Newspaper Page Text
JOHN 11. UANNON a CO., 8atiicn to E. 0. TUTTLE Co., Wb"'' la MILLINER V GOODS BOS .V. rottrlls Street, i'r .St Chorlcft ST. LOi:i& ..rJrf. imdltlf''- Hpeftal attention given lo Iod a;urrantced. THE jjtfILETIN. joiinw. onr.nur, Kditor and fubinner. Sl,Vur JIOKSt.vo, Februtry 18, 1872 iai orViu ptperof Alr-rnmltr cvnl. M nV W ' . . i ! , . i r.. . . A. m llhmnit Jatrof in. ipuvmurniv ..'... - tpnktn on aU ,hj,tti o) tntrft to ' "'W"! KifA alttrrt al Intrtatina tirtuAtun, Ine uuuf iittnlmiiilhuuHrmiitol inlMligmt rtn-leri ami ttt( p WO buMttti men. Tl er til Plltt IllLLtml ISulevpfA". tb.e "f'k! bjr earlier,.-. Une v ear by carrier, in advance 10 w tr -i.i.nin hr i.uit - J Th.'e month., - S I nimln, 01 I Car, ,....n a t u .... 8ll THE HOLLAR WEEKLY IIULLKri.V. John Jl. Ot-erly Co. nave reduced the -lib-Kr.Clion price '' Weekly Cairo Hilltetln In 0t frlar per nttnjni. making it Hid cheapest pa ErpuMIhel in Niulhirn llhnnla, TlIK Union Iicific railroad ctiiiijinny have fumislieil a f-tatciiiont of the snow Llock.iiic? on the rontl during the win ter The firetblockadeoccurred .ip early a. the 1-th of October, sinco which time the road has been free only nt briof interval". Within the last two year.', mow slieils or snow foncca have beep built along the line of tlio road in variou places, on the north-west side, from which direction it was believed the storms most generally come. This protection answered very well for some weeks. Three successive snow storms then came from directly the opposite direction, and the slorin fences wcru use less as a protection. Fences wire then erected on the other side ol the road, but when tho next heavy ttorin occurred, in November, they were fouud insufficient to pro tect the track from the drifting snow. Snow plows were then weil, of which the company had thirteen. Three heavy engines were coupled behind the plow, and as a result of thi attempt twenty-five locomotive were disabled I within ot.c week by tain: thrown from the track and unter'mUy injured. The drifted snow proved to be so dense that it was impossible to force the plow thront'h or into it until ufior the cut was trenched at i'iiIitv.iIs of eight or ten feet inrni to the rail. .Manual labor was then re-orled to, to clear tho track .st'en snow twins were fitted out with accommodations for lodjiiiif and feeding seventy-live hiboiers. With the aid of the snow trains and plows, the company were enabled to send trains over tho road. The winter has been one of inlen.-e cold anil frequent storm-, the like of which has not been know fur twenty-five years ; and the difficulties of the road have been increased by it pas-ing through a region destitute of Mipplies and of labor and both tliu-M! were required to be transported over long distances, by luiir continued working extra hours and during the intense cold. While the weather is trains will be tent out without a supply of provisions and coal. The only ob-truetioti- now on the road are between Laramie and Washakie. There are now seven west bound jia-enger trains detained near the separation, and there are two east bound pa-enger train- at (ireen river waiting until the we.-tern bound trains .i.-ii . ...... 