Newspaper Page Text
J'liK CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1872. TRAVELED (JIMDK. TAKE NOTICE TIM R TABLE Of TBK II.LIMOU CENTRAL on uiil after aiundey, Jin- 14th, mi, the:'llow a iirr.e-4eU wilt tforrtu the arrival a-1 dP"'' re of pemeaer train t Calroi Xjwl-Mall traln.daV i!?!'-- V, n CxprM,.uil, ' - ""J1' irriw-MUl.dnlly... - ,!-n' Exnaett - P-m' Cairo h3TI' LlM Atritr .. 3:1 J p m. NoehangeVf f'om finm o fl. t.i.ul. No ethane o' . from Olro in (ihli'tKu, Fieitm r-1e.f Reo-n trcinK cam on mshl irsina, arjtsx he(ed all imp'jrtnt i)lnt. CAIRO AND ilOU.VP CITY HTU.W "" uivia "'a0, HUM MOIMD citi it T. At :'" a.m. At 1:30 p m. At C - 41 I j a at)-.... ..-P.m. F.ra ch ay, So cent. I I" tlckete for I K. Will lati .when hailed, at any aood luteim-dlete Itadnigior passenger. or freight. uorIu. BlUCaV BOATS, SVANSV1LLE AND CAIRO, The finesUsmer IDLEWILD, 019 FOWLER-....... .......Master Will lesve Cairn for Bvansvllle eery Sunday and Thurify evening', at 6 o'cl.xji, p.m. For freignt or passage, apply on board or to JsSstf ' JAS. HIOflH, Agt. OA lit O AND l'ADUCAH HAIL nOAT. The splendid tteamer JAS. FISK, Joe Ton Icr, floater. set Cilro IHd.V, HnWys axceptal) at 4 m. Far IrtUMor pi.ote apilj naboarrior JAM. IIlUUM, Al't. Camber Inn .1 Itlvnr 1aoUcU KASUV1LLE, CLARKSVILLE AND The splendid itertner TYRONE, TOM HAkMAN...MMtr ALEX. HARD Cleric Will leave C .iro every 8attirl aT at S o'clock p.m. ftrCleikfrilte, and .NalnlUe. For freight or paa.aEe, ap.W on ooard or tn Jan3tf JVJ maoa, Aift. ilAaQVlLIiE, CLAUKSVILIiE AND . CAIRO. The gallant tteamer JOHN LUMSDEN, OWKNDAVIS-.Ma.Ur J AS. P. JACKSON. ..Clerk Will leave Cairo every Thursday nt 4 o'clock p.m for Naihville, Clurknvilloaud at way point, t'ui miKni r pnsiise apriv on oimru tr io JaaJlf. JAS. UIGG9, Ar'I NASHVILLE, CLARICSVILLE AND UAIKO, The good ateamer TALISMAN, WII.ET 8IMM3...Master JNO. HAUPr.R....Oerk Will leave Calm every Monday at & o'clock, p.m. for Naahville, and all way port Kor freight or paiieg a , applr on board r to an3tf JA9. ninflt, Ant. IMHIUftA.VT Tfl'KKTM IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE. KorPnU f FOR SALE, ' I Ker Hale J ' FOR SALK.lrorlielFOR HALE. Faro from Liverpool, Faro from Lovdckdicrht Faro from Gi.asqow, Fare from CJuEE.vsTow.f TO CAIRO, :::::::: $48' 3 0 Saflord, Morn i & C (tenta. INMAN LINE Liverpool Wevr.roik and Philadelphia Steamship Company, esa coxratcT with vkitid statu. akd aaittiH oovtnxMtvts For CirryinK tne ilalla. FOR PASSAGE TICKETS oa ri'siuta inroaM.TioN APPLY TO JOHN O. DALE, Aot. 16 Broadway, Ntw-York, or to II. Iluupt, Wa.hlrtxton Avenue, diirn. mil.. 51 niYNici a UN- WILLIAM It. SMITH, M. D. RESIDK.m;K-No. tfl Tlnrleeaih iitreet, b.i t ea wliinrion avenue and Walnut alrett, mn umoinmeiclal Mtenne, up dHlr. C. W. DIIVVTVfi. M. n KIDKN'CE-corner.Vmth and UMmit ata iffleo hour ffjui .m. to li m., and v II. WAUDNER. M. I). pESIDENCE-Oonier Mnetsfnth street and jlv waininfion avrnue, nn' court lioii.e. Of. bee over th polottice. o;H; Iwitrn 10 to II a ui.inaiioi p.m. JinUlf. K. S. RKIGJIAM, M. I)., HOMBOPATHIS OT, OrriCE, 13J Commehcjal Aveunuk, OfSce houm, to 10 a.m., and I to 3 juii. Ilea), dence, No. It Mnth uHi clr0i ul, f,.,71m l.AWVI'.ltM. ALLEN, MULKEY & WHBBLEU ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT willUm Hllara J. Allen, 1 Jo! lSdIH. irp.rticular mention pWa to rlt.r . 