Newspaper Page Text
'UK tAlKO 1)AJL 15VLLKT1 s TUEUAY, MARCH G, 1872. MB BULLKTIN. ti.iSU inMl.1, fritter and Publisner. Ttrtur iloKNiNO, March 6, 1871. tti Were. ''! ,!trprulia 6Um wish. U-. rrt. by c.irf'T. Un erby rnr,'ait. .. ... i.ootfi bj Mali, ....... Ti ironift, - I year ,10 w . JJ , t t 1 00 TIIK DOLLAR WEKKLT BULLETIN. Jehn If. Ob-rl. Co n.;e rr-Hf"-J he e .er.iin price of the r? ,hf. i 0-1 Wter Willi"!, imk n,f ' ''""I""1 pff imbll'fcfit in Wonihern IIH" AKIZKVA. On tlio "r '''ni-iry, 1S71, the legislative .iotnbly of the territory of An'ronfl pawl an act utipiiitiliti the governor, A. P. K. SatTonl, (brother of our fi'lluw-citixen, A. H. SafTord) C. H. Binilcy and John 0. Canipbcl! a board of commWioncrs to prepare and publish "trustworthy information upon the pastoral, mineral aud agricultural resources of the territory ; also, the cost of and facilities for coming to tho territory by tho different railroads, stare routes and immigrant roads" with " such other information as they may consider of value to persons desir ing to cmigrato to this territory." Tho commission have recently concluded their labors ; tho result of which is a neat little pamphlet of about thirty pages. Much of the contents is of gen cral interest, but we have space only for tho main facts : The territory of Arizona w,as acquired from Mexico in part by treaty and in part by purchase It contains about 70,000,000 acres of land, and is bounded on tho north by Nevada and Utah, on tho cast by New Mexico, on the south by sonora, an on the west by California and Nevada Its territorial government was organiz cd February 21, 18C3, nine years ago It is divided into the five countlia of Yuma, Mohave, Yavapi, Maricopa and Pima. There are twelve towns in the tcrri tory with populations numbering from five hundrod to two thousand fivo hun dred. Tho products of the country arc, in Yoma count, cotton, rice and sugar-cane, as well as the cereals ; all kinds of vegetables, figs, lemons and oranges. Gold, silver, copper and lead mines arc numerous. Mohavo county has about the same characteristics as tho county already described. Its river valley is fertile and rontaius fico pasturage grounds for immciito herds. Yuvapai county contains largo forests of excellent tim ber and nearly tho entire county has an elevation of from five thousand to six thousand feet above the luvol of tho sea. Turkey, bear and deer arc plenty in the mountains, but irrigation is necessary to render farming profitable, Its mining resources are great, and rich mines of gold and bilver arc now- working successfully. Maricopa county 'is tho agricultural county of tho territory. The entire population is found in Salt river valloy, where there arc excellent farms, all of them in excellent condition. Outside of this valley the Indians arc too stroug (or the security of tho settlers. Pima county has been inhabited longer than anycounty in the territory and countains the largest population. It abounds in fertile valley, all of which are well-timbered. "Mirny of tbe valleys were settled by the Catholic father over one luindrvd years ago. Tlieso fathers, attracted by tho salubrity of the climate and tho fertil ity of the soil, established several mis sions, improved farms, Introduced herds, and built churches, one of which is still well preserved (the San Xavler, nlno inilos south (if Tucson), and for ttvlo of architecture and solidity nf conttruutlon is admired by all who see it. TIiph fath ers commenced the good work of teach ing and ChriHtianlzrni; tho Indians and succeeded tiduiirably with nil tho tribe., save the Apache, who, mi Huron Hum boldt writes in JB03, in his Kingdom of rev apain, 'neither the soldiers stationed in the presidio nor tho monks potted