Newspaper Page Text
ISI'.AI. I ATA i: AIIDT, 0. WINSTON & CO., 4 REAL ESTATE AGEiVI AUOTIONKRS, 71 (second vlooii) onto i.f.ykk oaiko, ima, Rut and Sell Real Estate, PAY TAXKS, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OK T1TI.K Send for D. C. JACCARD & GO'S Il lustrated Price List and Catalogue of Waliham, How ard, and D. C. Jaccard & Co's Watches, Jewelry, and Solid Silver and Plated Ware, &c. When in St. Louis you are invited to inspect their mag nificent JEWELRY establish ment. Nos. 401 & 403 N. i FfJURTH St., Corner of Lo cust, Odd Fellows Hall. : toy-Watches, Clocks and Music J Boxes Repaired and Warranted. Orders by mail promoMy atten- ! ded to. d'Hi-I-iM. i.k ; a i, a i v i: mi s :i i;. th , ATT A C 1 1 M KXT'.NOTICK. U. .V Chiner.'i-fMi'lsnt, i notified Ihst on the lb Jy ut Mstch, ITj, a writ of attachment vr.s Issued out ot the clerk's olhcn ol the Alexander county t .rcti.l Lou t, in the state of llWmi., agaisst jour unto, returnable on lh rr.t Mon day In April, A II Is;.', nt the. mut of Nathan M 'Jhompson, plaint If, for iho rum ot ill n, ami accruing intere.t, which writ Inn Imi-u exeeuu-t, end sanl suit hum pouuii.g iu Miiltourl. Tit le" you appear cn Hi irtutn day thereof, Jl.lglllll W.'l M, u tl"l Hgsllist J nil, ld II, - garnishee aerved n n il camr reinirrd to answer, and he ilmlt th accordiog tu la. I's'.. Msm Ii lilli, fu J'IIM. IUHMAN, Clerk Aiieu, Mulkey A Wheeler, at 'jstnt pUihtirt isn.lnl , ATTACHMENT NOTICE. Lewis Hi ilint, m i.i.t.fled thai on ihe Hth day ut Mr. i, I7.'. a u in i.i 1 Iiinviit . IHU1uUt (if tin- ic;k' I.IVn I I til AleXHIidi-r county i. re nt Court, in ih. .ute l I! mo,., age nl your f. ,ate. Irtlini.M-in. lhr l.l Mon day In A.r,l, I-7.', nt tin- .mi ut Jm.s Y. Cl ni ton plauitilt, lor Hi- sliii of J mid arei ini.g Interr t, li. h ru tin I'rrn cim-uimI Hud mm suit it now pending in tutnl n.tirt. t'nlis. jou shall (ifar un tin. n-iurii day llirr, judgment will i entire il 4inm uu mid tin- trum-rr served in a dniu rei.inred iu sun, .i,, b de.jt with according to it 't- .Man-h lni, JUIINQ IIAHMAN, Clerk Allen, Mulkry i Wtii-Hf i, tl's i ,r o.siuti.l )sn.'l(n, TAX NOTICE. jo j. inompsonana ji. mum. You are lierm.y notified Hint at a n-ilnof lolt and ln i for the delinquent slate, o.iii- ly and Ii.iih i arhmil tie ol tin? year leid, an. I, lirld lit ttin Co cm lKutnuuor in C'irii, Ali-iaucr count) , III. nun, i. n ihr 2Mli day of June, MM. tlic utid-r'ikaJ iiurfliai-d the mill wdi i one half of t'.v tiii-i at nr of tin- iM.ih-Met quarter, Hie UM'Inii f. lie. Hall ,.I ,e imlti.i. t iuatlrl nr the anuth t iimrti-r, Hint the midii deii cite li1fot the aoutri we-it quarter of thn outh-w-t iiuarler of ectmo forty (". toonnli p tlilein 1 i n ilith, anil raiitre three :) went, of 'lio third principal mer.diin, annuMied ami anfd in tne name ofJ Thou pion ami M. Pmitl , itiiainl in .ai l our.ty and m.ii. and that t lit titnv jt m hy Inw for the redemption of atd la uU III eipiin on the a'.tri day ol Juue, 173. JOHN HolM-iKS. I'uri haer. Cairo, III , Starch I?, d3t. TAX NOTICK. To Ilarrell, Mi rims A Co., and all other, con-lerne-l, ou are lu