OCR Interpretation

The Cairo evening bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1868-1870, September 21, 1869, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074143/1869-09-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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(lie &wif fttlletii.
M. a. jywygy apiraa.
JB( Krfha vptvftMf
34r. Cal)llSir'Mavata&
Geo. W, .yaUj8q.t J hytae elty.
Cbtftn 'cr W'aiaVier M
PWMIrMMMirimi (" .'t'f'Jtfii ' Join it
Ittsil II l' ! 'i i " t ii
. 'it fane -T1-. i Mm to -
4S 'SIWjBIa jSlWJffiiJiJ'jM'f
leaa jaaOslflV fia BMffHWalftciv SSaMMl
fommmmn v wwjm at wa. nui
taaa'aaajUaiakat; .l w-. sir 'Jt' eJ tir? .if
i.taati kjbMkafu - ili'
l .awwa i B9rivii . jaaaaa aw
1 - - --M.--: Caa1M4aW,
I. BAt '(T Tf fl.T 'k I 1 II Isl IT! I "'II tl'IbP
" i fcfli nW? efffl"?Bifl FTT"1r'
: ir.tiMD.-1 MMMJitlafr "aUaaV
am . HiiuniifB judhuuii. . nunuauiHaT -.nr am
V DfflHHIi lb MM HIM. Lllfl TUMI MN
Every om ef tbm is atek. nearly
ab-smi inn nftunnini unnn fia naiah
i from Tennessee. .
' " i . ..
Tlio tneetlug of the grand Jury ha a,
nrvi'iiiun smiotl unnn ina mnrnm .nr
'alrn. T1iIuVib. tram iilnrn n'nil r-nrifi.
iitnn mail nr.. ulf.1 itftli I ftnl 1 n.f 'lin v n 4
w II- , l . . i.
... f - .. f .11 1.. I 1- I . t .
a . u
h uui h iiir. in ill) limininmn uninini nr
It wouldn't bo a bad idea to make the
am nn nr liiiil rriiiiinni ttorrmni
H -i 1 ll . t
Old 'squire Burna is expcrionclng, In
Iia I luua ami -.I t twt I t ' f a iarI
uivorco from Aire, jsurnn. a Ray anu
itJvo woman of forty, who. the old
. . .. A Ma a a
rv ami luriiii'Jiiinn." iiir mmnan nAinrr
iitivlilnnon liv tliA fnnf ffinf RimUa
' - r - u
a ----- - wv
ouuer ircnunouL
During Saturday night and tiunday the
MMl,i f . If. r. .i i.il . .... 1
II Ullllil tjll t IIIUUI! 1J 1 aUIULULIIIII MflrilaUIl
aaii w vri r in iti raiv-ri aar innnr mam w a
KtAflt. Itv thin wa mnmi flint -orfnIt
A t (...A .1 . . . a
u ono nnoiucr aown. uiere were, in
a. a
liferent parts or Uie city, nt least a hnlf
u.cii uuuio in imiiuuii, uuaiuea a iriZU
Lflil. ft ulinnf Ini RirnnA ami nnmtuirln.a
l. i i iifliA..ir i i.i i
uiauiiiii aiiurcaiiuua. kjiiv JUUJV1UUIW
il (hrno fl Lflitat. nnntlinr tvrn. nml Itnh
n I -li.. ii .. - .. i.. ii-.i i .
wens remains to be heard from. Tho
. f -
At . . .
Wtt linvrt ntntA Oin tat nltl tali tn attir rf
Ifl 'IlUUL'Llir IlillJilia LI1U UUJIIlt'AA llll'll III
iti..ll-ltl 1 i
. A fa M -
Bft m
-1 I t f If I....- .1 .4 f I
tat . a. t a. a . . a
our want column for tho very Inslg
flcantuum of fifteen cenU, and what
. . ,1 . A k . k a.
full as usual to-day, furnishes the re
iinvv vit iuul uuqmnra uiou uav
tho several hundred In tho city, have,
intervals, availed themselves of the
VAntupAA It oiTni.