in tho neighboring millions have. been hit- uerio aoic to mako the conquest over tbem.' Since tho occupation of tho country by ,e Americans, a constant enln of the rich Hllvk ..f iu'h Pedro nnd U,Tr 8atli'JSrS , 'ft llaunhtcr has been so -ur, vr since 1H03, that Mlmost i, utw vnulii.m has boen introduced t0 nn a, "t the dead. The soil l so rich and uriKW. tive, and the deilre of the people hai ben (o ureal to live and make homes in thcie valleys, thai with truo mericn conraso they tllle'l the brokin ranks and still ron, tlnuo the contest. The present jesr, the Indians have swept over those valleys with unusual ferocity. ' The commissioners devoto considera ble Epaco to an account of the Indians dwelling in the 'territory, of whom there aro eight tribes, all of whom aro harmless aud peaceable, ex cept the Apaches, who are hated nnd feared by tho other tribes ns well as by the whito inhabitants. This tribe tho Apaches live by theft, and travel hundreds of miles to murder, burn and pillage. Cochisp the most uolcd of the Apache chiefs.' ' Gov. SafTord, the writer of the report says : 'The murders committed by this noto rlou. ehl;1, ,r Kivtn in detail, would cause the blood to cunil.. i ...... t. ...u.. would cuuto a inn ,,., .J.1 ' ri?r ever created such u m,," sonal knowledge i f th J ? " r hundra I ha v. -M'on benr durlorf the patt two jet uu "M l,,nven-JyeaM. lv I. tif'itu of tir'tire 0 IMreti itro pi acts I mi spears and n-. l-i over a slow fire. Mid writhe In iiiiavri until lllu is exllmt. M li nru lunged by lb t fee and a Am built at the heal, mid f?sbel with kin veil and pierced with arrows un til death nlvcs roliuf. The e are stublx.m facts. The report contains much iutorcM ing mnttor relative to the ancient ruins found in the territory : t).T.!on,l.v . deserted houe lj found ,uUU..ntl.- II , r .served o ascertain I . character uf lue ardiltectu-e. The wa U ,f the 0- OrlIe, sltiM-d on the Gila, near Sanford, aw still two ttnr es nbovo the ground. In size, the structure Is almut, Ih.rtv bv sixty feet; the walls art thick nd liiitde of mud, which was evidently on dried and dried us it whs built, u n divided into many small rooms, and the partition are also made of mud. 1 In oort were, made by phicin stick cbxe l"- t;ethr and covering tlicin With crini'iil. Around antl near tno until uranue ri. uu ruins of many other buildings, but by tho Hps,, or time the decay ol veeiiiui'n urn r.rtned i a rill and nearly covre'i mem. nd all that now ninrks the (d.iee wln re nee a slatelv mansion stood l the elevu- on of the L'rnnnd. Near the Anolm uioiin- ains are ruins not m extensive, but in lar utter nroervat on than tho Ua:i lrande, nd near these ruins are old aiaiirus lor the reduction of silver ores. It is bolieved that these ancient ruins are tho vctlges of a people who wore of a penccnblo disposition, out who were en- .tJ-l.. 1 1... .1 A ...nllnl " In conclusion, tho commis stoncrs commend the action of General Crook, tho mill tary commandant of Arizona, and be iovc that he has the entire confidenco of tho people, and that ho should bo nllnweil tn mature and execute his plans. With the Indians under con trol Arizona ofier? many attractions to the immigrant, and all it needs is an in flux of hardy, earnest, energetic mcu to develop its resources, and render it n rich and prosperous member of the Union. TilK New York Evening 'Post,' commenting on Mr. Trumbull's speech in the senato in which ho spoke so fa vorably of tho liberal republican move. ment, says: "Tho liberal republicans will now claim Mr. Trumbull as one of their leaders, nnd ho will be a prom incnt candidate in tho Cincinnati con vention for president. Tho prospect for a large convention of liberal repub licans is much improved by