Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIHO DAILY BULLETIN, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1873. TftA'YELElVSGUlDR. .fWSISi TAKK NOTICK. VlMfeTAttt.EOr THK lLu..-da CENTRAL Oaaad liter Monday, Mi-r IStn, 171. tw'o'1"" H unit-obi will aoyern thK arrival oJ d'"t" r of pa.i, ngtr train l C.lro i aVrt-Mll traln.daity F.ipteaa, daily. ,f P 4rrv!,dtl7 3:a.n. Kxpae.e r .WP-- Cairo and St. Loult sl.oit Ll. . Arm S.pb. Depart .... It:" a.m. jfocijmpf rroiiiCniro 10 si. j.oui. no hup o . from Cairo In Chicago. efa rarltf Koo-n .leaping cir eii 'h' """' jiga eheukod to nil imporlaul tlnl. CAIRO AND 310VSD CITY BTCXH TfO, Will rank three trips daily. U.VIM C1I10 I UttTlXe not n tITT I At :.tu ............. in ,vm. At At - A.m. I At t-.JO p m. p.m. I At H.... -.p.m. Fare e oh way, 3D eeiite; in tlcketa for tf Will tam.wh.n hailed, at any good mleno-diale Olmgior pasiengara or ireignt, novJItf. IVANSVILLE AND CAIHO, Thfineet.amer IDLEWILD, Ul KOWLKR-m Mater Will leave Cairo for Evaaavtlle every Sunday and Thumday evening, l 6 oMout, p.m. For frelgnt or pssaoge, apply on board or u v JAS.IIIMU.4, A t't. OATRO AND PADU0A1I MAIL IIU.1T. Tn plfiiJnl tnmer Joel'onlrr, Atnilr. ei Mr 'ivtlif, ()inlty etjepleH) ni 4 m Kr IrUlitor n i i i nppli on boiril or JiaStr J AS IIIOIIS, Ag'l. Oututertuul Itlver Vncket KASUVILLE, CLAUKSVILLK AND CAIKO. The aplendid teamr TYRONE, TOM HAHMAN...Maiter ALEX. UARD.CIerk Will leay Cilro eyry Saturday atSo'clock p.m. forClaikavUle, and Nahylle. For freifht er paffage, on ooar or to Jan 3 if ' J AS. MOOS, Aft. MAdHYlLLE, 0LAHK3V1LLE AND CAIHO. The gallant iteamer JOHN LUMSDEN., O WhKDAVfS.-Matter JA8.P. JOHNSON-.CIerk Will leaye Cairo rrery Thurtday at t o'clock n.m far hyllle, ClarXirllleami all way point. For ITeiKni or pniaaga appir on onard or (o JanJif. J A3. UICUS, Ag'l NASHVILLE, CLARKSVILLE AND VAIKU, The food aleamer TALISMAN, WII.ET SIMM J....Mailer J NO. IIARPER....CIerk Will leue Cilro eyery )Iod Jay at S o'clock, p.m. for Naihrllle, and all way porta For freifht or paiiaze, apply on board or to ItnJtf JA9. niGQ.1, Aft. IXMIURANT TICKET! IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, For Sale t FOR SALE, COR SALE. J Fort!e t FO R HALE. Fare from LivxnrooL, Faro from Lof dcnpkrbt Fnro froia Qlasoow, Fare from Qukenstowjt TO CAIRO, ;::::::: $48- 3 0 Ulorit, Morni A Ca , gent". INMAN LINE Lmrpoo! .New-Toik ahd ThlladflphU Steamship Company, HA COSTllCt WltH l-NITKD IIATXA AND (AIIIIH eoycRXM KMya . Fur Carrying tne Made. FOR PASSA.'gE TICKETS c iratHtt iiroiuiTtoa APPLY TO JOUN O. DALE, Aqt. HBroadw.y, NewTork, erts U. Ilotipt, Wahlaxton Arence. Cairo. sola. 51 ton SALE Tlie llhiioi. Central (tail Kod Company now ld!ini.r'.,l!i,h,.oll,"l'a decrlbed Ion In Fire Addi ion . the City of Cuiro. yi: i i h .? " " " " " if7 " 31 k2 r jrm,,,u. ,pp,y u, " 32 . JAMEA1J011.NSON, I'HYNICIAKN WILLIAM n. smith. ii t R ESII)Kl!f v- ..... L . OlfoL 1 . ""blDRion ayenue ami Wxlxut atre.t. - K cumiiierclal ayenue, up alalra. U. W. DUNNING, M. D. Roi.. N'CEcorn'r:fn,n 0,, Walnut He, - ftUr-from 6 a.m. to 1 m and 9 p.m Xl Mnettenlh elreet and kse oyer mi ooiilw n"r eoa't houee. Of. i.aBdli,4fi0. omt hour-l to 12 rsr janutr. ATTOTiy.YB COUNSELORS AT j . , William J.Allen, ") i.u-nu.Vi.;ri CAmo- w"UB-""f Bnk. Ohio Leyee. b . GREEN ti GILBERT, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS AT LA"W, CAirtO, 1LL1M0U. Willlaa William Gilbert, y ea. i Milea r.OIUerl,- J WCI-OBIO LIYKK, 00M 7 AMD 8 0TM "T NATIONAL BANK. N MARRIAGE rieraaad but.u"f,r" frem the effect )f 4. trrou uebdit, Manhood re.lor. perfoue debilit,"!' " "h? rloe remoyed, f 2 lydi aad femarkAhi. ?.. mtho j f . antrriaia nmrnui 'n:"1' . unnedimaaia in u . I'.. ,n.,k. I . . - - jar ' free. In aeatM .Vi.i " clreu. Ration, SS& . t " "'"asm. N BW a !) VERTISBM BNTA ATn- neyt regular rumn a ii of Cair l....g N ?.... m A .M., j will - ti . I mi Muidat. men ug a'X, 7. uVlo-'k. II. Fama Ht.icr, .1 "liLhOims notice. Notice l hweby given that on Momliy. thy flr.t day of April, lT2, an eleoilon wil lie held ' kt the Arab engine hoile. In township IT JoulH, ringe 1 went, county of Alexander and MVe ot lllin.MB for Hi- purpoo j.f "''" '" J '" I redo fur . I t-miifhlp. The poll will be pi.edt9iViliklnlliefor."io,in, i.,id elostat 5 o'olo.