Newspaper Page Text
.TRAVELER'S GUIDE. TAKK NOTICE. ' tmie-taUft wdl KOforn the ' t.of P.MinnrlrimntC.vioi ..,. Dairf Mail trln,lftily-- 81 Mn. KiptwK.iHuir" ' n:4.ri. -Mall, dally 1.00 f.tit. Eir....o.-.11;;Vi;ott L,i. Oaho nnd u " pi Arme..- ' 12:30 run. 1"" I'o'f e from Cairo la HI. l.ouls. No lloo'n or. on iSht w.m-. aft rhe.r.d l" 1l important petal. CAIRO AND MOUND CITY NTTAM Tl'. OAOSB Will mklh' trip tl illy. ilio I ir.AUMl UOlht) CUV .ttltlVd " " n,m, I At SiM... A.m. .'; a.m. At liso i' it p.m.Ut c p.m. Ru.M'h Ji 30 ffnUi 10 ticket for 1 of. Will lno.whnlidod, aluny Rood Inteniv duxtt ijmx.otpiwi'nKrior freiKht. notilif. IVAH8V1LLK AND CAIRO, ' . Th. 0n ilininir IDLEWILD, USrOWLHU Mter Will !?. Cairo for Kvnn.villa f irry Sunday ijpd Tbur.dn; rTunill)?., t 6 o Cloo, p.m. l or frUntor P""e "Pljnt ,r,sr,t a k'I. gauuTan ii L'A b u c a ii M All. no VI . Th ipltndld l(!aiiH'r Joel'onl.r, .iluslcr. Cilrj Ivn.lf, c?in.Hy cxonplod) nil m. Kir Iroiililor iiimi; 'M'P' on hour il or J.nStf IllOJIS, AK't. Ciiinbrrliiuil lllvcr INickcli NASI1V1LLK, CLARKSVIIjIiK AND CAIRO. The eplcndld Henmcr T Y R 0 E , TOf HA!lMA.V...lInler AI.K.V. IIAIID .Clerli Will leave C Iroerer S.itnr my at Ii o'eloek p.m. forClnkvdle, nml .NmhWIIe. I'or Ireixlit or naMBce.jip.Iy ou ooaril or to Jan 3 .f JA3. IIIGCH, Agt. NASH VI LLK, OLARKSVIL-LK AND CAIRO. 1 ho jyi'.hnt tteamer iijimaMoH JOHN LUAESDEN, O'Wl'.N DAVI3...Maiter I JAS.I". JOH.SSOS.. Cleil; Will lento Cairo every Tlmrndny at 6 o'eloek p.m. for Na.hnllc, Clurknvllle Hiul nil way poiiitn. I'or frelKht or psa'j pply on Ixmnl or to Janltf. JAS. IIKiilS, AK't. n a s imui; c'iVa r k s v i i . 1V1 : an d CAIRO, The cood uleamer TALISMAN, Wll,i:YSlMM3...Maler.I.NO. II.ti:'L,l.,....CJork ViU Icavo Cairo ovory Monday nt S o'clock, p.m. for Nathvllle, nnd all ny pot For ftelRlit or pa.Hage, apply ou hoard r to tin a If JAS. Ulfifli, Ast. I JI 51 KJI'.AN T TICK I'.TS IMMIGRANT TIC'KHTS I'OR SALK, ) KnrRiio f J'OR SALK, ' I I 'OR SAI.K.J KrHaiolFOR SALF.. Faro from liiVKiivooL, t'uro from Londcnuuhuy Faro froia Glamiow, Faro from Qukknstow.v CAIRO, ;:::::!: $18- 'to 2 0 iatloril, Morn' . Cn gent. I N.MAN JilNJ' Liverpool Mew-Yoik nlul Phikuldpliia Steamship Company, rovrmer wirii i'mthd hatm and unirmi OOrCR.NME.VTS l or Carrj ins Iho Mails. FOR PASSAGU TICKETS OS ri'lltllEU I.MOKUATIO.V APPLY TO JOHN O. DALE, Atrr. 15 Broa lway, New-ork, or In II. II ii i I , V.'ahlnuton Avenue, Cairo. nnin. 51 ron s.ii.t: The llhnoiH Uentrol lia I Koj'l Cominy no llerfiir le ihe 1. 1 on mg Jem nhoj loin In fira Aililltion t Ihe Cuy ot tairo, vm: Lot 27 bloek ao. Lui ii block 82, ' T " SO, " si gi i M .. , t, ' " n, 31 f ' " " h, " Ji m. or lerm.,ele. apply '.o JAMP.S JOll.NiiON, Wll Acnri'. I'll VSICIA.S- WILLIAM R. SMITH, M. D. F.IIL.V h-Ne. at 'nnrteelli -treit. b. 111 lw,,n . I,,' ni,"i' nvenuennil Walnut Klrett. "ii !.' omiiipr. .nl uveniie. up Mnir. U. V. DUNNING, M. I). P'II.KNOK--.,, irni-r Ninth nml Walnut t, Q:tiee hour. from u t0 la , t lulj 9 ,,, 11. WAR UN lilt, M. D. It jtfii l f'-1 ""ier Ninettenth treel nml - "-..liliuil ll.t.nw ......iinrl l.nli-.. vi.r u, uoiu,. IllJM uin. Of. o:l'n u hour 1 to VI jmiuir. 'VfVV.UH. ALLEN. MULKKV k TUWm ATTORN F.Yri COCXSKLWRS AT LAW, William J. Allen, I John II. Mm Wry, V CAIltO, ILLtNOIH. faamuel I'. Wheeler. J mrPwrnculnr Hittntlon paij io riter nnd nJ. iimny uiue OKKWB Orer Timl. National Hank, Ohio, GREEN & GIIiUKItT, ATTORNEYS A"l! COUNSELORS AT LAW, , ' Willlaui II. fir'en, 1 William II (iilherl, UAlItu, ILLINOIS. Wilei I', allkert, J Khrspicia. attfotion tltcn to Ailinually and tHboki bmlne. rnci 01110 LKTEr, rooms 7 and 8 ovkk C1TV NATIONAL IIAXK. ON MARRIAGE. Hm reliel f.r )ounx men I10111 tlioetl'ecl ( j S.v 11 ""y 'I10- Jlunnoo rcnor- -.'rriltl, ,1!.'"'l".l',..'u"1'J' Jmi'odiiinnm 10 N.i.j rlmI?'.'; f,BW !"ihJ of ireatmanl, 5 t W' rt'n'die. Itr-oki and clicn. iiowiin asbIjaVw v!1 '"lope. Addren Pfclhid "lrl Pa 1,0 'i t"ul1' N""1' rkiualpki, I a. ilo4Aw3tn. CI.A1IK -On li . , W2, nt In l ''n r"'r .iA..nn ii. rvif .fAahiiA r ..rlt. mlv sell oi , .lhn . nnd Hu-nti Unlit I Wj.irs ' I' iivinlli-i tt i" u , rcC". d c i (lie i "en luk. f.. ti,u n.. m ih. I.kTj. nt tho rod and Idcnrc of her in lh nil. U"! Irjlnl . i.i,, ,!,.. nniv , aim i er of.IV. r . nnd Allco Poh'icker. at!"! t o 'chs nnd "'t0 dnya. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Aur.NT.-l H'ANTr.I). Muln nnd IVmalc llnl- uli-m.