On and urt.r -iltiihl, !. Mlh IrTI, ilie
nt 'I'l'r-UljlpwillxufrulliK arrlsal and '"I'"1
nr of ps-w i err iiaint M i aim.
VwrZ-VMl lr..ti. .U.t) il!?!!,n,'!!!
Kimiw. lull l-J'ip.nv
j.-.(.iii .ii!i' !l:;Jft.n
Kiprrw dailr. 're,l (Sunday 3i:Wp.in.
Noehsrsger'-n.s mmi' w "t. Ionl.
an'mre n'e.- frn-Omro In Chicago. Flesrant
rr'ti Hon 'le'pmn cars on night trains.
Mtste rliftl tii til Important Dnlnls.
, NTBA.W.T'.1
Will make throi,trlps daily.
IXLT!0 rsiao 1
il J , in. I A i . n.ni
At It -......".in. i At li.w - P m
4 30 p.m. At ' !'"'
Fare each vray, 30 eente , In tl. kets for z w.
Ill Uu ,wheu lmll.l, nl any Rood luleiiilediato
iliDKior passe.nn.er or rreijjnt.
ItlCiCN' llA'f.
The flii -turner
OUd FOWLKIt - ..Master
Will l.-are Cairo (jt Uvmi'vi.l every riunday nail
Vliura lay t-reiilnK, at 4 o'. I n-., pan. Mir
traitor ps.s.ue, ,,,,ely tu dWw, At.
Tilt i'eii'ld -I- Mi r
.1 1 ic I'i i u I p r, ., I us t c r.
"if lr
XMptlll) l A
i ii i on tioiinl ur
ItkllilS, Ap't.
Ca.nliprlan I :tln-r I'.u-iPti
The rlftii!il tPiim r
T Y R 0 X E ,
lOM IIA!UIAX...Viir AI.EX. II l'.r'..
WilllocC inipvci) .ittii'.iHX i & ".)
fcrCliikfVilU', an.l .Nn-lnlUr. t it?
fuzp. nprt iiu iww i nr 'i
NAbUVlLLU, C I. A 11 ICS V 1 1. 1. K AND
Tli KV.Unt ta,iitr
OWhN DAVH...Mitpr
Will lr e Cuto every Thmxdar Ht ti i.Vlock n.m
for Niithville, CUrVmrllleMud llny polnK. for
rrelRht or Ilhuji ipplv on txinril nr In
Jn3if. JAM. HIIHItf.AB't.
Tho sooil ktrnmrr
Wll.nr SIMM3....Mailer
Will leare Cairo every .Mnndiiy nt S o'clock, p.m.
for Nashville, nnd nil wy porl I'or I'relxlil or
passap, apply on board or lo
Jin O 11 J.S -5. lllim , Alii
151 JI I Ml t AS f TI i Ii V.TS.
FOIt SALK,-k ViirMo ( FOU
FOR SAMS, "l F'.rF
KOlt SAM'.. )'"'-
For Halo 1 . , ,,
I'nr"nle . "i pin"
k Faro from Ltvcui'iiou
Faro from Dovucniikiiuv
Faro fronf Gi,soow,
"Fare from (Jukknstow.s
V n
Sattord, Morns A Ci
Lufcrposl Nnw-Yntl: and l'hlla lilphn
Steamship Company,
fa GOKiater itn imtlii TAtrsi) ii.itihi
Fur Carrjin tne Mnus.
vqr passaUk TIUKBTS
ob ri'HTiirn isoiTin
15 llroadw.iy Ne-Voik, or to
II. II on pt,
Whlnjtiin Avenue, lUirn,
'on sAiii:
T'ie Illinois Utntral Iti I Itnl Ci-niuny nmi
oiler fiir slti tlio inll'M ini lei ribeil tiim 1 1 l1
a laiimn to me i;ity ii utiro, viz ;
'Jit blojk 21.
it 21 iilm-k M.
" ts " fo,
& " H
C " u,
" 3 ' Hi.
For ler-n",-;1. ap.l
" 27 " fii,
2S ai,
" 31 H,
" i ' m.
I'll VMCI.t NS-
KEWRSCt No. -il Tr-ir-vi-mli M-.rl, Ii...
tiv,-e i V .Alunvion Henne an I Walnut "irn-1,
ii.tip li. ijniiinniriiil iiimiip, up .rnrr-
V. Y. DU.ViVI.VO, M. I"
ac.iliJSCi:-.nrn-r.Vinlli and tVuni -t.
Jh-eo.i.r -ixih ulrepi n I .llc.i Ikv -c.
(ifflwiwun-fi),nii n ,n. In 12 in , .nd u p.rn
11. Nu7Ni-ru7M.T).
Vnnhi'iton mi-n ,i-ti.-n
over IIh io-iuiii-e
a m. nud'i 10 o ni.
nunindh siri-i l mi I
in i-ii.ia i, , !. ,,f.
O :i -e Ii u,V) .
I -III .If.
LI .BN. M U Ui BY k W !1 B B LBU
Hil l i:it.
iV .ll.uiii J. Allen, 1
Join. ll.Jlulkiy,
Smuel I'.Wneelor..
sm'I'srtieular ileuilon pod to riv.-r n-l a..
iiurilly tmiiineaii
'JKFH'K-Oter First NanTisal llnnU, lilito I.evee.
