Newspaper Page Text
TRAVELER'S GUIDE. TAKK NOTICE. TIMt TABMC Or THK ILLINOIS CENTRAL B on end after aiindav, May Hlh. ml, Ihe tMov, B" w.ll govern the arrival J ! ut of pAMiner Iralna t Clrol Cairo and l. t-oula fcort blue. Arm "P"" , 12:30 a.m. v.. h.ncenfArt, from Cairo to Kt. Loutf. No chance : ff oi" Cairo to ChlcaRO. Klcrsnt nr'tg Uonm keeping cars on night tram. ene cheeked In Ml linportAnt tolnl. CAIRO AND SWUM CITY hTKAtt TI . CACHE Will mk three trip datly. .m. At . ui A. III. I At l:'M ...p 111. f .' 1 ..n.m. At 0.. p.m. F.reeA'h y, ceni", in- " -WillUn. .nh.Sli.ilH, JIM , tl in.onri;; l uiJios or paenner.or frHjUt. tioi.m. EVANSV1LLK AN' I) CAIRO, The finefliamcr idlewlld, rnu.-i.rii ,....,MastcT n rmcwiKM'i'H' i t i .. ... i-nr 1 II til" ciriMMit'i - , , . Ireful or P.MV. IUIII ". A K'i. fj Al UO AN 5" PA i ) UCA II MAI I, IIO AT. Tno iiplciiJiJ -learner joe ro lr, -Mrnler. , i 1 1 iy excepts I) V. ' .... .h, f iiu.if, .tuilt ttii.MArrfnr "jHjtf .JAS iAi.i.ouy,AS't. ii uberlaii I Itlver lnoUot KASUVILLE, CLAltrCdVIhLE AND A CAIItO, The rplenilid fcleanier TYRONE, TOM HXB5HN...Mler Af.E.V. IIAIlD.....aerlc UMI ire C ir efr Satnr lay at fl o'clock p.m. firL-iiiki ll'."iJ .""""hvllle. For Ireiglit or JRD3 f JA9. DI009, Agt. VAriHVlLLE, CLAItKSVILLE AND CAIRO. TheKa'.lant ntcamer JOHX LUMSDEX, OVhX DAVW...Mater JAS.P.JOIINBON-.CIerk Will fre Ciro every Thursday nt 6 o'clock p.m. for'hille, ChirknvilluHtid all way poluli. For imehi or i.uazn tpplr on tn.aril r to jioJif. JAS. BHilJS, Ag't. .NASHVILLE, CLARKSVILLE AND CAIRO, Tlio stood Meamer TALISMAN, TSII.KSlMH?...Maiter J.N'O. HAItPKR....CIeik Will lcAie dim ercry Monday nt 5 o'clock, p.m lor .Vfirille, nd all way port Tor freight or iut:t, apptr on board r to In5lf JA9. BIGGS, ARt. IJIMMJIl ANT TICKKTS DDI IG RANT TICKETS FOR SALE, ) for Sale r FOR SALE, IE POR SALE. J koJkhIcIfOR SALE. Faro from Livekpool, Fare from Londcndkkry Fare from Olasoow, Faro from Qukk.vstown CAIRO, :: $48' 10 2 0 tajoril, Jlorru i Oa Kenta. INMAN LINE Lircrpool Ncw-Toik nnd Plillad'lphla Steamship Companj", mi coMiACt with i'niteo itatii and britiaii Govr.Rr.Nt8 For CarrjiDK ine Malls. FOR PASSAAIE TICKETS or ri'RTiira iAroiuTio! APPLY TO JOUN O. DALE, l& Broadway, New-York, or to II. II o u I , Whinstno Avenue, Oair". nma. Aqt. i on nai.i; r. CJIiuuis Out ml lt.t I ttus'i-Uump ny uo vSrrlurMlcdit inlloirinKileiirlbeil loia lu im A l liiinnto th Cliy ot cmro, vln Ut rt Utxk Si. l..,t it block H2, " SI), " i-T " 82, 6 ii t., oS ., : 5 V si .; S ' H. " :n - Hi. orifrm,,,!,. Mpniy Vi JAMIM JOHN OV. Mm t'.'e'i . 111 VMCIA W WILLIAM It. SMITH, M. I). I)EII)C , .0, jj I'nrlHnib nl'ert, bn. Uill ' "'"O- "I" avenue nil I VV iliilil stre, t. ' -it ; imiiier. ini uveiiue. up talrM. U. V. npvvrvn m n li ;1""'N;E-, mi.rNinth ud Whii Wninut Ih, yJr ,'i-r -mil -ireet nn I -'III' lllio lnve p.m n WAHDNER, M. D. 1 v.i ''J ''"er Nuietieiiili ureet nnd uvr ii.1 ' " ' i"" 'if hiMie Of-am-aeli o;10""-. 0ic hour-19 to 1J VWVl'.UH. AI'KN.MUIAkTF WHEELER ATTORNEYS i-S?S?.SllL,:,ls ,VT kAw, John n. si J,i I ownutl P.Wn'iit.) -AHtO, ILLINOIS. INrnculir m.... n.irally bu.iat,. Mw" l'il OFFicn o... : rlv.r and ad. '"iuionniIn.v . rihi.. i u"hM & GILHBUT, ATTORNEYS AU LAW, William II. (ireen, Willuin II (iil..n Mile I'.tillkurl, t-'Ainn, ii.Li.voiH WSpecia. klUnliftn cii.n , i . JSteamboat bumew. h 0 10 A'l'""6llr and OriTICK-OIIIO LKVKE, I100.MS 7 AM) 8 OVMK CITV NATIONAL HANK. BATCH KLOIl'S HAIR BYE. Tun luperbhaird.eniia , , t10Hor,, perfcily harmlee,, Mll,JIB snJ u,.m.oll Th,K llume w A ,Ja(cie lor1 llAlr Dye produce, IminHiatejy w naturd blck brr. I'o.a not M.m (b. ,k,n , Imtci Iht hair clean, .jft B4 Ututiful. The only ' nti periecl hair d,e. fibM h glib). Kacttry, IC Uond