Newspaper Page Text
aifu ettiu JlHlUitlHiii mm JOHN H. OBERLY & CO., TIIBMAILS. arbivk. nrpAitr .Vorlh, Thrown iWWa.iii. lOOp.m ' Way , ihCOplrn. 4:") p.m. Konlh, Way 12. IS p.m. " Tlirniith N. O., Mem. hln mid Culnmljti 2.30 p.m. 4.00, o!im Illver route, (except Monday) ;Wp,m. 0.uO"p.m. iron Mountain K. It ll:(KJp..n, lls. (titer route, Tuesday pi mt Friday a.uop.m, 7.00p.m. Unities, Ooose Inlati.t X Hnntn lllii., Ihursday A Krl .lay ; 0:00 p.m., Mayfleld, lllandvillo anil Lovolace, Ky 11:00a.m. 4;00p.m. orricr. ittiim. O-mrul Iielirery iMunday 8 o'J n.m.) onty Order department W i.m, 0:00 .later " ' " " .( a.m. rVoop.m. oney Older and Ileil.ler department no on Honda) . OUR CHURCHES. I'nKSnV.TKniAN-Kliitilh.atrret. I'lejchlnK fablialh at !! a. m., anil 74 r. m. I'ra)er meeting, Wedm-iday ut 7J4 r. w. vinday Htli.iol, 3 p. x. J, M, Huper intcudent. Iter. O. II. Kootr, I'a.ttr. MKT HoDIST-Cor. KikMIi ami Walnut feta. "'teaching, Habbatli lojj . n,,nnd 7 r. m. I'rayer meetn.jf, Wednesday, 7i r, i. nunda) ncliooi If a, I.. W. fitllaell, rtn .-r -4 Liendeut. Heir. K. 1..TiiumI'i, Pastor. JiLKlll OK Till: Morning prajera, Habbatti 10JJ a. M. Evening, prayer '''f. u. hahbath (school, 'J t. Mi I'et, Ma. Coax, Hector, t. I'ATItlCK'-i CIII'KCII ior. Mntli St. and Waahlngton Avenue, .-ViMl -ervlce. "..bUtli "J and 10,'; a. w. e.per-. 3". . lllnlx) .-vl.ool, 2 r. . wiilw 'iy, nr. m. Itel. I. J. O'll U.L0BA.!, I'rle.t. jo.Nfi MKVriCHHIsTIA.S ASSOCIATION IteK' ular meeliiiK x nii'l Monday each month at tl.n I'rayer room 0 f I'reaLyterian Church A'eekly I'rater meet nit, Friday, 7 r. m at .he Prayer room of the Presbyterian church. C. I'u, I're.ldenl. I'HIOAN METHODIST Fourteenth, Utwe.n Walnut anl t'e.lar. service", Habhath, It a.m. ?uailay h-'hool, r. x. CaaaUr. x. -IXOND HIKE-WILL BAtTIST Fifteenth Ht. Preaching-, 7) r. . Iter. Win. Jacnaou, I'antor. between Walnut ami Ceoar. bejvicea babb.lh, 1J-J ami 3 r. m. Her. N. Kick, I'a.lor. e Ki'.K WIM. liAI'TlrlTIIOME MliMltM M'.N AT SCHOOL Corner walnut and Cedar bta. umlty School, a. h. illVT FHKK WILL HAI'THT CIIUKCH-Cur-ry'a Barrack, errice., Habhath It a. w., t. u. and V, r. . Iter. Wh., 1'a.tor. filtsT MISSIONARY IIAl'llaT CIIUItCII-H. t ween loth and 11th lrets, near Cedar, i'reachtnc SaUath 10JJ a. M.,anil 7; r. M. I'rayer .Meeting. erenin. I'lewhlUK, hrniay eenlii)(. AbUthn houl, I", r. h. John Van Ilaiter and Mary .V.ephena sii'erint.ndrnta llek. T J. Mior.M. Panto SECOND IIAl'IbTtllCltCII-l'OUiteenth atreel, I etei n Cedar and Walnut; hf, Jacob hmd lej, Kloer i the miiIj llapllat Chiircli recosniied i y the Anwiatlon. r-erkee, fcun.lay II n'cloek e.ui., at 3 p.m. and at 7 p.m. Jacoh BeiMtr, Kl'lcr. SECRET ORDERS 1 , THE MASONS. Cauo OojixAxurir, No. 13. htated Aembly it the Aaylum Mnil Hall, flratand third.fca irdata inracn mootti. C'Atko Cicu. No. "4, I eijular Conrorationat aaonic Hall. the eecoiid Friday inaoh munth. Ciku Cii.rria. .So. 71. 