Newspaper Page Text
32 AXE, BmlMitL x JOHN H. OBEHLY & CO., THE MAILS. AimiTK. biriar Norlli. Throuiin. swp.m Wy 2:20 plin. 4:00 p.m South, Way joup.m Through N. O., Mem phis and Columbus 130 p.m. 4;Wp.m Ohio Hirer route, (eicept Monday) iOOp.m, C:00p.m Iron Mountain K. It 2:30 a.m. 11:00 p. n Was. Illter route, Tuesday ami KrlJay 8.00 p.m, 7:00 p.m. Ihebes, Goose Island A Banta Fe, Ilia., Thursday Krl- lay e.OOp.m. TiOOa.rn, ilayfleld, lllandrillo and LoveVe, Ky . 11:00 a.m. 4.00 p.m. orma Hoi'ai. O-ncrat bellrery (Hundayaeio'Ja.m.) 'ioney Order depaalmcnt :0O a.m. COO Register " " " :O0a.m. 6:00 p.m. Money Order and lOfUter departments no (io on flundaya. OUR CHURCHES. K'.9IIYTF.UIAN-Kin.hlh.alreet. Preachlne, Fabllli at W, a. and Vi r. w. Prayer meeting, Wedueeday at 7Ji r. . Sunday Hchool, 3 r. M. J, M. Lan.den, Hupr Intendent, Rer. C. II. Foots, Paster. HKTHODIHT-Cor. Kifftitli and Walnut fit.. Preaching, Sabbath 10 a. and 7 r. H. Prayer meeting, Wedneaday, 1,'ir. m. Bunday School .3 r. M. I,. W. Btilwell, Huper inteudenU Iter. F. L.Tiioarso, Pastor. CllUltCIl OKTUK HKPKKMKIt-lKpifCOf .l) Morning prayrra, Kabliatli a. m. reDlng prajcr. 7Ji. m. . Sabbath (school,!) a. m. Iter. Ma. Cuah, Rector. feT. PATKICK'H CIR'HCIl-Jor. Ninth Hi. and Washington Avenue. .'ilUie ierrice, Babballi f-K and 10S' A. M Vespers, 3 r. m. uwlay School,? r. M. Service every day, 8 r. . Her. P.J.O'INllosax, Priest. JUNO MKN'd CHRISTIAN AbHOCIATION ltcg- meeting second Monday each month at ti e I'rayer room of the Presbyterian Church Weekly Prayer tnectinK, Friday, Tt r. ., at he Prayer room of the Preabyterian church. C. 1'iA.o.l, Prealdent. AFRICAN MF.TIIOWST-Kourleenlh, between Walnut anl Cedar. rJervleea, Kabbath.Il a. . Suaday ttihool, r. . C!ui3r, m. KF.COND FltKK-Wll.l.IIAITIST-Flfleenth St. Preaching, 7 r. w. Iter, Win. Jetkaon, Peator. between Walnut and Cedar. berrtcea, 1J and 3 r. t. Iter. N. Kiraa.raetor. FRKE-WILL BAPTIST IIOMH. MISSION fcU.N OAT SCHOOL Corner walnut aad Cedar 8ta. tundiy .School, 9 a. . eWST FnF.K WILL BAPTHT CHURCH-Cur- ry'a Barracks, ervicee, Hablatli 11 a.m., p. m. and V, p. w. Iter. Wm. Knur, I'ator. IIR9T MIKSIO.VAItV DAITIST CHUltCII-Bel. ween 10th and nth afreet., nearCedar. Treachlnf HalAath Vyt A. and 7. r. . Prayer Meetlni:, WednndayerenlnK. I'reacliltK, Kriilar ereninn, .. rablAtlii'liool, 1'; r. i. John Van Itaiteruul Mary htepheua !:iierint(ndenta. Iter.TJ.Slinarj. Pato KF.COND IIAI'reTCIIUltCli-hoilltfntli atreet, between Cedar and Walnut; Her. Jacob Brad, ley, Elder; the only lliptiit Church recojenuej I j the AMoriatinn. IVeriicer, Sunday 11 o'clock e.m., at 3 p.m. and at 7 p.m. Jacom llM.bLAT, KtJ.r. SECRET ORDERS TIIK JIAHONN. Oaiao Oou!iir.r, No. 13. htate.1 Aaaemlly at the Aaylura Maonu Hall, firat and third,Ha urdaralneach month. Cauo Covpflt, 'o,2l, Hegular Conrocatlonat aeonlo Hall, the keoond Friday In each month. CAiao Cutrtra, No. 71. Secular Convocation at