Newspaper Page Text
UNO CAIKO DAILY IJULLETI N, .SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1872. Til 13 BULLETIN. J-Jil N II UHriNLIf. Kdlwr 'il -! iii-t. Kkidat Mornino, Mnrcli P, tilt 1H netwrtt AUrnrtUfKMottmirlotJ h!'nM n tUt-n n wiH. Itnrttui ouf. mX o nU iuSJfffi of lAttrttl o lAf paWie I, Ma i iAr,wi ricfuUion. (At (nflr (i rxir.utkt ilt vn-tMol l.tdlitnt rtaitrt ami Ttait or THt Daily Uvlutini l.. . bj ctflrl Una year by r. trier, In advance.....-...- i.ei until by uatl, .............. Tli:e rr onth, S t months, 1 1 Tf r, . & ,10 w $t a 4 ii t uu TIIK DOLLAR vettKl Jllf LLKTIN. i-h- ii ni.flr J Co. reduced the tut). nX,r"'-'.n'kln t the The Siiawneetown 'Mercury' ii" mating preparation? for the publication of a daily. A meeting of tlio republican state central commhtco is called to meet in Chicago on tho 15th inst., at which meeting the time of holding tho state convention will be decided. GnANr AND Co., aro making gigan tic efforts to win tho election in New Hampshire next Tuesday. The clerks in tho various government departments I in ashington have received orders for ten days leave of absence that they may go home to vote. The Senate has adopted tho house hill authorizing Gov. Palmar to pay three thousand dollars from tho contin gent fund to John W. Golden, of to A,Um. rnnntr. n, n. rwnmNinu for 1 ..v.-...- ,-v, ilin same amount expended bv him in the nnA Mnrinlnn nf Ttnllnu rrUn murdered the son of Golden in Texas over a year ago. Ve give below the tho names of tlio boats burned at Cincinnati, on tho Cth inst., the naraos of the owners, value of tho boats, oto. : Toe Kate Itoblnton and Abeonn. wore owned by CaDUlns Wllmtnson and Isrum : the St. Charles 0. bv A. Dravo. Jos. Smith and other Pittsburg raon; tho Argosy by Capu Shunk & Uros., of Vcvay, Ind, and tho Major Anderson wat owned by Capt. Mublman and U. II. Uooth & Co., of Wheeling. Tho Abeona wat full of freight from the Tecnessee river, from whence the had but recently nrrlved. Her freight it rut atSIVOOO. The Kmc Roblnton had on board 75 tont grocerit, etc., which wat tbiucq ai snio, whilo tno boat wat vai ucd at $8,000. The St. Charles wat valued at S12.000. Tbo furniture and height of the Champi on wat valued at $-.20,000 and tho boat at $10,000. on Which there wni no insurance These figures are obtained from a more re liable tource than tbote already telc- grapneo. 'iue Major Anderson is value! at $1&, 000. Tho report of the frcieht on tho Major Anderson is probably entirely over- rKuniaiPu. ono was laying up on nccounl of low water. Stokes, the hadical congressman i from Tennessee who defrauded tho government out of sixty thousand dol lars by appropriating the pay of a mythical body of soldiers, has been fined fifteen hundred dollars nnd re quired to pay tho costs of the suit against him by the government. IVhat wonder that all sorts of fraud and of ficial corruption is tho rule under Grant's administration 1 A thief robs the government of sixty thousand dol lars. As a punishment for the offense he is fined fifteen hundred dollars nnd made to pay tho expenses of his trial, which aro a mere trifle compared to bis stealings. He makes by the operation probably fifty thousaud dollars in olear cash, aud in tho estimation of