1 .a niralty tiutinein. rl,,r 'Mad. OKFICE Oier ri,.isvun.,iii..i .... . ...nt., mo ,Mre QHEK.N 4: GILBERT, ATTOUHKYS COUNSELORS AT LAW, .m II. een. 1 ip,. lilim 11 1 I....... , ' i inaeia. attention jtlven to AJrau.Hv end tftrrrutt killatRMaa. w . j ervici onio levee, iooms 7 and 8 over CITY NATIONAL BANK. roR NALK The Illinois C.tral It. I ltoal Comi.ior now afltrfaraaJelueMto.injdij lo,-tfjrf Addition to the City 14 i;,t0. ,1., Lei I wff 2 Lot u black ', .1 5 II si .. Jy a t n, " ai .. Tertarms.tW. afplytfl JAM EH IQHHaON, I NEW .IDVERTISEMENTS. LOST. a nesv), pi. in roiu " wnn leiiers "w. A cut hi III" inalde. The rlnder will be eu Ha ft rewarded by leaving It at the .hop of Fred. .... I t -I ...,L l.ll u ,1 It tt Theobald, on Hmh street. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER- SHIP, IC'I"'IN h' -IURD ROE. el MART ,T UArHt.T. CHARLES M. HOWK&CO., GENERAL COMMISSION FOIUVARDINO MERCHANTS. No. G4 Ohio Loveo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS nor22dtf .HALLIDAY BROTHER GENERAL- AGENTS FORWARDING and UOMMISSIO HEHCUAMT UEXERAL AOKNTI. DEALERS IN FLOUR; en It of Oblo Rlvr mma Kumki BAIT COMPA3STIE 70 Ohio Lsvee, OAino, 1LUNOI 1AINTMIH. MOORE & MATHEWS, Houso, Sign and Ornamenta Decorative Pmnrrhmattlag, KalaoaslB. lag, eSc, Dona tn the hmbett style ot the art, and a rates that defy competition, AHOl' IS TERRY IIOUSK, CORNER OT 8m HTKKET A.VO OMUERRfAL ATKHVK. THE BULLETIN. ... I'ubllkht every morning, Hominy ez Paul O. Bchuh sells ltatllnger'a modi cincs. tf Jorok.vson has the best prosdrves for salo cheap. .East India tf Oo to Dr. JfeOmiley for Rattingor's Fo yer Dropa. 'Warranted to cure tho chills. SnndwUciml nieala of nil kinds nl- wuys on hand at S. JorgonsonV tf. Oyster Soup at Harry 'Wnlkor'a every morning. Also fresh St. Louis beer, tf Oyster Soup ot Harry Walker's over morning. Also fresh St. Louis beer, tf Cryhtai. vinegar from London ut Jor gonson's, comer of Twentieth street and Wanljington avenui'. tf Jorok.vho.v has the unput supply ol Spanish olives in the cltv. Try thom tf Wioiit' no jiiua utira minced mea prepared expressly for family use, at Jor gonson's. JfKw rreiich pruncj', currants and rnisins ulways on hand t Jorgenson's grucery ttorc. tl ton now citron, orarico und lomon peol, go to Jorgonson's corner of Twon tioth utroct and Washington avomie. tf Peck, Fkka.v, Je Co'h London biscui t alwaya on hand, corner Twontieth and "Washington avenue. if Foil Sale. A cottiigo on 12th street containing 7 rooms, cistern und out houHts complete. Apply to W. W. Thornton. fOll SALE. We linve just receive, frolll tho man. uftcturers, u Wilcox ami ciibbs scwln t. I. ...... 