-inl. hihI imy bctlrr limn any enter- prio in Hie llfld. Aueoln mako ixnnl riRlit id an i.prciny. semi nun iwr- licuUra. Addrei". .I. liAIIIAJI t ID, -Wnt,x. 202 WnnhlnRlnliPl., Boston, M.i'i. ' stol'kiioIjDKU's .mkktTscT" CAIRO A- V1NCKKNKS IS. U. CO. Ih unnunl infcilnc of Hlo.'Ulioltlfr. nl I'lilro A' Vilinotmni rflltrnHil uitl l.r hpl.t at t lie nf.ue of the coinimn) , in C.uro, Illinois, on TneHny, Hie xki iiiv .11 .111111. mr inn i, irii,pi' ill rui'iiMK Tivior lor ino ensuing venr, nnu i ir ihij min i tiiiine proiivrto come iwiormicn nun-unii. K.'-T-dln. A. K. 1IUUNSIKK, l're.lilent. DO TV 8 RKVOLVIXO ROAD SURAl'KR. makk" um; I'i-.n hay cieau nrAilt nn neh H'Tumr foier nnv other nrnpfr now In nel to the eoiitmi lor ilins Until. I n thotiminil now in ii proo iti merit. .vnin!. linTV. WAT?(N i CO., S.27illlil. IW S. Mum HI., St. Iiotilis Mo. HHOADWAV FOIWDUY. COLLINS & IIOLIilDAY :u:i CAitn sr., sr. i.oris. UAMTAett 6cb or -.ntiDMnv ash innriin. STKA.M KNCLN'KS AND HOILHKS .MCI..U A.MiCIUCl'MK SAW MILLS nn.l (irit lllll Mii'dilneiT. Ilollini: Mill nnd llla.i rnrmiee (.'iiRlunK. Wronuhi almlllli till" 1 n Wurk, I'.irker'H iiml .loinntuti'i Winer W .cell". Tol.aoco nml l.'ir 1'rep. -erew, 1irJ Kettle, Iron nml llran l'tna .f oir iloermlion i nlMi, (Jim a U l ii .it gin oiling I'lirnnceaoi inns iippmtiil eeiipiion. Il.ile tinrtlix-e'l nllth" Wlnret nml Pulley l'nt- tenn of tlati, .ilcCiine.V Co. 3J7.1nii KI.hCTIUN NOTIL'i:. N'otlee U heri'hv iiien ihnl on Mtir.d iv. the Sill i lay cil' April, If-, nn i lecllon will l,o lu lu kl the Arnh eiiumo Iioiiv, in Ion nniilp 17 .-nilth, rauiio 1 Mvwl, eoiiiui of Atvxiunlci tuiil bUto ol UIiiiuik, for the pnrpoe of elei tlnu one MMmul 'Iru-Mee fur nd li)nhlp. The polli will he in ene.l nt u o'clock In tho forer.'iin, hint cloe nt 6 o'elo 'k in the nfiernoon of the name ilny. .1. P. Itisvir, 1 Jin, Woon, 'fN'hool Trii'leei.. I'. W. tV ) Iwteil Hum TMi day of Mnroh, 187.'. .l-JT-tl. A R K YOU (10 INC. WKSTV If so, tak" our n Ulcenml purcliaie yourtleket. oir t .i olil relinble nml popular Mikoi'hi Pa tllic lUli iio'li, winch it i.illicly i he only line nuniiUK iiirr. iiniiy 1'sjiiei.H ithiuh i rif ill Di, i.iiiun to Kali-.i I'ny n I l.l I he rt! itinl i ponltnel) tho only line whleli run- Pulliirin pit I it pici'trx nml line tlnv eoni hr. (eiieeiiillv tor mover! fitllppeil w'nli Miller' mlely nlnlforiii, mill the p.iieni ioaiii nriihe, i rom m. i.uiiin io minnis Oitj, M. -rott, rence, Leaienuorth, Aiehi ioii, ftt. Joejili, Xehrunkn City, Coiinrll IllutN nin1 (lui.iliii Hiihoiitcli.iiiKel J''nr liiforinntlon in r.'pnl to lime tahlex, late, Ac., to nut point in Mlourl. Nehrnkn. I":mn-. Coloimlo. tc.aH.iiiiil California, call upon or uihlre.. tj, II. Thouiinn, iH!ont, Mn-Miuri I'.icllle It. It. Coliunhii", olun ; oi, i-.. a. i oru, oenerni iMs-onKt r Acnt, Ml. l.otni, Mo, No ironblo to nntwer querliona. S-O-wly. ATLANTIC AND PACiriO TOBACCO "WORKS No 71.1, 7IT, "in .V 721 ln.linna Avenue, iNenr Vnurtccnth Mrcet), CHICAGO. II 01) ART, DWRLLK & CO., FROI' ltS. 1' S. Whole-ale Tra.loonly fillrili j. LIST UP PACTOIIV I'WCr.S : rnmC'iit Chenuig, l'ine Cut Suiokiiii,', 'J17 CheniiiK. A nml P t-inokin;', Kneel Home Chewing, 1'aeilie bmnUIHK, Wllil I!oe Choiring, Atlantic Hiuokini:, I'alacn Hall Chening, Old l.'rm smokina. S.-.MiUhIim. MAS I) TOM CONUJiliTS. AT ATTTEN KUr HALL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS M ARCH '.'o&:io. THE cnLmii!ATi:ii .VKCir.O PIAMST, TOM T1IK OKE.VT MUSICAL I'KODIOV OF T1IK AOi: A X 0 Most Jin rvoloii .llulrnl Con Ins Living I'B'Ilefore h i perm ineutlv Irom heforo tliu public it 11 a iluty you owo to join. elt to sr.i: .v.v: m:.vii this jit3: t r. ixcnu. iiti:iii:Nsiui.i: miimihk or rut; M.'VI'.TilK.M'll t'llXTUIt V. AoatsiioN,6i)Cta Itr.tuirD .Snm, 73 ct. Uoorn open ir. 7 u'eluek i To cominen 'o nl 8. ttfi'aenU onn lio eeuio t llartm in Alli'tinn More. T .II 0 "U A ii KAITITPACTUBIITG- 0 0 M V A AT Y DtTO. 20S S. POTOTHST. ST. LOUIS. WAsrpAcriritKK? y OIL AM. IMPERIAL SOa. OIL OP tOAI'i.lheol. Hpe-l.Ue.t an. .uiu,),,.., cltwner 111 tho niarkei lur cleaning Pnnii, i,." rfiiuuir, ciiiur, ruiiuuirt'i anu ruiiiui.u. aiea.., from tluort, cnrp.'U nml clotho. uial mil di'iiioiixt. that It will not icpmi. tin. Itbor Io 1J0 tho work Ihu oiuueirt o,iii will, Tlio lrleuppliOl by Uui.-I, hull harn l, iu ga. I" 11 keg, ipiaio, pun, no. I half-pint puckugei,. I.Ml'r.llIALhOAl' mi toll o,ip lorgeneial fain. I) ue, cuiit.iuii'ia nothing iuiirioii in.'l.i hiiu ml w.ll 1I0 tli work Hill, if not u -tier llinn Hie high-pricei! ..,ni now in 'imrkel. Die only i.'.ii uti r mtiei nml. in 1I10 I'lio.'. Trade 'ij,piie,j 11, iJUeket, io.b Uisea nl lnml. o -I timUu Makiuaui: GuiiK.