Newspaper Page Text
THIS 13 U LLKTIN. I . I :t .f, tl i tl Pi n i r, I ,., 1iv ntUAt iluRNiMi, .March U,fclH7i 1H vlbi"! inpirvt AlttniSItt nnnll mml ol M "! I v, Ih- n,t,rnlnt iV tl 1 1 tUiiwU I rwtilic hminnl) Mill, M femttM I ml' nil tudjfli ot (ntirtJ to IM wNIt t villi HV IIatm; amUtltoo, Ihf Unllf l,,l mlli'tlt (lit hlt-Vl)tvl iMIlJKU ttiWCtt tint Tumi or tut Daily HmttiM Su'Krtption. i) wri-K, nt carrier imevearby crrler, in advance , Minlli bj Mill, Til ontli M S innnllK . A vrt - - iM .iiIikJ . . i m THE DOLLAR WKEKLT flt'LLKTIN. John ii. obiir c. i" fr.V".,'.?', '!;; rrt.uUl.liVl mSouihrrn HHnnla. Omvk Lohan denominates Mrs. Womlhiill and her followers ih the "free love crow." A connKSi'o.viir.NT of a Memphis piper puggests a convention in that city of all the people in wet Tcnnca tec opposed to tJrant, to appoint dele gates to tho liberal republican conven vention to assemble at Cincinnati in May next. The Indianapolis 1 Journal ' thus quotes Scripture on Judge David D.ivis nomination for the presidency : D.tvld therefore departed thence, and c ciped to the envc of Adtillam ; unci svliun lilt brethren and nil his father's house hcird It, they went down to hint. Ami every one tlinl wa in tllstreiu, und every ono tlint w.i In debt, Hnd every one tint I. was discontented, gathered themselves un to him; hp 1 he hiicatiiH u cuptidn over thorn ; and there were with him itbout four hundred men. Secretahv Doutwell has boasted of having reduced the public debt nearly $300,000,000. In his official report presented to congress at the opening of the present session he claimed that in the last two fiscal years a reduction of $195,920,(181 had been made ; but ae cording to his official report published monthly the amount of tho reduction was 8200.115,750. The variation of $10,000,000 between these two state mcnts has been accounted for. It is claimed by those who ought to know that the reduction oi the debt has been only 830,000,000 since 1801, and according to his own figures there is deficit of $105,000,000. Many administration papers nro fond of repeating praises of Qen Grant's purity of character and inten tion, honesty etc., etc., and yet the charges of corruption against tho differ ent officials of his administration, all, or nearly all, appointed by him on the score of personal friendship, or as a return for favors done him, have never been equalled under any former prcsi- flnt Tl.o old nmififot (hilt I'lurd.! of a feather flock together," has never been found to be false. If Grant i' nu honest man, he has been singularly unfortunate in his selection of friends and his honesty ap pears to have no moral effect on them "A littlo leaven leavencth the whole lump," but Grant's uprightness, if any such quali ty has an existence in his character, is such an iniiutcsimal atom in the moun tain of corruption surrounding him, that instead of making Itself felt throughout his administration, it is swallowed up nnd lost. Ten commit tees of investigation liavo hecn ordered during tho present session of congress and with the exception of two, nil have been directed against the admiiiistra tion. The latest investigation ordered by congress is that of the charges against Hoboson, secretarv of th navy. A "Washington dispatch of tho 11th says : To-day tho homo mho 1 u special coin miueo on tlio mol on of .Mr. Mulr ol Jiiehignn. a firm republican, to Inquire In to wia ueiauna niitiiuioni o: iriiua miniu agulnii the lucretury f the nuvy in tho culuinm of u Sun lurk paper, iso much of detuil in the wav of fuets and lluur.