Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY-BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY U, 1872, JtT.mVAI.. SIMILIA SIMIL1BUS CURANTU.1 I'lLMI'lIItllY'.N Homeopathic specifics HAVE proved, from tho tno"l ampin exper ience, an i-mlro sticcruM Hiini'U Prompt r.iiicieniatw Reliable, inev "" ' I'lnni hatrAnllH ... I ........ I In linfilllar I1SI- "O Hit II pie that mistakes u.innnt lie made. In Using them) n harmlcM as in be fro from danger, and so cnioient to IO nviay . nj u.n nwe 1 tho hlghel commendations from nil, and Hill niwaya render sauaiacuui.. N.. Cent I. nun.. ... congestion. Inflammations.:''! V, Worm, worm favor, worm colic 23 3, i:rylnn'.eolic or teething ol iiifanta,.,2.' 4, " lllrrliiiosi, of children nnd adiilt...2.' B, " IlysKMilnry, gilplng, b'llous oolic...23 G, " s iifiirni'iiioruue, vwiiniing..., I'liiilrrii. colrln. bronchllua -it. "tniruluin, tooiii.iciie, lceaclm.....-A, n, ' llrMilnrlii'Xt nick ho niacin-, vcitigu'23 10, " l.vM-sln' b.lloua ulnma'-lip .2.1 11, ntiiiirpiwi,orpiniiH porioil" 'U. 12. " Wfill'. too rrofiise ticriod" 'ii 13, " S'rouii, cough, ditlloult ht(atliinK.23 ii, " irvaii suu'iini, i.rysiieia, j;ruption"23 iu, iiiiriiiiiiiimn, riii-nin mc pains le, " IVvrriiiiil Akik'.cIhII lvir,u".v) i .-!-. mum or un-i.miig...... w IS, " 0ilitfilrin,r, nnd aom or weak cyis.' It, " rnltircli, acinc or chronic, IiiIIiii iiwiW "'"MiR- viojcnieoHgM.vj " Aolliinii, npproril hreatmng 60 22, " Knr HlM-liurK-a, Ununited hcaringM z-i, - ncniiiiia. enlarged glands, awemiig6U 21, " Uriir-rrtl llrlilllty, physical weak ness ,... ., li) VS. " JlroiMiy anil scanty Secretion 60 iifl, ' N'i Mcliiiom.i'luics from rldmii.'.o 27, " I(llllf'.)lrnr, (Iravcl IA 2a, " ."Si-rvoun lielilllly, seminal emir- nna.lnioluntarr discharges.. .1 be i-ltoxi', wl( cue 12 of powder very necessary in serious cucs...3 imp 21, Nore .Mouth, canker M) 3, " I'rlnnry Wi-iikiii-nN, welting led..o 31, 11 I'ahiful I'rrloilsi, with ataina.....K 32, " KlIllcrlllKx.itclmnKH ot life,... f)) 31, " i:iillfiN.t .bpaiins, nt itus'ilance.l bo 33, ' Itliiilirriii il , crated Boru throat 6l FAMILY I AS Li. Of. 1.1 In no lurc ImIh, inoriirro iirmwMiMMl riiai', riiiitiiliilnir a nprrlflr for rrrr simlliinry ll niw n liuully IsMiltJct-t to, ami bookH ortllrcrtlniiM, from fl0tof23 Hmaller family and, 20 lo ts vials ... irom H'-i to 8N Hpnu ur til I'rlvllti' IHmiiu'h, liotli for CurliiK- nml tor I'rt'trii lltf Ircslliieijl, in v.nhan'l pocket ciuoi..... ..8'J lo a lUMl'H nXTUACl' CurM Bnrn. Ilruuef, i,arnfn, hor'neff, Hori" TliruAl, HpriilD", Tooelioelie, lUracliP. NcumlKln lllieuiimlliln, LuinliAtto. i'llea, Itoiln, Htiiic", More i'.jr. lllfKlinxof ilm Luiiif, tiorr, btnrn. noli, or of Fll, Ciirrin, t'lrrr, till Horei.. l'lep, Ooi., M rl ; Pint". SI.WI; l'lirl', Sl'75. Tlin rem-lle, vxrvpt Putul r Kxlrnct, br thr c or ulinile Uix, re rnt lo ny putt ol tfipcoulitrr, ty mull or eiire, fttc or clurRe, on receipt ol llieiiriee. Addron IIUMPllHLYh'hl'IXIKIO 1I0JIK0PATIIIC mkijicim: ro. Oiric xml Ip(,l, .No. llroluy, New-Turk. yOU MALL' HY P. hCIIL'll, CAIIIO, III. ng1MeoawlY 1V.IWI.VS. wagonUian u factor v. For Sale nt Wliolcfale or Retail con.sEn 32-K.Titr.i:T ash oiiio, Cairo, Illinois. notlltf j. i". 