Newspaper Page Text
St. Louis Advertisements. cCOKMICKAI.YOV, Agent. DOTY' 8 REVOLVING KOAI) SCRAPER. t,'nA.,E4 .Nn "OMMR Pr.ll DAY CIKAIt ... .n 'cr',P'"f (over nny other forum r Ti?. n ",",) "' !h eonlrtctom ig (hem. Ft to thousand bow In us prove it merits. Addre.s, DOTV. WATSON k CO., MTdlM. 101 H. Jlttln hi., Ml. Louis, Mo. AKK YOU GOING WEST? If so, take our ndviceand ptirpluss your tickets overtn nlil telinhle and popular .Mmovi I'a. cine IUiliiimii which I positively the only line running three daily express trains fromHt. Louis to Kansas Hiijr mill 1 1 1 u weatl ninl is positively the only line which mil' I'lilliinn p.iln sleepers ml fine ilny com her, (especially for movers) equipped with Miller'.' rnteiy'form, anil the patent sleam brake, From fit. Louis In Kinaa, H. colt, Lawrence, Leavenworth, Vehl. foil, Hi, Joseph, Nehr.skn City, Cnunill Hind. n-1 Omaha fthnui change I For Infoimnlloti in regard to time table., mins, Ac, In nny point In Missouri, Nebraska. Kansas, Cob,, ndo. Texs-.nnd CHl.r.rnln. call mem i,r aildie.s r, II. Thorn mm, agent, Mls-o irl Pacific- II. It. Ctnlimbus. Oli o i nr, h. A. I'iinl,ttnTAl t'asscrigcr Agent, Kt. Luuis, no No trouble lo nnwcr questions, .1-Cwly. AG ENTS WANTKI) Forn entirely new nnl fncltntlng work oltmu sual interest, THE HOME OF GOD'S PEOPLE The grandest anil inns', papular bank oil', now filing H.irr IIihm mi) ntln-r Htm- I onka enm bllsed Nearlv 00 nilpeil, Ktlltr .vlllgs One Agent took 114 nr.irn In o IUI,, ,,,, clinic to make money rdteied, A good Agrn' wanted in eviy Township, w' Inr our nr. Ill ir wlih tesma (uiisiiris...n, ,e -cup e,. emlursemriiia, e F. A. llt'TIIII N-O.N A CO Url No III Hlllh t ee, lit. Lou,., )lo. arlao mil. I life ol t lif Nitv Iliuii tro P'.tTQLor Ft t llisir, wh eh lilt rl ,tirp.ts-.s nil editions, m magnificent i ngral ill!..) 3-l.,it10m JOHN II. CANNON & CO., Buvctiiori to K. O. TUTTLE A Co., Wholesale Dealers In MILLINERY GOODS, 002 .V. I'oiirth Mrret, Cor. St. Charlc!, ST. LOUIS. Special attentlongiven ordars, loand ssti.fac. woo iturranteed 2 H.dlm THE DAVIS LOCK STICil i illicit. rriD SEWING MACHINE TH (fLA KG EST. TLii SIMPLEST, THE CHEAPEST, THE REST. THE onEATESTIMI'KOVKHENTOF TI1K AOE Terms Most Liberal. Affnia wsr.lad for iinorrunn-d tairitory. ind for circular and price Il.t. Ilrnnrli nlllr, 013 Xorlh ronrlh Street NT. I.Ot IS, JIO. H. F. NBWTON. Manamr. BROADWAY FOUNDHV. COLLINS & HOLLIDAY 313 CAIlll KT., ST. LOIIS. MtNCrACTl'atas or r.ilonT amo rohtAtu STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS MULAY AND CIUCUL.AH SAW MILLS, Faw and Driat Mill Mnohlnaiy, HolHna Mdl nnd lllut FurniWH Caatiniia, WrouKh' rilifmitf and llnn.o Wurk, I'arkrr'a und .luiin.Mn'a Water W i"pla, Tiihiicco and l I'reaa crca, K'tila, Iron and llraa Coting f exetj ileaiT pl oii j nlso.ljua 'I Ml U a id Sintltnu Kuriiaoea ol moa niAird i-HCiiptinn. irniv purt'hai-d all tho Wheel und I'ullay terna uf ilat, McCineA Co. :i in T II 0 M A S COMP A N Y trsro. 2oe s. fototh st. ST. LOUIS.' MANUFACTUKEKS of OIL OIE1 SOAP A N 1) IMPERIAL SOAP. OH. OF fOAP la ihechrnpast.lif at and quickest cleaner In thu market fur fleunlnit IMmt, (laa, Marble, btone, Furniture, and removiii. Bieiije from floora, eurpela nnd clothes. A trial will ilemonat.nte thmit will not require onediulf the libor lo do thu work tlmt uniinarv hup will. Tlio trade mpplied by barrel, half bnrrel, 10 itul Ion keg, qiiarta, pint., nnd half-pint pitckugea. ill IH'IIIA1. Hi l A I' ii it aolt aonti for ueneiul Cam lw ii,. nnntAtnlnu nothlnir Iniurioua tn etoihlnir and w.ll do the work well, if not b.dter than the hiirh.nriced eoau now in miriiei, Tlie only clai.n over oilier soar la the chepnesa. Trade uppllnd In buckets, w-tu bos nu barren, U-it-lmdAw. THE BULLETIN. .... .. t,,.,.,.,,.,,..,, ( I'nbllahcrt every morning, Mondnjr ex. HI.VOUI.AIl CAFE OF DEATH. (From (ho Chicago Timer.) Tho medical men nro aotnowhat niyntl. (led ovor ono if tliojo ftrnngo noU of nn luro which nro tornctlrncii brought In light, tiulto recnntly n MIm lluag died tuddunly In Kviintton, und nt iho nquotoi' her piircnt u poit mortem cxiiiniiiutlun was Hindu by iiicrnbcM uftliotnudiciil iirofciMim. It wns thun ni.ido to nppcar tlmt death wm not rnii!cd from coriHitiipllon, but