11.. . a. 111U1.M111C. n m ueniiiiiiuir Btti,,i , liaa thn hemnicr, braldor, etc., 'i,t n ctilne, worth sixty dollars, will bo sola n Bargain and may be scon at Room lo. Yi Inter a block. if BOARD AND LOWING, Mr. T. B. Ellis, corner of Seventh I "a Commercial, Is preparud to uccommo 1 lintM tlVi auUr. I -. ...I.i ... 1 niiu a 1 1 1 1 1 wiiii iinutsf uritii n J ,"10u, 'oou( ut prtceg )owur lnun al) Uome m tile c tv. Mr. El ... .vr,, excellent table; his rooms arc hk room. 11 gh, light ad airy, and well .... ..... "u e,itallon in jJruuiieinB latisiaction lo all who Cttii film. Jar. hills will also supply ptjM who dMlre with unfurnished roomi .t reasonable rates. Let all Interested take ootloe. Broerabr-ron the flTnth aod Copnirclal, corner of VOTICK sK'n ,"' 'f,: FiMhe h tePl ! lieretolnre eil.W 'fj ".r :" iio e o, 1,0 Til l''L'?.n-'X iff Sih. J V. and will collect .,11 bl TlfK ELECTION. TltrtTMPH OF TUE TICKET. CITIZENS' EVERYBODY ELECTED BY HAND SOME MAJORITIES. 0oof tlie meat bltlsrly contested elcc- tI6ns tliat tins oocurroJ in Cairo for mny year resulted yesterday 'In tlio complote triumph of ibo cltizcpi' ticket. The late hour ut which wt were enabled to ohtiiln the returns prevents us (rout limiting tlio comments luggested by the result, und wo must be satisfied by glring tlio uiiijoritics fur the Candidates whoso olcutlon was so stoutly contested by the opposition : FIRST WARD. Lansden'imaJ 40 Hross' mat , '. 67 Phillips' maj 47 BKCOND WARD. The official returns of tbii ward aro as follows Lansdcn, mayor.., 109 183 1G 3S4 370 Vlntor Lansden's maj Taylor, trossurer ! ropo, attorney Cain, marshal 377 Brosi, police magistrate 243 Winston 139 Br oss' maj 104 Hurd, select council, at-largc '201 rhilllps, 107 Hurd's maj CO TI1IRD WARD. Lansden, mayor - 95 Winter 88 Lansden's. moloritv 7 Howley, clerk 1.7 Hill 48 Howley'i majority 79 Tnylor, treasurer 181 1'upn, aUornoy 17'J Cutn, marslml 170 "Winston, police maglstrato 102 moss 81 Winston's mat 21 Hurd, solect council, at large 113 rnuiips us Hurd's mal 48 Phlllis, alderman 74 Hendricks 54 Fitzgerald, 03 FOURTH WARD. Lansdcn 241 Winter 141 Lansdon's maS 100 Howloy 328 Hill CO llowloy's maj 20 8 l'opo 390 Taylor 404 Winston 208 Dross 200 Winston's maj. 8 200 Phillips. num. 18 Phillips' maj 2 Robinson, alderman 21 Ncllis 18': Robinson's maj 31 Mayor Lansden's majority in tho city is 108; Bross, 182; JlurJ, itu 1 Scbuh is ilocted to the select council from tho first ward, and Saffbrd and Wul- dor to tho board of aldermen. Woodward Is olected lo tho select coun cil from the second ward, and Buder und Standi to tho board of aldermen. Phlllis is elected to thu board of alder men from the third ward, and Robinson from thn fourth. To-morrow we will give tbo official re turns in full. THE FUirntAUE. ST. LEVY A CO. PAY THE niQHKST MARKET PRICES. Below will bo found tho corrected list of prices paid by II. Levy & Co., for hides, fun, feathers, wool, tallow, bees wax, and nil kinds of country produce, Lovy & Co. do a very largo trado in their line, und it is a well known fact that they