Newspaper Page Text
III? CAIRO DATLY BULLETIN, WKDNKSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1872. TRAVELER'S GUIDE. TAKE NOTICE. TIHKTATlLKOr THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL It ' On and aHc r Sunday, Stay I4lh, Irtl, the nKlime-Uibo!llKOvernlhonirltl u 1 or of i,ir trnln l Caiioi Dtpart Mall tram, daily ' Kxpress, .. 4:Wn.m. , 2.1 i.m. . 3;ijn.n. Cairn and ''"" 81'Otl Line. . 3:13 P ,f ; ::zzzz . . h"'pfWK from Cairo 10 SI. J'' -i . frnin Halm In CtliCW- J.-,i...l.ll.,l.,lr r.fng Uooti sleeping car " i ..! -II i..,w,rlnl "" a;)(aK,o viicimru tin ""I " CAIBOANJ CITY re-tJirrfO, OAOHB Will mako three trips daily. J .m. At AM SO VM. ""-I '"' B..,M,h -jrav. ) cents i 1" ti'kel foi If,'- fodinglor BMtngir or freight- nowm. IlKif.N IlllATfs, iVANSVILLK AND UAIUU, The fincstfnmer IDLE WILD, fiU3K0VLBK..... Master Will leavo Cairo for i:v.inille every .Sunday and Tlmr4y evenings, nt 3 o'cloux, p.m. For fre.untor passage, npply on board or to Janatf .. JAtf. DKKIS, Agl. CAIKO AND PADUCAII MAIL IIOAT. Tlie splendid steamer CT A.S. PISE, J or I'o n I r r , 31 an I p r. iet flilro IiVlt.V, HinUys excepted) at 4 en. Fur traihtor tn.'o nppir nn noara or . . . . . . t'nnilierliiiiil Illvrr luckpl NASHVllZr; CLAltKSVILLE AND oa i no. Tlio splendid steamer T Y 11 0 N E , TOM lIAltMAN...Masler AI.KX. IIAUD Clorli IVIllteme Oilro erory Situnlvy t & o'clock p.m. UrCliik'Villi-, nntl .Nrt-hTllle. I'ur IruiKlit or rwur, apply on board or to )n3tf JAS 1IIG08, Ak'I. KaBHVII.LE, CIjAUKSVILLK and ca i no. Tlf Ka'.lant steamer JOHN LUMSDEN, OWKS DAVI3...Mitr I Clerk Will leare Cairo erery ThiirJay t o'ctork p.m. tor .Vii.liville, CMrkot Hie mill mII way point, Kor frelglit or'e j tI y on bnnrU nr to J"3lf. JAS. HKSCiS, Ag't. NASHVILLE, OLAliKSVILLK OA1KO, Tlio ?ood Mcimtr AND TALISMAN, WII.EV SIJIM3...Mmtcr Cletk Will Uato Cairo every Monilny nt 5 o'clock, p.m. for Nalitille, n:i.l nil way ports Tor freight or pa.'age, niiply on board r to jan J If JA9. lllGG j, Agt. iU.MiuiiA.vr 'i'uiiiK'i'S. LMM1G11ANT TICKETS VOn SALE. 1 KorHalo f KOlt SALE, 1 I 1'orSalo I ' FOI I SALE. J KoradHl'-On BALE. J'"aro from IjIVKUpool, J-'uro from Ldndcndkuiiv . Vnro from Gi.Ahaow, I'nro from (iUKKNSTow.v TO OA1KO, :::::::: $1820 iallorJ, -Morrn .v C'.i , Kent. 1NMAN LINK Llterpool Aew.Tork and l'hiladrlphla Steamship Company, it coxiatcT irtt tvnr.D tatcanv biiiiiii (iOvcnMi tirs Tor Curyiui; tno Malln. ron passaTh tickets on ri'niiirH isrotiM tioi API'LY TO JOHN O. DALE, Aqt. IS ltroailtrny, New-Yolk, or to II. II tlit, V'ahlnaton Avenue, irn. n"l. 51 l'lIYMCIANN' WILLIAM It. SMITH, M. I). "TlF-SinKSCK No. 11 Thlrleenlli ilr.l lu.. XV twee.-! Winttmmioii utcihih hik! Walnut utrutt, "'u-i.-ummmifnii'il inenue, up Halra. 0. W. DUXm(i, M. 1). TIJ?riK.VCK-.-orner.iiilli nml Wlnut l 1 Jj .n-e-cinnr Mixtli iret ami oiim levee. r 1. a.m. io 1 j in,( ani u p.ui II. WAItI)Ni;i;il71). TvnjIril'Helll n l-C dr 1 ; corner Mnclteulli street ami j.v .ii" j, iuii hii-miip, near court lioiino nr. uvw u.rr lull pOMrOflICO, a m. jnd"2to 4 p.m. O.'lioo hourii 10 Id u J iriluir. U. S. HItlOIAJ, .11. I)., HOMEoPATHIS rL, Office, 13fi Coumbwui. kvkl,si,e Office hour., e to 10a.m.. am! 1 lo3 ,, , " ' denco, No. II Nltitli tlrei t, Cairo. ,, fe(,71ni ' i.awvi;kh. ALLEN, .MIJliKBY ,t WHEELER ATTOHNIIYS COUNSEIiKS AT LAW. William J.Allen, am J. Allen, ") ll.Jiulkey l lei l'.Wheelcr.J CAIRO, II.MNOM. bamiiel p tnSmTw r,l,!U,r ,ttentiun l,llJ o river nnd ad miraity tjuineM. OFKlCi:-Over l'irt National Hank, Ohio I.etee. 0 KEEN k OIL II BUT, ATTORNEYS 1MI COUNSELOItS AT LAW, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. WilllaniU. William II. PHI. I . fiilbert, Y MllaaF.OIlUrl, J riiV,"' Un'"n Kl,e" ,g Annually aud OtrirjlOHIO tEVEK, ROOMS T AND 8 OYKn CIT1T NATIONAL DANK. x BT.CHAHLKS HOTEL, aitKXKHD 1VoprIcl or (oaxmi onto uvn 1 am moxu sr.. Cairo, JLLi,t Jht Oaty Ftnt-Ciuu UuuH i,47ic CJ "Dagor.o conreytd (0 r of ml from the j,,,, NUW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOOK III.MIKitV, (3S7rtOOITY HOOK IJIXI'W JOHN ii. onr.iti.v a " rnornltroa', r Bulletin slicct nin i iiiisiiiiision avenue, Cairo, I Minos. ii Lin l of Binding nal Hilling ilono ol tlio ..V. MV HvlnR rnnsjr,ed tho scrvl- ,r' . r Mr. II n.'l . wiin ini. had mnnv Yinrs I fi prrirncr iu one of best Binderies oftl. Louis, . . i,,n.rlnlr-n.l tnl rnluhll.limcnt. WC cull coll ii lentlv irnmlie,our nitron worn niuil to Hint of niy Bindery In the west. I'orC'lly M nrxlial. We ire niilhorlia J to Minounco Amlreir Cnln n. a canunlatc lor re-rleclon to tlieollloo ol city llariliil nt tho approaclilng charter election. For City TrcnNiiror. We are ntithorltcil to acnoutico