Maaoulc Hall, on the third Tuekday of etery "cau'i tVoiwt, No. 237 F. A A. M -llegular Com. munlcationa at Jlaionlo Hall, the aecond aud (oiinh Mondaye o each month. Ihua L.ur., No.wa F. i A. M. Regular Com munlcationa nt Ma.onlo Hall Srat and Ihlid Thuradaya in each month. TIIK ODD-rKLLOWB. AiriAkMa txit, 221. Jleeta In OddFellov'a. Hall, In Artir'a Uullding, etery Tliuraday ten ng, at 7 o'clock. STATE OFFICERS, STATU OFFICERS. OoTernor, John M. Palmer ; Lieutenant-Governor, John Dougherty) Secretary ol State, Edward Rummeli Auditor of Slate, C. E. Lipplncoit ; State Trcaiurer, E. N. Hatea ', Supt. Public luatructlon, Newton Bateman. CONOliESSMKN. ienatora Lyman Trumbull and John A. Logan. i:eprc entalla for the Slate at Lara J. L Betcridjre. npreaentntlre Tlilrlcenth Diitnct John M' Hbi. V MK XI II KltS GENKKAL ASSEMBLY. Senatora, lat Ui.'irict T. A. E. Holcomb, ol Unon, andS.K. fiilon.of (lillatin. lff!reentatlvc, latDlttrict II. Wataan Webb COUNTYOFFIOEltS. C1UCUIT COUHT. Judge I). J. linker, of Alexander. ' I'roaccutlng Attorney J, V. MiCartney, of Maa'.ifl. Circuit Clerk-Jno. Q. Harman. Bhenfl-A. H. Irvln. Wm. Martin, Asacasor, and Trcaiurer. COUNTY COUIIT. Judge F. llroaa. Aaoriatos-J.:E. McCrlte"and S. Marchlldon. ClerkJacob 0. Lynch. Coroner John IT, Goasman. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT yuyor John H. Lwaden. 1'reasiirer J. H. Taylor. Comptroller E. A. Burnett Clurk Mlahael Uowley. llarahal Andrew Caiu, Attorney P. II. Pope. Police Magidtratea-F. Droaa and It. Hhan eenay, Chletot Police L. II, Myera. SKLKCT COUNC1. ayor John M.Lnnaden, Firat Ward-1. O. Hohuh. Bocond Ward C. It. Woouanl. Third Watd-Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward-S. BtaaU Taylor. Ulty-at.Large W. V. Halllday aad li. HurU. BOARD 0 ALDtRMKN. FIRST WARD Jamea Bearden, Leo Kleb, laaaa Walden. F.CONf) WA RD-R. ILICunninghun, E. Ruder, Henry Winter, Jamaa Swayne, , CHlRDWARD-Wm.Stratton, T' Patrick Flligetald, OURTU WARD-Jamea Carroll.i O.H.Seaae, :J,U,Melair. PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. HOARD AND LODGING. Mr. T.H. KUIt, the corner of Seventh nd CotiimrcIl U prctmrcd to accoin modatc all wlio apply with board, with or wlthoitt.roorm, at price lower than any other flmt-clnsahouio in the city. Mr. LI III kcepi an excellent tablo; hU roomi ore front rooms high, light and airy, and well furniahed, and wo havo no heiltallon in promlilng tatlifactton to all who cull on him. Mr. Kill will alio aupply partlct who dculre with unfurniahod room at reasonable ratci. Lt all Interested toko notice. llcmembor on the corner of Setenth and Commercial. 