-lutoicitihg work numcroiih engraving., 2J p,iSUI, pr00 CO conts. AdJreM Dr. Unit's Dispeimnry, No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. LmiU Mo. Sco Advertiomcnt k THK CAIRO DAJLY BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1872. THE BULLETIN. I'tiltlloutlon Oilier, lliillrtlii llullillnfc, Wnililiitfloil Avctilir. During llip pas', six weeks wo Imvo been busily engnged In making certain linprovtAchla In Tin: Hl'llktin office, tiro yet greatly embarrassed by tho work which liiu not been completed. In ii Tow tlnvs cortnitily by tbn end of I l. - .... I. ... ,,t Im In iinrf.tet inu,.,!,!..-. I- running order, when wo propoo to in vito our irieiHU to can anu fee wnni vn Imvo done toward making Tin: Uri.i.K Tiv n model printing oniro in every xm- pect. In tho meantime wcnk oui friends to bo patient, nnd toleralu in good humor short comities which wo can not at this time correct. I'OR SAliBOlt UBNT. A good IlricU House, four rooms on llrst iloor, largo grounds (fivo full lots the Flora Garden'), peach trees nnd grape vines, good cisterns and out bouios, for ront or salu ut u bargain. Kiiqulre nt Court House Itakery, of .lolls Rkt.s iMJ'dml hll.l.lS'a AT ( OHI'. As 1 deslru to change my buino, j will tell all of my preient lino stock of OnocKlilKx, Ciiuned J'.-uit, Tea', Colleen, .Sjilcw, Confectionery, etc., etc., for the next tlurtv ilnv. A I' COST. Tl'is is no humbug. I mean what I s.iy. John Tanner, corner of Rlovonth street and Wngliiiii'ton avouue. a-27inld. SUl'l'OSBD MUHUKH, Last Saturdnv morning two men slur ted in company to walk from ITIlin to AVe'.nug ou the Illinois Central Railroad, One of tho men had collected nt Film $100 nnd b id the nmoutit or. Ii!h pewon. Only one of tho men reached Wrtnug where iiu got on tho Cairo-bound train. "When about h.ilf way to rilln, tlio engineer nw an object ou tlic truck, and stopped the engine Ju.t as it struck tlio body of ii man lying across tho mil'. hfii the train Mopped a mull jumped oil' tho rear platform and ran acro9 n Held and di.-nppearod in tlio wood. Inve'llgation developed the fact that thu man who was ?truck by thti cnglno had been the companion of tho man wno had jumped ntV tho train, and that thoy wnro the men who had left Ullln for Wetaugin eompany in tho morning. Tlio conclusion is that tho fugitive murdered hi compnn'oii for tlio money he had on IiU person and then throw tho body on the track in the hopu that n train would mnnulo it and conceal the marks which had been indicted on the head of the mur dered mini by a club or stone. THE I'lKB UKI'AHTMK.NT- THE Mll'lillT.lltV S RKPOIIT OF THE I.A-T MUCTIN'IL 'OMIITIIIVd AIIOl'T WHAT WAS liONi:. Cniro, Ills., Match i I67J. A regular meeting of tho lire depart ment was hold this evening ut the council chamber, 11 ijunrum being present. The minutes of lust meeting were read, nnd ou motion, approved. Col. Taylor moved tho rules be bus- 1 ponded, for the purpmo of going Into nn election for pormaiict)t oflleera to servu tho ensuing year, which motion was carried, and Miividml Cain and J. H. It'iblicon np pointcd as teller. Nominations boing in ordur fur chair man, tho following gentlemen were nominated: CjI. John Wood, A. It. Saf fonl, Col. S. S. Taylor nnd Mayor L insdon. Three ballots wore taken, when Mr. Wood, receiving tho highet number of vote?, was deelarod elected. AV. F. Pitcher was elected secrotary, and Andrew Cain, marshal. Nomination wore then made for threo directors. Messrs. A. II. Sallbrd, S.S. Taylor and D. Hurd receiving tho highest numbor of votes, were declared elocted. -Mr. Oborly moved that 11 white band of cloth bo worn on tlio hat by the members of the llro brigade while ut 11 lire, and tho marshal bo instructed to procure them, which motion was lost. Mr. Lansden moved that u baud of whitu leather bo worn by thu members of the lire brigade while ut a lire, which mo tion was carried, nnd tlio marshal in structed to procuro badges. Tho committee on rules governing llro companies going to, present nt, returning from lire?, reported 11 series of rules through their chairman, Mr. Oborly, which woro read, and on motion, con.tidered, amended, and passed by ectioiis. Mr. McIIalo moved u lino of $1 bo as DfSscd on all members of tlio brigade neg lecting to wcur their badges at u lire. Car ried. .Mr. Obcrly moved tho secretary procure 11 book for the purpeso of keeping a rec ord of thu proceedings of meeting, and present bill of miiiih to city council, wnleh motiom was curried. Tho meeting then adjourned to meet on the IiikI .Monday in June, or ut thu call of tho chairman. W. F. I'iiciikk, Ser.'v. DISAGUKtmH LOCALS. Al'l'lHKNT. serious nccidont hnpieued u few days sinco to tho venerablo mother of Mrs, Geo, Fisher, while on her way to worship at the church of Rector Conn. AVhllo sl.o was putting over u street crossing near ''Winter' h