GltKBN k (HLHBltT,
Will am U. ern
U'llliamTi (Muni
een, ,
dbrl, y
irt. j
Miles F.tillb. rt
CiTtfpecia. allvntinn (.-It.-ii to A Imir.slls
Kteamboat blislneir.
orricK oiuo levj:k, nooufi 7 ami H nvKit
D. REXVuiiD Proprietor
, 'oinra'MiuimtKujtcojDsr,,
7r9 O.tli WrM-Cl-ui tjie City
tf" BU!a;j rjimvej rit In nd from ih DenM
fr- f elurr. 1Vtf
j our; ti. oiti'.r.i.v a- t o.,
D.illotin llitihling, corner of 12th
street nml Wii.liliipW'' "vonue,
C.iiro, MNim.
. . i j. -, iiitt.itn it "I
Lll illtf done nt IMP
,, ,".. t ,..... lln.nK cm-sted till! ursl-
nf iit i indcHt i m. I .
, ;,.rllilrllil I -H ll'l.ll-llll.ellt, MCCIII i"ii;
(1 le .ilr iioiiilnir intrnns worn eo.nl to thai
of v Hindcry In the wil
Wo arc nulhor.ii'l in aiiiuiin.-e Andrew full)
as n e:nilnlale lor r- et-e I01 Hi the olll.'c of City
Mars ti il l Hip apprea -Ion,! el attpr eleelini,
We nrc nuthorlpl to ncti'iunjt Mr. Joipli H
Tflli.rnB onndhlKlP for tc-Hrclloii to tie nfll!"
nf Cry Trr.iMirer t Hip pn-ninj clinrtpr
Wp R-p snllior.r'il to h'iiimiiiicp M clin-'l llnw-IpynaciitnllilBtufortc-plpcll'iiilii
t tir olfippol
C.lv rirtltftl thcpniHngi'lirtloril-cti:i-
A rl Tf ininmiifnllon nf ll.p Cum
inlsritn t').iiiirii'VtptP'iliiK, (rt. u.'li
ImrliiP"" iifuni .rHnv.'!', viltui) Ilrolli-
ciiniliiliy in vu
p. P. Puiir. Ppc'v.
At Id" ri r Ipneii nf thn tirhl 'n Int' r nt VIII"
fill P II, We Inr-ilny, IVliimr 9, 1TJ. Mr
.M.imii 'Hir-n Una city, to Ml! Mullio l.d
oii, of Vi 1 1 III kc.
Aii'l fO Ihpy j;i)l Wo Invc clitonicl"! thf
iiinrrlnn"! ol im Intlgnlllcant numlif r ul Calroltt
itliin the lt jPiir, mi'l now iiliirp'n uir pc-cll
tc t trT our r Incrro on l heirtfelt conRratula loni
it ilr. ami Mrn. Wnrrrn, In which wc hni JoiipiI.
no doubS'iy n hunt of roiilcrn. In their Jouri.ov
throi.Rh life, tnny thclrs'inih nu to not niteii In-
lenur.'cil, tie storms of rorrow fe; tnny thry
Lcoiip In crery poo I purpose, nntl after cltmb'np
thf h'll of llfp loRPiher, mny thpy, llko John
AileiS'in nnO hN " wl(p," ro hand In Imn l
ilnn Hip olhrr bIiIiihoiI ri't nt thf foot.
ll rund. of the Into Clmtle" (laUlioue
Jpi:eni ', urn requested to ntlrnd hit fnrn-rnl
tUMlny it 10 o'clock, a.m. Tno lurnoMl will l.ili
ll ipi. fr..ni IheHt. Mnr)n Infirmnrv, nt tlia hour
Iu1iUh1uh1 'vcr.v iuiiriiliiK Jlontlay ex
There was a lively row between
couplij ofliugo porkers mi Sixth strict
night biforo lal,
Tl.i- Turiierii nro mnking
proparalion for t'aeir iinsqueradu ball
which is to come oil' on Mon lay evenini:,
Voslcrdnv liKiniliiL' n verv Ini'o ilnivn
. r. ...
of miiei jinseif throned tlio i-lnj mi i-niiiu
to the ro-dlh. They ;;o Mittth by rail f.om
, Columbus.
Tho meeliiu of tlio members of tins
lire deparimuiitr, culled fur to-morrow
evening, has been postponed to
Monday uvening, l-Vbruiry 1'Jih.
Tho Ladici' Rjnev, dint Society will
hold u tociable at the re-ideneo of Mrs,
JI. F. Clark, on Comiueri-i il avenue, over
llentleriioii'.s 6tore, on to-moriow, Monday,
evening, l'.'th liift. Friends of the socie
ty t-ordiiillw invited to ultenil. '
To-night ThuEu will perform the
grost farco In two nets, uulllle.l, '-Ono lias
to Mary," or'-Eiuor mint II el rath en. '
After tliu performance is over, Mr. Gus-
tav lviingsonr, win ueiivur a luciuro on
"morality and good behavior."
Great ludueem -nts Ui anv one wi.-h-
ing to buy n tl rat-class piano or organ.
E. & W. Ruder ollci ilieir entire stock in
llui piano and ortu lino at the actual
co.t nl the inrl rum i-ii 1 1. I lii-v are ile.sir-
oih of closing nut tlio sloek ko tlml they
may u-o th'si-iom fur jewelry manulactur
lug purpojim.
Tha tickets to tho Hibernian
bad liavo hcu liliii-ally i:irch.io 1, but
thulu still roinaiiuu Inr'a number unsold.
Let every citisuii, w.io has the innim-, pur-
chase a ticket to tills ball, and in this wav
contribute to tlm w iiits of Hibernian
Oillccr John .S n.ehaii arrested a fel
low the uthor d iy fi r --playiu p jliecinon ."
