Newspaper Page Text
niK OAIMO DAILY liUM,ICTl SATURDAY, FIOIiKCAItY 17 187: TllA tlvMH'S TAKE NOTICE. TIMKTAM.E or TIIK ILLINOIS CK.VJ-' . , .... Will 101 10 w" On and after OunJj. JIr tji. I;, j d at ume-uMe will overn the e nr of pjtm;er trains at O' JXmarfMt.ll train, dall ' 4:00 n.m, Ksrret,dsil J Vkl,ll. 2.1 p. m 3:Oa.n. K,rM - r'" lifrfl and fcl. Louis Short Line . .l.lJr"" Arrive.- " j..i.m. Dsrar'- . . ve &nng f.rtn from Cairo I" enie0' ranla Ttuitn t1mmr Csr niglil trams. ftKft ChMllt.1 10 all points. CAIRO AND MOUND CITY HTKAH TVO, CACHE Will make three trip, dully. UiVISO CAItO I r AVISO MOI M IITT At :.'I0 - At 1:30 I' At A .....p.m. .m. 41 Hjr' At 4 30 ....s.m. ...IMii. rare Kn j. .-m- . . '7 . Will lui, nhenhalled, M any good mteitnediate iblingfor passengers or frefxhi. novJUf. l vi in u.i-ra mi II M IIKJON IIOATSl, EVANS A'lLLE AND CAIRO, The finesttamer IDLE WILD, OUS F0WLER.... - ...Master Will leave Cairo for Evansvllle every Hiinday and Thursday evenings, at 5 oVltu.t,, r'or freiintor passage, apply on board or to janSlf JA-j. 1110(1. Agt. OAIltO AND PADUCAH MAIL IIOAT. The splendid Meamer tT-A-S. FISK, Joe Fowler, Mauler. Cilro InttjY, (inUyi oxcptnd) t 4 m. Far lreUhtor ihhhj npult im bourd or J AS. II1UON, Ak'I. Cambe rlnnd Itlver t'nekett NASHVILLE, CLAU1CSVILLE AND CAIRO. The iplendid ttemner TYRONE, TOM nAltlIAN...MMter AI.J'.X. HAKD...-.CIerlf Will If ve Clro every SatuM y t 5 o'cloclt n.m. IbrCltiksrille.tnd .NrsIivIUo. for Iroinht or BMitce, pidy on boara or to JanStf J A3 UK10S, Ag't. KAanVILLE, CLARICSVILLK AND UA1KU. The ga'.lant steamer JOnN LUMSDEN, OWES DAVI9...Maiter Clerk Will leave Cairo every Ttmriiday at 6 o'clock p.m. for Kahville,Cl.vTliviltntid all nay poluU. Kor freight or panave apply on Imnrd r to JanSlf. JAH. llKIUH, Ag't. NASHVILLE, CLARICSVILLE AND CAIRO, The good ulenmer TALISMAN, WII.ET SIMM9...Mler .Clerk Will leive Cairo every Monday at .1 o'cloelc, p.m. for Nashville, nnd all wny pnMa Knr freight or pHsage, apply on board r to Jjn J If JAS. MU1., Agt. I.Vf.MfimAJVT TICKKTN IMMIG It ANT TICK KTS FOR SALE, ) ForSie t FOR SALE, FOR SALE. J rofK'lielFOR SALE. Faro from LiVEiti'oor, Faro from LoyDCVDEititr Faro from Gl.Asrjoiv. Faro from Quee.vstow.v TO CAIRO, :::::::: $18' 2 0 8artord, Morns Jk Ca , gents. JOAN LLVJ3 Liverpool .New.Voik and Thilailelphla Steamship Company, hi coxTiirr v it ii riTr.u statis and mtiiu QOTr.nMii.Mi. For Carrying tne Mulls. FOR rASSAGK TIUKETS ob rt lit lira mrosMATioN API'LA' TO JOHN G. DALE, Aot 15 Broadway, New-Vork, or to ir. ii ii i t , W'athfnirton Avenue, Cairn, nois. 51 IIIYNICIA.S- WILLIAM K. SMITH, M. I). f)ESIDn.SpE-No. -Jt Thirteealh street, be. XV tweeu Washington avenue and Walnut streil, urnee u.Qaiwneiiilal avenue, up stairs. 0. W. DURING, M. D. REIDENrr,--!ornr.Nintli and Wilnut sts. no '""-'"'ntr sixth street k-i I -ihlo levee. "tt"! nour-fr,), 0 ,,,, t0 ii , t ,, ,j 11. wai:d.nj;h7m.1j. T-? J.'Cr-Corner Mnetrenih street nnd .Igton M,-n''e( !' court lniii. or- 0,y,rau8- '"tfu "ourp11,u,lr. II S. llluiiHAM, M. I HOHEOPATHIST, "ICK, HQ COMMKI-XIM. AVKVNUK. hour., (, to Ioa.m.. and I lU3p.,n. u,Bi. ynce,.N,, ii.n,,, Mtfl.t, c,r0i Wf feinUi I.AVVKItS. ATTOUSRYS ni COUNSKL'sltS AT LAW llinn J.Allen, John II. MiiIL.v I bsmuel P.Whseler.J cAir.o, lLi.iNom OmCK-o,tr FMrti,,, 1I,,W. Ohio Ltve, GUKKN k GIL11KRT, ATTORNEYS isb COUNSELORS AT LAW, imam u, epn Wi ham II (hi , "t I CAinn i ;, ' J aiiio. H.UN0H. ; Miles F.nilVurt, ti'::r"',Bn1,eu dm.uii, .,. Olfliri. . . uniu .r. kc, 1100MH 7 and 8 ov - I SAlllFAAIi IIAISK. "'Haul us iiotkl, .Proprietor (Otaca oiuou,., . so stcoat, ST., Caiiio, Ylu0Ui Jhe Onhj FirH-CbZ Uuutv u t((, C sr lliggag conveyed to ; ndfioujih, 11.. NKWADVERT1SJBA1ENT& for Memphis. I The eollent passenger pa- lot ST. JOS WW. ...M-ater. w ii I V.inrVhe alove.ndnll way points tin r it the ollloe (.uneriiiii.ou 3t-v 1.7)1! MEMPHIS, VICKSRURO AND 1 NKW ORLEANS. the rrgulnr pnenjer ckel INDIANA, R. K leave a end all w point, without fail. Forlrrlahl ln"Vl u"""'"r"' lt,c oltice or t lliirr wnnriuoin. 11. FO MKMP11IS, VICKSIJUr.G AND NKW ORLEANS. Tlr fine pauengtt pWct BISMA11CK, SPAIN MMer. Will Uate for the nbove unit nil wy pqinn. on Mnml-iy tvemiiK, Kb. 19th, p. voiv. or fiolRht or pii'n pp!y on bourd, or m the tmic of rilhtr wlwrfLijnt. lt-w. i - - i UAH, FITTKIIK. H. T. GEKOULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER UAH FIXTV11F.S, (5m Kttter'e nnd I'lnmber's matcnnl, Woo pumps, globo and imik'.w v1v, slop codi,check vnlve,ttc. aoint roa rtifta iirotlierN 1'ntent ry n Mctrm itid Mcirehuip, Wells A Co'b Automatic Watel limicaliir aim auppiy an luinwinwu"' WINTKK'8 11LOUK, COMMKHI IAI.