-s appuMrud in tlieiu charges, that some of mo icuuing mnmor iiuinitteu unit tliaro waia reaonaoio ground for an Investiga tion by congrejs.iiud Ii nce the withdraw al oi trie olijMctioin which wero made to one luit week. Senator Mouto.v. of Iudiuna, doesn't believe in civil service reform. Because it has been a practice among senators and cougrewmeu and heads of departments to recommend persons for offices and appointment. Senator Mor ton thinks H should continue to be one. although experience has shown that this is one ot the most fruitful Hiurccs of evil in the public service. And be- cause Senator Trumbull haf made twenty or thirty or fifty recommenda tions in the past, he has un right to raisohis voice against the practice, bays Senator Morton. Although the result of some of his own recommendations may have coiiviuced Senator Trumbull that tho system is prolific of abuses, yet in the face of his conviction, he should bridle his tonguo and neither attempt ta reform the error iu himself, nor de nounce it in others. Thin is radical logic, according to Morton. But it will hardly natihfy tho pcoplo. Tho subject of civil kervice reform was agi tated by tbc radicals and whelhor in sincerity o,-r a party measure, it can not now he glowed over aud quieted down without some practical result. Tho pcoplo have caught the cry, they have become watchful of their public guardians, from,, tho president down, rati w.J 'e satisfied with notliiujr le?!' Ih hi i'i' 1,1 rotijh and practical reform of the in my evils which have grown up jitrl 11 urif In'tl uudcr the fusterinj: earo of ni'Ucali!in in state as well national oti'jirs. Morton and other rail ical senators engaged in the orl 10 belittle the civil service reform move, ment will fi.i.l ilwit thin attempt recoil with disgrace upon their own heads. THE LATEST NEWS- - Iter. Dr. Touna sucteod Nov. Dr. Hiuton a prtitor of Trinity chinch, Haiti- more. Sunday evening, nr Toledo, Ohio , J. A. Miller, of (Joshfn, New-York, wa robbed of Sl'.'.OOO. William Urannon vm arreted In LouUvllle, Monday for committing a rape on lils tep daughter. Ago lxtocn yean. The Marquis and Marchioness of Ij'irne am visiting Quejn Victoria, prevl ous to their doparturo for Germany. Leonard Murqunnd, who murdered his wife nnd three children noir Day ton, Ohio, Siurday night, was Insatio. He thuurht his wlfo uullty of witch craft. Mr. 1'iggott, editor of the Dublin Irishman, now In jail for libel on the Chief Justice of tho Quocn's bench, is to bo given n public breakfast by his frlondi on M release. Tho report that tho papo Is preparing to leave itomu is false. On Sunday the jiopo mid to mi audience " Tho inisfortuno of the chmvh during his pontificate dated from 18 18, and that the co-exltenco of the two powers n. It una wa linpossihla for the sufetv of the church." Tho Staten Island ferrybiat Wosttleld was seized by tho sheriff of Kings county to s:uiefyjudgmcnt in favor of Mrs. Mad den, whoso husband was killed by the ex plosion. Tho widow of Prof. Chenlcrere has commenced ono of a series of suits against tho owners of the 'Westuold. She lost her husband and four children and ustained a personal injury. A packago containing a quantity-of bonds, several mortgages, promissory note', title deeds and other valuable papors snpposed