Newspaper Page Text
tliti tiAlim DAILY lUTIil.KTLN, ."SUNDAY, MARCH 3. 187U Til WKLBK'S GUIDE. tf ' take notice. TIME TABLE Of TUK ILLtNOtS CETAL Ob and alter Aunday, Ma. tlth IITl. " J"0" g tine-table wtll govern the arrival ' dP'1- r of pnsnnger tralna at Caimi Deparf-Mall train, daily J;2?M5 F.xpre...i.ilr. -P-. Jotti-Mell, daily. 3:15 " nx rae. -" p-m. t'alro end luls bliotl Line. IMpari. - - Itwa.m. Nochingeof ws from Cairo to HI. Loula. Ne oJienisv-o'a.-s frorr Cftlro to Chicago. Hn rar'r.f Hofl-n sleeping csre on night trams, aggage checked to til important points. cairo and mound city nrrAn tvu. U'fll make Hires trip daily. tiiriia cuao I LrtviNo'iint i ltt 4.1 ;,, .n. m. I At ::'.0..... ..... ni i II -....... in. i At 1::M ' At t 3 - . .p in. I At 6 p.m. F.ree.ieh nr. 30 cente! til litket for f- W, Will lam ,whe d hailed, nt any g to.l inlerin diate ndiog:or pai.ouger or neigru. OOVillf. BIOCM MOAT), KVANSVILLE AND CA1UO, Tli flneiKomer IDLEWILD, 6VS FOWLER..... ...Master Will leave Cairo for Evanavllle every Sunday ami TburadaT evening, at 5 oVlJiM, p.m. For Irslgotor passage, apply on board QM g OAIHO AND PADUCAII SIAIL IIU.tT. Tb apleudld alrnrotr Joe I'owUr, Mailer. atl Cilro DII,V, (lnlri ezoaptnd) at 4 m. Fjr IriUhtor en ie apolj- pn boar d or ntnuM, Ag'i. Camberlnntl Itlver Pnekoti SASnVlLLE, CLARKSVILLE AND CAIRO. Iho iplcndid iteamer TYRONE, TOM HAUIAN...Maater AI.HX. HARD Clerk Will leave C ilro every SatuM ny at 4 o'clock p.m. forClaikivUle, and Nashville. For freight or riMire, on Doart or to JsaJtf J A3 DIOas, Ag't. NASHVILLE, CLARKSVILLE AND CAIRO. The gallant steamer JOHN LUMSDEN, ' OWtNDAVIS...Maitr JAS.t'. JOHNSON-.Clerk Will leave Cairo evcrv ThumdaT at fi o'clock p.m for .Va-htille, Clfxrkavlllonnd all way poluU, For freight or paaiage apply on bnard or to JaaJif. JAi. BtfJGS, Ag't NASHVILLE, CLARKSVILLE AND CAIRO, The good steamer ' TALISMAN, W1T.ET 8IUM9...Matter J NO. UARPKR....CleIk Will tcave Cairo every Monday nt 6 o'clock, p.m for Nashville, and all way po'ta For freight or paiiage, appir on uunru mr to tan J tf JA9. IIIOOJ, Agt. IMMIUKAA'T TU Ur.TH IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, ) For Hale r FOR SALE, I Fcr Sale I ' FOR SALE. J ForHftle 1 FOR SALE. Faro from LivEnrooL, Faro from Londc.vijkkrt Furo from Olahoow, Fare from Qukknstow.v TO CAIRO, :::::::: $1 8- 2 0 2i.1orJ, llorrn A Ca t geata. I-V-MAN LINE Liverpool NtwToik ahd Phlladrlphla Steamship Company, ii comairr wivh i'mtid atATta ann aaitiia uovm.iM tin For Carrying tne Walla. FOR PAiSSAGE TICKETS ci riatnra taroKUiTioi APPLY TO JOHN O. DALE, Aot. JlIlroaday, Nen'.York, or to II. Iloupt, Wahlpgton Aenu, Cairo. nnia. ji I'llYNIClAKN WILLIAM R. SMITH, M. D. liWDfiN JrSo. it Thirtecnih atreet. be. J7- e.V w'"'ii?ion avenue un I Walnut atrei t. vmi-n-M Oirntiiercul avenue, lip atalra. .3.C- W- UU.N'NINO, M. D. TJMIDBSCr.-.jrn-r.Vinth. on t W.ilnut rts, -" nt mi, ,trni an I )lili leve, oaiva houra-fr,),,, 0 ,.m. to t; m . und p.m H. WAUDNKR, M. H. T3EMDF.Sr:r,-;oraer NlnHteiuh lret an I .V.. ""i'.'Ot Hfenua, nei'couil hume Of. Lc over ttw'tr, oaiaa hour-W to U a.m. and j to t p j mtitf. Z. K.S. U1UGHAM, M. 1)., HOMEOPATHIST, Office, 3o OHUKRCIAL AVKU.VITK. Offlfa, V.n.i.. a. Ileal- Ilia. Wolin ALLEN, .MULKKVTwuksaS ATTORNEYS COUNSELS RS AT LAW, William J.Allen, John ii.aiiiiKey Bamutl P.Whecl ler.J CAIRO, ILLINOIS. snrParticular atteutlon paid to river an Ii. strait y businoa. OFFICE-Orer First National llnnk, Olili. I.eve. GREEN ti GILUEKT, ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT LAW, (Titllam If. een en, " ert.j William B Gilbert CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Miles r.UIUerl aVaT-flpecia. atteutlon &lla to Admualty and Sleamboat buslntai. OFFICE OHIO LEVEE, ROOMS 7 AND 8 OVER CITr NATIONAL HANK. roR MAI.K Tha Illinois Central Rail Hot I Company no fTrfor eale throllo,rii2il.'nU,l ula )u jrr. Addition to thu Cltyol Cairo, vm o ST block M. IM SIblock M, It " , ' " 1, i a a, " J tj tir Urtat.tite, sppl ' iAMi;Soli;.iiv, Mil l-o'. . V - I Nfitt' ADVBKT1SEMBXTS. is a ivri, .411 partlo t .i.g vlainie agalnel the eiiamer A. faker mill ntriml thini Immediately to '"e utderalgnrd f i satllement. , , , , 3-3.31 JOHN AGENTS WANTED. For an entirely new and fal. atlng wotl or Unit tun mtereal, THKH03IB OF GOD'S PEOPLE T'ie g'ande.i n l tn' at popular book out, now eeiling iier Hum an) other ture Looks com bined aariaoo aupeib Kngr.vlng Unc tiiriii ioo iii .iruer lu 10 uasa. ihe heat rhino to inki- tnonav ever ntlred. A am,,! Agrn' wat.ted lu evity T.mnahlp. r-en ' b.r our nr. ultra Willi li-iina tin uriiwl), ile.rtliitinn, on turnPHi'iilK, 'o. F. A HUTCH AhtSN LO., tt'l Nm tli Sixth at e.l, ft, Louie, lln, Alao Dlllj I In" ol Hie S$w litis a-rto I'oitutor Fin i.r Ml1 r, nli'cli Hit ll all oll.rr eilliiou. (.'1 ti i n ill rl li 1 1 lixrm liga.) 3-l.daviluni DISSOLL'TIOaV OF COI'AKTNEU SHIP. VtlTICK la hertby given tlmt the pirin-f'h liH-ftijur exl.tmg bi'lwi" 'ii u in Ittu ii I III I IU II I ' l,ii.n,.m earned n llilfie Central o. la : iih. d y dia-cilvul hy rnne i, inl I eiiine- all the ilelit- due, m l Hill roiuvl II 'l-li owing In aalrt p-irlio-nli.p. Uili'd Culio, III. Ku. i, Uli. iticiiAttn nm:, 2 J8 fit MAHY UAtF.NhY. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, D. REXFORD Proprietor COtKtk OHIO LIVIt AND ICOM) Ct CAIKO, iLLI.VOIS. if Only Fir$t'Clas Home in the City W naggageconveyed to nd from the Depo free nl ri arife. oerwi nilOTN A.VD NIIOIM. WILLIAM EIILEUS, Faahlonallo BOOT AND SHOE MAKER," TWKNTItTU STREET, letwetn Waahtngton arenuo and Tojlar CAIKO, ILL. llooli and Rtinea Made to Order, Fin Workmen Employert. BatUfaction Warranted. Patrorage Hollcite NIUX WRITER. CARL L. THOMAS, a now prepaied to reipond promptly to all de- manua lor nia aervicca. SIIOI'-COB. 6TU-ST. AND COUMKRCAL-AY lu ttiti I'erry Hon, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. "ov2?dlt THE BULLETIN. M,..M,.,,.,,a..,,.,,,.t,H.t.,tfM,MMMnH.anM I'ubllalird everjr warning, Mondnj' ex. era. lea. Paul G. Sehuh sells Ratllnger's medl. cinci. tf Go to Dr. McGauley for Rsttlngor'i Fo vor Drops. Warranted to curo tho cblllf. Oyster Sutip at Harry Walker's every morning. Also fresh St. Louis beer, tf Oo to thk Excelsior saloon for fresh St. Louis lugcr beer. Oystor Soup ut Hurry Walker's eor morning. Also fresh St. Louis beer, tf For Salf- A cottugo on 12th struct containing 7 rooms, cistern und out houses complete. Apply to W. Thorstov. Fok tue best St. Louis luger iu the city, go to Rluukenburg'4 Excelsior sa loon, tf. Mariuaoe Ol'IUK. Interesting work numerous ongravtiigs, 21 pnget. Price CO cents. Ad Iron Dr. Uutl's Dispensary, No. 12 North Eighth Slroot, St. Louh, Mo. Son Advertisement. if. IJOAIfl) AND LODGING. Mr. T. It. Kill, corner of Seventh and Commerciul, is prepared to accommo date all who upply with boitrd, with or without rooms, ut prices lower than any other flrst-cluss houso in tho city. Mr. El lis keeps un excollent table; his rooms are front rooms high, light and ulry, and well furnlshod, and wo huvo no lie.ltulion in promising satisfaction to nil who call on him, Mr. Ellis will also supply parties who doslro with unfurnished rooms at reu.onnble rates. Let nil Interested tuko notice. Remember on the corner of Bevonth find Commercial, FKtan St. Louis lager beur just received ut lh Kx-.tiUW nloon. F. Illitnkenburg, proprietor. tf TKSVOtlMIN(nnn COMPLEXION, Th I I. r f . f '""nations produced by Hugan's MognolU nlm ,iro .mite n, astonishing ns lltlV kinilttaa tt... 4 t. futnous beautlUvr tratiMnutes mov fv, ..., h i.miiiul-xiuu, into enn in which me miy anu mi rore vie fur udml. ration, nnd Imparts to a dry, harsh skin tho softness of perfect lovllnesi, Tan nnd freckles, which country nlr und ounlluh nro pretty suro to produce, in spite of par- aso's und sundowns, ure completely ob literated by it; while it bus n perfectly magical effect In banishing unduo rednes, blotches and pimples from tho skin. When the lady who has used It to remedy her complexionul defects looks Into n mir- ror, the is equally uitounded and gratified at the improvements in her appearance. Every blemish has disappeared; hor neck, arms and bosom, now rival in whiteness tho snowy collar which cncircloi her throat, hor cheek mantles with n peach like bloom, and iho is rcadv to invoko a blessing on the inventor of tho artlclo which has wrought such a dolfif htful trans formation. '.'