Newspaper Page Text
rUKCAlllO DAILY BULLETIN, FRIDAY, MARCH lo, 1872. TflE BULLETIN. mi ( o:t.r, iti-Mi p " FiItMJMSU, Mirer , ., nnn'v ' of " '.V "I ""r--'""' iwtU, but lemKut owl' fa tA pMie; TtMi or Tin Daily llmrmi SiAttnptto. 0 k, by carrier, - ". Vne er lijr -rrlr, In adianff - ?J jf ..unlti li, i.miI " ""fi -jj Th onlti, "ZZ'.'.Z'L. V a x innnthe ( w TUB DOU" WKKLT LCttBTW. . it mlr Co. nae rluced tne nt-Jrn-,nw?rr the We-itly Cairo Uiillrn to !!PMU in Southern Illinois 1'iptef.n persons at IlunUville, Ala bama, charncd with being ku-klux, have reccutly boon convicted. Three . 1 ol them Werc sentenced to twc.tty years' imprisonment in the Alhany penitcn- tiary Tue Metropolis papers have on nounccd their ititentien to make regu lar charges, hereafter, for marriage no ticcs. "The license has to be paid for," says tho Massac 'Journal,' "and tho J , , . , preacher vrlio ties the knot ; why not the printer who makes the fact public '!" tvi... :i..i'y tMiy not, indeed.' J ' The Skw Youic ' Tribune ' of Wednesday says : We arc obliged lo 1 take from Collector Arthur the lircdt1 1 whleh he received ve3terdav for appear- I int? finally to disoos of Luct an 1 Srtuck-1 0 log . , ,. , . . m, i P I M scarcely disturbed. The parade of tho Grms authorized to receic gooiU urns out to bo a screen, as Lcct and 1 a...t.- i? .1 p .!..! ijlocKtng arc not ot tumr plumes. Tho scandal is increased by the 1 discovery tint most of tho cu-botwcciia j D arc Tammany democrats. Prominent tnirpVinf otnlml vnctnrdiiv llmt T.pftt I and StocVinu carry' out the old busi-1 tteis ' under tho uew name of Squire & Lo. And who is to blame lor tins new nhuse connected with the custom house? Its ferreting out, if it ever is lnrmfArl tit till hn nntn ntlrtpnatitirr VtlbtVU VUt, 11441 J J tit V 1 O tit IV I V.JilllQ than any part of the investigation which has preceded it. Mns. Utie RAitKEit, sister of Victo ria Woodhull, calls Theodore Tilton "his imperial highness, the long-haired Messiah of the golden age." Also, "a milk and water philosopher, who is corrupting society and ruining her fam ily." This perhaps is not tho first evi dence Tilton has had that the way of tho transgressor is hard. Theodore Tilfon eujnycd a lair amount of the world's respect, until, unfortunately for himself, he became the friend of the notorious Mrs. Woodhull. Through her, his domestic relatious have been broken up and destroyed, he has lost " honor, station, troops of friends, " and is now charged by her family with having " ruined " her. Mrt. llarkcr declares herself violently opposed to the free love doctrines of Mrs. Wood hull, but appearances indicate that tho tho Claflins understand themcvej and have "agreed to disagree," the better to make money out of tho public. The abatement of tho wholo family as a public nuisance would have tt good effect on tho moral health ol their own immediate community, and extend its beneficial effects far and wide, UCIt IUUICAL LEOlSLATTItE is jt ;s !.-.... engaged in a new economy about to abolish the Soldier's Orphan's Homo at Normal. There Imvo boon heavy frauds connected with tho man agement of the institution, and it is now proposed to make the children pay the penalty by breaking up the hott.