Newspaper Page Text
t Vl !.U1A U, wLiJllA, oAl L'ii'-VV. M ARCH 2. I8"2 THE I3LMii.!-riN. jii.N , ui.r.M.I. " '"' AloMNIMI l If I'll '1, l- SATtnUAT Tll r 1 DAILY tll-M-ITIKI O-t f earlier,...- UDeyoater i-.rrler,lnii.titi-.. ,....! tf "' . M 'In 'M'nwi ut fjnilti ffnih: rt ?? S t month, ,...... .. " OJ1 Tr, ..... THK DOLLAR WXICCLr "Ut,'' permit..! I e.l ,n """" It w-sIT iH'H'i'jbli' Ihct iliatnt tin; laic M"" reform convention nu sup j)0rfcr of Grant was mentioned . candidate for the office of president or vicc-prcMdcnt all the men named lor cither place on the ticket are well known as bcin opposed to Grant. One OF the noted characteristics of Ohio democracy has always been a stub born adherence to everything heaving the name of the time-h.inoied party. The name has only been less dear to it than' principle. This bciiitj the fact, the remark of the Cincinnati Enquirer that ' Davis and Parker (the nominees of the labor reformer) isn't a bad ticket for tho elements opposed to (5 rant to. unite on," is significant to say the least of it. It is an indication that even Ohio democracy is in a lair way to learn that tho?c also fcrve who do not stand and wait." Mns. Daiiloiien has lately made, a petition to Congress for remuneration for the uo of her hus band's patents, after which many of the cannon used during the war wove made The merits of the Dahlgron cannon arc many and great ; they were uod in the great battles of Dupout, Varragut, Por tcr, &c., and still constitute to arma ment ol our ( navy. Vrcvious to their advent, SOD rounds were looked upon as a fair btandard for hoavy guns, while tho Dahlgrcn armament is fcufe for 1 ,500 rounds or more. When the rebel rain Mcrrimac issued forth and inflicted such grievous dam ac at Hampton lloads, she was driven baok by tho .Monitor'a 11-inch D.ihl gren gune, and never ventured on an other trial. The Murrimau wns.obligcd to endure tho blockado of the .Alonilorj and never dared venture to tho conflict j her commander preferred to sink her, and did to. At Mobile the few brief innrncnM of opportunity were so aptly ii'rd by the rapid fire of the -inch guns of tho Chickasaw tint ilio iroii-e.u! 'iVnnoa see yielded to their blows. The claims of Mrs. Dahlgrcn against the govermnout will amount to about three hundred thousand dollars, which will very probably be granted to her. The way the regard tho salo of arms by our government to the French during the Franco-I'm "dan war, may be inferred from the follow ing letter written by n (Jcriunti to ilio Washington Chronicle. That he de declares the ecntiments held by Ger mans geuerally, will scarcely be de nied : l'uero ,re lx million? (Including chil dren burn In lliU country) of (iurmniu lining in the UnituJ Stale. Tliey n tho Hl'ili, If nut '.Ii.j loarih, part uf all tlie Uxji ruUed. Kvery fuurtli or lilili kuii or can nun fold nt the time to I'mnco w llierfforc jmid lar by llit- Ouilii:in citinuiif. Arid thoiu kuih and ciiiiiioim tlnu jiald fur by th o Uermnn eiiinoin iIium.uIvk, wt-ro told by un iidriiiiusiratioii, which in nu siimll degree U Indebted to tlm (.K-riiinii Vutu fur lit iiteimd..-iicy to power, to a peo plu enj;uj;cd in un urelvu war ngaiiut the old 1'itthct lurid 1 Ttio party through iu udnilnlitrntlm, thiHcuiiipulliHi the Gvrmuri citizen i to he ltnesto the awful ipccucle or Hclug their own nla tives killed by thousand hv (;utn mid eiui non which in part they hull jmid for with their own money I And vet l..i.. r. uuKMig umi ,11 oi tun muni. tn Hint the administration had ft right, to tliota aniM iincj iiiuntiluc ture new uimnuwWu,,, und thut Ilio Cer muns ibould esea U xUnUM mid K ve thut party their ballot, tlllt lU(j miJ. nM. to fun.HI, tho ru,u.U Aui can bullets for their (Jeruum iu.tU4) ln tho loto war. Ye, 3Ie.r ConUHi,,. lini, Jlortun, the Gornmii citizens will reir.iTii. licr und HcKti.wedi;o putt fuvori nt tho neit