-k in Hie af.ernoon of thejamodav. I). Hihb 1 J, II. Httv, t V School Director. M.U. HuaittiJ IateJ Ihla Jlitdiy nf March, 1172. d-W. TAX SALE NOTICE. Notify-In hereby uUeato Mnr? O'llrrnn. Mr tin l.ewcoweie nU A. WlllUin, nd rHt;h of von. ilint &t i eRle oi 'l.tml Mnl town I'ttii fiiuRieinjiKXiiniirrvounijf, iiiioou,iorwiucim qltebt Hln, eon i y, dnJ ilitncl eclinol laxm fur inn f nr lnv.i, to.l, nKI mine uouri iioune, in IhecilT of dim. In (aid c ilinlr. on Hie VJHi ly of June, mn, 1 ,urchkl Hie lollow.nx ile ovrllied lota mtiinle in tlm city of Cairo, entinty nf Alexander, ami mhicoi Illinois iowii; Lot s: In bluok t7, tnxea In Ihe name nf you, II. e anl Miiry o'Hryjii, mnd lutrt Si tml M In XAxk j), t led in the name of sou, Hie Ul Mnriin L,ewcoweie: and lot Z n u'otfk iiu, taxed In ihe name of yon tne Hid A. WllliHtnai ami you ,v iiiriurr noiine inai me (line igr ine ro einp In. not aitld luta will expire ion Ihe'KJlli day -it June, law. ' .lAOKaoN KltlCK, I'nrelii.-r. March2.'. la;2. ' ATLANTIC AND" PACIFIC TOBAOOO WORKS No.. 715,71 r, 7107.11 lulUaa Are.iue (Near Fourteenth I'.rect), OUT.O UOBAUT, D WELLE & CO., PKOP'KS, I'. P. Wlioleiale TraJeonly iolicilnd. MSTOFFACTOllVl'lttCm: ; fine Cut, Fine dit Smoklor, ;i7CheuiiiK, Aand rsmokini, meet Home CheirliiR, 1'aclDc Hmotilna;, Wild Itoc:iiewinr, Allantlo Hmoklnir, I'ulaoe IUI1 Cliewinu, Old Krin Umokins. 3-23 n.tlni. BUND TOM CONUEltTS. AT ATIIENEUM HALL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS MARCH 29&3U. TIIS CKLKUItATKI) NEOIIO riAMIT, ' TOM TUK OREA.T MUSICAL rilOUIOY OF THK AOK AND Koe)IHrveiloaaSfaKlelGealBI.lvlaa; Wlleforelie la withdraws permanently from before the public It l duty yeu owe to your aell to ht.: and hi: ah this urns at, iwcnx. rAitiii.nniiiiiL nuauNH ur the MNa,'(tE.1TH CfcXTUKY. Aduimiox, 50 Cta. nmayaD Huti, 73 eta. Doora open at 7 o'clock J To commence at (. .Ad'Al can be aecured .tllartman'a Auction aiore. .23.(t. THO M A S COMPANY 206 S. rFOTnEaTHST. ST. LOUIS. - MANUFACTURERS OF OIL OJF SOJJ? A Jf t) IMPB EIAL SOAP, OIL OF tOAl' la the cheapeit.bent and qulckat . . Mp iimrciiwr ciennmx I'AIUI, Uia4e, SlHrble. ttone. Furniture, and rainoyai, xieaie i.ui.i jiuurii, varpeia an'i ciquiea. trial will lemonat.Hte that it will not require one-Half the ..wv, . j m.j inn huk iiii oruinHrv oap win. me oy u.irrri, imir IMrrel, 10 al ,0!?.7,S.1l,1,rt,' Plnte, and liAlf-pint packaKea. I) i'KKItl.Niiii' la ..,!. r.. '.......! r! ly Uie. COntAilliMl nothlnv Ininrion ol.i.hinv and w. II do the work wull, if not bitter than the olaiiii oyetotlier aoa la I lie chei.pneaa. Trade niuri'iiriceu aoun now in mttbi. . I'll nnlv l-jppumi in ouoketi, bozee and barrel. s-24.1mda,w. WITT? tjttt T mmrxr Publlcittloa unic, Hnllctla BolleUB;, wnHDinicton Aveaue. CALIFORNIA FRUIT. Just received at Driitol St StllweU' canned Barlott PearAprlcotHjand Muicat urapes. Alio a full auortraent of belt brand! of othor canned jjooii. No. 82 Eight itreot. GRAND BALL! Br THK CAIRO ST. 1-ATHICK'a BKMKVOLEXT HOCIETT. A grand ball will be given try 'the abore ocioi on .taster .Monday eronlng, April lit, at Scheel'a hall. Everybody ! invitod' to conio aid liavo an cnjoyablo evening. COMMITTEE OK ARBANOKMKHTO ! John Hyland, P. O'lushlin. L. J. Hyrno, Jno. "W. Megan, Dn'l J. Galigan. ARLINGTON HOUSE T- ElUt. u ....wcu avunii. Cairo, lilt., ii nronarnri i . i board bv ' Vr "on"o4at the nnhlln with .. '1 "ll.0rm,.nlt, .1 1.... - r rto man any other , ' I .mi VIIT. in rfw.... - wm.w ,m nUhei, light and airy, ool tor me accommodation Of C!0,J" agenti. The homo U locals! 