by it dlaiiuia of tho hcurt. Now comci tho trnnyct purt of tho tlitcovcry. Soiiio iovcii yenrs ngo, a nt dlu whs driven In her ldo liy n sudden fall, and thcrn broken oil'. l)ri. .1. V. Z. Uhilu-y, ii iid J)o Latkl .Miller, who were culled In, inadii u thorough vxaiiillmlloii, and both caiun lo tho cniiuluslou that a ph't'o of thu tieeillu win In her lieart, nnd that it would soon provit fiital, Hulie-qtit-nlly, Dr. Milne, of Kvmiimoii, win culled in, am) ho too expretful liilimelf nl thu s.iiui! opinion. Thu pot mortem ex atnllinllon proved" tho corrcclni: of then' opinions, for tho point of thu lie. din wan found imbedded in thu heart of llm dc ifnhed. Thu pleco tukon out win about nriu Itieli and one.o'ghlli in lengtli. It I u wonder how lif; cmild havi- existed lif ter tin; sli'ul lid forcud its wy into the lifo giving orgmi. CIIAIIM IIKI.LH. A I.n C'roo V eonln) piipfl" fays: " .Cow that iibout UOJOO.ODOJHO.OUII bifh eU of L'harm Iji'IIp, Hindu out of tho Chicago court hoiitu bell, Iihvu been sold, and whureas tho grain 1 le.vulor? ' Chicago an full of little bobs, in i. tend of grain, fur throning upon thu m-trkul when spring open, and whereas thu iimrket is over- locked, It has been deemed h(1vism bio by tlio peoplo of Cliicugo to start a new sensation. A compni'V has been formed lo manufac turu court liou.o bells out of the uii tal of tho bell lately worn by Mrs. O Lcary'a Cow. Tho bell has been secured and is now on exhibition at 11 saloon in Chicago; and it U believed, if the inula! is properly utilized, tl.ero Is enough Initio mkita bell lor every courlhounc in America, and then have the original bll left f"r Mrs. O'l.oary. The muyornf Clncauo will fur nUli a rertiflcato tlmt every hell furnUhed is genuine, and will, in fuel, huw thu cow from which 1 was taken.' Send for D. C. JACCARD & CO S Il lustrated Price List and Catalogue of Waltham.How ard, and D. C. Jaccard & Co's Watches, Jewelry, and Solid Silver and Plated Ware, &c. When in St. Louis you are invited to inspect their mag nificent JEWELRY establish ment. Nos. 401 & 403 N. FOURTH St., Corner of Lo cust, Odd Fellows Hall. e55-Watches, Clocks and Music Boxes Repaired and Warranted. Orders by mail proircly atten ded to. Chicago Advertisements. I'utlK, C'tlltt'K.V A C'lt., Ak'Ih. ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC i TOBACCO WORKS No. 71.1,717, 710 A 721 InJ.ana teaue, '.Near Fourteenll. atrecti, ( c n t. c ji. G- a. I IIOBAIIT, D WELLE & CO., PROP US. ' I, rf. Wholeal Trade only aollclted. ' LIST OF rACTORY I'U'CE : Fine Cut Chew ii2. Fine Cut firniMn. 2l7Chuinir, A and I'-moKms, eweei Home Chewins, Pacific -mo mi:, Wild Itn.e 'heiiii!. AiNnl i' hmok nir. Palaee II ll Uhi-wiii, ul l Krn aniokiiig .uii ax mi. U UNB Alt'S WON DERI-UL CO VERY. D1S- II i: T II K S II A MINERAL SPRING WA TER Ol Wntiltrftlin, M laconaln, . tnowKdneil ! Iir nlil 1 i.m.e llnlete. jpay,ai Hllnltcn ol Kidney, hlaider and J .ihij or8H , alo I Iter tii.uble H. . Cl.aer, . el liiit'ce of the I nllen htai. a, rettoiid tn 'ieall'1 I'V ltlie, 111-11 uee. J W. MliN. wuieral rji.lil or 'he Ptale ol llli. i' i. wholesale atiu heiuil sopl) I c ot jsu, A ali.ih Aieniie. Clin hud llltr All nr er by pinmpll) atlelnlidlo feenil fnr i Mi lillla. a,'it. PI AMIS. i IXTY-Fl V E F I R S T 1' HI Z K MEDALS AWARDED THE Oil EAT BALTIM O.R E JIAXIIFACTOKT WM. KNABE & CO., Manufacturers of artAND, SQUARE AND UI'lllUHT 3?I.AJSrO POBTES n.M.TIMOIlE, MAItYUNK. Tlifae iiiHriimenta have heen before the nuhlic nearlt llilri) jenra, and uion tin Ir exi Henc e nlone attained an n;iufAn.rd prriiiiMoifr,iiicli pionouncea them iineqiinled in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMAiVSniP And UUAKHIL1TY tr All our .S'ljunre Vinnoj have our new "rw im proved Ove atrung ecnle nt d (lie Ajwfft 7i''e tVW We would mil special ntleiitlmi to our late Patented Improverrenta In OnM' Puxoa and mjuahi Oram a, found In no other Piano, which bringa the I'lnuo ncurer perfection than lias yo been ultnii.fd, KTKKY I'lANO FULLY tVARKANTK FOK FIVE YKAKS, Illuatrated Calalngueaimd Price I.iata prnmptl furn.