ehstlun you nuy ho Mire. The ENTEUl'iilSiNa and moral city of Siu.wnoetown, whose proudest boast is that it don't liccuEt drinking talojni- has jiiot deuionstrutcd that it has strong claim to beiug called a chnVtiau as well ss a moral ami teupcrale town. He- ccntly a child, " a beautiful littlo uirl." says tho Gtnctte, without u friend or cquaiulancc, was emit to (ho county jail lor want oi u Uetter homo. Wh praiso is.etroag enough for the cumnm. nity who cTtttntably provide houieh-i 1 tile girls with a thelter in its coimlv jail? It is a' pleasaut and eheerliil place of courrc. and calculated to ini press on the uiiad of the little wail the Hston of the man of Nazareili. "luai auch as j didit unto of Hjcsu, j uiu it unto mi. ' lerGoiiorul KllpurU W h, accepted un Ter of $3,000 in deliver twelve lectures during the tmmtu 0f May in California. ' -n T H'-dnV i1(vm- in wool n 'ill.' 'J' lll'lll" face hi iiih jirir.- t'iiiit(ili''iitml"''-po'Fu-'itiii of u lover tilioaworo nllr-giui"'' to hi th. A Moil crTvMlr Uolu'iiiini" hud rnlWtcd to vvltruli the nfi'dr- ' atukeliolik-r nppciirul, liugliif? I'J" 1,1 1' c0 " Urthf rnmia-uulll;, e.nd, '-tl,-l,o1,t,.r..Hll..T,.thr(( but tl-c courage Uih- in r rtn.- r""'i n"d l,l0-v du,: tcrmim-d to Lave II.. Ir rripccllvo " to the ( m nrMlrMnrH.1 I r'M,im ul.l.iW i.f boitTdtllE-llOUJe I fc i . ' " ' Irduiatl- II, HCIUll!ll no Irea llmii 5 1 7,(' !0 of relief fun.. by iki.-ur.-.i; ui.diT various Uiiiifn anil IniVini; voriilditli)reiil jilacce ofubode. till- had uutlicm! aovi-n etovi-e In nne locality, and In another an immense uoniLor of tjtnnt.rK- An.1 ft tho old Vijjiu- lull, about th" li cil 'iiiij women kmI.i tuulm-v, cur. ofllKinh-Uf., Illld Vote. t3" Tlnif who t. in. .'Line of f. luk wild priiu mid .ail'.ictiiit.i jin.. tt e .jruvu of their ffieiid," U llio udvertUu nifiit of h WfSttrn alot.cuutter. POLITICAL X0TK.S. Tho Dottoii 'JourmiV d.ulures that all Kew Kugland U solid for Grant. The Ohio Itepublieun .State Convcn- tiun moeti on tliu 27th uf Mnrcli. benalor "Wilson, of Mu!uchu!ctt, is debveriiii: ciiin.miirn Mitechci in ew llaiiipshlre this week. Killutt, tho negro congressman fi'otn south CiiroVuiH, bus been nppolMcd .Mnjoi i cue in I in thettiite militia. Prominent Grunt men is Mississippi clulintlm whole republican party of th Unto it unit fur Grunt, Tho lloston 'l'ost' thinks a carpet-bag ger is like a church bell, becauso thu lattel 'peals from tho steeple," and tho former doesn't. A Western liberal republican paper suys thoro is no umendmeut to tho consti tution nrovldint: for thu re-election in General Grunt. A Western paper thinks that u good wuy lor the government to'" stop the little leak j " would bo to stop tho practices ol tho tiigjjtlr LeeK A lure nutnber of usf islant osteison uro being n'opulnted by tho CoinmUMniiei ol Interuitl revenue tor thirty anil sixty dujn, to !isi in the assessment of luxe. l)ihop Stevens, of l'annsylvanln, wm prcieiil ut thunt;givlng services, St. l'uul't culhed-iil, London, Toesdwy and win ru ceivid with speeiul honors hy tho chinch brntheren. Kuropcnn powers now having commor c.litl treaties with Frapeo will shortly semi to tlin (ovcrniiient ut Versailles n protest iigainit the imposition of a tux upon raw iiiiittirliito. , Tim Sherillof Frnnklin cotintv. Afo., lias folMJ liaes fhops mill otiirir jiro- pi-rty nt r.ieiHc Citv of tho Alissoun l'.icltle ltiiiiro.ul ('o., und ulfo personal property of l..o Alluiitie and l'ucillc Hull- loud --A eorreijifliKToiit of tho Cneiiin.iti Gazctto. writing frnin Iliilnlirlilp, IihIIiimh, behcvi that .Schuyler Unlfux would n- cuivo tl i! .:! rly support of the entiro rc- pulilienn putty If hu should 1m mado its nomintu for pretldeiit. lion. .hi?. V, Wilson, of Iowa, is in Wa.liington. Ho U nndorstoid to hu triiiuiiig for a presidential cundiducy and to liavo tho ittppori of tho ureat rail road Interc-n