1. . "cl Urof the business part of the city m'n Work paper with regard to the perform one square of the post office. .9.t I nc of tho negro hoy BIn(j Tonl( the NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Having removed my,boQt and. shoe shop to the north side of Eighth "trtet, betweon Commercial avenue and Ohio levee, oppo site my old stand, 1 invite all y cus tomcrs to call on mo In my new quarter whore I shall keep on hand and tnanufac ture all kinds of custom-made &oU d shoes, and guaranteo in the future, as I have done In the past, to givo good work good stock, good fits and perfect satisfac tion- PuiLLir Bauoh. 3..2ta, A general loom, items, . In ordor Io got our new tteam a para Ida and pji In rinlntj oede, re davo :uui'!uled t j Iiium no papur frita Tie BoLLktiH office to-morrow. After Mutidftneit wahopoto havo everything In ahtp-ihapa again, when wo will do tho bet we can to mako up for lost limp. Pxtra lunch at Dlankenburg' Ex ception saloon to-night. Ca'pt. inicore, of Union county, wat !n tho e ltyyciterday. Elder Ilarman will preach at the Chriillan church to-tnorrow, morning and ovonlng at the usual hour!. Mr. R. Summers, editor of the C'ol umbui 'Dispatch' called at The Uulle tin office ycitorday. As he growi older he becomes handsomer. Officers Martin, Qjinn and Cain ar retted two men yesterday on a charge of public indecency. It was necessary to handle them rather roughly in order to pursuade them to go to the calboose. Rov. Frad L. Thomson, hving rJ turned from a visit to bis old home in Massac county, will conduct services at the Methodist church to-morrow at 10) o'clock, a.m. and 7) o'clock p.m. 'A woman named Eliza Ann Williams, who left this city for Evnnsville two months ago, while under the Influence of liquor a few days ago, in that city, fell down a flight of etnlm and diod in a few mlnutos after. According to previous arrangements, a number of the memborii of Cairo Commandry No. 13 Knights Temp lar, visited Metropolis yesterday to assist in tho organization of a new commandry at that place. Tho young man who had his limb crushed between the tug Montauk and a bargaon Thursday .owning, is doing a well in one In his condition cm Iiu expor ted to do. Tho physicians' attending him are of tho opinion that it will not be ne cessary to amputate tho limb Extra lunch at ISlankenburg's Ex- cclslon saloon to-night. Blind Tom, the colebrated negro plan ist, will perform in this city at the Athe- neum, on Friday and. Saturday nights, 29th and 30th (nst. To see.Blind Tom per form on the piano is worth more than all the other shows that will come this way j for the next year. In another column of to-day's Bulle tin will be found the column advertise ment of Messrs. Mann & Libbj, of No 421, North Fourth street, St. Louis, deal ers iu silks, olc. There is probably no other establishment In St. Louis where a larger or wore complete stock of this character of goods is kept. We have no hesitaton in recommend ing William Enters, boot and shoe maker as worthy of most liberal patronace. We know wherefore we speak when we say his work is bone in a mastorly m nner at the lowest prices. He uses nothing 'but tho best of stock, and he cannot be excell ed in tho delicate tak of mmUSng on mm. act fit. Give him a call at his shop on Twentieth street, between Washington avonuo and Poplar street, nearly opposite the court houso, and we will guarantee satisfaction. Pat Fitzgerald, of the sample rooms has received tho appointment of agent for the sale of the Uamraondsport, N. Y., Ur- bana Wine Company's wines in this city If the bottle with which we havo been favored is a samplo of the quality of theso wines, then we are prepared to say that they are amongthe best weiiave over tasted. lie has just received a large con signment, which he is prepared to sell at tho lowest figures. He has also on hand a large and complete1 stock of the various brands of Irish, Scotch and American whlskios, and wines of every variety, janiadtf A case was tried before Judge Bross yesterday morning, wherein Mr. T. B Ellis was plaintiff andJMr. Thomas With, roe