Newspaper Page Text
JOHN II. OmatLY & CO., THE MAILS, imuti. BtntT Korlh. Thraimn !;j.m. iOUp.m n tyy . 2:2V p:tn. 4:00 p.m. South, Way 12.16p.m. jOOp.m Throush N. O., Mem phis ami Columbu i.V) p.m. 4.00 p.m. Ohio lllver route, (except Monday) -.. JlWp.m,, iron Mountain II. 11 2;30a.m 11:00 p.ji, ills. Ill vcr route, Tuesday anil Friday .00p,m. 7:00 p.m. Thebes, Ooose Island A Hunt Pe, Illi., Thursday 4 Krl- lar ! C:00p.m. T:00a.m, Mayfleld, Blandville and Lovelsve, Ky 11:00a.m. 4:00p.m. orrica Moras. Ocncral Delivery TiMa.m. (MundajsStoUa.m.) "loDer Order depaatment :00 a.m. 6.00 l(e;iater " ' " " .Wa.m. 6.00p.m. Money Order an'l ilefliter department, no open on Bundays. OUR CHURCHES. KE8ilYTKiUAN-EIhth-street. Preaching, fabluth at lo a. m., and 1 r. u. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7) r. at. Sunday Bchuol, 3 r. M. J, M. Lansden, Buper intendent. iter. C. II. point, Paster. MKTIIODIHT-Cor. Eighth and Walnut Bin. 'reaching, Sabbath 10; a. m., anil 7 r. at. I'rarer meeting, Wednesday, 7i r. . Sunday-wol ,3 r. a. L. W. fililsrell, atuper intendelrv. Iter. F. L.Tiiokmus, Pastor. ClltjItCII OFTIIF. HKIIKKMKIt (KpUoj.l) Morning prayer, Habballi 1UJ$ i. m. KtenlUK prajen Ti'r. Sabbath School, 9 k. . Iter. Ma. Cuix, Hector. fcT. PATIUCK'8 CI1UKC1I .'or. Mulh Hi. and Washington Avenue, fubllo -ervlce, Sabbath t and 10,',' k, m Wipers, 3 r. x. undsy School, 2 r. M, iervlce etery day, o r. m. Iter. 1. J. 0'ILl.toais, Prleat. V JU.NO MK.Vd CIIHIHTIAS AhHOCIATlON-Keg- lilar meeting lecond Monday each muntli at tha Prayer room of the Presbjterian Church Weekly Prayer meeting, Friday, r. at Ihe Prayer room of the Preabyterian church. C. 1'Aatosa. President. AFHICAK MF.THODIST-rourttanth, between Walnut an I Cedar. Services, Sabbath, 11 a. w. buaday tsehool, r. u. BKCO.SU KKKE-WILL BAPTIST Fifteenth Ht. Preaching, r. m. Itev. Win. Jackson, Pastor, between Walnut and Cedar. Services Habb.Hi, and 3 r. . Her. V. Ilicai, Tutor. FREE-WILL IIAPTIrtTIIOME Ml!MIU.-i fcU.t OAT SCHOOL Corner walnut and Cedar Hta. bunday School, a. . ZUST FItEK WILL BAPTIST CHURCH Cur- ry'a Barracks. ervlees, Habbalh ll k. ., r. . and VA ' -Iter. Wis. Knur, l'aator. yiRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHUIICII-Btt. ween 10th andllth streets, near Cedar. Preaehlnc Sabbath ID'A a. , and 7J,' r. n. Prayer Meeting. Wednesday evening. Preaching, Friday evenlug. f abbath SV-hool, IJ-; r. m. John Van Baxter and Mary Stephens fcupennlendenti. Iter. TJ. bnosn. Panto ECOND IIAPlf-TCIIUItCII-Fouiteenlh street, Letween Cedar and Walnut; Her. Jacob Brad ley, Eliler; the only Haptlut Church recosaired I y the Anociatlon. r-errlce, fcunday 11 o'clock a.m., at 3 p.m. and at 7 p.m. Jacoi L'niMir, Kldtr. SECRET ORDERS C TUB MASONS. No. 13. Stated Aaaemlly al the Aaylura Maoni ) Hall, firat and thud.HaU urdara In each month. Cnao Cocacit, No. 2I.-I'egnlar Conrocattonai . aaonlc Hall, the aecond Friday to each month. .. .... v.. ?l V. Hilar (odtomI on at Sla.onic Hall, on the third lueaday of ererj '"cum lAfoK, No. 237 F. A A. M -Ilegular Com. muolcation at Mnlc Hall, Ihe a.cond and fourth MondAj a ol ew'h month. Iliita Uoi. No.fAa F. a A. M.