Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1872. THE BULLETIN. WMfelWHa Ars-asse. Aixof the most daimitod freight taken from th Hslfasl old at auction yes urdav. Oulte numhar of our citizens bis) and were "-ld." Okw. Logan's ion, who it paymaster for tba Yallowitonn otpodltlon, was robbed of 3,M)0 by highwaymen whllo travailing in the JleTenn and Ogdon sts-jo coach last month. P. Swauk, the present incii'iil-ont, was re-elected horill 01 jiissiMippi count. Mo.. at tlm Utc election. Hill rfF ' makes a good sheriff. It you want to hear and see one of tlio sweetest-toned piano in town cull nt 8. P. Wheeler's. St. Louis Roll TrcMo l'iano. N. P. Cukticc, Agt. A Rascal. Bonjamln Erlanger, a Itui lan Jew, proprietor of a Donvor, (Col ,) saviors inttltutlon, nlxcoiided nl Sunday with 40,000 of hi depositor' cah. He conducted hii sudden departure In such a quiet manner that not h single ono of hit victims even dropped on it. KENTUCKY LtllRAKY ASSOCIATION. A llmted number of Gift Concert ticket for the Kontucky Library Association can Lu obtained of "W. It. Hock well & Co., on Commercial avenue. The into will con tinue until the 25th lnL ll-lO-'.d Toys, etc. Our enterprising confec. tlooary merchant, I'll 1 1 H., left .Sun day afternoon for Chicago, where hu will purchase and send to this city the largest and Snost lot of toys, etc., over brought to Cairo. All aru invited to call and see Phil after ho return. 11-1'J-tf. Auction. Will be sold nt auction this day, (Thursduj ), at ton o'clock, at the store of S. J. Hiiinm, on Commercial aye nue, a largo stock of drug, medicine soaps and fancy articles. Sale without retervo, to satisfy attachment. Rodent Jiii.Ll.voxLY, ConstKble. 11-M-lt. STKAM UOATAIEN'S CONVKN. TION. IMI'OIITAST HU8IKKS3 TRANSACTED. CLOSING SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the convon tlon met with R. H. Woolfolk in the chair. Tho committee on rules and laws, gov erning the convention made the following reports Section 1, That each association rep recnled In this convention shall bo jpon tho following basis: St. Louis twolvo votes, New Orleans ten votpe. Vicksburg four votes, .Memphis four votes, Cincinnati eight votes, Louisville six vote, Cairo ono voto, Evatisvlllo two vote, and that tho chairman of oauh elation cast tho vote of their delegation. o .... fm.. n .. . . " .. tnni mi sieamDoais repre sented In tho association shall bo gov erned by tho tnrilTs mado by the different associations in their respective trade. Hnd their failure so to bo governed itii.ll nh. ject tho party so falling to trial In any a- Buuiniiun wnero me cuarge mav lie made. at.c.a. xuaiaii local lines stiiill cliargo full card rates on roshlpplng frolghi. Sec. -1, This committee recommends 10 inu sevorai assoc at ons. that thov re- qulro the payment of freight bills Cefore mo uenvery oi ireignt, anil ttmt no claim loruamages ue entertained alter moval of tho uoods. Sic. o. That thi convention adopt tho name of the I'nlon Association of Steam boat Captains, Owners and Competing Lines ,Hnd bo governed tiv tbec nnstitution and by-laws mado by tho Captains'Associa tlon of lC8 clmoso tho channel and being less manage able, should whistle first. The preeont system is dangorous, especially in high winds. The aliovo suggestions are general, and should your convention deom it proper, to refer especially to tho Ohio river. I would request that they recommend the ' ..-..-if r . . ( i . . i luiisiriiuiiun iur special service on tnai river of a light-draught Iron hull snag, boat, and ot a light-draught iron hull crapor boat Ilka tho Octavia. Tho former boat could kerp the whole rivbr clear of obstructions Hnd the latter could deopon the channel over sandbars, as was dono by tho Octavia at Walker's bar, and as Is dono every eoason nn tho uppor Mis slssippi. I havo recommended the con. struction of these boats, and would bo glad to recoivo the support of the convention. Your obedient servant, W. 8. Mrrrill, U.S. Engineer and Hrv't.Col. On motion the above communication Adopted. Tho following resolution was then adopted and signed by all the delegates present: was received and tho convention recom mended tho Major's suggestions, and gave him their hearty concurrence. Tho pamphlet report oftho Delta Canal rrom Port St. Phllllpo to tho Ouir or Mexico, recommending its completion, was