to belong to AV. It. Alioll & Co., Alton, Ills., was found by Officer Martin at tho corner of twenty-sixth street and Fourth nveuuo Now York city. Thcv are in possession of tho property clork await Ing a claimant. O. Q. Catnron, Ksq., a well known grain dealer of Memphis, died Monday after a brief illness from intermittent fever. His standing in commercial circles was high, and his loss will be much de plored. Mr, Camroti, was a natlvo of Kentucky, and before tho war was sheriff of Harrison counts', in that State. Dur ing tho late war ho commanded a battal ion of cavalry in tho Confederate service, and served with distinction. TELEGUAHHC. Fort Wayne, Ind., March 11. Lavor and Mcrv-Jn's law-mill, situated at Molina, .Mich., svns b'own up this evening. Thrco tiuuvui, J. Sutler and Frederic Huff wero killed, and fivo other Injured, some of them quite sorlouly The water wa allowed to got too low in the boiler. New York, March 11. A Rrowns llu dispatch statos that 2,000 cattlo havo been stolen from stock raisers sinco the middle of February and driven into Mexi co by organized bands of thievos on tho Mexican atdo of tho Rio Grande river. The robbers camo from Mexico and say they aro determined to cloir tho county from tho Ulo Grande to the Hucos river of Americans by despoliation of their prop orty. l.VMANAl'OLls, Ind., March It. A lire broku out Iri-tilntit abont 9 o'clock in llowcn, Stewart h Co.,s wholosalo nnd ra tail book store, and communicated to F. N. Horron's jewelry itoro adjoining. A. small portion of tho retail books were saved, but tho svholesalo stock U almost a total loss. Tho jowo'ry stock is only damn ''oil bv water, Tho total loss on stock and building will probably reach f 100,000. llowcn, Stewart & Co.'s Insur ance is about $50,000. Mkmi'UIS, March 11. .1. H. Taylor nnd Al. Mnsof, whitoman, ongaged in a con troversy at a grocery on It ilolgh road, five miles of IhU city, S.Uurday evening ovor toiuu nrrivial misunderstanding, when Taylor started out and mounted, as ha sup poed his own mule. Moses followed and charging Taylor with stealing tho mule, tho latter turned in the saddle, and as ho did so, Motes shot him in tho forehead with a navy siz-shootcr, and subsequently surrendered to tho authorities. WiLMi.vtiio.Y, X. S., March 11. Intel ligcnco received from Ribesou county to daj, tends to confirm tho report of tho killing ot DojS Strong. Tho party who went to Andrew Strong's for the purpose of -eiAng tho body returnod yesterday, and reported Unit they found a largo quantity nf blond on tVin,.... .,nt.t .1.... Andrew Strong, ir. H,wwin,i.n ti..i t,le boss was killed, M,a u1Ht other mm- in mo i.owr..y band ll&d removed tho . r . body, rhcro n-ouis to la no doubt that Mcljuten shot Strong und killed Cincinnati, March lo.-A Dayton spoclal says 11 horrible murder was com mitted kix miles north-east ol that city lakt night. A woman named Mary Mur quardt, about thirty.ftvo years old, and thrco children, aged respectively tlx and eight yours and six months, aro suppo.ed to have been killed by tho husband, Leon- " Jiarrpjarut, who it now in jail. The w" f"U"d In bed apparently stran gled. Tho children wero found oine dls- tanco irotn the house netr tho bank of nr.iiV' 4 Is 11 .11 w.v.., ... lnu vlul!tv u,,,)Urently browned mm Hiirwaru removed from the WKter rvi... I.. A. ...1. 