'uii pan me hioekail.M at various point- alonn the road. There are about civ-ht hundred we-t bound cars of freight and about two hundred ears oi treightca-tbound. From this sbow S of the difficulties of the l'nion 1 ieific road, it will ,e seen that ii win. :r joutuey oer u n.rjous ,atter, " " "wi realiv as a summer route lo t,e y..e. Ai ,,,, ies of travel Wu, tll(i fir W(,t mu, the middle and htm VMt, of the country increase, a sutl(!r t(mU. will become an absolute ueeussitv. t-Patrick l)4vlno, a Uborer -. KsstSt. I.ouls on Hutur.l.v 1... r... .v.. nurnoi.of s..itin.. .,..!.. '.. .. i d b Mtviiv in t roil I 111 ...1 .1 - t nB nun wuereiue laborers urc on k .trike. lie whs encountered bv ,. tended to work atthe rates offered. He re. piled that he would work fur anvihlno tnr inn. r living, nd wa, thereut.o.1 .i.w.i time, by the - union" ,. Tlle ""mJ ,n 1.7. V. """l l" nt .was arrested, prolaly prove futul Uevlne's wounds will !Tliore is a rate of people n North. n II ndostan called Tudas. whn inost of their female children. wu CHI, conceive of no oarthly rotison lor this bur laroui practipo,' upless it cornts from the r..1ln.. ,.t U'..n.ll,nll A- f'lnllln'. Witlln I"-"" " liXurur Journal. TGeorjiu It. Jlennett, of St. Joseph, Louisiana, and Mrs. Mildred Ilennett, v ho were marriui along litneiigo, and divorc ed two years slneo, wcro rr-inarrled t Jacksonville, on Tlmrsduy. Their two oni wero present uUhoweddlti,;. tgrJi fourteen-yeurld Vimi du Lite girl lias Just completed her 205th dime j novel and it clamoring for more. WASHINGTON'-- SUMNKIt ATTEP. TUB WU1TE MOUSE KIN S'OHNKY's halt asjrkd io iu:mii THE GENERAL OltDKll UUMNKS. SUMKrrt AFTICK TIIM WHITE U'K Bl" any. which projiofes n eui.. .lurine tbe wnr between I rancv j ivu-Wii, i'H crcntcd quite n mttline mimng tlie dry bones. '1 lie auminisiru tluii ellfliio aro conildernbly cxercle.d otrrlt, s it is no secret that tho white homo buslnoss ring, or "iucb," Is the objec tive point, and Sumnercliilms that on hon est commlttco will show up condition of things exceeding tho present "mess" In the Now York custom nouse. It Is cbilmcd that not only wcro arms told by which certain white houio Intl fiintes, pointing to General lngnlls among other, mado oror three million dollars, but an Influenco tufflclntly great alio had suilnbla cartridges mado at the govern ment works to accompany these arms. Remington & Sons woro the agents of the French govornmcnt In this transaction. Ilnron Qjrolt, tho l'rus-lun minister, was recalled at tho request of our government, becnuie of his Investigation Into this sale of government rms to France. This may or may not bo a violation of neutrality, but it strikes mo that it clearly Is. This much may bo "nuts" for our German fel- low-citizcns to crack: All tho whllo tht the radical ilangwhaugers on the lump, ar.d the radical press woro sympa thizing with tho German, in order to cater their love for thofadcrlund, tho white house "niess" wuro having cartridges made to bo used nguinit their brethren in Eu rope. How is that for friendship 7 Is it not high time that wo wero rid of this family, who uro constantly placing us, at ii nation, into n disgracoful position ? The Rev. .Mr. Kramer, Grant's brother-in-law, .snd minister to Copenhagen, is n maudlin sot, and has bcon kicked once for insulting a ludy. Tho Russian ministor, Catncazy, was recalled on account of a job tho Per kins chiim and Jealousy of his wife by tho Grant-Fish coterie, and tho l'ruasiun minister was niso recalled on account Of tho abovo named Job of tho "mess." "ow bow many moro humiliations must wo en dure buforo wo arc rid of Grunt and his crew? If Sumner is not choked off there will be developments, rich, rare and racy, us he has tho thing "dead to rights." foiikey's halt. The resignation of John W. Forney, as collector of the