-AV n.". ur Htatdl ctnclave of Cairo commandery V. 1:1 l(. K will tA liria al iiioasv linn tUls (Milurtlav) evening, at tho imual hour. SolotiriifurBr Knighta courteous ly luvl.en. 1"orJe",,,1,.1v v , ANNOUNCEMENTS. For City Mnralial. We are niilhorisol i announce Andrew Cain as a candidatu lor re-election to tlioollke of City Murshal at the approaching charier election. Fur Clly Treasurer, Wo nre nuthoriivd to announce Mr. Joseph II Taylor ami candidate for re-election to the otlice of Cily Treasurer at tho ensuing charter election. l'or City lorh. We tire authonr-d to anuminco Michael How Iny a a candidate for re-election lo the ottlco ot Cily Clerical the enulng charter election. For Clly Attorney. II care authorized to announce Mr. P. II. Pope ns a i-undfilHt). (or re-election lo the otflco of City Attorney, nt t he ensuing charter election. Id Police MntrlNtrnir, Wo are authorized to nnnriunco Fredollne lirofs n. 11 camlldate. fur ve-i lection to the nlboeof I'nliee Jtsgtftnite, ut the ensuing charter elec tion, td M. KniTon : I'leae announce that, In the Kinrlon of c-andid.i ea at ihn ensuing charter elec tion, I ulll be an Independent candidate fir tho cilice ol Police Magistrate. C. WINSTON Feb. 15, lbTJ. td Alllcrilll'll- Kmron III 1 1 i:ti : 1'Ichk- iinnoiince Alfrel Comings ns 1111 in lependent candldntc for nlilei nun from the Second wnrd. THE J3ULLETIJST. .'.--.-t(......M.,l(....,,.,,,.,.,(.,, ,a. l'nbllalirxl every iiiornliii;, Momlny ex reiileil. FUNERAL Tho funeral services of Mrs. Col. Rear- don, will bo hold at tho Presbyterian wiiurqu mis (aaiuruuv) ovening, at I o- l 1. r, . . . . . - clock, services by Rev. Mr. Tliaytr. The funcml train will leavn tlio foot of Eighth street at 2 o'clock. Friends nnd relatives of the family nro respectfully invited to bo present. TIIE MAYORALlTr, Mil. LANSDKK'H r.KPLV TO THE CITIZENS' PETITION. Editor ot t'.e Cilro llulK-tini Deaii Sin : Concerning tho call or ro iiucst for 1110 to become n candidate for ro silection to tho olllco of Mayor, published in The JIuli.eti.v this morning, I deslro to say that should the citizens ol Cairo think best to elect too ij that position naln, ut tho ensuing churtor election, I will endeavor, an 1 rust I have endeavored during tho your almost past, to discharge tho duties of tlio olllco to tho best of (in ability and acceptably to thorn. To tho gcntliMiion Mgnlng tho call men tionod'I return my sineero thanks lor their uprcsnions of approval. A'ury truly, your obedient serv't, John M. Lanbiien. UELICIOUS- l'LKAHK iVKR 1111 fy tir NOTICE. , lrl ' '"'".VMtorof thoRap tti.t church In Columbus, KnUlol.y( wlu preach ut tho Raptist plac1)f Jip Mils evening, nt 7 o'clock. A 0Il babbutu ut 11 a.m. mid 7 p.m. THE ttOCIAllI.E of the ladies of tho Prosbyterian congre gation, I hursday night, attracted u very '"fgo company, who enjoyed the supper th a relish tint was complimentary to the skillfulness of tho cooks. Tlio "Duke's hfkt!'" R cuko I'"-'I"" '' H' steamer 1 Vr'at Republic to decoruto tho tabU of. 1 I. H. and purchased by tho sociable In ( nUi, uttructod creut utteiition. ,. 'IO-MOItHOW. tn v "!crBmt!nt r tlio Lord's Supper nd,lnl.tercd to-inorrow morning, 51 '"'o'clock, ut tho Methodist A . ., 1 Krtd' L' Tl'son, pastor. A fill thfl (:hnr.i10 1.,. . wiiui MIVl M lit UU BUT" "'uniing and evening. Elder Car- Peiltlirof thn Chrlstliin cVimpMi. will . s. "SIS tVII duct roPglous oxercises nt tho residence of i.riend, ut 10 o'clock a. m. Tho other Lranch ef lU congregation will the WANTED, fr.vni ono or tnoro of our ptiljilt men, n sermon or (crmons on lliu duty of titnii to mnn, tuid In roprobntion of tlio prevailing evils of ourfoolcty n good honrty iliow Ing up of tlio sinfulness of sin nml tlic evils of lying, ciirslng,liypocrisy,dniiil;cn. ne.i, tinfiiitlifulness lo tlio nmrrlngo obll (tllon, nnd such crimes n sermon or ser mons tlint will stir up our sluggish com mttnlly nnd innko tlicm talk Mid tliink. Few sermons ol tills doy dull, prosy, uninteresting dissertations on doclrlnnl points that they nrel crcitto even n rip )1o on tlio surfaco of the public mind. 