Newspaper Page Text
jiy?;n-J - JOHN U. OUEULY & CO., TUB MAILS. Anatvi. iitntr .. ViOOa.m, :W p,m North, Througn " Way :20p;m. 4;oopm. South, Way...- 12.14 p. ;oo p.m. liMp.m, iti p.m. " Through f. O,, Mem. plilx kml Columbus ,.vi p.m. Olipi Klier finite, (except 'iii4j'h.,j.i.A .. pJup.m. iron Mountain It It 2::Wa.m. ll.oop. n i!m. R'vcr route, Tuesday n. and Friday i......'.,.. e:O0 j.,n, itmbes, Onose Maiol 1 fniita Fe, 111"., Thursday A Krl. lay ....,..,. J O.Wp.rn 7:t)p.m. 1:00a in, nejiin.j, stiaci'ivilw asd . J. .via.c i.ev.'a-e, Kjra............l ;oo a, m. i ijii p.m. vrrirt iiocaa. i jural Delivery ... 7noa.m. iMiindaras toe.ui.) 1 oney l)rdr dei.ajltnevit,..., :to a.m. f..M ' (liter ' I.Mn.m. ' ,notj Oder sad Hefistar .dcpartniente no on Hundays irt! miminntis ' UUH LIUlltJ:jt., . . ft !9IIVTEUI.VW--ifr)"'l Preaching, Kahbith m lu i, ., r.ti'l r. . Vthyft mtinjf , Wiliiitlii; a I 714 iuninf 8!iiil. r. . J. M lrtndfti, HntM-r-lnl-n lul. !r, (;. II. Fowrr, I'wlr. Iirr)IOllST-Ci.r. KililhcMl tlout Mf., , "'rfii'l inv,Pjlltlli t. .,oial 7 r. n )l'ryiriijit(, Ut-flin-rila;,' p. r. ; BtniUy :!iof)l ,n.ii, I.. W. biiUeit, fnjn- 6tn1(!t4(. . ' , .l'J i r' L,Tfurv, 1'Wtur. CIIUKCI1 OK Til K ItKUrUiM Horning pra)i, HaliUlli lOVj t. m. Errnlng prajeryljjf j. m. Ijalibkth'Svli'aol, 4". . Ft. Ma, 0i, Heeler, fcf PATKtck'A CHUIICII-jor. Math PiimA VVaeh!nfton Aiente. fuWf 'terTl'ftill'jutli Jtn'1 IOX A. m VViprrn, 3 r. m. . ,nidiijrijcfcot.ts r. x. Befiltfa'ein.Kljy, ri. !(. P. J. O'llLl0ti, I'niil. Jif.NG MK.N'6ClltlTU." AshoCUTIUN-liflc lilar intrtluK oral f foii'lat fuel month at tl x i'rajrr room t,f thr I'futyinnn Cliurcli WttUj rror inrttlnr, IrMaj, 7J r. h Praji-r room of tlie rrrtbjli-rUnrhuivh. r C. l'aKto, l'rIJnl. AKRIC1N MITTHO t)IST loutti ttitb, Utrn W.lnltatid Odar. ' t-'rticr, SiUiath, It .. x. tlljdiijr kk'hnol, lHr.. CftKa u r. M tKciMi rnEK.wiu.nArnvr-nnienth w. rfra:hinr,"h Win., l'ler. t,ftrn WalaKland t(tr, fc'riilPf lbb.t)i, Ij and .1 r. u. rtT. N. I'.iri,alnr. kkek-wiu. UirrirtrnoMr. tiviu.- hi.n 'IAI tClliJOI-Cornr wa nut and CHar Si. ' tundjS-hool, 1 i. . .T.AT KIIKE .. HAI'TI'jT CIIDIXII-Cur- ry'a Uarrncki. Miicf , H.WmiIi 11 1. v., r. . and 'Vt r. , . - Ufa. I". tu I, I'A.lor. I'tK'TJIIB'lIO.VAItV IIAI'llST CIIUIlCII-nt. n loth an 1 lttli tli-'t, tuatC.dar. I'rcaeblot SabiiUli I0 a, x.,Dd7S r. u. Traar illnic, VSVlL.k'ljj Hfnia. Prfachlnr, r'ridar eitiilny. rabb'tb tiul, l)j r. t- John Van Daxtr and Mnrjr btcphrm bii'rini.inlrnt Krt. T J. Mioiia. I'aHo KCOND ItAPrbTCIIUI'.l n-louiluili iti'H, ltwrn Cdr and Wi.i,ul; I f t. J.coli bral- -rjjPRtSJfWJ.':'" vn'J' ',,pf' thuuli r. canned i jr th ArKilrf7Trr'Tr, tiiLJJit7fS5r a.m., at 3 p.m. and si 7 p.m. Jacva BptAtttt, KMtr. SKCKET OUliKIIS- THE MASONS. Cano Co)iiDraT, No. IX 8iat.l AiecnMj at the Aajlum Makoni) Hall, fint and third, ba urdaia In rich mon(t.. Hcgular Coniocalionat anonic Hall. tlm ireond Friday In each month. Oaiao CH.rni. .Nu. 71. "tiuUr Cunineation tt Uanic IUI, on lac third lueaJaj of eicrjr "uaiai Loa'. o.M7 V. k A. M -He(rti!ar Com. munlcationi at Jtani Hall, the i.cond and lounb lood)aolectiraonth. Ii.iT Uwc .No..'A K. A. M.