Newspaper Page Text
TILE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, TUESDAY, MARCH 19, ltd-. Mr.lllCAl,. SIMIL1A BIMILIBUS CURANTUH HCJII'IlItKT'H HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS MAVE proved, from tlio tnoxl ample rxper-lencr-.nmnilrH iiwh Himnif lroinit :lcntD'l Reliable. Thov a'f llio only inMI clnea perfectly mlap'til In wvro sllti ple I lint rnltnkeciinnnl ( Hindu In li.uiit 'hem: o hnniilra aa In tr- fro- from 'InriRir, nn.l so efiMeutaa lo l.flnlwjji rvlui'lo Thi-y hnvt-rnla-4 the luglml iioiiiiiKMidnliuna from ell, nmi wi.l always render satlsfActlon. Nos. Cnt. 1, Cures IdiorsootiRC'dn, Hillnminftt!0iia.2l WurniH. worm lett-r. wotui roliP......2J "rj Imr-col o ortcc :li,nxol inf.inl-...V' KlrrlHirn, of cli.llttn mid adult., .26 l .cnlfr.v, utipmiTili'lioii cmiIic.M t'liolrriltiiorFil., umitini (Iiolcrii. colli-, irnneliilii. 26 .Ni', toiitliicljc, tt-tMie...M llrntliiclic.. n-k h-idar-lu-, rrrtlgo'A'i it nlii-tivhr lulion KloiTiri"lii' M JO, 11. 12, IS. !?: 1. S: M. , JC, . . niiiir-cl.or pHlnful prnod......2 w n 1 1 ft. Croup, cough, iliftii'tilt l.uratliiiig...24 Halt Itlir-itin, Crrlnli. KruMion24 ItliriiiiiutWm. rheums'lo pmna 29 t'l-wrimil .tKiiP.clilll lewegure'') Pile.. Min.l or lilcpdlntf ' Oiilit lilriny, n ii I om irnk eyenW a-... ..-..a. ........... .1. in..nrA Vliiiiilnf- niiKli, TlokntiMiugheSO AhIIiiiiii, oppietril hrr iltnn 41' llnr llNrlmrKri, 'Oi-iiTti J hearingM Nrrornln rnUii'l glands, t welling-M) Uonrriil Uclillll)', ph)eiial weak. ni-a 4" Ilrnimv "nil wanly. fcretioue 60 Hen Sl'liirx airkin'M from rldinvio lililnrl .Ils-n.-, llrutrl M Nertou llrlillily, seminal ernl nn. Involuntary .1 IK 'lellox'i,w)tn cnetivialof powder very ntrHry in acrioiie ru4...& (,0 Nora Moil lb, canker . 40 2, , 1. S4, I'rlniiry tVrult lit, wetting ledJSO I ITrilKI. with imin.-...; ftillloi limnt ulmnCH of life 1 ''' i:iillri.,v,S.Ain,l .tua'ilancr.l 141 Dipt hrrlitulr', eratewl tore throat ' 1'A.MII.I (.A.ll.. orris o AO litre. ilm, morocco or roevoml -nn, runliiliilne is Jspe-clHc lor wry oitdliittry tli MSeM fiuully la niilijerl lo, unit itohl ortllrri-lioiiH frum 110 to 125 mailer t'ltliilly ni Trn i-IImk ' VI to H tul .trom H'J lo V PpcoiHe lor ail l'rlHlc IHhi-hsi-, ltL for 4'tirlnif (ml inr l'rocn I li t Ircatinrr.l, in tmlaiinJ pooi-t ruM,. - ...02 to 0 PU.MiM KXTIIACT Curn llnin, lrui-, l.nnnn, Kornn, Horr Thront, Hpraloi, Tuoctitche, Kr' lie, Nturslftik. Rhruiiinlitln, l.urribnao, t'llri, llil, HlmC". Uoro K;ci. lllfrilmKiif lli I.ium, N Stom ach, or of I'iIk; i;rn, 'oftr, v I Horo. IMrr, Cot., W eti.i I'luti. 11.60: Qirl, $l'7S, Tfie rfrn'Ii". eicni I'onJ Kxtrct, br Ihf cuts or In; bux, Mr ' nt lo any part ol