from Chlcngn, westward to tho I'.icille. A Cincinnati pajior (tho Timtn) ro nmrl;; It U n sad commentary upon the changed spirit of Horace Greeley that tho ilcmooraliu statu cuminitteu ot New Uuinptlilro uru elreulullng thu iuw Yoik Trihwic n n campaign document. " Tonnes-c'i Supremo Court yesterday ileei led advertuly to tliu claims of Waiu vV: llriggk, former leiioc of thu Tenntsseo punitt'iiti iry, uuinst thu .State. Thu it in uu I) t involved wm one hundred tLmnuinl d : l;,rr . Yester.iiiy th ) L. .S. Supremo Court, n a hody, ullendud tho funeral of tho hue Gutvcu Clink, colored, door-keeper of tlit ..liidtjet cloak ro'jui, and who had clmre oi tuo ueparimrni Sirica 1333. lie turn Hi'' I-.xtcutivo National .Sunday achool l. .miuiillee nut yesterday iu Pitle burgh t arruligenients for the Kiitioiuil Coiivention nt ludiunupolli., Apnl lotl' to I'Jth. Djlegutci aro to send tlielr iiddHc.'B to hdward Field, Indian upoli, stulin what boilici tliey ivprc'ont, If lliey would secure entertainment. A f.ui.ilv feud between the Webb and Aid fiimilie, the oilier tl.iv, caused George YiilU to bo tliil and liilloJ ami CleorgeAiil anil H'ni. Iliimilireo tone ivimnded iu an allVny near Silem Church, lite iiiilus fiom Indepeuilelicu -Mo. Thu unties hud met to i-eltlu 'the mturrol ami- cahly, when a few indiscreet words Hurl ed thu thootlf.g. HtKSIIKST GLEANINGS. -The K..,lor Willi,,,,,', henlth is Im proving. haildmgbrnulTu4M,yh-) -Wm. U Csile, ,t mmllclU '., ofCleveh.nd.nhio.U.lead. ' neverui Milldii, In jttlur, were burned Tuesday iilght. lWo. -Uerui-.n dubs rn or uaiii.Ing In every ward ln Francisco. Colonel Fisli's bores, carriage und harness were sold Wedne.duv, briiflnu $00, DUO. ' The Japanese Embassy gavo Mayor MeJIU $.',000 lor tliu rolief of the Ohicajjo poor. Ei.Jud" Troy, of Ilrooklyn, hus tied tho llroohlyii Ea-lu1 lor f.l),0O0 for alleged libel. Now York custom homo litvctI..Bllr K Olllinlllnn u-tll ..... .ii . . " committee will not meet until next. JlonUuy Huron Von OflVnburi;, the now Kus. kian mlnlnlor to tho United States, has loft for America. Kflii of ''"e Nnw V'irk rt.ugh wbr ,is...i!(l 1 'ili-jr Tiiil. j imvu boin arrcsttd rtnd fniled. . Tho Internaliomil Soclctv is retnrUcl' ornnlzlng tho striker! iu Autrhi, with thoObjecl of proven'.lng an Interna tlotial Hxposltlon liprc. Clement McCl.itul.ind, deputy fnlti-d States marshal, vm found froz.'ii to death near Frog Point, Ducotah Territory. Ills homo Is Lowell, Mass. AV'ednesdny Mr. Sehitrr. presented a memorial signed by 10, 1 J" person", jiro teiting ngitlnst Incorporation into the con stitution "a recognition of tho Dolly. Thu -Morgan raid ilam.igj claims are to lid re-arrungv'd by another Ohio legllu tlvn committee. "Confldonco'' an. I threo car.l montf men imvo been infi-tlii!j tho ruilwiiy trains running Into Oin.ihn. morooftho California ug' robbers ' b ivo booh ' senteneod to thirty years e.tch In tho penitontiliry. The Chicago crimtr.ifl court bus granted n change of venue in tho cases ol aldermen Ilusso and Fowoll. Joshua h. Chamberlain, president of liowdoln college, has boon elected major .'cncral of t ie Ma'ne militia. A Itiiisian spy has been detected at Limborg, Austria, sketching iho fortifica .ions, and condemned to one year's impris jnnicnt. llernhard Lusler, n saloon keeper at Hamilton, O., Wednesday, shot and kllied t negro mimed Kd. Miller in tho net of nipping his till. THE JMLT1M.0M SHOOK MOISKOF UEV. L. DOW 1IUNSTON A MOTH Klt'S STORY STAT K MKNT OF A VICTIM. HUNSTON'S PAST HISTOHY. (I'lriin the llnltltnorc Amencnn, V'eli. 21. The apparent efforts makim; by certain parlies to shield tliu llov. L. 1). Htinston, l.ite pastor of Trinity -Mcthodiit Episcopal churcli eoulii, from the charge of reducing cveral culldron connected wltli tliu huli- euth school of St. Paul's church of the jiimo denomination, has Induced us to thoroughly inveitigitto