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lit JOHN H. OBERLY & CO., PROPRIETORS. TUB MAILS. ARHIVg. nsrAsr North, Throitgn 2; :mp,m " Way 2:20 pltn. 1:00 p.m. South. Way 13.1ft p.m. O0p,m. " Through N. ()., Mem- phi and Columbus,..,, I.oop.m, j uino wver route, (except Monday) ...... jOop.m. iron Mountain K. II 2:.-oa.m. llifop, n. Ji. Itlvcr route, Tuesday unit Friday 6.uit,m, 7:nfip.m. Ihebes, Goose Island A Banta Fe, Ills., Thursday A Krl- (m-jiiviu, 'mnmiin Anil Lovela-e, Ky ll:Wa.m vrnvK Moras. .p.m. il-neri.1 Delivery iHiindayssio'Js.m.) oney Orilr depnatmrnt -.raj a.m. e.00 K's-I'fer " S:o.m. B.oop.rn. Money Order nod Itcilater departments no r, en on Hundays. OUJl CHUnCIIKS. llK9IIYTKItlAN-Klghth.trect. 'reaching, Sabbath at loj a. and I'd r;. Prayer mating, Wednesday at 7K r. , Stindsy Rch.ol, 3 r. at. J. M. Lav.i'en, Httper Intcndent. It,v. c,;;,. Koora, Paster. ilCTHOWST-Cr. -ni,;,,,,, w., hi I -re aching, Hay, f 7 , 1 rsyer mee, Wednesday, 1( r. t. """Irhool .3 M. I.. W. Mllai II, Kuper "SMrndenl. Iter. F. L.Tiiomi-soii, 1'a.tor. -AjAlVCH OK Tit K HKI)EKMKK-(i:plscopl) Waning pravers, Pahlsith luJJ A. m. Krrning praypr..4"r. x. Sat.hkth H'hool.tlA. m. Pr. ila. Cuii, Itrotur. fcT. PATKIGICS CIlUKCIt-Jor. Ninth Hi. l Washington Annuo. i'uI.IIc itrrlcr,Hil.l,Mli8.n. 10a- . v. Vnpr, 3 r. ii. tin Jay School, 2 r, x. if rtlcf rry "lay, p. m. )r. I'.J. 0'llLtnA, l'ri.l. Jll.MJ M K.NM CHRISTIAN ASMOCIATIONKrg. nlar inrrllag trcontl Monlar rarh month at II I'rayff room of thr l'relytrrian Church HVeVly Prayer tutrtlng, Trlilay, '', r, H., at Jit- I'ratrr rinn of th i'rrahytrrlan church. ('. I'.0"H, I'fO.IJl'Ot. AKItlCAN MKTIIOllIST-roiirtfenth, Mmttn Walnut nn I CVilar. ortlK-rr, Habhalh, 11 a. . ."iiadny S-hool, 1J r. . C...rfr. w. HKCOXU KitKWIU. IIAl'TIST KiUrcnth Ht. rrra:lnng,7J r.v. Iter. Win. JarKon, Tailor. between Walnut ami Cedar. Kervice. Habbath, 1JJ an J 3 r. v. Ite, ,V, lticn, I'ailor. HtKK.WII.l. lltrrirtTHOMB Ml.V!lo.. tU.N 'JAVHCIIOOIy-Cornfr nA'nut and Cedar Sta. Sunday Bchool, 9 a. u. IltST KltEH WILL DAI'TIST ClItlRCH-Our- ry'a llarrack. ertIcea,Habbitbll a. v., r. at. and yt r. u. Iter. W. Ktuti, I'aator. r I IIST 1IIH.S10NAKY BA1T1ST CHUKCll-Uet- ween 10th and 11th elrtwt., near Cedar. I'rrachlnt Pabbalh 10) a. u., and 7; r. aj. la.yer Meeting, WedneadayeTenln. 1'reachlng, Kritiaj- ttentng. sabbath tvhool, l'i p. m. John Van Hazier and Mary Stcphena feiiirintenilenta. He. T J. 8 iiuan. I' BECONll IIAI'f&TCIIlMtCII-Kointeenth atreel, I atween Cedar and Walnut; Her. Jacob Brad ley, Elder ; the only llaptlat Church recogaitej I y th Ak.weiatiou. k. rU, It ..'etcMk e.iu,, at 3 p in. and at 7 p.m. Jaiob Iia.LLki, Elder SECRET OIIDKKS TIIK MAbONh. Oauo (;oiiiii.iirai, No. 13. Staled Aaaetnlly at tha Aaylam Maaonli Hall, firatand lluidtbal. urdaia In each month. CAii)CGr!L, No. 21, Regular Conocattonat Monlo Hall, the econd Friday In each month. CAiao Ciur-rta, No. 71. Kegular Comocation at itaaonic Hall, on the third of etery IQODttla Caiao Loixir,h'o.!U7 K. A A. M Itegular Com. municattona at Maaonin Hall, the atcosd anJ fourth Mondaja ol each inanth. IIilta Ubor, No.tot K. a A. M.