OCR Interpretation

The Cairo evening bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1868-1870, September 25, 1869, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074143/1869-09-25/ed-1/seq-1/

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c 4. IP J ' If v I r ' i ' f ?
nty..n.ji t
DA'DBYtfE L) '!: ION-
The opmmprclul cpiiKeiitiou.to.bo lield
In Loulsvllltff on the 12tli ofOotober, will
beonoof tlio most influuiitinl bodies of
en thai ever' assembled on thin-continent.
Among the dclcgateH nlrundy chosen
wo notice the rmuiun of tlio lions. Mil
lard Fillmoro, George Otidyko, Gov.
Hoffman, William Cullen Bryant, Hor
ee'GreolcvIIdrfttlo8eymi.ur, and many
ether Konlletnuu of' great prominence
nd power,, from ovory Beattou of coun
try that tnuy nhooao to participate In tho
dollberuttons of the convention.
No city in the (Jul ted Btittet Is moro
deeply Interested In the work that will
lotno before the convention tlmn tho city'
of Cairo. Hue U vltallv concerned in the
navigation of pur Western and Southern
rlvere, and much of her futuro prosperity
depends upon the comlruetion of tho In
tcrnatiouul Pacific railroad. These will
form the prominent tonic in the con ven
tlon, and we look forward with high
hopes to thecfiVctof the action they muy
call forth.
Anticipating action on tho Southern
I'ueiflc railroad question, the Jouesbnro
Gazette' Hay:
TlmltliN railroad will be built I.i be
yond u nIiuiIow of doubt. The Itnpractl
Llllty of thu Northern route In winter,
miilce.- IU cnHtriictlon n mitterof noces
ilty. Tho great ('iu-tlofi, thereforo, will
be tliu cMtitblhlitiiffit of tho K.iitern ter
xnlnui. A look al the map will e m vlnce
all eatidiil P'Tmoim. that Calm Is tho na
tural point for the t'-rmlniH. Kltuuted at
the Junction of two great rlwra, at the
head of navigation for large vevet-N, and
ever Ice hound, it In tho Htartiug point
for the road. It U located near the geo
graphical centre of the United rjtate,
jimi mutt eventually be the great point
of connection with the railroads acro-n
the continent, from the Hast, South and
North, Tlil convention will he com
posed of the limit talented commercial
men in the country, and we think, after
mature deliberation that they will re
woinmond, to Cou,'rejj, the Cairo fc Ful
ton route.
In that convention Cairo must be rep
resented, and represented by our bent
men men who understand the tiilvantv
iron of our location and have the anility
to Imp rem a knowledge of them upon
tlte miudi of their fellow delegates. Who
ulititl end ?
The value of property In Southern Ml
no i, a etllmuted for purpose of tax
ation, In us follow: Weimotu from tho
State Audltor'rt reMrt.
Vjut, . r' .ri ...S-i.OM,l"ci
... , m
. t,m '
. l.Ttl.ta
... I,73I,VI
... '.''
... tMKT
II ! .(...
ill ....
- .1 . .OIJ.
r Mjr.. .
..il.' ..........
While all there cuuntivrt xhow an In
creaie indicative of an honest, coiihcI
entloiia valuation, many of tho counties
north, without any uppureut cause, Miow
au alarming deureaie. It U to be hoped
that tho hoard of equalization will look
into this matter. For instance: Why
should tho value of Henry couuty'n tax
able cflecU decrease $2,050,730? Why u
decrease of 1,230,7-14 In Kane county ; a
decreaso of Sl,5-i7,SSt) in Richland';
$1,654,750111 Clinton?
Tho city of Qulncy with her 40,000 in
habitants, payH a tax on ?5,GI5,O00. Tho
city of Cairo, with 10,000 inhabitants
payn a tax on f3,000,000. There ia borne
thing wrong in thin that demands inves
Tho hundred and thirty-four wives,
made widows by the Avondale disaster,
will be mude comfortable for tho balaiico
of their Hvcb, so fur as this world's goods
can make them so. Tho appeal in their
behalf Is gonerous aid almost universal.
