Newspaper Page Text
.aaa A f aa. a ,4 mmz mumm mm ( WW L. If nBBBl ,'tv JOHN IK OUBHIiY & CO., TUB MAILS. i:mh. Mit-aaf ih, rhro.i - "'I'-"' .. yy i:t I.'" . in mil,, Way llM..i. ThroiiKii . " ' i . i4 Hint Oiliiihlmi...: i.:im. Iwpin. ..I ri'iil"-. (fxn-i'l .i.i.iiiy) ;" ..m. i.uvp.ii. , Mountain H It V:;ki.iii. IU"" It Pf rilMtf , TllPwUjr j i I'rl.lnj S.OOp.m, 7:"' p.m. ' , (lon-e la'aiiil A Han'a i. III"., Tli.irnlay A KiU . j- ti.iw 7;ii fn, y tl'-l.l . Illiunlril e aid itiLvt-, Ky ll;00.m. 4.00p.m. vol' iwias, mral Mviry 7iM.m. i!ihI-) x 8 10 9 k.iii.) imey Onl-rdipa.tiiicnt :M) a.m. C.oo rl"lT ' " n.iMm. tM p.m. Money Order und ItnrUier departim-nte no I pit on Huii'lnya. ' OUR CHURCHES. rtKillYrKIIIA.V-KiKHIti-oi'-l. I'm liin Habtnth l . '!4 I'mj rr in' nif, Wrdm-sday ut iy,r.n. Sunday Milt ml, :t r. x. J.M l.ndi.n, Super intendent. HT. C. II. Fo'itr, Palr. MKTIIIIPIST-Onr. KinMli !! Walnut Sta. Sj-Pieacliinir, tablUh IuJa. Hnd 7 r. . f'Myf rinf Mli-Si Wednesday, ,'; r. w. : n.n -Hihool 3 r. M. 1.. W. HtlUell. Kuf tnlrndetil. Ilev. K. I..THomto, Pastor. I MtllCII OK TIIK. IlKIIKKJIKU t:pi":-t) Morum .ih)h., .MjiiUiili 1''!; a. v. Kiriiiii ira).T. 7J-, r. m. .Ui tx IiOjI, i . II. net. XI . Oii, Octnr. T. l'nt:ci;.S lllfK:il or. Nlmh 'iiMi' rric,.--M.JthtJJn.l lS ipn ruT) . lit. I'.J. i)'llLtn. I'rnt. . .N(i MKN'sClliU'TIAN AC'lATIU-HfK' inrrlliKrftini Moii'lm fKt tnonlht tt l'fj)rr room i.l tli l'mi)lnan Church ftVt-kly I'rjfr nipptinK, fr.iy. V,$ r. i h- l'ijrr rixini of llt I're.'jjl'ruurliuri'h. C. I'hmj., lr"M"nl. KHIt'iN HBTIItlPHT !" t.ntli, l-lwnn Walnut nn I OH.r. .vtr.fn, HUialh, It A. x. 5U iil.ijr N-linol, 't T. M. K-'Nii rltKB-WILt.UUTMr Kifl""nlh HI. !'ff-IUMu',;;, r. x. ll.t.Vin.Jwkoii, l'itor. Lrtwrrn Wli)Mtn'l C"ar. fWu'. !uiIm(Ii, J4 n J 3 r. i. It"r. N. Hiri,Pmr. r REi: WILL HMTMr IIOMi: MIs'IU.- rV 'AT sClloOl, Cornrr m nul anl r.rSI. iiniliyS.hool,v a. x. rilST FIIEB HIM. nAt'TIST CIIIIRCII-Cur-ry' llirrw-k. rririccriaMjithU a. x., r. . a,n-l 7'J r. x. Ht. Wx. KriitT, I'aatir. MK-TMWSIO.VAHV IIAI'I I1T CHUKCH-Kt. wnloihaa'l 11th atic't, nirC'plir. I'rrtrliinr Is-ilAatli Wt a. x. ami 7.S' p. x. I'mjrrr JI""'lnK. Wclti-.Ujr nenlns. I'rarlilnj, Kri'lajr ni-nlnK. 'aliUith i lioul, r. h. John Van II.Mtar n.J Mary Slfihpii. ."ii-riiiiri'l' nl 1!". TJ. riiol. I'ato hK.CJNt) llAt'rsTCllL'Ill.ll-roiiilr"nlh trl. I f mn (.lar ainl Walim i I'n. Jacoli llrft'l jr, Klnpr;th. Miiy lla t i -1 ( lunch r'pocnupj ) ihe;iIiOii. Iiiiiih, MinJa) It lik .ni., at 3 i.m. aii'l ai " p.m. jAca i rum, Kl'I.r. SECRET ORDERS THE UAMIM. Uu rj)inMt, No IJ.-!Mat.l Aa"inbl) al Um' A)lum Monn Hall, tlr.tnn'l thtt'i.Sa urilar in radi month. CaikoCoociu No. . "guUr Contnoationat aon'C llkll. lin "rcon.l Kriiljy ir.fach monih. Cauo, No. 7t. Hr uillar Contocatinn at Ma.ouic ltll, on the third lWid of ni-ry "cill!.'