-negular Com Tnunlcaliona at Maonl Hall 3rt and Ifclnl Thuradaya In each month. TIIK ODD-riXLOWH. . AlttADia l.t, 221. Meet a In OJd Kellcw'a. JIall.ln Arter'a Hull ling, crery Thursday eten ng, at "o'clojk. STATE OFFICEKS. STATU OFFIUKKS. fioyernor. John M. Palmer; Lleulenani-Oovernor, John Ilxughert) I Hecrelnryol htntc, Edward Itummeli Auditor of State, C. K. I.tpplnrott , Htate Treaaurer, B. N. Ute ; Sttpt. Public Inatruotion, Newton Ilatetnan. CONOIIKSSMKN. rtenatora Lyman Triimhull and John A. Logan. Keprcaentativn for tho Htntw nt Large J. L flerldgo. ReprerematlTc Thirteenth DJatnct Jolm M rtba, MKMREHS GENKUAI. ASSEMBLY. Kenntora, lt liiatnct r. A. K. llolcomb. ot Cmon, duJH. K. litnn,of Gallatin. Repreaentatlre, lt Dlttrlct It. Watson WebW COUNTYOFFICEHS. CIItCUlT COU11T. Judge J. UaUer, of Alexander. Prosecuting Attorney I. K. Mttlurluey, of Maaaao. Circuit Clerk Ino. Q, Harman. 8lienrt-A. II. Irln. Win. Martin, Aeor nut Trcaattrer. COUNTY COUKT. Judge F. Hroas. Aaaoclale" J.'.E. McCrltc and H. Murchlldon. Clerks-Jacob O. Lvucli. !oronr John II. (lofcinan. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT .tfayor John M. Lsnndeu. treasurer J. B. Taylor. Comptroller E. A. Duruelt Cltrk Michael HoHlcy. ah rahal Andrew Caltt. Atti rney P. II. Pope. Police Magiatratea K. Uroat aud H. Hhan. 0aiy, Clueiol Police L. II, Myers. HK1.KCT COUNOIV ayor John M. Lnnaileu, first Ward-P. O.Hohuh. Second Vfard C. H. Wooitwnrtt. Third Ward Ino. Wood. Fourth Ward-S. Btaata Taylor. Olty-at-Largo-W. P. lUllldty and U, Hutd. HOAItD Of ALDEKMKN, FIIWT WAItl) lamea Bearden, Leo Klc, Inaao Witlden. KOONI) WA 111) It. H.Ciinuiunhutii, K. Under, Henry Winter, Jnms Bwuyne, IHIRfl WAKI-Wm, Btratton, Pattlclt PltigotalJ, t OURTH WARU-Jatnea Carroll, J " i a.ll.Scaac, -4 '.J.H.Motcalf, THE BULLETIN. FOREIGN. BISMARCK I.V DANOKK OF AS SASSINATION. TIIK ;VKXT KCUMKNICAL 1 COUNCIL. NEW SPANISH MINISTRY. KPKCULATIO.V .18 fO TIIK NKW VICKKOV OK IXtUA TKUftULAXl- HKMAKKS OK TIIK TKf.KOItAPH .V TIIK TIIKATV '"I. TIIOMNV I'ATIi' OK KINO AMAKKfH nt. TICIIIIOIINK OMK, AC, All. OUKAT JIli'lTAIX. IIKI-0JJTIV" .UlWtOY.,(, 7 t0. ..'.lt , repoitMl that Ijor i.orthbrook, at prnnt"urdor ccr. -ry of ftnto of war, will bo nppolnti'd viceroy gf India. ' ItlVAL KIOIIKRMK.V. In tbo commons to-day, Mr. Dalrvmplo nvo notlre ofhls inteiition to nk ort Fri diiy, whollicr mcaitires have lcen taken to pruvent ncolllsltn between American and Canadian IWhcrmon dtirini' thecomlnL' (lib ivnton. fa The marriage of tlm Marquis of Hutu to tho daughter of Lord Edwnrd Oeorco Howard Is announci-d to tnko placo aoon. I'llECK KTATIHTIC'H, T ic Enfjliih pres directory gives tho r.utnbt'r of journals In Ureal Uritatn n OCNPOWItKK HKIKD. FUo hundred pounds weight of gun powder was fei.ed In Cork ve.terday bv tbo milhorltles. " " KAKL .MAVo'f KKMAI.N-. Theyucbt Enchantress will bo n ut bv the admlrnlty to Suez to receive the re", mains of Karl Mnyo and convey them to England. a itriiuK. A rumor prevails throughout London that Huron Hatherly will soon rotire from' me i.oru lynancellorshlp of (Jrent Ilritnin and will bo auceeeded bv ' the Kigbt Hon. Lord Hornillv. TiCHIIOK.VK. In tho Tichborno case, the attorney, general, Sir John Duko Coleridge, bus brought his addrfee to a clo.e, and tbo ex amination