Newspaper Page Text
liULLhTLN, THURSDAY. FEBRtAfeY 29, Ifi72. ) in- I TE BULLETIN. Atsil.t U Ull&UL, JrflllUl MM 1 l.lllUf. Thuridat Mokminu, February 2P, 1872, mcMt-mrnUhuinnti touJl, M Iff" 1 tinkm on nil mlliy nt infrrctt U ' J"iWit fill u.vr. .. m.L.n, tht Built- in tuttntt tki p,il,vMigt nl lnltlWl ttodtrt ot.d Tiu vr t UauT IK'Llt.Tini 'uAerph'on, 0. oerU, hf rmmr, , j One year b;- crriM-, In adrnni-e .n m 'ti l.iHtl lij Mail, 74 Th; rrnnth. ....U t 1 innlh . ... 4 V 01 1 i I1 TIIK DOLLAR WKKKI.T iitLt.l.TlN. Jnhn II. (tf 4 O-i iff rrlii''i'ii the -n. irrliitton pni-o n the tV-rkly Culm IMIlH n II Uu VMr B..iili'i i rlii apeat p w,rlllilllict in nirfl-in lllinnl JjUXTKNAXr (JWANT In plc-JicillI among the rtiit.a of Pompeii,' nnd of course learning nil nbout the art of war in Europe. Lawrence, Kansas, is cujo ing nn interesting religious revival. Prayer meetings arc held in saloons, and full a thousand persons, it is said, arc cither converts or " under conviction." The Massachusetts temp crnncc men says an exchange, are satisfied with no half-way measures, such as the local option (otherwise known as let-thc-innjority-tlecide) law, or the punish-the-man-who-makcs-the-man drunk law; but propose to cs tablisli asylums for the confinement and punishment of drunkards, and a hill to carry out their purpose is now pending in the legislature. We have received a life-sized por trait, a wood-cut on yellow paper, of Thomar S. Davics of New York city, a Eelf-nominatcd candidate for tho prcsi dency. The picturo is accompanied with an " oath and pledges," by which the candidate promises purity, honesty and faithfulness in office. Mr. Davics is rather u good looking gentleman, with a fine eye, and hair combed up straight from his forehead something after the style of tho pictures of Clay and Liu co'n, but it is (scarcely probable that he will ever brush it up after that fashion as tho presidential occupant of the wbite honsc. Mr. Davics should con tinuc in the shades of private life for a while longer, and ponder on two things 3ne of which is to consider tbc pro priety of waiting for (lie presidency ol the United Slates until ono or more p rsons suggests his fitness for it, and tho other that oaths aud pledges arc a small part of real honesty. The report of the investigating committee of the Kansas Legislature appointed to examine into tlio charges of bribery ngalnst Senators Pomnroy aud Caldwell, accused of buying the Totes of the Kapsas Legislature which gavo them their seats iu the United States Senato, is published. It proves conclusively that the two radical sena tors spent large sums of money, and received in exchange for it their scats in the Senate. This expose of the part Fomeroy took in securing his election, in connection with his course on tho impeachment trial of President Johnson, when he offered to sell his vote for $40,Q00, will bo apt to destroy public confidence, elightly, in his rectitude, and will interfere, eo far as honest won aro concerned, with any political Bchomcs ho may have had for the future. Pomcror should have learned in his youuger days that hones ty is tho best policy, as well in a politi cal as in any other t-ensc. FJtESHEST fiLEAMNGS. There are now ti.300,000 butheli of grain in store and afloat at Chicago. Alabama hat six cotton fuctorlcs which work up 20,000 luloa of cotton annually. Rhode Island hat anew secret society with tho cheerful title of "Som of Jona d&b." Philadelphia asks her common council for 5300,000 to build, her, new ongino uouics