this speech of ono of the ablest republicans of tho country in defense of tho movement.' OaT" A rough-looking cuctomer called nt a Lowell photograph room on Friday and wanted his " plctur' taken. " Whllo preparations were In progress, his oyo struck a card picture, which be fancied re semblod liismelf as ho would look if ho were " dressed up," and ho asked tho prlec. Tivenly-flvo cents was named, 'Well," ho said, " I want tho plcturo to send to my gal, nnd I like this one." Tho photographer suggested that ho had better have bis own taken tlrst, and decide afterward, which was done; but still tho odds wero in favor of tho " drcssid up " individual, and tho "gal"' is re joicing in a picture which is most surely a " counterfeit presentment ' of her lover. .oirtfl Courier. BflXTho Now York correspondent of the Chicago Tribuno ' say " tho prospect now is, that John Graham will succeed In ending to state prison every member of that jury who voted for the indictment of Stokes, As for Stokes, ho Is to be at onco released, so that ho can thoot Jay Gould and some other Krio ofllcors who aro objectionable to him. Mrs. 'M.-insfield is to run for vice-president on the Wood hull ticket, and, when elected, will appoint John Graham chief Justice. Bisjji. A section in tho now civil codo of California is so clumsily worded by the revision commissioners us to constltuto a very sweeping divorce law. It reads : "All niarries of white persons, or nogrocs or mulattocs are illegal and void." Tho In dians and heathen Cliinco are the only per sons legally rimrricd acording to thnt code. Bs2i Another new secret order has been introducvl into Cincinnati, tho kcrsher slid bcrsol, or ancient Jowish order of the Iron knot. Its main object seems to con fist In tho endowment of tho willows of Its deceased brother in tho Invariable sum of $1,000, which ismado up, In each case, nt a mild rato per capita. B."S!r," tutd a littlle bltnteriii'- man to his religious opponont, "I say, sir, to wlint sect d you think I bolong 7" "Wollj I don't exactly know," replied tho othor : "but tojudgo from your mako, size and appearance, fshoull sav von bolon? to a class called thu Insect." B. Tho hotel whoro the Graiiiuko lumborcd In Dolroit can tako S500 anv time for tho bedttend on which bis limbs "pocd, while tho shoots wore cut up bniUtirM,Uf i n .1 i n ctlll j "nd n" tllo.vounK ladlei into es nro re m m l I lUKt "i Jenrlng skeleton of retret mocks him from i ory's topmost peak, he d Tood' notice, In nlne-tcnth. of iha nRf country. 's.of the B3X.A letter from Uolmar, in Alsm states that at least ten Prussian recoivert of taxes havo fled from that province with embezzled funds bolonglng to tho govern ment. 'Washington Patriot.' BicrjuCharlcs Fcnno Iloffmaan, tho poet and novelist of tho past generation, Is still living an Inmato of tho Pennsylvania In hano Asylum at Harrlsburg, whoro ho has been for twenty yean, - in i CS-In order to impart an unusual variey to the proceeding, a North Caroll nets oloped timultaneoutly with three ad mirer, K3s,A Judge In Atlanta, Gh bat com n 1 burglars up rur two. No wonder Hullock abtconded. menced sending burglart up for twenty I'll rSIir? n ni.KANIN-iS, - .Mm. Charles Mo"Hor. U singing in 1, ulsvlllo. Horace OrceleyV talary has been rais ed to 15,000 per annum. III! Don't ill speak at once. An Indiana fon:tlu will give ?3I),000 to any man who w.ll marry bir. Mrs Hani I BccchcrStowo was very sorlously, peril; pi fatally, injured by a lull last week at hor h imo at Mandarin, Florid i. A human foot-print, fifteen Inches 1...... 