hi,, jj. x. S-JO-tod-Tiv-ly. W ADVERTISEMENTS. I.tlPOKTANT NOHOW. NOTICE. Officii i f Cairo Oitv Oa Company, Cairo, III., Jlarun Sfltli, Hi J. The niiuual meeting of Hie stockholder of the Clro City Gas Cmnpan), lor the rleclion ol directors tor the enMilnnyenr, will U htM on tlio tlral Monday In April, nt tlio olllco 01 mo com puny In llio cltv of Cairo, nl a o'clock p.m. .J.VSd.. T. OKIIOUI.ll, Hei'y. STOCKHOLDER'S 3IKET1N0. CAIKO ,t VINCENNES It, 11. CO. I lie annual inccilnftof Stockholders nl Cairo .t Vinecniios railroad will lie licla nt tlio office of llirciinpn.iy, in Cairo, Illinois, on Tuenday, the Kid nIApill, for the purpoao of lectlng til rectors for tho enstiltiH Year, nnd f r any oilier bininc-a proper to come before audi meetlnR. S.'I-dbl. A K. ni'ltVIIll-: l'rol''cnl, KLhCTIOX NOTIOK. Notice ic hereby Kl'fn H"' on Monil iy, the 8lh day of Apr". ls7i. "n -lootlon will ho hcl.l nt the AmbeiiBine lioune, la towntMp I" nouth, ranife 1 el, eoiiniy of Alexiniler mid stilo ol lltinoiK, for the purpose of electing oni) nclmnl Truslee for .ld townnhlp. The kiI will lie rned nt Oo'tlnvk In tile foiei.ouii, nml eiof e i o o'clock in llic (iflcrnoon of the miiio day. J.T. Htsstr, ) . Jo. Wuop, School Trulec. p. W. II a cur.) Pnted thl lh iln of Mir-'li. Ii. 3-iMd. BliBUTION NOTICE. Notice In liert-'iV uneii tlmt on Monihy, the nmt ilny of April, Wl. n ileclion lll nei'i nl tho Ainti cn tv lunise. in lol ihlp I. wmlti, rngn I vcl, county of Alennilr nnd Mnte f l'ltioi, for Iht) purpire olil.etlnR one n'hool director lor mid loinhlp. 'I he p"H will he opened nt U o'clm k In the n.ion, rd cloie nl 5 o'clock in tho nfierno.iii ol ih mine i!ny. I), (li nn. ) J. II. Hrcn, Hchool Ulrectom. M. II. HarhclI, I Pnlcil till" 21t ily of.Mnrch 1ST2. Id. KI-lXIll. 7ji"iK'Y)"rb"M xotickh. AT ATIIEXEUM HALL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS MARCH 29&30. TUT. CELniirtATKDXEOnO PIANIST, ZBLIlsnD TOM TIIK UKEATMUMC.VL I'RODIOY OF THE AOE AND .llotl .Marvelous .Mnlcnl (leiiiiiw Living e3"Iiofore he In withdrawn permanently Irom before lh ntlblle ft in h ihttv ill iiwm In vonr ll to NEK AND If i: A 11 THIN CJHEAT, I.VCOM- 'it.ii in. t; wii.MtKii up tiii; MXhTKEATII Ct.NTL'IlV. ADMtsitoN, IJil Clo. lirir.Rvrn Sriti, 7S ctn. Door open nt 7 o'clock ; To commcneo at 8. MTdenti! can be ccurcd lllartinanV Auction (store. 8.1-Ot. THE BULLETIN. Publlcnlion OHlee, Iiullctln IlulldlnK, WitNhlnKton Avenue. GENERAL TOPICS. Tlio wentlior continues pleasant. The btciimor Great Republic '-lit out" lust night for St. Louis. Tlio inmnmoth steatntr Jus. Howard is now loading ut this port. Ciipt. Ilnlliday declines to bucomo h camlidato for thu ofllco of school trustee. Hill Scott snys ho is not n caudidutu for school trustee. Thcro is not money enough in tho olllco for him. Aldermnn "Wiilder returned lionio from Now York city yesterday. Ho pur chusocl u lnrgo stock while in thut city. Tlio whurfrnustcr's olllco has been re moved to tho front room, up stairs, in thu Scett AVhito building, corner Sixth itroet and Ohio loveu. Tlio l'rcsbyteriun sociable was held at the rooms of Mr. W. Hyslop on Thursday evening. Tlioso who attended enjoyed thomsolves highly. It is paid thero will bo three murder rases tried nt tho coming term of tho cir cuit court, tho most important of which is tlmt of Clmrloy Walker. Romembcr tho "Wind Tom" concert nt the Atheneum to-night. It is worth inoro than tho prico of admission to see nnd hear tho wonderful black boy. See advertisement of Hnckenstoso's circus on thu third pupo of to-days Hin.