Row," shu full unit broku tho CM oil" her thigh, and it is feared will bo l'urmnuhtly disabled. Dr. Wardner was t'dlcd n, jemiuroii nil the nssistunco po.lble. l.KAlll Of VOUNU C1.A1IK. lho.uiB im,.,, Chirk, wi, W1U latulv crushed beueen u stcun, lug ,,.,,1 br..o day. His lather, who WB, uUunl ,ro iioiuu iu iuu nine 01 mo nceiilmit tnrrllitf hneliul lit- ll... C . C I terribly sl.ocKol the fea.ful 1IUW4 of viw U1, son's death, that his nervous mtm IS . .erlnosK- hon .lr.,1. !'" ..." ' ' " "'" t" feci nil tho pain his ....fortunate son en- durcd, and nets us if ho were in tho greatest agony, Young Clark wn- a quint, industrious nnd cxcmplnry bov. nnu will bo iloplorcd by n largo numbor of worm friends. After tho accident ho yiis not conscious, oxceptfor a moment n short llino beforo his dentil. BMALL-rO.Y. Them Is consldornblo oxeltouumt In tho upper portion of tho city almost n panic, resulting irom tlio provalenco ofsmnil-pox In tho city. Tho dlcnso hn made Its up. penraneoin hovoniI woll-kiiuwn families of tho fourth ward, and rumor husstrlckon down at least ten thousand men, women nnd children. Tho cpldomio of fear has .l .. ... ., """;" " UllUCl till 1110 SCIIOOI CIIIKircn, Ili,illlm...l..., nt .1... I.ll. ...I....1 i-vooiuii ui niu niu il .it lll'lll . lVIIIUIl j would end week, has boon iidjotirnod. While vo bellovo thoro Is no reason to bo alarmed, yol wo bellovo it to bo our duty to call the attention of tho board of health to the fact that emall-pox lias made its appearance In tho cltv, and has spread from strangers and negroes to tho families of well-known whituciti.ens, and that our people are becoming alarmed. Steamboats leave virulent cases of tho disease on our levee, and tho unfortunates wander up and down, spreading tlio disease, not knowing where to go, and shunod as much by the county and city authorities as by other people. The coiisefptenco i?, the dleae, instead c( being isolated, is being town broad cast in tlio cltv Who is rciponsiblu for this result? Whoio duly is il to urovldo uga'iiislsuch results? Tho board of health has had the duty of acting in such exigen cies placed upon It, and that board rhould taku prompt action. It should hiro 11 pest house nml employ some person or per sons Cain and Arnold would bo tho best in the city to look nfler nmill-pox pa tients and convey them to the pet house as toon as they are discovered. The Sis tcrsof tho Holy Cros. for 11 small con siiloraliun, would take charge oi tho pest house nnd earn for tlio patient'. Tho county court should also do something to wards defraying tho expenses of the battle wiiu tlio small-pox, uudprobibly will Whutever may bj donu should bn done promptly (ItlNKHAl. LOCALS. Our new steam llxlns and bran new presses are attracting great attention. Country produce is as active in Cairo as healthy 'Skippers" iuchee-e. Dr. Wadgnmar lejoleos In the posei. siou of 11 now daughter who it in oxcel lent health and weighs llltecu pounds, John Tanner, tho popular grocer, ud verti'es to sell lilt HoeU of groceries nt cost. Ho propone to go into another bul nuss. I'nrker and lllc aro rushed witli business in their line. Tbey aro now dc voting their attentien to thu I'reshvterian church, which they propose to make; as bright us a now pin. McIIalo has put tho levee idowalk iu good repair from Second to Fourteenth streets; nnd, what is butter still, tho plank road from tho St. Charles to Fourteenth street has been thoroughly patched. It can not bo improved, unless It is mended by making 11 new road. At tlio Ili'LLETtN office we nrc turn ...B ..iu ucst hiiiu 01 priming ,n jukuj below thoso of any city in tho west. Ao nrc determined, tinco the i.-suo has been made with u, to print cheaper than any body. Our cntor is in thu ring, s-kied recklessly, nnd wo have folluwetl it ready to meet all comers. There was no polico business yester day. Tho court was us gloomy as a dis torted banquot hall,and Attorney l'opo nnd I. M. Rross looked like revelers who hnd indulged in too much whlto beer at the bamjuct, and woro getting over tho In dulgence with painful slowness nnd in dreadfully bad humor. Henderson, who has built up an excel lent business by strict attention to his own business nnd by tho poii-ossion of tlio happy talent of rolling tho best kind of goods at thu most reasonable pricos,holptd outsome what by seasonable and di.