witn. A Western serial story contains this touching sentence: "Hit heart still wal loped for her." A young lady of Philadelphia wont out tlelgh-rlding wearing a lashionable bonnet, and froze her forehead. lVssuit, insanity. A Des Moines damsel huTtng ofl'ended a young man at a leup.year ball, ho threatened to send his big sister to demand an apology. A man died suddenly from Intemper ance, nnd a Western jury found that "dc ceited came to lili death by drlt.king le tween drinkt." The Gurmaa students drawn off by the war are So:klug back lo tho universi ties, which are neurly all over-crowded this winter. A young lady of Indianupolis wus very torry that her wod'Ing, which was to take place at the tamo hour, would pre vent her attending ber sister's funeral. A t until but energetic wcttctn paper announced lit own demiso in Ut last ltsue, accompanied by alTta'a solemnities ot turned rules, cotlins and grare-tUmes, The reported doath of Oen. Porlrio Dial, fioin dysentery, on the 12th Jntt, Is confirmed. Tu follower of Diaz bare proclaimed for Ltrdo Tejada or Guzman for president The wJsV:tfjMotit H, urinnell died' at Genoa, Lly, on the lild. SUwastbe naica of Washington living. Tk re . , 11M 1 I mltrii to Tnrr.x (. 11 'ur p irrmont Tli now tin b'ui.Jiiv niMin Mucked . 1 fr,,l.... !.... In-- 11 1 .-..-lef' . f iub 1 i ntiuc rnuroau. xnowdtcro lund tiulnt wtro 17 hour "lslnt Salt Lake. The mow It HL-i.lw in- cite com munication for lomo time, 111 ilie'culs ir walled with drifts. The last flow musi bo removed by hand. Co . Forney saj tlml Of"- Oral. " Inluiit on 11 second cllictlolihlle bi wl"! working to the dm nomlnstlon, " ',m, If ho I111J not oxpvcted ho couM'haeB j-ears, he would not bae;r5igiicJ1'10 cf" Icoof general. At live u'uloofc in the niur'g l,1ru men illu than ut nnv othur ur UUJ twuntj.-Amr. Tho lilt-force I " 1,1 lu iov'l cob, nnd tin) ifystwn iii-cuiii- mu itioft cnMlv, especially to uli'i ' i,U'XV, jiarulysls or cpili!1'. -Somulody ha Introduced a bill to abolifh the olllce of police mnpitrate In thU tute. As It Is ari clnce provided ttr by tho constitution Jul) as much u justices of the peace or circuit Judges, the precoc clous gentlemen is probably too fast. On Sunday nlht a farmor named Daniel Kramor, residing about nino mllun west of Auburn, Schuylkill county, Tcnn., was brutally murdered and his wife left or dead. Mr. Kramer's son, on entotlng his father's bouse Monday morning, found his mother on tha 11 with li Imll i"our- fully ff"HCtured, and still living, but un iiblo to speak. Tho fiither was found about 100 yards from tho hous, with his brnlna beaten out and frozon to tbo ground. No truco of tho murderers hns et btcn discovered. The murderers rob bed the house. Mrs. Kramer cannot ro cover. A NEW ANAESTEHT1C HYDRAMYL. From tho Ilalumnte Amtlcnn, l'b. 17, Dr. llfchardton, of London, has been In vestigating 11 new antithetic, to which he lias given mo linmo 01 nyaramyi. au ac count of his experiment is given iu "The tlair-vcarlv Compendium ot jiculciil sci ence. I'urt l a, (iul published.) wincii will be found interesting reuuing even to ihoso who never expect to undergo any more nulnful suri:icil operutloii than the dinlodL'ini! of a tooth or tho lancim: of a boil. Dr. Richnrdson was in the habit of usinir a mixture ofnm vl hvdrlduand recti Ued ether to produce uniesthesia; that is by freezing tho apot through which the incision U to be made, by tho rapid tvitporKtion of tho volntllu sui'itunce spur- ,tcu upon it in tnu lorm ot spray, lie no ticed that when