From all quarters money is pouring in,
and wo are toid that from present ap
pearances It is prolmblo that the sum of
5260,000 will be raised aud forwarded
within a mouth. U is specially note
worthy that most of tho collections nro
mudo in small sums, varying from'Sl to
$10, thus showing that sympathy with
the suirercrp Is very wide-spread, touch
ing all classes, and culling for tho
widow's inito us well an the corporation's
purso. It now remains to mako n proper
use of tills great charity, dispensing it
wisely, Impartially, promptly anil pru
dently. That ho many of tho contribu
tions are from tlinso who could 111 spare
them, makes the obligation of a wise
use of Hie fuud tho moro Imperative.
l'Ue last session of the Iowa Legislature
expended twenly-tlireo thousuiid dollars j
for nowepapors, and ton thousand dollars i
for postage stamps. This does not tell
remaiUably well for the economical pro-
ellvlties of that legislature, hut is a very i
fair sneeiinon of radical eeounmv !
rint specimen oi latiiun economy .
It is said in Washington City that the
recent order of General Sherman, as . paasonpern at excursion es. I o pro
General, countersigned by General Slier- mlum lbt embraces all iiiu van. us in
l? .... JT "iv . ii m I dUBtr en, competition being open to tiio
man us Secretary ai av, extending tho ' worpi
time for holding tlio oleotioiiH In Texas n
from one to four days, was dono to cnablo , .,,,, n,. rp11P,n io,1i.,,,,nuuh.
"Vote early and piten;" Is tho order of
the day among the negroos In Texas.
Tho ficnaloriul
waxes warm. The NyjHo. 'liable ygt
making hitter warfurjm'lAn(Ire3fq)
son, w ho is sun sojourning at lue.'mie,
cipltal and matihjrjng his own cibbo,
Two new candidates havo appeared, in
Gen. John C. Brown aud Jordan Stokef,
who may bo grca, men in Tennessee,
but are unknown outside of It.
Sinco tho radical annihilation in Cali
fornia! tho organs of tho iato party havo
been publishing earnest appeal to tbo
pcoplo to mako no partisan contest In tho
coming judicial election, but to cbooso
one democrat aud one republican to tlio
supreme court, to-wit, Judges Sawyer
and Crocket. The idea never occurred
to them when they thought they had n
chdiico of electing tho two nominees o
their state convention.
Col. John G. Kllnck, a veteran olilcer
of tho war and latterly one of tho ablest
of the republican speakers in tho west
ern Now York, has abandoned the re
publican party and announced his deter
mination to act hereafter with tho democ
racy. In a lettertothoRoehester'Unlon',
Col. Kllnck writes: "At tho organlza.
tlon of tho republican party, and from
thut time to the present, I have voted tho
entire ticket 'uuscratched,' never having
frpllt a ticket. In doing this I know I
haveVoted for raatiy unworthy men, hut
havo swallowed everything for the sake
of the party. I have given us much
time and money as my circumstances
would allow, 'havo stumped several of
the states, and all in all, have done a
good deal of hard work. I havo perse
cuted the democratic 'taints' as fur as In
me lay, and In all ways blocked thedem
ocratlc wheels. All this have I dono
cniirolentlousdy, and, its I thought, for
tho best interests of the county. I can
not further sustain the so-called republi
can party, and will not, and If I live
shall vote the entire democratic ticket at
tho approaching election."
'I he Hoard of Education In Cincinnati
have had under consideration, for many
weeks, the removal of such obstacles In
the public schools as are objected to by
Catholic parents. One of theso obstacles
was conceived to be the protectant bible.
To ascertain whether tho entire oblitera
tion of all K'cturlun features of the
schools would enable Catholics to enter
their children, u committee of the school
board waited upon Jilshop 1'urcell, on
Thursday last, and received from lilm
tho following ultimatum:
"The entire government of public
schools in which Catholic youth are
educated cannot be given over to civil
power. We, us Catholics, uaiiina approve
of that system of education of youth
which Is apart from Instruction In the
Catholic faith and teaching of the Catho
lic church.
