Newspaper Page Text
" nil. ... . .! Mill . f I M' mm joiin ii. o.MBiay & co., THE MAILS. sititm:. rnr Xorth, ThrmiiM Hits) a. in. :) p.m 1 ' Way ........ vrat p.m. 4;ti p m. South, Way ).,m. " Through N. tl., Mem. nlil mi l Columbus, 1 C"iio Itlfr route, (except 1 on lay i ;m p.m. ' rnn Mmintnln ll It .:!'ia.m. ll;K)p. n. Inn. II vT rout, Tuesday I rtti.l Friday fi.oOp.m. I iheN s, (loo.e Island A Haiita Thursday A Krl- ,y ;, (..Ml p.m. 7:0", .)llel,l, Iltamlville Kb.l I '.nvelaee, ICjr lltOUa.m., j 'IMIir IIOl'KK. j l-n.ral Del very 7iSH.m. Hntnlny Mo'la.m.) oney OnwiIeiaaliMtit tee a.m. ylnlrr " " " B.isja.m. t.'iop.m. oney Order nil Itesliter departinehta no on Sundays. OUR CHURCHES. I'RriSinTEI'.IAS-Eiglilh.strret. I'limbing l-abbalh Ht Wi a. Hi, and "JJ r. . Prayer meeting, Wedm sday nt 1 r. . Sunday K!i iol, 3 r. M. J. M, Huper- intenuent. Ittv. U. II. Foots, IW.r. HKTIIOIUST-Cor. Eighth awl Walnut Hta, 'reaching, Babbath lnjj a. m., miii r. x. I'rmiiifliMK, Wednesday, 7j; r. a. enuiMy suhuol .1 r. x. I. W htlUell, Supt'f mini lut. l!i . K. 1 Tiiiikkv!., I'a.tor. I lit Id. II UK Til K l!KllKKMKIt-(Kpl- opal) Morulurf prHyii., ny; a, m. Sal.Utll, U a. t. Mh. C'.hv, llcclor. T I'VrittCK d CIIL'KUll j-ir. .Siulli hi. an.) A ikIiiiii.iIi At. Iiur. tf It. , Mrfttutll fjf U'I I0, a. M i lri. J ". .. iiiniy r-:i.'i'.l, l r. v. VMlK" mr) OA), s . Ht-t. I'.J.H'IUlwkai, I'rK.I. iii:.sMt; ai-s'hxuiu.n tw it .11 ll.r. tluK ."ul"l MullUat l Innblll Hi ll "I l'r)rr r.Mjin vl trr l'r.-pl.yirriiui church Arrkl) l'lH)rr Iiipc' u, triOay, ' r, M., at .ht I'rayvr iuuiii uf thv l' riau rliutvh C I'ahim, l'rilnt. itlllLAS MKTIII)II1 I uunt-Hilli, U-ti-.D U alor.l an I (dr. anwr., nahlmlh, II a.m. :ii i.lny n'hiKj, y, r. x. m. hONl r ItKK-wll.t. BAPTI1T Klfleijth HI. 5, r. x. U . Win. Ja.K-.iu, I'a.Ior. totitrvD Walnut 0'l C'l"lar. errrice ."Utl.tli, IS " 1 :l KT. Kicii, I'a.Ior. ' HKK WILL inlTlrtTlloMK MlMlO. iD A V n HoilL Corner nut anJ O'Jar &i. umJy lioul, n a. x. H.-T HiKK WILL HAI'TIT CIIURCII-Cur- ry a H arrack. m lcf, rtablialh 1 a. x., r. x. ami Vr.u. Ir. Mx, Knur, Ptor. nlt-TMIrtalONAKV IIAl'lliI CUUIlCll-nt. rru luth aU'l Hth trert', CfartVilar. I'rriu:hinf nbiatli l'iJ-4 a. x , wiJ r x, rr MfUlm; V. rrfnrvti) reniliK. I'rvm li.fiK. KriJi) rTfiiiuK Hi.lMlh.T nooi, yt r. x. John an llxir and lar) rlfphui aupriiit.n.l.-nta. Il. T J. Bimir.. PUi l-l O .Ml IIM'IfTCIIUKI ll-houitii-nlh alrl. I. ttm ti-Jar miii W all.ul j I . Jaruh lint-! I ) , Difr ; tin- nljr HHlrt Chmrli rr.Ttnit-d ihf A.ii'ial'cb. rr Itlin, MihJa) Ilo'i.ock .ui., al i p.m. iuJ at 7 p.m. JaCu. Z!ill.r.r, Kl I.r. SECRET ORDERS TUC XI AHONs. chho 0xxANMr, So. 13. UUI AS'inbly l Hie A)luiu Ma.ami 1111, firlRl third, ba ll Jat Id cacu month. Caiho C-ji. mil. So. 'Jl. ' rgular Contoctiont h.od'c lUll.thva'-cuuil l-rida) In i-h monih. Laiki Cii.rn a .Nu. 71. (rfiilar Conocation t Wa.ouiC Hall, ull th Ihird luraila) Of fXriy 3i -nth. .. ' . LAian Ubm. .So.7 K. i t. y HcRtllar Com. HiUiiiL-aliuii. hi Jla.umi iihII, the neond aiid lu nil .loiiilaia ol rwli inonth. lint l'W.i, bo.l I. i A. M. Regular Com nun.eulifiui ai )lanii! Itall arat ami third 1 hur.'la) a ni .'.u'li ni'inlh T11K OliU-KELLOWS. .LriADlK Loi-.i, ai. lnlln OddKcllct:'.. Uil, n.vri r"', fr Tliuraday inn UK, at 7 u'elo ik. STATE OFFICERS. STATE OFFICERS. tioenmr. John M. Palmer ; l.ieiitriiaiii-t.uinrnur, Juhn Douulierl) I St-uK-lury ot etate, !l't;d llutiiiiiel 1 AuJit-ir of rtt.ite, C K. Lippincott . hlleTre.urrr, E. S. Hte; supt. Public Iu.trui.tion, .Vwton Ilateman. conuiieIsmen. .Onatora Lyman Truiiihull and John A. Lo;an. lt.prautato lur tho oiaio at Large J. L llcrrndue. Kepren'iitatlt' Thirteenth IM.tnct John M .eb. jIEMIJERS GENERAL ASSEM IiLV. Keaatnra, lt lintnet T. A. K. llolcomli, o Union, and 9, K. Ijituu, ot tialUtln. Heprei-enutne, ll DUtri. t II, Wntaon t-b 4. countv"o"ffioers. C I I1C U IT COUIIT. illdiwtl. J. linker, of Alexander. . rucuiiug Attoruej I. K. McCartney, ol Ma.a.,e Cin uit Clerk Jo". Q. Harman. jlieriil A. II. Irvin. A in. Martiii, ani1 Tirastirer. county cot: nr. Jml(!e r. DrosH. Ai.Ki'e.