always pay the highest prices to be ob tained in this market. Thev are now paying for furs : Mini; $2 00 a 2 25 Raccoon 00 Wildcat 00 Houso Cat 10 a 16 Musk Rat ID Opossum 12 Oitur a 00 a 7 00 Bear Skins : 00 11 0 00 Beaver, per pound HIDE. PER POUND CO a 70 Deer Skins.' Beef Hides, Dry Salt 27UJ57J 18) a 20 " uroon salt OTHER ARTICLES! On 121 Tallow, par pound Feathers, " " Wool, " Beeswax " " Oa 73 CO a 03 00 a 70 25n 28 Tho nbovo price list Is subiectto corrcc Hon. BURNETT & CO. HI01IF.HT CABH PRICK PAID FOR HIDE. FUR.S, ETC. -Messrs. Burnett & Co.,Thornton'i block, Tenth street, are propared to pay tho high est cush price for urtlclos in thoir line, as followa : FURS. Prime Mink $1.70 to 2.25 " Raccoon COa to COi " Musk Rut - 10 to 16 " Wild Cut 40 to 60 11 Opossum.... m 10 to 12 " Otter 5.00 to 0.00 " Beaver Skins COO to 7.00 HIDES. Jm Salt 0J to 10c rlt, kip und calf. 12 to 14c Deer 8kn,iM, 5 to 30o ror other MxM ,uch ft, ers, bee. wax, w,o and tRUoWi will pay tho highest market p,iccs, 1 1 ' Respectfully, otc. Burnett & Co Thornton't block, Tenth street., Cairo, x, , tf. There was a man In our town And he was wonderoua wi. He had a pain from ear to ear, Another between his eyes ; And when he taw he bad Crtarrh. With all bis might and main He purchased Sage's Remedy And had Jill hoalth again. IMA 3 ruSButl everywhere. IN GENERAL KROUT. ,Stir krout by the barrel for sale at CundlfTt. rOLlCK COURT. There was no business of importance In the police court yostorday. WANTED, an experienced gardener. Apply to II. H. Car.dec, city national bank. d3t WANTED. Board in a private family, for lady and child, or a furnished room within ten minutes walk of tho rlvor. Apply at I5UU.ETI.V office. 28U. DIED. Mr. Owon Dormody, itged about twonly two years, died at tho rosidonco of Mr. Murphy, on Division street, at about fivo o'clock yesterday morning. Notice of timo and place of burial will bo glvon . FOR HALE. Tho houso and two lots situated on tho corner of Eighteenth and Walnut strceU, is offered for silo on very reasonable terms. For particulars apply on the prem ises. fcb24-tf. PARKER A IILAKK, huvo secured the service of an experi enced paper hanger and decorator, and are now prepared to do all kinds of work in their line with neatness and dispatch. feb.25dlm. HCARCE, If anything occured yesterday out of which a local item could be made, wo failed to hear of it. Tho streets wero lined. with men tho entiro day, but they talked of nothing but the election, which wasthe all absorbing topic of conversation. UIIURCU CUSHIONS. I will furnish church cushions, made of green terry cloth stuffed with moss, at the low prlco$9 00 each. Loavu orders nt my shop on Sixth street, between Commercial and Washington avenues. W. (. Cakt feb27-d&w ALL QUIET. Everything was quiet and ordorly at the polls yestorday. If thero was any fights or even quarrels, we did not hear of them ; nor wero thore many drunken men to be seen on the streets Tho saloons wero closed, making it out of the question for men to get