The fellow had invested a man, and was
in tho act of goln through hisk tims
Kckct, when Sliei-h in drojiped on him
JIo was tflud btfforo.ludgfi Rro.', and Mint
to cutiiKio'c, uheroTm.rrill rein.iin for the
next ilftein days.
Ii F. Tuylor li-. iddieod a letter to
tho tocrctary of th Voting Mon's Chris.
linn AsOi'iati ui, 1 1 i '.icii lie clearly shows
i tn,
tliai it was utterly ,.uprPili! for him to
rauc'u C dm In ,!inu i till Ids ni)iiintmeut
Uno us.oeliitioii nnd expreises regret
that h 10t tK, (t.n.(
-On auttwr .iV lr,,u ol, t)0 mi.
not Central i ,.,, Mw, ,
Anive...I-,Sp,ci.... , 00
i, t ..ti
" ...Kxpii-.
,n:i: n. m.
.4:00 ti. in.
'J;ti ii. m
t'Alr.O P.T. l.nflS MIOl-.T . .....
l . mil.
, Depart I'JUiiu. m
no copy tin. i, mowing parngr.ipi,
from tho Du Q loin Tt-i'mnt : 'Anyone
who cm glvu infiirm-ition of tln whsre
aboiits, or diMlh, of a lady, by tho name nf
Mrs. Harriet I'urdy, who formoly liv-d
near Port Rurwill, ()nl-irlo, Canada, but
hasfortho lust iiino or ten years lived in
sotiiu part of the I'nlted .Slates will bo
suitably rewarded. Mis. Purdy, if living
Is about li years uf ngc, and it milliner hv
profesilon. A sum of money lult her by
uilecetiinl reltstivQ ! htdil I n Irnit lu
ll friend. Any Intorni.itinn ciipcerning
her, lliay be tent to Ibis oltl'je.
Ifotir odltorlal frlandi will c-py iht
notlcu ami it l ds to her direuvm-y, thev
will boillilnbly rewiirded.
Tnuicvu office, Du (J-ioIn, I'orry
county, Illinois, Feb, flib, 1872,
At tho I'risliyiori.tii clmrt'li, Uev.
'i'lini'tjr, will tiruuL'li iiuiriiliii; utiil uvcnlnrf
il lliu iiniul liutirs.
EUur Ilarmiiii will prcai'li In tlie
Clir.tiiiii ulurcli nt II ii.ni iiiiiu ') !''
Tim pulilli- nro cor.llnllv Invito I 1" nt
toml. in i.. .. .ni.iti i.i I
Iioc'.nr lonii win uojiuui v
the clhirdi of tlio It .'(li-'uincr, K.mrtu'iuli
trcot, bjtwi'i'ti Vishitiftiit nVj nml
Wnltiut Mri'i't, nt in) n. til , Mini 0'i-lock,
p. in. i
Altlm Motlioill.t eliuroli, lliv. Fro J.
L. Tiioiikoii .vlll proiich at I0J h. in , nnil
7J p. in. I'ublio InvitoJ.
Sorvleei :it the Oernmn I.u'.liurinii
church, Tiifleen, l.olwct'ii Wtilnut trect
iind Wiislilnliiii iivomtf, at 10 it. in. bun-
;iv Sclioo! i.t 3 p. m
St. V.i'ricli'o church, corner Ninth
street, nnJ W.i'liiiitnii uvenue; Kjv. 1'.
IIiillor:i", l'rli-iit. is.irvicoi nt thu usual
THE M V-K-i AS'll who worn: 1IIKM.
IJolow w.- h'ivo ni completu h uwcrip-
tion of tho in i'li worn at the in.isqui'rnd,
nil tho nniiu' of thou) who woro them,
we havw li.'uil nhlo tn ubtitin.- Firs
comes tho
I.Ali'lKd Ltr:
Mr. A. M. Aintin. "Dryud," uoJduji
of huntiiiK; L'lcfr.mt orininudrejJ,cut short,
nd irlmuied with (nine. Her petit ug-
. ! .1 I - P ..II
uro imtuu iw vnu oiuerveu ui uu
Misi I'lioibo llnrthmn. Fisher girl;
bluu cambric under skirt, trimmed with
silver teud, wlilte swim over nUiri, trim
med with silver gimp, blue silk budico
trimmed with silv.ir fringe; liair powdered
with diamond dust; crown, carrying a nut
contuining tl J Ii.
JIin Kutlo Kill. Acu of huts; pink
cambric, court train, trimmed with il
lusions crown, trimmed with gold heart.
Mrs Mollis MuDon tld. OiifMiio,lrifl
same, trimmed Willi ten diamond
tarlatan over-fkiit, whlto tarlatan umler-
kiri, white trimmed with pink and pint:
with white.
ilr. W. G. Green. Indian huntress'
black aiapaea dress, cut short, trimmed
with beads and silver laco, hose of red
ashlmure, bat of ocean shell, carrying
bow and arrow, etc.
Mis Clara Wilson. "Pochohonlas;"
nd dies', skirt cut thurt with trimmings
of gold and silver tlnsil; bull' waist and
red bodice, iriuimed witli silver beads and
feathers; gilt crown trimmed with Mime,
Tho whole profusely trimmed with all
kinds of beats.
Ida Han ell. Winter white.
Annie Pitcher. "Morning Star;'' dress
pink larlalan covered wijh stars; white
vnil trimmed will, "tars; hair Slowing,
powdered wilii diamond dii;t mid i-priuk-led
over wilii silver stars, crescent also
trimmed with blurs.