port of Philadelphia, is cre ating considerable comment, and though lie professes to yet he a friend of tho pres ident, tlie radical pross have grave doubts nt it. Tho Chronicle of this morning, Grant's organ par excellence, has an arti- clo on Forney's resignation, and quotes a -Washington dispatch to his paper, tho l'rem, thnt says, "whllo he (l'orney) will continue to give the presi dent his enrnc't friendship and support, he (Vids that It is timq to cry halt 1 onco moro to tho df t pnnit- men who nrc trying to use l lie nninoor (ientTiil Grant to keop them in or help them to o1I1it;s." Tho llrst timo For ney cried hall! ho was rewarded by tiio ocllootor-hip of Philadelphia. He now repeals thu order through his correspond ent. Forney wnnls a bigger bribe for his services ; or, with his keen political tagnc ity, docs lie scent tho danger to, and ly preparing to make a tlipflup, which will advocate tho throwing overboard of Grant as a "Jonah?" Or docs ho propose landing clean unJ clear in tho midst of tho reform- Forney means mischief to Grant and the cliquy to whom the abovo quotation points. A f.;w weeks will show which wav the wind blows. 0 It ANT AIIOVE THE LAW ? A few duys ago tho president sent into thu sunutu a number ol nominations for quartermnsliTships, which aro to displace Uioso tlilecr!1 who now occupy tlie por tions, mid huve no thought of being dis missed. Tho high-handedness of thi pr eceding has rulllud honutoriul eiiele, and the ciio Inn been referred to tho attorney general for his decision as t) its legality. Tnilv till'' mnri thinks he is bound lw nothing but his own desires. MlNATOIlft sAWVKIt ASIt IIOIIKKTSOS, of .South Carolini, yesterday were re quested by tlie limife of representatives of Unit utiitu, liy n voto t.f (0 to y, to redgn, on account of opposing "'civil rights Charles'" amendment to the amnesty bill. This Is tho llrt emek of Sumnor's lash as hu thre.iteiicd what ho would do to thnio w'io opposed 111 negrophobia hobby. This not being our criiiiinigo wu don't care wlm win". Senator Sawyor Is the bet of thu ioutheru r.idieitU, and dotervos to riqireseut a more liberal constituency but if one will handle pots and kettles in the kitchen, lingers will get smeared TH K ilK.VKItAL ORUEIl IIUSI.VES which has yielded tint "mess" such a liberal harvest it not to be nholUhcd us reported. Secretary Itoutwull will take no action un til tho committee now investigating re turn, q'lm secretary "will make some tli, bUl t,l0' '"'"0 aouM ,,",ao "utico with iuttriicdons, as Hereto- lo' lm" backer or hackers of the !'Smt iiid, thu H'eretnrv does nr.i ,..n.L ... i ... . . . . u m iieiiU. . 1 I" III) A II 110 A II. m ... -V T 7 ,1,Ht tl,e lwWe" J . .. "'u "U,1U; 01 li'e notorious , 1 10 ,.' . .. T""' "'"y of this' city, t .. .... V - u ue- i Minicr iiiiuisii u iimiiiii ui.jjrucetui money trttiisiietion ii wie House, which wus afterward given l'nv ;o uuneral Hhermun. Urant I J'-'B ow w,x:. - 1 mahks ash fai:km, I lloston virtue is EettinK startled on tho Subk'Ct l i.ll. ('l. i! " Who nro f, " 7. -"'",' "" V.urI,"l"i l.lll. .. i Kc"mK up an torts of I. .11.. . ... .. I b'""h mi torn ot Jolli e, set out to have one . he r funny imu.meude in tlmt se.htto ii cirop mu on jiunuay evemnK, und liud all their preperutbuoi w.,11 Jnder w.ty when, on haturdtsy lust, tlie sleepy uuthor Itles nrirtised ihemselvea mid bethoucht them tlmt there win, somewliero in Uio volumes of tho (jeueral stututes u provl. sion which forbids " iiuy masked hall or other public