We refer to this fact to close the mouths
those parties who say they would ad
The brutal hoartlessuess of Grant :Bl P""""'""
i . ,. , i , i erroneous opinion, is to extend In-
Jhi! miiti f , U ,d eota"e Riiry. Southern buyers, by patronizing
.Z I. In T, I' m?" nU tl:ur B house, cansave about. Jfi'doUars in
J. i h l l nml'lt7Tl paling and hotel expenses, at least
leal life, tho lata Gen. Rawlins. d , tmo and something in tho
vain did the dying man cal for of freight. They can also And
heartier pleasure seeker to visit hkryklnd (0f foot-wear that is kept in
Asa corpse Grant looked upon tl da,y house lu the country. These aro
body a moment, then, forgetf.il of all tcta t,mt 8hou,d bo remomberod. d&w
deconcles of life, rushed baok to Ni
York to a renewal of ills rounds of excll nreaiiy nutiiWrnt
ment and dissipation. Ho acted as tlxhat JU? impossible for a oandldato to
coarse, unfeeling man tliot he Is, aijgo of h,9 own popularity, fs well lllus
thero aro none so lost to tho requlJated ,n tho cns0Of jUdgo Hodgos. Tho
ments of decency, as to attompt to uaid juiigt, itt actually of tho opinion th at
glr.o for him. ls personal popularity will enablo hlra
Tho Chicago TlmesVbrTng. us this! th.p;ocratlo party at deflanco,
of personal and legal Intelligence: "J overcome Its flvo hundred jmaJbHty la
damo Myra Jlradwcll, ono of .tho stroV0 oounty and l? wf lk ln,to h8 County
minded sisterhood," of Chicago, Is nbeWge' ofttoa agalu, in spite of all it can
to bo admitted to the bar as an attorn". Now everybody, likes he old Judge
and couusellor-at-law. Judge Bradwi' enough, no Is a kind-hearted, In
tho husband of Madamn Bradwoll, Tensive old man, who would not,
bo retired In November next from Inowlngly, wrong any man. Bu no
bench of tho county court, and n8 Uoorat, who knows any hlng about
don't know much law himself he nata10 temper of the party just wow, yiU
ally will want a partner In tho profei" t 'O Judge that ho stands any earth
Ion. Tho stylo of the now Arm w,' ftnco for re-election. Democrats
probably bo: Myra Brndwoll andllanotlntendtohelp him Inhlswarupon
bftU) bmooratjo usages. They will not aid
The Philadelphia 'Age' javs:
r of that paper! If ovory nowspapor
.dor In Cairo would pay us twenty-flvo
nts per copy, wo could not print a pa
or in Cairo as largo as tho Chicago
rimes;' yot thero aro mou so Ignorant
f tho printing business as to express sur-
i lso that tho Cairo papers do not equal
ho papers of Chicago and St. r.oulsJ
Tho Cairo 'Bulletin,' small as it is, is n
wger paper than thopatronngo bestowed
pon It authorizes, "But," enya ono,
"If 70a would publkh l&rgr ppr
yoar patraMM woM tBoresM." All
iittMnfkWiifrair-M TMiriiiiiiri
tfce Nfolt toW: Iner td relto
4p MjiMrtMklkkn fltSM Nf
uir it aet luft ogk to nysort a
a iatly lf Uto m omi be oU
lsd In tk tlty, ytt th momj eIlM(
naNwetlMiidoiiiKMj lor Mm
ur avtvutMiBg mIiui ar om-
lUd, Mm seMlUe rtader etnjat oae
wlMlklBiofa hMM Mm Oklaaco
1 1 "The Bert la Uae."-
,S?IB -w-
Ender'f Stomach
Good towels, all linen. 20 cents, each,
UlUtUy'f. ' tf
' County Constables be?
The larMat Jka4 iMefcfaraaaM
kll In Southern Illinois Is that of, Walk-
kw S4saoa.
fTho Rev. kr. BradleylnTormB us that
he Is pr6NkriniBrthefJ'brodslde rer
ehores. He sayrjaMI'Mll,Mpufl'' for
Shores to attempt to '"jsecretate" himself
behind the skirls of Mrs. Deacon. Hop
kins; thttho JtJtondVtQl'roaiie ,lilm ,op
cdpVlita dwn "foundations,'! arid "flfht.
fluctuatoor fly."
OlrU Watd.
Two industrious girls 14 to'lSVcfsrs ofi
age, to work ou perfumery, and patent
medicines. Apply immediately, at 74
Ohio levee.- c ' If
Welt Sol.