loceivod and Indorsed. A resolution was adopted, tendering th thanks of this convention to Geo. Flshor Kq., surveyor of this poit, for tho use of cf the U.S. court-room. A similar reolutlon was adopted return- tho re-1 ng the thanks oftho convention to Capt It' r ir in i .. r . . m . i . iiaiiiun, ior courtesies received at his hands while In Calm. dpt. Phillips introduced tho following resolution. Resolved, That tho thanks of this con vention be returned to II. P. Lyons or the St. Louis 'Evening Dispatch,' Mr. Howen of tho St Louis 'Globe,' and to the report ers of the Cairo Hulletin and 'Sun,' for their kindness in reporting the proceed- A kw Mucic Messrs. W. B. Kockwell and company havo placed upon our table several pieces of new music, among which are "Ten Little Kogues," and "Meet me, Bessie, in the Dell." Messrs. W. U. and company are always up to tho times, nnd on their counters you will always find nil tho latest music, periodicals, etc. ' call to tho notice of our readers tho advertisement of the Cairo Conserv atory of Music, which will open on tho lbth of this month, in tbo now building now being completed on the corner of Twelfth street and Washington avenue. It is the intention of the manager to place within tbe roach of our citizens, an oppor tunity or giving their children a complete and perfect musi:al education. M. Burn, proprietor of the Mechanics' boarding house, has been appointed agont ror the employment of inon and teams for work on tho Texas nnd Paciflo railroad. Tbe faro has been reduced nn wagons, teams and men, to tho works, and trans portation can be obtained of him ntthe re duced rates, lie has plenty of stable room, and good accommodation, for man and beast. n-13-3t The Good Show Comino. Tho best circus travelling, and a great favorite with tbe people of Cairo, is yet to come. No noise precedes Its advent into our city, but a great and welcome Noyc come with St. Mr. Charles Noyes' Crescent City Circus will be here on next Saturday and will give an entertainment worthy tho patronage of all. Persoxal. John Maxey, formerly or this, city, but moreTecontly or Louisville, Kentucky, is here maklngpro purations to pack hogs in this city this winter. He has alroady secured a house Tor packing purposes in Thornton's block. Wo wish him success. A. Marx has secured the rront portion or the Southern hotel, where he will open his clothing store next week, Mr. Marx ,1s now in New York city purchasing an entire new slock or goods. He has come back to stay. Bemis, Brown A Co. or tbo St. Louis bag house, have opened a branch houso here in Cairo, under Cubl'i building on the Ohio levee. They are represented by Mr. II. C. Wilks, a thourough business man. Our commission merchants are all do ing a good business. Sol Smith Russell, Sam French. Sam Allen and Charles L. Hastings, all of Kussella monologue entertainment, are booked at the St. Charles. inns of this convention. Resolved, That we, the undersigned del- Tho convention then nrncenln.1 t,. ,Am gates of the cot.vontion or Steamboat 1 mPnr. r, n, L.. Captains Hnd Owners herobv pledge our- I ,,... . selves to abldo by the constitution and hv- President II. H. oolrok of Louis- laws of tho Union Association of Steam- I '"e- boat Captains and Owners. Secretaries, W. .1. Kounlx or Pittsburg, Capt. Alkln then offered the following ' T. P. Leathers or New Orleans, and Thos. resolution- . I Shorlock or Cincinnati. Remind, That a copy of our proceedings AssUtant Socreturles, I. N. Mar on of St. bo furnished to each of thu ocal iifsocia-' t , i ,, T t Hon.. including fhn... n ,., "i ! I'ouit ,"lJ " 1 I'vi of Louisville. , 1 : o lj" L here, and thut tho president be requested to urge them to ra'lfy whathad been done, and to put their association in working uruur uiiuieumiciy. Adopted. The rollowing resolution was then or ferred by Capt. Aikin of New Orleans : Treasurer, Win, Rhoad or St. Louis. Tho convention then ndjuurned, to meot Mny 1, 1873, unless sooner called together by thu president. Police Court Novomber l'.'th, F. Bross presiding. Mattio Jlurd, Alico James, Molly Smith nnd Nancy Mack, were brought berore bin honor "by Mar shal Cain, to answer the chargo of being inmates oi houses of illfumc. They wero each fined ?10 and cost, which they paid, and went on their way to sin no more. Two young and respectablo gentlemen were fined, one $10 and costs, tho other $16 and costs for assaulting a relative of theirs, who is over CO years old. They hoth paid like good rellows m will do so so more. Mike Connolly was fined $50 and costs Tor being an inveterate loafer and va grant. Having no means to pay ho will work 63 days on tho streets. John Barry, John 0yle and Joseph WeU, all chronic offenders, ro up for aS.'