assembly at which tho cum pany wear masks or other disguises." lloiton oUlciuls aro very sensitive on tho subject of enforcing tho laws una they determined at once to spoil TUB t?AJM I)AILY LKTIN, SUNDAY, tlie hilarity of ffie Jolly Gernftni' before-1 Ingthem to have their ball In nbarc-lseed Hirtiirieror iiotnt all! KviOotitly tho mor nit jf IJiiston woul i bo cndtingered by tho ippeiiriinco of n domino in .Music hall. he itfrhot A-ns th it when the gy ma pierndors entered thu hull a detective Ihii- ... I i.i., n lo.linr u'lilidl. Ililtf.ld of being u progrnmmo of the porformance, proved lO DiS a M'Spcllllll reqilClllO mu mumi iontlemin to " dispense wills tbo fucu masks tlmv nave orotigni uns o- nnii;. Imagine tlie feelings of tho prou cava lier and fair ladles. U.Vtnn will hitvo to bo looking out for tho German vote, and the political parties will no doubt make an lmuon mtt'ksor no masks. Ilartjord I'oit. LKNTKN KKfiULATIOXS ISSUF.I) tlY THF. CATHOLIC AnCII-lllSHOrS OF XF.W YORK. 1, All tho week duvs of Lent, from Ash Wednesday till Faster .Sunday, nro fast days of precept, on one meal, with the nl lownticei of it moderate, collation in tho Kvnnlnir. 2. The precept of fasting Implies also that ol nbatlnenco irom mo ue oi iiojii meat. Jlul,by dispensation, tho use of tlosh meat l Hflowed In tho dloceso at tho principul meal on .Mondays. Tuesdays, and Thursdays of Lent, with the exception of holv Thursday. 0. There is neither fast nor abstinence to bo observed on Sundays of Lent. 4. It is not allowed to use fish with flesh meat nt the sumo meal in Lent. 0. There Is no prohibition to use egg', butter, or cheese, iirovided the rules' of quantity prescribed by tho fast bo! compli ed with. . . 0. Lard may bo used in preparing ilsh, vogotables, it.-. 7. Tho church excuses from tho obliga tion of fasting (but not of nbstlnonco from sickness and the like) the following classes persons : t irst, tho inlirm j scconu, moso whoso duties aro of nn exhausting er laborious character; third persons who are attaining their growth; fourth, women in pregnancy or nursing infants ; nttn, inoo who aro cnfeobled by old ago. THF. 1I0TT0MLKSS 1I0X. IFrom IheN. 0. Picayune.) Tho cxocutlvo control of tho ballot box Is, In tlie words of .Mr. Eusti, si "criminal farce." Tho twtlmony of Mr. V F. Dun ham on tho election in Algiers is worthy observation. Ho swears : To Mr. Smith : Resided in Algiors at tho time of the election. Frank Alexander wna elected to tho bouso. Witness had re ceived instructions Irom tho governor that Mr. Alexander should not be rotumeu. Witness was h commissioner of election at poll No. G. As such knew that Alexan der was elected. '. Had received a latter from the governor tho letter has been published in tho 'icn yune to take charge of the ballot boxes, lien. lIuchuiiAU was returned elected. Witness believes the ballot boxes were opened after tho election, but declines to answer because it would criminate him. Capt: Edgoworth was with witness. Mr. Curry hud given witness tho governor's noto, and had told witness "You know what to do." Wit ness understood thnt it was to' "fix" the ballot boxes. Mr. Miller, who is n special officer in the mayor sotfice, wan witli wit ness. -When tlie ballots wero counted Ruchanau was found to be elected by tin overwhelming majority. To Mr. McCrary: Tho duties of wit ness wore to see that the vote- were taken and counted regularly. Witness took no, oath. AVitness' understood that tho noto of tho governor meant thnt tho ballot's should bo stutled. dipt. Edge wortli told him so.