-Kegular Ccm rounicat.on it Ma.onlc Ilall-ar.l and third Thuradayaineach month. . w I t .. In O.tilFellcv'a. H.'mArlV.liuV.JrngT every ,ren ng, at . o cio ik. STATE OFFICERS. STATE TjFFIOKRS. tiorernor, John M. Palmer ; Lieutenant-GoTernor, John Dougherty I Becret.rynt State, hilward Hummel; Auditor of f tate, C. K. I.ippincolt ; State Treasurer, E. N. Bates : Supt. Public Instruction, Newton Baleman. COXGltESSMEN. Benatora-l.yman Trumbull and John A. Logan. BepreientatlTO for the Hiato at I.arse J. I, Bercrldge. Kepronentatlre Thirteenth District John M' leba. JMKMDKltS OENKHAL ASSEMBLY. Benators, 1st Diatrict-T. A. E. Holcomb, ol T...n ..,! K. nit.ann. of Gallatin. UUIuu, " -. - - Uepresentative, lat District II. Wntsan W ebb CQJONTY OFFICERS. CIKCUIT COUKT. ... i-n .1. luker. of Alexander. Prosecuting AttoruejI. F. MlCartney, of Circuit Clerk Jno. Q. Harman. Bhenll-A.H. In""- Win. Martin, Aaaeaaor and Treasurer. COUNTY COURT. Judge F. llross. Aaaor .a'es-J. K. McCrlteand S. Marchlldon. Clerk Jacob O. Lynch. Coroner John II. Goasman. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ayor John M. L.nden. 1'reanirer J. B. Taylor. Comptrolltr E. A. Burnett Clirk Michael How ley. Aii rshal Andrew Cain. Attirney-P. II. Pope. I'olioe Magiatratei K, Bross and u, BniD nesay. Ch:oi ol Police L. II. Myers, SKLKCT COUNCH ayor John M. Lansden, Firat Ward-P. O. Hchuh. Second Woodward, third Ward-Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward-8. Staata.Taylor. Oity-at-Large-W. P. Halllday and D. Hurd. U0A11D Oa" ALOERMRH, ffllWT WAUD Jamea Bearden, Leo Kleb, Isaac Walden. F.COND WARD R. H.'Cunningham, E. Iludcr, Henry Winter, Jamea Swayne, IHIUD WARD Wm. titration, Pattick Fitrgoiald, OURTia WARD-Jamea Carroll,, f O.Il.Beaae, ;j,U.Metcalf. PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. The Uoldcn Now. t. avciiixaN mi, The earth In loud with Uliconlantmtnli muttered, Hyraollah rnoutha the "Irlih and th rain) ni jci aworu or ajroJ unuilered behlad Upt ttatuerat tell their pa n. The rolcelenn Jark la loaded with repenlanee, In anleinn court el midnight, where, o'ercait with torrow, Con-tirnce looka Ita rllent aentence AKfnit the culprit octlona of the pant. And coucllen ea, alate with hot reflf pIIodk, Htareoown th highway which their feet hare known. Where at md afar the ghoitly recollectlont, I.Ike frowning utatuea not to be o'erthrown. While fancr aeoa lliem rlie In t-lnlmiln.. Anoeclre fllealonx the future way, Tojiliajht the hopea and chill the reaolutlona f..iju jiigiu nnuuiii inarinaii ior lue coming Oh I ye who cower a.trembln at the error Ittbuklng Men ory conjure where you wait, Kli,'.."i" "f1".',1 P Hli all im terrori, With baud indignant, awing the Iron Ktn I Wm In the Ooldeii Now, and ope ita portal, Hut donr-wiy wlilch l.mirrow rerer opra Worthy your nunlio it an jour aoul Immurt.l. no rutwsrij to ihe barren or your hopea. Nor let the fulure manileof