1 , . . '"". """oi iicau wns crusinjii. Tho twit will Do elicited at tlita Inquest t0-d uy. Halt Jvakk, Jlarch 11, The third United States district court met to-dy Judge Strickland presiding, vice McKean ubsent. Tho elvll cases on tho docket were called. Deputy United States Attor TJUSCAIKO DAILY UILLK1JN, THURSDAY. MAHC.ll noy Hitih t,, courl lnHt 1,10 ,,,,, pn-otit appear In llio trial of Irllmrn Young utid othura, act for to-day, ihniiM uiwr nir.inrp to appear whin Hll.l lur Tin) ilvliitidnnlV counsui asked ylirn tlio irittl was to coin o off. The prose 'iitlng tutor nr-y tnA tinofllclnlly that nn adjourned lonn of the c.mrt would prob ably hi li -id fur tin trial of lhoo cbsch, butnod.illiiii"! Information could bo given till tho return of Chief Jutlco MuKcan, when tho time of triul Would bo undo known through the paper. Time wa given the coumel for proportion. EXIT GOULD. FINAL COLLAPSE OF THE OLD EK1K DIKECTORY JAY OOULD OVER HOARD. GENERAL DIX ELECTED PRESIDENT. New-Youk, March 11. Tho offices of the Erie railroad were tilled about noon tvduy with policemen under Captain Put ty, at tho Instsnco of Jay GoulJ, who de sired that they should be on hand to await developments of the meeting of the board of dlreetlors called lo-dav. The officers wero distributed in tho different parts of tho buildinir. beirinnlni: at the entrance on Twenty-third street, and from there to tho lobby and at tho doom of each of tho prl vato offices. Gould was in earnest consul tation with Mr. Sheraman nnd David Dud ley Field. Dr. Eldridgo walked up and down thoroom and Henry Smith, of Smith, Gould ik .Martin, snowed groat anxiety. At ten minutes patt 11! o'clock the ero wus a bustle at the outer door. A party f ten g5ntlemon pushed away the sen ries and wero received by Frederick A Lime, an old boiom friend of Fisk, ut the lead ot too grand btnireae. This party of gentlemen were as lollows : (Mineral John A. 1'ix, (teneral Ueorgo II. .ncUlcl Ian. Attorney General S. M. ltirlow. Win. it. Traverse, H. L. Stebblns, Charles u.iv, . . ohorman & Co., and Justin D. White. Tlie.u gentlemen passed di rectly through tho hall to President Gould's room and then passed into tho Directors apartmont ot tho roau leaving ucnerai l)ix, nnd Ueneral McUlol lan in tho anti-room. Tho following nine, who compriso th majority of tho old directors, ordored tho room cleared and thou commenced voting lor tho now directors : .Messrs- Hilton Simmonds, Geo. O. Hall, Thompson, II. N utis, Atci.or uamsdeii, Justin u. White and F. A. Lance. They sent for Gould Sherwood, Dr. Kldrldgo and Drake, who refused to loin tho board. .Mr. Uarrlson, of tho old board of directors was absent and Mr. Slssons was sick As tho directors wero about to ballot for Gen. Dix as a new diroctor, Mr. Shera man, the nttornoy for tho Erlo railroad, presentod an injunction against any far ther action by the board. He was pushed violently out of tho room, and tho injunc tion torn into tatters. In a few moments Shearman appeared headed by Capt. Petty and forty policemen. 