. ltw. No. 337 V. i. A. M -Itegular Com. munk-.tiont at UniP Hall, tho t.cond and .ourih .luu.laja ol each month. Iulta liOboi, .No.fa F. A. M.-l!fKUlartom-iiiinicationt bi Slavonic Hall Srit and third Inurfdaja inrach mnnth TIIK ODIi-FELLOWH. AlliAM ra, -Jl. Jl"t in OddFrltcv'a. Hall, in Art r' HuiHini!, ef rry Thuradajr ttpn nil, at 7o'clo.-k. STATE OFFICERS. STATK UKFICEHS. Gvrnor. Jshn I. Palmi-r ; l,itutnani.GoviTnor, John l)ughrtjr I KecKdnry ol State, K-lwaTd Rummfli AuJ tor of Stale, C. F.. t,ip)lD"olt , SUteTrramr'-r, E.N. Italen ; h'upi. I'ltUic luktructlon, NVwton nttnan. CONKIIESSMKK. ienatora I.) mm Trumbull and John A. LokH' i:pproeutatle for the blate nt Large J. L Hpf i.ridifp. r.fprc.cntitlTe Thirt-cntti Diitrict John SI' pIh. MKMBEnSOENEKAL ASSEMBLY. SciiaMr-, Inl Hntrict T. A. b. Ilolcomb, ol tlnum. .nt-.. K. OilMln. lifirc-o'iiutitc. tt lMirl t II. Wataen Webb COUNTY UKF1CEIW. CIIICUIT COUUT. judae 0 J. Utkvr, of Alexander. . rojtcuilng Atlornt") J. F. JliCrln7 ol IM." HI nr. uit Clerk-Jnn. Q. Harman. HhcriH-A. II. Irvln. Win. Martin, Aa-i-a'or aui" Ticaiurbr. COUNTY COUUT. J ii. I jo F. tiros. Ano.-.a-in I. i.. McCriteand S. March'ldon. Olrrl(-Jrtcob O. Lynch, ''nronvr lohn II, fluaamas, MUNICIl'AL GOVERNMENT )-or John 11. I.wden. 'ici-utrr J. lt.Tivlor. Ciimitro Irr 1. A. Burnett i.lrtk MipIi.ioi Hcwlpy, i Kr.lnl Aniliow Cln. Attoru") I. Il.l'opo. I'oli.-o M ijjulr.itsi K, Pro nd ll. Hlian pMHy, Chlrtol Polisp-I.. It, Myora. SKI.KCT COUNCi. nyor John M. I.nnailen, Firil Ward-I'. O. -chulu Hocond V.ard C. It. Hoouuard. lhlld Wdtd Jno, Wood, ourth Wnrd-S. Slant Tvlor, OltyRt-Urge-W. F lUIIll ly Knd I). Hurd. JIOAIIU Ol" AIDSUMKN. 1 1 Its r WAnii-Jnmea Bfarden, Leo Kleb, l9c Watden. CUNP W ABU It. H. Cunningham, E. Under, Henry Winter, Jnmaa Bwayne. w' t II I It t WAllD Win. Stratton, Piuilclf Flligetald, OUUTH WAUU-Jniiiea Carrolt.J 0, ll.Btnue, J.U.lIat.alf, IMIOPRIETOIIS. 'in ii; ijiti t i'pr v l it IK JU IJIJ IJ I IIUSINKSS LOCALS. Smoked nalmon nnd Yurtiuiuth Mont-' or,Jiit recelvnJ t Jornontofi'i1. tf. 0;ter Soup at Hurry Wulki-r'a every morning. Alo frr!i St. I.oul heur. tf Now Ihnt thu t'liirn ntid Vincennct railreid li u Hx:1 fact tin; contrnit having Kcn let,-nnil worli to bo coininiiti ced nt once, Joryeiuuti h iriured to sell all kind) of yrucorlua cliiujiur tlmn any other home In thu city. tl Where re you going? To the pluco number 63, Ohio levee, where they km-p the boit freali oyitvri, tlth xnd gutn, h'J the flneit winci, llquora and clgura tu ht found in tho city. Open at all hour, day or night. J. K. Pakk Mr. Gustav Klim;sohr, a mitslcl.'in of noted ability, who hu for the pint f-w ycHri, boen cngagod as a profW r In lln!