Newspaper Page Text
hook nixnr.KY. 0A1UO CITY HOOK BINDERY JOIIX II. OIIKIH.V A CO., roniir.iOM, Bulletin UiiilhinK, corner of 12,11 direct ami Wnliiii;toii nvcuuc, Uniro, .llllinof. All kin la of IHndln?nnd Ituhne 'b,! ten lool pf Hat n eni-aped D' 11" it Mr. IIeI. who li lin.r innny experience, In one. of best lllnderle of H. I-oui'. "Superintend thU r.tnbliahment, we ran B.lenlly tirnmlatour patron work cUl to ' of hut Ulnderr In I he wel. . THE BULLETIN. J0I1NII. OUKIir-r, IMItorand Publisher. Tili-nmAV JIonsiNO, March 28, 1872. Iht ofMii paper ol Aleramler ronnftnml 0 the city r )i i.(e-iTi!Yil journnj tmnU, 6uf Icarlem out ;n(m on U-uhJc(i 0 (nlerert fo the ;inMie; Hi( a larye. nfvi increasing circiuiiun, ic ui.uc Im nolinh thepatronngeoi intelligent imc i and Tiuhi or Ttir. DAti.r Hiilctini ISulirWifi'on.J Oi-n week, by currier '- Une yearby carrier, inadtanco.., 10 it) Ono month, by mull 75 Three monlln (2 Six montlm, I '25 O.10 year w THE DOLLAR WEEKLY 1IULLETIN. John H. Olwrly A Co. hare, reduced the ml acrlption pnen of tho Weekly Cairo llullelln to unt ixyinr per emnum. innuinir 11 ine cnenprrii pn psrpubllthed in Southern Illinois. The radlcnls of Ohio nro strong for Grant, but insist that tlio immc of their mnn Den 11 it on must occupy tho second plnco on tho ticket. DlQ'ercnt county conventions held in tho ttnto aU, express thii profcrenco. Andy Johnson U visiting Niishvillo TcnnuM eo,, nnd tlio politicians thereabouts nro much exercised with tho fear that ho may run for governor of tho state. If ho does, ho will probably give tho administra tion party somo trouble. Merchants who huvo been anxious to work off their ftock of ten and cofl'co in anticipation of a fall in price consequent on the expected removal of duties on theso articles, mny dismiss their fears as to tlio lmmcdiuto result. Thu liouso.bttl nnd son- nto bill in rcforencototho subject nro said to bo totally unlike, heneo tho one will nullify the other. The Connecticut election takes "place next wouk, and botli political parties are in tho field prepared to work. Ex-Sunn-tor Doolittle of Wisconsin and Judge Carponter of South Carolina will lobor for tho democracy, and Senator Ferry ami uon. Jiarnmun of .New Jiampshire, with sovernl lessor lights of radicalism will work fur tho administration party. Sknatok "Wilson called on Sumnor last week sent by tho high priests of radi calism of "Washington city, to And out thu rrocj-3? stto of that acntleman's mind on carried tins declaration of Sumner's to his waiting confreres : "Wilson, do not deccivo yoursolf. Von cannot mislead 1110. You arc hero for Grant. You cannot chango my judgement of him, nor alter my opinion of a party that will longer shield his wickedness and yield to his dictation. Go to Connecticut and proclaim to tho peoplo what you con scientiously know to uj untrue, but pump not mo for politics." A representative of tlio Brooklyn 'Euglo' who has interviewed Stokos, tiio assnssin of Fiak.eayg that in nnothur month the prisonor will bo 11 gray-headed man. Ho has in his coll two canaries purchased from tho stock left by Fisk, and tho pic turo of Jn's only daughter, ten years of ngc, now in Vienna with her "mother. This child is said to bo very precocious, speaking tlirco languages and accom plished far boyond her years. Sho is described as "a beautiful littlo irlrl. with u vory sweet facu and wplomlid (lowing liair. IvAIiical shoots enlisted in tho tcrvico of Grant aro