perember Becolnfln CiWMril'a J..lre1nlh. To 'loomy.iurage.i anguith to rcmemlier ine piecioua vnancea you ralllse to-day. Whit'e ' H done e' errora pnt recalling, If, AUlltr Wftler. fit fihlivinn ilinwi. The fret of retro, peo'lnn h it and ail inc. Uilia to the rout tho fluacr of courage down. tnill dialr hall makea the ouI contented. To lit reluc ant at the et untiied; reretul brooding over what' repented, wu ... uiug wi i.uuiiii nuictue. Huch aorn.w la a Winter owl, fnrbodlng Mil luiure IMeme,o nlyht ot care, While oln iTlul thought are haptiy aong-blrd With Mkytime mumoall the tummer air. The rain regret we nurture in our boom Aia nea.iiy nigtiimare winch we feed with trar : But al the hfart li'Otne a !ed of blooin, .. iu c-wi ib juvuuu au ;noieauoeui cueera tihake from your feet the ouat with wholesome far acoming, Agamai the uglr, ne er-lo-te undone i t nun out the cloudy darkne... I ke ihn mornlnr. with glowing brow, go forth Into the auo. Ani to duty nearet, mnt difiant, ...... .irV iii cvuii iay Qur anouiuerea atunstli. And connuorlng more than cltle , like a giant, nriao 1 ,ir i'i youraeit at leoglli, I'rnrhetie hope, aball you to new pleaaur, Aiunir the ieldinu Dihwar of ibe t.lnuh To yellow harrea'a and orchard Ireaaurea, . wtiu ui auilUU in itUIJtU -OW. And when the tranquil erenlng irowna rour latr With aheaie", and frulta, and welcome home, hold eonir. Al pcae wl.h Iiearen, your eoniclence, and your neiihbar. Itealgn your prayerful heart 'here it belongs. TELEGRAPHLIC BUICIDK. Chicaoo, Feb. 19. John H.Lewit.foro- mati in the ttont-vnrd of Sineor. Talcotta & Co., committeil luiclilo by blowing his oratnt out wuti rt revolver, lie unit youni; man of moit exoi-lletit reputation, laving been employed by the Drrn twenty yeara. lie wu married to n beautiful and estimable youup; lady about n week since. ltu loll a letter in which he lorcitisdowcd the deed, but gave no reason therefor. Ml'KDKR. At Nowurk, New Jersey, TcsterdMV, nn iinin.irrii'il niothercut tho throat of bur I) ii bo shortlv after its birth. Tho mur- ercd iufaiit had been secreted. lir.EACit or 1'iioviisi:. I'lTTgiiUKOii.Fcb. The lurv cave a ver dict of $2,000 In tho breach of promise casoof Miss Vmikirk vs. Johnson. Jloth parties appear to bo satisfied. mi iuiek nr A HOT. Lowell, Man., Feb. lit. Charles K. Kimball, aired nineteen, was abot throuch the wrist and right lung last evening by Cliiirlcs A. "Watte, aged sixteen. Tho shooting was done in tbo street, just aftir nimball lud escorted a young ladv to her houe who had previously discarded Watts. Kimball mar survive. "Watts is arid ted. A LIE. Nkw York. Feb. 19. Judce llarnard Ifnoiinoe4 as a lie tba slnrv that he had $100,000 in his bank, and says the largest amount tie ever nad in bank was tits salary, . KMIIEZILEMEN'T. .lames T. Brad v. post-otllco clerk, is held to bail in 55,000 for embmling pACKages. THE riSK-STOKKS MUKDER TRIAL. .: XORK, Pen. 1U Tho Stokes case was resumed this mornini:. and testimony as to the irregularities of tho grand jury was continued. JuUl'o