-c and "farming out" the inmates to whomever will accept the charges, at the rate of one hundred dollars a year apieco and then paying gome ono a thousand dollars u year to travel around and tee that they arc well cared for. This thousand dollars would com fortably clothe, feed and give instruc tion to nix orphans for tho oamo length of time in tho home. And although a late change tUlJ management of tile hOInn linn -.1 .. '. . " ""i""u ii and brought wo HUUU4I v-ausu wiinm thcuppri.i.rl. ation, et ita aWil and. will douhtli- 1... n- . .., ?-0'laof Scuflletown felt somo svinpitthy .M lipJi 1 . 1T0Ct(!,l NwU'Mrtm and sought to save him". Thco soldier B orphans, whom to l,o n1.1.10 upon tho murder of Harris nnd favorite phraBo with radical oratorMo caVcT'bvv)'"1'' Jll'tintd' in 1,10 for,,lor term "the wards of the nation," ro to U. in S'f0'!? be Bhoved off ah burdens to any oiiuliha wno will undertake their case ut hundred dollars per annum, and ignobly ends tho attempt of tho tato to care lor and uducuto them. -Tho Lancaster, (I'cnn.,, Knqulre, printed t tho homo of Jamch lilack, tho Prohibition candidate for president, tays: "For wore than twenty yeau Mr. Jilack hat been n uucomjiromiilng havocto cf prohibitory law, and since 18u tt strict teetotaler, From tho tiin of tho orgnlztlon of tho republican party un til quite recent period ho wni u faithful nd efficient SUDnorter of that tlon. "Wtreltpossiblo to tecuro his elec Hou. wepeopig of the United States' Would have no cau.o to regret It. Ho Is ., 'frMoffiity and great force, .Md few moro tffetUvtJ tpeabkcr4 1( t kmperance cause huvjb Ulw Md . u?9 J8mi)' llrooV'' wnd. log offhli very Jntcrestlng.lottersol travel, ,i Jurfntli"wnr,lMucJbytheffilnrildcpiirt. wn.v lo fi iMtmiiw ,I,pnl-c,),l,1HIi,l,rilUj.houtllieSulh. Dr iiv S ill frim!!'' I Tliomii, Fi. p 'iiipn'a Hiiuiui Apnt nt is ilmt lio prop tr 1; ti itid 1 -li it to August, n.. .Inpiili n iii"M'.!i nr .f ill .n in ,.I..imI.. r nr M t.ltllT. IVlll. A. .,mlt.....i ll.w. off U"-i '; to Hons .ml Cnlm thenoo r-ftl forSi.i.p,re.ndClcott.,tor,',chthn l.DeoomlHr,. Io-P-' l'nU'sl " " JUrpli,nd-H lb- n.U summer will be left for I.V Vn trivul- rjyl'do '.'out'iern Hiine,' of Clmrlottr-, ..... 1 11 11,.. ..... ..r M1....1 r!r...,Lv .,,,; ".nr. i"ni" w k --, who pubHilicd a notice In ourpitpcrof the 28J of Juratory, of the curing of his wile of coniumptloti by the uso of kerosene oil, Inn been so troubled with litters of in quiry n lo the manner of It! ute that he request us to make tlio statement through the columns of the 'home.' Mm. Urown mil. In two. vu ,B..M, cno wu 11 pure article, such us is used for Utirnttlg. . 1 DOl.(Iov. Wiiriiiotith declared iu a Into nut " Interview " that ho had no intention of the conciiiaiiiip 1 reiiuem Li ram 1 uiiuuu. .1. .. . . . . 11 1 i...-.i 11 1 , mMi - ,upport the of th. Cincinnati convention. IfOcn. Grant is nominated at l'hllidelphia I am unqnall- fledly and determinedly opnofed to hi. re. .. . . election in of 1 L tilted States." Bgx.Syracuio is tho homo of a veritablo laia lirojLr.. L t10 0f a vounc man who possesses the power of sing ngtwo parts . ,i .1 it! 1. of a tune nt tho same time. His name l Arnold, and ho is n member of Syracuse lrnivcrilv. Ho astonished n recent . . , . , , , . ... g.thering of clergvmon bv singing clearly and wjetly tha 1ms and soprano of " O.d hundred.' YS-Kr. Fortln, u member of tho Cana- dlun hotiu of commons, bus been In Washington for several day. Tho Cana II... 1 I.. J . t. ... I 1..L!, a 1 for many year, and during his visit to Wilh,nJl0,n had MVObrill ,nlorvlew I ProfuMOr 1Utril and others on the sciontlGo nsptcts of tho fishing interests. I . . , , ,', . nnu. In f!nr.intintl nil n 1 Inn ff nt AVpttniV fir I r'b " anv man in ll o siaic. 