thd spray was usod for an oncrution alout tho noso or mouth tho imllent often passed into n state of cer.eral insensibility to pain. Tho sleep product d wus to cetitle, so deep, and yul so tempor ary. Unit Dr. Richardson supposed that ho was on tho track of a most valuable ilWcovory. He forthwith begun a series of oxporitnenis In order to ascertain whetu i-r it wus tho vapor of tho ether or of by drido which produced tho insensibility, and it was not lunir till ho assured himself that it was tho latter. AVben Inhaled- it created no irritation, inducod perfect in junsibility to pnin, and tho recovery from its inlluenco wus singularly rapid. The most interesting fact connected with .tho innaJatlon of tills giia Is, that in ninny in etanccs it induces perfect iriionslbiity to pain, und leaves tho consciousness com paratively unimpaired. Dr. RicLardeun tins also been experi menting with inethvlle ether. In teveial uuses tho patients ullhougli quite insensible' to pain, wcroaiiloto ooey every reijuest made of tin m, and somoof them kept In htlnir that they wero not Vet ready fur the operation, becautu they wero entirely conscious, whereas tlio cutting was going on nil too Hmu ami uiey tell it not. unu ludy took the aniesthvtle and then poiiited out successively tho teeth which the wish ed Vj havo extracted, adjusting herself in tho chair afliir eacli tooth was drawn, and vet felt no paln whatever. From this und other cases which cumui under jiis notico the doctor very fairly assumes that ''In tho. course of tlmu wotshull disyover uiunagea clo and certain unrctlictlc nibiUir.eei which will paralyze sensation only, leaving tho muscular power unaitereu unu jneniui little disturbed." A NEW WONUKIL. UODSEUOLP TELKOBAniY TO JK XSTAn LISIIED I.V NEW TOItK. fKrom the World.l A now, ingenious, and mu-t serviceable use for tho magnetic talegruph is about to bo established in this city ono which would doubtless muko oven tho Park row statue of ucnjiimin franklin smilo com placently and wuvo his graceful arm in gleu could that strange representation of thu practical phlldiojihfcr LoTirade to compro. Lend it. This use arhctfroni the fiirttliHt the "Amerlcun District Telegraph Com. puny" has been organized for tbo purposp oi iiuiHiiie; uiuciriuiiv iu:i nn ernimi ooy and factotum, unci will etablish otllees in various parts of Brooklyn nnd New York, which will ho ot inoro'sorvieu to house keepers than intelligence offices over wero in luruishing good servants. Tho plan of oporatlons'ls this: Tho two cities Will be divided into districts, in tach of which tho company will have an office communicating by telegraph witli tlio houses und business places oi nil persons who may doire such comuiilcation una are willing to pay $L 60 a mouth for it.' There will b-j no butteries at customer' houo4, where thu iipniir.itm will :onist only ot wires and u small key instrument; by touching the latter onco ono may in threo miuutes' lime have a monirur at hand who will run of errands for hlni und do all other reasonable service at tho rnte of 16 cents for a half hotias' work. Two touches "of the koy will at nny hour of tho day or night bummo'i a policeman with equal cel erity, and so ono may sweetly Muuibur, knowing thut if a burglar should enter his uwuuuig Iiu lias but to turn to It is uppara- iv. imvo mo loilow cugeu iu tureo niln- HI Ca.M .it,1 u nL'ni.1. ftp H r.t or any of the. ,UIlV calHrnitles which cn i.; ; r" r..i " J in" system will ba ..r invaluable servC ' , 7" " ' hoped that it toon will-& "J l l b aeneral office, of tho cutm1...! .w IsroudwHv, Now v York, and - trcet, Uoookly IKI EUKJICK iy you;.v. there is nothliiL- morn illtti,nitu.. among women than tlio dillerento o rela tive ago among them. Two women of the same number of years will bo subetuntlally ol diilercnt epoehsof life the ono wenrieil in mind, faded iu person, deadened .in sympathy; tho other fresh and yotinc, both in laeoartd foejjng, v.