his par ty, loses nothing in tho way of reputa tion, since increasing their privato for tunes at the c'xpeuso of tho public treasure, U tho approved practice among radicals. In this affair of Stokes, tho administration has shown that it places a premium on fraud against tho government. It has discov ered a new enterprise to wide-awako radical fortunes-hunters that of mak ing money out of tho public fund. It is better than gift-enterprisei, lotteries or any of the moans resorted to by sharp ers for tho purpose of easy monoy-mak-ing. The only capital it requires is knavery, cheek, the prover-. bial eharp. ness of tho virtan and some standing with the administration. PERSONAL. AUxls had a grand holl at Havana. Harriet Ilecchor Stowe It convales cent. Mrs. Fair, since her new trial wa granted, is gating fat and jolly. Tho "old man " has died again j thl time in AVnyno count r, Tennessee; named uavm runor, ana aged ii:, 2ext, A native of Madras, In Hlndoostan teacbet school at Lafayetto, Indiana Three Idols, Brahma, Vishnu end Siva form tho chief decoration! of her apart menu. Marl; Hopkins, ono ol four owneri of the Central Pacific railroad and the State of California, who It tald to be even richer than Stanford, hat commenced tho con ttructlon of a p!co in Sacramento. Hill Sykct, of .London, at alleged ly Mr. Dickent, killed lilt titter Nancy j hut ii wM reserved for William Slket, of Buf. Wo, N. Y., to hold bit little son Hugh oror.u ktroton, lamp, t corchiog the child' skin from its body, -Tile 'funeral of Qowon clftrk( B man who recently died ut Washington at the ago of teventy.two yarii WH, at. tended by the judget and officers of tho UolUd tilstes supreme court. Mr. (Murk Imit 'eorlic'ier of llio Jutluf'' t-Iojk rtMlii elmo 1833, Sum merriment It being mode by remark made by Vlcc-l'retl' dunt Oolf.ix at the recent Aldlno Jinner In New YurK. In proposing h certain, Mr. Colfax, who U n Mrlct tcmpertinic, culled for n generous lumpor, 'not following my cxmnple, with cobl wnter, out those ii you who Hko, wltli something butter.' It is asked why, If he thlnkt nny tlilnc bettor tlmti water, h don't occasion- Jl v take It III in elf. AN IMPORTANT CIRCULAR. Tho following circular, which eiplalnt iUolf, wat tent un tho Cth Intt, by tho tlata 'auditor to tho various county collec tors. Ii It n mallor of penernl Interest : Dear Sir: Tho Interest on bonds (of counties, township", cities and towns) which Imvo been registered n this oillcu in pursuance of law, being pfiyiiuloto the stnlo treusiircr, it it important that that officer thould bo provided with funds to pay such interest, at the tamo becomes duo. In many ensci, tho crupons becomo duo beloro tho time collector! aro required by law to pay over tho tax luvled therefor ; (.Juno ltt, In countlct under T. O-, and Juno liOtli, In other counties) and In tueli cases, Hit necessary to pay over tho tax levlod for p ment of Intercut on bonds of the country, or of tho several localitlei therein, at " tho cato may be, to that tho ttato treasurer can pay tho interest m it falls due. In tomo cmct buck interest it rtnn which tlio ttato treasurer thould bo provided with ftindl to pay, tit as early a day m prnctfonulo, Tliuro can uo no uoiiol hut that n nromnt navmont of