'tegular Comoc.tion it Masonic 1UII, on the third iueaday of eery SCaiLu lyjoot, No.)7 K. A A. J IteKUlar Com. muuicklions nt ManoniR Hall, tho xvond und lourlli Moudaya ol e'li month. lULra lyuuui, .No.W F. A. M. I.eftulai Com liuulcallona BJ Ma.onlo Hall artt and third 1 huraday a in each mouth TUB OIiD-KEI.LOWS. AttZAXCtk Iuur, !. Meeta In O ldFellor'a. Bell, in Art r'a UuiUiuk, err-ry Thursday tu nil, at 7 o'clock. STATE OFFICERS. STATE OFFICKUS. Governor, John M. i'lilmer i Lieutenani-Governor, John Dougherty I Kecietaryol i-ute, hluTd Hummel i AuJitor of blate, C. K. I.ippincott , SUte TreAturer, N'. Ht ; supl. I'ubllo luntructlon, Newton llatcnmn. CUNUKES.SMKN. ienatora I.) man Trumbull und John A. Lopin I'eprei-eutallTu lor the niMt? ut Lurae J. L Meterldiio. neprcentatire Thirteenth 1)1. trict John Jl eb.. A K M II E US G E N E H A L ASS E M B L Y. ticnnlnr, lm lnntrict I'. A. h. Ilolcomb, ol 'nion, .ind - K. Hi!'!.. in, of (i ilUlln. Kepreacntulno, Ut I ltrl t II. Wntaon W'ibb , COUNTY UI'FIOEKS. - CIRCUIT COURT. in.lii I). J. linker, of AleiHiider. . roiecutmi! Atlorucy .1. F. MiCartuey, ol Masi.ui Ciri-ult Clerk Jno. Q. Ilarmttn. Slientl A. II. Irvln. A m. Martui, A.eior nnr1 Ticamrer. COUNTY COURT. JuilRe F. Ilrom. Aaio.-.H'J. i. McCrlteund H. Mnrclilldou. ClerltJm-'olj O. l,vn;h. Coroner John II. Oonanian. MUN 1CITAL GO VKHN MENT uyor .lolin M. I.mjilfn. I'reaniiler J. II. Taylor. Couiitro ler K. A. Burnett Oik Michael llowley. -i r.hal Andtow Culn. Alt. rue) 1. II. Puna. I'nlk'o Hiigutrutea F, Urosn and It. HhaD e.ay Chief ol Tollce I,. H, Myern, ril'.I.KCT COUNCIL. Mayor John M. I.nnaiien, First Ward-I". O, echuh. Second Vlurd C. It. Woouwaril. lhiril Ward Juo. Wood, fourth Ward 8. Slant Taylor. Oityt-I.ire W. I llulliday and D. Hurd. 110AKU or ALDKItvirv, J'liwr WA1U .lame Kearden A, II. Mall'nul, lstao Wulder. fiF.COSDWAHD-Il. H.Cunnmslim, E. Uuder, . John . r-tnncll, Jamvi tiwayne. THIRD WARD Wm. 8tratton, John II. I'ui'IIm. 0P.TU WARD John II. Robinson O.U.Heaae, Matealf, PROPRIETORS. I TI THE BULLETIN. BUSINESS LOCALS. Java Impkiuai, Tka nt Jlrlstol & Stll woli'd. 3,4tf Try tho .Jnvit Iniporlnl Tcn,nt Ilrlitol it S'.ihvcll'a, 2-5-tf. Oo to Dr. McGnuloy for Rsttlnrjor'i Kr vor Drops. Wurrnnted to euro tho chill'. For tub best St. I.otiU lager In tho city, to Illiinkotihiirg'a Excelsior in loon. , tf, St, I.oiiln lager beer just received nt thn ExcuMor saloon. F, Itlitnkcnburg, liroprietor. tf. imi'ortki) Mulngii grpo nt .loren oil's, corner of Twentieth street nil J Washington avenue. II Wo hnvo no heitnton in recommend ing Willium Khler', boot mid nhou tnukor us worthy of must liburnl putroniigo. W'n know wherefortj wo spunk when wo say his work is hi my in a masterly m inner nt the lowest prices. Ho tiles nothing but tho best of'stock, nnd ho cannot bo excel!- I in tho delicnto tusk of making it ri ex act lit. (live hirn n onll nt his shop on Twentieth strott, between Wushingtott avenue und Poplar atreet, nearly oppnsito the court houc, nnd we will guarantee satisfaction. I'at Fitzgerald, of thn sample rootns bus received tho appointment of agent for the tale of tho Hammondsport, N. Y., Ur- batia Wine C'ompnny's wines in this city If tho bottle with which wo have been favored if n sample of tho quality of these wines, then wo are prepared to say that they htu among tho best we hare over tatted. Hu has Just received n largo con- Ignrnent, which he is prepared to sell at the lowest figures. He has also on hand a largo and complete ttock of tho various brands of Irish, Scotch and American whiskies, and wines of e?ery variety. janl'iltf ii-ll.ll3W. THK LITTLE KKNTUCKtA.V, No. u3 Ohio levee, is Vie phce vrhero they keep tho freshest Mh nnd game, and he llnt-st wlnp, liquors and cigars, to bo found in the citv. Dinner only twenty- live cent". Open day nnd night, nt all l.our. J. E. 1'ark, Proprietor. 