'Vim nnd vlncgnr," ns tho giimln says when lie wishes to describe energy and cn tluisliism, nro sadly absent from tho cloth. A LOUDCALL. AVo the tindorsigncd citizens of Cairo, would respectfully ropiest Hon. John M. Lnnsdcn to lecomo n candldntc for re-elec tion to the position of Mayor of tho city of Cairo, at tho approaching municipal election, well knowing that he has, during tho last yenr, filled said position with in tegrity nnd ability, Henry "Winter, Jas. GaOi, David Fitzgerald, F. M. AVtiid, 0. Close, John 1). Holmes, R. D. Campbell, Jos. 1J. Reed, II. M. Mann, E. J. Ayrcs, A. A. Arrick, J. . l'liillls, S. AValtcrs, T. AV. Johnson, J. U. Fulton, Ii. H. Myers, AVm. Ehlers, Chas. Fuechtcr, 11. AViildsohimt, O. AV. McKealg, AV. A. Sloo, Robt. Smyth. AV. T. R. Snider, Viiul G. Schuh, AV. P. Halliday, John Howlcy, A. IJ.Sutlonl, F. 1). Rcxford, R. S. Yocum, J. "W. Stewart, Ed. Der.onin. AV. H. Morris, H. H. Camlee, Ik-nl.M. Hngey, Clin. Pink, A. 11. (Jrayham, W. II. Thomas, ,1. H. Rittcnliouso, AVm. Stratton. ft. M. Aldon, R. II. RlUlngsly, O. T. "Whltloclc, A. Hlack, AV. W.Thornton, AV. R. Smith, Isaac Walder, AY. Koptiles, Vlilllip Haup, It. H. Cunnlnglmm, H. 0. Lolllin, Joseph Arnold, ,J. Swoboda, Win. -Mcltuie, AV. L. Rristol, Ii. W. Stillwoll, (1. AV. Meridian, Ed. Logan, Jas. Cherry, E Ruder, AV. Ruder, John II. Oborly, P. II. Pope, E. A. Rumolt, AV. Albn, AV. H. Robertson, Phillip Schmidt, John Tunner, A.Susankn, 11. hlliolt, Oscor llnytliorne, A. M. Austin, S. Rosenwator, J. A. Goldstlno, C. Orth, Jos. M. erutn C. lltinnv, Johri Taber, 11. C. Taber, R. F. l'arker, 11, A. Hatinon, John Kitten, M.G. Cox, AV. 11. Rockwell, T. TliomaH, AV. T. llcerwart, C. Lame. M. Selverburg. Chns. Frank, 0. Albn, John McEwen, T. A. Rose, C. IJiyle, AVm. Kluge, R. Lctlul, A. Eschbiick, John Gockel, John Ilocpiie, Chits. Schoenmoyer, .N . luce, P. Rurke, V. R. AVhlte, L. Lincoln, Goo. Rratton, V. AV. Cherrr, Alcx.H. Irvfn, v. Huilly, Henry Stout, John Scheult, A. Raker, R. Huston, W. l'arker, John Jones, AVm. AVntson, AV. Morris, A. Jtiockcl, Fredoliuo Dros, I). W. Munn, A'incent, Stephen Seliwnnitz, Jas. Poweis, Thin. Statu. J in. Hurley, T.Schlcsiugur, S. T. A vers, T. C. Decker, F. M. Stocklleth, R. Latimer, A. Cain, II. T. Gcrould, II. Meyers, C. R. V00dward, F. Winterberg. Henry Lnttoncr, Peter Saup, J. S. Hawkins, Cornelius Shorts, Chns. Wubbor, John Tueklar, John I'rtiess, it. V. Ilel.ncr, II. T. Miller, M. L. Dunning, JI..I. Howlcy, Hiram Ilixhy, F. S. .Murrny, G. W. Hendricks, Thos. Fitzgerald. David Peterson, P. Conliiu, Mlchal .Mahonry, GENERAL. A II CUE. Fivo dollars was tho amount of the flno assessed by Shannesy against Lulv Mc Coy, n colored damsol, for abusing Alice .Moon. NT. VITUS' DANCE. AVm. Graves, from Clcarcreck, nfllictcd with St. Vitus' danco was brought into tlio city yostorday In a spring wagon, bare headed, bare-footed, 11 miserable looking being, und was sont by Judgo Ilross to tho Inurmnry. Ho will bo sent to tho insatie asylum. It will require tho kerviccs of nt least four mon to tako him to Jackson ville. THE MAILS from tlio North have been very irregular in arriving nt Cairo for OTornl days past. Ciiiue, tho breaking down of tho iron bridge over thu Great Muldy, betwooti Duquoin and Curbondalo, on the Illinois Central railroad. Tho accident occurred on Thursday, and tho diimngo will not bo repalrod for several dav yet. In tlio meantime, imfcengcrs, tunils, Ac. must be transferred. VERY PEIISONAL. Rradsby who didn't road tho Itcmli arrived In our city last evening, ovor tho "Jerl;-wutcr train, on tho Central. Ho and Ham. Goorgo, conductor, "rassolcd" their way down from Ceiitriilin to this place during tho proceeding forty-oight hours coouing it ncross tho Dig Muddy on a vory wet and sllppory six inch ploco of scuntling. AVo wore glad to sco Jlrad., for ho is tho first green thing that has relieved our oyossinco that first fated full snow. The boys will "set it up'' for him in the Hvllcst style, boyond doubt. STAnillNd A f pa in. A desiieratn ilrhl occurred In SeolL'a R,0' Thursday evonlncln which a nccro named Mtn Ur(jen sUl)bcj Ild .criou,,!.. wounded anoUler nr br the nam9 of Rooken. Tho Klll Rrow ut of wh,,k hl ZCn' " ".., beBn It b .iM,,ta,""rti' - Irom tho shoulder u,l ,,,t 0(jUc w was about to unnlhllato hi, as,allin ho saw tho blade of a knlfo llaih over his hoad nnd folt It enter his breast. UU(. n Green thought ho would settle mnttors and no pursucu Jtoogon striking ut i,im viciously with his knlfo. He then ran for liberty but was pursued by Cain and Ull. Ingsly, and captured. Yestorduy morning Rrois bound him over in the sum of J200, to