2'c Cristal vinegar from London at Jor gtnion'i, corner of Twontleth itrect and AVathlngton avenue. tf Pkck, Fkeajt, Ss Co' London blicul t alwaya on hand, corner Twentieth and Washington avenue. U VnioiiT'a no piua uttra minced mea prepared oxprcisly for family uie, at Jor genien'i. L. Jorgemcn hat on hand a fresh sup ply of Damsons, ir. syrup. tf JortoKNso.v has the best .tut India preserves for sale cheap. tt -h'and witched meats of all kinds al- wavi on hand at S. Jorgcnson's. tf. Go to Dr. McOauley fr Rattlngcr's Fo. ver Drops. Warranted to cure tbo chills Jorokkson has the fincat supply ol Spanish olives In the city. Try them tf Paul G. Schuh' tolls Hallinger's medi cines, tf Oyster Soup at Harry Walker1 every morning. Also fresh St. Louis beer, tf Ovster Soup at Harry Walker's every morning. Also freih St. Louis beer, tf MII.LIMCRH. MRS. M. SWANDER, DEALER IN MILLINERY A LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, v 'aa)i rtaal 'A)eaasa. aiaaUif rilla aua isajrtnorai-a Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WE A A afale t onler, or lUadyafaUa. IIm reeeited a full and complete atook of gooda, he neweat and cmnpleteat in the city. Aa im mene rarity ol RIBBONS, LACKS AND FRINGES ahe oflera great inducemeta to her patrene and all others tocall on her.exauiine the pncea, atylea and quality of her stood.. Mrs. Swar.oer, haring eold her property, 11 ali the whole of these aoodaat and belorcoal .low la the lime in purchaae Cnnetman good t the terv ,owet pricea. WINCH ANDiMClCJOIU. wjii'iL'sbWTTBi Importer aud Wholesale Dealer lu WINES, LIQUORS, AXD TOBACCO &c CIQAB9. Agent for the beat brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AXD lsBorld Alt of Different Kinds. 75 Ohio Levee, If CAIRO. ILLINOIS. P. M. STOCKFLETII, arccr.noa rOHti a STOcarinTU Hrcliryor laaaa WSaolataalo Stealer In . roreltru mi Uoiaieatle WINES AND LIQUORS. No. 62 Ouio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. aKIceepaon hand conatantly a full stock o Old Kentuckv Uoiiruon. five and MononKa , Whlaklea, Krench llrandlea, Holland (iln, llhineand California Wines An3iit BOOTH AND N1IOFJI. WILLIAM EIILERS, FaahlonaU BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWKNTIKTU iTBIKT, Itatwean Waahluglon aveuuo ani Popltr CAIRO, ILL. Hoots and filinoa MaOe to Onler Klnt Workmen0!: aatlafactlon Svarrauted. ratrooax Mulleita WIIOI.KNAI.R CHOC'KKH. 'I"?MYTli"&"CO,'," WHOLESALE OHOCEKS, Oil I O LEVXX CAIRO. ILLINOIS. A'so, keep conatantly on hand a moat 'com pleto stock of lilQ.TJOIRa- (X-TCII AND IIIIPII WIIISKIXa a i n s, Port, MHdorla, Sherry and Catawba W incs RUHYTH A CO. sell exclualrely for caah.lo . which fact tlier Invito the e'Decia! atlen. tion of cloae bargain buyera. Special attention yiten to filling Orden IIANKH. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS t linrferctl .tlnrrh .11, 1HMI. orrict m CITY NATIOVAL BANK, CAIRO ornctaai A. II.SAFFOHI). Preanlenti H. S. TAYLOR. Vlce.l'reai.lent ; W. IIYSLOP, Secretary and Treamirer. ctatcTonat P. W. IlAactAr, F. M. Htoikinrii. CiiAa. GALioura, I'Al'LO. HCIIUI, W. P. llAI.LIKAT, R M. Ci'KMabiiAM, J. M. PiuiLira. Deiolla nt auy Amount Rerel vel Irotn leu t enia i iuurua. INTKKEiT paid on depn.lti at the rate ol all percent, per aonum, March