- leti.v. This tnammoih oxbition will spread its canvass in this city on tho 1 if tit of next month. Silt with butter in it is selling at from twenty to thirty cents in this mar ket. IJuitur properly salted is about the 6amo priou. Eggs nro worth twenty cunts pc dozen. Jamci- I). White, contractor on thu Cairo it St. Louis railroad, lun pouted bills calling for two hundred und fifty men to work on that mad near Unity, in this county, at good wages and prompt payment. For information, apply to Jus. D. White, on thu work, or to Mat Rums al tlio .Mechanic's boarding house in iLis city. If tlio Cairo and Vintonnes and Cairo and St. Louis railroads aro not completed within tlio timo specified by tho contrac tors to havo them completed, wo will bo I much di.appointed. Within tho past I week or trt days sinco tlio good woather 1 Sfct In, the forcuof lulwinira iilnnir tin, mink hSVU bwn greatly HgmiJlited and the Work is being crowded through with unpreco- unmcti rupiuity, -riuj Hibernhin fJro company has never since U organ ixatlun been in so pros,.roui a coi.dition as it j, Bt tho prt. il time. The company now own their ow '-i..o houv,, nnd Ulu , 'lS1 "P" which it is loca led, and hnv. .. ....... . . . turn orn-,,1, i ,lcl respectaoio ui i ol cuh , ti10 trcwury This tiuto jf uiluirs i inn .,,,., ,n,rn dun to tho ellle.uut innnnguuiont of the prcs cut officers of the ooinpany. Ml o opine that thero will bo littlo btt11 Paying within tho city limits mil teuson Yonerd refeicnee tu lla) 10c; mnn proc(!0nnB.f i'uu c "i anot her column r ,,...,v'. IJl'LLetin, lour ImIj were fined by Equlro & iitnne.fcy fur induleing lit tho pti.tttna "mm mo niurcmid limits, llatu bull Is a fruud, and i( tho boys mm havo their giunci let them go to places whore they THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN SATRUDAY, MARCH 30, 1872. I will not Interfuro with Ihosa who hnvc nn ' khhorronro for it. The "Black Tom" concert nt tho Atheneum last night drow out n vury largo Attendance. Black Tom's per formnnco on tho piano and other instru ments was cxcullcnt, nnd lilted tlioso who heard him with wondormnnt to know how one born n slave nnd having novcr rceolved any trnlnlng, could bccoino so proficient In musical attainments. The concert is well wortli tho prleo of admission. Tlio performanco will ho repoated to-night again, when it Is expected tho hotiso will bo filled to overflowing. Night before last n small negro boy liiattemptlng to jump on n passenger train on tbo Illinois Central railroad, between Fourth and Sixth streets, misled his grasp and fell to the ground. In falling tho Hang of tho wheel caught his foot nnd crushed it so soveroly lljat it may possibly bo neccs'iiry to amputato it. Thoro aro a number of small boys who loung about thu levee for no other purposo than to ride on passing trains. Tlio police havo warned them llnio and again but to no purpose If tlioro Is not n. dead boy or two picked up on tho levco somo u these lino spring days, it will not bo tho fault oT tlio boys. Mr. Arthur Boyle, of this city, has as'ocintcd himself with Lciiahau and Able, under the (Inn numo of Lonnhan, AbleA Boyle, and tnken a contract tocon truot'a number of miles of tho grading of tho Cairo ami Vlncenncs railroad. They havo advertised !or two hundred men, to whom fair wages nnd prompt payment will be given. They want men to work In rock und earth, for which thoy will pay rook men, $2 per day; earth excavators $1 75; good teams $3 Go and for uood plow, $4 CO. Portons wishing to secure employment with thoJo gentlemen, can ascertain all necessary Information by applying to Mr. Julin Hyland, corner Tenth street und Commercial nvqnue, this city. Mrs. Vandevcntcr Is tho authorized ntrcnt in this city for the sale of n book entitled the "Grent Industries of tho Uni ted States. ' This work is n sorics of pop ular, yet comprehensive, sketches, by emi nent writers, of tho origin, development, and present condition of tho nrinuinal arts