.28-erd&w-Iw. i i COUNTY COUHT. C-uiity ciurt will convene In regular cijlun to-morrow, Monday. BOC1AI1I.E. The aoel ible of iho Indlc' bcticvolt-nt ancluly, will liu held nt tlio 'ciidtiico of Mr. Pulni,on Wulnut, two doors nbovo rwontlutli aircet, tu-morrow, jionuuy, evening. Tlic public nrocordliilly invlied to attend. rTL'AUT k OIIOI.CON, Atbcneum building, vlll optti with n well elected took of drei good, funry i;oodi, notion, and liidlu., und genta, furnlthing goods fur tbo aprlng trudc, on Tuesday, Mnrch, Bill, 1S7J. Thoy will bo pleased to meet tlieir old frlcndi und customcri, and guarantee tlicin fnvorirble jirlef nd courteous tri'Hlinftit. tCAI.IlKK. Mr. Henry Kiinfinrin, engineer on the r I ..!- I I I rr. ""' i-iu, '"""J "' ,.t ve'terdnv tnornlnt, by tlin biir'titig of ii steam pips on board that Tliough severely, Mr. Kaufman U no way danger ously scalded. Ike Wntdcr has taken charge of tho engines of tho boat and wll" run them until Mr. Kaufman's recovery. NEW FIRM. Steunrt and Gholson will commenco business, for tho present, in tho Athencum building, on Tuesday, March 5ih, with a full stock of dress goods, fancy goods, notions, etc. lloth Mr.Stcuart and Mr. Oholson nro woll known In this com munity as first-class business men, and will bo sure to command n reusonublc share of tho public patronage nr.uaious service. Rt. Rev. Uisbop "Whitehomo will nd- tnlnistor the Rite of Conformation ut the Church of tho Redeomcr, on next Wednes day evening, March Cth, tit seven nnd n half o'clock, p.m. Thcro will bo religious services nt tho Church of tho Redeemer, Prosbyteriun, Methodist, German Lutherlan and Catholic churches, at tho usual hours ot services to-day. rtancil for alderman. Several members of the board of alder men having expressed doubts as to the legibility of Mr. John Q. Standi, member elect for alderman from tho second ward, to a seat in that body, wo bavo tnado It our business to enquire into tho question of that gentleman's night, to a scut in tho board, nnd ro convinced that he is qualllicd to represent his word in tho city council. Ho is possessed of nil tho property qualifications required by tho charter. KTAllBINO AFFRAY. William U. Parker, a colored man, was before his honor, Squire Shanncssy, yester day, for stabbing ono Hownrd Roberts, also colored, on Sun lay afternoon, last Parker and Roberts became involved in n quarrel ut n house lu Twenty-fifth street und for some timo thoy hud it list and skull They wore Anally sep trntd, nnd Parke was expelled from thu houfo through tho front door. Once in tho yard ho drew his knifo and started to cntur the houso by a rear door. In turning tho corner of the houso, however, ho met Roborts, and an other severe light took place, during which Parker stabbed Roberts In tho neck, in flicting a cut nbout an inch in length nnd half an inch deep. His honor con cluded that it was nn "aggravated caso of assault and b.itterj ,' and lined Purker twenty dollars nnd tho trimming. Tliefino nnd costs were paid, nnd Parker rolcuscd. CAIRO AND VINCE.VNKS RAILROAD Tho Cairn nnd Vincenncs railroad com pany, havo stop nil their laborer along tho live, in order to allow tho tub- contractors to begi i work. Mr. Timothy Booth, who has n contract for building ten miles of the road, commencing nt Cairo, will commenco work in a few days. Mr. llootli Is to complete his contract by the 4lh day ol July, 1872. Wo uro informed Hint nbout ono thousand hunds nro employed on the work nt tho tunnel, in Johnson county. Mr. Douglas, who has a contract to construct 11 flee n miles of the road in