4.AM111.1: AGKNTS WANTKI) I'OIt BELDEN, THE vrHITE CHIEPi 0i Twrlvc YrnrniiiiKiuellH' Wllil Itiillimo ur I In- I'IiiIiinI TheLlfeot fieorge 1' HeMen, olio jiinnl the lmlini and leclnicelhrt-d warr.or, atKiiindt Id thrilllnn adrentiiro nd curloii inforinnlicD, xnd.a irofuelr tllintruled with new and eplr Iteil ncrlii?ot hdventtire! and llio manner and cutom of the Indian.. Tli moat jipul r and !Ucceful Iwokot tho year. tsHU at eiKlit. Ona aiiint Juit reporta Jiroltt 111 on otV. A 16 pajje circular, with upecuncn rnRe, a UrE Miter with 3D ulullution. and lermi to .iicnlj tent free, hy P A. HlTCIIINsON 4 CO., Hit .S HI Jlh Mri et, Hi. Uui, Mo. Jn t dly WllOI.USALi: t'HIHXItS. it. SM YTH " & "CO."," "WHOI.KSALK CKOUKIUS, OHIO LEVEE OA I IIO. I I. U IMHS. Alio, keep conilintly on hand a inwt;com pit in Mock of iro.Tj'cms- SCCTCII AND lllltll WIIIRKIKS (! 1 N H, l'ort, ilftdorlfBhcrry und Cntuwln AVinci BOMYTII A CO. Fell exclusUely for rnnluto , which fact they Invito tho enpevial utlun. lion of cloto bargain buyers. Special attention given to Filling Orders UA. iciioiNHivra. whi iam cciiick' UHAS. SCHOENMKYKll k CO. FURNITURE ROOIS, Ul'IIOLSTEltlNO AND r.ll.,Ai.r. At .. ,i f.w. f in, : IWF ll U V I i V AM it 11 11 l ll l 11 1 1 11 o) tiiriuinro p;iniriiiKi PIOTUHK FRAMING. All orders promptly attended to. N0BTHWK9T rOUNEU OY VAHItlNOTO.V AV KNUK AND TENTH ST., CAIRO, IIiL. P. O. Dritwer 1233. jaiiOtf. JAMKS KYNASTON, Sjlatclier tcl nculrr In all IIIihIn I'rrNli illt-IIB, Coni NtMTiu.Mii ami rorua Bt&lkt, OAlllO, ILLINOIS, -rtlVH mml lnirliter nnlv tlia very best entile Jj hog! and aheep, and la prepared In till uny diuiaod for fresh moats from one pound to ti li lliousnnd pound.. ilerWtf THE BULLETDL I'litillcnlloti Ofllrr-, Iliilli'tln llnllilliiR', U'nililiiKfoM Avriitto. roii SALE. AVo Imvo Iut rccoivoil. from tho irmn- tifnctiircr", n Vllcox und Glbbi towing miieliltic. It in bcmitlfullv flninbed ntid bin tbo licmmor, brnidor, etc., Tbls mn-elilni-, wortb gJxty ilollaM, will bo o!il nt n bnrgnln nnd mny bo (oen nt Jtoom 10, Wltiler'a block. If HBMOVKD. THOMAS PIIOTKIRAPItIO AHT (IALLKKY UK.MOVKJI TO THE UOUNKIl OK KIOMT MltKKT AND COMMKUCIAL AVENUE, I.V IllMEUn IIUII.UI.NO. 1 now Imvo good Hgbt lo work by nnd plcin.'int rooiiu for tbo nccommodntlon of vltltoM nnd customer. I nm now iire- pnrod to do in good pbotogntplilc work n win over dono In Cnlro. 1 will tnko plio- tognipliK, plain, imitation porceluin nnd genu; old plcluroi copied, enlarged, nnd colored in India Ink or water color. Par ticular nttention given to Inkinij cbtld- I i;ii n jriuilll Ult IJon't forget tbo plnce. corner Klgblh utrectnnd Comnicrclul nvetinc. fobT-Jw .1. .1. Thomak. THE rimj'ItAUE. It. LEVY A to. PAY THE HiailEaT MAItKCT PltlCKx. JJelow will b found tbo corrected llu of price puld by II. Levy it Co., for niclee, fur, untberj, wool, tallow, bees wax, nnd nil kinds of country produce. Lovy V Co. do n very largo trndo in tbeir line, nnd It l a well known lad Hint tbey nlwnys pay tbo bigbest prices to bo ob tained in tilts' market. Tbov are now paying for 1'im : Mink 2 00a 2 2:. Itacccon V,o WildCat CO Home Cat 10 a 15 Musk Hat 15 OpO'MlMl Jlil Otter 5 00 n 7 oO llcur Skins 00 a 0 00 Heaver, jiur pound 50 a 75 hide, peii