and industries of this country. Tlio information it contains could hitherto be obtained only by laborious refcronco to oncylopcdias, und the numerous works each treating only of somo single inven tion. Tho book is ullko valuablo to Mio professional man, merchant nnd mechanic) and should bo found in every library. It is sold only by subscription, nnd Mrs. Vandorontor informs us that she is meet ing great success in its sale in this com munity. Soveral days ago Chlof Myers nnd Dotcctivo Arnold received a totegrum from Cleveland, Ohio, requesting them to bo on tho lookout for one .1. R. Knight alias I'arkor alias Johnson alias Ashgraves it noted burglar, who sometime since ran away from that city in company with a girl by tho nnmo ol Julia Clark. Ye. tcrday morning tho ofllccrs spotted their man. Thoy watched his movements dur ing tho day in order to uncertain whero ho was boarding. Between six and suven o'clock in tho evening, Knight und tho girl Julia Clark wore arrested ittlhc housu of Mr. l'uillips' on Walnut street. Miss Clark obtained employment ns seamstress witli Mrs. Phillip? and Knight stated that ho was furniture repairer in search of employ ment. In his trimk wcro found a Smith's patent haiul-dril), u pair ol nippers chiiel, und two new falso keys. Knight and tli u girl wcro lodged in tho count jail, whero thoy will b held until tho ar rival of thu chief of police of Cleveland who lias tolcgruphcd for thu prisoners to bo hold al all hazards. A reward of $'J0O was offered for tho arrest of tho girl Yesterday afternoon constable Gcorgo Woldon, nrmcd with the proper docu moots, proceeded to tlio houso of Charley Oul instead, In tho bitrracks,to search fur a lot of carpenter's tools, which it is alleged Oulmstead had stolen. On 'arriving ut tho uoute Weldun produced his search warrant and signified his intention of searching for tho stolen property. But Oulmstead objected, and told him that he would everlastingly blow his daylight out if hi' attempted to "aarch" his cabin at thu same limn aiming a double-barreled shot-gun, loaded full up to thu muzzie, al Woldon's head. Woldon, who Mippotcd ho would havo no trouble in searching tho IioiifO, failed to taku his pistol will him. Thu situation of nU'alrs was nut ut all pleasing to him, and hu concluded tho best thii.g ho could do would he to pro cure usslrtauce to mako tlio search Shortly afterward Chief -Myers, and oill cers Martin and Arnold went to tho housu, when it was found that Oulmstead had mado good use of his time mm got out o thu way. lTp to a late hour last night ho had not been arrested, nnd in ull proba bility hois now beyond tho teach of thoolli cers. Oulmstead is reported to bo a bud character. POLICE COURT. (Hefore rlliAtinessv, t. M.) Just think ol it I Suven poor devils bo foro his honor vestorday, and out of tho wholo caboodle, nary a red I If this slato of nll'airs was not enough to disgust his honor with police business in Cairo, what John Windoll and William Rico, counlo of trentlotnen nrrived In tho city on Thursday ovouing, and before nluo o'clock, found thomcselvos inmates of tlio hotul do Mclliilo. Thoy,got drunk, and fell Into tho hands of Helm. His honor sent them back tu tho calubooso for u term eight days each. John Slmmonds. Pctor Brown. Charles Stewart and WaUi Dickson, col jr od boys, wero arrostcd for playing basu ball within tlio limits or tho city, ills honor, determined to lend his uesUtanco to break ing up baso ball playing within tin city limits, assessed a flno ol two dollars and tho costs against each of tho nbovu named lads. Having no money wherewith tho liquidate, thoy woro sent to tho culabooiu lor six dnvs oach. COMMERCIAL To-day, lu point of teinperaturo, has been thallrst really pleasant day wo havo