liquor. TUNNEI.L WILL CASK. This lmporttmt case was decided in th Alexandor county circuit court on Mon day, tho jury rendering u verdict in favor of thi illegitimate hoi's of Dr. Tunnell Thore was a great deal of testimony on both sides. Tho properly involved in th! suit is 'valued at about thirty thousAn dollars. WILEY A HIXHY havoopenod tho grocory and provision f loro lately occupied by Charles Evans Washington nvonue, between Eighth nn Ninth streets, mid havo furnished It with a stock of strictly reliable family groceries. egctablcs, gatno ond poultry in season and goods ilelivcrod lo any part of tho city. dlw NKWOROCERY hTORK. A. Love ii has opened a grocery store I tho house on tho corn or of Koiirtoontli 11 11 J Walnut streots, whero ho proposes to keep a genoral ussorttnont of family gro ceries, provisions, choice butter, eggs, etc., and ho promises to sell his goods on as reasonable terms as can bo obtained at any othor establishment of tho kind in the city. Give him a cell. feb21-dlm. AT TUB tfT. CHARLES. The following were the arrivals at tho St. Charles hotol yestcrdny ; S. A. Droull lard and daughter, str. Thompson Dean ; F. A, Valletta, St. Louis; U.S. Crane, Mobile; O. Place, Ohunipuign ; O. M. Steese, Chicago; I. Morlwy, Memphis; Max Mosler, Cincinnati; II. Cameron, Capo Olrardoau ; James Allen, Victoria ; O. R Hogurty, St. Louis ; F. K. Moore, Baton Rough; T. B. Valletta, Villa Ridge; O. Fronk Llborty, Mo; C. F. Bab cock, Iowa; C. S. Damon, Boston. COMMERCIAL. The wook opens with a moderately act ive market, nnd wu hnvo no changes of importanco to noto tinco our last Benii weokly report. Grain has been easier nnd prices inclined to woaken, though no quo table change has tnkon placo. Flour is In good demand. Hay is dull und prices weakening. Correspondents must bear in mind that ourinsido figures represent prices in round lots from first hands, nnd outside figures prices for sales made in small lots or on ordor. Tho weather is mild and pleasant. FLOUR. Is in good demand. Tho best grades nro very scarce nnd quoted ut 1111 advance of 50c por bbl. on lust week's prices. Sules wors 1,620 bbl vnrlous grades... .$5 60lO 00 300 " " 011 orders U 009 50 100 bbls. Low XXX 7 00 WHEAT.-Wo quolo- 1 enr No. 2 spring 42 1 " "3 ' CORN. Tho market shows it shade' less firmness than nt last report. Tho stinnlv of White is still unequal to the domand. Sules wore 4 cars Mixod in bulk, on track 4 So 48i 63ii 53c 53c 54c file 67c 67o 1 car Whlto in bulk, on track 15 " Mixed in sacks, dol 100 sacks" 700" Yollow 1 car " on orders 8 " Whito In sacks del... 860 tacka " 100 " Choice Whito 67o OATS. Buyers and sollert aro nnart o-day on Oats. From tiresont Indications sailers will havo to make concession. Bales wero 3 cars, in bulk, on track 0 " Southern 111. in sueka, dol 6 " Choice mixod 11 1 " " on or ders " Choice fl.L . ... 38c 45c 40c 40o 40o 46c 48c 1000 aaekt A . , in sacas atl. 00 " on oM- 47o 47o 60c 60c 2 car. while, In sacks, del...! 1' Black mlxod " (Icodl 2 " ' ii ,, 2 " Whlto " 60o HAY. Tho market is weak and trans options are limited. Wo nole sales of cars Choico Timothy dol $22 00. 