thacouhtrr, by mall or rit, no of cru couhtrr, by mall or natMi, fuo liarge, a rrcrlpt ol Inr prire. AiMma HUlU'llRMVbl'haHC HOMEOPATHIC MKDICINi: CO, Ot&rn and lfepct, No. 62 HroaiJway, .NfwTnrk. yOU HM,K IIV P. bClll'll, CAIK, llli, auztSrowawlr Send for D. C. JACCARD & CO S Il lustrated Price List and Catalogue of Waltham, How ard, and D. C. Jaccard & Co's Watches, Jewelry, and Solid Silver and Plated Ware, &c. When in St. Louis you are invited to inspect their mag nificent JEWELRY establish ment. Nos. 401 & 403 N. FOURTH St., Corner of Lo cust, Odd Fellows Hall. JNrr Watches, Clocks and Music Boxes Repaired and Warranted. Orders by mail promptly atten ded to. dlm-t-I". i Principal Offlco 104 W. Fifth St., Cin. O HE ONLT RELIABLE OirT KNTERl'RIBK IN THECOUNUIY! $100,000.00 IN VALUABLE GIF To to distributed in .17th S mi-Annual GIFT ENTERPRISE T bo drins Monday. March USth, 1172. O.vk Gmkd Capital Prize or $10,000 in Gold ! One ITU, 8.1,000 In Mlvert Flvri Prizes $1,000 .S ( Five Prizes $.'0O f GUKENIIACKS. Ten Prizes $100 j2 'I'wo Kamlly earriaitea nml .Vfctched Horaeawllh Miver .lountc.i 1 1 a r r. - s , worm cat!.. Two Hottra i,d litiKRlea tilth Silier-SIounteJ liaroras, worm swu eucn. Tho finc.tnneil Itoat-wooil 1'iunoa. orlh fehl Ten f imily ln)t machine, worth JIUO vach. raou coin aou auver ivyft liununii worm from fi to J". Indira' cold leontine clialur. nifairnM teat chains, aolli nnd double .platea r.llror table nnd teiupuoui, photograph albuma Whole i number glftH, 10,000. Tickets limited U A(tenl wanted lo sell Tickets to whon pberal iirenilums will oa pam, tjtBlle tickets 12; six tlckeHJlO; twelre Uckels, JW. tnrenlT-five f 10. Circulars containing, aiuiiiiemi - IT eriptlonof the nmnnei of IravjinK, nnd j Dther In. r..m.iin in rrar.iu-u to Iho d ttriliullon, will be aenttoanyotieoNeriliK them. AllMclteM rmi.i oI,.c C uulnnati, O ','tl:!. .... . ,.n.'lmlr 101 Went MUM. COAL. COAL 1 COAL I COAL 1 JAMES ROSS, aiiLsaix r"iUl)ijlJU0IN AND.MOUNT CARBON COAL' CommerciaUv., Foot of Eloventh-st. Aircoal carefully weighed at the yard en'Fair banks' scales. IULL WXIOUT WARRANTED, rt ,uiivarad on the shortest notice in anj part ol the cl.y, either by tb half ton, ten or car Le'sye order at theofllco on CorJsmsrclsJ-ST.a he Nsltf KltTsath itreet, mtim tm. THE BULLETIN. I'nulUlied ererymorMlug, .Hondiir r. CiTIIIIMI. Dkad on Dri.vo. AVIioro tho Imlr It unnaturally ilty, you may Ijo Hiiro tlmt It ! "lying ; ami unlci$ nrtlflclully vitallzcJ, it will soon Lo nt dcail n lenvet in 11 o vcmlor. Kee.1 tlio witlioring filBrs nnd timulato tLo torpid tculp witli Lyon's Kutliuiron, unJ tlio evil, wliicli must utlier wiyt toon ciilmlnnU in bnltlncs, will bo spoo'lily reined