Newspaper Page Text
THE BULLETIN. JOHN II. OUKMr, KiJlOf nnl PuHinr. Tntr.nAY Moi.:mo. rVInnrv 1 ,H7'j 7 A t(HntU paprrnf AtttfimUr ctjnntff tnl o ttitnn W tptt on as tHhytH of mitre! to im ' c , tUKaUirtinHifrtnmitit rtrenUtio, M Bull', tin tfUnlyiit iitriinitl ItteUtjml rtikUrf"" tnUtprinnzi tiasfafcu turn. . Txaxs or tnr Dart Hiiiit" 1 lfW.nrm.) II, rek, by carrier, ... Oastcar by carrier, in d"nl:0" 'nt iiuntn by Mail,. Thtd month. M ....10 (M 12 S3 S month. . , 4 :.i looseness of ll r'"'MS ,,ro 1lIt,,n.rt-Mcntl-ml-w ft for 11,0 c"-v lofmhBn Investigation." Chicago ought M he thoroughly cleaned. SHU. another letter from Colfax, b which he declares lie icon't he a candidate for the presidency and that no Iriond of his will mention his name hereafter in opposition to Grant. Tin? is touching. T- AX entire disruption of the radical partv in Massaehu.-etts is threatened through the action of bar-keeper?, who refuse to fell intoxicating beverages to any who voted fur Governor Wash burn. . Poon Ireland U in a condition only a trifle lo? lamentable thau Cuba. Disturbance, acrarian and political, con'inue the order of the day in all parts of the i-laud, and of outrage. upon petoius and property there is no end. ... ' ' Cou Fornev ha resigned the oSce of collector of the port of Phila delphia in order to have time to devote nil his energies to his newspaper and "the energetic support of the princi ples of the great republican party " which means of course the work of re nominating andrc-electiDg Gen. Grant. Lous Xa POL eon prophesied as fol lows fo a visitor at Chiselhurstj recently . ' But remember well what 1 am about to say to you. If within six month- the Due D'Auni3le be not president of the republic and if he should not establish the rajimc of FjL', France will come to fetch me and ?he will find me." A Coi'jI.v of the pro-idem ha been discovered in Fort Wayne, who does nit hold any office or appointment whatever, but the reason is that Grant made di-honorablc proro;al.s to hirn at the time of the ISlnck Friday " job, whereby he the cousin wsi. to act as the president's aent. and receive a liberal nmpcnatiuu. fur which the cousin repudiate, his illustrious rola tive. Ax Ohio paper wants to know why administration journals are so sparing of their reports oi the New York etis torn house frauds How can they do otherwise? What wrong dnerpublMies his own disgrace to the world ? It is unreasonable to expect radical news papers to give an account of all the frauds going on in their household. As well might tho public a;k them to pro cornice the death sentence of radi icaliitn at once. Mns. LtVKiiMoui:, one of the shin, logliclm of the woman suffrage- move "ent, ha bven interviewed in Chicago. , Liv""ro repudiates the ftce love doctrines of Mr,. Vu,H,ii ...... Ee reason the is tolerated U Wcau'.o tbe is ' ahlo advocate 0r siifl'rage " Irs- I.ivtrmoro d,)t;, not approve of tho movement which olahn- woman'., ri-ht to vote under tho fourteenth and fif. teentn awcnduieuts it will ner tnntst-n.l t... a. be ay apjieaini to Con'TH'S. Jtie way to et tho riL'Ilt i, n 1, Ihhc "Pinion, etc., etc. Tho cour.e Ike won,,,, H,iTrai,hliavo taken latelv -o pjonc opinion from the inuvewent oiTcctuallv. nirnv T"1: general temper and procce,V,n.,s "'e hte d-jmoeratie conventi..., ?.r