22 60 cars Chplcu mlxod del 2100 " V. " ". 1U 00 B U TT E R. Weak and declining. Sales wore 200 lb)., Choice Roll 2()(, V- " " 20c Jiuus. Dull and prices are weakenim. Tho stock 011'the market I light. Suits wure 000 dor 20c 23c A-uuLiiiii. la In good domand at previous quotations. Sales were 8 coops Chickens S2 60 (Si 3 60 12 doz., ' 3 60 4 00 1 coop Turkey 15 00 MEAL. Th cro is some inquiry for Uhoico. Wo note sales of 170 bbls. Kiln Dried del $2 00 2 00 3 00 600 " Steam " " 160 " " 203 City Steam Dried 3 00 1 car on orders 3 00 200 bbls. Steam Dried on or ders $3 003 10 PROVISIONS. Tho market is modcr- atcly nctivo nnd quotations rule as previ ously quoted. Sales wero 1 cask Ilacon Shoulders 0c 7c 2,000 lbs " " on or ders 6 casks Dry Salt Clear Sides 2 tiercos " " Hams 2 casks " " " G " Bacon, clear sldos... 8 tierces Lard 2 " Bacon Hamt PORK. Wo quote 7Jc 7jc 8c 8c 8Jc0c 12c 205 bbls., Mess 13 CO 13 76 l'UTA'J Ur-S. Sales wore 200 bbls, Varieties for sced...$3 00 0 00 SUNDRIES. 100 bbls., Lime, SI 25, Transi'orminotiie complexion. Tho transfornatlons producod by Hagan's Magnolli Balm nro qulto as astonishlngns any scono on tho stngo in a theatre. That famous boautlfler transmutes n sal'ow pcoky boking complexion, into ono in which tie lilly and tin roso vio for ndmi ration, nnd imparts to a dry, harsh skin tho softness of perfect lovliness. Tun nnd freckles, which country air und sunlight nre pretty sure to produce, in spito of par aso's and sundowns, aro completely ou litcraled by it; while it has n perfect! magical effect in banishing undue redness blotches and Dimples from the skin When tlio lady who has used It to retried her complexlonal defects looks into n mir ror, she is equally astounded and gratified at tho improvements in hor nppearauco Every blemish has disappeared; her neck urm nnd bosom, now rival in whitencs the snowy collar which encircles ho throat, her cheek mantles with n peach like bloom, and sho is ready to invoke blessing on tho inventor of tho urticlo which has wrought such ndollghtful Iran formation. 2-28-eod&w-lw. Connuiual Felicity. Nothing tend more to connubial bapplnesa than cheerful and healthy infants nnd children. Mrs. Whitcomb's syrup is the great soothing remedy. 2-28d&wlw Marriaoe Guide. Interesting work numerous engraving, 221 pages. Price 60 conts. Address Dr. Unit's Dispensary, No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Loui, Mo. Sco Advertisement. tf. Imported .Malaga grapes at Jorgen son's, corner of Twentieth street nnd Washington uvenuo. if Yarmouth succotash and corn nt Jor genson's. tf. QUOTATIONS C'hceae. New York Clituhlrn - Broivmat 17 Common Home, per doi .. 2 73 Choice to Extra 11 a 00 to S 60 U. li. .....5 OO to 0 U) Ue-eavraz and 'I'nllowi Beeiwax ....Jib to 40s I T.llow .... 7 7J coir 1 Java .1T1 to M Lanayra. 