3-1 tf. . HIU.I.VKHT. Mrs. Anna L'ing, on Eighth .troct be tween Washington and Commercial ave nues, has just received a flno spring stock of millinery goods, consisting of hats, bon nets, ribbons, notion, etc., etc., to which she ntk. the attention of the Indie of Cairo .Mrs, Lang will tako pleasure in showing her goods to all who will favor her with a cjiII. 3-0.1 in. TO KENT. Tho undersigned offers for rent a com modious storo room on Eighth street. Tho house is new and furnished comploto with shelves, counters, gi, water und every tiling needed. Tho lacation is onoofthe best in tho city, and offers a gond oppor tunity to a srocery or dry good man. For particulars inquire of It. S. CuNDirr, Cor. ol Sixth and Commercial. 3-20,tf SOLD OUT. Mr. Joseph Mendel has sold his grocery store, nt tlio coruer of Tenth street and ashingtou avenue, to Mr. Joseph Ilross. Mr. II has taken possession and will im mediately stock the concern with a full and coin plot o assortment of the freshest nnd choicest groceries nnd provision-, which ho guarantees to sell nt prices as low ns can beobtained from any other estab lishment in tho city. He hulicits a share of tho" public patronago nnd promises in return prompt attention nnd courteous treatment. 3-8 dim. rAHKKP. i 11 LAKE. Parker & Mako have added to their well assorted Puinl, Wall Paper and Window Glass establishment a regulur painting business. Thoy huvo engaged Mr. Curl L. Thomas, who Ih.s been in tho painting busincs in Cairo for tho last 10 years, to superintend tho painting and pa per hanging department, nnd all work en trusted to him, or for which ho may con tract, will be duly acknowledged by them, and will bo executed witli neatness and dt'putch. Si mi writing, plain and fancy painting, paper hanging and decorations, calrominini:, graining, glazing, etc., done at reasonable terms. Si-Cif. THE FURJKADE. II. LEW A CO, PAY TUB IIKII1KST MARKET PltlCK. llelnw will bo found tho corrected list of prices paid by H. Lovy & Co., for hide, furs, feather), wool, tallow bees wax, nnd nil kinds of country produce. Lovy .S: Co. do n very largo trado In their lino, and it is a woll known fact that thoy tilwnya pay tho highest prices to bo ob tained in this mitrkut. 7 hoy nro now paying for furs : Mink S2 00n: Kaceoon ... IloiifO Cat Musk Hat. 00 CO 10 a 10 15 125 Opossum Ottor 6 00 n 7 00 Hear Skins 2 00 a 0 00 lleaver. nor nound C0u70 HIDES, PER POUND Deer Skins Ileef Hides, Dry Salt '' " Green Salt OTUF.ll AP.T1CLE3! Tallow, par pound Feathers, " " Wool, " ' Ueeswax " " 27.aa7 'ji' On 7? r0 a 05 00 a 70 25n28 Tho ubovo prlco list is aubjectto corrcc nun, Dki.av Nor. Convulsions, wind colic, and griping In tho bowels of infants causa death. Mrs. Whltcomb's Syrup is tried remedy. It costs only 'J5 cents. .V27d & wlw CALIFOItN! FRUIT. Just received at Ilrlstol & Stllwoli's canned llarlott Pcars,Apricots,nnd Muscat Grnpes. Also n full assortment of best brnnds of othor canned goods. No. 32 Eight street. 