OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, March 10, 1872, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1872-03-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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joiin ffoniaiLY & co., phopuietors.
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71 Ohio I. tee.
Cltj National Btpk, CM HO. ILL.
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Cempriiln,? the Underwriters' Azencjr.
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STORKS, PwllilH, Purnllure, It'll'" nd Cf
tor. In-ure.l Kt ra' m froibIe .uun.l
prmiBat seeurit wl'l rrmt
I re.pectltilljr nnk el the cltiien. of Culro. i
sUt. of their patron....
Ittearsuice Axoncy.
In tlio Senute of llio United Statu, Feb.
23. 18?J.
The lennto hnving under cntisidorntluii
tlm rc-olniicxi In 1 ulutiuii to the etilua ul
to French agents
Mr. Trumbull said:
Mr. I'iikhiiiKnt: Every, tifort lit rt;
form hihI locxn.ie nt.il corrict uIiuh-s l
tnut In tlil body by imiiulu um Hiojh
who make tlm i ll r:, uy nHTion npoi
tbeir nintlvi-. itml by iilli'UHtiolii of lml
purtv iuitli. 2ue'tlMH alUiliiiK tn lr
itvo'ftlie tfuVoi titticiit, t i' inii'ivu ot tl.o
...lilllj.. Illi.l till u futu of tin; 1 ul. lie, In
tliu i)iinioii t'l miuu nitiiibert ff tliU body
Mho ttmlineio ou inu (lucunur uxiniin
of tl.e Ileinblk'!tii9 l-Hriy, uliouia no
.nijcr bo (1i.lI ud tii'oii tlitir merits, but
with 11 view lt their ol tiiul t llV Lt.
Uhiet iiini'tii' thorn who would tuoorui-
nulu tlm pubiiu witlturu to tuiriy, ttutidit
the tiator from imliiinn, (Mr. M-jrti-n,
who In tho iliicu-siiii ol tl.o ruoluiii n ,
undiT t oimidcratiuii bus devolnl levcrnl i
hotiiiiiti -tti eela-i madn upon ditlrreni du , I
lo party politics und ml conleiil witn u-
IIIIIIIL' IlllfO WHO IIHVO UIOIipil H lilt. 1-
duty 10 move the pr-n'iit liivttiHtioii
itinl liuvu li.k n (iiirt ill llic pn-i'iii u. mm; .
tli tet.uior whluh-rj hwny I'lom th. in un I i
IhUi - oniitior.t to ipi.-uk of u rei.uti riul 1
citbul, und to refer lo movement umdu lit
othertiliiu und other tnj;e of thutosliolt
in f ivor of invtHiigHilon. !
I ilo not know by wiiHt Hiiwioriiv nny
member of tlm body humiuc t-i bti tho
p. culiur ixpi.tidil of this lleiiublieuii
prl, or vtn ul the iidmirnnruli.iii. Iff ,
Ii.ni l ciincliido I iiiiend toruy tomi thiiii:,
not upon tlio ul J'Cl of itivcnif,'iiilur in .
reHrd to tliu mlij of urni. by tt u jrnvern-
hK'iii. but In reply to tin n u.p iiieii n.
ullof h politiL'.u fliiirnct-rm iiW 'iy llioi;
vtlio H'-uiimUi bu be terue .uni eiiii iniui
their felii)W-teliiilor, mid unbti I llib-
undiTtliiiiil wlmt the principle ul the lli-
iii lilicrf ri purtv me, I tbllik l rhuii be mijiii
lo h'.w II. hi tin ubo lit lids lireiint In t e
on hIIocch'ioi ftodeli. ulii'iiolber s innk-
ilig utuUiti upon the lte.ublieHn inty
hus li ni'II tnritli'ii tliu iiinunmetiiiii
prii.cipiei up. n ul.iull the lU'pui.lieiiii
puns m luunutu tuiu i;u iiiwaxs
In tl.e But pUrc, I propi"e In llllW bow
nil utU'lilpt i lllnde i ll i Vi ry uiti-ion to
drt"milVory ill'.Tt nt lu'urn, liO liuiller
Ir.'in win m It mine nor in reiiit.un to
ull-t luijei't, lert il (hi.uld lijur.- tho
mit,nliii ill this huliib. r, Mhvle ul tirun
coiiriueruiiuiia ouuht never to iiilerleiu
itli lint difehnrue of public July : where
the Icgialrtiun MmuUl be fur the country,
Hiid not lor hiiv urtkuiur party in the
cul'iitry, we hiic limo iibd igilli henid
nip.al Hindu to parly for tlie purpvFu of
Carrying measure;.
lu tin uiLiiri hi Hich occurred in this
clininber luneiito h .mIiii In.i, on i
quetioii of difplMiin tlm rciMtor Horn
.Mu9hCI.Uriiltr (.Mr. Sumner; ir.ni uie
po.ii.on wh.ih he hud 1. iij h-ld with jjreiit
turner to the lountiv n cli.iiriiiuii .l tno
cuinmiliee on lore'iiii reitioii, it w:i
boldly iituiouncid by tlio tenuior from
liidiMiu tlmt
The ipieilniH with us now Is not h to
the prujiriui of the ctmbgu iliat Imi been
tniido in ibuclmirmaiifliipof thecomiiiilt' e
on foreign r.-.ation-, but whether we in
tend to Hand by the orgutiizilioii iiud ttc
umaes of tliu if-publican purty. "
Il wa- in t a quoiioii ot pruprloty bi ro
by senator oath in thx disclLUe ol public
duty, but n question of fidelity to party or
ganization. In the further dicusion of party al
legiance, ti id or tho duty to voiu m it is
luppo-ed will best promote party emit, tlio
senator mid that when the Pirtv hud imido
a deciMon "it lliuy be ocn against my
conv.ctions of right, but a far us all p r
sonui coiifidcrHtions uto concerned 1 givu
my joleiuii pUilgo that I will nbido by its
uction." Yn, sir, fontmry t.i h-fc si'li'inn
convictions of tight in th" exercise of his
du v us ii senator, bu gives his plidge in
advance that be will uhido by tbu decision
ol a purtv caucus
Investigation wn to show that corrtlptl"il
existed under tlm udminilriitinn I Of
cotirio It wr., if any cxitid, and why not?