-hed on .ppllclon ioMAnE IIaiiimoue, Mn many of our repular ealaMUlied ngHieiea. Wl-I C! rL1I)C! r,r"' pckage ol Profeaiior Vniolvl!iKo.llnll'a Mtglo Compound will liirt'o the board tn grow Illicit and liev on tho -mooUiest laoe (wiihout Injury) In 111 d va, or fm'0nity-lr(",ic'' 1 "1 ''n,s R P,uk"Sc l'U,t",l(l 3.U.wlti"GA1'J"'')'NE!j tO.. Awllliiml, Mas. A0KNTS WANTED, Male and Female Ilusl ness ploainnl, slid pay. betier than nn. i nter, prine in the riold. AiicpIs make aix anil elcht dollars pr day. bcud stamp lor sample and mi. ticulurs. Audress. " J. LATHAM 4c CO., 3.M11CW. WnshlpglonHt., Boaton.Maas, THE CAIRO DAILY St. Louis Advertisements. Mcl'ORMHJK A TO MERCHANTS. OP THE WEST. Till: FOI.I.OWIMU LEADING HOUSES of S-A-IHSTT 3LOTJIS Arc prriinrcd wilh is rrjM. STOCK orfll'KINO UOODft which will be SOLD BOTTOM PRICES. GRAND CENTRAL 412.1414 Finn Hired. HOLMES, DABSON & CO., 2K1.V. Gth atrcrf Hand fnrcln-uUr. Chanrif r, hamlaonier and will consume lr lee Urn n nny nlln-r. CI I AS. R.LEWIS &C0., 419 North Main Htr'rt. .tiAKi: uiisids o.vTiuuit ow.v iMtr.niNrM. F0RS TII SCALE WORKS, 2V ami 07 M rkM Ptra rl, fll, I.-nila LUDLOW, SA LOU & CO., 219 and 221 MuketHlraci. APPLETON, NO YES & CO., Main Sticetand Waahlnston Afr-nue. KACTOltY IN UHAMUKRS AHOVK bTOUE. .1-S.dU DUDD, IJHOWN & CO., lis 4:i), 4 t 421, 4.'ft Ni.rih K Itli ftlKel, Ciirn r of St. C mrnn. FJSKE, KNIGHT & CO., (04aid&02Nor Ii Flth SI Mat. STELLE, YOST & CO., i i ar.d tOO North Fll Hi Si reft. ADOLPH EI1LERT, Sule rijprla'nr A-' mtic Uatawba nitters, N1. Ill Ji lln Norm Tl.lril St. J. II. WEAR & Co. r,'ni North Main Straal. WATERS, TODD & CO., 4 o n nl, Fourth Ptr(. AVERILL'S C1IEM ICAL PLANT, ,Ie'd Ma"d fcru'e- Addra. Ol'.n. II I'Alt I IIIIKiK k CO., im orin Alain riif. i. FORTUNES FOR THE MILLION! live nr. n JVTCIOTTS TO MAKE MOnS-E'Sr te XlESIEOTJS of Roing Into a manufacturing bualoeri with tmtll man will do well tn aand f..r rlrrnlar to iKaTKKKKI II Kit CO.. 3'?.-Awlm 2t North Vni -lr. f. 1 I. liU Mo SIMMONS AND CLOUGII ORGAN COMPANY'S ImproTed CABINET Manufactured at Nos. 15, DETROIT, HjlBSS i l&SlHEEiVHsvlaTjSaj Thlttyfire dltterent -M'es for lh Pa-ior and ih riiur hi New and elegant de.lgnr ; The be-t inaitrial und wurkmaiuditp; Q ialily auu voiuine of tone uuequnWd, Prices, SCO to $500. (Eslnblifhedln lfO.) AOENTd WANTED IN EVEUY COUNTY. Address SIMMONS & CLOUGII ORGAN CO, Detroit, Mii.b. 2.29ir.m LII'K l.M!KA.Ci:. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Titr. Most SuccKisriiL Life Inhuhnck Corpokatio.v of thk Samb Aar. is tub World. PTJEBLT 3 TJ O? 17 Ji. Xj ; NO STOCKHOLDERS TO ABSOUB PROFITS. Amount or Pqliciks in Porce Dec. 31, Total Income to Same Date, Net lvatKAbK of Risks in Force, 1870, 'Iho IirKmt Net IiicrrnkosliirliiR the jear 1S70 or any Ccniiany In the World. Gitoss Increase of Riskr in Fokce, 1870, $30,327,730 00 Only Iwornmpnnles In Hie world exceed this tmn Increase dn.'lng 1P70. ,VVPUT The inlv cnini any wh rh giiarimleea, na a charleird riglil, the "rmciple of I.OCAl. INM.1 1 MENTS IN 1:ai II eTAI E. In inport on to lis Picmium 01 Ve'.'V..M',VrM,!'!ui.V-r rivp t tiiv Tie ohlv ci.Hipnij viiiih, by t ihurlcr, gltea tACUSUTh A UEI IttbtNTA rl E IN Tilt. II ME IIOA'IID OK DIULCTulls. a-E3srEKjfVL office, so?. XiOtjis, nvno. JAMES II. RRITTON, President. Henry "SV. II oraii, Vifo Prthldcnt. Fklix CoeTE, Supt. Missouri Dept. Wm, IIanlky, Stuictiiry. John N. Pkitciiari), Tniisuror. O. F. HuitNEs, Attortiey. E. L. Lkmoine, M. D. Mid. UiUeer. Hon. AN u. Uahnkp, Consulting Counsel und Actuary. SOUTUF.RN ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. E, P. Uuklinouam, Mnuagor. CAIEO BBA1TCH B0.3XD- The follow Ing nnmeu ge ellcinen hold or control msiutnco each, is the Lllo Aisoclntlon , of AincrcHi P. W. Rarclat, H. f. 