3-4-tf. ORAND BALL! II T THE CAIRO T. PATRICK'S BENEVOLENT fcOCIKTT. A grnnd ball will be given by tho nbove society on Knstor Monday evening, April j 1st, nt bciieel hall, bvcrybody is invuou to cotno and huvo nn enjoyable ovening. COMMITTEE Or ARRANGEMENT! ! John llyland, P. O'Latighlln. L. J. Hyrnc, Jno. W. Hogsn, Dan'I J. Gallgan. ARLINGTON HOUSE T. H. Ellis, proprietor, corner 7th street nnd Commercial avenue, Cairo, Ills., Is prepared to nccummodato the public with board by tho day, week or month, at lower rates thun any other flrst-class house in tlinoitv. Tin) romns am nil well fur nished, light and airy, good sample rootns for the accommodation of Commercial agents. Tho houso is locnted In tho ccn terof iho business part of the city within one squaro of tho post office. 4-9. tf NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Having removed my boot and shoe shop to tho north ido of Eighth street, between Commercial nvenuo and Ohio levce,,oppo siteinyold Hand, I invito all my cus tomers to call on mo in my now quarters, where I shall keep on hand and manufac ture all kinds of custom-mado boots nnd shoes, nnd guarantee in tho future, as I hnvo done in the past, to give good work, good stock, good fits and perfect sntisfac tim. Phillip IUuuii. 3-8-2m. RURNETT & CO. Hioitr.sT oa! it prick paid For. hide runs, etc. Messrs. Ilurnett & Co.,Thornton's block, Tenth street, are prepared to pay tho high eat cash price for nrticles in their line, as follows : furs. Prime Mink. S1.75 to 2.21 . COc to 60c 10 to 10 40 to 0 10 to 12 , &.00 to COO .. 5.00 to 7.00 " Raccoon " Musk Kst 11 "Wild Cat " Opossum " Otter " Heaver Skins. HIDE!. Green Salt 0 to 10c Green Salt, kip and calf. 1- to He Deer Skins 'JO to 35u For other articles, such as rags, feath ers, bees wax, wool and tallow, wc vill day the highest market pricos. Kespectfully, otc. Burnett & Co., Thornton's block, Tenth streot, Cairo, 111. tf. SEWING MACHINES. We have Just received a largo stock of now (improved Grover ic Ilaker's sewirg machines. They stitch alike on both sides. We will sell family and manufacturing michinesvwith tho privilego of paying by monthly installments, giving tho purchas ers choico betwicn lock-stitch and Grover & Uakcr'i elastic stitch. Ilcmembcr wo learn you to run all machines bought of is. We also keep on hand sewing ma chino attachments, needles, silk, best sperm oil in bottles, or you can bring your own bottlo and have it filled. In addition to our sewing machine de partment, wn do machine embroidery. dress and cloak making, stamping for either brniding or embroidery, nnd nil done with block stamps. All orders from city or country will rccelvo our prompt attention. All persons wishing nnything in our lino nro respectfully requested to give U9 a call and seo samples of work, 189 Washington avenue, between hloventU and Twelfth streets. Postoflico box 'J28. 