U V A i . r w aw I -tat ..: CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, JjAROll 23, 1872, JOHN II. OBERLY & CO., PROPRIETORS. BqLLETliN "BUILDING; WASHINGTON-AY THE MAILS. innuir, irtT north, Tbrougn vsOie.tn. soop.m Way J:iOp;tn. 4;fWp.m. South, Way lK.lt p.m. ;Op,m. " Through H. ()., Mem. phliand Columbui... 1.30 p.m. tiOUp.m, Ohio Wrer route, (except Monday) ;W'.m. l-.Cp.m. iron Mountain It. It it:Ma.m. ll:"0pji. Mist. ItlTcr route, Tuatday and Friday (MM p.m. 7iCOp.ro. , Irishes, (loose lilnri'J 4 Hunt 1 5e, III.. Thursday Krl- Isy ; v.Oep.m. 7;00a.ra, Mayfield, Illandrille and J.eyelaro, Kjr.'. 11:00 a.m. 4:up.m. orrici Hoiii. Cenml Delivery 7i3a.ei. tsui,djiota.m.) may Order dtpestment :N a.'ni. CM gltter " " I.Wa.m. o.Wp.m. eney Order and Register tie) srtrrienle r,o en Hundeyt. OUK CHUUCHES. rRF-MIYTF-RIAN-Bhthlb-street, . 1'rescuing holbuil, at 10"-J a. a,, and 7,'i e. . i"ra)er meeting, Wednesday at7J r, h. tunday Wciinol, .1 r. m. J. M Lenoir n, Buper Julcndent. Ilev. C. II. l'oots, I'aM.r. MKJ UODIrjT-(:rKigMli and Walnut Bta. "eT,.Akinr, Habbath lojji. a., ami 7 r. a. 1'rrye r rneell.g, Wednesday, 7); p. w. hundaytfolioiil .3 r. m. L. W. bttlatll, Huper inleiident. Iter. F. L-.Taoarsox, Pastor. CHURCH OKTUK KKDKtUtlt (t,l.corl; Moulin pra)ri, Habbat'h l'iij . K.enli.g pra)r, ;J-r, tier. .Ma.ivis, iirclor BT. PATRICK'S CHUKCII-vOr. Moth Washington Arenuc. public, terete. rblwth! and loir a. m Hi. and j Vpr,l". k. undaybcl.ool, 2 r. . bertlce eiery day, ft r. a. Iter. P.J. O'H.luhaw, 1'rleat. I JUSOMEVSCIIRISTlA.NAeHOCIATIO.V-Reg- ul.tr myetlug stcond Menday each month at the Prayer room fcf the Presbyterian Church tVceLly Prayer moating, Friday, 7 r. m., at the l'ra)arrom of th Fresh) tenan church. U. I'liMti. l're.ldenl. AFRICAN METIIODIST-lourtemth, between Walnut and Ctdar. rVrtica, Babhath, It i.i. kuaday N-hool, y, r. H. Can. it. H. btOIKIi rltKK-WILMIArriHT-VUU-anth St. I'rraclnnx,?! r. a. It. Win. Jacaton, 1'a.U.r. Ilwctn W.lnund Our. ' bi tich 8abbth, y, and 3 r. x. Itr. J.'. Iticn,rlcr. RER.WII.li DAI'TIHT IIO.MK MI.vUO.t L'N HAT fcCIIOOlr-Corner walnut and CVdar Hi.. tuudajfckboot, a. w. A'KST FItKK TTII.L BXI'TIST CIIUKCU -Cur- rj'a Barrack. Mica,tfabhath 11 a, a., r. . and r. k. Iter. Vi'x. Kait.tr. I'aator. tiWT MIWilO.S'AICV HAl'lIhT tlIUIICH-Bt- MalUthtni lllh .tifti, narCrdar. rrtaehinifraboath 10'; a. a. , anil 7a r. . fraytr Mcctlni;. Wrdnradaj tcuiux i'icm.'IiIijx, Friday thiIi.. rabbaihro lioal, I', r. h. Jf.lin Van Ilntfi and Mary bttphena tUM-rmi:idmt. Ho.TJ.Hkoh.. I'a.lo BF.COND BAMbTCHUltCII-houitfnlh atrfft, lalvrrnOdar and Walnut; tier, Jacob lirad lyT EIarr;th hptlt Chnirh rfcogiud i y Iht Akaiala. t-rrtkra, bnnday 11 o'clock a.u., at S p.ia. and at 7 p.m. Jacoa Baiuar, KlJcr. SECRET ORDERS T1IR MAKUN8. Caiaa CoaaiMirtT, No. 13. SlatKl Ambly al tha Aiylum Maaonu Hfcll, first and tulld. Ha. Brdara inrach month. Caiao Cochcil, No. St. Hegular Conrocationat . nnonlc Hall. tba