-nrgtiUr Com ruunicalioaa at Jla.onic Hall Srat and tliitd 1 huradaa ID racli invnlh THK ODD-FKLLOWK. AiaxiXDia Louor, S4.-Hrrta In OddFellCT.'f. Ball, in Art t' Hud Una:, nry Thurdajr rn ni at 7o'clejk. STATE OFFlCEItS. STATE "ufI'ICEUS. rrnor. Jahn M. Talmir ; LieuUuani-Gvivrrnur, John Dougherty I 8crtarj ol'State, EJward Rumnnd; Auditor of SUte, C. K. Lipplncott , Mat Traurr, K. N.' Utea ; bupl. I'nblic luatruvtion, Nt-wton Dateinan. COHItESSMEN. dn4tort-l-ymanXfumbulUndJohn A.Lo(tn. r.preeiitallie for the oiato at Larae J. I. Biieridne. Jlapre.cniatiTe Thirtefnth DUtrict-John M' If In, MKMBEKS OKKEUAL ASSEMBLY. Benatnn, lt Kmrict-r. A. K. Holcomb, ol U-jiou.andd. K. OiNion.of Cillatin. prufBtatlte, lt Di.trlft-H. Watson Webb COUNT YOFF I C EKS. CIRCUIT COl'KT. Judg D. J. Baker, of AloxuuJer. froaecutlng Attorney F. JUCrttlfy ol Manao. Circuit Clerk-Jn. Q. Harman. JliariB-.A. U, Irtbi. m. Martin-, Airor anc" Tie aatirer. COUKTY COURT. . Judge F. Broas. Aisor.a'f s-J. U. McCritr'and 8. Marcblldon. Clark Jacob 0. Lrncli. Ooronar John II. Gonaman. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT .'ajor John M. Lansdon. l'raaiiitar J. II. Taylor. Comptroller I!. A. Durnett Clirk Michael Howley. i nhal Andrew Cln. Alt. rury F. il.Pope. I'oliVe Magntratea V. Drosa and (1. Uhan BT Utile ol roller I. It. Mycra, bKI.KCT COUNCIL yor John M. I.anailr n, First Wanl-I'. u. -ohuli. Second V.ard C. It. Woodward, third Ward Jno. Wood, tourtli Ward . Stanta Tarlnr. Otty.tiUige-W. P, lUllsd.y ara D. Uut j, HOARD or ALSKUM", HB3r WABU James Bearden Uo Kleb, ltaae Wulden. KCOKDWARU-n. ll.CUDtungham, E. I!n Icr, Ilni.jr Winter, Jamas Swayne. niBD WAUD-Wm, Mration, Panlck PiliKetald OURTH WARU-Jainea Carroll, J n, II Bpa.p. . ,tst.Mttf. PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. THF TICiniOltXK TIMxVL. It'rom the Jli.iouti lie publican.) , I Tim mdiiiii rlliiH of the plait'llif ' tno In tlio Ticlib..rno trliil In England " "tio of thy most famous Inw stum on recoitl. ii nil on-J It, too, In u ny tlmt i j enough to miilii) mi Englishman "furious. , Tliu jilnlntlir nover iimi an lucti of lawful ground to stand on he wu, u tlio li-tid-i ing counsel lor' the ilofor.t'O n.serie.i, Im Hit) opening of lii eighteen . tbiy's sptwh to tliu Jury, ".i i putjuror, n scoundrel, it villain, Mid un importer,1' Indued, ho was uvon inure tnnl all tlnJ lint tlio learned cmiriH bluntly declared he could t.ot till how in'ucli nmru In fit inotm ho wn, beeatca ihero nrc no word In thu (iui'ir l'riL'Imi Hdo lilni jii'lc.i.' Yet this fullow, lonfc, lun-uum, mm viuqiir, im" iiiiiiiaiii hi gel uparasool irauuulelil pn tension tlmt Im occupied an Kligllili court for six motitln, U'4Vd 1,10 P'!wcr.cil Ihu nidc.t Brlllih bar- fliiui t c.xu in jiIl'A of foranslo i.'loiiici,cc nit ri-c.rd. ill