Mr. Jo.rph II. Taylor mn oandiilato for reelection to the nlllce of City Tre.itircr at tlio cnmlng charter election. I'or 1'lty Clerk. Wo nro atitlionz'tl to nnnotinco Michael How ley a a cntnlMate for re-election to the olllco ol City Clerk at the enduing charter election, I'or Clly At lorney. We are authorized to announce Mr. V. II. Popn ai a candidate for re-election lo the office of City Attorney, nt the entitling charter election. Id I'ollcc .WngiKtrntPa Wo nr ntithoritpd to announco Kredoline llrni!i aj a candidate for re-election to the olllceof Police .MflfilMhitc, ut tho ensiling clinrter elec tion, td THE BULLETIN. lutllMbiHl every inornlnjf, Mondiiy ex Sek the Cairo Keening Sun of to-dny for IJoctor Coftti's Lenten Pastoral. Or- deis for extra coplns receive J nt tlio Sun olDco until 1 p.m. U Tin: l.vco.Mi: of tliu North Jl'ufouri III!, Co., Incrcaicd moro than ton fold dur ing tlio last avcnr. Saitokh, Mouhis & Candkr, Autx. The Noktii Missoubi Imh. Co more tlinn doubled Its capltul atock during the pnt year. Safi'oki), Jlonuis & Canuck, Aots. Is point of real solid assets and reli ublo security, tho North Missouri Ins. Co., is emphatically a leading ilro under writer of tho Mississippi valley. Savkokd, Morrm & Canuke, Aots. Fiiom the income alonooftho North Missouri Ins. Co., could bo paid daily over two thousond dollars of losses without re sorting to its capital or assets. Saitoiui, Mounts & Canijee, Aqts The North Missouri Ins. Co., has filed 11 statomcnt with tho Insurnnco De partment of this Stnto showing its 11s sots to bo Jan. 1st, 1872, $045,417 01. Safkorh, Moitms A: Canoke, Aots Tub Oohok. 8 X 10 Photographic Mowauftlio Big Icq Oorgo, near Co nimbus, Jvontucky, for s:tlo at Thomas' Photograplnc (Jnllery, corner of Kiirhth street and C'oniniorclnl avenue, ivfco, a cent.", each. dlw'J-I'J Till'. JflNV.TKENTII. On tlio ovcnitii: of tho 10th Inst., Hon. "Win. Parsons, of Kuglntid, will lccluro beforo tho Young Men's Christian Association, niul tho Turners trip tho light fantastic too in School's "Washington Hall. The North Missouri Ins, Co., paid iti heavy Chicago huso llftccu days uftertho Ilro without tho least discount or delay in ndjii.'tmunt. Sakkorii, Morris & Candee, Aots. Look to Your Chilurek. Diarrhea, Dysentery, and Summer Uomplaltit nro cured by Mrs. "Whitcomb'a Syrup, which is sold for 2o cents a bottlo. Sco advortiso tncnt. 2-l-l,dA:wlw. lioAUDlNd. Ono hundrod day boardors can bo accommodated at tliu Commercial hotel with day board, tlrst-chm fare, at tlio low rnto of $20 per month. Mrs. M.J. "White. d 1 in-2-1 3. The North Missauui Ins. Co., w In nil the g'reat conflagrations of tho past year, yet conies from tliu ilamos with its obligations promptly mot and honorably paid, and oilers to its patrons indemnity nun inn stood tlio ordoil or Ilro and iUmo SArfoitn, Montis & Oaniiek, Aots. New Flag. Our "Clerk of tlioAVeath- cr, Mr. T. L. Watson, has displayed anil win continue to display for soniu tlnio until it becomes old a splendid now ling it uont iroin a twonty-two foot stall' on tho top of tho obiorvntory, and is u thing ot ocuiiiy 11 not a Joy forever. If you Awl dull, drowsy doWlltiitoil. Jinvo iri'qucnt IieaUuclio, mouth tastes badly, poor nppetito mid tonguo coated, vcu are suffering from Torpid Liver or ''llilli- t outness, " and nothing will euro you so J M'etdily and pormanuntly at Dr. Piercn's Oohlcii Medical Discovery. COO, U.dJtfwlw '""'-'I'liii best c-ntortalnment In tno city It uvUlu Rt Ni(,mIu, hot0) (llloon and restimram. T,(o bo had-vloliniiH ,iuo (JooJ every morning and M . finest brands of cigar f l.A1', f, Louis luger beer,.u.vayS U '1U Give u, a call. m1 nice. 'IllIll'or. A l.inKitAi. adjustment of Its losses, , prompt pnyniiitof itsdubtti a coneti,iitlv,nlllliiorv establishment in this citv, but I .!.... ....!...! . lft,. , . . ' . . increasing capital, una u vlgoroat and prudent management, havo croatod for tho North Missouri Ir.s. Co., a national ro putatlon, und its agents uro meeting with succcm in every part of our country. Saffork, Morris & Oandkk, Aots. In Etpi.anatio'n. Mr. Henry Winter is Inclined to hold The Uui.lktin ro sponeiblo for turning hit nnmo upside down in the Turner society's advertise ment, but we arc not guilty. Tho com niltteo directed that tho nuino should bo thut printed. Whon we foci inclined to turn Jack upildo down wo will inform him of tho fact, and turn him. HurrAiOANir Uear Meat. J, "Wal- tew, tho Eighth 6trcot lutchor, hai re ceived, by express, from Sioui Oily, a buirulo which was klllol by tho Dnlto AImI'i nn ft 'J0Rr wno 'osl nnBSy nt the hands of Oen. Custar. Tlio meat Is now ready to bo supplied to tho citizens of Cairo, t "Walters' butcher