1. ...... r..i,nH In n aifitn nunrrv near Seneca, Kama, The pre-Adamlto J n.iiti wore largo boots KnoxvUle, Tenn., has n youthful fumlnlno tnx collector Miss Lucy Stev ens who collects more in a day than a dozen mnlo publicans could In u fortnight. The London ' Jincet' thinks that du ring the coinlm: spring, or early In the summer, cholera will reappear in Western Kuropc. Ex-Oov. Ho'.dcn announces bis with drawal from tho Washington ' Chronlclo.1 He states It Is from no want of ardor in the republicans, but for private reasons, He earnestly advocates Grant's re-leotion. I It is announced that a lady named Mr,. Dykeman, and a mlnitUr, " her pas- tor," tho Rev. Mr. bandford, both of Des Moines. Iowa. bava started from that nluco I r n n I fin nrmm it ihn wnrlil I ' Wm. Ilrincbam, a clear dcalor, Is the lof.Wli.ti ninn In luitlmnrn. Three months .Inrn bo received a handsome sum 1-V the , , ., ,!,, Ull.l, VI ,. V ..v..H..e9 a flnoprlzo in the Havnna lottery; nr.d, on Thundny latt, discovered In tho cellar of a house he recently purchnscd, five canvas bags of gold and silver valued nt $7,000. Senator Wilson bns gone back to Washington, after two or thrco days in Now Englnnu and JSew lork, inn very alarmed stnto of mind as to Gen. Grant's prbspect for rc-olection. J. hey toll us from Wnshington that ho says ho cannot tuko tho stump In tho New Hampshire election unless tho president Crt "cleans out" tho Now York custom house A dispatch from Washington states that the nnmo of our oitoomcd pnstmls tress Mrs. S. E. Edwards was sent to tho senato on Monday fur confirmation as postmistress of Shuwncctown. Mrs. Ed ward's Is not in favor of men's rights for women, and not likely to voto in the com ir.g presidential canvass. Hor appoint ment will bo unanimously confirmed nnd sho will bo permitted to contlnuo In well doing nt tho head of the postofilce depart ment In our city. Shawneetown Ga zctte. Hats havo an unaccountable fondness for tho tasto of phosphorus, and tothUfact may bo attributed tho origin of many mystorious lire. Thcso rodents build their nests of inflnmmablo nmtorials, and tnko to thorn any stray matches they may find lying aroundjlooso. This accomplished, thoy undorlako to gratify their appetites by nibbling tho coated onds of tho mutches, whloh ore at onco ignited, when tho nest is sot ablaze, nnd the destruction of thu houso or perhaps tho ship svliloli contains It, follows. Great caro should always bo taken with matches. THE SENSATION IN ENGLAND, TIIK ASSAULT ON TIIK QUKK.V o'cONNEll'n KXAMINATIO.V. London, March 1. Tho assault upon tho queen yesterday by O'Connor Is tho theme of universal comment, and con demnation in tho journals. Previous to tho attack O'Connor scaled the iron railing ten feet in height, which surrounds tho oourt-ynrd of lluckingham palace. When ho approached tho carrlago of tha quden he tlrtt taw Lady Churchill, n lady in waiting, who was riding with her im.jps.ty. Ho was about to assault hor, but soon dU covored Ills mistake, and turned upon tho queen. Hor majesty's groom, John Urown, who was riding buhind her carriage, upon wit notilnir tho ncticn of O Conner, leaped from his horse and arrested aud disarmed the assailant. Mr. O'Connor's house has been thor oughly searched by detectives, but noth ing whatever found to criminate unv one with him in his dastardly act. London, March 1, Evening. Tho at tailant of tho queen was brought beforo tho police magistrates at How street at noo:i to day for examination. Tho court room and all Its approaches wero deiiiolv packed. Tho prisoner prwonted a very boyish and not unploasing appearance, and to-day was quiet and tinasstimln in his minner. On bolng interrnented by tho mnglstrnlf, ho tinted that his name was Arthur O'Conorj that ho was born In England, und that his father was a native of Ire land. It Was subaenuentlv elicited tlmt his grandfather win tho well-known i'er- gus O Conor, ono of tho