roi'.vi): Deer Skins 27 a 37) Ileef Hides, Dry Salt ISA n'Ji) (ireon Salt yl'-l OTHEIt AKTICLE'S: ' Tallow, tor pound Ga7J Keiitbers, " " 50a'iu Wool, " " HO a 70 Itcoswax " " 'J5 a 28 The above price lit is tubjccl to correc tion, l'itouur.nor the Hkvolutio.v. A new Hgbt dawncVl u)on tbe world witb tbo in troduction of l'lantntion Hitlers twelve years ago. Drastic purgnllon went out-r-restorntion nnd renovation came in. Tbe tbe eyes of tbo eoplc were opened to tbe great fnct tliit tho way to cttrediscate i lo strengthen and support its victims, not to plai-o them nt it mercy but depriving Ihem of the little strength lliey have. It eoon beenme evident that n moans of in fusing vitality into ihc feeble system, reg ulating the seorettoni, curing indigestion nnd reforming a bilious habit of body, no medicinal preparation then known was at nil comparable to the restorative, bim-e then hundreds uf attempts Imvo been made to rival tl.e bitter. They have all failed, mid tho Grand Revolution in Med ical Treatment, which was commenced in 100, is still in progress. Nothing can stop it, for it Is founded on tbo principle, now universally acknowledged, that phys ical vigor is the most formidable antagon ist nf ull human ailments, und experience has shown Unit l'lantntion Hitters is it pcerle-s Invigorant, ns well ns tbo best possible safe-gunrd ng.iinbt epidemic discuses. feb7cod&wlw Sleepino Hooms vor. Kent. Ton well vcntllnted sleeping rooms in City Nn tional Hank building. Apply to EDWARD DEZONIA, At City National Hank. MAitiitAOK Guide. Interesting work numerous engravings, 221 pnges. l'rice 50 cents. Address Dr. Hutts' Dispensary No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis Jlo. See Advcrtifctnf nt. tf MARKETS. mi: roi.i.owi.Mi aiii: rui: wiioi.i:- SAI.i: l'H14 I S SIT Tills MAItltl.T, i'icis.h riuvr iiamin, in ouii:its, I.N.S.MAI.I.'I-M, llllllliac 1'KHlLS Ml!STlli:iAlll. llittter t Choice -.'Jc I Ordinary. 13 "licoap. New York Cheshire 17 Itl'OOItlH! Common Home, per dos.. Clioico to Kxtra " !r.!!'.'.'.'..'.3 (0 to 3 M) o ue to o w . II. " Ilemttax anil Tallotvi lleetwax .3.1 to 40a I Tallow......... Collooi 7n7JJ .lava .3.'ki to 33 I Laiznavrn 27 to SSc Itio, prime to choice :: to VCc Hulk (iriilni COItN Mixed per bil 43; Wiutuperbu 47u OATri Cholco ' -lOcaUe HAY Clioico T linotliy billed on truck !W 03 milieu unoice, " " is w IIIilr i Oreen W lb., Cured " .. 7to7U Dry Flint lOall U to aj J Dry Halt WAcnU V lb..lal:f Shecppella ca V4 to 1 1)0 (ireon Calf V lb. uuree litolUS I liilou niitl I'olalocH, Onions, ner Mil..-'.' 73 I Potatooi. ner bhl.J ma.1 23 Onion fi'ts, per biiiliel i 73.i3 10 1'roviiloii-t, LAUD In tiercea per Hi OtoOU inKto it in ui-ga HAMS-Hiigar cured " ... to 14 uountry V to 1U nrv c.iM. 1 X Hhouldein bacon 7 " !' drv aa U. ClnrUes " llaeon Bitouo u ry salt - 7J4 Nutiarmuiil iSjruiiN. SUGAIt New Orlenna prime to choice 10 to lie uonee a .ij?t. iu iiu Crushed nml Powdered lfK to IV (Iriinnlaled 11 to 13c BVltUl'd-Coniinon New Uile.niu new (0 toaoc ainK . Kananlm por bbl 2 W Iwlry pr bbl 3 MJtol 0 Inilnal i mm l lo (Jiinpowdor 1 10 to! 40 Oolong, biacltiootu i au Youmc llya'll I Wtol 10 liiiKfKIIIKi Onnnles U to injj,, i n,UHpH oiV.1 Twnie..... Twin)iiiiiii.