If the school board can oiler anything
in conformity with these principles, ns
has been done In England, France, Can
a la, Pruesla, and other countries where
the rights of conscience lu the matter of
education have hecu fully recognized, I
am fully prepared to give it respectful
consideration." John 11. I'lmci:!,
Hlshop jf Cincinnati.
1IO.-V. it. it. IIUUWMNU!
Tlio Rochester (New York) 'Union
and Advertiser,' in referring to tho nom
ination of lion. O. II. Browning, for
member of the constitutional conven
tion speaks well of Mr. Browning, as
"Mr. Browning is one of tho ablest
statesmen in tho west lately ouo of the
pillars of tho republican party of Illinois.
He usslsted iu the organization of that
party aud drow up it first platform ; was
a member of tho Chicago convention
which nominated Lincoln in 1600; was
In June, 1S61, appointed tho successor of
the lamented Douglas in tlio United
States senate by Gov. Yates, who Is
now himself Mr. B.'s sucesssor; and
was subsequently In the cabinet ns secre
tary ol tho Interior. Blnee leaving the
hitter oilloo lie has been in political re
tirement. His emergence now as tho
democratic candidate for a seat In tho
constitutional convention of his statu
upon the platform of opposition to tho
llfteenth amendment aud kindred fed
eral encroachments upon the reserved
rights of tho states, 1 one of the signifi
cant evidences of tho quiet abandonment
of tho republican party by many of the
men who gave It life and character In
tho better years of its existence."
it.i.i:soiN .si'.vri: pa in.
A circular from John P. Reynolds, sec
retary of the State Agricultural Society,
says :
"Tho annual Illinois state fair opens
at Deoutur on tho 27th Inst. The prepar
ations foru large exhibition exceed those
of any former year; and tho grounds uro
the lliient of any In the statu Power
will bo furnished on tho ground for run
liiug all kinds of machinery, exhibition
being required to bring only their con.
nectlng belts. The Illinois statu pen
itent arv w 111 exhibit tho various artiel u
of industry made by tho convicts, in
four largo tents provided tor tho purpose.
Tho ""M" Bccalur ro making prep
nations lor tho accomodation of a larue
number of visitors. Tho railroads wll
carry freight for exhibition fioe, and
op of tho Bloceso of Montana,
lt Lake Uty,
will re-
S"T! .IC
i' Yj.-t,U 1
"oontittt 1
13 Tenth Street, Thornton's
1 1 1 J I tJ i ll'Uli LI liil . I . , l .....ill
''skiiaioUS 'iNTELOENOtf. '
4 Tho Now York Baptist State Conven
Ition'meets at Brockport in October.
W. I. Boouo, Episcopal, son of Bishop
Boone, is appointed missionary to China.
rhe 'Jewish jrcssentter' "says ther
arc in tho United States 5W.ynagogaer,
ui truivii in uuyo uuuujcsiaullSJjCU OUr
tho Jewish year of 6629, just) closed.
Tho Rov. F. WSlieHon, Dean of St.
Paul's Episcpial. cathedral at Buffalo,"
delivered ulsf'fdriietu ariulvorsary ser-
mon ou tho tli.
Tho Hon.' E. Joy Mcjris, Amerlcaa
mlnlotnl- nf ' lnktanli; I. A.. I '
elected preslilerit.jf tho Unglish Ameri
can Bible so(fotv"of that city. '
Tno Britisu1 and Foreign Bible eocity
sinco its organizcatloh lias distributed
67,210,485 Bibles and lcstamenhi.
Tho consolidated Presbyterians propose
to send 100 laymen to establish missions
along tho line of tho Pacific railroad.
There aro now fifteen Congregational
churches In Nebraska. Fourteen of
them report 309 members an Increase of
Bishop Lee, of Iowa, hus written a
second letter to Bishop Mcllvan, favor
ing tho revision of tho prayerbook-
The late Jumes Wlieaton, of Provh
dence, It. I , leans over fifty thousand
dollars to various Buptlst churches uud
Tho American Congregational Union
reports that since the extinction of sla
very In this country, Congregational
churches have been organized at tho
rato of two a week
Tho American board aro to send to
their various stations 13 missionaries this
month and next.