leaders of the Chartist movement. John llrown, hor majesty's groom, Col. Harding, equorry to thu queen, tu.d Prlnco Leopold, testified to thu circum stances of tho assault, of which thov wore oyo-wttnoiiot. Their statominiu Tin n difl'er materially from tho accounts al ready telcgraped to the associated press. Ono of tho policoman, into whosu custody O'Connor was dollvurod. swore tlmt ilm prisoner said tho remoiTno did m.i t,.u.i tho pistol was because it was broken, that no ropcatcdiy oxchtlmod, "I wish to God I had suceeodod;" that ho vowed ho in tended to present tho petition for Fenian nmnosty to tho queen in St. Paul's cu thedral, on Tuosday, when sho was sur rounded by her minUtirs. That ho then had pon nnd Ink for hor to slLn tha ii,.n. ment with ; that ho would have made the attompt, but tho crowd was so irnut h,. could not got near her majesty Two papor found on thu prisoner whon ho wat seized wero produced In court and rcno. ino paruoniug all thn Fenian con- v els, is in tubstanco nt follows: "I IciorlH, Queen by tho graco of God, thorii '"""wing ueciaration: Whereas, thriuihUi,?i,con!lned i" v,,ri0U9 Pri,9n Irshnien know K,nKdom a ntimbor of and where,,, ,7," " lebrated Fenians; my sanction, Imvfnc"? '"Pritoned with -Kalnst tho iruwn'-ndponip.rea my power i and wheri,, Vml 1,1,1 ro"' wfth these men k.v'.ni'thizer pardon, nnd notwlth.t f" '.'S ..fu" their part therofrom. This la dated February Wd, 1872. The other document is a commutation, in advance, of the punishment of thu prisoner for his nrosorit act, from hanoinc to thootlnt', and Is dated February i!7ih. At thn conclusion of tho examination uniiboraied; now I, VIetoiT,, n , V"1 do grant lull pardon Fenian prisoner, unconditionally"? notwIthttundinK this, mv ' .. 'n,' mado under fear of mv lif.-. I win I - tub UU tho pri.tmer whs -ominltted for trial nt tho and tiken baek to Jail under a it rin'eo..rt. It IS eVlUelll tllltl. Hie piliuia iuuiiu uu tho prloner aro bis own work, and tho ipresslon .f nil who heard tlum rend is iat they nro the product of a deranged thai mini, SHOCKING OCCURRENCE. A VOUNO Olllt. IIUIINKII TO DKATH JIT TIIK KXI'MJ.stON vV A COAL OILCAN. From the St. Louis Onioca', Sslurdsy. Miss Emma Johnson, fifteen years of age, was fn tally burned about six o'clock yesterdav morning, while endeavoring to kindlo a (Ire at her bouse, No. 2 lllcks street. Tho oil hnd been recommended noured a small ouantitv of it on tho coal to make It burn more freely. A terrific explosion followed nnd the heavy can was torn to fragment. The burning oil, of whjcli theru was nearly n gallon, was scattered ovor tho room and tho unfortun ate girl' person, ur.d In an instant she was nnveloped in rlatnes. Her sitter, hearing tier snrieKs, rusnoj to her asslrtaiice, and, thatching up some bed-clothes, wrapped them around her. In doing this shu was so severely burned onono of hor hands that showlll probably never fully recover tho use of it. Drs Samples and Gregory wcro immediately summoned, nnu did wuai tnoy couiu to ai- levinto Miss Koima s tulTurings, but it wns 0VtHcn smt (no COuld not recover, Her face, breast and limbs wero scorched -.- T10 moti1Cr of the deceased it a widow, who I in reduced circumstances, but lint evidently seen better days. Miss Km ma was cmnloved in tho shoo factory of Hro l,teki fc Co.. whllo her sister worked in Fairchlld & Fox's shoo storo on Olive "rcet, nnd both contributed largely townrds tho support of the lamiiy AN AUOUMENT IN FAVOlt OV HAll- RIAOK. (From thu Washington Star.) His not cood for a man to llvo alono For ono thing, ho Is not likely to live so lone Untile ns lift woum ii married, no say the figures, nnd figures never lie Tho Medicat Vest ami Circular says M Bertl ion ins mado a communication