Johnson county, of which the tunnel Is a part, hus agreed to complete the work by the llrst of October next. The Iron for this road has been putchns ed. Tho greater part of it will be shipped to Evuusvillc, und from there over tho St. Louis & SjuthouUurn rotdto Carmi; from which piano It will bo distributed along thu line. The remainder will b.) shipped "ither to Cairo or Mound Citv, BURNETT & CO. lllQIIEST CASH PRICK PAID FOR I1IDIN FURS, ETC. Messrs. Burnett & Co.,Tltornton's block, Tenth street, uro prepared to puy tlio high est cash price for articles In thuir lino, as lollowi. : FURS. Prime Mink $1.75 to 2.21 ' Raccoon 00c to CUc Musk Rat in to lu ' Wild Cut 40 to 10 1 Opossum lo to 12 1 Otter 6.00 to COO ' Reaver Skins fj.00 to 7.U0 HIDES. Green Salt, Green Salt, kip und culf, . 0J lo 10c , 12 to 14c Deer rjkius , . 25 to U5u For othor nrtlcles, such as rugs, fuath- ow, bees wax, wool and tallow, wo will day tho nigliost market prices. Respectfully, etc, liURNETT & Co., Thornton', block, Tenth street., Cnlro, III. tf. Pat FiUgeruUl, of tho sample room lias received tho uppointinent of ugent for tnosaiu or the Huuiinondsport, N. Y., Ur bana Wine Company's wlnos In this city. If tho bottle with which wo have been favored Is a sample of the quality of theso wines, then we are prepared to say that they nro among the best we lmvu ever tasted. Ho has Just received a lurgo con slgnment, which ho Is prepared to sell ut tho lowest flguros, He has also on hand & largo and completo stock of the vurlous brands of Irish, Scotch and American whiskies, nnd wines of every variety. Janl2dtf BltEVITIHS. CITY COUNCIL. IHw.clalJnlntfle.tlon of tliecltyrounclllo dleJIor 1 the purpu-eol rauva-.liig the retunu l Iho late charier .-rllor .J Council Chamber, Cjirj. Ill , Jlurcli 1, 1872. Present His Honor, Mayor L ins.lcn, and Cunningham, Hullidny, Html, Metcalf, Schuh, Sense, Taylor, Wulder and Win ter 10. The mayor st'ited that tho object of tho meeting wus for tho purposo of examin ing the returns of tho Into churter elec tion. Aldermen Ruder and Kenrdon nppenred in their scats. Thu clerk the" laid tho returns of said election before the council Irom which it appears that, FOR MAYOR, voles. John M. Linsden received in tlio h'lru ward I-H John M. Lansdcn received in the Sec ond wnnl, '-'J John M. Lutisdi-n received i.i the Third wnnl V' John M. Landen received in the Fourth ward 210 Total C84 votei. Henrv Winter received In tho First ward 101 Henry Winter received in tho Second ward loo Henry Winter received tn tho Third ward oo Henry Winter received in tbo Fourth ward i4i Total fii:i vclet. Dr. D. Hultz received In tho First ward Dr. 1). llullz reeclvnd in the Second wurd Dr. D. Hultz received In the Third ward Dr. I). Hultz received In tho Fourth ward Total FOR CITY CLKItK, tote. Michael J. Howlcy received in tho First ward 200 Michael J. llowlev received in thu Second ward 2C0 Michael J. llowlev received in tho Third ward PJ7 Michael J. Howlcy received in tho Fourth ward 328 Total 921 ole Woe-ley Hill received In tho First wurd 10 J. Wunirlov Hill received in tho Sec ond wurd Ill J.AVaglcy Hill received in the Third ward id J. Wugloy Hill received In the Fourtli ward Total. TOR CITY TREASURER, Vote Jos. U. Taylor received in First ward 'J43 " " Second " 384 ' '' '' Third " 181 ii ii ii Fourth " 414 Total. ,1228 FOR CITY AT10RNEY, Vole.. , II. Pope received in First wurd 23U " " Secona " 370 " ' " Third " 179 ii Fourth " 3ij Totnl 1175 ron citv MAiciiiAr., Vote. Cain received in First ward 249 11 " '" Second " 377 ii " Third " 17C " i " Fourtli " 402 Total 1201 FOR POLICE MAOISTRATE, Vote. ,. ... 243 .. 81 .. 