defendant. Mr. Ellis claims that VYituroe is indebted to him in tho sum of S9C, fur house rent, and that ho was en deavoring to removo his household goods from tho state for the purpose of defraud ing him of his just dues. Some time sinco an attachment was issued and the goods of Mr. Withroe seized. I). T. Line gar, Esq., appeared for the plaintiff, and Judge 11 ul key, for the defendant. A num- borof witness were examined on both sidos. Upon the conclusion of the evi donco judgement was rondercd in favor of the defendant, and the attachment dis charged. On last Monday morning, Mr. C. Ilanny, tho popular Commercial avenue dry goods merchant, left for Now York city. Mr. nanny proposes to purcbaso a larger stock of goods this season than has ever before been kept in his establishment. Ills stock will consist of every description of dry goods, silks, satins, shawls, carpets, matting, oil cloth, window shades, etc., etc. The goods purchased by him will commence to arrive sometime next week, and will be opened immediately and ex posed for sale. As is well-known. Mr. U. has always sold bis goods as low as the lowest, and he now offers hotter induce ments than were ever before obtained in dry goods io this city. Tho following extract from a New pianist, ill irive ma roaner c0ncepon of tho cntortalnment that dv aCn? f V lh next Fri. Jay and Saturday n,ghUf . under a GZ Uuk,m "1 lm,Ut0P queer ways, and a in'J 1 , mny odd, vanity tLi 1. notd&etlI x'& manifestations, but raher . U fri"k otherwise. But, U ; jour'Wl ft," .hi. blind negro 1. play., 'm'S n,e''. .Beethoven's Sonata PathetioiV" or Thalberg'aoxquisite fantulaon ''UWe hweot Home," and the severest and most cultivated critic would be forced in 11,. belief that he was listonine to a nerform. nco thoroughly trained in the very best schools of European art; master of all the technical difficulties of the piano, and a musician In full sympathy with the bril liant, or powerful, or tendr,.or pathetic passages of tho cotnposrer. There are very, very few, pianists, who can; play Thaltwrg 'peculiarly r)H.". vt llittit .coinpoil..' , .1 .MiniiT liko IheexqMlu ftvlo ofth rult player him io'f. lilind 'I'.iin uvldontly understands tills style In nil its niceties and difficulties, and Thulborif, wo fiinoy, would himielf C'llnpllment tho manner In which, his rnjitusiii was rundcr.m nisi nignt. runi this noro youth Should pnrform Ilcnllio von's, Moiidolssohn's mid Chupm's classic scores with so much skill, tasto mid true conception of those great cumposors is truly wonderful. Yet he does it. Tom' imitations of various Instruments, his re citations, nongs and 'original piano com?, positions nnd mucn zoi, variety anu uin to his entertainment. Tho City Shoe store, the popular re sort for boots and shoes, has just received tho largest and finest stock of boots, shoes and slippers from lb renowned Brolnskl factory, ovor brought to Cairo, and are now fully prepared with their truly mag nificent stock to supply tho spring trado, beyond all competition, with a first-class article, cheaper than lower grades of boots and shoes are sold elsewhere In tho city, Their stock consists in part, of ladies' misses and children's shoes and slippers of velvet, lasting sorge, satin, french, kid, morrocco, goat, ietc. gentlemen, youth and boy's, morrocco nnd calf-longue boots, prince, Al berts, oxford ties, etc., etc. The city shoo storo is tho citabllshad and solo agency In the city for these goods, and the public testimony to their merit, warrants the proprietors to say that they aro the best goods mniiufuuturod. Our long abusod citizens in this regard may now, il they will, avail themselves of a pair ot boots or shoes warranted to bo made of genuine full stock, only, and will not rip or burst out. So no mistake mnv arise each pair bears their stamp. " City Shoo store." They solicit their patrom and public, to call on thorn nnd exainino their stock, to whom wo promiso prompt anu courteous attention. o-S-'JJdU. . C k .NOTICE. . v j For satisfactory reasons tho advertise ment for bids to do all tho city printing for the city of Cairo, is hereby withdrawn until turthor notico. E. A. Burnett, City Comptroller. Cairo III. March 21, 1872. BUSINESS LOCALS. Paul G. Bchuh sells Kattinger's medl einet. tf Try tho Java Imperial Tea, at Bristol A Slilwell's. 2-5-tf. WANTED. A situation as bookkeeper or salesman, or as bookkeeper and salesman combined. Reference exchanged. Address, "W. P.," poitoffico box 333, Cairo, Illinois. 