!Ce'entt,UW n U,u -JUt tbfouK- "HnuUMt, f0r jjo days in Jail. Bol Smith Uuk..,-; Ath,tmwucrowXw..,,,,bi tb live mo oroo.'y audience " 'I' mlmlor has , Mussel In Woman's KighU Is o'l u' n Lie. Is representing the UuKu- Resolved, Tliat each local association bo 1 required to fix n ponaltv of not ess than $500 upon nny of its mombors who may violate tho tarifl'in any traJo ho mav en- gage In. and that the ponultv imposed be collected bv tho homo association of tho member violating thu tariff. and romitted to the aociation whose tarifl has bcon violated. Adopted, Capt. Botlngor ottered tho following res. olution . Resolced, That tho secretary of this con vention notify the different associations of steamboatmen, that on and aftor Decem ber I, 1872, nil steamboat freight bills on tho Ohio and Mississippi rivers and their tributaries, will be collected on do- livery of freight on tho bank, levee nnd whnrfboats. Rererred to local Associations to mako report December 3, lew::, at Louisville. Captain Boflnger offered the following resolution : Resolved, That n notumltteo of one he an. pointed by each association, viz: ritfburg, heeling, Cairo, St. Louis, Louisville, Now Orleans, Evansville nnd Cincinnati, for the pur pose of adopting a uniform classification of rntes, bills lading and dray receipts, sotting forth tho risks accepted, nnd to have the sntno printed on tho backs of bills luding, tbo classification of freight 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th. Said comtnitteo to meet ut Louisville. December 3d. 1872. and there adopt h form to bo used in all trades, to tnko effect January 1st, 1872. Adopted. Capt. W. P. Hnlliday offered tho fol lowing resolution : Resolved, That in tho opinion of this convention, th growth Hnd imtural lo cation of Cairo, being at tho confluence of tho Ohio and Mississippi rivers, nnd tho interests of commerce, all demand the ostublisment at Cairo of regular terms of thu district and circuit courts, with resi dent clerks and marshal, for the purpose of securing such rights and privileges as will thereby bo gained, this convention respectfully call the attention or congress to tho subject, and ask that a law, such as is necessary in tuo promises, be passed. Adopted unanimously. Capt. B. R. Pcgram of Now Orleans, then introduced the following potition. Caiiio, Ills., Nov. 12, 1872. To Gen. Albert J. .Meyer, Chief Signal Olfl cer U. H. A., Washington, U. C: We the undersigned delegatex to the htcamboatmen'H convention now being held In Ca ro, and representing the entire steam boat interest on the western rivers, hcrebv acknowledging the great hencfiti to that In' forest, of the norm and.river report)- fur ulshe (I by the Siirnal Sen Ice U. S. A. at this point, ami believing that It would be of further good, to receive at Cairo, river re port from Knoxvllle, Chattano gu or ouie other point on the upper river, lu aildlttlon to thoio now received, (It belnt' .cry Important to bo forewarned at this point of sudden changes In tho river,) would recommend ami ask that Mich reports be given to the Cairo station, with the weather reports ulo. Futhcrmore, there being a lariio extent of territory between Leavenworth, Kansas, and hhreveport, La., in which there Is no Ma Ion nnd over which frequent storms sweep in a Is. K. direction, we would suggest that G'mcu-t. Charley Noves' circus Is on 1 its way South. Mr. Noyen, who is nwaro tlmt there is a iaree number of our cltl zens who can appreciate good circus, has concludcd,and telegraphed us to that ef fect, that on hi way down the river, he will pitch his large pavilllon here, Satur day Nov. 10, nnd give an afternoon and evening's performance, in which he will ondeaver to givu full nnd entire tatisfrtc tion to all that may give him their patron age. We know that his show is a good one, and hope lie will bo as well patron ized as he ought to be. Charley is clever and popular showman. Fire. A fire broke out in Capt. Ham bloton's kitchen yestorday afternoon, at Mound City, and it was totally consumed. But by the timely arrival of citizens and firemen, hi residence was saved. Lofs -'00. CITY COUNCIL. rroui.ak joint mektino. Council Chamiikh. Caiko, Ills., Nov. 8, 1872. J Present. His honor the mayor and Cunningham, Robinson, Stratton and Swayne 5. A quorum not being present, on motion of Alderman Robinson the council ad journed to meet on next .Monday evening, November 11, at 0:30 o'clock, M. J. Uowlky, City Clork. Beggar and Invetorate DruiiVnd u Kussel cannot be boat. His comlo .7..: re chute and wero received with applam. 