Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1872, 1 MEDICAI, SIMILIA B1MIL1RUS CUIIANTUR HUMPHREY'! HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS SAVE proved, from tho most ample "n?r entire iuccmii Himple Prompt ilcntand Reliable. They ' ' '"t m?JI clnes perfectly adapted to popular uao so slm pie that mlstakoa cannot bo made n undue theml en Imrmlcas as io bn frna '"'" ,'nK,',ri ,' eiucieolas lo bo always reiiamo. iiieynai" rais ed the highest commendations from all, and will allBrB .nn.ln. . . I ( flirt 1 1 flfl . Nos. Cents. 1, Cures Fe-era, congestion, lnflammato,na.26 2, " Wornia, worm fever, wotm colic 26 3, " fryliir.coIlc or teething ot infant...2A 4, 11 lirrlioca,of children and adulta...26 0, livarnicry, griping. i-iioii couc.aa ft, Cliolnrn-mnrbua, vomiting,... V 7, " siholera. colds, bronchllua .......24 8, ' NrtirulKln, toothache, faceache....23 o, " Headache, sick headache, vertigo26 10, " Dyair ptln' bilious stomachc- 26 11, miiiprreea,orpatniui penoua......K 12. W'lillea. too profuse periods -it I. 1, " Croup, cough, 'llftlcult breatlung...26 II, .Halt Hheiim, Erysipelas, Eruptlons26 io, siiiruiiiHiiKiii, rheumatic Pms..,.M in, reveriani,triie,chl II fever, ague60 17. ' lira. I.lin'i o" bljeding ....7......60 in, -'iininiriiiy, ami aoro or weak eyevi 19, " Catarrh, auuie or chronic, Infliienifl6 Ji, ' Whooplng-Cough, violentcoughsV) 21, " Atllimn, oppressed breathing .40 XI. " Ear Discharge, Imnalred heanng60 M, " Hcrorula.enlnrgcd glands, swellings&O 21, " Urneral Debility, vhyalcal weak. hr SB 80 25, " Dropsy anil scanty Secretion 60 2, ' HcaHlckiiem,lckncis from rlillmlo 27, " Kidney-Disease, (travel 64 28, " Nertou Debility, aemlnal emis. ons.lnvoluntarv dischargee .-1 00 aivriioxes, wits one tiki oi powiier very necessary In acrloua cuais...5 no 20, " Hore Mouth, canker - Do 30, I'rlunry WrnkiiCMM, wetting inlM 31, Painful Periods, with epaam......6C .'U, " Kulli' change of life.... l Co 3t. " Epllciisy .Spasms, ht.Vitus'dance.l ou "J, " Dlilliertnul!, eraled aore throat Co FAMILY CAHES. Of 3.1 lo 60 lance vials, murttfcn urrntrMuwl rnsc, containing a speclllr for every oadluary clla ensea family la subject lo, nnil books orillrecllons -...flora 110 to 115 Hnialler family and, 20 to tt vials irom 'i lo f I Sp'olnclor all Prlsate Disease, botfj'for Curing and ror Prraeu live treatment, in vials and pocket caits. .... .....ta to S pond'h extract Cure Burns, llruises, l.amenest, Borenrae, Bore Throat, Hprnlns, Toochache, Euache, Nruraljiia. niirumatlim, I.utnbAKu. I'llea, Holla, Mtnia, Wore Kje. llleedlnKOI the l.ungr, Nine, Stom ach, or of rii-; Conn, t.'lcerx, OI I Horea. 