thu mutter. Thu remit ot this investigation lias sausucu us that a m iru base and black-hearted vil lain never ditraced the walk ol'lito than Hie ltuv. h. HuiHloti liMSliowii himsHlt to be, and tl at thu tioor ciilldruii who linve neen ilio victims of his Ills', aro deservltm and tliould recelvo the syinputhy of thu entiro e.oinmuiiltv. Tlin-o who would tint t tho churutlur of thcc children to hield tliis libidinous wrelcli from punish ment, aro u-umitig a learlul respouilill itv hefnru God anu their fellow-imin, uu. crushing tho hearts of parents mid IrietuN who liavo ulready sullieieiit to bear without addintr to ttieir burden ot misery. " THE UKAIlT-llK.NIJINO STORY. It is not surprising that tlu-rii wore some inui'Ctiracics iu the lli-st puhlislicl uct'ulint.i .1 this sorrowful seduelii.n. The exceed- iiij; delieaey of thu sul.Jeet, us will us tint jynijiatliy Unit wa It-It lor t Jto iuui.relil oilij on wliom tliejo tlisiracultil revelutloiin tell Willi crustiliij; weight, pruVuiiteil any extended inquiry into tho rumors wl.icii weru nlloat. Now thut tho story Ins be come public property it is U'H that tliu whole truth Milium he Known. Thu t;irl whoo vnurn; Ufa has bean bliglilcu by tliu touch oflho seducer, us the teuiler rinehttd bv the enrlv liot. wa u pupil .' f tlm Western Femiilu High Seliool, tliu iliuuihter of it holy wulj known to miitiNol' thu peoplu of Ilultimoro us in iv oi cutiuro ami rcilnemeut. rtiu was u fair cellular, ttood well iu her cIusm-s, umi up to thu dnv of tliu melnncholv dis covery theru never wu any tiling iu her conduct lint excited tie least euiieion on tho purl of her companions or her teaehul.4. A pretty lace umi a well-totinded form aro precious cifts, lojt suuu-tiuies tliuv ev posu thu possessur to puriis from which tho.-o less At vi rod are exempt. Tho "Vil eye' had gazed on tin budilitur heautv. but thu charm of mo'Icstv ut.d ut least tliu emblem ot iunoccncu still runiiiincd. Theru is no truth in thosUn which bus been publinlied to the ell'ect llmt buspicion wus urn uroufceu ny ttio ntiuint; ot an iu. proper nolo in nor uesK. Two weeks oinco one ot tho iitsutunt tcacliurs nt tliu hign school to d thu ii itic-ij nl a ru inur had comu to hur ears s. nou-lv nll'.-.t ting tho reputation of this unliajipy girl. Tho principul was much j erplexeius to what cotirru I o bhotilU pur.ue. 1 Iu was uesirous of aviiiliog tlio nandal whieti any invcal'jj.ti hi would create, and yet uu thought nun, inu gin ought not to re main in uiu school It Uiu rumor wis true. On the following day a notu was placed in the hands of iho principul by u young man to whom it hud hueit addicted. 1'heru was nothing particularly improper iu lliu language ueii in inu nolo, out mure scorned to t.u an undercurrent of innuendo that was suspicion. Tho iiiinio of tliu young iiiuii is not known, except to tho party to wiiom nu uulivotcu the, lll-itaiiud inh ive. Tho principal dulerminud to .how thu notu to tho girl s mother, umi to usk her to withdraw her dauglilor from the tchool (iuetly, to m to prevent tho neces- ily o uiiv netion on his nart. When thu daughter wui brotiglit bul'oru her mother in explain mo language ot tliu notu slit had written, sho mado tho coutt:ion which has driven iho I lev. Dr. Iliiiton in dirL'i-aco ironi un cntircn ami irom his mloptcu city. L'li to this timu tJierohaU been no mint on of his name tho inquiry started at tho high tenool had no rulution to him .ind. until thu poor girl told her oorrowful storv to her mother, there had not been a sug gestion that implicated him iu thu lott.t. A MYtrt'KItlOUS ni:o,lT.8T. Tliu day after tho motlior had boen inudi) acquainted with ihu daugliturV di, honor, n nolo fell into her hands which wa um di rected to her. It contained a request fo tho daughter to meet thu writer on thu corner of Lexington und Curey streets, at a certain hour in the uvuiiing. It wus ..iitnl ut No. Gorman sheet, and the duiightui denied all knowledge ol tho party whose name was signed to it. It is quitopro liable that this note was n blind, and that tho name sltMicd to it was tlciitlous. Thu rovcrond seducer may imvu heard a wlilsperof impending danger, and invent u.l this rusis in Older to obtain an Inter. iaw. . )v"t.owored with grief, and perplexed ,; ,, "ijbterii.iu letter, the nioiliui .I.