- Saw tickets served out for jiurjiosos of stulling. A. W. Curry swears in regard to tho samo election: To Mr. Smiths Visited all tho polls on tho afternoon of tho election. His im pression wa that Alexander was eluntud; stated tho fact to the governor at ID o'clock at night; and tho governor said " that won't do. " and gavo him tho note to J)tinham. The letter of tlie govornor referred to as carried by Curry, is uddrcssed to William Dunham." It say: My Drak Sir: I wish you to go to tho right bank of Orleans parish, and seo to it that no tampering with thoballotrboxes is allowed, und .that they nro proporly sealed und brought to tho Mechanics Insti- ute, wheru tho votes will bo counted. THE VURTllAUE- K. T.V.VV 4: CO. PAV TUK IIIQIIK-Vr MAHKKT 1-RICK-s. Helow will bo found the corrected list of prices pHid by H. Levy & Co., for hides, furs, feathers, wool, tallow, bees wax, nnd all kinds of country produce Levy A: Co. do a very largo trHdo in their line, and it is a well known (act that they always pay tho highest prices to bo ob tained in this market. Ilioy aro now paying for rvnt '. Mink ?2 00a 2 M Kacccon 150 Wild Oat CO 1 louse Cat 10 u 15 Musi; Kut 15 Opossum l'JA Otter 6 00 a 7 Ol) Hear .Skins ! 00 a 0 01) llcnvcr, per pound 50 u 7T, iiniKS i-Kit rouNii: Deer Skins 27 n RTa' Ileef Hides, Dry Salt 18 a'JO " " Green Salt 'Jal'JJ oriitit AltTK.'I.Ks: ., Tallow, par pound I'laTj Feathers, " " ,"0aO,i Wool, " " OH it 70 Ilocswus " " 25 a 28 Tlie above prlco list is subject to correc tion, AUCTION SALE- I will oiler for salu at my sales room, 105 Commcroial avenue, on Saturday, February 21, ut S)J o'clock a. m., tho fol lowing articles, to be sold for charges ; i! Ilrst-oltm billiard tables, completo; one lot of gas tlxtures, and n lot of steamboat ash and .doors; uUo two lino cold watches, Salu positive, and without reserve. 1). Hartman, Auctioneer. laii2'5,1872 NliTlCK Tim tioul roitnrlninmHiii In the city U at the Bt. Nicholas hotel, suloon and restaurant. Tho best music that can be had-viollu and ,,jttno. 0ooJ luc,, every morning and nlj-ht. All of the nneH brand, of cl., thoY n H Louis lui'i.r Iiua. . . . k m- (Jive us a call. HAimr AYjiiLKT.ii. Proprietor. MAKKIAOK UUIIiK. intorosliliu work numerous engravings, 221 pages. Price oo cents. Address Ur. Uutts' Disponaary No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis Mo. See Advertisement. tf Jl": l.scoMK of tho North Missouri ins, uo., increased moro than ten fold dur ing tho last year. SArroiiu, Morris Canpee, Aot. SK RINBRAT. CAIRO UITi' HOOK JUNDEllY, j.sji.v it. oisr.iti.Y a co., Mei'Mrtnm, Jlullctin nuildifig, corner of 12th ptreot nuil Washington avenue, Cm i io, I llliuos. All kln-ls of lllndlrmari'l Ruling done at the Yjrv luwet iirkM. ItAVibir mcnum! tha Nnl. c(t r lr. HtH", who nut liml many yonr eiperlenee In one of txi.t lilnilerlei nfHt. I,iiul, in Miiieniiieiiii nn- r-muiiviimeni, we can con II Icnilv Moinlsour imlroni work rhual to thnt of anr Ilindrry In tlie w?M. I'AINTtOUt. MOOKK k MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental Drs-oratlve PapcrhanRlsta;, HalisoBslB- fcrhntiKlt nn, etc., Pone In the highest style ol the r(, and mt tfmt defy compttltion. BH0P IN PEKKY II0USK, COIIKKR OF 8TH 1TRKF.T A Nil CMMERCIAI. AVKNUK. NAl.OOMN. KIs DOKADO BILLIARD SALOON AND HAK ROOM. JOII2V GATESS, Proprietor. tW Commercial Avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS)) Beit brand of California Cigar Juit rnoelieJ, BILLIAHD ealoon