-J. w. McCrlteand rt. Mareh'ldon. ClrrU lacub 0, jh. 'Iiirouer John II. Uuman. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT m) or John M, Lsnsden. frca.iiier J. H. Taylor. Cnmptro Itr E. A. Buruetl ;i ik Miuhaoi Howluy. i r.hal An.lre Clu. Alt rut)-p. II. Pope. I'olu-e MKutMtoa K. Mross and 11. Hhan ii ChUfol Police L. II, Myera. bKLKCT COUNCIL. Mayor John 11. Laiiauen, I'lrai Ward I. ti?--iiliiili, tk'cond ViHid C, It. WuuuMani, third Ward llio. Wood, rourlh Ward i. Stuata Taylur. Cit-at-L.rj:e W. I'. IliilllJay and Ii, u, j, 110 A RD Ol ALDKKM'W. V.RSr WAIID Jamea Biarden A. II. tjathi-.d, , Imac Waldur. BECONDWABli B. lUCuuninghsm, E. liuder, John Klancll, Jamsa Hwayne, THIHD WAHD Wm.Htrntion, L Johu n. I'hi'lla t yRTU WARD John II. itouiuton . . O.U.Hease, Mripalf. proprietors. THE BULLETIN. CALIFORNIA FRUIT. .Jtit received Ht lirlstol it Stilwnll'a CHhtll'll Hnrlntt I'nuea A rirlnnta mill Mll.nn' Grape. AI.o a full assortment of best , brands of other canned goods. No. M Eight street, n-l-tf. I . i - I FOR SALBOjl IlKNT. A good Mrlek Home, four rooms on II rut door, Urge grounds (Ave full lots- tin Flora Garden j, peach trees and grnp vino, good cistern and out house, for runt or sale at n bargain, Knqulrj at' Court llotiru Uukcry, of .Ions Rees. n.'JTduil CONCERT. Tliu cliolr of llio l'ri-ubvterian cliurcli undiT tlm direction .if 1'ruf. Owmi, of .St. I l.nui, will ive a concert nt tlio Athenuum, Tliurtlay ev., April 41b. 'I'ltnr w In. u..t.f.ul lit a, i, no iF Anr I ..... ..-n.n.... ..j r w ... b'-nt lioine talent, alo by Mrc Owen, who i i a hinder of moretliHii ordinary.inerit. Kurthrr notlre will bo given conccrnlni; I tb! 'ale of ticket. ARLINGTON HOUSE. T. II Kill, proprietor, corner "tli treet i mid (oininercial nvcnuf, Cairo, 111., I j pretmreJ to iiccMiiiiuxUtu thii public with h i board bv thn (In v, week or tiiurith, at lower rate than any other flirt-class hotito in the city. Thy rouins ore all w.dl fur, light and ulry, good nmple roomi fur the ni'Lviinniiiilalion of Coimnercial agents. Tl.u boutu is located in the cen ter ol the bu.itien part of the city within oliu 'Unro ol the post iilIW. 4-9 tf NOTICE ()FREMOVAL. Having roinovcd my boot and thon bop to the noitb side of Eighth tn-et, between Commercial avenue and Ohio levci, oppo site my old Hand, 1 invite all my cu tmimri tocill on i n. i In my new quarters, where I shall keep on hand and manufac ture ull kinds of cistom-inadu boots and shoe, and guarantee in the future, a I hav. done in tho pt, to give good work, good slock, good lit and perfect iatifnc- j tirn. niiLLir uaioii. 3-fc-2m. SKWl.NO MACHINES. We hava just rfceivod a large stock of now improved Grovur Baker's sew irg machines. They stitch alike on lxth sides. Wo will sell family and manufacturing machines, with the privilego of paya . . . .. ", " monthlv installmenU, giving the purchas- ers choice betwscn lock-Mitch and Grover iV linker' elastic stitch. Komembor wo ., . . . , . learn von to run all machines houlit or is. Wc also keep on hand sewing ma chine attachments, needles, silk, bist sperm oil in bottles, or you can bring your own bottle and have it rilled. In addition to our sewing machine de partment, wn do machine embroidery. dres and cloak making, stninping for either braiding or embroidery, and all done with block stamps. All orders from city or country will receive our prompt attention. All persons wishing anj thing in our lino are respectfully request'! to givo u a call nnd see rumples of work, 180 Washington avenue, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, l'ostollice Ikjx 1!