-crwet advertis ing in Tin: Hci.llti.v, this morning nppcars in our columns witli a notice cull ing nttcntion to his now stock of goods. The dog of Cairo is dead, and tho Commercial hotel, in which ho wnsowncJ, is in mourning. Ho was a remarkable dog, and tlio observed of nil observers. In his youth ho became as widoas ho was long, and, when lie shutlled oil' this dog gish coil, measured two inches more around tho body than ho was long from tfiu tip of his 1100 to the end of his tail. Ro died calmly, as every honest dog should die. Marshal Cain is somewhnt indignant became 11 follow by tho name of WILon Is imposing himeult upon tho good peoplo of Decatur as thu murehtil of tlio city of Cairo, and Is indulging iu thu amusement of arresting lady culpilts ami "going through" their trunks. Sheriff Irvin has received 11 circular making inquiries con cerning "Marshal Wil.on, of Cairo," nnd intimating that our marshal is given to ways that lire dark and tricks that nro vain. All who know Cain know that ho is imt that kind of 11 man. lie is as vlitu ou us ho U happy. Since thu day the government weather station signal btntlon obeervntory or whatever thu wcalhor flxins aro called, was established In Cniro, wo Imvo lu.d a mean kind of weathur rain when wo should have had sunshine, minshiuu when wo should have had rain, snow and icu and wind, nnd nil that sort ot thing. Tho weather man is to blame fur it all, and should be hold to answer before the ollended public. Yesterday ho releiitod and allowed us to enjoy a pleasant hum or two, but two to ono ho will go back on us again to-day. Tho City Shoo store, tiio popular re sort for boots and shoes, has just received thu Inrgest nml finest nock or boots, shoes uud bh'ppors from tlio renowned llrdlnski factory, ovor brought to Cairo, and aro now fulh prepared with iholr truly 111111;. I ,.tn . 1.. I ukciiv eillCK IU Oil JII- IIIU Mll-lUg trill C, , . .., ,,' ... a u ; ' 1 , """ . Cl,C"l,Ur tl",,1 loWor & jools tlty, "'"1 SIIUOSIIHI an hi .ilcmcbrii.n l.l 111,. ..II.. Their t()c; .,. r ,,,, ', llllsii.. ,,.! , ,, . ' ... . " eniiurcn s shoes nnu oiipper ..-IVUI hislliig serge, Fiitln, fieiich, kid, morrocco, goat, etc. gentleman, youth nnd boy's, morrocco nnd calf-tonguo boots, prince, Al berts, oxford ties, etc., etc. Tho city shoo store Is the established nnd solo ngenoy In tho city for thoso goods, and tho public testimony to their merit, warrants tho proprietors to nay Hint thoy nro the best goods manufactured. Our long abused citizens in this regard may now, 11 they will, avail themselves of n pair of boots or shoos warranted to bo mado of gonulno full stock, oii'y, and will not rip or burst out. So no mistake may rt. I ...,!.. 1. il...t II I'll,. '"ii l"i" um 3 muii rmiiii. visj Klmn.lnrn." Tl.ov ,,llell their ,.trll nnd public, to call on them nnd examine - - . v. . - - - ..." their stock, to whom wo promlio prompt ami courteous nttcntion. a.8-l!2dlt. COMMERCIAL. Monday Ku nlDg, March 2'., I87J, Tlio general features of tho market aro unchanged since our last. liny nml Whlto Corn nro uctlvo with light ttock. O.Us nro dull with downward tendeev. Tonnngo is easier and rntes unchanged by boat, llarges aro tnkiiig IrclKhls at 27 per hundred nnd fiO cts for dry bids to New Orleans. Flour unchanged, best grades linn, low grades neglected. Country produce is active. Choice Rut ter in good demand. Eggs ruthcr scarro nnd hicher. Chickens In iniod demand Menl active. Pile weather is peasant, and it is pro liable that its present mild state Is really tho beginning of. Spring. Correspondents must bear in mind Unit our inside figures repreacnl prices in round lots from llrt hands, and outside figures prices for snles made in small lots or on order. v FLOUR The ben grades nrc in good demand ami firm. There is no market for lower grades. Sales woro 810 bbls Various Grades So 7o(i0 75 1&0 " " " from store U 0C(o,'J 7.1 1 car Various Grades Win ter Wheit 4 fiOfS 75 600 bbls Varioui Grades on o'ders C 00(11) 00 1 ear AAdel i; CD lnohhls Choice A AX del 7 50 100 ' Winter Wheat XXX del t.... 7 pTi 150 bbls Winter Wheat Choice XXX del 8 7o 300 bbls Choice Family del.... 8 75 11'J" Fiiimy Winter WhinttUl J 05 CORN. Thu market u unchanged, both fur mixed and white. .Mixed is In good tipply. White very senrce. Sales wore 12 cars, mixed, In bulk, on track 12cl8 .'! curs, mixed, in sacks, on tinck 52c 500 sacks mixed and Ye low del o3co1c GDUTSeks Yellow mixed on or- ' ders 51c 3 cars White, in sticks, on track ,',Cc iOO tacks White del o7c 1 car White in sacks on or ders r.?c lion .utu j.Atrn Choice AVhito on orders ."ScfTjCOc OATS. Continue to rulo dull, l'rlccs weal; and unchanged. Galena selling at Italic higher than mixed and Southern Illinois. Wu (pioto TijO sacks Galena on orders... J Ic(2(l5c 10 cars Galena In sicks del... 13c(o)llc 100 sacks " " 14C 1 car mixed in sacks del 12c t cars mixed Southern 111. in sacks del 12c 1 car Light Northern in bull: on track 3Co HAY. Tho market is activo and stiff, and tho stock light. Wu quoto 1 cars Choice .Mixed, dcl...