Newspaper Page Text
mi: ii i c. i,. SIM1L1A SLMILIBUS C'URANTUU iiimiiini:Y'H HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS SAVJ: proved, from th nmt ample, expor. lenco, an cMlro slices t Wimple Prompt llent ni Reliable. TlHV nrn llio only Incdl. clne lerleclir ndepird " popular use no aim pie that mistakes cannot ho marie In ualnir Iherni " harmless nn In lo rren frinn danger, nnd ao efllclentas lu la always rrllal In Hny have raia d the highest toimncndiii 'in from all, and will alwayn render ontinJuctioii. Nos. Cents. 1, Cures I r'r,cnn''t.on, inflammation 21 2, .'Si ii: i ?: !? VI, a. so, V1. ornin, hoi ni lever, m 01 m ruic.,.i;i 'ryliiif'ol c nrli" ihinol infant.aA lllrrbiien, u I Irfn nml mIiiIi... IyMil'r.v, k ii". tflioiiH co!n..2'i Cliolprri-inniliUv X'.iniliiig a I'liulrrii. colil, In IiiIhk fc'i Nriin.lcln, toot (i k (,(., fii!ficli(,..iM lICIldlK llCa. n. It nuai'll. vrrtico2) iyi,i,iir Hit m (.ii.iiuwhc .m,or punliil icri(lii.,....a W lilli-i, loo rrori periods...... 24 Croup, corgh, ihllli hit biralliiria;..2' Hull ItlK'iiin, l,rvii(U', Kruplion2A IthctimiillMii, ii- pains....2A Fcarrnnil A uiic-. r low r,acuc.'iO I'l Im. 1. 1 m I or bleeding .V....f) Oplit lilrmy, on I fr-Ti or weak eve.'i 4'nlnrrli, m-me oirlirutiii', iriHueiiaaH" U'IkmiiiIiik-CimikIi, iiilriituiiiighaM Anllniiii, upprenril breathing Ml Eur lllKcliiirKi'n, mi-ur I heanngV) Nrruliilit nlarireil glands, swelling'W Meiiernl nihility, i.lijpicnl weak llrniny nml nrnniv." rtion 50 Mm Hli'ltni". ei'kne- from rldiuito Klilnr) lllsi'Hxc, (irarcl I Nit mm llrlillitv. seminal ririla nnvlnmlunUrv it Large.. .-I 00 I'lvelloxc, will Giie2 vial tif powder very ni'ceary in tenons ch"i.5 ) 15, " Nor Moiilli, canker M ' rrliiurr Wciiliuc, welting lrd...v 'I, " I'll Infill I'l-rlmls, Milh i.-in.-...'C K " r1tilli-rllie.t rkiin nfbfe 05 , " i:iillCi, M.x. in-, i Villi lull''. 1 l Stt, lliiillirrliiiilc, ft tt. I tntii throat C FAMILY Am: s. 4lf 3.1 lo 00 Inriri' villi, morocco or roocwiioil cti-c, iniitnliiliiic it cclllr Tor it)' mull miry illi t'ltae n nuitlly ! killijrcl lo, mill lionkH orallrcclloiiH ... .. .from lift lb til Mnaller t 1 1 1 1 y and Trni elllij; (-, . VJlo?1., uorn K'J lu (IS 4 I Hi in.i lor all I'rlllilc DlbiiiMa, rwth fir CuriiiK i"i l'rpi'H Hip Irratinptit, in t alu tiiI t.. kit mil - - .8'J lo a IUMi s hXTiaCT fiirf" liiirn. l.rui"-, l.nn.ini n, Sorcii'm, Kor 1 lirual, Si.rulo. TixM'tiache. i;rcrn( SVurnlzm. Rlicutimtiilii, l.ijiribntf' , I'llrii. 11- 1 1 a , Htii;i, tore Kj-, lllf e'liunl ilm l.uni', ' -e, htoni ch, or of ri r, torn, I'li'rrn, Oil mirra. I'llec, 0 (it., Ui cla ; I'lola. ii -Vij y-iarli, 1175. Them rrrnpillra, iiccj.t I'onii Kjlrwl, t'T th ca or ln. box. are unt to any part ol (Imcouhtrr, l.jr tnallor cxprraa, frco v( thugr, on rcci-iii! ol til" pnen, Aililrcti Ill'JIl'HIItV.VBl'KCIr'IC IIOMKOPATHIC MKOICINK CO. Offlc anil llicl. .No. LW HroaiJwav, Ncw.Tork. roil HU,K IIV1'. fcCIIUII, CAIItaj, llf, ai'lllrowanlr Send for 0. C. JACCARD & CO'S Il lustrated Price List and Catalogue of Waltham, How ard, and D. C. Jaccard & Co's Watches, Jewelry, and Solid Silver and Plated Ware.'