.Miss Lizzlo Workman. "Highland
Ij-.ita;" plaid ilrcss, black velvet Wniiti
jaunty cap. cry iittr.icllvo.
Miss Nellie orkman. '-.Maiio Antoin
ette;" green velvet underskirt; black vol
vet oversuil; tho wholo trimmed with
spangled gilt braid. Very handsome.
Mrs. J. C. Taber. "Folly,'' fuck and
.km very novel; covered over profusely
with small hulls.
Mrs. F. S. Kent. "Night;" black gws
grain hill;; elegantly trimmed.
Mrs. Pink. "ISandlt Rrido;" blue till;;
trimmed with silver laco; bo.Iieo of black
velvet trimmed with fame, velvet cap
with feather.
Mrs. A. R. S. " Sunset; " costume of
rose colored till: draped with black laco
overdress nnd rainbow colored sill: K-urf
and rash, fastened with filvcr slur; hair
llowing witli heavy braided coronet, with
silver cioscont on tlio forehead; and flow
ing mantle of elegant white luce, caught
back witli silver flat?. Domino of bull'
satin, whllo silk and while laco.
Mrs. H. II. C 'Lady Do Vernon;
costume, riding suit of black velvet; skirt
and c pull jacket, trimmed in gold lace, scar.
let ribbon an 1 while lace. Vest and
overdress of white lacu with hnmbomo
Roman sash. Rlael: vulvet hut with yul
luw and black ostriuh phunci. Hunting,
horn slung over left shoulder with green
ribbon and riding whip in hand. Hair
flowing aiidduiuitio of white falin, M-arlrt
sill: and white lace.
Mrn. W. R. G. Mary Q iot-n of Sotsi
black gros grain silk, triuuiwl with er
mine, black vulvo. bon nut iiMiiiuoJ with
same, Irur n lit pumpulnur.
Mrs. M. F. U. '-Sani-li ludy;'1 while
win shut, black I ico uvur Iress, i-too;icd
and trimmed wilii chciry lious, black
velvet waist, cherry liodlci; hairo la Spun
t.si, witli black lacu vail.
Miss S. G. '-Gam of iilicss," black
velvel sl.irt trimnud in n i ires of yellow
sill., walil nlid overdress nt' basis muslin
trimmed with gilt clo-snn-n, hair coiled
a golden crown, carrying silver scepter
riirmounted by gilt clie.ssio.iu.
Miss Annie Gnwotliuney The Press; "
dress composed of llfty dill'erent papers, tlio
lU'iii ciiusplenuj being tho Caiihi Itui.l.r.
TIN. Ferritin nnd brestpin of frmlc mirk
of plantation bitters. Very liandsumo.
Miss Georgia Rodman. " Clmis;" short
bluo cambric dress, cotnpletoly covered
wilii white sipires, shoes of same, beautiful
head-dress; hair flowing powdered Willi
Mms Mol.io Earns "Pcsiint Girl ; '
d'i-inv short, tastcly trininioil, cut low
':k'i brnad brimmml straw hat.
.Mollio VelA,... )awll ,,f Morning;-
beautiful whit,, sWlks dress, covered with
slvelr Mar., 1,, VU ()t- ,, t.uvi.rri,
I 'lU"'r; '",l1' l'dgrl wm, diamond
dust and dulled with ,m ,u ,lUlr
j Kate I.ving.t Elora Mul.-lu,nl ' ..
jilrcsh nf bull" merino, wilii J(,B Ull,n'.
I ovcrsklrt of whlto wlss. Much ndinircl
i Mrs. W. 11. Tlinnuis Spring;
i iln s'cd to suit.
Miss llcllo Johiium "Star nf Night,
, clcgiiiitly.diessed in a eomljlnation of red,
white nnd bluu tarlatan, Much admired,
Misj Lizzlo McKeaig - Rcmitlful
, Girl of Klldaro."
Mattln Horn.- "Australian Ladv:"
abort Muck drc., scarlet trimming. IHuo
Tolvi't boulcc. Hair a la Australian.
JIi Kmnm Horn. "Virginia Flux
Spinner;1' short costume. Il'd nml
whlto striped utulersk.rt J wlilto over- '
Ulrt di'ooratod '-ith (l.nvore : blie! velvet
!?pMlii!i w:il;t j f.iiiey h.'jiil dreM. '
.Mra .l.itiu iloliiim. "I'Mmver Girl;"
drp nt whlto inviiM, cut short, o'nhoriitoly
trlmmel with fl. worn; bi-lfl contuining
ll.iwcri.; h.ilr curled and decur.iie 1 with
".Min Kmnm Livingston "TmUtkli
Hurem Oirt;" dresi of white UiUtHii, cut
short and tritntfied with puit nf same',
Titrklih cup.
Mi.. A n, of Si. li-uil-. "TurkMi
Unrein Girl;" dret.od sniii".
Min Mary Ilnllidny. Iliiutr. n ;"
green suit,'drci cut Miort, and trimmed
beautifully with bltek velvet; .slid pouch
and pjwderhorn ; nubby IhiiiIit'i hut.
Salllo Woods "Oyjuuy Fortuno Tell
Icr;'' beautiful black velvet dru, cut
idiort :tnd elaborately irlnitnud with va
ti.iU! color of llkj Juiniy cap, velvet
jacket uf light greeli, I 'ed short ; hair
Miss Emma Artcr.--'Daughter of tho
Hegimenf," drcM pit Tt ; red velvet
trimmed in gold bands ; Jai'ket, short, black
velvet, trimmed with 'panglcs and gold
bund ; cap of samo.