200 F. llross received in tlio First ward ii . ti ii i .Second " i. ii ii ii Third " ii ii I. ii Fourth " Total C. Winston received in thu First ward " " " " Second " " 11 " Third " " ' " " Fourth " C77 90 139 102 208 Total 046 Whereupon tho following prcamblo und declaration wero introduced, und on mo tion of Aldorman AVinter adopted, viz: Whereas, Itnppears Irom the exam ination of thu certified returns of tho elec tion for municipal ofllcers held on Tues day, tho 27tli duy of Febrnnry. A. D. 1872,. laid ht-loro tlio city council ol the city ol Cairo, convened in joint ecssion this eve ning, that for tho olllco of Mayor Henrv Winter received 613 votes, and John f. Lunsdou 08 a votes, and Dr. D. Hultz 1 vote; Tlfit for tho oUlce of City Trenutrer Jos, R. Taylor received 1,228 votes; That for tho olllco of City Clork Mi chael Howley received 921 votes, und J. W. Hill 275 votes; That for tho olllco of City Attorney V. II. Popo received 1,175 votes; Tha for the olllco of City Marshal An drew Cain recoived 1,201 votes; That for thu olllco of Pollen Magistrate F. llross received 077 votes, and Claiborne Winston received 615 votes, Therefore, It is hereby declared by said city council, so convened, that John M. Jiitnsilen, n appears lr.'in said returns, is duly elected to the office of Mayor for tho ensuing your ; tlmt Jos. 11. Taylor is duly elected to tlio office of City Trcusuror lor tho en suing year; that Miclmol J. Jlowloy is duly elected to tho otlico of city cleric tor nm ensuing yoar ; tnot l. it. l'opo is uuiy elected to tlio olllco oi city uiiornoy for tlio ensuing year ; that Andrew Cain is duly elected to thooflico of city minhul for tho ensuing year ; and tlmt F. Rross is duly elected to Iho olllco of polico mugis- man i'jr me next ensuing lour years. Thu city dork is herein- directed to en ter of record upon tho Journul this prcam blo nnd declaration nt largo. Tlero being no further business, on motion ol Aldormun Winter, tho council ndjourned. M. J.Howley. City Clork. liORI) OF ALDERMEN. hoVJtah.,'V.nerVnK 01 U,r'1 of ul'lriiien called ih.M..,a:ix tizTa '"8 r'!,l,rn, or , Counoll Chamber, t Cairo. 111. Miirl, i. lavi f Prcsunt-Aldorinen Rudor, Cunning ham, Motcalf, Reunion, Seas,e, Walder und Winter 7. Aldorman Rourdon in tho chair. Tlio clerk having laid boforo the board, the roturns of tho late cli irtor election, tbo following declaration was Introduced, and, on motion of Aldorman Cunningham, adoptud, viz i A meting t,f tho board of uldermon of tho city of .Cairo, for tho puposo of can vasslng tho votes polled nt tho dlfleront wards of said city, at nn oloctlon for inon5 bers thorcof, held on Tuesday, thy 27 th .lay ol February, A. D., 107 2, 11,. J that tho ! e . 11 ! ... - t ' loiiowiim .i iii nor or votes wer.i polled for the levcnii puiauns iiaiiu-d us follows! FOR ALDKIIMKN riRRT WARD, I. Watder recclvm! Voles. ... 100 ,.. 133 ... o5 ... 03 ... 82 A. II. Sxllord " P. Mockler Joint Antrim n I. Rennio SKCOND WARD. I. Q. Standi rernlv,..!. Votes, ... 11') .. 517 ... Ill ... 119 .. 3J Win. Under " A. Coming! ii (( W. Ritteii houso " A. II. lrvln .. , C. W. Dunning ."" THIRD WAP.D. John H. Phillii received... G. W. Hendricks " Volea, ... 74 ,.. M ... 6.1 Vol c.i. .. 213 ... 182 P. FitZL'erald ' FOURTH WARD. Jtio H. R received... Chas F. Nellli Sontti-rltiir Aim it is hereby declared bv mid board . . . n . ..... ,...,.. of aldermen that A. II. Sulford nnd Isaac alder were duly elected in tho first wnrdj lliut John Q. Standi nnd Wll'lam Hu- dcr wero duly elected In tho second ward; unit Joint U. Fhillis was dulv elected nthe third ward, nnd That John H. Robinson was dulv clotted n tho fourth ward, nil nnd severally as mombers of said board of aldormen. to servo dutlng tho term prescribed by the charter anil ordinances of said city. On motion of Aid. Cunnlncham. tho boura then adjourned. M. J. Howlky, City Clerk. SELECT COUNCIL. Special meeting of the Select Council tilled for ine purpnae or canvamng the relurua of the late charter election Council Chamber. I Calto, III., March, 1, 11.72. Present His Honor, Mayor Landcn, and Councilmen Hnlllday, Hunt, Schuh nnd Tuvlor 0. Tho clerk laid beforo tho council tho re turns of tho luto charter election, from an oiiimlnntion whereof itnppours, Hint, for SELECT COUNCIL CITY AT LA ROE, Vole Daniel Hurd reo'd in tho First ward., 05 " " " " Second " " ' " " Third " " " " " Fourtli " 20 113 181 Totnl 690 J. M. Phillips reo'd In the First ward. 142 Second " 167 " " " " Third 06 " " " " Fourth " 200 Total 670 SELECT COUNCIL, lhT WARD, Paul G. Schuh received 223 votes. SELECT COUNCIL, 2l WARD, C. R. Woodward received 200otes Whereupon tho following preamble and declaration were introduced, und, on mo tion of Councilman Hurd, adopted, viz: Whereas It appears from nn cxnmin ation of the returns of tho election for members of the select council of the city of Cairo, nl tho municipal oloctlon on lues duy, tho 27th day of February, A. D. 1872 laid before the select council this evening, tnui lor mo select council tor the city hi large, I). Hurd received 690 volea. and J M. Phillips received 670 votes; that for tlio eeleel council Irom the first wurd in said city, I'anl O. Wchuli reculv.-l 223 votes; that for tho select council from tlu second wurd, C. R. Woodward received 2GG votes. It is thereforo declared by said select council that D. Hurd Is duly elected to said select cout.cil for tho next ensuing two years ; tbut Paul G. Schuh is duly elected to said select council from tho first ward for the next ensuing two years, and that C. R. Woodward is dulv elected to said select council from tlio second ward for the next ensuing two vears. And tho cleric is hereby directed lo enter nt lurgo upon tlio journul tins preamble and declaration. No further business appearing, on mo tion of Councilman Hurd, adjourned. M. J. Howlkv, City clerk. BUSINESS LOCALS. Kiiour. Sour Icrout by the barrel for sa.o ut CunditV. Yarmouth succotash andcorn nt Jor genson's. tf. for sale. Tho house nnd two lots situated on the corner of Eighteenth nod AValnut streets, Is offered for s-tle on very reasonable terms. For particulars upply on tho prem ises. " PARKER A 11LAKE, have secured the services of nn ox-peri-onced paper liungor and decorator, nnd nro now prepared to do nil kinds of work in their lino witli neatness nnd dispatch. fub.25dlm, CHURCH CUSHIONS, I will furnish church cushions, tnado of green terry cloth stuffed with moss, at tho low pricoSO 00 each, Loavo orders at my shop on Sixth street, between Commercial tti.d Washington avenue. W. G. Gary. frt)27-d&w MARK ORAYSON, who will be remembered its n lending membor of tho Gilbert dramatic troupo, which rccontly played un engagement in this city, has left that company, nnd will hcroafter run tho " Rhea Springs, ' a pop ular placo of resort In tha summer season. Tho Springs nro located in Rliea county, West Tennensco. NEW OROCERY STORE. A. Loven has opened n grocery etoro in tho houso on tho corner of Fourteenth and Wulnut streets, whoro ho proposes to koep n gcnoral assortment of family gro ceries, provisions, clioico buttor, eggs, eto., nnd ho promises to soli his goods on us rcasonnblo torms us can bo obtained ut any othor establishment of tho kind in tho city. Givohitnact'.ll. fob2Mlm. NEW GOODS. In order to iiiako room for his now stock ot Spring nnd Summer goods, Mr. J. llurgor, will dispose of tho stock ho now hus on hand at tho lowest possible flguros. Mr. Burger Is now in Now York buying u full stock of now goodi, whioh hn pro poses to soli nt tho lowest possible living prices. m.'dlw CoNNUiitAL Felicity. Nothing tends moro to connubiul hupplnoss than ohoerful uud healthy Infunts und children. Mrs, Whitcomb's syrup U tho grent soothing remedy. 2-28dAwlw IMVKHNEWS. ! PORT LIST. AnillVED AND DEPARTED. Btcamer. Where from. Where m Comtnorclul .. .Memphis Evi.i.svlllo, yyorio Nushvlllc Nushvllle. ahmir.on Cincinnati... New Orloiins. iiunuviiie St. Louis. "I'lols St. Louis. Katie Kountz..Nuw Orleans St. Louis. Roiiiio'rd. Metropolis., .St. Louis. Mnry E. Poc.St. Louis Red liver. Mountaineer... St. Louis !. mpliit. Illinois Columbus.... Columbus. Rulfasl St I.iml N i Orb mi li a. Jim Flsk, Jr...Puducnl Pudtioih. 