1'ilce, Goi., Mcta.j I'Jota. tl.SOi CJ'iirtr, II-7J. Theae remedlea, except Fond a Kxtract, by the tut or alujtle box, nre atnt to an part ol thecouhtrr, bj mall or expreaa, fiee of charse, on rielpt ol the price. Aildreaa IIUMI'IinM'S'bl'EClPIO 1I0MK0FATIIIC MEMCtNK CO. OfSce and llepct, o. Mi llroailwar, New.Tnrk. KOK HKUK IlV I. bCIIUll, CAIltO, 111-, aiigltaeowawlv M'AdO.MI. For Sle at Wholesale or Retail CORNER 32n.fiTRr.KT AMI OHIO I.T.VKI., Cairo, Illinois. nolltf J. I'. OAMHI.r. AGENTS WANTKD FOR BELDEX, THE WHITE CHIEF: TwelTeTenra nnumir the Wild ludlano or the- rlnlut Thel.lfeot r,eorre 1' Il'lden, who jalned the Indiana and b-caine a celt brated warr.or, abound" In thrilling adfnliir and curloiii information, and .a profnaelr llloatrated with nm and plr. Ited enEIliK"l adventure and the inanm-ra and cunoma of th Indiana. The rnoM pjpulr and aucceaaful liook fd the jear. Sella at unlit. Otie altnt Jilat report" t'-H pioBt III ono week. A 1 page circular, wlttt aciinen pagea, large Mater with 30 illu.liationa. and terma to agvula Sent free, bj- K A. HUTCHINSON CO., Or! N Hlxth atreet, St. IJUla, Mo. Jan 4 clawljr WIIOI.KHAI.R CUOCERH. " ii'." s myth" "& cb., WHOLKSALE OROCKKS, OHIO L K V E J! CAIHO. I I, l. I N 4 I s. Alao, keep oontntly on hand a moatcnm plete Mock of LIQ1TOES- COT!H AND IRIHH W11IBKIK3 (i I N 8, Vort, Mftdorin, Sliorry and Catuwba "Wines K311VTII A CO. aell exclualrely for caah.lo , which fact ther Inrite the eapecial atttn lion of cloae bur(uin biiycra. Special atUntion given- to Filling Orden cuAt. aniorMiivta. wiLLUia aciiICK' CIIAS. SCIIOENMEYER k CO. FURNITURE ROOMS, UPHOLSTERING Mattress Mnnufacturing, I'nriilliire nepiilrliiiT, PICTURE FRAMING. All orders promptly attended to. NOBTRWEST CORNER OK WASHINGTON AV ENUE AND TENTH ST., CAIRO, ILL, P. 0, Drawer 1233. Janotf. JAMES KYNASTON, .ullior aca Denier In nil Kiwi t'reab Coaxsa Nisr.Ttr.iTii an. porua Hibiit. OAIKO, ILLINOIS, -1-allVM and alauehtera only the Terv beat cattle Jjj hogt and Bheep, and la prepared to fill any cUniand for fresh metis from cue pound to teu uiousana pounus, e;zoti THE BULLETIN. I'abllrnllon fflre, Bnllelln nnlldlnir, WaaliliiKlon Avenue. FORSALK, "Wo liavo Just recolvod. from tho man iifucttircra, a AVIlcox imh! Olbba tewing maclilnc. It U beautifully finished and has tlio Iicmmer, braiilor. etc.. This ma chine, worth sixty dnllsrs, will bo sold at a bargain and may bo seen at Hoom 10, inter s block. if REMOVED, TIIOMAa' PHOTOflRAI'lUO ART fl A Y KEHOVMl TO TIIK COKN1CB Of B10IIT MrtKBT AND COMMEItCIAt, AVKNUK, IN KIUKIi'a JIITILDINU. I now hav good light to work bv nnd pleasant rooms for the accommodation of visitors and customer. 1 am now pre pared to do as good photographic work ai was ever dona in Cairo. I will tako pho tographs, plain, imitation porcelain and gems; old picture", copied, enlarged, and colored In India Ink or water colors. Par ticular attontlon given to taking child ren's pictures. Don't forgst the place, corner Eighth trcetand Commercial aveune. fcb7-lw J. J. Thomas. 1'nooRKRMor tiik Revolution. A new light dawned upon the world with tho In troduction of Plantation Hitters twelve years ago. Drastic purgutlon went out restoration and renovation catnu in. The the eyes of the people were opened to the great fact thsl tho way to curedlseaao Is to strengthen and support its victims, not to place them at Its mercy but depriving them of the little strength they have. It noon bucamo ovldent that a means of in filling vitality Into tho feeble system, reg ulating tho accretion!, curing