permitted to loudly boast that "Iloldcn, of North Carolina, who has been impeached and removed from office ; J.eed, of I lorida, who has been impeached and will bo removed : Bullock, of Geortria. who ran away to escape impeachment; bcott, or South Carolinn. who is liablo at any moment to travel tho samo road ; Clayton, ol Arkansas, who stands n llvM.. chancoof being kicked out of tho United States Senate all theso carpet-bag Gov crnors and ox-Qovernors lift up their tune ful voices and shout for Grant." We have iieceivei) tho firt issuo of tno Mlssftslppi Valley 'Globe publifhed nt Capq (iirardeau, Missouri. Tlio 'Globs' is an clght.paBei y.y newspaper, and presents a very utlraclivi) appearance. While it is tobaduvoi t UmintereUs of Capo Girardeau and viehiity, t is hs political in character, and " buVtovin.. the administration of Gon. Grant to bo 'm tho main, wite, successful and patriotic, ' u win lauor lor His re-election. Not see- Jtig through tho spectacle of tho -Globe, wo cannot endorse its position in tin'. respect, but wo aro pleased to place it upon our exchange list nevertheless. Ba.A Baltimore dispatch savs: Th ccclenlattlcal invchtigation of tlio charges iigaumuio Jiev. Jir. Huston, for alleged immoralities, wiy begin tills week. 'J'h ttxamlnlng cornmitteo aro tho Ituv. Mr. Alison, of tho "ashiugton district, Mr. Gardner, of FrodrU-ksburg, Va., and tho register of tho Maryland Agricultural college, 110 lialtlmoroans being umong thorn. Tho-Investigation will probably continuda month, nnd tho proceeding!, will bo private. Tho charges iuclude almost nil grades of Immorality. Letters aro Wg received from Kentucky, Ohio and (;Bla relullvo to Jiustoii'n previous career. BGi.lho B&11 prmlcUr.0 chronicle road this in a younu W0lniiI1 dlti Mon. day-Awful heudwhe. Wonder f Helen calls lo-day. Know sho i dying to And out liov my green silk ilye. Sho hm called and kissod mo twice. Tried to leftrn If Shanks visited ofton. When I .. ... ... . .. Itt. ,1jtn snug, tlio malicious tiling unci, uu, " Emily, wrap up when you go in tno sirect this wealhor. Your volco is losing iw clcarnes, darling.' Wish sho was dead." n.01lvo Jiognn recently met Gonoral Forrest, f Tonncsseo, and appears to havo been somowliat astonished to And l,l,u 1,0 of gontlomauly manners. "So great was my surprise, " slio writes, "that I laughingly said'. 'AVhy, General, T tliouglit you woro a desperate tnonstor I ' 'Madam,' ho replied, 'probably tlioto northern soldiers nnd oillcers who woro your informants, during tho war scarcely remained long enough in my Immrdiatu neighborhood to bo capablo of Judg ing." 6Qy- A petition to Congrcs to prohibit tlio calling of any moro children by tlio namo of "Gcorgo Washington " is in cir culation out West. Something llko tills is due to tho memory of tho great irgi nlan. Tho modern Gcorgo Wellington lies mid steals outrageously. Ho Is nl roady In jail In various parts of tho country. Tho leaven of that "littlo hatchet seems to work on nil who bear tho name, and In tho death of cherry trees, their mischief rises to tho lovol of ovcry crimo upon tho calendar. ttpu Laughing gas or nitrous oxldo has sins cnouL'h of its own to unswer for and should not bo held accountablo for death from other causes. It now seems that tho death of a lady in a dentist's chair in Now York city was in no way cliargcablo to tlio nmcsthotic, which, in fact, was not used in her case. B9u A gentleman in tho vicinity or Philadelphia