interest for any particular locality will phce the public credit oftuch locality in good repute, which I earnestly desiro may bo thu re suit to each locality in tho ttato, having bonds reetstcrod in tuts ouicc, anu none you will aid In producing tuch result by placing the necessary funds In thoelato treasury, as toon as postimo. l desiro to call vour narucumr attention tho flrtt tection of the act of April ho first tection of the act of April IC, OoU " To I II llu and provido lor paying rAllrnfid diibla of count CJ. towns un cities nnd towns" which reauiret tho col lectors to nay into tho ttatu treatury nil tho taxes collected for any purpoto what ovor, on tho asscstment on tbo railroad or railroads for whoso aid tho tald debt was incurred," &. A few of tho collectors for 1870 failed to notolhis requirement of law, and paid overall taxes, as usual, in settlement with the tevcral localitlei: nnd sucn soiicctort were groatly troubled and delayed in get ting back from the several localities tho taxea on " railroads aside " to pav into ttato treasury. Your notice is called to the law now, mat iue tame aincuny may not occur this year, xourt truly, U. E. litrtscoTT, Auditor, l. a. CONDITION OF ERIE. RELATIONS BETWEEN FISK AND GOULD. FISK NOT VICE-PRESIDENT AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH. Bpccltl Dirpatch to the Missouri Democrat. KUMORED SUAKT CONDITION OF KBIE Nsw-'Yoiib, March 6. A rumor prevail at Albany that thoErio ring is financially shaken, and will not pay tho intrcst on th Erie bonds becoming duo. A morning p.ijior puuiisnct on account 01 uouui AMJ which ibjs it wat inferred by everybody inaiino iwo tnarcu incii spoils equuiiy, and wcro gainert nnd lotcis alike ; but re cent revelations tliow very clearly that oould'h rascality on the rio inaiingomMnt was fur gouter than that of hit iissiiciiito't. Thu sudden death of tlio latter and the nlmoet bank rupt condition of his estate, niadu it eli'ar that in reality ho got very little of tho tpolls. In the light of theso revolutions, Jay Gould stands forth nt tlio real obstaitlu existing botwoi-n the stockholders and their rights, without a shield behind which to conceal hit mnchlnutlont. It It not generally known that Fisk was not vice pretiuon ot vuu roitu ai mo iiino oi death. Hoaring of the combination of Enclish stockholder ugaintt him, Gould tuw the necessity of making a desperate attempt to pui nts House in uruor. flSK WAS TO 111! THE eCArEOOAT , accordingly, ho sunt it third party to tound l ltK nooui ouuringiiit rcsigiiution as 'vico presidunt. Fisk replied, "Tho onlv man who can speak to me about such a matter it Jay Qould ; let him come to me, himself, like u man." Gould delayed a ftfw days, nnd finally entered Fisk't room in a nervous manner, tearing up pieces of paper, as he is accus tomed to, do whon ho it violently agitated, and approaching' -Fisk't desk, tald in a dtummerlng manner; "Fltk, I've got to say tho most painful thing I ever had to tav in my life.'' Fwk- looked up and said: " Well, Gould, go on ; you know I've got no feeling." To this Gould, ttill etammering, replied, " Well, Fisk, it's this : 1'vo come to tho conclusion, in view of this combination of English stockholder, that our future and even our personal