He then nverred that ''the drift of the tie
bull! ' was "a reflection upon tho Kepubb
tim paity j and tlu putty wm appi-Hled to,
In .-ii organise the cotnnillleo that the op
.iieiiti of thu propoK'd itivcstigatiiin
rhi'llld contrnl It
A 1 f it'll, twenty-'our senators hwl
VOlell to clothe tills COIIlllliltC't Willi Hltiplo
atilhoilly to Inquire into existing nbues
and cxpoie them ; thirty-llvii liad voted
iignhi-t Itjniid when the" public sentiment
ol'lho coiiiittj had fnrced seiuitors to agreo
to Mil iiiU'ftigutli'n, then the patty cry wa
raid to m organize tlio Coliiinltteo thai tif
tin-IWentv-four reunion who voted in
luvor ol einthiui: the commilloii willi uu
S-1,000,000 n day j and of course, whrn
such vast sums had lo bo disbursed fre
quently on 6ccnlont of grfal emergency,
Hiid at'rcnioto places, there wm no oppor
unity for spcuring tlmt accountability
eential o tho tccuro nnd faithful 'lis
burseiucnt of iiich vast stiml. Thero wu
nccefsnrl!y n great wato ofmi noy during
' thu war. as thero will be In nil wars, Hnd
tlm country has not yet recovered from
tliedeiiioriIli.iitiiin which followed thu get
lug rich In it day at was often the case
, whilo tho wnr lasted. This doniornlizu
, ton has extended not only to govern
I tiipiil olliciiil', but II exlstt to some extent
' in private life. Many of our tnetchuiits
linvo become gamblers in stocks; niul
1 mine n' our great riiilnnil cnrporiitions
have tot t hint -n ii il mid tens ol thousand
tin lily to inquire into ubium, one single of dollnrs through dishoneU olllcers.
one, nlKl He it IJeinovrul. uionu wis pui
upon il. Of the other six not onu had
voted in favor of Kivi,,S "Utliority to tho
(.ommlttcu to send for persons and jmpcrs,
i ami inako tho investigation thorough a
! origioallv proi-fit. It It trim that when
I tlio subject wiw brought to the notice of
the H'tiHte, olio of tho ix declined and un
I nlher eoaU.r was suhtittiil in hi phiec,
I (hi) senator from California (Mr. Ca
I lorlvl iiiuking two Democrats on the
! ciiiiwintt'e. Why wit tlio coinmitteoi
.r..i.iy.ii? li whs dnno In obedlnce to
I 1....1 v il'ii.ti.ib'ir. The crv ol party al.egi-
anco' was invoked to accomplish It. TIk-m
were thu words of tho tetiiitor from Indi-
hl" W'o wrro ns1pd to crente n smelling
conimltteoto be set tit on the preideiit
from that liinu Until the election, Just n
we would put li ili ticiive upon u tli'ptctc.l
criniinal. No sensiblo party would do
that. W'o did m t do it; wecreuled a com
iiiiltci! lli 't was detioumcd us being a
wbltewiishiiig cumiiiittio; but it hasul
ready vindicated itelf.
Now. the si nator fruin lndiann tells yi u
why tho commitieo was created us it was,
Weweren.it go.ng ''to create a smelling
Ci'llllliittco, ' as hu my, '"to bo Set Upon
the presdenl.'' No si'; but was the
fcnulnr from Indiana opposed to organiz
ing commit. eo in luvor of exjc sing
libido, if they exi-ttd ? And is that M;tting
a niiiiliingci'minitlfce npur tlio pretidenl
of the United Slates' 1 repudiiitu uch nn
idea. Notliing '.ould huu given t; renter
strength to ll e president of tho United
Stnti s t nun to Imve bnd n earne-t, faithful
ci uiiiilltco lu favor of investigation, who
.-li. uld h.ivy hunted out in i ll of tl.o do
paritiieiits of the govt rnuiet.tthu nbue, if
tins, thai exltt- d, iliould huvn brought'
them to his notice, tit d nllowi d him to cor
rei t ti tut refotm tbun. Why, sir, that
wi.uld havu given rtruliuth In the ud
iiiiiji'trati.iii, rtreimih to thu ltvpubltcnii
pmty Hut what wa? tbu linpre-siun that
weni all over this countiy in consequence
ot U. i' p.'irii-nii orguiii.itinii of tho com
iniit.e .' Il whs that it "whilcwn'lillii:
luiiiiti.iiteu" was formed, as thu senator
fiuiii li.dmiu; tel. u-. 1- it fifty wmider.'
IJut ho m thi- comn iiteu has "vii.di
catnU itself."' Mr. President, 1 shall innko
no eomtiie.it up.ui thu conduct of tho
ci.uuiiiitic. Il has not yet n.udu lis re
port, but H action und conduct in the
maiiageiiieiit ol tl.o inve-tiuation were
public, and are before the world.
The commitieo wa- inttucled lo inquire
into official illumes in tbu cay of -New
Yi.rk. and in the ctisti.ni-hi'ti'e particular
ly. It was charged wul. thu duty ol in
o'uiriiii! ulieilier iilHclul. hd Impri.pefly
mierlcrcu witn me ire uum .r hiiwi.