L'ounoeticut d " not meet the approval I'he .kAn.McrhlelKiHU.o Bit f.i. ..P .1 . . M ; , " U mum,,u fur on : ; f ii - "u.ngiuieanti.warde oerats ' tic is.. 1. .1 Hi' beir,,. ...... . B" "WBr' '"ad of 15 " tMJt. suae, was till h. behooves the mdicab, to be, V . wlM.eV8 l)at In !itifi.w..,r r..,.ll "n'ai.t : V """ ""ucs. iiu matt.., irom wliat noun. ii.... 1 ; co, win Baen no otuer j0m,, M , rAiii.iH.. at . .a - . -v-.uj, inin eomempi am0ii(. the widv'awako and' patriotic democracy oflbTi. UhargoH ct defuleat .cc- rctary.LoutweU are uccumulatiiig. it ll C.wll 1... 1. . . hat the deficit a es frow lU , vui....i,,uiior ot tU nami, biucau in 18t!2. A Wiihiiiut ' r Tin: rtfLLAU weekly nvLUKTis. I jjftrei, but tlio lonr of thu radicals was so John ll. Oberly A Co. ante rciueed 'Wm , great flint the cxposo inlulit possibly be .criijtmn pnc. tlio vekij 'rrcjifari,i r I made, that Senator Coiikling moved tlmt XZin'Joil'. the president bo requested to return the respondent gives tho following history of tins' defalcation : nrrount ticitiir unsettled1, President Johf3n, In 18C9, urgwil Sccre- lnrv McCu''''c" 10 nnvu iv niveau?"";" and t'lio -uttor obtalno.1 n report tro'n " ..clcrl,. I . - . ,,,,, SrllJIlU UUUII. HIU president to Inform , t matter. It ,7,,,' ll.o radical head of f 0n,C.:,. If Dlnl revenuo, wh deeply tlm I1MIIU ""- . 1. .... 1. I...... . I fllO " l'lk " 11011111 ,I1UVUS3 lUtll" inr'd 'i congress. TI10 Inlorinntlon whs h'i'iIiiWJ f"1 t,ic l,rehlcnt, und wa, It Is 11J, In "IU ,!lfu keeping of tlio comp- imier. It was nearly trio lotirtii or resolution totlieientttc. Four dtiys after Jobn'on retired, nr.d Urnnt was Inntig uriitid. Tho eburso of defulcntlon win alloncd to dumber. Oonernl l'lon'iuiton ov tlmt when lie was coininl!oncr. bo ciM rresldcnt (!raiit' attention to it, und thitt lio shrunk from the responsibil ity of ordering nn IriTestigation. The general is very cletlnnt nnd positive nlnrnt it. rnu auminiitration is ofluiinyninrmeu and will do nil it can to nvoid an invetti cation. Tho only way to do this it to pursue the genernl policy adopted by Grant's most willing shrieker and agents, .md adjourn congress at once, nnd "nvoid all investigation ana reports. CQX, A special dispatch from Nice re ports that Mr. Curtain, American minister to Russia, was enter tained at a banquet on board the United States steamer Shenandoah, by Commander Wells, on KriJay lat. Salutes were fired on the r rhal and departure of the minister. Trie banquet was preceded by a boat raetfn the harbor, and followed bra ball on board theShnandoah, which was gaily decorat ed. B5)u Bishop Spalding's death depriTes the Catholic church of this country of one of its most distinguished prla:.. Fol lowing close upon the news of Bishop McGlll's death, the blow will b sereiely fIt throughout that church. Indeed, not since the demise of Archbishop Hughes, some years since, his ther occurred' ruch an irreparable loss to the church in Amer ica. A taoTement is oa foot in the French assembly ttizake Thrirs prcii2ent for life, mi reaew iht tssemWy 1y an- ( nual election. These propowtiont are rt ported to emanate from the Itfl centra The assraMy jaxmiatads tmacsty to all the eommsnsits under the rant of com missioned oScers, bo hare commiued no offence utder tht coatauaehw. 