10 wuik iuu nines oj )0urs for 1,000 Weston to receive .!!,.. nn.l nnv nthoi- pnntntlnnt I live. esn Onl v two hundred and Iwontvnlne r ..... , , i heads, necks and limbs wero broken In 1 London In the oflurt lo com?ratulatn tbo Prince of Wales upon tho recovery from I ,v" v . f i).. n I nouncou mocounioi nn iue wunoui con-MX-Tho pagan negroes of 1 erry, un., ,,,, v i- worships a bottled god which thoy call Hoodoo. SPUING FASHION. OVKRSKIRTS, FLOUNCES, 1I0NNETS ETC Jenny Juno say tbo spring changes In fashion will tako placo at an early date this your. She nlso says " imported spring patterns nro almost uniformly largo fig ured nnd many colored. There aro tome pretty striped cumebrics and some toft fln- JjJicJ will. IM.U1 in tho now Jcai luilf cameo " mikado " bud' and delicate prin temps (light gray slmdes of color), but they nro overshadowed, put out of coun tananco for the time being by tho gaily (lowered cottons,wooUcns and silk foulards with black or wliito grounds, which ob trudo themselves everywhere. "Therein absolutely nothing now in styles, but thero nro nlany fresh adapta tions of old styles. Suits nro mado with two skirts and n batijue, or with n skirt and polonaise Tho overskirts aro all long in tho back, with round apron fronts, and am rendered moro bouffant by being looped higher lit tho bides. " Flounces aro now principally confined to lower and ttaincd skirts, uiid tho pat tern houses Issue paper modoles of tho correct depth, and plated, us they should bo worn. Some aro boxed, somo aro silk plated, and others fuJtooncd. The design U a matter of taste, but In tho absence of I such knowledge tho papor model will be a I rollof to many perploxod ladies whomuko their own dresioi. Nothiuir very uovel In thapo or de- slng need bo expected this senson in bon net. Tho rival of straw, which commen ced Inst year, has been vigorously followed up by straw dealers and manufacturers, and straw will he tho poular wear during the pring und summer, varied among fashionable women by lace und cerpe ar ranged to match certain costumes. HENRY UEKRV LOWERY- INCIDENTS I.V HIS LITE. From til" New York Hrrnld ) Although Henry Ilerrv Lowcrv swore an oath of rovengo for tho niurdor of his iHiticr anu brother In leUO ho was not yet entirely given up to outlawcry, nnd the republican politicians and advisers of tho luviunce nnu iho rw.'