'lly what authority docs Mr. Shearman appear in this room with a crowd of police men," exclaimed Mr. Ilarlow, greatly ox cited. " I am hero by tho ordor of Jay Gould to preserve pence. Out I am ordered not to recognlzo you, gentlemen.'' " You, Mr. Shearman, havo no right here. 1 oil, nor your secretary," exclaimed Mr. Lane ; so tako up your traps and leave" Mr. Shearman did not stir, but ordered Captain Petty to dissolve tho board as illegal. Clip 1 11 (n I'utty demurred, and In a few minutes Mr. Shearman left the room. Tli4ti tho voting commenced. General Dix was elected director, then Gen. McClellan then Win. K. Truvarse, then Mr. II.G. Stobblns, thon Gen. Dlv- en, then W . V. bherman, or Duncan, Shorman Si Co., After that the bourd of directors had everything their own way. Gen. Dix was elected president of tho J-.rlo railroad in placa ol Jay Uould, U. tl. P. Archer was elected vico-prosident, AW V. Sherman, treasurer; II. N. Otis, secretary, and John W. Hilton was 10 elccted railroad transportation clork. Mr. Ilarlow now offered a resolution that Messrs David Dudley Field and Shearman bo dismissed as counsel for tho Erlo road. This was carried, and S. M. L. liarlow was elected counsel in their placo both for the company and tho Erlo di rectors. A. resolution was passed that tho treasuror pay no orders for monoy, and that all tho employes of tho Erio road should pay no attention to any but Presi dent Dix and Vico-prosident "Archer. It was then ordorod that every sub n ulcer of tho Erie road should bo notified of tho ro3. olution and Instructed to disobey Gould or tho old ofllcials. Tho board then ad journed. LUCKY MR. M'CORD. MATERIAL FOR A THREE VOLUME ROMANCE. On the 28th of November, 1870, Jason McCord, a wealthy gontleman of Ohieago, departed this life. Iluloro his death ho made no will, an'd it was left for tho courts to say who should Inherit his riches. An nppornisal of his real and personal proper ty showed that lie had died worth upwards of $000,000. Costly buildings in tho southern and westorn parts of tho city ; blocks of tho city land and acres of country farms; railway, Insurance and bank shares; livo stock and steamboats wum scheduled to a vast amount, whilo thoso who made out tho imperii w.shed tho v worn his next of kin. Outside of Chicago, fomo 18 miles or more, thoro has lived for manv vears u poor hard-working farmer named John McCord. Despite his toiling and his con stant tilling of the soil ''Unlucky John," as his neighbors called him, grow pooror and poorer as ho grow old in years. Tho only tiling In which ho prospered was In tho raising of a hrge family. Horses and cattlo and hoirs sickened and died, but children to tho number of ton lusty boys nnd girls wero born benoath their fathers unlucky star. AVhon tho bovs wero bb enough they too worked on tho farm, only It was hard to raiso enough for so many. A few weeks sinco, tho court decided that John McCord, brother of Urn do- ceased, and nu only living rolativo, was iiuir io an ins possessions. And tho lrmer, who is no moro " Unlti"ky John,' uut " Lmky Mutt,. McCord, " is often wen, In a tliio suit of cloathlng, In . . .7 ,1t,crK gomc!i waiting until tho 11.7 U mTl0'tl'e title books, to take full possession. KILLED BY WHISKEY. (Uroin tht Coutlcr-Jonrnal.) A colored boy named Kv..n. i seven years old, died evening before a t whisk v TVf,11'1", ln, 8 ? ,nt S wnisky. Tho father had whisky in his ...M.