Dulv testifiod that ha was nal at the meeting of the board which selected the gnind jury. Deputy County Clerk (rutnbleton, tettitled on some unimportant details. One of Stokes' counsel mado a speech relative to somo newspaper state ment, which Judgo C'ordoza al lowed, but intimated that counsel could atlord to let such things ulone. Jl. li. i-icld was exam tied, and stated that ho was on the grand jury, and also served on tho coroner's jury. Ho knew that ho was exempt from jury dutv, as a lnwyer and federal oOico-holder. Sev eral questions touching upon certain legal documents relative to tho Stokcs-MAnsfldd case and the doings of tho coroner's jury wero ruled out by Judgo Cordoz.t. Field suld tbnt tho affidavits in the Stokes-Mans field caso were not drawn in his office. Judgo Bodford wnB examined relative to tho selection cf tho grand and potlt Ut ries in Septombor. Ho did not examine tho list carefully ; did not consider it his duty to do so; considorcd all tho require ments ot the Inw curriod out when ho signed tho list. Tho court adjourned. ' 1 Rates orrrclKbi. To New Tork. First Class (1 70 1 Fourth Class- I U Hro:ii(i Clas 1 40 Special Clasa ThlrJCIaa 1 00 1 Cotton s To New To Tork. Boston. Compreaaeil f H5..... i 00 Uncompreased - 1 14 1 00 i i i J 1 Flonri To New Tori per bbl fl 60 To Iloston per bbl , 1 TO From Cairo to. From Cairo to Floy r. par bb, Hay, jier ton . Corn, twr cwt, Oata. Mr cwt . poal Oil per h l V) 4 to M Cotton per M I'outflt a, per bl Annies, oer bbl .uiinwrperM 00 liCt 13 i.umuar (rose Uaayjr Irt-owt 7 00 24 rum, uci umm Whisky, per lib! . 40 oo a w 22 S'l 40 06 40 ei C5 Blk i 7 I V It I'f.'.S. 03 1 CO H '. ,' w Cm ti W Vj S3 O u 'A C5 w t O 0 00 d fc-l X 0 Ci3 P3 P 3 Pi o Jl 0 rH 0 0 a 3 7. 5 X s if H J 00 H Send for D. C. JACCARD & CO S Il lustrated Price List and Catalogue of Waltham, How ard, and D. C. Jaccard & Co's Watches, Jewelry, and Solid Silver and Plated Ware, &c. When In St. Louis you are invited to inspect their mag nificent JEWELRY establish ment. Nos. 401 & 403 N. FOURTH St., Corner of Lo cust, Odd Fellows Hall. fcS'Watches, Clocks and Music Boxes Repaired and Warranted. Orders by mail promptly atten ded to. A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. M A TJTJT AIT A Prlrata Couoaeloi MAllIUAUI. lo ,, Marrleii or p.TTTlir thoae aboutto marry uuurr., on the phynioii.Kii'K- myateripunnil revplatlona of thw aexual aum with thelMestillscoverlPa In producinj; ami pre tenting ollirlng, preasrvinn tliPcmplPxion,c. Thin it on Inltrei-llng uorl of tno hundrnl anil twenty Icnr papea, wim numernua enKrarliics, anil contnlna Vhlunble informatinn for llioaeulio ara mnrrieil orconleinplHto marrine; still It tan book that ouuht to U tinder lo-jk and key, anil not laid carelessly ubont tho house, fcent tu any one (free of postage) for 60 cent Addreaa Hr. llutta' Dianensary, No, 11, Eighth alreet, Kt. Louis, Mu. notice to thr Aflllctedsntl L'nfnrtunatr. Before applying to the notnnoiiH Quacks who adrerliae In liiepublio papers or tminij any (Hack