of wltnees for tbu defence has comincncol. Lord Holley was on the stand to-day. His tPttimonv was very damaging to tho claimant. FKANCE kxixt'tivj: or a8sikxi.s. I'akih, Feb. 21. Threo asslitilns of (ens. Lecompt ami Thomas will be ex ecuted attlve o'clock to-morrow morning nt Sartory. TIIK PK. A bill will bo introdurted in the as sembly increasing the powers of the gov ritmant ovee ik, press. HOW UOKH THK AhMV KKEL-' Thiers ha summoned the principal gen erulstogivo an account of the present stale of feeling in tho army. TAXATION' OK ICAW MATKIIIAl.. The ahsemblv ba acreed to renort a bill providing for the taxation of ail raw Material, except thoso used in the man ufacture of textile fabrics. I'ouver Quer- titr, minister of lluince, has signitlpd his acceptance of this iitrxlillcntion of .Thiers' favorite plan for tho taxation of raw ma terial. MONAItCHISTB MAN'trKSTO. Two hundred members of the Itlirbt. and uO members of tbo l'.ight Centro in ino national nssembly, signed tho mani festo of tho monarchist in that body, which was carried to Antwern bv Count Monte, und presented to Count do Cham- Dora. M rTHK GERMAN EMPIRE. SENSATION. liEKUN, Feb. 21. The nolico autborl- tics have inlnrmation that a man Is con cculed in this city who has sworn to tako the lifo of llismarck, and an act! vo search Is going on for tho would be a'sassin. SPAIN. THE NKW MIObTRV. Madkip, Feb. 21. Tho new ininiatrv formed, is its follows; Senor SagoUa, president of tbo council and minister of the interior; Admiral Malicampo, minis ter of tbo innrino; Senor Dolilas, minis ter of foreign allalrs; Senor Gamacho, minister oi nnanco; ttcn. uct Jtey, minis ter of war; Sonor Robledo, minister of public works; Senor llerrcra. minister of colonies; Senor Colmenares. minister of justicM. Tho last rive mentioned members oi the mlnlstrv belong to tho unionist party. Admiral Topetu, who It was ex pected would bo one of tbo members of tho new government, declino to nccopt a position owing to tho illness of bis daugb ter. A HTItONU M'lTOKT. Tho new mlnihtry bits the undivided support of tho progressive party. MMIUNTKD. I A His. Feb. 21. Tho Oauloia nows. jiuper this morning uys that King Am adous of Spain Is disgtistod with tbo tin govornablcness of tbo Spanish people, and hut urged his futher, King Victor J-.manuel or Italy, to function his nbd ca tion. Sbo (lauloin further suvs that Victor Emanuel counsels patience. ITALY. XOUM KN1CAL L'UDNCU. Rom Fob. 21. Tho popo bns asked permission ot fcngianu or Austria for a meeting of tho ecumenical council in their dominione. SANDWICH ISLANDS. ELECTIONS, San FitANciM-'O, Fob. 21. Honolulu, Fob. 5. Tho election of representatives for two years Is progressing. Tbo inde pendent ticket In opposition to tho straight govornmont ticket, largely ahoad. Gov ernment ticket ahead in outsldo dlttrlvti, CRIME, NEW JEIt.SKV OFFICIALS AKUKbTKH. New-Youk, Fab. 21, Tho police com mitsioneti, police superintendent nnd tiro commissioners of Jersey City were ar rested this afternoon, ilio grand jury lmv liiB Indictod thotn for conspiring to da fraud the city by making out fraudulent pay rolls. i wo xsow Jursoy Judges aro to bo ar rested for charging Illegal fees. FOSTER SENTENCED. ' Foster, tbo car-hook murderer, has bson CAIRO, , sotttcncml to lo liiioeod on March '2'i. Tito prisoner connsol will br'ng the cine bo I lore thocoi.rtof appeals. robbed nv a neoro. ! QUINCY. III,.. Feb. 