i riiiquinng whether olllcers in the cuiti.m
bmou hud been uifcsftd lor thu puipo-eof
ruis.ng na-ney t.i conttol elcctioi.., wheth
er they had' improperly uit'Tlered in
pattv coiiV' uti.itis and in politics ; and
wheii it wiip sent lo iimku that inquiry, it
was not tent nor instructed to inquire
jnto the conduct of the piopo theiiiselvis
1 i puliliriil matter.-. Thu people have a
ugh. 1 1 do as they pleas.) nt dictions; but
the printed report sbow that Witnesses,
whuCHiiie before that committee 10 prove
thin cut iim-lmioc i.llioerf by the scoro had
thri.imed the halls of legislation, interier
mu with tlifufgiii r.Htionofthu legislature
, ol the -tat" of Nuw York, were inquired of
i whether I hey were not there Interfering
! nlso, n if this ci'iiiniitlic was authorized
to inquire into thu ci.nduit of the people
iiisloa.l ol the tiilsci.iidilel of the olllcers I
, The report further shows thai wltnese
who emtio heloro the committee to notify
, to abuses existing in the custom-house,
tu the fact that cii-tom-houseotlleiHla were
in tile Imbil of exuding money from mur
I chants f..r the puiforniaiico of duty, were
I inquired ol' to know ir it was not as bail
for them to ivu money us for the officials
i I., t.iki. it. Was tlm commiiteo of ours
I .....i l.. Ii.nnlr.. Into tlm Conduct of lllO
. "Wh there
sbiTraco to nil,
bu nny such party, nnd I know of iio'te as
n distinct orHiitEntion from tho Republi
can party ; und how hu knows what
tlio Dem'-crnoy will do, is more than I can
It ii at fltn Aftnntf t..1fa ill tltnf Irin
platform adopted by Liberal Kopubllcans ( amnesty, nnd tho preil.li, 'Iff?!,
- o- , x l U i
.,,,,,.1 , ' 1 equal sourauo lo uu,
last national itej.uufe ' ,
o.i as one ot us roioluin, "r"r;
in Mioiirl is "essclitiully n Democratic State Iins urged it upon us tt, V. i
platform, that It is " nritl-Kepublicin," , message with very peculiar force. B",
proves tliat by
a nd he proves that by saying that tho
Demi cracy of Connpeticilt luvo adopted
III I propose to make sumo remarks upon
that platform, nnd sen whit Unit alill-Ke-publlcnn
and Democratic platform, us tliu
senator calls II, h, I ask the secictary to
read the resolutions which I eiid lo the
Th" chief clerk re.nl n: follows:
"JUibtrtt, that wo tho Liberal Uupubli
inguago :
" .Muro ilian six years having elttpti
since the last hostile gun was fired between
the arm.es then arrayed again jt each other
onu for tho perpetuation, tho other for
tho destruction of the L'nlun lt may well
be considered whethur ll is not low tlmu
tliul thu disabilities Imposed by thu Four
teenth amendment should ho removed
That iimcndment does not cxcludo the
This doctrine was announced nearly a I ,)trci1Pni, f Jev York, or into the mis
u,oer t-.w,wu
Of St. Louis.
Bottom all klml.ol rl.Vt.
F. 11UOKS,
eclJ7tf t.gnt, CHiro. Illftio'-.
rAMII.V llttlt t ltl.
p.ler In all kinds of
rrtvefa Yf rU nl rttnitllsiK
, without aiiAJtot.
r, WAttDBtonav'an Twentieth-si.
yoirag'i. Again, ai lliu uoiiiiiii;iiivimi ih.
of the present kssioii. ht.ii It was pro
posed to raiso u ci.ininitleu to inquire into
the ubiucs tf government, the proposi
it,.,, vein met bv cerlftin senators with all
sorts of obstacles. You will remember In
tho first instance, it was propmcd to iuUu
a joint select committee- u uie iwo nouses
ol congrns, sticli a committee us wo hud
had for several congresso without objec
tion, to inquire into existing unutea m mi
tho depurimeiiis rf govuriiniunt. to know
. nether thure were supprnilincrary of-
ti, ... h4 .iiiiiioved. whether men were in tbu
public scrvleii who performed no duties
imd who oiighllo bo (llscliurgcu, itnu gen
..r,.ilc to iisci rtiiiu tho condition of the
public service wun u vi . piiu.n.i,
und Improving it. '1 lie objection was
Hindu llial a joint select coinuiuno wn
improper, parlicubnly a committee venod
willi imwer to send for persons imd papers
i I., niiiko itivesiiuiilio'is. No such ..li-
li clion hud beun Hindu to the coiiililitiio
which had uxisted for years ; but now it Ik
luslsteil that all sul j cts ol mquiiy oujliu
to bo icluried to lliu nanuiug coiuuiuiee.
of tho mime. Wo bad Handing com-
inillees it was fald, up.. 11 uiiiiom iviry
subject to whi.m any matter coll (I be rc-
- . ..I I. ... ... I ....tl'l. tll.ll llll
ten ell, nlllii'Hgii ii na Bin.n -
stulidiiig cinmlttoc of tbu sentitu was
charged Willi Uiu unit oi uupiu (, "
iibusus of govurnmciit.
It was tlu that the first proposition for
investigation was met, with what motives
I will nul btidirlako lo say, but il Win
undurst 1 by lliu country as a mom
wii.ei.til tncestleiilltin : und when
ll o voice i f the people began to bu heard
in fi.xor ol mve.iigi.il. n.iti fi.vor i.f. xpo-.
ilit' and c. ricitlng abuses, we ll. ally fiiund
thu verv icniitors vi u hud stinted i in
w.th l.o'st.iiiy to tl o original pro.o.lilon
i ioposlbg to ralsu it ciMiiiiilllic, hut it
iniist b. ii Handing comuiitieu of thu
kuntiie to inquiie into abuses; st ll it must
bu n coniiiiiilu without jiow.ir. Tlio pro
position wus to rul'u ii coniniiteu of Invesii
gutioii und retreuchliHl.t, to do wli.it i
To inquire into sucli subjects us should bu
relerred 10 III Aim wnun "" "
was made to Invest that coinniitiei. with
Power lo I mil; .j tho inquiries which hud
been made undnr the direction of ilioji int
commiiteo of thu two houses ul former M".
sions of cotigresa. ihal was opposed, fought
men i'j iiiuii, "uu nnniiy vutud down tiyu
vote ol 35 to 24 in this bodv. And then
U win that thu senutor froiiriiidiuiin again
ed tho party cry und w.il,
jant exclaimed, that the object of thi
conduct uf tho otlleiiils in thu custom
And. sir. I hnvo ccn it stated In lliu
nn.i.r. 1 know IlOt W'ltll llOW much
truth that noilco has been given that tno
witnesses brought beroru this committee,
ulm eMio.u thu bribery, corruption nnd
i.ii.lfi.ii.iiiico of olllcialf. nro to bo proso
cuted ihemselvcs ss pirticipaiits in tho
fr,..i.u ihev i xdosc. S r. I will inako no
cotnmuiit up. ti this. I unto but what I
Imvn tieii iiiiblislicd. nnd shall bu u ratified
if tt i- not trim ; fur it will ttrlku the
.'Miinire ii. ii siriuiiiu wuv of ferreting out
1 1 1. 1 ii b.'.sr. ..f olllelals. to iniblish ill ud-
vuiieii that thu witnesses who expose them
j will themselves b Hidieted us pirlicipuliis.