'Wehii, 11, II. Candke, John Antrim, CllAS. Galioiier, J. M. PuiLLirs, (J. Hanky, K. S. Hit GUAM, T . hi il I.cBrst our HnlrN ntitl riniits lnlurt'yoii Instsre Its y other Cowiinny. LOCAL AGENTS, decMdSm, Carl L.Tiiomab, BULLETIN, SATURDAY, I.Yil.V, Asr.anl. Itooma "Co f llOO per day ! M col. 15c. EUROPEAN HOTEL. I'roprleton cf the NA11U.SAI. Felt Lined Refrigerator. Manufacturers of Clothing, Mairulaclurera i f V f!. Standard Scales. ofa..u ixaiam Wil'C nntl Wil'C Goods. Manufaeiuri-ir and Jol.lrfia of i c.i JJOOIS UI1U OI10CS. In porlr and Whoterale Oealera In Dry Goods. ManufaetUirr.and U'huleaale Utalfra In Roots and Shoe3. Whbleiale t-urmalilng Goi.d. aud Clothing. Importer aud Wholetate Uealerin Wines, Liquors, etc. Manufacturer! of Fancy Dry Goods. ,m,"",er" Jutb"' of Millinery and Straw Goods. lachinery Oils. ORGANS Grand Combination Organs Fitted with t.ho newly Invented Scrlbner'H Patent flanlirylngr Tube, An Inver.tirn havingn most Imfriant bearing n the future reputation f Heed Innriimeiila, by mean of which the quantity of volu e ol lone la very largely increnei, and the qiu.lty ot tone rendered. Equal to that of tho best Pipo Organs of tbe sumo capacity. Our celebrate! "Vox rlete," "I.oiiia Patent," "Vol Humana," "Wilcox Patent" OcHto lompleir. The charming "Cellu," or "Clanntt" ttopa, nud All the Late Improvements can be obtained onW tn these Orgina. EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED. 17 and 19 Miami Avenue, MICHIGAN. 1870, 545.065,740 00 3,U7-I,7b8 fcO 20,000,010 1)0 John H. Oiieult, "Vm. Mourib, T. J. Kkrth, "W. B. Edson, fxn 11 ITII W. D. KltltNltY. MARCH 30, 1872. Amusement Advcrtispments. BACKENSTOSE'S COSMOPOLITAN CtKcus, muni; i' yt. Is Coming, nnd will exhibit A T C A I R 0, One Diy Only, Friday, April I2th, 1872. Da, E. Brier.viTnr, Cam O. W. TH ianui, Managlni Direcloia. The distinguished feature' of the C innoiwlitnti are, that Ii i- th lrg"ii Crn., ha. the rnre.t and iiio.i oily collection of Living Wild III maK a id thit the Mu-eum mbra':e nr.ore llu man Curlo-I'lea thin h ) ere been exhibited 'n the outl em slaie. In th' Cir ii Depart ei.t will In. loun I the following Ar'H'a, known I y nil snow roing people l i be the Urliilest rth.uing Sta s la the proft-isloo . Mrs. Charles Warnes, (Formerly Mrs. Dan Rice,) the Queen of tlio Menage. Mademoiselle Oracle, Tho Champion rcmalo Gymnast. I.a Ilelle ITnrn, The Infant "Wonder. MademoNrllc La Hotti, The Champion Equilibrist. Charles. Covclll, Tho Daring Rider, whoio acts And no im itation. Thoninaj dliToril, Tho Chnmpion Le.ipor of tho World. llmry tintnett. In his Grcut Stilt Act. Unlit and llludrs, In their Champion Brother Acts 011 the Trnppzo. Harry Clerk, .M. Whltlnny, C'IiiuIcn Njiencer, II. Ailnms, Dick Weiton. Gymnasts nnd Tumblers, who hnvu equnla in Amuricit. Iluppy Jink l.avvtoii, Tlio Souilifrn Favorite, Charlca lloyce, Tho American Grimaldi. IN THE MENAGERIE Will be found the following uninuli 1 ZEI1US, CIVETS, HINDOO SACRED CATTLE, SPUING HOK, 11 YEN AO GAZELLES, COUGARS, MEXI CAN LItiNS, PUMAS, LEOl'. ARUS, UROWN, 15 LACK AND GRAY MONKEYS. A SNOW WHITE DEER The only ono knuwn of in thu world. ALSO PROF. PKIIRIE UORMEY's TROPICAL IIIR1) SHOW Emhraclng nearly nil tholllrdsof Urll" Hunt Plitiuugu known to man. THE MUSEUM DEPARTMENT Emhrae tig human eiirlosltlrs, sitoh ns Lillipu tian Queen. dmiral Dot. tho Ciri'aaalan liauiuv. ami many other rate ireakt ol imuirc. This Mammoth Hh'.w will inuke Its entry in town nn the morning of Exhibition, with Ita neauii'ui pioumeii i;nariot, rouiainiiig rm . Frank Hpurl's Urasa and Heed IUml, Mloaed by ti, a Living Wild Animals In their ne and In nil. Ill ul Dens, gleaming with emerald and gold, REMEMUER THE DAY AND DATE. TWO SHOWS FOB ONE PHICE. ONE TICKET ADMITS YOU TO I10TII. ADHISNIOX 30. nitnrcu . . o. Peors open at 3 and 7 p. m. SID. F. UTEYENS, Ait, Medical Advertisements. I'A l' I, J. NCIIUII, Ar'I. SIM1L1A SlMILlliUSCUUANTUH iiv.npnni:Y'N HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVH prnred, from tho mot ampin expar lancf. an i nilre auccat Wimp i l'rom l Mllclantnnd Rellnlilr. Ther R'o thnonly innll elnaa nrrfiM'lly ailap'pil lo populai uae o elm "In lhat mi'lnkociinnnt hi" made In ualnif Ihein. narmiaaa a- lo t e free irotn iianger, anil ao il? i!1" ,0 h liy rflialile They har ral i..r.h'"'" eommnndatlona from all, and will ', 5: . , in, n, 12, 1:1, l. I HI, 17 la. I'.i 2", S I, : i'.. 17 tn. "II Chltflrnn ami -ltt- n'M ....... ... ; ... linlrrn.iiiiirbu. nmii,n : V ,"V "in, iiiin. .Nrnr. licln.,, rl , tea,'lTe -a HfiKliirlira. alek bo.ilaJh... ii. Iyrln' b.llon. aton.V. '.l " Sliiirpmel,or palidul perinia'J) "-a Wliflrai, too profu-e prln a "ja 4'roll eniigi , d frleuli bie(tlung..'