- llmore, .MJ., proposes t n.uke Ms l.ituru , home in our city and nuw oflen hi. r. vices to the public. Tho'e who havu not ' nlrcndyengiiRed conipi'tent teachers would ' do well to address Mr. Kllngsohr, Box 1 ICS, Cairo, III. Al-o nttcnliun given to pluno tuning. Mr. W. II. Ityun Ims lately opened a ' fmiiio and picture on 8th j,repMfwj uxprrjily for family use, at Jor atruet, near or. Wa.hititon avenue. g,.riii.'i. His aloek comprin-i rrniiogs of all lle' nd size, and many verv hu.idsou.u pho- tographs, engraving., chroinn., allimns te. He Ims all nrt of iu..iilding and makes the framing or picture to order, n specialty. Mr. I!. invites all to call ami , examine his toek. .Ian 2S-lm-d. We have no Hesitation 111 reeoniiin'i'd ' ing William Killers, boot and ahoe maker hi worthy of most liberal patronage. know whereof we spe.ik when we a f i work is done in a masterly manner at the lowest prices. Ileuses 'uthing but the best of stock, and he cannot bo excel!"'1 n the delicate tusk of making an exuft tl'. Give him a call at his shot) on Twentieth street, between Washington avenuu nnd ' Poplar atrevt, nearly opposite the court Yarmouth tuccotitfh and corn nt Jor house, and n will guarantee satufac'.in:.. ' genson's. tf. -l'at. Fitzgerald, of the Sample Boom., hit rei-eived tho appointment of agent for the sale of the Hammondspnrt, N. Y., Urbanna Wine Company's wines in this city. If tho bottle with which wo were yesterday presented Is a sample of the quality of these wine, then we are pre- 1 pared to say that they are among the best we have ever tft'ted. Ho has just j received a largo consignment, which he is prepared to sell at tho lnwcjt flgurers. II has also on hand a lari;e and complete lock of the various brands ol' Irish, Scotch and American whiskies, and wines of every rarlcty j,.H20ir. I Notice The best entertainment in the city is nt the St. Nicholas hotel, saloon t and restaurant. Tho best music tnat can : F0J MEMpm,s A;fj WAY LAND lie had violin and piano. Gi.od lunch INUS. everv morning and nishl. All of the 1 finest brands of viirars. and tho best St. Iyiuis later beer, alwavs fresh and nice. Give us a call. IJ arry Walker. Proprietor. WANTED TO EXCHANT.E. Dwelling hou,e built last summer and , two acres ot ground, cost $'.1,000 and store ' house, cost ft, 500 now renting for twenty dollars per month, in a growing railroad tow r. in Southern Illinois. Will exchange put or all of tho above for dwelling hous I nf enmn vullln In Piilriv Till is ft lnod ' opportunity for any ono wanting to go in- to business. Address II. S., care of Bul letin offico. BOARD AND LODGING. Mr. T.B. Kills, tho corner of Seventh! and Commercial is prepared to accom- , modatc all who apply with board, with or without rooms, at prices lower than any . other first-classhouso in the city. Mr. El- J lis keeps an oxcollcnt table; his rooms nro r . l l I. II -1 . , -I 1 II ironi rooms iiign, ugiu aim airy, aim on lurnisucu, anu wu nave no iicfiwiuun in promising salitfuction to all who cull on him. Mr. Ellis will also supply parties j who desiro with unfurnished rooms at , reasonable rates. Let all interested tako 1 notice. Rcmcmber-on tho corner of Seventh nnd Commercial. 