You will not be likely to und out ninny
:ibuc in tln.t way.
And, sir, linto m this body, on tho prcs
cut i.ccai...n, a ri eiiiutlon is i.llured threat
i.niiii' M.iinlors. uvell. who niovi' illVerll
I'litn.ns with lino find impi isoliuioiit in
e.iiii.itt.111 wllb tho ilivestiiiitloll aliiitlt
which lliey proposal t iimku tint inquiry I
Sir, tliu countiy win uiiuersiiinu mi
Senniont li.nv tetl lis they nro fur llivebli
gut. on, in luvor of exposing ubtises, but
their net und their votes tn this body will
ml bo woll unduistoul by un intelligent
p. utile,
IIow 1 tho jiroposid inquiry now uiidur
Olliciiil corruption sceins to havo ctil-
ml rm led in tlio city of New Yo'k lat
autumn. A powerful party existed in
thut city which hud for years sustained
ils-elf In Mtwer by thu corrupt use of pat
ronage nud the" plunder of th" peoplo
The mor.'trous Tnmniaiiy frauds never
could Lave, existed in such proportions
beroro ihe wnr, and ntn rr could hnY3 been
pcrpittrated exciipt In thu name of party.
When first charged I hey were denied, Hnd
an iiltcinjit was mudo by the party in
power to cover them up, to keep them out
of sight; but the people of the city uf
Jvjisw i nrk, without regard to party, np
jointed reform committee of investiga
tion, and after grent labor and many dilll
cu'.ties, they succeeded In unearthing nnd
exolng "those terrible robberies und
frauds which shocked tho whole nation.
At thai time tin; Tammanyltet raised the
party cry In order to pievent invi lega
tion Jii'tHS you will a'wy hear it raised
by d.ihnnest officials whin; acts it is pro
posed to invu'tigate.
linl the Invcstigalon went on, and tho
cry of reform first started in New York
lilt's) been heird throughout the country
They have heard il in Chicago, and to-da
two or tbroj of the aldermen of that city
are under conviction and in prison for cor
ruption in office. Tliu same cry has
reached Flor'Ju, and within tt few days
wo have henrj thut its governor hits beed
titiaiiimoutly impearbrd for theft and
other crime', while lliu debt of that state
has been frf idulently swelled by millions
and Million f dollars. Tho governor ol
another state wlnibuta few year, ago was
on thi-floor 'mfiiijiR'lng senators, lii In -half
ol his corrupt schemes, Is a iugltivs. 1
from his state, and 1 know not but an
exile in forelgt lands, in escape the punish
ment bis robsery of the peoplo und
other ciitnes thscrvo; nnd his associate
.n guilt, who cane hero claiming a seat lo
this liody with n more tight than if he
bad been elected ) nifty men upon Penn
sylvania avenue, vus once sustained in Ins
ciaiin by the senatir from Indiana. That
nssoclnfe to-djy, as I am inlorrned, holds
as a protection "iron tho penitentiary a
iinrdoti obtained frittn the coventor.
1 shall not go over the history of thu
ciioimous frauds which havo been per
nitrated In nearly all of tho recon
structed stHp'S. I luwe not bad time to ex
Mtn i no lliu voluminous report which has
laid iiiM.it I ho table; bul 1 . understand
that the debt of North Carolitvi litis been
ci.truptlv swelled bv many millions finct-
or quite a Imd ; Louisiana worse.
Now, Mr. IVesident.wheii such things as
these ureuxlsilng all ovjr I ne .Cuntry.
when in , li erice (reiaitnurti.
after defalcation is occurring, is it expect
ed that this people will not demand investi-
gsition, require reiorni aim a inmier siauu
ard of official integrity? Theio i some-
ibltig wrong. lliu people ueiiianu n
retiiedv ; aiiu wncu o in'M" w
mqiiirv so j! to know How to apply the
remedy wo are met with the cry of dungs r
t.i the pariv. lour investigation I uc
siu'iicd lollirow 1'inud upon the part,"
exel -ims the senator from Indiana. Sir,
no dirt whl bu thrown ujon a purty tlmt
is pure, bv Investigating it acts, but if it
be iiiiiur"', tho sooner its garments are
cleansed liv thorough investigation and re
form the better lor u.
This crv of "purty," upon all occasions
tit timvent Investiettlion and the exposure
of abu-es, reminds mo of what was said by
Putrick Henry ot onu Joiin uiok, who
bronchi suit to recover pay for a couple
of steers taken by the commissary id uiu
revolutionary army lor laini-uing soiuiem
who were exposed to tho w.-i.th r mid hard
pressed, and whom uiiy mun with a jiatri
otlc heart In Ids bosom would htivi tcjolc-
ed al an opportunity to have leu anu
cared for, but Hook folluwed up ihn army,
demanding pay tor nts sicers, mm is oes-
nr bed lie tlQtirv us lie nppeureu ui tuis.-
town when Cnriiwallis Willi the hut llrit-
Ish army marched out ot his reirenci.-
mentsnnd surrcnucrcu 10 me nmn
forces. On that occasion, says Henry :
' Triumph lighted on every patriot face,
and tlm shouts ot victory and tho crv ot
Washington and liberty wcro ncani as
thev rung an1) echoed tlitougli thu Am
erican ranks, and wcro ruveibernted from
tho hills ii ml shores of tho neighboring
river. Hut hark, whut notes 01 uiscotti
are thesu w inch disturb tho general Joy.
niul silenci tho nccliiniatlor.s of victory 7
They nro thu notes of .lolin Hook, lioaret ly
hitWiltlg tlirotlgn Uiu niiieucau cumj.,
Heel I beet I beet l
Laughter . ,
And mi, sir, when tho country H reek-
lug with corruption, and mi Investigation
is proposed to ascertain whether It exists
uin.iiig government olllcialf, wo tiro inei
with tho cry of "party I " "party I " nnd
thut is tho speech heard from tho senator
from Umlauti in opposition 10 over.) m
1u,r'' ....
