Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1872. Our Home Advertisers. I'OMMINMOft AAD t Oil WAUIHIM.. 0. D. WILLIAMSON. PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . 7 Ohio Leee, CAIRO, M.I.INC1H, aWrHpeclal attention iilven to cnnaignrnei, a ind Orrfera 11. M. I1ULKN, GROCER ANnCONFECf lOIN And Dealer Forcig i Fralta aud Nut- No. 131 Cjjiaiercial-uve., Cairo, Illinois. CLOSE A VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSI 01 MERCHANT! i Cement, Plaster Paris, AD 1'liASTE R E It ' S II A I It, Corner rjguln tttreel anil Olilw !.-. CAIRO, ILL, J. M. PHILLIPS ic CO.. (Huocaaaora to E II. If ndricka A Co.,t Forwarding and Comnussioi. MEItCIIANTS AS WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS Liberal Adranrea n't nit) CobilKnmeut, aSeV Are prepared to tfcm, ei.ire nuc umard freight to all polnlaarid iuy : u II oa couiirilalon. Rilalneaa atleif1e1 In Mnmpllf MILLElt &. PAHKEH, GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ASD DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS for FAIRBANKS SCALES Ohio Levee. CAIKO ILLS 8TKATT0N fc BIRD. (Huccaaaora toHtratton, Hudaon A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS COMMISSION MEItCIIANTS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illin'is WOOD KITTEN 110 USE, FLOUR A General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo. Illinois. JOHN B. PHlLLla X SON, (tfucc. ft ft Jno.B. I'tnllir,) GENERAL COMMISSION AKD FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AD DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Meal, Bran, &c. Cor. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIW" ill. D. r.MATHUHH. K. C. L'HL MATHUSS & UHL, IP OBWAEDI NG AND : At, Commission Mekchants DEALERS IK HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE No. HA OHIO I.KVKK. CO A I. COAL! COAL! COAL! JAMES ROSS, IAIIK III DC QUOIN AND MOUNT OAUHON COAL! Comiucrc'ml-av., Foot of Eloveuth-st. All Oal carefully weighed t lh yard on Kan oaiika' acale. FDLL WKIOHT WARHANTKI). rn.l .uiiard on iha Hhorlfit notice in ant part ol the tl.y, either by tlx- half ton, toil or iai Leave order at Iha off ca on Oomm erclal-av. at the foot of Klo'eath aireet. notlM-tm AVOID QUACKS A Tictim ofearly indiroretion, catiaingnenoui. delllllv, rrniaiure drca), eic, liailue tried I vain e'tery idtetllU'd tDu'j, It r 'mii aluiplemtaoa of Mlf-cure, which be will rend free to hll f.llowUflerer. J. H. iUtvee.No. 7f haaaan tUaet, NaT Tot. augMwly THE BULLETIN.'