Id. It l nbilutnly necca mry for tlio lienltli of tho brain, that It bo kept modorntcly rnolit with a preparation capable of nouriiblrif; and Invigorating It. liVon'a Kntlinlron fulfllli tlieao condition", and is tbu only nrtlclo that actually putt nw lifo into tho capillary tub", through which thu natural nr.urlihmont ba ccaaed to pM. Thi puro and liarinteia vegetable preparation ii absorbed by the kin uf the liead to th root" of tho huir,and patfej into tho UlamentH by tho force of capillary attraction. 3-l3.3odJ:wl w Hatch klor'u Haik Dye. Tbl nuperb hair dye i the lent In tho world perfectly liarrnk'i, reliable and in.liintuneoui. No diuppo!ntinent. The gcnulno W. A. IJatchclor't Hair Dyo produce Immcdi alo'y a tplendld natural bluck or brown. Don not tluin tho tkin, but leaves the hair clean, (oft nnll beautiful. The only afo and perfect dye. Bold by all drug gUti. Factory, 10 Unnd St., N. Y. KKl'OHT OF TIIK CONDITION CITY KATIONAJi HANK UK CAIRO, I I.I,. . Al Cairo, In lh U Illlnoli, at tht clo.e of btul imi, February VT. U7.'. ItK40rnCKS. Iant and Ddcouati. Orenliafii - I1M.U9 10 4,713 10 It,260 00 3,ois a U. S. llandt lo ifcurt circa- latlon t). S. Meruit on band Olhtr btki, Ucndl and Hott- ft" - Due from Rtdeemlag and Ke. Kll Accnti I1J1.C2H 04 Due from other National Banli :c,lll 01 Due from other liaaVi and Ilar.lert 77,e7 6J I2Ti6,7M tO HanUnt llouie 1 iS.un W utner Keal r.ilal. . 15.KU IS 40,170 15 1MZ S f'urrer.t r. a pent. . Taiet paid . .......... 1,417 OS 1,1K SI Oieclct and other catS Itenit...! fl,301 OS liiUa of National limit- 6,.''- 0 Fractional cunency and nlck!t J.VOt (0 Specie 1,071 M I-f .1 lender nolet iO A4 CJ 4'.,103 M 72 I.IAU1L1T1RS. Caoltal StcvV paid in . I JH,W) 00 burplut Kund M.tO W Interett I 2.SH S Kichance 8,740 OS Profit and loti . 2,70 41 5,4 45 Indleldual Depotltt ,e44 f Dnldcnci unpam v Ihie to IlanVt and llankert YipA 21 Circulation oultundin.... W 000 00 IJW.'iiO 71 State of Illinoit. Alexander 1, A. u. ratloru, catnier o tne uiiy fius npit Af rtr .In inlemnlv iwrir lhat the above ttalemeni It tree to the Leu cf my Vnowlerlse and belief. A. . sAr ruisu, uinier. Correct Attett : W.I'. Halliday, ) II. 1. Halliday. V Direct G. D. WilliamtonJ TUIKTY-SIXTII BEPOKT or tat cobitio! or ths FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAIRO, ILL., At the dote of lutlnesi, February 27, 1872. RESOURCES: Ixian. and dltcountt Overdraft . - U.S. Itondt to tecure circulation U. S. Honda and tecuritlet on hand.... . Other StocVt, Hondt and Mott- iet ...... Due from redeeming and retcrta amenta Hue Iron other IlanVa Due from Ilanla and lianltert... Real rttate - Furniture aad fiaturet I urrent eXDentet I7S.J.71 13 1,13 W S1,2U0 00 X.310 10.I0S M 12.S47 74 2.512 22 2,774 47 4S.5I4 22 S.792 m 1,110 S2 Cath itcmt Including revenue tiarnpt Taxtt paid Cath on hand, in coin t 1,0 Currency 30.KI7 142 CO 002 C'i 32.SU 12 279,U8 Oi LIABILITIES : Capital Stock...., 1100,000 00 t.xcnange Interett ill 07 471 77 Profit and lota,, I.S72 79 Circulation outitanding.. 