safety depends on our separating, and 1' vo como to ask you for your resignation." llavlnp mid thit, Gould backed norvcus- ly to tho door leading to his own room, which ho had requested his felIow-consni raton not to clotu, us ho ftnrcd somo vio lent act on Fisk't part : but Fisk looked up and said, with a broken voico and great emotion, "Gould, cun you nsk mo to do that, whon I'vo stood up all along for you, anu tuKeu overywung on my snouiuert to save you ?" . U .1- 1 . I .1.1 1 tl un, iiiu c jusi now mo tiling tiunut, replied Gould, in a low voico. 'm r ink bunt into tcart and dropped uion his dok. I he UCTlUem..,. ,,.v,n ...l.nn.. In.. .!?W,'!'i Vr enco in his llfe,,G Vi. fit lvT.W whimcU of ir riiitilly, lisk 1,1, icnj Hnd nisou. at if .1 tl.. teart away and said, Yw fl . "Uould.lf v.... Mn h. ..i "',nB hit fist, t.on, by Go'd, I can tign It." my re,18n Gould htoncettenned lr.tnM. took np the resignation, which he n.T.? ready prepared, and handed it m v. . Tho lattor at once took un hit pen, siKned ino resignation and blotted It with his ciencuea list. iue tiiuiittioL JNVBSTIOATIO.V OT TIIK FAMOUS GOLD 111 NO revealed tho fact that ho knew nothing of lit origin until Thursday, just beloro tho memorable oiacK .Friday, nnd then, as It It alleged on good uuthorlty, only engaged In tlio ichomo to tavo Gould. Uelng him telf bv the far mora prominent man of th , wa. or courto, blamed by those U'nri linn m Oh ru.l I , I. - . ! . . t nm oiicraiiont ni iue timo. The fact of hit estates being on the verge of bankruptcy shows how small wat bit tharo in the other transaction of a similar naturo. On the other hand Gould it reported to be worth mllllont bore, and to havo vast turns luUly in. vested In European securities. Sr. Paul, March 0. Tho North Pacific railroad to-day was opened to Kid river for buainett. DEATH'S ROMANCE. TEllRlltLE TRAGEDY INDIANA. IN JEALOUS PATH Kit STAIJS HIS DAUGHTER AM) a HOOTS II I. MS ELF. Tho other duv tho telcarnph nicntlonod tfciit Win. Williamson," had killed hit daughter, a voting lady, ulid then stabbed hinnolf. Tfio Anderson 'Herald' of tho ltt gives tho following particulars ; The circumstances which led to tho murder, at near at wo can gather them, are tit follows: Mitt Williamson hut tor some timo been receiving thuaddrrtiusofa young man mimed Uco. Landry, whollves near her father's residence, and to whom tlio wa engaged to be married. Mr. Lan dry, tho young man to whom tho was bo tro'thed hat always borne n very goad rep utation for honesty, Industry, and tuoricty, but, for some unnccountiiblo reason, the la ther ol tlio young inuy objected to nor weddini! bin., or, hi fact, atiyono clso. No one ran nccounl for hit objection to hit aughter being marriod. Miss Williamson, accompanied by hor Intended hui-baml, left homo on th 28th Inst., nnd camo to tlio houso of Mr. hums buru. where thev Intended tho wedding to lake place, after which they intended to go to tnu residence, of tlio groom' uncle, tome line mil!S norm or tnc sceno ot tmi irag dy but, at will bo seen, their fond Impel wcro never to bo realized. On tho uvc- ine: of tho '.'8th. Mr. Landry camo to this Ity to procuro tlio necessary license, mid remained in town all night, going back cstordnv mornlnc. little prepared