9jw-tmwmtM. Mr. Kussel gives hii leil et-UrUlBRient at the Atbeneum to. Dlfht. For 'a good and hearty laugh that wllfdo your yarjr toul good, why, go and UM yoartwiMtheMt. ii-ciuiiniiuKicai sianon be i-stublished ut mum- iuiiii oriween ino-c places. Ca ro being ;ltuutfd nt the conllusnce of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, is, we bclie o the most Important tution on the rivers for ncqu r ng information us to tho rise, fall and condition of rivers and approach of storms, (a forewarning of which would be or great hem-tit to steamboat Interests), the num ber or steamboat arrivals ut nils port ap prox (muting live thousand (.1,000), during theyeur. In lew of these lucts we would also earnestly urge that the storm warnings by Hug uml lantern (us luruUhed to luke Krts) bo displayed at this station. The foregoing petition was signed bv ev ery member of the convention. Tho following resolution whs olfered by Capt. IlHlllday : Unut'!fd', '1ihal "l0 t""nboat Interest J r1! Z I',0-. mands that a local board tho SralrT010" ''U t Unanimously Hdoptcd. The following letter from m.i w u Merrill, United .State, engineer, was then read t Gknti.kmkn of tiik Ciivv.,.,, , H" SOrrv thai m nnuii.n .r I., .'.I ' V r - uu.iiiu,. lire- lit em"? frpm t',jn''"'B. ""t I take tho CTP1 fBW PIU for your "sum 0 coinmerco on tbo -nipiab nr , W ""ouia oe DUllt by the ;?vteUroihe brldgu te approved i. When boat. -descemMng k C,(J-rJM(, the rr,, ' oiy of coinmerco on tho AD.IOUK.N EI) IIXUULAK MKCTINit. Council Chamuek, i OaIUO, Ills., Nov. 11, 11:30 p.m., 1872. j Present. His honor Mayor Lansden and Cunningham, Ha! I Id ay, Hurd, Met- cair, PhlllU, Safford, Swayne, Taylor and Woodward 10. On motion thu reading of the minutes was dispensed with. officers' kei'ort. Reports or B. 8bannessy,P. M. and Win McIIule, city Jailer, for tho month of Oc- tubor, were presented and, on motion of Alderman Cunningham, received and or dered filed. hthkkx committee rei-ort. Thostreot comraitteo reportod back a petition praying tho construction of u sidewalk on Seventh street be tween Walnut street and Jefferson avenue, recommending that tho ordinance comraitteo bo instructed to draft an ordi nance providing for the building of said walk. Tbe committee also reported that they uic informed by thu officers of tho J. C. R. R. Co,, that the change of tho location of their tracks, on Levea street, at this time would sointerfero with tho handling or their freights thut they have concluded not to make tho contemplated uhango at this time, nud it therefore becomes neces sary to tnalso considerable) repairs upon Levee street. The committee recom mend tho adoption of the following res olutions, vi. : Resolved, That tho comtnitteo on ordi nances bo nnd they hereby nro instructed to havo prepared un ordinanco pioviding for tho construction of a sidewalk on tho south side of Seventh street, from Wal nut street to Jefferson avonue. Resolved, That tho committee on streets bo and they hereby ure instructed to have such repairs put upon the plank road on Loveo street as will render such road pass sthle for tho coming winter, and that said committee ho and thoy hereby are author ized to have tho nocossary materials pur vhasod for that purposo and to employ tho prisoners in tho jail In said repairs. Councilman Hurd moved to recelvo and die said, report, to concur in the recom mendation therein contained and to adopt the forogolng resolutions. Carried by tho rollowing vote: Ayos Cunningham, Halllday, Hurd, Metcaif, Phillls, Safford, Hwayne, Taylor and Woodward 0, nay o, JIBI'ORT OF rilR HOARD OF IMItliCTOHS the fihk department. Tho said board of directors to whom was ref.rred a petition of the Delta Fire com pany