Thu senator bin a wonaeriui Knowieugu
of parties. He tells us not only what uiu
. I ... ill .1 tt.l.i.ll tt wtl
lleiiuuiican party win uu-n
iioiiiinatu and whut U to ltup(.en lo It, but
lie telU ti ulso what tlio Liberal Ue.u
blieans will do, and then lells us whut the
Uemncrats will (lo. uu mjs in u wim
can of Mis-ouii, fiilthful now as wu wcro j lullm, nut only imposes the disability to
in tho dark days of war, to thu vital i i,m ulllcat upon cerluin classei. When
principles of Kepuhliciiiiism, by no
act or word will endanger tho rightful
sovereignty of the Union, emnneiiatloii,
equality ofcivil right-, or enfrtichis 'iiii'tit.
To thosn cilabliheil fads m.w embedded
iu tbu constitution wu claim the loyalty of
all good cit7.oin.
"'lle.iolced, that tmo nn I las'.litg paic-i
enn coino only from audi irofotiini recon
ciliation a enfraiichlsomunt hu- wrniighl
thu purltv of tho butlit 11 secure niniorl
tie are sure to elect officers reflecting tho
v uwsofthu niajoilty. I do not scu see
thu ndviiitl'ign or propriety uf excluding
men from office merely because, they were
hcfiitu lliu rebellion uf standing und char
acter sufficient to bo elected lo positions
requiring them to tnko oaths tosupnurt tho
constitution, ard admitting to eligibility
ib..s. nninrikiiilois nreeiselv thu samu
In this itate, lur can tlio. governments j view-, but of less standing 111 their com
be pure or great in which tax-payer have muniil. s. Il may be said that tho I. nner
110 uawal part. W'u tliervfi.ro demand, ' violalid an oath, whilu the latter did not.
with equal iuflrago fur all, completo i T,0 luttei did not havo It in their jiowiir
amnesty lor nil, thut tho Intellect and ex- ' l0 j,,g0. If they had taken this oath, it
periencu ot ev.iry slnto may ho welcomed I cntinol bo doubted they would havo
10 aeiiMi tervico lor common weiriire. broken it, us did tho former class. "
" Rea'Avea. thai no t.irui nl tt.Ttlnn It I x- .1 nn ....t,. i. a..,v.aI-
, ' w. ........... , ... , .iuw, sir, u un uu .piii .uu hm.iiv..-
just and wisu whlcu put-nci diets burdens mtivu declaratlun of the Hepubllcun party
upon tim people. deiiiimd genuine M in nnliotiul convention tn favor of tho
r. lorm ot turitt, so that tho-u (lulic4 shall ' ri'tiinVii! of nolilleal disabilities, bul wo
removed which, In addt.ion to the ! hnvn 1ho the earnest recommendation of
tho president of thu United States, nr.. I the
repented expression 01 inu puopm n iu.iu
s. nlallves In favor of the same measure,
revenue yielded to iht treasury, involve nn
increase in 1111; price ul domestic prmlucis
mid consequent tux for tho benefit of
favored iiilerc-ts. Thrieii the houso of representatives bus
" Jlcsolccd, that the. shameless abuse of 1 ,y.,,.M ,,U for thu general romoval of dls-
the giiveriitnent piitroiiugo for tho control abilities. Two of those bills lie upon your
ul conventions and elections, whether in j tubto now, nnd one was strangled by tho
thu interest of individuals or ol a party, enemies of amnesty loadine it with
wun us consequent corruption una (le- ,, mend m. 'tits.
morulization of pollti.nl life demand the
thorough und genuine leforin of the public
service. Iho-e who would 'iipttte-s In-
vestigition forget they owe a higher duty
to tho country than lo any party. We
honor those senators whose courageous
course hits coin pel led the ui;clouruol
gro-s misdeed'
umtiks und
Hut. Mr. President, if the Kopublicnn
purty h ul not recommended umnesty in Its
national convention, if ihn piesideni hnd
not recommended il in bis aiuiunl mes
sage, ll thu home uf reprt-entallTe had
noi given expression to thu opinions of tho
I'ooulu l.v iho builiiL'fl of three grllerul
und they deservu the I unuiesty bills, there wouo, n.ion
stiptmrt ot good enough, 1 think, to snlisfy any reflucliitg
ti.lnd wh such a bill snoum pass.
1 iisiiiVA 11 suviii 1
Haotrrtl, that local self-government, I q'liu cotiiiiiiltee chat ged willi the In vesti
ge, will guard iho I gallon of ulVairs in tlm buiitu, wliicli nai
ii.f.iirMle limn '
willi impurlinl sutl'rage,
rights 01 nil citizens morn
aiiv centrnllz-d authority. Il is tlmu to
stop the growing encroachments of thu
executivo"p.JWr; tbu us.) of ircrcion or
bribery to ratify treaty j thu packing of the
supremo court to relieve rich corporations;
the seating ot member of congress 1 ot
elected by the peop.v; the resort to uncon
siiiulional laws to cure the Ku klux dis
older, irreligum, or intemperance, nnd the
surrenderor 'individual freedom to tho-o
who ask that the practice or creed of some
shall bu the law of all. W'u du.utind for
tliu individual tho 1 rge-t liberty consistent
with public order, lor tho statu sell-g v.
eminent, nnd fiir the nation thu return of
the methods of pence und tho limitation of
"Htwlctd that true republicani'm makes
It not tho less our duty to expose corrup
tion denounco usurpation ofpowcr. ind
welfare. The tunes deninnd the uprising
of honest citizens to sw.i p from tliu po.ver
the men who protituto the nmiinof any
honest part y to selfish interc-t. W'o thero
fore invito till Iluiublicans who di sire the
reforms herein set I'ortlno nuet in the
tional mnA convention at Cincinnnli on
the first Monday of Mny n.'Xt, hi noon,
thcut.. laku such action us our convictions
oi'dutv and iho imhlic oxigencies may re
quire.'" Mr. Trumbull: Now, Mr. President, I
tin po-e to show that thu senator irom
pent much time and labor In inquiring
.. ... -t-.t. .....
into lliu couumon 01 minus 111 luav section
I f the Union, ccmo back and recommend
1 thu removal of political disabilities. And
why V Uecuuso their continuance is only
n mutter nt irritation iimong thupioiib
nd is not nouired bv tho public safety.