Tho revial in Richmond, Indiana,
seems to continue in progress much as it
has for some mouths past. Tho Quakers
of Eugland have a deputation on their
way to report ou tho subject.
On a single Sabbath iu July $41 ,004
were collected In the Romish churches
in and near New York (not including
Long Island nor New Jersey), for tho Ko
man Pontlir.
home one has drawn up a rery correct
bill of Indictment ugalnst tho radical
party. It Is one that can bo sustained by
facts and figures. In this bill of ludlct
ment tlio radical leaders stand charged
with calling themselves Unionists they
have consummated and inanltalned dis
union. AU'ectlug economy, they havo
given us the costliest government on
earth. Prating of virtue, they mudo it
the most corrupt. Clamoring for equal
rights, they have proscribed moro peo
ple than any monarchy iu Christendom.
Invoking freedom, they established and
maintained tho darkest despotism lu
eleven stales. Professing toleration,
they proclaim ucceptaucu of their creed
the alternative of ostracism and dis
franchisement. Howling nbout purify
ing the government, they havo mado
dishonesty and ofilco holding identical.
Preaching principle, they subsist by
pasioii aud prejudice Deploring caste,
thoy olovato blacks abovo the whites In
two-thirds of the country. Magnifying
loyalty, they trample out every worthy
principle or our system. Claiming states
manship, their otllcials nre cither con
spirators or thUves. Lauding independ
ence, they are tho servile slaves of a
party calicu. Proteudlng to invito criti
cism, they stifle freedom of debate in
congress by partisan rule, and drown
t elsewhere in blood. Insisting upon
peace, they prolong tho old strlfo to stir
up a new one.
Tho number of detectives engaged in
hunting up and doteotlng frauds on the
revenue are legion. The frauds in tho
tobacco and whisky business are num
berless. Daily and hourly, all over the
country, the detectives are, aa a general
rule, a bigger sot of rascals than the par
ties they detect and arrest, and a few
greenbacks qulotly handed over, settles
the question. Some other system for
collecting tho revenue thuu tlio one now
iu operation, will havo to bo adopted.
Th present ouo ought to be called u sys
tem to encourugu rascality Instead of one
to collect revenue.
.MEKCllANTS Ins. Co., or Chicago;
SECURITY Ins. Co., of Xew York ;
CU'lTAb AND A'SilUV) ..m,733,S! OO
COJUIKWJJAL Ins. Co. or Chicago;
O.WTTAh AND AvIETS.,.: 310,010 ai
IM)KPi:XIH:ST In. Co., or Boston ;
SANWAMO Ins. Co., or Sprlugilelil;
('APITAI. AND ASSETS D aao,0'J7 85
AUltOUA Ins. Co., or Aurora, 111. ;
STATU Flro Ins. Co., or CloTolnml, 0.
OAl'l l'AI. AND AS3EM $ sa 1,030 UU
.9. n. ui: iiui: v A CO.. Atn,
HirItlau Ulocli,
Otoc Kirst Nutloiml H.mU.
25, IS69.
-v x TO t CO M T K A CTOJM , ,
PtfintWbrithtClfir Council, will rm-WvoYbropotalJ to
clUiiln U,.rd wlTfJiM frbST to I "ffi kof
iU 1.
boord on InClr
iiiiicKs rnijj.zirj, nrcvdreM.
.J 8 J,t- Ka'U ta bo put oh with
hotoioboaro!ietKraf;n-e. amlbulitln . ;n)ot
tuX utaUntbl manner. IJ ftneo to hnro tWurai
t 2 "m i"' WpI1 httec,i ! 1,18 lrR0atM tobi
n nnro twn.lrgo
ir fret wide
no twu maii Kwe, won Mmctl J Ilia larRo Rate
enfel "''l'.nJ thu nmall ftiw four Act wide!
Tho whole fenco to U whil.wjhp..