-J3. 3 13 1 tn . H. F. Goody Ait. THE FURTRAUE. 11. LKVV A CO. PAY THE IIIQUKST MARKET lKICES. Helow will bo found the corrected list of prices paid by II. Levy A Co., for hides, furs, feiithors, wool, tallow bees wax, and nil kinds of country produce. Levy it Co. do a very largo trade in their line, and it is a" well known (act that thoy alway. pay the highest price to bo ob- tiuncu in mis marKei. Alley are now paying for runs: Mink ! S2 00a 2 Riiccriin :s::: ,;() 10 a 15 15 WildCat. Hou-e Cat M tiak Rat Opofsum Otter Hear Skins Ileavcr, per pound HIDES, l'Elt POUND Deer Skins Reef Hides, Dry Salt " Green Salt other Tallow, par pound Feathers, " " M'tml, " " IJeeswax " " 1-i t fr T il JjjjjJ g CO a "ii 27JaS7J 1(3 a'JU Oal'.'J GaTj CO a 05 00 a 70 25 a 28 The above prico list is subject to correc tion. Flower Stands, Mo-s Ilaskets, Wire indow Screenin, Itird Cages, Japan Ware, 3 Toilet SponctnHr I Hath., Infant Bath. Chamber Pi Brass nnd Enameled Ketiles, JJritanla Ware, Coll'eo and Tea I'on, Hair Wiro and a general ossortnient of Stumped Hiid IasjjjTiii "Waro. Last, but nu!V Charter Oak CooKlNO STovKrTTiiiid i,t low figures t C. W. Hknuerson'h, 3-27inld 100 Commercial Avo. Go to Dr. McGatiloy for Rattinger's Fr vor Drops. Warranted to euro the chills- For the best St. Louis lngor in tho cityi go to Ulankcnburg's Excolslor sa loon. FltEMl St. Louis Wcr bner lust received I at tho Exoolslor saloon. F. Ulankunburg, 1 proprietor. tf. a1u Up CAIRO, Java Imperial Tea nt Bristol & Sill- wir. 3,4tr imported .Million grapes nt Jorgon ton', corner of Twotitloth street and "ViiliItiton Hvcnui). tl -Mr' (!- """"y llH" "turned from Now Vork- Lwk out for Ills Immense stock of ",,B 'VUi'! wi" ,,rrivo in n fcw days. Go to C. W. Henderson's lor Ooochs' I. X. L. Iec Cream Freezers, Water Cooler, Hurricane Lanterns and Enam eled Grain Front. 3-3 1 -dim. Infants Much Htiiiririg to tlien ten der llttlu buiU of ilin fmnily illicit bo allayed by using Mrs. Wliltcomb't Syrup. See ndvertl'.cment in anotliQr column. I2d&wlw MAKittAm: OuiiiK.-Interestiti( work nuincrouH eri(;ravlii(;i!, 21M piigc. I'rlco (iOcent. Ail Iron Dr. Ilutt's I)iipenary, No. 12 North Kiuhlh Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sen Advertlfnient. tf. fta)" S1000 Kotvard will bo paid by tlio proprietor of Dr. l'lercu's Golden Medical Discovery for a ineillclno that will oqilHl It iiijcuriiii; fever hikI lingcrlni; Coughi, Kronchitis and all difeasesof the lung. COT-I-Sdiw. tiik LirrLK kbntl'ckia.v, No. C3 Ohio levc, is the phc where they keep the freshest tlih and game, and '.be finest wine, liquors and cigars, to bo found In the city. Dinner only twenty llvu cents. Open day and night, at all hour. J. E. 1'aiik, Proprietor. 3-ltf. .1KLLIN0 at cost. As I desire to change my business, j will sell all of my pre'ent Una itock of Gkockkikh, Canned Fruit, Teas, Coffees, Spice, Confectionery, etc., etc., for the next thirty days, AT COST. TfcU is no humbug. I mean uhat I -ay. 3-27mld. John Tannkb, Cor. of Eleventh it. and Waghington av TO KENT. Tho undersigned offers for rent a com modious store room on Eighth street. Tho house is new nnd furnished complete with shelves, counters, gas, water and every thing needed. The lacation is one of the best In tho city, and offers a good oppor tunity to a grocery or dry goods man. For particulars Inquire of II. J. GvKMrr, Cor. ot Sixth and Commercial. 3.20,tf Wuhave no hetitaion in recommend ing William Ehlcrs, boot and bhoe maker as worth v of most liberal patronage . , 1 . 