&c. When in St. Louis you are invited to inspect their mag nificent JEWELRY establish ment. Nos. 401 & 403 N. FOURTH St., Corner of Lo cust, Odd Fellows Hall. -Watches, Clocks and Music Boxes Repaired and Warranted. Orders by mail promptly atten ded to. illnvi.ID. NKHVOIJS DKUUATY, With lla gloomy nllcinlniilK, low niilr- llu-trnriilon, ! volinitiiry piiiNkIoii, IMiiii hciiicn, -icriiiiuorriiii'i, lo m tiiVjirr illcry linxl, lo-.i of iiicniurj , mill threntriicil liiiirlcuci' nml I'llir a 1 1 1 1 . nml n lincrcmn euro In llinn litlrcyN lliililcoilitlll(' Sil ! lie .No I'vrriilj.cluli t. I' tnp 'tf'l cl i'r rn' 'I ralun l tn.l'l ari'l potent lurnt t'iry iti.u a onila at the roota ot them- i tone up ' lem, arrr.l Hind.. chars-, ... i :tt.,uii i2ornd ancrxr, lite and Tlla! I) lo l icntiie man. Tiny harecurrd tlion.amu of c. Prtrr. ' pi pv-kiKriot tlirlioxci and a larzc H r ni, which la rny Importanliu olKtmalo or old -ac., or II l-er ilncl' Int. Bold by all drtiilali. aJi rent by mail on rcelp ol pruc. AJJr-n IIii.ti jh'ry" Hpaclfic Homeopathic )lfd.f!j Jo , is-i llroud ay. r. V. I. 4J!I''II. oiijIMi ovrawly Ai it, Ci fJ, lilino i )UXBAK'S WOaVDKRFIMi DIS COVEHV. ii r. t ii i: s i) a MINERAL SPRING WA TER Ol Wiilitimlin, Wl-tronnln, a.lVDOulad);pd cure of IlriBbl'a Insn-c. Mali-lei Ii.opny, all aflaction nt Kidney, Hlawdtr and U nary orsana, alro I.itrr troublrn. h. f. Cha.-o, Ci:cf Jillllce of the United huici retoied to lixllh bv It-iie, in an urcko. J. W. Willi, itneral ajjent lor the Stale ol Illi. aia. Wholesale nnd tlciail hupply Di-pol, 7, V.'atiaah Atcnue, Chicago, Illinois. All ordcri by mail promptly altcnibd to. b'iDtl fnrcirculaia. MiMciil'iln A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A 1'rhKle Counaeloi to the Married or thofe aboullo marry on the tihMloloKiCH. mvalerlen nnil rnrelallnnH of the i.exual ajatem Willi the lateat dial r erica In nroilueliiir nml tire. t p Tf -linir otta,rinir. nreavrtlnu tnecomnlexion.Ac. I .ii - la an Inu-reatlnir w oik of tnobunilreitand lnty;lcur paura, witri numeroua enaraTiiigi, aJ contain valuable information for llione who a.-e married or ciinlt mplalo mrriaKn: atlllit li I. .ok t.iKtuiiiihlto b under lock ami key, nnduol ll.j careleml) about tlio liouae, bent to any our Ifrec of pualnpe) for 50 cenl Addrcua Dr. Iltilla' Diapeninry, No, 12, Klghlhatrect, St. Louis, Mo. Wotlcc to till1 Aflllcteil ainil t'nrortuiiale. MctJro applymu to the notorious (Juacka who adrerliac lu tne jiubllo papers ortialnijauy (jnack rcniediea, peruse Dr. Hutu' work, no mutter what your (ilacjito U or how deploruhleyour con. dition. Ur. Uutla can be consulted, personally or at mail, on the dlaneres mentioned in hl.i worka. Hitler, No. 12 N. Ciuhth alreet, bet. Market