let and H'ptein ber lei. Intereet not withdrawn ia'd iiimie Ldlatey In lie principal of the deM,ata, then by Ri.lUK ineiii vuiiipuuuu iniereei. MaRKIKII WOMEN AND CHILDREN MAY DEPOSIT MOXKV 0 THAT 90 OM IUI CAS PRAW IT. Of-en ete.y buaine.a day from 9 a.m. to 3 wm. and fcuturday etening lor KAVINU UKPUITS onl), dam m b o'cloi k. auiOtl W, nTSLOP.Treaaurei. FIRST NATIONAL BANK or caiuo. DA.NIF.L HUM). Prealdent ; l'.OHEKT W. MILLKK, Viccl'realdenl. C. .N. UtnilllS, Cnahler. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE FXCIIA.NfiK, coin, bank nolea and I'nileU !i btalea eecurillea bought and eold, Intrrreil Allonrd on Time Depoalta. THE CITY NATIONAL B.A.2si"FC. CAIUO. II.I.I.VOIN. CAPITAL, 8100,00 orrictaai W. P. II ALU PAY, Prealden II KNItY L. HAI.LIIUV, Vice Prealdent; A. It. fAFKOHU, Caahleri WALTKIl HVSI.OP, Aaaialant Cashier. niarcTOasi SiAAta T.oi.oa, Kortat II. Ci iMiiaiiAM, llraar L. HaiLiUAr, W. P. IIai.liiui, Gto, ), WiLllAHrox, KnriirN lltau A. It. SAriuun. r.xrliniiRF, Coin nnil I'nltetl Klnlca Boud IloiiKl't Mud Nold. DEPOSITS received, and a general tanking hiiaineaa done. IIOAT STOKKS. SAM W. I Ii S O N , III1LII I it BOAT STOBSS OKOUKHIEH, PROVISIONS, ETC. No. IIO Ohio Levee : : : : : Cairo, III. oaoias raourtLY mum G. D. WILLIAMSON. PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, JiO. 70 OtllO I.VTPF, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, aWBpeclal attention gtveu to consignments ami orders GRAY'S FERRY PRINTING INK WORKS, rhllmUlpIilu, In C. E. ROBINSON & BRO., Manufacturers of fine black and colored printing Inks. News inks put up with euro to suit the seasons and peoulurltiea ol presses. Quick dry Ing black and colored iuks especially adapted (o laVel printing. CAIRO, ILLINOIS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY hlVK LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Tiir. Most .Sitcckisitl Lifk Insubancf. Corpomatio.v ok tiik Samk Aoe i TUK WORLU. NO STOCKHOLDERS TO ABSORB PROFITS. Amount or Policifji in Fobcx Dec. 31, 1870, $40,655,740 00 Total Income to Same Date, 3,974,788 80 Net Ivcrkahk of Risks in Forcx, 1870, 20,000,040 00 The? lorgeat Wat laereaaadarlaf; the Gross Increase of Kiskb ix Force, 1870, $30,327,730 00 Only two companies In the werld eioeed this aroaa Ineraaaa during l7f. The nhlv enmilanv lelilch tfn.rinl... m i.atM !., n. ....... J. f r rt.t . t utrna o. nM r., in 'iuwriioa ,u nn Tre onlv eoninanr whirh. bv It. th.rfe. JIOMK IIUA'HI) OF DfRECTOIfj. C3-E3STEDR-A.Xj OFFICE, ST. liOXTIS, 2wTO. JAMES H. BKITTON, President. llKNnY W. Houoii, Vice Prtsldent. Felix Coxtk, Supt. .Missouri Dept. Wm. IIanlkt, Hccrctarj. John N. Pritcharii, Treasurer. C. . Hurnex, Attorney. E. L. Lkmoine, M. D. Med. OUlccr. Hon. Wm. Karnes, Consulting Counsel rind Actuary. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. E. P. ButtLiNaiiAM, Manager. CAIEO BEANCH BOA.I3D. The folic Ing named gentlemen held or control inmrancc each. In the Lite Association of Amcrca: P. W. IlARCLAY, 11. W. Webii. H. II. Candkk, John Antrim, Ciias. Galioiikr, J. M. PiiiLLir.i, C. Hanky, R. S. Ur uham, Paul G Sciiun. I.enrn otsr Halea aud Flaata laclarcyou isianre Its any other C'onipaay. LOCAL AGENTS. HeeSldSrn. Carl L.Thoma, ' Rtrcm. (N e- ii 1t r0V CITY SnOit STORE .ASt HOOP SiaRT FACTORY solk ausnci roa bk,oiiA.sici'S" CU8TOM-MADK BOOTS AND SHOES Voiunirrclnl Avenue, Corner of Elf litis Ntrerl, t Cairo, Illinois. PARTICULAR ATTKNTIOK PA1U TO ALL OR" DIRk- 0R UOOFSKIKT8 AMD 1O0K8. 1G 1872. IWMt'RAHC'K. yr I70 of assy Coaapassy la the World. riemiuin. nr neinauranre e lino. mmm F.Af?ll a I'itk a iu-'Iiiipupvtitivi' f v tup John H. Ohkrly, WVt. HOBRIR, T. J. Kkrth, W. S. Edson, W. B. Kkrnry. ailkoaih. QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. to St. Louir, Louisyillk, Cincinnati, Cm caoo, JIkw York, IIostom, AKD Alt POINTS EAST AND WEST. PaaBar trains arnre at and leare Cairo as fol lows: mail. tiraus. Aaairx SMBa.m ItOO p.m. UaraaT 4t0O a.m ai3a.m. Beth traina connect at Centralia with train on the soa Pana, Decatur, Bloominstcn, El Paao. La Halle, atendota, Href port, Oalena, lubuiue, aud all points In Jllinoie, Mi.touri, Slinneaota, kVleconaln and Iowa. And with Lines running Eaet and WeM lor St. Louia, BpnngneldJ Louianlie, Cincinnati, Intinnnpolla, Cojuinbua. And atChlcaKO with Michigan Central, Michigan bouthern, and Pittaburir. k'ort Wayna and Chicago Kallrouda tor Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk. . Viagra Falla, Kne, llulfalo, .New York, .Pittaliurg, lialtimore, Waehtnuton. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On and after Mondar, April 2tth, ltll, trams wit run m follows t NORTHERN DIVISION, TBAIKS SOlaO SorTUKAST. Mail. Express 12 3b p.m. , 3:w . i:ta " ,. 6:17 " Leare Virginia CMUa.rn " HprlnRtlelii 9;20 Tajrio orrille 1U-.S2 Arrite at I'ana 11MG to raimaooiao aoaTHwiai. Express Mall. Leare Pana .,..4:wa,m J:Mp.m " TaylorriHe -..4:4 ' 4:20 " Arrlre atSprinj:neld...ilS " 6:uo Leare Snamne"d 6:23 B:10 " Arrlre at Virginia :23 S:IJ HOUTIIEltN DIVISION. TaAlH OOINO SOUTUKA8T. Leare Edgcwood S:3Ua.m 10:10 a.m " J'lora :23 11:40 ' Arnie at tu 0:15 p.m TSAiaa ooiao obtiiwut. Leare Bhawneetovin &:43 a.m ... S:20p.m Flora 2:45 " 7:li Arrire at Edgewood 4:4U " e:2l) " The 5:30 a.m. train from Edgewood, rune only Mondays, Wadneadayannd Fridays, aiU 3:43 a.m. train from Shawncctown oa Tuesdays, Thure daya andbaturdaya. ,, , Connects at Aahland with JaukaonrMIe tlirision of Chicago and Alton lUllroad, for Jacksonville, Peterahurg, Mason City, and ail nolntawcat. At Hpringfleld. with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, Wabash and Weatern Railroad, lor Uloomington, Chicago, and all points north, north, weat anU weal. At Tana 'with Ind. and 8t. Louis, and Illinois Central Railroad for all points east, south und southeaat. At Edgewood with Chicago Dirision Illinois