'Jl.llonrv V.,1,1 Gorman groctr, corner Tenth nml State streets, va robhed about ten o'clock last night of n pockotbook containing nbOIlt IhirtV llnllne. nn.l . , by n negro whosonntno Is not known. Tie I negro annulled Nold with n razor and cut nim anoui tne ncail In n lertlblo manner. The ncero whs captured Ibis afternoon, nine miles from her-. muss. CO H P. G. Schuh. 9 1 1 'A w w o 0 Vj H U3 X 0 o 03 CO 8 o H 6 H 02 hi l Pi o 0 6 H CO H J. I A3IH.T atKr.itii.v LOUTS JOllOENSKN Iralri Ic all ktndf of STAPLE AND FANCY G-BOCERIBS. far m or' Vnixl nuil NlnlillsiK WITHOUT CHAROK. ('r. WaHhington-uv.'aud Twontietli-st. CAIRO ILL!). y-27.ll. IIOAT NTUKEN. SAM WILSON, DfiLER IN ES J BOAT STORES QKOIIKRIKB. FKOVISIOKS, E T C o. no Onio Lkvkk : : ; : : Cairo, III nanras momri.v 'rrii.i tv JAMES KYNASTON, Hitolser acU Urnlor In nil UlutU t reab hi em. COKNta MlVIIttNTII ANB I'OPLA K S TEt IT. OAlll), ILLINOIS, BUVH and slaughters only the very best cattle, hoca and aheep, and la prepared to rill any uemauu lur iruau iiieaia irom ono pounu io ten iiivuihuu miuuu, - aiQ3xv;i D if rn ItI h g t s ir. . a . J n - 5 0 yr Hi 0 P CO " 0 4 ILLINOIS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY U J872. rVRff ANirvf llfiEM. H. LKVYft.UO., oriaa if HIDES AND TURS, W601, FKATHEM, KTC 93 O EC I O aEVB 2C. Cairo, Illinois, otint . j?. ci-as. arnoraanvaa. tiuua semes OH AS. SCHOKNMKYKK k CO. FURNITURE ROOMS, UPHOLSTERING Mattress Manufacturin g ruralliire Rrpalrlnay, I'ICTUKK FRAMIaVG. All ordera promptly attended to. NORTHWEST CORNER OK WAIIIIXUTOX AT- ENUK AND TENTH BT- CAII'.O, ILL. O. Drawer 12a3. antf. MIIXINKBSI. MKS. M. SWANDKK, DEALER IN MILLINERY Aak LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, Coiuuin i tail Aleiiue, ontiuklfr Klllo and llnytboria'aj Cairo, Illinoiu. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WKAft Hade to ordtr, or Ready-Made Has received a full and complete stick of oood.. he newest and completeat lu the city. Ai I to inenae artte ot RIBBONS, LACES AND FRINGES !' otters rcat tnduccm'eta to herpatraaa and all other, tocall on her.exaHiin the pricea.'stylcf and quilitj o! her good. ' Mra., hating euld her proprlv, wit aeti the Mhole cf these goods at and brlo'vcost rtow ii the time to purchase Clinatmas good l theterr ibwrat ptlrea. PAINTRIUi. MOORE & MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental Drros'islitc I'aporbaiiKtsiK, Halsoiuia. luir, clr.. Done to the highett itjle ot tho alt, and a ratea tliatdely competition. SHOP IN PERRY HOUSE, CORNER OF 8tB STREET AND CMUERCIAL AVENUE. HAI.OOMH. EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND BAR ROOM. JIIUS GATES, Proprietor. IOC Commercial Avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS) Best brand of California Clgara Just recelreJ, BILLlAItD saloon furnished with the bat ol tables; and bar eupplieU with wines, liquors and cigars of the fineat brauda. A. SU8ANKA, Proprietor MAG-NO LI A "SALOON And Dealer In Foreign ami Domcstlo WINES, LIQUORS AX D CIGARS 97 Ohio Lovee, Ketweet, Ninth