furnl-lifil with lh b- nt ol tntlei ; and br iunpllnl with olueii, liquora and cigars of the flneit braml-;. A. SUSANKA, Proprietor MAGNOLIA SALOON And Dealer in Foreign and Domealle TVINE9, LIQUORS AND CIGARS 97 Ohio lievce, Between Ninth and Tenth Btreett, Cairo, III. decUtf I.tSUIlAXCE, TV. II. UORRM, Notary Public, II. II. CANUKK No. Pub. and U. H. CCD. FIllE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK CUIDENT, LIFE, IN-S-O-EAiTCEl .StTN'A, HAltTFORt), Aoets ... - 5.M,MI 17 i , .V OUT 1 1 AMZRICA, PA., AetJ - 2JB3,0X IIAUTKOKD. CONN., Aet - 5.MS.210 W rUIK.VIX, HARTFORD, Aixete 1,7S1,UI 80 INTERNATIONAL, K. T., Aneti).. ,.1,5M, 17 rUTKASI. HARTFORD, , 700,917 . CLKVBLANIl, CLKVXLANP, 615.OTS IS Assets.., Aneta. IIOMK, COLUHIIUS, Aasete . ...615,271 43 AMERICAN CKNTRAL, MO., Anaet ... &00.COO 00 CONNF.CTICUT MUTUAL LIVE, Aeaeti So.euO.OOO 00 TRAYXI.ER'8, HARTFORD, LITE AMD ACCIDF.NT, Aesete. l.SOO.OOO 0t RAILWAY l-AFSENOICRSi ASHURANCE CO., HAUTFORP, Aoett. fJO.CUi S IN DE TEN DEIST, ROKTON, Aaeeta 30,Stj SAFFOKD, MORRIS k CANDEE, 71 Ohio Levee, Clljr National Hank, CAIRO, 11.1a fire and Marine- 1 2STS TJ'u IsT-O E3 t'OMPAMUtl HIAOARA, N. T., Arnieti l,4.1,JlC2f. ' OERMAVIA. N. Y AiSfti 1,OC,721 78 1IANOVKB, N. Y, , ,.no,set oo RETUULIC, N. Y., Amell, ..711, m 00 CompriiinK Hi" Umlcrwrilern' Agenej. YONKKRB, N. Y., Axiet m 878,4m 1J AI.IIAN V CITY, AuROta., I51,IS 23 VIRKMKN'B FUND, S. l, At , CTS.KX) 0 Aisnta, "ECUKITY, N. Y. MARINE. , l,t.)3,01J W SToeaSn!?uVni,,,ll" furniture. Hulla and Car. v. n. uvifuwm. FEBRUARY 18 187", aorntss. HALLIDAY BROTHER, G UNGUAL AGENTS FORWARDING and COMMISSION MKRVIIANTR DEALERS IN FLOUR; enta of Ohio Riser nsiol Uasiitwba 70 Ohio Lsvee, i cAinn. ii.LiNoi FVRMITDRE. C I h H c H- O S V5 H O VJ Ui s ' S3" M Ct- v a- 3 a -i tr a B 3 O B o 1 tr o c a 5" r tr o ' o c go KC in a C C3 7 tr Q w o o k 1-3 w h3 O o ta a P. C H K '4 -3 c c H & 5? B ? 2 c A E 3 m a VIC C3C It " I ? hooks. a . 3 V P-c V j: as cc O a s s a - E a S 5 e a W 'A O H Vi o H K U G k. r. P. u o o U y, i 6 u o tf OT U o o OT o o st A 'Ji' W A o 'A A A O O H o 9 H V. DRY UOOD M. 71. FALL WINTER. 72 C H AN NY. LARGE STOCK. BROWN SHEETINGS, I'MNTS, cnr.cKs, 1ID S T It I r K s, KENTUCKY JKANS, IZTRA, OASSIMKRS, BLACK ALPACAS AMD LUSTKR3, OilOSiRAIN SILKS, FOPLINal. LARGE STOCK OF CARP3TIN0 OIL OLOTHS, MATTING, Window NtssMl, OILT BANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMABKI. Ula Entire Utoak Now Cloalna; OhI AT VERY LOW FIQUKES. CORNIR 8TU ST., AND COMUIRCIAL-AV., Intro, llllssvU. aeptllf sjssnMiMNinri An fottwAUniNii. J. M PHILLIPS & (JO., (Itippeasarn to K, n, Ilntrlrla k Co., ) Forwarding und Commission MERCHANTS Ann AVIIAKF-HOAT I'KOlMHKTOltS tapMberal Adtaneea mr , iipon-sSW Are prepared lo recelse, nore am orward frvltjlit" I" all points ami liuy aLO ell on uominlaiioo. sHariliiiilnea atteniled In nrnmpllv II . M. IIULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION Autl Dealer Foreign Fruit and Nuts No. 134 Commercial-Jive., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. 0. 