-lh sympatbieK broad und keen us thev wem In lun-Snt youth, und ticrhiips more so; still as easy to be uinutiil ni. i',' iA ?,: . A . I J iuic, lllltt (IB reurly to learn us whori ho llrst einorced from the tehool-room. Tho oho you In voluntary suspect of undurstundint: her no uf nan u uuzen years or more, when k Hi lpll. vnii .1... u V 'U..V w,lt. makes you wonder If the haYpot over staled ht;r ago by jus', at much when sho Iaiighjng y cpnfesset to the same Ve The one it an old woman, who seems aiit the pever been young! tho othor'dnly fi ,Rir),yihobhuu us 'lf the nornr.w.tuld Crow oia; and nothing Is equal between them except the number of dayt each has uvea. 'V TSOilKrf WASUINOTON Ti,Ji ?KD tHEVLAllOR m& fi yi FOltil TJICKKT. 'P STRAWS 1MSO.M T'HB OAl'tTAL. ILLINOIS (ic!h Telfram to the Chicago Tlnim,) TIIK I-MI0K KI.IOBM TICKET TUX TttL INfl AT WASIIINOTOK. Wash i.voTow, Feb. 20. Tho tjomlna tlon of Justit-'o Davis for (he prostdeney by the convention continues to be sorlotin ly dlciifed by members of both political nurtlef, and so far fioin thero being any at- tempt to discredit and belittle it among evui adnilnittiAthin republicans, as Is, tated in a partuian dispatch, sent Hence, several republicans senutors and tpembors ueclurcd lo-uay mat mo uckci was not only a most rc?pci table ono, but would be come popular as ino cauipagiu jirogieiseu. It is uuuullcu in ootn parties unu u tnu elomonts of opposition to Grant aro united on this ticket, or ono kindred to it, his re-election Is placed In a close, sharp contest. Rut llttlo is said or cared for platforms. They are regurded now as wordv generalities to which the republi cans have- been singular indifferent, at In the case of amnesty, which thoy re commended In the natlonul convention of leC8, but which remains unfulUlled. BTIUWS. OriuMii itLD. III.. Feb. 26. Some pollt ical tli:nlllcalico Is.ultuched to tho arrival here, under Loiran's frank, of Trumbull's speech on appointments. It Is believed to mean when translated that they aro in harness together, running u doublo team. The ardent admirers of tho administra tion regard tho omen as ominous of com . ...T.l.t I,.... T-,..., . I ..., IIIJ IIUUUII, I1ill.ll AAU11IUUII, UIIU - UVaili and.l'ulmer shall announco their decided onocsittun to the renomtnutlon of Orant. 'inero is anotnor canaiuuto tor omco oi ... r ' I'l,!.. .1 I. I. l.u seeiviarv i;i diulu. aiiib iiuiu iv is iiu iwn distiiigulshcd a person than Hon. William jiusscnucrg, nil too wuy irom atcpiicnio.t county. He uuuounces thut ho will uk the republican 'convention to nominalu mm. I I Here s nothing iiko check.) as a preliminary ho sicnilies his willingness to slund by the nominee of tho Philadelphia couvention for president, but on the sub ject of vice-president he does not seem to uavo ucctucu yet. lio uppcarcu nere as an independent republican having run on Ins own hook after his party caucus re jected him, ilo reud the party out of him- eii, out is grauueiiy taking it tiack again, wheeling into lino by degrees, and it by uny chance ho should get tho nomination noiio ot tho crowd woul more indlgnatly