shop. 3t a-13 Tin: North M issouiit Ixs. Co., cotild pay back every dollar to its Stockholders, reliunro all Its outstanding risks, pay all Its other llnbllltle.', and still h tvo ab.ilunco of ovor Thirty Thousand Dollars. It has always been wjunl to every requlrctimnti and prompt lo tucot lis obligations. Saitori), Morris & Canhee, Aots. Kkhti vat.. Festival and oyster supper of tho ladles of tho Prcsbytorlnn congre gation, at tho church building, this even ing. Tho tublo will bo spread nt 0 o clock this evening, so that nil who wish can have supper nt tho usual meal hour. Those who wish n good supper for n very reasonable sum will protlt by this opportunity to ob tain one. Tiik YtunlBil, so disastrous lo many flro insurance comp.uiles, was ono of. un exampled prosporlty to Tlio North Mis souri. Out ol tho tiro It comes, with as sets moro than doubled; and now with re cord untarnished, oilers indemnity to nil who aro willing to pay an adequate rate. Savford, Morris & Canhee, Aots. ' Hunoi.ARiF.9. On Monday night bur glars entered several houses In the city After midnight, Oflicor Martin hoard ono of tlio rascals working at tlio back door of Hannon's store, and summoning Officers Quinn and Mohner to his nld, captur ed him, In tlio act of pockotlng tho con tents of tho drawer. Ho rests secure in tho county jail. The i-olict of tho North Missouri Ins. Co., is now, nnd always lias boon, to limit its risks within tho range of any una Ilro, so that tho destruction of any town or city would not sweep away nnd consldor- ablo portion of nsuts. This prudent fore thought saved tho Company nt Chicago, and will bo ono of its safeguards In tho future. Safford, Morris & Caniike, Aots. Not too Late. It is never too latoto do good, nnd therefore not too lato to say that each gentleman and lady who wits present nt tho lato masquerade ball at tho St. Charles in pulling tho supper which mine host Hex ford spread upon that occas Ion. Tho general verdict is that it was tho finest lay out of well cooked edibles ever spread before tho eyes of hungry Cairo dancers. Itoxford knows how to do such things. The LateParlor Concert. The con cert at tho residenco.of S. P. "Whoelor, Esq., was patronized jy one of tho largest and most fashionable audiences of tho lesson, r.veryuoilv who is worth men tioning wns out, nnd tho hours of the en tcrtainmcnt wcro whilcd away in n man nor most docidedly enjoyable. Mr. and Mrs. "Wheeler succeeded in making all their guests, (as tho popular expression has it) " feel perfectly nt home." A Sl'UH.f u. TW fmvo mil. .!), 1 Hi Snup, Meyers nnd Korsmoyor paid a "re former" to nsk this btunulng question: Can you nllnrd to sn.uko Mid chow to- 'baceo, thus spending from three to thirty dollars n month, and injuring your nover ous system, and perverting your wholo constitution, nnd thoroby transmitting to your children n weakened constitution, thus making them punny invnlids for life V The Cistern Question. The council which is often fust to do nothing, nnd fre quently slow tg do anything, has como to u dead halt on tho cistern question. Tho w nuer uricK men lnivo concluded to go cistcnilcss or havo brick cisterns, and the wood cistern men aro hickory in tholr ad horciico to wood. Thoro is consequently n dead lock, and so tho II 1 0 companies may continue Dropping metlon' Into empty cu.terii. And growitut nld in pumplux nothing out Chh'aoo, Cairo and Moiiii.e IUiL' roaii. It will Interest our elti.ens to be told that there was laid beforo tho proper committee of tlio congressional houso of representative?, on Ihn HI Inst., tho joint resolution of tho gunorul assembly of 1111 nols requesting the representatives and senators from this state to endeavor to ob tain tho passage of an net transferring all tho rights, privileges and liabilities confer roil 011 tho state of Illinois for aiding in tho construction of n railroad from Cliicu- go to .Mobile, to tho states of Alabama und Mississippi. Alarm ei. Tlio good pujplo of Me tropolis aro becoming nlarinoj nt tho en terprise being exhibited by Ciiro, nnd tho Times at that plnco raises nn alarming cry. Tlio Timet says : "Tho Cairo r.nd Vin. connos railroad will bo built duriu-r tlio pruiout year, cutting olf our trade from .lolinton county, ninth of th0 county line. ineu ara tm evils which nunaco Mo tropolls. What is she doing? Ask tho wlngod winds that sound our pathway roar." An Inquiry uddrossed in tho di rection indicated by tho Timet might do Metropolis somo good. DKATU OF MllS. AHNOI.II llARIIWR. Nearly all tho citizens of Cairo, certainly all the ladios of Cairo, woro acquainted with Mrs. Arnold liarbor, tlio miillnor. At one time alio was tho proprietors of the most