remedies, pernae Dr. Hulls' work, no mutter what your diataae is or how deplorable your con dition. , , Dr. llutta can be consulted, personally or at mail, on thndiaaetea mentioned in his works, office, No. 12 N. Kifihth street, bot. Market and Cheatunt HI Louis Mo, mvOdwlv LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE QREAT SOOTHING REMEDY Mrs. I Cures cohs anil Rrlplnet 1'ilre, WUITCOHH'S) III tho bowels, mid fa- I ' Hirup. I rlliinlea tho process of f Cent IteelhlllK. J Mri. 'fiuliiliies conTiilnlrna I'rlee. WRITCOXD'S J and overcomes nil ill- I s.i ' Kirup. ) eases incident to la- f ('en la. Vtaniaaniiciiiiuren, I Hra. ( Cures diarrhea, iliren. I'rlrf TTHITCtlHD'H I tery and aummercom. 2., Hjrap. 1 plaint In childienol all f Cent. I aires. I It la the Great Infant's and Children's Hnothlna; 'Remedy In all disorders brouuht on hy Teething Or any mnT L-nuse. i-repsreu uy me OIlAfTON MBDICIMK CO.. bt. Louis. Mo. Bold tiy DrUKKiita an talera in Medicine Tarywhare. njj7JwCm CAIRO, ILUK01S THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22 1872; BARCLAY BROS., OHIO LBTIK Caiao, lus DBTJQQ-ISTS SARATOGA 8PKIN08 t rttt BLUT AT BAKCLATS' DRUO IT Oil I. Faua crrtr, Daiit. MOCKING BIRD FOOD tl aiiDT raa est witiovt nstus At Babclat. JJ F. L St B O L D'Q GRAPE f catawba 1 ' roRAPx ) FILLS CATAWX1A L J ORAM OP.APE I catawba ) 1 1 OKAri S PILL8 froRAi.; . ) ; I OKA ) . io au er HCLMBOLD'a HKDICIXKI FKERn FROM flMT UAVM, Always Id stock la large aapplr, ai for aaJa Ij .Barelajr Brss, JUST BIOI1T1D tap orHalebjr lh Class Balll vCallMi AT BA.P.CLATS'. t9ExTRA FlXK COLOOXIJ tffirOExui.vE IvroRTED Extract! tT Hair, Toot ii and Kail Bruibxs tiSrlxm. RuiiOER Nuraikt Ooo7 AT PURE "WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZIKC. Heat grades In argo stock and ra rlaty, ?ery cheap; auo: Full Line or Colors, tiav ad ik oil; Paint l!rushs, Oil, Whitowatb I'.'JiliCa Turjxntin. VaralaUa Ktc. etc., Ill ItKOS AKD STAXBAaO QVAUTtU At Bahclats'. dry uoonn. 71. FALL-WINTER. 72 C. HAN NY. LARGE STOCK. DROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, riciciasro-a. CHECKS, AND STRIPES, KENTUCKY J KAMI, KXTIti, OASSIMERS, BLACK ALPACAS AND LUSTERS, O AOS i RAIN BILKH, POPLIN. LARGE STOCK OF OARPTIKO OIL CLOTHS, UATTINO, Window Hbsul!, OILT BAMDt, NOTTINGHAM LACK PAMASKS. Ula Entire Ntock Jtow CUilii AT VERY LOW FIQURIS. CORNKR 8tH ST., AND COUMMCIAL-AY., Cnlro, Illlaola. aeptllf UUUIIN, NAN1I. ETC! GOLD I GOLD 1 1 GOLD I II GOLDEN COMPOUND lic for over Ihiitern years, nnd llioussnua oi voluntary testimonials cau bo shown of Its men its Kent by mail, nott.puid, with directions in ..n tnr it. iia. torulcenta a tiackeffO t three for 1 AitHrpqa OOLDKN COMPOUND CO., v. lima alpAt. ht. Louis. Mb. JanJlan. Will force tho beard or moustache to grow thick and heavy, on Iho smoothest face, or ha r on tho boldest head, In 21 days, or moner refund d il. This preparation has been before the pub Principal Office 104 W. Fifth St., Cin. O. THK ON1.T RKUABLK dm KNTJCRFRISX IK TUKCOUHTllTl OlOO.OOO.OO IN VALUABLE