for thu scene in waiting lor him. Williamson went to tno nouso oi mt. Rcmesburc tho ovenlne; beforo tho murder, nnd tried to portuado his daughter to give up hor intention of marrying, but tho re mained steadfast in hor determination and truo to hor lover. Tho Interview between father and daubtor was nssuminc a threatening attitude, when Mr. Remes- burg told him ( Williamson) that if ho did not desist ho would have to Icavo tlio houso ftcr which ho dropped tho conversation and retired to rest. On ycttcrday morning, whilo Mr. Romcsburg wat out at tho barn. William- ton seated himself at his daughter! l ed tide (tho being yet in bed), and ongaged hor In a quiet conversation, and finally asked her If she was.slill determined to marry Mr. Lundry, when tlio replied, let, It 1 uuvo to wado In blood up to my necs :" upon which he drew n laruc-sizcd pnvkot-knife and stabbed her twice, or.ce in tho arm and In tho throat, penetrating ino windpipe, irom tno ctlects of which tho died in u few minutes. Wil liamson remained at his duughter't bed- idolong enough to be assured that his murderous designs upon his victim had been ruliy executed, when ho rushed from tbo bouse, and when ho hud gained the yard ho drew hit revolver und mot uimteii. once in the throat and once in tho forehead. Tho physician thinks ho will recover with proper euro. Ho had only spoken a few wordt all day yesterday, and it is sup posed that he did this when off his guard. Tbo Physician wat administering somo medicine, ana asxed nun it no could not drink from a cup, and hu answered "yes," and then no taut: " incso bandages art too tight, they hurt my throatl' after which it wat impossible to get him to con vorsu more. It it supposed ho will not converie, fearful that they would utk him for an explanation regarding tho event oi the morning. The weapont used wero a larged tized pocket knifu and u small sized Smith Si Wesson rovolver, tuven shooter. On tho day previous to tlio murder AVI'Iiamson anu Ilia ton when W it Iltnmson complained ot not fuel nir well, and mountini; his horso rou J to Jluncic, nnd mounting lib) 1 whero ho purchased tho knifu and I evidently determined upon hit pistol, future courso This Is by fur tho sad lest occurrence which has ever transpired in tlio county, and but cast a gloom over the entiro neighborhood In which it lists happened. WIMKN AMn.lUOIlN. WM. H. S01IUTTER, Ituporlnr nutl Vliolcmlc ISriilcr In WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO &c CIGARS. 'Agent for the best brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, Imported Alea of IlilTercul Kluda. 75 Ohio Levee, CAIUO. ILL1.NOI9. P. M. STOCKFLETII, SDCCUSOB PON LB STOCtritTU llecllffr nnd Wlmlrxnle Itcnler In . I'orelK" nml ISoiiicmIIc WINES AND LIQUORS. No. 02 Ohio Levee, CA1BO, ILLINOIS. HE keep on tianil contlanlljr a full slork o Old Krntuckv llnurbon, Ite anil Mnnoin;. lieU Wliniklen, French Drnilleii, llollan.l ij'n. Hhlnenml rnlilnrnlB Wlret I hIii.h COAL.. COAL I COAL I COAL I JAMES ROSS, sum u DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CAHBON COALi Commercial-ay., Foot of Eleventh. st. All Coal rartfull; weighed at the jrard on Fair DankV tcalCM, FULL.WKIOI1T WARKANTKU, C'o.l ilelitertd on the shortest notice in am rrt nl ih cl.jr, either hjr tl" half ton, too or car Leare order at thnouV. on Commerrlal.av.a he fnotof EUvtath airaat. BorlM.eai. DRY (JIIUDR, 71. FALL-WINTER. 