..,....t,S',.,.,,.. .. Pnblluel every morning, Moiulny ea MILLINERY. Mr. Anna Lang, on Eighth utrcct be tween Wnihiiigton and Coinmorclul nve iiuim, lias Jut rccoivud a flno iprlti(j itoclc of millinery goods, coiulitinK of liut, Ion neU, rlbboni, itotloru, etc., etc., to wlilch lie mki the iittcntlon of tlio luillo of Cairo. Mm. Lung will tiilto plomuro !n bowing licr goods to ull who will fuvor her with ft cull. 3-U.lin. BUKNKTT k CO, IIIOIItNT CASH TKICK rAII) FOR IIIDKit furs, KTC. Mettri. Ilurnctt & Co.,Thornton'a blodk, Ti-nth itri-t-t, utu prepiircd to pay tho high- o-t uittli priuu fur nrilcle in their line, us follow a: rutin. Prima Mink $1.75 to '2.2N " Uh uiKir GOc to Oik 11 Mtiak It t 10 to 10 " Wild Cut 40 to JL 11 Opoiiuiii... m 10 to 1'2 " Otter G.OOtoG.Oi, " Heaver Sklne fi.00 to 7.0U HIDr.1. Orcen Suit, 9 to lOt 0 recti Suit, kip and citlf. 12 to Hu Ui'er oKirm I'o to 30c Vur other Hrtlclee, such n rags, featli- nri, beo wax, wool and tallow, wo lll day the highutl market priced. Itufpectfully, etc. Burnett S: Co., Thornton'! block, Tenth Mreut., Cairo, III. tr. Send for D. C. JACCARD & CO'S Il lustrated Price List and Catalogue of Waltham, How ard, and D. C. Jaccard & Co's Watches, Jewelry, and Solid Silver and Plated Ware, &c. When in St. Louis you are invited io inspect their mag nificent JEWELRY establish ment. Nos. 40I & 403 N. FOURTH St., Corner of Lo cust, Odd Fellows Hall. BarWatches, Clocks and Music Boxes Repaired and Warranted. Orders by mail prorrp'ly atten ded to. Our Home Advertisers. MIRL'KI.I.AXF.Ol'N. W00D1 WOOU1! WOOD!! The undernanM will furnlth HARD AND DRY WOOD Anl'henp.ll not C'lieier han nr wood dler In Calm. !. order. o ihe Hlate at I'o.toftk'e an at ltn rott ard, oi. Omtpiereial aveuue( t etwen Tenth and loeltlh .lrH". tUiro, lllinnl.. I cIh good tnatlt an'I will C'T'I trie woo1 lip irneair I. aml'MI liK.NNIS HAI.r... ( ST. CHARLES HOTEL, K. I). I'.EXFUKD Troprieto i toaata ouio itrat aan atcui it , Caiko, lli.n'ois. I Int Only Firtt-Clun Iloute in the City o r UaKeaH conrejed to nd from th Ipo i f Iremaruf. dcrttil A. IiHUECK (Jiltler, U,lu.stcrer, Varnislicr and . Fancy J'aper Hanger, Muttrussi i flaking aud Uviairing. Iiui on 4'iimmerclnl nvrniie In tlin tri iiuuie. All work entoi.le.l to Ida care will reoelro n-n)i.taiiru ion. urivr are a nciiea aim. WILLIAM EHLEKS, FiMhlonatJe UOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWENTIETH HTUKET, elweeu Wanhlngton arenue and Poplar atrett I'AlKn, ILL. 1 11 I L. S A U P, (S.iceaor to P. Fiup.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL pmm in CONFECTIONS. FI1U5WORKS, TOYS, NOTIONS, ETC., 0!! 4'ommftrclnl Avenue, brtwrrcti Nlxtti Hiid Nevenlh NlrcetN, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. HUTUIIt'.Kn. "j AKEV A LTKlt, " BUTCH E 1R, AMD DTALIR IV FltESH MEAT, EiaiiTii Stukkt, Betwekn Wabihkoton AND COMMSKCIAL AVENULH, Adlulnlni; Kltlcubouao A Ilitiiny'". Keep Iha bed of Heef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, ttauauua. etc.. and are urelrrd to serv. ciiitena in tho moat ncvrptable i. anner. JAMES KYNASTON, flulcber tirU Denier In all Hinds Frer Mewl. CotNiM