uliolo i:mc win u pure Im IMwturc; luit, fr nil tlmt, lie fouM it tip to tin- inttmil of it Lrcik ilnu-ii. uiili n i-l.p(w ,ion olid inipiiiK'ticc of tin.' urv 1 niajiii'n onier, Ml.'l uiin n nriltiil MI1MI lu of it ihi'i-.tiuli pvooiidrel win Mr. Fronde iii, lillio wort of nil fcnuiid rr'. Hi-, a rotntnoii bittclicr. not only iimi ilnltii ton grwit !4tnt', Htid iiifumuil to bo the tiohlolutinritiir of it, but he even dieted, III the coliwe of l i-.tamir.ciliun, to avow a criminal lia'Oli with a lioblo Indy, who, ut tlmt very inoniont, wa aittlng with her liuibmid in thu court riui lUtcnlng to hi lyihg avoids. Ho ccrt.tiril v exhibited rciimrk- I alilu nddreo, couragf und nklll, loth In lbs preparation of hi cin in, ami in the con , duct of it through the courtt ; he wna ad mitted by the rcol Sir linger Tlchbotnel I mother to bo her lonu but win, ui.d, during thu Hot purl oT thu tnnl, hu miiiiiicd o to InipreH ti e public with tlmju.tio of hli claim, thul thu crowdi were uceuitoinul to cheer him m ho entered tliu court room. Hut tlio iinpiiMnri' l revealed at lat, und tho trial in ended; the plniiitltf next ap penrutico will be in a for pu jur, and it it not jirobablu that ho will Und 'much ANOTIIKlt PULPIT DE.NJO.X. UIAIIOLICAL OUTttACIK IN" HaVIES COUNTY. (From th" Eianv Ui Vt'e learn from tho New Albany Stand ard tlmt "during tho procnt'week n coic.hus been tiled in tho Daviuir county circuit cmitt, eiitltbd he ctnli- nf TimIiuI.h it. Iliircctt, f' r ra". It nppeicci-d upn thu trial thul .lohn U, ,Iom iimi un iii'ni," wife from whom hi wanteJ a dlvorc', ni d in fact hud obtriined ono In .Martin county upon the te.liinony thai brought llirMl to triul fur rape. In order to ecury tho divorce, Jonei employed llnrrett, who wni a preacher in thu "Chri'tinn church, for tho mm of ?iO, to seek, und If poible obtain, criminal inturcoiirie with his wife. Junf further employed onu Cmno to wit nut thu truii-MCtion, which he did, nnd Crntio tetnli d 'that JJarrutt, ud vinleneo to nccotnphidi hi purjaiie, and tllus com mitted a rnpe. L'pon the ietimoiiylltir rett wu feiit to tho eiiitenliuiy for two year. 'Mm citfo origiiiaiel in Martin county, and a ehatigi! ol vetitio was laken to I)jvlrr, whero it win tried with tho reiult above ntnted. Our informant ih-i tlm' tlio people of Wii.liWigton are very inditftiutil in regard to the wholu tniiller, and llireaU of iiti appeal to .1 udgo l.ytuh arc freely indulged in. a rATiiiAiiciiAL rui:ciir.n. Kcv. .lame Welch of Troy. Lincoln county, Mis-i tirl, wa 84 years old. on the -hin tilt., and on Sunday thu .d Inst., tlio COth anniversary of his mlni-terinl life, preached n ?nn"on In the Ilupti't church I rr- II.. I C .1. ... ..!..... I l. in irnv. nil l"hu it llio iinuci un 1 1 j. provc'entR unci triumphs ol science wntMt lie lmd wilntssed in bis lone life, andex- prcs'ed tho conlldent lielief that the time is no; far distant when tm-n will fly in tho air tt easily ns they now walU on tho ground. THE FUJITitAUE- H. LEVY A CO. PAY THE III01IK.ST MA11KET PRICES. Below will ho found tho corrected list of prices paid by H. Lovy & Co., for hide, fun, feathers, woo), It-How, bees wax, and all kinds of country produce. Lovy & Oo. do a very largo trado in their line, nnd it is a well known fact that they always pay tho highest prices to bo ob tained in this market. 