reli) nolltld that at a kali, of Iota and Und for the oeiiniiient state, oouniy and d ulrlot choo tue ol the )ear ISwt, ami ro,l, held at the Court lloue door in Cuiro, Aleinndnr county, I liiiom, on lhoihday or June, IpM, the undeia'i-ned purehaed lota .No, 1, 1 an'l 3 in I. lock ,u. I, mid lot' No, 1, S, 4, 0, 7. a, 'J and IV, In lilock No, i'"n-d, taieil and aold in tho iianin of Ilarrell, bierlint A Co., dtiaied in tho t u of Th-he, In raid r-oiintt and Halo, a id lota heliu old an. lorfntru rupi riy,ai d that he tune trmrn hy I iw lot the ri-iietiipnon of anid Ion lll unite on thoSUih dy of June, ls7'. JOHN HOlJdi::, I'urcluixr. Cairo, III , Match lm, t-7i. U3t. ATTACH 31 K.VT NOTICK. A N Chaney, defendant, la notifle-d that on the llth day ol Jliirth. I "7-, a rli ol Hltaoliiiit'tit inuednut of tho I'lurk'a ottice of Ihu Aloanuer county I rcuit Court, in thu H.itn of lllinoia, aiun.l your oitnie, leiurnalilo on tho lir.t Mou day in April, 167 J, at the. .nit of Jiunea Y. Clem on,, ror tlie.iitn of 3-r. 9'. and kcitimu interest, Hhieh writ hni teen t xei uted, and a. IU ault it irjvi pciidini; In aaul i ouit. I'liUnt Mill hull appeir on llio return 'day thereof, juilKinciit will he entered asain.t you, and iti unrniahec eerved in said cause rritiirid to nnswer, and iu dealt with Hd'oidint; ,u law. Iliitvd March 15 ti, !i-7J. J'Ul.N n II AIIMA.N, Clerk. Allen, Mulki) Ji Wheeler, atl'ior t.laitititt. latrtlwlw. CHMHNT NOTICK. A. N. C.hauey, ilefi ndant, la not died that on the Dili day ol March, li-T'J, a writ or attaUinienlwaa l.siicd out o' the i leik'a otllcp ol the Alexandtr vouttly Circuit Coint, in tho alate of lllinoia, agtlnn. your eatale, leturnahlo mi tho Ut Monday ill April, 1(7J, at the attit of 'I hotnaa .1. l'.ax, pUln'ill, for ill miil'd jt.K) 'd and accruing Inter iM, which writ has lieeu executed, and nald Hill la iioh pending iu paid com t. I nn you Phiill appear on the return day 'hereol, judgment Mill he uutered B.i'int you, uml tho Kartuhee nerved in Haul caui-o rciinred tonnaarr, hiuI ho dealt thaccordlnK to law. Dated m arch IMh, lt71! JOHN O IIAHMAN, t.leik. Mien, Mulkey A Whtrlcr, att'ya lor platntill. laii'.'lwlt, MASTER'S SALE. Silnte of lllinoia, Alexander county, n. Alexander county Circuit Court. Allied II. tfjf lord . thvuiiknoun heiraof Jtar bpnuser, decenaed. Hill to urv:loe iiloriKi!C. Nmice la heit hy sltec that III piimuaneo of a rtecreo entered in Hie nliom entitled cause, In aid eoiiri, on tho liitlidii) ol Jammrr. A.l., H-7.'. I, John IJ. Iinriiian, Mitater 111 Cna'iceiynl KUU toitrt, Mil on tho Jiitli uay of March, A. II.. 1T.', at J o clock ii. m. ol nid uay, cell ut puhllu ou. due to tho liiKhcat hhlder lor rush, at the front door of Ihocouii Him,,, inthnullj of Ciuro, In auid county and hlnte, ti,. J,,l 0v iij deccrlled reat ennle, to.nit Ui nuiiilwr tlnriydhVi e (:il) urn; tho oiio.luilf o lotuuiiiheicu thirty .lour l I) i.IaIiiIuu ,1(11,1' n ,m ir 1 1. "".'if . .. ' n.ok,,,..- .."j- , . nam 101 iSO, lllirtl-llliett 1.1.1) tho aaine neliiK the north or et hall ol rani l utiiiihtiei I In IV " rcii)uln k hered lilty.lour(' l) In ilm city r c.urn, In the county of Alexander and rjtnu. 