8. Mrs. "Woods, of Millersburg, Ohio, In her action against the liquor ndlers of that placo for selling liquor to her hus band, secured an award of damages ia the sum of $1,COO in the Holmes County Com mon Pleas, last week. It was the second trial. At the first trial she secured an award of damages in the sum of SSOO. C6?"Frostilution has been very nearly eiadicated in Fcoria. The houses are pulled fo frequently that their male patrons aroid them, and this falling off of custom, together with tho heary tines which are as sessed muke tho buiincs. to unprofitable that the keepers arc removing to moro promising fields. C5SX- An Ohio man married Miss Snyder moro than seventy years ago, and his mother-in-law ha been living with him ever since. Sho is now only 100 years old, and gives promise of staying with him for manv years to come. Eij. An infant child of Hoht. AValkcr, of Greene county, fell out of bed last Tues day night and was frozen todcath. It parents did not awake, and knew nothing of the occurrence until morning. K3T"Tho Canton Register, and Gales burg I'rtc-Prcti, nro among tho llcpubli can (not Kadical) papers, in Illinois which oppose tho runotninaticn of Grant. CS-Thlrty thousand tons of ice havo beer, secured at Feoriu this winter. POLITICAL. TIIK PH0GKES3 OF THE hi HE HAL KBPlJIlhlOAN MOVEMENT IX ILLINOIS. I M l'O l'.T A N T M E ETI NO OF I) E M 0 -CKATS HELD ATSFitlNG. . F I E h D. TIIK 1. 1 II KK At. HKI'UllI.ICANH. lrrclal Telfrnm.) SiMtiMiriKLit, 111., Feb. 8. An Infornial consultation was held here to-day, be tweeii suveral otllccholders from diil'ernnt parts of the Hate, and the republican poli ticiiitis wlmiiro sueiiectud of. or who havo avowed liborul sentiments. It is beliurud mitlilng dcflnito was arrived at. but tlio tuny of thueontVruiicu indicates that Grant is tnucii morn disposed to make conces sion for the purpo.u of harmonizing the I'n.iv hi ins iiiiurosis man lioretoloro. un mu oilier band tho libnrnl republicans seem to b moro obstinate, and it is tlio opinion of tho bcH informed Uiat tho stato convention will not bo a very hnrmonlous body. J'KJIOCIIATIC CAUCUS. A meeting of dumocrnts was held horo to-day fur tlm purpom of discussing tho uuty of UCIllourHtk In tlm i,r...l,l,.nil,,l ,.... tfct. Sotiktor Sttirnn whk ntt1 li.iti. man. tj'jncrul Mcdliirnnnil vrna n... 'I")6.?' ""d ho favored aiding tlm llbml -iM.uni.iuM witii a v ew or OeTeat I.,,. '"ant, and bringing about a change IV, rniair. 1 ins touia not bo aeeoin. liiniied by tho democrats alone, and it jvould U a part of wisdom to accept an licans hU,""C0 wlt1' the liberal ropub. ..uolVri'u".'cr wu".(;d nil honest men to " "r 1,10 "vortlirow of Orai.t. who.o ;""' i"u nvorinrow of Orai.t, who.o hri. 1,. ft -V' falr oWcllo bu .11 If. II I I II .1.1. c . I ..I 1 I ...... .,.1 "u Iratlon. orouitni to boarbvthu .ulmlnls Mr; '"flier saw siL'tisofu bettor iKiaZ J I1,' Suhur, I.... I., .v I.I.V dUgmtod m, T i.'?"V!! f .""S ti. .."., "y ""'insuivts on thenaont. 