Jxt 7 block 2, Ohio Lovee, tho proper
ty of J. fe. Reardon, Ew,, wab sold at
auction ;to-day, for 52,200 cash. Peter
N'cfT became the purchaser.
Illinois Ccnlinl K. K., ChnaKo of Time..
On Sunday, August 29th,41iolfolloWlhg
tlmo table will take effect and govern
until further notice:
Mall train Unti at..,,....M i.M o'clock a.m.
KiprfMM Sio M p.m.
MU train arrlTeaU;-.;.,Tn.i. MS o'clock
Way, Jtarn t....
,Wt, arrirfa at.......
4.30 o'clock a.m.
:10' p.m.,
i :W
The Wlatr CvrMlBf ,
It has been- truthfully remarked ,tuat
Cairo Isdeslllute of respoctabjc, rational
amu&eraent As minutes and hours aro
added to tho length of the evenings, this
destitution becomes moro generally and
kconly felt. Rut how bhall It be reme
died? It has buun uj;gttd that a fund,
sayofflvo hundred dollars, bo raised,
and held to roimburso nny respectable
company that will undertako to open
and run tho Atheueum, during u period,
say of two months. Tho suggestion is
not a bad one, and whether or not It is
practical, can bo determined by a little
How to 8vc .Muncfi
The rotall or wholesale buyer of boots
and shoes can savo money by patroniz
ing the houso of Elliot, Hay thorn .& Co.,.
Cairo, 'Illinois. They are agents for the
most cxteuslvo manufacturers of tho
East, and havo moat advantageous ar
rangements with Western manufactur
ers. For the Fall trade they havo a very
heavy stock, and If anybody, far or near,
is of the opinlontbat they cannot com
peto with SU Louis or Cincinnati, all
Im in his attempt to uestroy tno pov.er
unity of tho party; and ho caunot
urilto upon himself the full (strength of
tha. radical party. How, thoiij Is itpos
slllo for hlmto succeed? He will not
only bo badly defeated, but' will oxolto
a hostility In the detnocmtlo party ho
may never nllny. Wo say this in all
kindness to the Judge. Ilo seems bent
upon his own political destruction, and
we would, If wecould, arrest his. Ill-advised
career. JIo will not bo permitted
totisrupt tho party because ho wants an
lAtfifonrtt of 1
(ClTrTVjrnw 'V 'r I
n BhoesforMle at Ref 11 y at 0.
offlce, which any true friend will tell
him he lacks the eapaelty to fill, aad
.fkrof HayJbrJitwJlL
fiapry Ngfal tkat he MM five beef
tow: tlatelr wAWfcWI
Use JCasHr'CIr'Ct.-'It ktvtr
VlA'ieawi dav tioarcl atWalker k. RUa.
oa'a rertaatmat, tw f far wmi;
Xriah linen asld at f 1, new 76 cents; aad
good Irish llaetfHit M le, at Relllv's
, To.nJf ht, JTaa yra.alin tlvee hU aai.
Xhiwiinn ef billiards at the D-lmeaUe
will ktaaarval un fraa for thaM U laUin
Baltic' ;CikT.' V'Ml
trt; 'WsliieehaaiUiaa.
tThe convention was called to-orderat
12 'dock ta.f by IF." J3. H Albrlfkt, 'Msa
CBairm&B pv weiivoBBty veo-ai uom-
mltte.,t,...tgvT t. i r - - ;mmr- mm
0. P. Lyea-raeelected tetaporary
chairman James Garland, temporay sec
retary, t x m ri
On motion of M. D. Gunter a commit-.
toe on credentials consisting of Ave del
egates was appelated i by the ckak.i. The
foltowiggpgentleaaep formqd that.cpca ,
mlltee": M. l)."Guner, jW S:Rardeii,
Wm. Xionergan, Anthony Elschrjaoti,
and W. W. Thornton.
" Joh'n'Q: Harmori nioved that'a com
mittee of threo'onTpSrnanent orgas'lza
tlhn hn named hv th6'ohalr.. Tho motlSri1'
prevailed, whereupbh' tile chair oppoint-
ed Johu Q. Harmon, Ed. Hisson and
Thomas Martin, as such committee.
The committee on permanent organiza
tion made tho following report:
" President, O.P. Lyon;VJce President,
James Mulcahev and J.B. Vick: Score- I
taries, James Garland and John Brown."
