Newspaper Page Text
TimUW'S GUI0K. I TAKK NOTICE. TIMETARLX Of T1IK ILLINOIS CENTRAL ft. ft. Oil and .riff .mdav, .- Hill, Ml. Ihe lollow- linkable "ill (to'i-iu ,ri"' nd depart nr. of piHtr ualii at Calroi Prparl-.Mall train, daily inm jlrHit Vn,i ') Sii&n.n; i:r' - - rr 1'00,m' Cairo and fsi. Louis enott Line. jtrfive ............. ,,.. ...Siti p.m. D.f,Mf i...... ... a.m. Jto Liisrate ft '-' from Caito in HI. Louis. He chsnre e' . from Cairo to Chicago. Flefstat rso'tf Itoa-n sleeping cars on night trams, Wage ebeoted to Ml important taints. CAIRO AND MOUND CITY Flf F.A.U Tl'. CACHE Will make !' '"P J,,r' ji - ,.....m. I At s::io a.m M II .m. At liSO p m, Al I 30..,.-.p.". I At - p.m. Far each , 30 cants! 1 tickets for l K, Will lav . hn h.l., at good luterui-diaie ai Jinn ; or pjn'piijt'ji hi ii uv EVANSVILLE AND CAIRO, The flaesUamar IDLEWLLD, ntl3 POWLKR - M.iter Will UTcClro fjf r.r.BtllH cvtry Hun Jay YlltiraHltr rTpnlUK, l u oui, .iii, ,11 A 1 1, IIOAT. Tn ipIrDJiil Ir.mer joclowlr,Mnler. ti Oilro VI Wf, it ily eiaeplil) all m F, P-"Vv5?lllO,.0Arg:i..0r , ... rfWWWA ' W Canberlnul .tlver I'.tekeU KASaVILt-K. CLAKK5VILLE AND CAIKU. Ibe flfnlfd tcamer TYRONE, TOM HAKMANMtr ALEX. UAnD.-.ark Will lor. C ilro trjr Situr.i tj at 6 o'cloolc p.m. forCliikinllf, and .NMbrllle. For froixht or cIt, 'P'lJ oa oard or to PJ.3if JA9.DI003.Agt. jf AdHVILLE, CLAHK.SV1LLE AND CAIRO. ThK'lant iteamAr JOHN LUMSDEN, 0"lVtNDlViS..M.Ur Jab.P JUII.NSON..CIcrk Will lae Cairo erf ry Tniirmla) nt ft 'clock p.m. for Na.hTiiie,Clirk.Tilleiuil hii f poluU. For frelKhtorpaiiaj. ipplyon u ard ir to JaoJlf. J A3. HIOGS, Ag't. NASHVILLE, OLARKSVILLE AND CAIRO, The (ood Kramer TALISMAN, WII.tT SIMM3.Maiter I J SO. HAUPER....Clerk Will ltire Cairo every Monday at 6 o'clock, p.m. for JtiTllle, and all way porta For freight or Eimzp, appiy on uaaru or to linJtf JAS. Btoas, ARt IMMIUflANT TICKETS IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, ) fnrSal. cFOR SALE, ' I Ft sale I ?0R SALE. J for rtlu 1 FOR SALE. Fare fratn Liveiipool, Fnro from Losdcxdeiibt Faro from Olasoow, Fnro from (Jueenotown 10 CAIRO, :::::::: $48' 2 0 iaSord, Morn A Cji LNMAN LINE Lirtrpool ew.Vuflt Mid I'hllad'lphia Steamship Company, tta cornier wini vjiited tutu ixu tantiH oortatxii For Carr)in tu Malla. FOR PASSAGE TICKETS on rvaiutt urutiiTiuK APPLY TO JOHN G. DALE, Aot. lSUroaJw.y, .Ntw.Votk, or to II. II un pt, Wahlngton Aei,i', Cairn. nnia. ji I'llYNICIA.W WILLIAM 11. SMITH, M. D. RE'slDli.S rNo. ki Thirtevnih ilrert, Um. ,V . -"'O'Uion HVtnue an I Walnut .trett, umca w uniiiemial tenii. un -lar. U. Y. DUNNING. M. 1). lP.aiKSCU--onifr.S,iiit!i uud WVnnt att. LVJh'e jo in -ixd ir-t ant lhlo lo. iiwuf,- iff in a.iu, ii ii m , ani tf II. WAUDNElt, M. D. TE1IDfi?(OH Corner Mnet'n'h ilteet an I XI -vainrigion avenue, lie t court luu.u nr. nc over th-, poio;tl:u. u.1l:e hour In to I, a m. and 2 lo I u.m. j4uHtf. R. S. BRIG HAM, JI. D., Orricu, 133 Oomjikiicial Aykvsvk, Offl:honr.,etol0k.m.. andlloJp.rn, Ileal dance, So U sun. .itrt. Cairo. Jill, M.7lm 1.AWYI-.UH. ALL.EN, MULKEY i: NYUKEHitt ATT0BNEY8 COUNSELORS AT LAW, William J.Allen, ) John H.Murkey, V CAIRO, 1LT.IN01H. Samuel Pf Whtlor J aarPtrtienlar attention paid to river and ad, malty buunej. OFFICE-Orer FlritNatioaal Hank, Ohio Levee. GREEN J: GILBERT, ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT LAW, Wiltlan William Mil, r. U'Oilterl, Ullkarl, J CAIRO, ILMNOIH, aWdpecia. attention xlya to Admiralty and niraiDuuai uuimiif. i orrici oiiio lktxk, rooms 7 and 8 ovjcr CITT KATIOKAL HANK, res male The Illlnofa Central Hail Road Compmy no met la r aaje ineiouoirinKaeacrioed ion in rira Addlilontqlh Oil. o( . Cairo, . Lot tT block .0. Lot 21 block , W iO, It. 27 12 it ai TSarau.aU. pplte JAME JOH.NHO.V MM Rl.r v--.AKn, KBV. ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. in . are heret'V notified to ilvt no rr. .ill ii, w,,e 6 .lah li'.iilith, on iny account, . I will pa nvueixn 1,1 nvrvi'iurrci 1114, c iiii nriMi n -spatated by mutual a,r,re hunt. illlp Paunh. March 7lh 1172. TAX SALE NOTKJK. Notice It hrrehr cln to Marr O'llrran, Mar tin I,coirfi A. ami J.J, Kifn.ann each of jon hit at n mle 01 linn iJ ' a'lualelnl(xnti.l r.ontiti.ll Idol, forlhiiclln. qiirt.1 Half, fun V. anJ dllr.M -cliool fa jra for tne jrar UlW. M I eol. hl;l at ih- Colut HoU, i if., .u. Af nir,i. In a ,1 f nniy. oa Hie SUM day of Jiinf.l"?'. I ihn lollowinir do. acril-o i lots .ituaie in Hip city of Cairo, eounty ,f Alflndr, ami "latcoi iinnoia, io.ii: Lot 3t In blnclc 7, taxf a In ihe name of yon, th I), t I'd in the name, of ion. tho .till RiarT t'nrT4i, ana iom mn'join ii"VK aid Martin L'wr.owf tc, and lot 1 In block V), tixrd In ih name or you, mo aau a. n iiiinnit, ani nil in n nox o't, tain , In the mm' nl ymi, Ihn anld J. J, Rlci ! and yon arc ftirllifr notified 'hat tho Hine lor the re emp tirinnl raid lota will expire on tho :Hli day ol Junr, IS72, , March B. U72. 3-a-il.1t noons, SANII. ETCl 00 TO W. W. THORNTON'S, JJUILDERS SUPPLY DEPOT J3j TXKTIX BTJtriT, CAIRO, ILLINOIS TOR Dnorn, Nnah, Rllnda. Monliilnira, I'Jtvc tint tern, (wood Wlnilow nd looA rrntnea, I'loorlny, I.atb, MtalnKlm, Ulazed Nnati, Ulnaed Hide Light, CJlKSCd Traaaomi,' Nitah Wclxhla, Hftab Pnlllc and Cerdn, Blind FoatCMlnga, Roelog Felt, Hooflfjff; Crraeat, Plaatcrtnf Paper, Carpet Felt, Wblte) Iend, L,luaHl Oil, American Window Glaaa, EngUab nndFreaeb Plate (llanai, Pntty, Olaaier'a Polnfa Hewer Plpca Patent Cnlmneyas. Etc, Etc., Kte. A OENT8 lor Rock Rlrer Taper Company'- Hhenthins Feltaad Quart! Cement. ii W. Jobn'a Improved Roofing alway nd BO OKU. 3 o o jf c z-t ai a us, u o H a 0Q U O M o o U r. J a o tn . c o if 'A c o 3 6 W 'A O -i H J H W a U a Y. o H s THE BULLETIN. Pnbllahed every morning, Monday ex ccii led. PhuI O cine. Sctiuh ioUi Kuttingcr'a modi tf Java Iwpkhiai, Tea ut HrUtol & Stil wol.'a. 3,ltf Go to Dr. McGauloy fur Ruttlnger'i Ko. vor Drops. Wurriuiteil to cure tho clillW. Go to tiik ExcuUlor tuloon for freih St. Ijouli luijur hecr. FiiEait St. LnuU Ingcr bcur just received ut the EmcUlor saloon. P. Ulankcnbiirg, proprietor. tf. Lsriso fat, fresh OYSTERS, received dully by PHIL. SAUP, 102 Coiimierclnl Avenue, Go tn No. SI Eighth a;reet, nnJ gel some of tho novel iind uxccllont Jiivu Imperial Ten, und try It. a-ltf. Fob the heit St. LuuIj lii'er in the city, go to JJIaiikonhurg't Exeelilor en loon. tf. lMl'OKTKD Mulrtiju grapes nt Jorgon ion , corner of Twontioth ttroot and Wuablugton avenuo. U 1 Makiiiaoe Guidk. Interesting work numarouH engravings 22 1 pages. Price "' A,l,lr,. Ii, Ilntt'a I)innnrv. No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis, Mo, See Advertisement. tf. JT,:U';",U",, " clmmbormald. Apply mmcdiately at A, Uullktin of- I I ns r, .ocan furuMi uj ences, th highest wages villi ,, KWen CALIFORNIA FRUIT, Just received at Bristol & Stllwell's canned Jlarlctt Pean.Aprlcoti.nml Muscat' Grapes, Also a full assortment of best brands of other cannod goods. No. 32 Eight itreet. 8.Mf. ARLINGTON HOUSE, T. It. Ellis, proprietor, corner 7th itreet and Commercial avenue, Cairo, Illi., Is prepared lo accommodato tho public with board by the day, week or month, at lower rates than any otber first-class home In the city. The roous are uli well fur. niabed, light and ulry, good sample rooms for the accommodation of Commercial agentr. The house it located in the cen ter of tho business prut of the city within one gqttar o(4lbo post office 4-9-tf TllK CAIIIO D.ULV crown girl to look . . . . . 1 M on at- niiuo pinni arwinn, an L-t tumi-mlml kioi1 wauri ,Ta. ,.j ' altilatlon will lu v .ar.1" nllctlu" oHlcc. 