had this season and it boro on its fnco ovl dances that moro will follow. A fow days of elmllar woathor will show tho fruit trees In blossom, which nro fully a month lutor than thoy worb last spring. Tho market has bcon modorately nctlvo during tlio week. Wo quoto Flour un changed with a light tock of Cholco Grades on tlio market. Oats nro dull nnd lower. Offerings of Southern Illinois wero refused to-day nl 42c. Galena sells nt 42c43c. Corn is fair with n good supply of Mixed andbutlittlo White liny is quliit, but firm at nn ndvatice. Rates of Freight to New Orleans nro quoted by bargo ut 27Jo f! hundred for Grain; Flour 00c; by steamboat, 30cC0o. Tho market for Country Produco is fair "Willi tlio approach of Easter, Eggs nro in demand, but tho supply is equal. Correspondents inus' bear in mind that our Insidu figures represent prices in round lots from first hands, nnd outsidu figures prices for sales made in small lots or on ordur.j FLOUR. Tho market is quiet with n light stock of good grades. Low grades dull nnd unchanged. Sales were 800 bbls. Vurious Grades, on orders SO OOfJASlO 00 100 Various Grille... 0 OOi !) SO 80 11 X X X Wir.tef Whs-lit 7 80 7 10 mo " xxx OOU " Uhl's Triumph. (to urrlvo), or. P. T. CORN. Tho market rules ns lust ported. Wo note sales of 20 cars Mixed, In bulk, on track... 12c 13c 42c 17c 51c 4Sc 1 " .Mixed nnd lellow, in bulk, on track C White, in bulk on track... 2 " Mixed, in sncks, on orders 1 " Willie, in bulk, del 9 " " in sncks " OATS. Are quiet, irregular nnd lower. We quote 2 cars Extrn Galena 44c 21 car, Galena in skucks del 42clHo cam .nixeu in saeKS no: dl'c II AY. Is in fair demi nd,nt an udvance over last week's quotations. Choice is scarce. Sales wero 5 cars l'rairio, del $13 00I5 00 3 ears Mixed " 20 OOfnVJl 00 " Timothy " 22 00 " Cholco Tilnothv del.... 22 00mT.' 00 0 " 11 Mixed 23 00 1 " Timothy Gilt Edire del 25 00 BUTTER.-Choico Butter in domnnd nnd scarce, Common, plenty and dull. Wo quote 5 pkgs Solid Packed 20c 2,000 lbs Choice Roll 20c22e EGGS. Tho market Is good and .libcr- nlly supplied. S'tlcs were 2,800 dozen 15c POULTRY. Tlio supply is equal to the demand. Roosters arc quoted nt $2 50 1 dozen nnd Hens at $4 00. Sales were 4 coops s.3 00m7i4 00 70 dozen 2 f)0?a,4 23 MEAL. Unchanged. Wo quote 500 bbls Steam Dried 2 t)5 600 " " " City Mills 2 00fi 00 500 bbls Beeeher's Caloric on P. T FRUIT. Quiot. Wo nolo sales of- 30 bbls Apples Jt 00 10 " ' Choice 0 00 POTATOES. Tlioro is very littlo doing in Potalocs, nnd no change in quotations. o quoto 20 bils Largo Poach Blows... $3 00 PROVISIONS. Dull. Prices rulo as last quoted. Snlos woro 1,000 lbs Bacon Shoulders, Cc 2.000 lbs Bacon Sides 8c 300 lbs Breakfast Bacot 9c PORK Quiet, with a fall in quotations. Wo quote 80 bbls Mess 12 35 BUSINESS LOCALS. Java Imperial Tea at BrNtnl & Stil woll's. 3,4 tf Try tlio Java Imperial Tea, at Bristol & S'.ihvell's. 2-5-tf. Go to Dr. MeGauloy for Rnttingor's Fi vor Drops. Wurranted to euro tho chill Fop, the best St. Louis lager in tlio city, go to Blankouburg's Excelsior sa loon, tf. notice. Anyono wishing to supply him self with n cholco saddle, harness or work horse, can do so by applying ut El liott & lln thorne's bout and ehou f-toro, MO Commercial avenue, Cairo, Ills. March 10, 1872. 3-2721. THE Ltrri.E KENTUCKtAN, No. 53 Ohio levee, is the pi ice whero they keep the frushe't flsl) nml gamo, und the finest wine?, liquors und cigars, to bo found In tho city. Dinner only twenty llvo cents. Open day and night, at all hours. J. E. Park, Proprietor. 