0f .IlirmH to. gelherelth all and Mnnulnr the tuiioiiieiita' nnd hcredilainenla thereto t,elonirin. JOHN C.. IIAHMAN, .March 4, 1672. Minder In Cluineeri. (irrcu ic (lllbtrt, HoIIcIidm. a-7-ai. TAX NOTICE. To Mary Jordan, John (IMInauh and nil otlieia concerned, You nro hereby noiilied that at mlo ol laud ami town and city Iota for the delinquent Maia, county and district school tuxes of the )ear lw,9 and eoata, held at thu court houie door in Cairo, Aloiaiidercunty, Illinois, on tho'Jilh day of June, 1K7U, tho umleiHlj;iicd purchased tho a. Uol tho N. W. qr. of tectionfijB (&) In tOHnahip fourteen (11) miiih and in lauito ono west ot tho :1 V. Mm eituatod In aaul lotinly ntid atnte, and tiiat tlio tlmo nlen hy law ror tho redemption ot aaid prenilkca will oxplro onthe'.'7tli day ot June, Wi, and that at th amo aulo ror thn same taxes hi-ld at thn name iilaeo on I he L"ltli ilu v i, i In,... U70, the iipdrreluiiril, Uo line tne the purcliaaer oi iwo.iitina oi toi ;su, i. in ihuck u, .1.1, m tlie first addition to the eity of ('alio, in nld county and Hate, and thai thu tltno uiv II hr law lor Hit teiUinptloii of ld premises lait deecriked will expire on the OTth r Juee, 172. THE BULLETIN. I'libllalirHl ocry rnornlitjj, Mmittnjr r t:i.' fcT. I'Alltlt'K'H DAY AT CORK. t Tim f:nlubrittlmi uf St. l'ntrlck'a dny fit iiih, win on ii in unimmi proportioni. . iiiai.iii.etliiL; wat Imld In tin; oil vf At which it witt cMlinHli-d nenrly 12,W0 per- in- worn (ireri'iit. iir. liohnytio prcsmi iJ II nil tllkilll' tllll flu. Ir liiuiln n i.n,L.f,,l tPOCI'll. JIl! lll(! tllll milll ,l,..tu.lln nr. crnini'iit in J-itmipo would nut Iihvd allow, '-d encli mi oceaaioii it9 Hm rovnl tluinki ,VK t" I1"" wltlimit aljjiiallzlnu 11 "" Illllllt'IV lirlliinnn 'Pi, of Kngiiilitl tliotlld runohilicrtlmt lierdny nasty owed In cxlstehco to tlio f,'rcntct lli.rlltrnp ..,tl..rt lt.... ,1... ,l.,b.. ,-. -ji-.-., vi. ..,.,. vi II llliiur, .iiv '.mii vi uf .Mnrll)oroili;li, 1'rovididco nt'Cintd tn Uittrposu tu ri'inltid lmr of tliut, for In thu niniij ciirrlnyii with tlio'iucc-n wludi O'C'on- nor nniiiihliil hta ti!.l..l utnl tiifltinn aiil ii liidy of honor wiio wnn ii detcvtidiitit of Cliurcltlir. JIiiLjlHiid hail never ejrtifi. Iml lr..l,.inl iilivllilni. friilii mnllii. .," t.,.. tlcf. Cotivu'aion l.tid ulwnv b'n wriint r. i.... 1 1.. i. i..... 'i i . ii.'iii iici .i iu.iii .1.-111. i ii u rjiouher a Imlil iliiiiiitiidiiliiirn U'l-ic. f. l tvtit. friiiiht mid prolonged chet.Tlni;. The vitriotii orKiini.utloiia innrcheil to mid Irimi tin: lirl( with lliiL'n mid luitult of inn- If Although thero wu much eieite incut no diiirdtr uceurinl, Mini thn police Fiirnn wl.i.-li Itn.t h...... Iu .....I i- t.,,....ifc,..l fur tin) t'hiy lotind no nccutlnii to Interfere. liAlUlKl.ou'x 1 1 A l it IMrv I'hlt Miperb hnlr do i the Id-it in tl.c wotld perfectly hnriiiletr, n llnlilii mid HiMhiiImiicoui. No ll.vippointir.''iit. Tho gentilnu V. A. Hali'hdor'a lluir live produces initncili- nte i y ii plindiM mitiirnl hhick or hrown. Diia not '.iiili thu I kin, hut li;ivi! the hulrclei.n. nift mid l.citutiful. Thu only mfe mid potltct dte. Sold hy nil drug Uit. Fiiciory. 