3, Atnpcrinl Tun,iit HrUtol 2.5-tr. & S IU WANTKII. A lndy wlslice cojiying to do. Dox 7B5, Cairo, III, AdJrris 3.0-01 HTVAHT A OII0LS0V opened out in tho aihoneiim building yts terday morning with n full lino of spring goods. ri.AYKD OUT. Business In our police courts wa on n stnnd still yesterday. Thoro was not nn offender ngalnst the penco and dignity of the common wealth of Cairo tried in either of the court. ' SBW FIHM. Mr. Robert Cutinlngham, Jr., and Mr. William Lonorgan lmvo gono Into part nership In tho commission und feed store builnesi. Their plate of business is next door to R. Smith & Coa on Ohio levee. COU.S'TY COUKT is still In sciiion. .ludges llrou, McCrlto and MnrchlMon nil being preont. Tho greater part of the day yesterday was con sumed in ,ho exiiminatlon und ulloivnnce of claims agninit the county. fcUMlAY CI10OI. .NoTICK. Oivini; to tho r?pniri now being mado in tho Prcsbyterinn church, thu Sunday school wilt bo held nt tho Methodist church, on Sunday morning, nt 0 o'clock. D. W. Mu.v.v, Supt. OATH OF ALLKQIANCE. Mr. John I). Phillis, nldcrman elect from tho Third wurd, look the oath of nl legiancc, to support tho constitution of the United States, und of tho state of Illinois and of thrjclty ofC.tiro, yesterday. TUUNKD OUT. By order of tho county court, Jailer Fitzgerald yesterday released six prisoners who wero convicted at tho recent term of thecircuit court of potty larceny and sen tenced to tho county j .all. Of the six two were women. HOX. B. TAYLOR. The 'ccture committco of the Young Men's Christian Association wero informed by tolegrnph yesterday that iho ilun. Benj. F. Taylor will lecture in Cairo on the evening ol the Uih inst,.und Dr. A. A. WiUott on the 10th. CORRECTION. Wo stated a day or two slnco that Mr. Jas. Kenneay was tho contractor for tho brick work on Mr. John Koehlor's new brick storo building. Wo were wrongly informed. Mr. Ilenry Stout has tho con tract for the work. THE COURTS. Tho United States district court for tho southern district of Illinois, which con vened in Philharmonic hull on Monday last, adjourned ycjteidny morning over to tho next regular term. Nearly all tho business on the docket was disposed of. ALEXANDER CIRCUIT COURT. An udj oil rned torin of iho Aloxnndor county circuit court convened yesterday morning. A number of cisos in chan c iry will bo trlud, but no other buii- ness will come belore tlio court, ilie next regular term of thecircuit court com mences on tho first Monday in April. NEW GROCERY STORE. A. Loven has opened a grocery store in Jio hotuoon tho coruor of Fourteenth and Walnut streets, whoro he proposes to keep a general assortment of family gro ceries, provisions, choice butter, eggs, et:., itid ho promise! to sull his goods on us reasonable terms as can bo obtained nt tiiy other establishment of tho kind in the city. feb21-dlm. MILLINERY. Mrs. Annn Ling, on Eighth street be tween Washington and Commercial ave nues, has Just received a lino spring stock of millinery goods, consisting ofhut', bon net, ribbons, notions, etc., etc., to which ho asks tho attention of the InditM of C.iiro. Mrs. Lang will take pleasure in 'bowing her goods to all who will favor hur with a call. 3-U-lm, NEW OOODS, In order to maku room for his new stock ot Spring und Summer gud, Mr. J. Burger, will dispose of tho stock ho now lias on hand at tho lowest possiblu tlguro Mr. Jiurgor is now in Now York buying a full stock of new good, which hit pro poses to sell nt tho lowest pojsiblo living prices. miMlw PERSONAL. Dr. Auttln, it is said, contemplates re moving from Cairo. Mr. Jas. S. MorrU, of Ullin, was In tho city yesterday. Mr. Lon, Haynoi has accepted n posi tion us clerk in Mr. R. II, Cunningham's dry goods store. Col. R. R. Townes, Esq., and T. F. Bouton, of Jonoiboro, weru in tho city on Thursday cvonlng. NEW FIRE ENGINE. Between olght huudrod und a thoiumd dollars having