.Oroundto UjrfnMill4floreet wld nnJl.lCOco
All ofthc work to lo paM for IncllykoniN.oxprt!'
y provldod for that puipoio s antri WnJs bcaiirift In
torcit at tho rnto of o fw-r rent per annum. ruTr
lUemablo In three, fiiur ami fiio vrnirn, aud payable ot
maturity for laxeH,llcues ami all dcliU duo'tho city
All proposal). inut Ito i le. nnri Indomcct "Parle
Cummltti-e," and directed to Louis Jotccinen, etmlr
roan, and dallrerednttliooriloo of the City Clerk, Cairo,
IllinoU, prior to 12 o'clock noon. 0-inlierlt, 1C9.
W. l IlAl.LlDAV.
i-oy TtiK-i"
alh, 29th and 30th of September
f-IN Tllli-
The eitnnio Hottlherii To- mlnu, on the Iowt r Ml.
iimypi itni-r, in me i.inea in lunnar Hut
Iratcrjethe Omi North Wntern',
KT.1TKH OP MI.Y.VKt'r.l. lUWt.
BKAHKA, K .N4S .'! niH
11 0 fit I t
I theijoulhernTerinlnim on the r.nrfr.Mi.i.innlnf
tlio Hi. Lout and Iron MouuU.Hi lUtlro.). vonm-ct-
ins tho net-work of rolrnadt In the Nnrthwmtern
Stale--Ithllie (lulf of Mexico. Kriun llolmnnt N AV.
IUATION TO TH1J SKA it uninlerruiit-xl tho er
rnund, elthrr ly Iceor lo atfi.
HKt.MONT Blllrccclre r.ir manu'iv-.liiro and dli-
trlliution till- mill, leiul. lUMrblr. ml oln.r mliionJa.
l.roiiKMijimn fnmi ihe Inm Mountain ninl ltc.i mln
rflriioimr.irrrv brilu Si l.oul.nin Iron Ifmiii
miii IUilrod na. i.,.t.-d u Hie MtMT CO.NVU.
MKNT l-OI.NTiiore the
nto.v vmm Missorm could mket
tiii: co.a ruoji thi: ohio.
l.EI.MONT Hon the WV.tUnliof Ihe Mi.ilppl
Itlver. iu the great nnd pro-r.-u rttute ef Mmmuri,
U Illllrr U'Idm th luiietimi of Ihi'llhl'iand Millp
pi nr. tier Kivp Ha Ir-n mitki'ilire. t iniinee-
llOll At licllllullt. nil. uIiikxiU'. i ti tlm ivi.t lunk ii f
flic Aurllirrii Tcrmliiti oMIii't.rrit Net
trurk of H utln-iii ItullrtimN,
leading to Slobilo New Or.ean. Atlant.t, Charleston.
Vlckuburc. Mcnitihi. a.hillii un l L'luiljnonirn. ami
Iho road now nearly i-om eie via 1'iflucali. Klita
U lklon. I.ouitrille, Lexlnlnn end lltif Hmidr lu
.SUUKol.K, VA -, will uullout IMmoot ilh the Cm.
rn and Kullon ttulrnad. authntlied ! law to tnrt
from IJvlmoiit. and mi tmi; cunatructt-d through
Arkann-u and Texat' -ml will mcuiuilly bu tho
BELMONT In not onlv thn nenat fur the rant minor.
al prodnet of fioutheail Mmnouri. and the renter of
inu inot inuxniiitem i miner country in tne uni
tel HUt.vx, but i urrouti.-tl by
land In tho world.
tho fined larmlnj
The rrocrlrtom. with ronfl.lrur-e. invite meehanie.
artliannaud trulum, from uvvty iM-cliou of thn Union,
to come and tea thn many adTantnl ot!crt-d at Bel
mont lonattlm,
TKIlllfi Ok' HAI.K
Oue-tbird rath; one-third in Mx months, nad one-
thini in twelve tnontti. tit-rerreu payment to i .
cured by onto beirlng ton rtercenl. Interest from ma
turity. r.r.O. WIlITfOMn. J'rtMdenl.
J. . WAI.KKK, fweretaiy.
TIJ0MAS IIUOWX, General Ab'Oiif,
au-Kcrfurlher Information, ad.ln Col. Thoma
Ilniwn.or J. I'. Walker. Ilelmonl. Mo eyirit.l
Cairo, XllinolH.
la now lu tho moat unexceptionable order fur Ktiet
The punt Summer,
Torxas, $S OO Por 33.y
HKKUK' Carried to uuil fvotu tlio Hotel
free or Charge.