indigeation and reforming a bilious habit of bmly, no medicinal preparation then known was at all comparable to the restorative, bince then huadrud of attempts have been made to rival the bitters. They have all failed, and the Grand Revolution in Med ical Treatment, which was commenced In 1SC0, Is till in progress. Nothing can stop it, for it Is founded on the principle, now universally acknowledged, that phys ical vigor is the most formidable antagon lit af all human ailments, and experience has shown that I'lnntation Hitters is a cerle:s invigorant, as well as tho best possible safe-guard nga!a.t epidemic liieases. , fcb"codfcwlw SLEr.riNO Koomr yon Rent. Ten well ventilated sleeping rooms in City Na tional Bank building. Apply to EDWARD DEZONIA, At City National Rank. MARKETS. THE FOLLOW IMJ A HE TIIK WHOLE. itAs.t: iKit:KN or tiiim maiikkt, Ikllt riltNT IIAMM, ON Oltlll.ltS I.N SMALL LOTH, llIOtILK 1'KICK.S 31 1'faT II E I'AIII. IJnllrr t Choice . i Ordinary. IS C'lieese. New York Cheshire ..l to K; Ilroomai Common Houie, per dot .. .2 V, lo2 40 Cboice to Extra ....2 7Sto3 ii Ileeatvax nud Tnlloiri Ileeawax V. to 4(Vj Tallow 7 a7, ColTeei Jala...... ..1V to li Lai naTra.....27 to 2c Itio, prime to cholcr...... .... to 2Co Bulk flralBi CORN M I xed per bu Wnlte per bu..... ........... OAT-Choice " -... ........... HAY Choice Tlmothj baled on track. Mixed Choice, " " Illdeai fireen ' lb 7 to 7 I Dry Flint 47e lOrallc .Vl 09 l 00 lftr.17 Cured " 9 tol;j Drj Bait... 12Ucall fireeo Calf V Ih.UKalS feheeppelta ea 25tol Od Cum' it to i Onlonaand Polaloea, Onions, per bbl 2 76 I Potatoea.perbblJI 003 V Onion peta.per bushel 2 7SaT IS Provision. LAUD In tierces per lb ......... In kega ' -. HAMS Sugar cured " Country " Dry Salt " Hhoulders bacon " ................. ... " '.' dry aalt CliaraUes " llacon ' " dry aalu....... Nnuara MBit Hjrrapa, 9 loiU Sitolo ..Uklo 14 . I to 10 : n ... I ".'a SUGAR New Orleans prime to choice 10 to lit -once a Cruahed and I'owdered liranulated SYHUI'S Common - , New Orleans iim..... 3i to 14. Uy, to xui . uflo lie WloCOa Hall I Kanawha per bbl 2 so Diiry pr bbl a Wlol o Tea l Imperia! 1 lOto 1 40 1 Gunpowder 1 10 tol 4C Oolong biacklloto 1 30 1 Young Itve'n I 10 to 1 10 Wlaeaaad Llquorai URANDY Henneaay per gal let..... 7 M Hignelte " " a OC WINE Port 2 WltoU OC Kherrr a 23 to 3 20 Catawba 3 60 Caret ner rnnpii K Ofl WHISKY Rectified 83 to 1 60 Mourbon 3 00 2 74 1 M 1 Wl Ke Wheat new High Wines naajrgisssi (; J to l!'c I IlurUpa 2S'.; Twine Twite 11 em p. ..'is lo hk Twine Flax COc Need. Clover, per liuahel.... t bO Timothy, per buahef. 3 W)to'l 71 Rates ori'relKltt. To New York, FlratClaaa .......11 701 Fourth Class ....I C& Beo-ud Claaa I 40 tipeclal Clnsa... ...... Third Class 1 W Cotton i To New York. To Doatnn. 81 OC 1 OC Compressed ..I 85.. unrompreaaeu i it.. Floor i To Nw Yorl; per bbl tl fil To ltnaton per bht I 70 ST 2 3 B From Cairo to. & 5 From Cairo to li j Corn, per cwt... 20 as cotton per b M Ot-i.psrcwt... 