Mrs. Judge Green. "Qutiti of Din
luuiids'whlto tarlatan undcrikirl.lloutieed
und headed with rose colored ptill'-.ovori'kirt
spangled with gilt diamond', nun colored
sill: bascpto trimmed with gilt diamond.,
head dress of rose cuter and deeornted
with diamonds.
Mrs. II F.lVkor. "Kgyptlan daiknesi."
black alpaca trimmed elaborately, with
pufX", nd wido bands of velvet.
Mrs. J. Goldstein.' .Summon" droMcd
to suit.
MIjsS irah Illaek.-"Spri:ig;!'greoii tarla
tan, beautifully trimmed with leaves and
Miss Agntha "Woodward. Rlu fancy
dress, trimmed with white ruilles. Very
Mrs 1. Wright. Mauvo colored
silk, two ikirts, nnder-sklrt beautifully
trimmed with long train, over-skirt of.
roso color; basnuo uf same, looped und
festooned with flowers, jewelry of beaut!
ful design, one of tlio prettiest suils In tho
Miss Addle Phillips, Mrs. I'.lbbiu Gritlin
and Mrs. H. Goodyear. Rhck dominoes
Miss Fannio Aul, Mound City." Row
ena:" dress of black velvet ; beautifully
Mis Mattio Hitguy. Wlilto swish over
skirl looiK'd and tied with ssmnll bow of
pink. Much admired.
Miss Julia Hairev. Reautifill white
tarlatan elaborately trimmed.
.Miss Georgia Ilagey. Gray poplin tin
derskirt, while tarlatan overskirt, in
very latest fashion.
Miss Frank Rebec. Moon on lake,
Irish poplin, trimmed with satin. Very
airs. C. . Huirhes. Into inoiro an
tiquu silk. Very bsaiitiful.
Tho thrco -Miss .Steels. very prettily
and Iiisliloiiably dicsseil.
M'ns .loiio and Annie Pnillis. While
maritio, irimmmed with bluo velvet.
Miss Ada llalliday . Wbil'i Swiss under
skirt bluo tarlatan overskirt trimmed in
putTs of fame.
Mrs. Marsli Warren. .-hocohito gros
gram silk, elegantly trimmed.
W. II. Morris "Harlequin."
Judge W, H. Green " Limerick Roy.''
G A. Yost ' Commodore in Spanish
John MeEwen "Captain In Her Maj
esty's 8th Regiment."
II. F. Echols "Shoo Fly,"
W. Funics " Dutchman, First and
Second Napoleon combined, and repre
senting tho wonderful thrco legged man
from Australia.
G. Eames " Htimpty Dumpty."
Tlico. Carirgan " Rroth of a bov from
Cork in tlio south of Franco."
Harmon Rlaek " King Lear."
Gcorgo L. Tliatclior " Rrothcr Jona
II K. Parker" Spanish Cavalier."
W. ii. G. , monk of tlio Domlnlcian
order, continually chanting, ilotnimif
M. F. G. "Francis I of France," green
nnd pink volvet suit, kneo breeches,
swurd, silver helmet nnd white plume,
Samuel Williamson. ''Don Cinsar do
II. Given Hagey. '-Tlio Press."
W. II. Pitcher. "JCing Gamhrinus."
S.d A. Silver. '-Harlequin."
Jo-eph Rurger. "Don Carlos."
John Taber. ''Organ Grinder."
Dan. Hurtman "Polish Juw."
JI. C. Uhl. "Fniist Mophiitoplieler.''
Sim. Tuber. 'Sjianlsh Cavnller."
II. S. Austin. ''Highlander."
P.- S. Kent." Rig, but Youthful boy."
T. I.. Waton. ''Dutch Roy from Am
sterdam.'' .las. Watson. -"Macbeth."
Clmi. Pink, Sr. "Sailor Roy, U. S. S.
Arnold Llppott. "Don Juan."
It. A. Hannon Othello.
Phil. H. Saup. Don Carlos, Infant King
of Spain. Excellent.
II. 11. Caiidiie. Cavalior.
A. R. Sailord. Rluo Domino.
W. M. Rarclay. Old Hgo.
Chas. S. Dulay. Hiawulha.
Chat. Espy. Knight of Loster.
John Holmos. Oliver Cromwell.
Charley Pink. Original Hibernian.
Will Itohbius.-Greek.
M. C. Wright. Overgrown n-hool boy.
Frank Hundley. Rroth of a boy
from Dublin.
Dr. A.M. Austin. Knight Templar.
Oscar Haythorn.-Killuinsure, M. D.
Chas. Kylo. "Ocean Scout."
Phil. Illsey. "Plrato."
Ernet Petcl. "Dukn of Argyle."
Run Chase. "Old Salt."
G. Tom. Whlt!ock.-"Hlmloo.''
R. F. Rlake. "Llvo Yankee, from Mas-
lolm C. llarr. of St. LouU. "Dox
D Thorns, "Old Continental."
Dr. C. W. Dunning.-nip Van Winkle.
"My dog', Slmid.ir, don't roc ignlr.o inc."
Walton Wr.ht.-Mr. U, tho Poor
(j. II. Ohlson.--"Heathen Chlnnoo."
F.l, Wheeloek. "P goto tho Queen."
I'.iwnrJ Dc7.mil. l.it Mulluy."