10 "lintid St., N V. "10-ood-Tw.y. iKioits. oa.sii. trrci 00 TO W. W. THO UN TON'S, UUILDER.S' SUl'l'LY DEPOT 13) TCNTll tfTKEXT, CAIHO ;....!lLLINOIS' for Dooik, Knli, Ullnda, Moulding, ! Iirr inttrr, (wood) Wlndowand llooi I t"rnnim, t'loorlna;, lAfh, SliliiKlrK, ilntit Nnali CilniMl Hide ' I I.IbIiU, (.Incfil Trautoum, i Nnli U'rlKhta, Knkli I'ullle mid CortU, Illlnd I'natenliiCK, ItoolltiK I'elt, ItoulliiR trine nt, I'UaterlnK I'nprr, C'nrpet frit. While l.rnil, IJnarU Oil, Araprlcitn Window , (Una, r.ngllsU nndl'rrncb I'lalc Ulna. I'nllj, (Jlailrr'a loliila Newer Plnea I'ntent f'lilninrjra. i:ic, t:u:. Ktr. AOKNTS lor Itock Ilitet Paper Company's hrathinK Kelt and (juartt Cement, li. V. John'a I in prolyl Kootlnit always on nd. I'lAXOS. SIXTV-F1VK TIRST l'RIZK MEDALS AWARDED THE OIIKAT BALTIMORE MANCrACTOUY WM. KNAHE k CO., Manufacturers of ORAXP, SQUAKK AND UPRIOUT T3T A -TsTTf- TnrZ? rrfXTItSi I IUI.TIJIOIiK, MARYI.ANIh Thee inttrumenta hate been teforo the puhlic loinearly thirty jeara, and upon their excellence alone attained an vupurthntul pnamntvet, which pionouncea them unequalvd in TONE, TOUCH, WOltKMAKSUIP And DUARHILITY All our .N'vuurc inaoj ha?e our new New 1m proved OtetMruuK t-caleard the Agrnffe lutttt Dtr We would rail xpecial attention to our lale Patenled lniiroveinenta iu (iRiin I'lmon and Sqi'iit(liiAsia,founil in no othep Piano, which hringa the Plauo nearer perfection than has yet teen attained, KTKKV PIANO VUM.Y WAttRANTE TOR riVK YKAK8, llluatrated CalnloKUeanud I'ricol.lata promptl furnished on nppllenilnn to V.1I. HNAItR at CO., Uiuixuar., Mn many or our regular entalillhrd afenciea. A HOOK FOR THK MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A Private Coimseloi to tho Married oi thine ahouito uurri on tho nhyaloiotra mysteries nnd revelations of the texual ayateir Willi the lateatdlscovenea in nrodiicliiir and lire' renting otlspriiiK, precerrinc tliec,mplexion,4c. I'iilt It nn InterejtiDK noikof twohundtedand lwiuty;Kur pacra, wita numerous engravlnKi, inu contains vultinlilo information for Ihoaewlic are married or contemplate murrlacoi attllit n Uinkt.talouuhtiohoiiiiiierlockand kay, and not Mj carelessly ohotittho house, bent to any one (free of nnatAjie) forN) cent Address Dr. Hutu' Dispensary, No, 12, K.iiuu sirefi, ;)i, i.ouis, mo, Noilre-to tlio Aflllcled and L'nrortuimto. tlelore annlvine lo the notorious Ouackawhn advertise iu tlie puhllo papers ortiaing any Quaes reniedlea, peruse Dr. Holts' work, no muttei what your disease is or now uepioraoia uur ron dition. lr. Hulls can ho consulted, personally or a' mall, on mentioned in his worka othce, No. 12 N. Kiuhth street, bet. Market am Clieatiinl Ht I,ouIh Mn. mvMdwle JAMES KYN ASTON, rlnlcber nru Ii,irr in ull Ulnda mb MCMt, Coaaia NiMiTiiam ink 1'oruu btaiar dim, II,MSOI3. OUVH and slsuchlcrs only the very best cattle, 13 hoasaud sheep, and is prepared to 811 any dopiaud for fresh meats from ono pound to ten Ibonsand pounds, ' ' attfOtf i ' nCAIIU) DAILY 1RJLLETLN, THU11SUAY MARCH 21, 187 MFK I.XSUMAJICr. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Tiik Most St;ccKm'ui, Livr. Insurancc Cori-obatiox or run Samk Aax i thk Woni.D. PtTEBLTT 2& IT rVXT Ji. X ; NO STOCKHOLDERS TO ABSOBB PROFITS. Amount ok 1'oi.kifh in Kopce Dec. 31, Total Income io Kami: Datk, N'KT lNCHKASB OK ItlPKh in Fokck, 1870, Hie I.irueat Svt Itirrinar ilnriDK Ihr OliOMt Ikciikadk OK KlMiS l.v Kokck, Oldv Iwo I'dmiianli-a Iti f ht wnrl.l rri ,ki ui.'J.,,1!l!i!,?..,,!,.llf"J,M'lll,hl!lifileei'. chattered lUl.t, th nriDCIpl f f LOCAL IN VST tl! 1.AIII r'J A1K, In toport on to ita I'lHtnuina or He-lnaUiance und. Thi in el Kii.t, .IinI. i .. ii. ...,.. i iriini'iTV a HC.PI1K.SKNTA TlVr. la TIIK GEWEEAL OFFICE, ST. X.017IS, MO. JAMES II. B1UTTON, Prenidenl. HtNHY Vf. Hofoii, Vlto Trtuldtrnt. Fkmx CoeTK, t-upt. Mlm-uti Dept. Wm. Hani.kv, fcicttttity. John N. I'kitcuakd, 'll-eiinurer. C. V. IJcitMii. Attotney. K. L. I.kmoINK, M. D. Mtd. Offictr. Hon. m. JlAitx , Ccnsultini; Couiifel and Actutty. SOUTIIKIIN ILLINOIS DKl'ARTJIKNT. K. P. licitLiNoitAM, Manager. CJi.II?0 BEANCH BO-IX). I lie folic lr,j i lined KLtli men hold or eontiol torn each, i Hit I.II Atieeiatioa m auirrca: I. W. IIarclav, Cha..Galiouf., John II. OuitkLT, 11. W. VftMt. J. M. I'tiiLLim, Vfu. Moktti', II. II. Candkk, O. Hanky, T. J. Kkr'tii, John Antrim, It. S. 11k oiiam, Vf. S. Ewox, Vxvi. U SCHUH. I.t nrn our l!Me nmt I'Iniih livlarrjruu lnur in alhrr i vmpmof. LOCAL AGENTS. df'SldSm. Cam. I.. TlloMAe, .SIMMONS AND CLOI'nil ORC.AN COMPANY'S Iinproird OABI1TBT OBQAFS Manufactured at Nos. 15, DETROIT, e JiSerenl -lyle. for the I'arior and the Church: Kew and elegant dftlana ; The bt material and worLtnanihlp; Cuality anu Toluine of ton uaequajad. Prices, $50 to $500. (F.tatilihed in 1E.'.) Addrcji SIMMONS A TO MERCHANTS OF THE WEST. THE I OLI.OWIXU I.KADI.G HOUSES of SAIITT LOUIS Arc preinred wllb FUI.I, KTOCK afHPRINU UOODN which will b SOLID -A-T BOTTOM PRICES. FORSYTH SCALE WORKS, I SU5 and JOT Markat Street, HI. 1.0UI-. LTJDLOW, SA LOR & CO., !ll 'J and 221 Market Street. A1TLET0N, NOYES & CO., Main Street and Washington Avenue. FACTOKY IN CHAMBERS ABOVE STOKE. a-e.iKini DODD, BROWN & CO., 118, 120, 1 2. 121, 120 North Filth Street, Corner of St. Charles, FISKE, KNIGHT & CO., .VX) us.d Wrj North Kith Street. STELLE, YOST & CO., a I ncd SOd North Filth Htreet. ADOLPH EHLERT, Hole Proprietor Arnmntic Catawba PI Iters. Nos, li l Jt no North Third Ht. .T. H. WEAR & Co., SOS North Main Htreet. WATERS, TODD & CO., iiuNo,.i,F.,r...H.reet. AVE RILL'S CHEMICAL PLANT, K"d' M,"d u"; Address (ll't). II. PAHTItlMii: i CO., 7ii orln .Main street. CIIAS. R.LEWIS &'C0., IIU North M,un Street. .MAlil. UOOI1.SONT1IK1R OWN HEMIRKfl, UAH VITTEVN. II . CEROUliD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER svn vxitam 1A8 riXTTREKV (lu Fitter's 'and Plumber's material, Woo pumps, glubo and angle valvn. atop cocks, cheek valves, eto. tuo xssst roa I'HlU Brottttra Putvat Dry Usui M m 4"i.iK.0.?eh,u,.'jW,.l,iriCf,f Automatlo Walw K,,p t,i,t M iJef,. IVrkMattn, Vea Indicator and Bupply Valve for ateam boilers. 