.i Null Ithrlllil. Ervsliela,,,!,.!: Itliriiimit lm. rhi mi a le i nina it, prr;inil At'lir i lull f'ter,agii,.N Pllrw. blind or bleeilillg U Sllllll lllrlll . and a'Te r wenk rl .'J S'ntnrrli. m. ii or-biomc. InMiienWl' Vliii)ilnir-4'niiKli vinleiitUHiiulis.Vi .tximim, ,ii,ie--eii nri-Hiiiinj w ISIkrlmritra, m mini liearini!'' nerornlii enin ieitg am a, we. t,g5 Sit'lirriil iieiiiiny, pi jmcui r..k. i"'Hi . .. l)roii nil an y -ier. Iioin (ii Sen Mlrklipns - ir It fiom tldlu f lililnoy.lllsrnHf. I'.ravel I PrtllH ISxIlllll)', HH.IImI .1 .idiiiila I ,iiit-i.'iriie-.. M I im I'lvcllllH'., w I" i, he 12 V al of pnne- verj ie ..r) in aer'Oii H.e...A in Stir. Month, ciink fll II, 1. li, 4, .n, I rllinrj SeilHll s, writing led.-' I 'it I li I ii I rrloils. ill -hii-m. .. 'I MIlirrtlluH t iihi u nl I fe... till Klllll .imllta. . il a ilrti te.l lllllllll'l III 111', rril rd a.ire thr III ill r i, .'i 1 1 i , rt.Ti. til Il.t III till III rut- villi. iiiuriM'rii iir ri'MMl i iisr l oiiiiilnlnu n -lirrllli' lor vwry oiKlliinrj' ill i iim' ii liimlly l aiiliji rl lo, mid liookN ol (lire. Iloiif. ... K in ilu lo I'll -nu.ll.r liunily aim 'I rni llnn c -. VU to 8a hk in in Hi lo 8s Sp oilli' loi ail rrlsiilc lll-ll, loth Inr II r I nn ii mi mr I nun Use 1 1 enl Int. l.l, in nl-and poc.el caea H' lo A POM i' t.XTIIACT Oire Hum-, IHui.i , l.i,ln-l, , -oirni'.r, I hroal, hi'iiil a. Ti'i-rlincli. , K.iache, N, urnlg a Kbeillliatl.lll, l.lllliliHgi', I'll, a. Hull-, ore Eje, lileruingiil the l.ung, N ar. stnin- h, nr of Piles rums, L'b er", Ol . eurra. P.lie, Cot., t eta.; I'll ta tM, Qlit'l, JI 71 Tlire r, meilus, except Pi in I a rxtia.1 ii) the cn" or alng.e box. are a. nt to nny pari ' 'licriiiililrl, b mall or expr., lite ol uharue. in leceipt 01 lor prier. AHilreaa IIU.IPIIUbYft'?PKCIFIC HOMEOPATHIC M EDiriNE CO. Office and I'.in.', Nil Mi Hrnadwat, Nen-Toik. FOR SH.K ItY I' fcCHUll, CAllHi, lila, aitgt&ueowawlv NERVOUS DE1S1LU 1 , SVIIh IIm irloomv iilK'iiiliin t. low -nil IIn' ljir nhIoii, I toliiiiliiry cmlniiiii, loMxor ajoineii, siirrmiiKirrliirn, lost ol poller' !! h n.l. In ol mi'iiiory. mil llirciiti'iinl Imprinter mill I.iiIm clllla), unit a lotrrt'iKii cure In iiiini silirey'ai llomvoiniliic .-i' , .m V.i-..,v.iiI.I., nt f n -t trnlll. n ,, . j -v . a. un,.vi"i ... ,., r. ....... be mllu and potent native- I toy tti.o a at the rmita ot t'i m lln r . tono in t r V tern, arreat the dl.ctiargea, in i i'iniri 'itt.r, 'i anersy, tile and vitalll) to I icnilie oiin. inej have cured thouaanda of ca e. Price, $5 pe, paukigeaol nvetioxei, and a Inrsc I-, which is very Important lu nbatinntc or old .-j-ei, or 11 ,traiiiKl' bix. Sold by all dnH jiat., A.1 1 sent bv mall on iweiti ol iiruv. j inn liii.nhrey' Hpecirlo llointonatliic Mr.l.claa 2a , .','"- Itr)ad wnv. t. P. Ji.lVII. nilgl&di ownwly Az-'ic, Cjirj. Ill,, ml Lesal Advertisements. MORTGAGE SALE. ubereaa. InsnerT. Durhuni. of tne eountr nfAl exauderan'l siateof I lioois, ill, ion the ixlh day nl April, A. D IK.9, duly makr, .Xrcilte In due form, acknowledge unit tleliiT iot,e iulu .M Par Im, h certain eale morigage tnmii Ileal Kaliiie, herefnuller described, ailli power and nullioiil), to titraii I herligal repre-i'iitatne", a--ignee, nr altorne, loeell enid red latf, lecnrnfil In the Itei'oniei'a olllco ot Alexan It r I'uunty. Illinois, in Ilook No .1, of inorlgages, on nnge 'li, win. It m rl gan was giluii In aeuure tbe pa mt'Lt o 11 pionit-aorv nott 01 even unto with annl iiioitk'age, for the sum ol iwo hum red and aixly tlio iloilara, and till" III one )ear nller tlio alt, tiieieiii, b aring intern. t nt the rain ol ten percent. per milium, eigne liy rn'd jMsper T. lJurhaiii ami panblo In aald Oeorgm MeFiirlm. And. whrrrns. Hie raid Ueorula McKarlm l ill J assigned said unto a tl moiluiue, by iiiiluirem nt !h.eou iu writing. In ue word, inllnwing tnaii ' I na-nMied tu wiitnn note ti Jnlm nurli .111, una 4tli Frli.uaty 1S7U, siKnel) Oeergu Mo Fur I n, Isrul.l "For the sti" t.t iwu iiuinl nl nd oiuluy selflinlld OOlalttOllala, 1 S, llsferu.l all'l at iL'iiF.i the within rale mottuuite lo John Durham, Hiia4ih ilay id Febiuarv, A. i.., 17U, laigued) Georgia Jlcra lin. isedi Ai.d, wtieicus, II, e slid John Dur hnni, nsalg ee of tlio snld i.eorgui Muhnr. llu, I ns S'U 0 decfiiseii, and, wtirr.a, the tin d-'ra gned, J.ihn llruwn, Ins been duly ppo nlni iidlililiiFtiu 01 of 