GIFTS To be distributed in ' I. X). SZXTB'S 37th Hsml-Annual GIFT ENTERPRISE To ba drill Monday, March th, 172. One Qhmv Uantai. Prizk cr $10,000 in Gold ! One 9,000 la MJlireri Firn Prlzei $1,000 ( Five Prlr.ta S500 f ) GREENBACKS. Tn Frizoi 100 (. Two Family Carriages una .aU'hed Horaes with I Silrtr Mounte-1, worth tl.MiO ciil.. Twa Horse at.d utiKxiea will. SiWerOIounted Harness, worth t"" each. Two flce-tcned Hosewood I'iano, worth 5 0 each I Ten family ea Inn mai hlnes, worth (101 ach, I'WuiKoIdaod sllter leter hunting worth from fl to J"J. Ladles' gold leontlne chains, Kent's gold vest chains, sol 1.1 and double -plated litter table and teaspoons, photograph albums, jewelry, etc., etc. wnoie number guts, ii'.wu. Tickets limited it tU.KO. Arrnt wanted to sell Tickets to whoia Pbaral premiums will lie paid, Hirile tickets 12; six tickets $10 i twelre tickets, c-u iweniT-nre aw. Circulars cnntainine a full list of iirltes. a de- scriution of the mannn of drawinc. and other In formation in reference to the distribution, will be sent to any on ordering them. AIM letter must beaIdrea.edto I.. U. DISK, Not M, orrict, Cincinnati, U 101 ut sth St. nor2wK)lr BANKS. THE CITY NATIONAL cairo; iLLixom, CAPITAL, 8100,00 orrtraast W. P. HALUUAV. Preslden UKNKT L. HAI.1.1UAY, Vic Presldint; A. B.HAFFORl), Cashier; WALTKR HYSLOI', AsalsUnt Cashier. stircToaat SriAT Tatioi, kobiit H. CvvatMiuiat, liaaar I.. Halubat, W. P. IUllidat, tiro. 1). WliiUMio. Hriratx Bian A. B. Sarroas. mb. wa m aVaai Mlmtrnm Bossd Boaajht and Hold. DEPOSITS received, and a general banking business done. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAIRO. DANIEL HURD, President; ROBERT W. MILLER, Vice-President, C. N. HUGHES, Cashier. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE EICIIANOK, coin, bask notes and Uait4 mates securities bought and sold. lalertvil Allowed oa Time Deposits. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS Cbsrtsred Mnrcb SI, IM. CITY NATIOVAL BANK, CAIRO orrtcian A. B. 9AFKORD. President; S. 8. TAYLOR, Vlce.Preaident; W. IIYHLOP, Hvcretarr and Treasurer. DiaacTOaii P. W. BiaciAT, K. M. Htociiliih, K. 11. CVKMfcaUAat, Cms. Oaiighii, I'AVL O. UCUl'M. W. P. Halliuat, J. M. PniLLiri. Deposits ot stay Amount Ittxclved Irom Ten Cents Upwitrtls. 1NTKKKST paid on ilepaalta at tha rate of six percent, per annum, Alarch 1st aod Heptein ber lal. Intereat not withdrawn I Cdded finme dlatalv lofhai orinclnal of the denoaita. therebr giving them compound intereat. UARRIin WOll IN AND CHILDREN MAT UKl'OSIT MONEY O THAT VO ONE tlJE CAN DEAW IT, Open ere.y bualne.a day from 9 a.m. to .1 p.m. and Haturday eyeninR lor HA VINO DEPOSITS onlj, frstn to 8 o'clock. auiwil W. nTHLOP, Tresaurer. NERVOUS DEBILITY, With Its Bloomy atttendants, low aiitr Its' dcprt aalou, In voluntary ruilaaloo. loss or semen, spvrmntorrtairn, loss ol power' dlssy hrsvtl, loss or uieinory, aad threaten Imiirlcurti anil I.Mbe elllts, and a lovcreltrn curt " lliiiu Bttroy's Homeopathic NprcffJo Xo TwosstyiRBt. Composed ot tr.e mol