boon ubcrlbcd toward purchasing un engino and tlie nccuMiiry outfit for the hew lourih ward tiro com pany, u coiuinltteo has been appointed by tho company una negotiations tor thu pur chase of u first-class lund ongino tiro now going on. It Is behoved that with but litllu difficulty u sufficient amount can bo obtained lo equip tho company with '"achlnury second to no organization in thu City, "'E NEW WAOON ROADS. The city uad, uro mU., thoir heads tegetherlodevU wv, hnd , or Ulu speedy opening of the 11I1W ulr, d ,,0. tween Cairo and Mound City Wli Cll,ro und Ihobes, Whore thro in a wiu .ro is a way, and as the city's dailies are on having tho roads opoied, w0 ,nv safely expect to go to Mound City mid Thebes within tho next two months over first-class roads. rARKKR a BLAKE. Parker & Blako huvo added tn their woll assorted Palnl, AVull Paper nnd ' Window Glass establishment a regular painting business. They bar engaged lll'LLKTLN, riATTROAY, Mr. Curl L. Thomas, who hn been In tint , . . . , , . i. - i rk painting business In umro wr mu i Jems, tn superintend tho painting and pa per hanging department, and nil work on Iruitwl tiihlm, or for whioli ho may con tract, will bo duly acknowledged by them, and will bo executed with neatness and di-patch. Sign writing, plain and fancy palming, paper h inging and decorations, cibomlning, graining, glazing, etc., dono ut reasonable terms, o Oil. SOLI) OUT. Mr. Joseph Mendel lias sold hlsgrocory store, at tho corner of Tenth street and i ashingloti avenue, tn Mr. Joseph Bross. Mr. B. has taken possession and will Im mediately stock the concorn with a full and complete assortment of the freshest and choicest groceries nnd provision, which ho guarantees to sell nt prices ns low ns can boobtnlncd from any other estab lishment in tho city, llo solicits a share of tho public patronago and promises in return prompt attention nnd courteous treatment. 3-8 dim. T0IIACCO A ALES, Tho sales at tho Ballard tobacco ware liouso yesterday wero woll attended by n good board of local buyers. Wo nlso no ticed among those present quite a number of buyers from foreign markets. Tho bidding was lively. Sales were: Lugs 0 GO 7 30 Low Leaf 7 00 8 iO Good " 8 00 (i 11 00 Illinois Shippers' VI O'J Three lilnla. bright Kentuoky fine-cured rejected at $18 3U. Thero still continue? to be n good de mand for sound old fillers. Tho market Is uctivo with nn upward tendency. REPLY OF THE 1IIDERNIAN8. The following is tho reply of tho Hiber nian ilro company to tho note of Mr. Jo seph Vciruii, published In The Bulle tin of tho Glh Inst: Cilm, 111., Mn-ch Slh, 1872. Jor,li M. Veirun, For the Hough and ltendy rue uompmy i Dear Sir: Your noto published In tho Bulletin of the Cth Inst., purporting to bo nn acceptance of a challongo from tho Hibernian fire company, was brought be fore n meeting of our company on the eve ning of tho "th Inst. I am Instructed, by the company to Inform you that wo havo offered you no challenge whatovcr, and any newspaper quib tnnt m-iy havo been published latoly partiklngof tho nature of a clinllengi1, has been wholly unauthor ized by u. However, when tho ''Roughs'' boit tho4throw of tho "Littlo Hibernian," mado at tho match in November, 1800, wo will be pleased lo engage In another throwing contest with them at such time and under such nrr.ingements ns may bo mutually agreed upon. Respectfully, &c, M. J. Howlet, Soc'y. A TJIO TIIINO, Tho following Item will bo rend with in torcst, ns it is nn evidenco of the imme ,so quantity of freight thut may bo handled by u singlo boat : Ciiko, March 8th, U Cdltor Ilullctln. An Item of importanco has escaped your notice. A few davs since tho low boat "Crescent City" took from this port to So Orennt tho iimoiuit of fr-lght over handled by ono bout, viz: ix thousand mne hundred torn or an amount i-quivalnnt to sir hundred and ninety ordinary ireight car luadn of mer chandise. 