3-1 tf. MILLINERY. Mrs. Anna L ing, on Eighth street be tween Washington and Commercial ave nues, has just recoived a fine spring stock of millinery goods, consisting of hats, bon nets, ribbons, notions, otc, otc, to which tho asks tho attontion of tho ladios of Cairo. Mrs. Lang will take pleasure in showing her goods to all who will favor her with a call. 3-9-1 in, TO r.ENT. Tho undersigned oilers for vent a com modious storo room on Eighth street. Tho houso is new and furnished comploto with sholves, counters, gas, water and every thing needed. Tho lacatlon is ono of the best in tho city, and oilers u good oppor tunity to a grocery or dry good man. For particulars inqulro of R. S. CUNIUKT, Cor. ol Sixtli and Commercial. 3-20,tf Wo havo no hesltaton In recommend ing William Killers, boot ami shoo maker as worthy of most liberal palronago. W know wheroforo wo speak when wo say his work is bono in a masterly manner at thu lowest prices. Ho uses nothing but llio best of stock, nnd ho c.innot bo excell ed in thu dollcato task of making nn ox act fit. Give liltn n cnll at his shop on Twentieth stroct, Uotwoon Washington avo mi u and Poplar stroet, nearly opposlto tho court houso, and wo will guarante SBtlsfuctlon, CONCERT, Tho choir of the Presbytorlnn chuich under the direction of Prof. Owen, of St. Louis, wlllglvonconccrtattho Athoneuin. Thursdny ove., April 4lh. Thoy will bo aslslcd by inmc of our best homo talent, also by Mm. Owon, who Is n slngnrof moro than ordinary merit. JMiriuer notice will bo L'lveii concornlnc tho aalo 0f tickets. FOR SALE0R RENT, A good Brick House, four rooms on first floor, largo grounds (llvo full lots thu Flora Gardnn), peach trees and grnpo vines, good cisterns nnd out houses, for ront or snlo at n bargain. Enquiry nt Court Houso Bakery, of John Reks. ii-'jfUml Flower Stands, M'! Baskets, Wiro Window Screens, Bird Cage-, Japan Ware, Toilet Sets, Spongo and Hip Baths, Infant Baths, Chamber Paib, Brass nnd Enameled Kotlliis, Brltatiia Ware, Colfee and Tea Pots, Hair Wiro nnd a general assortment of Stamped und Plain Tin AWo. Last, but not least, Cu.nTErt Oak Stoves, to bo had i,t low figures at C. W. H kndeiwon'h. 3-27mld 190 Commercial Ave. Pat Fitzgerald, of thu samplo rooms has received tho appointment of agent for tlio sale of tho Hammoudsport, N. Y., Ur- bana Wlno Company's nines in this city If tho botllo with which wo huvu been favored Is n sample of tho quality of theso wines, then wo aro prepared to say that they aro among tho best wo havo ever tasted. He has just received a largo con slgnmcnt, which lie is prepared to sell at tho lowest figures. Ho has also on hand n largo and complete stock of tho various brands oi Irish, Scotch and American whiskies, nnd wines of every variety. Janl2dlf 3-10.d3w, SOLI) OUT. Mr. Joseph Mendel has sold his grocery store, nt tho coruor of Tenth street and nshington avenue, to Mr. Joseph Brois. Mr. B. has taken possession and will im mediately stock tho concern with n full and complete usicrtment oi the freshest and clnicest groceries and provision, which ho guarantees to sell at prices as low ht can beobtuincd from any other estab lishment in tho city. Ho solicits a share of tho public palronago and promise) in return prompt attention and cuurteom treatment. 3-8 dim. PARKER A II LA K K. Parker & Blako havo added to their well assorted Paint, Wull Paper nnd Window Glass establishment a regular painting businoM. They have engaged -Mr. Carl L. Thomas, who has bocn In tho pninting business in Cairo for tho last 10 years, to superintend tho painting and pa per hanging department, and nil work en trusted to him, or for whloh ho may con tract, will be duly acknowledged by thorn, and will bo executed with neatness and dispatch. Sign writing, plain and fanry tainting, paper hanging nnd decorations, cal.omining, graining, glazing, etc., dono at rcasonablo terms. 