'V2 C. II A NY. LARGE STOCK. HHOWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, CHECKS, STRIPES, kkntdckt jeans, ntm, OASSIMEItS, BLACK ALPA0A8 ADD LUSTERS, OROS'IRAIN SILKS, POPM.KS, LAUGH STOCK OF caiu ::tin(i OIL CLOTHS, MATTINU, AVInilon NtimUi, OILT BANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMASKS. UU EotlreNloek If ow Cloaitts Out AT VERT LOW FIGURES. CORNER 8TH ST., AND COMMERCIAL-AY., Cnlro, Illinois. ptiir RfJN. CO I 00 H P. G. Sciiuli. 0 m w D fa w Pi to ca SI o o m e H W o HI o u H M so E-i W o tn Ph O H W P 6 hi ! 0 B 0 (!) O w a o w ta w s w H W o rn es w a H a o e X-- 9 tr. 00 H Uniiog ) -j FAMILY GKOt'ElllKK. LOUIS JORQENSEN Dealer In all kinds of STAPLE AND FANG O-BOOBRIBS. rarmtr't Titrd and Httsbllac WITHOUT CHAKOK. 0r. Waahington-av.'and Twontioth-st. OAUO ILLS. fTJU. W. II. MOUItHS Nulurt I'ullic, M . II. II. CANUKk. No. Pub. and O. M. Com. FIRE, UULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK COIDENT, LIFE, JtTNA, I1A11TFORD. AtseU i,M3,MH 07 NORTH AMERICA, PA., Attet J,783,0O0 U UARTKOKD, CONN., llllll - 2,MI,J10 Ii riiaiNIX, HARTFORD, Altett 1,781,110 k INTERNATIONAL. N. T., Atteit.. i,aM,33s i; PUTNAM, HARTFORD, Asett... 70CJ17 l CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, AiMtn.. St),73 a-' HOME, COLUMIIDB. Am.. bb;n 4.. AMERICAN CENTRAL, MU A. IMS - SUMJOl CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Aaseli 30,ooo,0ou TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Assets. - 1,MI,U.H RAILWAY PAS8ENOF.RS ASSURANCE CO.. HARTFORD, Aaieti M.I.U, INDEPENDENT. HOSTON. Attett OJO.Hi SAFFORD, MORRIS k GANDEB, 71 Oltlo I.ever, City National Dank, CAlltO. ILL. FIRE AND MARINE COMPANIES XIAOARA, X. Y., Altotl I1.43C.21C 2 OKRUAXIA. K. T., Aatttt..M 1,0(9,721 79 HANOVER, X. T. AIKUmSIMWH .t.llllltt.IHMIM.M -aTS08C2 OV xcrun lic, x. t Assets .7H.V23 (K Comprising the Underwriter' Agency. TONKKRB, N. T Attett m 8t8, M A I.ll A N T niTT. Aiel..... Z3 riREME.v's FUND, 8. r., Assets C78.C00 0 SECURITY, N. Y. MARINE. Assets .. ..l,43'i,) 00 STORKS, Dwellings, Furniture, llnll. and Cr voe. Injured at ra'.es es fnfoiablo as anuml. permnnent neeiirilv wl'l warrnnt I rvupeetlullj ask oi tho citizens of Cairo, a hare ol tholr nalronace. 4'. IV. IIC4JIIKH. ci'as, sciioisurvii. STItMAM SCHICK CIIAS. SCIIOKaVMUYEH & CO FURNITURE ROOMS, UPHOLSTERING Mattress Manufactur Furniture ItrulrliK, PICTURE FRAMING. All orJc-iB promptly attended to. NORTHWEST CORNKtt OK WABIIINOTON AV ENUE AND TENTH fiT, CAIRO, ILL. Drswf r 1201, P. O. ntf. IIUTCIIr.ltn. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. KOEIILER & BROTHER 1) T reopened tha 1'Ol'CI.AIl 91 CAT MARKET, COMMERCIAE-AV., Urlnftii Mini, i td'Jtutli Mxetk. at.d will keep eonsttntly on hand the bet meats laiiRhteredin the Cnlro market. They ilelycom. petition, (live them atrial. eil2Ui. RKAI. IOTAI K AflKNT. C. WLN1STON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AUOTIONfiBS, 74 (aicoND tloor) onto lxvm, CAIRO, ILLS., Bur and Sell Real Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTBACTSJOF TITLE At I trerare OoBTayan of Kluit. 