Report adopted.
Tho committee on credentials reported
all the precincts represented, except'
Santa Fo and Clear Creek, and entitled
to delegates as follows:
South Cairo proclnct 17: North Cairo
precinct 10; Goose Island 3; Unity 3;
Dog Tooth 2; Thebes 2; Hazlowood 2.
Total 45. 1 ' '
Tho report was received and tho dele
gates therein named, declared entitled
to seats, in tho convention.
2toll called, showed thirty-nine dele-,
gates present. t
John Q. Harmari placodFredollno
Bross In nomination, for tho office of
Connty Judge. Nomination by. accla
mation and unanimous. J. 8. Rearden
nominated John" Howley, ns Assoclntc
Justice. Johu Q. Harmun nominated
Jas. E. McCrlto; und'r. D. Ountcr nomi
nated Oreamus Greenlty.
A motion to proceed to nomlunto Asso
ciate Justices by .allot was carried.
im.. ... l..t na n.ln..M.I .
1UU IUIIUHIIIK IC3UIUHUII i.i.n ...lujui.... .
Resolved. That norsous PUbmltthiL'
their names to this convention for uoml
nation, shall, In person or by proxy,
pledge their honor to abide by tho deci
sion of tha convention and support its
The required pledges wero entered Jby
or for tho different parties placed In
P. Rellly aud A. G. Holden wero ap
pointed tellers.
Tho ballots being counted It, was found
that John Howley had received 27 votes
aa Associate Justice.
Jas. E. McCrlte bad received 27 votes.
O. Greenly, had received 15 votes.
John Howley and Jas? E. McCrite wore
thereupon declared the nominees of the
convention, and tbo nomination made
unanimous. 1
John Q. Harman placed in nomina
tion, J. G. Lynch ,for county clerk.
'Nominated by acclamation, the vote
being unanimous.
W. W. Thornton placed In nomination
Wm. Martin for County Treasurer,
Albert Susanka placed W. A. Redman
In nomination for tho sarao office.
The' ballots bolnc counted it was
found that Wm. Martin had received 21
vqtes and W. A. Redman Is.
The nomination of Wm.Martlu was
thereupon, mado unanimous.
L. V. Butiorwas nominated, by accla
mation as tho democratic candidate for
Superintendent, of Publiq Schools.
Col. RodrdeV placed in nomination
Robert A. Wiuston as County Surveyor.
Nomination unanImou9,.by acclamation,
A The following .resolutions was, Intro,
duced by John Brown, aud unanimously
Resolved, That John Q. Harman, Jas.
S. ltearden, H. Watson Webb, John, H.
Mulkey and S. P. Wheeler, be and, are
horeby nppolntod delegates tq atteud tho
representative convention, to be hold nt
Dongola, under the call of tho chairman,
and, that they bo Instructed to cast tho
vote of this county In said convention,
for Hon. Wm. J, JVjleu.
Tho following resolution, Introduced
by Mr. Harmau, was also unanimously
adopted :
Resolved, Asthosenseof this conven
tion, that wo bo opposed to tho adoption
of tho 15th nmondmont, and to tho strik
ing out of tho word "whlto" In the Stuto
Tho following County Central Commit
teo waselootod, to servo during the en
suing year: C Wlni ton, Harmau Mey
er, James S. Reardon, M, D. Gunter,
Charles Gregg, Thomas Martin, J. E.
McCrlto, Thos. .1. McUluro, Thomas Mor
gan and T. G. Itolwlug.
TllO convention then adjourned SlllO i
O. I
Astval:Ma aHsMMrtajrca Darlaravo Wmt
aaaiflia. '
lumbal WmVhtU. nUtuMfc:
Tlata. Clnelaaatl.
QtAtM. Uke, MmpWa.
raTAttleraoa, Colurabut. Wm.Whlla, Piuiufah;
,fll.Muli. Ba Aacarti.
i,. ill
MM waaMier mm MaMwaat alaMy.
laHirtaMtcwiik Hnmi inraaritaaa a
Mhli tkUaattfalnf was Oi'.akar
rWlir Ii wraMy i-ik,
VVaw liaam MhB MMaAMBia
riK Wtailr sftms hat tka fctaili1
Loalavllla with rte lAI Irmr laokaa la
thooatwl. ; 'ji.II J' t" A ) onj
uwm nmmu a iua a laat , waari. It
. f2iMJattUtfilL .