arconil Kriday lnjch month. Caiao CxarTts, No. "I. Srgular Comocation at ila.ouio Hall, on tba third J'ueaday of rrrry mntb. Caiao Lonaa, No. 237 V. A A. M Ittgular Corn. Biunlcationa al Maranic Hall, the atcond aud launh MonilHya OJ raeh mouth. lima liioi, No.Kji K. a A. 51. Regular Com munications al JUnotilu Hall brst aud third 1 huradaya in rach month. Till ODD-FELLOW,. ALBiaaaia Lowe. 11. tlrata In OddFellov'a. Mall, In Arli-r'a Uuildlng, every Thursday area bx, at 7'cljk. fC 1 STATE OFFICERS. STATE OFKICEKS. Gararnor, Jahn M. Palmer ; Lieuunani-Uovtrntr, John DU(herty I Secretary ot butr, Edward Ilummal ; Auditor of State, 0. K. I.ippincolt ; SUte Treasurer, C. N. Dates ; aupt. I'ubllo luatrui'tion, NewtanDateman. CONOllESSMEN. Jenatora Lyman Trumbull and Joh A. Logan. llepretentallT lor the mate al Large J. L Bereridce. BepresentatlTe TUIrteenth Distnet John Ml Jrba. MEMBEKS UEKEHAL ASSEMBLY. Heualom, lt Misirict T. A. 'K. llotromb, ol l' tDund H. K.. Olton, of liallslln. Kepresentatire, lt Dl.trict II, Wataen Webb COUNTYOFFICEUS. " CIRCUIT COURT. I Judge Vj J.. Baker, of Alexander. I froiecutlnj' Attorne) J. F. McCartney, ot Massac. ! Circuit Clerk J.no. Q. Ilarman. herifl-A. U. Irtin. Wm. Martin, Assessor and Treasurer. COUNTY COURT. Judge F. Dross, Asaoc.atea J.;K. JIcCrHed 8. Marohlldtn. Clerksfacob C, Lynch. Coroner John II. Gossman. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT . Jayor John M, I.MiHltn. l'reasmer J. U. Taylor. Cemptroller-B. A. Burnett Clirk-Mlchael Howley. i rshal-Andrew Cain. Attirney-p, jr. pope. . '! Mgitratea-F. Brest an 4 U. Skaa. Chief el PollceL. It. Myers. KLKCT COUNCIL. , Mayer-John M.Lanaden, First Wrd-P. 0. bchuh. ecoid Viard C. It. WouuwarU Iblri Ward-Jao. Wood. eurlU Ward-S. StaaU Taylor. Oity-at. Large W. P. lialUday and D. Iluid. BOARD or ALDKUM'M, FJRST TfARU-Jmes Bearden; , A. B. Hatl'o:d,' jtaM Walder, KCOND WARD R, II.Cunnmgham, E. Iluder, John O. Blsncil, James Bwayne, THIRD WARD-Wm. Btratton, JohnlLPhiMIt, FOURTH WARU-Jolm II. Itobiason l'.1i.8ease, J.a.MeieaU, THE BULLETIN. NBW ORLEANS, l'oi.nicH in I.0II8IAXA tiii: KEionu , MOVKMKNT OliV. VAIlMOTII, TUB MUNCH OI'TIIIKVK, INTIlKIUINO FOR A j IN TIIK V. ..BK.ATK A MILWAf- KKKJUN IN TUB LKOIriJ.ATURK. ( (Curre.ponilencoor tl.o Mllnukee News) New Orleanh, La., March 0 1872. Tim " Louisiar.ii muddle " l decidedly ' mixed h4 ever. (Jovcrtior Wurmoili won iivkuirv over the Curej-Ornnt faction, uscllij; rmiliey utul uonua ircci.v, uctmcs linving Ucn. Emery with troojn to tin i.., t him. Hut now n now turiy ("Tli Hcfnriii ') lm Middenly cprunj; up nt.d I threulein to twef. hII tho enrpft-bnpgert from Urn itHte, and to explain the ntiitndo f of llils purtyistlm nlj-ctol lliii iwr. Tim icfonn party unlrncia nil ol tli btisi- 111 tltltfl ml luiirica citizeCt of tlio ktkle, who Imvn coinblncl to iiuuil corruption in every slinpo, itnd to nscuo Um state from tlio ineii who how rultsi.nd uro fast ) linkinu it with bankruptcy