till sublect to tho Brussels Academy of Medi cine, which has been published in mo Heme Schntijuc. Wo havo not space for all his statistics showing thnt tho rule holds good in France, In Urusels, in H-ilglum and in Holland; but content oursolves with stating that the result of all tho calculations Is that from 25 to 30 years of age, tho mortality per 1000 is 4 in mar ried men, 10.1 in bachelors, nnd '21 in widowers. Till beneficial influonco of marrlxgo Is manifested at all aes; being ulwnys more strongly marked in men than in women. Whether similar calculations In this country would givo tho same results is an open question. In countries whore tho women help by their Industry and thrift to Kcroaso tho family lund, In stead of decreasinc it by their lovo for display, married in"!! aro not subjected to ino same sirnin as nere, wuere, in oruer iu mako both end meet, they aro In many ciises engaged in n hnpolcss und nover end ing struggle, not favorable to longevity. nOVERNOH'b SALAHIK9. IllinoU and Massachusetts are talking about raising tho salaries ot their gover nors. It is about time that soma of tho custom stnt.-s paid their executives, decent salaries. Pennsylvania deals out $5,000 a year, which is littlo enough for a governor to live on decently without having to rely on his own or his wife's private fortune. New York, Toxa. and Louisiana follow with $4,000; Connecticut thinks her gov ernor ought to got nlong on $1,100 n year, and 1oliiwaro sees hor only two hundred boltor. California pays her governor tho highest salary, S7,000 a year and wo nro suro they wouldn't giumblo It it wcro doublo thnt. A good governor ought to receive a good salary, and only good gov ernor's should bo" olected. Ilul what must bo thought of tho state of Delaware which pavs her chief magistrato loss than twenty dollar.' a week. Thu Now York Tribuno' In commenting on this fact rnvs it nppcan that tho tradn is not n very profitable onu in tomo of those states. Wo begtouiuer. The tradn must bo prouta ble, or men wouldn't work ut it for such nominally small wages, CKxlrnordinary reports como from Canada concerning tho richness of tho silviir and gold mines upon tho northern shore of Lako Supurior. At the Silver Is land mine cnorm ni9 quantities of oro nro said to no union out overy day, tho nmounl bring limited nnlv by tho furco employed Thu nuantity of sliver is reported to bo Ml' exhaustible, and it is hediuvrd several million dollars worth will bo taken oil this wlntur. Several othor mines doing very woll. KNOW..VOTIIINOISM. fKrom the St. Louis Democrat, lt.ij.1 Tho Anzeiger ilet tt'esUm has an aitlclo of considerable lungth on tho above sub jeel, which may bo easily told In these few words: "All tho botheration about hnow-noth-inglsm, nativism and othor i-nn will not prevent the Germnn-Amoricans from joining tho anti-Grant movement." FAMILY 4Jitot'i:iui:. LOUIS JORGE N S E N , Healer In all kinds or STAPLE AND FANCY Fnriiicr'a Ynrst nutl Htabllns; WITHOUT OHAHOK. Or. Washingtou-av.'and Twontioth-st. CAIRO ILLS. 27.III. CITY SUOiS STORE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY tuts Aor.r roa "BEOIiASKI'S" CUSTOM-MADE "OO TS AND SHOES Voniitirrriai Avttltie, Corner or Eighth FHrcet, Uairo, Illinois. rARDKC,,?VnTnKN"5' ALL OR. """"'OEIUTA AKD SHOES. book iiinnnKV. CA1HO CITY HOOK 11INDE11Y JOHN II. onEltLT CO., rsormrton, Hulletin Uuilding, comer of 12th street and Washington avenue, Cniro, llllinos. All kin Is nf Ilinillnu ntet llil lim done si the terj limM in lees, lhv,tiK rni'Kl Ihe rl cpii r Mr. Iliwl-, wiiu turn Iihii .iisiijr '.rr HHTif nee In ".in- iifbfft I'lmlcrles of Si. Ijuiis, I.i miim rililen'l this esinb!ihment, Wo cn con fi lenlly ri)inl-Kiur atroni worlt qul to llisl of nil liln lrr) In II.imu pI. INMUIlANC'Ki W. tl. MORatS, Notarr i'uMic, U. II. CAXbKK No. Pub. and U. a. Cera. FIKE, UULL, CAKGO, LIVE STOCK CC1DENT, lslFJS, i3srsxriaji.3roEii ATNA, IIAIITVOEI), Assets ti.MS.Wt 97 NOIIT11 AHIH1CA, r Asitts c. 1IAIITFOED. CONN., A.itls 2,m,H0 7 rnats'tx. iiautford. Asset l,7tl,lS W INTERNATIONAL, N. T., AtseU. II PUTKAU, UARTrORD, Assts 706.M7 W. CLKVILANH, CLEVELAND, Assets 61 V?' HOME, COLUMIIUB, Ats.ts..