.'r . :.. ," one lliu wur. tinel old sluvel il. r?","' howc-ver, mils of humanitv tlm --iun wi inu rucc in ) i "owever, unawwo ,,f .v, imanity they were,ho 8C0,"rF t us an outlaw lu,lVr ,?l. !B.'d tliu talon TIlllV fun nil Ilmt l.n ..... ... I . to Ithody Strong, tho most beautlfuVVn'1 r,Tor PrftUo ,lnr fttVorIl PPf' in Scullletow 1 , Vi hut could thov know of "leaders" on tho night of tho ceremony, thuy took h m from tho of his bride ono A J MoKair accomt.llthllH' 1.1. r.n." 1 jhii ai iuinuoridn, un in Hchci. uml 1 tl . . . " .'" ',H,,i' A UO inn .....i.i... . .. . in.uui sum luvupiaciu lor THE YOUNO HURDEREU AND nitlDKQKnOM, ?"ly tW('lli 'ca" of "S". Ho was ofthe grated IrSu.wln.iow bur, ZZiTo tho woods ami ,'ad hi, way blel Pi , , wifu. Thl. w. I.. iohA ta(-k l ''It lit tbo interrupted enjoyment of family hanp ncss Henry Horry Lowery expre, i5 a tloslre to quit the swamp, and return tn hit carpentur t trudo and peaceful society Hit republican frionds labored In bis bohalf.and thoy resolved to plead tho proc lamation of oblivion for oflenscs committed hltes lU, Columbus county, twentv nini. miles f,om I.umbcrton. Hero tho desnnrntn m i ."er" "0 nt I Sotitll Mown, arranged with the Sheriff, 11. H v i...t i. wury fn-i'i w'SK 1i.ii. u.i up lidiiiuulu ho well feu, nul uo lit In iron, ttrnl protected from vlolcnco i y the limb. Unlifd Stnlus troops ftt tliHt tune wi-ru quai cr.-d throughout North Ciirolinu HiiJ lliu rhol element wbj du- cuuruHl. Tint lilir 1 1) l ml Dr. TlumiHR called for . who Ijowery at hit own cabin, ncr Asbury cnmn poiioned in any manner, will do chutch, and brought him into Lamborton well lo call on Mr. Hoed and givo his stono in a bugity. A new jnt nau mcaniime a (leOs) been erected in mo ouisKiris 01 mu town, constructed eutircly of hewed lim ber. Lowery was for a time tractable, quiet, and cotiliding In his advisers. The BUI.I.K.V HOSTILITY or TU E TOWNSPEOPLE natural enouch, no doubt, toward the mur derer ol two citizens soon began to de velop, and complaints were made that Lowery had three meals 11 day, and not liko the other nrUoners lie was tea from the outside by a shoemaker. trClltmf.nt, added to the reports oT hi prouu nnu nninuniiunivu uenring, iuu iu a tiiini c crv 1 ii ui t o oiiL'in 10 uo iruncu. nnu un hard fare. It Is also charged-and story is told to mo by two or three dlf- iHrem iiurauus uviuii niugii nimiv ihhi .. . ... . 1- , .t. -w;mcdCI oner, had resolved to drue him from jail and drown mm tn 1110 river anne 1001 01 eTlZ suspicious and uneasy, and perhaps 1 ci,feti nt cootiDement. One eveninc, as the jailer appeared with hU food, ho pre- tented a Kntte anu cocxeu n repeater anu 'Look here. I'm tired of this. Open that door and stand a. do. If jou en tho placo for fifteen minute" you will n l comooutl" it vou teavo be ! He then walked out of the turned down ibo river bank, avoidlm; the town. stopped ot 11 house and holpcif himself to I some cracKcrs, anu, crossing mo uriugo, was never again seen In J.nmoerton. AN AMUSING INUIDKNT- liUTLKK AND FakNHWORTII AS TELLKHS op the house ok rephesentativks. A AVashinuton correspondent writes its follows: "While tue nouso was In com- mittco of the wholo to-day on the dell- ! !.!.. till " ! on which a decision of tho house was de- manded, ond.tho chairman, Stevenson of uiiio. annoiniou ucnorai nuiier anu ucn- Ural' tarnsworth tellers. Butler and Farnsworth aro not on speaking terms, . . .. . .. 3 . . ,' "na. w lon ?. IMnl 01 t"0 c erK .inak t inv did not nlnnrvn 1 10 usual cui. torn of "shaking hands, whereupon some member, WlSUmC to Carry On i tho joke, insisted upon intro- duclnc them. llutlcr was un- w,A""e ,0.0K Bl arnsworm wniioiuo I latter rciuscu lo recognize xsuitor. inoy 1 ,t00(j jookin,, Way from each other, with I out speaklntr, much to tho amusement of Tatfi" tho prcsonco of the othor, and each an . . 