central, Michigan Southern, and Pitt.burg. Fort Wayna . ...uiwHun ,qr Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk. -IUnyV n l",",on. Philadelphia, Nisgraralla, Lrle, HuttAlo, .New York, Tittsburg, lUltlinore. Washington. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On and after Monday, April 2lth, 17I, trains il run as fol.'ows I NOR rilERN DIVISION. Taiixs soma soctmeast. Mail. Expre.a , 12.1i p.m. .. 3:00 " ,. 4:2C " .. 6:17 Mali. ,..,1:31 D.m ...1:26 " ...6:OU " ...:10 ...:! " Leave Virginia C:4"a.m .-pnngneiu u'.'u -- Tavlorvllle 10:.VJ " Arrive at Tana Hill) m ooio noavHwxsr. Exnress Leave Pans 4:0o,m Tiiv orvl e lit " Arrive at sprltigllcld...6;t J " , tavn np'ingneiu nira .. Arrive at Virginia .f:2S " .,. SOUTHERN DIVISION, Tasiia uoinii sacTuaasT. Le Edgewooil 6:30 a.m 10:10 a.m ,11:40 " . 5:16 p.m ' Mora " Arrive at ejhawneetowna&lp.m TRAINS OOl.NI KoatllWIAT. Leave Sliawnvetown S.20p,m " Flor.i 2:SS " 7:11 Arrive at Edgewooil 4:4') " S:2U " ThS:3J a.m. train trom Edgewood, runs only Mondays. Wsdni s.lnvsand Fmlav. anJ 8:4Sa.m. train from Shanneetonu on Tuesdays, Thure- days andSaturdajs. uo Connects at Ashbind with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Alton lUllroad. for Jacksonville, Petersburg, Ma-on City, a ml all point west. Al Snrimrfield. with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, Wabaeh and Western Railroad, tor Bloomlngton, Chieago, and all points north, norlh- weal nnu weal. At Tana with Ind. and St. I.otils. and Illinois Central lUllroad for all points ej.t, south and eouthesst. At Edgewood with Chicago Division Illinois Central Railroad. At Flora, with Ohio and Ml'slaslppi Railroad. AtShawucetown, with steamboats for Cincin nati, Padilcah, Cairo andSt. Loui". ORLANU SMITH, Gen'lHup't John FoojiTT.Gen'l Fr'gt and Ticket Ag't. NST.CIAt. XOTICKN. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY Jlrs. ( Cures colic and griping -1 Price, II II. I .uji I, .a J in loo iHJweis, nml in Nyrap. ) cllltates tho proces of I teething. Mrs. ( Subdues convulsions WHlTCOMIt'S and uvercomea all dls Kjrup. ' eases incident to In Vfant and children. Mr. ( Cures diarrhea, dlsen VTHITCOJllTS tery and summer com hjrup. ' plaint Inchildienot all . sff8. r Cents Price, 25 Cents. Price, 25 Cents. Il I the Great Infant's anil Children's Soothing not anil inuareirs sootning der brought on by Teething Prepared by the CDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. Remedy In all disorder oranr nlhercailse. Pre GRAFTON MEDICINE CI Sold by Druggists an everywhere. ealers in Medicine my7aw6m A BOOK FOR THE MILLION MARRIAGE A Private Cotinseloi to the Married or those aboutto marry vjuiwc. onthenhv r.TTTTT1 tloiogicn. mrsterirsnnd revelation of the sexual sjstem J pre- wtlh the latestdiscoveries in nroducini ani venting oftsprlng. nre-orvlng Tills, is an interesting work of two hundred and twenty Itur page, with numerous engraving, and contains valuable information for those wno are married or contemplate marriage; still it Is book that ought lo be under lock and key, and not laid carelessly ubout thn house. Bent to any one (free of postage) for 60 cenl Addre Dr. llutta' Dispensary, No. 12, Eighth street, 31. Louis, Mo. Notice to the Afflict crl and Unfortunate. Before applying to the notorious- Quack who advertise in tn public papers or using any (juack remedies, peruse Dr. Butts' work, no matter what your disease la or how deplorable your con Union. Dr. Butts can b consulted, personally or at mail, on mentioned in his works, olllce, No. Ti N. Eighth btreet, bet. Market and Chestunt SI !.oula Mo. mv'Jdwlv lIAOS. SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED a THE GREAT UALTIMORE ?IA5CrACTOKT WM. KNABK k CO., Manufacturers cf CltANP, eQl'ARE AND Ul'RIOUT PIAN"0 FOBTES BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. These instruments have been before the public for nearly thirty years, and upon their excellence ulom-attained an iinjiurrAami prrrtiiinotfr, which pionounces them unt'ualcd in TON K, TOUCH, AVORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY Wr All our S(,vm ilnsoi have our new New mi nroved Overstruuk- Scale ard the Aornfft 1iM aTr We would rail special atlentlun to our Isle Patented Improvements in GaAn Pianos and , Hyi'AKK GaANCs, found 111 no other Piano, which (rings tne 1'iuno nearer periecuou man na ,ii been attained, EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTED F0 FIVE YEARS, Illustrated Catalogue and Price Lists prompll furnished on application In sV.k.k.vaiii: stm. Haiuho". ln many of our regular established encls. NERVOUS DKMLlTi, With IU Bloomy 'IvlnriY Sitii. miila lovereUn tiitt' lu II tun.'-'" lollsrosIHIci M'l'f Hp X."l' tmp'"! I em l vain bie ntlld and potent IU-sHvm I .uy Mil . injatlher;.ii.ot Ihemiti , , I . l,ni, arreat Ihedl.charBC, a.i I i n i urr.n i aneriy. HI" nd vitality toll rnliipntn. Tney u" cured thoiiaatid of ea e Price, f.s per i'ck.geaof live Mies and alarge ti vial, wined U very important tu obstinate or old rase., or II Prlngli box. Bold by all driisglat .and sent by mailontavelp ol price. Address Humphiej' Bpecltcj Hoineopatllie Medielne Co., 6i Broad way, I'. Y. P. SCIIUH. UlJdowawly Agent, Cairo, Illinois),