-w., j uuiiooiun sweets nearMaciizinp and the child got to the toltla hnSSk' lUeontonts. Ho related to his ,nnU (r 'e lay in a , ' Yi'n for hours A physlcUn r ,f b?Ubl,' ''itoxlcation l.our?ttfttrw?d,0,in,tt.b,OUt ,S?ven or u,''1 insensible and r l'.ut. 1 ,u cl,,Ul Wl" "'on horl llm" annerfwtrdyinB "0 Xplrd A-FAIR CHANCE. (From ih P .lit-iJ, K nUlckl-nJ Aii Indiana female will glvo any man $80,000 who will marry her "unslght un seen.'1 'Exchange.' A gontlemnn who lives within 11 fly miles of Paducah requests us to say to that Indi ana female tlinl "hn's his meat" ho'll tako her at tha' price. Ho says ho will marry her ifsho has but ono leg, nnd that made of cork, but ono eye, and that in tho middle of her forelioiid. if she is baldheud- ed, has a horn growing out of cich side of ner noau, has a cancer in her nose nnd seventy-seven devils Ir her system, but ho must hnvo n good grip on that eighty thousand ducats before the marriage cere mony is performed, lie is a young nach- or ot prepo'sessing appiaraiice, nas no id habits, but Is terriblr short of money, nd tho banks aro not discounting now. The ".Indiana feninlo" is at liberty to open correspondence as soon as she chooses. HOW IT WILL WORK. From the Ciirlnnle New Era Uidical A Washlncton dlsnatch to tho Chicago Post ' savs that a rumor is current in Washington that Governor Oglesby is romiscd tho support oi me auministra on, both for the gubernatorial candidal re this fall nnd tho senatorial candidature next fall. We aro conversant enough with the management of affairs in Wash ington to assert that there Is not a word ot tri'th in this rumor, and that 11 was sot on foot by Governor Oglesby s friends as a feeler ot tho public pulo. Is either presi dent Grant nor memburs of congress can dispo'iiof public offices in Illinois In this way, Let the attempt be made and not it man ongaged in the intrigue will lie re elected and tho state wilTbo carried bv tho democracy, to n certainty. This at tempt ot "leading men to trado on the tho party is " played out " tho pcoplo nitvo yet something to sav noout too dis posal of public officer nnd tho sooner this fact is undestood by the party leaders the better. Gov. Oglejbv is one of tho most popular men in Illlnol., ami stands a cood chance for lurthcr preferment, but his prospects will lio nssurcdly killed it ho permits tho bargain hinted at in the 'Post's' correspondent to bn consummated. INSUIIAXCE, W. n. MORUIH, Notarv Public, ' II. It. CANBKK No. Pub. and II. 8. Ccm. IISTSTTIRIE! FIKE, HULL, CAKGO, LIVE STOCK UUIDJiJST, iai''is, JETKA, HARTFORD, AiteU . tS.MJ.tOi 7 NORTH AM7.RICA, I'A., Aset 2,78.1,000 Ol HARTFORD, CONK., Asset 2,MS,210 Tl rnacNix, HAHTroHit, Assets 1,781,118 St. INTERNATIONAL, N. Y., Assets.. 1,533,398 17 PUTNAM, HARTFORD, AmpI .700,417 OL CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Aiieln- 615,073 88 HOME, COLUlinUB, AetK MJ,27I 43 AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Ai-sets 600,01)0 Ol CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Assets :w,ooo,noo a traveler's, hartkord, Life and accident, Arsetn. l,A0O,0O Ot RAILWAY l'ASSENOKRS ASSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Amcts. Son,r( s INDEPENDENT, 1IOSTON, .tsiels r.,0,61 SAFFOllD, NOKIUS k CANDEE, 71 Ohio I.ovee, City Nntlonat Hank, CAIRO. II,!. FIRE AND MARINE (AM1MMUS NIAOARA, N. Y., A""ti" l,t3C,210 2 OERMANIA, N. Y., Aset 1,008,721 78 HANOVER, N. Y. AtKCts ..,720,802 00 REI'UIILIC, N. Y., Assets 714,923 00 CotnprisInK thn Unilcrwritnrs' Agency. YONKEHS, N. Y., At 878.4M f 1 ALU AN Y CITY, ASHCtB 153,193 23 FIREMEN'S FUND, H. V., A'sot C78,tOO Of HKCURITY, N, Y. MARINE. Assets 1,432,M!) 00 STOUKH, Dwelling, Kurnlturo, Hulls unit Car ito, Inaiired t rates a fuTotable as sound, permanent security will warrant. I rennectliilly k ot the eitiiens of Cairo, a snare ol their iatronae. N. HITOIIFW. PII I L. S3 A UP, (8uceeor to