Thesu disubililles to bold office were ongi-
iiully imposed not us a punishment ot thu
individual, but as a measure of public
safely. Thu colored people ot the Soulli
nro now voters ; they have become ac
c ust.itued to the exercises of the elective
franchise and are in a position to know
huw tu vole und protect their righs;
whereas at the titnu these disabilities were
itn p. .sell it was apprehended tht In tho
new organization of stutu governments, il
no such disabilities wus imposed, tlio lead
ing men in those slite who had carried
tlttiir. into ret cl.ion and who had managed
public utlairs mid have it in their jxiwer
looppuss lliu lew Union men among them
and the colored men bcfoie thny had be
come accustomed lo exercise their r gills
and insert their Independence, ilclicu a
provl-lon was udopltd excluding the
leaders in lite tebilliuii from office till the
sialu government should bu reorganized
und thu newlv enfranchised population
should come lu understand their rights.
As u consequence of their disfranchise
ment, It litiu happened, and 1 regret it, that
inexperienced und sometimes corrupt mm
Indiana, who hits stigmttiized these reso- ' d'shonesl persons in those stutes have neen
ClUVIIlCM !' IIIUVUII..U. w. jiuw.iii .... .0,
und tho result has been that tho peep' of
those statis have been plundered by their
state g.ivcrnuunu without exuinplu in tho
ln-torj id this country. While we linvo al
low tlio sons.wltu less'dxperiencethan their
fathers, equally rebels with Hum, to take
office, we have excluded their fathers, who
weru ucquainteJ witli public ull'airs, und
who, whatever may lie laid of their guilt
as rebels, were neither robbers northlevts.
Had publlu nflaits in the late rebel states
been controlled to 11 larger exteci by men
ol political experience In '.hose communi
ties, it would probnb'.y have been better
for litem. I urn sure the tlmo hus now
count whon the people of all the stutes
should be icrmttled to elect and thu fedeml
government loajipuint whom they lileato
ii. ulllee. Tito removal of political dis
abilities puts no man into office. It merely
authorizes the peoplo to express their own
cholco in the election of whom they
Wins ran wo not nais an amnesty bill In
this body 7 Thu senator fn.m lndiuna will
tell you, perhaps, ho is for umnekty.
When tho first bill came here, now nearly
littioiis iis essentially anii-Uepublican
and essentially Ddiiiocratio, does not
know what Hl'publicaiitsni is. 1 propo-n
to show Hint thesu resolutions contain llio
very principle on winch thu I'upuldicuu
party was founded, und on which it has
w.iM nil its triumphs. Tim only reason
given for denouncing the resolutions us
nnti-llopublicaii, us . ssentially Democratic,
is thin the Democracy of Connecticut have
adopted them, and 1 wish that the Democ
racy of tlio whole land would adopt them.
Neither cny, nor, hatred nor malice, hall
make 11111 opposu that w hich U right be-
enuso my jioliticul udvoisaries adopt
What is tins il-st rc-ouUinn 7
That we, the Liberal llepubllcniis of
Missouri, faithful now ns Wo Were in the
1 ark days of war, to llio viiul pnr.cljiles of
truo liepubiicanisni, ny no uci or worn win
endanger thu rightlul sovereignly of tno
Tlmt i nnti-llepnblican i it? Hy nn
net or word 10 endanger tho rightful sovcr
nign'ny of iho I'liuni, for which Hcpubil
cans fought through a bloody war, mid
.'.. ...V.1..1, l,.,o,li.,ifl .0 1 tiniiEumh liitil ilnwn
their live-, is denounced by H 0 tenalor j onu year ugo, ctl'orts wuru repeutedly made
eniisiderulitll met lly the mmu
tton n. wus mudo iieitiusl the other, Unit
this dobuto l to inaliii cnjilttil ngiiltist tho
Iti.tuibilcnii nam tlm tame cluirgn; wo
It iii Mnrcli: wo lieurd it in Decern
li,.r; wo l eaid il ill l-'ibrinny. Not an
ine. V1I..11I1011 has heel' moved. 110 one nu
nioposed nil Imiiili'v into the, existing
..1.U...0 l.nt ho ha. been nsstiiled a Uliltilth
llll to pari) i and It "eeu siou niul, .uu
ol b cl 1 mi atlncU tijii n tho Hepubllcun
pmt I 1 deliv It. I say that the llupiti.
teaniiaiiv call only 1 11 is i li tit l ti il usceiid
incy und ought only to maliitmii In
... nib nee bt being 11 pal ly of purliy
bottesu. of' fldi'liiv to thu coii.tiiut.oii;
und when it become it ineie sjiolls jiariy,
it will soon receive tho conddiiiiuiioii 01
mi imligiiuhi people.
Tim public mind has been greatly stirred
ol Into by thu exposures of official niiscon
dutst. I do not tilludo flmply t" I citi s
of the feiluiiil government, imrlho ot ciu s
of tho utile government, nor thu official
or our largo cities; but grmving out ot
thu war tlturo lias been that deniura izi
tluli both In poblle and private life which
ull history touches full ws great wars. At
uue tltuo'dunne; the war wo expondeu
uiidur j,.1)ublicuns huvo culled n coiivulitioit ut
,lll,'P" Ciiicinmill in May, and that they wi'l
make noiiili'iitlons tor president und vice
president. How does tlio senator know
il? 1 huvo 110 such information. 'Ihe
resolution under which the convention is
called do not state it; hut tho senator from
Indiana knows, and he says when they
have made their nominations the Demo
cr,.u will nlav 1 think ho calls it- " thu
possum guiiiuj" they will liu low, in his
elegant languago, until into 'n thu seromn,
and then nicy will bring out 11 ctindldtito
of their own ; that thuy aro encouraging
thesu Liberal Kupiihlican, and it tlmy
ai,..ni.l .olbiiiK to tli. 1 tiossum isaiiie. and
, 1 1.1 r,.,inluiln iii i.iiniiort tho Liberal
DII.'IIIM ,-, -
Ui.i.nbllcaii candiduto. then one-third ot
thu Deiuovrais will vote with thu Kepub
u...,a t.i nostuln (inn. (Jriint. Thu sena
tor know jusi how many of tlm tlio Denic
crais will vote with luni. Ho seems to
1 .,iia,i iim n..iniii'r.itle party, and
know ho will get oito-third ol ll, itnd the.
r iwo.t 1 ids voting Willi lliu JJIOcrill
Hepilbllcsns WOtilU noi currj u .tugio
1 llll IIUl MlUtl !' iw tfiuuoi
from lndiuna aequirod authority to speak
for the Hepuhlicaii party even, 10 say no- 1 J, thu dt.U
thiug about Ubural lUpubllcani, if tb.re hai bn read, at tht
tn lirniL' ll to the consideration of tho sen-
.,11. nnd whero wuru these senators who
elailii lo be tho peculiar representatives of
the republican Jiarty ere iney not urn
ttaiulv found voting for any and every 1110-
tii n thai would lay It aside, ami unaiiy
adopting a lesolution thai pncluded ft
consideralloi. during the session of lust
spring ? And how has ll been thi. winter?