- U.I43 AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Asset .0 W COKKECTICCT MUTUAL LIFE, Ast CO TRAVELER'S), HARTFORD, LIFE AltD ACCIDENT, Assets. ..1.M0.0TO Ot RAILWAY rABAENOERA AS8URANCB CO., HARTFORD, Assttt 800,000 t INDEPENDENT, BOSTON, Assets M0, 611 SAFFORD, MORRIS ii CANDEE, 71 Ohio J.trer, City Nstlontl Dank, CAIRO. ILL,. FIRE AND MARINE I2STSTJ bJLISr OE COMI'AMESt I NIAOARA, N. T., Astxts I1,43C,21C2 OERMANIA, N. Y., Assets . ,.1,0C8,721 7S HANOVER, N. Y. Assets. ., ......726,802 00 REPUBLIC, N. Y, Asset - 711,925 Ot. Comprislnjj the Underwntfira' Agency. YON KERB, N. Y., Asset 878, Ul M ALBANY CITY, Aisets., "ta.m S3 firemen's fund, s. v.. Asset C78,tO0 or security, n. y. marine. Assets 1,432,843 00 OTOnj-3. Dwellings. Furniture, nulla and Car O zoeii, In-iirod at raVs as fmoiatlo aa lunnd, permanent securliv wl'l warrant I rcspectlully ask ol the cllltena of Cairo, share ol their iiatrunag. V. X. lli nilEN. chas. scnorNMivta. miiliamscuick OH AS. S0IIOENMKYER & CO FURNITURE ROOMS, UPHOLSTERING Mattress Manufacturing I'lirnllure Ilepnlrlnir, I'ICTUllE FRAMING. All orders nromptly attended to. NORTHWEST COIINKIt OF WA8HINOTON AV ENUK AND TENTH ST., CAIIIO, ILL. '. O. Prawer 121)1. janSlf. nUTOIIr.ItH. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. KOEHLER & BROTHER J Ml reopened th ro PCI, Alt' MEAT MARKET, C0MMEKCIAE-AY., UrlHcsu Minli siiicllsulli Kirrtla, and will keep constantly on hand tho best meats ..... n,ritu in ii i,,iro mnriiei. iney ile y com petition. Olv them a trial. seniaiti. EL DORADO 1IILLIARD 8ALOON AND BAR ROOM, JOHN UATEM, Proprietor. toscsmmercial Atenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS) Best brand of California Cigarajuat recalred, B'hW AKD ,l?ftn furnlshedVith lh txst ol .,.,1 M.Ji 1 f 9 br tuPPhed with wlnea, lienors aud cluara of ii. Burst bimicli. tun m. BARCLAY BROS. oino i.r.vrr. Caiho, His SARATOGA SPRINGS i rcii tusT AT IIAnCLAVs' DUUO T0IIK. Facsn ;SirrLr, Daiit. MOCKING MUD FOOD ill itiDT roi rsi wUHotr tutni At Barclays'. ELMOOLDg GRAPE I CATAWI1A WDA J "J I ORArit 1 P WUA t. ORAl'C WUA ) i ( OBAfK ) P PlhLS I CATA GRAPE I.CATAWUA ILLS AID All or UELHnOLU'H MEDI CI Nam FRESH FROM FIRST HANDS, Always In slock la Urge supply, nd fur sal Lj Ilarelnjr Ilroa. FEE3H SXitTEl IiIC3C JUST RECEIVED ADD or Nale by tlicUUk Itolllr sir flallou AT BARCLAYS'. tSTExTRA Fine Cologne; S(9Genuine Imported Extracts; IffirllAlR, TOOTU AND NAIL IlUUSHXl -Ivdia Ruhder Nurhert Goo7 AT &JL.-RC.J!.Sr BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZIKO. Best grades In arge stock and ta rletjr, tery cheap; auu: Full Link of Colors, nsr aid in oil; Faint Brushes, J.tnseed Oil, WhltewaiL P.jslioa TurpeDtlna, Varnishes Ete, etc., ALL SISDS D TANHAkD dVALIIUS AT B AIICL ATA. PARKER & BLAKE, WALL PAPER, PAINTS, Putty, Bentlne, Gasoline, WIUDOW Q-LASB. WINDOW fiHADES, And the celebrated illumloatlnK AURORA OIL. nnoss' buildino, cob. Utii-st. a cou MERCIAL-AV., C'Aino, i. IrLINOIS- aug26tf A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A Private Counseloi to the Married or those aboulto tnrr; on the uhviiioluaira mysteries nml rerelatlona of the sexual satem wun in1 o"nes la prodiiclnt: anU ore. V " offlfirtar. nea ttrvincr lhnramtiliinn.Ar. fTbla It an Interest k work of two hundred and imiMW b, ,, nn