11 A IV ItS. THE CITY NATIONAL CAlltO II.MNOIN. CAPITAL, 8100,0b W. P. II ALU DAY, Presided JIKNItT I.. IIAL1.IDAV, Vice Tr nt A. ll.HAFHORD.Ca.hlcrl WALTER 1IVHL01'. Aitlsmiit Cashier. tmtcroaii Suits TAYLoa. iiaatar II. Ceaiixoaia. UXMBT I.. lUIUDST, . I-. II All in., io. D. Wiuusisaa, Ktsrutx Ilia A. U. viiruftii. KxehrttiRr, Coin mill Hulled Ntiilea JUotstl IIoiibIiI nsitl Nwlil. DEPOSITS rclT-d, anJ hiislnss uonr. a Rcnrrnl banklnii FIRST NATIONAL BANK or oa i no. IIA.MRI, II L' II II, Prrflilrnt: IIOKKKT W. MII.I.KK, Vlf.Pfllent 0. . IILIitlli?, Chl-r. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE tod Unit: Huten ttcuritlet bought and sold. Inlrrrl 4llowrl nti Tlmr npMlli. ENTEliritlSE SAVINGS BANK. Chartered Hitrcts 31, last. ciry natioval rank, cairu orrictusi A. 11. SFFORl, l'rMdntt H b.TAYI.OU, Vlce-l'rrnOent; W. II YSLOP, secretary ncl Treasurer. SlatCTOKSI H. W. IlAICHT, Cnn. OitloHta, I'At'L 0. ftCllllI, W. 1'. IWllimr, K. M. fiTocsrirtii, II 51 CCIXUUiK. j. si. ruiiLirs. ispnoalta nt ntijr Amount Rerelvea Irom ten vent aipwiiru. I M'EUF.-tT paid on deposits st the rile ot mi 1 percent, ser annum, jmrcn isianu neniem irr Int. lntcret not withdrawn Is raided linme dlnteljr to tie principil of the deposit!, thereby e'Tinx mem compouuu iniereai MAKRlen WOMEN AND CHILDREN MAY DEPOSIT MONEY 4 THAT KO OKI IUI CA I'SAW IT, Onen ete.T hutine.s dsT from a.m. to 3 p.m. and Haturdiy eenini? lor HAVIMJ DEPOSITS oni), irom m o o ciocic. auwii n isLui , irciiurri, ItAILUOAUH. QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH TIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. St. Louib, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi caoo, New York, Uohton, AKD ALL EAST AND TOINT3 WEST. pAssecger trains arrire nt and leare Cairo a fol lows: MAIL. IUIIII irr Us 1.1 a. m 1:00 p.m IitrAtr 4UJ0 a.m Ui43m Uoth trains conncel at Central! wlih train on the AIAI1T IiI3STE roa I'ana, I'ecntur, Illonmlnntcn, El I'ao, I.a Halle, Mendola, Freeport. f.jn, I'lihu'iue, and all points In lllnioin, Mn.ouri, Mlunrrota, A'l.con.ln and (own. Aud with Lines runnlne Kt and Wet tor 1. Louis, HpriiiKhelil Lnumrille, Cini.Mnimtl, InilhumpolH, Columhut. Aud t Uhleao wllh Michigan Cenirul, JIiclHRsn boulhern, and IMlnliurK. Kort Wayne and Cmcuco Itallroads lor Detroit, CltTtWnd, Dunkirk. Alhtny, ILision, rhiUdeiphla, ,NlK'a Falls, Krle, lluttalo, .New Turk, I'iittburc, lUltimore, Walilnj(ton. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. K. On and srter. Monday, April Jlth, 1871, trintil ruu aitoliowsi 0K1IERN DIVISION, TBAINS OOIKQ HOl-TIUAST, Mail. i. nave Virginia fnt'm.m " Bnrintield " Tnilorvllle 10:42 " Expres 12 3a u.m. .. 3.00 " 4:20 " Arrive nl J'au UilO m 6:17 TEAlkJ OOl.HQ NOTHWUT. Kxnrea LeTe Pana ,..4:o0a,m " TajlorTille 4:4 " , Arrive tsprint!iield...6il5 " Leave dpniigfield :24 " Ar.lvoat VirKinla h:2.1 ' bOUTHEIlN DIVIHIO.N. tb a la h soutiiiabt. Leave Edgewood 6:30 n. m Flora t:25 .. Arrive at HhHwneetnwn3:.Vlp m Mall. ...J;S5u.m ...4:20 " ...C.00 " ...C:10 ...8:15 ,10:10 a.m ,11:40 ,5:15 n.m T H AlhS UUiaU ft OuTH W KHT. Leave Khawneelown 6.IS a.m 8:2Up.n ' Flori- 2:65 " 7iU0" Arrive at Edgewood 4:io ' 8:20 " T:ieS::m a.m. Irala from F.dcewood, runs only Monday. W.dnesilayxand