and flbratiintPt Loula Mo. invlidwlv ' GOLD I G LDM GOLD ! II Tilt GOLDEN COMPOUND Wll force tlio beanl or mouitiichii to grow thick and heavy, on the ainoothestfacc, or hair on the lialdeat head, in 21 days, or money refund mil. This preparation liaa been before Hie pub. lie rur omr ihiiteen sears, and thousand ol vo.untary leailmonljlariiii bo ahown or lt iner lis. sent by mail,, with directions in II tdirea""'' 'ur!0,'l'l"4 a paokefie i three for OOLDKN COMPOUNP CO., No. 2ii rim, Louie Mo )nnim' GAM I'llTF.IIs. II. GEUOULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER iKDrzxiia la dAN FIXTUREN, flu Fitter'a and I'lumber'a material, Woo pumps, Kjube and anfriu valvn, atop cocks, check valves, etc, auo xorxr rou TBlUDrolliern Pnlcnt Ilry Uhh SlelerN And Morehouse, Wella A Co'a Automatic Wntci JndlcMor and Supply Valve for ateam bollcrc. WINTEK'B IILOCK, COMMKRCIAL.AVENU T11E BULLETIN. I'ubllrnllnu fflr, nnllrtln nnllillnp; MiuihliiKlon Avrntir. UK, IIUMO.V AT Tllk fONKKRK.NfK. (I'rcm Ilic-Ilatllmorf Amnlcaa.) AVIillo Mr. Itogpr. wai )eakitiK, Dr. Htuton httriFcIf en ni e In. Ho noorl n fow iniiiiiii'i in uinuoor, nml iiiere wm a gen crul turnliiK of cyci in ttial Jirtotiori, bin llllr- It'll. Mil ll,t.ill,itlrtn ii, iiii'iiuii in iiusiiicia. .Mr. ItuKura tvcntiin ltli lii ri iimrka, mid lliont'il liitnnt liail tliu full nttimtlon or lllfl cofifnrflirii. Tlffl IIP f llPa-ifa 1aat ftn UlllA wore lnnilln nt tlm ilour aalutcd Ur. Ilm- ion, find on i' lino looking ifi-nllcmun, wlio wna llltrij; m.'ur tlio center of tlio rliurrli, walked buck, and wnrmly KNP-d hltn by fli.i Imrnl 1l tfii.t.iti .1 I.I rwit iumn ?. recoL-nizi! lilm nl lint, and nnneurcil to lm ruiiiuwiiai i:iiiu.irra:u. nen nu recog tiizDit Jil friend n fulnt mllo paicd nver Ills mlu face, and he appeared to feel tnoru at caau. Hn lliuli it;pH'd around tlm aide l,lo mid took n, tent by hlmiclf, near Die stow, whore hn reinuinrd until tlio ad I. ill ,l MlAll I if III.. linnr.,,i.n.n 111.1. it... j'iuiimi,,,. ... mv v'linviuiitr, ,11111 I1IU I'xei nlion of hi hlanclird chreks. there is tioiliintr about him that betrays tho mif;h- ty rlcl ivincli It prciiiiii; on liHloul. If Iniinccnt, ihij itne of injury which lie fei:I mtit bo maddening. KKI'OKT OK T1IK CONDITION' (i Tiir CITY NATJONAJ, I3AXK OF CAIRO, I LU. At Calm, in the Slate U Illli.ol., at tl.a clou cf not, rbruar) ST, W7?. I'lNfii'lii'l.'. Imiii ami iJiwounta. 0errfrjft IIKl,'' 4,745 10 lOOvy) id n,an co 3,013 (A U. S. l!onli lu itcutc tlrcn. lallon (. S I'omU ftn tianrl . Ot!ir itntki, l!oiw!i and Mort- K'itt Duf from Htdmnim; and R. unreAztni. ?IM,e2C (A llucfromotntr Nallonal lUnU 2C,H 1 Dae from other Haak, and llanktn 27.M7 U BanVInx Home M,iri 00 Other keal Liuti 1J.IT0 IS 2bS,TI SO 40,170 15 2,3 it 49,102 M Cuntnt F.ip-mei Taact paid ..I 1,417 ... I.IM 3J Checki and other ciih liemi.l .'v"-OI 0 llilli of National Ilanki . t,,bl f1 Fractional currency and nkkeli 2,201 W hpi. ..M ,! M Lefjal tender note..