1). WILLIAMSON. ritODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio I.e t ee, CAIRO, I M.INCIH. srsrSpecial attontion RiTen lo consignment ami order D.Z. UATI1USS. K. C. UU I. MATHUSS & UIIL, POBWAEDI 3r3- ADD CCNRttAI, Commission Merchants, DEALERS IN HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE So. 84 OHIO I.EVKK. HUtn fmrtK Jt Suth .S'ri., AIUO.II.L a UKdAwtf JOHN B. PHIL LIS &SON (Sncceaaora to Jd9.U. Plnllla,) GENERAL COMMISSION AMD FORAVARDINO MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Ical, Bran, &c, sjor. TKNTH-ST. and OHIO LEV EE CAIItO. ILL. CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING M ERCHANTS. No. (ii Ohio Levco, CAIRO, ILLINOIS uov'iMir CLOSE & VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AID DEALERS XjIIM-E Cement, 1'labter Fakis, AMD PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner Eighth Ntreet itit Ohio ITee CAIRO, ILL. STRATTON & MUD (Saccetaora toHtratton, Hudson k Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Levco, Cairo, Illinois. MIL L ER &' PA RK ER, GENERAL COMMISSION bD FORAVARDINO MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS von FAIRBANKS SCALES Oaio Lethe, CAIRO, ILLS. WOOD RITTENHOU3E, FLOUR General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois. DUAT NTOHEM. SAM WILSON, DRALia IN I JL BOAT STOBSS QKOUKKIKH, PKOVISION8, ETC. Ho. 110 Ohio Lbvxb i 0xlM lx,u vanaai vaoafTLi rriua pii:i)k;.i.. SIMILIA SIMILUJUS CURANTUK nt'.siiiriti:"s HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVI". proved, from tlio inoft ample ex per Iriife, bo i niln- licrc-t h'ltniM I'ronipt Kllii-lpnt nnd Hi llnlile, 'I lu v a'n ihn only ine.ll. rlni-t pi'tfci'lly ni.iiM'd lo pupuli lino ao elm. pie Hint innuiKonriiiinoi im iimun in uiiik innin; liarinlcin n lo lc lirn from danster, and eo elllcli'utn lo lie itUftya rrllalile They linte rnia ("Itlio liiKlieKl roinirifiiilnllona from all, and will niy- ri'lllicr MlllMltellOII. oa. Centi. 1, Luree t ovcrsi.eonKcatlon, Inflninmatigna.M 2, " Wiii-iiin, worm fcter, worm colic'....-2S ryinit.coti urteetlilnfcoi inrnl...2.' Ilrrlioea,.if clilhlrrn and adulta...2.S llVPery,Kr,nK),,.,ou, coUciJ tholern-iniirbiia, vomiting ....24 4 lidlcrii. cold, broncliliu 25 Nriiri,lKln. toolhiche, fceaclie-...M Ilemlnrlira. ,rk lieailache, vertlo24 lyprpili' l,.lloua etornacie.....-2A V,A,,,?".'MH,,0V",nni1 Irloda-...2i Mlillr,too profiiFe perloiJe... 23 LTiV'.lV eounhi 'linieiill l,re,t,inK...2.S ?,.!i.V.,',.,,,,,' K'r'PlV EfuplltTneM llliruinHllMin, rheiim.tfc pama...23 l'llrai. Mind ur l.leedlnt; J.... " w oplilhlriny. and aore or Weak iyW) iilnrrls, iuuiu or eliroiilc, InltuentaM W IsnoplnK.C'oiiRh, vlolcntcottxha-'fl AnIIiiiiii, nppioed breathm ....... M I.r lllarlinrKPa.lmnnlred heartnuW Wyniliilil.enliirypd ian,l, weinKVto Sirnornl ISchlllty, pbyaical weak- llfM tJt i.ry nnu ecanir nocretiona ..W m-ia nirHiseHiN.aicKnpea Horn rldlnnbi Uliliiry-IHtteame, (iravel m NprtoiiN liehlilty, ..rnln.l em'l. nn.lntolunlarv Ulel.arge.... .1 Vu Hvi'lloaen, wlla cnetvialof powiler very noce.;ry in aerloua cnei.4 no Ssire .Moiilh, ranker u I'rlsinrv WeiiktioMM, wettln5 led.JO 1'nliiliil I'erlod, Hitliapaam tc riuflerliig;N,i.t cliatiRe of lif.. 1 r0 l.SilleiN,Mpaama,nt.Vltualanre.l Oo Ulpllserlnule, eratnl eore tlirbat W Of. 1.1 to 00 Inrice vlnlN, nsoroeeo orrnuHiHMl rnao, rusilnliiliiir at Npeelllr for eery omlliinry lia riiHen rmully l Niibjert lo, nsid V bookn of illrrrtloii .......from tlOtoJIs 8mller Snilllly aDilTrHVellllRra e, 20 to 88 vl.ila irom to Ppeoinlor all Irlsnle ISIaenaeo, IhiIIi 4'nrlntr and lur I'revni tlse trealiiicnl, in vialaand poctet " - to S I'O.SII M KXTKACT (,'iiren tlilfn, llruKei, l.aineneai, horeneaa, Bore Ibroat, 1 Hpraln, Toochache, Kara'be, Neuralgia,, l,umbaj;o. I'llea. Holla, Htlnga, boro Kye. Weeding of the I.tinita, N"ie, Htoin ach, or of I'llta; Cnrtu, IMce ra. 01J Korea. I-iice, Boi., 60 cta.j I'lnta. tl.VI; C;iarte, tt'TS. "Ttiein rnnfdiea, except I'oml'e Kxtract, by tlie cae or lna!o Ikix, are n nt to anr part ol tbecouhtrr, by mall or vxpren., fire or charge, on receipt ol the priee, Aildrv.a IIL'Ml'IIIIMb'nl'lX'IKIU HOJIKOPATUICJIF.lJlCINBCO. Ofliee and I)et.