extensive and most fashionable -.iiuai irouuies caino upon nor, ami iio mtsik,mU(:uUi0J b()J0t ,1()r( fttlJ ,,10 W(ls compelltMiy, urron(to. hor business and o..rR.vllvemioo,VUhh(irnecdIOi Somo. imo y Mrs. Harbor Ufl Cain,, iMtcdli.g 0 bo absent several ,, , d news of hor death at St. Loul, reaches u She had boon sick for nearly 0 ' .' thn llltlillli'.mf-ii i.T I,... II ...i.i . ' " , """"B o " will not surprise thoso who woro Ir.tiinntoU ucqualnted with her. Very True. Tho Cairo Paper, lutt issue, puis It In this forcible manner: "Thoro nro two men in Cairo who won't take tho .Vim nnd Bulletin at all, and who stopped taking Tho Wn'ro Paper be came they only had tlmo to read tho St. Louis papers I If, in the couro of n whole year these gentlemen could find lu their St. Louis papers as much ns a single parngraph In favor of Cairo, wo would frame somo kind of an oicuso for them J but us tho pnpors of that city teem with abuso of Cairo nnd ofton oxort lliolr Influ onco to crlpplo our growth nnd defeat our public entcrprUo It would servo tho gen tlemen in question right If tho citizens of Cairo would compel them lo look to St. Louis for tho patronage that provides them with tholr bread nnd butter." China " Mr. nnd Mrs. Snmuel Wallers eelobtnted tho twentieth anniversary of their wedding day by n recherche pnrly lust night, nt which woro present n very largo number of tho worthy couple's friends nndjncqualntancci. Tho occasion wus ono of unnlloyod pleasure, hilarity and enjoyment. Whon they havo doubled tho days of their married life, nnd havo added thereto ten years, their golden wedding will bo colobratcd, nnd In tho city of Cairo, too, then number ing Its population by hundreds of thous ands ntid its luinbor morchants by tho thousand, nt tho head of which Sam. Wal tors will of courso stand, selling cheaper and driving business In a briskor manner than any of them. Wo congratulato Mr, Wallers nnd his estimable lady, nnd hope they may livo to seo the day wo have rc fcrred to nbove. llE-ANIMATINO THE HAIR. When the hair ceaso to draw from tho scalp tho nnt ural lubricant which is its sustenaccs, its vitality is, ns it wcro, suspended, nnd If not promptly attended to, baldness will bo Ihc certain result. The one suro method of nvoldlng such nn unpleasant catas tropho is to use Lyon's Katu airon, which hen woll rubbod into tho scalp, will speedily rc-ntiimato tho hair nnd prevent it from falling out. liosides that, this in Imltablo rctuscitant nnd strengthener of tho Hair nourishes nnd stimulates its young nnd tendor libers, removes all obstacles to their growth in the shape of dandrufTand dirt, ntid ultimately produces a now crop of hair, strongor, glossier, and twico as abundant as tho old. As a hnir dressing it is notably tho most agreeable. rcircsning snu scrviceatilo nrticlo ever plnco upon a drcstlng-tuble. 2-12,d30d&w Cniu. Con. Cases. Every day tho fact becomes moro clearly nppnrent that Cairo Hot in too close proximity to Paditcah and Memphis. Thoso cities have so contamin ntod Its morals that they are, wo fear, be coming rnthor loose. Jtftt now thcro it llttlo brcezo of excitement over a crim con. case in which 0110 of our business men is Involved nnd n wronged husband is seeking tho betrayer of his peace, threat cnlng dlro vengeance. A fow wcekt ogo, 11 husband and father, formerly and till rc contly n citizen of Cairo, decamped with a servant girl leaving his wifo nnd children destitute, nnd mora recently nn other husbnud brought distress to his honrthstono by n similar act of perfidy, Theso nro n fow of tho scandals now on tho lips of our gossips only a few of them Our preachers may learn from this the great necessity thcro Is for nctivitv their part tho overwhelming importance of uniting with The JJui.i.etin in --"'-- f . Iiriiif, l..nil a Im-IIat condition of uiiulrs nnd liuston tho dawn of tho ora of virtue, when there will bo no moro faithless husbands and wives, and when tliu dog will not return to his vomit, tho cow chow hor cud nnd l'obertson, of tho police force, not doslro olllcc. The Municipal Canvas. Tho np proaching contest for municipal oflicos will bo n peculiar scrub raco if it is per mitted to drift along ns it now is; but in all probability n concerted effort of citi zens who havotha woltaro of Ciiro roally at hoart will bo mado at tho proper time. That old element In our citv politics which is always holding back, al ways find ing fault with what is being dono an'd novcr suggesting a bettor policy corino ran(s, who fed upon tho city treasury un til they emptied it ; "gay boys,'1 who cry : " Give us public pap or we dio, " thoso are busy und will bo in the Hold beforo they arocxpoctcd nnd mnko tho