and ruin. This putty doe not atiuino any uttitudo or bfnrin on naltuiuil politics. Their I convention will nominalo statu otllcers I only, untl ullow the republicaii or demo- crniio cotivetiliona to do ns they ! pleiifo concerning preaidential candi date. Ail of this 1 wel. known to the admit younj; iiurper, uov. Warmouth, and ho believing that the people of tho Notth ulo not lully posted J in tlil lat iii'iv.', and knowing that if it ticcecded he it lost, hn gone Knit with nn idea of making the Liberal republican bi'licve that tbi Keform muvenicnt is In il.vi.lib il.i.lra. nnd that hn la a iPUdtT In'it, when r.lly he Is tho principal object whom th reformers aro reaching ror. Ills Jriiy ncpo oi iieiiig ikukuk. in the Cincinnati convention lift in tho fact that Grant hat thrown him over board, and now looks to U. 8. Marshal 1'ackard to redeem tho State Moil every ono utiderstandft that tho object of tho Llbcarl movement i mainly for Heiorm, nnd the pcojile hero who sympathize with it, have confidence in tho leaders to be lieve, that such nun a "Warmouth will never bo nlh.wcd to darken the door for nn inttant. If the Liberals are to assltt in rerulng tho South from plunderers nnd theive, they will eo that it weuld he rather inconsistent to admit the prince of thi ivr-s to their convention. Vurmoth' ambition i to reach the United States senate, i.nd ho lacks butono vt-ar of the age refjuirci. It i said that lie holds tho resignation of Senator West, nnd will tako his seat when the proper timo arrive, provided he is re-elected, which is very doubtful, uuleu by fraud, at in his first election. The citvis filled with visitor.", nnd one tnetU friends from all parts of the country. At tho St. Charles, I lout Gen. A. Uufo'd, of Kentucky, who, on account of his im iaenctize, weight, and cuurtcous manners, has been Justly called " ircuntain of hos pitality." The general was describing hi visit to Ilatret's thcatlc. I give his word : " You know Gen. 15 , of Columbu ? Well, ho was here with h party of ladies, and nothing would do but I must join them ami attend tho theatre. Ihu was nil very fine, but when wo got there nnd I found tho plav was ' Divorce,' and the cus sed sent small and crmpned, I almoU ro gretcd going ; but we all becamo wonder fully interested in tho play, and pretty soon it affect all of us. 1 believe I cried some, especially over tho scene where they take tho child uwny. It was to affecting, the whole atidicnco was fascinated. So was I, when all at onco the cussed seat broke with u loud crash and down I went, lull weight on the floor," The gencrnl w aited until we had finished our laugh, then quiotly added : Thero was no more crying over the play that nisht.'' I noticed a statement in tho paper, that Mr. Iligby wi about to sell all of bis elo yators una property adjoining, to a party from Liverpool. Grayson. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, D. RBXrORD ProprlftU taataa eaio laraj to sr., Cairo, Illinois. lhe Only Firtl-Clam Jlovte in, the City aver Baggage eeareyed te f Ireeei arae. d from the De declil BOOTH AND nOlJI. l'ARKElt k BLAKM, WALL PAPER, PAINTS, rnlljr, BooaJne, alla, "W O "W 0-X.-aV.Sffl. WINDOW 8MADM, Aid the etlebrtled iliuntiaallna; AURORA OIL. IiROBi' BUII.D1N0, COR. llTB-IT. A 0M UXXCIAL-AY., Caibo, Illinois. urftir OAK t'lTTEBN. II. GEHOULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER a aj,i i aJAB FIXTOBU, Vat Fitter'. and I'lumber't material, We nitpi, globe an angle yalyts, stop oecks, check yalfet,ttii. iuo aetar rot Tnlta Ilrather Paltnt Drjr.ClM Matar And Mnreheusr. Wells A Co' Autetnetle Watei Indicator aid supply Tilre for ateatn boilers. wijittr'h Tti.nrK. rowMrnriAi-AYRwc AVOID QUAOKSJ . .Tlf"' of ",J 'irfttio,tauaigBer'am deblllly, prema.ur, deca). etc., karlng arlr.il yam eyery dyt ,.,t-Ji , .r,,(l simple u,.... .f..kf-e.r,, free to kit ftUewtiBeiera. j. . M. Xataau etr.tt, Kw Tor. aVBwlj BOUtta. w o H (0 w o - H H 03 i as as (a & i la H M O o a) M 3 SO u 4 CO i 1 J W u o Ph T3 a m O 03 O O W o n K a. 'A i w 'A O H w 'A O Hi H to a. , m a KftUUANCK, W. II. UOKHtf, Notarv Publiv, U. U. CA .Pub. and V. B. Ccaa. PIKE, HULL, CARGO. LIVE STOCK CCIDENT, LIFE, 1 S XT 12, Jk. 1ST C'3G I JtTVA, HA.KTTOKD, AiseU. .....lo.Mt.KH V7 NORTH AMXSICA, 1-A, Assets.. ..i.itt.oeo oc ,.1,M,XI 7t UARTFOID, C0N5m Assete., r ii am I i, uARTroRS, Aasala .. ,..i,7ii,ia m INTXRKATI05AL, IT. Y Aseete. ......... LeM, 1 17 rUTXAM. HARTTORD. Astele.. ..TOft.W Ot CLSYXLAND, CLITRLAND. Atttte IU,t7t U nOMI, COLUMBUB, Attete. .tl47ft 13 AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Asset. ...600,000 00 COXKXCTICUT MUTUAL LI 71, Attete JO.WO.OO OC TUTILIl't, Hanrraac, u ajsb ACCIDENT, Atiett. ......I.IKW.OOO OC RAILWAY FAB8KY0KRS AMUKAXCB CO- HARTTORD, Atiett ......... WK.VA ft IHDEPXNBEXT, BOftTOX, - CtO.ltl Aiteta. SAFFORD, MORRIS k CANDEE, 71 Ohio Lara. City Natloaal Bank, CAIRO. ILL. FIRE AND MARINE CVMPANIK aiauaaa, a. s.. Asstti f 1,111,11 ft t OXRMAXIA, X. Y., Aetett ..I,0ft,7l 7 HAXOYXX, X. Y. A state ..71l, SO XXrUBLIC, X. T., Allot ...... - i.....TU,Bf 00 Con, prising the Underwriteri' Agemey. YSXKXRS, X. Y.. Alittt - I7I,U4 11 ALBAXT CITY, Attete .....""iM.IM. O virbmxk's vuxs, s. r., Altai eTI.aOU OS SXOUBITY, X. Y. MAXIXX. Attete 1,M,I4I STOKES, Dwelliati, Foralture, Hullt aad Car goet, Insured afratea ai farorable aa aoaad. permanent security will warrant. I respectlully aak oi the eltiteni of Cairo, a ahare ol tkeir palronage. CHAI. ICUOIXMEYIB. wltlllM BCHICK CIIAS. ECHOENMEYER k CO FURNITURE ROOMS, UPHOLSTERING AID Mattress Manufa oturing rsirnltnre Bepatrisi;, PICTURE FRAMING. AUatrder promptly attended to. :lORTHWXre CORN KB OT WABUIXUT9V AY XNUX AND TXXTM ST., CAIRO, ILL. P. O, Prwrr l3. JanOtf. VS 0171700 l)D psckaio ot Professr Maui. Compound win tore in ueai the raoolheel lac or mouev lefnm 0 r ft fer fitly rents, will tore th beard w sruw thick and haaeroa th raoothctt lac (without injury) In 11 day, or mouev lemm u ,s nent a postage, pe.j.i AtlaOjUt JON Rat A cm.. Aaalaid, Baal, I.ia-W. D K Y 0 S 0 D H FOR SPRING OF 18T2. J. BXTRO-BR IIAt 1IIX, AND OONK ANil DOKS IT AOAIN I Owing to his large tales oi FALL AND WIN'TKU GOODS he found It aeeetar to am la ylslt the. Eastern Market and will ratura wllUia few days witn a handsome atock ol HDIRIT QOOIDS. Ilewlnhe. to call Ilia attention of nuyera In hie very compleU, large andcartfully selected stock: op goods His xod can not be aiirpetsed, and he I solicits romparUon of GOODS Ji.2TJD PEICE3 with thosnf any house which you hare been ae euslcined bt deal with. Ill; stock will eon.nt of IktlNII VOVUXH, RII.HII, rl.AIDH. HKI'P.H AND BLAt'U ALPACA), And all other eortno' SUJIMKlt DUKSS (500DS. He alnu kvena a lr ol l.aee,. Trim- snlpf Kml-.i.ierie-. wraat tariaty of Mhab, Clotks tud t'aalmeree A.T LOW FIO-TJDBES. He also kcepa a rart'ely of Ladiee' and Chil dren's Shoea and ClothinK ol all else-and prices. block Full niw Complete all through. Call and tee, for it will y, 3.16-if. '- J llUltfiKK. P H 1 Ij. 8-ATJ'P, 1 (Successor to Vi itaup.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL bistta im CONFECTIONS. FIREWORKS, TOYS, NOTIONS.ETC, lta 7namrclaA Avenue, between Sixth nnd HeTanth HtratU, CAIRO. ILLINOIS. Principal Offlee 104 W. Fifth St., Cia. O TBI OXLT KXLIABLK OIYT XXTXRPRMX IX TXIX COUXTRT I $60,000.00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS To bedlttributed In I7tli Stml-Annual GIFT ENTERPRISE T he drava. Monday. Abrll ih, KZ. ' 'Two Qxaxtj Capitals " - 1 ' . if $5,000 in Greenbacks ! ) Prlsa B,a In Xllveri Two Prlxei $1,000 ( 1 ! Fiv Prieet $600 -g J GREENBACKS. Tan Prizat $100 A L One Horse thi tiuggy with SlUer-Mnuated Har neas, worm iw eacn. One fine-toned Koaewoou Piano, worth fSfio. Ten family aeaing machines, worth 1100 eack. Fire nravy catedgeld huntiof. watrhs and liear geld chains worth 15U0 each. F ye old American hunting watehe. worth flMeach. Ten ladlea gold buutinn watches worth one hun dred dollars each. Kitf it hundred gold and niter lerer hunting watchea (in all) worth from flu ts 1300. Ladlea' gold leontllie chains, gent'egold rest chains. boIm and double rlateu siller table and. teajpooat, photograph albamt, jewelry, etc., eta. Whole number gifts, 6,000. Tiokete limited U 6i.ou. Ageata wanted to aeil Ticket! to wliora I'beral premlume will be paid. ftaxU ticketi tl i nix tlckett 15: twalya tickets, 110! twentv-nye I'M. CireuUre csnttinmg a lull lit of pilset. a de teriptuwof tke manner of drawing, and other Ln formataoa In refert no to the diatriuution, will be eattotraw aaeorderi tbem. .All letter mutt beaddreasedO I.. D. HI.NK, llol 8J, errict, i Cincinnati, O 11 Weet th at. nr2wtiolr AGENTS WANTED. reran entirely new and faclrating work el uau. tnal Inttrett, THE HOME OF GOD'S PEOPLE The'grtndett tnd most pepultr book eat, uew tailing fatttr then aay other tare i.oona com bined. Nearly 3M uuperb Eograyings. One Agent took 114 orderr In to nay.. The Deal chance to. Wake money oyer oOered. A good Ageat wanted la eyeiy Township. Etttrl lur our circulsra with terms (uasurpaaaud), deaerip en, endorsements, eic. . A.IIVTCII I80N A CO., MM Noilh Sixth ttrect, Ut. Louis, Mo. .aWAlso pabll.her ot Ibe .Nw, lutiTaitia .loi.Teut Family hlitx, which utterly surpaasee all other editioai. (321 magalSceat engranngt.) 