-..I ''"Uijm .Mimsfv. mid Irom l ie " i. uu lo Wll. . .lt ,iiin tnron,. i.. " '"" me invoill nation which tlm lt.)V 1 r V "f 11 1 ',' ,fJ ibiro to, UlUl," didn't AN lNTiavir.W WITH Til M 11'.. I.... I . -"" ,in ii.iumuv nun n tiro ,,i,,f,..i i l yesle viuw with th children whn.o niin.o hus bet-,, m,i ,T. miiicntly connected with thi ti-rnbli uf, "'""" Ol 11 .11 I.W.t l...H .I'. I inter- eini of t,u hur. Wo lottiid her overwlu-iii.i..i ,.,i.i. grief, und vhilo relating tho Hory of her chlhi' turrihle wrong wusnt times source. 1 ithlc to iirticulale. It appears thut alout four years slnco nu iitiucticu naneii to ur. uustou's church. tnil 1,1 - - 1 i. . . I und ut his reuuestsent her two daughters to the H.hbaih-school. Very oon after ut thuooLior fotieelvcd, or prelordi d tj oiiei-ie ,m li'u .t likuii; for the younger ol in two. mill uri'Mil the mother to ulloiv him. h wa f.ilhnlles. to perform n luther'n ibr.v toward her and uld In her instruction ami moral and religious train ing. From that timu during tho four years llmt Imvo since transpired senrcely a day hu thut the child did not spend some time in Ins cnuiiiuny, and on 4omu days hn wiild cull at li.-r liouse lour or live tunes, iioinirinllv us he said to lls her sick sister, but really to futon his inedn-s mora n-cuto aroiitid his fulherh s let I in, Tho mother at thu sumo time lei I- log all tho devotion and ultiiclunent to hur nasior which wro so universal In irr. Ilintons congregation, thought her lighter altvuvssafo when sho wus with him, urd returned thutiks to God that audi shield liiid b.-en vouchsafed lor her pro tection. As niovi-d on, and her child nnrouched wouiarihood. tho attentions ol" the doctor became more constant and pro- oiigul, lie frcouentlv calling for Her to walk with him, or to go to cert dn places, iwnys wiin tlio emit or tivnocrisy on in lips mid lust ImrrilhL' In his In-art. Slit- up i pearcd to care for tho company of no i n i I isc, anu snowed an uttiiclimeiit lor mm iicn as is sometimes developed bv it child for n father. T1IK TEltltllll.E IIKAL1TY. Still tlm mother rested In liannv security. und it was iiotuntil n few wuekssince tluit tlm turrihlo reality camo to hor knowledge, which in detail exhibits suoli systernuie villainy that it seems almost incredible. it was lilt constant habit to kiss nil the young glrl, and during thu first two years nu coinenica nunsoii with Kissing nnu hu.' ging tills one of his victims, but two years ago no iook tier out will iiim. nominally for tho purniso of it wulW. but rcullv to hu ussieniition-hoiKn on l.'arnllnn Rtri-i-t. VnnL py it colored woman whom he'hud brouglit nero irom Virginia, whero ho aecoinplish id her ruin. Subsequently ho often took her to this house, and tiiuulil her, in her childish innocence, that there was nothing wrong iu it, at the samo llmo frequently iimkln her swear, with her band upon the Bible, that she would not divulge tho matter to her mother or any living soul. On some occasions ho took her to a homo on Pen n sheet, and nt otbors to a botuo on Joephine street, and tho members of bis churcli will remeinbcr that during tho imp-meeting lut fall ho returned to thu cuy lor one day, ns no said, to Papttsu sic( tniiint, inn in reality to satisly hi wicked lust. Earlv in thu morniiiL' of the day he spent In tlm city he called at thu liousu ol his victim, and ashed her mother to allow her daughter to srend tho dav with him at his liou.i, as it would bo ii holiday lor