recently lost his wife, nnd a young miss ol six, who camo to tho funeral, said to his little daughter of about tlio samoago: "Your pa will mnrry again, won't ho?" "Oh, yes I" was tho roply; "but not until after tho funeral." BQl.A Jewess in Cleveland, namo un known, gavo birth to six children on Sat urday afternoon, nnd soon after expired. Tho children all died immediately after birth. Tho woman resided on St. Clair street. LITEttAltY. Tho April number of the Magazine' is embellished with engraved portrait of Charles 'Kclcctic a finely Sumner, which, as tlio publisher announces, initi ntcs a series of tho moro eminent men in American public life. The portrait of Mr. Sumner is a very handsome one, nnd tho series will impart exceptional valuo to tho current volumes of tho mngnzinc. Tlio leading article of tlio April numbor is n suggestive essay on tlio "Lator En glish Foots," including Swinburne, Itos- settl and Morris. Tho remainder of tho contonts aro highly varied and interest ing, nnd embraces "Wanderings in Japan," "Brougham and somo of his Con temporaries ;" "Dickens in llolation to Criticism;" "Notes on F.ast Greenland:" uf -t 1 .1 - ... -. . ...... Mendolssolin and his friends;" "John Bright;" "Serpent Clinrming in Cairo;' 'Tho Kriegsspel, or Prussian gamo of War;" "A Conversation," bv Arthur Phelps; and "An Old Himalayan Town." Tlio remarkable story of "Tho Strange Ad ventures of a Pliteton," by William Black, is continued, and the editorial departments nro full as usual. Published by K. It. Pulton, 108 Fulton street, Now York. Terms, S5 00 a year; two copies, !( 00. singlo number, -15 cents. Tho Inst two weekly numbers of tho 'Living Ago' contain : "Wanderings in Japan," 'Cornhill Magazine;' "Sir Henry Holland's Uccolloctions," 'Quarterly Ilo- viow; "Tho Jleligion of an Indian Pro vince," 'Fortnightly Itcviow ;' "Mahom- et," 'British Ouartorlv lioviow:" "Tho Fourth GospuV 'Contemporary llovlow;' 'Tim Krli-ettppV 'Frazor'it Mann.llio :' "English Rural Poetry,'' 'Cornhill Maga zine ; "1 ho Situation in Franco," 'Econo mist ;' tho continuation of "Tho Storv of tho Plebiscite, by tho distinguished wri ters MM. Erckmann-Chatrian, nnd of "Off tho Skellig"," by Jean Ingolow; besides short nrticlos, poetry, etc. Tlio subscrip tion prico ot tins a I pago weekly maga zlno is i?8 a year, or for $10 nnv ono of tho American $1 magazines is sent witli tho 'Living Ago' for a year. Littell Gay, Boston, publishers. a itrcii widow. m. t . Jlrvaiit 8 nartv rocnivnd u-bll,, in Havana many courtesies from Madamo Oviedo, tho heroino of tho diamond wed- umg in rov ork lu 1858. Tho Itov. J. ii. urytim writes: "Sho was a Now York girl, named Bartlett, who married, somo years since, a rich old Cuban with ft tlnrm of African blood. I am told. I ro nl,r lliero was a great riolso about it at the, limn in tho Now York papor. and llin vnt sums of mono v that wero snout nttlm vm. ding. Mr. Oviedo did not live long, mid his young widow now lives in ins spacious and splendid palaco, in all tho luxury of a princess. Wo called upon her Sundav night, to tiianU nor for kind attontinn, and found her ulono with nnothur widow, a isior-iii.iaw, younger than sho. Mrs. "vuxio u an intelligent woman, 'talks like A ,', uml fl'ums to understand all about he poUtk. uf th0 island. I ,,,,, told sho . "r uves hur business. Sho ' " 'V;..'tatlo,, near Man- .... . sum MHn1it tlirt annul, lire Thu income from it' . 