Din. lii-liolj, "Cluwiii''
G. II. Gholson. ".iliilia,!."
Thin V'llette, uf St Will.-' Joseph
. 0. It, Woodwnrd wore u brown sill:
roundn bunt; flowing blue coiduroy jmlits;
" tin EjTptlau hat; corl: boots; mid
masked us a Jeremiah volunteer hunting
for in.innu.
A. 11. S., Kst., woro a li.tio navy Jaikot;
nillor pants with knee buckles, style '70;
dovo colored silk undershirt; continental
hat, Chinese boots. .Masked as a pious
monk of he third canttiry. Altogether
tho loveliest tiiiiti iti the room
C lr.o Ksn VictNr lUn.itOAr,,
Orrct or Hjihk, l.nnti . Cj , CimiiCT,in, V
I'lnm, Ins , Ptb. btli, 187.'. J
. It. Hilhinl, Ki Cair.i, I,l.
DkaiiSiii : Col. Smith and Mr. Norris
will bo in Cairo Thursday morning to
commence settlement of C. & V. It. It. mut
ters. You will plnaso notify nny enrpilr
ors to this eirect.
Very truly, yotin,
S. I. I'kauouy.
MEN A Nil hXCIIIKr-nitK-UAllSllAL,
will now have an importunity to mnko
good usu of their bran new duds, which,
rumor says, wire purchased eiprissly fur
thu occasion. Thecitv nutnorities will-
no doubt about it receive, in a body,
Schuli uud Ruder not excepted, although
they voted against an formal reception
Whom have they lo thank for thu realiza
tion (it their lull 1 dr.-aiiin? Thai Is the
momentous question now before thu lioui'.
I'liii answer is tho
who invited, instead i f thu unreliable
Princu Aluxl, their royal highnesses, tlio
and those illustrious personages have in
formed the undersigned committee, by
telegram, thai they will, without fail, nr
rive nt Cairo on
rain or snow, sunshino or storm, nnd hold
court, inc tiding a
Tho following is tho
gotten up expressly for tho occasion:
1. Harlequin ;
2. Musicians, with bras in their faces
3. Master of Ceremonies ;
4. Their royal highnesses, tlio Prince
and Princess Carnival ;
b. Tlio nrst trial of the "Tempeiain:
'e " will tako nlave.
At this trial nil fools who hnvo taken
part in its passage, will bi presunS, to-wit
Mombors of tho legislature, judge', law
yers, policemen, ballill's, n woman, llowspa-
per rcpotters, barkcep-jrs, bummer, and
n la rue nudhnco comiio.-cd of men nml
0. Thu whole to concluda with tho
equestrian performance of Signora Pupita
do Ollva, on her Arabian thorough-brod,
7. Monsieur Hcrkilles nnd his son; after
which his royal bighncs will break up
the whole in a general confusion, in mod
ern language, called u Poloiini-o, waltz,
quadrille, etc., etc.
This will continue until daylight tho
next morning in thu uvening.
Particular attention will bu taken at the
door lo exclude all those whusu cjiiipauy
is not desirable
Tickets for the grand ma'queradu ball to
bu had at Rudur Uro., 1. G. Schuh's drug
sloro, Burger's, Rolznor's, Alba' barber
shop, and of .Mr. Schmiizdorf,
By order of
J. Ul'I'.OKII,
It. V. IJelzner,
H. Sciimitzdohf,
W. Ai.ua,
fub.O-tf Com. of Arrangements.
Below will bo found tlio corrected list
of prices paid by H. Levy & Co., for
hide, furs, feathers, wool, tallow, beos
wax, and nil kinds of country produce.
Luvy & Co. do a very largo trado in their
lino, mid it is a well known fact that they
always pay tho highest prices to bo ob
tained In this market. Iliev nro now
paying for
Vims :
Mink S2 00a t! 2D
llaccon flu
WitdCat CI)
llou-n Cat loa 15
Miii-k Rat lo
Oposum l'J)
Ottur 5 00 a 7 00
Rear Skins 2 00 a 0 00
Reaver, per pound AO a To
Deer Skins 27sai17A
Reef Hides, Dry Salt 18 a 'JO
" " Green Sail da I'.'J
i3r pound
Cut 7
Ma 05
00 a 70
-Ni a 28
Feathers, "
Tho nbovo prleo list is subject to correc
I will nfi'iir for sulo at my sales room,
105 Commercial avonue, on Saturday,
February l!.ri, at 0J o'clock a. in., tho fol
lowing articles, to be lold for charges ; 2
llrst-class billiard tables, comploto; ono
lot of gus fixtures, nnd a lol of steamboat
sash und doors; also two lino gold
watches. Sain positive, nnd without
reserve. D. Hautman, Auctioneer.
nt:iii;i.Ait .ioivt MRKTi.vnor tiib citt
('.iiinii' L'lninl rr, I
Cilf.i, 111, Kelrihiry U Ii, 16. I
I'reseiu his honor Mnyor LniiMleti and
Uu I Jn n n itiL'li mi. F.i r. jornn!. lllird.
M otLi. 1 1', ritliuli, Si-inc, Mrnt.oii, rjwiiyiic i
anil Wood II. ' 1
Dn huh,,, I, of Coupel :nn Wood tho
"-"1111111 tllllj illrll.ll rti,iiilrpuiisud with.
KI'0lTS ok orriLKit.
The reports 0f n,0 f0ott
ilig II allied olll
eorsweto pteiitoJ nnd .hi m Hloti ot
Councilman Hurd, rooolved and ordered
uieu, viz : !. iirons, i jt .,f December :
Wm. Mella'.e, citv Jailer,'' rur ......! I
Juiiiiary; ljuinti anil Aluliiier, polluo
constables (nr Januarv, mid of
E. A. Rttrnclt, city Ciiup.
iroller, for thu six muiiths ending
January, 4lli, 1872.