1 '! M VMDajrtA.U m MriWTu'a ilovk, ttOMUiftCUL-ATeWVedltwlatfaanottKMpUUataaiker. S40,CC&,740 00 3,74,788 80 ao,ooo,yto oo ytarlft7U of any Cowpouy In Ike World. 1870, $30,337,780 00 ..a.. lr.rB. dnrlnff 1S7n. Vf. B. Kmvr.Y. 1870, - - Grand Comijination Ohoans Kitted Kith tUe utly Inttnted Mcrlbnrr'a Vaunt lunliry Ini; Tube. An latfi.tmn haung a meat Imprrtant liearioK on the future reputation of Eeed inatrumente, by meatja of which the quantity of toln-re of tone it rery largely inereaiea, and the quality ol tone letdered. Equal to that of the beet Pipe Orgaoi of tlit hine cnpacHy. Our celebrated "Vox Celeate," "I.oult Patent," "Voi Humaaa," "Wilcox Patent" Octao complete, The charming "Callo," or "Clarinet" atop, anil All the Late Improvements aa tx attained snlr iu thea OrKim. EVERY INSTBUMEM WARRANTED. 17 and 19 Miami Avenue, MICHIGAN. ASEST? WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY, CLOUGH OKGAN CO., Detroit, Mich. Manufacturers ofU. C, Standard Scales. Ilinufacturera of and Deiltta la Wiro and Wiro Goods. Manufacturers and Jobbers of T.1 1 CLn. -DUU13 11UU Uliut.. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods. Mauafaetttrsrs and Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes. Wholesale Furnishing Goods and Clothing. Importer and. Wholesale Dealer la Wines, Liquors, etc. Manufauturers of Fancy Dry Goods. '"P0""' d Jobbe" 9t Millinery and Straw Goods. Machinery Oils. Manufacturers of Clothiug, ... ,M I RUTOHtiUS. JAKE WALTER, BTJTO JE E H anb caiLaa IM FRESH MEAT, Eighth Btrit, Biiwim WAomnoTOst AKD C0MM1KCIAL AYEHUIe, aivUlias BlIMlMM ACtpajr'p, ' WAflOXS. WAUON MANUFACTOKV. or Sale at Wliolcimle or Retail COHNKR U2l).THl'JiT AM) f'UKi l.K Cairo, Illinois. noflltf 4. v. unnu: NTUVIM. T1XWAKK. I.T:. A. II A L L K Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Clothes Wringers Voile Ware, Coal Hods, DtieHnovels, AtrOstea, Miivricreaia er i TIN. Z1XO. L'OIM'KU AND K1IKKT IKON "WARE. ( No. 1G6 Washington-avonue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. WRoofing. Gulterinxt and all kinds ofjnl work dene at shoflesl rnllpe thtdif rURWITCHE. k-wsl e H C i-5 s E 3 B S o r tf o g s c 7 o a -3 e- c a' a e H 552: V. H Set o tr. ii 2. &Ju- K r TV !S - r ms H s O o C a il P e K Q r 5. P .3 H H C K WHOLCNALE CnUCERS. j WHOLESALE GHOCEHS, OHIO LKVIX C IRO. ILLINtll, Alio, keep constantly on liand a roost oom plete slock of 1CCTCH AMD IRIBU WUI8KIKB O I K H,- Port, lladerla, Sherry and Catawba " ities p J MYTH A CO. sell exclusively for cash, to XV wntcn tact tney invite tne especisi suso lion el Hose bargain buyers. Sptcial attention oircn to Filling Order. FAMlI.T (IROCKKIKK. LOUIS JORGJ-INSEN, IssaUt la all kinds of STAPLE A WD FANCY GROCBRIBS, raraw'l Vurd nad HtaUUk, WITHOUT VBARUX. (Vr, Wihington-v.'nd TwutietUrM CAUtO, ILLS. . ION WRITER! CARL L. THOMAS, BIO-IT wiEeITEK bow arapatatl u ies pompily nianda for nia aerTtcee. , SHOr-sCe. jSTB.r.,AK ComciCAiAy la c 1 ' ' CA.IBO ILLINOIS.- asj I nnio, CM i (D H P. Ci. Mini? .,S4.a ti S3 35 5 i - I ma aC 'A rl Sa 3 O o- 0 to H CD O H Ph O H CO 2 6 PS an K M H 8 tn 0 CD 0 0 'Mn,FS V d ST. CHARLES HOTEL, D. REXFORD ProptUto eeaaaa oaio tavaa ia astova sr., Cairo, Illinok. Ihe Only Ft'nt-Clau How in the City er Baggage conveyed to ad frets the Depe of Ireeeearge. deelil d rt eeonii. 