- Viyft V) tllO,2M 72 I.IAniLITIKH. Capital ?luck paid in...- ... 1100.000 00 Surplut Fund .... 2i,000 W Intereit . 313 ii F.xchan 3,740 (.', i'oCt and Imi ii;M 41 M,S4 4i Individual I)eiitl . Jll,M4 i'l I)iidenli unpaid .. b fi Due to Ilanks and llanken.... W.VA 21 Circulation outiUndmg.n '.') 000 OO is0,2i 72 S-tate of llllnoli, Alexander county, it. I, A. II. HafWl, cathier of the City National Hank, of Cairo, do solemnly iwtir that the asoic itateraent It true to the ben of my knowledge and belief. A. 11. SAFFOKD, Caitler. Correct Atteit : W. I', llalllday, "i 11 L. Halliday, -Director!. G D. WllliaroionJ TIIH'.TV-SIXTH ItEPOl'.r or rat coacmox cr Tax FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF CAIRO, ILL., At the c!oe of builneti, Ftlnury IT, ll't. RtSOURCKS; Ixiam and divcounli..... t7a,571 13 Ov,Ut.fu....MMH,MH. 1.003 'XI I'. S. Honda to tecure circulation ll.vw lJ U.S. llondi and tecurltiet on hand..... 3.310 05 Other Stock. Jlond and Mon cajea lo.IuJ W Due from rcdeemlnsand retcne ancnt. 12.M7 74 Pue from other Nallonal llanka 2.51 1 fi Due from llankt and llanktro... 2,775 57 Keal ralale - 45,24 22 Furniture and fiaturei 3,7'j2 W i urrent cxpentea,.. 1,445 32 Cah itcmt including rercnuc tamp 142 60 Tan at paid "'2 C3 rath on hand. In coin f l,M 74 Currency. 'M,! H 3J.3C3 C2 2:9, tic, 2 ,1 Oj ff.O 00 LlAlilLlTILS: Capital Slock Fxchantc S Z.Ki 35 Imernt..... . 412 tT 1'rofit and lou 471 77 .975 79 rirculatinn outitandins Due to at!onal llanka....... Indliidual deposit! 7J, 103. 7 75 W7 54 , 271,U3 OS hut of Illinoi., County of Alexander, x. I,e". N. Hughei, cashier of the Flrtt National Hank of Cairo, do aclemnly aw ear that the above state ment i true to the belt ol my knowiedze and belief C .N. JIUGHFS, Cadiler. bubvribed and iwom to before me this 4th day of March, H72 CHAS. CUNNINGHAM. Correct Aetut i Notary Public; I) Hurd, ( Kokt. V. Miller, ' Directori. j. T. Rennle. J HOOKS, NANII, ETOl QO TO W. V. THORNTON'S, UUILDERS SUPPLY DEPOT 13 j TENTH STREET, CAIRO ILLINOIS ron Doora, Naati, aallnda, MouIdlaiKa, Kto Unttcra, (wood) Wlndowaxaad llooa Friituca, Floorlnxe, Ltti, ShlngloN, Ulnzeit Nnab, GUaeU hide JLIgbta, Glazed Trauaouia, Nnali WclKhtN, NnaU Iulllea aud Cords, Illlntl Fnalenlng-a, Hooting; Fell, KooOUaT Cruieut, I'laaterlxtxj I'npcr, Carpet Fell, While Lead, Llused Oil, American Window Ulaaa, Ensllab andFrencb Flale Glaan, l'ltlly, Qlailer'a Fulnlti Hewer Fluea, l'atent Cbtauaeya; Etc., tie., KU. AOENTfl lor Rock Rlvef paper Company's ii w"',"!'1 r"Ud QuarttCemont. vnd Jo,"'a Improvod Roofing alwayi on ON MARRIAGK. Happy reliel far younp men from theeffeclaof erioraandabusejiii earKy llle. Manhnod i realorl cd. Nervous uebll.ty 'cured. lm?eTuVnta to murriago removed. New method of treatment New and renisrkable remidlea. Hooka and clroiil Km sent free, in sealed envelopea. . Addrraa IIHWAIU) AbbOCIATiON, No, V.Houlh Ninlli Hi". I'lillailelnbla. I'a. ' TJIE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, FRIDAY, la If '14 l.VNL'RAXVe. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. " The Most Successful Lifk Insurance Corforatiok or the Same Aoe iw tuk WOULD. P1TEELY 2& TJT"U" AL; NO STOCKUOLDEltS TO A Ii S 0 K Ii P110FITS. Amount of Policies ix Force Dec. 81, Total Income to ame Date, Net lvoiiKASK or ItisKMN Force, 180, Tlir l.nrgcat Nrt Inrrtnav riuriaiK Ihr (!ros Increase of Kimcs in Force, 1870, t-30,327,780 00 f InW Imo romtiantpa In ll.a world iail Ihia dm.. Inrraaaa dnrina la70. ,,'lbe only cnrni any whk-bsuarantert, a MEVTS IN KACH feTAlK, In proportion to Hi Thr only company whitb, by Ita charter, M E l!UA Hi) OK IlfKhC'rOIt!). IIO Ca-ElTBORAXi OFFICE, ST. liOTJIS, 3wEO. JAMKS H. BHITTON, Preldent. Henry W. IIouuh, Vice Prtaldint. Felix Come, Supt. Mls'ourl Dept. "NVm. IIam.ey, Kccfetnry. John N. Pkitcharii, 'JVcaiutur. C. F. HuiiNEf, Attorney. K. L., 11. 1), lied. Officer. Hon. AN' it. liARNEa, Cdnsultini; Councul und Actuaiy. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. K. P. liUBLiKotiAM, Manager. The follow iDg named ijeallernat) hold or control 110,0(0 tnsaranee each, la the Llle Aioclatlou of Aaner ca : P. W., Chai. Galiuher, H. W. Werii. J. M.VaiLLirs, II. II. Canuee, C.Hanny, John Antrim, R. S. Rr ciham, 2TAVL U DCHL'II. l.enrn our llaleai auat l'lana beloreyou lusiirai In any ullier I umpfttiy LOCAL AGENTS. decSldr.m. Caul L. Thomas, SIMMONS AND CLOUGH ORGAN COMPANY'S Improved OABI1TET lanufactured at Nos. 15, DETROIT, i BTTaaaaaaw SajH'taiai raHsaiaHV Bn I Wm HHHhi JjH Er3S2&3KBaHaaflBBBla. Thirty-Ate diHetenl "tiles for lh Parlor and the Church; Xew and elegant designs ; The best material and workmanship ! Quality and volume of tone untqualed. Prices, $50 to $500. (Established in 1EMJ.) AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. Addresi SIMMONS k 2.25dtm TO .MEItCIIANTS OF TIIK WEST. THE FOLLOWING LEADING HOUSES of SjIZLsTT LOTJZS Are prepared wllh aFULI.HTOCK ofNPRING GOODN wbleb will be SOLD JT BOTTOM PRICES. ATPLETON, NOYES & CO., Main Street and WaahlDRton Avenue. FACTORY IN CHAMBERS ABOVE STORE. 3-B-d3in DODD, BROAVN & CO., 419, 420, 4f2.-4vp MorlM,Fitth Street, ti CoiinefiofajtCparlea. FISKEj-KKIGHT & CO., - . Ji II S- , . k. ' - jyafiysotVonhFithWreet. STELLE, YOST & CO., 5M ntd too North Filth Htreet. ADOLPH EHLERT, Hole Proprietor Aromatic Catawba Bitters, Nos. Ill A 116 North Third hi. J. H. WEAR & Co., o & North Mala Street. WATER S, TODD & CO., 4c. Noh Fourth Btre... AVERILL'S CHEMICAL PLANT, ,!ead' M,Ie,, fcruee-AMnt?f&&WS?kCO-' Machinery Oils. CHAS. R. LEWIS &CO., 4l'J North Main Ktreet. .MAKE GOODN OKTIIEIK.OWJf PHEMINFJ4. FORSYTH SCALE AVORKS, iOS and SU7 Market Street, St. Louis, LUDLOW, SAY LOR & CO., 210 and 221 Market Street. NA1.00KN. A. SUSAN KA, Proprietor MAGNOLIA 'SALOOJ And Dealer ia Foreign and Iwmeyny WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGA'llft 97 Ohio juvee, Batweeu Ninth and Tenth Streati,. Caibo, III. OeoUtf S4i,CoV4i CO 3,97-,7fe8 60 20,000,1)10 00 year IK70 of rampaay In thn World. char tared rUht. the nnncipl of LOCAL INVEST. Pramluma or Ke-lnauiance und. guru EACH H I'ATS A UKPHKmENTATIVK INTIlf: John H. Oherlt, Wm. SIokrih, T. J. IvERTH, W. S. Etiso.s, W. I!. Kerney. OBG-A3STS lb7o, Grand Comrination Organs f Fitted with the newly Invented Nerlbner'a Patent Qualirylna; Tubea, An iaventien having-a moat Important lrlni5 on the future reputation of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity of voluwe of tone la very largely increases, and the quality ol tone rendered. Equal to that of the bet Pipe Organi of the lame capacity. Our celebrated "Vox Celeste." "Louis Patent," "oi Humana," "Wilcox Patent" Octavo complete, The charming "Callo," or "Clarinet" stops, and All the Late Improvements can be obtained only in these Organs. EYEBY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED. 17 aRd 19 Miami Avenue, MICHIGAN. CLOUGH ORGAN CO., Detroit, 3Iich. Manufacturers and Jobbers of 1 i A Ot.,. AJUUIS IIUI ijliut-a. Importers and Wholesale Dcalera in Drv Goods. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealeri in Boots and Shoes. Wholesale Furnishing; Goods and Clothing. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Liquors, etc. Manufacturers of Fancy Dry Goods. Importer- and Jobber, of Millinery and Straw Goods. Manufacturers of Clothing, Manufacturers of, U.S. Standard Scales. Manufacturer, of aad Dealers lu Wire nnd Wiro Goods. JOHN II. OANNON & CO., t uaeeraora ta X. O. TUTTLEA Co., Wholesale Scalers In MILLINERY GOODS, tjM JT. Fourth Hlreet, Cor, St. CUriM, ST. LOUIS i Special attcnttga RlTtu lo orders, and aatisfac ia a RHiraaiawH. i,u. MARCH 15 1872. WAOOXS. WAGON MANUFAOTORY. or Sale nt Wholesale or Rctnil CORN Kit :52l'STnF.F.T AND OHIO I.EVF.a Cairo, Illinois. noTlllf J. V. (JAMBLF. NTOVIW, TINWARE, KT, A. II A L L K Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Clothes Wrinr,M Toile Ware, Coal Hoda, FilHhovra, Alrliatea, wasrracTiara ot TIN, ZINC, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. No. 166 Washington-avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. avaritoofine. fluttering, and all klnda of job work iloneat shortest nolle fehldif FDIIMTVKE. be C I h h c r; -3 P c S S3 Cr- c: h .73 g V. "S 3 C S & . S 53 cG Q - g I ' 3 c S LaaaaJ K " 2 S "s- 2S 5j w lJ " -' ' y' r; - . co S Z s55 2 1 s cr i t o 5 r-c t- - 2 2 -3 cr E S o Principal Offleo 101 W. Fifth St., Cin. 0 HE ONLY RELIA11LE GIFT ENTERPRISE IK THE COUNTRY I $100,000.00 IN VALUABLE GIF To bo distributed In Xj. X). IKB'3 S'thStmi-Annual GIFT ENTERPRISE To bedraai Monday. March 2Mh, 1172. One GhANu Capital Prize or $10,000 in Gold ! One I'rlzt lu Nllveri T'f T t . r 1 rfr r. r Five Prizes S"00 f GrEENRACKS. Ton rrJECi 100 w t. Two Family Carriages ana .ktolied Itorsea with aintrvioilllli 11, nunu W.'