73.000 00 Due to rtational llankl.. Individual depotltt....... Vt 75 103.0C7 44 K79.U3 08 r-tat of Illinoit, County of Alexander, at. I.etJ. N. Hugnei, cataier oi me rini iiimui Hank cf Cairo, do solemnly av. ear that the above ttate- o,doaernnlyav.earinaiineaDovenaie- " -'rfsjrj'-ww' and .worn !o before me thi't 4th day'of roent la true Subteribed and twom to before me this 4th flay March.1872 CHA8. CUNNINGHAM, Correct Aettai I .iwi.ij D. llurd, "1 Ruht. W. Miller, -Directors. J. T. Rennle. J DOURNi NAN1I, ETCl 00 TO W. W. THORNTON'S, builders' supply depot 1SJ TENTH STRUT, CAIRO, ILLINOIS -roB noora, Hsusb, BUnda, MoBldlnga, EaTeUnttcra, (wood) "Window and looA Fraaaea, Flooring;, Lata, nttinelea. Glaced Saab. Glaaea Biae Llglita, Olaaed Trstnaoaaa, SMb Wclgjkta, Haiti PaUIco aad Corda, Blind raatealnga, Booanf Pelt, KooSna; Cement, Plaalrria Paper, Carpet Ptslt, White) Lead, IJnsevd Oil, American Window Glaaa, English andl rench Plate Ulaaa, Patty, Ulaaler'a Folate Dnc. a-ipes rAI(BtlBlIBBc;it., Etc., Kte.. ACte. r a OF.NT8 inr Rock Wxer Paper ComaanyV A liheathinK Felt aad Quarts Cement. ST. W. Join's -lasaroTeU Reefing always o .kirn IN4VIIANVR, LIJPE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Tin Moir SucctinrDL Lite Isruiiakce Corporatiok or tbx Sxun Xan i tu World. PURELY XO STOCKHOLDERS Amount or I'olicies ik Fop.ce Dkc. 81, Toial l.SLOMK io .Same Date, Net Ikckkabi: or I'.ihk in Force, 1870, Tlie I.nrgral Ncl IitrrcNaedurlHR tfc yrl7 ! ttmj CoaaU7 1" tliWrW. Orosh iNCREAaE or ltlHKS IN Forck, 1870, $30,327,780 00 Otily twocompanlea III the world exrttd thu roae Incrfaaadorlni 170- , tNVtflT. Tin- only eomiany hirhEiiarantr, aa a eharttraU rUbt, th nncipU of I.OCAI. IH aas J MlINTrt IN KACII t'J ATK, In iioporllon to Us l'ltroluma or .''""''r. I.t'ill.'nTaTiVK IMTU TP- only eoiniiiy fliuli, by Ua cbarlar, f KACU8I ATE A Ki-I'KkJJKNTATlVK IM TUK II ME LOAHU UK DflllX'lUHS. QEHEEAIi OITICE, ST. XOTJIS, MO. JAMES U. BK1TTON, President. Henrt -SV. Houoh, Vice Prwident. Fun Cobte, Supt. Mitnurl Dept. Wm. Hanlky, Kcctitary. Jonn N. Pritcii ard, Treasurer. C. F. Uukkeh, Attornoy. K. h. Lemoike, M. D. Wed. Officer. Hon. "Wm. liARHXi, CoDiultinK Counsel and Actuary. SOUTUEKK ILLINOIS DKPARTMJtNT. E. P. Burlinqiiam, Managor. CJVIIO BRANCH BOARD. I ht follcwInR nsnnd i;eLlln.n lidd or control tie.000 maarauoo ab, t Iha LIU Aaaocustloa of Aanarc! P. V,'. IlARCLAT, ii. y. -vebu. II. II. Candee, John Antrim, Ciias. Galioher, J. M. PuiLLirt, C. Haknt, It. S. II R cuam, Paul O Bcuuh. 