71. FALL-WINTER. '72 C. HAN NY. LARGE STOCK, BROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, CHECKS, STRIPES, KIKTUCXT JIANt, 1XTRA, OASSIMERS, nsrTSTlTEXiQ. BLACK ALPACAS Al LUSTERS, OxXOSORAIN SILKS, POPLIN. LARGE STOCK OF CARKmNO OIL C LOT H 8, WATT! HO, Wlatttew UumI8, QlLT BAatSl, NOTTINGHAM LACK daWaiki. Ilia BaiUreatteMikNvw Cloalns VERY LOW FIGURES. C0RNIR 8th it., ad coumbcial-at., CsUr, IJlUssle. sentllf nan and hoes. .WILLIAM EHLKRS, raahtonable : xjOOX AND H0B MAJCKK, TWIMTIITU lWT a)eUeea(,Vlnto ataaae sad PopUe AM9, Ut- MEDICAI.. SIMILIA SIMILIBUS OUIJANTl'lt iiF.iriiHi:r'N HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVB proTfd, from the mot ample nxpt Irnee. an fctitlp.. . L......I-' I,......: I Krhi'lehtanil riim. 11a ... il,A ...I. iit.JI. nines perfeclly ndsptoil In popular use o ltn. pie that mlshiltesennnot ho made In usimi Oiemi so harmless ns in Ka rrm r..,. .1.,. eir.i;lenta i to l altrnja rellshlo They h.ue rais ed the highest cmnmendntlon from all, and will a ways, render satisfaction. Nov. Cms. I, Curun 'cr),coiigestion, Inflamnml iiu Jt . " 11 lirilltt. lrAI, In... u M..I... .l .1, 11 Cry llltr-onlll! nrlllilnil'.' Jft 4. " IHrrllUPH. df rhll,lrn ui..l .li t,, v.l 5' ;.,2'r-er--.Kilplng.hllous cohe.M , " t'holcm. morbus, vomiting.... M i. " f1lolprn.eolds.lirnn.hiin. 9h ' .cnri.lKln. toolhiche. f.ciM Ue.:li , " Ilrmlnrhra, slek het.loclie,vpiticoM 1", " naitrimlit' .,loii. sloinnch, nnpprrariif (irji.tiiiiiii periods it M'lillfHi, too pronise"a 'roii, cough, dinictilt hreatliing.vA Nail Ithcitm, KryslpelA, Kruptlon-2.' IS n, ir ii '""niiiiam, rneuina'ie pains i 1- ii ,"rn,"l AKe,.chlll lever, ngues.j ' l'llesi. Mm. I r,r,l,n,. .1 !5 V,'J,',,,r,nJ,1,",'f0'weleye:'l wi 11 l,:',r"''1"'ue or chronic, InDueiimis it' ;V.'!m,,,n,t-r,"----. tiokntciiuhsfo it ii K'"l",!,i,:nl.4'r'linds,swellingtf-3 51, --'enil, ,,,,., lca, ,tetk. TP issss , ,,.,,,,. , fin L,r"L"-''l eaiityHel.r.tionV.;;";M p . ?'.,-.l,, 'r '" ridinf 'I " It liliiey-Olsensc, (,ravel "st . " .-roil llehlllt,, serulnTlTrnTs. eins.lnvolitnlarv ilisi',irg, us,, wits cue ii,alor powder 'erj iieressary in serious cuses...5 in 2'J, " Miinlli, eankpr , Jt 3", " I'rliuiry n'rnltnrsiN, netting led. u 1, " I'liliiliil l eilnilH, H.ihspnsms a H' '.. lJ.,"''',"'K"-'lelianxof life 1 Hi ..' . 'l"Ct'1.Iistiis,t Vltus-daiue.l In H, " lllitllerliu,., ended sore thr. at I AM in I AhK-s. (II :t.1 lo (III Inrtii- lilts, innriierii nr roseii uml iism. riiiitiiliilnur IM'i'lllc for fer- (imlliiiiry Ola t !! ii In 111 1 l.v Is-siilijcet lii, anil liniilo, or illrei lions fmin 110 to ;3 ii,,iiiir I iiinlly linn Triitelliiircs' i, :ti in hup irom Sti lo tit siltif l.r ail I'rltiile lllarnaesj, lidh lor Curing ni,d mr lrrvrii Use Ircailnti.l, in vials and pocsct cs g3 to 5 PO.Mi'S KXTKACT Cine. hums. Ilruisea, l.ainenes., Sorensir, iotv I hroat, Sprtdns, Toorhaehe, Karache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Piles, liollj, Htmgs, Voro Kyes, llleedlngiil the Lungs, Ni se, Mom ach, or of