3 We now wherefore o speak when we say I lii. ti..l I. In n m.itu.h. mi ttnof nt . ' ., , , , I llio lowrtfc prii-CB. jiu uua iiutiiiuK uui I, , . ' , . . . , ,, the bet of stock, and ho cannot bo cxcolb ed in the delicate task of making an ex act fit. Givo him a call nt his shop on Twentieth street, tietwocn "Washington avenue and Poplar street, nearly opposite the court bouse, and we will guarantee satisfaction. A BLAKE. Parker it Iilake havo added to their well assorted Paint, "Wall Paper and Window Glass establishment a regular painting business. Thoy have ongaged Mr. Carl L. Thomas, who hi been in tho painting business in Cairo for the last 10 year., to superintend the painting and pa pjr hanging department, and all work en trusted to him, or for which ho may con tract, will be duly acknowledged by them, and will bo executed with neatness and dispatch. Sign writing, plain and fancy painting, paper hanging and decorations, cal.omiinntr, graining, glazing, etc., dono at reasonable terma. 3 Ctf. On EveryuodyV Tonouk. Elogiums of tho great National Regenerator of Health. Plantation Uittkrk, aro on everybody' tongue. This gratuitous ti'ua ,, ...lvortisiiiL' is better t ban alltfcona d- I D fur pulling to which tho owners of bogus bitters aro obliued to rsi.ort. It bus n MtinntHtipoiia liL'tirtiness about it which carriea conviction to tho mind of tho audUor. Until is n well known fact that the nronrietora of Plantation Hitters 1 havo novcr relied upon newspaper bolster- ing to establish the success of a prepara- tuin which owes us imoniMiing popuiarity inainly to the oral testimony of the thousands who have either experienced or been tho eye-witness of lie Immense physical good it has wrought throughout tlm length and breadth of tho land. 4.:ieoditwlw NERVOUS DEBILITY, U'llli lla ir'oomv Hlleiiilimls. lo anil ll tirjtr ..miii, I a i, ......... j ,..,iiiii loHHOf KPiiicii, heriiiatorrli(r, loaN ol oer' iiizij it nil. lm i iiif-mury, mill llireMlrniHl liiiiirK'iici' Mint I.Mlic i'IIIIh, nulla loverelitn t'tirt lis liimi-iilirvy-'a llouuoiisllilc .!' lie . Tuenty-eliclit. Coinpo.n.i nt tt e in st valun b.e mild nd jitent ill 'itive tiey alri.e a at the roni ol Omnium, tone ii t ayi tern, arrest the dbchargea, ma imp 1 1 vigor nd Jiierty, 111" and vitallt) to lientnr mn. Tney have cured tholnanda nl'ca e. Price, $5 ei pajk igi'.ot hveboxea nnd a large J rial, which is very imnortant iu obstinate or old .:.uei, or 11 persingl on, Bold by all driHjlst., ajj sent by mail on ieelpt ol price, K-i iris Hilnuhrey HpeclHo llomeopalhiu Med.cine Jo , tr,i UrJad way, 1. Y. P. JJtl'JH. augl.ld. nwawly Aid it, Our ), lllinola WAOOMs. WAGON MANUFACTORY. For Salo at Wholesale or Retail COUNKll 32l)-8TIlEET AND OHIO LEV El Cairo, Illinois. novlltf J. P. GAMBLE ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1872. Our Home Advertisers. CHAS. ICIIU1.1Xtn. WtltlAX SCHICK UIIAS. SCHOENMEYEIl & CO FURNITURE ROOMS, Ul'HOLSTEKINO AND Mattress ManufaosU'i 15 1'itriillurn llsinlrlHK, 1'ICTUKK I'll A MING. All nnlpis promplly allcncled to. N0HTI1WKHT I.OIINKII OK W ASlll.NOTO.V AV K.VUK AND TK.VTII KT., , CAIKO, ILL. r. O. Iirawar Irai. (anlrtf. .lOSKI'H 1JH0SS, (rtuccasor to Joseph .cmll.) uiurn is FAMILY GROCERIES ASD All Kltirla Couiilrjr I'roilnre, Con. 10th Stkkkt and Wasiiisotox Av CMKJ, ILLINOIS. lUvinK pmehasfd th cncry alorn htoly nwuf.l hv Mr. Ji-eph Mrdrl, 1 will Krep loi sl a gi-n-ral ot family groerrli ol Ihn choicest In the inarkHt, Toth s ho may laor rr nlih their paunnait, I xuiimnlre as low prlcfi., roitr foils trraimfni and i rompt nllfii Hon ns caii ha liivl ai any alnnlar storn In the city. I solicit a vharn ot tho patronan or the PUiiIip. 