3-l9-d3w. TUB LITTLE KENTUCKIAN, No. S3 Ohio levee, is Me pl.tee where they keep the freshest fish and game, and the finest wine., liquors and cigars, to be found in the city. Dinner only twonty- flva cent. Open day and nlirht, at all hours. J. E. Pare, Proprietor. 3-ltf. MILLINERY. Mrs. Anna Ling, on Eighth street be tween Washington and Commercial ave nues, has just rccclvod a fine spring stock of millinery goods, consisting of hat, bon nets, ribbons, notions, etc., etc., to which she asks tho attention of the ladies of Cairo. Mrs. Lang will take pleasure in showing her goods to all who will favor bor with a call. 3-9-lm. TO BENT. The undersigned offers for rent a com modious store room on Eighth street. Tho house is new and furnished complote with shelves, counter, ,gej, water ,and every thing needed. The laeation is one of the best in the city, and offer a good oppor tunity to a grocery or dry goods man. For particulars inquire of " R. 8. OuxMrv, Cor. oi Sixth and Commercial. 3-20,tf OLD OUT. Mr. Joseph' Mendel has sold lils'grocery store, at the coraor of Tenth street and Nv ashington avonue, to,Mr. Josoph Bross. Mr.,B.ha taken possession and, will Jm- mediately nock tho concern with a full and complete assortment of the freshost and choicest grocerios and provision!., which he g.aranteet-to sell at prices-al low as can beobtained from any other estab lishment in tho city. II 0 solicits a share of the public patronago and promises in return prompt attention and courteous treatment 3.8 dim. PARKER A 11LAKK. Parker & Blake bavo added to their well assorted Paint. Wall Paoor and Window Glass establishment n regular painting business. They have engaged Mr. Carl L. Thomas, who hi bocn in tho painting business in Cairo for the last 10 years, to superintend tho painting and pa per hanging department, and all work on trusted to him, or lor which ho may con tract, will be duly acknowledged by them, and will be eiocuted with ncatnoss and dispatch. Sign writing, plain and fancy painting, paper hanging aniLdeoorations, calsomlnlng, graining, glazing, etc., den at reasonable terms. f.Qtf. " KBW OOODS.- .r Messrs. Goldstine 4 Rosenwater, Com mercial avepu, between Elgthth and NI'it atjifot are now receiving from tlio oast a largo and complete stock of tprfng good of every variety. Their tock con sists of all the latest patterns of ladies' faoy and plain dress gods, such a silks. sattins, delaines, alapacas, carf, ribbon, es and most complote stock ever brought toa,0."?Si,tlnof a full line of ready made clothing of every description! tcui. iui ui.iiihS kuu(j, cais una caps, and in fact any thing and every thing mat should bo kept In a first class dry oods and """clothing establishment n be found at tbl house., In soliciting Ptr0nag(J Mer(i 0oi,illlne & Roiani T,..t .rmUo th1' ,n the future " In the ,!r ' ",U ,oU lhalr Eds at liberal pnees and guarantee their customers Prompt ad MurUou, .vtentlon; . d6t COMMERCIAL. -'Tlii; epetW tn., .V bur os: nn the iiiilmio. tl ii.. tin this uvuiiini; tho i threatening sky betokens wind or snow. The market tUirlng tlio week has hold tho oventeiior of Its way. Flour Is quiet with indications of Improvement. Prices firm hi (noted. A rise in freight lists induced better feeling In inixidcorn liorp, Whllu icnrco nnd linn, Mixed plenty. Tl.o dumitml for outs lins fallen oil', liny Is in good demand. Tlio innrkct for coun try produce is a fihudo bolter. Egg uro scarce nnd prices tend upward, Choice butter brings J) l!:'c. Correspondents must bear in mind that our Inside figures rcprcsont prices in round lots from lirst hands, and outsitio figures prices for talus made In small lots or on order. H.UUIt,-No quolnhlo! chnnco s lice last report. Sains were C00 bbls various grades on orders fO OOftO 00 500 bbls Various grades 6 ODfao 75 100 " low Spring super.,. . 