Said conimitteu presented tliuir report
for tho month of J.inu iry iduiviug thai
they had c.iuioloJ and destroyed by burn
ing, city orders to the mil nut of j) J,d I.I JJ
On inoliou of Alduruiau Fitz.'erald said
report was received and onlur-.-d II lo 1 .
A petition nf sundry reddunls and
property holders in thu vicinity of the
unction of Walnut and Csnior sirnets,
praying thu council to provide meant lot
tho drair.agu of that portion of tho cl.y,
was on motion of Councilman Wood, re
ferred to Uiu drainage conimitteu with
instructions to leporl lliureou at tho next
oint meeting of the council.
A pulition from I), U. I.awrctico was
road, praying thu council to refund him a
portion of tin; ittnouni paid by him lor
saloon ll -eiise, he having procured license
fur twelve months but continued I tie busi
:es fir only llvu months. On motion of
Ahterman bwavne. said petuiun was
A petition from a number nl citizens
wii presented, asking tho council for the
release, from the city jail, of onu Charles
Coleman, committed for 27 days, for
resisting nil ofllcur, and representing that
lid Coleman, at tho time of said confine
ment, had just served out a term of 15
davs imprisonment for nuotliur olfensc.
On motion of Alderman Swayne, said
petition was tabled.
Tlio following hills were presented, and
on motion of Councilman Wood, referred
to thu appropriate committee :
W. M. Williamas, 2,il feet
II. II. William- 11,742 feel lum
ber John Calilll, hauling drunken
man to jail
Joseph Lclimc, hauling drunken
mull to jail
A. Hulley, pulliut; up stove, and
hardware for jail
Ju. llo-s, coal lor city building
mid l'ir.'. ward polls
Chas. Peters, sharpening crow
bars und picks
S. Walters, &U0 Sect poplar bds.
and drayag"
( I. me, sharpening "7 miws
Cairo City Coil Company, .". tons
5l S8
134 84
5 SO
0 7i
1 AO
11 10
10 80
tiia I. .1 iilv bittiuitiif . i."
R. It. Cunnln-'ham. rent of city
l.iiildin.i tor Jummr. 40 00
John Tanner, buckets, brooms
and brushes for jsil 5 00
I M. Ward, 1 ton of coal for
lail I 50
Peter Conluo, 27 days work on
sidewalks in .Immnry CI 00
Tlumns 1 i17.ger.1ld, i!7 days work
on sule-.taiks in January ot 00
M. Mali nicy, (lavs work on
sewers in Juiiuart ''' 00
Win. McIIi.le. 'li days in cliaro
of citv labor 44 00
Michael Driseoll, hauling small
nox natleiit to St. Mary's In-
llrmaiv 50
Wm. .lcUule, dieting prisoners
fur January 281
Thus. Median, hauling cinders
ot davs. and hatllini: 00 drav
loads uud 7 car loads of lumber 87 00
Morris, Rood it Co., 4.75:1 leet
lumber 01 30
Morris Rood ti Co., 18,031 foot
lumber 359 73
Cairo R mk llindcrv, numberinc:
200 It. it. bonds with coupons... 10 00
John II. Oberly & Co,, treasurer's
license notice, blank notices for
council iiii'uliiiu', vaccination
tickets and publishing council
proceedings in January 01
Cl-isu A Vincent, limu und ce
ment and driix a-'e 4 4S
Cairo City Gas Company, gas
consumed in 82 street lamps in
January 28" 00
Parker ic Bluke, 8 lbs. whlto
lead 1 CO
I). 11. Winans, 1 load sand lor
10th street pump and work at
W. J. Hamilton, I'J days work at
1 Oili i-treet pump
Sumincrwell Baird, work on
lllth street pump
Jos. B Reed, work on 10th street
A.Frnzer, work on 1 Ot 1 1 street
10 85
co 00
10 00
20 00
3 50
70 00
50 00
100 00
100 00
83 33
E. A Burnett, salary as comp
troller for January
A. Cain, salary us marshal for
Jos. R. Taylor, salury as treasurer
for January
M. J .Howley, salary as clerk for
L. II. Myers, salary in chief of
police tor January
John Sheehan, salary as police
constable for January 7f
W. ll, ltoliertson, salary as police
constable for January
C, Mehner, sala-y as police con
stable for January
It, F. Rilllngsly, salary us police
constablii for January
Henry T. Martin, salary as police
constablu for January
Ja.(J linn, 'JG days salary as po
llen constablu in January
II, A. Hannon, stationery for
clerk's and treasurer's ollleo...
Timothy O'Callahaii, for assigned
ordnrof John Sullivan for work
on Cairo & Rlandvillo road in
75 00
75 00
75 00
76 00
G5 00
8 30
180.) 15 31
Alderman Metcalf oll'errcd tho follow
ing resolution, which was, on motion of
Councilman Wood, laid upon tho table,
Riolvcd, That tho ordinance committee,
bo'instrnctcd to proparo an ordinance in
relation to dogs, making n penalty for imy
person or persons to keep, maintain or
allow any dog or slut to romuln en his,
her or thoir premise!, upon which tho
usual tax has not been paid.
Councilman Sohuh introducod tho ful.
lowing resolutions
Knsolvod, By tho city council in joint
sjefslon nt.nmblod. that n coutmltten of
three beuppolutod by tho mayor to rport
to tho next meeting of this body, upon
the matter of tho purchase by llui city of n
gas tester for the use of tho city, stiii ng
tlio probable unl of the simc, and stuh
other facts concerning the mutter us the
committed may to abb) to ohttiin.