ralua bio mild and potent curntirea lny strua a on.U at the roots ot the mitlrr, tone up l nays tem, arrest the discharges, and linnul ltorsnd aneriy, Ilia and titalltj to theentiie man. Tney bate cured thouaanda of ca e. .rrica. J per packaaeaof fireboxes and a large fi rial, which Is rery Important iu obstinste or old rases, or $1 per alnalf boa. Bold by all driitKlats. and sent by malTanwcelp" ol price. Addreaj Humphrey' Specific llomeopathiu Medicine Co., (c,2 Ilroad way, Y. V. H011UH, an rl vt-owawlv Agi-nt. Cairn. Illinol JAMES KYN ASTON, ttatsksr acd Bealer la tall Ulnds rreska Moat, Couia NisiTMNtn aij Pofiae Hrtw. C.VtR'J, ILLINOIS. SUYB and alauchtero only the very beat cattle, hoaaAnd abeep, and Is prepared to nil any isod for freah utats from sn pound to tea thsnaaad pousdj. steatttt BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON -a V J- M- VUILLII'3 Si CO.. (Was.r.toE.D.1, Forwarding and Commison MERCHANTS Alt WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS Literal Adtantea inn , 1'pon.cSsaaV vnaignmnis. tSiV ",M?it '.rT'i ,lor aot orward freights to all points aod buy ell on commission. HsyBnalness attended in promptly D.Z. UATIIUm. g. c, UUI( MATIIUSS & UIIL, FOEWAEEI DtTO- AMD OJCNKHAIa Commission Merchants, DEALERS IN rtriiOTTiEi, oaa-eviasr. HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE No. 64 OHIO LEVEE. Btwun Fourth i AixfA Sti AIUO.ILL Ugs lwtf 8TRATTON & BIRD (Successors toHtratton, Hudson A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Loveo, Cairo, Illinois. MILLER k PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION ASD FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AkR DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AQKNTS ton FAIRBANKS SCALES Ohio fjirxt, CAlltO, ILi.S. WO OD RITTENHOUSE, FLOUR Airs General Commission Merchant 183 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois. JOHN 11. CANNON k CO., Hooceaaort lo K. O. TUTTLE Co., Wholesale Dealers In MILLINERY GOODS, 003 X. roarth Itrttl, Cor. t. Charlcf, ST. LOUIS. Bpeclal attention Klren to ordtrs, and aatiafac lo n turranteed. 2 H,d2m WIIOLERALC CROCER8. R. SMYTH & CO., "WHOLESALE GROCERS, Oil IO LIVtl CAIHO. UblNUIS. Alio, keep constantly en hand a mostcom pitta stock of lilQTTOiRS- BCCTCH AND IBIin WBIBKIXB U I N H, Port, Mderl, Shorry nd Ctwba'Vinei RUMYTH OO. sell eieluslvely for cash, to . which fact they Invito tha especial atlen liou uf close bargain buyers. 8otI attention yin lo Filling Order: WOOD! WOOD I ! WOOD I! The undersigned will rurnlak HARD AND DRY WOOD As Cheap, II aot Cheaper ban any wood dealer In Cairo. Leave orders D Ihe slales' al the Poatofflee anH at Rosa' coal vard. ob Commercial avenue, between Tenth and twelfth streets. Cairo, Illinois. J to soed measure sad, vriU wrd ths wood up if oirl. aaW-U DXHMlslULBY. or.vf:iti. aokkts HALLIDAY BROTHER GENERAL- AGENTS no FORWARDING and COMMISSION i r.ucn asth ASD DEALERS IN FLOUR; enta of Ohio River nnd Knnsmhs, 70 Ohio Lsvee, tf CAirtO, II.LINOf ELECTION NOTICE. City Clerk's Office, 1 