$21 00'J2 00 1 " Red Ton. 17 60 20 00 22 00 1 " Choico Red Top, del. 50 bales Good Timothy, del. 2 cars Choico Timothy, on orders RUTTER. Choicu is activo 5 00 nt quota lions, witli u good supply in tho market. Sales were 1,000 lbs Choicu Roll 0c EGGS. Prices hnvo advanced '' cents ovor last week's quotations. The supply iu tho market equals tho demand. Sales were 5 boxes Mc 1,000 dozen Hi15u POULTRY. Receipts uro liberal and sales ready, tlio demand being good. Wh quote '-'0 dozen Chickens il 00 MEAL. Wo note u good market for meal ut prices quoted. Sales woiu 100 bbls Kiln Dried 300 " Siea.n Dried. J 80 J So 2 00 2 00 :i 00 3 00 100 " on or- ders 100 tibls Steam Dried, del... .-100 ' City steam Dried... 50 " Steam Dried, in small lots lllO libl Heeehiir'b Caloric on P. T. PROVISIONS. Unchanged uud dull Wo nolo sales of 1,000 Hi, Itacon, shoulders... 1,000 lbs " n 0M orders 1,-00 Hit Itacon, clear fides... 2 tierces Laid PORIC Woquote 70 bbls Mess Do 7c 8'c He 512 75 KIT V 111! I t'U inn 1.1.1. i i... . . ... WHEAT. Sale wore 1 car Red Winter tf 0 HiiAUTV'b Ui:bT Auxialiakv. Ask the bellu of tho sonsoii what nppo.ntmenl of her toilet-tablo holds tho highest place iu iier esteem, and sho will reply without u moment's hesitation, Hagan's Magnolia liiilm. jothing, hhu is thoroughly awaro, contributes so powei fully to en- banco her cluirins nnd rondor her irrcslsti bio ns Hint most delightful uud healthy Aux iliary of Reality, lly using it ladies 1110 oniifiled, long niter they Imvo pai-sed tho merlilini of lite, to preserve thu youthful bloom and purity of their complexion, and whoro naturo has denied that superlative attraction, thu llalm fully compensates for her doflolpncios. il-'JT.ood&wlt. Delay Not .Convulsions, wind colic, nnd griping In tho bowels of Infants cause denth. Mrs. Whllconib's Syrup Is a tried romcdy, It costs only 25 conts. 3-U7d & wlw WANTKI). A young man who has somo knowledge cf tho dry goods nnd grocery business j must bn active, quick, and not nfrnld to work, Ono from the county prefcrrod. Address, P. 0. box 1200. a-J7 3t MOTICH. Anyone wishing to supply him self with n choice saddle, hnrncas or work horse, enn do so by applying at El liott & Haythoriio's boot nnd shoo store, 110 Commercial nvcntio, Cairo, Ills. March Id, 1872. 3-'JT2t. If top feel dull, depondnnt, drowsy, lebilltnted, have frequent licadaches, mouth tnstes badly, poor iipjietite, nml tongue coated, you aro sull'er lug from torpid liver or "Rillloiisness.'' Nothing will euro you so speedily and permanently as Dr. l'ierco's Golden Med leal Dicovory. ;!-27-U&w. -Flower Stand, Mihs llaskets, Wiro AV.indow Surctns, llird CagCji', Japan Ware, Toilet Sets, Sponge and Dip liuthi, Infant llaths, Chamber I'ail, Units nnd Enameled Kettle", llritania Wnre, Coll'eo nnd Tea l'ots, Hair Wiro nnd a general nrortmont of Stamped and l'laln Tin Wnro. L-ist, but not least, Chaiiti:ii Oak Cookimi Srovns, to be hud at low figures at C. W. IlKMinii'.o.N'H, U-U'utld l'JO (.'nmmerclal Ave, niVKIUTEWS. PORT LIST. AltnlVKD AM) llKPAllTllll. ileamer. Where Irom. When. 10 GlellCOC Si Liillis. John T. Tolle N. Orleans. R. A. llihhni;i- Memphis Aiii-I.u Ciiieiiiuiiu... N. Orlei us. W. ('otto I, .111. Villi' Louisville. E C. Elli.itt....Meiiiphis... . CiiicitiU'iti. Illinois t'lilttmbu. Columbus. Frank I'orel..Mempln. CONIMTIo.V OP HIE P.IVKllS Thu fall In the Ohio it increwcing dailj, and it fell 8 inches yesterday. Tho river ut Pittsburg is now statbuiury. At Cin cinnati the lull in the Ohio continues, n.0 at Louisville thu r.vcr it fulling. The Cumbfrhiud river is again rising with 5t feet on Hurpeth Shiwls. The Itetl river is again rising. Heavy rains having oc curred near the Arkansas river, it is ugnin rising, and a fair tnge is looked for. Tim Missouri river is rising very fust, and has caused tho Mississippi river to swell n lit tle at St. Lmils, and it may lm possible that there will lc 8 leet In that river in 11 few days. The condition of the river be low here remains good, there Is about 18 feel In thu channel. IIL'SI.N'BS AMI WKATHLIt. There was n fair amount of business dona on the lauding yesterday. There Is considerable freight on hand awaiting shipment. Yesterday, it was clear and quite cold j the wind was iu thu north nil day. MIU KLLAXKOL'S ITEMS Tho R. A. Ilabbago left for .Memphis with a tow of coal for Drown and Jones. Her arrival will bo hailed with delight by the boats. Thu Kiniim C.Elliott camo In with u good trip of freight nnd pu'scngers for tliu Ohio river. The Indiana was compelled to lay hero Saturday