1 hoy nre now paying for furs : Mink S2 00 a 2 25 Kncc:on ISO AVilddit CO HotfoCat lOu.15 Mmli ltnt 15 Opossum .' 12) Ottur 5 00 a 7 00 HiHr Skins 2 OuaC 00 Beaver, por pound CO a 76 HlliES. pkh pound: Deer Skins 27J n 37A Beef Hideo, Dry Salt lbin2(J 11 " Green Salt a 12J other articles: Tallow, par pound On'J Feathers, " " 0n05 iVool, 11 G0ti70 Beeswax " " 2oi28 The abovo prlco list is subject to correc tion. BURNETT & CO, HIGHEST CASH TltlCE PAID FOR IIIDEJ FURS, ETC. Messrs. Burnett & Co.,Tliornton's block, Tenth street, aro prepared to pay tho high (tt cash price for articles In their line, us follow a : FURS. PrlmoMink $1.75 to 2.2!. 11 UiirCooll COO to CMi Musk Hut 10 to 16 " "Wild Cat 40 tu SC ' Opossum 10 to 12 ii otter MO to O.Ot Beaver Skins 0.00 10 7.0n HIDE!. Green Salt f Green Suit, kip and calf. 12 to l t 14c ! JJeer SUIIIrt -o " For otbor articlun, such us rugs, feath ers, bocs wax, wool nnd tallow, WO will day tho highest murket prices. Nmpeeifully, etc. Burnett Ss Co., Thoratott'i block, Teuth street., Cairo, III. tf. BUSINESS LOCAL!;, vr.vr oooMn. In onlor to rnslio roym for hl new lock ol Spring nnd Slimmer gnod, Mr. J. Ilurgcr, will dlpoio of thpjuock lio now Ima on hn'nij nt tliu lowtuVpoiible fluro Mr. IJurijiir Ii now In Now York liuylng n rullitock of now go-Mis, wlilclhrt pro i poet to call nt the lop,i poMlbl'o -living . prh'f", m2dlw i l'AKKKIt At 11LAKK. I'arkcr ii: lllnko Imvu udduj to their ! well nortwl I'alnl, W.ill l'nper and i Window GlnM CKtitlill'liniunt rcj;ulnr pilntln lititnui. Tlioy lmvi pngnjjed .Mr. Curl It. Tlioinnf, who lu.t boon in tlio pnli.tini; buiineK in Culm for the liixl 10 . .vent", to nipcrintcnd thu pnlntlng and pn par hniigiii); dupurtmonl, and nil work un- truitwl to liini, or for which ho in-iy con tract, will bo duly BcknowWyed !iythsm, and will bo i.-Mcuteil ufth iu's'tne4r dnd dipntili. Slgti writing, pluln utiii.filncy lalfit Intr, pnjicr liHligiriK and di;coration, i:bominlnt.', grnlnJti. gluxing. etc;., done ri'iitynublf lorin. I! fitf. PIANOS ANJI OUOAM?. K. and W. Under huvo Just rccelvod otiio of tho culubraled llauer'4 l'inno otid Organ, which give to moit nil famlllcj n chance to purchntVone of thoio flno instru inonts. 