11 ee-u. out tlio s.iu J,. till D,.r Ifmii. tlecinsed. bv tne urobnie lOtiit tthreniin- ly ,, U'i'ttlj and state n illinni.. An wlicreai default Im. leeu made In Hie pnunrnt o mil pro't tS'oiy n t. , nttl the iilrre.t in ciueii t'e.e un. And,, aiich det.tlilt iu at,ch iai iiitnt L'onliiilles, otiw. iiieli'iore, 1, jonn nrown,iin uiiMr.urT m the erlain ol Jnlm Dili ham, uecea.ed, n.ei. ee nl Hie mid Uenrgm tu FnMIl, b) l llllle 11, the puwrr 111 llie V' Ml u, liy nr tt-lllia . nucuu- iiiunru, aMie II 0ltngt , du tlei'l It-raid lime to hill' I,' c, iinn, Hie mi ;,alie ; ft 1 llbiio once i her Ii) gll'll that I a al , 'U Si'nr a, tile ..I 1 !) t'l April, A. D Iu7i, al the In ur ' fi ii" t'cluck 11 llir al el in tin ul .mil nil) . at ibu ii-ltdUi-'t ,111 1 liela., 111 tlio 11, nl 1,1 Alrx.iidtr Mid Plus 01 llliin.i b) vlriileol limp hhi aim uutbniu) 111 inn t, aiv.i, 11111111I h ram ,u r lllurlliaL.e. tell al illlli lit tlllll tilt It ghe.tall'l l, M lilndtl ful ca.ll ill ll , d Hi. I 1 lotting ilea, r bed priinl.t s, b 1 ut: tlie nine tlt'.clllie 1 111 Mini si-l lllullgae, Ill-mi. 11,1 noiti. e.i-l qua. ler ol tlif au .ui en t quurivr ei r li. in .Nti'J 11 : thtt in, 111 ttt at 11 arlel ul llrti II ui .l ami nr 'tin 11 N ' I in.u west h 1 1 ul nor h vrl 1UIIII1 we t q.imtt'l, rill It No. I, "b ll tnwi.a p No I ft, I llge f. 3, III AlrX lllll'l cull.i Ii, tnvt'ilie '!' end linpr. trill ids, f! ri i) ki ,1 -ml ;m situ .1 tlieieuii, tig. Hit 1 w Hi l rgut, title, li.itrta aim .iillli' tu led' iii,lniu nl un -ni J .i I . ,,,1 I, hi. 1.. il 1111 . ll-.lw a tlirle , . lo III, piirp'ife . t p-t)lllg tlie .illl-lllll 'Hie " a ml i uil-.urv I111111 iifl-li. I it ii. M e.ei.tle . tO'e it 1 li hi 11 )'- ii" a, ad t, it .ing. un 1 1 xr iii ..llu mid tuiiV, 11 piii.itli d MIoitLag. J ' N lilt iw... .luuiiii'.i.nlurol ihotstito IJuiui Duiluiu lt I'.HM'd M. .1. loscnur, Aituruey MASTERS SALE. "lat Of 1 1 I.U a. A .f Artl.Ui I llll i).s-. Iii ihe lixiinitrf urn) en, in O'.uit. l-.m-r- alii I-. DaV.a la. "mil llll'ts, I linlusi t ll .., Fr dii Wiiliiiin Than , Kill- Ihup u-u Jo., lilillie Tliarii. lilll im I'ltnltl'in, . lib iu nuiiO I- he, t;b) giv. n lint in pil'SU all e ill a ncreurrll ,lei i li e ..lane t lit lle.l cau.e ill s. I.l innri, I' t ,e 8 li us) ol Jlaic , i. ii. itli, I.J Q. nrm.. Mil it I 'li Ulan er) I. r s.ul i' sis t. t. II . ,. .lul .11.. tin 1 Ml ilat Ul Ipr I. A. D. 17J, itl iiii-hojr ni idle n il ca " llitt alt iiiiiiuiiit is d nt .ell al (libit, v nine ! Hi liiuhe I bl nlei, fin iil-ll at Hi' 'St'lil tl u of Ihe C. U'' lluii.t , in tbe el ) ' I aim, m uns fiilliiiy, tho milium is ue-c ne.s .tin i-ii.r u tt i : i. ia iiiiiii " reii tii.tij- i t", ll.SMSI iJ-J ) ll III ck nil led ir. i .i in fs ) hi ine city t f Cairo cuun t f .in x .ml. r aim .Intro II in ib, together in nl int. tg I i the IrlieHi ul-an i hi ledilniiielits the' Hutu nv nng. I 1!. (A good aim a III lell Hen! nl u livevu tie w, i.n rtei iilsd lo the pu .husertili the t u) nl aide "Hid ,oH mi.irui.i ii nl 4.00 cifli. will mil be a Id fjr Ics iIia'i taodluids ul u, rulscu ,,l,l.l.n..KM,chJ&UT.f 1UUmaNi S-Situli, Miser In Chunceiy. ATT AC 11 M KNT NGTIC E. A. N. Cluiii'i.ileleii'laiit, la nn Hied Hint nn Iho lllll day Ol Muioii, 1872, a writ of attittliiiieulwas i.aiied out nil he rlt'ik'a titlue 01 'lie An X nn I' I i-oiinlv Circuit Com I. in tho state nt '.lln, ills in; ttua. un esiuiu. in urn into on ini'i.i .tnui.iat lit April, leu, mine sun tu iiiumns.i r.ui, pi tin'rih nun nl fU'J.u and aci lustf iiuer t .1 . tr lili'h tt III llllt heel, necillfll Hllll Sai'l SUI la now pending lu sanliou.l. t'nl-s; )ou shall nppenruitthe lelurn day s crtoi, juugn em wui be. iiteiedagii'liH)ou.oiid th g irnisltee sened in aaid cause required toisner, as.d iii al l with according t .V.'Vlek. Allen, Mnlkey 4 Wheeler, atl')a lor pliilutill. Jan'.'U4t, TAX NOTICE. To IlarrrU, filming A Co., und nil others con cerned. , You nre hereby nodded thnt nt n sale of lids nod Innds Inr ihe ncliiiqu. nl 11810. euiiniy and Istrict sclnol tuxes ol tl.o jenr I WW. unit, i,. 1. 