(.t, o. iU llro.wy, .Nex.Tork. so. v,l nroailwitr, 4e.Ti P. hCIIUJl, CAIItO. Ilia. run nvi.r. lit LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTII1NO 1IEMEDY H ra. tTlllTlOMIVH Sjrup. I Cnrea colic and griping I-rlr. ) In tbe lone I., and fa- I 24 1 ellitatea the proce.a cf j Ceata. 1 1 terming. j Mra. r atibdun c 0 n v ulalena 1'rlee. I WMlTCOMn'Sl andavercomea all dla- I ti ' nyrap. eawea inciupni 10 in- tenia. I fanla ami children. Mra. 1 Cure diarrhea, dlnrn.-) Frier. TTIUICOXB'H teryndaummercom. hjrap. ' plaint In chlldienot all Ceata. -. J It la the Dreat Infant'a and Chitdren'a hcothlDR Kemedy in all diitordera brought on by Teething or any other rait.e. PrepareiJ by the UUArrUN MEDICINE CO., bt. I)ula. Mo. Sold by DriiKXlvta an ealera la Medicine everywhere. KyTdwSm A BOOK FOR THE JIILLION. MAR U I AO E GUIDE. A Privato Connaeloi to the Sfarrled or tho.e aloulto tn.rry myaterieannd retelallona of tbf aexual atatem on ino priypioioKica with the laletdlcoerie In uroduclne and lire- fentlnx nll-pmiK. pre-ervinit lnecninilexion,Ar. Thlv la au interetlinfr. work of two humlreiland twenty Ktir pasei, witn nutr.eroua eonravinK.. and contain fulurtble information for thore who am marricl or contemplate marriage; mini laa luiftk Hint uUiilit lo be under lock and key, and nut laid cnrelejy aboutthn houae. bent to any one (free of iioatafe) forW cent Ad lri-.i Dr. Ilutta' D.epenaary, No. 12, Kixhtlietreel, '.it. Luine, JIo. not lee to tho Aflllcteil anil llnfortnrate. riefore applylni; to the notonona Quai-'ka who adverile In tne public papera or iialnir any tjuai-k remeiiiea, prriine Ilr. Iluttt' work, no mutter tint your ui-f.i-u la or how deplorable your con dltiou. Dr. llutta can be cunaulled, peraonally or at mail, on Ihn mentioned in hi worka, ntUue, No. 12 N. Kititli etiert, bet. Market and Che.tunt Ht Ini Mo. m,lilwl AGENTS WANTED FOR BELDEN, THE WHITE CHIEF: oc, Twelve Ycir ninontc the Wild Indltssm of the 1-lnluat The Life ot Oorpe V llelden, who jalned the Indiana and becamx aceUbrnted warr.or, abound in tlirllllnK adieiiture nud ciirioua information, and .n nrvfnielv llluatrnted witli new and aplr lied entrviii; ol ml vmturcs and the manner and euatoma of the Indiana, Tbe moat popular and eucceaaful iMHik ol the year. Hell, at unlit. One aent juat reporla S'JS profit In ono week. A It) paije circular, witn aprclmen page, a large poater with W illu.lmtlona, and term to aaenta aent Irce, by I' A. llL'TCIIINsON CO., Uft N Hlxlli atrvet, hi. Loula, Mo. JanSdawly PARKER & BLAKE, priirus ik WALL PAPER, PAINTS, I'litl)', rteiixlnr, Raaollne, WIITEO-W O-XtJi-St. WINDOW HHADEH, And the colebrated illuminatlnK AURORA OIL. IinOSH' UUir.DINd, COR. llTH-BT. A COM MEItCIAL-AV., OaIUO, iLLINOIi. aUR-iflif FAMILY UHfrCEUIEH. LOUIS JOIIGENSEN, dealer la ail kind, of STAPLE AND FANCY O-BOOBRIBS. I'armer'a Ystrtl tssa Ktabllng WITUOUT CHAftaK. Cor, Wasliington-av.'and Twcntieth-Bt. CAIRO, ILLS. iTT.iir. ON MARRIAGE. Happy relief loryoting men from lha cftcctso errorn ami abuaen in early liltf. Manhood ro atoreil. Nervous debility cured. Impedimenta to marriage removed. New method of treat, ment. New and remarkablo remedlea. Hooka and Circulars Bent free. In aealed envelope!. Ad dreaa 1IOWAHI) ABSOUIATiON, NO. I Houlh NUIliSI.. l'llladslphla.,l'. atSUd9in