-AJtu Soc Twino Max. I ol 1 Seeiln, clover, per l.iishel. 7 t0 lo 8 w Timolh), per buhcl a cutoU 73 Wines nntl l.liiuorai HltANDY Ilennenay per l be.t 7 60 Higncllo " " r, a w WINE-Port. SKm Hhorry . 60 C.arel tier cime" H e0 85 to 1 II, :i nr. 8 74 Wheal new Hlftli Wine- 1 IV 1 to Itntc orrrrlK To New York. rir'. t:lai it 701 Foil rlh C1ft 05 -eu u'i via ..... ' Thirl CI I 11 'J o New York. lo Donton G)tnpreed.... S S.. II 00 lnriiniireepn M i it.. ...... l flour I To New Tor!: per bbl tl CJ To Itoaton Per bbl - 1 70 From Cn'ro to- Pram Cairo to Flour, per bin. I )l 7ej Coal Oil per f Toljacco pir h Cotbin per hi t K nay, ier inn ...,o i") io Corn, tier CMt...' V) St. IC 2 M Crdi, per cm... i w !W PotntoM.ierbl 40 7i Apple", por bbl 40, 70 Pork, pcrbll.. 7M Whl"ky, iierhbl1 () I iU i,nniierperii 0 00 li.- 4 l.tirntier iceie Heavy lit-cwt 7 00 SO 3& WINKS AM) n.KiOOIta. i;Mr7irSciiUTTKR' Ililliorlrr (mil Wholesale Denier III WJNES, JQU0JiS, A Mi J TOBACCO fic CX3-A.3aS. Afient for the l-t brands of CHKAM AXI) STOCK ALK, AMI Iniiorleil A lei il Illiri-renl Iflmli. 7o Ohio Lkvkk, tf caiiio. n.i.t.snio. F. M. STOCK FLF.T II, irrcmer. teiiir i itOf trirni Iteetlfyrr mill Wlifili.iio Deulrr In I'lirclKii mill IHiinc stlc wines ;and liquors. I No. C'J Oiiio Lkvek, cvino, ILLINOIS. EKkeepon ontiillv a foil "took o Old Kentucky Honrbon. live nnd Jlononca lieu Wlil.klc, I re Di li llrinniif, tlolUnd (tin, lthinaiid lilifrirniN Wineo I.idXiH Mi:ciAi. .nM'i:s. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THK GKKAT SOOTHING HKMEDY Jtr. I Cnre colic and jjrli'inK Prlrc, ii Cent l'T,r.r' ttnti. Prlrr, 24 I'vnta. n in I liui n J in Hie imwei', linn la- )rup. cihtateo tno proci is of teething. Milnluca conrul'lcn" and jvercoim-ii all dm eaea inci.Uut to in- lr. IVIinntJIIPS hjrup. L fnta an'l children. Jlr Curen di tcry ind pl.i tit in gee. Jtarrheii, uiren tVIIITt 03111 nnd miininereom. hjruii iiichildieobl ull It la the fircat 1 n f.m t' and Chll-lren'" e oolhlnt Kemetl) in all il.ordiri broiiKhl on by Tttthin ornuy other eaii'i-. Pretmreii by tho Glt.UTt-N JlKDICIMi CO., fct. Louli, Jlo. Sold by Druggists an everj Lcre. ealers in Medicine ir.)7d0in A HOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A Pritate Uounneloi to tho Married or tho'0 atioutto murry on tho pliMdoioiHcii myteriennd revelation" of the n-xunl len: with the lateat diM-otvriea in prodncitiu anu pre venting ollipring, preserving tnecumplexion.Ac. I his la an intcrertlnir work of tun imnilreil ami twmty Ictir pagen, witn niiir.eroui encrnvinK", and contain vuioablo information for lhoewhc are marrii'd or contemplate marriage; HillltKn book that otiuht to be under look ami key, nnd not laid carelesnlyubouttho boue. tent to any one (free of poftnee) for 60 rent Addreta Dr. llntt' Dipensnry, No. 12, KlKlltl. Ulcet, Lit. Loum.Mo. Mi lire to the Aftllcleil anil L'n fur tannic. Ilefore applylns to tho nolorioun Qoackswho ndverln-e in tun putHio papers or ii-ihk any (juaok remedie", pertii Dr. HnttH' work, no mutter wnui your nma( is or now iiepionunc ) uur eon dilion. llr, Ililtt" can bo cotmnlted, pernonnlly or at .