7 " ' llw,v " tho side of sr... I,' "l'ti.A,10...'l"''tlu... Ho had dwMat;:r"tir,o. 11, as it was to Coi.ti i 1 .1... fI'"blicu party " L -Mr- Hinehcl.ti'u, ()f St I favor n' any pHn that w ...... v.iii villi... " Olalr. was in that would relievo iho .110 Pk-asaiiton ldo of tlm ,0V',.r" that Senator Buckalew, In l' l,'"?M-(litir tlm v.r. olIVrr.,1 1. rcsolulh'" Vi S THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN; TUESDAY, country from, the control of Grant. His In v couM bo relied upon. ienntoi Jtoddlck had 110 hesitation In oiprcs'lnf his vlows. Ho was glad to co inch an nsemblag3 of dumocrnts from all .,flrtj 01 1110 stato coiisumng about tlio Wjj job boforo them. It could bo accompllshod by a united effort, and tho parly deserved dofont if thov negloclcd to cmbraco tho soiiiire-liold Missouri poller. Judgo Pnvis was ins ciioii'o lor prcsmcnt, 0111 m for tho next best liboral republican, It ho could not havo J)avls. .Alossrs. Webb, of Cairo, Cunningham, or ColaS Fjilor, of -Morgan, Washburne, of Wllltnmsnti. nnd Ulinw. nf Kdi?nr. all ei- nrcs"ed themsolvcs in favor of actlnc with tlio liberal republican and labor reform party, providing tho nominations of the latter wore indorsed bv tho Cincinnati convention. TUB PARK ML'RDER IN IN DIANA WHO MUKDKHKD TIIK FAMILY? -STAKThlNG HKVKLAT10XS. ;Fron- llir t.cui.rillr I.eiljj.r.) The interest and excitement in relation to the atrocious murder of the Vark family in Clark countv, Indiana, last November, continues unabated In that county, nnd many very wild and improbablo tumors are almost daily put into circulation con cerning the horrible butchery. We fifer reJ briefly yestcrdav to the reports cir cutatcd implicatinc Mai ion l'ark, son and brother of the murdered family, In tho nfal crime. This is oa of the most cruel of the many cruel rumors set afloat by heartless and interested parties to, it poss.ble, relievo tho bloody negro butchers of their crime and manufacture political capital for the ltadical parly in the neit canvass. When the insinuations circulated against him were communicated to Fark, he was confined to his bed by illness near Vincennes whither he had gone to seek a location ; but he at once left his bed, re turned to hit desolated home In Clark county. .openly demanded an investigation of the" charges, and has ever since re mained there, so that the grand jury might hare no excuse for not thoroughly investigating them. It Is proper to say that nut a single man can te found vto is willing to say that he tallcrcf young l'ark tittier directly or remotely guilty of the crime, or in any manner cognisant of it otherwise than is the facts wt re de relepfd after it had occurred. Tne grand jury arc now tilling the charges to the boitom, and we hart no hesitation in say ing in advance that their action will If the trinmphtct vindication of young Fare's innocence Another rumor tfloat is to the effect thkt tl,e eldest of the Turk girls, who hi recovered from the iearful wounds inflicted upon liar head, ftatcs that two strangers i-taid all night ut bur father's liouce the night of the murder. "Wc ar informed by a geiitlumun, who lives near tbr scene of the murdnr, and who enn rorsod witb Miss P. tm Sunday ,theTnnrder 1 tu;ng ttic principal topic 01 conversation, I that she Sitatod to lum thut when hbc rtitea up m iea. just as roceivea ttic first fatal blow Irom tbe ax, she saw two men, one holding tbe light und the other wielding the ax , but she cannot remem ber to have swn their faces. The blow rendered her iateasible, and this is abso lutely all she knew of tie murder. Now, this 'statement exactlr corresponds with the statement made "by the negro John