public car tlnglo with tho blare of tholr trumpsts blowing their own praises in every saloon in tho city. Already tho boll wcAthcr is perambulating tho streets, and tho sound of his calling bell, after which his flock follow most stoadfustly, may bo heard tink ling now on this ttreot cornor nnd now on that bore, there, everywhere. Ho is go ing tor an olllco again, sure. Ifo is in great need of tlio salary. It may bo small, but It will help. IJut tho other side, whstaru tlioy doing 7 Littlo nothing. And so we go. Hut something ought to bo done. Tlio wolfaro of tho cily demands that tho good accomplished during tho municipal year now closing must not be mtillilled by mal-udministrallon during tho next year. Tlio LansJon administration deserves woll of tho public. II should bo continued if possible, so that it may havo an oppor tunity to moro fully duvulopo to consum mate Its policy of municipal government. It would bo woll, therefore, if tho electors should say to tho present city ollicorg : " Well dono, good and faithful servants; weary not in woil doing, (lo in again, and bclmvo bolter next year than you did lust if you can." The tiokut of last year is a good enough ticket for this year I Lt us repeat. A Bather Larue Fuss About a Vekt Small Matter. Last Monday tho Cairo 7'ujer announced Johnny Marnol, a rath er forward and froward boy of this city as a candldato for mayor. Tho announce ment was takon by most readers ns an at tempt at a Joko ; but tho Sun, with Its ttccustomud astutonos?, took tho matter i i.. .. . i, . .. suriuimy ami canci tno announcement n very "small affair." Johnny, i,lj0. rushed into print In tho following unlono "card": J-Mltordlro Bun : Sir, I find in the Cairo Paper of tills morning, my nnmo announced us n candi date for mayor. If this is intended as n Joke it is too btale. If u reality, thon I "vo to suy that it was against my wishes '"id nuthoilly. I profor tho position of Journeyman printorto that f being prosl nt or u,e Uulted States. Yours, &l, John. P. Marnel. and "ayt"W comc' u,,ol,,or J'0U"B n, Editor Ilullelini lu the Cairo sn, of Monday evening, Jno. P. Marnol declares that ho gavo no 0110 authority to niinoittico his nanio In connoction with tho mayoralty. I dcslro to say that tho nuthority was given to mo porsonaiiy, una 111 niu prusouco 01 Dr. VlClOr. I1KI.IIKRT 1IARRELL. If this goes on tho canvass will degonor- ntolnto njuvonllo contest-, nnd n would suggest to The Paper that, before It announ ces inch n candldato ngnln,',tho iditor would do well lo mako n personnl oxaininalbn of tho nsplrinir vounir ninn to nscorttin hclhor holms yot ossapo.l from his swad- ling clothes nnd has entirely disponsed with tho uso of diapors. Lent. To-day boglnstho Fast of Lent, and during its contlnuanco the faithful aro to mako only one menl n day, except on Sundays, when they may go for tho good things-that tho cook provides. Young porsons under twenty-ono years of age, tho sick, nursing women, thoso who nro obliged to hard labor, and nil who through wenkncis cannot fast without prejudice to their health, nrc oxompted from tho obligation of fasting, nnd these aro not hound by tho restriction of using meat only nt 0110 mcnl.on days on which Its uso Is granted by dispensation; but hero arc tho rules it: full ns they have boon promulgated by tho blthopsoftho tovoral dioccicsoi: 1. All the faithful who havo completed tiieirlwcnty-llrst year urc, unless lcglti mateiy dispensed, bound to observe the Fast of Lent. They aro lo mako only ono meal a day excepting Sunday. 3. Tho meal allowed on fuatdivs Is not to bo taken till about noon. 4. At that meal, if on any day pormlS' sion should be granted for cntlng flesh, both flesh and fish shall hot bo used id the snmo meal. ft. A small refreshment, commonly cnl led collation, is nllowed in tlio evening ; no cencral rule ns to tho nuantitv of food tier mlttcd at this time is or can be made. Hut tho practico of tlio most regular Chris tinns i, novcr to let It exceed the fourth part of an ordinary meal. 0. Tho quantity of food allowed nn collation is broad, butter, eggs, cheese, milk, nil kinds of fruits, salads, vegetables and fish. 7. General usage has mado it lawful to tako in tho morning some warm liquid as tea, cotloc, or thin chocolate, and cracker. 8. Necessity nnd custom have author ized tlio uso of lard Instead of butter, In preparing fish, vegetables, otc. 0. Tlio following porsons nroexomptcd from tins obligation of fasting: Young persons under twenty ono years of ag tuo sick, nursing women, inoso who arc obliged to do hard labor, and all who through weakness can not fast without prejudice to their health. 