1 .,s iIih Cnntt House tloor in Cairo. A exnndfs county, I linois, mi thi'SUilitlay of June, IMU, ll;t undersigned purchased loin No. 1, i ami il In block No, l,nnd iota ,o, 1, -, ,1, i, 0, u, 7. a, unmi IU, In bloiU No, B,, taxed und SJld m Ihonanionf Harrtll, bterlins A Co., a luaied In llndiiea and llrerbv'a ndUlllon to Ihe tnwii or Th-be., iu said comity nnd stale. .'' being aold ns lorfrlteu prstperty. ""'.''' J J llino Biven by law Im ihe reuenipllrm f said leu will expltoon Cairo, HI., Much ism, 1T. iii'i I Legal Advertisements TAX NOTICE; " To Mary Ji nlan. Ji.lin tialbrnilh nnd nil others concerned. You nro hereby notified thai at a n) land nnd Sown noil cily Tola for the delinquent fnie, tnunty nnd district school tnxesnf the year leninnd cot, held at thn court home door in Cilro, Alexander unty, Illinois, on the'JTtn diy uf June, 1870, iho un leialgnod purchased the Viol tl n N W. qr. of section file (&) li township fmirteen (II) south nod n ia..uo one west nt the al I M., Ilunleii In enid countv and atale.nul iimi tn timo given oy i.w mr i he redemption ot shuI iremles will expire on the 7th day of June, in, nnu mai nr irieenmo a.ue mr ine a-me laxea hojd nt tho Ixfp on ih' 2tihdayu June, Ia7u the undersliriied nl.a lien me the mirel naee of two'fifth- of nt No. 1 J In lllock No. 3.1, in the nri add. lion tu the eliy or CAlrt, In anld roui.ty ami slate, and tl.n the llmo ,lv nlV law lor the redemption of shkI premlsea last described w'll expire on theZ'Jlh f June. 172 .LV '....- . n,.r... ii, in., i.i, I'tircniiser. ATTACH M ENT NOTICE. A, N C'lAnel . d. frnilallt. la nn iH. ,l tliur nn lti I till nay ill Jinn ll. a tl o' nll.i, iimii nt was i-siird nit of tho 1 1 'Ik's office nl 'he A exii nirr conn y Circuit I'. iirt, ll. the .1,11. r,r IMiiints, aunni-i yniire line, reuirnn' ic on die n it Mmn oat in ,t r I. 167J at II, e ,uu el .i.iine. Y. Inn. 'ii. plaint It, the inn or l 0 Mmi.l ni . rum iiti t, which w rll hn I ee,i xi culi"! mi 1 m ami H ii iw lending In'oult. I'nl sa nil ' apnenr on the return d y v if ' J'Ument will b enlcrnl n.n u t i " and i!- gnnabee aerve I in .V. J?"". r,Tr. in ai.sair, nod ie dealt Willi aoeidingt LaindMuri 15 Ii. 1072. I ll O llAUM ,N. CI rn Aiien, nun,,., a wi.i. i.. ... v pill 1 Iw. A I TAL'll M KNT NOTICE. 1 ,1...... .1.. ...... ... , . - , , . .. . 'it n. , nn tlie .I .a; 1 -muni, ie,, a ant t.r 1 , ,, . s.lle.i t ill o thetl Ik ...ther 1,1 . Alexa .ner eiilluli Cir ll t I n t, 1,1 i,i. nr , .j , -nai .i o r.t.le rt-'urni bl on ih r., M. n ' a) 111 A i ,1, 1. D. ,a7i nt ibe.'i t. f a . M nitiiilii , 11'. Im the Hi' it s 8 ami aOfllHIlK llllt-, !-, I, w 11 ,,. lc . 4 n e tl.'l a 1.1 -ii 1 s 1 w 1 n, ,,i, g 11, will 1 nit t t'.s )'H n ,fr on Hi , u, , dm iliHiro'. in umrn till be leied ng 111. t )t,u, , ill- .ini ii e -tn li", hi . ,111 ,. .11 r q, , (,, , , fi all ,H I Mi' w",""u""'"'' ,u l l"t 11 lan:li IS, Is, li 11 N Q. II UIM i.N tn Ik A 1 n, MulkeyA ' a nr tl J u.lttlii' A TTAUII .MiSXT NOllCE. I. I'll I- II w, t, ll, fft ll . I, I. Iiolllleil III .1 on 'lie I I Ii .In) i.l Mar , I ft it it ' 1 1 01 t i.c'iiif, . .s i.alle I tjnl . t llie t'le k. oltii'O t I l.'ie r in ml) C'li'iin Clin, 11 ih .liile f Inns. gn 11.1 ) in V Nile It tuinaole it 'hi' at 1,1111. I t III i d l'i, -It tlie llll i.l Jnllie. Y. CI li .it 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 , i..r Hie -i:iii of t 11" 11 .ig I trr' I. W .. ll will Im. bteil ei Ul.ted all t ..I.l 1111. n tv (ftniin.j in 1I101111. Uil e )t,u iliidl n peur ii.' h, rei nuatth r f, J nlgui nt alii U-.n-rtd .i'ln-i y i, n.i ih g,u,,. rr seitrd III .ill.l i;.i...t. ri on ted In a .a.,, ml b ile.iwitliut.uurilili !' Iiu. D.l il Mai Ii lili, .1 UN Q tiAllMN,Cl, rk. Allen, Mil key A Win eln , . it') a or p.uii.lltt liiii.lwta "tax SALE NO I ICE. Nolice i Iirr.-h) tin-. 1 111 Mart J' lln. 111 tin l.itti'mttii, ami A. till 1.. in., ml t'lich of )uii 1 tint at 11 -n e o Itnd ninl Inan lids s' in Alex tinl r it. lint) , II inula, lop III- Ueiiu qlt"t.t st Ic, null V, "ll. I .11-1, CI sclinoi U,.X- a Tor ine tear it', i.mi 1 oia, ii"ii ,1 ,ue u.,ui 111, 11. e, 111 lliet'il) uf Corn, III -aid c Uniy on tin VJli lay of June, l70, I purch.,sed tint lullnw lig lie n fibe 1. 1. . lu ne 111 Hie nt'y if aim, .omit; t f lexatider, "lid slit eot lli.i.uia lo-ait : Lo Si Iu bl.ick U7, tuxe- in be umeni toll, the siinl Mary , 'nrvtn, 1111,1 In!- 'H in 1 'Kiln tl vk 00. 