Central Railroad. At Flora, with Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. Atbhawncetoan, With steamboats for Cincin nati. I'aducah,Calrnandat.l)iii. ORLAND HM1TII, Gen'lHup L John FooaiTT.Oen'l Fr'gt and Ticket Ag'l. COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL la prepared to supply cuatomer with the best ijuality o, PITTSBURG AND (ILLINOIS COAL. GOLD I GOLD I! GOLD II! inn GOLDEN COMPOUND Will fores the beard or tnointache to grow thick and heavy, on the smoothest face, or hair on the baldeal head, in 21 days, or moner refund cltd. Thisprepaiatinu lias been before the pub. lie for orer lautecu years, nnd thouaanda or roluntary testimonials can ho ahonn of its nu t. Its. Heniby mail, po.t.pmd, wit i dlrec Ions In full for its use, lor locenta u pacttege i three for II. Address )EN COMpoUNn CO., No, 85 Pine street, St. Louis, Mo. JanJIw, BULLETIN BUILDING;-,ffASHIflT0N-AV laHl'UN. UCLAY BRO&r OHIO liKVr.v. Cauo, Itu DBTJca-Q-ISTS SARATOGA SPRINGS X rCLL BLAST AT I) ARC LAYS DHVa 8TORX. Faun tmr, Dailt, MOCKING BIRD FOOD all aiAnr roa cic wirnoi'r raocsn At Uarclats'. JJELMBOLD'Q GRAPE f CATAWHA Hf ORAIKlPILLf hi ORAl'E ) J ( ORAI K ) PILLS i CATAWHA GRAPE (.CATAW1JA AND ALL or UGLHRULD'H HKDICIXKN TRIESU 7R0M FIRST HANDS, Always In stock In large supply, and for sale by IBstrelfty Bros, JU1T RECEIVED AND r Naif) by IbcUlaaa ITnllli- orCallnii AT BARCLAYS. tQTExTRA Fink Coloonk; tSTGKNUINK IMI'ORTKD EXTRACTS ; aWllAlR, TOOTU AM) NAIL RrUHIIKS India Rurukr Nurmkry. Goa' .BAECjjAY BBOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. It l grajen lu arge a toe k and ! rlely, very cheap; Full Line or Color, Mar ,v oft. f Taint Druahea, I.inaeed Od, VThltewMLP:aahca Turpentine, Etc. etc., ALL EtlDS AKD STAHUAAD QVALITIta At Barclays'. CU1, SdlOtXMH ta. M ILIUM "CHICK' CIIAS. SCHOKNMKYKR & CO. FURNITURE ROOMS, UPHOLSTERING AXD Mattress Manufacturing, Fnrnlturo Klilriiig, PICTURK FRAMING. All orders promptly attended to. NORTHWEST CORNER OV WAS1IINOTON AV ENUE AND TENTH ST., CAIRO, ILL. P. rt. Drawer V)2. Jan'Jlf. ELECTION NOTICE. City Clerk's Office, 1 i. 111... Jnniinrv 27.1H72.. I Cairo, Pul.lio notice la he Hereby oiren that a uenernl charter election will Ueheid. On Ti'ktDAr, tiik 2"tu oat or 1'tnniinr A. D. i72, in ttieuiiyoi Cairo, in tno state ot iiiinoi lor the purpose of elevlinj; A Ma or, A City Clerk, A City Treasurer, A my .Marsnai, A Cltr Attorney, A Police Maaiatratoto succeed K. llroaa. Ksa once in and three ii'tmbcra of thu belect Council, as (of Iowa : One member from the Klrst Ward, lo succeed P. n. Schuh. , . , One member from tlieSecoiiit Ward, to auccee.1 0. H. Woodward. One member from the Cltr nt Large, to aucceeii P. Hurd. 8i members ol the Hoard of Aldermen, 01 fol. Tvro members from the Flint Ward, to succeed 1. Walderand Leo Kleb. Tu members from the Second Ward, to suc ceed W. Under and Henry Winter. One member from the Third Ward, to succeed P