1 . !il . Farnsworth. ho could' not tell whethor Iiutlcr was lookinc at him or not. Ho has an impression that occasionally Butler went one eyo on him, but ho was not turo of this, for somotimcs it seemed as if llut lcr was looking in two or three directions at onco. Tho affair passed off without any personal collision. MAnniAUK or miss drexel. (Prom thd rhiU.lalphln Prti:) Fresldont Grant arrived in Philadclbhla yestorday and proceeded, in company with Airs. Oiant mil Oauuinl Poller, lu tlio rcildoucu vt A.nthonyJ Xitfjel. Ah., banker, at the southeast corner of Thirty ninth and Walnut streets. About 7 o'clock last evening General Grant wit nessed tbo marriago ot .Mtss bmma Drex el, eldest daughter of Mr. A. J. Drexel, to Mr. lllddle, cashier of tho banking firm of Drexel k Uo. llio ceremony was per formed by tho Hev. Dr. Kccloson, rector of tho church of tho Saviour. Tho bride was dressed in whito satin, mado en trnin, nnd trimmed wilh lacos nnd flowers. Her hair was puffed und rolled, studded with diamonds, from which was suspended tho bridal veil. Tho reception was held in the main parlor, bcginniue: at 9 o'clock and ending at midnight The wedding feast was set iu thodlning-hall. The com pany of callers embraced many ot ojr most eminent citizens and their ladles. The wed ling-presont were many, elegant nnd valuable President Grant will remain at the guest of Mr. Drexel until to-morrow. when ho will be tho guest of Georce W. rii.ii.i- -I.-.- mi.. . "u... ...I,, i iiiiiur, j.iiu jirusiueiii win no pres ent at tho banquet to b given this even ing to Coloiml John W. Forney by tho merchants of Philadelphia. Ho has nlso accepted an invitation to attend tho re ception at the residonco of Mr. Childs, and will to-morrow eveninir bo nroont nt tho cntortalnmcnt ofthe Saturday night club, at the reiidenco of Colonol Thomas A. Scott. ONI YEAK AFTER DEATH. What may prove ono of the most novel and, jwrhaps, oxclting suits on record, was inaugurated In Kvutuvillo, Ind., on Fri day. An Attorney for John H. Flournev nnd his wife, Sarah Flournoy, fllod with tho Clork of tho County a claim against the estates of Itobert Iiurnes for $60,000, tho amount of a promissory note given Mrs. Flournoy by Mr. Unmet previous to his death. Too note, which claims to bo "for services rundored," is made payable ono year after Mr. llarnes' doath: which date wa9 Wednesday last, as lio died on thelilstof Feb., 1871. Tlio estate of Mr. names Is worth sovoral hundred thousand dollars, all of which ho devised to tho Society of Spiritualists for the numoseaf Luildinc a colleiro. His relatives have thus lar, however, prevented tho oxecution of tho will, and tire endeavoring to break it on the ground Ihat ho was not of sound mind wnen it wat executed. It it not at all probable either of tbo parties who' will eventually obtain possession of tho citato will nllow Mrf. Klournoy'i claim, unlets compelled to do so by tbo courts, and a lonKthy trial of tho case will of courgn li tho result. A STREET CAR IDYL. From the I'eona ReTitw Queen of all hoarts, wo saw them enm with lanculd