1 xta in the name 01 loll, tlie atlld Marltn LeACttwi-xe, and lot '1 n block if), taxed In tie name of )ou, the said A. VMlllaiu.; ntul )uii re further untitle, I 'lint I lie nine lor the le emp Imn ol sitiii luts will expire mi the -Jill d.i) of June, 17.!. JACKSON TRICK, Pnrehnser. March 11. 17.!. 3-1131. MASTER'S SALE. Mate of Illinois, Alt-x nder cutiniy, a., Alexander coumy Circuit tourt Alfred R, S,f lord la. the uiiKiniMn heirs of Mary springer, tleceii-nl. hill to lurvio.e iiiur'g ge. No'ice is heieby gnei lu pur.uaiice of n deereo enlered in llie ab t-e entitlvd cause. In said i our, n tne 13, Ii ila) ot Jauiiarr, A.D., Is".', I, Jnhu Q. iiiirinau, .lla-ler lu CiMiicel t tu .aid CJiiri, will on the Wth day of March, A. 11,15;:', at '1 n't Iik p. m. of .aid ilrt), sell nt publi, ten due lo the hiwhest bidder tor t u.n, at the Iront dnorof HieCouit llnii-r. In I lie out nf Cuiro, In said i.oiinli' ii nd t-iole, tkv folltiiruig de.crlU'd real e.l.ile. lo-wit : Lot number Hurts'. lhre IW1 mi I the oiitt-half in Jut mi in hr t -. tluii) lourj 4) winch ilea ndjo nin lo sunt lot No. ihirt -Ihtee (.tl) ihe a, me neing the north or west hull til aald lut uumiK.'ieii iinri)-iour tii mi hi ni"i.ii num i. ere, I litlytotir ( 4) tu llm city of C.uro, m tho county ol Aiexumitr ntiu btaiont .mums, to-gt'iiicr-t'h all nnd .inuultr the tenements mid licreuilamcnto thereto nelongine JOHN . IIAHMAN, SInreh 4 1S72. Musler In Chnncery. (ireeii .1 f'.lb.rt, Solid ois, 3-7-Jw. TAX NOTICE. To J. 'I lion, p-,,u hi il 31. emlth. You ire h-re' y notified n a sale nf loll nnd Isn "I r he dti.mpieiit -tut-, c, u t) and uisii lot sib" 1 ti-xes ot the )eui lti70, uml io-is, held nt the Cmii t ID u-e iiuor ti, C.ttto, A let an er euuuty, HI nms, mi 'be ")ili du ol June, lt7l the iimiersigni'd t'nrch'fed ihe uml v,,e one lie If "t Hie , ortli-t ..t i bo aoulb-tt e-t quarter, ihe un nved one-hu,, it Ihe imrth-we t qinn ter oi the .mith. t. . ,t qunrter, ami the undiv tied one. heir ol ihe sntitn wei qunrle' ol t Im si.Uih-aest quarter "f .tclum Pur (4), tnttn-n p niieen tlS) a mh, nn I rai gt three t.ij wesi, f he i rd principal meridl ,n, ii-si seed i.d Id in inei nine f J. 'I ho" .snt. ninl M Mi ill. siualid in . mil. I) mid lii if, and Hint Hie lime i v. n bt aw fnr ihe redempiii n t f -mil s tt I I ixpi,e on ihe :'illi dt) ol June. 167.1 JOHN IIODRKS I iirehas r. Cnlre, HI . Jlnich 18, ls7-' i3t Cincinnati Advertisements. .irr i;.m i.iti'iiisi: I'tiiielpiil Otllcu 10! W. Fifth St., Cin. THE ONLY KEI IAKI.K OlFr ENTERl'KlsK Tllh t'Ob.STKY I $60,000.00 V A I. U A II L E G I F T ,S To betlislribined in I N 37 li in, -An utl GIFT ENTERPRISE To Mondny. Abi I 10 h, 1172 Two Cs I, j : ti Capitals of 5,000 in Ono I'rln In Mlseri Two Prizes $1,000 Five I'r z s UOUl) ,1. i r,.... Greenback. ten frizes siuu t one llotso u ml iluggy mtb Sllrer-Monnled liar1 i.ess, ttnrih JCA' ritcli. One flue-ti lied llu.eaouil Plaint, ttonh fo'O. Itli tiiiil) se ll), ina.liiiie-, wortl til" each Flto i e.iy cised gt II bun Hi g nt. In a uml deny g., d chuliia nith Jtjiil eatb I Je loll llllt'" un linn i"g wnt' be vturib fliitaili Ten ltdltagold hiiMilm wntihes vtorili line litin .ied duiliiis each. Kig t In.tiilieu god Had ..Iter leicr huulliig waichea tin all) anrh lr.,lil jjt to i3ui. Litdlfs' gold leontine el.aius, gViit'.g.'l.l festilinins. solf. and double s i I- rsliertnblo aud teiupoous, plumgrajh albums. Jewell), riu., i i.l, ll hole number glfla. O.OOO. Tickets Hulked U ....... ,,., Auenta wanted 10 se ?ll Tlcleisl0 wt prrmluma will be paid. . , ,w,le uckoU nicglo tickets It i aix ticketa tit te " . 9 inn iuusiiv.rirr I" . Clrculnr. nsisU 8W.J. n'n.l Vtl'tZ scrlpllonof tho niatiu. ' eI7VuU.,r?l,uilon. tib .ellt to any sue order1'"' icrmuiion "'' ,7'-:Zi them. .Ml sellers must u. v. oirt, nox to, Cincinnati, O nov';wpi)lv lis kiiurssseu tu lul U'esllllhal. ON MARRIAGE. ,,, rcliet l-r )ouug men lioin tliefffecls f ariors and abuses .ll i any llie. Mttlihroa leslor id Nervous uebil ly cuied, lu pedluisnia to marriage remoivd. New inethoi ol irrstmcni. New and teni.rKHble lemldiea Hooks and circu at, n( tier, lu se.tleu envelopes. AJiir' HDIVAHU ASSOlilAt lUfl. JiO. ir.BOutll .nm" l'hlidijlpnia, , duc-dldiwJjn. I