NixiTirKTH am I'orLAa SmrcT. CAinO, ILLINOIS, UTS tiI elasdhtera only Ihe ery bei) cattl. , nn.. .1 u .ii.DU. auu la .u lu all Kilt mai d for freth ueali from one pound to teu Ikouaana pounai. nirtmi St. Louis Advertisements. Mrt'OKMK'K A TO MERCHANTS OF THE WEST. THE t'OM.OWINCJ LEADING HOUSES of S-A-IHSTT LOUIS Are prrpnrrri wllh n rUI.I. STOCK of HI'MINO UOODH which will be SOLD .A.T BOTTOM PBIOBS. AVEllILL'S CHEMICAL PLANT, Aililrrtx (M:o. II I'Alll II 1 1 if I K A CO., 712 Norlli M.iln Kttoit. GRAND CENTRAL 112 im I'lnn StrcM. HOLMES, BABSON & CO., SUN. 6lh Mrfft- Hml rnrchruUr. Chrrl KimUoirivr nml will cuntume ! ice tlmn Bnj ntli'r. CHAS. R.LEWIS &CO., 419 North Mfn Clrf t. .HAKE noODN OK THEIR OWX I'REMINEN. FORSYTH SCALE WORKS, I0i n.l S07 M rkrt Htrf !, 81. InH. LUDLOW, SAY LOU & CO., 219 and 221 Market Street. AITLETON, NOTES & CO., M"fiur.t. d Jotter, of Min KlreM nnl Whlniiton Areniin. BoOtS and SllOCS. FACTOUY IN UHAMDEns ABOVE bTOKE. DODD BHOWN t& CO Iraporlem n4 Vhotele l)'len In Its, 2f, Ktl UK, 4ifi North Filth htren, T)r Goods. Corner or St. Ctmrleii. J FISKE KNIGHT & CO MnufctmertDJWholeleftt1ersln )w.dto2NorihKithHtrM. Boots and Shoes. STELLE, YOST & CO., Whol.I.FurUhlDgOooditnd 5 4 ar.rt Mfi North Fltlh Street. Clothing. ADOLPM EIILERT Importer ndWholiil Delrm fcul Vo" I1"!0? i a North t hwiix Pl"er' Wines, Liquors, etc. J. II. WEAR & CO., Manufacturer, o 608 yonh MMn street. Fancy Dry Goods. WATERS, TODD & CO., lnp"tm 4nd Jobb"'' of 4 ? n .,th Fourth s.ret. Millinery and Straw Goods. FORTUNES FOR LIVE of going Into manufacturing Lualneta with amtll 3.'?.. Awlm. SIMMONS AND ULOUGII ORGAN COMPANY'S ImproTed CABINET Manufactured at Nos. 15, DETROIT, Thirty.fWe dirlerenl tvle for lh Pnnor and the Chur-h: New and elegant deilgnj; The beat material and workmanship ; Quality and rotiime of tone uoequaled, Prices, $50 (Eatabllnhed In UM.) ArtJresi SIMMONS & 2.niCm Llt'B INNVKAXCK. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. The Most Successful Life Insurance Corporation or the Same Aqe ik the PTTEBLY NO STOCKHOLDERS Amount or Policies in Force Dec. 31, Total Income to Same Date, Net Increase or Risko in Force, 1870, Tho I.trircNt Net Iucrcane Unrluir tho Gross Increase ok Risks in Force, 1870, $30,327,780 00 Only two romp? nlea In the world exceed thn trrnia increaae during 170. .. The only cmiim any which guarantee", aa a chartered rUtit, the Principle of LOCAL INVEST. MENTd IN EC II tTAlE, In i roport on to lla The onlv ctHiiiHnvwhiih. by It. charter. 