3.cltf. JOHEI'IJ IlltOSJ. Railroad Advertisements. I. C. tl. it. QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi cago, New Yokk, IIokton, XV ALL POINTS KAST AND WEST. pMaitKr trains arnie at and leara Cairo as lol. lows i xail. txraus. Aaiirt 3:15 a.m l:0O p.m itrAkr 214.1 a m Hot h trains connect at Ceotralia with train on the roa Pana, Decatur, Bloomlngtcn, El Paso, I.aSkllt Uendota, Kreeport.tialena, lubuque, and all points in Illinois, Mia.ouri, Miunesola, Aiaconaln and Iowa. And with Lines runoimr. Ka.t and West lor i. Louis, HprmcheK Louiarille, Cineinnati, Indiauapo Is, Columbus. Aud at Chicago wllh Mlchi;an Central, MichlL'a bouthern, and Jriltnbirs. Fort Wayne and Ctiicairo HaUroads lor Detroit, Clereland, Dunkirk, Mtrtny, Button, Philadelphia, .Viagra Kails, Erie, Iluttalo, .New York, 1'itiabiirt;, Ualtimore, WaahiDk'ion. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. K. Onanl afler Monday, April 21th, U7I, trains run aaloliovtsi SORriIER.N D1V18IOS. TBAias ooiao sorruiAST. Mail. Eipro. i.ease Virginia c.tna.m ... 12 3o u.m. ' hpriniitield e.-.-o 3.00 " " Ta)lorllle MM t:M " Arrive at I'ana 11:46 m 6:17 " TtAtaiOOIaU NOkTBWMT. Express Man. LeaTr Paaa 4:Oua,m - J;35o.m " Taylortille ..S:4 " 46 " Arr'te atsprnn!ncid...fcil " e.wi " Leare pHigheld....i.:SS " 8:10 Ar.lve at Virginia " S:15 ' BtlUTHEK.N DIVIMIOS. TaAiaa uoinq sactiUast. Loave Edgewood 6:J0a. in 10:10 a. m ' Flora - ....6:25 11:40 " Arrive at ahaneelownJ:Mp m 6:16 n.m Taatxs oeiao aoarnwcsT. Leave Shawneetown 6:15 a.m 8.2np.rr " Klon. S:i6 " 7iu' Arrive at Edgewooil 40 ' 8.S0 " Til 6:.?i a.m. traia from Edgewood, runs onl) Monday, a and r"rma), and .' train Irnm Hiianeetowa ou Tuesdays, Thure di ya and Saturday. Conneuta ai AahUnd with Jacksonville dlvisioi. ul I'hicago and Al'un It llrod. fur J ti ksonville, I'eierabu g, Maaon City, and alt unlnta weat. At Hpnngfi.ld. with Chicago and Alton, hD'I Toledo, Wabah anJ Western Itnliroad, lur , illoom.ngti n, Chicago, undall polnta nurth, north i we. I Hi. wea , At Pana wllh Ind. and St Louis, and Illlnola Central lUllroad lor all pointa ea-t, auuih nd aOUtl ellal. At Edgewood with Chicago Dlviiton IlLuoi. central Knironi. At Klora, with Ohio aid Mi";i"lppi Ra lroao At Shawueeto n. with atedintmaia lur Cincin nati, 1'ailueah, Cairo and St. Loiiih. OKI. AM; SMITH, Oen'IPup'l John KmrjiTT, llen'l Kr'at anil TiuKet Ag'i. (lA.MtN. SIXTY-F1VE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE OHKAT BALTIMORE HAXl'FACTOKt WM. KNABE k CO., Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARE AND UFB1U1IT FOSTBS BALTIMORE, MARYLASD. Thsao instruments have been before the nubile nearly thirty yearn, and upon their excellence alone attained an ii;mta(id preeminence, which pionouucea lliem uneiuateu id TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DUARBILITY tr All our.S'7uar ianot have our new New lm proved Oie'strung hcalencd the Agrat IttM BAT We Mould rull special attention lo our late Patented Improvement la (Uasiw Pianos and t-DVAtllRANis, found In no other Piano, which bring! the Piano nearer perfection Ihao has ye been attali.ed, EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTS rOR riVE YEARS, Illustrated Calalogura and Price Lisle promptl furnished on application to. Ualtimoii, Mr many of our regular retabllahed agencice, St. Louis Advertisements. McCOUM 1CK A LYON. AltonlN. DOTY'S REVOLVING ItOAD SCUAPEU. MAKE1 ONE DOLLAR I' Ml DAY CI EAR profit o i each acrapt-r (or any othar seryi. r n- w in nf) lo the lonirHCtora ti-nm tnm. ri'e thousand now In ua prorn It nicrils. Autir.". DOTV. WATSON CO., 3.27,11m. 10 tl. Main ft., ft. Louis, Mo. JOHN II. CANNON & CO., 8uccesor to E (I. TUTTLE A Co., WholfJa'e bcalera In MILLINERY GOODS, 502 X. f'otirtti Mred, Cor. St. Charles, ST. LOUIb. ri rectal