son in his confession. He swore before the crand jury of Clark countv that old man Davis belli the light, and that Squire Taylor dealt the blows with the ax. This effectually ditposes of the story that tho Miss Fark" had statud that two ttiangers staid at her father's houso on the night of the murder Tho grind jury cf the Clark Criminal court Is tlvw In session f and .fuOga ltunmm ham has instructed them to investigato tho Fark family murder, as well as tho hang ing of tlm three nsgroe-s who committed the murder, Tavlor, Davis and Johnson. There is no doubt in the public mind as to tlio guilt of tbe three wretches wbo expi ated their crimes upon the gallows at the hands of tho Clark county vigilance com mittee. THE FARM. CLOvrn ani orass lands. If moro of our farm lands ware kept In clover and grass than is uually the case, wo should not only hear less frequently of the exhaustion of "tlio soil, but should "feel tolerably certain that, with ordinary good funning, it was in a fair way of yielding li rgo crops of cereals annually on a small er extent of bind. It is the manure that is made on a farm that constitutes the p i tiiary sources of profit to the farmer. It is the rapid exhaustion of farms and plantations by tioed crop, corn, tobacco,, etc., not only in consequence of tho im mense amount of phosphates which thoy extract from tho soil, but also bv reason ot the exposure ot tlm soli Itself, 111 its light condition to washing rains, and too aident summer heat, whieh has thrown out of cultivation in this i. ul other of the older states so many fields that were once fortile, but aro now tilled with sodgj grass, and rugged and unsightly gullies and ravines. Soils in our climate need to bo kept covered in clover and grass to as great nn extent as is consistent with good husbandry. Thoy improve under tho shade of clover, because this (lenso cov ering prevents evaporation, and because aUo tho long taproots, of this lino forago plant penetrate deep down into tho sub soil wlioro they rot, and furnish aliment fjr succeeding crops. A guod crop of clover turned in is equiv alent, moreover, to a good dressing in barr.ynrd manure, for it contains all the constituents in which tho cereals delight. Grass lands, for similar reasons, when not too closely cropped, improve tlio soil, inas much ns they not only prevent evapora tion, and add vegetable matter to the un der soil by too dteay of tliulr undor-leaves, but they aim leiivu many ton ot vugtablu matter to tho undersoil by their eloso net work of lino fibrous roots when tho laud is again brought under tho plow. SWKKT rOTATOKH. A writer In tho Carolina Farmer says: "As 1 11111 now housing my swuul potatoes, I will give you my notion about raising llieui. The first thing to bo dono in or der to raise good potatoes, as in all other crops, is to drain thu laud thoroughly. The better the land is drained the butter tlio potatoes will bo to eat, tho bettor they will viold. and the better they will keen. Tho L.rcat secret, or luck as it is ofton icrtneu, 111 Keeping poiauioi, u 111 Having . . . .... 1. 1.. 1 t...