11 ME IIOA'UU OK UlltECTuna. C3-E3STEiE.Ii OFFICE, ST. liOTTIS, MO. JAMES U. BIUTTON, President. Henry Vf. Houon, Vice President. Felix Cokte, 8upt. Minourl Dept. "Wm. Hanlky, Secretory. John N.Pkitcharp, Treniuror. C. F. Buknkk, Atlorncy. E. L. Lemuine, M. D. Med. Officer. Hon. AN u. Baknes, Con.ulting Countel mid Actuury. SOUTUEltN ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. E. P. Burlinouau, Managor. caibo BiaA-isrcia: boabd. rht following named gentleman hold or ooidtol minrauce each, in the lite A.ioclatlon of Amercat P. W. Barclat, Chai. Galioiier, II. W. AVebii. J. M. PiiiLLirs, H. H.Candbe, C.Hanny, John Antrim, R. S, Hr oium, TAUI. u I.rurn onr Wateii and Plan t'lire LOCAL AGENTS. daaSldJra, Cari. L. Thomas, I.YoN, Ag . Kficjy Jlunl fcr uir. Machinory Oils. Rooms 75c A t tlU) per Ay J Ml J4e. EUROPEAN HOTEL. rroprltttm of the NATIONAL Felt Lined Refrigerator, Minufcturf of Clothing, Mnnfrlurcri of U.S. Standard Scales. Ilmufaciurert of ud beiilou la Wire and Wire Goods. THE MILLION! HEX man will do well to ieml f..r elrrular to . 'KSTEIUtEI II ERA CO, 21 VrtMh eent Sir f I. Ill Vto Grand Combination Organs Filled with the bewly inrented Ncrlbncr'a Patcet Qualirylnp; Tnbea, n An Invention haringa mnai Imrmant bearine on the future reputation . f Heed liiMrumeme, I J rnan of wtil-h thn quantity of olu e ot tone U vary largely lncrt-a-ci, and Ihe qm Ity ol Wne leLilered. Equal to tint of tho best Pipe Orgam of the tame capacity. Our celehralet "Vox Celpate," "Louii Patent," Vol Hunihna," "Wilcox IWut" Octaro romplele. he tharrnlng "Colin," or "Clarinet" ilopa, and All the Late Improvements can be obtained onlr in these Organs. EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED. 17 and 19 Miami Avenue, MICHIGAN. to $500. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. CLOTJGII ORGAN CO., Detroit, Mich. World. aTTO? 1TA. Xj ; TO ABSORB PROFITS. 1870, $45,065,740 00 3,974,788 80 !I0,000,1M0 00 year 1870 of any Compnuy in tne World. Piemlumaor Ke.lniuiance Minn. ulTea EaCU 8 1'AT E A KEPKEHENTATlVE IN THE John H. Oberly, Wu. Morris, T. J. Kkrth, "VV. 8. Edson, ocuuii. you Inanre In any titer t owpany. "VV. B. Kirmky. Our Homo Advortisers. rVRNITURr. r o ta tvT otr 73' f3 C or ,2g o r 5- H B O S3 H O W So t c: 53 f C o o 8- n t a o & ts a t a - 2. tr a c s 5' tr a n a s p. a XT 2 B B 3 ri c - s c w I r g w - - s 1 l-rl w H W a O o S3 US MO JO S3 1. a 3 8 11 O c is S3 f E a 5? h2 w s. m H C S3 K BOOKA. 3 75 O o H a J W B o o c s c T 1 .0 . I ! I - s w to ca (h . . a a 5 a 8 2 o S B a M S I J 5 CS V o m It o S a H A M w w o o u 9 3 DlirUfa. BARCLAY BROS., OUIO LEVEE Cum, III UE-Ua-O-ISTS SARATOGA HPRINOS ix riat intr AT URUQ STORE. Fbuh ;Scrri.i, Lailt. MOCKING BIRD FOOD all biaot rea cn withoct toi'm At Barclays'. JJELMDOLD'g GRAVE f catawba ) roRArit 1 TILLS I CATAW1IA I.