-.u .i... .......... !i ... i.i. UA.i... Illill, ml 111" Hi-iit-Fi" iiiii.i.'iiri. lu iiii nuinn, oilier, No. 1'- N. Kighth meet, bet. Market nnd uneMiiiH M i,ouia iIO. IIIVIHIWI" ikiois ami siioi:s. WILLIAM miLKRS, Pnnlilonable HOOT AND SHOli MAKER, twestikth mkeet, lletween Wuslilngjoii avenitu nnd Popltr o CA1110, ILL. llools and PIiocb Made to Order. FlUK Wetknieii Kmpluyeil. tjAtUl.iL'liuii Win rained. Piitroesge Hollcilo city shop; store HOOP SKIRT FACTORY Fom Aor.NCY roa "BEOLASKI'S" CUSTOM-MADE ROOTS AND SHOES foiiiinerrlal A veil no, i'orner ol' IHkIiIIi Nlrt-vl, Caiho, Illinois. l'AUTIOUI.AU ATTENTION PAID TO ALL Oil 1 DKIlll roil llilUI'MKIItK AND HHOKr. WIIMKY-Keel fle.' Ilourbon llvn INNCKAMJi;, V,. II. MOUTH", H. It. f'ANDEE riotary Public, ho. Pub. and u. H. Com. FIRE, UUIiL, CARGO, LIVE STOOK CCIDENT, LIFE, IlfcTSTTIR.A.IETarEI !TNA, HAItTrortD, Assets . .t'.,M),MI 97 NOHTII AMEItICA, PA., Aiel 2,783,000 0t 1IARTFOED, CONN, A'sett., 2,M1,J1U li riltKNIX. HAKTyOKD, Anscts.. 1,781,118 (C INTEIINATIONAL, N. Y., Assets.. I,V,398 17 PUTNAM, IfAnTJ-OIlD, Asset" 70C.917 04. CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Ami"... 615.C73 Si HOME, C0LUM1IUB, A"et M5.27I 41 AMEII1CAN CENTRAL, itO., Aaeet" Ui),WiO 01 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIKE, Aeti 30,ono,(X W TIlAVELEIt'", HAItTlOIlD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Asset". .....1,VjQ,0O0 01 RAILWAY PAfFENOEUH AfStT.ANCE CO., HAItTEOIlD, Anets. J),lUi INDEPENDENT, 11OST0N, melf 0.V,H) S AFFORD, MORRIS it CANDF12, 71 OIllo I.P1PP, City National Hank, CAIRO, ILL. FIRE AND MARINE O.M IMMLSl MA-OA ISA, N. Y., A"i"il" t,43R,21C 2t OEP.MANIA, N. Y., .'.net J - 1,003,721 78 HANOVER, N. Y. Auel" ..72C.SS2 m r.EI'Ur.LIC, N. Y., Asset" .711,025 01 Comprising the Underwriters' Agency. YON K EUS, N. Y., Aset S7f,ll V r ' " ALMA NT CtTr, Aisef 413.1M '23 PII!EMEN'.- FUND, P., Asetii C7e,Mni " M'.tTMTY, N. Y. MAL1NE. .Wets I,ID2,SI'J no STOR, Dwelling", Furniture, Htilli and Car goe", injured at rates favorable a aound, ierm.inent eecurily will warrant. I ri-ei-ctlully ult oi the cititens of Cairo, a "hare ol their patronage. " . .1 II nil II ltAII.UOAHS. (JUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH ILLINOIS CENTRAL 11. R. St. Louik, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi CAtio, New York, Hoston, AND All. l'OINTS EAST AND 'WEST. Pn'euger trains arrive at nnd leave Cairo as lot lows: mail. rimes. Anr.ivr I a. in I p.m. Dipakt I n. in ril.1ii m. Until trnlni conueet at Coutraliu with truiu on the rou P.ttin, Decatur, HloninliiRtcn, El Paio, La Halle, Mendoln, Freepurt, Oaleim, DubiniUe, und ull Hiiim in lllinole, Misiouri, Mliiuei-ntn, vS'i.i'Oimln und Iowa. And with Lines running Eat aud West lor 'I. I.oui", Kpnnghelii; Loinsv He, Cincinnati, Imllaiiupoli", Coluiubiia. And ut Chicago with Michigan Central, Michigan fcoillliern, and PitUhurg, Fort Wayue and Chicago Hallroada lor )etrolt, Cleveland, Dunkirk. Albany, It.mton, Philadelphia, Xliigra Falls, Krie. llutlalo, .New York, Pittiibiirg, llultimore, wiiaiuugion, AND ALU I'OIMTS KAST. Sl'RINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN It. R. Un and after Monday, April 21th, 1871, trainsml ruu us louowa i NORTHERN DIVISION. TRAl.H 001.10 "Ol'TIIIAST. Mail. Expre" l.mvo Virginia V2.iki p.m, npriugueiii - " Taylorvllle lu.62 4:20 ' Arrive ut Paim UilO in 6:17 houthwxst. Exnreia Mall. Leave Pana tioon.m ?:?,,:P' " Tnjlorville 4H " s Arrive at SprinKlicld...t'.il5 " .iJ Leave Spii'iglleld K:4S " 0: 0 Arrive a Vliglnla Kill " H0UT1IK1IN DlVtsiu.