00 100 " " ' 4 60 100 XXX Winter del. 7 7.'. 600 Choice " "... 8 76 CORN Thero Is it bolter fuolln in tho market on Mixed, and prices are linn atquot itioiis. Wnllo is very scarce und active. Tho stuck of mixed is reduced, but is sufficient to satlsfv the demand Sales wore 10 cars Mixed In bulk on track 42c 1 car Whito Mixed in bulk on track 4Gc 3 cars White in bulk on track 47c 500 sacks Mixed del f,3u 1500 " " in dundees del. SHc 0 cars 11 " sacks ".. Mc 700 sacks "onordorf "ile 1 curs White in s.icks 57t(TiJ5Sc 100 sacks " del f,7c 150 " "on orders oSc 000 " in simillots on orders 00c 2100 sacks White Hi point below 1111 P. T. - OATS. Quiet. Tho demand was light to-day, nnd Southern Illinois sold for l?Jc. Sales1 Were 1 car Choice White, In sacks del 4Cc MOO sacks Galena on orders- -15c 3200 " del 43cf44c C cars " In sacks del.. 13c14c 3 " Southern 111. in sacks del 42Jc i cars Mixed in sacks on iracK , , 4''c HAY. Is in good demand, and light supply. We nolo sales of Choice Timu thy at an advance of $1 002 00 over last week's quotations. We quo to 1 car Prairie, del $13 00 10 " Choice Mixed del 19 0020 00 ir " 11 " .20 0021 00 10 " Timothy " 21 00 10 " Cboic " " 22 00Q,23 00 BUTTER. Choico bring. 20c22c. We note sales of 20 pkgs Choice Roll !8c22c iUUU 1U3 " " ,, EGGS. Are rather acarce and ten! upward. Sales were 20c prices 3000 doz 12c 1 3c POULTRY. Quiet ;iid unchanged. Wo quote 30 doz Mixed Chickens $3 00(3)1 00 60 " 11 ...j 3 00l 25 PROVISIONS. Are quiet and un changed. Sales were. 1100. lbs Bacon Ham 12c 1200 " "Clear Sides 8c 1300 " "Shoulders Cc&OJe PORK. Is quiet, but tho murkot sliuwud 11 better feeling to-day. Wu quote 120 bbls Mes $12 7, iij-.AL,. is In Uem-ind at quotation Sales were iw bbls btcam Dried 'J 00 U5U (Jity .Mills, Slcam Dried 2 oog,3 00 -w uuia uecuer v;aiuric on r. I . APPLES. The supply in tho market i man, wnn nine uemanu. We quote 20 bbls Common $3 10 bbls i 2fi4 J BURNETT & CO, . UIUHEaT CASH PRICE PAID FOR HIDE runs, etc. Messrs. Burnett & Co.,Thornton's block Tenth street, are prepared to pay tho hieh est cash price for articles in their line, as ,, ioiiow i run. Primo Mink 1.75 to 2.2 " Raccoon C0c to COi " Musk Rat..: lo to 16 " Y lid Cat 40 to St " Opossum 10 to 12 " "tier COO to 0.00 " ileavor Skins 6.00 to 7.0( HIDES. ureen Halt, 9 to 10c Green Salt, kip and calf. Vi to 14c mer bkins 5 to 35c For other nrticlos, such as rags, foath crs, bees wax, wool and tallow, we will day vno nigiiest market prices. Respectfully, etc. Burnett Ji Co.. Thornton's block, Tonth tret., Cairo, III. tr. THE FUR TRADE- n. I.KTI . CO. PAY THE IIIQIIEST UXIttKT rnicES, Below will bo found tho corrected list of prices paid by II. Lovy ic Co.. for mues, iurs, leathers, wool, tal ow. bees wax, nnd all kinds of country produce Levy & Co. do a very largo trado in their line, and it is a well known fact that thoy alway pay tho highest prices to bo ob tained in this market. They are now paying for , . niRS : Mink $2 00u2 Raccoon Wildcat 5 00 CO 10a 1G 15 House Cat Musk"IUt... Opossum Otter Bear Skins Beaver, per pound 121 ,7 00 5 00a 3 00 a 0 00 60. a 70 hides, rim pound: Doer Skins Beof Hides, Dry Salt " . " Green Suit OTHER ARTIl'r m 27Ja37J 18 a 20 9al2J Ca7J 60 a 05 CO a 70 Maiiuw, par pound Feather, " " wool, Beeswax " " 25 a 28 The above nrlca list (a auhleeitn . tlon, Marriaoe Guide. Interesting work numerous engravings, 221 pages. Price 60 cent. Address Dr. Butt Dispenary, No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis, Mo. Advrtioment. tf. ro:;T t,mt. ,llllllVl,D A,-,D pKPAKTKI). , Mteamer. Whern from. Where le. Mall Io IW011..M urn lihls .Kvnnavlll. John Klltcour.N. Orlcnns..,.Oineiiiiiutl. Oily II Jlulnt. . Vlckibiir,.....Si. l...'ul. I ni'. LiihuiIhi Viiftht! lilt. llewlld Eviinvlllu,..KviHisvllo. IviilliiTor Ml,i 1 ',11.. HI..... IllU Kisk Jr.. . I'll til inn Is 1...l is.... It h?""