.NS each. Two Horses end lluggle with Silver-Mounted liariirn, wmiu a'- vavu. Two llr.e-li neil Rosewood Pianos, worth f.V. each I Tcn.fimilyseaing maehlnea, worth lioo each. I'Mxi cold and allver leier hunting worth from 2 to fTuiu. Ladles' cold leontine chain,, cent'Hcold v eat chains, soli.1 and double .plateo, r.iheriablo and teaapoous, photograph albanis, Jewelry, etc, etc. , Whole number gifts, 10,000. Tickets limited la W,wi. Agents wanted lo sell Tickets lo whoia 1'beral premiums will bo paid, , rtiutlo tickets 12 1 ix tlcketaflOi twelve lickals, 2')itwentv-tivell0. Circulars coulninini? a full list of prltes. a 1 e acrlptlon of the niannerTif drawing, and other In- loriuation 111 reierrm-w .w nv ;,"". sent to any one ordering them. All I lettera must 1, I I. U. tfl.NL, Hox 80, ni rn-e 101 West Mh at. nov2wapotT l'AUKKH & BLAKE, DtauailM WALL PAPER, PAINTS, Patty, Benalue, Gaaollne, WIITDOW C3-I,jA.SS. WINDOW SUADES, And the celebrated tlluinlnatlDg AURORA OIL. BnOSH'nUIIiDINO, COR. llTII-8t. A COM if r.RCIALAV.. i OAIKO.i- - - IltlKOli. i sugaalf 9.1 nRunsi. P. G. S?hnl,. fs. K W to S3 O 6f o w T. fr 3 J o s: Ti Pi o 3d as Ui W H W o sas 'A K 0 KAlLKOADfl. QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R, Mr. Louis, Lodisvillk, Cincinnati,iCui caqo, New York, Boston, ana aiL POINTS EAST AND WEST. Passeiger trains arrive at and leave Cairo aa fol lows! aiaiL. airasai. aaatva St4i5 a.m ltOO p.m. lunar 4UU a.m 4i4S a.m, both traioaconnrat at Cenlralia wild train on the rem Pan a, Deeatur, Bloomtngtcn, EI Paao, La fetlli ifendota, Free port, Ualena, Dubuqne, and all poiata in Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. And with Llaes raanlng East and West lor St. Louis, BpringheM. Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Columbus. And at Chicago with Michigan Central, Michlga BoBthern, and Pittsburg. Fort Wayne aad Chicago Railroads lor Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk. Albany, Huston, Philadelphia, Niagra Falls, Erie. Dutlalo, New Tsrk, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Washington. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On aad after Monday, April S4ta, 1171, trains: rua aa follows NORTHERN DIVISION. raaias eoma soaTaaasr. Mail. Kxpreaa Leave Virginia 6:4ea.m 1J.S Bprlngtleld..... " ........... 3.00 " " Taylor,llle...lO:2 " t:18 ' Arrive at Fana ll:4 m 4:17 " Taaiaaeoiae aoavawasv. Express Mall. Leave Paaa.............40a,m............J:Soo.m " Taylorvill 4;4 " 4:28 ' Arrive at r)pilneneld...lt8 " ... ....;oo " leave flpsingtleld ..n:24 " - :W Arrive a Virginia :2 " :1 Southern division. vaaias eoiau saCTBaasT. Leave Edgawood..... 6.30 a.m. ....