-! QRAI'K GRAPE I CATAWUA S i i QRAI'K S PILLS AID ALL or UELKBOLD'D MKBICIJI KS IRK8U TROM TIRaT HANDS, Alwayi In atock la laage supply, and for iaJe by Bircliy Broii FBESH BLUB LICK JUST received A forKnlebjr Ibetilaae Bottle arOalluu AT BARCLAYS'. tVExTRA Fine Coloone; "Genuine Iuvorted Extracts; VHair, Tootd and Nail Bruhiiks; a-lNDIA RUBIIXR NUR.1XRY GOOIIH, .BAECuAT BTIOS. PURE WHITE LEAD AKP PORE FRENCH ZINO. Host grade In arge atock and Ta rlaljr, Terjr cheap; AUOt Full Line or Colors, ar ab m oil.; Paint Bruihei, Lloaaed oil, Whltewaat P;aah Turpentine, Vkranhti Ete. etc., ALL BUM AD ITAtTDABD "A'AlIIiaJ At Babclats. AHfcNTB WANTED. .Yi'! neaa pleaiani, an I W.ta,,rrfc,,,?."1l,1,f: pnae In th-rfeld. AnerU eix end eight dollar per .iy. 8eud .tamp loraample and par. t.cular.. AddreM-j LATBAM h I-liwCie. Wl Waahmgwn at,, Boaton, Mais Our Homo Advertisers. WIIOI.MAI.R CltOCr.KS. "RV""SMYH"&"c'0."r VI10LESALE GROCERS, onto livii v IRO, IlilillVOIS. Alio, keep eoniuou. on hRnJ mo,i:csrn pleui aiock of BOOTCn AND IRHIt WniRKtM -O 1 N H,- Votl, MndcrI,Bhorry and CatRwta7'ne RU.1YTII A CO. aell exclualrely for . wliloh faet ther Innle the eapealal atlen. Speeinl attention given to Filling Ordert RANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK or CAIKO. DAN IE 1, JIUKP, Prenldenlj ROW? UT W. IIILLEK. Vice.prldel C. N. HUnilES, Cahler. COLLECTIONS PROMITLY MADE. FftXCIIANOE, con, bank noUa aid Unilec li Htates aecuntlea bought and aold. Interest I Allowrd on Time Deposit. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS Chartered Marcli 31, 1868. CITY NATIONAL. BANK, CAIRO A. B. StFFfinn, Preaident ; 8. S. TA YI.OK, Vice-Pri Hilent i W. IIYdLOP, Becretary and Treaiurer. BiaiCTOIfi P. W. BaacLAT, Chi. RALioHra, P. M. HTocarirtn, PaI'l (I. Sclll ii. K II. CiaNiauHAM, W. P. Halloay. J. M. pHiiiiri. Orpoaltaol any Amount Rewired from Tea Cent I'pH nrda. INThKEST paid on depaaita at the rale ot ail le-i'cnt. aer annum. Marah Inland ffnicn- oer Iai. Iniereat not withdraan la r.dded diatel to tie of the depiialta, thereto V'T'ilK llirni romp.Miiiu mireai MAKKIKIl WOMEN AND CHILDREN MAT DEroMT MONEY O THAT KO oxa tin I'AN DaAW IT. Open evt-rt tulneH dav Iroiti VH.m. to .1 n.rn.. BOH Hatunlay eipinnR lor HAVING UEPOdlTs on'.), Itom 4 to a o'clock. airbill ii lai.ui, ireaaurel. THE CITY NATIONAL jB-a.;n"fc. CAlItO, IM.IXOIN. CAPITAL, 8100,000 orricraii W. P. HAU.1PAY. Prealdent ; ilKNHY L. HALLIDAY. Vlce-Prcildentj A. n. MAKKOHl), Caahler; WALTEK UYMLOP, AaaUtant Caahler, Diaicrcaai 8. SlAATI TAYloa, M01IHT H. CVNMIKSMAK, lltNBT I.. Uailidat, W. P. Hallihav, tilO. II. WlLLUallOM, FririiiN IIIKI) A. II. Sirruan. Exchange, Coin anil ITnlletl Ntalev Honda Uougha null Nolil. DEPOSITS recelted, and a general banklna huainoM uona. Dili' GOODS FOR SPRING OF 1872. II AB 11EEN, AND GONE AND DONE IT AQAIN I Owing to hla larte aalea ot FALL AND WINTER GOODS he found It neceaaarv to amln visit the Eniiern Market and will return within a few dare witu a haudaome atock ot IDJEZTZ: GOODS. He wither tocllth attention of Bujera to lilt terr comlete, largo