Day Hoard, TUpHty-Kre Dollars per month
jKWKrr Wilcox & co.,
dee21dtf roprieior.
(Coiumeri-ul uttmue Uetudon tintti uud Ttitit ti nil eel
In tho biirldma furmetly occupied by A - O J'ounell,
Mantificturo and dealj. m
Hull ami Millinery Uootls.
Keeps U HPlcndld rarely of every kiud of Hair, nuJ
and Mnnuraclurf on hort notice. Uasprlvbto room
for cutting ladiea' und children' Italr.
Curl,vlt-lim, Wnlcliuuardi, Kar Kluira,
Hrnceleta and ilnlr Jewelry lU-aerHlly.
Ladlea may have the comlilii of their hair maoil
f.ictured In any eyM desired. f
A nne tot of Mlll'uery Ooo.ls also op Vatu.1 J
An Ordinance to lleduce th Fire LliolU of the City ot
Cairo, and to rgulato tho iruuinor ol ,coDtructing
IlntUlnita within Mid City. , ,
ordained by the City Council of tho city of Cairo:
Tliatectlun number one hundred and one, and all
that part of nertion number one hundred nnd two af
ter thrrwords'Tire limit" In the fifth line, In chapter
nunihor Uro of an ordinance to adopt tho ordinance
pf tho city of Cairo M rotted nnd codified, establish
ing the flro limit ,of said ulty, Bnd regulatlnc tho
manner of bnUdinrbe and tho name aro hereby re
pealed, and the followinc ahall hereafter bo known M
iliebonndBry of tliitflrolltniU ef thecily of Cairo i
H ock, one,- two, three, four, fire, six, eleven,
twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen sixteen, twenty,
twenly-one,'wctily-tMro, twenty-threo. twenty-four,
twenty-Ren, twmty-lx and twenty-noven ; and
lip it Kurther Ordained, That when any person may
de.lre to remote abiilMlnjr, from nnanlacoto anoth
er, orto enlarae a building within the fire limit, or to
ronovo a building from witnout the flro limit to a
place wlihln,the.aroc. Mich prson shall first obtain,,
the written tonsent of th-eu-foilrths of oil tho prop
erty holder within one hundred and fifty lout of tho
loi upon which it l proposed to loo.itu the builhlng
so rrmoveil, and of three-fourth of tho property
holder within such block, and shall present such
written touceul to the city council fur approval ;
when, upon such approval bclnit granted, a permit
shall bo written out by the City Clerk, and delivered
to the person making thn application s which permit
shall be authority for the rernornl or enlargement
tiiavod for. 1'rovlde.l, that thn iicrson removing a
building, or enUrtlnj; a buildinic, shall comply with
ordinance nowexlstinr, nrsiich ordinances a. may
hi'reanerboadonle.l lu relation to buildings i and
11 It Further Ordained, That hcrciifler no budding
shall bo erected or constructed, or commenced lobe
erected iireonstriicliHl.witliiniholiiult ofthocliy of
Cairo, until thi per-nn or trnn drslrini; to lm Id
shall first obtain from the City Council a permit io
erect or construct such hudulnjr, and rvery person
ask'tisn permit to erect or run. true, nliulldiui;. shall,
at the time of filing their application for a permit to
build, spceily In writing, thosin-. In 'engih, width
and heiAhth, nnd tho liisterials of which it is pro
ised lo eciii.trurt such bulldiiiKl mid n buildinir
stall bo ron-lructe.1 except acconlintothespri'ificn
llnntilel and iheperinil granted by tlio City Couu
Cll (
And aM frame or wo-iiit ImiMlns shall havo erect
ed or coii-tructed on tlm lusido of such btlihlinfr, brick
ehimnlea or Hut.-", the Mall ofn thickness of limr or
more ine'ics, mid b pla-ti-ml on thn msido w th
moriarof sutliijitnt tlnrkiiiv tu covrr tlio brick, Aud
form n smooth mid rrfa ."rfi-t. Tin- I i in ,i or
flues shall be feo from tlir nulls nf Hie bin! Imit, and
no wood forming n part or.comliiK m wntaet nh tnc
chimney or flue.