night, on account of her crow jumping her. Thcro should certainly be somo kind of law t prevent boat crews from leaving them whenever they wnnt to. The Mary Houston had u splendid trip of passengers. She found tho Frank For est hard aground nt tho chalk banks ami pulled her oil". Tlio Jno. F. Tollo departed for the south with nbout 1800 loin freight. Tho Emma C. Elliott has enough orders from the merchant! of Memphis to load her with nil shu can curry. Thu injuries pustained by Joshua Clark terminated fatally hu-t S.ituiday evening, uud ids remains wcro taken to Villa Ridge on Monday accompanied by u largo num ber of friends. The sad and .udden death of poor Joshua has nearly crazed hit parents who idolized him, ho being tliu only child. IIIO MUPIIV COAL. Steamboats supplied at any time, both day and night, with either lump or chest nut coal, In nnv quantity, nnd on usual terms, at the yard at Grand Tower, Ills Special contracts ollered on favorahlo terms upon npplicuthm. II. V. Oi.VPllAXT, D. A. IlnKKb', Gun'. Supt. Sales Audit. 3-15-lv. I'll IL. HOWARD, STIC AM HO AT ttUTUUKU. City .Vatloniil lliinlt IIiiIIiIIiik, oa.upecl il allenlion pahl looplor- Irom .h mi. oat ii1 til' ir lav. 'ill A. MtUUCK liildnr, Ulu.stcrcr, Varnitliui- nml Fancy Paper Hunger, .Mattic-i .Nhiking nml Itupniriii. Klmii oil t'onilliercliil iivcnilti I" I'cn.v iliitiNf, IIk All orl elitruttt'd Io Ins care Hill promplntteiiliou. Order- aro Biilleltcd. riccivo dim, HLKUTION NOTICK. Niitico Is hcioby ulteu that 011 Monday, llie liiat day or April, 17.', nn lection will In. held nl tho Arnhcuifiio house, in loHhshlp 17 ninth. huiko I uoat, county of Alexaniler mid lnto ol Illinois for Iho iierpi" olehctins ono school illrector lor said lovnshlp. The poll will ho openeil nt tt n'cloclt In Iho forenoon, at il close nt (1 ii'i lii .1, m iho nllernoon o,f th" nmo iluy. j'lllll'iiV, IkcIiooI Dlreclora. M. II., I l'dihi JIt ilny ofMnreh, 1873. Id, TAX SALE NOTIOB. Notice la hereby ulviyi to Mary nryn, Mar. tin- Lewcoweie, nnd A. William, and each of you, llint tasnlot land nnd town 1 lots ailuntolnAlexnndercoiinty,llUnoh..fortlieielln. otient Mate, conn J, nnd dljtrict school fr the tear lew, nd coots, held atll.e Cour House, In Hip e it 01 ua ro, m nmu " "," !lay of June,187U. Ipurcha.ed the. MomnK a.-rtbe.! lotaiiuain in um vuj . ....i -- Alexn.ler, anu iainoi niinum, i-j-..,. . .Ot'.lilll llMICK HI, ill . " . j - -v- aul Mary "I'llrr in, nml Iota M and .10 In Mock W t'xed in t'h. nam. of J"i iiil Mnrtln I.eticowete, nml loi t m' block W, Uied ' n f ; ino,..s."?' n..f ti.KiittiH or 1 in ro tmtM ?r '"ai," lol, wlil.. V.Trc ; the ll. day of June, 1S72. ,,n..uM rnirW. Pun-haaer. March M.IM. ..' ,JSL- ST. 0I1ARLKS HOTEL, d. urxFoni), I'roprleto IllNtn OHIO LKTKC AND HUOMU T., Caiko, Illinois. 1m Only Firtt-Ulatf Houte in lite 6't'fy Ittt UstfKage conreyed to of Ire.'eearK. ml from Ihe I'epo ilerSil IIALLI DAY -BROTHERS, GBNEIUI. AGBN-TS FORWARDING and COMMISSION MUt O II A .N T f. TO Ohio Lnvkk, TAX NOTICH. To .1. I hump- 1, m il JI. emUh. VoM ir v niHin.l th' i -aleolloit ami I a f r he il. lii.ipieiit -tat-, e 11 ly anil net eh'fl tx' ol the yeai 170 ami ton, In Id at UieO..'1't II' ll.e.loon. OlIO.Meiatl. eiiolll.t), lllm-.l", on Oi" S'.ih day of June, 171 the UI..'riE!ied pur'll'd the Illi.lTlilel Oil. half of hr orili- -t nr.ff 'he oull,.we.t quarter, llie llleim"! one-hail .1 the t .piaiter ot l'ie ,.lltl,.i.. t l the til lilt (le. one. half ol the oiiti. e.tfiinrter ol ii ai,uih.rt quarter 01 nation lour iu. iii-.iii. nth. an I ratine three ( I) et, ..f ll rllteeli ............ tin ruliuii. H..el l FI.U (il 111 tbei am IJ.' . ........... l. ... 1 1 1 b.l,,kl-,l in 1,1 I 1 J. I IIO ' I' "11 HI,'. ..'. -. ..iii.ty nml state, ami thai the time nn bj n for Ihe reilnnption. f -mi Ute 1 1 I explie en ihe ifrjin daj ot Ji.tie. 173 Jilll.N IIODflhS l'urcha..r. Cair", Ill Jlareh l, leTi TAX NOTICH. To Ilarrell, bier tti'i A Co , nnd all other ton eertie.l Vou nro lurrby noliflrn that at n sle of l"t met laii'i lr 'he elmqii. m -ta" .ouniy and il trict "tie ol tone- ol lie year 'H-s ami n-slr, h.ld at the Couit Home Moor in raiio, AIxanUer eonnly, I I11101, ", ihanlil of June,lt70, it.e ilailei. icue.1 )rehaeil lota No I, 'I an,. 3 In Wh It .No. I, an.l lot No. 1,2, 3. I, S, 0, 7. , S ami in. In Mwk .V. . a.-.-''!, lie,l ami aji.l n thennineof Hsriell Merlin A Co.. tuate.1 In limine, and Overtj' mldllion Io tho t.n of Tli-I.".. in id county nml tate, ai, lots beidK obl n lorfeiteo property, ami that the time ci'eii by law li Ihe redemption of nl lot will explie on lhoihdt) of June, ls73. ' JOHN IIOIiuK-. I'urchar. Cairo, ID.. Mirth ISto, 1 7.'