Fridays, an 5:45 a.m. rain irom onuwnm'iuwn uu iiietuay, lliuro. divs anilhaturday. COMD nrctn at Ashland with Jacknonvllle divminn ol Chicago and Allnn Itillrosd. fur Jcksor.vlllo, I eierauiiTK, .iiumuii uiiy, n uu an uoints weai. At HpringHidd, with Chicago and Alton, ami Toledo, Wabimh and Weitorn Itallroad, fnr llloom'.nRtoo, Chicago, and all point north, north' west nnd west. At Tana with Ind. and SI. Louis, and Illinois Central Kailroad lor all points east, south and outheast. At Edgewood with Chicago Division Illmol Central lUilroad. At Flora, wilh Ohio aid Ml-stnslppi Railroad. AtHhawneetoun, with ateamboais for Cincin nati, I'aducah, Cairo nnd St. Louis. OIILAND SMITH, Grn'lflup't. Jouk FooaiTT.Oen'l Fr'at and Ticket Ag'l. VVUH AND HIDE. II. LEVY & CO., EIALIBS IM Airs HIDES AND FURS, WOOL, FEATHERS, r.TC.i 93 OHIO.IiHVEB. Cairo, Illinoii. vlt4 Dili lift. BARCLAY BROS., OHIO LEVEE Ciiso, lut DBTJO-G-ISTS SARATOGA SPRINGS it ritL ItlST AT IIA"1 v,' uruo STORE. Fatsn 'flvtr., tAitt. MOUKINO BIRD FOOD tit auir roa rsa withoct taocata At Barclay'. II E L M n O L D ( GRAPE I CATAWBA j CATAWIIA GRAPEU'atawua rape ) riLLa RAPE ORAPE 1 PILLS AKD All r IIKLMBOLU'R MEDICIHAI FRESH FROM FIRST HANDS, ) Always la ttek la latg supply, and for tal by Rareltty Brts, FEE3H BXjTJTE IjICIC jvit noiivm AUD orBnlttb thr(ils Kotlle rCallatt AT BARCLAYS'. HiExtra Fins Coloomx; tSTGZNUlNK luroRTKD EXTRACT!; JOt-Hair, Tooth and Nail Drcshxi India Robber Nvmiit Ooo. BABCjjAY BB08. PURE WUITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Beat trad In arc stock as4 va riety, vry cheap; Full Link or Colori, BIS AID IN OIL I Taint Brushes, Lloieed Oil, WbltewasL F.ashs Turpenllaa, Varnlsbts Ete. t., f all amrs aao rrAjrcAtn sjvautsu At Barclatb'. Principal Offico 104 W. Fifth St., Cin. O. nc ONLY reliable oift EKTERFRUI IV thecou.ntrtI Sioo,ooo.oo IN VALUABLE GIF To be distributed In Ii. 3D. IISTH'S 37th aml-Annual GIFT ENTERPRISli To bedrnl Uonday, March 15tb, 171. One Giakd Capital Priie or $10,000 in Gold ! One r-rlx. 83,000 la MllvwrT' Five Prizes $1,000 ( Five Prizet $500 i GREENBACKS. Ten Prliot S100 . Two Family Carriage ana Jiatched Hortet with Silver Mounted, worth 11,500 each. Two Horse n.J buggie. will. flllver-Moanled Harness, worih C00 ech. Two flne-toned Itosewood Pianos, worth ' earhl Ten fimilyelng m-hine, sjorth ItOO each 1'50U gold and eilver lever hunting worth from it to 3UO, Ladle' gold leontlns i ohalui, v..tchln. i.o Li and double -ilalea rilver table and teiopoons, phulofraph albums, lewelry, etc., rtl. Whole number gifts. 10.000. Ticketi limited U Agenta wanted to aeil Ticketi to whon I 'be rid premium will bo paid, MiDtle ticket 12; ix licketn 110 : twelve tickets. $20; twenlr-flve 40. Circular containing a lull lit of writes, a de scription of the niKiiu-i of drawing, and other In. formation In reference to tho dl.tribiitlon, till be aent to any one ordering them, Alll letter must ba J L.D. MINE, Box l, oirn, Cincinnati, O' lot West till t. Dov2wtpolv C'OAl CAIRO CITY COAL It pr.par.d tt bM PITTSBURG AND IILLINOIS "iRPEns lelt at Halllday Bros, office, TO OHIO V I'EVEB, or at the Coal Tard below thtSt. Charles Hotel, will receive prompt atttotloa, TUETUQ ''mONTAUK'' wUlbilM ooal ala ftif m im. I imwi