0.uickste Eviin.vllle... Evmisville. Japitol !Jliy...?ow Orlt'uus.Sl. Louis. CONDITION OF THE lltVKIt. Tim fill in thu Ohio above continues nnd is gutting tho channel down considera bly, Tlio fall continues hern with nbout 16 feet on Racon rook, At ('inclnnntl nnd Louisville tho Ohio is dullv reii iling. Tho lull in th Cumberland river con- tinuis uud there is about 3 f-et on Harpeth Slionls. Tho stngo of wntcr from hero to St. Louis remains about the mine. Arkansas continues to full with 3 feet In tho channel. IIUSINKHS AND WEATHER Rusincss was verv good und nil tho boats that arrived and departed with gocd trips. 1 here is plenty of freight on hand ready for shipment. Tho weather yestcrdav, was clear und chilly. Thu streeta still remain in n mud dy condition. miscrllaneiil's matter. William S. Hamilton, un engineer of this city hus been granted u patent for his now Invention, the object;of which is to provide suitable und convenient means for lowering, nnd raising tho top or upper section of jointed steamboat chimneys. Its advantages over any device now in uio for the sumo purposo will be readi ly understood, nnd appreciated by all stenmboatmen. It it simple in arrange ment und tho cost of construction is bu. little. Mr. Hamilton will leave to-day for Cincinnati, Pittsburg, St. Louis und other city for the purposo of disposing of tlio right of inunufuciuro in various states. Just beforo tho ferryboat, Cairo left on her first trip yesterday morning, the pipo leading from thu mudvulvc bursted whllo sho wns blowing off steam, and Henry Kaufman, the engineer, was scalded vry severely on ono of his thighs. Tho dam- ugo to tho boat was quickly repaired and sho inudo her regulnr trip. Thu Mury K. Poe, for Red river arrived with u good trip. Among her passengers, we noticed Miss Mary E. Poe, ufter whom tlio boat is named, und her sister, Miss Amelia Poe, who Will make tho trip to Red river und buck. The Henry Ames added 3,000 sacks of corn below hero and wus loaded flat out Tho Jim Fisk came in yesterday with n "baby" in tow, and brought n big trip. Ono of tho Evansvillo packets, the Idle wild, turned back from Puducah last week. That kind of work is certainly in jurious to tho packets in that trade, for the pusengers cannot place any confldenco in them tho day that they nro duo here, and of course tuko the first boat that comes along; nnd it also pluces their agents in a meun position, for thov uro noted for thuir truth nnd veracity. Tho Kutie P. Kountz passed up for St Louis with SCO tons freight on hoard. T ho Jamos Howard will bo here from Cumberland river to-day. A set of truss hoops hn.becn ordered for one of her crew Tlio Relfjst came out with a big load und made but small lulditior.s here. The old Silver Moon bus mudo during her life of twoivo yeurs over $200,000, and from present appenran:cs the will lust n dozen yeurs more. Tlio Tyrono came in from Nashriilo witli it fair load. Sho returned last even ing with a large number of people. Tho now Ronacord left for St. Louis with three barges in tow. Tho Quickstep cume in twenty hours be hind time, with n good trip. Tho Muntuina, for Memphis, was loaded flat down. PHIL. HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, City National llnnk nrtlltlluif. Bipedal attention paid to orders Irom sleam nats night or dn.v."V THE FUirrilAUE- H. LEVY & CO. PAY THE II Kill EST MARKET riHCKS. Ilelow will bo found tho corrected list of prices pud by II. Lovy & Co., for hides, furs, feathers, wool, tnllow, bees wnx, nnd nil kinds of country produce Lovy &: Co. do u very largo trudo In their line, uud it is u well known (net that they nlwuys pay the highest prices to bo ob tained iu tills market. Thoy nro now paying for furs : Mink $2 00a 2 25 Racccon 00 Wild Cat CO House Cat 10i15 Murk Rat 15 Opossum 12 J Otter 6 00 a 7 00 Rear Skins 2 00 a 0 00 Reaver, per pound 60 a 75 HIDES, PER POUND Deer Skins Reef Hides, Dry Salt " " Green Salt other articles: Tallow, par pound Feathers, " " Wool, " " Reeswns " " 27Jn37 lHJa'JO 9 a 12 Ca7j 60 u lii Clin 70 25 a 28 The nbovo prlco list is subject to correc tion. AVo havo no hesitnton in recommend ing William