8oo no ve Slicis strongly in r;v,!; early, xation dco not tall; but siivs sho about it culib U'l'tto Amori- A DIKQfSIKI) htm.lieil. A Detroit ninn, who had contributed n bundle of his cast-off clothing fur tho relict of tho victims of the Minnesota llr.i. received from ono of tho sufferers tho foil lowing noto: i.'i-i... tn.. jiiu L-uiiniiHiy uinn giv mo omoncbt oinor tilings wunt ho called a iiaro of jiHiits, aim twouiu maKu mo pant umo to ware 'cm. I found your namo an whero you nveu on ono oi tno poUits, my wife ailed so whon I shode 'urn to her that 1 thot kliu would havo n conipshun (It. Slio want, to no if there lives and brethes a H',U'' .Ny.l!,1., k' Ker than that. . . " ,u,u w.n 110 oner to bo takon like to get 'am to hang by the tidu of tho flro jiluso to keop the long In.' -r r T' . 1 mvi" 110 vis b o means of support. I coldnt get 'em on my " j" " boy, ho 1 used 'em foruuii cues, 'm- havo anothiir Pare to timrn mv u,ir.. .. .. , THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1872, THE MISSISSIPPI. ITS IMPROVEMENT BETWEEN ALTON ANDBT. LOUIS. AN ELABORATE PLAN SU11M1T- TK1) 11Y TIIK HKOKK TAKY OF WAR. AN APPltOPltlATION OF NEAHLY HALF A MILLION DOL LABS ItKCOMKNDKU FOB THE PKO J EOT. Wasiiinoton, March 'JO. Tho sccro tnry of war ha transmitted to congress n statement from the engineers' department, submitting plans for tho permanent Im provement of tho Mississippi river bo- teen St. Louis and Alton by a board of cnglncor olllcora, nppointed to invostlgato tlio present condition of-lho rivor between. those two points. Tho recommendations nro as follows: 1. It is proposed to cloio the channol west of Ellis Island, so as to throw all tho water through the eastern or harbor chan nol at Alton. This is to bo dono by a high or low dike, as, may ,bo determined upon. 'J. Tho board do not bolievo that lliero nro valid grounds for apprehending that tho Mississippi will change its course so as tollow into tlio valloy of Long lake, or will form any considerable channel through It. 3. Tho proposition to provont, or at least lessen, tho erosion oppoiito tlio mouth of tho Missouri by roopening Mobilo chuto is worthy of consideration, and they recom mend that tho snags and other obstruc tions which now obstruct tho How of water through that channel bo romovod. 1. They prefer to protect; tho banks in Sawyor's bend by revertmont rather than to adopt tho plan of dollecting a portion or all of tho voluuio of discharge through Cabaret slough. 5 Thoy nro of the opinion that the river throughout tho entire length of tho city front of St. Louis, should nnd will ovent ually bo mado to flow In a pormanont chnnnol, nnd that the eastern bank of tho river will havo to bo brought up la a lino parallel, or nearly so, to tlio opposito city leveo at a distance from it at low wntor of notjvertl,'J00 or 1,000 foot, and rendorod pormanont. Tho presentdemands are that from Biscliofl's diko down tho East St. Louis levoe, tho chnnnol should bo con fined within tho nbovo limit. To do this thoy rccommond tho raising and extension of tlio two Venico dikes and tlio long dike, nnd thoy bellevo that wlion those dikes shall havo been built as proposed, tho de mands of business will soon cause tho ri parian owners to All in between them, and to connect tho end of tho dikes bv a continuous lovec, thus giving 11 permanent river bank as demnnded. 