W'heii It wus under consideration W"-'v'r,
a motion made to lay it asido that did
not receive the support of the senator from
Indiana? Wus everu propositi n im-dc. to
ninend H, no mutler how absurdly, nor
foi what purpose, that he did 11. t give it
Ids snpiiori? I think you will Und his
11111110 recorded on thu yea and t.ny, in
luvor of us many un.cHdnicnta to the am
nesty bill.
wt.v .n w not tnko un one of the bills
now on thu tnblu ui d pass il? Mr. Presl-
uont, thu couniry will unuersmnu wuj.
ll does not become mu 10 spetih ui me .
iivi of seiiuior. but tbu country will
know thut if two-thirds of the senate were
hunt illy In favor (d nmiu stv, they woum
u...... itml 11 wuv to puss thu bill, ihe
..,...), i,. u tin, 1 ..nun senators are net
enough for umnesty to let ti have a d -
.I.itim lltlilfl It II IllllllVtl w...
every effort to cine to a M""0 "
What com uslon will tho fon(
? ha.i ut,i!;iXhrJllt,:
m tnd of 1 1- , readtul coi.Uict; and for
p .? M it to keep iilivc tl.e hate.
nd ainn.ositb engend.red by ihe war, In
order to ucci niplish mmu ltrty purpoio f
Is il sut.posed thut tho jmrty can better
tucce.dl.j ki ipii.g up hostility beiwitn
.1... .ini'...,i ....lion, of the union 7 1. It
from onvv that the suiftlor from li'dl"'1
conio"osseniiaiiyniiv.-... i -' . , . 1. ..,,...,, thai the Ueimcracy 01 -on;
What Is lu. tno m-ci ",. " , " 7 ' , '.Lould bu lu favwrot aiuut.tyf
MtsiV wsw j MWtw '
Irom Indiana ns es.01 liully iinli-llepubll-can.
Sir, no man who is u Kopubiicnii in
lieurt and ill principle can relusn to indorso
tin. reso.uiion, bu -111110 tho "rightful sovi.r
eigniiv of tno Union ' was thu very thing
Unit li.-publlo.iii and tho loyal men every
where lought through a long war lo 111,1.11-lain.
The next vital principal uniiouiiceii in
thesu rcsolutionw Is " eniancipaiioii.
W ns enialicipiition nnil-ll.'iiimican r
Whore did thu eeliutor from Iiidiunii
le.irn his Hepubllciitilsm? Was iho great
Thirteenth umeniiinuiii, which ui.
Iieitcefoitli and forever no hiiiuan buing
should tread thu soil of thu United huile
as 11 slave, anti-lb publican 7 Who cariiiHl
llio great ameiiilliteni intougti congies.
and tidoiitcd it it. 11 pint ol tliu coiiiliiutimi
of the country but thu Kuputili.au puny?
W as it not indorsed lit our mmoiiui 1
ventioiis? Was not ' freedom mid lib. rty
the shiblob lh by which we conquered ?
Wliat is the iicm nnci m eiiiia-ino ...
this lesolution, which the senator riij. n
ulill-KtliuI'l.can? "Equality ot civil
riglits. " Why, fir, did wo noi sirugg e ns
11 It. publican party to establish equality of
civil right ? ll" ll'i' senator lorgolton
the struggle In tin body to pass tho clvt I
rlghP. bill, securing citizenship with
inutility of civil right to every person
boi 11 in tho li.iiil, 110 mutter what his race,
color or previous condition f lt limit!-
Hoiitibllctin to leiusu to on niiyiiiiiig 10
cniluiiger tutiallty of right's 7 Thu seiiuior
my ll I, nu stiy ctpuiiiiy 01 civu rigui.
IS esfeniuiliy u ueiiiouiniiu pinicipn, i.b
catiso tho Deliiooincy of Coiniei t.i lit huvo
udopted it. Then be Is for slavery, I sup
pose, because thu Democracy of Connecti
cut nre for freedom ? Wlnii'ogle'
What next? ''Er.fmnclisoinent I "t
is another of tlio jirlnciple adopted by
Democratic party of 0..nni-ciciii. hioh
has thureny, li. tl.o senato. . ' "".
"ossentiaiiy Biiii-i'""''
Why Is it, If ho Ii for umnesty, ns tho ro
publlcnn party is, M tho president is, as
triO PCOIllu rcnrmnfiliatlirna urn ll.nl
do not hnvoblspowerlTul suppott'lo bring
up one of these bills and iim It In . itav.
as wo easily could with his assistance.1
Oil. Mr. President, he it not for amnesty
if the democrats are for It I When indorsed,
by tho democrat of Connecticut, it bc'-
eomes essentially a democratic, measttrol
IkjI me commend to my friend from Indi
ans, who scorns to tuku'plensuro In deplet
es tho horrors and su tiering of the war
vT i t to ,"!C', H,lv' lnu "ol'Hositlcs and
, ' l engendered, a lontence or two
rom a fn.uk w,otu authority, I am sure,
he will rc.pect :
"If jo have Utter envying and strife
tl your heart, glory not nnd Ife not against
tho truth. This wisdom deseendeth not
from above, but is earthly, sensual, devil
ish, lor ivliero envying and strife If,
thero is confusion and every evil work.
Hut wisdom that is tromabovelj first pure",
then peaceable, gentle and easy lo bu en
treated, full of mercy and good fruits,
without partiality, and wiilroui hypoc
rite.'' I would, Mr. Presidont, in tho interest
of pcaco und harmony and good feeling,
that wo could In the langu igo of this reso
lution which thu Senator condemns, "de
mand, with equal suffrngo for all, com
plete amnesty for all.' The limohuscomo
when the pcaco of tho countrv requites it.