for five hundred root or hose for tho use of their company, reported the iaroo back, rucomineudiug that the prayur of the petiiioneisbe granted, and also rsjvonj. or J 00 14 W 82 13 2.' (10 22 00 III" .V) 10 OS 4 00 '-2 00 mtndod the adoption oftho following res olution, viz: Jlesohed, That the committee on tho tiro department bo and thoy hereby aro author ized and Instructed to purchase, upon tho best terms in thoir powor, fivo hundred Jeot of suitable hoso with tho proper coup lings, for the use of the Delta Firo com pany No, 0. On motion or Alderman Mctcnlf tho re port was received and tho resolutions adopted by tho rollowing voto: Ayes Cunningham, Hallidav, Hurd, Metcalf, Phillls, Safford, Swayne, Taylor and Woodward 1. Nay 0. FETITIOSM. A petition was road from the Arab Firo company, asking a loan of $1,000 for thrco years, to assist in pnylngjor the new en glno house, and offoring to give a mort gago upon their promises to secure tho payment of tho amount. A motion by Aldermnn Swayno to grant tho petition and Instruct the city attorney to draft tho proper papers was withdrawn. On motion of Alderman Swayno tho pe tition was roferred to the ordinance com mittee, with Instructions to draft an ordi nance authorizing the loan asked for. (Councilman Wood appeared in his seat.) A petition of the Rough and Ready Firo company fur a new suction for their engine, the .1. B. Taylor, was read, and on motion of Alderman Swayno rererred to the board or directors or the firo department. A petition and romonstraiice from M. S. Ensminger and other property holders on Thirteenth street was read, remonstrat ing against tho building or a sidewalk on the south side or said street between Commercial nnd Washington avenues On motion or Councilman Wood the re monstrance was re.'errod to the street committee. U1LLH. Tho rollowing bllli wero presented, and on motion of Councilman Wood referred to tho commllteo on claims, viz: James Ross, two toiucoalfor clcrkV office .1. B. Reed, hardware . . Morris, Pood A co4.r3 feet 'lum ber It. Shaiinesy, 1'. M.. October salurv. John (iladney. haiilin; lumber. ' Win. Mcllale, dieting prisoners lu October, iVXt days., . A. Frazer, putting In new taltelu pump corner of KIecnth street and Commercial avenue Phillip Howard. James I'ilHI. II. rilxhy, Jos. Arnold, F. M. Ward. M. W arren, Wm. White nd Thos. Kerth, for services a- special po. Ilcemen on election dav, Noem- tier nth, each . . . " John Gladney. hauling lumber P. C'onlan, 2, days' work on streets in October rj!i 00 Thos. Fltgerald. 27 das s" w ork on streets lu October. ' . ,Vi 00 Win. Mcllale. 22 iiav' work on streets In October .". .... 44 00 Nick Williams, meat furnshed pest house from Sept. 17 to Oct. 31. .". :if N. Fclth for furnishing cotllns aud burvliigO small-pox patients . 12 00 Jss. Ross, 2 tons coal for clerk's ollice ,. s 00 REAUIKO OF ORDINANCES. An ordinance entitled "an ordinanco granting tho right of way to the Ketucky and Tennessee Railroad company over certain streets of tho city," was road a second time. Councilman Taylor offered tho following amendmont to said ordi nanco which was adopted, viz : To Insert after the word "empowered'' in the sixth line of Section 1 tho following words : 'To fill and grade so much of Levee street as may bo nocossary for the purposes of this ordinance and " Councilman Wood moved that throe persons not members of the council bo ap- pointea to make an estimate oi tho cost of tho Improvements contemplated by ordi nance No 32, entitled "an ordinance pro viding ior the construction or certain sidewalks and the rc-construction or re moval of other sidowalks therein men tioned." Carried. Tho council thereupon appolnlod Messrs. Timothy Uorman, John A. Poor and Wm. McUale to mako such estimate. RESOLUTION. Councilman Hulliduy offered the follow ing resolution, viz: Resolved, That a committee of three members of tho city council be appointed by tho mayor, whoso duty it shall be to tender to tho members of tho convention to bo held In this city to-morrow, the 12th inst., in connection with steamboat inter ests on tho Western rivers, tho use of either tbe city council chamber, tho county court-house, or tho United States court-rooms for their deliberations ; that said commlttco bo also authorized and in itructed to have prepared for said conven tion whichever of