3-Otf. HILLINO AT COST. As I desiro to chungo my businoM, will sell nil of my present flno stock of Groceries, Canned Fruit, Tous, Colfee, Spices, Confectionery, etc., etc., for tho next tinny duy, at uu&r. This is no humbug. I mean what I say. John Tannor, cornor of Eleventh utreet and Waghington aveuuo. 3-27mld IUVER NEWS. PORT LPJT. ARRIVED AND DEPARTED. Hlenmer. Where from. Where lo Tom Rces St. Louis Pittsburg. Atlantic St. Louis. City of Cairo. .St. Louis N. Orleans. John Luiiiidun N-inhvillo. Idluwild Kvnnsviile... Kvansville. Great Republic.N. Urlen .St. Louis. Illinois Columbus ...Columbus. Friendship. ...St. Louis. Ari'iigtuii Cincinnati. ...St. Louis. Tyrone Nashville. CONDITION oF THE RIVERS. IIIU MUDDY COAL. Steamboats supplied nl any time, both day and niht, wild either lump or chest nut coal, in any quantity, and on usual terms, ut thu yard at Grand Tower, Ills Special contracts ollered on favorable terms upon application. H. V. Ol.YPIIANT, D. A. Hokkk, Gen'l. Supt. Sales Agent. 3-15-ly, The rivor was declining slowly at this port yesterday. Thu condition of tho ML sUsippi hits been improved but little by iho lalo rise, stoumcrs report only six feet in tho channel. Things in the upper Ohio remain about the same. The Cumberland river has a fair boating atago at present. Thoro is a good stage uf water in tho Ar kansas rivor to Littlo Rock. Tlio Red riv er Is still on tho rise, but nt a slow rate. The river from horo down to tho Gulf has been in a good condition ull this season, and steamers havo boon enabled to leave this port loaded as deup as thoy could swim without fear of tho sand bars. 1IUS1NESS AND WEATHER. Thoro was a fair amount of ahipping dono on tho landing. Freight is still plun ty with very good rules. Tho leveo is cov erod with freight. The fair and pleasant weather continues, nnd it is certainly wolcome, for wo havn havu hud enough winter. Yesterday was a delightful day, MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Tho City of Cairo cumo out with loaded barge in tow nnd aftor transferring tho freight, she received somo freight horo and left yesterday to tuko 0,000 sucks corn from tho river bank below. Tho Atlantic und burgos and Tom Reos nnd barges succeeded in getting off Pow ers' Island and urrlvod at this port all right. Tho Rccs had 3 barges iron ore for tho Ohio rivor. Tlio Evnnsvlllo packoti aro doing a plcndld business At present. Each one of them nrrlve hero with u full trip of re shipping freight, and nre genornlly full of pnssongcrs. Tho Ohio river trade nboVo Evnnsvlllo Is slowly diminishing, and In n few years there will bo hardly enough business to Justil n fuw Orleans packet going abovo this port for n load, Thu MarbloClly laid hero several hours, taking on a largo lotofcodar poles that was brought out by tho Nashville packet. Tho ldlowlld enmo In with n splendid trip of freight nnd pnscngers. The John Lumsdon cleared for Nash ville, with all tho rorn shu could carry. Tho James Howard wns still hero last evening at dark looslving freight. Tho Arlington after n long absence mado her appearance hero yesterday, rtho will hereafter run ns it regular packet butween Cincinnati and St. Louis. Shu Is well adapted to tno trade. A short time ago, jbst beforo tho tug Caclio left Mound City, two menu littlo under tho infiunncc uf liquor, engaged passage, and while, ono of them wns slink ing hands with a friend on tho wburf boat the tug backed out, nnd thu fellows forgot to let go each other, and one wns pulled Into the river, but wns got out in n duly sober condition. PHIL. HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCILElt, City Xatlonnl Hunk nulldluir. ft.pecUl attention paid lo orders Irom .Iran, oat nmht or dav.liU Maimiiauk Gl'Ide. Interesting work numerous engravings, 221 pagos. Price CO cents. AdJrcss Dr. Butt's Dispensary, No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis, .Mo. See Advertisement. tf. Delay Not. Convulsions, wind colic, and griping in the bowels ot Infants causa death. -Mrs. Whltcomb's Syrup Is a tried remedy. It costs only 2f cents. 