Alderman Under moved to adopt.
Councilman Wood moved to u fund by
tabling, i
Tim amendment waf lost a follows l
A yen Hurd, MnUt"ii nnd Woo.l 3.
Shvs Ujibr, Cuiiiiliighitin, Fitzgwa.tl,
.Metcall, riehuli, Sea.o and Sttiijin 7,
Tlio original motion vns then put kikI
To meet the iiipiiri'iiieiit.s of mid t -oh.-tlon,
tho Mayor niioiutcd in urb torn-
lm- S'M1'. II,,r'1 '""'"
Alderman Ruder introduced thn fu'-
lowing resolutions relating to the Gas
Company, and moved the adoption of th"
urit one, which was not adopted, viz ;
Resolved. That thu Gas Comrmliv In
requested to light iIk, street lnni - in
ptoper tlinn ami furnish better gas thai,
Resolved. If tho foreuoinir rusoluti, ii'
is not concurred with by tliuG.is Company
tho proper amount shall bu deducted
Ui-solveil, I lial mo ponce loree is here
by Instructed to report monthly the de
faults of thu Gus Company.
R'iio1vcd, That each member ol thn
pollen force shall receive u written copy
front tho city clerk, concerning tho dutie's
of the Gas Company.
Councilman Schuli moved to adopt tho
ccotid of said resolutions. Lost.
On motion ol Al lerman Ruder thn
third resolution was ndnplo't, and on
motion of Alderman Fitzgerald tlio fourth
rutolullon was adopted.
Alderman Ruder offered rnd moved
tho udoptlon of thu following reiohijTon,
Resolved, That '.ho crossings on tho
corner ol P.ightli street unit commer
cial avenue, corner Ninth and Walnut
slreel', uud also tho crossing ordered on
hiiihtli street and N ashlnlon uveiiuu i.s
heretofore paste I by tho oily ccuncil last
September, ho put ill gooj condition I y
ihoj in gnig loriiivsiih.
Allermnii fswaynn moved hi an amend
ment that the resolution bu laid upon the
table. List as follows; Ayes Hurd,
Metcalf, Swayno and Wood I. Nays-
Ruder, Cunningham, Fitzgerald, Schuli,
Seascand Slratton C.
Councilman Wood moved as a amend
ment to Alderman Ruder s motion, that
tho resolution bo referred to the street
committee with powur to have tho aboro
mentioned crossings repaired. Carried.
Councilman Schuli introduced the fol
lowing resolutions which was, on motion
of Councilman Wood, adopted, viz;
Hrtatrrd hsr the citv council In iolnt
session convened, that tfio city comptroller
bo and he is hereby Instructed lo adver
tise for proposal for all tho city printing
for thu coming year, subject to too accep
tance or refusil of tlio council.
The clerk read a communication from
tho sjcretary of the Atab flro company
notifying thecouncil of tlio refusal of said
company 1j recognize tho authority of tho
recently appointed assistant chief engin
eer of tlio Uro department. On motion of
Councilman Wood said communication
was luid upon the table.
Tlio following communication from
Senator Logan was read, and on motion of
Councilman Wood received and order
spread upon the record, viz :
Wamisnoto.v, Jan. 'JO, 1872.
M. J. Howley. . V
My Dkaii Sis:: Allow me to acknowl
edge the receipt of tho resolutions adopted
by tliu uairo city council. 1 win as lar us
in me lies ndvocato their wMics in regards
to the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and
desire through you to express to them my
thanks for their very complimentary al
lusions lo myself.
John A.'Looan.
orriciAL noND,
The official bond of James Quinn,
police constable, witli Robt. Smyth nnd
John Howley us biireties thereon, was
presented, and on motion of Councilman
Schuli, approved and ordered filed.
No further busiiness appearing, on
motion of Alderman Ruder the council
M. J. Howley,
City Clerk.
I now havo good light to work by nnd
pleasant rooms for the accommodation of
visitors and customer. I nm now pre
pared to do us good photographic work as
was ever done in Cairo. I will tako pho
tographs, plain, imitation porcelain and
gems; old pictures copied, enlarged, and
colored in India ink or wiilerVolors. Par
ticular attention given to taUing child
ren's pictures.
Don't forget tho place, corner Eighth
street and Commercial aveune.
feb7-lw J.J. Thomas.
Messrs. Rurnett & Co.,Thornton's block,
Tenth street, nro prepared to pay tho high
est cash prlco for articles in their Hue, as
follows :
Prime Mink Sl.75 to 'J.25
" Raccoon 50c to Clk.
" Musk Uat 10 lo 15
" Wild Cat 40 to 50
" Opossum a 10 to 12
" Otter 5.00 to C.Ob
Reaver Skins 0.00 to 7.00
Green Saltj 0J to 10c
Greon Salt, kip nnd calf. 1- to l ie
Daer SkliiH M to 35c
For other nrtlclos, such as rags, feath
ers, bocs wax, wool nnd tallow, wo will pay
tho highost market prices.
Itespecifully, etc
Burnett & Co.,
Thornton's block, Tenth street., Cairo, 111.
Wo havo Just received, from tho man
ufacturers, u Wilcox and Glbb towing
muchino. It Is beautifully flnlslycd und
bus the hominer, braldor, etc., This sua
chine, worth sixty dollurs, will bo sold ut a
bargain nnd may bo icon at Room 10,
Winter'i block. If