Killers, boot und shoo maker us worthy of most liberal patronage. We know wherefore wo speak wlion wo suy Ills work is bono lu n mustorly ma nnor nt the lowest prices. Ho uses nothing but tho host of stock, nnd ho cannot be excell ed in tho delicate task of making un ex act fit. Givo him a call nt his shop on Twentieth stroet, hotwoon Wushington uvonuo nnd Poplar street, nearly opposito tho court house, and wo will guarantee satisfaction. imported MulHg.i grnpos nt Jorgon son's, corner of Twentieth strcot -and Washington avonuo. tt Oyster' soup at Hairy Walker's ttvery morning. Also freaUAR- Louis beer, tf -Where arc you iroiiu To the rUc number 68, Ohio levee, whoro they koep tho best fresh oysters, fish and game, and the Illicit wines, liquors nnd cigars to found In tho city. Open at all hours, day or"lK''L J. E. Park. OKNMtAI, AOKNTfl. HALLIDAY BROTHER GENERAL AGENTS A1U FORWARDING and COMMISSION H .ICIt ANTS) DEALERS IN FLOUR; nta of Ohio Itlrar aaej KaMemlMt 70 Ohio Lsvf.e, If CAIRO, ILLf.VjT)! DRY noon. 71. FILL WINTER. '72 C. HAN NY. LARGE STOCK. HROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, Txcicxira-a. CHECKS, All STRtPRS, XENTUCKT JEAKI, ZZTXA, OASSIMEBS, 2TXjLiTiTET-iS. BLACK ALPACAS 10 LUSTERS, UAOS'lKAIN SILKS, POPLIHrl. LARGE STOCK OF CARtSTINO OIL CLOTHS, MATTIKO, Window NttSMlat, OILT HANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACS DAMASKS. UU KutireNtork Now C'loalac Oat VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNER 8TU ST., AND COM M EECLAL-A Y., Cairo, IlllBola. aeptltf RAILROADM. QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R, St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi caoo, New York, Boston, AHD ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST. Passenger trains arrive at and leave Cairo aa ft! lows I mail. iiraaaa. aanvr 3tira.m ItOO p.m. dcrisT Si4aa.n. Doth trains conncet at Contralla with train on the roa 'ana, Decatur, Rloomingtco, El Paao, I.aSaJIt, ilendota, Freeport, (ialena, Dubuque, and all minis in Illinois.. Missouri, Atiuneaota, Wiaconaln and loHa, And with Line, running Fast and Weat for St. Louis, Hpringneld, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Columbus. And at Chicago with Michigan Central. JSIcblgaa Houtheru, and Pittaburg. Fort Vjra and Chicago Rallroada lor Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk, Albany, Huston, Philadelphia, Nlagra Falla, Krie, liuttalo, New York, I'iituburc, Valtlmore, Waahlngton, AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On and after Monday, April 21th, 1S7I, trams ll ruu aa follows i NORTHERN DIVISION, Titiss ooino aoniaiAST. Mail, Kxpres i.oave Virginia ... S:40a.m l'J.Ji p.m. " Bpringtield - t;W " S;W " Taylorvlllo .10:62 ;2 ' Arrive at i'ana 11:40 m 6:17 " Ta.iasooiao NoatuwasT, Exnraaa Mall. Leave Pana 1:o6a,m ,S:SS p.m " e.oo " 6:10 ' layiorviiie 1:1 Arrive at Hprlnglleld...ti;15 " Leave, flnaiimfle d r.:' " em Arrive at Vlriiinla s:24 ' ,s:l ' mJUTHEHN DIVISION. tsains ooino aooiHaaiV. Leave Kdgewood t:30a.m - 10:10 a,m " Flora .8:24 11:40 Arrive at bhaneetown3:cvip m tilt p.m TBAINS OOINO NUMTHWiaT. Leave Hhawneetowt : a.m I:10p.ns " FIom tt " Tioo" Arrive at Kdgewood......4:0 " .. :2 " Tile 6:30 a.m. trala from F.dgdwood, runs only Mondaya, Wadneadaya and Fndaya. and :a.m. train from Bhawneetown on Tuesdaya, Thura- dV-minectaatl Aahla'nd with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Alion Rillroad. for Jacksonville, Petersburg, Mason City, and all pointa.west. At rJprlngfleld. with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad, lor Iiloom'.ngtnn, Chicago, and all polnta north.norf " At PanaWwei"tn' Ind. and St. Iieuli, and HUno'ls Central Railroad for all polnta east, south and southeast, , . , At Edgewood with Chicago Division Illinois Central Railroad. , j At Flora, with Oh o and Mississippi Rai road. At Bhawneetown, with steamboats for Claola nail. Paducab. Cairo andHt. Louis. ' ' ORLAND SMITH, Osa'IBuji'L Jess Foosrrr, tven'l Tr'nt sod Tick a'.