and Tenth Stretts, Cairo, III. decl7tf GROCERIES AND DRY GOUDH. WILLIAM KLUGE, DtAlIB lit FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, ETC., Has Just reelred a heavy stocjc of Booti and Hliocx, Hosiery and Notions, FOR SALE FOR CASH VERY' CHEAP lie alio has a hue stock of Family Oroceneiot otorykind. CORNER STJXTn-ST. AND COMMKR OIAL-AV., OAIRO, ILLINOIS H1GN M'RITER. CARL L. THOMAS, WEITEB a nour piepaicd to reapond promptly to all de mands for his services, SHOP-COR. 8TII-BT. AND CoMMKRCAL-AV lu Ilio l'erry House, CAIRO; ILLINOIS. notdtt CBAU CAIRO CITY GOAL COXs&PuaViTV. I prapvtd lo supply eiMtmer with lha txa quality p, PITTSBURG AND IILLINOIS OQ AT,.. ORDKRS ln at Halllday Hroa. office, 70 OHIO LEVKK. or at lh fji.l Tarrl Ik. ui Cnnrle JUl. will reeelre. prompt atuntlnn. THjeTtO MOVTAlTK will r-etng roal along tat aUamara at aaaVJiour. oc2.1if IANM. SIXTl'-FlVi-J Flit ST 1'IUZK MEDALS AWARDED JFK? TIIK (IRK AT BALTIMORE MANVrACTOIIV WM. KNABE k CO., Manufacturin of GRAND, IQUAKK AND UPR1UUT FXJUSTO FOBTES BAI.TI1IORK, MARYLAND. Thane lii.lrunif tits have been before the nublic for nearly thirty yeara, and upon their excellence alone attained an i-purcAa(l pruminnf,bch pronotincer them nnequaUd In TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY aTay All our Stuart lao hatreotir new New Im P'SIS'L0""1'11''!? fcaleacd the Agtaft 7i6 e would rail special attention to our late Patented Improvements In Gbaxu Piano ami KQl'iatfiaixti, round In no other Piano, which brings tho Piano nearer perfection than has jet keen attained, EVERY MANO FULLY WARRANTED yOR TIVE TEARS Illuatrattd Catalogues ami Price Lists ptomptl furnished on application lo Wn.UNARF.atCO., llALimoai, Mi many of our regular establli.hed agencien. BARCLAY BROS. 74 ' if '- , Caim, Iiu SARATOGA SPRINGS II rt'lL BLAST AT BARCLAYS' DRUO STORE. Fbisr .SvrrtT, Daiit. 3IOCKING BIRD FOOD ai.i. atADT roa rsr wiruorr tboibii At Barclath'. H GLMKOLD s GRAPE ( CATAWBA i catawra GRAPE (.CATAWBA 1 1 r, fORAPE 1 P lJ orape ) i orape ) p: PILLS ILLS Atl 111 (II HELM BOLD MED I VI N EM FREBH FROM T1RST HAN US, Always In stock In large supply, and for side ly Barclay Bras, 1VIT RECEIVED AHI orNnlei by lueGlaaa Bottle tit Callou AT BARCLAYS'. MTExtra Fine Colounej sWGenuink Imported Extracts; IsafllAIB, TOOTU AND NAIL BRUSHES BsBIndia Rubber Nurhery Goa At S A. EOuAY BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD AMD PUKE FRENCH ZINO. Best grades In arge itook and ya riety, very cheap) At so i Full Line or Colors, HI AND IN OIL) Paint Brushes, Lmaecd Oil, Whitewash Ptash Turpentine, Varnlihsa Ktc, etc., au. amDs aito standaui qtiALiTiis At Barclays'. la-, i BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AV . . WILMAMSON. ' VHODUCEAND COMMISSION MKHCHANT, Me.T(k(lLV(L j CAIRO, I LLINCIfl. sTinefllai attention ieu tv coiiaiRnment ad orders J. M. PHILLIPS & CO.." (Siicce.sor lo H B. Hendrlck. k Co., ) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS AX WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS Liberal Advances u Constgnmenu. i upon, Are prepared to receive, ature au oraard freights lo all point and buy sell on couiiniaalon. aHTBualueas attended lo promptlr CLOSE T