1,1-arts onr !tac and rin brlareyott Issaarc LOCAL AGKNTS. Carl L. Thomaa, JeclldSra. SIMMONS AND CLOUOH ORGAN COMPANY'S Isnpravod CABINET ORGANS A .aaatt ' aEaaaaaaaaaW future Manufactured at Nos. 15, DETROIT, ThirtyfiT dlflmnt tr!et for th Ttrior od the nvirii ana wortiniiiuiiiip iii7 Prices, $5Q (Established In If..) Address SIMMONS 4 2.?Od6m TO MERCHANTS OF THE WEST. THE I'OL1OWINUMADIlfCI HOUSES of SAIITT LOTJIS Are) prepared with al'CI.I.BTOCK fUPKIWO ilOODat wblch will b SOLID AT BOTTOM PRICES. LUDLOW, SAILOR & CO., 219 and 211 Market Street. APPLETON, NOYES & CO., Main Street and Washington Avenue. FACTORY IN CHAMBERS ABOVE STORK 3-a-iUm A,T,,, rr DODD, BROWN & CO., 41S, 420, 422. 424, 420 North Filth Btre.t, Corner of tt. Charles. FISKE, KNIGHT & CO., 500 asd Ufl Norlh Kith Htrset. STELLE, YOST & CO., S'4 and 0o North Filth Strtet. ADOLPH EHLERT, Hols Proprietor Aromatic Catawba flitters, Nos. Ill A lie North Third St. aaaaKaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKaaaaaaaaBaaBaaaaaaasaaaaS J. II. WEAR & Co., Jt'8 North Main Slreot. WATERS, TODD &C0., ttu North Fourth Street. AVERILL'S CHEMICAL Address OKf), 11. 1'AUTltIDnK A CO., ill orin main Direct. iCHAS. R.LEWIS &C0., tilt North Mnin Htreet. 9IAKI! GOODH ON Til FORSYTH SCALE WORKS, 205 and 2U7 M'.rkot Htreet,- HI. Louis. I 0as. ecnoiHUivra. WIILUM SCHICK OnAS. SOHOENMKYER A' CO FURNITURE ROOMS,,,, UPHOLSTERING a Mattress Manufacturing Faralture Kepalrlna;. PICTURE FRAMING-, Alt orders promptly attends! to. N0RTUWET. CORNER Ot WAVbTXwTOIs' XMUE AND T1CNTH STT 'CAIMO.ILJL i f, Drawer mi. fuM, .1 TJ- T XT JL Za ; TO ABSORB PROFITS. 1870, - - - C4C,eCt,740 no 3,t;4,7ta w 10,000,010 00 John II. Obkri.t, "VVu. MoRHia, T. J. Kertii, AV. S. Eunox, W. B. Kernkt. Grand Combination Organs Fitted with tUe newly Invented rlhsicr'a Patent Qnallfylsiv Tb, An lavntinn havma-a anoat fmnrrtant bearinar on the reputation of Reed Instruments, by mean of, wnicn ina quantny at voiuma oi lone is in; tmiij ineraanea, and the quality ol tone rer.dered. Zcjual to that of the best Pipe Organs of the same capacity. Our oelsbrstsrf "Vox Celeste," "Louis Patent," "Vol Huniaaa," "Wilcox ratent" Octavo complete, The charming "Cello," ar "Clarinet" stops, and All the Late Improvements eaa Vs oktaiaad sly la thsaa Orgaas. EYLBY ISTRCMEM YURBAITED. 