. dH. TAX NOTICi:. nlan. John Utll.tailh a To Mary Jordan, John (itlbiaith and all others eoncrneil. a aro hereby iioiifle.l that at a a'e .,( I.n.l ml iiiwi. ami ritv lol for Ihe .1. hnnuent lair, tnunty and dilricl school tale of Ihv year lMI0nn'.'ts, held at the conrt home .lour in Ctlro, AlexamlT cunt). Illinois, nn theivlth day of June, 170. the iindeiicne, .urcl.i..JI me 1. 54 nl Ihe N W. n,r. of section flie (5) i.onhii Inurteeti (III eouili ami n lanpe one ttet ol the D.1I'. M., silunle.l in aid county ami tate, and that the time Ki'cn by law lor ilm redernfition ol sai.l preinise will expire on lhi27th day ot June, 173. and that at tlio Mint le for the me tnxet he'd at the ame 1 lare on the '."nil day o June, l7o, the iinlcrslxneil alo lecam the of ti.-11(tln of I.01 No 13 in lllock No. XI, in the Hr.t nddiiion i the cny of Cain, 111 aid county and tate. nml tbn' the time w'lv n by law lor the redemption of anl premue last decribe.l will eipiru on the "'th f June, 173. Al.KX. II. IIIVIN, I'urcha.r. ATTACH. M K.NT NOTICE. A. N. 1 hnney, ilifendant, i notified that on the llth da) nl Mai h. a wrli ol atlaehmrnl waa i.-uctout of the clerk' othce of Ihe Alexander county Circuit Court, in the state of Illinois, auHinsI your e-lnle, returnable on Ihe tlr.t Mom diiy in April, 1672, at ihe slut of Jatne. V, Llem son, plalnt'tt, for of f0 Jand nrcnnni; inler. ft, whichvirit hn len execute,, nnd s.ld suit 1. now 1 endiiu; In said ourt. l'nl. jou hall appenr on ib return day theteof, judj!ineiit will be entered ncauist you, uud tin Karnihce aerved In :u. I cause lequired to imsM.r, and to dealt Willi nccoidinir to law. Dated March lfWi, lt7'.', JIUI.N J HAIOUN. Clerk. Allen, JliilUcy A Wheeler, ntl' tor jdaintul. ).in'21w In . ATT AC 1 1 M KXT NOTICE. A. N. Cianey, defenilanl, i noiilled that on lvio llth. lay of Marcn, ls7.', n writ of attachment at I.. lie. I oil' ol the clerk's otllco ot Ihe county Circu.l Court, in the state of lllium, ni4ins. Jour est. 11c, returnable on the 1st Monday In April, IsT.', at Ihe suit of 'I hoina .1. Unt, plain HI, for 1I1 1.11m nl Jl-J ol and accruini: inter t st, w Inch w nt ha been mecuted nnd said suit 1 now pendine In .inl court. Uul jou shall nppenr on tliv return di) 'hereof, judgment will Ira vnlered iu!ii'ii.t you, and tho K4ruihee sertiil in said cause required tonnsaer, and bo diall will nceordinir to I iw. Dated arch l'th, 1K72 JOHN (). 1IA1IMAN, I lerk. Allen, Mulkey A Wheeler, atl'is lor plalnlitl. Jair.'lii It. attTvciim i:nt notice. A. N, Ch'ine) , deieiidaiit, 1 noi died that eji Ihe I Ith way 1 f Mux I., 172, writ ol idtacbtiyB'.ta issued nut 01 the ch tk'a olhce ol iho Alexiiniler coiiiilj Cir. ml t on t, ill the stale of Illinois, nintis l Jour isiite reiiiriiiihle on the tirt Moli na) in Aim il. A. D. 172 ut iho Mill of Nmh iu M. 'lhompoii, ihunldl. hd the sum 01 ilia b'l nnd licctuuiK iliteie.t.whli'h w HI ha l en execllied, ni.d (( slut is now .ei 11111; 111 said 1 ourt Un less )ou 11, car on the it turn day Iheieo'. Jib Itluell' will laj . te.ed nuaitist jou, mil in ji'nlsh e n-iu-d 111 sod eaii.i riipurf"d to nnswir, nnd be d alt with nicordii.K to urn. ImtiU.Mnich 16th, lb" ' ,i JIN Q. IIAHMN. Clerk. Aden, Mulkey A Wheo r, ut ' or plaiullll. j n.lwlw. MASTER'S SALE. of Illinois, ..xui,ler coiimj, . Alex tinier county Circuit Court. Allred 11. is . lord t. me iinliiiown neira of MnrJ npi Inu'er, ileceii.ed. Ill I" lor ""iOsi lllor'B Kf. No'itit isheichy tfl" tut 111 piirsiiiioci. on He ellleled 111 tllO U'l e t lllllK.''! ll 'I.e. la ulil. our , an the l!)tlnly o Januarv, ..i., ion, I.JohnC.. uimiiii. ..nstcr in J. nnnceii .1 ai,i Coiitt, will 011 (he 'H'to ..ay ut March, A. D.. IB.?, nt 2 o'clock p. in. ol nld oay, sell at pilbli ten dim to the hiiihest hnhler lor ciihii, M ine Iront doorof tho Colin lloue. In thocltj of Cuiro. Hi -aid i.oimtv mid Mnle, tko olh,wui ile.crbcd renl iiitf," i"-wit . Lot nuinbcr tluriy-ihrte (.ill 1111 thu uue lnilfol lot nuinheie thirty-lonri ) winch lie ndjii ninK to said lol Ni. ihirt)-thrci i.iill ihe same uuiiiK III" north or aeat halt ol sum ,,i ib-ied ihlrty-lour (M) nil in 'd'" ,.,reil lllty.loiir(6l) 111 tlio cuy of O.tiro. " ine county 01 .Mesnniici enn niaiuiu """', ...! jimticr I'h nil nnd sinnulir the tenement mm hcuuiliiiuclils Iheieto oelnmtiiitt w lUIINCJ. IIAllMA.?' March 1 172. Mnalcr I" ' Chancery. Urceii a (idle rl, Koiicliors jj.ivr, JAMES KYNASTON, Coascn iS'iMTrtuin anb I'onAa Btnrw, OAtltl, ILLINOIS. OlIVS nml HlniiKhtcrH only tho very best cattl, Yj Iioki and sheep, and is prepared to fill any ueiuard for fresh meals from ono pound to tan thousand pounds. .le:2'JU