said rooms they may se lect for their use, nnd that tho expense thoreof bo paid for out of the city trcas ury. Councilman Taylor movod to hmend by adding "and that said committee ho au thorized to adopt any other measures necessary to tho convenience and comfort of the convention." Amendment adopted. Tho resolution as amended win adopted. Tho mayor appointed as such committee Mossrs. Halllday, Phillls and Taylor. On motion of Aldorman Sall'urd tho mayor was added to tho committee. On motion of Alderman Swayno, nd- journod. M.J. Howi.ey, City Clerk. IUVER JTEWS. ARRIVED, Steamer Crescent City, St. Louis " Arkansas Belle, Evansvlllo " St. Joseph, St. Louis " Comet, Pittsburg " O U Church, Bank " Atlantic, Now Orleans " Mary McDonald, Memphis 11 J J Abort, Mound City " Andy Johnson, St. Louis " Thompson Dean, St. Louis " R A Babbage, St. Louis " Illinois, Columbus " Jim Fisk Jr., Paducah " Grand Tower, Memphis DEPARTED, Steamer Arkansas Hollo, Evansvlllo " St. Joseph, St, Louis " Comet, St. Louis " Atlantic, St. Louis " Mary McDonald, St. Louis " ' .1 J Abort, Cumberland island " Acdy Johnson, New Orleans " R A Babbage, St. Louis " Illinois, Columbus " Jim Fisk Jr., Paducah " (Jrand Tower, St. Louis JIOATS LEATI.VQ TO-DAY. The O U Church will loave this morning at IU o'clock for Now Orleans adit all way points. Tbo regular Anchor line pa?kot will leave for Memphis and way points this evening at 0. o'clock. The Jim Fisk is tho packet leaving for Paducah and all way landings this evening at 4 o'clock. The fine steamer Florence Leo is tbo rcg. ular packet leaving for Evansvlllo and all way landings this evonlng at 0 o'clock. CONDITION OF TIIK ntVKRH. Tho fall In tho Ohio at this placo dur ing the past twntity-folir hours was six Inches Special reports I0T1IE Bulletin report tho condition of tho Ohio nnd Mis sissippi rivers at various places. There Is only about live feet in the channel to St. Louis. IIUHINES AJD WKATIIKK. Buslties continues very good, and all steamers arrive nnd dcpait with good trips Tho weather was clear and chillyi miscellaneous. The Thomson Dean arrived from St. Louis flying light, nnd has laid up ror a row days, until thoro is an opening ror bor lo load. Capt. Pepper acted wisely In bringing his boat away from St. Louis be fore tho winter sot In. Tho H. W. Shrevo discharged 720 bales cotton Tor tho East. The packets from below nro bringing up from 100 to COO halo overy trip, and it Is forwarded prompt.y by tho 1. O. R. R. Tbo Atlantic took a largo portion of tho Balfast's damaged freight to St. Louis yesterday. Tho Andy Johnson brought out all the frolght she could on tho present stago or water. Tho Comet arrived from Pittsburg with two barge. of frolght. She discharged 160 tons or reshlpping freight nnd left for St. Louis with a fair trip. 1 ho Crescent City canio out with a tleot of light barges nnd transferred her freight to heavier ones hero. Sho added two loaded barges here. The snagboat J. J. Abort enmo down from Mound City ror coal nnd storos, and loft for Cumberland Island ror tho purpose or pulling out tho snags that are in the way or tho contractors who are building the dam. Tho O. B. Church dropped down to the landing and is now loading for Now Or leans and way points. Tho R. A. Babbage came down after Capt, Lowery's now barge. Tho Warner and her two barges are still in port, receiving for the South. Mr. Bruco Hunter, roconlly clerk on tho John Lumsden, has accepted the posl tion of second clerk or tho Indiana. The Eddyville is loading at Evansville' ror the Tcnnesseo river. Tho steamer Florenco Leo has taken tho Idlowild's days In tho Evansvlllo and Cairo trade. The ldlowlld will run from Evansvlllo to Memphis as a weokly picket. Capt. Lowth, recently or tho Illinois, has command or her. The Illinois Central railroad company have a largo dredgeboal at work cleaning tho river, in front of tho elevator, of all obstructions, so that boats may have a better landing to transact their business. Mrs. Akna Lano, Eighth street be tween Commercial and Washington ave nues, has just received a largo nnd varied stock of fall goods, and desires to call par ticular attention to her handsome assort ment of ladies' nnd children's underwear, something new in this market. Her woolen drawers and legglns combined are also something now and the most comfort able thing for children in cold weather ever devised. Mrs. Lang also has a well selected assortment or hats, bonnets, rib bons, flowers, and notions or all sorts, all of which will be sold as cheap as can be found elsewhere in this market. 