answer tho charge of using n deadly weapon for tho purpose of commit, ting bodily Injury or words to that tflvct. vroti'i'l' i'i tliu clmrult building nl titml liour for rcllglot'is services. POLITICAL. TIIE CAM. AXI) THE TtESPONE. Veslerday mornhg wo published a call uron Mr. Lunsden to becomo n candl datu for re-election, to which ho gives a responso this morning, ilu consents to run, nnd ll Is now tho duty of his friends to sco that lils election is made sure. COISIIECTIO.V. Squire Shannony snys wo reported his position on the police Incorrectly. He wishes to say ho did not chargo them all with incll'eciency, but did say some of them wcro d d frauds. In this amended as sertlon wo ngrco with him. They aro int is to say, one-well, say two' of them nro frauds of that very kind. THE OLD TICKET. If wo would have pcaco In tho family, nnd tho affairs of tho city admlnlstored for tho best Interest of the public, we will put up tho Citliton's Ticket of last year from A to Z Lnnsdcn, Howlcy, Taylor, I'ope, Cain, nldermen and select council men, and re-elect it. Hasn't tho adminis tration been ctllcicnt? nnd doesn't tho old thing work well now? Gentlemen, stop up to tho counter nnd lei us "repeat." So s.iy the coalesccrs. This gentleman is a candidate for alder- mnn In tlio second ward a distinctly pro nounced Independent candidate. If elec ted ho proposes to labor for certain very much needed reforms in tho way of open ing sewers, laying down street crossings, cleanini: tho cltv tlioroutrhf.ites, etc. He says tho second ward has been neglected and that if ho wcro 0110 of its rcprescnta' tlon in tho city council ho should insist upon Its obtaining Its share of attention nOBEHTSON, A1. UN. Mr. W. H. Robertson, who Is a candi date for city marshal, says ho has no do siro to run for the olllce, but so many of the best citizens have persistently urged him to do so. that to bo rid of tho nnnovonco of their per slstency, ho has reluctantly consented toinako tho race. He Is to bo pitied. It is u shame that bo should bo dragged from tlio privacy ho bo much desires and wo aro bold to dcclaru the "best citizens" who liavo dono this thing should bo nthaind of themselves. AVo havo seen many of thocllizous who nro clntscd under tho head of "host," and havo charged them with tlio otfenio complained of by Rcbertson, but wo havo not found ono who hni not declared his innocenco and assorted that ho had no Intention whatoYcr of doing nnylhiug that might oven tend lodrlvo Mr. Robertson Into any office Rut, of coiir.e, at lonst live hun dred (that's tho way R. puts it) of tlio best citizons havo urged him to clean out Cain, and ho's going to do it if ho can but. can ho? If ho does it will ho after ho has bought tho support of a good many citizens not classed among tho best , and, o far ns our knowloJgo of his purchasing ability goes, ho is a failure. X WOllI). rilk. 'iim I, l T.HAn would bo a stronger tiinn thnn Col. Tay lor in it contest for tho mayoralty. AVo venture to say, Mr. Lnndcn himself does not believe this. Tho truth Is (and Mr, Lansden is well aware of tho fact) Mr Lnnsdcn is 6trong becauso ho has frionds liku Col. Taylor to advocate his claims. Lust year tlio struggle for tlio olllco was desperate, and .Mr. Lansden, without his knowledgo, was put up as tho reprcsenta tlon of thu men who wished a chniigo of administration in thu municipal n flairs of Cairo, nnd thoso men, almost without his knowledge certainly without truobllng mm with tlio details ot tlio canvass se cured his triumphant election. Among tho most active of his friends, and the man whn did tlio most work not tho noisy work of thu turbulent fellows who infest groceries nndplny pitch and talk olcctlon during our chnrtcr can vasts, but tho work that counted paid- got voters to como to the polls and voto right was Col. Taylor. And, now, if ho wished to occupy tlio mayor's ofllce, ho could beat Lnnsdcn out of sight or any other man. Rut that ho will not bo n candldato wo havo been informed by rollablo authority. AVo wish ho would, so that wo might havo tho pleusuro of teaching tho men who aro al ways croaking "Taylor, " llko blrJa of evil omen on infernally disagreeable nights that thoy know littln about tlio real pub lic sentiment of Cairo and have boon dc eelved by tho pestiferous outgivings of their own llttlo cotcrio of sorehoads. CHEATED. Somo of our republican friends (nnd bo it known wo aro sorry to learn this) assort that thoy were cheated in tho election