0 They point out tho necessity for, and recommend, careful measurements of the slopes and volumes of the river at the highest nnd lowost stages, nnd careful sur veys of tlio bsd of tho stream at all places whore tho general navigation requires an Increase of doDthnt low. water lirtwenn St. which tho loifowlng estimates uro submit ted: Forerection of a diko at tho harbor of Alton, six feet nbovo low water, $40,000; for tho protection of two miles of bank at Sawyer's Bond, $M2,'JUG2; for tho extension and raising of dikes in tlio northern harbor of St. Loul? S107,3i3 90 for a survey of tho Mississippi rivor from St. Louis to tho mouth of tho Ohio river, 30,000. Tosai, $10'J,C35 52. In addi tion, Lieut. Col. Reynolds likowise recom monds tho appropriation of $,J5,000 for the romoval of obstructions in Mobilo chute, as well ns the employment of the snag boats provided for western rivers, recommendation in which tho secretary concurs. Ho therofore recommends the appropriation of $135,000 for tlio purposos uamcu. (JltANT. DID HE SAVE THE COI NTISV ? I'rom I he Cincluiifiti Coininercial. iiioiervcni i-ornoy wa, wu supposo, justilicd in bulng able and eloquent when lauing leavo oi tno employes ol the l'hil adolphia custom-house, but the charitable hess that wo havo for twaddle on such oc casions, largo as it is, will not cover this " I remember Grant as tlio man who saved my country and yours ; I remember how no seized our cause when it whs sink iug almost for tho last timo, and boro it to victory ; I remember his patience and liia persovorenco; I romembor how ho avoided complaints to tho authorities and appeal to tho peoplo; I remember whon iticli mond foil ho refused to ride through that conquered city at tlio head of his victori ous army, uut quiotly ruturned to his fam ily then in row .lorsoy ; I remember how ho abstained from' the presidency till it was lorceu upon mm, aim mat, but for him in 1808, wo should have bcon defeated oven by Seymour nnd Blair." A moro slckonlnir specimen of svon. pliancy than this was never uttered. Mnku the most of Grant's military record, and wo aro not disposed to bulittlo it: nnd tho assertion that he saved tho country is an untruth, a slander and n folly. It is an auti-Uepublican falsification of history. Tlio man who will shout ovor Grant as tho man wno saved tho country, bus but one moro stop to take, and that not a long one, to become a monarchist. They utter stuff who uso sucn purascs, as unit when our canto was sinking for tlio last time Grant seized it. A tcachcV who would allow a pupil to writo such lliisornble. falsification in a school exercise without rebuke, would deserve dlschargo nnd condemnation. Tlio spectaclu of mul titudes always seeking excuse to worship somebody running to idol worship hcacl long is discouraging to those who desiro topromoto tno uitimatu triumph ot Jtc publican principles in tho world Why Grant ret used to ride through Klclimond wo don t know or earoibut it Is necessary to say that tho exceis of modesty claimed for him in this easo bus not been shown in his innumera ble journuy ilnco tlio war. If there Is deep anxiety fur retirement uml ii modest longing fur quletudodlsplayed lu tho sixty llioumnd miles in .peelal cars since the lall ol Uichmond, wo fall to eeo It. After 1' orney a talo of tho negotiation that led to '"n l"fU'' ltUUi tor, 1,10 l'resldency, in which that-olllcu was dickered about in tho spirit o a horse trade, ho ought not to have relurrcd to Grant's remarkablo abstinence fpim f lin limIilr.tiin 1 1 ...... f . . irom tno presmoney. ij0 cvlduntl