KitfKersld- One member from the Fourth Ward, to succeed JM(wirilbe njieneil In tho different Wards as folloHA . In tho Flrxt Ward, at the fir.t liou.e on lb eail s.d of Waslilnitou avenue, btlow Kit lb atreet. in 1 1. a Reenml Ward, at tho Aiab Knulne homo. In the Tutrd Ward, at thn lllbeinian Kn(lne liouae. in the Fourth Ward. at the Court House. Polls will lie opened at 8 a.m., and closed at C o'clock:, p.n , ny oruer or mo cur council. an2Hu;ni.i M.J. 1IOWLKV, City Clerk. DUNBAR'S 'WONDERFUL DIS COYERY. BETIIKRDA MINERAL SPRING WA TER Ol WitukrahM, Wlronlu, .eknOHledgedcure of llriuht'a Diaeaae, Diabetes Uropay, all ntlectlons. ot Kidney, hladder and Unuiry oruans, also Liver troubled. 8. r. Chase, Chief Justice ofthe United mates, reatored tu neaiiu or iiauae, in an wrean. J. W. Willi", (.eneral agent lor the Slat ol Illi nois. Wholeaale and Retail Supply Depot, 7. Wabash Arenua, Chicago, Illinois. All orders t; mall prowptly altendsd to. Bend for c1,Jj5jVh OMMISXIfaja AMD FOItWAIIDINO. J- M. PHILLIPS & CO.. '"'"""n.IJemtnak.ACo.,) Forwarding and Commission . MERCHANTS AXD .VIIARF-I10A.T PROPRIETOr.3 LIUral Adrancea Conafgnmenta Tr i tlpODaJ Are prepared to receire, .tore am orwwl freight to ell points an, t,ny ar.u sell on commission. -Iliialnea attenileii to promptly II. M. IIULEN, GROCEIl and CONFECTI01 iitl Dealer Foreign Fruit:) ami Nut iVo. 134 Commercial-ave., CAIRO, ILLIXOI.t. D. .. MAT II CM. b. C. I HL. ATIIUSS & UIIL, AX1 0.M-.tAI. Commission Mmi chants, dealers in HAY AND WHSTH11N PllODUCK So. ni ouio i.i:vi:i:, ftttritn J-Mtlh ,t Sixth Kt:, AIltO.ILL aug2 dAwtr JOHN B. PHILLIS &SON" " (Succeaaor. lo Jno.II. I'hillls,) GENERAL COBIISSIOiN AVD FORWA KDJNG JIERCHANTS, AM, DKALHRS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Elour, IM'cal, Uran, &c. cor. TENTfl-ST. and OHIO LEV 3K CAIHO. ILL. CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION ANU FORWARDING MEHCHANT3. No. G4 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOH norlttltf CLOSE & VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSIOJN aiERCUANTS. Ae-D Cement, Plaster Paris, AMD PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner Eighth Street nml Ohio Ia'H CAIRO, ILIi. STRATTON & BIRD (Successors toKtratlon, Hudson & Clark,) WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Olu'o Lovco, Cairo, Illinois "mill iiit' & " parker" GENERAL COMMISSION FORAVARDING MERCHANT.!. AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS kor FAIRHANK'S SCALE." Ohio Lktke, CAIUO, ILLS. WOOD RITTENHOUSE, FLOUR AXD General Commission Mercham 133 OHIO LKV'EE, Cairo, III jnod OS MARRIAGE.- n.rnerellef loryoiingmen irom the eflcii , .,rf aid ihuaea 'in eJrly lite. Manhood I TFISIS, rferroiia .eblllty cured. a,pedlni., f' removed. Mew methoj of ir meut. New and remarkabla remeJies. H(n k nd eirruliirs sent free. In sealed earelopea. , ?as JIOWAHD ASSOCIATION, MX a Sol NUth bt.. PhtlvltlDhla.. Pa. 4M2dAlui, D