IbTlndllnaleRfarOiy yeatsrday
about 3 P. M. witklha ttft Davl.r tHm
I she ever had on boartW BHewa4;j
bullt' Bhefilled out here with about 30(J
tons. The White General Anderson, and
tha-EvansTlIle paeketa'.iilhgYe goocf
jinps. The plendd staamci. Bella, , Bt.
Xouls, CapAlex'Zeiglerls the reti'lar
packet for Memphlsthis evening- Chas.
THInde, g&HS Ml". C2 3 rtt"
The White leaves as Usual for Paducah.'
jThe Umpire is tho regular .packetlfor
E vansvllle ihls evening; "
A spldudld tklng "iJarrettsI"
Endcr's Stomach
In use."
Bitters J "The best
. .- '"t v
Best 10 quarter sheeting 65 cents per
yord, at Rellly's. ? tf
For prime fresh oysters, 6crved In any
style desired, go to Walkpr SIsson's
restaurant, tf
i ...
llarmonln fumr. ,
The bestTand prettiest cook stove 'now
A new lot Just received. Call and seo
'them at Beerwart. Orth A Co., 180 Com
mercial evenue. SopO dwlra
Prof. Blaisdell Is organizing ,a class
in vocal musTc, and will commenco In
slructions Tuesday evening in the Con
servatory of Music, near the corner of
Eighth and Commercial avenue. Tui
tion, $2 per terra. 2t
Shell oysters, red and. whlto Ash,
game in season, subject to order, njght
or dayj aV Walker fc SUson'a res'tauraut.
Best 5 quarter pillow slip
cenbi per yard, at Rellly's.
muslin 24
Good all linen shirt bosoms at
per dozen at Rellly's.
12 60
Union linen 25 cunts per
yard, at
Linen sheeting 12 quarters wide, $1 75
cents per yord, at Rellly's. tf
Thli rrfll-cubhshcil Initltutlnn hiu eiiUi4 upn
ilTiuiiusncu iniiiiuunn niu ciuurta uxn
your nmlrr thn motl tutttrtng aplci.
alpnl. l'rof. Wfrchlng. I n tliorouKh Ocrf
Iiiilllh whclar, mi'l nn ezporlenced du-
lit tixwi
Thn lirino
mnn and lin
cutor. Puplln therefore can harp excellent Inttrue
tion In lotli tha firrn.au, (ui(t Cnellrk lDuaic
Tuition vrjr low.
I'upiU iiia' lit enteral nt any time . I
SeptcmluT 11,160. Im
tub iw r "tr jm x T "V
I ttiooplj; ringtjr tl"t lina.ttio
Patent Flange Cog-Whecltt
The Ck en one cud ef a roll are aet
relatival? between tlioae on the, ether
enilor theNANt; roll, Irmally formlMga
,snj thtreljy nearly iloiiblin); the ptirrlmto.
(The Im-
MjriiiuL'ii ui teiiiiiK Kr:,rn 1,1 lrl" i'ubiiiuii
l not ccn.
iiauy uiiuvrtiuuii.
Nfitirlthvtsndlng tho rolls enn tonantn freely ntel
thpr en.l, Itie coc-viherU CANNOT be thrown out of
Se.tr on both ends of the Wi Inqer nt the tamo llmo.
unless (ho pressure h taken oil',
Tho NOVKIiT Y U fastened to a tub or box by n
ilt Curtni CtjKf, Hliioli ban an equal bearing ou a
tub the irA lite(k lit ll rmgir. Other Wringers
aro merely fasteued to n Htnto ut cavil tad, aud uio
thus HuUoto wronuh the itiives'lroin their proper po
(itionnud ruin (ie nib.
The Co-khc(l, Thunib-i. reus, in., mo nicely rul
ranlted. Puy the XtlVISl.TY, ot Ht least lake it on trml
wall uty or all otim, and keep thu Utiit.
sCUHwlin Oeu. jeiitx, 17 Cortlandt St. K. V.
CrxItDS, &c.