hur; having left his family ut cump,it would lie so lonesomo for him, and ho would asit her In hur studio niter ho hud finished tho sermon he hud come home to prepare. Tho deluded mother consent ed, and now- thu daughter confesses that it w nothing mure nor less than an assig nation for tliu mint unholy of purpo?u, under his own roof. Hu returned next day to tho camp-ground, und to k part in ttio i-xerciHcs, preuchin x und exhorting up to the close uf the inciting. A luily yesterday ttc ricd that tho Ken tucky coiilerreiiee, which sent him bote witli a clean reeo-d, N morallv reii.iroi blu for the outrage which bo bus c liiniit tcd hero, at hu had bo-n compelled to leave that ciunurrence on Mmtlitr charge, and to i-scapu tliutlireatencd vengeance of those whoic children lie had corrupted. PAST IIISTOKY. There seams to hu hut liltlo known of Itev. Dr. Huston proviotis to his coming to Baltimore. Ho was oncu an itinerent Methodist preacher in A irginia, and after ward the editor of n lehg on jott'iial in Nu'hville, Telines'ei!. Too paper which he conductid was called tho 'Hotnu Circle,' and was intended to leach religion and virtue und purity nt tho fireside. The li tlo ' Home Circle ' wus fiiigttlnrly incon.. ?Ntorit vltfi tlio (ilifirtiotf, r Hf,J tir,it vi.i ttt tho editor, If lio witt ut that Hum tint eor- rtip'er of iitncjcecsp, tlm lecherou" iniini pulntor with tlio saiielitiis of childhood, thu iiiicIne-U szducer of young girl, that no is now proven to i.e. From T.!iii)(,i!u ho went to Kcntuokv, und it is said thut lie left that Hlitlo under u cloud, nlthoii-h ho i-itnu to Bull! more with regular credential.- from thu Keiiluckv confurrunce. ANTWERP. (IKKAT AND UllOWI.S-0 CONKL'SIO.V. (From the Xet York Ht-raM.) )tr news from Antwrrp makes no more mention of tlio congress ih-throned inon nrchs. Tho Count do Ohiimbord n-enis to bo tho only person in the town who com mands nny utliintion. Whiit tho Count inlcn Is to do, or expects to do, whether ho is making uny pro;rafl wneiuer no is or is not - llkulv to n.uko a decent on I-mnrc. aro qnenion which wo Imvu no means ol'iuiswerin-'. I is a funny thing nil llirmah, tins "Ant wi-rp liusinossj but tlm fu:niiisk thing in iho whole niT.tir U tint tins big, fut fellow i inspiring tho Holgian iniiuonuc-' wiin icur. exeiteinent, it H aiil, nrevui!.- in tlio eitv Thui'en dartiis have actually found it neces-tary to cunrL'o upon ntnt (ii-i)er'o the crowi s. Sot- oral pernons have been wounded. Tliu citi 7.1-ns, who aro armlnc theiusuives witli all sorts of weapon?, are determined to evpel tuo etrantrer.'', anu ino autiioritl.iii, appre- iiuiimvo oisuriousiiisiuroahci's, are miiK in? t-xteniru prepiiraiiuiH to suppress riotliii; Although there is but Miiull chunco that his leyitinilst Iriends will carrv Ilnnrv tut' -i' i mi in triumph itom Atitwcrii to rai-m, it l. not ut mi iinoolblo Hint t it wholo nll'alr, very ridiculous iu itself, mnv i i ... ........ .,. - iuiivi iu fiuiuo iioporiuiii r"iiu. TOM M-OTr AND tiii: UNION' l-At-II Ir. (From tin, ti ucite.) It Is understood that -Mr. Scott will v.-itiuirnw liom tho I nioi' I'millo ut tin clixo of his procnt term ( month), ami will he thus fn-o to engage iu the pro motion of tho Texas lino wi'hoitt incur ring the jealousy of tliu owni-m of the Union P.ieillc, whoto reprctentativo hu N. It is doubtless for the lntcret of thu lTtl. ion Pacific thut a new linn should not Lo eoiistruclcd across the continent, so lonmn I-. lias abundant capacity tor nit tho Pacific imlllc, ns It now has; but if u new roud i to bo eoiistructid, it will bo nu iidvnntnL'o to tho Union Paeille, If that now lino can ho controlled by it olhYorf, provided, ol course, that hu does not unduly favor the latter. It sieins lo bo taken far granted that the luxm Paeiflo road will now bo unduriukeri witli vig..r and completed rapidly, it if ultogether prohahlo that If tlio compum doiro to completo the line at leust 'n conshlerahh poilioh of It, ineludiiiL' y all thut In Texus-ii will fliml llulodif. Ilciilty In finding the capital. AflUNTS WANTED VOW HELD EN, a?I-X33 WHITE CHIEF: on. Twelve VeiirM iiiiioni.