v looked upon it as a question of money and per tonal position, not of usefulness nnd dlir- uiy. An i u ii n true that no ono but Grant could havo saved us (runi Seymour and lilair if -lio mint go on saving the country ovor and over again what is to become of us whon he Is gono? Is tliero any uent capablo ot succeeding mm t or U Lieutenant Fred, likely to bo grown in timo to tnvo us 7 , ARIZONA HOHUORS. e.vcitino sceneh ok ltkvknue and Bloodshed. I'rom the Hjn l-'rnnclwo AUn, March 17 Tho recent bloody scones enacted at Adnmsvillc, Arizona torrltory, have boon roported by telegraph, Wo havo been parmlttcd to copy oxlracls from two pri Vttto letters, which woro written by eye witnesses, and which corroborate former statements. Ono gontlaman wrltos on tho morning of tho 3d inst, ns follows: "Wo nro in tho midst of an Intonso ox citoment. As I wroto to you, McFarlnnd has been murdcrod, and no traces of his remains havo boon discovered ; but n Mexican named Gandarn has been sus pected of killing him, or at least of know ing something about tlio business. So on Friday night a party of tho wlilto settlors headed by Charles Mason, went for him, which resulted in tho killing of Gnndara, not, however,, until Gandara had killed ono of tho attacking party ono Charles Burdoll. This occurrence mado tho Mex icans furious, utid it nhirmcd us so that wo dispntchod nn express to Camp Mc Dowoll for troop', nnd also to tho gover nor for protection. It so happened that tho covornor was onlv twentv miles off. with a dotnehment of troops, and ho Is horo now with twenty men. This lottor Is written in tho morning, and Adnmsvillc promises to bo livoly to-day. From nnothcr letter of "later date wo learn somewhat of tho scones that followed thnt day: "Had n kind of a storm at Adamsville last Sundav, from 10 o'clock A. M. to 3 o'clock P. M. Oho thousand pounds of ammunition and two kegs of powder wero burned, ltcsults wore: two Mexicans killed, ono wounded, and ono American wounded. Among tho killed wns the notorious Manuel Beis. The Mexicans nro much excited, and many nro leaving in squads for Sonora. Gov. Sal ford was thero with a squad of soldiers, also Col. Morrow, pavmnstcr, with his escort. 'Marshal' Uickenson was also present, but tlio boys meant 'biz' and tho troops could not preserve tho peace. American citizous havo mado up their minds on tills rivor that nil Mexican des peradoes must travel. I am hero with a party to search in tho well of Pancho Gandara for the body of William McFar land. Wo had tho rumor ycterday that the Pimos had found tho bbdy with tho arms and legs cut off, but on marching here (Black Water) last night found it to bo n false report. Do not anticipate any furthor trouble. " INNVltANVEt w. ir. Monnis, Notarv Public, U. 11. CANVEE No. Tub. anil U. 8. Com. ULTSTTZRIE! FIBE, HULL, CABGO, LIVE STOOK ACCIDENT, LIFE, HTS-O-RAlNrCEI .KTNA, HARTFOBD, Ast J5,Ma,60l 97 NOitTH AMZIIIC'A. I'A.. AsietJ 2,763,000 . HAHTKOED, CONN., Asset 2,54V-1 I'1 i,iei,,o ou INTERNATIONAL, N. T., A"",t ....1,SM,318 17 l'UTNAM, HAnTronp, Asicts 70C,W 0 CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Am-1 515,073 8a HOME, COLUMI1UH. 015.271 ii AMEItlCAN CENTRAL, MO., Assets 600,000 00 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIKE, Aet ot TRAVKLEK'b, IIAItTFOIlD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Assets 1..WO.0OO Ot RAILWAY 1'ASSENnEllS ASSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, A0ts- 600,C( i INDEPENDENT, 1IOSTON, A0t C30,S(,1 SAFFOUD, MOItltlS & (JANDHH, 71 SHilo Levee, City National Hank, CAIHO. ILL. FIRE AND MARINE I2STSTJ biAlTOE ro.MiMxn: A,8flts J1.13C.2IC 2 Aw,et .' '. 