10. l!y dispensation, tho uso of flesh meat will be allowed nt anv time on Sun days, and once a day on Mondavi, Tue days, Thursdays nnd Saturdays, with tho exception of the second and last Saturday fl.ent. 11. Persons dispensed from tlio obliga lion of fasting on account of tender or ad vanced r.go, sixty years, or hard labor, aro not bound by tho restriction on using meat only ut ono meal on days on which its use Is grunted by dispensation. Tho: dispensed from tho fart for other causs ns well as thoso who aro obliged to fust, aro permitted to use meat only ntono meal. Commercial. Tho weather has been mild for tho last few days. Tho ico gorge, which has been moUing rapidly, yesterday gavo way and disappeared, and tho river Is now clear from hero to Now Orleans. Yesterday tho ice-bound boats all steamed up to this city, nnd tho wharf proscntod a lively and natural appearance. The resumption of navigation has put new life into the market, and heavy transations in nil de partmcnls of trado wero tho order to day. Everything sells readily, but the market is almost hire in consequence of light receipts. Tho market is poorly supplied with choice hay, higher grades of Hour and grain, and as thoro Is a fair pro. pect of abrisk trado with rates in favor of shippers, correspondents nro recomended to forward choice grades of hay, flour and grain wiinoui iioiav. hales ol hay wero mado to-day, at S20 for good mixed which is nn outside figure, moro than it would havo brought, if the market hud been well supplied. Bates of freight urc very unsettled. An early reduction is anticipated. Pi.UUK lho market is bare of grades, i roin AAA to Choice: low grades quiet. Tho higher grades aro in in ana in good demand. Sales wore- 1,125 bbls. various gratles $5 50a8 "ft ouu uuu. various grudes, on orders c 000 nn 1 cur, Fine, on track lftO bbls. Low Super, from S3 20 storo 200 bbls. Low Supnr. from storo 1 car, XXX spring COO bbls. XX..........." 200 bbls. Family, to nrrlvo... 100 Clioico Fumilv.tonr- rivo " 700 bbls. Uhfs Triumph, on P. T fi 23 0 25 0 10 H 00 8 2! COKN. Is active, but Becoipts nro light nnd tho demand prom Itos to bn very good. Hales wcro very scarce, 18 cars, White in sacks, dul... COcoO'c svv sacus Jiixod, on orders. ... m0 scars insacks, del... C3ca54c 100 sacks, White, on orders,dol. D8o cars, (jo). In sacks, on P. T iuu sacks, Jitixud dol. 53o uaio ino inurket is uctlvo, but tho supply falls short op tho demand. Saios wcro 1 cars Southorn Illinois, in sacks, dolivorod 8 " Mixod, in sacks, dol... lft " Northorn, in s'ks dol. 350 sacks, On orders 100 " From storo, dol 133 " From storo 15 4Cal0o 40o 4ftn4Cc 4(lo 40c HAY' Choice liny is scarce nnd In good demand. Thoro is littlo coming in. Low gratles nro neglected. Sales wero 2 cars Prairio $ 14 00 1 " Poor mixed, delivered 17 00 0 " Mixed, dolivorod 18 00n2OOO 300 billon, Good Mixed, dol 20 00 1 car Timothy, dol 20 00 7 cars' Cholco Timothy, del... 20 00a2l 00 BUTTEB Plenty nnd dull nt quota- lions. Sales woro 35 nkgs Packed and roll 18a20o EGGS. Tho market is woll supplied nnd prices tend downward. Sales wcro 20 nkgs, Sl.ippors' count 20c 0 boxes " i'0o POULTRY. Is scarce ntid in active I demand, but thoro Is llttlo coming In. oiuoa wro jou iuj., urossou Tur nvs lie lbs., 'i lili,.,.,V in iln 11 "" MEAL. Is ncil VO mill In rrnml flntmitwl 52, . .m ".quotations. Wo quote ... T, uq. i uu lOobbls., " i. ii on or- dors, 3 00 II 00 Ann 1.1.1. rt:.. u. i.i. , i.nii, vjiiy niciwil jncu I) uo PHOVISIONS.-Aro lively nnd ycslor day qulto a considerable number of tales, uitm niritln ........ 1 wero made. Wo quote.- Jo kegs, Lard , 10c i tierces 11 8Jo 0 Hkgs 10c Ce 7c 2700 lbs dry saltahouldera ... 4000 " " "clear aides 1300 " " " Hams 8c 12Jc no 1000 11 Dried Beef Pork. Wo nolo sales of IS dressed Hoi's. 30 bbls mess 13 76 G iVME. Tho Minnlv Is not cnunl to tho ilcmand. Sales wero lOdoz Onalls SI OOal 25 30 " Uabblts I OOal 20 Deer r.jc 4 60 4 dor. Prairio chickens SEED. Sales wore 10 bus Tiiiiuth In bulk $3 2ft SUNDHIE bbls Buckwhoat flour ' CO, Co.mftro'llkr's Kki'okt. Cairo, Ilia,, January 4th, Wl, o the HonoriiMe, the Ma or nnd City Council of inn cuy oi ;airo. Gentlemen: In puriunnce of there quiromontt of tho oity charter, I submit tlio following statomcnt of tho city llnan ccs for the six months commencing July 4th, 1871, aud ending Juntiary 4, 1872, Very Bespectfully, K. A. Burnett, ' City Comptroller, Statement ut the Receipts and Uip.mliturra of me cuy ior me aix riioniiia enuiug January sin, Ol J. Da. luluncs in Traasury, July I, ls'l ll,TI8 tJ HKCKIl'Trf, To Poll c Magistrate 1,TJ ot To Lleunse hi omit 'iM) Si To J. II. Taylor, tux collector 15.SVJ II -I'.. L- f IL-Lr.l .tt.ul (,.- ?'t'l 'ft To Citv Heater, collections...