? Niishvillo. Illinu s .f'.. In, ul., .u i 1 ... Thumpeoii D .'...'n. Orleans. ma Muiuir coa i Stenmboats supplied at uiiv time, both day and night, with either lump or chest nut coal, In any quuitlly, and on usual toriiiH, at the y.ird at Gran 1 Towor, Ills Special contract! uilured 011 favorable terms upon application. H. V, Olypiiant, D. A. Bokee, " Oei.'l. Stipt. Sales Agent. 3-lfi-ly. CONDITION OK THE HIVKKH. The decline In tho Ohio at this placo cor.tlntiesat the rata of 3 Inche per day. Tho Monoiigoliola river Is falling fast with ii feet In tho chnnnul. Tlio river at Cincinnati is reported to bo rising au'uln, but at L uilisvlllo it Is still falling. At Evuiisvllle the river Is rising, probably out Jof Grcon river. Cuin- borlniid rivor still declines with 7 foot on ilarpeth Shoals. The Alleghany is fall- ing mid ngnlii cloied with ice. 1W pros eels for 11 coal bunt run. BUXI.VKS A Nil WKATHKII. Thoro was qult j n buiy tiina on thu landing yesterday. Tho wharf boats and leved are crowded with freights of all kinds. Winter bus again made its appearance. A snow foil yesterday morning, to tho depth of nn inch, much to tho urprio of evurybody. The dtv was disaureoable for pede'triniilsm. MltCELLKNEOU. Tlie Gen. Andorson had two barges in tow for Tonn. river. Sho brought out 160 ton of corn fur Now Orloans, and had a fair trip for Ttnnosseo rivor. Idlewild came In with 11 good trip of freight nnd passengers. Among thoso who 00k passage on hor woro soverat Sir Knights for Metropolis. Tho John Ktlgour was filled with pass engers and got those brought up by tho Indiana. She made the trip from here to New Orleans and back in cloven days and twelve hours and did her business. Capt. Alf. Stein is without any doubt tho fastest steamboat captain now in command of any boat. The Grand Tower arrivoJ yesterday morning several hours beforo time, with all she could carry on the water. The John Lumsdon departed for Nash ville, with all the corn she could car-, ry. Tho City of Holcna passed up with a slim trip of freight, but plenty of passen gers. Tho Emporor with Dr. llir.kcnitoe's circuf nrriyed yesterday morning, from below, and goes from horo up Cumber land rivor. Tho John Kilgour and Phil Alien had a spirited raco of 12 miles. The Kil gour won the raco. The Allen was wait ing for her and had everything ready. PIUL. HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, City Xatlonrtl Bank multilist;. MuSpcclal attention paid to orders Irom aitan, oata.niKht or d.iy.f SEWING MACHINES. We havo just received a large stock of now iinprovcd Grqvor Sc Baker' sowir machines. Tboy stitch nlikoon both sides Wo will sell family nnd manufacturing machines, with tho privilege of paying b monthly installments, giving tho purchas erschoico between lock-stitch and Urovcr Sc Baker's clastic stitch. Remember w learn you to run nil machines bought of ts. Wo also keep on hand sowing ma chine attachments, needles, silk, best perm oil in bottles, or ynu can bring you oyn bottle and have it ailed. In addition to our sowing machine de partment, wo do machine embroidery dress and cloak making, stamping for either braiding or embroidery, and all done with block stamps. All orders from city or country will receive our prompt attention. All persons wishing anvthinc in our lino nre respectfully requested to give us n call nnd too samples of work, 189 ashington avenue, between Klevonth and Twelfth streets. Postofflco box 228. 3 13-lm. II. F. Goodtar. Mrs. Wiiitcomu's Strup for Sooth ino Children. Many slcoploss nights of painful watchings to tho anxious moth er might be n voided by using this Invalu able preparation. 