numeroua eneraTin ana j ,iuubln information for those w inarned orounletnplato mnrrioue; mill It is a w uc win itiKdiuitnt 10 ue iiniieriocaanu aev. anauoi isia cHreiPHKiyniJuiuine iiuune. Bent to any one (tree of postage) for M rent AddreM Dr. Iliiltn' Dispensary. No, 12, Elxhthalreet, Ht. I.oula.Mo. Notlrti to the Afflict eU anil Cnfort unntr, lletjre annlvinu lo the notorious Uiiacka who advertise In tun public papers or using any (juack remodles, pernso iJr. IIiiIIm' work, no matter what join dlseano ia or how deplorable your cod- union. Iir. Butts can be consulted, personal r or at inr.U. on thedinaetes mentioned in hla works. nniiv, No. 1'J N. Kighth atreet, bet. Market nnd'stunt nt iamiu no, mvSilwl 1'Cltft AND IIIDEW. ,11. LEVY & CO., DliLtES IK HIDES A1STD FURS, WOOL, rCATHEIW, ETC., 3 OHIO;LBVH2D. Cairo, Illinois, I novlM II. M. IIULEN, GROCER and CONFECTI01 meechawt. And Dealer Foreign. Fruits aud Nutt No, 134 Commercial-iive., A1M ILLUtai. BANKS. THE CITY NATIONAL 23 -A. 3ST TO CAIRO ILLIXOIK, CAPITAL, $100,06 orricstsi W. l ilAl.iilDAV, I'rrslden HKMtY L. IIAI.UHAY, Vite Pr sol) A. II. SAI'FOltl), Cashier I WAf.TKk IIYSLOr, Asslslsnt Csshisr. Mtrc-rnmi Otitis Tnos. kossst II. Cuxi9Hii, Htnkr I.. Hill, ut. W. f. IlAUmtT. iu. II. Willumsuii, HTtrati l)iu A. ii. HirroiD, Esrhnnir, Colli tioil rstllrd Rttitca Houtl Houghl tttsd ttsilil. DEPOSITS rtetlrcd, and a nnsr! banklof huslDss ana. FIRST NATIONAL BANK or cairo, DANIEL ilURD, Prs.ldtil; nOHEKT W. MILLER, Vlce-PrsUl; C. N. UUOUEfl, CMhler. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE I.1XCIIANOK, coin, bank noUs aa4 Vi4 J Htatet securities boufbt sa4 sold. Inlrrnsl Allowed ots Tim EMalta. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS CtiarUrtMl Marcta at, 1HI, CITY NATIONAL BANK, CAIKO orrictasi A. B.SsFKOM). Presidents 8. 8. TAYI.OIt, Vlce.Prrsidentl W. IIYMLOi', rkcretarr and Treaaurar. BltSCTOUl P. W. IUactiT. Y. M, HrursriSTI, II. JI. Cvlonm, Chis. Oitioata, I'aci O. Bcaca, W. P. HtlLiaAT, J. M. raitLirs Tea Cwstta sVawstrsla. sst . 1NTKKE4T paid on depaslta at tha rat ot tit percent, ser annum, March 1st and B plena Der 1st. lntret not withdrawn la tjiiSnX imtnai dlately lot(a principal of the depealta, thereby citing them compound Interest. MARKUP WOMEN AND CIIILDKKV MAT DErOMT MONET so that as ova tut can sbaw it. f)Bn eve.'T Viualnesa dav from 9 a.m. to 1 D.m. and Saturday eyening lor HA VINO DEPOSIT only, from t to S o'clock. auani n. iiioiiui irmwrn, F. BROSS, FIRE AND MARINE Ininraaea Arwsaaj. TRIUUrif, CINCINNATI, AasAts . 060,000 NEW KNOLAND MUTUAL, LIVE, Assets, orer..... ..t,00O,00U ALSO T3l ANCIIORD FIRE AND MARINE Of St. Louis. Ballots all kinds ot risks r.uut ol77tr Arent.Calm. Ill'noU. COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL U prepared to supply cuttomtr with thf best quality o, PITTSBURG AND IILLIN0IS VRI)RKS lelt at llalllday Bros, ottlce, 78 OHIO J LEVKK, or at the l.'oal Tard below the.Ht. Charles lintel, will receive prompt attention. V TIIBTUO "MONTAttK'rwlllPlos; coal-liT tide ateamera at any hour. oclilf REAL. ENTA l"E AOKNT, C. WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AID AUCTION KB3, 14 (second tloob) onio lxtss, cairo, ill3., Bdt and Sell Real Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRAOTSJOF TITLE At I prepare Conveyances of Kloda. GOLD I GOLD 1 1 GOLD III GOLDEN COMPOUND Will force the beard Or moustache lo urow thiols ami neavy, pn tha smoothest race, or hair ' ' J.Vi the baldest head, In 21 days, or monoy refund, d d. This sireparatioii naa been h.fn h. nk. l,o for over thliteen years, and thousands ol full to??t. X.2"".Jlv R?,-P"d. ! directions In It Address ' r cenu PMkee i "r. f0, OOLDENCOMPOUNP CO., No. fcwi' Louis. Mo. JanWan.