Httentlonaiten ordr-rv, loand aitlafae. tlon KUrrantced a It, dim UHOADW'AY FOUNDRY. COLLINS & IIOLLIDAY I3 CAItlt NT., NT. i.Ot'lN. HASirACTvacas or itatioari ahd roaTASLi: STEAM ENGINES AND HOILEItS MULAV ASDCIUCULAU SAW MILLS, Paw and Onst Mill Machinery. Rolling Mill and Furnace Castings, Wrought Shafting and Hmi.n Work, Parker's and Johu.lun'a Water Wheels, Tobacco and Lnrd Press ecrewa, Lard Ketilea, Iron and Hrasa Caating f etrry deacrlptlou; alao, (juani Mi l and Smelting Kurnoceaot moi amiroied .'ehcrintlon. Have purchased all the Wheel and Pulley Pat terns uiuatv. Mccunea co. j i.cni 3 'J7dliu THE DAVIS LOCK STICil rrariCAL run SEWING MACHINE THE LARGEST. TLt5 SIMPLEST, THE CHEAPEST, THE BEST. THE OREATEST IMPROVEMENT OT THE A(IK Terras Most Liberal. Agents wanted for unoccupied teiritory. Send for circular and price liat. Ilrnurli oMce, 013 .North Fonrlh Nlracl HT. JLOUIN.MO. H. F. SKWTtlN. Manager. T II 0 M A S COMPANY asro. 206 s. poitethst. ST. LOUIS. MANUFACTURERS OF OIL O 3P SOAP ash IMPERIAL SOAP. OIL (IF f OAPlithecheanest.hest and nulekest clener In the market for cleaning Paint, Ula-a, Marble, btone, furniture, ann remov.n. giea from floors, ciiri.fls and clothes. A U'al will deinonstiale that It will not require one-half tlu libor to do the work thai oniln'irv eoap mil. The tiadeauppl.ed by barrel, hulr barrel, 10 gal lon keg, quart, pint., and half-pint ackagea. I.MPr.RIAL HiiAP i a solt simp general fam I) use, conlainlig nothing inlurlous to chi lling and w 11 do the work well, if not b Iter than the high-priced soau now in market, 'Die niily over oilier man la the elm pneaa Trade a'JPPIIeU in buckets, toxes ami narrei N.'-Llniil. ij.'.'MmiUw AGENTS WANTED For an entirety now and faclcatlng work ol unu aual interest, THE HOME OF GOD'S PEOPLE The grandest and most papular hook out, now selling lasier than an) oilier turee books com bined Searly 100 Huperb Engraving. Une .gent took III orderi lu 10 ilava. the best chuice to mako money ever olloted, A fiood Agent wanted In eveiy Township, tend liu oiir nrciiUra with terms (unsurpnsawl), dencrip on, endorsements, eic. K. A. HUTCH ShOS A Ct). Wi Noith Sixth sttoet.HI. Lotus. Mo. sPAIao publl.her ol I lie Stiv linsTaitro , PoLmtor FaMIIV Hint, whmh lltti llv alirnaa.ea all other ediiioua. f!t iiiaguitlcent engravings.) 3-l.iUwlUm V1I 'CIaTDC! "n paeksgu ol Proreator l IllOlVblvO.lliill'a Magic Compound will lurco tliu u-aru in grow thick and heuvv on the amoothest lace (without Injury) In "I d ,ys, or money renin ed ; M cents ap.irk.sge, poatpald, or B for fllty cents. , . , KUOAK J0SE8 A CO.. Ashland. Ma.s, 3.1l.wlt, BULLETIN BUILDING. WASHINGTON-. Medical Advertisements. '"AVI, u, KdllFJII, AlC'l. St.MILlA SIMLHUUS CU11ANTUK iitiMriinr.Y'N HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HtVE proved, from the most ample m.r. lence. an enilro nimn e I'lnmVi. hthelentand Reliable. Thev a' Ihn only tne,i. clne perferlly adap ed In pnp'ilai ii.e an aim. pin that mlstakea cannot be mailc In them; a harmless a. to I n free from danger, and so e fflnln taa lo bo nlwaya reliable They have ral e l the highest commendnllons from all, and will always render satiafAetion. No. Cents, I, Cures fWrr.enngestion, lnnammntnin.'J.l 'I, " Woriiix, worm fever, worm cube 'ii 3, " s r.vliir.'"l o orieelhliigol iiilant-...'JA 4, " Itlrrliora. of children and adiill....,jA 5, "'ry. g' lilng. I'Mioiia colic.'JS r, 14 STinlerit'iuiiriiiis, vomiting., 'W 7, " U lKilrru.i, bronehllUa ......M 8, " .rnr..lKln. tnuiliicl.e, fceacie.....VS a, " llvmllivllpa, aiek he idai'he, vettignM III, " 13 iplit' b.llona alniiiHi'li. .2.5 11, " Niiiiiro'-l,(ir puliilnl periods Zl 12, ". s liflex, tun profn.e p. rm , 1J, ' Onllli eongl , diltletilt