1'riiiM are reatnnullc. Tliey havo a iplendid tone, nro woll made, and beautiful y finished ; In ouo word th'ey are a good nnd lino inurnment. Tho par lor orgun nro not only u well rounding lntruuient but they are to nlcoly tlnithed that they will bo uu ornament to any roiuii. They only come to $100 UK). Go and exHtnlni) the'u inttrument4,niid we are most litre you will buy ono. d:it. f-OLII OCT. Mr. Joteph Mendel has sold his grocery tore, at tho corner of Tenth street nnd . aihington a venue, to Mr. Jotoph Ilro'. Mr. II. ha taken o"teioti nnd will im mediately tock tho concern with n full and coinpletn u'crtment of tho frciheit and chilcet grooeriei and provision-., which lio gtmrantecS to roll at price! us low as ran beobtninrd from any other estab lishment in tho city. Ho feoliciti n share of the public patronago und promises in rclurn prompt attention and courteous treatment. 3-Sdlm. IIati HKt.or.'s Haiii Dvn. This superb hair do is the belt in tlm wor'.d perfec ly Imrinlfs', nliahlo and instantaneous. No disippnintineiit. Tho genuine ". A. Ilatchelor's Hair Dye produces imniedi ntely a nplendid natural black or brownr Does not stain tho shin, hut leaves the hair clean, soft and buauiiful. The only nfe and perfect dye. Sold by all drug gists. Factory, 10 Iljind St., N . Y. 3-10-eod-7w-ly. F. liltOSS, FIRE AND MARINE luanrnncc Aroney. TR1CJIPII, CINCINNATI, IZOO.tX'O An-.ti. NEW ENOLAND MUTUAL, LIFE, A.if oier - 6,ti.,t)0 ANCIIORD FIRE AND MARINE Of St. Lou!. Solicits all kinds ol rlska. i. nitoss, orl27tr fent. Cairn, llllno'a. IMtOltN, ASII. tTCl 00 TO W. W. THORNTON'S, BUILDERS' SUPPLY DEPOT 13; TENTH STREET, CAIRO, ILLINOIS FOR Doom, Knxli, IUIiiiIh. Moiilillns, i:uvtiHttcrM,(vfool) Uliidowniict looA frames, Flooring, Ith, Kliltiirlen. SJInxed Hnsils, Ulnars! Niels I.IkIiIh. s;lnxrsl Trnnaoma, Ntikh WeliililM, Ntsali 1'iillles nnd Cos-cU Itllml rnxtcnliiKN. Itoollnir I'elt. Itoollnir (Fluent, I'laalerlnn l'aper, Cnrpct Fell, While i Lentl, MiinihI Oil, American Wlinlow ilnt, CsikIIkIs nniirrrncls 1'lnto Jla. I'nlly, SJIimler'a I'olni hewer ripest I'nlent Chimneys Klc., KtC, Kir. AOF.NTS for Rock Rivet Psper Compsny WliMOhiiitf- Feltaad tjiiarlt CHiifnt. ii. W. Jobu'a liuprovvd KoutluK always on vud. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. TUESDAY, MARCH 2 372. TO .MERCHANTS OF THE WEST. the roi,i.owiNiimnixi HOUSES of SIISTT LOTJIS Are prepared will, FC l.l. KT4M K oTHVKlSU .OOI which will b SOXjX) -A.T BOTTOM PRICES. DODD, BKOWN &CO., tl 120, 4 i-V, ix Nnrlh K ith Sree:, C-iratr ol M. C ..irln. FhSKE, KiNlGHT & CO., y) and (VKNfir'h Kith blnet. STELLE, YOST & CO., 1 ti UA I'orth Fifth Street ADOLPII EIILEU:i Pjl- c roprle'nr . m tile Citnwb Hitters, c roarle'or K-a lit A II u .-Minn TMir.i xt. .1. II. WEAR 6c Co., tm Norlli Main Sue.'. WAT EKS, TODD &CO., 4 N ith Fourth Blreet. AVE RILL'S CHEMICAL PLANT, Address (IK'l. It I' It 1 ItltiOE A CO., 712 North Main Hires t. CUAS. R.LEWIS &C0., H North Slain Ptret. jiahi: ucmidh oxTiir.ita own pnr.MiNrjs. FORSVTH SCALE WORKS, 20iandIO7M rket Stresl, St. L-iuls. LUDLOW, SA LOR & CO., 219 acdUl Market Street. APPLETON, NOYES & CO., Main Street and Washington Atenue. ojlhsio iiuu uiJULff. FACTOP.Y IN CHAMBERS ABOVE STOKE. Slip Principal Office 104 "SV. Fifth St., Cin. O HE ONLY RELIAI1LE GIFT ENTERPRISE IN THE COUNTRY 1 $100,000.00 To be distributed In I,. X). INE'S