and careful! aelected STOCK OIF1 C3-OOIDS Hla gooda can not be turpaned, and he olicita a conipitiUon of o-ooasa and peices wl'h thoie of any houae which jrou hare been cuatrtned Ut 'irai with. Illi atock will cniatof IBINII PUPLIMN, SILKS, PI. A IDS, HE PPM AND HLiACIa. AL.PAJAB, And all other aorta of SUMMER DRESS GOODS. lit alao keopa large atock ol I.acei, Trim mine Embrohierlea, great wletjr of Ukawla, Clotka aud Caaimerea JLrr LOW XOITEiBS. He alio keep, a Tart-ty of f''lJS'i",, renV bh.w a and Cloth of a" ' ' 0 W, ""i Bun k Kull auu lornpiete all through. Call aaa dren Hto aee, for It will par, J.BUIUJKR. Our Homo Advortisors. INNVHANOR, W. U. MORRIS, NoUrr Public, H. tl. CANUKK No. Pub. and U. B. Cob. FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK ACCIDENT, LIFE, JtTNA, HARTroiW, AneU U.MI.KM tr . NORTH AMZRICA, FA "' 2,783,000 00 Auata. HARTFORD, CONN., ..2,M4,210 72 HI01NIX, HARTFORD, Asieta.. ,1,TI1,14S M INTERN ATth vat u - Aaaata.. T l,MJ,Jl IT PUTNAM, HARTfORD, Aneti., ..7M,n 00 CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, A,Ml ..51J,7 19 nOME, COLUMHUB, Ameta ... ..(19,271 13 AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO, Aaieli 5CO,000 00 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LITE, Aaaeta JO.WO.OOO W TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LITE AND ACCIDENT. A"'!'- l.MO.OOOOC RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE CO.. HARTrORD. Ami! S00.CW INDEPENDENT. flORTON. Aliell aO.Ui SAFFORD, MORRIS & CANDEE, 71 Ohio Levee, City National Bank, CAIRO. ILL. F. BROSS, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. TRIUMPH, CINCINNATI, Aa.ala JJOO.OOO NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL, LIVE, Aaaeta, over ..8,iaX),000 ANCIIORD FIRE AND MARINE Of St. Louia. Hollcita all kindaot rlika. r. IIHOM, ocllfltf Aient, Cairo, UUnoU. EIRE AND MARINE COHI'AME NIAOARA, n. y., Aaaeta I,436,2ie 2 OERMANIA, N. T., Aaaet -..1,068,721 7 UANOVER, N. T. Aaaet -...72,C2 00 REPUBLIC, N. T., Aaaet - .714,924 00 CompnalnK the Underwritera' Agency. YONKERB, N. Y., Aetata 878,4t4 ft ALBANY CITY, Ael 413,193 21 firemen's fund, s. r., AnseU 678,600 OS HECURITY, N. T. MARINE. Aaaets 1,432,819 00 STORES, Dwellings, Furniture, nulla and Car. noea, lnured at ratea aa tnvoiablB u sound. permaneni aecurity wvt marram I reapecuuilj aaa oi mo cuiaeoa or vairo, ahare ol their patronage. r. N. IH'CJHF". HIGN WHITKK. CARL L. THOMAS, PICKET WEITBB a now prepaied to reapond promptly te all da uanda for hla acrricei. SUOP-COR. 8TII-ST. AND COMMERCAL-AT In tfae Perry llonee, CAIRO ILLINOIS. KKAb KftTAI'B A41KNT. U. WINSTON & CO., REAL "ESTATE AGENT A AUOTIONERS, 71 (SECOND VLOOa) OHIO LXYWa, cairo, ills., . Hut and Szll Real Estat, PAY TAXES, FURNI8U ABSTRACTS OF T1TLK At. I pracare Ci arefSMea ef Kieda.