VINCENT" GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMI, 3DE-A.I.EI?S X2ST IjIU JEJ Ceuent, Plater Parib, AKD PLASTERER'S H A I H, Corner Ela;Utli Ntred and Olilo tvet CAIRO, ILL. D.Z. ttATUUSS. K c TJUl MATHUSS & UHL, POEWAEDI -CTO-AND UE.N'KUAL. Commission Merchants, DEALERS IN HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE .Vo. (II OHIO I.EVEE, J Siith SI:, AIKO.II.I, WOJD RITTEN HOUSE. FLOUR AMU General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois. MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION FORWAKDINO MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS for FAIRBANKS SCALES Ohio Lkyke, CAIRO, ILLS. n. M. HULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION UEECHAWT. And Dealer Foreign Fruits aud Nuts No. 134 Commorcial-ave., CAIRO ILLINOIS. CHARLES M. HOWE Si CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AMP FOR WARDING M EHCII A NTS. No. 04 Ohio Loveo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS UO?22dtf JOHN B. PHILL1S &. SON, (Huaceasors to Jno.B, PluUls,) GENERAL COMMISSION AMU FORWARDING MERCHANTS, A(, DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Moal, Bran, &o.; COR. TENTn-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIHO. ILL. BTRATTON & BIRD (Successors toHlratton, lludsot. A Clark,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio' Levee, Cairo, Illinoia. WINEH ANDifMHOORe. ""wjK'Yf.OHUTTKH! " Imuorler atsd HtaolrMte Dealer ei WINES, LIQUORS, toWcco & CIGAEa: - i XtfAttt f... at . Aicent for the best brands of (kam AN1J 8T(jck AJ AB k'X .orll .(,,, r mnt 75 Ohio Lkvkk, CAIRO. 1 1.1,1 M ,H. ELECTION NOTICE. City Clerk'n Dltlce, 1 Liitrn, Ills., Jn nuary -7,1s;; f Publirt notice. . hereby Riven that a geuaraV charter election will tmhoid. Ul Ti rniAr, nit 27ni i oi l rhl mi Y.D. 1S7-', ill the City ol Cairo, In tlie.inteof Illinois, lor the purpotc nf elcrling A Ma,or, A City t let U, ' A City rr.urcr, ACilr Mfl rahal, A l.'Hv Atl'rn, A Police Jlaaislrnle to iicreetl F, llrt-ia. Ea. and three iremtrs of the Select Council, fel low ll;.eiiietnl-r ftotn the First Ward. 10 ittejee P.(.. hehlltl. One invtiibcrfroiiithe S.r,jil War l.lo euee)A (1. It. Wnodxard. One member trnnt the City at Uniu-c, tn snceeesl I'. Huril. AIo x inniibers ol Ihc llo.ird i.fALu, sft lows ! To member liom the Fut Wan!, ta stieX I Walderniid I.fnlCU Ir. ' Tun ineiiiU r. Irotu the Want, to SM cued W. Uu.ler mi'l ilcniy Winter. One niesiU'r Hum HieThlr.l ti'anl. io tucCMC 1. Kil7.ncrld Ono member from the Fourth Ward, to mcoe4 Jstne. Cnrroll. Polls mil bo opened In the dillcrcnt WardsM follow.. In the l'li: Wanl.nt the tir.t lion. ies the ea.t s.dn ot" Wn-hlnslnri nrenili-, tx loiv I itsJl Urcet. In tbeH.eoiid Ward.otlbi- Ainl. Knslne hocsa. In tho Third Wind, ul tbo lUbvitiiaa Kin n home. In ihe Fourth Ward, nt thu Court Hou.e. Polls will bo opened at it a.m., nndclo'cditl o'clock, . lly order of tbo cllv council. laniWdSiH M. J. HOWLKY, C.ty (lerl.. Principal Office 101 AV. Fifth St., Cin. O TTIE ONLY RELTATILK QIFT.KNTERPRI- " ..THE COUNTRY k SiQb,ooo.oo I -N VALUABLE OIPTS ' ToUillslrtbittedln ' Ii. X) . insriE's 27th httiii-AnniHl G1ET EKTElllHlTSJii To be drtai Stonday. March Ilth, 1I7S. One Gmi d Capital