210 COMPRESSED YEAST. A beautiful article lust received and for salo at wholesale and retail by ReI.MIARUT V. BEL7.NER, Solo Agt. It is true that Blankenburg's Excel sior saloon is now oiid of the institutions of the city. All drinkers who liko really eicollont liquors whiskies, wines, beer, etc. go to tho ExcoUior Saloon, which is fitted up in splendid stylo. Bluiikonburg who knows how to keep n saloon, spreads a fine freo lunch evory morning and eve ning, and, as ho forcibly expresses it, Sweetens tho lunch with music." Ho has employed tho service of a flrit-rato pianit, who makes tho grand piano which stnnds in ono end of tho saloon speak out In musical tones. Everybody is invited. Tho best order is maintained nnd all improper characters suppressed with neatnoss, cheapness and dispatch. Ev crybody knows that tho Excelsior saloon is at the corner of Washington avenue and Fourteonth street. Marriaoe Guide. Interesting work numerous engravings, 224 pages. Prirc 60 cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary No. 12 North Eighth Stroot, St. Louis Mo. Seo Advortlsouinit tf The best French anchovies n tho city At Jorgeniun't. if To' .Morimix and Xt'iium,-.Mm. Wi.ileointi'ii H.trup lor diarrhea, &c., in children, whether induced by teething or other causes, Is tlio safest and best remedy. feb7d&wlw Si.kkim.vii Kuoms fori Kent. Ten well Vf ntllnted sleeping rooms in City N tlmihl Bnnk building. Apply to EDWAUU DEZONIA, At City National Bank. Nkw French prune, currant and ral.ins always on hand ut Jorgemon'i grocery itore. ll Fob new citron, orange and lemor peel, go to Jorgcnon' corner of Twcn lieth it root and Washington avenue, tt Crtktai. vinegar from Iondon at Jor gcnion'n, corner of Twentieth itrect and Wnnhlnglon avenue. t! IMPOitTKK M ilng.t grspel ut Jorgen oi'', rnr of Twentl"lli atreet nil t W i-liington avenue. t ,,.(H Sai.k! A eolla.... on 12tl. treet ! t.orilHlftif)i, 7 r,Jm.( c,turn and out tlout.-, complete. Apply to y ' TnoRMTON . I'ki'K, Frean, A: Co's London biscuit alwuys on hand, corner Twentieth and W inlilngton a-cnue. tf Wiiioiit's no imus intra minced mea 1 J" "'rgenwn iiui on i.anu a .rein iup. l'Uv "f "nioni, ir. f.vrup. tf .Joi:ok.vo.v Las the belt East India ,,r,.K.rv, 5 for sale cheap. tl andwitelicd meats of all kinds al- w.v on hand at S. Jorgenon'. tf. Go to Dr. McGauley for Uattingor's Fe vtr Drops. Warranted to cure tho chills Joiiokndo.v hhs the finct supply ol Spanish olives