denounce "bolters." Ilo has traveled ex tensively, but mt e y tb ouc i this slate, aud knows how it is himseu. Uis qualitlcallous consist in his being a Ger man, out jo is mt. iiummei, wuo aspires to the tilace auuin ; and how is he troluc: to put Mr. Koernir, Jr., candldatijior uttor- noy general, out oi mo way, lor all tlio state omcers cannot 0e bcstowirt on their people. So secreturv of stuto Griggs thlnki, and accordingly ho Is a candidate. Ilo is a good and pious young man, and unlike souio other excellent officers, nan ruau a nut in mtoen minutes tint would take it common mortal at least three hours. THE ST, LOUIS WIRE, MILL. A ri.KNIHD INDUhTJtV AKD HOW. IT 18 CONDUCTED FACTS Of IMI'OKTANCE. Among the pioncor 'enterprises for'thd development ot our munutacturlng ru sources, we notico tho St. Louis wlro mills, iu tho' foot,of Uhetiteau uvenue, in this oity. IJio milla uru uwiuil by Munrm. J.', M. Ludlow and'1Jewett .H'IUox."ola . und estceuiod residents of St.'Ilouls, und have ulroudy won u iiusition in tnu wire trad-j which wttii tnu prouuteu unpruvenieutsj oiu injr tu koon oecomo tlio nucleus of toe wire trade of Hie whole West. Thu pres ent high prices iuipocpd by thy nccenity. of briuging tlio.cotiimodity'from the Bunt .Wtll.eoun he obviated by tlio construction of nppliunces for tlio uo(ot, NATIVE IKON, .und'thoto stutes which now look to tho mo nopolies ot tho east will ho relieved hv thu talo of us good wire ut fur less pi ices I.... i. . . -.1.1 .. - kiniii uus uver ueen nroviueu lortuem. A-lTimta reporter rccentlv visited llie' ... i - ... .1. . .. i .. .- .. .. orh oi mo nun unu uotuiiiea'a acicrip tioii of thu interesting method of its tiiuuu faeture. . -'iho-. Iron now used Is Imported from England, und is brought to tho mill ,iu cons ol heavy rods. Tiieseure llrst heutid unu iioliiuu ut one end, ufler which tliey aro tulijocied lo u huth of vitriol, for tlm purputH of removing the sculca und cleutis- ing inem.- Alter unother bath In lime wuter they ure ready for working und are passed over to tho plateuien. 'iTu-se coils ure if No. 4 siau. and nruredueo'l to'- 'thH requisito sires by running them through iwruanu, rL,ATKS, , t 4 mudo or tho best ton pored steol. The pluti.s aro about Ax Inches, square, and ure porforuted with funnel, slmped holes. ' The nmrp etidot tho coil is parsed through ono oi uieso noies, ana atlucliiu to alraino set uptn a cogged shaft. Tho framo Is then set In motion, and thu wiro drawn tliroti" li tho hole. This proeceed reduces it ono size. Tho coll thus, rcducod is thon put In nn "uniieiiler," a cast-steel cylinder, eight leet deep and tnirty-four inches In dtu- meter, surrounded by nn outer casing of brick work. Tho unnealors, of which inero uru lour, navo acu pacitv ot two nnd one hull" tons each. Wiien tilled they aro lilted with caps, and tho brick wurk-! enclosed with a largo cap, from which a nine curries. oil' tho tmoko from the fur. linen below. Rlsimr from tho nnterVim l a sinuller nine fed in- thu tho anneiler. Tin's dido is lin-lii. il nh,i by the burning of tho gas It' regulated tho time for a Kxn the wine. 'I ho cylinders aro expensive, costing $yoo each, and aro renewed everv nino or twelvo mi.nti)i Thk coilt nro lift In the annculur twenty-four hours, und then are ready to bo run through unother plute. und tho wiro is ugaln" reducod In tlze. Eucli coil is puesod tbrougli tlio procts of unneuling aftor each reduction. It Is then put up J n sixty.