1,068,721 73 HANOVER. N. Y. Assfls ..72C,8G2 00 UEI-UIILIC. N. Y., AsselJi .711,025 00 ComprisiDK the Umlerwntera' Agency. YONKKRS. N. V.. A 678,161 fl ALII ANY CITY, Ai'tH 153,1113 23 ' vikkmk.n'h FUND. H. v.. Ainota, C78,bOO H6 KKCURITY, N. Y. MARINE. AkeU. 1,132,613 00 SIOltKH, Ilunllingi, Furniture, Hiilla and Car. got-H, in.-iired at rutea u fuvuiiiblu aa aoiind. lieriimncnt aeciirilv will vturrunt. 1 reBiiwdully auk ot tlio citizeDs of Cairo, a ahare ol thxlr patrunaiie. '. W. 1I170IIKN. - -J . .. J.A PHIL. SAU1', (Suvccaaor to I. Kaup.) WIIOLESAIiE AND RETAIL DKtLEU IN CONFECTIONS. FI REWORKS, TOYS, NOTIONS, ETC., 10'J t'oimncrt'lnl Avfiuie, bptweeo Nlslli nud Notentli Nlrcela, Cairo, Illinois. COMMIHMION AND rOUWAKDIlfU. 0. D. WILLI AMSON. PUODUOKAND' f - ' - - COMMISSION MEltOIIANT, No. 78 4lllo I.CVCC, CAIRO, I LM NC 18. eSpccll attention nl ontcra ii7 m7 ritcd lo coniigtitnti. IIULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION' And Dealer Foreign Fruits aud Nutj No. 134 C'jmmorcial-ave., oils; r.uxois. C'LOSK & VINOBNT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AUD DBALBES LIMB Ckjiknt, Plaster Paiiu, PL A ST Kit E It'S HAIJl, Corner Elklb Nlrcct ul Oblo l.rvcr CAIItO. ILL. MILLER & J'ARKKH, GENERAL COMMISSION FOKWAltDINO MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Outs, Hay, etc. AGENTS for FAIRHANK'S SCALES Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. STRATTON & JJIRD. (Successors toNtratton, iludron A Clara.) WHOLESALE GROCERS KD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Lovce, Cairo, Illinois WOOD RITTENHOUSE, FLOUR AND General Commission Merchant isi mun i.v.vvv Cairo, Illinois. J. M. PIIIliLII'S & CO.. (Succeiaors lo Ii II. Hendrick. A Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS AMD "WHARF-HOAT PROPRIETORS WfgSSMUral AUrancfi mr C'onalgnineui",. f IIJiOD Are prepared lo receive, ilorc an( orward Irulglitn to all polutaund buy act! ell ou cotiimihiloD. 'Buaineaa allenileil lo promiitlr CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. 64 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS llov22dtf JOHN 11. nilLLlS & SON, (Muccemorn to Juo.D, I'lulln,) GENERAL COMMISSION FORAVARDINO MERCHANTS, AN DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Meal, Bran, &c.; Cor. TENTII-ST. and oiiio levee CAIB" II.K D. Z.MATnUSS. t. C. UHI, MATIIUSS & UHL, FOBWAEDI 3T3- AND UhM-.UAL. Commission Mtjrciiants dealers in HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE No. Ol OHIO LKVER, A Slit St$ AIKO.ILL hio.v wniTKit. CARL L. THOMAS, "WBITBB now prepaied lo tetpond promptly to all de manda for hla aerviue, SHOP-COR. 8T1I-BT. AND CoMM KltCAL-A V III the Perry llouvr, CAIRO ILLINOIS. rCRNITOHK. he 1 ' tr' O w W Otr tli w C h3 ta o w s, H O V. fj w S3 I I r: 7 C3 O o o c 1 a o 9 . a 5' M 3 a L I i r. O O r I hi H CO i-B O o 8 i-3 2 6 a P. r? r (5 "2. 