step, aboard the car : and soon thoir voices' silvery hum sounds clour abovo tlio rattling tar. Awhile wo gazeu, with downcast eyes, at eyebrows arched and fingers taper, and iienru wiin ;iii-conccaica surprise, eacn And e politician! so enchanting? nVrf tl!BmWch', waJ' wo turned' we l2.0,n 0f Vhit mhlect rantlnp. I 1 HQ 1 fttrlbn oi .4 .1 " . " . hurA v," iw?:v U10y conaomnea un . . -i ...u uemocrai win, -med w h ""bet Ta'ih1 ,b,"h named. p p'r that culd bo Illlllnml .1.. tcorn wa troublo-talto a Hovlew, th, w..v l and neatly fold it fout' .r'to Wo reached our crossing here and l.ft amazed beyond the least description of power of speech almost boreft what v. th rest of that prescription? T11E MAD STONE. (From tne Clinton Regitler. Mr. Thomas K. Keod, of Nixon town ba Poured from Kentucky a mad lone, which hat been used and tested for over a hundred yrari. The ttons is In the shape of a sugar loaf, and porous like a rpnngii. "When applied to tho hiti of a mud-dug or snakr. t i1,it,, ti thd 11 lt until IU pur us bncuiiie til I til wilh the poi (onous substance, when It drops off. These stones Imvo long puzzled the scion titts of the country, and while thero hai been no explanation of their powers, It is yet an attested fact that they have per formed many wonderlul cures. Those Bra so unfortunulo lt'ireafter us to be- itsi INHVBANCEi W. U. UORHIK, U. It. CANUCK ourt Public, No. Pub. nJ 1). 8. Ccro. FIKE, UULls CARGO, LIVE STOCK CClUlfMT, LiltK, HTSTJBA.1TCI3I JCTNA. UAETTOBU, Astttl - - ...ll.MJ.'fli S7 NORTH AMXR1CA, PA., Anti ,2,783,000 U. 11AUTF0KD, CONN., Allt 2.M4.210 7 FliaCNIZ. UARTVORP. Atl. - 1,7I1,14S IC INTERNATIONAL, N. T. AlieU.. 1,IU,3I 17 PUTNAU. UARTTORD. Assets - - 7,I7 OC CLEVELAND. CLKVILAVD. AjiKi-. ei3,(73St HOME. COLCMnUB, urn ju.m 43 AMERICAN CENTRAL, U0- Asstt M0.O00 00 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Aisst 30.WO.000 CO TRAVELER'S, HARTVORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, a.s.i...- i.,w RAILWAY r-ASSENQXBB ABSURANCB CO., HARTFORD, AmsU IXDKFXNBKNT. BOSTON. Asicli J0,S6 SAFFORD, MORRI8 k CANDEE, 71 Okl Lerec, Cllr Ntloul Bunk, CAIRO. ILL. FIRE AND MARINE VOMl'AMLS NIAGARA, N. Y-, Ataot tl.t3e.21C ? OERUANIA, N. T., Assets ..1,0M,721 78 nANOVER, N. Y. AssfU ..m,K1 00 REPUBLIC, N. Y., Antn ....71l,25 01. Comprising the Underwriter' Agency. YONKERR, N. Y., Autt 7S,4t4 tl ALBANY CITT, Atiete., ti3,lM 2S fireuen'h FUND, S. V., AMeti 78,0O Of SECURITY, N. Y. MARINE. Asset! ...1,3;,S4 00 STORES, Dwelling, KaraUure, null, and Car goes, inaured at ratm u fnroitble ti aounil, permanent swurltr will warrant. I reipectlulljr k ot the cltliem of Cairo, a ihaxe ot their palronate. . N. UVUUTM. 1'AMIL.T GKOCEUIKH. 0 UIS J OR GENS EN, bailer In all Hindi of STAPLE AWD FANCY O-ROCBRIBS. I'armir't TarU avud HlAblltia; WITHOUT CIIAROK. Cr. Washington-av.'and Twcntieth-Bt. CAIRO ILLB. 27illf. COAL. COAL! COAL ! COAL 1 JAMES ROSS, siiiia in DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CABBOfl COAL! Commorcial-ar., Foot of Eleventh-at. ocarefully weighed at the yard on Fair CLL WXIQUT WARRANTXD. Dt?t olihi"?'"1 o ' part ot th cl.j, either hj ahorlett notice in an; lb" nail ion, ion or car Leautirder MlheoflScon Oommerclal.aT.a ..iu.i. mitt.,.. RA KCUjA V URUS. 74 