5-20diwl20 FitKSii St. Louis lagor koer lust received at tho Excolaior saloon. F. Blanktnburg, proprietor. tf. Go to Dr. McGauloy fr Rattinger' Fe ver Drops. Warranted to cure the chills. Imported Malaga grapos at Jorgon son's, orner of Twent ieth street and Washington avenu. a For the best St. Louis lager in tho city, go to Blaukenburg' Excelsior sa- oon. tf. Java Impbriai, Tea at Bristol St Stll- wclP. s,4tf A. BRUE0K, Gilder, Upholsterer, Varnisher and Eniioy Paper Hanger, Mattross Making and Repairing. Hliop u Comiiierelitl atvenua Is I'eirrjr Slouae. All work enlruatad to hie eare will recely prompt attentlou. RAlXaOAM. (JU ICKEST ROUTE FROM BOOTH ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi caoo, New York, Boston, AXD ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST. raaietxertralna srnye at and ley Cairo ( fol lowat mail. txrau. at in a.m now p.m I'M-iki 4tuo a.m .............Uia a.m. Ilotli trniua connctt at Centralia with train oath MAI1T lillTEl i'ana roa A'ecaiur, uinnmingicn, El rao, Ka Bllli wvuuutw, rrrt-puri, HPnu, 1'UUUque, ana all iKilnl In lllinola, Mutourl, Mlnneaota, laconain and loira. And with Line running Kant and Weil lor I. Louis, HpritiKheld, Luuiiyill., CiiieintiHll, IndLiimpolla, Columbus. Aud at Chkaxo with Micnijan Central. Mlctriaa boiithern, and Filuburx. Fort Wayne and CiiieaKu llailruada lor Detroit, Cleveland, Tlunklrk. Albany, lloaion, PhiUdelpbla. NiaKM fell, Krlo, IlutUlo, vy Tork, Plllslnirc, Ilaltlmore, ' WnMilnuton. AND ALL POINTS BAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS 11. it. fi 'Jn an I after Monday, April lltk, 171. iraina- raa aioi;owii NORfllEKN 1)1 Via ION. Mail. Expret , 12.04 p.Dh. - i.W " .. M ' ,.. ;17 " i.eare Virginia (:ia.m... HprinKBeld....... 9.W lay ayloryllle.....10.S2 ' ., Arriyeat I'ana llito m. .... TASiasaoiaa aoatawuT, , Eipre.a Mall. Leaye Pea ..uuo,m.... !.Uii.m ' Tayloryille ..: " ..,.:-i ' Arnye at prlnnetd...Bil5 ' .............i!.o Leay- Sp.uig-field r,.M " M..........(I:19 Ar.-lyeai Virirlnia :U " .-....;l HOUTHKII.N D1V1HIO.N. ia.i. ooiia, Leaye lKewoud 4.3d a.m. ....1M0 a.m " Mora M ...... ....U:0 Arme at Hhawnetown3:Up m.-.... b raa raaiaa seiaa aoaiHwi.r. Leaye Bhawneetown 6:45 a.m ,....Jib.B " Flora. 44 " ......7:0' Arriye at Kdewood 4:60 " ,- 70 The 6:30 a.m. iraia from Kdgewood, run only Mondaya, Wtdnvailayaand Friday, and MS a.m. train from Hltawneetowa ou Tueadaya, Tkar. df y a andnaturdaye. Coinecta at Aahland with Jaekaonyille dlvieioa nl Chicago and Alton Killroid, for JackaoeTllle, Peierabuig, Maaon City, and all oolnta weaL. At HprinsAnld, with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad, lar liloomlngton, Chicago, and all polnta nortb,nortk writ and weal. At Tana with Ind. and St. l.eula, aad lUleola Central Kiilroad for all polnta eo.1, aonth and southeait. At E-Jsewood with Chicago Division Illinele Central Hallroad. At Flora, with Ohio aid Mtyiiippi Railroad. AtHhawneLo.n, with ateamboaia for Cinela natl, 1'aducah, Cairo and Hi. Lnuia, ORLANU SMITH, Gen'ISua'U Jiaa FooJirr.nrn'l Fr'stand Ticket Ac'l. IS R T UOODH. 71. FALL-WINTER. 72 C. H AN NY. LARGE STOCK. BROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, rrxaKLZisra-a. CHECKS, AID STRIPES, "S KENTUCKY JEANS, IZTKA, CASSIMERS, FLA2JT1TBL3. BLACK ALPACAS LUSTERS, GrlOSiftAIN BILKS, POPI.IXHJ. LARGE STOCK OF CARPSTINO OIL CLOTHS, MATT! NO, Window MtsiMtea, GILT HAND, NOTTINGHAM LAC1 DAMASKS. Uia KatlreStoak How ClaeUac VERY LOW FIGURES.; f CORNER 8TU ST., AND COMMBBCIA.L-AY, Cairo, IIIIboI. aeptllf WHO I.Eo) AL E CROCrBBT j WHOLESALE GROCERS, ohio leyem; C IBO. ILLINtll, Alio, keep constantly on hand a moetjjom plete itoek of XjIQ,"CTOI2,S: SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKIES -O I N H,- Port, Maderia, Shorry and Catawba Wind RUHYTH A CO. aell oxclualyely for eaak.te lion of cloae bargain buyer. Ppeetal attention oivtn io Pilling Ordtri. WOOD I WOOD ! ! WOOD I ! The underngned will furnish ' HARD AND DRY WOOD A Ctieap, 11 siot Ckaaper 7"?l, Oommerclal arenue, between Temh and twelfth streets, Cairo. Illinois. I alii uraert are aolleited,