3-l.dswlCWa TO COLONISTS. IF YOU ARE GOING AKST, m .1-1... ...... . . 1 ,' a I . I a " Mil. Aluy oar .ttar urn I ir win ,.-"- . eovat I'ACino Haiiboad, the popular I out" front trtti hat an' uhexpected rqulpment in -nne- flay .rh... I'niinitn nAlare aleeixn. Miller safely . . . , ,i..i,..i.n. ...am hrnfci. ..,.1 It. renuta'loa lor prompt lime and aure connectien lapioeerbial. For yaluable thlormation and at-, H'tance, to make tclal arrangements at low it' rate oneren ny eay iine.,caii upon or auureit a..-, A. r.iru, ucnerai raarci't'r get aaiatoun r lie X. K Ot. Louis, Mo, jtreWetBknui4eaA, lf' ui. louii loseutni, ri. -con, . Cit), Atchison. Bt. Joseph, Omaha, Drnter and ell pilots ,in Misaourlebraska, Ka.saa and Col ado. to which 'people at looting. Thill l,n nliOitN. A.mi. frrci ,.; . , 'I r . T, 00 TO . 'W. V. THORNTON'S, BUILDERS' SUPPLY, DEPOT. 73 TtNTH BTXnT, ' CAIKO,..., .'. ILLINOIS ros Been, Haals, Blind, HotsttllBrt, T .. . " Cv Utsllera, (woeed) Window attd Ie 1 ' c rrtvases, rioorinr;, tails, hhtstca, Ular.4 Kaafef euawl Wd Mghtsi, Ulnaed TrtuaMtM, i Haah Weight, Kaah fttlll mm Card, Blind rssstatilBKa, Itoetsltir; Fell, naaflsttr Cement, Plaatarlauf Paper, Carpet Fell, WMltej tart, i.lnard" Oil, Amerleatt Window Ulaaa, Esigllali nmlrrench Plate (llaaa. Fully, Cilntlrr Point Hewrr pipe Patetit Cbltnnera. r.tr., ajje., jte. AOENTH lor R-ck Rlfei Paper Comreny'a Wheathinr Fell aid quarts Cement. It. W. John's Imrrottd Kou6n alwari an and. FAMILY UBOCr.tttM. LOUIS J OR 0 EN S EN , Dealer laaJUmdief STAPLE AND FANCY . Fnrnaer'a Yard and Htallnk ' - WITHOUT CUAROB. Qt, WaAhfngton-tY.'and Twantieth-rt CAIRO ILLS. yXTJIf. COAL.. COAL I COAL! COAL I. JAMES ROSS, MALI I DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CARBOfi COAL! CommoTcisl-av., Foot of Eleventh-st. All Coal carefully weighed at the yard on Fair anka' icale. ttll wxiauT waxxaxtxd. Cast delirered en lhe ahorteet nolle to an) fiart l the ci.y, either by the half ton, ten or car oad. Lear order at theoffic en Commercial-ay.a he fVvMnf F.lerenlh aireet. nnrlM .am. HALOONH. A. S US ANKA, PropiUSur MAGNOLIA "SALOON And Dealer la Foreign aad Doratslla "rVINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS 'i 97 Ohio LeTee, liel'wtea Ninth and Tenth blrsets, Cairo, III. dol7lf IL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AXD BOOM. BAB- fUM BATM, rrmmrttmm. rNrXaaarrcial Artaae, CAIRO, ILUaTOIOJ Beat kraa of OaJt' t0igarJitl reeelred, BILLIARD taleo raraitked witk Ik beat el laMeet and kr pplid witk wlt, llan tavl eiaara f tk fll Wraadt. COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL U prepared to supply customer "with th belt Huallty o. - . Y . PITTSBURG' AND (ILLINOIS 0RDKR4 lellat llallldy "ro. one. TO OHIO LBV KK.or at the Coal Yanl VZn ! " 'Jl 'ar .r V.1U i.. 9oal aloa. THKTtNl MONTAUa. 