-i. TIUIN" OOIMI Sdl'TIIKAST, Leave IMgowood 6:30 n.m yi!'V,n Arrive at KhnwneetomiaiKln m Mi P'tn TllAI.N! UUI.NI1 BI1IIIHMH Leave Sliawneetowu 6;!.'m.tii J.IOp.m Flora. Arrive nt Edgewood I:3U ;20 " Tim 5:30 n.m. train liom IMgewood, run" only Monday", Wnlnee.liijHiiml Fiiditva, an -I AiPla.iii. tuiin Irom Hhawnettowii on TucmIiij", Ihurs- Counecta ut Aeliland with Jacksonville illvlnicn uf (Miicngo nnd Alton It illroad, fur J icknonvillc. Petersburg, Mnaon City, and all Point" west. At Kpri" VgHeld. with Chicago nml Alton, anil Toledo Waba.i nnd We.tern Itallroad, r lilooi..rni;lcn, Chicago, und all point. iiorth,iiorlh. " AU'imVwTth lnd. and M. I.oul", und Illinois. Ceiili.ll lUllioad lor nil points cut, south und "M&ooil with Cli cage Division Illinois At FllratWol.lo aad MI-IIPI1 H'llroad. AtShawnee'tov.i., wltli "teuniboal. for Cinclu na.l, lWc,ih,CMro,.ndHt.aLo. amfX John I'09JtTT,airi Fr'gt mid Tieliit Ag't. lUtCUS, BAIICly gROS-, " oiiio i.r.vr.r. Cairo, I its DBTJG-G-ISTS SARATOGA SPRINGS IM fl-Lt ILAST AT nAItCLAYs' DHUO RTOIIK. KaMH ;SrrrLT, Daht. MOCKING BIRD FOOD ah. BtADT roa tsr. wirnoiT raociLK At Dahcla vs'. II E h M 11 O h I) ' s GRA I'E ( catawiia "i ffiitAPE) RILLS i CATAWIIA I J (HtAPE GRAl'E ( CATAWIIA ) !; ( OltAPE ) FILLS AMI All or ii i: i. m n o i. ii vs m r. inn i:n PR EH II FROM rilt.ST HANDS, Alwnya la slock in large supply, and fur aala l,j Cllarclny llr on. FI?. 33 SET 'SXiTJE XjICI-C JUST RECEIVED AXt or Hale hy IholilnsH llnlllr iirCnllnu AT HARCLAYS. Ha?"ExTRA Fine Coloonej fiyGENUiNE Imported Extracts; Igy-JlAin, Tooth and Nail Hrushes JQtIndia RuniiEit NuitiEitY Goo.' AT BAECjjAY BEOS. l'URE "WHITE LEAD AND l'URE FRENCH ZINC. Pent grades In urge "lock and va riety, very cheap; a.1 !: Full Line or Color, niv ami tM oil; Paint Hrushes, Lineed Oil, Whltewast P Mslus Turpentine, Varnlshos Etc. etc., ALL KINDS SaD STAMiABD QVALItlU At Harclays'. MII.LINKILS. MRS. M. SWANDJJR, DEALER IN MILLINERY LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, t'omnici rlnl Asrnnr, i-iii.lti- lilllo ami llayllKiru'it Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' AVE A T Made to order, or Hrady.Made. Has received a full and complete hIocI; of good", lui iii-wot and eoniplctcet in the city. All I six mense taiity ol R1RRONS, LACKS AND FRTNGF.S "be Oder treat itiiiucemt" to her patrn" nnd all other" to rail on her.exuinine thu prieen, .tylea and quality o! her good". Mrs. ?wunKer, having "old her propirly, wll sell the whobi of the"!' goods at ami below eot Now is tho lime to pttrchaie Cluistmu" good t Ihe very loweet price", ItKAl. r-STATi: A4JF..NT. C. "WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AM) AUCTIONERS, 71 (second floor) oiiio levek, caiho, ills., Buy and Sell Real Estate, FAY TAXF.S, FURNISH AH3TRACTS OF TITLE . l preraro Conveyancen'of Kind". FAMILY Ullt'i:iCll'.K. LOUIS JOHGENSKN, Dealer la all kind of STAPLE AND FANCY Fnrmcr'is Yuitl nml HlablUiK WITHOUT CHAUUK. Cor. Washiiii;ton.av.'ana Twcutioth-st. CAIRO, ILLS. yJ7dif. Principal Ow,0 10, w pfth