n7lhStnl.AniiUil GIFT ENTERPRISlia Tobodrtal Monday. Mareh 2iih, li. One Gmnd Capital Prize or $10,000 in Gold! Ono I'rUi a,000 In Hllver; Five Prir.cs S1.000 f Five Priz s SoOO f GREENBACKS. Ten Prizes $100 I Two Family Carrlsr ana .Mehel Morses with Silttr Mounle i, north I1,S0Q each. To Horses and tlngsiea itl. Silier-Monnted It raess, unn aoov rmu, Two fii.e-t' nut ltoewoo.i Piano-, wor h f j i e.vh! leu f .imlye uin( ma. hlne, worth IIW' nich I'M' Kold ad "'Iver 1'ier hiiniliiK worih from U n M. Idi-.' soi l If""""" el.alui. sei f.o l fejt. hains. olf. and .IniiMe I Utei. rilver "able and teiupoous, phnlograpli nlbumi. )Wholer,ni!mber,'itlfls. 10,000. Tieketa limited to Agents vranted to jell Ticket to whon. i'beral iVTl. 'icuet liT ix ticket" 1 10; twelve tick..,, S.m; twentv-flie no. Circular coniamin? a lull list of V' I tea, de scrlpiionof the mann-i of ilrnwine, and other In. ;5Iir..7.-. !. ilin ,1 .ir tall on. iMlhe Cincinnati. O 101 'Vest 6th si. noT2wnpolv COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL prepared to supply customer with the beat PITTSBURG AND '.ILLINOIS 1 COAL. OnDF.IlS Icltat Hallldayllros.pmce.iu iuiu I.EVCK, or nt tlm l.'oal Tard below thebt. Charli-a lintel, will receive prompt attention, THETUO " MO.STAt'K willl'imit coal along i.. . . . .. i... 11 . u'".M f side oteamnra at mv hour cuss. icnoi!iiivrn. wiluam scatcit CIIAS. SCIIOENMEYER & CO FURNITURE ROOMS, UPHOLSTERING AND Mattress Manu fnctnring rnrnilure IleplrliT. PICTURE FRAMING. All ordeta promptly attendedto. NORTHWEST CORNER OF WASHINGTON AV ENUE AND TENTH ST., CAIRO, ILL. P. 0. Drawer 13. antf. Wholesale Oealera In Dry Goods. Mannfarluitrsaoil Wholrsalo IValert Ir. Hoots nnd Shoes. Wholesale K urnlahlnjf (looda and Clothing. Iiuporicrnnd IVholejialn Doaterin Winos, Liquor.s, etc. .MHtiiifsi-liirer of Eanoy Dry Goods. aaaawwi liiaiawnaaaEfccajwaaawpaaaKa aaaa I rn poll em and Jobbers of Millinery nnd Straw Goods. Heady Mixed fcr use. Machinery Oils. Manufactureta cf Clothiin; .Manufactttrera of U.S. Standnrd Scales. Mscufscturm of and Dealers In Wire and Wire Goods. Mannfacturers and Jobbers of INSUIlANCi:, W. It. MOURIB, NutatT Public, 11. II. CANDF.E No. Pub. and U. S. Cm. IISrSTJKE!! FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOUll - - - COIDENT..LIFE. .STNA, HARTFORD, ." tJ.MJ.50t 07 NORTH AMERICA, PA., 2.7M.CO0 OC As sett Assets.. HARTFOED, CONN., Assets , I,M 1,110 7 rilcXNIX, HABTroRD, Assets. .1,781,111 8C INTERNATIONAL, JT T., Assets.. 1,3.U,SS 17 rCTNAU, HARTFORD, Assets. . ,..70!,J7 0" CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Assets.,. M5,73 HOME. COLCVIllUB, Assets M5.27 AMERICAN CENTRAL, UO. Asset! WX,000 0l CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, A,t JO.tsAi.OOO It- TRAVELER', HAItTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Assets 1.500,000 01 RAILWAY rABSENOERU ASSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Asset - a." TKTlKl'ltNllKNT. BOSTON. Assets - MOi16 SAFFORD, MORRIS