Tno tlmo has come when, laying 11, 1 le all
malice and hate, wo should cultivate kind
ly feelings and endeavor to govern tbe
country in tho interests of peaco. I as
sume, tnen, thatuiunesty is nttunti-repub-lican.
To refuse it, und strive to keep
alive the hatreds of the war by tho con
stant exhibition of its horrors, is lo my
mind not only unpatriotic, but positively
Tho next resolution declares
"That no form of luxation is just or
wlso which puts needless burdons upon
tho people."
Thut is another " nnti-rcpubllcan and
essentially democratic" principle, is ii?
Then tho reveisenf It is a republican
principle, and that form of laxaiion Is Just
which puts needless burdens on the o
pie. Is thai thu opinion of thu senator
from lndiuna? Hu say that tho reso u-
tion is essentially tiiiti-republieun. Of
course hn mean it. Thu Senator s spei 1 h
will have great Influence 1 11 tlio country.
lt will bo circulated uu over uie lanu, huu
his constituents una mine (tor lliey ull
read what th" senator suys) wl.l leud the
declaration thai theso resolutions are es
sentially, not in single instances, but
"essentially anti-republican ' and "cs-tn-tlally
democratic. ' ,.I am sure llio litlelli
gem. republicans of tlm land will i.sk to
lie delivered from such sort of lejiublicaii
ism as desires lo put needless burdens on
the people.
Tho next resolntion relates to the civil
service, nnd c'ejlares:
"'I hat the shumcleis nbuse of the gov
ernment patronage for tb? contiol of con
ventions and elections, whether in the
interest ol individual or of a purty, with
consequent corrurtion und demoraliza
tion of political lile, demands the thorough
and genulno rerorttfof the public ser
vice1. That also I believe to be a republican
principle. 1 know the senator Irom Indi
ana has commended our present civil-service
reform us tho ocsi in the world ; but
I know it has been disclosed recently that
,ir. .n:i, f the government aro msns
ed for purty purposes. I. I as been re
cently disclosed thut they are used to pack
conventions und primary meetings. It is
known that in this city the officials of the
government have been banded t( g.tber
for political purpuses,und that ussessiuenti
have been put upun them lnr party pur
poses. 'I his was disclosed by a former
secretary of the interior, who strove' to
protect tho subordinntes in his depart
ment fiom political assessments.
The present civil-service system is de
moralizing to tho heads of departments
....,! iit..mUM nl nn..ispr.fl what InnrA
..IU III VII. WVI w. vv,p,i van,
humiliutiiiir than to see the members ot
this body und tbe other house dancing at
tendance in tho aiitc-rooiiiB of tho secre-
turics, asking to have unpointed to office
lomo favorite who had been active in
their behalf at some cross-roads, or among
the members of the legislaturo that re
turned them to this body 1 JNo matter
whether there is a place fcr him or not, a
place must be created. Ho has come
to Washington perhaps from a dis
tant stale. Ho rendered essential ser
vice to the member In the canvass, and
the member says, "you must give him a
pluee, Mr. Secretary, nut tne secretary
replies. ' we have no vacancy." "Woll,
muke one for him ; give nim a temporary
upp .liitment ; It will never do ror mm tu
co home to the district ho is too important
o ... . ...... . i.i... . ...: .... l. A
a mail, WltlloUl giving nun a posit uu uum.
I promised It ourmg inu canvass, u 1 nn
elected." Tho secretary dots not want a
quurrel with the membi r, ami he assigns
- . . . .... .ti. n A n rl
his irleiiu some temporary pi.tmou. ,
sir, when jour appropriation bill comes in
u dificiencv bill or u general appropria
tion bill you will very likely find an ap
propriation of twenty, fifty, or onu bun.
dred thousand dollars nske-i to pay extra
clerk hiro and leni ornry clerks. Do yoi
tMnlr lb., member WHO got 111 irieou k-
1 ,.l..ri.- will votu ueniutt It t
li.miivu v.w... ..... .- --
1. 1. 1. . ...tti cm thu nt.nsurc. ui u.
peident upon it head lor lavor7 !
iut. think the head of tl.o depur ment It
free to discharge his official duty as b
vmilii bu if he weru not nfiald of tl e cn
ti quenee of diiobllgliiB nicmbets of con
gress in iho fnvom ilieyask by way of .ap
p, liniments c tun wnoiKtnu b i .""
alizlng thu public st rvicu j and while tv
have Uiousntidt of Itoiusl, iiicorruHlt4t
und uood men In office, 1 doubl not
havo score, abo In oUl.-os not for tlifl
suhirle. they uro to riceite, but exp.rt n
to niaku money out of ttiem in some olbt
The great evil In our civil ijfttm, how
over, grow out of ihe 1n.1111.or of iiiakuu
upiioiiiiniint and reinol. and the use
w I it'll Is made of the patronage, treattttf
U u. 1 we .ar.y sj'i'b- Dfteii the patron
igu I u ed for 1 u'rp.-. not rl.ibg io ll .
umi.ity of even 1'iirty. purjKi.es but bf
cer a.i ihdiv.dt.uls lor ibd.v.duul and
personal ends. It would be bad enough
f the piiiri'M'go H,td ,wtn . '
,r purtv, bul it I infinitely worso than
, ' I - uri..i.iit iv. tern.
The senator fiom Indiana, In bis speech
tho other day, undertook, to create , Uw
impression that I was oppwedto clyil
Hurvlco reform. Why, sir, I "tiered tho
verv bill in this body which lecamo tt law
under whkh tho civil-strvlco commission
was organized. I Introduced litis here
yeur tigo In lavur of a nlorm in tbeclvl
terviee, and ii.eclally to break up th't
running ol mcuibe r. ol congrei. to the di,
partmenti begging lor office. In tny
ludginent. theie 1 nmblng more dliitpuiit.
Jb oor whilh Interfere, more with tb t.ror -er
diicliargu of public duty than tbli liam
,,Kun.und thoiklris ol power biggiL
lor ofllce fur frlendi.
Out the unatur lays that I corctnentcil
(CViitintuii (jft vrH rug.)

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