All briek ImildlnKi er'-ted or ifitistruileil shall
havo th-lr fnuiidatiioii and wall of the following ill.
meriaiona, vizi Kor a one-atory building, the f urn.
datlnn shall In-twelve Inehe, nnd rtio build imr widl
eight ioche in tlurkm-.si for a tno-story building,
the fniiniintii.il shall l) sixteen Inches ; tho first sto
ry walls slwll lm tMt-lvu iurhei, and thu si-cond-story
null eight inches in thickness i for n thiee-stury
iMiilding.n founilatioii wall oflnentt-foui' inches) tlm
first-story will, sixteen Im-hcsj tlio second-story
wall, twelve Inchc-, and tlm third-story wall, eight in
ches in ihfcknes-, nml In tim sumo prooitiin for
higher building j provided, that where two or more
buildings ere erected together tho pally or division
walls shall answer for Imtli of any two buildings, but
In no owmj to beles-. than twelve lurries thick, and rlio
ntlent twenty hicnc nlsive the roof of the highest
budding, and in nu case shall two buildings Im erect-
I tngetfier where the Joists of -.vh shall eomeoopo
slto to or Join one to tin- others but in all cases whero
wooden joists are levied, nr put Intoa party rdtvls
IoiiwjII. they shall be. placed allernately iu the wall,
so that the f'kids will not br nearer together than six
inena, ami tne spjee rx-rweeii inein sn nneu wnn
briek and soft mortar a to form a perfect and solid
lull I the duty of the Kiro Warden, orsuchoth
er person appointed by the n-uncil.lo vateh illllgenl-
ly the f"ntrurtwii anilori-cliun of all hilllditig uiih.
Inlhecily unit compel their erection and construc
tion sr. nliiijrtoilio iecifiatlon riled, slid nuri
hi-'h the M-ruut tias granfeil, aj well n- iii-cordlu to
tli'inr l.iiiii.oes ri-giiniing the same I and in nil ease-wlieti'j--r"f
ii inn deviutti from the spccihi-utions
61. -il with ati.l aiipnivtid by Iho City Council, It shall
Is- the duly i f ihe Kirn Warden, or other pt-rswit ap.
,-iiiiK-ti i r win. uir(sse, id nrrt'si ruin nit Hie erec
a'ely remrt sia h deriHtion tu the lu uresl !
ii"ii ii im ions ru. nun oi sum imiiijiiig, ;m.l
I. Msg
iirre, who snin siimmnn the persuii so oiliiiJngto
ur.p. lfure him ti.rir.Hl, and iihi sin h person l.
IP I... in i guilty of vn-laiiHg the omih.iii n ti
P'm r I, ..r .len.iiuiitfri.iiiilie sjHvirli-atii.iis lileuwlth
a d uppr-te I by the City t'uuileil, the pfroncj nf
feuding shall be llneii in ii ruin nut exi'i-.-ibiu "no
l iindri-'l ..-Hrir-, ni.r Ir.. isun nr. iii, .file ... U U
ei-ii hii.i every stii-h trt-iisesoeoiiiiintlvd.
All ordiiwiw". orimiis of urdibnnees, now m force,
and In eoiiii.ct with the foregoing ordiiwnei-, rr hen
liv reMHill from and ftir ihe ivdoptlM her. f
Ainu-uM-d, September 1, In.