Printed l jhe oOme ol Ihe Ca'rollullet.g
A I Tt .'VTIUX- fMlQ Vnnt tl
licit and
cholceot tho nicest lot of fino ao.ipsin (ount if
vnii u'fltit thn tutut Cnlti'nit. I.avatndnr
)ytr, or otlurtollet waters : if you want anything in
the way of Cosmetic, Powders or I'crfumex, go to
atcr, Florida
Claal M aiaiaaal aaa
MMflBnpafnH I
0 VMMatntAlAI. AVBaTVa
UKllMt Hajtkonsoa Boot aad Baa. Store,
1 84, JU.lItOM.
"OaMia a thart Blo.
v. -
-HaaotaMM.sr Miwiaam,
(cjkUO, ILL. .
AMT. WnaaWVi . .. .vt
, ai 1 1 , Whatar'a fc .
dfa'Mtf , ; .
Wat..aasaa. w.-..uaia'iiM
Jieja aal Ceaaaellars it itw-QiaroXiilo&fava-
, SyeoUl atiamUcav ghta M iilmiralty tM BteMaft
waa.. mm .uaio. jjbvcs, noami
(ComMcrolal aventio between Ninth and Tenth trooto
In tho building formerly occaplcd by A. O'DonntlJ,
, . 'i
Jfiwufactitre nnd deal In
Hair and millinery CJM.
Kepaplendld rarli-ty of erery klndof.Hwr, nnl
and Manuractnrea on short notlee, JIm pTlrtto rooms
for cutting ladle' A.d chlldron'a hair. ,
Cnrla.KwKcheM. Wntcliuustrdt Kar King
Bracelet ami U.lr Jewelry fleaeralty.
Lndle may have the cotnblcga of thnlr hatr manu
factured In arty ntylo desired. ...
A lino lotof Millinery Ooodn ntsoon hand, Jan
Boolt - 33123lc1o3, Il-ulor
Blank Book Manufacturer,
No. 73 Ohio Levkk, CAIRO, ILLINOIS'
T.r.AUKK ov
inhki'eni)i;nt-. btrisg
BAND; .''
Can Accommodate the public with inusle for balla
purtloi" and rrenmlo, nt -hort notice, and an reason
ublfl tvrniH. l.voioii ou uvtry iustrumeut.
Itonidence on 16th .-trect, bet. Wnlnut and Cedar,
H HtHt
Nn. 10(1 Cnnrr.xruL Avkmcb..
Wholesale and retail dealer In ...)b
Corner Eighth Street' and OMo Loyef.
... . t 1 'jZfr
Ico delivered to ivl! p ,r. s nf tho c itr. All orde tf tt,wf
abroad promptly filled. oplioloaepl
OS Ohio Ivhvpo. Cairo, IliinitU, is prcjuirod'to furnish
eltltens nr ateainlxxts with the abovn pure articled
Ice at the Intretl uurkfi prlco. Cillxna will bo re
rnl&rly inrplied by houest, ucrommoJjtlnr; SAlemeir.'
Order (rum abroad Miliuilei my IHdSni
Ktill Instructions and I'wticu) Form, adapted to Bt
cry Kind of llu nrir, uud to all tha SUtc of the
Of tho I'nited Wales liar.
"Uheru In no bonk Hftlm kind winch wilf takeraBlc
with It furniithi'ntk-iiv, lnlelll'env nnd completc
nen." SpruiKtlelil, (Mr.) HepllblIcan.,
This is tha ONLY .NKW DOOlC of tho klud pub
lished for many year.- It in prepared by an abla
I'KAOTK'AL LAWMilf.uf twenty.nvo yearn' experi
ence, and liJuiitMhnt ever) body needs for dally use.
Ill, highly recommended by nvmy ouildent Judges,
(iicliiilluK tho Chief Justice and other Judges of Mas
eacliusotlii, and tho Chief Justice and entire bcuch of
Bold only bv Mih rlplbm. AfiK.VIS WAWED
KVKUVWllCllK. Hend for Clrculam,
O. I). CASK A CO., l'uuinliora, llartrJrd.Cpnm ;o.
1 Kpruco st., New York i Cincinnati, O. i and ChtMfio,
An old lawbrok, pnblmhed many year no, his
just been hastily ru.uucUn "a non-book," without
even iisilfablo revision of iU otuoleto atitemsnt.
Uonot cunfouua tliat work with Chatiiborlln'a Law
A!ia!aw"!alM riiMi!f "Ple' i ' "lasai
"Barrett's" in constant demand,
"Barrett's" uses Voetable, matter.
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