14 teauDert at aT hour. eaaftu DRrut. BARCLAY BRO&, t Catty., Iiu DBira-GlaT'g SARATOGA SPRINGS ii reu ILltt a AT BAWJV.-V DBCO ftTORI. Faat BTFii , LaiLt. MOCKING BIRD FOOD an. a(T re rta witaevr taottti At Baxclati'. I. . GRAPE f CATAWBA 1 t ORAFX 1 PILLS CATAWHA ui ORArB GRAPE ( CATAWBA J t ( ORAFB J PILLS aai an or UILMBOLB'I XEDICIXLt tXBSR IXOM TIXBT HAM DO, Aly la ttoek 1 Itag tpply, aad far tale Xavel ay Btya. Jilt KHjinit A or sen theGlaaa Bottle erCallan at Barclay a'. .."EXTRA FlXX COLOQKX; BaTGixuixx Importid Extracts; BfgTHAix, Tooth axd Nail Bxcsnxs lafrlXDIA BCBBXK NUXSXRY G007 at J3AECiiAT SBOS. PURE WHITE LEAD; PURE FRENCH ZINC. But grade In arge ttoek and va riety, yery cheap; AIM! Full Lixx or Colors, y Atro r oil; Paint Brushes, Lioteed Oil, Whitewash P;jehc Tnrpentlu, Varalthtt Ete. rto., Aix nin an (tasiabo evAtirsu At Baxclats. F. BROSS, FIRE AND MARINE Inanimate Isyaney. TXIVMPR, CIXCIKVATI, Auet., ....1300,000 XXW XXSLAXD MUTUAL, LITE, AtteU, yer ,0,000 ANCH0RD FIRE AND MARINE Of St. Louis. Solicits all kind ol rleka. F. BHOM, ocltrTt Aaeat, Cairo, IllinoU. LVMBKX. 8. WALTERS, Aaasta HARD and SOFT LUMBER 1 ' ' at eyery deictlpUee, " t , LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTb, DOORS, SASU, BLIND orders solicited. Steamboat Lumber, rnralabed ea rnerteat aottce. Commercial -RV, bet. lOib xad lKb-id., CAIRO iLUxeis. t'M PIAlVOn. SIXTY-FIVE Flllbl PRIJ51.' MEDALS AWARDm'v 'j i ,' ' Tflr.aarAT ' (UALTIMOefE KABt7rA7rwr WM. KNABE A CO., Manufacturers of AXD, IqVASI AXD UPXldM IFI-AJSTO IFOSeTElaB BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. The 'Instrument have been befor th nublio nearly thirty yeara, and upon their excellen alene attained au unpurclititl preniuims.whl h ptonouncea them nncqualed in TONE, TOUCU, WORKMAWBHIP And DUAXBIL1TT" a- All our .S'yuare ianot lmre our new New ini prnrr-d O.Kl-lrlluK ecale ard the Ajroffi 7rtll 10 MY would lull spent) nltenllin to our lale I'alenleil Iniprnriir.ents in Iiimi Piaaos slJ Hui'Aiir riaaais,r,und in no oilier Piano, wl.ich brint the Plauo nearer perfection than hat ye keen altalncd, KVKRY l'lA.VO FULLY WAXKAXTES ToU PIVB YKAriH, llluairated Catnb'gtX'aanH Price Liatt crempll fnriiiahvd on appllculou l WM.KNABK dt CO.. UALtiMuat, Ma nttny efour regular eetablihed aneticlee. WINES AND MUtlOIU. Importer aud "Vlfavlesala Dsaler In WINES, LIQUORS, AND 2s TOBACCO CIQAR3. Agent for the beat brand t of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AID Imported Alea or Different Kind. 75 Ohio Levee, If CAIRO. ILLINOIS. F. M. ST0CKFLET11, tcrcrttsa riniLt a srcarLara BeeUryer and Wholesale Dealer la "I'oreljrn mad Domeatla WINES AND LIQUORS. No. 62 Ohio Lxvxx, 