17 and 19 Miami Avenue, MICHIGAN. Church: KtvBdcIfgidilivu; Tbo Mit hhu iuiuhi wi tvu u,ua,i to $600. . A8E.NT8 WANTED IN EVERY COUNII. CLOUGH ORGAN CO., Detroit, Mich. Manufacturers of and Dealers In Wire and "Wire Goods. Manufacturers and Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. Importers and Wholesale Sealers in Dry Goods. Manutacturersanil Wholessle Deslers in Boots and Shoes. Wholssale Furnishing floods and Clothing. Importer and Wholesale Dealer la Wines, Liquors, etc. Manufacturers of Fancy Dry Goods. Importers aad Jobbers of Millinery and Straw Goods. PLANT, Beady Mixed for use. Machinery Oils. Ranafasturers of Clothing, at AR OWJ ri'IIHsDI, Manufacturers of U.S. Standard Scales. JOHN H. -CANNON 4 CO., -...s.,. ...,wTTgt.c'" WhM"" STEAM AND GAS FITTER MILLINERY GOODS, m ST. rramiaWrsjoi, nr fit. ChatlM. ST. LOUIS. AY' - .. i pMlaliMtlfBtYwaVsjrtWJ X'i LV, (e)WMMUlMY; lMnUle4. Oaaaij v.T wauoxs. rsapow. I WAdoTANUFACTOBT. rA , 'G'S'h"h or Sale nt Wholesale or Retail Q . - l P 8 S CORNER 82D-SITKKET AND OIIID LKVX) f 5 I f , Cairo, Illinois. 1 1 J notllif J. I OAJIHI.r. J WTO V 11. T1XWARL, irTC, A. H A L L E Y, DEALER IN STOVES, i sCIaaMRflgMaiHgTn 3 Tin and Hollow Ware, i ininrv wringers lone a Ware, Coal Hods, Fir Shovels, Air (5sts. Vsw - lacricrcaxa or W ca . TIN, ZINC. COPPEK AND SHEET 1UON WARE. ij J M . 1 2 b rt No. 166 Washington-avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOlt. Saaal sWRoolag. Cuttenngi and all kinds of jee r rT O -or ,ln.t hn.t.t noilr teMdif I I I lassal III 5 FURNITURE. Lj D g - 1 L t 2 I ? i s 3B i l " L ? S5 h A V ' 5 POs; rr S Q i n a) - a ZS a i t LJ s-t s n v u S ? k t ?. 2 ? e'X a S c 73 i H -H S f1 ti S I w F I I S t' I , S. I- W I a 1- P S 9 m y k - n ti ti "0 -55 y rj N f'-i-. '- i I S f 2 td co -"ps -j I 5s- o S L H B Jo O r. . , , , . " 5 O O K W MEAL EHTATxtAOlHIT. I I gssa 2 ii ' 0. "WINSTON & CO., 8 5 " REAL ESTATE AGENT ' m AUCTIONERS, 74 (? JTLOOR) OHIO tKTat nar nooni. I I rvi PUT W1T0V7T 'TO 1 naiRO. ILLT... I rM U. PALlU " V inxxii. M C H A N N Y. Bdt and shh Bbal Ebiat1 PAY TAXES, urge no wh 8nEETiHoBi w?IJ8n iBiCT8 op TlTLI s I ararara Oonvavaneea of Blade. PRINTS, checks, 'Rti'jYTiriFc&.'t' Aim " STRIPES, ... m - KEKTUCKT JEAKB, EXTV.A, j WHOLESALE dBOOXBS, J OASSIMERS, E,IiA.3ST3SnElTjS. taio isVH BLACK ALPACAS q jb , tIi , , g. an a LUSTERS, GROS 9RAIN SILKS, A, kp eeaaUatly oa hand a nsostoaa. plot stoek of POPI.IKM. a t aw 11.1 orrnv iU r A HT.TSTI Ht I ICCTCH I OIL CLOTHS, MATTINO, -Window Blaatdae, QILT BANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DA1IAIKH. Hit KaUrsVUHk Jloer C'loalnsj Oat AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNER 8TH T., AND COHMBRCIAL-AY Cairo, IIHbosb. .j sspMtr . DAB FITTERS. II. GEROULDj as a aiaa 11 SJAJI FtXTaTBIS. .. ... k,.