10-9-lm Merchants, clerks, or any others who wish to wear tine boots olthor calf, moroc co, kid or patent leather of tbo very latest style, go to Wm Ebler's, on Twentieth street. 10 lOtf. Neiiraska is to Have a State Or I'Uan Ahylum $0,S05 is offered in cash prizes. Tho appeal is made on tbo grounds of humanity, from a new stale, where the tide of immigration is immense, nnd where such an institution is greatly needed. Tho highest prize Is $70,000. Tho tickets are $1 each, or six ror $0. J. Patteo or Omaha, has been chosen tbe gen eral manager or this legal and humane undertaking, which is endorsed by the governor and best business men of the state. PHIL. HOWARD. STEAMBOAT BUTCHER. Vttr NaUoaal Baak Bnlldlaisr. jj-LBpecial attention paid to orders trom boats olicht or dav ATTENTION ! Mr. R. Jones on Comnier cial uvonue, second door west ot lentil street, is manufactur ing Boots and Shoes of the best material in the market and is prepared to till all orders on tho shortest notice. He guarantees both the work and material ; his patterns arc of the latest styles, and his prices lower than any other anop m tho u.ty. Confident of tho excellence of his work. he invites the patronage of ine puDiic. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Established, November IH, 1872. OAIBO CONSE11VATORY OIF 3VITJSIO. On the corner of tilth street nnd Washington axeiine, opposite Bulletin office. Will open MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1H72. ' Tuition from fi to t'M per term. IN CLASSES OF 1 TO I EACH. No pains will hcspnrcil to make ll PLEASANT, PltOFlTABI.K, ANP. SATISFACTORY to alt concerned, N. P. CURTICE, Director. Teat her of Vocal, Organ mid Piano Mii-le. J. M. RODF.NBAM01I, Teai-her o'r Wild mid Stilng liii-fruiiielili. (See tlmilal.) II. H tf. A.TJOTI03ST SALE OK DRUGS AND FANCY GOODS Will lie Mdd nt auction Thla ilmy nl Ten O'clock A, M, A I 'I UK DRUO STORE OF S. J. IIL'MM, t'liiiiuieii-iul Aw. A largo 'lock of lltroi. MEDICINES. SOAPft ami FANCY ARTICLES. Sale without reele. to MitUfy uttitclillielit. 11-U It. It. F. UlLUM-l-LY. Constable. Home JAdvertsiementa. STOP AND HEAD! GOODNKWS FOR EVEKYHODY A place where you can buy a much fur OISTE DOLLAR as you can ele where for ONK DOLLAR AND A QCAHTKH The.undenlgned would respectfully In form tho public that they have fitted their new store houso on Eighth street with the finest and best assorted stock of goneral merchandise evor before hrouubt to this market, and in ordor to secure a large portion of the patronage of the public, WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL OUR HOODS AT LOWER FIGURES THAN ANY OTHER EST A II- LISUMENT IN THE VICINITY. Our stock is entirely new, and bought eipressly for tho coming fall and winter trade of this locality, and consists of Ladies. Gents and Children's DRY GOODS, BOOTS Ac SHOES, CLOTHIWO-, H-A-TS &z CAPS. And all other articles to be found in a first class dry goods and clothing establish mcnt. We call especial attention to our large assortment of dress goods, shawls and cloaks, which department is complete In all its details. Our stock of FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CASSAMERES, JEANS, ETC. is the largest in tho city, and we are en abled to offer special inducements to pur chasers. In Oentlemens' Clothing, Routs and Shoes, Hals, Caps, and furnishing goods wo are fully prepared to meet all de mand at prices defying competition. Aa it is to the interest of every ono to buy where goods aro cheapct and bost wo cordially invito tho public to call and examine our stock before pur chasing elsowbere. Our establishment is located on the east side of Eiqlith streot, between Washington and Commercial avenues. Blum & Amson. KM fl-d Km. iou can buv six and ono-half lbs. Durant's A Coffee Sugar for Ono Dol lar; Seven lbs. Now Orleans Sugar for One Dollar: Best three and one-half libs. Prime Rio Coffee, Ono Dollar ; Best Imperial Tea, One Dollar and a half per pound ; Best Gun- powder Tea, Ono Dollar and Seventy-five Cents per pound ; .Young Hyson and Oolong Tea, One Dollar per pound, and ev erything proportionately cheap at WJiLEY&BJXBY'S. e-34-ti. f. 11. .Morn., Xntarv Pnl.lln No.l'uli. sod IT. H. (Vim IlTSTJIEl. FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK ACCIDENT, LIFE, MTNA, IIARTKOItl), Aets f 6,64(1,004 7 KORTU AMERICA, PA., AfoU.. 12,783,000 00 11AKTFOKD, CONN., Assam........ 