hist year, inasmuch ns republicans wero elected for tho short tcrms,and In somo mysterious way domocrnts slipped into tlio long torins. They are mistakon. They wero not cheated. They wore dealt with very librully. Horo aro tho facts: Take the Helect council. On tho 10th of March lust the terms of threo select councllmen ex pired. AVilliamson, from tho city at large went out, nnd Capt. Halliday was nomi nated to fill his place. O'Callahan of tho third ward went out, nnd Col. AVood was put Into his place. Jorgcnson, or the fourth ward, went out, and Col. Taylor was nominated as his successor. Hero wo lmvo two democrats to ono republican. True, but thcro woro threo other vacan cies in tho council to bo filled. Moyors, democrnt, of tho flrtt ward, had moved into tho second wnrd and his soat wns va cant j Uarclay, democrat, of tho second ward, had resigned, und Dr. Arter, (not a ropubllcan an Independent), had also resigned leaving a Va cancy from tho city at large. AVhat did tho domocrnts do? Theyallowod tho re publicans to put Schuh, a republican, into Meyors' pluco AVoodward, n ropubllcan, into Har.'lay's pluco, and Hutd, a ronubll- cm. Inl. Ada.'. ! ,1 .t 1 "i pnitv nius Kvl"g liictn fulit of tho six coiw.cilnicn. And nuwi forsooth, bocauso the ro I'ubllcxn, who wero elocted " 1111 tlo,nocratic vacancies must rctlro at tho timo thu democrats would havo been compelled to r(,tru tt tley liad ot rgn. u . , "Publicans y ' "Wo wore cnesteu. Ahv wasn't - n.nt.i... - n;ivi v AAniiiuay put In for a short torm ?" In tho board of aldermen Low is it 7 Sit members rairo on tho lot'j oi March noxt only two of whom were elected last year.AValdor.dcmo crnt,of tho flrf t wnnl.nnd Ruder.rcpubllcun, oi uio second vnrcY.ho former having boon elected to nil a vacancy and tho latter having been cu-tc.l In place of ,Lohr, damocrat, resigned. Could nnvthlng have been fairer than this V appeal to the good senso of nil fah- republicans-could any nrrni,gcment more liberal on tho part of tho democrats bavo been expected? Republicans nro not.surch. cormorants who will bo nallsflcd with nothing less thnn all ? And now, this year thoro being nlno members to elect, would It bo askltiL' too much if we were to ask Hint four of tlio nlno should bo democrats or, If that has tho appearanco of hogglshtiess In tho eyes of tho republicans, say, thru. Would tho republicans be Much swindled this veur if mo democrats should obtain threo of tho nlne.membcrs to bo elected to tho council? LECTURE. IIOK. WM. TAnso.VS AT THE FKIIHUAHr IOtII. ATHENEUM Subject : " Itic'inrd Urinsley Shcrl tho orators, wits, nnd Uurkc, Curran, Gold- dan, nnd humorists smith nnd others, Interspersed with char acteristic anecdotes." Analysis. A groupof litornry G!nnt Dr. bfimucl Johnson nnd an nftcr-dlnnor nrgumcnt Sheridan's pedigreo Ascocla- lions connected with tho name of Shcrl dun Circumstances Influencing his char ncler His lovo of mystery and deiro of eirect First literary cll'orts Lovo songs and poetical contributions His rollnnco on his intellectual resources Elaboration and assiduity Tho comedy of "Tlio rivals" Extraordinary command of resources School for Scandal Of wit nnd humor Tlio ofiicoof the satirist A Chinese aphor ism "An ago to llvn in" American in dependonco assorted Tlio French rcvolu tlon Shcrldnn enters parliament His eloquence Tho great impeachment Tho princo regent nnd his companions The gilded saloons of Carlton palaco Revorso of fortuno A disastrous shipwreck Tlio lessons which Sheridan's life teaches Th rightful employment of our tncntnl facul tics Westminister abbey, and tho forlorn gonitis. Mr. Parsons belongs to tho ancient houso of Parsons, earls of Rosso, nnd closclv relnted to tho well-known constructor of tho great telescope, tho lato carl of Rosso, president of the Rritish association, whoso namo may bo nssoclated with thoso of Franklin, Arago, Humboldt and tho great luminaries of tho philosophic fields of sci ence. Ho was born at Clontaf, near Dub lin, nnd received his education nt the academy of Edinburg, under Dr. AVit liams, the famous Homeric scholar, the friend nnd nssociato of Sydney Smith, tho founder of tho Edinburg Review. Ho graduated at tho university of Edinburg under Prof. AVilson, tlio "Cristophcr North" of Rlnckwoixl, nnd tho crudito I'illans. subsequently entering Lincoln inn, 10 prt-paru n.i il.u b,. jj. . il.o,. engaged on ono of tho lending inetropoll tun newspapers, and on many occasions contributed papers of eminent