'i'hero worn only seven laborers on the ; two pilots and two engineer', or elcvon men in all, to make the trip, Tho freight was carried ut from four to eight dollars per ton averaging six dollars per ton making tho hniidjomo littlo fortuno of forty-one thous and four hundred dollars for tho trip down. Tills is n problem for railroad men to solve : Can artificial channels compete with tho great natural channels nl ho abovo rates thirty cent! per 100 pounds for twelve hundred miles of trainit ? Inquirer. BUSINESS LOCALS. the new store! Wodeslro rcpoctfully to inform tho cltizi'iii of Cairo that our Mr. H. Peck "will open temporarily, nn office ovor W. B. Rockwell & Co.'s book htore, (front room) for thosale of theSingorSowing Machinn, attachment, silk nnd silver tlircnd', &c, of our manufacture. Any ono desiring to so euro Iho agency for tho sale of our pro ducts in Southern Illinois, will do woll to cull on film ut un early day. The Sinoer Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo. TOR SALE, Tho houso nnd two lots situated on the corner of Eighteenth nnd Walnut streets, is offered for silo on very rcasonablo terms. For particulars apply on the prom ises. fob'M-tf. Where uro you going? To tho placo number 6,1, Ohio levee, where they .keep thu best fresh oysters, fish nnd gnme, nnd the finest wincy liquors und cigars to ho found In tlie city. Open at ull hours, day or night. J.E.Park. AVo h nvo no heiitnton in recommend ing William Killer.', boot and shoo maker ns worthy of most liberal patronage. Wo know wherefore wo speak when wo say his work U bina in ntmiiturly in inner at tho lowest prices. Ho uios nothing but iho best of stock, and ho cannot be excell ed in tho dolieato task of making nn ex uct fit. Give lilin a call at his shop on Twontioth strott, iietwoi-n AVushlngton nvenuo and Poplar street, nearly opposite, tho court houso, und wu will guarantee satisfaction, Pat Fitzgora Id, of tho samplo rooms has received tho appointment of agent for tho snla of ihn lluinmondsport, N. A'., Ur bana Wlno Compony's wines in this city If iho bottle with which wo have been favored ll a samplo of the quality of these wines, thon wo uro prepared to that they nro nmonc thu best we huvo over tinted, H has Just recoived a largo con- gnment, which ho Is prepared to sell at the lowen figures. Ho has ulso on hand a "h" aim complete, stock of tho vurlout brand. of irU)l) 8colch im, Amcricim whisk es, and wlI1(J, uf over vttrjcty, Jnl2dtf MARCH 0, 1872. COMMERCIAL. Tho condl'l n of tho market is essen tially the satno as last reported, Tho gen oral innrket Is good, the market Is fairly supplied nnd nctlvo trade mlitht reasona bly be oxpcctml If" tho facilities for ship, ping wero not so limited. Prices of Grain, Hay nnd Flour nro well siislnlni'il. (JoOd Hay brings Sl!0 0d2i oil; White Com 57i8c, Mixed, f3c54o, and Cats 43i(m1 ISc Thu Flour mnrkot Is - firm und good, Tho weather is fair and pleasant. Tho market is moderately well supplied with Country Produce. Choice Butter Is scarce nnd much inquired fur. plenty nnd prices nro down. FLOUR. Firm, nnd best grades nro In good demand nnd scarce. Low grades aro plenty nnd neglected. Sales were 1,010 bbls vnrious Grade $5 C0!J CO 100 " on orders C 00010 00 300 " Low XXX Spring. 7 25 WHEAT.--1! cars good No. 2 spring old ut $1 44. CORN. 1 hero Is no chnngo In tho mar ket for White. Mixed Is In good supply und sells readily nt C3c. Sales were G cars, Mixed, In bulk, on track 20 cars, .Mixed in sucks, 13c del 3 cars, Yellow, In sacks, del 03e S3c 3,000 sacks, Mixed, del.... C3c(3jIc &00 ' " in lot, on orders 170 sacks, Choice, Mixed, on orders t cars White, in iHcks, del 800 sacks White, del 250 " " on orders... 