k CANDEE, 71 Ohio I.evee, Oily National Dank, CAIRO. IM.. FIRE AKD MARINE COMPANIES HIAOARA, N. Y., ...,J1,J,216 ? Assets . OERMANIA, N. Y., ,.l,OCS,721 73 720,802 00 Assets, HANOVER, N. Y. REI'UIILIC, N. Y., Asseta., Assets. ..7H.W5 Ol Comprising the Underwrilera' Agency. YON KERB, N. Y., Asset 671,464 f 1 ALII ANY CITY. Asset -- 463,193 FIREMEN'S FUND, S. F.i Asset m 0.kW SECURITY. N. Y. MARINE. Asset : hue ol Uelr pair n. c UVQUS9. BULLETIN BUILDING, WTASHINGTON-AV noutm 3 'A o H H 73 s B s , k ' P m K i 9 a i-3 a is us u o xfi U Ii i .1 s 1 I -3 B a a. o V) o o K kt 3 O M s a z -a 5 7i a 'A w 'A i ) o PIAXON. SIXTY.F1VJS FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE OBEAT BALTIMORE AHOrACrOKT WM, KNABE k CO., Manufacturer of OtlAXD, SQUARE AKD UPWOHT I-AJN-O FOBTES BALTIMORE, MARTLAND. Thse instruments bare keen before tho publio for nearly thirty years, and upon their excellent alone attained an nnireAuu prremtnrnM,wbUk ptonouucea tbm unaqua)l la TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY mtr All our Nauart Iaot hsie our new New Im prmed Oierstruni hcale ard the Agrofft 7reM star We would rail special attention to our lale Patented Imnroverarnta la OasKD Pianos and So.cAt Oasats, found In no other Piano, which brlnjf the I'lano nearer perfection than haa yot been attained, ETERY PIANO FULLY WARRANT! TOR FIVE TEAM. Illustrated Cataloeues and Price LiaU nronsnrl furnished on appllrailnn to HALliaoai),M many of onrreulsr established atteneie. Mil LINERS. MBS. M HWANDEJL DEALER IN MILLINERY LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, j Comnierelnl Aienre, nrPlt nil UayUsarsa'si CAiRt, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WEAI Made to order, or Ready. Made Has reoeired full and t ompleto stock: of xoods, he neweai and eompleteat fn lha ctly. Aa Im mense larity ol RIBBONS, LACES AND FRINGES la In bar ratram aa all ol here to call on her.exaailna lb prices, atylea and quality oi tier (tocusi Mm. Swnnoer. hating sold her properly. wU aeli the wholr of these aorda at and below eoai Now la the lime 10 iiirrnaso vihiiuj Ihe veri irw.i prir.a MOAT HTmatatM. SAM WILSON, lllllt IP I EOAT BTOBE8 QROCERIES. PROVISIONS RTC.i Ho. 110 Onn Levee : : Cairo, 111. napras raoMrttT rai JAKE WALTER, BTJTOH El IR AND DtiUI f FRESH MEAT, EiatiTii Street, Betitrrn Wasiiinoton AND COMMERCIAL AVENTJES, AUlBtisK BltlMbonae at IIssssy'. .i.. v.... f nr. Pork. Mutton, Via. ic. and are prepared to serve : - . .e , . . . cinirat in tne ino mv )M.u. .......... UAH FITTEKN. II. , OEROULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER ADDHisA i CJAf4 rlXTCaUOI. 23 Kitter'e rand Plumber's toatenai, weo pump, glotie ana ang.o vaivaa, ivr cocks, ehtck valves, etc. w ALSO AOtT rja Vnlta Brwlherts PaUsst Brf TT INTER'S SK -OMMESCUl-ATW1' ICMIUi S. WALTERS, auuiui HARD and SOFT LUMBER ol aterr dtacrlptlan, LATH, SH1NOLES, OEDAR P09TB, DOORS, SA8I1, SLIiSPS, urdkks solicited. Steamboat Lumber, Famished oa shortest nolle.. UotniBorcial-uv, bet. 10th ami lltli-sb"., CAir.o iLLlxolSi T7d RAILBOADH. QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. H St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati," Crn caqo, New York, Boston, aa all POINTS EAST AND WEST. Paier trains arnre at and learo Catro as fol lows i mail. txratss. aaiTt. 