ability to the magazine literature of tlio day. Following tho nnturnl bent of his tnstes and talents ho devntod himself to tho lec turo platform of Great Ilrltnlniind Ireland, whoro ho nt onco achieved a signal sue. cess, nnd became, perhaps tliu most popu lar public lecturer of tho united kingdom At Rradford, England, ho was held tho champion of tho workingmcn, who fre qucntly testified their grntittulQ for his ad vocacy of their cause. John Rriglit was so struck by tho pecu liar forco nnd vivacity of his htylo as to emphatically dcclaru that Mr. Parson's el oquence had electrified tho audience. No orator of foreign birth, unheralded by n politlcnl reputation, lias over ob tained so many enn-agomonts for his open Ing season, or given such genornl satisfac- lion to American lyceums. Hois unques tionably, without any qualification, tho most eloquent and Instructive literary lec turcr who has visited our country during tho present generation, Mr. Parsons sponks without notes or mantinscrlpts. Many moro testimonials universally teomlng with eulogy such us fuw elicit, mitjht bo hero prodpcod, hut tho above Ian gunge quoted from tho D.illy Now, Lon tlon, New York Horahl, its., is strong enough to convinco all that the antici paled lecture is n. treat in store. Fifteen lending English nnd Scotch journals, and threo of tho principal papers of Ireland, tho Now York Herald, Now York Tribune, Now York Evening Post, Now York Times, Roston Transcript, Roston Dally Advertisor, iloston Traveler. Uoston Post, Ilnrtford Courunt, Portland Pross, Cold Spring Recorder nnd othor iVincrlcan journals contain ciigollstlc no- tices of Mr. Parsons, many of which no tices nnd personal tributos from eininont men nro in tlio hands of tho d3t-2-15. Lectuuk Com. Y. M. 0. A. bullalo which wns killed by tho Duke Aloxis, ond n bear who lost his shaggy life at tho hands of Gen. Custur. Tlio moat is now ready to bo supplied to tho citizens of Cairo, nt AValtors butcher shop. 3t 2-13 To MOTHEIIH AND NlMWKS Afrt MOTHEIIH AND AVhltcomb's Syrup for diarrhea, .fee. in children, whether induced by teething or oiner causos, is the snlest nnd best remedy. feb"dA:wlw AVanted. Situation by a young, Into ligent man, who Is afraid to work, but can make himscVf useful in a pay. Ing employment. Address Useless, Cairo, Illinois. 1& RlIKl'ALO AND REAIt 31 EAT. J. AV1- tors, tho Eighth street butcher, hns re coived, by express, from Sioux City, a Impohted Malaga grapos at Jortr son's on AVashlngton avonuo. ; - -k'oiiuuwi streot nnd tf Ion now citron, orange and lemor peel, go to Jorgenson's cornor of Twen tieth street und AVnshlngton nvonuo. It Yarmouth succotash and corn At Jor genson's, tt SELECT COUNCIL. Hegulnr Meeting of tho PelectConncll. Council Chamber, 1 Cilro, III., February lllh, 1872. I'rccnt His Honor, tho Mayor, and Councllmen Schuh nnd AVood. No quorum. On motion of Councilman Sahuh, adjourned to moot to-morrow at I', m. M. J. Howlev, City Clerk. Adjourned Meeting of the Select Council. ,, . Coiiik'II Chamber, l"). Ills., Keb. 15, p. til f Present His lloor Mnyor Lansden, nnd Councllmen Schuh, Hurd, AVood and V oodwnrd o. On motion of Councilman AVod tho reading of tho journal was di'ponscd wltb. 1I1LI.H. Tho bill of II. T, Gcrould, amounting to $75 45, for laying plpo nnd erecting lamp above Smlthlnnd tho new mudo Ico Is re posts nt jail and at corner of 12th street ported ns being very heavy, and In somo und Commercial avenue, was taken up, nnd on motion of Councilman Wood al lowed by tho following voto: Ayes Hurd, Schuh, AVooJ and AVoodward I. Nay 0. Tho bill of tho Cairo City gas company, amounting to f II 30, for gas consumed in tho Rough und Ready engine houso for thu quarter ending Decombor 1st, was taken up. Councilman Woodward moved to concur in tho action of the board of alder men in allowing half tho amount of said bill. Carried as follows : Ayes Schuh, Hurd, AVood and Woodward 4, Nuy 0 Tho hill of tho Arab lire compnny, amounting to ?12 9:, lor expenses for quarter ending December 31st, was next tikon up. Councilman Woodward movod to concur in tho action of tho board of nldermen in ullowlng irld bill, les the Item of $100 for engineer s salary. Carried by the following voto Ave Hurd, Schuh, Wood and AVood ward -1. Nay 0. Tho bill of tho Rough nnd Ready llro company, amounting to $290 C5, for ex penscs for the yenr ending December Slats was, on motion of Councilman bchnh, al lowed by the following vote ; Ayes Hurd, Schuh, AVood