20 J5 LumlHarperM OOIJCI Foutots.rer b 40 7 Lumber ihii J oo App es, per bbl 40 70 Ue.,, ,tl.c' M Pork, per bbl 76 101 " Whisky, per lb W 1 25 f nitT MOOD'S. 71. FALL---TOTER. '72 C. HAN NY. LARGE STOCK. RROWN SHEETIN03, PRINTS, rxaiECiiETa-s. CHECKS, ADD STRIPE S, KENTUCKY JEANH, EXTRA, CA8SIMER8, BLACK ALPACAS 4Kb LUSTERS, 0105 RAIN SILKS, POPI.INN. LARUE STOCK 6F CARFSTINO OIL CLOTHS, MATTINO, Window Mhndei, OILT BANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMAKKH. Ill KsillreNlork Xow (ioalnsr OmI AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORN EH f!TH fcT., AND COMMERCIAL-AY., Cairo, Illinois. aeptltf i-L'Al . ... . . II WINE ANO'LICAVOIU. wM!"H!"sc7iijffEii, Isaporler saaad Itholeutle Dealer In WINES, LIQUORS, aD TOBACCO &c CIQAR8. Agent for the beat bran da of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, aan laaporled Alea or DlaTerenl Klada. 75 Ohio Levee, tl CAIltO. 1I.I.1.NOH. F. M. STOCKFLETH, scccxaaoa fohlx a iiociiujii s'relrn and Itomeollc WINES ;and liquors. No. 02 Oiiio Levee, CtIRO, ILLINOL". TlEkeepaan hand conatantly a full atoek o JjLOld KenturkT llourbnn, Kje and Mononga hela Whlakiea, French Hrandiea, Holland Oin, Rhine and California Wlnea ianSVtt CITY SHOh STORE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY sole iorscr roa "BEOLASKI'S" CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES Commercial Avenue, Corner or Elijhtli Nlrcel. Cairo, Illinois. FAKT1CULAH ATTENTION 1'AID TO ALL 0R DKRS FOR 11001'SKIKTR AND SHOES. I.l'.MIIKK. S. WALTERS, HARD and SOFT LUMBER ol every description, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS ORDERS SOLICITED. Steamboat L u m b e r, Fuinlfched on shortest notice. Commcrcial-av, Let. 10th ami lltli-sts., CAIRO ILLINOIS. AVOID QUACKS A victim of early indiscretion, tnusing nervous lUbllity, premature decay, etc., Imvlug tried la Tain every advertised remedy, liar discovered simple means of aelf-ouie, which he will send free to his fellow'SUtlerera, , U, Reaves, No. 70 Nassau street, New Ton. augSlwly HAIfKS. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS BANK. Cliarlered March SI, 1S0O. orrica in CITY NATIONAL RANK, CAIRO orrtcr.asi A. B. 9AFFORI), President! .8. TAYLOR, Vlee.PreaidentS W. IIYHLOi. Secretary and i reasurer. atttCToasi P. W. Rasclat, Ckas. fjALtnuta, F. M.Htocarir.Til, Paci. O. Bcut'H, K. M. CtxatxauAM, W. P. Hailioat, J. V. Pnttttrs. Depoalla ol any Amount Received Irons Teas Ceala Upwards. INTKKEVr paid on deposits at lha rat ol six JL percent, per annum, March latand Beptein ber lat. Intereat not withdrawn la r.dded Irame diately to the principal of the deposit., thereby giving them compound Interest. MARRIED WOMEN AND CHILDREN HAY DEPOSIT MONEY SO THAT 0 OXE XLSS CAS !AW IT, Open Te.y bualneas day from 9 a.m. to .1 p.ra. and hAturday eremng lor HAV1NC1 DEPOSITS only, Irem to 8 o'clock. auautl W. HT.SI.0P, Treasurer. FIRST NATIONAL BANK or cairo. DANIEL HL'KD, Frealdeit; ROBERT W. MILLER, Vice-President; C. N. IIIjO II KH, Caahler. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE FsXCIIANriE, coin, bank nol.a and Called i fitatea aecurltlea bought and sold. Inleretl Allowed on Time Depoalla. THE CITY NATIONAL BA.3STTC. CAIHO' ILLINOIS. CAPITAL, 8100,000 crnrtai: W. P. HALL) DAY, Prealden HENRY L. IIAI.LIDAY, Vice Pre-ldem; A. 11. 