bieatlnng...2A II, " Null ItliPiiiii, Eryalpela., Eriipliin.2A IS " Itliellllillt Urn. rliHim a le pains 2i III, " 1'rs eraiKl Aictlr rhlll ever.agiU'a.Vj 17 " IMIei. blind or bleeding M IK, " 4ilillilriii.r. and 'ire nr weak eyeaVi 19, " s'ltlnrrh. le-uie or ehronlc, lnHu n;jiii 2", '' Vh)MiilliK-'IKll violeiit,jiiiglia.'a) 21, " AHllunrs, nppre-eil tirealliin Ml ti, " Knr ISlNchiirKra, im"iilr d btaringM HI, " Nrrornlis eulni gedginnda, awellmg-AO 21, " l.eiiernl llehllll)', phyalcal weak. Oeaa M. tM S3, " lri anil acanty Hecretlons 40 20, ' N)'ll M'ltlirai all'Knea from ridinvSll 27, " Ii Idiiey-llKeaao. r,ravel M 20, " AervoiiH lli lillil)', eemlnal eml iiia,lntnluiilarv iliael.argea.. .1 an I'iselloxe., witn one i vial of pow.le verv neiea-arv in aepou cuaea...& 10 Norr .Moulli, ranker Ml I rliniry s eiililiraH, welting ted.,Mi I'nliiliil crliNlx, with apasiua,..., StullrriiiitH.. t utMnn. of life..... 1 .VI HI KIlllCiiH.y .-.p i.lna, l, itlis ilalice.l n l)litherlli ili!, era'ed sore thruat 0 Sira.t lo (10 InrKC vial), morocco or roseuiiixl cnae, roiitiilnliiic n Npecllle for i-tery omlluury ll-s-UHf a Inmlly laanlijcrl lo, iiml booka or illrrelloilH ...lrom tlOto tS& bliixll.r t miilly ami I'rilt' llllK cm ea, 20 to 8s iai i torn ti'J lo t)tl Sp.olticlor all l'rlitlc IUkchm', lotb fur Curing and mr I'resen lltc treatment, in vialaand pucaet ciues..... - 82 lo 3 I'UMi'N L.Vi ltACT Cures Burns, llruines, Lnmenea., r-orenrs., fore 1 hroat, Spriiln. Tuochache, E.irarhe, Neuralgia. Itheuniatiain, Llimhago. Piles, Uolla, Hlinga, orc E)ea, HlreUltiguf tfie Lung, S- ae, Stom ach, or of Piles; Corns, Ulcers, Ol I Mores. nice, a ot.. mi eis.i r ins si.du: uairis. si',. aVU'Tlie-e remedies by the enan or alnu.e box, urn a, nt to any part ot tliociiulitrv. b) mall or expreaa, nee. of cliargo, i, itesn HU.MPlllthY' cl'KClr'IC llOMEOPATIIIOMr.IUCISECO. Utlice and tletict, No. fi2 llroadway, Sew-Tork. KOH LE P. fcCllUll, CAlltei, Ills, angl6leowawtv Cincinnati Advertisements. jiit i:.i-i:upiuni:. iSSBSS! SI IBLIS! j Principal Olllco 101 W. Fifth St., Cin. O THE ONLY RELIA11LE OIKT ENTERPRleK IN THE COUNTRY I $60,000.00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS To bo distributed in Xj. JO . S IKE'S 37th GIFT ENTERPRISE To bedraat Monday. Abill 2'Jlll, 1S72. Two Gland Capitals or $5,000 in Greenbacks! One ITIrc 8,1,000 In Hilton Two Prizes $1,000 Five Pnz-s S5U0 Ton Prizes SI 00 i Green NIJACK9. Onu llor.o nnd llupgy with filter-Mounted Har i,eM, worth JWa' each. One flr.e.ti neil Ko.euoinl Piano. ortll fo' 0. Icn IimhIv ae ilk ma. httie-, worth tion each Five Te.iy ca.ed gi Id hintilng at h. s and hen y go'd ihulna ..rlh fK) each. I've void Mneri. iin bun log at be iiorili jUirneh Ten ladl, a gold iiiinnng watehea unrlli one huti; ured dollara eai'li. Kig t In lulled gold nod nlver lever hunting wntche tin all) norm Iroitt 2 to fH. Ladlia' g, I I lenntin.; oi.aui. gent'ag.ild le.tehiiitia. .oil aud double I l.i'en 'ilver iiiblo aud lu.i pooii, phoi. graph album, leneliy, etc , . t . VI hole uiltnlaT a-lfia. 0,i). Tickets limned lb 0 ,ia Agenta anleil In seil Tickets to whou. I'berid preniluma will be paid. ... r-trsle tickets 1 , ix licketa 16 i melio ucleis, ' $11) i teutv-fivi .1 Circulars roniiiining a mil I at of ,i-nes, a de acripuoiiof the miuili. i ofdnming, and other in fcrmatioii in relerriicelo the iii.iribiiuon, Hdlbe seal la any one orderiug them. All leiter. iimai be addressed to L. II. rll.Nh, Hox to, orr)Cr, Clnciiiiati, tl llll West Sill at. nov2p,llv Our Home Advertisers. CAIRO CITY COAL COM-PAHT. Is prepared to supply customer with the best quality of PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS nriKRH lell at llnlllday Ilro. nfllce, 70 OHIO V) LKVEK. or at tho