nnd AVoodward 4. Nny 0. The bill of tho Cairo City gas company, amounting to 5287, for gas consumed in the street lumps In January, was read, and on motion of Councilman Schuh, tho notion of tho board of aldermen in allow ing S2'J0 in full of said bill, was concurred in ns follows : Ayes Hurd, Schuh, AVood nnd AVoodward I. Nay 0. Tho following bills having been allowed by tho board of aldermen, were presented for concurrence, viz: W. M. AVIllinmas, 2,90t feet lumber iO'J S3 11. II. Williams 0,712 feet lum ber 134 84 John Cahlll, linulinu drunken mnn to jail &0 Joseph Lelimes, hauling drunken man to jail 50 A. Ilallev, riultiiic up stove nnd hardware for jail 5 FO Jas. Ro', coal for city building und first ward polls.. Chas. Peters, sharpening crow bars nnd picks S. Withers, !00 feet poplar bds. nnd drayage C. (.mi,,, ahnrH)iiiiic; 127 saws Cairo City Company, 3 tons coal for city building." R. II. Cunningham, rent of city building for .Ian miry .. John Tanner, buckets, brooms and bruOies for jail I M. Ward, 1 ton of coal for jail Peter Conlan, 27 days work on sidowalks in January Tnomns Fitzgerald, '11 days work on sidewalks in January M. Muhoney, 20J days work on sowers in January Win. McIIale, 21 days in charge of rity Inbor " Michael Driscoll, hauling small 0 1 50 11 10 80 13 50 10 00 5 'JO I 50 54 00 54 00 53 00 41 00 pox patient to ht. .Mary s In firmary Win. Mcllnle, dieting prisoner for January 231 Tims. Median, hauling cinders ."J days, and hauling 00 dray 50 loads and 7 car loads of lumber 87 00 Morri, Rood & Co., 4,753 feet lumber til 30 Morris, Rood & Co., 18.031 foot lumber 359 73 Closo At A'incent, lime and ce ment and dravagc 4 45 Parker A- lllnke, 8 lbs. while lead 1 CO D. II. AVinans, 1 loud sand lor 1 Ot Ii street pump and work at same 10 85 W. J. Hamilton, VI duvs work ut 10th street pump CO 00 Summonvell iv llaird, work on 10th street pttmp 10 00 Jos. II. Reed, work on 10th street pump 20 00 A.l-razer, work on 10th street pump 3 60 h. A. Rurnctt, salary as comp' trollor for January 75 00 A. Cain, salary as marshal for January 50 00 Jos. II. Taylor, salary ns tieasurer for January 100 00 M. J .Howlcy, salury as clerk for January 100 00 L. II. .MyiirH, salary as chief of police fur January 83 33 John Shcohan, snlarv as police constnblo for January 75 00 W. II. RoborUon, salary as police constnblo for January 71 00 J, .Hetiner, saiu-y us police con slablo for January R. F. Rlllingsly, salury as police constable for January 75 00 75 00 Henry T. Martin, salary as pollen constaoio lor.ianunry Tin. Quinii, 20 days salary us no- 75 00 lico constnblo in January G5 00 (t. a. Jiannon, stationery lor clerk's and treasurer's ollicc..., 8 30 Councilman AVood moved to concur In the action of the hoard of nldermen. Curried ns follows; Ayes Hurd, Schuh, AVood nnd AVoodward 1. Nay 0. On motion of Councilman AVood, ad journed. M. J. HoWLEr, City Clerk. AVo havo no hesitation In recommend, ing AVlllIam Ehlers, boot and shoo maker us worthy of most liberal patronage. AVe know wlioroof wo speak whon we say Lu work is dono In a masterly manner at the lowest prices. Ho uses nothing but tho best of stock, and ho cannot bo excolled in tlio dcllcuto task of making nn exact fit Givo him a call at his shop on Twentieth street, botwoon AVnshlngton nvonuo "d Poplar stroot. nearly opposlto tho court houso, and wo will guarantee satisfaction. The GonaE. 8 X 10 l'iiotographic Gorge, near Co Views of tho Big Ico lutnbus, Kentucky, for sale at Thomas' Photographto Gallory, corner of Eighth street and Commercial avenue, Price, 60 cents, each. dlyf2-12 PORT LIST. AllIlIVEI) AMI DEPAKTEll. Slcnmcr. Whoro from. Where 10. Quickstep Evansvlllo...Evansvlllo AliCC .uuiiipuiB llellnst N.O. Arkansas Relle....Memphis Lvantvillo Mohawk .nounu vn Columbia Arkansas river St. Joseph Mom phis Paulino Cnrroll..Now Orleans Rlsmarck Paducah Illinois Columbus. ...Columbus AVm, Cowcn ltelmont CONDITION OF THE ItlVEUt. During tho past 2 1 hours tho Ohio ha rison 0 Inches, making a total rise in 0 days of 31 inches. Tho channel from hero lo Evansvllla shows a depth of about live feet; and places is very hard in gel through. Tho (Quickstep arrived from Evansvillo and her olllcers say that they were very much discouraged nnd disappointed with thu condition of the river. However, there bus been Improvement In the con dition of river during tho past 4 Shouri. No Ice hni passed this harbor out of tho Ohio and It is likely there is nono of it to bo