04c5Cc 6Cc C7c58c 6Cc57c 58c 18,000 bushels, mixed from Elevator on P. T. OATS. Quiet and somewhat dull. We quoto COO sacks, Mixed on orders... 4Cc(2,lCc 100 sacks', Cholco White, on track 4Cc 14ol5c 15c 300 sacks, Mixed, del 2 cars, Mixed, in sacks, del. lb cars, Galena, in sacks, del 7 cars, Cholco Northern, in sacks, del 4 cars, Southern III., In sacks, del 3 cars, Galena, in bulk, on truck 2 cars, Mixed, in bulk, on track 40c 4Cc 43c 38c9 37c Hay. Sales nro limited owing to scare! ty of toiinge. Choice Timothy is in do. mand und would sell readily if it could b shipped. We quote 17 curs Timothy del ...19 0021 00 3 " Cholco mixed del 20 00 1 " Gilt Edgo Timothy 22 00 BUTTER. Strictly Cholco scarce nnd In demind. Common Is plenty and dull Sales wero 10 pkgs Common 9cl0c 20 "Cholco 1820 EGGS. Tho market Is well supplka and prices aro declining. AVo noto tales as follows 1700doz lCcl 8U0 "on 1. POULTRY. In good douiand and un changed. Sales wero 7 coop Chickens $3 OOQfl CO 1 Choice Hens 1 2D 2Cdoz Chickens 3 501 25 MEAL. Is in good demand nt $2 S5(jj)- 2 90. Sales wero 1 car, Steam Drlod, del 9o0 bbls ' " 100 " Cholco Stcum Dried del 400 bbls Kiln Dried 200 11 City mills 100 " Stcum Dried del 71 " " " in lots on order ?2 60 2 5 2 85 602 00 2 0J 2 95 3 00 3 00 the 200 bbls Bechor's calorie PROVISIONS. Dealers report market unchtinued. Wo noto sales of 2 casks B.icoii Clear Sides... Se 2 "Clear Ribbed Sides, dry suit 6Jc C tierces Leaf Lard Ik 1 " Rucon Ham 12Jc PORK. There is liillodoing nnd prices continuo as formerly quoted. Sales were CO bbls. Mess 313 75 POTATOES. We noto sales ol 300 bbls. Peach Blows S3 00 FRUIT. Thoro Is not much In the market except tipples, und theso nro scarce and high. AVo quote. 50 bblcs $C 00 SUNDRIES. 25 sacks Clover seed $7 00; 10 bbls. Sweet Potatoes $3 CO01 00; 131 bbls. Onions $2 50. THE FURTRAUE. H. LEVY A CO. PAY THE I1IOI1EST MARKET PRICES. Below will bo found tho corrected list of prions paid by II, Levy & Co., for hide, furs, feathow, wool, tallow, beos wax, nnd nil kinds of country produce. Levy $. Co. do a very largo trade in their lino, and it is ii well known fact that thny always pay tho highest prices to bo oh. tained in this maiket. 'ihey uro now paying for rURS : Mink 2 00n 2 25 Race on , ,,, ijij WildCat CO Uou-o Cat 10 a 15 Murk Rat , 15 Opossum ,, 121 Otter 5 00 a 7 00 Hear bklns 2 0U u 0 00 Beuver, por pound CO u 7C HIDES, PER POUND! Deer Skins Beef Hides, Dry Salt " " Orcon Salt OTHER ARTICLES: 27 a 37 18 n2u Un 12 Qn73 COuOo Tallow, par pound Feathers, " " Wool, " ' Beeswax " " 00 a 70 25 a 28 The abovo price list is subject to corrcc tion, truth. Tho powers of Mrs. AVhit comb's Syrup for children uro us positive as tho sunlight from heaven, and getitlo and soothing us un angel's whisper. 8-7-d& wl20 For Sale. A cottage on 12th street containing 7 rooms, cistern and out houses complete. Apply to W. W. Tbobmtom. KIVKRSEWS. PORT Ll'.lT. ARRIVED ANJ) DEPARTED. Hleamer. Where from. Wh-r lo AV. O Casovvlllo....Cii8oyvllle. Knlo Putnam .Pittsburg St. J.otiw, Grand Towir..St, I,.ul Memphis llowltd Kvuiuvillu ... Kvjitif villo. "iilsvlllo M. Orleans ... Cincinnati. Colorado Vlcksburg ...St. Louis. Cliy ol Calr N. Orleans. It. A. Ilablmge St. Loins lMlslmrg. Kuto Kinney. .N. Orleans ...Louisville. Illinois isuitimoiis Columbus, I tin I isk, jr...PuUuciil Paducah. CONDITION OP THE RIVEHS. Tho river was nbuut on a (.land hero last evening, nnd probably by thia mor- ing it will havo ri'en a little from ihu ell'ects of thu Into rise In the Cumberland rlvor. At Cincinnati the river i falling witli 10 feet in tho channel. No changes in the condition of tho Mis sissippi to Si. Louis, Tho channel remains easy, with about nlno feet water. Plenty of water from horo to the gulf. At Pittsburg tho river Is falling mid navigation s'.lll suspended. Cumberland river Is rising slowly, with six feet on liar poth ShoaU. At Louisville tho river con tinues falling, with five feet three Inches In tho canal. Red river Is still falling. 