-. material. Wee '""eocks.ebTckTalfes.ete. 4U Assar tea TaUt-r.t ry .... ara,.heaso,' We ia ! -a fiunnlT TSJVO torataaaai ...... AND IRIIB WBISEIM -o i J a,- Port, Maderia, Sherry nd Catawba "Winsa RaUTTH CO. sell exeinaiveiy ii ;., . which fact they la"t the especial alien ttoa ef close bargain euyvrs. Bp$tfl oUmtionyivtn to Order, TjaUISRi S. yrALTBRS, HABD and SOFT LUMBBR u at ererr aeserlptlea, LATH, SHINOLM, CEDAR POSTS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDSJ ORDERS SOLICITRD. ST-AHBOAT Lumbkb, FuralshoJ aa shortest aettse. ComacUl-T, 10Ul Md auiM ILIWOIA. ' THE DAVIS LOOK STICH vsarifit rss SEWING MACHINE mm THE LAP.QK3T. Ti.E SIMPLEST, THE CHEAPEST, TUE BEST. THE QREATK3T IMPROVEMENT Of THE AOK TcrniB Most Liberal. Agents wanted for unoccumeil teiri'.orr. Poad forolrcular and price li.t. Branch ofBrr, el I -J North IoortbStreet HT. I.OTlN,lrIO. 8. F. NEWTON, Manager. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, D. REXFORD Proprietor oaaaa omo tsvss aD sscoaa rr,, Cairo, Illinois. fht Only Fint'Clau llovtt in the City BsigaceeenTsyed to nd from the Piro rlectil ree of ri era. WINM AND LlUCOIla. (aapartcr and H holeaatlej Datalar In WINES, LIQUORS, A0 TOBACCO & CIGkAHS. Agent for the best brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, axo laaporlMI Aloa of OlsTareBt Klnala. 75 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, 1LI.1N0II. P. M. STOCKFLETH, trccsasoa reaui a aiocajutia RMtllr nnd Wlioleaala Deaior in Iforolfjn nnd DoaseaUs WINES AND LIQTJORS. No. 62 Ohio Lxvke, CalRO, ILLINOIS. I keeps on hand constantly a full stock o Old Kentucky Hourbon, Rye and Moneni n ga- Whlakles, French Brandies, Holland Qin, Rklneaad California Wines laaSDtt JAMES KYNASTON, ssautsar aszd Bsilcr la all Blasts) rraaa HMt, Coaaaa Nijstsshtii ana ForuaStaatt. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. DUYH and slaughters only the Very beat cattle, LJ bogs anal sheep, and is prepared to ill any demand for fresh meats from one pound lo Ua EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND JAR ROOM. JOHN SATES, Proprietor. ltw Cammsreist Avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS) Beat bread of Califr ta, Cigara Just receptee;. BILLIARD saloon turntshed with tho bst or tables', and War supplied with wines, liquors eifijara ni ill, nn.n nrw.'ii.. F. BROSS, FIRE AND MARINE EsuaraaM Avaacjr. TRIVMrll, CINCINNATI, .IMo.eee Aaaata.. NEW EXOLAND MCTUAL, LIIB, Assets, over - ,,, 1U9 IBB ANCHORD FIRB ANDKA1XMI Of St. Louis. foUoiis alt kinds ef risk. F.l eetrrtf Ageat, Cairo, IaoW. AVOID QUACKS. A TUDat.ojf early ladiaeralioa, sauaiBgaerreM debility, vrVmaiuro deca,' etc., baring Uledla fata arerj advertised re reedy, lies )ieered 4aale meaaa at MsfHtara, aaka be W -freetAaieftUew-suBerers. J.H.aVMtao.He.71 RsaalB ilieeA, a Total. easwl-