- & s' To John Hylaud, et colt'r In Hill oi ac iuiiociiy nt To Taxs cn landu from InTU.. (,'J.I i To Interest on note lUmes llutiCo ai w 2.V,i 16 Total Iticclpt KXPUNfllTUKES. Ca. Ily Interest, Coupons aid ami caiici'iieu....iM Ily F. II. A Co. Interest Ily (Scrip redeemed and can celled -.. Ily ILilxure In Interest Fund t,ti'7j 3.1 Ily llalancc In K.II.A Co. Fund 1,VjC ol llv llnUnce in tipscl! Fund... VI to Ily lUUiu'e Fund. 101 07 t :.M 4S 4,8i)i) VI 14.IM 07 loiai ii.iuuce, ll,s;i 41 JJA.C'Jl llil Statement of Scrip l.sued nniUJutstandinu, for what purpoae appropriated, from July 1671, to Januury 4th, IsT'i. and ltd, Ila. IlaUnceoutstandinB July!, Is7l S 18.701 3!!; loonicers stiurits, not in- cludlnn Police I 2.7M in To Police salaries '2,1'rl '.is To Jail and jailer.. I.isl ii To-ll;-JiMexp'es nt 30 Jall'ra tees 1,.V.! '.'3 To Sfreet, labor, mnterlal, etc 771 10 To Hideaalk repairs r,Ms W To-lt: Ijhor- JI 4' JJjteriul.... 3,071 49 To flai In street lamps 2.071 SO To Fire del iirtnw n( exH-nses. 'si i -a To Public vlstc-rs, pail for re ! ring ... To lleluinled taxes ToCIVii oitice, Council cham her. rent, feiil. IikIiIs, etc... To Printing, IlmJiiiK nnd Ad vertisliiK . Micellaneous exptiisea ,'ul-l 1I10i...m....m...m...w, . 133 I'J I, to Kii l:l 4"1 Wl jr, n -31.KI 7-;; Total.. 3VJ30 1? Ca. Ily Scrip paid and cancelled from July 1, 171, to Jan, 4, 175 IUlanco ont-tanUluK Ttal JM.193 07 'i,,7i;t 10 UV'3o Increase in 0 months enllnj; Jnnuary I, Mi J7.0M 7I,' Itr.mcTioi, yetr endiuie Jan. 4, Ie7i a 74 Staiement ol the Loud account as shown by the f'.niritrf.ltir- LaI.-, l.nnnr.l Ik-, llalnnce outstanding July 4, ls71 (No uw L'ds l.sunl niul none f ),!! 8) redeemed.) Balance tutttaiiillnj; January 4. is'J ire,2i M statement of the account of J. II. Taylor, City ColLetm. ai. whiiun l tli- i",ti,.i,n lo.-.. l...i.i' January 4, Is?'.'. Du. To Ilalanco July 4, 187 To I.'uhtM iv'arrint fc ....J 4.733 f-0 e lie rru ivarrint for ltSTI ... 40.7V7 3H U,333 3 Cu. Ily iimount paid J. II. Taylor, Treuiuror I15.I3J 43 Ily amount of forfeited taxes, IKO'.ianil 170 x rr.i: !17 Ily llal.iucv unpaid tuxes 3.',3I7 3s J3 1,533 38 Statement of Hie account of J. n. Taylor, Treas urer, us alioHii by the Comptroller' books, January I, ls7'.'. Int. Jul To lialnnce an hand, 4, 1671 814.7IS 3 To rash received dining six months eudlot; Jan. 4, 187. ';i,'J7ti 10 t30,GU4 W Ily niiioiint paid out during tho six month cudinK Jan, 4, if?.; sji.kiojj By lulaneo on han I, Jan. 1, W2 .'. il.tJ! 41- S30,r,3 ;i:i ItlX'AI'nX'LATION, Da. Hcrliioutsland'ng.Iaii. 4, IB7-M !U,7C1 10 uonus omsunii K Jan. s, :7i. .'xi.'jsi ;rj. Total IndebH'ilness,., IJIC,U44'J Ca. Bills recelvnhle, nun i;o f 2,700 W II. Taylor, collector, unpaid tunes a :ii7 r, lUniifU mid Ready lire Co 3,i0 it) IIuIhiico in Interest Fund e.i.oj ii Balance in General Fund ii'.i nr Unlii(o in (Special lund !il K) Balance in F. II. A Co, Fund... 1,00(1 01 11 Lince.. 0,140 47- 31t,UIJ40 tjntement of sundry accounts duo for which scrip Material lor sldewulks t'79 Lulmr on sldenalka...- 11)'J 177.-. no Jnller's freslu iiioiith of Ilec... 2ss 00 uiucera faurlos for inontn of Doccmiier 423 uu Police anlariea for month of December 303 :a Oaa lu street lamps, 2 insulin ill) 41) Fire Iieoiirlincnt 42a i:i ijunilries aos mi Total JJ.ilU Hi BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Council Chamber, ) Cdrn, III,, February liith, 1S7U. ) Present Aldonnen Cunningham, Fit.- gorald, Klob, Mutealf, Seasc, Swayno and "Winter 7. Tho chairman not being present, Aldor- man uuiiuingnatu wns callod to tho chuir. On motion of Aldorinnn AVIntor tlio reading of tho journal was dispensed with. BILLS FROM COMMITTEE ON CLAIMS. Tho bill of thn Cairo Clly Gas Company amounting to $41 30, for gas consumed nt tho Bough nnd Beady engine houso for 3 months, ondlng on Docombor 1st, wns ro- portod back by tho committoo on claims, rccommondingpaymontof half the amount of said bill. On motion of Alderman Win- nr llin Mil waa nllnwoil aa rnenintnnndcd I. .. ..... . ... . 