0A1X0, 1LL1M0B. aEki Old E ketpa'otTnand censtantly a full sleek o KentuckT Bourbon. lire and Mononaa- hlskles, French brandies, Holland 0!n, Rhine and California Wines 1-aWit LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY Bra. ( Cures colic and griping 1 Price. tTllTCOMB'S) In the bowels, and fa. ( rS Hyrap. j cilitatea th proceta of f Cent. L teething. ). Xrt. f tiubduea conyultlcna rrlr. WHlTt'OBB'8 J and overcome all die- I M Hyrap. 1 easea incident to In- (Celt. i.fanta and children. I Mm. f Cures diarrhea, 4isen-t Price, fTllHCUHB'Hl tery and summer com. I ti 8jrt.p. ) pla:nt tn children ol all f Cent. I KS. J It Is the flreat Infant'a and Children's Hoothlng HemMy tu all dlaordera brought on by TeethlBf or any elhercauae. Prepared by the GAAf TU.N MED1CINK CO., bt. Loult, Me. S oid oy Druggists an eater In Medlem ror-where. my7dwm NERVOUS DEBILITY, With Ha (looiuy ntteuitanta, low apit Ita' drnri ln, I volutstiiry eunlaaiioru Ioknui annul, NperuinlorsIio?aft.loa I power' dlcry li Hd, lot ol memory t mid tlireuteiied Uniirlrne and IJtlie. rllllH, iimIii luvereini cure In Him. Itlirey'n llinewinllilc Nprr l,r No I'Hei.ly-elKtit. Compot'd ol tre mitet ytlua b.e in 1 1 1 1 anu potent Lurnlywr. tno strike a omle at the root, ol tie uiitu tone sit t e aye tern, ariesl Ihedl.chaiges, u I imparl yiacr.ad unerj, In and mailt) to tn entiic mn. Tney bare cured tl.ullmtitl.i ol ca.c. Price. V pel . lii;e.ot flteboxi'a aud a laree tl rial, which . r I T iM,rvt.w. i,.h.i, v " " . parsiugl' o.x, Buld by all drilliiat-, aai tent b mail on rucein ol uru. AJirait Liuai.hrey' btieciflc Homeopathic. Meu.ciae -o., IM1 Broad Sly. F. Y. P. jid'JII, A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A Private Counseloi to th Mairied or those aboti.uo ro.rry i n me pti) aioK'K'cak myeierlt snnd reyelatlont of the sexual si with the latestdlcoyeriea In prodt,clrg and su n pre- yr"iin onspring, )irarrioa inicnipieaiu,.. 1'mS la an IntrieMlUK woikor Inobuntrruttd lwunty;Kur page, witn niirr.er. u tniranots, aati contains yaluiible infcrn.atlon for ll.uirabo remarried orcunl. niplat mainace; still it it bunk t.iatuUtht 10 be uiiiierlock and ley, anunot lata careleasl) aboutlbe l ouse. Bent to any on. (tree of p aisje) for to ci nt Addreaa Dr. Ilutla" Diapensary, fto. IX, Kighlh street, 91. Louis, Jlo. ileetotheAOBIrtetfandCnfertanate. Met jre apply ins 10 the notorious 41,. eke a ho clrrrilee iu Im public pt era or uslrg any Wetck remedies, peiu.e Dr. llutta' work, no mailer what your disease Is or how deplorable yeut coo. U'l)r.nilults esn be consulted, personally or al mall, oa tbeditae.es nientloned in his noikt. Sffloe.No. 12 N.EI.IUh stieet. bet Market aaj Cl.ealli-. ' I e. 'n wtlwlwle JAMES KYNASTON, BhlaJter ard Healer In all HhaeU T(ah Ooaita NixxTuata A PoriA Btaaat. OAIRO, IliMROH. SUT8 aad slsughte'ra only the ry beat eaUW. boas anit theep, and la prepared le til My laxa forfreali aaaaia'areim lb. .aua ta tu. UP 1IC s t