-iIit' Willi liultniii, ur tlio 1-iniiih! tna!."1''1""".' "eorRnP lleMrn, who .lno,l the 'In'"' ""' n eeltbr-led nrr or, nl.oioiiU Aim J "k'Ivhimiii' oii.l eurloim iiiIoiiiihIUii, u.'.i..,., ;,i'll,v Hl"lriiie. with new unit Hiur! i ' leiiS "I'V''lnie. nn.l ll... inn.iiler. Hint i ,..i"',,','1,ln lullflim, 'Iho immt imiml r I l'n'erwmMu,,'l,,l'ecl,,1l., iro Aixh' 'Mr'. '. k, Tifc"" ID lit ciiuiii.l ' ,. ,uo '"!"" "' "'" M1'K' A BARCLAY BROS., OHIO M'.VKfi Cairo, I its BBUQ-G-ISTS SAKATOOA SPHINGS is rctt tiAir AT IIARCLAYs UllUU KTOIIK. Krmh jSt-rrtr, IlAitr. MOCKING Willi) FOOD i.i. bkaiit ro t-tR wiTiiorr tsocsie At Barclays'. II EtiMDOI.D'1 OKAPE f CATAWIIA OUAPK OKAI-P, OHAPE PILLS PILLt- CATAWIIA GKAPE I CATAWIIA ASP AM or ii i: l. mr u 1. 1 ih eiiici.m:k rr.Esn rr.oit yikst hands, Always la slock In InrK supjilj, in J fur sal I) llnrcluy Itron. JUST It K C K I V K 1) ANO orSulrliy tlio ;inm, Itotllo iiri'nltn AT HAltCLAYS'. tgyExTKA I-'IKE COLOONKJ eSfGKNUt.SK lMl'ORTED ExTKACTSJ SrllAin, Tooth ami Nail Itiiuxnr.s qiIni)Ia ItuniiKH Nuiweuy Goa' AT BABCuAY BEOS. PUKE WHITE LEAD PUKE FKENC1I ZINC. Host emilrs Iu arxe i-tock nn.t va riety, very chi-npi tuo: Full Link or Coi.on?, nor ami m oil; Taint IlrurtiPi, oil, Whltewwr. f.jshe Turpentine, Yarnisliei Kte. rte., ALL KINDS AHD ITaNPAHH QVALITU1 At Kaiici-ays'. l'AHKKIt fc ULAKK, nr.Airm in WALL TAPER, PAINTS, I'll Ily, Ilrnzliio, CiiiMoliiie, WIKDO-W GLASS. WINDOW SHADES, Ami the celebrated illuminating AUllOltA OIL. IIIIOSH lUTILDINQ, COn. llTII-ST. 4 COM JIKHCIAL-AV., CAir.O, ILLINOIS. , mietitr A HOOK I-'OIt THE BULLION. MAKUIAOn GUI DIC. A Private Oonnsploi lo the Jlurrifil or Ih ii! uIkiiiUo ni .rr on Iho i. lit KioiouieM mymerlennd rrvelnllonn .11111 me Liiet-iuiHeovfrifM in nro.liiro.i. nn.l t.t-,.. " .'',"'s1""''l,,r,n, I'remrvlnu,c. ...i ru oi.ri.'piiuK utk iii iho min.ire. nine -Wiuty kiir wei., itn niiir.eroiit eriBrnvlnKi, n eoniiilni v.ilimtilo uiforuiiitlon fur thine h Ik ire innrrieu orenniniipiuto mnrrlnej i-till it is u.. m i. nu .iikiiii io on miner lo-.-it mm hey, una uoi .... Lniurnii, ui.u.ll lilt, nuilfC, -t-iit to Hiiy (free of pi.Mnire) for in cent AilUri-sii Dr. Hutt.M limpeiiKiiry. No. lis, EurluliHlieit, t, I.ouls.Mo, otlrolollioAnililrilitiiil Uiifort iinitlr, lieljro Hlll.lvito; Iu thu lintoriiinu n..nol, ulm ulverilo iu tne public piii.ern urimlnu nny (ninck remi'dli-K, nerili-e Dr. Ifnttii' trnrkno liiiillei Al.iit jour dlseiiMi is or how deiilorubloyuur eon lition. Dr. lluttH can ho consulted, iiersnnnlly or t .nail, on Hie illae.e inentlone.l in hit. works. .111.... II, V L.l.ll. . a . f Cht-stuiit til !,ouw Mo. intViiwlv ill. .,u. ... r.iuiiiu HiiHfi. iii'i. ninrur.i mii.i I'l'ItS AM) IllDKH. II. LKVY & CO., HIAUI'IIH IN HIDES AND FURS, WOOL, I'l'ATIIEIlN, i:XC 93 OHIO.LEVBE. Caiho, Illinois, nnvlot II. M. 1IULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION And Dealer Foreigu FruitH and Nuts No. 134: Coinmorcial-avo., 8AIIt ILLINOII. 1IAMC3. THE CITY NATIONAL U A I It O 1 1, 1. 1 ft U Hi. CAPITAL, 8100,0b orrictssi W. I. HAI.LIIMY, rrr.hlen UKNItY I,. IIAIiUDAY, Vtrr Tr nl! A, Il.HAPFOIUJ, Chieri WALTKu HYHI.OI', Aslslnt Chl-r. tilRtctonai ?TAATSTAtl)ll, HOIirBT II. CcsiliaiiAN, IIKSIT I.. IIAI.UDtT, n. I-. llAttlllAT, i) to. 1). Wil l lAMioi, Hrtrur!! limn A. ii BArroiui. Esclinnar, Coin mill tltilletl Nlntcs llwsid HoiikIiI milt Nold. rwEPOBITS rfcohed, sod Rocrsl Unking u niiFinpR uonp. URST NATIONAL BANK or oaiuo. DAMP.I. HUKD, IWdtnli IIOtir.KT V. MII.Li:it. VIce-PrtuMeal, C.N. Hlirilll, C.fbler. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE r.AXCIIAnK, coin, hank noten and United I'j dtaten ecurltie-i touitlit unit enl.l. lnlrrrnl Allottnl on Tlinr Irinll. ENTERPRISE SAYINGS ('hnrlFml SIrtrrli .11. 1S00. CITY NATIOVAL HANK, CAIKO nrricmsi A. n.SVKKOKI), President; H. ti. TAYI.OIt, Vlt-e.I'ri-iililent: W. llVril.OP, M.-erttarv and Treurer. lURrcTnui H. W. IlAICLAT, V. M. HrociirirTii Ciias. (iAtiourt, I'All. li.Mlll'll. It II. CC!IMUIIAJI, W. P. Haiiiuat, J. II. Puiiiirs OeitowlU ol ntiy Atnoiinl Iteeelt rl Iron. sen i em i iititrti. I NTKKK-'T paid on at the rate ot t 1 pereeni. ser annum, .iiairn mi nnu rmi-in oer 1st. Inlere.t not withilrawn Is Milled iiiune llatelr to lie ITlnenxl nf tlm li'i-.U, Iht rrl.l c-Tinx mem comouiiu inierei. MAIIIIIKII WOMr.K ANU ClIIl.UIlK.S' MAY HKl'OMT MO.N'KY o that no oyr. tur cax deaw it. Onen ere. v Im.lnfx ilnv from iu.In. to a an.l Satunlay ercnins Inr HA VINO DEPOSIT onij. irom e m kotiook. auzoir . inni.ui-, treasurer. F. DHOSS, FIRE AND MARTNE IiiNiirniiec .lit nicy. TIUUMl'II, CI.VCIXKATI, As 'Jts... JMi.iiio NKW KNOLAXII MUTUAL, UTE, As'ete, oter . fi.imo.tKiO Alio T!ir ANCIIOHD FIUK AND MA II INK Of St. Louis. Holicits all kinds of rlilts. I'. HIIOKN, cent, Cairn, IlllnoU. CO A I.. CAIRO CITY COAL h prepared to supply cuitfimer with the ben iiunuiy o, PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS CO.AJL1). f AKIIEIW leltnt llalllday Ilron. olliee, TO OHIO .ii I'.i'.i or nt tnn roal vanl lieloir the. St .. . "!"eii win rei i-ivn nrouipt nlu-nllon, t nr. i uii iiii.N r.MMC - u in i, Hill lirini( eonl alon side steamer at anv hour. KEAI. I.ST.1 I i: A(I KXT, 0. WINSTON & CO., UEAL ESTATE AGENT AUCTIONEHS, 71 (SKCO.VD FLOOIl) OHIO LEVKlt CAIIIO, H.I.3., liov and SEi.r, Hkai, Estate, PAY TAXES, FU11NISII AI1STHACTSSOF TITLE ti t )irefro Convevanoen of Kiudn, GOLD I GOLD 1 1 GOLD I II GOLDEN COMPOUND Will force, the beard or mnntul.A in era thick and heavy, on the inn. nr lm(r on the hiildeet bead, In -Jl uay, or money '""?' uu, tins preparation una tieen ""v--: lio oir thiiteen vearn. nnil thou..nn oi votuntiry letilmonUUeau ho uliown or ' '" tl. tient by mail, po.t.paiJ. !'''' ."l full forua use, lorMcenu iiaokex I three for SI Address ,..oniiNn on.. NrrV.Yr.Tb..Lou...;Mo MtUIIH, NANII, KTCl . Iff (10 TO W. W. THORNTONS. IIUILDKHS1 .SUPPLY DKPOT I3J TK.NTII ST11KCT, OAIllO ILLINOIS roR Doom, Nrtiti, Itllitila, )fotililltiei I'.itvt-(in ttrrn,(tt noil) Wltnlotr mill Hooat 1'rniiiM, Mooring, I.ntli, IhluKlet, Ulitxrit Hnnli, (llnrctl Nldo I.lclilx, (llnzisl Trnnoiii, Snh WrlKlit", Knili 1'nlllcn nntl CnrtU, Illlml 1'imlenlnti, IloafliiK I'cll, ItoiilltiK Oiiitnl, IManlerlnv I'oprr, C'ltrpet I'cll, White I.rnil, I.liiHnl Oil, Ainrrlrnii Window lliti, I'.ucllkli niiili'rrncli I'liile. (llrtHN, I'utty, lln.ler' I'olnta Krwer IMprn l'nlriil C'ltliniiPjri,, I.te., Kle. AOF.NT3 lor Itock Itirei I'arer Company' Hirnllnnz Pelt hhiI (J'.arlf. Omcnl ii. . juun a ini.rorxi iioonut; always ca vml. THU DAVIS LOCK STICH rmicAL rD SEWING rACHINE THE LAI1GKST. TDK SIMPLEST, THE CHEAPEST, THE II EST. THE OIlKATKSTIMI'l-.OVKMKNTOr THE AOE Terms Most Liberal. Agents wante. for unoeeiinie.l tetrl'.ory. ."end for circular and prion lit. nrntirli cilUre, Ola .North I'otirtli Slrrel ST. I.Ot;i,H,.MO. J 8. T. NEWTON Munaier. vv.n:.vs. WAGON M AN U FACTOR Y. or Sale at Wholesale or Retail COUNKIl :l2i).STnr.ET AND OHIO LEV Eh Cairo, Illinois. novlllf J. I'. JAMIII.R hroi-i. ti.nwahi:, irrt', A. II A L L J-; y, DEALER IN STOYES, Tin and Hollow Waie, Clothes U'rinpcrs Toilo Ware, Coal llo.ln, Kim iliovt'la, Air dates. MAMTACTl'llFR Or TIN, ZINC, COPPEU AND SHEET lltUJN WAHIS. No. 160 Waghington-avonue, CAIIIO, ILLINOIS. u r!..ii . ..... i w. iiim.iiiik iiiuifriiiK, nnu ail utnua oi jou tork donent Hlmrtest nulled. " tebt.lif HOAT NTOKKSS. SAM WILSON, V X ALE B 1 1 2300? STOKES j o no ok nuts, 1'ltOVISIONS ETC. No. 110 Ohio Lkvk : i .Cairo, In. ronruY (rntii JsnliUwly