-threo pound bundles, aud is renily for ihu market. Tboro iiro"iLIno plafo Tn thfs cstaXfish mont making wiro from sbjaso.,.4 tu t8l incluslvo. An oxperiineht'bus'buen'made lately by Messrs. Ludlow & "Wilcox with 1. . I . i r . vue lowest gruae ot i i MI8S0UKI inn.N. with1 lm' discovered that our Iron the 'iron no4 ft T"!-"ty 0lW,f s.8 upon which ThtehtJ trm iKnglftn.d' twenty dollar p.V1 "lono., js4iH.ary Lo'Ji5-n,,d it l the rtureiv,ot.Bd " Sl; Messrs. Ludlow WlcuJ u. 1,,tcn'io" f ing mill adjoining lb0r?M completed during the present soa,'on tho manufucturaiof wiro rods from 'ii2r u truuo oi u.o eniiro West, northwest mid soutbwost Iowa, Kansas- and Minno sola aro untiring In tho- demand! for this urtiolo for eusiJtUf?oos,of wkich.tha mill nowinakcs aspeciultv. und ihn tlon of the prutonuhigk rates will prove of .aiuiauiu uniein 10 inoso ttaici. - e ' HtfV6Rirt,1' ' are at present turning out six tont dally of fencing, trellis, market, coppered and an. ..v,. lrBl kn Wp,nee of 51000 pe day, and their proposed enlsrgf mint of tn mill, will soon oe onaDieu w mm oui eighteen hiiMircl ions per vcar ana to nn all orders tent thorn without crowding tholr caoacitr. as thev aro at present com pelled to, and will be enabled to furnish all kinds, of smaller wire made by the Eastern mnnufactai'lps, In as lnrco quantities at any otnor manufactory in ino country. the orr.nATons. numbsrinc twenlv-llvo. undertho nblosti- ncr ntcnuenco oi Jir. J. 11. iiauiweii. aro . . . ... vcrv Intclllirf nt men. selected for their care.and forcstisht In tholr business, and who navo learned their business in me principal wire mills In England and tblt country. Jleisrs. J.udlow ana iicox aro men oi . - . . . Ml enterprise Hnd energy, and have the well wishes nut only ot their iciiow townsmen but of the wiro Interests of tho West, whose necessities the now undertaking it destined to fully supply. HHrun. BARCLAY BROS., ome I.KTEB Cuao. Ills JDttU OrQ-T S .T S SARATOGA BPRINOB - M rCLL ILaJT AT DAJtCLATS SBUO BTOKX. Fatsa BcrrLT, Dutr. MOOKINQ BIRD FOOD tu. ittDt o rs wiiBorr TAorm At Rabclats'. H E L M B 0 L D s GRAVE f CATAWBA ) f ORAM . PILLS i CATAWBA QRAPR GRAPE I CATAWBA ) I QRAFK ) PILLS ADD ILL XT HELHIOLD'S HEDICINKH rxRsn irom yinsT bands, Alwajs lo stock In lug supply, tad for atl bf Hnrclajr Bros. just r x o x i v x d AND r Sale by tboOlata Bottle orCallatt AT BARCLAYS'. 0Extra Kink Coloonk; MaTTOxNuiNX XAfroarao JCxtkact; IcIIair, Tootu and Nail Urusuks (India Rubdkr Nursery Goo? AT .B.A.:E2.Ckjj&.'3r BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Best grtclfs in argr stock nd t riety, rery cheap; AUOI Full Link or Colors, nir ki in oil; Taint lirufhfi, Llotecd Oil, WbltewatLJ.uhca Turpcutln, Vwnishei Ete, etc.. ALL SIXPI AXD STiKDiaD 0V1UT1U At Rarclatb'. LV.UBRR. S. WALTERS, ciiLsa is HARD and SOFT LUMBER ot emy daiieriptltfD, LATII, gUINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, DOORti,;SASIi, JJL-INDS. .orders, solicited. Steamboat Lumber, Kniolsheit on shortest notice. Uommeroial-av, bet. 10th and llth-sta., OAIRO ILLINOIS. V7d GROCKMEH-AND BRV UOODS). WILLIAM KLUOE, . Dllttt IK FAMILY GROCERIES, DllY-GOODS, NOTIONS,1'R00TS AND SHOES, U'BATS and cam, xtc, Jutt rrelrd t.hfirjr toe It of .Boot and hhors, Hosier)' and Motions, PQR.BALEFOR CASH VERY CHEAP ,a,0U,whn,'o:k of Family OrooiiMot errklod. J CORNER flWTU.8A ND OOMMER CIAL-AV., 0, II.LMJOU MRS. M. S WANDER, . DEALER IN MILLINERY LAD1F.S FURNISUINO GOODS, t'onunrrtlnl Airniif, ornonltr r.lllo Cairo, lLLiyois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES WfcA MaJr lo gnlfr.or IttaJj -Mid !ltt rreelrtd a full and enmnt I ttonk nf ns Dtwrai fdu iiiniuienii in in cur. Ai im Tifpue ru oi III 11BONS, LACES AND FRINOKS 1 h oflrrs krfkt Itiductmtls to htriwtrtns idi nil ether to cill on lif r.nnuiln the prices, tlj Irs na quality oi ner gooum Mrs. Swuntfr. Imriri sold brr rrcpirlv. wll srli Hi whiili- of Ihtrti kooiIi-H aod Ulccc flow Is th tlmr to i.urrtme Cliniltnsi aood i inn itrr imfiiirn. CITY SUOjfi STORE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY sole io met roa BBOLASKI'S" CUSTOM-MADX BOOTS AND SHOES Commercial Avenne, former of Klgtitti Htrcet, Cairo, Illinois. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ALL OR- DKRS TOR nOOTSKIRTR AND SHOES. CLOSE k VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND TJEALEES XiIM33 Cement, Plaster Paris, AMD PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner Elgnta Htrcet unit Ohio i.tvtt CAIRO. ILL. D. Z.MATnUSS. E. C. UUL MATHUSS & UHL, POB-WAEDI 3STC3- AND GENERAL Commission Merchants, DEALERS IN I1AV AND WJSSTERN PRODUCE Wo. e oiiio d birth Mi- LEVEE, A1RO.II.L WOOD RITTEN HOUSE, FLOUR AKB General Commission Merchant 183 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois J. M. PHILLIPS & CO., (Huccrssors to fc B. Uendrtcki A Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS AXD WnARF-ROAT PROPRIETORS LILeul Adfuces ir.r i upo lonmKniiirnis, Are prepared lo rrcetro, ilore nt orward rrelglits to all point and Imjr ktil sell on cominisilon. SHrilulneu attended lo promptly STRATTON & BIRD. (Buccefiaor toHlratton, Jtudson A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois JOHN B. PIIILLIS & SON, (Sincetaor to Jno.B. Phlllls,) GENERAL. COMMISSION AMD FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AN DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Meal, Bran, &c., cor. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIKO. ILL. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, D. REXFORD Proprietor OSMISl OHIO tint AMD StCOMD ST., Cairo, Illinois. J he Only Firit-Chh Home in the City ( 71. FALL--tVINTER. 72 c. II AN NY. I LARGE STOCK. IRROWX HIIKKTINOS; PRIKT.S, CHECKS, a a li STKI1' E S, KENTUCKY JEANS, EXTRA, OASSIMERS, PIiAWlTBLa. ULACK ALPACAS ASb i LUSTERS, UROS'JRAIN SILKS, POPI.INH. LARGE STOCK OP CARK4TINO OIL CLOTHS, UATTINO, M'ltiilnw Nhart, 01LT BANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMASKS. Ula EtttlrcNtoekXow Clonlna Out AT VERY LOW FIOURE3. CORNER 8tH ST., AND COMMERCIAL-AV., Cairo, Illlnola. pllif KAII.KOAOM. QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH TU ILLINOIS CENTRAL It. R. St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Cui- caoo, M;w l OKX, JJOSTOV, AMD AIL POINTS EAST AND WEST. PMnger trains arrue at and leare Cairo at fol lows: hail. tiratM. ;tiY 3:13 .m Iioo p.m. icpakt -111)0 a. m Iloth train connect at Centralla with train on the roa Pana. Decatur, IlloomlnRtcn, El Paio, L Halle, Mendou, JTcpon,iiiiin, t'uuuquv, uu all points in illinola, Missouri, jllnnrnotu, A'l.consln and luwn. Ami with Lines running Kant and West lor Sl.Loum, Kpriiitfheld. IxiaiaTille, nini.innnil. Imllanntiolla. Columbus. And at Clileago with Michigan Cenital, Michlita Boutnerii, ami nimourK. rri 'iju. nnd Chicago Uailroada lor Detrelt, rUrvlaml, Dunkirk. Alhiny, ll-iS(on, l'l.ilndeiphla, Magra Falls, Krle. Iiuttilo, Turk, I'lilaburc. llalttmore, WllllJJIOD. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On and r'ler Monday. April 21th, 1871, train wil run as loi. ow i hORrilERN DIVISION. Tinas coma orTiiT. Mail, Eiprei i.rT6 irginia liio p. in ' ffunnntleld...... 