1 by tlio louowing voio: ivyes uuiiiiiiig- I Imin VI I jffnnilil. Klali. "Mnlrnlf. ScaSO. I HurrtVtlO fttlll Winter 7. NnV 0. W Aid. Stratlon stmoared In hit tent. Th0 (tt10 c0lnmllco l0 whom wn, ro. ferrcd tho bill of tlu Arab flro company amounting to $128 08 for expenses for qunrlcr ending Docombor 31, 1871, re ported tho SAtno back, recommending the payment of tho bill less $100 for cnglnoor's salary, Alderman Klob ol tho committoo submitting n minority report In favor of tho payment of the entire bill. Aldorman Wlntor moved to allow tho bill as recommended In themajorlty report of the committoo. Carried by the follow ing volo: Ayos Cunningham, FlUgor ald, Mo teal f, Seatc, Stratlon, Swayno and "Wlntor-7. Nny Klob-1. Tho samo committoo also reported back tho bills of H.T. Gcrould, amounting to $70 lor laying plpo and erecting lamp posts at city jail and corner of 12th ttrcet and Commercial avonuo, and of tho Bough and Beady flro company, nmountlng to $205. C5, for uxponioi for yoar ending De cember 31, 1871, recommending payment thereof. On motion of Alderman Winter, laid bills woro nllowod ns recommended, by tho following voto: Ayes Cunningham, Fitzgornld, Klob, Mttcalf, Sense, Stratton, Swayno ntid Winter 8. Nny 0. Tho bill of T. O'Callnhnn for $1G 31 for nsslgncd order of John Sullivan for work on tho Cairo & Blnndville rood In 1809, wns reported back by said committee re commending tho rejection of tho bill. Aldorman Winter moved to concur ui tho recommendation. Carried as follows : Ayes Cunningham, Fitzgerald, Klob, Metcalf, Seatc, Stratton, Swayno nnd Win ter. 8. Nay 0. Tho same committee reported back tho bill of tliu Cairo City Gat Comnanv. nmountlng to $287, for gas consumed in street lamps in January, rccotnmonding payment of $220 in full of bill. On motion of Alderman Metcalf tho bill was allowed by the following voto: Ayes Cunningham, Fitzgerald, Klob, Seasc, Stratton, Swayno, Metcalf and Winter 8. Nay 0. rlUNTINd HILLS. Tlio following bills which were rofurrod to tho committco on printing, were re ported back by said committee recom mending payment of tho same, viz: ofJ H. Obcrly & Co, treasurer's licenio no tice, blank notices for council meetings, vaccination tickets and publishing coun cil proceedings in January, $01 50; and of Cairo Book Ilindory, for numbering 200 B. B. bonds with coupons, (10. On mo tion of Aid. Stratton the recommendation of tho committee was concurred in at fol lows : Ayes Cunningham, Fitzgerald Klcb, .Metcalf, Scase, Stratton, Swayne and Winter 8. Nay 0. HILLS FROM COMMITTEE ON CLAIMS. Tho following bills which had been re ferred to tho said committco were reported back with recommendation for payment, viz: W. M. Willlamai, 2,Ml feet lumber II. 11. Williams 0,742 feet lum- . bur John Ciibill, hauling drunken man to jail Joseph I.chmcs, hauling drunkeki man to juil u.. A. 1 1 alley, putting up stovu and hardware for lull $59 88 134 84 50 CO 5 80 17 Jns. Boss, coal for city building anu urti warn polls Clias. Peters, sharpening crow bars and picks S. Walters, 500 feet poplar bds. nnd drayngo C. Lane, sharpening 27 saws Cairo City Coal Company, 3 tons coal fwr city building B. H. Cunningham, rent of city building for January John Tanner, buckets, brooms 1 11 75 10 80 13 CO 40 00 and brushes for jail ft 01 F. M. Wnrd, 1 ton of coal for j'lll 4 CO Petor Conlan, 27 days work on sidewalks in Januury 54 00 Tnomas Fitzgerald, 27 Jays work on sidewalks lu January C4 00 u. .naiioney, uj days work on sowers in January Win. Mcllnle, 2J days in charge of city labor , Michael Driecoll, hauling tniall- C3 00 44 00 CO pox patient to bt. .Mary s In firmary Win. Mcllale, dieting prisoners for January 281 Thos. Meeliuu, haulinc cinders ft days, nnd hauling 00 drny louds and 7 car loads of lumbor Morris, Bood & Co., 4,753 feet 87 00 01 30 350 73 4 45 1 CO 1G 85 lumber M orri, Bood & Co., 18,031 fnct lumber Close & Vincent, llmo and ce ment and dravagc Parker A- Illaki", 8 lbs. white lead D. H. Winaus, 1 load sand W 10th street pump nnd work nt same AY. J, Hamilton, 12 days work ut 10th street pump CO 00 Stimmorwcll & Baird, work on 10th street pump 10 00 Jos. B. Beed, work on 10th street pump 20 00 A. Frnzcr, work on 10th street pump , S 50 E. A. Burnett, salary as comp troller for January 75 00 A. Cain, salary at iiuirslml for Janunry 50 00 Jos. B. Taylor, salary as treasuror for January 100 00 M. J .Howloy, salary as clerk for January jijQ 00 L. H. Myors, salary as chief of pollco for January 83 33 John Slicohan, snlsry us police consinmo lor January 75 00 W. H. Bobortson, salary as polico constnblo for January 75 00 C. Mehner, Falify as police con- stalilo for .January 75 00 B. F. BUllngsly, salary us pollco constable for Jantiarv 75 00 Henry T. Martin, salary ns pollco constnblo for Jnnuurv 75 00 Jas. (Julnn, 20 days salary as po llco constnblo in January 03 00 II. A. Hunnoii. stationery for clerk's and tronsurur s ofllco..., 8 30 On motion of Aldorman Fitzgornld said bills woro nllowed at fellows: Ayos Fitzgerald, Klob, Motcalf, Soase, Stratton, Swnyno nnd Wintor 7. Nay 0. Aid. Cunningham not voting, On motion of Aid. Fitzgerald tho board thon adjourned. M. J. Howley, City Clary;. To Mothers and Nurses. Jfn, Whitcomb's Syrup for diarrhea, &c, In childron, whothor Inducod by toothing or othor causes, Is tho safest nnd test romgdy, fob7d&wlw 76 CO