3 13 lm. II. F. Gooiiyar. St. Louis Advertisements. MKIIII.'AI.. A "H00KF0K THE m"iLLIOn7 MAURI AGE GUIDE. A Private Counsel"! to the Married or Hi iv ahoulto uurrv un tho ntit aloli.iiicii. mvierl-Hiuid rerelntlons of the piexual )ltrr with the latest dlaeovenes .n nrodui'lni: and pre- v -tinK ntti.prinit, .rt'ervlnar tneCMin jiiexion.Ac. Till, la an Inlcrc.ilnK orl: of to IminlreUiind ih. uty Kttr pauea, witn niimenaia en?rnvin(!, nn eonlalna valuable inf .rmatlon fur thox-uhr "h niKrried or font, mplate marriage; rtillil la a i k t.iat iiahl o l. uniier lock and key, and nol 1 , careleasl) about tlie houne. -rnttoan) oil. tliee of pi.slai e) lor Ml cent Addre.a Dr. llutt"' Dispensary, No. 12, Kluhlli slteel, St Louis, Mo ft oilre lo tin- A fllli-ted nnd Unfortunate. lie Ore applying to (lie noionoun (toacke ho adverilro lu tm public papers or using auy Ijiiack reinrdiev, peruse Dr. Ifntta' work, no muller Hliat your uiseaae Is or how deplorabla your con dition. Dr. Iliitta can lie consulted, personally or at mall, on mentioned in his uorka. oltii-e, No. VI N. Klftlilli alieet, bet Market and Cheidunt ft Loma Mo. mvwdwlv LOOK TO VTOUR 0II1LDRHN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY lira. ( Clireaeolio nnd ftrlpinf; i t'rlre. WlllK Onil'S J in tho bouela, and fa- I ti (jjrup, ellilates the process of f Cents Iteelhlnir. J Jlra. r riubduea convulslf n j I'rlre, WIllTCOMB'S and jvercomea all dls- I 25 Syrup. ' ease incident to in- (Cents. I feuta ami children. J Mrs. f Ciirea diarrhea, diaon. I'rlrr, tVIIITCOMU'S tery aiuleiiiiimercom. I 25 tsjr'.p. ' plaintluchlldtcnol all f Cents. I "tea. ) It Is tho Orent Infant's and Chlldren'a boothlnR ttemo 'y in all iltaordera brought on by Teething or any ether causo. Prepared by tho UfiAfTt'N MEDICINKCO., bt. Louis, Mo. JohI ny DruXKI'l8 and dealers In Medicine v.i-"linn. ny7dw0m AVOID QUA0KS A victim of early indiscretion, tausingnerioiis debility, premature deca, flc, havlOK tried in vain every fdrrllsed ten fdj, l as di'trtend simple ineana of self-cure, vhlch he will send frea to his fellow. auflerers. J. II, Iteeves, No. 78 Nassau street, Now Yoiit. iiujTilnly CAIRO, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1372. Our Homo Advertisers. i INNVKANt'R. W. II. MOJtntB, II. II, CANDEK Notarr i'nbllc, No. Tub. and U. 8, Com. IISrSTXRDE! FIKE, HULL, OAKOO, LIVE STOCK ACCIDENT, LIFE, JCTNA, HARTFORD, Aet J5.MM0I l7 NORTH AMERICA, PA., Aet 2,783,000 W. IIAHTFOKD, CO.VN., Assctr 2,M4,210 7r P1IWNIX, HARTFORD, Aiaata.. 1,781,148 Si. INTERNATIONAL, N. T., Assets.. 1,.1W,308 17 I'UTNAM, HARTFORD, Assets 706,D37 O CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Aset 515,673 86 HOME, COLUMBUS, Aasta.. 515,278 43 AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Assets rJO.OOO On CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Assets :to,ujo,000 TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Assets. 1,500,000 01 RAILWAY PARHENOERS ASSURANCE CO, UABTFORD, Asieta. fiOO.OOCi s INDEPENDENT, BOSTON, Assets M,lt,i SAFI'OHD, 3IORRIS &, CAN'DEE, 71 Ohio Levee-, City National Bank, CAIRO. ILL. F. UHOSS, FIRE AND MARINE I im lira nee Aceury. TRIUMPH, CINCINNATI, pX,i" NEW ENOLAND MUTUAL, LIFE, Assets, orer .G,b.i,noo A.N'UHOKU Filth' A'D 3IAKIXK Of St. Louis. Hollcns all kinds ol risks'. V. IlltOM, ocliTtf Agent, Cairo, Illino'a. FIRE AND MARINE IZSTSTJ biAlTCE I'OMl'AMK N1AOARA, N. Y., Assets 1,43C,21C 7 GERMANIA, N. Y., Amets . 