foal Ysrd below tlio bt. Chiirlea Motel, will receive prompt attention IHETUU " MUSTAUK " wlllii'ing coal along side steamers at anv hour iw-SAif Nl. WHITKIt. CARli L. TI10.MAS, now propaird to respond promptly to all de mand for his services. SHOP-COR. 8TH-ST. ANI) CoUMERCAL-AV lii llio I'crry lloime, CAIRO ILLINOIS. St. Louis Advertisements. KlKIIII'Ali, A ROOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A Prlvaia Counselor to the Married or th aboii'to m-rry .n the pin sloli.gicii. mysteries nnd revelations of the sexual syalem wilh the latest iilsvoveries n proiineliig and pre- v ung onapring, preserving inecenip'exioii,c. I'aU la an inlerrallng work of Iwo hunJregand 'w.ntyliur pagea, witn nurr.eplla engravings, n. runtaln valuable inf rinatlon for lhoe who r iiikmed orennl. mplale marriage: slilllt is a '"iki.iRi u.hl m beunner lo"k and key, and not ;eatee.,iyHlHiuttbe house. eent to an) on. (free of p..lai e) (or 60 cent w-'ih,".".1"' l!uu"' I PnsarT, No. 12, Klghth street, 'u Louis, Mo Anilrrlollie Ami. iTiKnl L'nf'irtunnf r. rleljre aiiplytng u, ma notnrioiia Q acke alio der Ill tn.- public papers or using an Wnaek reinedl,.., perti.e tlr.; work, no nTiiiler hat your illseaae Is or how deplorable yuiir eon. dlllnn. Dr. Unit can he con-ulled, personally or at mall, on thndlae.e. mentioned in hi. works, iilllee, So. 12 S. Kighth atieet. li Market and I III"! " I oil'. Mo nv'..v.l Our Home Advertisers. WII4SI, KHALI'. I.'IIOIIKUN. it"SMYTiL"&"c6"i" WHOLESALE GROCERS, OHIO LIVES v i no. i ll i . h is. Also, keep eonalanlly on hand most 'com. pletn stock of BCCTCIl AND IRISH WUIHKIES -(! I N S,- l'ort, Mnderla, Sherry and Catawba "Wines R3MVTH A CO. sell exclusively for cash, to . which fact they invite the especial atten tion ot clo.e bargain buyers. Spucint attention given to Filling Orders. RANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BAIS'K or CAIKO. DANIEL I1UHD, Prealdent ; ROIIEKT W. MILLER. Vice-President; C. S. U0OI1EH, Cashier. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. F'XniANtin, coin, bank note and United j states securities bought and aold. Intercut Alloweil on Time n.iimlH. ENTERPRISE SAVliNGS Clinrlcrcd March 31, ls00. CITY NATIOVAL BANK, CAIRO A. B. IFFcnn. Preaidenf, 8. 8. TAYLOR, Vice-President t W. IIYrfl.OP, Secretary and Treasurer. P. W. Baclat, F. M. StocarttTll, U 11. Cl'NMMUIIAM, Cius. OAiioiirs, Pacl O. .-cncH. W. P. lUlLIUAl, J. M. Philum. l-ioalla ol liny Amount Itrrel vrd Irons leu sjt-iitM Upwiinla. I.NTKKESr paid nn ileiuslta al the rale ot six pe-eent. oer annum, Jlaieh Island .-eplen -iter Nl. Inlere-t not withdrawn Is Mhled dutely lotte priiiuip'.l of the depiain, thereby g'ving lliem compound Inlereat MAHIUKII WOMEN AND CHILDREN MAY DEPOHIT MONEY 0 THAT Ml USE rlac t'AS liaAW IT. Upen every biiaine-a day irom a.m. lo .1 p.m., an i "-atuniay eeuing lor rJAVISIl DEPOilTo on,). Irom 6 to B o'clock. aiuiMI W. IIY9LOP, Treasure!. THE CITY NATIONAL OA I HO, H.I.I.VOIM. CAPITAL, $100,000 W. P. IIAI.LIDAY, President; HENRY L. HALLIDAY, Vlce-Preldsnt; A. H.SAFKOItl), Cashier; WALT Eh HYSLOP, Assistant Cainier, cuiCToaai .4. SjTAATS TAVLOS, KOSSST II. Ct!!llAI, BT L. IIAIIIDAT, W. P. llAlllPAr, lilO. V. WltllAHSOK, StlfUXS UlD A. B. SarrotD. ExclinnKr, Colli mud Vnlled mlr ItouilN IIoukIiI null Nfls. DEPOSITS received, and a geosral Unklos hualneaa nan. Kl'ECIAI. XOTlt'KI. IJXMAIUUAGE. u.nv relief f.r young men Horn IheefTecli f er or'aand a lu'sf ; m earPy lite. Manhod re.tor .Vl Nervous uebd ly cured. Impediment! to marriage removed. Sew metho I of treatment. New aud rem.rkable remidlea. Hooks and circu lar, sent fiee. in sealed envelopes. Addret! JlolVAltll AbftOCIATlOS, No. 'ABouth Ninth 8t., Philadelphia, P., OeciUdAwtai.