9.20 " .......... 3.00 " Talorllle ,10:6!J ArriTeat i'ana......,.llsC in 6:17 TEiHHOOlNU MOaTHWXaT. Eire Malt, Leare Pana.. ...4.00a,in J.SlD.m " Taylorville ...4i " M ArriT atc)print(lield..eilS " t.oo Leare ripiinitReld ' 0:10 Ar.-ire at Virginia S:M " ......8:IS BOCTHEItN DIVISION. THINK OOIKO MUTUIIST. Leare EJgewood 6:30 a.m. 10:10 a.rn riora .:u into Arnre at tihawn-etown3.&.1p rn 6:14 p taiks oo I. 10 oatnwiT. Leare Rliawneetovrn...:S a.rn .. S.J'ip.m " nor !.... ......z.&o .,..... j;uu Arrlre at Ednewood 1:60 " 8:20 Tiie 6:3ii a.m. train from Edfewood, run only Mommy, nuDVBiiayif unu rriuaja, Ann o;oa.m imin trnm Hhawnretown ou Tueaday, Thura dy and baturdays. Connect at Aalilund with Jacksonville rtlvlnion ot Chicago anil AHon Killroml. rnr Jacksocrille, Pelemburir. Maaon City. and all nnints weat. At HprniKfif i. with Chicago and Alton, and Tnlodo, Wabnnli anil Weslorn Kailroad, lor uioom.nEicn, i.iiicago, unu an points norm, norm wett and wrai. At pAna with Ind. and St. Louis, and Illlnola ucnirai naiiroan lor an points eaii, south unu At Kdgewaod with Chicago Dlrislon llliuol Central Railroad. At Flora, with Ohio id Mississippi Railroad AtHhawneetonn. with Meamboai for Cincln Bill, I'aducah, Cairo and Kt. I.mni. OKI.A.NU8MITII, Oen'IBup't. Jou KooaiTT.Oen'l Fr'gtnnd TicketAg't. u ii't-imv. SALOOMN. A. SUSANKA, I'loprletor MAGNOLIA 'SALOON And Pealer In Foreign and Domeatlo "WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS 97 Ohio Lcveo, Iielwetb Ninth and Tenth Streets, Cairo, III. decUtf r VOAli. COAL! COAL! COAL I JAMES. ROSS, BSALIB IS DU' QUOIN AND MOUNT CARBON, COAL! Commercial-BT., Foot of Eleyenth-8t. All Cral earefull .ioh..i -i it.. mm irair oank' tcAlex. , ' FULL WXIOIIT WARIUNTW- X Coat il1lv..l maiIi-a IB BJ part n th cl.y, either by tbo half ton, w ctcu Lra order at thofflc oa omn";','" k feour Klanlh Wt. aora.ui. Bar (IOODN, OOOIIN. NANtl, i:XCl w no to W. W. THORNTON'S, IIUILDKllS' SUPPLY DEPOT 13J TENTH 8TRXKT, CAIRO, ILLINOIS ron Door, Nnatt, Blind. MonldlnsSt EiTe fltittrni, (stood) Wlndowstad looa Trnmtn, Flootin;, Lath, Hlilnajlra, Ulnad Haalt, Olaaad Bid Light), niaccd Transom, Naali Weight". Nal Pulllea and Card, Blind raatenlaca, Bottatttx rlt, Rooflng CmcBt, Plaatarlstsr Paper, Carpet Felt, Whit EetMt, IJuaed OH, AmetieitB ITlstdaw llna, EoKllsh andFrench Plate ln. Pully, tilacler'a PoIstU Hewer Pipe Patetst ChltBtsejra Etc, Etc., Kit. AOF.NT8 lor ItncW Itlet Paper Companj's tfhratliine Kelt anil Cjuarlt Cement, li. W. John' IniproTrd itootlnic alwari ea and. THE DAVIS LOCK STICH rtaticAL tiro SEWING MACHINE THE LARGEST. THE SIMPLEST, THE CHEAPEST, TnE REST. TlIE ORKATESTlJtrr.OVEMtNTOr THE AOK Terms Most Liberal. Agent wanted for unocrupml teitltory. Snd for circular anil price lit. Branch office, 013 Xorth 1'onrth Htraal NT. I.Ol'IN, JIO. k f. r NETlIN Manager. WAUOXS. WAGON MANUFACTORY. or Sale at Wholesale or Retail CORNER 32D-STREET AND OUIO LZVXk Cairo, Illinois. nnrlttf J. r. OAXBI.E BTOVKJS. TIXWAKE, ETC, A. II A L L E Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin und Hollow Ware, Clothe Wringer Toil Ware, Coal Hod, Fil dliomls, Air QaUs, MANOrACTCRt or TIN, ZINC, COPPER AND SHEET mux WAKE. No. 166 Washington-avonue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. VRooflnK. Oulterinir. and all bln.u riob wurk'doneat slioiteat noiicii. " lebtdtf IIOAT NTOREM. SAM WILSON, t J'XoT BTOBHS r OSOCBRII8, ' . .PROVISIONS ET.C.) Wo, lie 0w Lmi : OAnw, in. araia raewrir mva