21 78 HANOVER, N. Y. Asuet 72ii,t62 Oo REPUBLIC, N. Y., Assetn 714,(125 (a Comprising the Underwriters Ajeney. YONKERS, N. Y., Aaiiets 878, HI U ALBANY CITY, A-elH 453,193 St fiukmen's fund, . r., Assets C7$,t00 0i BEQURITY, N. Y. MAI.1NE. Aetn 1,43'.',M'J 00 STORKS, DwellinRs, Furniture, Ilulla and Cat woes, In.iired at ratea as favoiable as aound. permancut aeeuriiy wl'l warrant 1 respectfully ask ol the citizens of Cairo, a share ol their paironaiie, '. Ill'till FN. I.II.M1IKK. S. WALTERS,' HARD and SOFT LUMBER of every description, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTb, DOORS, SASI1, BLINDS, orders solicited. Steamboat l'tjmber, Furnished on shortest notice. Couimorcial-av, lot. 10th nnd llth-Bts., CAIRO ILLINOIS. T7u Our Home Advertisers. run u.s. BARCLAY BROS., OHIO IiCVEE Cairo, Itts DBTJQ-GH8TS SAKATOGA SPHINOS IX FCLL SLABT AT BA"i Vk DRUO STORE. Farm Ht'rri.t, I.aili, MOUKINO BIRD FOOD ail ariDT roa est wiriioiT raot'iit At Darclayb'. f E I, M II O L D ' g GHAPE f CATAWBA ) 1 f ORAI'K 1 PILLS j CATAWBA iJ GRAPE Git APE (.CATAWBA ) ( ORAI'E ) PILLS ad all nr HELrinoLii'N jir.nimiVB rRESH from first hands, Always q ttock In latge supply, and for aala b Barclay Itroa. ivit m o r. i v 1 1) ASO or hale ky thcClaaai Ilolllr or (.'nllou AT BARCLAYS'. IQrExTRA Fink Cologne; HayGENUiNE Imtorted Extracts; ItSrllAIR, ToOTU AND NAIL BRUSHES &INDIA HUBHER NURaERY Goo." AT PURE WHITE LEAD AMD l'URE FRENCH ZINC. Vest grades in arge stock and va riaty, very cheap; AUOi Full Link of Colors, nr and in oil; Paint Ilruihes, Linseed Oil, WhitewasL I'. Jslui, Turpentine, Varnishei Etc. etc., ILL ElaOS AND 1TANDAED QUALITIES At Barclays'. DRY GOODS FOR SPRING OF 18T2. J". BTJBGEE HAS BEEN, AND OONK AND DONE IT AGAIN I Owing to his large sales ot FALL AND WINTKR GOODS he found it neees-arv to aKiiii vlnltthe Kislern Market and will return within a few day witu a huudaomo stock ol JDttlT 0-003DS. llcvili toe ill thn attention of lluyrra to his very coiii letc, largo and carefully selecleil STOCK OF GOODS His foods can not be surpassed, and ho solicits u comparl.on of G-OOJOS .3ST3D PEICES wl'h those of sny houae which you have been ac cualrmed to deal with. Ilu atnek will iv ii'ist of IIIISII l'OI'I.I.VSi, NII.HN, ll.II)S, ItKri'S AMI Itl.ACK AI.I'.VI'AS, And all other sorts of SUMMER DRESS GOODS. He also keepa a largH slock ol I.aoe, Trim. hiIiik iCnibroiileries, a great ancty of Hhawls, Ulolus and Casimores LOW PIG-TJEES. He alaokeepa a variety of Ladies' and Chil dren's Hhoea and Clothing of all ciio- and pricea. btiicl; Full alio tomplelo allthrouKh, Call and see, for it will pay, 3.10-tf. J IlUIUiHlt. WA4JONS. WAGON MANUFACTORY. For Salo nt Wbolcsalo or Retail COttNER 32U'Sa,UET AND OHIO LEVKk Cairo, Illinois, noviiir J. p. axnmx BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AV Our Home Advertisers. Z"::! tMXl,K ""KHH. aiYTii & CO., ; j WHOLESALE OHOOEUS, j OHIO LEVER C I It O . I liL I 91 HI H, Also, keep conatantly nn hand a moatVom plete aiock of Xiica'troiis- SCVTCII AND IRISH WHISKIES .