Oil IO LEVEE Ojuko, Ills DBTJQ-O-ISTS SARATOGA SPK1N0S X rtTLL ULAIT AT BA1',VV T1HU0 8T0BK. FUB ytVTtLt, LILI. MOCKINQ BIRD FOOD ILL I14BT rat CS1 WimoCT TIOCILI AX BxRCLATi'. H S L M D O L 0 8 GRAPE ( CATAWBA ) f ORAPI 1 PILLS I CATAW1IA lJ ORAPC S I GRAPE I CATAWBA ) J I QRAP ) PILLS . I III 1 Alb 4LL or IIELHBOLD'I MEDICINES raisu tkou rianT iiaxus, Alw7 Id slock In Uige tupptjr, mil fur U j Uurolsy llras. IFIWBJSII BXCTIEJ XjICIEC JUST XXCXI'YXD AXD r Bale by theUlana Bottle ortinlloii AT BARCLAYS'. IVExtra Fink Coloonx; mfgxnuink imported extracts j IOTHair, Tootu and Kail Brushes t&lNDIA KCBBXR NURSERY Goo7 AT SA.ncxjA.Tr BEoa. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Beat grades Id arge atock and va riety, Terjr cheap; auo: Full Line or Colors, ear AWU IK oit Paint Druibea, Lmeed Oil, Whltewaihi'.'JthM Turpentine, Varolthes Ktc, etc., ALL IlatiS AHD ItiXCiED 0V1LIIUS At Barclays'. IIOtUCM. 2 w o H SQ W 'A O H H U3 i w as u e h. a v. A u o o m M f. a 3 u G X en u o 13 V3 r3 c rt w I o a Wi 'fi V 'A o tn o o - E f 'A a W3 w A O H w w v. o H -5 H eft 3 IIOUK IlIXDKrtY. CAIRO CITY HOOK BINDERY JOHN II. ODERXY CO., raorairroas, Bulletin Building, corner of 12th street and Washington aveuue, Cairo, IlllinoH. All klada of Illndlngnnd Itullnx done at the verylowent prices. Having rnaKed tho aerrl ce of Mr. ifueln, who iiaa hud many ynura experience inoneofbest Itlnderiea of Ut. Imls, tn superintend tnia eHtntillahment, wu can con tiJenlly promlscour patron worli equal to thai of air Itinderv in Ihn west. NIU.V WniTEIl. CARL L. THOMAS, lO-IST WRITER a now propaied to respond promptly to all de- in anus ior ma eerricen. aUOP-COR. 8T1I-ST. AND CoMMERCAL-AV Its the Perry llouae, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. noTMdll. rCRN AND IlIDKfl. H. LEVY & CO., BtlUll II HIDES AND) FURS, WOOL, t'EATUEKN, KTC, S3 OHIO.LEVBB. Cairo, Illinois, I Kaoiist (It.VtlllAI. AOKNTM. UALLIUAV iUUH'llERS GENERAL AGENTS AID FORWARDING and COMMISSION MEIICIIAX T N. DEALERS IN FLOUR; nt of Ohio River nistl KnunHbn SALT COMPAKIBi 70 Ohio Lsvke, 'tf CAIRO, IM.INOI SIXTY-F 1 V 1-F IKS T 1 Rt Z E MEDALS A WARD HI) TUT. UK EAT .BALTIMORI MANt'l'ACrOUV WM. KNABE & CO., Manufaetureri of GRAND, B0.UARX AND UTRIOltT DPI-AJDTO FOBTES j BALTIMOItK, MAUVI.ANII. 1 i I..I...M..I. kn l.fnm the tiubllfi foi nearly thirty yearn, and upon their eicelleiwe alone attained an unpureAaied prMmifimc (wntcn pionouncei them unequalnd in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY tfr All our Square lart hare nur new New m proted Ofe-ntrung cale ard the Agrnft 7rt' BB- We woulil rail aprcial attentlun to our lale Patented lmprovem'nt In Oaw Pini and fvii'iitUuMi, found in no other Piano, wlilch hrint! the I'lano nearer perfection than baa yet been attained, EVERY 1'IANO FULLY VARRANTE FOR FIVE YKAK.H, Illustrated CatatoKura and Price Lists prompt! furnished on application to WM. KNABK A CO., HiHiMOtr, Hp many of oor regular elalilli.hed agencl. BANKS. THE CITY NATIONAL CAIllO 1LLI.VOIN. CAPITAL, 8100,0b orriciasi W. P. ilAI.LUiAY, Pre.lden HKMtr I,. HALUIMV, Vice Pr eat; A. II. MAKKOlll), Cuhlert WALTKh UVKLOP. Assistant Cashier. maacToasi frins TiiLoa, Honar II. Cchhikoiun, UlSST I.. IllLLIDlT, U. P. IIIUISIT, iiu. I). WiLLiiMion, Sural lliau A. 0. Sirroao, EacliniiKr, Cola ttntl Cnllcd Ntalea UottU IIoiiKlif and Hold. DEPOSITS recelred, and icenerat haoklnK himlness none. FIRST NATIONAL BANK or CAIRO. DANIF.Li JIUItU, Preeldent; ROBERT W. HILLEIt, Vice-President C.N.UUOUEH, Cashier. COLLECTIONS. PROMPTLY MADE EXCHANGE, roin, t.ank not and United mates securities bought and sold, Inlerenf Allowed on Time Deposit. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS Cbarterpd March SI, 1800. orrica in CITY NATIONAL RANK, CAIRO A. B.31FFORD. President! H. a. TAYI.OH, Vice-President j W. IIVaLOP, Hecretary and Treasurer. BlalCTORSI P. tV. UlECtAT, K. M.Btociilitii. Cull. OALioiira, Pll'LO.UCHUlI, W. P. UiLLicir, U. M. CcKamauiH, J. M. PlIllllTI nepoaltaot niir AnionntReelved front Ten Ccnlsj UwttrdN. INTKItEHT paid on depoalta at the rate ol an percent, per annum, March 1st and Heplem ber 1st. Interest not withdrawn la r.dded imme dlately to the of tho deposits, thereby kIvIdk them compound interest. MARKIKD WOMEN AND CHILDREN MAY DEPOSIT UONXY to tuat no oai: iik cik patw ir, Open erery buainess day from t a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday eremnK lor HAVING DEPOSITS only, from ( to a o'clock. , auzotl W. IIYSI.OP, Treasurer. JAMES KYNASTON, Uttteber cd Denier In tall Kind rra Meat, Cox NiNtTtiKtn ah Portia Sraiir, OAIRJ, ILLINOIS. RUTH and ala.uMer. only Xyd f. iSj' datUkD (OMMlNMOft AMI l lllllVAIIIIiNli. - D WILLIAMSON, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Olilo I,cvr. 0 A I K O, 1 L I. I N C 1 8. Sicll itt-ntion gln to cotnignmn.. nl onlrrs D. K.MATnU. C. C. UUL MATIIUSS & UHL, AMD UKNKKAb Commission Merchants, DEALERS IN HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE No. 64 OlIIO LEVEK, i Sai SUn AIRO.U.l. II. 51. HULEN, GROCER andCONFEcAo1 And Dealer Foreign Fruits and Nuts No. 134 Commorcial-ave., CAIRJ ILLINOIS. CliOSE & VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS ASU EEALEBS Ckuext, Plabter Farii, AID PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner EJglstn nlrcct tsnd Ohio CAIRO. ILL. MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS), Ann DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS yoR FAIHBANK'S SCALES Ohio Levee, CAIRO. ILl. CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AMD FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. 64 Ohio Lovee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS nOT2!dtf WOOD RITTEN HOUSE, FLOUR AB General Commission Merchant 183 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illikois. STRATTON & BIRD. (Successors toHtratton, Hudson A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, MB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois J. M. PHILLIPS & CO.. (Buccesiom to E. D. Hendricks Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS AMD WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS Liberal Adrances mn upoBSr Contixnmtnta. eSa Are prepared to receire, st-ire ant orward freight to all points and hoy lU tell on commission. BWDuslness attended lo prnnqpUr JOHN B. PHILLIS & SON (Successors to Jno.B. PhllHs,) GENERAL COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Meal, Bran, &c, Cor. TKNTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIBO. ILL.