5' a? c c a' t p us P3 IS' KD M I I s v. p w 1 y rr; 5 O r. c PS h2 V. HI H c: 8 X o n O r CKA. KlIOtMHIVIl. Hit MAM "CHICK CIIAS. SCIIOENMEYER fc CO FURNITURE ROOMS, UPHOLSTERING Mattress Manufacturing I'll ml I ti r Itrpnlrlng, PICTUItE FRAMING. All order promptly attended lo. NORTIIWKJtT COKNKII or WASIIINOTON AV KNUE AND TENTH feT CAIRO, ILL. O. Drawer 12M. lan'JIf. IIOOKN. IIUTCIlrJtia. JAKE WALTER, BTJTCH IE IR, AND DrALtS IN FRESH MEAT, Eiqutii Street, IIetwken Wasiiinoton and Commercial avenue, Adjoining KIIIpiiIioiina V lliiimy '. Keep the l.eit of lleef. I'ork. Multon. Vra LhiiiI), Hauaxe. etc., nnd are prepared lo acrre t.Mtfiii id in mom ucccpiahic n antivr. JAMES KYNASTON, lulcticr aud Dealer In all Illud I'rrHli jieni, CORNIE .NlVlTttVTlt AN a PuMAIl &TItT, CAIIU, ILLINOIS. BUB and nlaURhtera only the verj heil rattle, Iiori and Mieep, and i prepared lo Ell any demand for freah moan from one pound lo ten thmiwwnd itounUn. Hit l.OJIIKK. S. WALTERS, PtALtatN HARD and SOFT LUMBER ol eTery description, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, orders solicited. Steamboat Lumber, Furnished on chortmt notice. Commercial-av, bet. 10th and llfh-sts., CAIRO ILLINOIS. y7 ELECTION NOTICE. Notice la hereby clven that nn Mom ay, tho r day of April, 1872, mi election will In-Vl'l'l tho ArnlieiiKlnn huo, in toHliaMp 17 o tlV .n.. 1 weat. county of Alexander a 1 Lt r Illinois, fur tho iiurpuae ot clecth,,' one school director lor sahf lonsliln. Tim poll" wil bo opened lit U oVIoel; In the forenoon,' .",1 cliaont 6 o'clock lu the afternoon of Iho .amo day. I'. Ill'UU, ) , J. It. Jinn, .Scliool Dircclors. ,, . . ,, M, ll.llAuum, I ruled Ihn 21st day of March, 1872. '' t ) W W So 3 O 2 2 d" H H k t u fc fc G - y u 2 y g i o a a o - ? O 5 u 5 a S ) 'A i " - 53 w w 3 o o my i MAI.OON. A. SUSANKA, Proprietor MAGNOLIA 'SALOON And Denier In Foreign nnil Uotnealla WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS 1)7 Ohio Ijcvco, llplwret. Ninth and Tenth Elreeta, Cairo, III. deuUH EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND ROOM. BAR- JOHN 11 AT KM, Proprietor. 1UC Commercial Avenue, CAIKO, ILLINOIS riet brand of Callfc UCIjara Juat racelrcJ, HI 1. 1. UHI) aaloon Inrnlohed with the Wnt ol tablet : and liar anmilled with nine, li'juora an. I elsara of lh lino. I liranda. I It Y ii t ( t N. Tl. FALL-WINTER. C. 11 AN NY. '70 LAKOK STOCK. 1IROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, TICICIiTa-a. UU ECKS, AND STRIPE S, KENTUCKY JEANH, EXTRA, OASSIMERS, I1LACK ALPACAS AND LUSTERS, U AOS') RAIN SILKS, POPMXH. LARGE STOCK OF CARP.v.TINO OIL CLOTHS, MATTINO, Window NliiuNa, (JILT II AN Da, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMAHKt). VERY LOW FIGURES. 5.-A CORNER 8tII HT., AND COMMKRCU Cairo, Illinois. eplllf HIM.I.KHY. JOHN II. CANNON k CO., tjnaceiiora to K. 0. TUTTLE A Co., Wholeiala IVealeri in MILLINERY GOODS, 502 .V. 1'ourlli Slreel, Cor. St. Charlci, ST. LOUIS. HlxTialalten llongifen ordtrt, leand fatufae lon uurraute4. 2 ll.dlai KEAL, KNTArEAUF.NT. 0. WINSTON k CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AUD AUCTIONERS, 71 (SECOND FLOOR) OHIO LEVV CAIRO, ILLS., Ruv ano Skll Real Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH AilSTRACTS OF TITLE A t prerara CKKTeyanrea of Rlnda. OAK FITTKHM. H. T. GEROULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER AND ALaaiN UAH FIXTUKEH, f!aa Filter's. and I'lamher'a malerial, Woo piunpa, g ul un.l anxle valvn, atop oock-M, check valves, etc. auo aokit rou Tiilts llrollierN Pulcnt Ilry Meier And Slnrehause, Wella li Co'a Aulomatlo Water indlcaiar and Supply Valve forateam hollr. WINTER'S IILOCK, COMMKRC1AL-AVEKU WILLIAM KHLERS, Favihlonable HOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWENTIETH HTREKT, A llelwcen Waalilngton aveuuo andJPoplar street CAIRO, ILL.