- meianaon WHICH lliey aro raiseu, ury mauu ku l,v drill ntiif w boiiflver it is ne- cessary. If thuy ro raised on such land there U 110 ulukulty in keeping them." Harness should bo wuil.i.,1 i.n.l nllod oiico In six months alter It Is commenced boingused. It it is nogloctcd ful- yoars and becomes hard, it is noxt to impossible 10 uinKo iv mil mm us puuois as liarnuss should bo to wear well and bo easy for tbo horse. Foil Salk. A cottago 'on llith street containing 7 rooms, clstorn nnd out housos complete Apply to W. W. Thorn rou. mroiiTKi) Malaga grapes at Jorgon son's, corner of Twentieth street and Waililngton avenue. tf IMIITEItM. MOOltJI & MATI1KWS, House, Sign and Ornamental jp.oc:ltt:e:r,s, Decorative l,nirrluuiliif, KiiImoiiiIu. Inir, cSf., Door in tin" liislirvt ctylr ol the art, anj a ratea tlmtilcly coniirtltlon. sitor i.v rr.Rnv iiousk, cornkp. op 8th TRKRT AND CMMRKCtAL AVKNUK. rVllH AND IIIItJM. , II. LEVY & CO., DtAiraa, ix HIDES AND FURS, wool, rr.vriir.RM, rtc, 93 OHIOX3aVB2D. Cairo, Illinois, novlSt MOAT KTORF-K. SAM WILSON', Mlltl II BOAT STORES AROCKRIKa, l'KOYl SI OXS, ETC. So. no Ohio Lkvee : : : : : Cairo, Ilu narcM raoxrrtT mnrr 6. D. WILLIAMSON, PRODUCE AXD COMMISSION MERCHANT, ". 76 Ohio Lrr, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. ilpfclfc! aUDtioc given to ronMRvmrat anil ordnrs COAL COAL1 COAL! COAL! JAMES ROSS, DC QUOIN AND MOUNT CAE BON COAL' Comraercial-ar.. Toot of Elcventh-st. All Coal cutttaWj welched at the yird on Tntr oaak.' rvalr, FULL WEIOIIT WARRANTED. Cost dtliTcri-'l on ihe hort"t nolle la an) jiArt ot the cl.y, either liy tl half ton, to or car Leave order at theoflk.- on Commercial-aT.a h fnolof Kleveoth street. norlW.f.m. NAI.OOSN, LL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND BAR ROOM. JOHN GATRH, Proprietor. tuOCmmercial Avenue, CAIRO, ILL1NOIR) Best brand of California Clears Just received, BILLIARD saloon furnished with tlm bat ot tatlei and bur minplled with nines, liquors auu cigarn 01 me nnem oraiiaM. A. SUSANKA, Projiiietor MAGNOLIA 'SALOON Ami Healer In Foreign and Iiomestlo WINES, LIQUORS AND OIGAKS 97 Ohio Levee, Iletweea Ninth and Tenth Streela, Cairo, III. deentf ClKOt'KRItX AND DIIV (IOODN. WILLIAM KLUGH, utitra ia FAMILY GROCERIES, DAY-UOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATH AND CA1-8, KTC, flaa Just received a heavy atooit of Boota aad Hlioex, Honlery and Notions, FOE SALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAF lie also has a line Block of Family Groceries ot every kind, CORNER SIXTH-ST. AND COMMKR CIAL-AV., fAIHO, ILLINOIS DUN V All'S WONDERFUL DIS COVER V. II K T II i: Si 1) A MINERAL SPRING WA TER Oi Wftishrklia, AVlM'oiialti, hen I, 'i .V " '"'"?. ?.V'"L- ,ul'Ol"aleati.Hleiull bdpply IJepot, 730. mill nrnV.'i111' cl''8o, llllnoiH. ; All order- by mall prnnptiy HUun.l..! to. Head for clrculaia. rnSdtodJtn -jUd ti.U,jge,t t.ure nf llriKlit'n Dlseane, Malietea I ropny.oii uiircliona ol Kidney, lllaitder and uniarv ornau,, h1m) Liver liuahlea. H. r. Chase, FEBRUARY 13, 1872. i:mi;hai. aqbntn. HALL1DAY BROTHERS GENERAL AGENTS FOllWAltUING and COMMISSION MCltcri AN T H DEALERS IN FLOUR; nti of Ohio River Kssd KsmsmhIsss SALT COIMIIF.A.asrilEI 70 Ohio Lsvee, fJAIUO. 1 1,1.1 NO I ll'HMTlltK. C C 's. tr. - a - E s 2. w cr IT. 25 tr it a Q i y o 'V. -- H I- 3 o 1 g c S S X - r.c BOOKS4. A C 7? o 5 5? 6 b. a . 