27 to 2Sc Hlo, prime to choice ....... io2Co Onion a mill rolatoea. Onions, ner bbl3 05 I Pol.loei. ner bbU ODitl u Union lela, per kuhel 2 753 00 1'rovlaloui. LAltD intiercenperln (toS inkem " lOKloll IIAMS Hugiir cured" 134 to 14 Country " w to 10 Dry alt " .....h.m.... ........... onouiuera uacon " H 7, " " drr aalt Clear allies 11 lUcon ... Sto9 " " dry aalt T,i Nngars and Njrrnpa. SUGAIt New Orlcana prima to choice 10 to 11c Wliee A M.m...H..ldK 10 Ml' Crushed and Powdered..... UK t to IV urunuiatcu 8VKUiy-(mmon..... New Orlcana new 1 uyi to 11 CO toMo Nnltl Kanawha per bbl....2 U) I biiry prbbl S 60to4 0 Ten 1 Imperial 1 loto 1 40 1 Gunpowder 1 lOtol 41 Oolong biacklOU to 1 30 YounK Hya'a 1 10 to 1 4U nna-KtuKi Ounniea...,lSJ lo 10o I Iliirlnp-...... 23We Twine TwiLoHemp...2Sto aoc Twine Flax COc Need. Clover, per tm.hel .7 to to 8 CO Timothy, per buahel 3 WJio'l r Rate of freight. To New York. First Clans -l 701 Fourth Claai.. Heo Lid Claaa 1 40 Special Class.. Thlr.1 Cli 1 00 1 Cotton 1 To Mew 'lo Tork. DoMon Compreased $ 89 ...... .11 M Uacompremed I 14 1 I'lonrt To Naw York per bbl., To lloatou ner bbl ..II CO 1 70 4 g From Cairo to. From Cairo to Flour, tier Lb. 30 b uo VO, 'Al 311 an to! 74 64 Coal Oil per ' Tobacco per h .Cotton per bl I V) 4 C( Hay, per ton ... Corn, imt cwt... Oats, per cwt ... Potatni a. rer bl 7 (M V M i.umuerperai Lumber Vote deavy lit-cwl SCO I2CI I 00 Applet, pertibj SO Wl r.erl.11 I v PHIL. HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, City National Bank Building. aJSpeelal attention paid te orders from aieam eta Blhl or dar.W THE DAVIS LOCK STICH vvhtic.l rrin SEWING MACHINE " 'I J 'Kt'1'-"' THE LARGEST. THE SIMPLEST, THE CHEAPEST, THE BEST. THE OREATEST IMPROVEMENT OF THE Ad K Terms Most Liberal. Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Bend lor circular ana price u.i. Branch ofHce, 013 North Fourth Ntreel NT. I.Ot'IN, no. H. F. NEWTON. Manager. WAUOXa. "WAGON MAN U FACTORY. or Salo at Wholesale or Retail COllNER 32D.6TREKT AND OHIO LEVEL Cairo, Illinois. novlltf J. !. 41AMHMS NTOVK5I. TIWWABE, KTV, A. II A L L E Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Clothes Wrltiaera Voile Ware, Coal Hoda, File 4hovHa, Air date. MANtrCTCara or TIN, ZINC, COPPER AND SHEET lltU DAKh. No. 166 Wahinston-nvonue CAIRO, ILLINOIS. VRooflnK, nutterinKi andall kind, of job wuri: uoneat suoiteai notice. leuiau IIUUIIN. NANSI, KTCl OO TO W. W. THORNTON'S, BUILDERS' SUPPLY" DEPOT 13J TENTH HTREET, CAIRO, ILLINOIS FOR Doors), Kaali, Illlnda, nouldlngis, Care flutters, (wood) Window mid liooj frainea, rioorliif, I.ath, NhingleN, Ulaxrtl Hnu, fllaaed Nlde LlBltta, Wluard TrnuMoma, Nash WelghtH, Nnah I'ullleti nnd Cord, Blind I'ltHtcnlntpi, Iloollug Felt, Hooting CVuieut, llaterln( IHier, Carpet Felt, WD He Lead, 1.1 u aril oil, American Window Ola, Engllmh uudl'rvnch Plate Ulaaa, Putty, Oliizlcr'M Point Hewer Pipe Patent Chimney,- Etc., Etc., Ktc A OENTH lor Hock Hirer J'aper Company' JL.JL Kiir.iitiu rnifliu ijUHiic wriutiH, ii. w. jonira improveu koouiijc always oa vuu. BOAT NTOBEN. SAM WILSON, DIALia 11 me I BOAT STORES O KO C KRI KB, PROVISIONS ETC.1 Wo. 110 Ohio