2,M 4.S10 T2 I'flffiNlX, IIAtlTKORIJ, Asts 11,781,148 86 INTERNATIONAL, N. Y., Asssts..... .. 11,853,898 17 PUTNAM, HARTFORD, Assets 706,937 CLKVEUNU, CLEVELAND, Asieta S61S.C73 88 HOME, COLCMBUS, Assets 1166,278 43 AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Assets 1600,000 0 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL. LIKE. Assete M jo.,000 00 T1MVELKH8', HARTFORD. LIKE AND ACCIDENT, Assets 81, 600 AO j 00 RAILWAY PABSENQEltS ASSURANCE GO,, HARTFORD, - 400,000 00 ysssts.. Assets.,, IMDirBVDINT, SOSTOIf, f e,Mi 00 HAFFORD, MORRI8 b OANDEE, 71 ekJs Utss, OltNsMsjsudatftk, OAIBO, ILL. ftTEAHBuAT. MAIL PACKET, ' 1 The Fast sad F.ItntP.nt,rflUtJnr viff?" "ves Cairo for l'aducah and Evan, vllle , every Thursday and Sunday evanffiT at 0 o'clock, connect nc at Kvariivllls T ?! -V'wllla "n-J Cincinnati 1 pJckiu. 'S frcliibt or nassaifo nimiv 1,. v fof JAMRHlituuHi'asseiuier Air'i. 1 l Aiina i', The (Ine Passenger Racket ARKANSAS BELLE. IIEN-. HOWARD M.,..r J-Lcaves Cairo for l'aducah and Evans v hTiivery 'I ucsday and Friday evening atS boCaniortor ra,'11 or PKe appry 011 . .Iamkh ilioqa, 1'asscinrer Ag't. "&W.!LJ-y-.t0 AN,) EVANSV1JXE hhMMVEKKLY MaIL LINE PACKET7 The tine low pressure Passenger l'scket W. U. I'KNNIXOTOX.. ..Mast CiTI.eaes Cairo et.ery Wednesday anil .Saturday pcnliiff at o'clock, for 1'aUu jah and hansvlllc. For frcl((ht or pasMun ap ply on hoard or to JAmkh llmoa, l'assenger A'!. CAIRO AND PADUCAH AIL BOAT. 'I lie plendld sUamsr 1X.A.S. FISK. IMok FowLtCK, Captain Leaves Cairo DAILY, (.Sunday excepted), at 4 p.m. r or freight or jussatre apply u boaru J0n3tf JA.MALU-HV,Aa OAlKi. AND MOUND CITY MTstAM TTW. Will roska tbr trips dsllj. Jl.KAVI.NCl CAIRO At7. ... . a.m. At 11 ..a.m At 4:30 n.ui. rare each way. !J LKAV'O MOUND CITY At 8-30 .m. At 1-30 p.m. At 0. . l,.n. rents; 10 tickets tor 2 Ml. Will !...,( I..7)' ..."""-'. Intcruiediatc UikIIiil' for pue-urtrs 01 frei-jhts. skivIU. BOUKJS. a O J w o S ii o in o o p s M 'A O H H XI 'A O - H H 03 r e 'A 2 s A O H 7f Pi "A O H &5 2 a K 4 a M o o f, M K 3 S) a (S o r. a CO a a 3 " a 8 2 a 9 u ILLINOIS CENTRAL R R IOO Mlll-a I ho NborlMl Honls TO CHICAGO Kick ty IN ilea lin Htturint Mossta TO ST. XjOTJZS ST. NO CHANGE OF CARS FROM CAIRO TO LOUIS OR CHICAGO. ONLY ONE CHANGE OF OARS OM CAIRO TO Cincinnati, ik lianspolls, Toledo. Detroit, ('lereUod, Niscara Falls ltufUlo, iMt.buiii, WMhlructon. lialtimnre, '.I'bilsiicljihis, New York. Ilotlon and all nlnle Mat, Mllwsukie, Janrsrille, Madison, LaCroM, St. I'aul and all points not lb. Una is alao the only direct rnule to Decatur, ninomlnxlon, Rpringslil, IVorla, ijiilncv, Kenkuk, Burlington, ibk lUnd, U BaJle. Mendota, Dlion, Freeport, Galena, Dubuque, Moui City, Oaialia ami all -oiuts northwett, Klecant Drawing Room Sleeping Care On all Night Trains. R'IKsks Checked 10 all Important points. For tickela and information, apply to I. C. R.H depot at alro; on board tne transit steamer be tweeu Columbus and Cairo, and at tne prlncip rallroa l ticket offices throughout the south. W. P. JOHNiON. Uen'l Pass. Ag't, Chicago. A. Mitcusil, Cien'l. Hup't. Chicago. J. JOHNSON, Ag't, Cairo. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. ' On and after Monday", April I4tb, 1872 trains will run as follows: NORTHERN DIVISION. TSAIS ooiso aovrnsasT. Mail. Kzprats. Leare Vlralnia 0:40 a. m liSSp.m. Springfield :0 ' a:vf , TaylorTill 10 " 8. 8 " Arrire at Fena 11.48 8.17 tsiins ooinu xoarawsaT. Express. Mall. Leave Pans 4.00 a. m 3.38 a. n. " Tavlornlle 4,40 " 4.S " Arrive at 8ppngBeld.6.1i " ....aoo ' Leave Bpnnineld..., ,. '.' 8.10 Arrive at Virginia 8.5 " ....S,16 80UTHBRN DIVISION. TSAINS 001 HO SSVTKSAST, Leave Kdgwood 8.30 a. m.- ...UJOp, re " Klora ..........8,5 H.sO ' Arrive at Shawncet'n .38 11 3.18 IKIf IwriAHT TIUKBTO IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOB SALE, ) For gala JfOB BALK, I Kernels 1 FOR SALE. K'fSsJs I 'OR BALK. TO I Faro from Lr-maroor, Pare from Lovochombt Pare from Olasoow, Vara from QumiiroWst CAIRO, j t 1 1 i t 1 1 1ft affeid, Herns a 0s