8 I Ii tr. J3 A o C 2 U ej o tr. M O o c 3 SI OT s w w o o l-H H (A ci ia a A JAKE WALTER, BUTCH E am) nrAi ia in FRESH MEAT, ElOIlTH Strekt, Bktwkk.v Wasiiinoto.v ani Commercial avknuk.i, Adjoliiiue ItUlfiilioiiae A- Iliuiiiy'a. Keep the best of Heef, I'ork, Mllltnn, Veal, Lamb, Haulage, etc., ami nr prepared lo serve 01lirf.11. In Iho moat nceeptable miner. rAJiiw uitofjt:i(ir..i. LOUIS J ORG ENS EN, Dealer In all kinds or STAPLE AND FANCY Q-IROOEIIRIEEIS. fnrmer'a Ynral and NlablluK WlTnOUT CIIAROK. Cor, WaHhington-av.'and Twentieth-Ht. CAIRO, ILLS. IvSTdlf. GOLD I GOLD 1 1 GOLDIII GOLDEN COMPOUND Will force tho heard or monvtscho lo srovr thick iiml heavy, on the ainnotlieat taee, or hair nn tho Imldeiil head, in 21 days, or money refund, iltd. T preparutlon has been before the pub. lio for over taiitecn yenra, und thousands of voluntary irstlmonUU can bo shown of in mer its. Heni by mail, imit.panl, with direction in full for it use, lor AO cents u packeao 1 three for 11, Adilrma OOLIIKNCOMPOUNtlCO,, No, ili Vine slreet.lst, Lpuis, Mo. janilni, COIMIN(ION AND I'OnWAUIHNM. J. M. PHILLIPS k CO., (Sticoe.aora to K. B. Iteadrlolta Co., ) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS AKD WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS Mtsral Advances mp Itpon-SWto Connlxntnenta, BCa Are prepared to receive, ,i,,r Bnl onvard frclxhU to all point, and buy tell on enmiiilMion,' Wlluvlneas attenled to prompllv II. M. HULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION MERCHANT. And Dealer Foreign Fruits and Nuts No. 134 Commorciulavc, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. WOOD RITTEN HOUSE, FLOUR AND General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION 4M FORWARDING M KUCHA N TS, AD DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS for FAIRBANKS SCALES Onto Lktiee, CAIRO, I LLS. STRATTON Jfc RIRD (Succe..or toHtratton, Hadson A ClarX.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, Aaa COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois -Agent, of American Powder Co., aad man ageni lor coiion vam CLOSE k VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AD DEALEE3 XiI2EE Ckmknt, Flastkr Farih, aao I'LASTUKBll'S II A I It, Corner I.laltl Ntrrrt nnil Ohio I.evee CAIRO, ILL. CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING M ERCIIANTS. No. VA Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS novlidlf JOHN Ii. PIIILLIS fi SON (taccemiora lo Jno.H. I'hlllls,) GENERAL COMMISSION A.1D FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AM. DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Meal, Bran, &c, cor. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIKO. ILL. D.Z. MATIIUM. . C. UIIL MATIIUSS & UHL, POBWABDI NO AMS tiKNKUAIi Commission Merchants dealers in- HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE No. 01 01110 i.i:vi:i;, BtiHtn Mourta Jt Sitlh St4., AIHO.tLI augll itwtf ELECTION NOTICE. City Clerk'aOtlice.l Cairo. Ills., jiinniirv 27.ln7. f I'ubllo notice ih herob) Kiven that a general vunncr eirciiiiu will UHlieill. UN Tnsutl. Ilia 'J.lll Livor I'mnnnr A.I) 187:, In the City ol Cairo, In the atate of Illinois, iui 11m 'ui'uiu 111 cirkiiuj; A Ma) or, A City Cleik, A City Treasurer, A City Marshal, A Citv Attornov. A l'ofico Jlaiilsir.-ito tn suocted K, Iliona, Kan, and three irvnibcia of Iho Select Council, as fof- luna . Ono member front the First Ward, to aucceed l'.