found now. Tho Ohio is rising at Evansvllle, Louis ville and Cincinnati, nnd In a faw days tho channel will bo a vory good condition. Tho new-mado Ice In the Mlsslsiippi has all passed down. AVu nro without advices from thnt river but presume it to bo still rising. '4..o sevornl Ico gorges hold fust as ever, it Is useless to surmise when that rivor will bo fit for navigation ; but it may bo safe to say that by tho first of August this stream will bo clear of Ice. Ilelow hero tho good work In tho Im provement of the river continues and tlio channel is now in a good Lou tine condi tion. Tho rise from Cincinnati has not reached here jet but is looked for dally. ni'sl.vr.M and weatheii. Rtiiincss on tho landing was very brisk. Freights moved livuly. Considerable) stock is being forwarded south fnsm here, nearly every boat leaving takes several hundred head. Freights aro coming in great amounts and go forward p'omptly. Yesterday was n dark and glumy day und heavy clouds gavo Indication of rain. During Thursday night a rain fell which will bo beneflclul toward opening up tho Mississippi river. PHIL. IIOWAUD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, City .KllonHl IlniiU nnlldlliff. saj.Spcclal attention paid to criers Irom steam oats nlitht or iliT.-ti HUSINESS LOCALS. Smoked snlmon nnd Yarmouth bloat ers, Just received at Jorgenson's. tf. Oyster Soup at Hnrry AVnlkor's every morning. Also fresh St. Louis beer, tf Now that Iho Cairo nnd A'inccr.ncs rnilrcad is it fixed fact tho contract having been let, nnd work to bo commen ccd nt once, Jorgenscn Is prepared to sell nil kinds of groceries cheaper than any other house in tho city. J tl AVheru aro you going? To tho ploco number 63, Ohio levee, whero thoy keep tho best fresh oysters, fish and game, aiiJ the finest wines, liquors and cigars to be found in tho city. Open at all hours, day or night. J. E. Park Great inducements to any one wish ing to buy a llrst-cluss piano or organ. E. A- AV. Ruder offer their entire stock in the piano and organ lino at the actual cost of tho Instruments. Thoy nro deslr ous of closing out tho stock so that they may mo the room for Jewelry manufactur ing purposes. Mr. Gustav Klingsohr, a musician of noted ability, who has for tho past few years, been engaged as a professor in Ral timore, Md., proposes lo mako his future homo in our city and now offers his ser vices to tho public. Those who havo not already engaged competent teachers would do well to nddress Mr. Klingsohr, Hox 11 03, Cairo, 111. Also ospocial attention given to piano tuning, Mr. AV. H. Rynn has lately opened a frarno nnd picturo cstnblishment on 8th street, near cor. AVashington avenue. His stock comprises frames of all styles and sizes, nntl many very handsomo pho tographs, engravings, chromos, albums etc. Ho has all sorts of mouldings and makes tho framing of pictures to order, a specialty. Mr. R. invites all tojrall and examine his stock. Jun 28-'lm-d. Put. Fitzgerald, of the Sample Rooms, has received tho appointment of agent for tho sale of tho Hammondsport, N. Y., Urbanna AVIno Company's wines in this city. If tlio bottlo with which wo wero yesterday presented is a samplo of the quality of these wines, thon wo arc pre pared to say that thoy nro nmong tho best wo havo ever tasted. Ho has just rccolvod a largo consignment, which ho is prepared to sell nt tho lowest flgurors. Ho hns nlso on hnnd a largo and completo stock of tho various brands of Irish, Scotch and American whiskies, and wines of ovcry variety junl2dtf. It is true that Rlankenburg's Excel sior saloon is now one of the Institutions of tlio city. All drinkers who like really excellent liquors whiskies, wines, beor, etc. go to tho ExceUior saloon, which Is fitted up in splendid stylo. Blankonburg who knows how to keep a saloon, spreads a fino froo lunch every morning and ovo nlng, nnd, as ho forcibly expresses it, Swootenstho lunch with music." Ho has employed tho services of a flrst-rato pianist, who makes the grand piano which stands In ono end. of tho saloon spoakotit In musical tones. Evorybody Is invited. Ano uesioruoris maintained and all improper characters suppressed with ncatnoss.chonpness nnd dispatch. Ev orybody knows that tho '.Excolsior saloon Is at tho cornor of AVushlntrton Bvrtntin all ,1 Fourtoonth stroet. ' Boarding. Ono hundrod day boarders can bo accommodated at tho Commercial Itotol with day board, first-class faro, at tho low rate of 20 per month. Um.!M8. MM'M.J.AVu,ir.