cin 0 THE ONLY RELlA1tL,.IrT KNTKRrRIgK ,N $60,'000.00 IN V A L U A H L E GIFTS To Lo distributed In Xi. 3D . S IITE'S l)rd Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE To bedrawn Jlondny, February 15th, S72. Two Grand Capitals op $o,000 each in Grkenracks ! Two Pmea of fl.orn); Five Pme ofS-Vrij Te inr.e oi jiw, eacn in i.reenMCK" : I IIorennd Puggy, with "ilver-moiinled harness, worth siOo One fine. tone-! Itoewf,od Piano, worth.... Uti Ten rmilyHewlng Melilne, world, eich l'"l i ive neavy i.aen iioiii Jiitniliig vtniciic and Henv v (Inlil rhafn". wnrih. eich no i ivp i.ohi Atutncai Hunting WiitchP", worth, each la, Ten Ijdie' (told Huniing Watches, worth end m 8fi (iol.l nndMlver Lever Hunting Watch es (In all), worth, em'li, from .0lo3n( Ladle"' (fold Leontlne Chain", (Icnl's (iold " Chain", Hoilil and Doublo-Pialeil Silver Table and TtHpoon, Phologriiih Alouni", Jcwelty.etc. Whole number gift", C,U. Tlekel" limited to Agent" wanted lo sell Ticket" lo whom 1-beral premium" will be paid, dirglo ticket" It ; six tickets twelve ticket", tin; twentv-live .1l. Clrcnlar" ronlalning a full list of, a de scription of the mannei of drau inr, nnd other In formation In reference to the. dUtrilnillon, wlllba entto any one ordering them, AMI letter" must be addree.ed to L. D. MINE, llox , oirtcr, Cincinnati, O' lot Vet 6th "t. nov2wvolv KTOVKJ4, TlXWAUII. KtV, A. II A L L E Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Clothe" Wringer" Tulle Ware, Coal Hods, Fire .Shovel", Air tiates. MA.NvrACTiarn or TIN, ZINC, COPPER AND SHEET 1J!U U AKI-.. No. 1G0 Washington-avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. e Hoofing, (.uttering, nnd all kinds ofjuk work doneat shortest nolle. lebldtf THE DAVIS LOCK STICH vr.nriCAL irrn SEWING MACHINE Til E LARGEST. THE SIMPLEST, THE CHEAPEST, THE REST. THE (IRE ATKrT IMPROVEMENT OF THE AOE. Tonus Most Libernl. Agenis wanted for unoccupied lei rltor). Hend for circular and price Ittt. llriiiii-h lllc',ltl Xurlli I'onrlli.Slreel NT. I.OIIIN, JIO. H, p. NEWTON, Manager. If.lMn . - M4J.V WIIITKIt. CARI L. THOMAd, s now p.-spiicd to respond promptly to nil do mauds for his services. SHOP-COR. Sl'H-ST. AND COMMERCAL-AY III tlir I'ei-ry Hoiino, CAIRO.ILLINOIS. nnv21dll (SOLDI GOLD 1 1 GQLDH! GOLDEN COMPOUND will rnn-H tho tieard or moiMtachn to grow thick and iieavy, on thn iiinothe"t lace, or hair on tlu uaiiiefl lieau, in n ny, r niuni-r iniwi .1. .1 . 'I'lil. tireliarulinli been beftiro tllll PUb lio for over tkliteen year", and thousand" of voluntary testimonials cua no ainiwn ui u ; its. Hcntby mail, po.t.paid, with illreclloiis In full for lt use, loi'tucenta it pucUego I three for A,'drt'!" O0LDF.N COMPOUND CO., No. 223 Piue street, bt. l-o"" ( COAM CAIRO CITY COAL I prepared to supply customer with tho ls qtia.;ty o. mTSBUUG AND .ILLINOIS COAL. OWfe. TO OHIO Ideneamer. ,, , hotir. "IU"1, al laloy 1 C25tf MMIIIKIK S. WALTERS, HARD and SOFT LUMBER t evrry tlpprripiiun, LATH, .SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, DOORS, SASH, RLINDS ORDERS SOLICITED. S T F. A M R O A T L li M R E R, Furnished on shortest notice. Comnicrcial-av, bet. 10th anil llth-Bts., CAIRO ILLINOIS. .v7d llUTCIlKltN. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. K0E1ILER & BROTHER Hive Hipititlle l'Um'I.AR .Mi: AT .IfARKKT, C'OMMERCIAE-AV, Ilclnrrii A' In I li iimlTenfli Klroefai, nr.d will Keep enntanlly on hand tho best meata Fl.iiighlered in M i- Ciim market. They defy coin, petition, liive tliem a trial. aepUltf. 1MANOS. SIXTY-F1VE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE till EAT BALTIMORE MANVFAtrrURY WM. KNARE k CO., Manufacturers of ORAND, SQUARE AND UI'nitlllT IFI-AJSTO FOBTBS BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, These Instrument", have been before thernUia for nearly thirty years, and upon their exceueuea nlonu attained im Kii;iui-rAnnl prtmiiHinct, which pionouncea them uiieuuled iu TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY OI7" All our fijmre Janot have our new Newlm proved OvoiBtriing Hcale ami the Agraffe lrtble mr We would rail special attention to our lata Patented Improvements in (!unu Piamoi and Hiji-akk (iaANis, found in no other Piano, which bring" tho Plauo nearer perfection than has yet been attnlned, EVERY PIANO PUI.LY WARRANTED I0R FIVE YEARS, Illustrated Calnloguea and Price Lists prompt! furnished on application to WJI. k.vaiii: A vo llAiTiMoax, Mn iikiiv nf our rmilar talillshed agenda". ELECTION NOTICE. City ClerkOrflee. ) Cairo, 111"., January 27,1672.. Public notice i hereby glien that a general charter election wllMieheiil. ..;?..';. !,....' .,, i'uir Ii. tlin itutHof Illinois. III IMP .'. '. " , lor ilm purpose of electing .1 .'IIIJUI, A City Cloilt, A City Treasurer, A City Marshal, ALU? aiiiiiuuji A Police Magistrate lo succeed I- . Ilrosa, Esq. and three, ircniWa of the. Select Council, aa fol- iuwb; . . . Ono member trom tne rirsi tvnru, to succeed P.O. fchtih. Ono ineiiiU'r from the Second Ward, to succeed 0. It. Woodward. One member trom the City at Large, to succeed D.Hurd, Hix members ol Ihe Hoard of Aldermen, as fol lows i , Two members from the First Wurd, to succeed 1. Walderand LeoKleb. Two member" from the Hecond Ward, to sue ceed W. Under and Henry Winter. One ineiiilier Iroiu tho Thlru Ward, to succeed ' One member from the Fourth Ward, lo succeed Jamos Carroll, , , , ... , Polls will be opened In the different wards aa follows . In tho First Wurd, at the first house an tho east s.da of Washlni-ton avenue, btlow r illli "in'theHeooiiil Ward, at the Aiab Engine home. In tho Tnird Ward, at tho Hibernian Lnjlun '"lu'i'he Fourth Ward, at tho Court House. polls will bo opened at a a.m., and closed " B o'clock, p.m. Hy order of thu oltv council. an2Si:iud M.J. HOWLKV.Cilyt''""- nervocs mmhn-y, Willi IIh Kliiuiiiy 'me'V'Cry XtiloSl Hh tli-iirti.sil.iii, la v"V,Vurr'iu.Iois oi liissora.-iiHii, a,V'"Vi "l mViuory, i'.iiiI threuu-iis-u JiXVs ,'iire 1 Unsst. tllllH, iiikIu "fJVjfi'i Ancc HO Ka i.liri-y'H """"Cpose-I ol m moi valua Tsii'iilyfl;: -V uirutlves. they strit sv h". ,n 'lrilKot liei.Mtter. looe up last ar onde nt the root" oj , llnlMltl ,KoraBa ,0,n' Seaid t tyo ihecnttie man. They i'w"ll f thousands Tof o.ea. Price, 5 ft ,w!fl ii" e boxes and a large Tlal. which runi oriantiuobalinato or old casus, or II ,;;.mgTei...s. , Bold by all uriiSgl.t., ana i, nidil on ItiCCIr oi privv r,umM nuwr-'j .eclHc 1"oineoithl0rMedlclne Cojj Sot4 nliglJ-uowawij . .