3-27d it wlw Fresh St. Louis lager bcur just received at the Lxcclsiur saloon, r. Blankunburg, proprietor. , tf. IMPORTED Malaga grapes at Jorgcn sou s, corner or iwentlelli street nnd Washington avenue. II Our Homo Advertisers. UKMKIIAI. AUKXTN. 1IALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS FORWARDINO and COMMISSION yt r.n ciian ti. DEALERS IN FLOUR And Agents of Oil In Itlver nml Kiinnnlin SALT COjaCsTIES. ro Ohio Lf.vek, Cairo. Illinois. AI,0N. A. SUSAN KA, Proprietor MAGNOLIA SALOON And Dealer In Korean nnd Domestic, WINES, LIQUORSAND CIGARS, 97 Ohio Lovcc, Hdtwcet. Ninth anil Tenth Streeta, Cairo, III. deel7tl ' EL 1)0 It A ho BILLIARD SALOON KOOM. AND BAH- JOHN CIATI1N, I'roprlclor. 1(16 Ommcrcinl Avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS nest brand of Callfe' liClgaraJust received, BILLIARD saloon tur "'"hod '.'Jin'jl Uquori tables; and bar aupplied wl "n"' " auj cltjare of the tluest brauda. Our Home Advertisers. RANKS. MUST NATIONAL BANK or oairo. IMNIIMi liUn II, Prealdenti ItOIIKKT W. MII.LKK, Vice-President t O. r-. IIIKIIlK.H,Cathler. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. LIXCIIANilK, i.'Hln, bank notei and United Vj Ulatoa rucuritiea boliuM and aold, IlilereO Allowed in Time llenmtlu. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS Clinrlered Mnreli at, laws. CITY NATIOVAL BANK, CAIRO A. H.SUTIUtl), Pr-Mdent I H. S. TAYLOR, Vlce.l'remlent ; Vf. II V.Sl.Ul', K.ivtetarT and Tieamrcr. ruaacToaii l W. llAKCLAV, K. M. HtiKirl ,tK. CllAH. Oaiiqiiib, I'Al'L O. BCHtll, W. I'. IlALiibAr, K II. Ct J. M. pKimrt lleHMillM ol any Amount Iterelved Irani Ten t'enl I'linnriU. INTKKK.-1T paid on depnalle tithe rale ol all pe-cenl. er annum, .March Intend Hpleu--r Int. Inleret not Hillidrawn l ublcd Imme diately to tie principal of Hie deponlli, thereby k'vIuk them compound Interent MARKUP WOMEN AND CHILDREN HAY DEPOSIT MONEY O THAT Q OXt lUI CA IT. Open every bulne day from 'J a.m. to .1 p.m and .Saturday eeninK lor HA VINO I)KIWJT on'.). Irom 8 to & o'clock. air.ntl W. llrHl.or. Treasurer. TliECITY NATIONAL CAIKO, ILLI.VOIS, CAPITAL 8100.000 W. P. IIAI.i.lDAY, President. II K.N it Y L. MALI. I DAY, Vice-Preldtnf, A. I1.S4AKFOIID. Caableri WALTKK HYSLOP, Aillant Culner. Diaicioaii (. itaats TAttoa. HoaraT II. Ci.i'iaHiM, llnav I.. Hailiuat, W. I'. IUiuvai, lira. 1 1. WaiiAMiun, bTtrma lllab A. II. Sat rciae. Eaclianee. Coin ami llnlleil Nlnte HomlH lluiiKlit huiI Nulil. D EPOSITS received, and iiieineaa mine. a neneral tnklsit WIMM AND I.IUUOIIH. wjL7l"SCHUTT liupurler wud Mholennlc Iuler In WINES, LIQUORS, A NO TOBACCO Ac CIC3-A.T2.3. AKi-nt for the beat brand of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AXI Imported Ale or lllllrreul It lutl-. 75 Ohio Levee, 0 CAIIIO. ILLINOIS. F. M. STOCKFLETH, Dccrmon lo roiui TucaritTM Iteclirrer nnd Wliolemile Healer lu t'orelK" "nil ISomenlle WINES AND LIQUORS. No. 02 Onto Levee, C.U110, ILLINOIS. HKkeepaon hand constantly a full stock of Old Kentwokv llourhnn, live and .Mononxa .... . , ..... l.-...n..K Urjmlluy llnll.,..! flln Hloneand Calilnrnlw Wlnea I nwii AL COA L! COAL I COAL I JAMES ROSS, ptAl.ta l DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CARBON a o .A. Xj i Commercial-ay., Foot of All Coal carefully weighed at tho yard on Fair o.nka' acalei.. FULL WKIOHT WAHHANTKt), 4 Coal delivered on iho ahorleat notice in an) part nl the cl,y, either by the half ton, ton or car load, Leave order at the offce on Commercial. ay, at the foot or Eleventh street. novlSd.tin.