Cairo, 111., J imiarr '.'7, 1872.. Piiblio notlco is hereby giti-n that a general Charter election will helient. iw Tcnnr, tiia ilni ror Frsai'sar A.D. 172, In tlieCltyot Cairn, In tho etato of Illinois, lor tho purpose, of electing A Makor. A CltyClotk, A City TrraMirer, A City Jlnralul, A City Attorney, A Police llaniatrxteto succeed P. Ilrosa, Eq. ami three trembera of tho Select Council, as as lot- los : One member from the Firat Ward, to succeed One mem her from the .Second Hard, to succeed C. K. Woodward. One member irom Ihe City at Large, to succocd I). Hurd. AIo Six members ol the Honrd of Aldermen, as fol lows t Twomemlier rrom the nisi aru, to succeeu I. Waldernnd lnKlsli. 'Iwi. mml-re from the Hecond Word, to suc ceed W. lluderRnd Henry Winter. Ono member Irom the Third Ward, to succeed P. Kiiiaersld. One member from the Fourth Ward, to auccsed Jame Carroll. Polls will be opened In tho different Wards as follows. In the First Want, at the firt lioue n tho eit a.dn bf Waahlntnn avenue, below Filth street. In the Second Ward, at the Al sl KnRlne houe. In th Third Ward, at tho lllli-inma Hctlna house. In tho Fourth Ward, at the Court Hone. Polls will be opened at H a.m., and closed at 6 o'clock, cm. Hy order of tin- citv council, ian'JSilSihi M. J. IIOWLKV, City Clerk. PARKER k BLAKE, WALL PAPER, PAINTS, Putty, Iteaxlne, Gaoollae, "WX3STX) O W GrliASS. WINDOW SHADE?, And tha celebrated illuminating AURORA OIL. nuoss' iiuiLiiiNO, con. IIth-st. & com mkhcial-av., Caiiio, Illinois. atigl'titf AGENTS WANTED FOR BE LD EN, THE WHITE CHIEF: Twelve Years nmonc the Wild Indians or the l'liilus! Thul.lfoot ftanrfta l" llelilen, who Jalned tho Indians and became a celt brated wnrr.or, nLnunds In thrllllnK ndetituro nnd curious information, and ,s nrofuselv illustrated with new nnd spir ited engravings ot adventures and tho manners and customs of the ludisns. Tho most popular and successful Iniok ol tho year. Sells nl sight. Ono sRsnt just reports i'Ji iiinrtt In one week. A 10 k cliuular, wil'i speciinen pue, a larKe poster with 30 illusiintlons, and terms touxents lent free, hy P. A. HUTCHINSON it CO., Ufi N Blxih street, St. Louis, Mo. Jsnldiwly DUNBAR'S AVONDERIUL DIS COVKRY. K T II K ADA MINERAL SPRING WA TER Ol WuiiUoalin. M'laroualn, ,.cknoleilgedciirenfllriiht'Iiisfa''.Idsrlea Dropsy, all altecllon ot Kidney. Illauder and Unu'ry oruaiia, also Liver ruWe. H. I . Chase, Chief iui:ce of the United Stales, restoied to health bv Its use, in sis "",.., , j. W. Willis. ,encral sKenl lor Ihn State ot lilt nols. wholesale and Keull ssupply Depot, 130, Wabush Avenue, Chirai), Illinois. All orders by mad promplly ntlendtd to. Bend for circulai a. entiteod2m NItJN CARL L. THOMAS, "WRITER now prspsied to recpond promptly lo all de mauds for his services, SHOl'-COR. Sm-ST. AND COMMEKCAL-AT In the I'erry IIoue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. nnvd UOAT NT OK EM. SAM WILSON, tlllll ill BOAT STOE33 . - v ountutii"' PROViaiONS, ETC.),,. tio. 110 Onw Liru Oamo, Iliu. giaaas ragsriiT titans