8AKF0RI), Caahleri WALTER IIYsLOP, Aaiunt Caahier. StiAla TatIOS, ItoaikT H. Cvkmsoham, llriOT L.tlAlllDAI, W. 1. It ALLIDAT, liio. D. WiutAMfON, KTirurs Iiikb A. R. Samoeu. Emebange, Coin and fulled Klalaa Bond BonRht and Hold. D EPOSITS recelTed, and a general banking nuaineas aone. PARKER & BLAKE, niALraa IX WALL PAPER, PAINTS, Pntly, Benalne, Gasoline, WIKDOW O-Xj JVSS. WINDOW SHADES, And the celebrated illuminating AURORA OIL. mioss' nun.niso, cor. Utii-st. & com merciai.-av., Catuo, ..... Illinois. augiCtf UAH riTTEKR. H. T. GER0ULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER AND ITALIA IS UAH riXTCHEfl, Gas Fitter's (and Plumber's material, Woo pumps, globe and angle valrti, stop cocka, check valTea,eUi. ALSO A0EST ICS Tails Brolbrs Patent Dry Clan Meters) And Morehuse, Well. A Co'a Automatic Watei ludlcatur and Supply Valie fer ateam boilers. WINTER'S IILOCK, COMMERCIAL-AVENUE Ilf WRITER, CARL L. THOMAS, WRITER now p.'spaied to reipond promptly I all de mand, tor Ilia arTicea, SIIOr-COR. 8TH-ST. AND CoMMERCAL-AV In tho Perry Ho use, CAIRO.'ILLINOIS. nntlJdlt COAL AND WOOD. WOOD I WOOD I I WOOD II The undersigued will furnish HARD AND DRY WOOD Aa Cheap; II not Cheaper than any weed i dealer In Cairo. Leave orders n the slaiea at the Postoftlce and at Hosa' coal vard, ou Cninmercial avenue, between Tenth anil twelfth streets. Cairo, Illinois. 1 aire good measure and Will cord the wood un f asire.l. augiv-tl DENNIS HALEY. HMXINKFM. MRS. M. SWANDEIt, DEALER IK MILLINERY ABB LADIES FURNISHING QOOdr, Commercial Avenue, iioalle Elllo ana iiajrsnorn'a Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WKAh Made ta order, or Ready-Mad. Ha rceied a full and complete tock of ooit, urnrn ani cnmieieai in me city. An im menae Tarlty ol RIBBONS, LACES AND FRINGES she Offers area! inrfucemet tn her nalrana and all others iocall on her.examlne the pricea, i.tyles .luaut v nor uuupi Mm. ?wnr.(ier, haTing sold her property, wll sell the whole of Ihea good Ht and below coal .iow la ine lime to purcna.e inriaimaa goon I the ery Inweat prlcea. DRI'UR. BARCLAY BROS., OHIO LEVEE, Caiso, Uu id tj a- a-1 s t s SARATOGA SPRINGS l rviu atur AT 11ARC LAYa' DRUO STOKE. Faun .fivrrtT, Dailt. MOCKING BIRD FOOD all shut ra rat witboi'T raoisLt At Barclays'. JJELMBOLb'g GRAPE ( catawiia ) r grape PILLS CATAWIIA 1. OKAI-K GRAPE (.CATAWBA ) i ORATE ) PILLS ap ali nr UELHnOI. n'N MEDKiK EH FRESH TROM FIRST HANDS, Alwaya In Mock In large upply, and fur ale by Barclay Broa. FRESH SliTJE LIC3C JUST RECEIVED A1V or Hale by Ilie Claaa Rollle orCHllnii' AT BARCLAYS'. a9 Extra Fine Coloone; fjrvrrivr TtrroRTKn Ettbacts; rHAiR, Tooth and Nail Brushes rlKDiA Rubber Nursery Goo7 at I.BA.E.Cjj.Y BBOS. PURE WHITE LEAD ASO PURE FRENCH ZINC. Heat grades In arge slock and va riety, Tery cheap-, also: Full Line of Colors, Ml AND IN OIL; Paint Rruihea, Linseed Oil, Whitewash PmsIici Turpentine, Varnishes Etc, etc., all kixds asd .tandaxd qvaltties At Barclays'. KEAL EHTATE A4JENT. C. WINSTON fi CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AUCTIONERS, 74 (second floor) ohio levee, cairo, ills., But and Sell Real Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISn 'ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Ai I prorsra ConTevanuea'of Kleda. BOOTH AND HHOKN. WILLIAM KIILKRS, Fashlonubla BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWENTIETH STREET, Between Washington avenue and Poplar e CAIRO, ILK. Hoots and 8hns Mad. to Order. Vine Wnrkmn Employed. Satisfaction Warranted. Patronage Hollcitf Vtlnclpal Olllco 101 W. Fifth St., Cln. 0, THE ONW iiKl.Uni.r. OIFT ENTFRPRISF. IN THE COUNTRY I $60-Q00.00 IN V A L UA DLt GIFTS To bedlatrlbtltcd In Ij. X3 . S I3STDE3'S 143rd Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE To be drawn Monday, February loth, 1 172. Two Grand Capitals of $5,000 each in Greenbacks ! Two Prire. nf Jl.oon ; Fit prir.e of J."i, Te t : ..... t i. f i .... a I VI f IW, rK 111 ItreeilullCK- 1 Horse and Ruggr. with silTer.muunteil harneaa. worth KCOO One finelonci Ro-ewcoil Piano, worth.... t Ten Family Sewing .Machines, worth, cuch UK) uto neavy ija.eii iioiii minting wicnf and llentv tiold Chain., worth, eich RO0 Urc (lold Amiricai Hunting Untchce, worth, carh V Ten Ladle t.old Huuiing Watches, worth each 100 SOOOold andSilTor Lever Hunting Watch- ea (in aiij, nortli, eticn, Irom .y.vioJK Ladies' Hold Loonilne Chains. (Icnl'a Hold Ves Chain, rlolld ami Double. Plated .Sliver Table and Teaspoon. , Photograph Altmn, Jeweliy.cta Whole number gifts, (l.ouo. Tickets limited te Agents wanted to sell Tickets to whoii I'beral premiums will be paid, SiCfle tickets tl i six ticket- tii twelve tickets, twentv-nvr vju. Circulars contalnms a full list of wiles, a de- scrlpilon of the luannn of draw ing, und other In formation In reference to tho distribution, will I sent to any one ordering them. A 1 11 letter must beaddres.ed to I.. D. MINE, llox at;, orricc, Cinc'iinati, O 101 weal ct It si. noviwiotr HT4SVIM. TIMWAHE, ETC, A. 11 A L L E Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Wate, Clothes Wringers Toili Ware, Coal Hods, File JihoTels, Air tlales. HAviTirrcara nr TIN, ZINC, COPPER AND SHEET IRON AVARK. Ko. 1GG WisJiinfon-nvGiiuo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SSarKooflng. Outtering, and all kinds nf job work done at shnitest notlco. telddtf THE DAVIS LOCK STICH vr.tmcAL rrcn SEWING MACHINE THE LARGEST. THE SIMPLEST, THE CHEAPEST, THE BEST. THE OltEATF.ST IMPltOVEM ENT OF THE AIK Terms Mot Liberal. Agents wanted for unoccupied teirllory. ' Send tor circular ami price u&i Branrh oSfJre, Ulil A'orlli ronrlli I reel HT. LOCIH, JIO. 8. F. NEWTON, Manager. lat !.m COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL COM-PAKY. (s prepared tn supply customer with the beat iiuaiuy u, PITTSBURG AND IILLINOIS CO.AJL,. 