(j. SmjIiiiIi. One memlicr from tho Hecond Ward, lo succeed 0, It. Woodward. Ono member irom the City at Large, to succeed 1. num. Also Hix membera ol tho lloatd of Aldcriiien, ai ful lows : To members I'tom the I'lint Ward, to succeed i. 11 inner iiiiu wu men. Two Member from the Second Ward, to suc ceed W. lluder and Jlenry Winter. onenieiiibcr liom Ihu Third Ward, lo succeid I'. Kiliaeridd, One member from tlio Fourth Ward, (0 succeed Jatno. Carroll, rJ'iZlH M"i'1.'? 'i!',,1,.',n,.n "10 ditrcrent Ward. a folloHs . In tho HrM Ward, at the fir.t liou.e on itrecf Waahlnjlun uicntie, lulow Kilth In tho Hscond Ward, at tho Atoh Kiiclna '"u"0 In the laird Wind, at the Jllboiiiiun Knflno houso. in Iho rourllt tho Court 'House. I'olla will Imj opened at B a.m., and closed at 0 o'clock, p.m. liy order orthncltv council, lauiMKid Mi J, IIOWI.KV, City I'lerk. DOOItS, NANII, F.TCl w 00 TO W. W. THORNTON'S, BUILDERS' SUPPLY DEl'OT 18J TKNTH STRUT, CAIRO, ILLINOIS ron Dnora, Naali, Bllssda, Monlitlssgs, T.urr Otstlrrs), (wood) Window ssad Doojt Frame, I'loorlnc, Itlb, NhlDcIro, Ulaird Hli, (llassd Nlds I.lsshtu, tilssird Tratsioraa, Nti Wrlnhta, Kaali Ptslllea ssssd Cordi, Bllsid Fnatrsilsssra, Booflas Fell, Ilooflntr Omessl, IMaattrlDK rnper, Cnrpet Frit, Whlfa Lend, I.lnaed Oil, Aracrlraa. Window Olnaa, KukIUIi nssdFrrnch IMate Ultik. I'ttlty, (llaxlrr'a Point Hewrrr IMpea Pntent l'lilmsa)ri( :., r.te., iti'e. AO E NTH lor Rock Rivet I'sper Company's Wheathlna Kelt and Cjuarta Cement. II. W. John'a Improved lUoflnx always oa and INNt'llANCK, V: It. MORRtS, II. It. CANUE E Notary i'ubllc, No. Pub. and U. B. Ccts. FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOOKJ CCIDENT, LIFE, ATNA, IIARTFORD, AiseU .....H,M)'.M 97 NORTH AM7.RICA, I'A A set. 3,70,009 00 UARTKoED, COKN., Asset - 2,M4,210 It PIICENIX, HARTFORD, Assets 1,781,1(1 SC INTERNATIONAL, N. Asset... I,US,3I 17 FCTNAM, HARTroRD, Al.ts... 7W,J7 0 CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Assets - - J1S,(I7S SS HOME, COLUMIICS, Aeta M5,S7 S3 AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Aa.ets .O-WOO CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIKE, Aet 30,(Xi,(jO OU TRAVELER', HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Asset l.MO.O") OV RAILWAY PASSENOERS ASSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Aita- KO.Ct I IN DEFEND EXT, BOSTON, Assets MO.SU SAFFORD, MORRIS k CANDEE, 71 Ohio Ivw, City National Rank, CAIRO, ILL. FIRE AND MARINE iisrsTJi-A-zsroE tOMPAXIIXt NIAGARA, N. T., Asuit II,C,31C 26 OERMANIA, N. Y., Assets ..l,OC,72l 71 HANOVER, N. Y. Assets ..T2,802 O0 REPUBLIC, N. V., Assets .7H.M5 00 Comprising the Undernrilera' Agency. TONKERS, N. T., Assat 7,4M 11 ALIIANY CITT, Asset? SM.1W 2J FIREMEN'S FUND, S. F., Assets C7S,tV0 0 SECURITY, N. T. MARINE. A'sets 1,432,819 Oil STORKS, Dwellings, Furniture, Hulls and Cif. goes, Insured at rates aa favoiable as sound, permanent aecurlty will warrant. I reanectlillly ask ol the cltlteos of Cairn, a aharo ol their patronaie. . . is sin n M. lIUTOIIrJtn. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. KOEHLER & BROTHER Have reopen ed the OPI1I.AU JUKAT MAItKET, COMMKRCIAE-AV., Unttvceii MiilliiiinlTcutls Silreela, and will keep constantly on hand the best meats alaiiBhtered in thu Cairo market. Ttiey defy com. petition. Oive them a trial. seputtf,