in tho city. Try them tf 1 MU1 Bcnun ,(;'" hungers meui. clne- tf 0j.,ter Soup at Hrry Walker's erer morning. Also fresh St. Louis beer, tf Ovster Soup ut Harry Walker's every morning. Alo fresh St. Louis btcr. tf -Fresh Muscat grapes from California-, just received at Jorget.vcn''. tt U. S. BHICHAM, M. D., ixoiwrrir.OTP.A thist, Gr ,30 commkhci-U. .wkukv. , . jrntp, No 11 Ninth ir.t. c.ioo. Ills. fri.7im The Fine St-nmer, -jAl'frZZ,S ARKANSAS BELLE. JCK Gh.OlMEU Mastr. NEG. ItUliH ...(.lerk Will Icate Curo for Memphis and way Inndinpa, a. noon as the ic Hour is broKn. !in will l ociiinente to tectivu irirght to-dny from either hl.arlhoai. P'o'lips, 31. c, Wright and Sol. dilrer ' L JtltmiSSIOI AVI) I'UIUV.VIIDI.VU. J. M. PHILLIPS ic CO.. (SuiN-cssors 10 E. II. Hcndrlck" A Co., ) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS sfWaLltfral Adrancei tri nmt Con.inments. JZfV , r,rfpe,i ,0 receive, .lore acc orward frclghlH to all (Milnta and huy ar.ij rril on i'oniimion. 'lluiilnfas allendcii In prninptlr II. M. llULEN, j j GR0CER AND CONFECTION I I And Dealer Foreign Fruits and Nutj No. 13-i Commcrcial-ave., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. WOOD RITTEN HOUSE, FLOUR AXD General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION ASP FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, liny, etc. AGENTS von FAIRBANK'S SCALES Ohio Leyek, CAIRO, I LLS. CAIRO. ILLINOIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11 1972. urn i.MjA.fK. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Tub Most Bucceshkul Life Ikaurakce Corpouatiox or thk Same Aok i.v the Would. PTJBIDXjY MUTUAL; NO STOCKHOLDERS TO ABSORB PROFITS. Amount ot'I'slicim in Fobcx Dec. 31, 1870, it..C63,740 00 Total Income to Same Date, 3,071,78? 80 Net Ikchease or Risks in Force, 1870, 20,000,040 00 The Lirstt W l IerM diirlar Ike jrrlH70 at mm? rMpaay In ihrWorlat. Gross Increase of Risks in Force, 1870, .-5:i,327,7fin 00 Onlr twi eompaalea In the wrld "icred this gross lnera during H70. Ilia i, nlr Mini anr which ?ilrinl. a. a rhartrrrd llnt. the 'iflOCIIrU of LOCAL LN KHT MENTH 3NTH IN KACH tTATE. In prnport on to Ita Premiums r rU-Inauianee Viin.l. TH" only comrwnr hf h. by Ita charter, gifes EACH 8 1'ATE A HEPHhXKNTATlVK IN TIIK DIE 1IOAIIU Or DfKKCTOH!. 110 a-B3JTEDRA.I, OJTICB, ST. liOTJIS, 2xIO. JAMES U. BHITTON, President. Hksrv W. llouoii. Vice Preidcnt. Felix Coste, Supt. Misaouri Dept. Wm. IIan'llt, Secretary. , John N. Phitciiard, Treasurer. C. F. Bcrnf. Attnmey. a K. h. Limoike, M. D. Med. Officer. Hon. Wm. Barnes, Consulting Counel and Actuary. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS DEPART 31 E NT. E. P.' ai, Manager. CJLIItO bbaFch BOARD. The following named xMillemin hold or eoalrol 110,000 laiurant " ach, in the Lite Aiaoclatloo of Amerca: P. W. Barclat, II. W. Wkrii. H. II. Cxuvtr., John Astrim, Cuas. Galioher, J. M. PlULLIrP, C.IIannt, K. S. Br gham, Paul G 3chuh. I.earn onr mm Plans helarcyoa inanre la mmjr sillier ('oanpaar. LOCAL AGENTS. daplldm. Carl L.Thomak, Rl'Uft. la' GOV" B v. it (IHOCKKIErt AMD DUY GOODS. WILLIAM KLU0K, CIAlla IN FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-OOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SnOES, HATS AND CAPS, ETC., Has just received a heavy stoo'i : of D00U sod Mhoca, Hosiery and Notions, FOR SALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAP Ho sUn has a hue stock of Family Orceeneiot oierykind, Cf.KNER SlXTII-ST. AND COMMF.R C1AL-AV., AIR0, ULUIOia John H. Orerlt, Wm. Morris, T. J. Kkrtii, W. 8. Edison, W. B. Kkrnet. INMCKANCe, w. n. MORRIS, Notary Pablle, 11. M. CANUEI No. Pub. and U.K. Ctaf. INSTJEEI FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOClt CCIDENT, LIFE, INSUEAKCEI TNA, HAKTFORll, ArtU ... ti,UM 91 fCA, PA., " 1 :,in,iii , CONN, ..I,Mt,210 7 rillENIX, I1ARTI0RD, i,rsi,ii at INTERNATIONAL, k. t. Ai-tela. l,3Sa,3B 17 rUTNAM, HARTFORDi Aasets 7W,"17 d CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, A.ICU M,U7JSS UOUE. COLUUI1UH, Aaaets 5t.i7S.J AMERICAN CENTRAL MO., Aaseta MO.COOnu CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Aaattl 30.OUO.IWW. TRAVELER'S, UARTF01ID, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Aiieta l.MO.CXOnt RAILWAY FA8SENOEHS AMURANCE CO., HARTFORD, AMtta W.M INDEPENDENT, BOSTON, Auati M0,f' SAFFORD, MORRIS k CANDEE, 71 Oslo Levee, City National Bank, CAIRO. ILL. NAI.OONH. KL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AUD BAR ROOM. JOHN GATEH, Proprietor. ' IMCrumercial Avenue, CAIIIO, ILLINOIS Deal brand of California Cigars Just received, BILLIARD saloon furnlrhed with tho bst ot tables; and bar aupplied with wlnea, liquor ana cigars 01 mo nneai oranua. A. SUSANKA, Proprietor MAGNOLIA "SALOON And Dtalsr In Fortlgn and Domestla "WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS 97 Ohio LeTee, Bstwaen Ninth and Tenth Utrrita, Cairo, III. derlTtf DEXTER EXCHANGE, III Obi aLsiwm, a ear tst Depot J.D.ZAN ONE, PROPRIETOR, Frealt Shell Oyetcra Recoived DailJ Keeps always on hand Baltimore an! Mobl.e 011.?., whlsh U will be glad to serve to his . cua- ur. BULLKTriK UUILDIjNG. WASHINUT0N-AV 1'Ann.T noci:Hiijs. IiOUK ,j KNiS .;N f Kl. f IftaUuil,,,, r STAPLE AaND FAKCTf O-ROOBBIBS. Paraaer'a Yard aad NUbllntT WITHOUT 'HAIiriK. Cor, Washirifetou'ttvftntl Twcntioth-st. CAIRO, ILLS. I27ill( BCTCIIt.Ita. CKNTRAL MKAT MARKET. KOEHLER & BROTHER UaTrrpea sdili POPULAR MKAT MARKET, COMMERCIAE-AV., BctWMti Klalli and Ten tb Street, and will keep constantly on hanrf Ihe b"it meals alaiihtffd In tho Cairo market. They defy com ptliioa. Give them