0 RDERS loll at Ilsllldny Iros.otflcf, 70 OHIO LEVEE, or at the Coal Yard below the rit. CTiaili-a Hotel, will receive prompt attention. Titr.Tini ' i "jii'.M.wn. wiiipring cool aiong aide ateamers at any hour. oc26l f ON MARRIAGE. llHppy relief lorynung men irom the ettoctao errora and abuses In early lite. Manhood re. stored. Nenoiis debility cured. Impediment to marriage removed. New method of re' ment. New and remarkable reiuvdiea. Ilocas and e rctilaraacnt Iree, in feaieo- envelopes. - i dress HOWARD ASsbt'IATION. NW. ."'"i Ninth St.. Philadelphia., Pa. JecWdaaW". KAILtMSATM. QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOm'M ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. St. Louis, Louisvili.k, Cincinnati, Cut- C.VOO, EW i 0RK, JJ08T0N, AXIi ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST. I'ta'enger train arnre at and leare Cairo a fot mi" i ft!!1"" - 4.m 4 p.m. iiAih ifi'in:1';-. 4 iait a.mi unto tralna conno.i Centralis with train on tna ta Minnesota, Al.conalnV " ' Iowb. Ami with Lines running Ka.t and Wet loi M.Louis, HpsingtieldJ Ini(viU. Cinumn.itl, Imllanapolis, Columbus. And at Chicago with Michigan Central, Michigan Southern, and IMt.tmrg. Fort Wayna and Chicago Railroads lor Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk. Vlbany, ll..stou, Philadelphia, .Ningra Falls, Erie, lluiMlo, .New York, Fltt.burg, Uiltimore. Wa-hlngton. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On and after Monday, April 21th, ls'l, tramiwil t-tiaa naa vi-tfntavx t NOIirilERN DIVISION. trails aoisi socrnrAsr. Mail. Exnress I.eaTe Virginia fcioa.m p.m. " ruringneid !f.zj a:vt " Tlorille.......l(':62 ' 4:21) Arrive at I'ana 11:10 m 6:17 " TBAixa ooisq NoarHwiar. Exnress Mall. Leave Puna 4:ti0a,m ..,1.Mp,ra " Tnv orvi lie 1:4 " 4:28 " Arrive at prlngfleld...;lS " 6;ro " Leave flDsinaflelil .'1:26 0:10 " Arrive at Virginia S:23 " 8:15 KOUTHEILV DIIHION. lioivi aurriiKAar. Leave ivlgewood ',:: a. in 10:10 a,m " Mora - " - u:au Arrive at Hhawneeton.1:6-lp m 6:15 p.ra T B AIXS OOISQ SOaTIIWMT. Leave Shawnevtown A:IJa.m S.20p.ia " Flora 2:64 " 7;uu" Arrive at Edgewood 1:60 ' 8:20 The 5:30 h.iii. train from Edgewood, runs only Monda) a, Wednesdays and Fridays, an4 6:16a.m. train from Hhawneetown ou Tuesdavs. Thura. days aud Saturdays. connects at Asniann wun j.irK.onviue umsion of Chicago Hiid Alton Riilroad, for JvcksonTllle, l'eiersourg, jiaon i-iiiy, a nu an iioinin wesi. At hnrlnulleld. with Chicaifu nml Alton, and Toledo, Wabash ami Western Railroad, for iiioomingtou, onicago, unit an points norwi,aonn. west anil west. . At Tumi with Ind. and Wl. Louis, and Illinola Central Railroad lor all points east, south and. southeast, At Kiliiewood with Chicago Division Illinois Central Kaklroad. At Flora, with Ohio and Mississippi Knilroad. AtMiawnt'etovii). with steaiuboata for Cincin nati, l'adiicah, Cairo anil Sit. Louis. uui.a-li nan i ii, ven iEsiip-u John FooaiTT.Oen'l Fr'gt and Ticket Ag't. HI'ECIAL XOTICKN. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY Mrs. I Cur colic ami griping I Price Will return's ) In llm bowels, and fa. 25 nvruii. i cunaies me process .i t tcrlhliig. Mra. f subdues e o n vnNlr.ns IVIIITCOJIIP'i J and jveiroincs all dls .sjrup, 1 caics incident to In- I fants and children. Mrs. ( Cures diarrhea, itlsen. IVIIITCOMH'H 1 tery and summer com. Sjrup. plaint in chlldienot all Cents. Price. .... I Ceata. Price, 2o Cents. It Is the Great Infant's and Children's Soothing; Remedy In Hit disunlers brought on by Teething or any other uattsp. Prepared by tho GRAI-R'N MEDICINE CO., fct. Louis, Mo. .Qnl.l lit' Drll'.L'i.t. an enlers In Medlcma my7dwCm eiery where. A BOOK fOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. I A Private. C lo tho Mai 1 those aboull I nn the phys A Private. Counselor arrled or Ito marrv nhvstoloiricaL. mysteries nnd rcU'Iallona of the sexual system wun tor inicsiuicuieries iu (iiijuuciuk shu pra renting ollsprlng. preserving thecomplexion, Ac. Thin is an Interesting workof two hundred and twenty Ictir pages, wltn numerous engravings, and cuntalns vnluablo information for those who am married or contemplate marriage; still it is a lstok that ought to bo utnler logk aud key, and not laid carclesslyabouttho house, bent to any one (free of postage) for 60 cent Address Dr. Hutu' Dispensary, No. 12, Eighth street, HI. Louis, Mo. Notice to flic Afflicted and Unfortunate, before applying to the notorious Quacks who advertise ill the public papers or using any Quack remedies, perlisu Dr. llntts' work, no mattei what your disease is or how deplorable your con ditmn. Dr. nutts can be conulted, personally or a mall, on thodisaeses mentioned in his works, nltice, No. 12 .V. Eighth stieet, bet. Market anu Chestunt St Louis Mo. myudwlv PIANOS. SIXTY-F1VE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE GREAT BALTIMORE .MANUFACTORY WM, KNABE & CO., Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARE AND UI'RHIHT IFIAJSrO FORTES BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. These. Instruments have been befora tho nnhhe for nearly thirty years, atd upon their excellence aione auaiuen an vnpurenasca preniiiitnc,wnicu pronounces ttiein uueUalcd in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY SMT All ouruace laos have our new New Im proved Ovetstruiig Hcale ard the Agra J t Irtblt BO We would rail specisl attention to our lata Patented Improvements In (Jkanu Pianos and Sqciaa ORisra, found in no other Piano, which brings the 1'lano nearer perfection than has yet been attained, EVERY riANO FULLY WARRANTED FC FIVE YEARS, Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists promptl furnished on application to WM. KNABE A CO., ilALTixiar, MP msnv of our rirular established suenrles. NERVOUS DEIHLUl'i Willi lis Kloouiy nUvutull.lawjmlr. IIh' deiiriMMlon, Hi '"'ytK""Sii0"' loaa air hciiicii, "VmMarrUutm, Imm oi pouer' Ulssy III . ,r ? and threiileiml '"J'V.'SStJi iX clllla, nud ii lusflfi lsZZJuJfUgx V.7lwl"ii,"r?S" o?VnTm"o ta?, bii i I,? end po 'Bl mratiVM. they utris . onde i i in. fiM," oae;ip ta si ?.p.''rge. and lill.urt vlgorsi, ie '?. hesnd vitality to theentiie man. Th. liaie lured tliousanda of cacus, Pric, IS f rlackageaof live boxes and a large 12 rial, whk Is very Ini'OiiaDt iu obstinate or old cases, or raralugleknx. Bold by all driitgiats, as4 a f,r mail on leoeln ot Dnce. Adilraaa itamahfr Hpecino llomcopathlo Medicine Co., lire. wiy.K. Y. P. BCIIUll. aiigiousowawiy Ageni, vsjfo, una