-....10;10a.xo norm :.f:2S 11:40 Arrive at BhawneetownJ:Mp.m........... 6:U vaaias aetao aoaiawaaT. Leava Shawneetown M6 a.m I.XOp.ur " Mora. ,..iwi " .......... ..i.w a.rlre at Kdiewond 4:00 " 1:20" Thaftiao a.m. trala from F.deewood. runa ontv Mondays, Wadoasdaja and Fridays, and 6:45 a.m. train xrom anawneeiowa uu lueaaavs. inura rt anil Uaturdava. uonaecta at Aanianu wun jseaaonviu uiviaion ol Chicago aad Alton Railroad, for Jacksonvlllo, I'eieraourg, aiasonviiy,anuau pointa wean 'At'Hpringfleld, with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad, lor uioomiagton, t;nicago, ana ail poiaia norm.ouriu west ana west. ..... AtPana with Ind. and 81. Louis, and lllaois Central Railroad for all pointa eaal, aonlli and ,0AtbEdgewood with Chicago Divlalon Illinois Central Railroad. ...... . .,i..j At Flora, with Ohio and MIl"lpP' AtShawneetown, with sleamboaia for Claeln. natl, M,Ur.U Joaa Foearrr.gen'l Fr'at and Ticket As'l. BOOTS) AND S)H eES. WILLIAJI EHLER8, Fathlonable BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWENTIETH STREET, Uetwata WaahUisteB avaaue and Poplar a CAJRO, ILL. THE DAVIS LOCK 8TI0H vtancat rxis SEWING MACHINE THE LARGEST. TL.k. SIMPLEST, THE CHEAPEST, THE BEST. THE OREATEST 1M I'ROVEMEJfT OF THE A0B Terms Most Liberal. Agents waateil for nnocruaied territory. Seaat for circular and' price Int. Branibnnice.oia North raurlhltreel ST. I.4IL IH, M. S. F. NEWTON, Mannar. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, D. REXFORD Proprietor coaaaa oaio Lavaa a ixooas sr., Cairo, Illinois. J he Only Firtt'Clau Iloute in the City laf BargaceconveTed to ad from the Sam free nf ci arte. decSif DRT GOODS). '71. FALL-WINTER. 72 C. HAN NY. LARGE STOCK. BROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, Ticiciifra-a. CHECKS, aa STRIPES, KENTUCKY JEANS, EXTRA, OASSIMERS, BLACK ALPACAS LUSTERS, GROS 9 RAIN SILKS, POPLINSl. LARGE STOCK OF CARPKTINO OIL CLOTHS, HATTING), Window Rbadea, OILT BANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACI DAMASKS. Is Ea tiro mock How Closiaxa; et AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNER 8TB ST., AND COUMBICIAL-ATm Cairo, Illlaola. aaplllf MILLINERS). MRS. N. SWANDER, DEALER IN MILLINERY a LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, t'oanaacrrlal Aveaar, oppoalto Ellto and Ilaythona'a Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES', 'VTXAJt Made te order, or Ready-Made, II aa reueWed a full and complete stock of leodi, he newest and oompleteat In the city. Aa Imj mens verity ot RIBBONS, LACES AND FRINGES he oflera great inJucemsta to berpatrans anl all others to call on her.exaailne the prices, stjls and qtialitv m her gooitai KEAL ENTATX AGENT. 0. WINSTON & CO., REAL 3ESTATE AGENT aan AUCTIONERS, 71 (SECOND FLOOR) OHIO LITE, cairo, ills.. But and Sell Rial Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS 07 .TITLX H I prerare Canv TaaeVs of Klada. AVOID QUACKBf A victim of early indiacretioa, eauimgnerven deblllly, prematura decs) , etc., having tried ia veia'avtrr advertised re ready, has discovered simple meaaa of aelf-cure, which ha wlU sead traatoWsfaUew-aufierexa, J, B, lUerea, He. T aaaan rttet.'Nw Tuia, aaAwaWJr