atrial. sert'ilt'. REAL KNTATK AOEHT, C. WLNSTOaN L CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AUCTION R8, t (se0nd floor) ohio lxysb, ca1ko, ills., Buy .and Sell Real Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OF TITLE 4 I fsrnrr 7-nrtrtnirtr Kfad. WIFJi AND l.ltlllOIU. WM. H. ScilUTTER," lBirtrr uud Hholenisle Denier 1st WINES, LIQUORS, 4r TOBACCO & CIO-AR8. Agent for the boat braude of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AD tasported Ale or DlaVrcat Klada. 75 Ohio Levee, tt CAIRO. ILLINOIS. F. M. STOUKFLETI1, ircctMoa roair. a ivo.ariMH Roetlfjar aad Wholeaale Dealvr la lonign anu uonimie WINES AND LIQUORS. No. C2 Omo.LEvee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. TTEkeepion hand constantly a full atoex o JTLOId Kentucky llourbon. Hye and Monon. hela Whlakiea, French Urandlea, llollaud din, Rhine and California Wlnea ad3iI coal- COAL I COAL! COAL I JAMES ROSS, MAira in DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CARBON COAL' Cotnmercial-av., Foot of Eleventh-it. All Coal carefully weighed at tlia yard on Fair tanks' acalea, PULL WEIOHT WARRANTED. Coal delivered on the shortest not1. part n, the C.y. either by ... hlf Leava order at tho o(8'. r- c f feotel Avwsuiu iy-t Bvl(d-- mil' uri. ARCLAYBR08.. 74 Caim, liu DBTJQ-a-isrjic SARATOGA SPRINGS is rut. lint at Barclays' brcu store. Faun .ficrrtr, Ijaiit. MOCKING BIRD FOOD 'tt MArr roa ri wiruorr Tnt At Barclays'. JELMDOLD'g GRAPE f CATAWBA ) 1 I ORAFX 1 PILLS CATAW1IA lA ORAPE GRAPE I catawha ) J ( orapx ) PILLS AKD lU or nr.L.MBoi.DisOnEDici2vi: FRESH FROM FIRST HANDS, Always ta stock In large supply, and for taJ by IBurclnjr Bros. JUST r. E C E I V E D AKD orlaleby th-Olaas Settle r Calless AT BARCLAYS'. IExtra Fine Coloone; ("Genuine Imported Extracts; Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushxi India Rubber Numeet Ooo7 I.B.CjiA.T BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Beat grades In arge stock and va riety, very cheap; aiso: Full Line or Colors, par and iv oil; Paint Urusbea, Linseed Oil, Whitewash P Malic Turpentine, Varn.Uos Etc. etc., AIL Klta AD ITANliAKD Ul'ALITISS At Barclays'. DRY OOODH. 71. FALL-WIiNTER. 72 C. HANNY. LARGE STOCK. BROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, TICICiaSTGrS. CHECKS, AMD STRIPES, KENTUCKY JEANS, EXTRA, OASSIMERS, BLACK ALPACAS AND LUSTERS, GROSKAIN SILKS, IOPI,I.. LARGE STOCK OF CARPSTINOi OIL CLOTHS, MATTINO, Window (sliadei, OILT BANDS, NOTTINGHAM LAOS DAMASKS. Ilia EutlreNlocUnow ! Oat AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNER 8TH ST., AND COMMERCIAL-AY, Cairo, Illinois. septllf ROOTN AND NIIOES. WILLIAM EHLEH8, Faibloaabl BOOT AND SHO' MAKES, TWEXr'jITB STREET, between Wton arsau aad PopUr CAIRO. ILL. i M aattstaclloo Warrao ranted. ratroaM eeUaile