3tl3a.m ...........IiOO p.m. turaai............ 4 too i3 a.m. Ooth trains eonncet at Centralis with train on lb jGaCA.xxr XiXxrsi roa Pans. Decatur, Bloomlcgtcn, 1 Pao, LaBal Mendota, Freeport, Ualena, I'ubuqaa, and all folate In lllmoia, Mlaaoun, ' Minnesota, Vlaconatn and Iowa. And with lAaaa xuaatoK Fal and Weal lor St, Louis, Hprlnghela , Loaisnlle, Cincinnati, Indlaaapolia, Columbus. And at Chicago with Michigan Central, Mlehlga Boutharn, and Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroads lor Datrolt, Cleveland, Dunkirk. Albany, Boston, Philadelphia, Nlagra Falls, Erie. Burtalo, ew xora, rnisourr, naiiimorr, Waahlngton. AND ALL POINTS BAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On and after Monday, April 24th, 1171, trains', run aa follows i NORTHERN DIVISION. raaias aotxo lornaAir. Mail. Exsreaj tare Virginia....... 6;a.m., 12. Si p.m. .... :00 " .... tktt " MaU. .....3M .m ....4:2 " Sormctleld 9.20 arrYieTtTftuW. sk.v.t. vc.v taaiKi coiaa aoaiawaar, Exprwaa Ein Leave Paaa...........4:00a,m 11 Taylorville .4:4 Arrive at 8princfleld..e;18 Leave ansinxfisld C:2A .6.00 ...-8:10 -...S:15 Arrlv. ai Vimlnl.....-:M DUUlnr,na uivioiun. TSAtaa aoiaa ioctuait. Leave Edgewood...... 6:30 a.m. .....10:10 sum Flora 1:23 " 1J:40 Arnv at Bhawneetown3:5.lp m 6:16 p.m tauss oomo aoatBwaaT. Leave Shawneetown 6:4S a.ra !:J;i Flora. - 24 " ........7;O0 ' Arrive at Edgewood......4:J0 " . ,-'". The o:au a.m. iraia irem Mondaya. Wadneadayaand Fridays, and 6:45 a.m. train from Bhawneetown on Tuaadaya, Thura. days end baturdaya. , ,,. .. Conaecu al Asnianu win ks;i ""LVr" ol Chicago and AHon Rillroad. for Jackaocvllle, p.i.,.hi,r. Mnon City. and all Dolnta weat. At Bprlngfield. with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo. Wabaah and Weafern Railroad, lor Bloom, Bgioa, tnicaRo, auu iui r"" -west and west. .... , j ,,..,, Atrana wltn ina. ana . i.m. vs Central Railroad for all points eaet.eop.ti. and "aKimwoo with Chicago Dlvlalon miU '.tth'ohlo a,d Mississippi lUtlroad. AtBhawneeto.n. with ateamboata for Cinelo oa,,, Pucab.Caiveand. Um.i. Jon yoMm.Oen'l Fv'ataad Ticket At t. MA LOOMS. A. SU8ANKA, Proprietor MAGNOLIA "SALOON And Dealer la Forelgasod Domestlo WINKS, LIQUORS AND OIGAHS 97 Ohio Levee, Between Ninth and Tenth Streela, Cairo, III. deem FUSS AMD HIDES. Ii. LEVY 4 CO., HIDES AND FURS, WsMt, FEATHERS, ETC., 3 OHIO.LKVBS. Cairo, Ilmnois, InovlM WOOD! WOOD I WUUimi Tt1eMderllAW111,uU,, HARD AND DRY WOOD 4.S U Ml C te W. .. haa any wood dealer l Oelre. erdtre a the slates si the PostoMce e' eA Keae aoe.1 vard, oa Cotnp errlal avenue, beeweeo Tenth a&4 laeirui sir ran, Cairo. lUieeU. 1 atve aMSl