Liym 1 1 Caibo, Ilu enaas ratuniiV rt Principal Olllco 101 W. Fifth St., Cin. O TH R ONLY ItKt.l Altl.K OIKT ENTERPRISE IN 1 II K COUNTRY I $100,000.00 N VALUABLE GIF To bo distributed In 37th Heml'Annuat GIFT ENTERPRISE To be drtat Mondny, 3Irch 2it'h, 172. One GiiAnd Capital Prize or 810,000 in Gold ! One Prlxtft.l.ooolBNIlveri Flvei Prizes 81,000 .5 f Five Prizes $.500 f GREENBACKS. tcs $100 & (. Two Family Carriages and xVtched Horses with siittr iiounie.i, worth Two Horac. ai.d Hugnim with Sllver-Monnted iiarnesa, wurin uiu each. Two Bco'trned lto.ewoo.1 1'i.nn.. snrlli If, o earhl Ten fmiily re.InK machine., worth lluil rach VU m (told and eilver lever hunting world frm fi tn p, ldiet cold leontine ul.alua, Kent'eKold veatchalns. eoll i and double lUtea '.liver table and tcnnoons. Dhutosrabh album.. Jewelry, etc.. etc. wnoie nuuibvr kiiis. iu,iaw, iicaeta limited le Asenta wanted to tell Tickets to whoia I'UJbtl nremluma will lie uaid. HiDletlcketa I'll mx ticket. I0 twelve tickets, 1v-t iwrniT'iiTf ,w. l. ..ll... nnnl.lmn . full It. I n, ...I... . J . u 1 1 .... 1 " . w .. 11 n ii.i, in. u . pi 1 . ii w tcritilionof the maniiri of drawlnc. end oid.r In. formation in reference to the iti.tritiutlon, will be ten' 'o any one orderlne them. AMI letter mutt U t& U. U.m.NK, llniH, ". ., Cincinnati. Ol 101 West Mhat. nov2wtpolv WINEN AMUILKiUUKa. WMriiTfe'ciiufS Importer mud VlboleMiIc Dealer In WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO &c CIQAE3. Aient for the bett brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, Imported Ale or DttTereat KlaeU. 75 Ohio Levee, tf CAino. ILLINOIS. F. M. STOCKFLETH, tccctuoa roMLx a srocartar Reesiryer and Wholeaale Dealer la . Foreign and Domeallc WINES AND LIQUORS. No. 02 Ohio.Levek, ? CAIRO, ILLINOIS. HE keeps on hand conatantly a full stock 0 Old Kenttickv Itourbon, Itye and Mononaa n.'l. Whi.kiet, French Itrtndlet, lioll.ud ola Rhine anil Cal)lorn. Wlnet .nliHI' 1'IAXON. I SIXTY-F1VE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE GREAT BALTIMORE MAIfCFACTOBT WM. KNABE k CO., Manufacturer of GRAND, SQUARE AND UFRIUUT JPXJNO POBTEB DALTlMOllE, MARYLAND. Thtso instruments have been before the nublto for nearly thirty years, and uron their rxcelleno iuui niuuDfii in vnpurcnanca prwfiunrn., anion piuuumicvfl iiiviu uiieuaibu m TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY AW- 111 '.Mr Ci... I . .... I ..II WM. M.lll . . (UflV. U.I.Vm I1TW I...I1II proved Oveittruiis t-caleard the Agrafi Irtttt tte- Wo would rail special attention to our late Patented Improvements in Gatau I'unos and Kquakt OkiHr,ruiind In no other Piano, which brings tli l'lano nearer perfection than has vet been nttalned. EVERY PIANO VUI.LY WARRANTED roX FIVE YEARH. r!ftl!A,rl1. ..J Ii. i- r 1., .. furnished on applicai Inn to liiLimoai, Mn many of our regular established agencies, FA MILT CIBOCEHIEK. LOUIS JOROENSEN, Dealer In all kinds of ' STAPLE AND FANCY yauraaer'a Yard and Ntabling WITHOUT CHASOE. .'. Ct, W8biDgton.Ttnd 0A1M ILL. flleitf. tV mt