11UMNES3 AND WEATHER, Thonmountor business transacted on iho landing yestorday, was less than nny day (luriiii: tins week. Still there It no room fur complaint. Tno weather yoslcrd y was windy, rainy, sun-shiny nnd n rough day In gen. erul. The streets urc again In a muddy condition, -MISCELLANEOUS ITEM. Tno City of Cairo got nway for Now Orleans with n big trip of freight nnd a number of passengers. Capt.Jumoi Lusk was in tho city yen- t;rJny. Ho has to return to his firrt love occasionally. "Slch Is lifo." Tho R. A. Babbago passed up for Pitts burg towing four heavily loaded barges containing iron ore. She returns with a load of cement. Luke Bernard, late second clork on Ihn Capital City, has left that boat und now litis u like position on tho Paulino Car- ro.l. Capt. Nick Hacker fills the office of col lector for iho ferry company with n grace becoming u kin. Tile Louisville and Kate Kinnoy passed up for the Ohio river very light. Thero is no .Ohio river freight at New Orleans. PHIL. HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, flly Natloual Itank niillillux- S-peclal attention palu toorder trom rteam oats ulitht or dav. 11URNETT & CO. HIOHEST CASH PRICE TAID TOR HIDE FURS, ETC. Messrs. Burnett & Co.,Thornton's block, Tenth street, are prepared to pay tho high o't cash price for urticlcs in their line, as follow : runs. Prime Mink S1.75 to 2.25 ' Itai'cooi COc to Glk " Musk Hit 10 to 16 " AVlid Cat 40 to 50 " Opossum... 10 to 12 Otter 6.00 to C.Ot " Beaver Skins 0.00 to 7.00 HIDES. Green Salt, 91 to 10 Green Salt, kip and calf. 12 to 14c Deer Skins 2u to Joe For other nrticles, such as rags, feath ers, bees wax, wool and tallow, wo A'lll day the highest market prices. Respectfully, etc. Burnett & Co., Thornton's block, Tenth street., Cairo, III. tf. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Hnvlng removed my boot and shoe shop to the north side of Eighth street, between Commercial avenuo and Ohio levee, oppo sitomyold, I invite all my cus tomers to call on mo in my new quarters, whoro I shall keep on hand and manufac ture all kinds of custom-made boots nnd shoos, and guarantee In tho future, nt I have done in tho past, to givo good work, good stock, good fits and perfect tnlUfac tirn. Phillip Bauoii. 3-8-2m. BOARD AND LODGING, Mr. T. B. Ellis, corner of Seventh and Commercial, is prepared to accommo date nil who apply with board, with or without rooms, ut prices lowor than nny other first-class liouso in tho city. Mr. Ki lls keeps un excollent table ; his rooms aro front rooms high, light and airy, nnd woll furnished, nnd wo havo no hesitation in promising satisfaction to all who cull on him. Mr. Ellis will also supply parties who deslro with unfurnished rooms nt rensonublo rules. Lot nil interested tuko notice. Reinembor on tho corner of Seventh and Commercial, PHIL. SAUP, (3uccfssor to l Saup.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DItlCB IX CONFECTIONS. FIREWORKS, TOYS, NOTIONS, ETC, 103 Commercial Avenue, r,ottveen Nevenlli find Elfflltlt JrceN, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. JAMES KYNASTON, fliiU'tier iird Denier Its nil laluda Freuli neat, CoN(t, .SiviTKNTH akb Portia BtaiiT. CUIt i, ILLINOIS. OUVB and .l.Mighters only Iho very b' f.'"' j iioai aim anevp, ana ia V"V"' to tab dmaod for fresh meal, from oua F0AiKf rii.K. THE CITY NATIONAL CAIHO ILLINOIS. CAPITAL, SlUO.Ob W. I. ilAI.LitDAV. I'rolden II KMIT I.. IIAI.LIIMV, Vice l'r inl A. ll.HAKFOHII, Cashier) WALTER IIVHLOI', Assistant Cashier. II1U10III kTit Tattoi, Koativ II. CrxxixaaiJi, Ilium L. lUuiDir, W, I'. lliuiMT, iltu. 1). iiUAMtoa, Hrirma lliau a. u. t-irrnau. Esebanae, Coin and United Htatca Bond Bona;ht and Hold. DEr oSITS received, and a neutral Unklog hiialneas none. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAIRO. DANIEL llURti, Prealdent: IIOHEKT W. MILLER, Vlce-PreaUl.ot C. N. UliOItE, Caahltr. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE r.lXCIIAMIE, coin, bar.k nott as United IVj Htatea aecuntle. bouf hi and .old. Inlerxl Allowed 'nn Time nepealla. ENTERPIU SE SAVINGS Ctiartere I March 31, 1MI, orrici i CITY NATICiKAL BANK, CAIRO orriciaii A. B. AFFfiRD, Prid.nt H.8. TAYLOR, VIccl'rMi.tenll W. IIYaLO'l, .-kcretary anl Treasurer. DlatCTUUI I', W. Hi ECLAT., F. M. STucari.( tn. Cxn. Oiuoia, Fail I). r-CMix, W. I'. UAltlDiV. R M. CtxMai urn. J. M. t'aium. ISppoalta'it any Amount Rreelved Irons Ten C'enta Upward. I NTKIiK'T paid on depaaita at the rile nl aix 1 pe-i-eot. aer annum, March Inland Hptio tx-r li. I aiere-t not withdrawn Ii fabled dlalely 10 lie principal of the depualti, therrba k'vIuiC tin in compound Interest MARRI:H WOMEN AND CHILDREN HAY DEPOSIT MONEY so that xo cr tut cax naaw IT. Open nve. v buslneta dav from Sa.m. In 3 r.m. an4 baturJ.r evenine lor HAVING DEFOSITb only. It om t tn 8 o'clock. au.-uij w. iiinuur, Treasnr.r. nAII.KOAD). Q'UICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTII VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Sr. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi caoo, New York, Boston, AXB AIL POINTS EAST AND AVEST. pAMeiger trains arrive at and leave Cairo aa fol lows) mail, ixraua. saiTi........ 3iS.1s.m .....,.liOO p.m. I'ts Aii . 4iuo a. in ..aia a ra, llolli trains cooncet at Centralla wlih train on the roa ns, Decatur, nionmlngtcn, El Paso, La Hal llendota, Freeport, (ialena, Dubuque, and all imlnls In Illinois, Mistourl, Mlunr-ota, Wisconsin ami Iowa. And with Lines running Kat and West lor -I. IxiUls, HpringheM LoiiiitiIU, Cincinnati, Imllaiiapolls, Columbus. And al Chicago with Miclnsn Ceuiral, Michigan tuuiliern, and IMtsburg. Fort Wayne and Cmrago Railroads lor Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk, Albsny, ll..ion, Philadelphia, Niagni Falls, Erie, Duttalo, .New Turk, Pittsburg, llsJIImore, Washington. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN It. R. On an I after Monday, April Jith, 1871, trains run as lol.ows t MJKfllEK.N DIVISION. Tasixs ooixo soriMiiiT, Mail. i.eavi Virginia 0:lUa.m " t-pringrlelil " " Tnyliirillle 10.S2 " Arrive at I'aua l:j0 m. tbaIxsoqiM so?rMT. Express Leave Pans ..l;(X)a,m ., Express 12 34 u.m, . l.oo . :S6 fcFf - J:JS. " Taorvile ..l;4 Arrive at npriiigAeld...t,;16 Leave Hpsii,gfiri ,i:ita , 0.00 ' 0:10 -,.rl 1 Ar.heitl Virginia t-.t) r"ia " KDUTflKRN DIVlBlptl, TBAIXS 00 I NO (AVTUSttT, Mave Edcettoud 6.30 a.m .......10:10 a. ' Flora 8.25 " llitO ' Arrive at Hhawneetown3:A.1p m 0:14 D.ra TUAIVS OOINO SOSTBWIsT. Leave Bhawneetown 8:11 a.m J.IOp.w Flor 'iM " 7:oo" Arrlv.- at KdKwood S:SO ' ........8:20 Tile 5:311 a.m. irlh from Eiliewood, runs only Mondays, W.dnt-s.lajs nnd Fridays, sn4 ft:4Ss.ui, train from S attnerlown Ou Tuesdays, Thurs, diys un.l hiitanlnys. Ci lotineets al Aslibind with Jacksonville division H'ksonvilln, ills we.. ' I' Alton', and Railroad, lor Dloom.nuten, ciua(;ii,iinu an points norin,nortn- W6lt Hll'lf f At Tana with Ind. and Nt l.oiils, and Illinois Central Itnllroad lor all pointa east, south snd sonthenst, At Hdirewood with Chicago Division Illinois Central Riilroud. AI Flora, wllh Ohio aid Mississippi Railroad. AtHlmwneetosn. with steambnait fur Cincin nati, 1'ad ucah, Cairo and 8t. Louts. OIU.ANII SMITH. qen'ISup'L Jons Poojivt, fJen'l fr'a and'Tlrlifl k'f! FUIIN AND IUD1M. II. LEVY & CO., VXAIIIS IX. HIDES AND FURS, WOOI FKATIIERN, F.TC, 03 ohio.levi) 553. Oalbo, Illlmoli, novlM nl I! licauoan'l Al'iiu u uron. tnrj I'Aiersiiii'ir, llason City, and all poll ''At Hiirinirnrld. with Chlcazo and T.iUil,,. IVnbash and Wnste'rn' thousand pcuoai.