P. Saup ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BCtLia l CONNECTIONS. FIREWOUKS, TOYS, NOTIONS, ETC., loa Vommvrclai Avenue, bctifceu ReveulU nud r.ign(h nrel, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. I I, 1872. nnruR, BARCLAY BROS. OHIO i.r.vr.E Caiio, Hu DBTJO-&I8TS SARATOGA SPRINGS in full slant AT IlA1' '."V tRUQ sionn. Fatiu ISirrui, Laili. MOCKING BIRD FOOD ALL 1KADT rOl riK WITHOVT TOCL At HxncLATs'. H K h M n O U I) 8 ORAPE f catawux ) r ranxvz PILLS CATAWIIA hi OllAl'K GRAPE I catawua S i I nnAi-K S PILLS ADD AL1 or HELM IIO I. D'H MKDIOIKKft VRESU FROM 7IRST HANDS, Alwajr In stock in lne supply, nrl for I J II 11 r 1-1 n y II r . JDBT KECIIVKD AMP or Bnlft bjr IhcUInan Ilotllo orfinlloii AT BAllOLAYS. erExTRA Fink Coloone; Genuine Impokted Extracts; MIIair, Tootu and Nail IIrusiies 0Ikdia Kubder Nuilsery Goo." AT .BIiCjjj.'Z' BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Dcst grades in arge stock and ra riety, very chep; also: Full Line of Colors, nir and in oil; Paint llrmhei, l.lnrn. Oil, Whitewash H . j1ich Tarprotine, Varni!hs Etc. nc, ALL HHDS AD tTARUAKb ttVALITUt At Barclays'. IIOOKH. v? rq W 'A O ir, 7, i w u i h. U 'A a F-t o Jl -3 C c: U2 a o c M V. Z b 'A U )? 'A O l-H o H 3 hook iii.iti:iiY. CAIRO CITY ROOK BINDERY JOHN II. OIIEIII.Y A CO., riioruii.roiis, Bulletin RuildiiiL', cornor of 12th street nnd Wnshintou aronuo, Cairo, Illlino.s. All klu la of lllndlnz nnit Itulln? ilnnn al llm very luwpt prlcei. lluvinir inKKed tho aerrl cea uf Mr. lluela, who haa hml many yeurs r.jn;iiniru ill "iiiw ui mil IHIIUenPi Ol B, I.OUIfl, In Niiiwriiitcnd tnia eHtithliahinent, we can eon lidenily promlieour patrons worlt enuul to that of any llinilerv In iliw wet. MUX n-IIITKIt. CARL L. THOMAS, XGKEsT WRITER now prcpaieit to respond promptly Io all de mands for hia afrvlce, SHOP-COR. 8TH-ST. AND CoUMERCAL-AV Its the Perry IIoimc, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. nnvHilll 1'UIIN AND IIIDKS. II. LEVY & CO., DEALER! I.N HIDES AND FURS, WOOL, FKATllEHN, Kit'., 83 OHIO.IiBVBB. Caiuo, Illinois. z W 6 o 1 l'.i:it.l. AUKNTls. UALLIDAV IJIlOTuisJKS General agents tin FOltWAllDIXG and UOMMTSStON c 11 a. nt s. DEALERS IK FLOUR; nl ol Ohio ltlver aid Uiitinislin 70 Ohio Lsvee, II CAIKO, II.I.INOf I'lAXSIN. SIXTV-F1VK Kilt ST 1'IIIZK SI K I) A 1.9 A WA It DIM) Tin: (iiicat UALTI.MOUK 3! ANITA. TO K WM. KNAUK & CO., Manufacturers of ORAND, SO.UARE AND UI'RIUHT XJJSTO FOBTES ll.sI.TIMOHK, MARYI.ANH. Thf io Instruments htve been before the public for nearly thirty years, and upon their excellence iilone attained an tnpurtlinu'l prtamntnet, which proDouuoei them unvqiialad in TONE, TOUCH, "WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY Kir All nur S'nunre ISnnm hate our new Vew In) prnTeij 6ve trung cale atd the Ajrafft Tullt Kir id wouhl ran upeciai atiraiKin io our laie Patented ImprovemenU In rSntMD I'ianoi and jl-Ar. (Jrani ,foUDil In no other Piano, wlilch trlnt the Piano nearer perfection than ha )et len aitaineil. EVERY PIANO VULLY WARRANTED FOR VIVE YEAR). Illustrated Catalogues and Price Mats prompt! furninhed on application tn WX, KNAIli: A CO., llALTIMORr, Mr many of our recular eUabllflied agencle. IIANK8. THE CITY NATIONAL OAlltO IM.I.VOIN. CAPITAL, 8100,0b W. P. 1IA1.UDAY. Pre.lden IIKMtT I.. IIALI.IIUV, Vice rr ent; A. It. tAKKoni), Cinhler; WAl.TV.h 11VSLOP, AeUtant Ca.hier. IiiRtcroasi tiat Tatloh. rtostar II. Comnoham, tlrsar I,. Hallidat, W. 1'. IIallimt, iito. II. Wiliumiov, .STiriirx lilKIi A. II. SArrnan. KxctiaiiKe, S'oln nnd llnlteil Ntnlca Hand UoiikIiI nnd Hold. DEPOSITS recelred, and a general bankinR hualnein uone. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAIItO. PA.N' HUnn, PreHldeot; ItOflEKT W. IILL,KK. Vice-Prealdent C. .N. HUGHE, Cashier. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE LS.XCIIA.0E, coin, bank notes and United Vj btatea tecuritlea bought nnd cold. Interest Allowed on Time Depoalla. ENTERPRISE SAAINGS ClinrlersMl Slnrcli 31, Itson. orrict in CITY NATIONAL HANK, CAIRO orncr.RH A. tl. SAFFOllD, Preaidenlj H. a. TAYI.Olt, Vice.Preanlint; W. IIVHLOP, Becretarr and Tieasurar. DIUECTOtSt P. V. Habclat, F, 51. HTocurtitir, Ciiai. Oalkiher, Pacl a. be ii i' ii. It M, Cl'hKINOIIAM, W. P. Hallidat, J. M, PniLLirt. l)coalta nl nny Amount Itecel vesl Irons Ts'n 4 onlM IIpss nrdM, 1NTKHEST paid on dcposlta at the rate ot n percent, per annum, March Istand Heptein ixir 1st, Interext not withdrawn 1 r.ddcd imine dlaluly to It o principal of the deposits, thereby kWIiik them compound Intereht. MAItlllKIl WOMKK AND UHILUUKK MAY DKPOSIT MONKV ti THAT KO ONE ILK CAN DRAW IT. Open ero.-y business day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Haturdar eyenmR tor BAV1NO DEPOSITS onl, from to 8 o'clock. auwtl Vf. HTSI.0P, Treasurer. 5C JAMES KYN ASTON, Atifrtirr nud Denier In all Kind Freats Meist, Corner NiM.Tri'NTn an Pplab'StreeTi C1.VIH), ILLINOIS. SUVH and a augl.ter. only the very bet catlte, hoKind aheep.and i PP'dno,Sd to Sd land for freah rnaata from on pouna to sd 0. D. WILLIAMSON. PRODUCK AND COM M 3d I ON 1 K 110 II ANT, No. TOOhlii l.i'VOP, 0 A 1 It O, 11,1,1X01 8. .-?i(-oll atf'Dtion kiii t consicnmn. and finlprs II. ..HATH DM. K. C. U1IL MATIIUSS & UIIL, AMIS UK.i:iUL COM.M ISSION M liRCJI ANTS, IIEAI.ER1 IN HAY AND WESTKHN PRODUUK No. ni oiiio i.i'.vki:. i SUI Jj., A1HO.II.I. II. M. HUIiHN, GROCER and CONFECTION And Dealer Foreign Fruits and Nuls No. 134 Commcrcial-ave., CAIft) It.iI.tOIM, CLOSE .A VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS DEALEES XiT CKUKNT, PLASTER I'Altl.a, AND PLASTER ER'S . II A I R, Comrr l.l;btli Ntrert nnd Olito I-vre CAIRO. ILL. MlLLER k PARKER GENERAL COMMISSION 1D EORWARD1NO M ERCIIANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Outs, Hay, etc. AGENTS rort EAIIIHANK'S SCALES Ohio EKvr.r, CAIRO. ILLS. V CHARLES M. HOWE k CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AID FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. G-l Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS nor2Mtf WOOD RITTENIIOUSE, FLOUR AND General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Caiuo, Illinois. STRATTON & BIRD. (BuccetKor toNtratton, Hiulaon A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Loveo, Cairo, Illinois J. M. PHILLIPS k CO.. (Successors to K, II. Hcndricka A Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS "WIIARF-HOAT PROPRIETORS Liberal AitTuncei tnr i upon, VOUrilPHieni, Are prepared to receive, st.uo ant freights to all polnta ami buy a orward acd HCII UU UUMIIIIIBIIIUU, aWllualneaH attemled In nrnmptlv JOHN U. PI1ILL1S& SON, (iccesaora to Jno.ll, I'hlllls ,) GENERAL COMMISSION FOIVWARDING MERCHANTS, DEAIJ3RS IN HAY, CORN, OATS "V Flour, Meal, Bran, &c, Cob. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIRO. ILL. 2.nnvlM tbousaad riouoaa.