Pnt.u or $10,000 in Gold ! One rHz ft.1,000 luSilvcri Pive Prizes $1,000 Five Prizes $o00 -g Ten Prizes 100 (3 I'gruk.vr; :CKS. Two I amlly Carriages uniO.htchcd Horses with Sifier Mounted Hmm hs, worth l,fW eatt.. Two Horaes and liugi?ies with Sllver-Sroutite.t Harness, worth Uio each. Two rlne-toneit ltoacwooil Piano., nrlh ' rnoh I Ten family sning inachliies, worth 3I eacn. i gnta anil silver lever tainting worili from - tn fM, Ladies' gold leontliin clinlu-. KnilflKDiu eei ciiains. holla nnu liouitle 'pljlle. Oliver tnbln anil teujpooui, phutogruph album- ewe rv. etc.. etc. Whole number gifts, l(i,(K. Tickets limited I ro.wo. Agents wanteil lo sell Tickcutn whoia t'ben.' premiums will bo paid. BID Dgln tickets 12; six ticketatio; twelve tioLe'., s;oj twentv-nte 9iii. Circulars containing a full list of, a de scription of the mannn of drawing, and other in. formation in reference to tho ili.trltiiillon, will he sent to any one ordering them. Alll letters mii-i henddreiued to L. I). HI MO, ltnx ao, oi rice. Cincinnati, O 101 West ith ft. norivupoK A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MinnttP. I.' I A Piila''" Coiiuselor AllIUAUh t0 the Jtnrriid or lTTvvkn I thnsiialioutio marry UU11J1',. nn Ihfl physloiogtcii mysteriesnnd ret elation of (tie sexual system with tho laletdlcoeries In producing and pre venting oll'apring, preaervlnit Iliecemplexion.Ar Thin is an Intercallng noik of two hundred and twenty Idir pairea, wltn niitr.eroitH engravings, and contiifns ishinble information for those ulio are married or contemplate marriage; still It isa book I fiat ought to bo under look and hey, unit not laid carelessly about the home, fc'ent to any ono (free of postage) for So cent Address Br. Butts' Dispensary, No, It. Kighthstieet, Wt. Louis, Mo. notice) to the Aflllctcil ami Unfurl una IV, tlefore applying to the notorious Quacks whu advertise lu trie public pspers or using any 0,i:act: remodlos, peruao Dr. llutta' work, no mutter what your disease is or how deplorable your con. dition. lr. llutts can bo consulted, personally or at mail, nn thedlsneies mentioned in his uorks. otUce, No. Yi N. Kighth street, hot. Market and Chestunt St Louis Mo. mvfdwlv LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. TnK GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY sirs. I Cures colic and rldng- Prhe, 5 TTIIIlluan sj in ill" uowei , nnu ia. Sjrop. uililates Ihe prvciiaa cf t teething. Jlra. f riubduca o o n v ulsli nt WlllTtOMU'S and overcomes all ills Nyrup. ' eases incident to In fants and children. f Cents Frier, 1 (rats. frlfft Mrs. f Cures diarrhea, disen. 1 Fr'ft TIH rt tlMII'8 J tery md siimmeriom- ( -. Syrup. plulntlnclillditnolall f (vnt. I ags. . ) ... ills the Great Infanfa and Children's eoofing IT II I Kemedy In all disorders brought ou y Teething orany ether cause. Prepared by . 'aitAON MKWClNKCO., W. Louis. Mo. Sold bv Druuirtsts an 1,1 SJeclloinn terywhere, iv7dwt)m AVOID QUACKS i A lcttm of early indiscretion, coilsinanervous debility, premaiure decs), etc having tried (u vain erery advertised remedy, haa diiroteml simple means of self-cure, which ho will send free to his ff lloar-sutlcrers, If, lUeves, No. 7 Naaaaii slreil, New Tot,; augltelj. 1 41