Piles; Corns, Ulcer, 01 1 Korea. Pnee, Coi.,t(icts.i Plots. tl.JO; Qosrls, IP75. at"Tliese remedies, except Pond's Extract, hy the case or slng'.e box, are si nt to any part ot theootihtry, hy mall or express, ftse ol tht.1e, on receipt ol the price. Address lIUUPllHhVS'bPEClKIC IIOMKOPATII1C MEDICINE CO. Office and Depot, No, iM llroadwav, New-Tors VOll SALE HY P. fcCHUll, C.Il, Ills, augl5ieowawlr THE DAVIS LOCK STICII vtarictL rrtii SEWING MACHINE H7BI - sufipff 1RR SJ!?ri THE LARGEST. TLE SIMPLEST, THE CHEAPEST, THE BEST. TIIK UHEATKhT lMrUOVEVIEST OF THK AOJt Terina Most Liberal. Agents wanted for unoccupied teitl'.ory. Bend for circular and price list. Ilraneb olUcr, 012 North Fourth Strel 1ST. LOlTIN.JfO. 8. F. NEWTON, Manager. JOHN H. CANNON' & CO., Bnscessors to E. 0. TUTTLE A Co., Wholesale Kcntsrs in MILLINERY GOODS, 002 X. Fourth Street, Cor. St. Charles', ST. LOUIS. Special altentlongive'i orders, tonnd f atisfac ion mirrutileed. 'i H.ilvni LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY Mrs. ( Cures colie and griping Price, in Ihe bowels, and fa 1& clhtates the process cf Outs, teething. nubdues coQvulstina tries, and jvercomea alt dla- ti eaaea incident to in- ' Cents, fauta and children. nrniuoiiB'.sj ejrap. Mrs. ITUIUtlMU'S syrup. Mrs. c Cures diarrhea, dlsan. lrlrr. rrUU COMB'Sj tery and summer com. I io Br'.i. I I'lainnucniniienoi an i cents, t. g-a, J Ills the Great Infant 9 and Children's toothlne Kenio 'y in all disorders brought on by Teething or any Iher cause. Prepared by the uiiArji';s lr.uii-iisr. t. i.ouis. siu. Soid ny Druggists an ealera in Medicine ve-llnre. ir,v7dvrtiin NERVOUS DEIULITV, With ita Klooiuy utlriiUiiiila, low apll Hh' driir aalwu, I solunliiry emtsalou, loan of keineii, aieriiinlorlir, loss ol power Ulaay li.nsl. loan ol J'",J aud llireaieiie.1 liiii.rlriirr. aiitl " rllll. aiHlH lutrrriKii sure lu Uiiui. nlirey'a lloiiu'opnllilci a.,. re i.r ( VUeiilv.cluln. ol tr e most Talua be mllil and polent cunlive., Iney slll.e a onde at the roots ot tlienmtui tone up t e sys w" . ,i. .it n.n.a. nil t ii iika r I viirrsp a. n.t tern. rr,m tiif ui4-utir-, i" -r. vl iiicriy. Ide and tltallt) tu llieenllic man. rney have cured thousands ofca-cs. Price. IJ je. pauUigesol live boxes and a large IJ, vshich la very linpoilant iu obstinate or old cases, or ft p r slngl ' tux. Bold by all drtHxi'4 J euj by mail on wceip- oi price. AJJrsis nu.iif.iirj bnetlrlo Homeopathic Medietas Jo., i! Uroad wav F. Y. P. JJilUH. yi C; ... '.s.,,.. rilinna allarioiii owawjjr ifi', - AVOID QUACKS A victim of early iiulncretion, tausingnervous debHlty, preuiaiure decay, etc., havlns tried ia vain every sdtertlsed lemedy, I ss ois-.tnend simple means of self-cure, vhlch he will send freelo bis f.llow.iurleiers. J. H. Kve, Mo. la Nassau slrsst, New Ton, aagMwly ON MARRIAOE. Happy reliel fr yeung men ftom theslTeels it rtors and abuses m tarry lUe. Manh-Hid restor ed, fiervoui ueblltty cured. lmi,ediiis to snsrrlage icmoved. . Mew method or treatmsal. Mesr and remarkable rttuldies. Books and citcu urs mm naerJn' eaated etttetopes. Adilrese IUIla4e5phii,T.T' dselkdAiram. e,;