s-t-l.lli't JOHN II. OIIKIILY. Mi-r
In relation to I'ublk JiupiovrutniiU In II. f C ty uf
Ho it ordalntil by Ihe C dy C'..ijir il of the l ily of Cairo
Hrr, 1, That whenever Ihe City Council of said City
shall hy ordinance or Joint resolution, direct and au
thority thefilluig, re-tilling, gmdliiAluveliug, paring,
planking ynttling, iiiai inluiniaiug, it rrpairing ot
any street, Avenue or huhvvay lu wild City, cr (he
construction, rccoiistrr. l...n nr rejiairing of any side
walk or ro.H walk, it shall lKMhoduly of the City
Coinptruder, under the direction and advieaof th
htret-t Onmmittee, to cause n survey, plat, plan, pro
file, specification and estimate of thn i-i.memplaled
work to lie mado anil repotted to the City Council,
convener! injolnt sessmu, for their oonsideration and
ai-llon. When said report hns be. it eousidrrel and
approved, tl.t-Cily (!uuned shall, unless nthenr se pro
vided for by ordinirre, either provide forhaviugthe
materials turnisiied and the wnrs dnn by the City;
unuer itieuirei-iion ot tne Mrret tommiitee, or oruer
and direet the City Comptroller to giyvtiotK-eanit ad
vertise for proprsids In do. the contemplated work, as
now prorl.lVil fur hy Ordinance uumbernl -1, und ap
proved July r, J trT- raiil proposals iin tie ctiriviiij
i d Jul) ,
Cn t'on
to tlieCnyl'.Miucd, and shall Ih opened b s.v.1 1 oun-
Cll, enilV rlli-l in luilli st stiuii, hi uie iron anu ytmcw
nieiitnuie.1 III tali! Iiutice,
."ir. Kor all the improvement in said City here.
pavilion! of which Ihe Kld Citv has lieen unahl to
collect from former nsessmeni the amount required
to t'ompIetH thi-piiynient theu-fi-r, It shall bethedut)
of tho City Comptroller to ert un the cost and ex
iense uf muling the ssms. mid thereupon the May
or, with Ihe asit.iiu e of tlio (' ty Attorney, shall pre
pnrtv the petition required byht-ction 1:1, of t'.x Act
toaiiit'iidun Act enlilit.l "An Act to rediuetho Char
ter of the City of Oiiiroiivnd thoseirral ,et amends,
tory thereof intoone and revise the same, approved
Kehniarr 1. Iii7." tu he nrosmited lo the Circuit Ciurl
of Alexander County ; and It i licrt by made the ituty
of ihe Mayor tt) proceed at once to lite assessment
iiiidcnlieciioii of siiid costs and exeneii, In wenrd
unce with the erlsllni! charter and ordinances of said
City, I'rmnloil, that in llio.i- i-a.es uiero aiiiuuiit
have been .;iid untlrr liniii-ra.- eiieiii gtosli r IhiMi
i-tinll be n-sesscl uud. r lliu seciton, llio ove pill,
shall U trvdllil t'i t'. (siriy trhu pa.d tho previous
UHNer-4l flit.
Sec :i, th.illU ami is hereby nude the duty or
tlio Cily Attorney t- prejiaie, under the diec'i-iii of
the Muror.ind Citv Cuiiiii'll, all pelitiiuis to bo pre
sented to tlie Cir'ei-u Cmut for the asessment and
collcetioti of thi-i-oilnl iiublic Improvement a re
quired hy the At t referred In iu tho prcreedms sea
tion of till ordill'ince.
riic. t. Ail the dune Imrciolom dnrolred upon up
on the Hoard of I'uWm.' M'ork bv Ordtimni-.- ill,
apiirovod Julys WT, andliy Oidlniuwu .No. 7 ap-pri)Vil.M'ptmU-r
IU, InW, except a heriuu olherwue
provided ror, shall l andar hereby detolu"! ujion
tbo ColiimilhH' ou btreVU,
AnovtHl ep 11'
1 ' J.NO. II- UHUUI.V, Mayor.
In u lalii.ii to in li.irgui'4 llr ariu- in the City or
He it unbilled b thn City C'uiuwii oflUe City of Cairo
Sisi-, 1. That sect Ion niiiuUi ed 21T uf ' Kn Ordl
iiaiicoto ai'upt tlii'i'dini'.ol the City cfCitiro, a
revised andeodibVil.1' iv 4iiiid4 hy adding, at the
end of the third line im said seetioti, after iho word
"nropem,' the w.ii.i-i "or iimiiiorx'iiu; am older of
the City ('..im. il-.i -I Ui.'Major.''
Almiove.l, 'i t It1, Istsi
1V ' JN'). JI. OllKItLV, Mayor.

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