(SI N S,- I ort, .Madorla,ShorrVHnd Catawba W me- ft 1MYTII A CO. sell eielu.ltely for LV. which Taut thef invite the e.n!il ,itin. 'I in l elo.e barumn biiyeri". Scih attention qivr.n to Fillino Orilrrs ' IIO.lK.N. CIMS. SCIIOLMttVIH. WILLIAM HI II KK CIIAS.. SCH OENM EVER & CO FURNITURE ROOMS, L'l'HOLSTERINO A.NO M attress Manilla cturi ng I'll nil I II r ltialili'K. PICT U It K FRAMING. All orders promptly ntlemled to. NOKTIIWKST OF VTASIIINO'ION AV KNUK AND TENTH ST., CAIRO, ILL. P O Drawer twi. lanOtf. mi;. Mitni:it. CARL L. THOMAS, 5XO-T WBITBE a now prepiied to respond promptly to all de mands for hi" aervteea, SHOr-Coit. 8ni-sT. and Commkkcal-ay In Hut l'vrry lloiwr, CAIRO ILLINOIS. ltl'.AI. KJsTAlK A41KNT. 0. WINSTON & CO., REAL "ESTATE AGENT AND AUCTIONERS, 71 (SKCOND FLO0U) OHIO LKVKB i CAIltl), ILLS., Uvy and Sell Heal Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OF TITLE At I prFr CiveTnces of Klads. w w i. V, A - g 2 2 s 5 - S S s s s fj : 13 18 S 5-3 J K r. -3 t W ) -3b - ; K $ O 3 S o 3 , C 3 ) ? S - ) c 5 i a ( . o o 2 .2 ri'it.MTimi:. i-i cc C Li i II a a, I Sr. S Cj r ' t c 5 ts 111 I . g ? g 2 o I H c o S P 3 H ""w r-1 2. 5 2. L; " rS." 5: c- P cr C s-3 3 ta I i a. - W - v "i. cO :s h t j -ci 2 2j i I PS t H lo 2 i- A Our Homo Advertisers. S OMJIISMQ.N A.M IOllAHIII.., O. D. WILLIAMSON. PltODUOE AND CO.M.M ISSIOaV M BUCK ANT, So. 70 Olild l.rvce, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. ""Sin-cl,! attention BITen to con-lninp. and oriA, GROCER ANUCONFI'XTK): "MIEIHCHAITT. 1 . n..i. v n . , . And Dealer l-oretgd Frails and .Nut No. 134 Cj.naierciiil-uvu., Cairo, Illinois. CLOSE & VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS A.1D DEALERS 1 1ST liiiXJC Cement, 1'lastku I'arib, AKO PLASTER Klt'S HAIR, Curlier KIkIiIIi Ntrcot nml Ohio l.-vp CAIRO. ILL. MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS fob FAIRDANK'S SCALES Ohio Lkvbk, CAIRO. ILLS. STRATTON & BIRD. (Successors to titration, Hudson Clark,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, Mil COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illimis WOOD RITTEX II O USE, FLOUR Asn General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Caiiio, Illivoih. j. m. Phillips a co.. (Huccea-or to E. II. Ilendrk'k A Co.,) ITorwai'dins? and Commission MERCHANTS AM WH ARF-UO AT I'KOl'RI ETORS h3a,Llberal Advaiue. n i "I'On.eSiP,. kVTi. CoiiMKiimiinu. a1 Ar prepared to receive, more aiii "rwan tieiniM to all polui and l.iiy a eell ou co:iiuiii.aion. rerBii.ineHi attepileii lo orornptlv CHARLES M. HOWE & CO.. O KNE K A L COM M 1 SS 1 ( )1 AMP FOUWARDING M ERCI1ANTS. No. Gl Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS nov22dt' JOHN 15. PI11LL1S & SON, (Suiccssors to Jno.V, rhillls,) GENERAL COMMISSION AM) FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ASP DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Meal, Bran, etc., uoit. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEB CAIP" ILL. D. Z.MATI1USS. c' VUU MATIIUSS & Villi, ami u.Ni:-u' COMMISSION MKRCHANT3 PKALEKS IN HAY AND WESTERN ritODUUU So. ill OUIO LKVEE, t SUt Stt., AIRO,ILL